目 录Contents云溪玫瑰系列苏州御园系列富春玫瑰系列苏州御园系列f-维多丽亚维多利亚长沙发(含垫)维多利亚长茶几维多利亚躺椅(含垫)123材质:吕合金尺寸:199*91*85 ¥: 12,800.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:107*61.5*45.5¥: 4,680.00材质:吕合金尺寸:72*91*85¥: 4,680.00123111221维多利亚椭圆桌-42*84inch维多利亚扶手椅(含垫)维多利亚扶手椅(含垫)维多利亚圆桌-52inch 维多利亚圆桌-52inch 12121材质:吕合金尺寸:215*107*74.5 ¥: 12,800.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:63*74*95 ¥: 2,780.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:63*74*95 ¥: 2,780.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:Dia.132*74.5 ¥: 7,980.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:Dia.132*74.5 ¥: 7,980.00 躺 床1材质:吕合金尺寸:215*107*74.5 ¥: 12,800.00 1富春玫瑰系列-卡里纳11232卡里纳长方桌卡里纳铸铝吧台桌-36inch卡里纳石材圆茶几-21*21inch卡里纳吧台椅(含垫)卡里纳固定椅(含垫)11322材质:吕合金尺寸:199*91*85¥: 12,800.00材质:吕合金尺寸:Dia.91*106¥: 3,980.00材质:吕合金尺寸:Dia54*54¥: 1,880.00材质:吕合金尺寸:61*68*125¥: 2,780.00材质:吕合金尺寸:61*68*86¥: 1,980.001121223卡里纳石材方桌-36*36inch 卡里纳石材圆桌-42inch 卡里纳铸铝方茶几卡里纳固3人椅(含垫)柏克利豪华三人沙发柏克利铸铝圆茶几柏克利豪华扶手椅柏克利豪华铸铝玻璃茶几柏克利豪华双人沙发卡里纳旋转椅(含垫)2231134553421材质:吕合金尺寸:91*91*74 ¥: 3,980.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:Dia.106*74 ¥: 4,980.00材质:吕合金尺寸:54*54*54 ¥: 1,480.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:107*61.5*45.5 ¥: 4,680.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:193*89*90 ¥: 19,800.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:Dia.61*61 ¥: 4,980.00 材质:吕合金尺寸:64*70*91 ¥: 6,980.00材质:吕合金尺寸:Dia.102*41 ¥: 9,800.00材质:吕合金尺寸:132*89*90 ¥: 14,800.00材质:吕合金尺寸:61*68*86 ¥: 2,480.00铸铝特斯林餐椅铸铝特斯林转椅铸铝圆咖啡桌(带伞孔)铸铝圆餐桌长餐桌单人沙发可摇摆沙发脚 榻材质:铸铝尺寸:730*683*970 ¥: 3120材质:铸铝尺寸:710*685*970 ¥: 4380材质:铸铝尺寸:Φ828x706 ¥: 3960材质:铸铝尺寸:Φ1220*705 ¥: 7450材质:铸铝尺寸:2149*1082*708 ¥: 12420材质:铸铝尺寸:955*745*913 ¥: 5760材质:铸铝尺寸:844*745*952 ¥: 7920材质:铸铝尺寸:689*706*443¥: 252012345678苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:1111111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:11111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:1111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:111111111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:111111111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:1111111111和园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11111111滨江春江月系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:11111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:1111金色黎明系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:11111111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:1 1111111111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:1111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:1 11 1苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:1111111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:1111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:1111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸:¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:111111111苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列苏州御园系列材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:材质:吕合金尺寸: ¥:11111。
Avolites Titan V7.0 版本说明版本升级1.目前控台是V5.0及之前的版本如果控台现在是V5.0及之前的版本,首先需要要先升级到V6.0版本,然后再升级的7.0版本。
以Tiger touch Pro为例,升级程序的名字叫做XXX Upgrade Installer恢复盘的名字叫做XXX Recovery Creator把升级程序直接放到U盘里,然后接到控台的USB接口上。
在控台触摸屏左上方,选择Tool工具栏,然后选择“Shutdown Software”。
重启进入TITAN系统后,进入系统档:长按Avolite键+Disk键,即可看到当前系统的版本3.在电脑上安装TITAN模拟器4.请注意,V7.0版本不再支持window XP系统,因此请在Win7或者Win8或者Vista 系统的电脑上安装。
Titan模拟器内包含了Titan Mobile,Titan One和Personality Builder等软件,请在安装前把show文件和灯库先备份好。
1.产品名称:(街心花园四件套/白色)产品种类型号:双人沙发一件(型号tg12103);单人有扶手沙发两件(型号tg11103);茶几一件(型号tg41108)茶几配有玻璃;包括坐垫、靠枕产品尺寸:(双人)119*72*79CM; (单人有扶手)65*72*79CM;(茶几)190*51*44CM;使用材料:铁管、PVC藤条藤条型号:塑料扁藤7*1.2风格:时尚典雅(室内、室外)产地:浙江永康本套产品采用以灰白为主色调,欧式风格家具设计方案,时尚的外观同时也不失古典幽雅,无论是宽敞的客厅还是置于花园中,休闲娱乐还是办公会议都是恰到好处。
韧性大,防蛀防潮,经久耐用,越用越靓,居家绿色产品,越用越漂亮,越用越有光泽!2.产品名称:(天戈庭院沙发六件套/棕色)产品种类型号:双人沙发二件(型号tg12084);单人有扶手沙发一件(型号tg11084);茶几一件(型号tg41085)转角沙发(型号tg11085);茶几配有玻璃;包括坐垫、靠枕产品尺寸:(双人)141*80*72CM; (单人有扶手)90*72*79CM;(茶几)100*51*42CM;使用材料:铁管、PVC藤条藤条型号:塑料扁藤7*1.2风格:古典大气(室内、室外)产地:浙江永康设计风格:优雅高贵的深棕色调,融合精致中式古典元素,显得相当贵气。
Avery Dennison
颁布:2017年11月产品数据表艾利丹尼森® T-7000 和 W-7000 最大视觉性能 (MVP) 系列微棱镜反光射膜是一款优质产品,可提供您所需要的长距离卓越性能。
T-7000 和 W-7000MVP 系列膜是一种全向微棱镜膜,内含大量排列在多个方向的微棱镜。
特征:∙ 全方向∙ 微棱镜逆反射性能∙ 实践证明,应用于全球安全设备,具备长久使用寿命∙ 统一的昼间和夜间视觉效果加工信息:丝网印刷 热转印 溶剂喷墨打印 温和/环保溶剂墨打印 UV 喷墨打印 热模切 平板标志切割滚筒压路机标志切割 钢尺标志剪切应用:坚硬的永久和临时室外标志 坚硬的工作区设备需要长距离逆向反射性能的安全设备* 参见第 5 页中的术语 ** 3 年使用寿命性能:ASTM D4956 VIII 型 CUAP 3A 型完整列表见第 2 页。
方向: 全方向耐候性: 10年 只能垂直曝光。
表面:高度光泽带微棱镜丙烯酸反光膜粘性:永久压敏性里层: 聚丙烯膜打印与:TrafficJet™ Print System颁布:2017年11月产品数据表逆反射性:表 A :12表格 B :1MVP 系列膜超越表 A 和 表 B 中的所有值。
MVP 系列膜同样超越下列规格说明中所有当前适用的要求: 目前的要求,并确保产品符合该要求。
1R A =坎德拉 / 每英尺坎德拉 / 每平方英尺(cd/fc/ft 2)或坎德拉 / 每勒克斯 / 每平方米 (cd/lx/m 2)2根据 ASTM E810 进行测量3注意 0.1° 观察角是 ASTM D4956 中的“补充要求”。
它代表着长距离高速公路大约 900 英尺(275 米)乃至更远的视距。
颁布:2017年11月产品数据表颜色和规格限制:图形 A: 昼间色 – CIE 色品图图形 B : 夜间颜色MVP 系列膜符合ASTM D4956 和 CUAP 当前白天和夜晚的颜色要求,且符合第 2 页所列的标准。
【室内元素模型库共8DVD】DVD-1新编_Evermotion Archmodels_01(EA01-19)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 01 极品精细(各种现代沙发、椅子、床、桌子、睡椅等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 02 极品精细家居模型(各种小电器、花瓶、蜡烛台等小摆设)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 03 极品精细家居模型(各种灯具)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 04 极品精细家居模型(各种房门、门把手、门锁等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 05 极品精细家居模型(睡椅、老板椅等中大型椅)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 06 极品精细家居模型(卫浴专辑—各种浴缸、洗手盆、马桶等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 07 极品精细家居模型(各种音响、平板电视、DVD,笔记本电脑、电脑系列(液晶、鼠标键盘等)等家用电器)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 08 极品精细家居模型(办公家具专辑—各种办公桌椅、档案柜等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 09 极品精细家居模型(各种家用、办公柜子)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 10 极品精细家居模型(各种厨房电器—油烟机、冰箱、烤箱等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 11 极品精细家居模型(各种床)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 12 极品精细家居模型(各种射灯,装饰灯)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 13 极品精细家居模型(广告牌、街灯、消防栓、站台等街头素材)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 14 极品精细家居模型(壁灯、草地灯)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 15 极品精细家居模型(洗浴间—面盆、浴缸、喷淋等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 16 极品精细家居模型(家用沙发及办公桌椅)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 17 极品精细家居模型(现代化别墅景观)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 18 极品精细家居模型(餐具用品)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 19 极品精细家居模型(厨具及餐桌摆设)下载地址新编_Evermotion Archmodels_02(EA20-29)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 20 极品精细家居模型(办公室用小件)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 21 极品精细家居模型(时尚餐桌、会议桌、沙发、茶几、休闲椅子)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 22 极品精细家居模型(庭院系列—躺椅、烧烤炉、除草机、秋千、草地灯等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 23 高质量家居装饰3D模型(厨房电器—洗衣机、冰箱、微波炉、灶台、烤箱、咖啡机、水壶、烤面包机等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 24 极品精细家居模型(盆栽和室内植物)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 25 极品精细家居模型(家用多功能沙发)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 26 极品精细家居模型(时尚沙发、座椅)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 27 极品精细建筑3D模型装饰家居模型(健身房)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 28 极品精细建筑3D模型装饰家居模型(装饰灯)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 29 极品精细建筑3D模型装饰家居模型(豪华组合沙发)DVD-3 新编_Evermotion Archmodels_03(EA30-38)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 30 极品精细家居模型(织物)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 31 极品精细家居模型(植物)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 32 极品精细家居模型(摆设)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 33 极品精细家居模型(欧式豪华家具)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 34 极品精细家居模型(庭院雕塑)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 35 极品精细家居模型(电脑显示器功放)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 36 极品精细家居模型(床)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 37 极品精细家居模型(床)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 38 极品精细家居模型(现代灯具)DVD-4 新编_Evermotion Archmodels_04(EA39-46)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 39 极品精细家居模型(各种柜子)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 40 极品精细家居模型(家居小品)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 41 极品精细家居模型(室内植物)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 42 极品高质量植物模型(室内植物)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 43 极品精细家居模型(椅子)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 44 极品精细家居模型(商品货架)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 45 极品精细家居模型(现代家具)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 46 极品精细家居模型(卫浴设备)下载地址新编_Evermotion Archmodels_05(EA47-54)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 47 极品精细家居模型(体育设备)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 48 极品精细家居模型(帆船游艇)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 49 极品精细家居模型(眼镜皮包鞋子等)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 50 3D精品建筑装饰模型Evermotion Archmodels Vol 51 厨房用品库Evermotion Archmodels Vol 52 精品室内植物合集3D模型Evermotion Archmodels Vol 53 精品办公家具合集3D模型Evermotion Archmodels Vol 54 现代餐厅和家具模型DVD-6 新编_Evermotion Archmodels_06(EA55-58)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 55 交通工具合集Evermotion Archmodels Vol 56 浴室家具模型Evermotion Archmodels Vol 57 现代餐厅家具模型Evermotion Archmodels Vol 58 3D植物树模型DVD-7 新编_Evermotion Archmodels_07(EA59-60)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 59 现代家具模型.rarEvermotion Archmodels Vol 60 时尚窗帘模型.rarDVD-8 新编_Evermotion Archmodels_08(EA61)Evermotion Archmodels Vol 61 树木植物模型下载地址【室内场景模型库共3DVD】DVD-1 新编_EA_室内_01Evermotion Archinteriors vol 01 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 02 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 03 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 04 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 05 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 06 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 07 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 08 (高品质完整室内场景模型)DVD-2 新编_EA_室内_02Evermotion Archinteriors vol 09 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 10 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 11 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 12 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 13 (高品质完整室内场景模型)DVD-3 新编_EA_室内_03Evermotion Archinteriors vol 14 (高品质完整室内场景模型)Evermotion Archinteriors vol 15 (高品质完整室内场景模型)【室外模型库共7DVD】DVD-1 新编_EA_室外_01Evermotion Archexteriors vol 01 (高品质完整室外场景模型)Evermotion Archexteriors vol 02 (高品质完整室外场景模型)Evermotion Archexteriors vol 03 (高品质完整室外场景模型)DVD-2 新编_EA_室外_02Evermotion Archexteriors vol 04 (高品质完整室外场景模型)Evermotion Archexteriors vol 05 (高品质完整室外场景模型)DVD-3 新编_EA_室外_03Evermotion Archexteriors vol 06 (高品质完整室外场景模型)DVD-4 新编_EA_室外_04Evermotion Archexteriors vol 07 (高品质完整室外场景模型)Evermotion Archexteriors vol 08 (高品质完整室外场景模型)DVD-5 新编_EA_室外_05Evermotion Archexteriors vol 09 (高品质完整室外场景模型)DVD-6 新编_EA_室外_06Evermotion Archexteriors vol 10 (高品质完整室外场景模型)DVD-7 新编_EA_室外_07Evermotion_Archexteriors_1_Mental Ray 室外场景模型MR版【专业材质贴图与视频教程共3DVD】DVD-1 新编_EA_专业材质贴图景观-01Evermotion ArchShaders Vol 1-3 [专业室内材质库]Evermotion Textures4ever Vol(1-3) [专业景观材质库]DVD-2 新编_EA_专业材质贴图景观及教程-02Evermotion SKIES HDRI [天空高动态范围贴图]Evermotion 商业CG专业材质1-2 [商业CG专业材质]Evermotion 3D People Vol 01 [三维人物]Evermotion Christmas tree [圣诞树3D模型]DVD-3 新编_EA_汽车模型及视频教程Evermotion HDModels Car vol 1 [高精度汽车模型]Evermotion HDModels Car vol 2 [高精度汽车模型]Evermotion Mental4ever [MentalRay视频教程]Evermotion Vray Video Tutorials [VR视频教学]。
奥斯维 FARPOINT FAIRVIEW系列户外背包使用说明书
OWNER'S MANUALFARPOINT / FAIRVIEW SERIESFARPOINT 80FAIRVIEW 70FAIRVIEW 55FAIRVIEW 40FARPOINT 70FARPOINT 55FARPOINT 40Welcome to Osprey. We pride ourselves on creating the most functional, durable and innovative carrying product for your adventures. Please refer to this owner’s manual for information on product features, use, maintenance, customer service and warranty.SHARED FEATURES1 Large panel lockable zip access to main compartment2 Dual front compression straps3 Dual front mesh pockets4 Padded top and side handles5Zippered rear flap to stow and protect hipbelt and harness6 Stowaway backpanel, harness and hipbelt with zippered rear flap for protection + Two internal compression straps hold contents securely +Internal front flap zippered mesh pocketFABRICMAIN 210D Nylon Mini Hex Diamond Ripstop ACCENT 600D PackclothBOTTOM 600D Packcloth645132FARPOINT 70MEN'S SPECS S/M M/L Cubic Inches 4089 4272 Liters 67 70 Pounds 3.75 3.92 Kilograms 1.71 1.78 Inches26h x 13w x 13d Centimeters 65h x 33w x 34d LOAD RANGE20-50 lb | 9-23 kgFARPOINT 80MEN'S SPECS S/M M/L Cubic Inches 4637 4882Liters 76 80 Pounds 3.73 3.88 Kilograms 1.69 1.76 Inches29h x 15w x 16d Centimeters 74h x 38w x 40d LOAD RANGE20-50 lb | 9-23 kgUNIQUE FEATURES 1 Large lower zippered compartment with floating divider2 Top zippered liquids pocket3 Zippered front panel slash pocket4 External gear attachment points 5Daylite attachment loopsUNIQUE FEATURES 1Removable sleeping pad straps2 Zip-off daypack with lockable zip maincompartment +Stowaway reverse spacermesh harness + Laptop and tablet sleeve+ Heat-embossed, scratch-free zipperedslash pocket2512FARPOINT 55 MEN'SSPECS S/M M/L Cubic Inches 3173 3356 Liters 52 55 Pounds 3.75 3.92 Kilograms 1.69 1.76 Inches 25h x 13w x 13d Centimeters 65h x 32w x 32d LOAD RANGE20-50 lb | 9-23 kgFARPOINT 40MEN'SSPECS S/M M/L Cubic Inches 2319 2441 Liters 38 40 Pounds 3.11 3.17 Kilograms 1.41 1.44 Inches 21h x 14w x 9d Centimeters 54h x 35w x 23d LOAD RANGE20-40 lb | 9-18 kgUNIQUE FEATURES1 Removable sleeping pad straps2 Zip-off daypack with lockable zip maincompartment+ Stowaway reverse spacermesh harness+ Laptop and tablet sleeve+ Heat-embossed, scratch-free zipperedslash pocketUNIQUE FEATURES1 Laptop and tablet sleeve2 Heat-embossed, scratch-free zipperedslash pocket3 Shoulder strap included2112FAIRVIEW 55WOMEN'SSPECS WXS/M WS/M Cubic Inches 3173 3356Liters 52 55 Pounds 3.07 3.20 K ilograms 1.71 1.75Inches 25h x 13w x 12d Centimeters 63h x 33w x 30dLOAD RANGE20-50 lb | 9-23 kgFAIRVIEW 40WOMEN'SSPECS WXS/M WS/M Cubic Inches 2319 2441Liters 38 40 Pounds 3.09 3.16 K ilograms 1.40 1.44Inches 21h x 14w x 9d Centimeters 54h x 35w x 23dLoad Range20-40 lb | 9-18 kgFAIRVIEW 70WOMEN'SSPECS WXS/M WS/M Cubic Inches 4089 4272Liters 67 70 Pounds 3.78 3.87 Kilograms 1.71 1.76 Inches25h x 14w x 12d Centimeters 64h x 35w x 31d LOAD RANGE20-50 lb | 9-23 kgUNIQUE FEATURES1Removable sleeping pad straps2 Zip-off daypack with lockable zip maincompartment+ Stowaway reverse spacermesh harness + Laptop and tablet sleeve+ Heat-embossed, scratch-free zipperedslash pocket11222UNIQUE FEATURES 1Removable sleeping pad straps2 Zip-off daypack with lockable zip maincompartment + Stowaway reverse spacermesh harness + Laptop and tablet sleeve+ Heat-embossed, scratch-free zipperedslash pocketUNIQUE FEATURES 1 Laptop and tablet sleeve2Heat-embossed, scratch-free zipperedslash pocket3Shoulder strap included13CARRY11 LIGHTWIRE TM FRAME SUSPENSION+ 3.5 mm LightWire™ peripheral frame effectively transfers load from harness to hipbelt+ A tilon framesheet spreads load across entire back-panel to peripheral frame + Adjustable load lifters transfer weight from harness to hipbelt2 STOWAWAY REVERSE SPACERMESH BACKPANEL, HARNESS, HIPBELT+ S mooth, mesh-covered Atilon foam providescomfortable, breathable contact surface with load-supporting coreSIZING / FITFARPOINT - MEN'S SIZINGS/M 15-19" / 38-48 cm M/L 18-22" / 46-56 cmFAIRVIEW - WOMEN'S SIZINGWXS/S 13-17" / 33-43 cm WS/M 16-20" / 41-51 cmHARNESS FITThe harness straps should wrap fully around your shoulders with no gaps between the pack and your back. The padded part of the harness straps should end 1"/2.5 cm-2"/5 cm below the armpits and the sternum strap adjusted to approximately 2"/5 cm below the collarbone.WOMEN'S SPECIFIC FIT PACK'S SHAPELowering the pack’s center of gravity and creating a narrower pack profile with added depth in the right places and allows greater freedom of movement with increased stability, as well as increased comfort and load support. HARNESSAngled and shaped shoulder harness straps with varying padding thicknessesaccommodate anatomical differences in the neck, shoulders, chest and creates an optimal fit and better distributed loads to ensure comfort. It is important to adjust the sternum strap for proper harness fit.HIPBELTWomen’s hips tend to be more conically shaped and require uniquely angled hipbeltswith varying padding thickness and narrowed heights to provide proper anatomical fit and avoid uncomfortable pressure in the upper thighs or ribs. We sculpt and angle our hipbelts thoughtfully for proper load transfer and support.FARPOINT / FAIRVIEW DAYPACK CARRY*70L / 55LTo attach Farpoint Daypack to main harness of the Farpoint for front carry: A Unzip the rear flap to gain access to the harness and hipbelt.B T uck the flap into the space under the center of the hipbelt and use the hook and loop closure to secure it away.C P ut the primary Farpoint pack on, buckle and tighten the hipbelt across your hipbones, then tighten the shoulder straps by pulling them down and back.D L ocate the two male buckles sewn into the top harness of the Farpoint Daypack.E C lip each of these to corresponding female buckles on the top of the shoulder straps of the main harness.F Reverse the steps to remove the Farpoint Daypack from the Farpoint main pack.*Not available on Farpoint 80 or 40FARPOINT / FAIRVIEW DAYPACK*70L / 55LFarpoint Daypack conveniently attaches to the main harness of the Farpoint pack to provide easy access to gear essentials.SPECS O /S Cubic Inches 915Liters 15Pounds 1.12K ilograms 0.51Inches 17h x 11w x 9d Centimeters 42h x 27w x 22dTo remove Farpoint Daypack from main Farpoint body:A T o remove Daypack, unbuckle the dual front compression straps from the loops on the front panel of the Daypack.B Unbuckle the zipper pull that connects the Daypack to the Farpoint body.C Unzip the perimeter of the Daypack and pull it away from Farpoint body.D Reverse the process to reattach Daypack to Farpoint body.*Not available on Farpoint 80 or 40DUAL FRONT COMPRESSION STRAPS 80L / 70L / 55L / 40LDual front compression straps secure loads and add stability to the pack when not fully loaded.A When the pack is full, tighten the front compression straps attached tothe buckles at the front edges of the side wall to secure the load.B When your pack is less than full, additional tension will keep the loadstable.STOWAWAY BACKPANEL, HARNESS AND HIPBELT 80L / 70L / 55L / 40LTo access the backpanel, unzip the rear flap. Tuck the flap into the space under the center of the hipbelt and use the hook and loop closure to secure it away.A Unzip the rear flap.B Pull out the harness and hipbelt.C Tuck the flap into the space under the center of the hipbelt and use the hook and loop closure to secure it away.DReverse the steps to stowaway the backpanel.LOCKABLE SLIDERS ON MAIN COMPARTMENT ZIPPER 80L / 70L / 55L / 40LLockable zippers on the main compartment help secure your pack's contents. We recommend a TSA-recognized lock.LAPTOP AND TABLET SLEEVES 70L / 55L LAPTOP SLEEVE*Max 15"Inches 13h x 10.5w x 1.5d Centimeters 33h x 27w x 3.755d 70L / 55L TABLET SLEEVE*Inches 9.5h x 9w x 1d Centimeters 24h x 23w x 2d 40L LAPTOP SLEEVE**Inches 14h x 11w x 1.5d Centimeters 36h x 28w x 3.755d 40L TABLET SLEEVE**Inches 10.5h x 10.5w x 1d Centimeters 27h x 27w x 2d*Featured on Daypack**Featured on primary packPACK / RESERVOIR MAINTENANCEYour Osprey pack is an extremely durable product and is built for years of use. However, some basic pack maintenance will help ensure your pack lasts a lifetime.For complete instructions on cleaning your Osprey pack, visit:/PackTech/PackCare.OSPREY PACKSSTANDARD MAINTENANCE+ After each trip be sure to clean out your pack thoroughly.+ C lean the zippers regularly using mild soap, warm water and soft brush. This willhelp keep them in proper working condition.+ I f your pack is wet, hang it to dry out of direct sunlight.+ L oosen all the straps.+ W ash your pack if dirt, sweat, salt and stains have worked their way into fabrics,webbing or mesh.(Do not immerse travel packs in water with our HighRoad™ Wheeled Chassis.)WASHING YOUR PACKA E mpty the pack including any food, dirt or spilled contents.B I f your pack has a removable harness and hipbelt, remove them from the pack body.CD o NOT wash your pack in a washing machine. Clean your pack and componentsin a bathtub or large sink using a mild detergent and warm water.D A gitate the pack gently. Scrub the inside and outside of all compartmentsincluding the pockets with a soft brush.E C lean the zippers using a mild soap, warm water and a soft brush. Flush waterand soap through the buckles. Keeping dirt and debris out of the zippers and buckles will help keep them in proper working condition.F D rain the dirty water from the bathtub or sink and refill with cool clean non-soapy water. Rinse the pack thoroughly. Repeat this step as neccessary.G H ang your pack to dry outside or in a well ventilated area, out of direct sunlight.WHEELED TRAVEL LUGGAGE(Do not immerse travel packs in water with our HighRoad™ Wheeled Chassis.)A A fter each trip, e mpty the pack including any food, dirt or spilled contents.BC lean the zippers regularly using mild soap, warm water and soft brush. This willhelp keep them in proper working condition.C W ipe the exterior of the chassis with a damp cloth or sponge.D C lean the pack fabric by scrubbing stains and dirt with warm water, milddetergent and a soft brush or sponge.E U se a wet towel with clean non-soapy water to wipe away any soap residue onthe pack.F H ang your pack to dry outside or in a well ventilated area, out of direct sunlight.RECOMMENDED CLEANING PRODUCTSOsprey recommends Nikwax® products for pack care. Be sure to read label directions carefully before applying any product to your pack.Tech Wash® - Use this with warm water for washing and cleaning your packs or luggage.Tent & Gear Solar Proof® - Use this spray-on product to protect your packs from UV exposure and to improve water repellency.OSPREY RESERVOIRSRESERVOIR STANDARD MAINTENANCE+ R insing out your reservoir after each use should keep your reservoir fresh,especially when using sugary drink mixes.+ P eriodically use Osprey's Hydraulics™ Cleaning Tablets to clean your reservoir.+ I odine or other purifying tablets used in your reservoir will not affect the qualityof your reservoir. However these tablets may stain the reservoir over time.+ F reezing your reservoir will not effect the quality of the reservoir. However if thereservoir is filled with water, be aware that water expands when it freezes and can damage your reservoir if it is overfilled.+ D o NOT pour boiling water into the reservoir. This can damage the reservoir andwill void your warranty.+ W atch “Cleaning an Osprey Hydraulics™ Reservoir” video on Osprey PacksYouTube® page.CLEANING YOUR RESERVOIR (WITH OSPREY HYDRAULICS™ CLEANING TABLETS )A F ill reservoir with warm water. Do not use bleach or boiling water.B A dd one cleaning tablet to reservoir and close the cap.C L et tablet dissolve for 5 minutes with the reservoir laying on its back.D S hake the reservoir for 30 seconds to mix and spread the solution.E P inch the bite valve and squeeze the reservoir to remove air and fill thereservoir hose and bite valve with solution.F L et the reservoir sit for 15 minutes and then pour out solution.G R inse the reservoir and tube with clean cool water.H Hang your reservoir to dry in a well ventilated area.DEEP CLEANING YOUR RESERVOIR (WITH OSPREY HYDRAULICS™ CLEANING KIT )1 R inse out the reservoir and fill it with warm water and a mild dish detergent.Do not use bleach or boiling water.2 W ith the large cleaning brush from Osprey's Hydraulics™ Cleaning Kit scrub theinterior of the reservoir.3 R emove the hose from the reservoir and the bite valve from the hose and usethe small brush from Osprey's Hydraulics™ Cleaning Kit to scrub the interior of the hose.4 R emove the silicone bite valve cover and clean it and the bite valve with warmsoapy water.5 R inse the interior and exterior of the reservoir, hose and bite valve parts withcool clean water.6 L et the hose and bite valve dry in a well-ventilated area.7 I nsert Osprey's Hydraulics™ Cleaning Kit drying rack into the reservoir andhang to dry in a well ventilated area.For complete instructions on cleaning your Osprey reservoir watch,“Cleaning an Osprey Hydraulics™ Reservoir” at /ospreypacks.For more information on this product and others, pack care, how to pack your pack,our lifetime guarantee, or to contact Osprey Customer Service, visit .OWNER'S MANUAL。
设计的分类与方法学1 设计Desgin2 现代设计Modern Desgign3 工艺美术设计Craft Design4 工业设计Industrial Design5 广义工业设计Genealized Industrial Design6 狭义工业设计Narrow Industrial Design7 产品设计Product Design8 传播设计Communication Design8 环境设计Environmental Design9 商业设计Comercial Design10 建筑设计Architectural11 一维设计One-dimension Design12 二维设计Tow-dimension Design 13 三维设计Three-dimension Design14 四维设计Four-dimension Design 15 装饰、装潢Decoration16 家具设计Furniture Design17 玩具设计Toy Design18 室内设计Interior Design19 服装设计Costume Design20 包装设计ackaging Design21 展示设计Display Design22 城市规划Urban Desgin23 生活环境Living Environment24 都市景观Townscape25 田园都市Gardon City26 办公室风致Office Landscape27 设计方法论Design Methodology28 设计语言Design Language29 设计条件Design Condition30 结构设计Structure Design31 形式设计Form Design32 设计过程Design Process33 构思设计Concept Design34 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design35 改型设计Model Change36 设计调查Design Survey37 事前调查Prior Survey38 动态调查Dynamic Survey39 超小型设计Compact type40 袖珍型设计Pocktable Type41 便携型设计Protable type42 收纳型设计Selfcontainning Design43 装配式设计Knock Down Type44 集约化设计Stacking Type45 成套化设计Set (Design)46 家族化设计Family (Design)47 系列化设计Series (Design)48 组合式设计Unit Design49 仿生设计Bionics Design50 功能Function51 独创性Originality52 创造力Creative Power53 外装Facing54 创造性思维Creating Thinking55 等价变换思维Equivalent Transformationn Thought56 KJ法Method of K.J57 戈顿法Synectice58 集体创造性思维法Brain Storming59 设计决策(Design) Decision Making 60 T-W-M体系T-W-M system61 O-R-M体系O-R-M system62 印象战略Image Stralegy63 AIDMA原则Law of AIDMA64 功能分化Functional Differentiation65 功能分析Functional Analysis66 生命周期Life Cycle67 照明设计Illumination Design设计色彩方法1 色Color2 光谱Spectrum3 物体色Object Color4 固有色Propor Color5 色料Coloring Material6 色觉三色学说Three-Component Theary7 心理纯色Unique Color8 拮抗色学说Opponent Color Theory9 色觉的阶段模型Stage Model of the Color Perception10 色彩混合Color Mixing11 基本感觉曲线Trisimulus Valus Curves12 牛顿色环Newton's Color Cycle13 色矢量Color Vector14 三原色Three Primary Colors15 色空间Color Space16 色三角形Color Triangle17 测色Colourimetry18 色度Chromaticity19 XYZ表色系XYZ Color System20 实色与虚色Real Color and Imaginary Color21 色等式Color Equation22 等色实验Color Matching Experiment23 色温Color Temperature24 色问轨迹Color Temperature Locus25 色彩三属性Three Attribtes and Color 26 色相Hue27 色相环Color Cycle28 明度Valve29 彩度Chroma30 环境色Environmetal Color31 有彩色Chromatic Color32 无彩色Achromatic Colors33 明色Light Color34 暗色Dark Color35 中明色Middle Light Color36 清色Clear Color37 浊色Dull Color38 补色Complementary Color39 类似色Analogous Color40 一次色Primary Color41 二次色Secondary Color42 色立体Color Solid43 色票Color Sample44 孟塞尔表色系Munsell's Color System45 奥斯特瓦德表色系Ostwald's Color System46 日本色研色体系Practical Color Co-ordinate System47 色彩工程Color Engineering48 色彩管理Color Control49 色彩再现Color Reproduction50 等色操作Color Matching51 色彩的可视度Visibility Color52 色彩恒常性Color Constancy53 色彩的对比Color Contrast54 色彩的同化Color Assimilation55 色彩的共感性Color Synesthesia56 暖色与冷色Warm Color and Cold Color57 前进色与后退色Advancing Color Receding Color58 膨胀色与收缩色Expansive Color and Contractile Color59 重色与轻色Heavy Color and Light Color60 色价Valeur61 色调Color Tone62 暗调Shade63 明调Tint64 中间调Halftone65 表面色Surface Color66 平面色Film Color67 色彩调和Color Harmony68 配色Color Combination69 孟塞尔色彩调和Munsell's Color Harmony70 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和Ostwald's Color Harmony71 孟.斯本瑟色彩调和Moon.Spencer's Color Harmony72 色彩的感情Feeling of Color73 色彩的象征性Color Symbolism74 色彩的嗜好Color Preference75 流行色Fashion Color76 色彩的功能性Color Functionalism77 色彩规划Color Planning78 色彩调节Color Conditioning79 色彩调整Color Coordinetion80 色彩设计Color Design材料与加工成型技术1 材料 Material2 材料规划 Material Planning3 材料评价 Material Appraisal4 金属材料 Metal Materials5 无机材料 Inorganic Materials6 有机材料 Organic Materials7 复合材料 Composite Materials8 天然材料 Natural Materials9 加工材料 Processing Materials10 人造材料 Artificial Materials11 黑色金属 Ferrous Metal12 有色金属 Nonferrous Metal13 轻金属材料 Light Metal Materials14 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials15 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials16 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials17 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials18 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials19 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials20 陶瓷 Ceramics21 水泥 Cement22 搪瓷、珐琅 Enamel23 玻璃 Glass24 微晶玻璃 Glass Ceramics25 钢化玻璃 Tuflite Glass26 感光玻璃 Photosensitive Glass27 纤维玻璃 Glass Fiber28 耐热玻璃 Hear Resisting Glass29 塑料 Plastics30 通用塑料 Wide Plastics31 工程塑料 Engineering Plastics32 热塑性树脂 Thermoplastic Resin33 热固性树脂 Thermosetting Resin34 橡胶 Rubber35 粘接剂 Adhesives36 涂料 Paints37 树脂 Resin38 聚合物 Polymer39 聚丙烯树脂 Polypropylene40 聚乙烯树脂 Polyethylene Resin41 聚苯乙烯树脂 Polystyrene Resin42 聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl Chloride Resin 43 丙烯酸树脂 Methyl Methacrylate Resin44 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙 Polyamide Resin 45 氟化乙烯树脂 Polyfurol Resin46 聚缩醛树脂 Polyacetal Resin47 聚碳酸脂树脂 Polycarbonate Resin48 聚偏二氯乙烯树脂 Polyvinylidene Resin 49 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂 Polyvinyl Acetate Resin50 聚烯亚胺树脂 Polyimide Resin51 酚醛树脂 Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin52 尿素树脂 Urea Formaldehyde Resin53 聚酯树脂 Polyester Resin54 环痒树脂 Epoxy Resin55 烯丙基树脂 Allyl Resin56 硅树脂 Silicone Resin57 聚氨酯树脂 Polyurethane Resin58 密胺 Melamine Formaldehyde Resin59 ABS树脂 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Redin60 感光树脂 Photosensition Plastics61 纤维强化树脂 Fiber Reinforced Plastic 62 印刷油墨 Printing Ink63 印刷用纸 Printing Paper64 铜板纸 Art Paper65 木材 Wood66 竹材 Bamboo67 树脂装饰板 Decorative Sheet68 蜂窝机制板 Honey Comb Core Panel69 胶合板 Veneer70 曲木 Bent Wood71 浸蜡纸 Waxed Paper72 青铜 Bronge73 薄壳结构 Shell Construction74 技术 Technic75 工具 Tool76 金工 Metal Work77 铸造 Casting78 切削加工 Cutting79 压力加工 Plastic Working80 压力加工 Plastic Working 81 焊接 Welding82 板金工 Sheetmetal Woek83 马赛克 Mosaic84 塑性成型 Plastic Working85 灌浆成型 Slip Casting86 挤出成型 Sqeezing87 注压成型 Injection Molding88 加压成型 Pressing89 水压成型 Cold Isostatic Pressing90 加压烧结法 Hot Pressing91 HIP成型 Hot Isostatic Pressing92 压缩成型 Compression Molding Pressing 93 气压成型 Blow Molding94 压延成型 Calendering95 转送成型 Transfer Molding96 雌雄成型 Slash Molding97 铸塑成型 Casting98 喷涂成型 Spray Up99 层积成型 Laminating100 FW法 Fillament Winding101 粘接与剥离 Adhesion and Excoriation102 木材工艺 Woodcraft103 竹材工艺 Bamboo Work104 表面技术 Surface Technology105 镀饰 Plating106 涂饰 Coating107 电化铝 Alumite108 烫金 Hot Stamping109 预制作 Prefabrication110 预制住宅 Prefabricated House111 悬臂梁 Cantilever112 金属模具 Mold113 型板造型 Modeling of Teplate114 染料 Dyestuff115 颜料 Artist Color园林专业英语的词汇AAccessibility 可达性Accessible route 易达的路线advance notice 事先通知aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量aerobic digesters 需氧消化池aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙stone walls 石头墙wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏aesthetic controls 审美控制aggregate base 混合基础AIA 美国建筑师协会Anaerobic digesters 厌氧分解池APA 美国规划师协会arterial streets 主干道as-built records 施工记录ASLA 美国景观设计师协会athletic facility 运动设施average walking distance 平均步行距离axioms 原理Bbackfill 回填backhoe 挖沟机bar charts 横道图barrier design 障碍设计beams 大梁bearing capacity 承载力benchmarks 水准点billing 帐簿biodiversity 生物多样性bioengineering 生物工程biomass 生物量bioretention ponds 生物滞留池boardwalks 栈桥bonding company 担保公司bonuses 奖金boundary definition 边界确定boundary survey 边界测量brownfields 褐色土地bulldozers 推土机business development 商业开发business parks 商业园区Ccadastral survey 地籍测量camping 野营candlepower 烛光度cantilevered wall 悬臂墙cascading wate***lls瀑布叠水certificates of payment 付款证明书certifications of compliance 应允证明书cesspools 化粪池,污水坑,污水渗井,粪坑change orders 变更单changes, unauthorized 未经同意的变更channels, stormwater 雨水沟渠,槽,渠道circulation control 循环控制circulation patterns 环流模式clay lenses 粘土防渗层clay soil 粘土clean-up 清扫,清理,清除,提纯,净化clearing and grubbing 清理和除根client 业主climate zones 气候带closeout 竣工cluster treatment systems 集中式污水处理系统co-ordinates 坐标cold 寒带collected rainwater 收集起来的雨水collector streets 次干道colloidal soil 胶质土壤commercial center design 商业中心设计communication 电信community commercial 社区商业community facility standards 社区设施标准community parks and recreation planning data 社区公园和文娱体育规划资料community scale 社区尺度community standards 社区标准compaction 压实competition pools 竞赛用游泳池composting toilets 堆肥厕所conceptualization 概念化concrete crib wall 混凝土格笼墙cones of vision 视锥connected imperviousness 连续的非渗透地面conservation standards 保护标准constructed wetlands 人工湿地construction 施工brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙stone walls 石头墙wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏construction document 施工文件construction layout 施工布局construction observation 施工监理construction permits 施工许可construction sequence 施工顺序construction survey 施工测量contingencies 临时费contingency allowance 临时津贴contract 合同responsibilities 责任types of 类型unauthorized changes 未经同意的变更contract documents 合同文件control points 控制点conveyance techniques, stormwater 雨水的输送技术corrective observation 校正性(补救性,修正性)检查(监理)corridors 廊道cost data 造价数据cost estimate components 造价估算内容equipment costs 设备费equipment crew costs 设备人工费general requirements costs 一般要求的费用labor cost 人工费location 位置,地点material 材料overtime 加班费productivity 生产率project scale 项目规模quantity take-off methods 起点数量法cost estimating 造价估算cost plus 造价累计court games 场地运动court su***ce 运动场地地面CPM 关键路径法Critical Path Method. See CPM 关键路径法,见CPMCSI 施工规范原理culverts 涵洞,暗沟,管道cut operations 挖方工程Ddatum 数据decking平台面,铺板decks平台,甲板basic components 基本内容design requirements 设计要求estimating design load 估算设计荷载framing method 结构方法plank-and-beam framing 厚木板梁框架platform framing 平台框架material 材料hardware 五金件wood 木料,木材site analysis 场地分析span tables 跨度表structural design 结构设计decks, function of 平台的功能deferred maintenance 延期维修(维护)demolition, general 整体破坏demolition ,selective 选择性破坏density 密度design development 设计扩初,设计深化design framework 设计框架design impacts 设计影响design quality 设计质量design speed 设计速度detail scale 细部尺度detention ponds 滞留池development 开发industrial. See industrial development 工业,见工业开发residential. See residential development 居住,见居住开发development programming 开发计划development types, industrial and business 开发类型,工业和商业dimensional Criteria 标注标准dimensions 标注dimension of human figures 人体尺度direct labor 直接人工费disconnected imperviousness 不连续的非渗透地面disposal 处理,处置,排除,清除DL. See direct labor DL.见直接人工费drainage 排水,流域面积,排洪,排水系统drinking water 饮用水dry detention ponds 干滞池durability 耐久性EEames, Charles and Ray 查理·埃姆斯和雷earthwork 土方ecological impact 生态影响economic impact 经济影响edge habitat 边缘栖息地edge restraint 边缘限制electrical lines 电力线embodied energy 蕴藏能量endwalls 尾墙energy 能量embodied. See embodied energy 具体化的,见蕴藏能量,具体能量energy costs 能量造价environmental impact analysis 环境影响分析environmental impact statement (EIS) 环境影响报告书(EIS)scoping process 确定范围程序environmental modification 环境修复equipment costs 设备费equipment crew costs 设备人工费equivalents 相等物,等同物estimating 估算stormwater runoff 雨水径流[量]estimating water flows 估算水流量evaluation 评价evapotranspiration rate 土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量速率exotic plant species 外来植物物种eye levels 视平线Ffabric reinforcement 纤维加固,织物加强件facilities planning data 设施规划数据feasibility planning 可行性规划federal regulations 联邦规范flood protection 防洪historic preservation 历史保留National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA)国家环境政策法案(NEPA)NPDES general permits NPDES一般性许可Section 10 permit 第10条许可Section 404 permit 第404条许可fee 费用cost plus fixed 固定费用之和lump sum 总数,总合retainer 律师费fences and walls 栅栏和围墙fences, wood and metal 栅栏,木栅栏和金属栅栏aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑components 组分,内容construction 施工structural considerations 结构方面的考虑field orders 现场通知单field sports 田径运动field su***ces 田径运动场地面field surveys 现场测量fill operations 填方工程fill, general 一般性填方filter strips 滤器,滤池,过滤,滤水filtration 过滤filtration systems 过滤系统finish grading 设计标高flexible pavement 柔性地面铺装flood protection 防洪follow ups 连续footage 尺长footcandle 英尺烛光footing drains 基座处排水,立足点排水footings 立足点forward spatial bubblesfoundations 基础fragmentation 破碎Freeway or Distributor Systems 高速路或分配者系统French drains 法式排水friction coefficient 摩擦系数frost depth 结冻深度,冰冻深度frost-thaw cycle 结冻-融化周期functional requirement 功能要求Ggarden pool 花园游泳池general conditions 一般情况general contractor 总承包商general demolition 整体破坏general fill 总填方general requirements 一般要求general requirements costs 一般要求的费用general roadway standards 一般道路标准geodetic survey 测地学测量GIS 地理信息系统golf and driving ranges 高尔夫和高尔夫练习场grading 场地平整granular soil粒状土壤gravity wall 重力墙graywater 灰水greenfields 绿色用地,绿色土地groundwater protection 地下水保护groundwater recharge 地下水补给groundwater resources 地下水资源,地下水储量growing season 生长期guarantees 抵押物Hhand level 手动水平仪handrailings 扶手hazardous plants 有毒植物headwalls 头墙heavy duty 重型的,责任重大的herbaceous plants 草本植物highway 高速公路historic preservation 历史保留horizontal alignment 平面设计hot arid 炎热干燥hot humid 炎热潮湿hydrographic survey 水文测量hydrologic cycle 水文周期Iilluminance 亮度impervious su***ce ratio 不渗透地面比例industrial development 工业开发industrial parks 工业园区infiltration beds 渗透床infiltration ponds 渗透池infiltration wells 渗透井infiltration, stormwater 雨水渗透inspection 检查installation 安装Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) 保险赔偿比例地图interpretation 注释,解释invasive species 入侵物种irrigation 灌溉irrigation ponds 灌溉池塘irrigation systems 灌溉系统irrigation water, sources of 灌溉水水源Jjob meetings 工作会议joists 托梁Llabor costs 人工费lagoons 塘lamp characteristics 灯具的特点landscape assessment 景观评价Landscape Coefficient(KL) 景观系数(KL)landscape planning 景观规划landscape planning strategies 景观规划对策landscape plantings, calculating water景观种植用水量的计算large-scale sites 大型场地layout and surveying 布局和测量layout methods 布局方法layout plans 平面图,布局平面layout requirements 布局要求layout survey 布局测量leaching fields 沥滤场light depreciation 不强烈的light duty 轻型的lighting 照明atmosphere and character 气氛和特征orientation and identification 方位和识别safety and security 安全和治安limit-of-work line 工作期限local or minor streets 当地的或小街道local regulations 当地规范(规定)aesthetic controls 审美控制construction permits 施工许可planned unit development regulation 有规划的单元开发规范(规定)subdivision regulations (土地)再细分规范(规定)zoning regulations分区规划规范(规定)rezoning 再分区规划variances 变动lumen 流明luminance 亮度lump sum fee 总费用lux 勒克司(国际单位制的照明单位,即米烛光)Lyle, John Tillman 约翰·蒂尔曼·莱尔Mmagnetic declination 磁力偏差maintenance and disposal 维修和处理maintenance period 维修期maneuvering patterns 运行方式map projections 地图投影map scale 制图比例markup 涨价master planning 总体规划MASTERFORMAT 雇主表格material costs 材料费material lifecycle cost estimates 材料生命周期造价估算material samples 材料样品material selection 材料选择measures of intensity 强度衡量residential development 居住开发retail commercial development 零售商业开发mechanics lien 机械扣押权release 让度证书medium duty 中型medium-scale sites 中型场地metes and bounds 界石和边界线metric ratio 公制比例mitigation strategies, stormwater 缓解措施,暴雨mobilization cost 流通费moisture content 湿度,含水量,水汽含量monolithic pavement 整体路面,整体铺装moonlighting 月光式照明movement criteria 移动标准multi-family housing 多户住宅municipal sewer systems 市政排水系统NNational Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 国家环境政策法案,简称(NEPA) natural drainageways 自然排水道natural resources 自然资源needs assessment 需求评估negotiation 协议,商议,协商neighborhood commercial 邻里商业neighborhood scale 邻里尺度net positive suction head 净吸真空高度noxious plants 有毒植物NEPA general permits 国家环境政策法案的一般许可Ooffice parks 办公园区OH. See overhead OH. 见经常性开支on-site treatment systems 分散式污水处理系统open space ratio 开敞空间比例orientation 超向,方位ornamental ponds 观赏性水池ornamental pools 观赏性水池overhead 经常性开支annual rate 年度比率overhead and profit 经常性开支和利润overruns, time 时间延误overtime 加班费overturning 翻腾,水的竖直循环现象owner 所有者Ppackage plants 丛生植物parking 停车场parking dimensions 停车场尺寸parking lot 停车场parking lots 停车场parking requirements 停车场要求patches 斑块path lighting 小径照明pathways 小径pavement铺装,路面pavement, flexible 柔性铺装,柔性路面pavement, rigid 刚性铺装,刚性路面pavements 道路paver 铺路材料,铺路机,铺石人paving 铺装,铺路payment 报酬;支付non-payment 无报酬的requests 申请pedestrian standards 步行标准penalties 罚金,罚款percentage of construction 施工的百分比permitting processes 申请程序personnel allocation 人员配备photometric charts 光度表physical characteristics 物理特征picnicking 野餐piers 支墩,支柱,防洪堤pipes 管道place scale 场地尺度plan discrepancies 平面的不符之处plane survey 平面测量planned multiuse developments 有计划的综合开发planned unit development regulations 有计划的单元开发规范planning 规划development feasibility planning 开发的可行性规划landscape planning 景观规划master planning 总体规划plant hardiness 植物的抗寒性plant mortality 植物的死亡率planting 种植clean-up and final inspection清理和检查ground covers 地被植物seeding and sodding 种草和铺草皮shrubs 灌木trees 乔木planting conditions 种植现状planting design 种植设计planting requirements 种植要求plants, hazardous 有害的植物plants, herbaceous草本的植物plants, noxious有毒的植物plants, salt tolerant 耐盐碱的植物,play su***ces 游戏场地地面playgrounds 游戏场地point of beginning 起始点pond systems 池塘系统clay lenses 粘土防渗层depth 深度synthetic liners 合成材料垫层,合成材料衬里(衬底)pools 游泳池competition 竞赛用游泳池recreational 娱乐用游泳池pools structure 游泳池结构depth 深度freeboard 干舷posts 柱potable water 饮用水Powers of Ten 十的力量precipitation 降雨,降水量precision 精确性;准确性prepared subgrade 素土夯实preventative observation 预防性监理pricing 报价material lifecycle cost estimates 材料生命周期造价估算overhead and profit 经常性开支和利润square meter cost estimates 平方米造价估算systems estimates 系统估算法unit price cost calculation 单位标价造价计算privacy 私密性private garden 私家花园product distribution 产品销售product packaging 产品包装productivity 生产率project budget 项目预算project closeout 项目竣工project meetings 项目会议project observation 项目检查project records 项目登记project scale 项目规模proprietary su***ces 地上有房产public garden 公共花园public plaza 公共广场pumps 水泵punch list 打孔登记表punch lists 打孔登记表Qquantity take-off methods 数量估算法Rramp slopes 坡道坡度ramps 坡道rates, standard billing 标准记帐率Rational Method 推理计算方法raw material 原材料re-use 再利用recharge trenches (地下水)补给沟渠recreation standards 文娱体育标准recreational pools 娱乐用游泳池recyclable materials 可循环使用的材料recycled water 循环水recycling 再循环使用(的)regional commercial 地区性商业regional considerations 地区性居住regional scale 区域尺度regulations, federal联邦的规范(规定)regulations, local地方的规范(规定)regulations, state州的规范(规定)reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用reinforced embankments 加固的土堤,加固筑堤rejections 排斥,阻止,抑制replacements 替代reservoir structures 水库构筑物,蓄水池,贮器residential development 居住开发residential standards 居住标准retail commercial development 零售商业开发appropriateness of a given site for 某个特定场地的适宜性retainer 律师费retaining structures 护土结构,阻挡构筑物types of 类型retaining walls 挡土墙retention ponds See wet detention ponds 滞留池,见调节池,贮水池rigid pavement 刚性路面rigid retaining walls 刚性挡土墙risk 风险roads 道路roadway design elements 道路设计要素roadway dimensions 道路尺寸rock removal 去除岩石roof garden 屋顶花园rough grading 粗略的场地平整Route Survey A survey of existing or alignment of route survey 现状测量的线路测量或道路定线测量runoff coefficients, stormwater雨水径流系数Ssafety and security 安全和保安salt tolerant plants 耐盐植物saltwater intrusion 咸水(海水)侵入sand filters 砂滤池,砂滤层scheduling 制定日程表schematic studies 方案研究Schueler’s Shortcut Method 许勒尔捷径法,斯库勒快捷方式scope of services 服务范围scope of work 工作范围screening and circulation 屏障和组织交通SCS Runoff Curve Number Method土地保护局水土保持局的径流曲线数值法seatwalls 坐椅式矮墙Section 10 Permit 第10条许可Section 404 Permit 第404条许可seeding 种草segmental and stack wall retaining systems 护土段墙和垒墙系统seismic conditions 地震状况selective demolition 选择性破坏sensory stimuli 感官刺激septic systems 净化系统settlement at the toe 在坡底建房sewer systems municipal 市政排水系统shadow calculations 投影计算sheet flow地表水膜,水膜浅流,层流,片流shop drawing 产品安装图shrubs 灌木shut-downs 暂时停工signage 标志silhouette lighting 轮廓照明single-family attached homes 独户式联排住宅single-family detached home 独户式独立住宅site clearing 场地清理site furnishings 场地美化site selection 场地选择sites, large-scale大型的场地sliding 滑动,移动small scale sites 小型场地Small Storm Hydrology Method 小型暴雨水文法social impact 社会影响sodding 铺草皮soil characteristics 土壤特征soil pressure forces 土壤压力soil, colloidal 胶质土壤soil, granular 粒状土壤soil, weight of 土壤质量,土壤重量span tables 跨度表spatial scale 空间尺度Spatial Standards 空间标准specifications 说明书,具体要求spotlighting 射灯照明spouting fountains 喷射喷泉spray displays 喷射装置spread lighting泛光灯照明sprinkler systems, conventional 传统的喷水系统drip system, low-volume 耗水量低的滴灌系统container plants 盆栽植物head selection and layout喷头选择和布置precipitation rate 沉淀率,喷水速率square meter cost estimate 平方米造价估算square unit 平方单位stability testes 稳定性检测stage-storage curve stairway楼梯staking 定桩standard billing rates 标准记帐率state regulations 州规范state environmental policy acts (SEPAs) 州环境政策法案,简称(SEPAs)station offsets 源点偏移stockpiling 储备storage, stormwater 雨水蓄积,暴雨蓄积storm sewers 雨水排水管stormwater management 雨水管理,暴雨管理stormwater peak discharge 雨水高峰排放量stormwater runoff estimating 雨水径流估算stormwater storage 雨水蓄积structural considerations 结构方面的考虑brick and concrete block walls 砖和混凝土砌块墙stone walls 石头墙wood and metal fences 木头和金属栅栏subbase 基础,路基subdivision regulations (土地)再细分规范subdrain 地下排水subgrade 地基subgrade conditions 地基现状substitutions 代用superelevation 超高su***ce 地面su***ce water 地表水su***ce water supplies 地表水供应su***ce 地面court 运动场地field 运动场play 游戏场track 跑道su***cing 地面处理su***cing requirements 地面处理要求swales 洼地swimming 游泳swimming pools 游泳池systems estimates 系统估算Ttelecommunication lines 电信线路temperate 温和的,适度的tests 检测time delays 时间延误time of concentration 浓缩时间time over-runs 加班时间topographic survey地形测量topsoil stripping 表土剥离tot lots儿童游戏场,幼儿游戏场townscape 城市景观toxicity 毒性track and field 跑道和运动场track su***ce 跑道地面traverse 导线tread-riser ratios 踏步宽和踏步高的比值tree protection 树木保护tree-planting, techniques 植树技术trenching 挖沟UU.S. Customary Scale 美国惯用比例unauthorized changes 未经同意的变更uniformity 均匀,一律,一致性unit costs 单位造价unit pavement 单体铺装,单位路面unit price cost calculation 单位标价造价计算updating 最新式的uplighting 向上照明urban streams 城市河流urban street 城市街道Vvegetation, existing 现状植被vehicular circulation systems 机动车交通系统vehicular standards 机动车标准verification 证实vertical alignment 纵断面Visual Criteria 视觉标准Wwalks 步行道路walls, brick and concrete block砖和混凝土砌块墙aesthetic considerations 审美方面的考虑components 组成,内容construction 施工structural considerations 结构方面的考虑walls, stone 石头墙aesthetic considerations 审美的考虑components 组成,内容construction施工structural considerations 审美方面的考虑waste resources 垃圾资源wastes 垃圾wastewater treatment 污水处理water demand 用水需求water feature 水景,水体特征considerations in use of 用途方面的考虑display pumps 喷灌泵evaporation 蒸发lighting 照明piping 管道pressure 水压recycled water 循环使用的水system requirements 系统要求water effects 水景效果Water Quality 水质water quality volume 水质容积water resource protection 水源保护water resource, demand on 水源需要water resource 水源water supply 给水watershed 流域wearing course 面层,磨损过程wearing su***ce 正在磨损的表面weep hole 泄水孔wet detention ponds 湿滞留池wheel load 车轮轮压wildlife migration 野生生物迁徙wood deck 木质甲板(平台)working documents. See construction documents 工作文件,见施工文件WQV. See water quality volume WQV.见水质体积Zzoning regulations 分区规划规定rezoning 再分区规划variances 变动艺术英语词汇abstract art:抽象派艺术●A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格。
Invacare AVIVA STORM RX电动椅子说明书
Rear-Wheel Drive Reimagined.Our new Invacare® AVIVA® STORM RX™ Power Wheelchair hasbeen designed to offer an impressive blend of new technologies and elegant design, for maximum comfort, stability and control when driving both indoors and outdoors.It was developed with the customerexperience in mind and brings newfeatures to enhance the user, providerand clinician experience. The InvacareAVIV A STORM RX Power Wheelchair isan innovative leap forward in rear-wheeldrive power wheelchairs.The A VIV A STORM RX is targeted for userswho travel outdoors but also need themaneuverability for indoors. It is availablein 2 base widths, a narrow width base of22.4" and a standard width base of 24.4"to accommodate the users lifestyle. It isintuitive to drive and is an easy transition forpeople that move from a manual wheelchairto a power wheelchair.Pelvic positioningstrap not shownon-chair for claritypurposes.23P erformanceS hort wheelbase and narrow width give a compact base footprint for excellent maneuverabilitySureGrip™ suspension system helps provide a smooth and virtually silent driving experienceNarrow width improves indoor manueverability C omes with either 5.8 MPH or 7.5 MPH highperformance motor packagePelvic positioning strap not shown on-chair for clarity purposes.Key FeaturesT echnologyBright LED lighting helps illuminate the area in front of youR EM400 joystick is the only touch screen in the market and requires minimal force to operate L iNX® wireless technology interface is designed to make it easy to configure individual settings, diagnose problems, and update the control system via iOS device, PC, and Windows tabletA daptive Load Compensation interprets, learns,and adapts the motors to changes and helps ensure the drive of the power wheelchair is optimized and balanced over timeD esignC lean lines, sleek angles, anda quality finish really sets theInvacare AVIVA STORM RX Power Wheelchair apart from the restA llows personalization to theseating system, base, and controlsS eat-to-floor height can go as lowas 16.75” while using a 14” drivewheel to provide increased user access versus higher seat to floor heightE asy to service thanks to thequick access to the motors,gearboxes, electronics, batteries, shrouds, tires, and wheelsC ontroller is placed at the rearof the base with all wiring andconnectors clearly visible and able to swing away for battery accessB atteries easily slide out the rearC ountless hours have beenspent dialing in the defaultprogramming parameters to make sure set up can be as simple as turning on the Linx remote during delivery6Touchscreen technologyThe REM400 remote has animpressive 3.5” color touchscreen that requires minimal force tooperate. Also included on the large screen is a speedometer and an odometer.Built-in Bluetooth®The REM400 remote allowsusers to be connected to multiple devices simultaneously and has built in mouse mover and switch control functionality, to be able to control smart phones and laptops.Display only versionThe REM500 is a display only version of the REM400, retaining the 3.5” interactive touch screen, and allows specialty controls to be used to operate the powerchair wheelchair.Power Wheelchair controlsLiNX Technology is an insight inspired control system that is designed to provide a superb driving experience for users and enables programming and maintenance updates to be made wirelessly and in real time.LiNX RemotesThese remotes have the same familiar design and share the same key features:Ergonomic joystick requiring a low force to operate Intuitive operation through illuminating icons Easy to use physical speed dialPlug N Play Specialty ControlsInvacare AVIVA STORM RX Power Wheelchairs are pre-loaded with head array driving profiles that support ASL specialty controls. Thanks to LiNX/ASL integration, adding head arrays, switches and other specialty controls is as easy as ever.REM215/216Drive, Power Positioning and Lights RemotesASL 110 /165 Fusion Proportional and digital Headarray with Bluetooth ASL 102 Uno single switch scanner with Bluetooth ASL 128 Molecule joystick with Bluetooth ASL 104 Atom with Bluetooth*ASL specialty controls are available as off-chair purchases only. Please call ASL directly to order specialty control options.*Results may vary.Introducing the Invacare STORM RX Power Wheelchair familyL ED lightingH igh speed 7.5 mphK0848*SRX-20RInvacareAVIVA STORM RX w/Rehab SeatSRX-20SPInvacareA VIVA STORM RX w/Single Power PositioningInvacare Corporation USAOne Invacare Way Elyria, Ohio 44035-4190(800) 333-6900Canada570 Matheson Blvd. E., Unit 8Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 4G4 Canada (800) 668-5324Motion ConceptsUSA700 Ensminger Rd. Suite 112 Tonawanda, NY 14150 (888) 433-6818Fax: (888) 433-6834Canada84 Citation Dr., Unit 1-7 Concord, ON L4K 3C1 (866) 748-7943 (905) 695-0134Fax: (905) 695-0138©2021Invacare Corporation.All rights reserved. Trademarks are identified by the symbols ™ and ®. All trademarks areowned by or licensed to Invacare Corporation unless otherwise noted. Specifications are subject to change without notification.MyLinx™ owned by DCLDuraWatt owned by Durawatt. Form No. 20-199 rev 122 / 220108Drive Wheels Ground Clearance Minimum Base Turning Radius Incline T otal Weight Weight Capacity 14"> 3.2"Under Battery Box25.0" 24.8" (NB)9°Up to 385 lbs* Up to 339.6 lbs(NB)300 lb. 250 lb. (NB)**Motor Max Speed***Battery Battery Range**Limited Warranty 4-Pole Sealed Housing5.8 mph Standard Motor 7.5 mph High Speed Motor (Not available on narrow base)Group 24 M50 (NB)Up to 19.7 Miles Up to 13.8 Miles (NB)1 Year Base 1 Year Electronics/Motors6 Months BatteriesModel #Seat Dimensions Seat-to-FloorHeight Base Width Base LengthUltra Low MaxxSRX-20RSRX-20SP SRX-20MP14”-22” W 14”-23” D 14”-20” W / D (NB)16.75" 17.25" 18.25" 19.25"Base Width -22.4" (Narrow Base) or24.4" (Standard) Base Length - 33.5"T echnical dataRefer to owner's manual for safe driving practices.*18x18 Multifunction System with Power Tilt/Recline/Legs **With Ultra Low Maxx Elevate option or Narrow Width base.***Actual driving range and speed will vary based on driving and battery conditions and battery model.Some features may not be available at product launch.。
Peter Opsvik的平衡系列椅子的收集
• 我认为在保罗至今的各项椅子设计中,他更多的 我认为在保罗至今的各项椅子设计中, 不是看中在作品材质上的创新与选择。( 。(虽然更 不是看中在作品材质上的创新与选择。(虽然更 稳更牢固的椅子是需要更好的材质支撑。) 稳更牢固的椅子是需要更好的材质支撑。) • 他更加在乎也更加愿意研究的是椅子对人的坐的 方式的改变与怎样使椅子让人坐着更舒服, 方式的改变与怎样使椅子让人坐着更舒服,这一 点纵观他的设计,我们可以很清晰的发现, 点纵观他的设计,我们可以很清晰的发现,很多 作品都是传承了之前的作品并增添了许多新的意 义与功能。是的,他非常注重功能, 义与功能。是的,他非常注重功能,也研究的非 常透彻, 常透彻,他在研究人机工程学与人的日常生活细 节中一再的突破。他甚至能感受儿童的情感,有 节中一再的突破。他甚至能感受儿童的情感, 一个记者曾经问他觉得最成功的是哪把椅子, 一个记者曾经问他觉得最成功的是哪把椅子,他 回答说,这你要问问你的孩子。 回答说,这你要问问你的孩子。
• 在公司“运动和变化”的哲学思想指导下,从家具应该为 人们提供一个好的坐姿和自由活动这个观念出发,他们设 计了一种标新立异的摇椅,并且这种摇椅适合各种体形。 巴兰斯(Balans)系列的可调式巴兰斯椅和其它的座椅都 因其提供的良好坐姿而著名,尤其适于背痛者。在二十世 纪八十年代期间,斯托克公司推出了奥普斯维克设计的非 凡的“花园椅”(Garden Seat)。1993年,斯托克公司 生产了由奥普斯韦克设计的儿童椅斯蒂椅(Sitti)。从斯 托克公司对人体工程学和新颖的儿童家具的专业化水平可 以看出,北欧不但努力满足健康人的要求,而且还十分关 注儿童发展过程中的需求。
韩国Hyundai Veloster 商品介绍说明书
VelosterDon’t give in to the dull and conventional.Go off the beaten path.Find out who you are.Fill this monotonous city with your own voice.With Veloster.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core in Ignite Flame / Roof in Phantom BlackGasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Shooting StarAdd your own color to another grey city road.Color it with your unique style.Because you own it.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Cobalt Eclipse / Roof in Phantom BlackEnjoy the Attention.Veloster is born to be the object of envy.LED headlamps Radiator grille 18-inch alloy wheels and Michelin summer tires LED rear combination lampsAdd your own sound to your Veloster and create a unique experience.Double your joy during each ride in your Veloster.Your everyday route is transformedinto a space of your own.Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Black/Red interior60/40 split folding rear seatsWireless smartphone charging systemSoundHoundHidden-type tailgate handle *SoundHound is a music recognition mobile app that displays information (title, singer, album, etc.) about a tune being played on the on-board audio system.*The navigation map updating service is guaranteed for 8 years from the date of purchase of the vehicle. This service may expire due to the circumstances of Hyundai Motor.Head-up display (combiner) Digital performance gaugeBucket seatsEngine sound equalizer (ESE)Paddle shift ConveniencePerformanceRear-wheel multi-link suspension 6-speed manual transmissionGasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Tangerine Comet / Roof in Phantom BlackGasoline 1.4 turbo engineMaximum torque _24.7kgf·m/1,500~3,200rpm Maximum output _ 140PS/6,000rpmGasoline 1.6 turbo engineMaximum torque _27.0kgf·m/1,500~4,500rpm28.0 kgf·m With over boostMaximum output _ 204PS/6,000rpmInterior package 1.Metal doorstep (front) 2.LED sun visor lamp 3.LED overhead console lamp 4.LED room lamp 5.LED luggage lamp Braking package rge-capacity front-wheel brake system – Red caliper / Large-capacity disk / Low steel pad / Goodrich brake hose 7.Brake oil Engine performance package8. Turbo hose 9.Oil filter 10.Engine oil (synthetic oil 0W40) 11.Intake filter681. LED emblem exclusive for JBL Extreme Sound /2. Metal dome tweeter and metal grille /3. Red gear knob4. Metal doorstep (front) /5. LED sun visor lamp /6. LED overhead console lamp /7. LED room lamp /8. LED luggage lamp Blue-coated paper cone door wooferand high-power hybrid amplifierBBS 18-inch alloy wheelsOZ 18-inch alloy wheelsThe TUIX items of distinctive individuality add sparkle and twist to the model of your choice and enhance the joy of driving.Make your Veloster stand out with JBL Extreme Sound Edition generating powerful, explosive sound and adorned with LED lights.Extreme Sound Edition1.4 Turbo GDi 1.6 Turbo GDi215/45R17 tires and 17-inch alloy wheels (Medium Grey Metal)225/40R18 tires and 18-inch alloy wheels(Dark Metal Grey / renovated front face)225/40R18 tires and18-inch alloy wheels(Strong Dark Metal / renovated front face)225/40ZR18 Michelin tires and 18-inch alloy wheels (Black)Gasoline 1.4 Turbo Modern in Cobalt Eclipse / Roof in Chalk WhiteGasoline 1.6 Turbo Sports Core with Full Option in Ignite Flame / Roof in Phantom Black*Terrestrial DMB can be viewed in standard (320X240) and high (1,280X720) display resolution, however reception may not be possible due to transmission circumstances, DMB broadcasting regulations, or changes in the means of transmission used by DMB providers.*The specifications introduced in this brochure include options and each model is applied with a different set of specifications. Please refer to the monthly price table for the specifications applied to each model.Projection headlamps (LED daytime running lights included) Bulb-type rear combination lamps LED headlampsLED rear combination lamps 7-inch display audio and rear-view camera Manually operated air conditioner 8-inch navigationFully automatic air conditioner Radiator grille exclusive for 1.4 TurboCenter single-tip muffler exclusive for 1.4 Turbo Radiator grille exclusive for 1.6 TurboIntegrated driving mode (smart shift mode)Supervision cluster exclusive for 1.4 Turbo Regular cluster exclusive for 1.4 Turbo Supervision cluster exclusive for 1.6 Turbo Heated steering wheel Heated front seats Tire repair kit Ventilated front seatsWide sunroofExterior Color CombinationColorThunderbolt (TUY)Chalk White (P6W)Chalk White (P6W)Thunderbolt(TUY)Interior Color CombinationInterior in BlackInterior in Black/Machine Red Interior inBlack/Sandstorm GreyInterior in Black/Pulse Grey*Ice Storm and Shooting Star are matte clear paints. Make sure to check the precautions specified in the owner’s manual.#colorful #liVeloud#different#matchInterior Color 4,2402,6508507401,5631,4001,5491,800Unit : mm(Wheel tread is based on 225/40R18 tire)dimensionPlease adhere to the designated speeds on the road for maximum fuel efficiency.- The above fuel economy was calculated based on standard driving conditions. Actual fuel efficiency may vary depending on road conditions, driving styles, cargo weight, maintenance conditions, and outside temperatures. - Some of the photographed vehicles in this brochure depict optional features for illustrative purposes and may differ from the actual vehicles. - The features, colors, and specifications stated in this brochure are subject to change based on improvements in the vehicle’s exterior or performance. - The above engine performance data is based on the net value, which is a legal requirement applied by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport from 1997 onwards. To produce the data, an advanced measurement method that takes into account the resistance of vehicle emissions was used. This method may generate results slightly lower than those generated by existing methods based on the gross value. - The leather upholstery partially consists of synthetic leather. - The vehicle colors printed in this brochure may differ from the actual colors. - The specifications of the rental vehicles may be partly different from those of other models. For detailed specifications, please check the price list catalogue for the relevant month. - The information in this brochure is based on the gasoline models, and the specifications may be partly different from those of the LPi models.- Hyundai Motor vehicles are sold by Car Masters of Hyundai Motor Company’s branches and dealers only at prices uniformly applied everywhere across the country to promote fair business practices. - The failure to use authentic parts and oil products (including engine oil and transmission fluid) recommended by Hyundai Motor Company and/or the use o f defective fuel may critically damage your v ehicle. - Please re fer to the owner’s manual for details about new technologies and features stated in this brochure.The images presented here are intended to inform customers and display the best models and options. The specifications described above vary by option, package, powertrain, and exterior color. For specification details by model, please refer to the monthly price table.Pulse Grey(leather)- The seat belts of the Pulse Grey interior are in black. - Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Sports Core trim modelsSandstorm Grey(leather)- The seat belts of the Sandstorm Grey interior are in black. - Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Sports Core trim modelsBlack/Red Stitches(woven+leather)Black/Yellow Stitches(woven)- The seat belts of the Black/Yellow Stitches interior are in black.- Seats upholstered in fabric (woven)- Available with the Sports trim modelsBlack/Machine Red(leather)- The seat belts of the Black/Machine Red interior are in black.- Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Modern Core trim modelsBlack/Blue Stitches(woven)- The seat belts of the Black/Blue Stitches interior are in black.- Seats upholstered in fabric (woven) - Available with the Modern trim models Black/Red(leather)- The seat belts of the Black/Red interior are in red. - Seats upholstered in natural leather- Available with the Sports Core trim models- The seat belts of the Black/Red Stitches interior are in red.- Seats upholstered in a combination of natural leather and fabric (tricot and knit)- Available with the Modern Core and Sports/Sports Core trim models- The stitching applied to Modern Core differs from that applied to Sports/Sports Core. *Available with Modern Core Trim* Basic service(free for 5 years from initial subscription): remote control, safety security, vehicle management, navigation.* When the free basic service period ends, customers are switched, with their consent, to the charged service(KRW11,000/month).The advanced technology of Hyundai’s BlueLink system helps keep both the driver and the vehicle safe in any situation.BlueLink is always there to keep you safe, regardless of the location or time of day. Experience the unique joy of safe and comfortable driving.Remote controlIn the extremely hot summer or cold winter months, you can link your smartphone to the air conditioner or heater to set and control the temperature inside the vehicle. Enjoy a pleasant driving experience with BlueLink.The BlueLink Center works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If an airbag opens due to an accident, the Center automatically detects your location and takes appropriate actions according to the situation, such as contacting the police, ambulance, insurance company, etc.Safety securityServices include real-time trouble detection while the vehicle is running and regular vehicle inspections on pre-arranged dates. In the event of vehicle trouble, immediate professional consulting is available, and you may conveniently make reservations for repair at the time and location of your choice.Vehicle managementFumbling with the navigation device while driving can be risky. With BlueLink, all you have to do is just push the BlueLink button and ask the operator for your destination. Then the destination is automatically set up, and you can continue to enjoy a safer and more convenient driving experience.Concierge (paid service)Best routes suggestions based on live analysis of the road network. If the navigation system is unable to find a particular destination, it will automatically connect to the Internet and search for related information.Navigation2019.6.1 ~ 6.30。
ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AND DOORS A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SWARTLAND FAMILYABOUT KENZONATIONAL AVAILABILITYLarge stockholding, combined with Swartland’s nati onal distributi on footprint means our aluminium products are available for any size project, anywhere in South Africa –on ti me, every ti me.STANDARD COLOURS All products are available in standard colours.Silver/Grey Charcoal Bronze/Brown White Colour samples are a guide only and may not match actual product.Made to the same superior standards as our hardwood windows and doors, this exciti ng new range not only off ers homeowners greater choice, but also Swartland’s renowned manufacturing excellence, lasti ng quality and great value.CONTENTS1KENZO ALUMINIUM RANGEKENZO windows and doors are made of strong,lightweight aluminium-alloy frames.They require limited maintenance and never need to be painted – the perfect combinati on of durability, energy-effi ciency and aff ordability.Selected products are SANS 613 certi fi ed and compliant.Windows are SANS 613 certi fi ed (Mechanical Performance Criteria).KENZO RANGECONTENTSKenzo windows are available in STANDARD 30,5mmcasement sections or SUPERIOR 38mm sections – eitherdouble- or single-glazed. All windows are SANS 613 compliantObscure glass available on request.Safety glass is fitted to selected windowswhere required.23TOP HUNGRANGEThese windows are perfect for commercial or residential environments as they allow ventilation and unrestricted airflow even during rainy weather.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated. All windows are supplied left-hand opening as standard. Right-hand opening windows are available on request.STANDARD SUPERIOR ALL WINDOWS IN THIS RANGE ARE4All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated.All windows are supplied left-hand opening as standard. Right-hand opening windows are available on request.Obscure glass available on request.Safety glass is fitted to selected windows where required.All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated. All windows are supplied left-hand opening as standard. Right-hand opening windows are available on request.ALL WINDOWS IN THIS RANGE ARE 56The opening sash on a side hung window can be opened to direct the airflow, exactly where you want it, for maximum ventilation. When ordering please specifywhether the window is left-hand or right-hand opening as viewed from the outside.SIDE HUNG RANGE All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated.All windows are supplied left-hand opening as standard. Right-hand opening windows are available on request.Obscure glass available on request.Safety glass is fitted to selected windows where required.STANDARD SUPERIOR7Features •Ergonomic midnight-black cast aluminium handles.•Durable stainless-steel window hinges.•Can be fitted with burglar bars on request.All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated.All windows are supplied left-hand opening as standard. Right-hand opening windows are available on request.Obscure glass available on request.Safety glass is fitted to selected windows where required.ALL WINDOWS IN THIS RANGE ARE8All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated.All windows are supplied left-hand opening as standard. Right-hand opening windows are available on request.Obscure glass available on request.Safety glass is fitted to selected windows where required.9All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated.All windows are supplied left-hand opening as standard. Right-hand opening windows are available on request.Obscure glass available on request.Safety glass is fitted to selected windows where required.ALL WINDOWS IN THIS RANGE ARE10Obscure glass available on request.All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated.HORIZONTAL GLIDING RANGEHorizontal windows provide effective ventilation where external space is limited. Design simplicity and few moving parts make these windows more durable than conventional windows. Ideal for wide openings, the advanced gliding mechanism requires very little effort to open or close.HS96HS126HS156600HS99HS129HS159900HS912HS1212HS1512120015001200900Obscure glass available on request.All sizes shown are cavity opening sizes.Products are 10mm smaller in width and height than indicated.•Available in standard sizes, but non-standardsizes can be ordered at an additional cost.•High security locking mechanism included.•Recessed finger-latches also included.HS186HS2162100HS189HS219HS1812HS21121800ALL WINDOWS IN THIS RANGE ARE1112All doors are supplied with secure, lockablehandlesTHE KENZO DOOR RANGEKENZO offers a wide range of door types, styles and sizes to meet your needs. This exquisitely made range is readily available through all leading hardware retailers.Selected products are SANS 613 compliant.Available in four standard coloursPre-glazed for easy installati onDoors arepre-hung ina frame13SLIDING DOOR RANGEKENZO sliding doors are constructed with long-life rollers to ensure a smooth gliding action, and are pre-glazed with toughened safety glass. Our sliding doors are designed to be weather- and dust-proof. Available in SUPERIOR (60mm stile) or STANDARD range (28mm stile).• All doors are supplied with secure and lockable handles. • Night latch for extra security supplied with standard range.• Night latches can be fitted on superior ranges.2100m mSUPERIORSTANDARD SOX1521SOX182114SOX2121SOX2421SOX3021SOX2721SOXXO3621OXXO4221SOXXO4221•All doors are supplied with secure, lockable handles. •Two-panel sliding doors are universally handedto allow for either left-hand or right-hand opening. All doors are fitted with toughened safety glass. SLIDING DOOR RANGE SUPERIORSTANDARD15Door Type Actual size Opening size to fitWidthHeightOpening Width Opening HeightOX15211,4902,0901,5002,100OX18211,7901,800OX21212,0902,100OX24212,3902,400OX27212,6902,700OX30212,9903,000OXXO30212,9903,000OXXO36213,5903,600OXXO42214,1904,200O – Indicates the fixed panel . X – Indicates the sliding panel OX – Doors are universally handed, i.e. they can be assembled either left-hand or right-hand opening.OXXO – Doors are opened from the middle.SIDELIGHTS• Pre-glazed sidelights can be fitted to the left, rightor on both sides of the doors.•Adapter jamb and sill sold separately.Toughened safety glass fitted to all sidelights.All Sliding doors can be coupled with sidelights,either fixed or projecting-out vents.900mmIf used next to an entrance door or a fold-a-side door, please order the following part number: SLADAPTORB (where B indicates colour – bronze in this case) to ensure easy installation.16FOLD-A-SIDE DOOR RANGEWhen opened, these doors create the maximum possible opening you can get. It’s the perfect way to extend your kitchen, sun room, lounge or bedroom. The doors are divided into secti ons, with choices ranging from a three-panelled door to a much wider six-panelled door.2400w x 2100h 2800w x 2100h1800w x 2100h 2100w x 2100h As of the 1st March 2022, all Fold-A-Side doors will besupplied with 4mm toughened safety glass.• When ordering please specify whether the door must stack to the left or right when viewed from the outside.•All doors open outwards.• It is not necessary to open the enti re spanfor access. The fi rst leaf functi ons as a single(traffi c) door and opens independently.3000w x 2100h3600w x 2100h 4200w x 2100h17183, 4, 5, and 6-door configurations are available in either left-hand or right-hand opening.2100m m700 SERIES4200mmSFD6FG7L/R2100m m2100m mFOLD-A-SIDE DOOR RANGEFold-A-Side doors are available in 700mm or 600mm door widths. All doors are 2100mm in height; you can have a maximum 4200mm span in our standard range.This door range has been carefully developed to replace old sliding doors.193, 4, 5, and 6 door configurations are available in either left-hand or right-hand opening.SFD5FG6L/RSFD6FG6L/R600 SERIES20ENTRANCE DOOR RANGEThe KENZO range of entrance doors can be used in a wide range of applications, such as front doors, balcony doors, office doors and even internal doors.• Open-in doors supplied with weather bar to minimizewater leakage.DIFDGLG(Horizontal boarding)DIFDFGB1200mm 1200mm2100m m2100m m21DIFDGLH(Horizontal boarding)DGLH(Horizontal boarding)DGLG(Horizontal boarding)DFGBAvailable in Bronze/Brownand WhiteAvailable in Bronze/Brownand WhiteAvailable in Bronze/Brown and White1200mm 900mm900mm900mm 2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m22DPC/S(Horizontal boarding)StableDHGA/S(Horizontal boarding)StableDHGA(Horizontal boarding)DGLCDGLADHGC/S(Horizontal boarding)StableDFGADHGC(Horizontal boarding)2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m23DGLB(Horizontal boarding)DGLD(Horizontal boarding)DGLE(Horizontal boarding)DGLF(Horizontal boarding)DGLKDFGAvailable in double doors900 x 2100NS/WS (0I/00)DHGAvailable in double doors900 x 2100NS/WS (0I/00)STANDARD COLOURSAll products are available in standard colours.Silver/GreyCharcoalBronze/BrownWhiteColour samples are a guide only and may not match actual product.2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m2100m m24SHOWER DOOR RANGEKenzo offers a range of clear glass shower doors to suit any size bathroom.From our closed and corner units to full glass panels, this range is popular not only for its aesthetic appeal, but for its exceptional quality and longevity.DSCR/CLR/WCORNER WHITE SHOWER ENCLOSURE900X900X1850DSCR/CLR/BCORNER BLACK SHOWER ENCLOSURE900X900X1850DSPD/CLR/CH PIVOT PANEL CHROME800-900X1850DSSC/CLR/CHSHOWER SCREEN CHROMEDSCR/CLR/CHCORNER CHROME SHOWER ENCLOSURE900X900X1850DSPN/CLR/B RETURN PANEL BLACK800-900X1850DSQR/CLR/WQUARTER ROUND WHITE SHOWER ENCLOSURE900X900X1850DSQR/CLR/CHQUARTER ROUND CHROME SHOWER ENCLOSURE900X900X1850DSTS/CLR/WTRIPLE SLIDERSHOWER DOOR WHITE900X1850DSPD/CLR/WPIVOT PANEL WHITE800-900X1850DSPN/CLR/WRETURN PANEL WHITE800-900X1850DSPD/CLR/BPIVOT PANEL BLACK800-900X1850DSPN/CLR/CHRETURN PANEL CHROME800-900X185025THE SWARTLAND FAMILY OF BRANDS。
<开场序><The opening sequence>拥有全新设计理念的With the new design concept ForRoyal专为您贴心设计For your intimate design及呈现给您诸多颠覆风格的背包and presented to you many subversive style Backpack将极大地改变您的旅行习惯Will dramatically change your travel habits并让您更加热爱旅行And make you love to travel more<公司产品系列介绍><The introduction of company product series>以下产品专利知识产权受法律保护The following products patent intellectual property protected by law任何侵权行为均会受法律制裁Any violations will be subject to legal sanctio ns1单刀赴会系列-专业摄影背带Start a solo run series-professional photograph gallus如果您是一个蜘蛛人,那您可以用这样的装置去征服世界高楼并拍摄照片,而不用担心相机会从身上掉下或摆动。
If you are a spider man, you can use this device to conquer the tallest buildings and take photographs, while don’t worry abou t the camera fall from the body or swing. This series is suitable for professional photograp hers, scientific researchers and limited movement personnels etc.2单刀赴会系列-单刀赴会Start a solo run series-start a solo run为您的超远摄镜头而生,并兼容普通镜头单反,可以三条组合。
通过这把由5块锻压复合板材料组合而成的LCW椅,埃姆斯 夫妇把现代而造价低廉的设计风格带到了迅速发展的美国 市场上,以满足那些年轻而又有很强的风格意识的家庭主 妇们的需要。为了适应使用者的不同体形,椅子的连接处 还添加了一块减震橡胶,用以调节一定幅度的活动。这样 一个开创性的设计显示了埃姆斯夫妇真心希望能够设计出 实用、好看而又成本低廉的家具。 。
约瑟夫·霍夫曼将他设计的这把椅子命名为 “用来坐的机器”。从山毛榉木制成的流线型 扶手、带有格栅的无花果木核方形板以及靠前 上的镂空方格等方面来看,机器坐椅的灵感显 然来自于带式发动机的驱动构件。这把椅子自 身也具备机械化的功能其靠背的倾斜角度可以 调节,由扶手后方带有球状疙瘩的小立柱支撑。
威乐 潘顿设计,一针见血的戏谑 感、激情洋溢的感官愉悦以及先 锋性的技术革新成就了这把历经 数年研制才得以推出的椅子,它 也是第一把采用单片塑料一次性 模压成型的悬臂椅。这把椅子最 初是用玻璃钢(玻璃纤维增强聚 酯树脂)成型,80年代之后才改 为聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料。
01 蛋椅
查尔斯·埃姆斯与蕾·埃姆斯夫妇设计 的以“埃菲尔铁塔”为基座的金属丝网 椅。尽管DKR椅的凹面结构隐约还带有 埃姆斯之前塑料椅子的痕迹,但在这里, 它却由一系列呈等高线状的横竖钢条所 构成。整个结构巧妙地由外缘的粗钢丝 拉紧,网状结构的镶边轮廓则令其更为 牢固。尽管拎起来有些风量,但整张椅 子看上去却像一张3D草图般轻盈。这种 轻盈、活泼的设计显示了20世纪50年代 现代风格的典型特征。
the world
多功能椅是设计师乔·科隆博尝试 将椅子一体化注塑成型的成果。科 隆博喜欢称自己为“未来环境的创 造者”,而多功能椅就具有这样一 种太空时代的、未来世界的感觉。 明亮醒目的色彩与活泼圆润的造型, 令这把椅子与波普艺术之间产生了 共鸣。它额外的附件是可拆分的旋 拧式椅腿。这种椅子腿经过调节后 可以把标准高度的椅子变成一件高 脚凳.。
6F 家居精品馆
6F 家居精品馆馨亭(LAMAISONDOMITTLLE):床上用品4件套、睡衣、睡裙、浴巾、毛巾、枕头、枕套、被套。
淑女北欧之家 产品技术参数说明书
pH值体积固体含量37.5± 2体积%理论8 至 93 L 和 10 L包装规格< 1 克/升 (理论值)备注小心处置使用前充分搅拌喷洒 : 推荐辊涂 : 推荐刷涂 : 推荐喷嘴孔径0.021–0.027"喷涂扇面夹角65–80°喷嘴压力140 - 190 kg/cm² (2100 psi)涂布率取决于施工时的漆膜厚度,施工纹理,表面孔隙率,不完整度,温度以及损耗。
湿膜79109-微米干膜3040微米-微米微米水涂料在充分搅拌后便可使用. 如需稀释,最多可添加5%的水。
实际的干燥时间和复涂前时间也许更长或更短,这取决于环境温度、膜厚、通风、下层油漆系统、早期搬运要求和机械力等1. 建议给出的数据适用于相同类型涂料的覆涂.2. 多道涂层施工时,干燥时间受数量、顺序及之前涂装漆层的厚度的影响.相对湿度(RH) 50%硬干12 h 6 小时 1 小时干燥后复涂,最短间隔4 小时2 小时1 小时底材温度10 ℃23 °C40 °C底材需要保持完整,干净,整洁,干燥,表面没有灰尘,油脂,水泥等。
• Visually replicated from the moons of our solar system in five striking shades• Sizes offered 12 x 24 and 18 x 36 rectified tile in both unpolished and honed finishes • Trim includes 4 x 24 single bullnose • Contains a minimum of 4% pre-consumer recycled content and is manufactured by Crossville ® using processes that is Green Squared SM certified• Cross-Sheen ® finish for easy cleaning• Plank shapes are also available throughCrossville’s Get Planked ® program, which offers a variety of plank sizes with no minimum orderand a short lead timeAV301 ❝ Juno UPS AV301 ❝ Juno HON AV304 ❝ Gemini UPS AV304 ❝ Gemini HONAV302 ❝ Luna UPS AV302 ❝ Luna HON AV305 ❝ Apollo HONAV305 ❝ Apollo UPS AV303 ❝ Kosmos UPSAV303 ❝ Kosmos HONCrossville,Inc.•P.O.Box1168,Crossville,TN38557•Phone:931.484.2110•Fax:931.456.2956•E-Mail:************************•Our Porcelain Stone ®products are available in popular plank shapes with no minimum order and quick fulfillment.See website for more details and sizes.Nominal (in)Actual (mm)Thickness (mm)Finish12 x 24297 x 59710.5UPS/HON18 x 36447 x 89710.5UPS/HONBreaking Strength >500 lbf ASTM C648Bond Strength >200 psi ASTM C482Chemical Resistance Unaffected ASTM C650Frost Resistance Resistant ASTM C1026Water Absorption <0.20%ASTM C373Scratch Hardness7Mohs ScaleHON0.42 - 0.52AcuTestsmNominal (in)Actual (mm)Thickness (mm)Finish4 x 24 Single Bullnose 96 x 59710.5UPS/HONV1 Uniform appearance V2 Slight VariationV3 Moderate Variation V4 Substantial VariationThis porcelain tile product is produced with a V3 variation. Expect that the amount of color and texture on each piece may vary significantly. Inspect the product upon delivery and for best results, blend tile from several cartons during installation 4 x 24 Single BullnoseCrossville recommends a grout joint of 3mmActual measurements stated in inches indicate tile is calibrated (non-rectified).Actual measurements stated in mm indicate tile is rectified.AV305 Apollo 12 x 24 HONFS-MOON-8-17MoonstruckCrossville, Inc.PO Box 1168Crossville, TN 38557Phone 931.484.2110 Fax 931.456.2956E-Mail ************************Web Moonstruck is recommended for interior floors, walls, countertops, and exterior walls in both residential and commercial applications. Moonstruck is not recommended for exterior horizontal surfaces or exterior paving. The honed finish is not recommended for wet areas where standing water may occur. If offset pattern is required for tiles 18 inches or longer, Crossville ®recommends an offset of not greater than 33%. If an offset greater than 33% is specified, specifier and owner must approve mock-up and lippage.See for detailed installation instructions.Regular cleaning is the best way to keep Moonstruck tile looking good for years to come. Use clean, hot water (combined with a household cleaner for more aggressive cleaning). Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth. No waxes are needed. More Information regarding the care and maintenance of Crossville ® products is available at .AV304 Gemini 18 x 36 UPS and HONMoonstruck contains a minimum of 4 percent pre-consumer recycled content and is manufactured by Crossville ® using processes that recycle nearly 12 million pounds of previously discarded filtrate and fired tile waste. In addition to its own fired waste recycling, Crossville also accepts and recycles reclaimed, previously installed tile through its Tile Take-Back ™ Program. For more information, visit /green.Crossville ® has earned GreenSquared SM certification from the Tile Council of North America (TCNA) for its entire U.S.-manufactured porcelain product line-up, as well as its manufacturing processes. The company is among the first ever recipients of this certification standard for the tile industry. TCNA developed the Green Squaredcertification under American National Standards Institute (ANSI) process. The multi-attribute program (ANSI A138.1) scores products in fivecategories of performance: product characteristics, manufacturing, corporate governance, innovation and end-of-life. Crossville’s certified products and processes received stringent evaluation from Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), the green building industry’s longest standing third-party certifier.For over 20 years we have beenoffering Porcelain tile to commercial customers at National Accounts pricing programs with special discounts. The National Accounts department provides materials forecasting, sales support and samples.Crossville’s Porcelain Stone ® Exterior Cladding Systems are suitable for virtually any conventional masonry application. When used in conjunction with our exterior cladding systems, Crossville’s Porcelain Stone offers clear advantages: decreased construction costs, less site disturbance, low-to-zero maintenance after installation, accelerated construction schedules and greater strength than traditional masonry.Sample fulfillment & Help Line *************************1 800 221.9093Loose Samples for Architects & DesignersLoose Tile SamplesSizes may vary depending on product seriesMax. of 4 large field tile per order Replacement Chips for PSS Rack Max. of 5, 2 x 2 chips per color Standard Shipping UPS Ground Our porcelain tiles are available with Hydrotect ™. Crossville’s revolutionary invisible coating harnesses thepower of light, water, and oxygen to create the best defense against dirt and pollution. Whether indoors or out, floors and walls stay cleaner,providing a superior experience in any space. For complete details check our website at .Crossville Inc. guarantees that its products will meet or exceed the performance specifications outlined in ANSI A137.1-2012 and in the performance data section of the Crossville, Inc. general product catalog. For complete details check our website at rmation listed here is subject to change. Please refer to for the latest, most accurate information.。
西沃亚QS赛车三明治蜂窝隔音窗帘 Serena Insulating Honeycomb Shade
Serena Insulating Honeycomb Shades Sivoia QS TriathlonInsulating Honeycomb ShadesLutron remote-controlled insulating honeycomb shades start, move, and stop smoothly and quietly, providing privacy and light control at the touch of a button.Features• Battery-powered, wired power, and cordless manual models available • Industry leading battery performance *• Precise drive is capable of stopping at 0.125 in (3 mm) intervals throughout the entire travel of the shade• Triathlon drive technology maintains accurate bottom rail alignment by compensating for fabric weight and battery voltage • Easy installation and maintenance• Built in wireless communication using Clear Connect RF technology • Wireless control range: 30 ft (9 m)* Battery performance details are available in your shade ordering tool.Regulatory• cULus listed (E135084)• FCC (USA)• IC (Canada)• CFT (Mexico)• CRC (Columbia)• SUTEL (Costa Rica)• ANATEL (Brazil)• SUPERTEL (Ecuador)• CE• FCC (USA, Hong Kong)• CMIIT (China)• IDA (Singapore)• CE (European Union)• TRA (UAE)Ratings• Operating Voltage: 6-12V - • Operating Wattage: 5 W • Torque: 2.5 in-lb (0.28 N•m)• Speed: 1.8 in/secSpecificationsEnvironment• Temperature: 32˚ F to 104˚ F (0˚ C to 40˚ C)• For indoor use only• Relative Humidity: <90% non-condensingCompatible ControlsSerena Models• Pico wireless control• 4-Group RF Shade Remote Control • Caséta (Smart Bridge)Sivoia QS Triathlon models• Pico wireless control• 4-Group RF Shade Remote Control • seeTouch RF keypads • GRAFIK Eye QS • RadioRA 2• HomeWorks QS• Caséta (Smart Bridge Pro)Cordless Manual models include bottom bar handleSystem Dimensions*Fabric width = shade width minus 0.125 in (3 mm)* Spacers are included when outside-mount above/below trim is indicated on the original order, and/or the shade is equipped with an external battery holder. (See 'Mounting Options' on page 3 and 'Battery requirements by shade size and fabric' on page 4.)** Total height of the fully raised shade from the top of the bracket to the bottom of the bottom rail. For details, see Serena Stack Guidelines.pdfMounting OptionsDepending on the window dimensions, the shade can bemounted inside the window frame or outside the window frame.Outside Mount Above Trim (includes spacers)Outside Mount Above Trim (includes spacers)Fabric OptionsLutron Insulating Honeycomb Shades are available in a wide variety of types: will vary along the height of an actual shade.085275f 4 12.15.16Plug-in power supply• Shade includes 15 ft (4572 mm) power wireSecondary wiring must be of type CL2, CL2P , CL2R, CL2X or other cable with equivalent or better electrical, mechanical, and flammability ratings in accordance with local and national electric code.• Individual power supply CSPS-XX-1-6-WH available separately.• Shades that are not wide enough to include battery holders within the headrail have a battery holder located on the back of the headrail. Mounting bracket spacers are included to provide additional rear clearance.Battery power• Batteries are not included.• • Power OptionsInput Voltage: 120-240 V~Max. input current: 1.5 AOperating frequency: 50/60 Hz Output Voltage: 12 V -Output Current: 5 AESD Protection: (+/-) 16 kV。
VAN LATHEM梵侖斯 打造品质男装
文:本刊记者 董潇V AN LATHEM 梵侖斯打造品质男装北京梵伦斯服饰创始人 唐豊耕90Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.北京梵伦斯服饰创始人唐豊耕先生从很早就进入中国的百货市场摸爬滚打。
在2009年时机成熟后,创立了男装品牌V AN LATHEM(梵侖斯)。
”V AN LATHEM(梵侖斯)男装品牌以35岁到55岁之间注重品质的成功男士为主要客群。
唐总说:“V AN LATHEM(梵侖斯)品牌的产品在发展的过程中逐步形成了自己独到的设计理念,考究的选料观念,严格的检验程序和精工、精细、精心的专业生产高级成衣的品牌精神。
现在中国整体比较91 Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.浮躁,生产者更希望能挣‘快钱’,快时尚吸引了许多消费者。