






Session的原理1.当用户第一次访问网站时,服务器会为该用户创建一个唯一的Session ID,同时创建一个对应的Session对象。

2.服务器将Session ID以cookie的形式发送给用户端,并在用户的浏览器中保存。

3.用户在接下来的请求中,都会带上Session ID。

4.服务器根据收到的Session ID,在服务器中找到对应的Session对象。



例如:$_SESSION['username'] = 'John';步骤3:获取Session变量通过使用$_SESSION超全局变量,可以获取Session中的变量。

例如:$username = $_SESSION['username'];步骤4:销毁Session当用户注销或需要销毁Session时,可以使用以下代码销毁Session:session_destroy();步骤5:检查Session是否存在在某些情况下,需要检查Session是否存在。

可以使用以下代码检查Session 是否存在:if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {// Session存在的处理逻辑} else {// Session不存在的处理逻辑}步骤6:设置Session过期时间默认情况下,Session会在用户关闭浏览器时过期。






一般来说,可以通过在web.xml文件中配置session-config 元素来进行设置,如下所示:<session-config><session-timeout>30</session-timeout></session-config>上述代码表示设置会话的超时时间为30分钟。











Session的有效期设置⽅式⼀:在web.xml中设置session-config如下:<session-config><session-timeout>2</session-timeout></session-config>即客户端连续两次与服务器交互间隔时间最长为2分钟,2分钟后session.getAttribute()获取的值为空API信息:session.getCreationTime() 获取session的创建时间session.getLastAccessedTime() 获取上次与服务器交互时间session.getMaxInactiveInterval() 获取session最⼤的不活动的间隔时间,以秒为单位120秒。

<!-- 登录状态过滤,可以过滤掉不需要进⾏超时验证的url --><filter><filter-name>loginFilter</filter-name><filter-class>com.software.filter.LoginFilter</filter-class></filter><filter-mapping><filter-name>loginFilter</filter-name><url-pattern>/*</url-pattern></filter-mapping><!---以上代码指明具体的路径,具体的代码见附录>⽅式⼆:在Tomcat的/conf/web.xml中session-config,默认值为:30分钟<session-config><session-timeout>30</session-timeout></session-config>⽅式三:在Servlet中设置HttpSession session = request.getSession();session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60);//单位为秒说明:1.优先级:Servlet中API设置 > 程序/web.xml设置 > Tomcat/conf/web.xml设置2.若访问服务器session超时(本次访问与上次访问时间间隔⼤于session最⼤的不活动的间隔时间)了,即上次会话结束,但服务器与客户端会产⽣⼀个新的会话,之前的session⾥的属性值全部丢失,产⽣新的sesssionId3.客户端与服务器⼀次有效会话(session没有超时),每次访问sessionId相同,若代码中设置了session.setMaxInactiveInterval()值,那么这个session的最⼤不活动间隔时间将被修改,并被应⽤为新值。

Disruption of Reconsolidation Erases a Fear Memory Trace in the Human Amygdala-supplementary

Disruption of Reconsolidation Erases a Fear Memory Trace in the Human Amygdala-supplementary

/cgi/content/full/337/6101/1550/DC1Supplementary Materials forDisruption of Reconsolidation Erases a Fear Memory Trace in theHuman AmygdalaThomas Agren,* Jonas Engman, Andreas Frick, Johannes Björkstrand, Elna-MarieLarsson, Tomas Furmark, Mats Fredrikson*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: thomas.agren@psyk.uu.sePublished 21 September 2012, Science337, 1550 (2012)DOI: 10.1126/science.1223006This PDF file includes:Materials and MethodsSupplementary TextFig. S1Full ReferencesSupplementary InformationMethodsParticipants and general design outlineThirty participants (16 females) were recruited by public advertisements. A fear conditioning session was completed on day 1. Subjects who acquired fear conditioning (n = 22, 11 females) continued the experiment, while those who did not were excluded from further participation. Two stimuli consisting of lamp‐photos lit either in red or blue signaled the presence (CS+) or absence (CS‐) of an aversive electric shock. The 16 CS+ were always paired with an electric shock to the dorsal right lower arm, while the 16 CS‐ were never paired with shock. On day 2, subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the 10 min group, extinction training was performed after 10 min and thus inside the reconsolidation interval following a 2 min fear memory reminder (n = 11). The 6 hrs group (n = 11) extinguished after 6 hrs and thus outside the reconsolidation interval. On day 3, a renewal session was performed in the fMRI environment and after another two days, on day 5, a reinstatement session included unsignaled shock presentations and then re‐exposure to conditioning cues. Data from the reinstatement session were lost for two subjects due to technical difficulties. Subjects received SEK 300 for participation. The local ethics committee approved the study and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. MaterialsStimuliStimuli were projected on a 17” computer screen and consisted of a photo of a neutral environment containing a lamp that was lit either in red or blue. One color was paired withthe unconditioned stimulus (US) and became the CS+ while the other color was unpaired (CS‐). CS color was counterbalanced across subjects. Each stimulus was shown for 6 s with 14 s between trials when the environment was displayed with the lamp unlit. A 500 ms mild electric shock was delivered 250 ms before the CS+ ended.Psychophysiology equipmentThe electric shocks were administered by a stimulator and had a maximum strength of 5mA. Electrodes, prepared with electrolyte medium to facilitate shock conduction were attached with surgical tape to the dorsal right lower arm of the participants. Skin conductance responses (SCRs) were measured in µSiemens using two 8 mm Ag/AgCl electrodes filled with isotonic electrolyte gel attached to the hypothenar eminence of the left hand (24).Brain imagingData were acquired using a 3T whole body scanner with an 8 channel head coil. Head movement was restricted using foam cushions. Initial scanning was performed to create an anatomical T1‐weighted reference data set with a voxel size of 0.8×1.0×2.0 mm3 and 60 slices. During visual presentations blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) imaging was performed using a single shot EPI sequence with parameters TE/TR 35/3000 ms, flip angle 90°, acquisition matrix 76×77, acquired voxel size 3.0×3.0×3.0. A total of 30 slices were sampled for whole brain coverage. BOLD data were motion corrected, temporally and spatially smoothed using a 6 mm FWHM kernel.ProcedureDay 1Participants signed informed consent and determined the strength of the unconditioned electric shock by following the instruction that it should be unpleasant, but endurable. They then underwent an acquisition session in which 16 CS+ and 16 CS‐ were presented in a random order with the limitation that no stimulus type was repeated more than two times in a row. CS+ was always paired with US.Day 2Twenty‐four hours after acquisition the participants returned, electrodes were attached in the same way and the CS+ reminder was shown for 2 min to activate memory. One group then received extinction after 10 min following memory activation (the 10 min group), while the other group underwent extinction after 6 hrs (the 6 hrs group). Extinction consisted of eight presentations of CS+ and CS‐. Shock electrodes were applied, but no shock was administered.Day 3Subjects appeared in the scanner‐environment for a renewal session, and were exposed to 8 presentations of CS+ and CS‐ while BOLD signal changes were measured. The renewal effect occurs when a contextual change produces fear recovery in response to a conditioned, but extinguished stimulus. Shock electrodes were applied, but no shock was administered. With their heads lightly fixated subjects were shown the visual stimuli in head coil mounted goggles. They were instructed to keep their eyes open and pay attention to the stimulation.A syncbox synchronized the stimulus presentations with the MR‐scanner.Day 5Two days after completing extinction, participants returned to the psychophysiology laboratory for reinstatement. Four presentations of CS+ and CS‐ followed 4 unsignaled shocks given within inter‐trial intervals of about 30 s. SCRs were measured as previously. SCR‐data reduction and analysesStimulus induced SCRs were calculated by taking the maximum of the skin conductance deflection in the 1.5‐5.75 s interval after stimulus onset subtracted by the immediate preceding baseline (24). All SCRs were range‐corrected by dividing each reaction for every individual with that individual’s maximum deflection (irrespective of stimuli and experimental phase) (25). Because participants that do not acquire a fear memory cannot be used to study reconsolidation processes, these were excluded from further analyses. In order to characterize those who did and those who did not acquire a conditioned reaction, every individual’s 16 reactions to CS+ and CS‐ during acquisition were ordered in pairs and sixteen delta scores were calculated as follows: CS+1‐CS‐1, CS+2‐CS‐2…CS+16‐CS‐16. The average delta scores were tested against zero using a one‐tailed t‐test with a statistical cutoff offset at p<.10 as the within subject conditioning criterion. This left 22 subjects (11 women) eligible for participation in the extinction, renewal and reinstatement sessions. Due to equipment failure SCR‐data are missing for two subjects in the 10 min group (experimental day 5).To evaluate fear conditioning and extinction, mean values of CS+, CS‐ as well as delta scores (CS+ minus CS‐) were calculated for acquisition and extinction, for each individual respectively. Acquisition and extinction were evaluated by comparing delta scores, andreturn of fear was defined as the increase in SCRs from the last extinction trial to the first reinstatement trial, identical to previous reconsolidation studies (6).Regions of interestData were evaluated using SPM 8 and regions of interests (ROIs) created using the definitions from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine PickAtlas (26) and included the bilateral amygdala, hippocampus and insula cortex. Based on (27) and (15) the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) was defined as a 10 mm spherical ROI centered on the Montreal Neurological Imaging (MNI) coordinates xyz = 4, 32, ‐5. Due to the a priori hypotheses (6, 7, 8, 17, 19) and the anatomically restricted and predicted (2, 6, 7, 8, 17, 19) nature of reconsolidation, we used directed statistical tests uncorrected for multiple comparisons. This approach protects against false negatives, and to protect against false positives, we used a voxel extension criteria of five consecutive voxels (135 mm3) at the p< .05 threshold. Connectivity analyses between BOLD activity in the amygdala and the remaining fear‐circuit utilized an amygdala seed based on the empirically defined amygdala activation reflecting the memory trace. The bilateral amygdala activations were linked because we had no a priori hypothesis on laterality. The analyses testing the covariation between brain activity and fear memory on the one hand and brain activity and return of fear on the other included the SCRs as a regressor of interest in SPM 8. To test the hypothesis that vmPFC activity inhibits conditioned fear reactions, a 10 mm spherical ROI centered on xyz = 4, 32, ‐5 was created and SCRs was used as a regressor of interest in SPM 8. Coordinates are in the MNI space. For anatomical referencing we used the Mai, Assheur and Paxinos medial temporal lobe atlas (28) with MNI coordinates transformed into Talairach space.Correlation analysesCorrelation analyses determined the strength of the linear dependence between BOLD signal changes reflecting memory activation during renewal on day 3 and return of fear on day 5. Also, BOLD activity during renewal was correlated with extinction‐induced memoryactivation day 2. For these analyses the first trial was included because renewal and reinstatement processes in this (6, 7) and similar (17, 19) protocols are most salient duringthe first few trials. This approach, using the first trial, increases comparability across studies (6, 17). SCRs and BOLD signal changes were treated identically. Data in the statisticalanalyses were range corrected to minimize error variance (25) in order to maximize theimpact of the experimental conditions. In correlation analyses, data were not rangecorrected in order to maximize between‐ subject variability.ResultsFig. S1. Extinction during reconsolidation prevents reinstatement of extinguished fear. Mean range corrected SCRs during acquisition, extinction and reinstatement for CS+ and CS‐. Late and early responses are means of the first and last halves of the 16 acquisition trials day 1, 8 extinction trials day 2 and 4 reinstatement trials day 5 (after unpaired shock presentations). The blue color illustrates the 6 hrs group and the red color the 10 min group. Filled symbols illustrate responses to CS+ paired with shock and open symbols responses to the CS‐ never paired with the shock. Error bars represent standard errors.References1. P. E. Greenberg et al., The economic burden of anxiety disorders in the 1990s. J. Clin.Psychiatry60, 427 (1999).2. J. E. LeDoux, Emotion circuits in the brain. Annu. Rev. Neurosci.23, 155 (2000).3. A. Etkin, T. D. Wager, Functional neuroimaging of anxiety: A meta-analysis ofemotional processing in PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobia. Am.J. Psychiatry164, 1476 (2007).4. T. Furmark et al., Common changes in cerebral blood flow in patients with socialphobia treated with citalopram or cognitive-behavioral therapy. Arch. Gen.Psychiatry59, 425 (2002).5. D. L. Neumann, E. 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sessionexpiredlogin方法(原创版4篇)目录(篇1)1.sessionexpiredlogin 方法的概述2.sessionexpiredlogin 方法的作用3.sessionexpiredlogin 方法的实现4.sessionexpiredlogin 方法的示例5.sessionexpiredlogin 方法的注意事项正文(篇1)一、sessionexpiredlogin 方法的概述sessionexpiredlogin 方法是一个用于处理用户会话过期登录的常用方法。

在 Web 应用开发中,为了确保用户的登录安全和会话的有效管理,通常会对用户会话进行时间和权限的控制。


sessionexpiredlogin 方法就是在这种场景下应运而生的。

二、sessionexpiredlogin 方法的作用sessionexpiredlogin 方法主要用于处理用户会话过期情况,其主要作用如下:1.当用户会话过期时,自动跳转到登录页面,提示用户重新登录。



三、sessionexpiredlogin 方法的实现实现 sessionexpiredlogin 方法通常需要以下几个步骤:1.检测用户会话是否过期。



通常需要设置一个重定向 URL,该 URL 指向登录页面。



四、sessionexpiredlogin 方法的示例以下是一个简单的 sessionexpiredlogin 方法的示例:```pythonfrom flask import redirect, url_for@app.route("/")def index():# 判断会话是否过期,假设会话过期时间为 30 分钟if "session_expired" in request.cookies:return redirect(url_for("login"))# 如果会话未过期,正常处理请求return "欢迎来到主页!"@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])def login():# 处理登录逻辑,登录成功后更新会话信息#...return "登录成功!"```五、sessionexpiredlogin 方法的注意事项在使用 sessionexpiredlogin 方法时,需要注意以下几点:1.合理设置会话过期时间,过短或过长的过期时间都会影响用户体验和应用性能。

java session的用法

java session的用法

java session的用法摘要:1.Java Session简介2.Session的生命周期3.保存和获取Session信息4.Session的使用场景5.Session的注意事项正文:Java Session是Java Web开发中一个非常重要的概念,它用于在服务器端保存用户的状态信息。




当用户第一次访问网站时,服务器会创建一个Session对象,并为其分配一个唯一的Session ID。



当用户离开网站或关闭浏览器时,Session 会自动销毁。

在Java Web开发中,我们可以使用HttpSession类来保存和获取Session信息。





在使用Session时,需要注意以下几点:1.Session信息应当保存在内存中,不要保存在数据库中,因为Session 的生命周期通常很短。

2.Session ID应当保密,不要泄露给用户,以防被恶意攻击。









这两个日期必须以 Excel 可识别的日期格式输入。







securecrt 的session操作命令

securecrt 的session操作命令

securecrt 的session操作命令SecureCRT 是一款常用的终端模拟软件,用于连接和管理远程服务器。

以下是SecureCRT 中常见的一些会话(session)操作命令:1.创建新会话:•File -> New Session:通过菜单可以创建新的会话。

2.打开会话:•File -> Open:打开保存在本地的会话文件。

3.连接会话:•在主界面的"Quick Connect" 或"Connect" 输入框中输入主机地址、用户名和密码,然后按Enter 键或点击连接按钮。

4.保存会话:•File -> Save Session As...:保存当前会话的配置为文件,以便以后重新使用。

5.编辑会话:•Options -> Session Options:编辑当前会话的配置,包括连接协议、端口、外观等。

6.复制会话:•Edit -> Copy:复制选定的会话。

7.粘贴会话:•Edit -> Paste:粘贴剪贴板上的会话。

8.删除会话:•File -> Remove Session:删除选定的会话。

9.断开会话:•Session -> Disconnect:断开当前活动的会话。

10.重新连接会话:•Session -> Reconnect:重新连接当前断开的会话。

11.快速连接:•View -> Quick Connect Bar:启用/禁用快速连接栏,可以更快速地输入并连接新的会话。

请注意,确切的操作命令可能会根据SecureCRT 的版本和操作系统的不同而有所变化。

上述命令是基于一般的SecureCRT 版本,实际使用时你可能需要参考当前版本的官方文档或帮助文件。



Oct. 16th-18th, 2020. Beijing89组织委员会副主任组织委员会委员(排名不分先后)曹志军 教授(中国农业大学) 刘剑锋 教授 (中国农业大学)王玉茂 研究员 (山东省滨州畜牧兽医研究院)余忠祥 研究员 (青海大学/青海畜牧科学院)姜 雨 教授 (西北农林科技大学)刘志红 副研究员(内蒙古农业大学)储明星 研究员(中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所)岳耀敬 副研究员(中国农业科学院兰州畜牧兽医研究所)魏彩虹 研究员 (中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所)凌英会 教授 (安徽农业大学)王建民 教授 (山东农业大学)王维民 副教授 (甘肃农业大学)刘武军 教授 (新疆农业大学)刘文忠 教授 (山西农业大学)姜怀志 教授 (吉林农业大学)菅复春 教授(河南农业大学)李 英 教授 (佛山科学技术学院) 赵永聚 教授 (西南农业大学)白文林 教授 (沈阳农业大学)马慧海 研究员(吉林省农业科学院)蒋永清 研究员(浙江农林科学院)张志东 研究员(中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所)任艳玲 副研究员(山东省滨州畜牧兽医研究院)连正兴 教授 (中国农业大学) 张 微 教授 (中国农业大学)李文蓉 研究员(新疆畜牧科学院)沈 敏 研究员(新疆农垦科学院) 张艳丽 教授 (南京农业大学) 苏 蕊 教授 (内蒙古农业大学) 李 利 教授 (四川农业大学) 刘永刚 教授 (云南农业大学) 姜勋平 教授 (华中农业大学) 王小龙 教授 (西北农林科技大学) 陈 祥 教授 (贵州大学) 王惠娥 副教授(塔里木大学) 田发益 教授 (西藏大学) 曲绪仙 研究员(山东省畜牧总站) 孙 伟 教授 (扬州大学) 林亚秋 教授 (西南民族大学) 马 毅 研究员 (天津市农业科学院) 刘庆友 教授 (广西大学) 邓卫东 教授 (云南农业大学) 庞训胜 教授 (安徽科技学院) 许卫华 副教授 (龙岩学院) 会议日程Conference Program Day1 Online Conference Plenary talk Section talk Friday, October 16, 2020Session 1: Germplasm resources Chairs: Jianlin Han & Hans Lenstra Chairs: Menghua Li 8:00-8:10 (GMT)15:00-15:10 (BJS)8:10-8:20 (GMT)15:10-15:20 (BJS)8:20-8:30 (GMT)15:20-15:30 (BJS)8:30-8:40 (GMT)15:30-15:40 (BJS)8:40-8:50 (GMT)15:40-15:50 (BJS)8:50-9:30 (GMT)15:50-16:30 (BJS)9:30-10:10 (GMT)16:30-17:10 (BJS)10:10-10:20 (GMT)17:10-17:20 (BJS)10:20-10:45 (GMT)17:20-17:45 (BJS)10:45-11:05 (GMT)17:45-18:05 (BJS)11:05-11:30 (GMT)18:05-18:30 (BJS)11:30-12:30 (GMT)18:30-19:30 (BJS)Opening welcome Congratulatory letter from Chunli Bai (白春礼), the President of ANSO Welcome speech from the President of China Agricultural University Welcome speech from FAO, UN (联合国粮食及农业组织)Keynote speech: A Snap Shot at Alliance of International Science Organizations The state of global gene-banking of animal genetic resources Preliminary analysis of the molecular diversity of British sheep breeds: major types, origin and admixture Coffee time Synthesis of phenotypic and genomic architecture of indigenous African sheep genetic resources A genome-wide multidimensional selection signature analysis identifies novel genomic footprints for Merino-like phenotype in Italian sheep breeds Signatures of positive selection in several populations representing Balkan sheep Lunch break Menghua Li Jinghua Cao Qixin Sun Paul Boettcher Jinghua Cao Paul Boettcher Hans Lenstra Joram Mwacharo Elena Ciani Ino Curik CAU ANSO CAU FAO ANSO FAO, Italy UU,Netherland ICARDA,Ethiopia University of Bari,Italy University of Zagreb,Croatia 大会秘书处:吕锋骅 马佳莹 杨继 林宇娈 杨萌联系电话:010-******** 181******** 188********电子邮件:**********************1011Plenary talk Plenary talk Section talk Plenary talk Section talk Plenary talk Section talk 12:30-13:10 (GMT)19:30-20:10 (BJS)8:00-8:40 (GMT)15:00-15:40 (BJS)8:40-9:20 (GMT)15:40-16:20 (BJS)9:20-9:40 (GMT)16:20-16:40 (BJS)9:40-10:00 (GMT)16:40-17:00 (BJS)10:00-10:10 (GMT)17:00-17:10 (BJS)10:10-10:50 (GMT)17:10-17:50 (BJS)15:00-15:40 (GMT)22:00-22:40 (BJS)15:40-16:05 (GMT)22:40-23:05 (BJS)16:05-16:30 (GMT)23:05-23:30 (BJS)13:10-13:35 (GMT)20:10-20:35 (BJS)13:35-14:00 (GMT)20:35-21:00 (BJS)14:00-14:25 (GMT)21:00-21:25 (BJS)14:25-14:50 (GMT)21:25-21:50 (BJS)14:50-15:00 (GMT)21:50-22:00 (BJS)Historical introgression from wild relatives enhanced climatic adaptation and resistance to pneumonia in sheep The conservation of native and locally-adapted breeds: their potential to contribute to genetic diversity and future systems of livestock production Using genomic information in dairy sheep breeding in Spain Sheep breeding in Gansu sheep breeder company Ltd, China Feasibility of a genomic selection approach based on a female informative population in Sarda dairy sheep breed Coffee time The role of nutrition for meat quality of lamb Reading beneath the lines:parchment as a sheep genetic resource Retroviral insertions confirm the ancient origin of native sheep in Estonia and provide guidance for the conservation program I n s i g h t s i n to s h e e p d e m o g ra p h i c h i sto r y b y archaeogenetic analysis of Anatolian ancient sheep Deep genome resequencing reveals artificial and natural selection for visual deterioration, plateau adaptability and high prolificacy in Chinese domestic sheep Crossbred mapping populations as promising tool to reveal functional candidate genes: a study case in Russian sheep breeding Functional Genomics of early reproduction in domestic sheep Deciphering climate-mediated adaptation in European sheep Coffee time Menghua Li Lawrence Alderson Juan Jose Arranz David William Osborn Antonello Carta David Pethick Matthew Teasdale Eve Rannamäe Fusun Ozer Weimin Wang Tatiana Deniskova Kisun PokharelMario Barbato CAU,ChinaChairman of Countrywide Livestock, UK Universidad de Leon,Spain Australia GRIS Sardinia, Bonassai,Italy Murdock University,Australia Cambridge University,UKTartu University,EstoniaHacettepe University Ankara, TurkeyCAU,ChinaL.K. Ernst Instituteof Animal Husbandry,RussiaNatural Resources Research Center,FinlandUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,ItalySession 3: Ancient DNA Chairs: Matthew Collins & Xingbo ZhaoSession 5: Nutrition and meat Chairs: David Pethick & Hailing Luo Day2 Online Conference Saturday, October 17, 2020Session 4: Molecular breeding Chairs: Lawrence Alderson & Caihong Wei Session 2: G3: genes, genomics and genetics Chairs: Rui Su & Ino Curik-18Oct.16th-18th3637 Tatiana DeniskovaPhD in Biological Sciences (Genetics), senior Researcher,head of the group for molecular genetics and genomics ofsmall ruminant, Department of Biotechnology and MolecularDiagnostics, L.K. Ernst Federal Science Center for AnimalHusbandry, Moscow region, RUSSIA. Her research topics arediversity and phylogenetic of the domestic and wild smallruminants based on various methods (STR and SNP-markers,mtDNA). Currently I focus on functional genomics of sheep,including mapping of QTLs and candidate genes associatedwith fat deposition in the sheep tails as well as with bodysizes and growth -relation traits, as well as on goat maternalorigins.E-mail:*****************AbstractSuccessful implementation of genome editing technologies creates possibilitiesfor target improving the economically important traits in livestock. Creatingcrossbred mapping populations by crossing farm animals with contrast variantsof desired traits provides high significant data on revealing of candidate genesof interest to be rapidly introduced in animal populations by genome editing.Although Russia has rich resources of domestic sheep, there are no specializedlocally adapted meat breeds were developed. To overcome this weakness ofnational sheep breeding, we established two crossbred mapping populationsin our experimental farm. The first one is set up to address growth, carcassand meat quality traits and includes the progeny of fast-growing Katahdinmeat breed and slow growing Romanov ewes. The second one comprises theoffspring of fat-tailed Karachaev and thin-tailed Romanov breeds to identifycandidate genes associated with fat deposition in the tails of local sheep. High-density SNP data were generated using Ovine Infinium HD SNP BeadChip.Phenotypic data including body weight, nine body measurements, and tailmeasurements, were recorded in the age of 6, 42, 90, 180, and 270 days. Thefirst genome-wide association studies have resulted in identification of thegenes, associated with skeletal muscle growth and meat quality related traits,and involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The detected genes can beintroduced into the populations of well-adapted local sheep breeds to improvetheir growth, carcass and meat quality traits. Genotyping of backcrosses fromKatahdin × Romanov population was financed by RFBR No. 17-29-08015. TheKarachaev × Romanov progeny was studied within RSF No. 19-16-00070. Thesamples of Romanov ewes were genotyped within theme No. 0445-2019-0026.Crossbred mapping populations as promising tool to reveal functionalcandidate genes: a study case in Russian sheep breedingDeniskova T., Petrov S., Sermyagin A., Dotsev A., Bagirov V., Brem G. and Zinovieva N.L.K. Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry, Russia。

python session 方法

python session 方法



session方法在Web 开发中具有重要的作用,可以帮助开发人员实现用户登入、购物车管理、数据存储等功能。

在本文中,将介绍Python中session方法的基本概念、使用场景和实际应用,旨在帮助读者深入了解该技术,并在实际项目中应用session 方法解决实际问题。

一、session方法的基本概念1.1 会话(session)的定义在计算机术语中,会话指的是一段特定时间内,用户与系统之间进行的一系列交互活动。


1.2 session方法的作用session方法就是用来管理用户的会话信息,包括用户的登入状态、个性化设置、购物车内容等。


1.3 session方法的实现原理一般来说,session方法是通过在服务器端存储用户会话信息并在客户端发送一个标识符(如cookie)来进行验证的。


二、session方法的使用场景2.1 用户登入状态管理在Web开发中,用户登入状态管理是一个非常常见的场景。


2.2 购物车管理另一个常见的使用场景是购物车管理。


2.3 数据存储session方法还可以用于存储用户的个性化设置、历史浏览记录等信息,以提供更好的用户体验。



1. 直接在后台代码中设计,使⽤session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60*60);








expire_logs_days 意思

expire_logs_days 意思

`expire_logs_days`是MySQL数据库的一个参数,用于设置二进制日志(binary logs)文件的自动过期时间。


具体来说,如果设置了`expire_logs_days`参数为某个整数值(比如7),那么MySQL 将会保留最近的7天的二进制日志文件,而超过7天的日志文件将被自动删除。







二、sessionlocal的初始化在使用sessionlocal之前,需要先初始化一个全局的sessionlocal对象,代码如下:```pythonfrom sqlalchemy import create_enginefrom sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_basefrom sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmakerSQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = "sqlite:///./test.db"engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL)SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autmit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)```在这里,我们首先使用SQLAlchemy的create_engine函数创建了一个数据库引擎对象engine,然后通过sessionmaker函数创建了一个会话对象SessionLocal。


我们要进行插入数据操作,代码如下:```pythonfrom sqlalchemy.orm import Sessionfrom .models import User, Basedef create_user(db: Session, username: str, password: str):user = User(username=username, password=password)db.add(user)dbmit()db.refresh(user)return user```在这里,我们定义了一个create_user函数,接收一个会话对象db和用户名、密码作为参数,然后创建一个新的User对象,通过db.add 方法将其添加到数据库会话中,最后调用dbmit方法提交事务并使用db.refresh更新用户对象。



opensession方法`opensession` 方法是一个可以用于创建并打开一个新会话的函数。




```pythondef opensession(:session_id = generate_session_id( # 生成唯一的会话IDsession_data = {} # 用于存储会话数据的字典#将会话ID和数据存储在服务器端(或适当的存储介质)并与当前用户关联save_session_data(session_id, session_data)#返回会话ID供客户端使用return session_id```在上面的示例中,`opensession` 方法主要执行以下两个操作:1.生成唯一的会话ID:会话ID是用于唯一标识会话的字符串。



2. 存储会话数据:会话数据是在会话期间需要共享的信息。


在示例中,我们使用了一个空的字典 `session_data` 来存储会话数据。




最后,`opensession` 方法返回会话ID给客户端。








第一部分:什么是daysafter函数1.1 函数定义:daysafter函数是Python的一个内置函数,用于计算指定日期之后的某个日期。

1.2 用法示例:daysafter(date, days),其中date表示指定的日期,days表示距离指定日期的天数。

第二部分:使用daysafter函数的语法2.1 参数:daysafter函数包含两个参数,分别是date和days。

2.2 date参数:date参数是指定的日期,可以是字符串或日期类型。


2.3 days参数:days参数是距离指定日期的天数,可以是整数类型。


第三部分:学习daysafter函数的实际应用3.1 日期计算:daysafter函数可用于计算指定日期之后或之前的日期。


3.2 日期偏移:daysafter函数也可用于计算指定日期之后或之前的N天。


3.3 日期比较:将daysafter函数与其他日期函数结合使用,可以进行日期之间的比较。


第四部分:示例代码演示daysafter函数的使用4.1 使用日期字符串:date_str = '2022-09-29'days = 7new_date = daysafter(date_str, days)print(new_date) # 输出:'2022-10-06'4.2 使用日期类型:import datetimedate = datetime.date(2022, 9, 29)days = 7new_date = daysafter(date, days)print(new_date) # 输出:datetime.date(2022, 10, 6)结论:通过本文的介绍,我们了解了Python中的daysafter函数及其用法。

firstdayofweek 用法

firstdayofweek 用法

firstdayofweek 用法"firstdayofweek 用法" 是什么意思?首先,让我们了解一下"firstdayofweek" 是什么。

"firstdayofweek" 是一个在编程中经常使用的术语,用于确定一周的第一天。



因此,"firstdayofweek" 就是用来标识每个地区或文化中一周的第一天是哪一天的变量或设置。

在编程中,根据编程语言和操作系统的不同,"firstdayofweek" 的具体用法可能会有所不同。


1. JavaScript:在JavaScript 中,我们可以使用"toLocaleString" 方法和"options" 参数来获取指定地区的第一天。

以下是一个示例代码:javascriptconst options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };const locale = 'en-US';const firstDayOfWeek = new Date().toLocaleString(locale,{ weekday: 'long' });console.log(`The first day of the week in {locale} is {firstDayOfWeek}`);在这个示例中,我们使用"toLocaleString" 方法来获取指定地区(这里是美国)的日期格式。






下面是`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`常用的一些函数:1. `add(object)`: 将一个对象添加到当前数据库会话中。


2. `delete(object)`: 从当前数据库会话中删除指定的对象。

3. `merge(object)`: 将一个对象合并到当前数据库会话中。


4. `flush()`: 将当前数据库会话中的所有挂起更改(包括添加、更新、删除)立即写入数据库。

5. `commit()`: 提交当前会话中的所有事务更改到数据库,并结束当前会话。


6. `rollback()`: 回滚当前会话中的所有未提交的事务更改,还原到最后一个提交点。

7. `query(model)`: 构建一个查询对象,用于查询指定模型(数据库表)中的数据。

8. `close()`: 关闭当前数据库会话。

9. `execute(stmt, params=None, kwargs)`: 执行原始SQL语句,并返回结果。

10. `bulk_insert_mappings(model, mappings)`: 批量插入多个字典映射到指定的模型中。

11. `expunge(object)`: 从当前会话中分离指定的对象,使其成为“未托管”状态。

12. `refresh(object, attribute_names=None, lockmode=None)`: 刷新指定对象的属性值,从数据库中重新加载。






正文内容:1. 函数介绍1.1 什么是getfirstdayofweek函数1.2 函数的作用和用途1.3 函数的参数和返回值2. 函数的实现原理2.1 日期和时间的表示方式2.2 获取当前日期的方法2.3 计算一周的第一天的算法3. 使用示例3.1 在Java中使用getfirstdayofweek函数3.2 在Python中使用getfirstdayofweek函数3.3 在JavaScript中使用getfirstdayofweek函数4. 注意事项和常见问题4.1 时区的影响4.2 日期格式的处理4.3 跨年份的计算5. 总结5.1 getfirstdayofweek函数的优点和适用范围5.2 使用getfirstdayofweek函数的注意事项5.3 对于不同编程语言的适配性和差异总结:本文详细介绍了getfirstdayofweek函数的用法和原理。







Session使⽤注意事项使⽤进程内会话状态模式时请考虑下⾯的限制:使⽤进程内会话状态模式时,如果 aspnet_wp.exe 或应⽤程序域重新启动,则会话状态数据将丢失。

这些重新启动通常会在下⾯的情况中发⽣:在应⽤程序的 Web.config ⽂件的 <processModel> 元素中,设置⼀个导致新进程在条件被满⾜时启动的属性,例如 memoryLimit。

修改 Global.asax 或 Web.config ⽂件。

更改到 Web 应⽤程序的 \Bin ⽬录。

⽤杀毒软件扫描并修改 Global.asax ⽂件、Web.config ⽂件或 Web 应⽤程序的 \Bin ⽬录下的⽂件。

如果在应⽤程序的 Web.config ⽂件的 <processModel> 元素中启⽤了⽹络园模式,请不要使⽤进程内会话状态模式。


我把Access数据库放到\bin下⾯去了,导致Session⽼是失效搞得我焦头烂额,去仔细阅读了⼀下MSDN⾥的《会话状态》,才发现了这些:.NET Framework 开发员指南会话状态 [C#]请参见 状态管理语⾔C#Visual Basic全部显⽰ 提供 Web 应⽤程序需要的跨请求状态信息(购物车、数据滚动等)基础结构,并带有内置的会话状态功能,使您可以采取以下操作:对从单个浏览器客户端到服务器上逻辑应⽤程序会话的请求进⾏⾃动识别和分类。


引发适当的可在应⽤程序代码中处理的会话⽣存期管理事件(Session_OnStart、Session_OnEnd 等)。

注意 Session_OnEnd 事件仅⽀持进程内会话状态模式。

如果您使⽤状态服务器或 SQL Server 模式,则不会引发该事件。


本主题提供会话状态的概述,介绍如何标识和跟踪活动 会话;解释会话状态存储和⼀般结构,并以⼀个⾼级代码⽰例作为总结。







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1PROJECT MANAGEMENTFOR PROJECT MANAGERSDay 1Project ManagementProject Management IntroductionIntroductionsWhat is your name?What are your job responsibilities?What is something unusual about yourself ?What are your objectives for this workshop?Project Management IntroductionObjectivesUnderstand the elements of projectmanagementRefine project management technical and people skillsApply project management to your job-related projectsUnderstand the factors that influence project management successUnderstand the role of project management softwareProject Management IntroductionLearning ProcessInitial investigationConcept briefings and discussionsCase study practice with feedbackJob application with feedbackDiscovery ExerciseImagine you are responsible for the opening ceremony of the RIO Olympic Games in 2016…In teamsWhat are the first 6 –8 actions you would take?What 3-4 questions do you think are most important?Show work on flip chartsTake _____ min. Return by _____Project Management IntroductionSuccessful Project ManagementTechnical skills toDefine, organize, and estimate workSchedule work and resourcesManage riskMonitor and control resources and ensure project successPeople skills toLead and motivate the project teamGain stakeholder commitmentCommunicate effectivelyProject Management IntroductionProjectSpecific goal or end resultInterdependent activities requiring oversight Start and finishProject ManagementDefining requirementsPlanning activitiesControlling inputs and evaluating outputs Creating conditions that make success possibleProject Management Introduction Process FlowchartProject Management Introduction CostLevel of InfluenceAbility to Influence the OutcomeCost of ChangesTime DEFINITION PLANNING IMPLEMENTATIONProject DefinitionFOCUS ON BOTH STRATEGIC & OPERATIONAL ISSUES TO DRIVE RAPID RESULTS AND LASTING VALUEProject Definition Clarifying and agreeing to the purpose andscope of the projectTo ensure the project’s valueState the projectIdentify stakeholdersDevelop objectivesDevelop work breakdown structureIdentify resource requirementsProject DefinitionState the ProjectEstablishing the project boundariesTo help define, plan, and controlthe projectAppraise project background, likelyconstraints, priority, and worthDecide on a short statementAction and end result (performance)TimeCostBe prepared for lengthy discussionsKeep the project statement visibleProject DefinitionProject DefinitionIdentify StakeholdersIdentifying whom to involve and whyTo get sufficient information and commitmentFor each concern ask:Whom do we need to involve for:Decision making?Funding?Commitment?Expertise?Voice-of-the-customer and/or user?Development?Project DefinitionProject DefinitionDevelop ObjectivesDescribing results and constraints to be considered throughout the projectTo guide project work and decisionsAsk:What value should this project produce?What short-and long-term benefits do we want? What constraints do we face?What requirements must be met?How will we know when we satisfy each objective? (measure and standard)Write a list of short statementsCompare objectives to original concernsObtain sponsor approvalProject DefinitionProject DefinitionProject Statement and Objectives PracticeIndividually : Read new informationEngineering Associate p. 5 to 8Finance Associate p. 26 to28Manufacturing Associate p. 32 to34Marketing Associate p. 43 to46Project manager p. 65 to 67In teamsUse prior informationThink about what results YOU would like to see from the projectDevelop a Project Statement and ObjectivesAgree on measures and standardsShow work on flip chartTake _____ min. Return by _____Project DefinitionApplicationIndividually review your projectsChoose a project to work on•State the Project•Identify stakeholders•Develop ObjectivesYou may work on your own or with others Take _____ min. Finish by _____Project DefinitionDevelop Work Breakdown Structure Documenting how work will be organizedTo act as basis for costing, planning, monitoring, and controlAsk:What are the major outputs of this project?What are the components of…?How will the objectives be achieved?How should work be organized to easeplanning and control?Develop a chart or outlineCheck that work supports the objectivesProject DefinitionWork Breakdown StructureShows how work will be organized and managed Highest level groups work by major deliverable, phase, and/or resourceMiddle levels define sub-deliverablesLowest level are work packagesAll work is done and all resources are used in the work packagesWork packages combine to produce allhigher level deliverablesProject DefinitionWork PackagesDetail the exact work to be doneFor each work package, define and record: Performance measures and standardsResource requirementsResponsibility assignmentsTimingPotential problems and opportunities Constraints, assumptions, agreements, and changes Reporting requirementsShould versus ActualAdd details during Definition, Planning, and ImplementationProject DefinitionProject DefinitionProject DefinitionApplicationContinue Project Definition•Develop Work Breakdown Structure•Identify major deliverables and breakdown at least one intoWorkpackagesWork within the assigned teamsTake _____ min. Finish by _____Project DefinitionSubprojectsSeparate project management responsibility, time, and attentionAsk:Is the project large or complex?Is work for one part specialized?Should resources be managed differently forpart of the work?Is there something we need to learn or trybefore the entire project can be planned?Will responsibility be given to one personfor several related work packages?Would several smaller projects help better manage risk?Write a project statement for each subprojectProject DefinitionIdentify Resource Requirements Estimating resources needed to produce each work packageTo avoid future resource problems andhelp assign responsibilityFor each work package, ask:What knowledge and skills are needed?What facilities are needed?What equipment is required?What supplies or materials will be used?What special or unusual resources are needed?Document type, amount, and cost for each resourceProject DefinitionProject DefinitionApplicationContinue Project Definition•Identify Resource RequirementsWork within the assigned teamsTake _____ min. Finish by _____Project DefinitionProject Manager RoleThe person with the responsibility and authorityto deliver project resultsTo concentrate and streamline management responsibilityThe project manager:Applies a project management processUses appropriate methods to plan and communicateInvolves others to gain needed commitmentand informationGuides problem solving and decision making Creates the necessary temporaryperformance environmentProject DefinitionProject Manager SelectionMaking a best balanced choice for project leadership The project manager should have:Project technical skillsPeople management skillsProject content knowledgeGood relationship with team members Commitment to project successTime to devote to the projectSupport from their managementConsider a wide range of candidatesAssess any risks with best candidates before making a choiceProject Definition Check-Point/Gateto get a decision if you should continue to planthe project or notPresent the facts to the project sponsor and have him make the decision tocontinue the planing for this project orrestate the project orcancel the project34。
