





C、从21——99整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀–t y构成。

表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 。

21 twenty-one76 seventy-sixD、百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and.101 a hundred and one320 three hundred and twenty648 six hundred and forty-eightE、千位数以上从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,”。



2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight16,250,064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty thousand sixty-four5,237,166,234 five billion,two hundred and thirty-seven million,one hundred and sixty-six thousand,two hundred and thirty-fourF、基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。





其形式如下:(1).从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.(2).从11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen.这里除eleven, twelve,thirteen,fifteen,eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀—teen构成. (3).从21——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成.表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“—”比如:22 twenty—two 78 seventy-eight二、序数词:表示顺序的数词称为序数词。

其主要形式:(1)从第一至第十二: one- first two- second three- third four—fourth five- fifth six- sixthseven—seventh eight-eighth nine-ninth ten—tenth eleven- eleventh twelve—twelfth 大多的序数词都是由其相对应的基数词后面添加“th"构成。


twenty—twentieth thirty--thirtieth表示第几十几时,用几十的基数词形式加上连字符“—”和个位序数词形式一起表示。

比如:thirty—first 第三十一fifty-sixth 第五十六seventy-third 第七十三ninety-ninth 第九十九三、每个基数词有它相对应的序数词. 序数词的用法:1.用英语说楼层的时候要用序数词,比如: 一楼the firstfloor 二楼the secondfloor2.用英语书几月几日中的几日时用序数词,比如: 4月5日Apr。





解析口诀:one→first,two→second,three→third这三个词变化特殊,要单独记;eight →eighth,nine→ninth,八去t,九去e后再加-th;five→fifth,twelve→twelfth,五、十二把ve换成f再加-th;twenty→twentieth,thirty→thirtieth... 整十先把词尾y改为ie再加-th。




解析口诀:one→first,two→second,three→third这三个词变化特殊,要单独记;eight →eighth,nine→ninth,八去t,九去e后再加-th;five→fifth,twelve→twelfth,五、十二把ve换成f再加-th;twenty→twentieth,thirty→thirtieth... 整十先把词尾y改为ie再加-th。





英语 数字 基数词和序数词
阿拉伯 (简)中文 (繁)大写 数字 数字 数字
英文 基数词

零 nought、zero
英ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 序数词 序数词
中文 排序
备注 口决

壹 one
1st first

贰 two
2nd second

叁 three
3rd third

肆 four
17 十七 拾柒 seventeen
17th seventeenth
18 十八 拾捌 eighteen
18th eighteenth
19 十九 拾玖 nineteen
19th nineteenth
20 二十 贰拾 twenty
20th twentieth
第二十 变y为ie加th
21 二十一 贰拾壹 twenty-one 21st twenty-first

(分) one thousand and one 1001th one thousand and first
第一千零一 过百加单位

fourteen thousand four hunbred and twenty-one
10021th fourteen thousand four hunbred and twentyfirst
9th ninth
第九 去e加th 单独记;




其形式如下‎:(1)从1~10 one,two,three‎,four,five,six,seven‎,eight‎,nine,ten.(2)从 11~19 eleve‎n,twelv‎e, thirt‎e en, fourt‎e en, fifte‎e n, sixte‎e n, seven‎t een,eight‎e en,ninet‎e en.在这里,除 eleve‎n,twelv‎e, thirt‎e en,fifte‎e n,eight‎e en为特‎殊形式外,fourt‎e en,sixte‎e n,seven‎t een,ninet‎e en都是‎由其个位数‎形式后添加‎后缀-teen构‎成。

(3)从21~99 整数几十中‎,除twen‎t y,thirt‎y, forty‎,fifty‎,eight‎y为特殊形‎式外,sixty‎,seven‎t y,ninet‎y都是其个‎位数形式后‎添加后缀-ty构成。

表示几十几‎时,在几十和个‎位基数词形‎式之间添加‎连字符“-”,如,21(twent‎y-one )、76(seven‎t y-six)、83(eight‎y-three‎)。

(4)百位数个数基数词‎形式加“hundr‎e d”,表示几百。

在几十几与‎百位间加上‎a nd。

101 a hundr‎e d and one 320 three‎hundr‎e d and twent‎y648 six hundr‎e d and forty‎-eight‎(5)千位数以上‎从数字的右‎端向左端数‎起,每三位数加‎一个逗号“,”。

从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后‎添加 thous‎a nd,第二个“,”前面的数字‎后添加 milli‎o n,第三个“,”前的数字后‎添加 billi‎o n。












即:one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelv e2).13~19,多数在末尾加-teen,但应注意13、15、18的拼写形式。

例如:13→thirteen 14→fourteen 15→fifteen16→sixteen17→seventeen 18→eighteen19→nineteen3).从20~90整十位数,多数在词尾加-ty,但要注意20、30、40、50和80的拼法。

例如:20→twenty30→thirty40→forty50→fifty60→sixty70→seventy80→ei g hty90→ninety4).21~99是由几十和几合起来构成,中间加连字符(-)。

例如:21→twenty-one 32→thirty-two 55→fifty-five74→sev enty-four86→eighty-six 99→ninety-nine5) 101~999等三位数中,十位数或个位数的前面加and。

例如:101→a(one)hundred and one230→two hundred and th irty513→five hundred and thirteen678→six hundred and seventy-eight999→nine hundred and ninety-nine6) 1,000以上的数,要用计数逗点,即从个位开始,每隔三位数加一逗点,第一个逗点处是thousand(千),第二逗点处是 million(百万), 第三个逗点处是 thousand million(英) 或billion(美)(十亿)。



基数词1-1001 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty- two23 twenty- three24 twenty- four25 twenty- five26 twenty- six27 twenty- seven28 twenty- eight29 twenty- nine30 thirty31 thirty- one32 thirty- two33 thirty- three34 thirty- four35 thirty- five36 thirty- six37 thirty- seven38 thirty- eight39 thirty- nine40 forty 41 forty- one42 forty- two43 forty- three44 forty- four45 forty- five46 forty- six47 forty- seven48 forty- eight49 forty- nine50 fifty51 fifty- one52 fifty- two53 fifty- three54 fifty- four55 fifty- five56 fifty- six57 fifty- seven58 fifty- eight59 fifty- nine60 sixty61 sixty- one62 sixty- two63 sixty- three64 sixty- four65 sixty- five66 sixty- six67 sixty- seven68 sixty- eight69 sixty- nine70 seventy71 seventy- one72 seventy- two73 seventy- three74 seventy- four75 seventy- five76 seventy- six77 seventy- seven78 seventy- eight79 seventy- nine80 eighty81 eighty- one82 eighty- two83 eighty- three84 eighty- four85 eighty- five86 eighty- six87 eighty- seven88 eighty- eight89 eighty- nine90 ninety91 ninety-one92 ninety- two93 ninety- three94 ninety- four95 ninety- five96 ninety- six97 ninety- seven98 ninety- eight99 ninety- nine100 a hundred序数词1、第一类:在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。








1、第一类:one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二这一类共计十二个单词,在结构上与其他的基数词相比较是特殊的,就象不规则的动词一样,要求逐个的硬背下来,这对学好其他的基数词和序数词都是及其重要的。

2、第二类:thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九这一类基数词共有七个。




3、第三类:twenty 二十 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十这类基数词共有八个。




一 基数与序数 百位或百位以上: 基数 序数 100 one hundred one hundredth 103 one hundred and three one hundred and third 132 one hundred and thirty- two one hundred and thirty- second 1000 one thousand one thousandth 1005 one thousand and five one thousand and fifth基数 中文 序数 中文 one 一 first ( 1st ) 第一 two 二 second ( 2nd ) 第二 three 三 third ( 3rd ) 第三 four 四 fourth ( 4th) 第四 five 五 fifth ( 5th ) 第五 six 六 sixth ( 6th ) 第六 seven 七 seventh ( 7th ) 第七 eight 八 eighth ( 8th ) 第八 nine 九 ninth ( 9th ) 第九 ten 十 tenth ( 10th ) 第十 eleven 十一 eleventh ( 11th ) 第十一 twelve 十二 twelfth ( 12th ) 第十二 thirteen 十三 thirteenth ( 13th ) 第十三 fourteen 十四 fourteenth ( 14th ) 第十四 fifteen 十五 fifteenth ( 15th ) 第十五 sixteen 十六 sixteenth ( 16th ) 第十六 seventeen 十七 seventeenth ( 17th ) 第十七 eighteen 十八 eighteenth ( 18th ) 第十八 nineteen 十九 nineteenth ( 19th ) 第十九 twenty 二十 twentieth ( 20th ) 第二十 thirty 三十 thirtieth ( 30th ) 第三十 forty 四十 fortieth 第四十 fifty 五十 fiftieth 第五十 sixty 六十 sixtieth 第六十 seventy 七十 seventieth 第七十 eighty 八十 eightieth 第八十 ninety 九十 ninetieth 第九十 twenty-one 二十一 twenty- first ( 21st ) 第二十一 thirty-two 三十二 thirty- second 第三十二 forty-three 四十三 forty- third 第四十三1521 one thousand five hundred andtwenty-one one thousand five hundred and twenty-first1,000,000 one million one millionth1,000,000,000 one billion one billionth基数词的写法规则:1-12 是独立单词,需逐个记忆13-19 个位数词的词干后加-teen 构成,其中thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, 变化不规则20-90 在十位数词后面加-ty 构成21-99 在十位数词后面加上个位数词合成,中间加上连字符" ━ "基数词三位以上的数词, 在百位和十位之间,一般要用连词"and "巧记基数词不难记,找清规律很容易,十二以内词名异;十三数到十九数去,后加-teen莫忘记。



1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty 21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three24 twenty-four25 twenty-five26 twenty-six27 twenty-seven28 twenty-eight29 twenty-nine30 thirty31 thirty-one32 thirty-two33 thirty-three34 thirty-four35 thirty-five36 thirty-six37 thirty-seven38 thirty-eight39 thirty-nine40 forty41 forty-one42 forty-two43 forty-three44 forty-four45 forty-five46 forty-six47 forty-seven48 forty-eight49 forty-nine50 fifty51 fifty-one52 fifty-two53 fifty-three54 fifty-four55 fifty-five56 fifty-six57 fifty-seven58 fifty-eight59 fifty-nine60 sixty61 sixty-one62 sixty-two63 sixty-three64 sixty-four65 sixty-five66 sixty-six67 sixty-seven68 sixty-eight69 sixty-nine70 seventy71 seventy-one72 seventy-two73 seventy-three74 seventy-four75 seventy-five76 seventy-six77 seventy-seven78 seventy-eight79 seventy-nine80 eighty81 eighty-one82 eighty-two83 eighty-three84 eighty-four85 eighty-five86 eighty-six87 eighty-seven88 eighty-eight89 eighty-nine90 ninety91 ninety-one92 ninety-two93 ninety-three94 ninety-four95 ninety-five96 ninety-six97 ninety-seven98 ninety-eight99 ninety-nine100 one hundred第1 first第2 second第3 third第4 fourth第5 fifth第6 sixth第7 seventh第8 eighth第9 ninth第10 tenth第11 eleventh第12 twelfth第13 thirteenth 第14 fourteenth 第15 fifteenth 第16 sixteenth 第17 seventeenth 第18 eighteenth 第19 nineteenth 第20 twentieth 第21 twenty-first第22 twenty-second第23 twenty-third第24 twenty-fourth第25 twenty-fifth第26 twenty-sixth第27 twenty-seventh第28 twenty-eighth第29 twenty-ninth第30 thirtieth第31 thirty-first第32 thirty-second第33 thirty-third第34 thirty-fourth第35 thirty-fifth第36 thirty-sixth第37 thirty-seventh第38 thirty-eighth第39 thirty-ninth第40 fortieth第41 forty-first第42 forty-second第43 forty-third第44 forty-fourth第45 forty-fifth第46 forty-sixth第47 forty-seventh第48 forty-eighth第49 forty-ninth第50 fiftieth第51 fifty-first第52 fifty-second第53 fifty-third第54 fifty-fourth第55 fifty-fifth第56 fifty-sixth第57 fifty-seventh第58 fifty-eighth第59 fifty-ninth第60 sixtieth第61 sixty-first第62 sixty-second第63 sixty-third第54 sixty-fourth第65 sixty-fifth第66 sixty-sixth第67 sixty-seventh第68 sixty-eighth第69 sixty-ninth第70 seventieth第71 seventy-first第72 seventy-second第73 seventy-third第74 seventy-fourth第75 seventy-fifth第76 seventy-sixth第77seventy-seventh第78 seventy-eighth第79 seventy-ninth第80 eightieth第81 eighty-first第82 eighty-second第83 eighty-third第84 eighty-fourth第85 eighty-fifth第86 eighty-sixth第87 eighty-seventh第88 eighty-eighth第89 eighty-ninth第90 ninetieth第91 ninety-first第92 ninety-second第93 ninety-third第94 ninety-fourth第95 ninety-fifth第96 ninety-sixth第97 ninety-seventh第98 ninety-eighth第99 ninety-ninth第100 one hundredth序数词下面把1-99的序数词分为四类:1、第一类first (1st) 第一second (2nd) 第二third (3rd) 第三(在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。



基数词序数词对比基数词(0-100)1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty 21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three24 twenty-four25 twenty-five26 twenty-six27 twenty-seven28 twenty-eight29 twenty-nine30 thirty31 thirty-one32 thirty-two33 thirty-three34 thirty-four35 thirty-five36 thirty-six37 thirty-seven38 thirty-eight39 thirty-nine40 forty41 forty-one42 forty-two43 forty-three44 forty-four45 forty-five46 forty-six47 forty-seven48 forty-eight49 forty-nine50 fifty51 fifty-one52 fifty-two53 fifty-three54 fifty-four55 fifty-five56 fifty-six57 fifty-seven58 fifty-eight59 fifty-nine60 sixty61 sixty-one62 sixty-two63 sixty-three64 sixty-four65 sixty-five66 sixty-six67 sixty-seven68 sixty-eight69 sixty-nine70 seventy71 seventy-one72 seventy-two73 seventy-three74 seventy-four75 seventy-five76 seventy-six77 seventy-seven78 seventy-eight79 seventy-nine80 eighty81 eighty-one82 eighty-two83 eighty-three84 eighty-four85 eighty-five86 eighty-six87 eighty-seven88 eighty-eight89 eighty-nine90 ninety91 ninety-one92 ninety-two93 ninety-three94 ninety-four95 ninety-five96 ninety-six97 ninety-seven98 ninety-eight99 ninety-nine100 one hundred序数词:第1 first第2 second第3 third第4 fourth第5 fifth第6 sixth第7 seventh第8 eighth第9 ninth第10 tenth第11 eleventh第12 twelfth第13 thirteenth第14 fourteenth第15 fifteenth第16 sixteenth第17 seventeenth 第18 eighteenth第19 nineteenth第20 twentieth第21 twenty-first第22 twenty-second 第23 twenty-third第24 twenty-fourth第25 twenty-fifth第26 twenty-sixth第27twenty-seventh第28 twenty-eighth第29 twenty-ninth第30 thirtieth第31 thirty-first第32 thirty-second第33 thirty-third第34 thirty-fourth第35 thirty-fifth第36 thirty-sixth第37 thirty-seventh第38 thirty-eighth第39 thirty-ninth第40 fortieth第41 forty-first第42 forty-second第43 forty-third第44 forty-fourth第45 forty-fifth第46 forty-sixth第47 forty-seventh第48 forty-eighth第49 forty-ninth第50 fiftieth第51 fifty-first第52 fifty-second第53 fifty-third第54 fifty-fourth第55 fifty-fifth第56 fifty-sixth第57 fifty-seventh第58 fifty-eighth第59 fifty-ninth第60 sixtieth第61 sixty-first第62 sixty-second第63 sixty-third第54 sixty-fourth第65 sixty-fifth第66 sixty-sixth第67 sixty-seventh第68 sixty-eighth第69 sixty-ninth第70 seventieth第71 seventy-first第72seventy-second第73 seventy-third第74 seventy-fourth第75 seventy-fifth第76 seventy-sixth第77seventy-seventh第78 seventy-eighth第79 seventy-ninth第80 eightieth第81 eighty-first第82 eighty-second第83 eighty-third第84 eighty-fourth第85 eighty-fifth第86 eighty-sixth第87 eighty-seventh第88 eighty-eighth第89 eighty-ninth第90 ninetieth第91 ninety-first第92 ninety-second第93 ninety-third第94 ninety-fourth第95 ninety-fifth第96 ninety-sixth第97 ninety-seventh第98 ninety-eighth第99 ninety-ninth第100 onehundredth序数词下面把1-99的序数词分为四类:1、第一类first (1st) 第一second (2nd) 第二third (3rd) 第三(在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。



1到100的序数词和基数词第1 first 1st 1 one第2 second 2nd 2 two第3 third 3rd 3 three第4 fourth 4th 4 four第5 fifth 5th 5 five第6 sixth 6th 6 six第7 seventh 7th 7 seven第8 eighth 8th 8 eight第9 ninth 9th 9 nine`第10 tenth 10th 10 ten第11 eleventh 11th 11 eleven第12 twelfth 12th 12 twelve第13 thirteenth 13th 13 thirteen第14 fourteenth 14th 14 fourteen第15 fifteenth 15th 15 fifteen第16 sixteenth 16th 16 sixteen第17 seventeenth 17th 17 seventeen第18 eighteenth 18th 18 eighteen第19 nineteenth 19th 19 nineteen第20 twentieth 20th 20 twenty;第21 twenty-first 21st 21 twenty-one 第22 twenty-second 22nd 22 twenty-two 第23 twenty-third 23rd 23 twenty-three 第24 twenty-fourth 24th 24 twenty-four 第25 twenty-fifth 25th 25 twenty-five 第26 twenty-sixth 26th 26 twenty-six 第27 twenty-seventh 27th 27 twenty-seven 第28 twenty-eighth 28th 28 twenty-eight 第29 twenty-ninth 29th 29 twenty-nine 第30 thirtieth 30th 30 thirty第31 thirty-first 31st 31 thirty-one 。



学习必备欢迎下载基数词序数词对比基数词(0-100)1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty 21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three24 twenty-four25 twenty-five26 twenty-six27 twenty-seven28 twenty-eight29 twenty-nine30 thirty31 thirty-one32 thirty-two33 thirty-three34 thirty-four35 thirty-five36 thirty-six37 thirty-seven38 thirty-eight39 thirty-nine40 forty41 forty-one42 forty-two43 forty-three44 forty-four45 forty-five46 forty-six47 forty-seven48 forty-eight49 forty-nine50 fifty51 fifty-one52 fifty-two53 fifty-three54 fifty-four55 fifty-five56 fifty-six57 fifty-seven58 fifty-eight59 fifty-nine60 sixty61 sixty-one62 sixty-two63 sixty-three64 sixty-four65 sixty-five66 sixty-six67 sixty-seven68 sixty-eight69 sixty-nine70 seventy71 seventy-one72 seventy-two73 seventy-three74 seventy-four75 seventy-five76 seventy-six77 seventy-seven78 seventy-eight79 seventy-nine80 eighty81 eighty-one82 eighty-two83 eighty-three84 eighty-four85 eighty-five86 eighty-six87 eighty-seven88 eighty-eight89 eighty-nine90 ninety91 ninety-one92 ninety-two93 ninety-three94 ninety-four95 ninety-five96 ninety-six97 ninety-seven98 ninety-eight99 ninety-nine100 one hundred序数词:第1 first第2 second第3 third第4 fourth第5 fifth第6 sixth第7 seventh第8 eighth第9 ninth第10 tenth第11 eleventh第12 twelfth第13 thirteenth第14 fourteenth第15 fifteenth第16 sixteenth第17 seventeenth 第18 eighteenth第19 nineteenth第20 twentieth第21 twenty-first第22 twenty-second 第23 twenty-third第24 twenty-fourth第25 twenty-fifth第26 twenty-sixth第27twenty-seventh第28 twenty-eighth第29 twenty-ninth第30 thirtieth第31 thirty-first第32 thirty-second第33 thirty-third第34 thirty-fourth第35 thirty-fifth第36 thirty-sixth第37 thirty-seventh第38 thirty-eighth第39 thirty-ninth第40 fortieth第41 forty-first第42 forty-second第43 forty-third第44 forty-fourth第45 forty-fifth第46 forty-sixth第47 forty-seventh第48 forty-eighth第49 forty-ninth第50 fiftieth第51 fifty-first第52 fifty-second第53 fifty-third第54 fifty-fourth第55 fifty-fifth第56 fifty-sixth第57 fifty-seventh第58 fifty-eighth第59 fifty-ninth第60 sixtieth第61 sixty-first第62 sixty-second第63 sixty-third第54 sixty-fourth第65 sixty-fifth第66 sixty-sixth第67 sixty-seventh第68 sixty-eighth第69 sixty-ninth第70 seventieth第71 seventy-first第72seventy-second第73 seventy-third第74 seventy-fourth第75 seventy-fifth第76 seventy-sixth第77seventy-seventh第78 seventy-eighth第79 seventy-ninth第80 eightieth第81 eighty-first第82 eighty-second第83 eighty-third第84 eighty-fourth第85 eighty-fifth第86 eighty-sixth第87 eighty-seventh第88 eighty-eighth第89 eighty-ninth第90 ninetieth第91 ninety-first第92 ninety-second第93 ninety-third第94 ninety-fourth第95 ninety-fifth第96 ninety-sixth第97 ninety-seventh第98 ninety-eighth第99 ninety-ninth第100 onehundredth序数词下面把1-99的序数词分为四类:1、第一类first (1st) 第一second (2nd) 第二third (3rd) 第三(在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。



这一类和很‎简单,可以看成 4、第四类:
是一种合成‎词。其结构方式‎ thirt‎y-first‎(31st) 第三十一
是:用十位整数‎加上个位整‎ sixty‎-secon‎d (62nd) 第六十二
数,其间用连字‎符号“-”连接, eight‎y-seven‎th (87th) 第八十七
表示“几十几”。这类基数词‎的 ninet‎y-eight‎h (98th) 第九十八
build‎ (建立) built‎ built‎
burn(燃烧) burnt‎ burnt‎
buy(买) bough‎ t bough‎ t
catch‎ (抓捕) caugh‎ t caugh‎ t
dream‎ (梦见) dream‎ t dream‎ t
feed(喂养) fed fed
feel(感觉) felt felt
win(战胜) won won
be(是) was/were been begin‎ (开始) began‎ begu‎n blow(吹) blew blown‎ choos‎ e(选择) chose‎ chose‎ n do(做) did done drink‎ (喝) drank‎ drun‎k /drun‎k en eat(吃) ate eaten‎ fly(飞) flew flown‎ forge‎ t(忘记) forgo‎ t forgo‎ tten freez‎ e(结冰) froze‎ froze‎ n give(给予) gave given‎
英语 100‎以内的基数‎词和序数词‎。 序数词
下面把 10‎0 以内的基‎数词分为四‎类。1、第一类
一、 基数词
first‎(1st) 第一


• “年”用基数词,“日”用序数词,前要加定冠词。读的 顺序是月日年。如:1999年5月2日读作:May the second, nineteen ninety。
“时刻”用基数词表达,同时要注意 以下两点。
• 1.表示“整点”时,在基数词后加o’clock; • 9:00 o’clock. • 2.分钟小于或等于30分钟的,用“分钟数+past+钟点数”
• 表示数量多少的词是基数词,如:one, two, three等。构成方法如下: • 1)从1-12分别由从one到twelve12个各不相同的词表示。 • 2)从13-19均以后缀-teen结尾。 • 3)从20-90的整十数词均以后缀-ty结尾。表示“几十几”时,个位
和十位之间需加连字符,如twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three等。 • 4)数字的写法和读法: • ⑴十位与个位之间要加连字符“-”; • ⑵百位和十位之间要加and;
• 表示分数时,分子用基数,分母用序数,分子大于1,分 母用复数。分数修饰名词时,后用of短语。如:
• 1/3 one third of teachers 3/7 three sevenths of the boys
• 1/2, 1/4分别用 a half和a quarter表示。
thousands of students, millions of trees.
• 1)不规则变化 • 2)以-ty结尾的表示“几十”的基数词,先把y变为ie,再加-
th • 3)表示“第几十几”时,十位数的“几十”仍用基数词,只
把个位部分变成序数词就行了。 • 4)除上述情况外,均在词尾加-th,如ten tenth one




基数词:类似于one , two , three…的数字都是基数词。



基数词变序数词口诀:一、二、三,单独记 ; 八去t , 九除e , ve要用f替,整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie;要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去。

解析口诀:一、二、三,单独记: one→first , two→second , three→third 这三个词变化特殊,要单独记; 八去t , 九除e : eight→eighth , nine→ninth, 八去t , 九去e后再加-th ; ve 要用f替: five→fifth , twelve→twelfth , 五、十二把ve换成f再加-th ; 整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie : twenty→twentieth , thirty→thirtieth… 整十先把词尾y改为ie再加-th. 要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去 : 两位数时则十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,如:twenty-first





解析口诀:one→first,two→second,three→third这三个词变化特殊,要单独记;eight→eighth,nine→ninth,八去t,九去e后再加-th;five→fifth,twelve→twe lfth,五、十二把ve换成f再加-th;twenty→twentieth,thirty→thirtieth... 整十先把词尾y改为ie再加-th。



1、第一类:one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二这一类共计十二个单词,在结构上与其他的基数词相比较是特殊的,就象不规则的动词一样,要求逐个的硬背下来,这对学好其他的基数词和序数词都是及其重要的。

2、第二类:thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九这一类基数词共有七个。




3、第三类:twenty 二十 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十这类基数词共有八个。

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归类表格(一) 基数词(数目/数量的多少) 序数词(顺序和等级) 缩写 星期 单词 缩写 在上午 星期一 Monday Mon a.m. one first 1 1st 星期二 Tuesday in the morning two second 2 2nd Mon. 星期三 Wednesday three third 3 3rd Tues. 星期四 Thursday 在下午 four fourth 4 Wed. 4th 星期五 Friday p.m. five fifth 5 Thur. 5th 1-12单独 星期六 Saturday in the afternoon six sixth 6 Fri. 6th 1-12单独记忆 星期日 Sunday in the evening Sat. seven seventh 7 7th 记忆 周末 weekend at night Sun. eight eighth 8 8th 月 month nine ninth 9 9th 一月 January ten temth 10 JAN. Jan. 10th 二月 February eleven eleventh 11 MAR. Mar. 11th 三月 March twelve twelfeth 12 12th APR. Apr. 四月 April thirteen thirteenth 13 APR. Apr. 13th 五月 May fourteen fourteenth 14 MAY .May. 14th 六月 June fifteen fifteenth 15 JUN. Jun. 15th 13-19尾加 13-19尾 前3个字母加点 七月 July sixteen sixteenth 16 JUL. Jul. 16th +teen +th 八月 August seventeen seventeenth 17 AUG. Aug. 17th 九月 September eighteen eighteenth 18 SEP. Sept. 18th 十月 October nineteen nineteenth 19 OCT. Oct. 19th 十一月 November twenty twentieth 20 NOV. Nov. 20th 十二月 December thirty thritieth 30 DEC. Dec. 30th 以ty结尾 季节 season 一次 once forty forieth 40 40th 20-90(整数)尾 的数词,改 春 spring 两次 twice fifty fiftieth 50 50th 夏 summer 三次 thrice sixty sixtieth 60 60th +ty y为i 秋 autumn 一倍 times double seventy seventieth 70 70th +eth 冬 winter 二倍 doubleness eighty eightieth 80 80th 第一百零一 hundred and first thrice ninety ninetieth 90 90th 200 two hundred 第二百 two hundredth hundred hundredth 100 100th 第二百 two hundredth 1000 thousand twenty-one twenty-first 21 21st 依此类推 基数-序数 第一千 thousandth 第一千 thousandth thirty-six thirty-至19-teen结尾; 整十词尾是-ty,记清何时连字符;百十之间用and。 注意:十五五十别多e,十九九十别少e 。二三四五八,个十首相差。 说明:① 十五、五十的正确写法分别是fifteen, fifty。最容易错写成fifeteen, fifety。 十九、九十的正确写法分别是nineteenth, ninety。最容易错写成nineeenth, ninty。要特别注意! ②“二三四五八,个十首相差”指的是“二三四五八”这几个数字做个位数和做十位数时,其英语单词开头写法是不同的。如:two—twelve —twenty,three—thirteen—thirty, four—fourteen—forty,five—fifteen—fifty ㈡序数词记忆歌诀:第1、2、3、12单独记;第五第九均无e;整十y变ie,然后再加-th ;整十带个是“基 + 序”;其余直接加-th。 说明:序数词有两种写法:①用英语单词;②用“阿拉伯数字+词尾-st/-nd/-r/-th”