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1. take up ①占据(空间/时间)

The desk took up too much room.

Playing computer games has taken up most of his time.

① 从事He took up art at school. 他在学校教美术。

2. find somewhere to sit down 找地方坐下

3. a bit of +不可数名词= a little of a bit of food/orange juice…

a bit of a mess 有点乱

a bit +形容词/副词= a little a bit tired/hungry…

区别:not a bit:一点也不not a little: 很/非常

4. must 一定(表推测)It must be really valuable. 他一定很值钱。

5. as+(形容词/副词)原级+as: 像……一样… He is as tall as his brother.

否定:not so… as… 不如….. Tom is not as tall as his brother.

6. in one’s life在(某人)一生中

7. make sb./sth. +动词原形:使某人/某物做某事

Don’t make me laugh. The boss made the worker work for a long time.

类似:let sb./sth. +动词原形:让某人/某物做某事

8. grow as a person 长大成人…

9. some…others…一些……另外一些……

10. develop one’s interest 培养某人的兴趣

11. as well as=besides 除了…..之外,还包括….

As well as Tom, his parents came to the party.汤姆和他的父母都来参加了这个聚会。

12. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

13. come out 出版;外出;

14. as a result结果as a result of….由于…….=because of……

He didn’t work hard, as a result, he didn’t pass the exam.

15. be interested in+名词/动词-ing: 对……感兴趣

I am very interested in maths. Are you interested in dancing?

16. sb. spend+时间+doing sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事。

= It takes sb.+时间+ to do sth.

He usually spends lots of time playing computer games.

=It usually takes him lots of time to play computer games.


1. prepare for…为…..做准备= get ready for

2. make a list of…列……的清单

3. get … ready把……准备好

4.It sounds crazy. 这听起来很荒唐。

5. I don’t know what to take.(简单句= I don’t know what I should take.(复合句)

6. at the end of 在…..的尽头/结尾

7. Is 200 dollars enough?(金钱、时间、距离做主语时,视作单数)

50 years is long time. 100 metres is a short distance.

8. had better +动词原形:最好做某事You had better stay home at night.

否定:had better not +动词原形:最好不要做某事:You’d better not go out now.

9. by the way 顺便说一下go crazy 变疯in a group of 20二十人一组

10.① offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.向某人提供某物

He offered the poor lots of food and water.

① offer to do sth. 自愿去做某事

They offered to help me.

11. learn about了解at the same time同时

be well trained受过良好培训depend on 依赖;取决于

14. provide sb. sth.提供某人某物= provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.

15. set tests安排考试form close friendships with… 与…..结成亲密的友谊

stay in touch with…和……保持联系take trips to…到……去旅行

at least至少fill out填写


1. 重要语法:宾语从句:在复合句中充当宾语的句子。

本模块重点:由that引导的宾语从句,that 无义,可省, 后接陈述句作宾语。

宾语从句复合句=主句+ 引导词+ 宾语从句。

I can hardly believe (that) we’re in the city centre.

Tony guesses that the park is very popular.

Lingling suggests that they spend the day there.

Lingling doesn’t think the park will be busy.
