



改性硅氧烷为基 础的浓缩乳液
2-89(消泡剂) 改性硅氧烷乳液
聚氧乙烯醚-20 油酰篦麻醇酸酯
W 5840(润湿剂, 改性硅氧烷的润
AC 101(防锈剂)
妥尔油脂肪酸乙 氧基化单乙醇胺 (MEA)浓缩液
乳白,不 透明 白色乳液 清澈液体
AL 200(铝镁缓蚀 脂肪醇乙氧基化
改性脂肪酸胺的 清澈,褪
AC 28(防锈剂) 浓缩液.
色液体 ◇金属加工液的抑腐剂和防锈剂,推荐用于乳化油、微乳液
◇Tagat V20 具有较强的防腐能力,能有效弥补植物油易腐败的缺陷; ◇Tagat V20 配制的乳液粒径小、低泡;
◇TAGAT® V 20 是由植物原材料生产出来的 ,有良好的皮肤试验报告 (对皮肤无刺激)
◇TEGO®SurtenW5840 可以改善水性体系的铺展及润湿性能。


千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克 千克
ab ab ab ab ab ab abfe ab abfe ab ab ab ab fe ------------
-----10 91 99 10 90 ---10 90 -----------
香水及花露水 唇用化妆品 眼用化妆品 指(趾)甲化妆品 香粉,不论是否压紧 护肤品 其他含濒危植物成分美容化妆品 其他美容化妆品 含濒危植物成分的洗发剂 其他洗发剂(香波) 烫发剂 定型剂 其他护发品 含濒危植物成分牙膏 其他牙膏 其他洁齿品 清洁牙缝用的纱线(牙线) 其他口腔及牙齿清洁剂 剃须用制剂 人体除臭剂及止汗剂 香浴盐及其他沐浴用制剂 神香及其他通过燃烧散发香气制品 其他室内除臭制品 其他编号未列名的芳香料制品 其他初级形状的丙烯酸聚合物
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科莱恩重点推荐产品HLB EPA 组成活性物质含量浊点脂肪醇乙氧基化合物(calc.) (%);外观 (?)ca.80.5 11 910,930 液体乳化剂,增效剂带有8个EO的油醇聚乙二醇醚100;液体糊状 ?Genapol O 080ca.50.0 12 910,930 液体乳化剂,增效剂带有10个EO的油醇聚乙二醇醚100;糊状类似蜡 ?Genapol O 100ca.65.5 11 910,930 液体乳化剂,润湿剂带有6个EO的异13醇聚乙二醇醚100;液体 ?Genapol X 060ca.75.5 13 910,930 液体乳化剂,润湿剂带有8个EO的异13醇聚乙二醇醚100;液体 ?Genapol X 080脂肪醇乙氧基化合物ca.67.0 9 910,930 矿物油乳化剂油醇聚乙二醇醚 ca.100;液体 ?Emulsogen M(低倾点(ca.0?),在低至ca.12?时仍能保持均一性)三苯乙烯苯酚乙氧基化合物(600#)ca.60.0 13 920 乳化剂带有16个EO的2,4,6-三(1-苯乙基)100;液体 ?Emulsogen TS 160-酚聚乙二醇醚ca.57.5 13.5 920 乳化剂带有20个EO的2,4,6-三(1-苯乙基)100;液体糊状 ?Emulsogen TS 200-酚聚乙二醇醚蓖麻油乙氧基化合物64.0-69.0 13.5 960 乳化剂带有36个EO的蓖麻油乙氧基化合物 100;液体 ?Emulsogen EL360EO/PO 嵌段共聚物ca.56.8 14 960 液体分散剂,乳化剂含有20%EO的EO/PO嵌段共聚物 100;液体 ?Genapol PF 20ca.85.0 11 960 液体分散剂,乳化剂正丁醇烷氧物 100;类似蜡 ?Emulsogen 3510ca.67.8 16 960 液体分散剂,乳化剂含有40%EO的EO/PO嵌段共聚物 100;液体 ?Genapol PF 40ca.40.5 12 920 液体分散剂,乳化剂脂肪醇烷氧化物 100;液体 ?Genapol EP 2584ca.72.9 6 960 液体分散剂,乳化剂 EO/PO嵌段共聚物 100;糊状 ?Emulsogen V1816三丁基苯酚乙氧基化合物ca.67.0 11 液体乳化剂, 润湿剂带有8个EO的三仲丁基酚聚乙二醇醚 100;液体未豁免 ?Sapogenat T 080ca.43.0 13 液体乳化剂, 润湿剂带有11个EO的三仲丁基酚聚乙二醇醚 100;液体未豁免 ?Sapogenat T 110EPA 组成活性物质含量种类水溶性分散剂 (100%);外观固体分散剂甲酚-甲醛钠盐的浓缩产品 ca.80;粉末阴离子溶未豁免 ?Dispersogen 1494SC,WDG,WP 固体分散剂脂肪酸甲基牛磺酸钠盐 ca.60-65;粉末阴离子溶910,?Hostapon TPHCWDG 920,(950)萘磺酸盐分散剂 Coralon OTWP,WDG固体润湿剂WP,WDG Hostapur OSB非离子液体梳状共聚聚丙烯酸酯接枝共聚物 ca.100;糊状非离子溶未豁免 ?Dispersogen PSL 100物 SC阴离子液体梳状共聚Dispersogen ACP 120物 SC磷酸酯酸 Dispersogen LFHSC磷酸酯盐 Dispersogen LFSSC磷酸酯盐 Dispersogen Agent 3618SC钙盐支链钙盐70% Phenylsulfonat CA直链钙盐70% Phenylsulfonat CAL草甘膦助剂牛脂胺 Genamin 267绿色性 Synergen GL 5两性离子 Synergen G2D 溶剂绿色溶剂 Genagen 4166 绿色溶剂 Genagen 4296。

100818 常用塑胶材料牌号

100818 常用塑胶材料牌号

日本宝理(Polyplstics),台湾奇美(Chimei),美国通用(GE),美国GLS,美国杜邦(Dupont),美国山都坪(Santoprene),德国拜耳(Bayer),德国巴赛尔(Basell),德国巴斯夫(Basf),瑞士EMS,韩国三星(Samsung),韩国LG,韩国晓星(Hyosung),美国泰科纳(Ticona),美国液氮(LNP),美国伊士曼(Eastman),雪佛龙菲利浦(Chevron Phillips),日本UMG,日本宇部(UBE),日本三菱(Mitsubishi),日本住友(Sumitomo),日本帝人(Teijin),日本油墨(DIC),日本旭化成(Asahi Kasei)日本东丽(Toray),沙特基础(Sabic),比利时苏威(Solvay),英国英力士(Ineos)常用塑胶材料牌号PP泰国HP480S、332K、3342M、3342R、348S、1100NK、1102、1126NK、200F、348N、茂名T30S、T36F、V30G;台塑3015、1005、1040、1080、1120、1124、2080、3040、3040C、FPD943、K1011 K1023北京B303、EPC30R、HHP1、HHP3、HHP4印度SS35N、H030SG、H100EY、H110MA台湾3010、K1020、K1011、K1023、K1035、K4015、K4515、K4535、K8010、K8025、K8802、1005、T8002、4210、4410、7533、6331、7633 ST868M日本住友W531、W531A;韩国现代H1500、H5300、DJ560S、DJ570S、H1501、H4540、M1250、M1600、R1610、DJ570S、台湾永嘉1120、3204、5020、3015、3080、5090T燕山石化1300、B4808、K1001、K1003、K1005、K1008、K4818、K4912、K7726、K7760、K8303、K9020、K9035、T1701、T1702扬子石化F401、F501、J301G、J340、K8003、K9015、K9927、S1004、S2309、S700、3008、307G、706上海赛科K4912、M800E、3317、510M、C1007、K4912、K7926、K7930、K8003、S1003、S2040宁波1120、3015、5090T、台湾福聚366-3、366-4、366-5、6331、6524、73F4-3、7533、7633、7633-3、7633U、PD943、ST751、ST031、ST868M、ST869M、PJ3001、PJ3003、PJ3004、台湾南亚3219M3、3317、3307、3117、3310韩国晓星J440、J440X、J640、J740X、J801R、HJ800R、HJ801R、J440W、R300X、R301、R530A、J340、B100N、J700、J742S、R401、R601、R701新加坡7033N、9999SS、AW564、AZ864、AY564、W531L、W531P、Y101H、Z433、1304E1、AP03B韩国锦湖H150U美国0544、GF30-04、H17UC00、TS01广州金发PP-20、R008、G220、R30-701、TC15G、FR-NC03、香港NB2620G、NB2630G、美国液氮MFL-36S、4036HS、MS-1003南非100P、HKR102埃克森7032E3、7033E3、AP03B、AP3AW、AP7885巴赛尔EP300H、HP550J、KY6110巴西H103、H503中石油独山子A180TM、A002TM、A200T、AF005、DY-GK2590S、W0723F、W0825RT俄罗斯21030法国3365沙特500P、520L、570P、575P、578P、670K、910MNK40上海石化F800E、M1600E、M180R、M250E、M2600R、M450E、M500、M700R、M800E、T300、Y2600、Y3700CPP填充级(滑石粉填充10%-30%)、高刚性、高耐热。



日本三丰量具总代理游标卡尺货号大全来源:青岛首丰精密机电有限公司 tel:400-0532-510日本三丰防水防油数显卡尺货号:500-702-10/500-712-10/500-706-11/500-716-11/500-709-11/500-719-10/500-721-10/500-723-10/500-727-11/500-703-10/500-713-10/500-707-11/500-717-11/500-722-10/500-724-10/500-728-11/500-714 -10/500-718-11/500-704-10/500-708-11日本三丰数显卡尺货号:500-150-20;500-180-20;500-151-20;500-154-20;500-155-20;500-158-20;500-181-20;500-152-20;500-156-20;500-157-20;500-182-20;500-153;500-500-10;500-501-10;500-502-10/500-170-20/500-195-20/5 00-171-20/500-174-20/500-175-20/500-178-20/500-196-20/500-159-20/500-160-20/500-172-20/500-176-20/500-177-20/500-197-20/500-163-20/500-164-20/500-173/500-167/500-168/500-193/500-165/500-166/ 500-505-10/500-506-10/500-507-10日本三丰游标卡尺货号:530-102/530-101/530-320/530-335/530-319/530-122/530-108/530-321/530-123/530-109/530-322/530-124/530-501/530-502/530-104/530-316/530-125/530-312/530-114/530-118/530-115/530-119/530-105/530-3 14/530-116日本三丰带圆弧刃量爪卡尺货号:数显类550-301-10/550-331-10/550-203-10/550-205-10/550-207-10/550-311-10/550-341-10/550-223-10/550-225-10/550-227-10;游标类:160-170/160-180/160-130/ 160-131/160-132 日本三丰低测力数显卡尺货号:573-191-20/573-291-20日本三丰快速卡尺货号:573-181-20/573-182-20/573-281-20/573-282-20日本三丰内径卡尺货号:573-642/573-643/573-645/573-647/573-646/573-648/573-742/573-745/573-746/536-142/536-145/536-146/536-147/536-148/536-149日本三丰背置量爪型中心线卡尺货号:573-116-10/573-117-10/573-118-10-573-119-10日本三丰薄片卡尺货号:573-634/573-635/573-734/536-134/536-135/536-136日本三丰长量爪游标卡尺货号:534-109/534-110/534-113/534-114/534-115/534-116/534-101/534-105/534-102/534-106/534-103/534-107/534-104/534-108/534-117/534-118/534-119/534-120日本三丰带表卡尺货号:505-680/505-671/505-683/505-707/505-711/505-681/505-685/505-672/505-684/505-682/505-686/505-67 3/505-674/505-675/505-689/505-708/505-712/505-676/505-690/505-709/505-713/505-720/505-677/505-721/505-710/505-714日本三丰钩式游标卡尺货号:536-171/536-172日本三丰管壁厚度卡尺货号:573-661/573-662/573-761/536-161日本三丰划线卡尺货号:573-676/573-677/573-679/536-221/536-222/536-223日本三丰尖爪卡尺货号:573-621/573-625/573-622/573-626/573-721/573-725/536-121日本三丰偏置卡尺货号:573-601/573-611/573-602/573-612/573-604/573-614/573-701/573-702/573-704/536-101/536-102/536-10 3日本三丰偏置中心线卡尺货号:573-605/573-615/573-606/573-616/573-608/573-618/573-705/573-706/573-708/536-105/536-106/536-107日本三丰塑料卡尺货号:700-127/700-128/700-126日本三丰外凹槽卡尺货号:573-651/573-652/573-653/573-654/573-751/573-752/536-151/536-152日本三丰旋转型游标卡尺货号:536-212日本三丰带有圆弧刃量爪游标卡尺货号:160-130/160-131/160-132/160-133/160-134/160-127/160-128/160-101/160-104/160-110/160-113/160-150/160-151/160-153/160-155/160-157/160-159/160-124/160-116/160-102/160-105/160-11 1/160-114/160-125/160-119/160-103/160-106/160-112/160-115。



商品归类代码说明第九十章一商品归类代码说明(第九十章一)商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明光导纤维 90011000 - 001 但编号8544的货品除外光导纤维束 90011000 - 002 -光导纤维束及光缆 90011000 - 003 但编号8544的货品除外光缆 90011000 - 004 但编号8544的除外光纤 90011000 - 005 但编号8544的除外反光片 90012000 - 001 偏振材料制的反射偏光片 90012000 - 002 偏振材料制的偏光片 90012000 - 003 -偏振材料片 90012000 - 004 -偏振片 90012000 - 005 -偏振元件 90012000 - 006 -抛弃型隐形眼镜片 90013000 - 001 -一次性隐形眼镜 90013000 - 002 -隐形眼镜 90013000 - 003 -隐形眼镜镜片毛坯 90013000 - 004 -玻璃制变色镜片 90014010 - 001 -太阳镜片 90014091 - 001 玻璃制的太阳眼镜玻璃片 90014091 - 002 -玻璃眼镜片 90014099 - 001 非太阳镜片老花镜片 90014099 - 002 玻璃制的非玻璃材料制变色镜片 90015010 - 001 -非玻璃材料制太阳镜片 90015091 - 001 -塑胶太阳镜片 90015091 - 002 -塑料太阳镜片 90015091 - 003 -太阳镜片 90015091 - 004 非玻璃制的亚克力太阳镜片 90015091 - 005 -老花镜片 90015099 - 001 非玻璃制的树脂镜片 90015099 - 002 -非眼镜用的玻璃镜片 90019000 - 001 未经装配的、经光学加工的非眼镜用的镜片 90019000 - 002 未经装配的、经光学加工的光学镜片 90019000 - 003 非眼镜用的、未经装配的棱镜 90019000 - 004 -滤光片 90019000 - 005 -滤色镜片 90019000 - 006 -透镜 90019000 - 007 -相机用镜片 90019000 - 008 未经装配的衍射光栅 90019000 - 009 -特殊用途照相机用物镜 90021110 - 001 -缩微阅读机用物镜 90021120 - 001 -相机用物镜 90021190 90 001 特种照相机和缩微阅读机用除外已装配的透镜 90021190 90 002 特种照相机和缩微阅读机除外照相机物镜镜头 90021190 90 003 特种照相机和缩微阅读机用除外已装配的透镜 90021990 - 001 税号90021110至90021910除外已装配的物镜 90021990 - 002 税号90021110至90021910除外照相机用滤色镜 90022010 - 001 -已装配的滤光镜 90022090 - 001 照相机用的除外防盗专用镜头 90029090 - 001 无电器元件取景器 90029090 - 002 -野生动物产品制眼镜架 90031900 10 001 -眼镜架 90031900 90 001 非塑料制的已电镀眼镜架 90031900 90 002 -鼻垫 90039000 - 001 眼镜架用的鼻粒 90039000 - 002 眼镜架用的鼻梁架 90039000 - 003 眼镜架用的鼻托 90039000 - 004 眼镜架用的鼻须 90039000 - 005 眼镜架用的鼻中 90039000 - 006 眼镜架用的边丝 90039000 - 007 眼镜架用的合口 90039000 - 008 眼镜架用的夹口 90039000 - 009 眼镜架用的金属眼镜臂 90039000 - 010 -铜鼻顶 90039000 - 011 眼镜架用的铜鼻尾 90039000 - 012 眼镜架用的铜脚 90039000 - 013 眼镜架用的托叶 90039000 - 014 眼镜架用的眼镜架用铰链 90039000 - 015 -太阳镜 90041000 - 001 -太阳眼镜 90041000 - 002 -安全眼镜 90049090 - 001 -单片眼镜 90049090 - 002 -挡风镜 90049090 - 003 -防护镜 90049090 - 004 -护目镜 90049090 - 005 -偏光眼镜 90049090 - 006 -双筒望远镜 90051000 - 001 -望远镜 90051000 - 002 双筒的.赤道仪 90058010 - 001 -地平经度度盘 90058010 - 002 -地平经纬仪 90058010 - 003 -定天镜 90058010 - 004 -反射望远镜 90058010 - 005 -量日仪 90058010 - 006 -日光观测镜 90058010 - 007 -日光摄谱仪 90058010 - 008 -天顶仪 90058010 - 009 -天文折射望远镜 90058010 - 010 -中星仪 90058010 - 011 -单筒望远镜 90058090 - 001 -望远镜右内筒 90059090 - 001 -望远镜右外壳 90059090 - 002 -望远镜左内筒 90059090 - 003 -望远镜左外壳 90059090 - 004 -电子分色机 90061010 - 001 -制版照相机 90061090 - 001 -缩微照相机 90062000 - 001 -比较照相机 90063000 - 001 法庭或犯罪学用激光照相仪 90063000 - 002 -激光照相仪 90063000 - 003 特种用途用特种照相机 90063000 - 004 -一次成像照相机 90064000 - 001 -单镜头反光式照相机 90065100 - 001 -暗箱式照相机 90065900 - 001 -记录照相机 90065900 - 002 -立体照相机 90065900 - 003 -全景照相机 90065900 - 004 -袖珍照相机 90065900 - 005 -照相机 90065900 - 006 税号90061010至90065300除外折叠式照相机 90065900 - 007 -方形闪光灯 90066100 - 001 -闪光灯 90066100 - 002 -闪光灯组件 90066100 - 003 放电式闪光灯管 90066200 - 001 非放电式照相用闪光灯泡 90066200 - 002 -闪光管 90066200 - 003 非放电式照相用自动对焦组件 90069191 - 001 -快门组 90069192 - 001 不含90069110,9120商品快门组件 90069192 - 002 不含90069110,9120商品按钮 90069199 - 001 照相机用窗口 90069199 - 002 照相机用电池盖 90069199 - 003 照相机用光圈 90069199 - 004 -球窝式云台 90069199 - 005 照相机用取景窗 90069199 - 006 -照相机背盖 90069199 - 007 -照相机本体 90069199 - 008 未构成整机照相机部件单品类 90069199 - 009 除其它税号列名照相机机身 90069199 - 010 -照相机外壳 90069199 - 011 -照相机线轴 90069199 - 012 -照相机压板 90069199 - 013 -照相机专用齿轮 90069199 - 014 -。


中Hale Waihona Puke 温活性剂200KG中高温除油粉配置专用,耐强碱,对清洗拉伸油重油特别突出


锡线 HEXSOL FS301-01 FS302-01 FS302-02 FS302-03 FS302-04 FS303-01 FS303-02
锡线 HEXSOL FS300-01 FS400-01 FS400-02 FS401-01 FS401-02
锡线 HEXSOL FS402-01 FS402-02 FS402-03 FS402-04
化学助焊膏 PASTE(FS-120) FS120-01 FS120-02
助焊剂 001 001-01 001-02 001-03 001-04
助焊剂 SUSSOL-F 89-031 89-100 89-400 89
锡线 HEXSOL FS500-01 FS501-01 FS501-02 FS501-03 FS600-01 FS600-02 FS600-03 FS600-04
化学膏 FS-100 FS-100
焊咀清洁器 FT-700 FT700-01
电热剥线钳 FT-801 FT801-01
切割机电动装备 152B 152B
电阻切割成形机 153 153-1
电阻切割成形机 154 154-1
电阻切割机 155 155-1 155-2
精钢电子工具剪钳 106-01~08 106-01 106-02 106-03 106-04 106-05 106-06 106-07 106-08
自动出锡焊铁 958 958-01 958-02
自动出锡焊铁 959 959-01 959-02
电烙铁 FX-600 FX600-01 FX600-02
电烙铁 FX-601 FX601-01 FX601-03
定温烙铁 DASH N452 N453 N454 N452E N453E N454E

Zud Heavy Duty Cleaner 产品说明书

Zud Heavy Duty Cleaner 产品说明书

SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationZud Heavy Duty Cleaner Product identifierOther means of identification5409Product Code Cleaning Recommended use None known.Recommended restrictionsManufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Manufacturer Malco Products, Inc.Address361 Fairview Ave Company name Contact personWebsite TelephonePhone 800-253-2526Fax330-777-8317Emergency phone numberPhone1-800-424-9300Technical Department E-mailUnited States Barberton, OH 442032. Hazard(s) identificationNot classified.Physical hazards Category 2Skin corrosion/irritationHealth hazards Category 2ASerious eye damage/eye irritation Not classified.Environmental hazards Not classified.OSHA defined hazardsLabel elementsSignal word WarningHazard statement Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation.Precautionary statementPreventionWash thoroughly after handling. Wear eye protection/face protection. Wear protective gloves.ResponseIf swallowed: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If on skin: Wash with plenty of water. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.Storage Store away from incompatible materials.DisposalDispose of waste and residues in accordance with local authority requirements.Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC)None known.Supplemental information98.63% of the mixture consists of component(s) of unknown acute hazards to the aquaticenvironment. 98.63% of the mixture consists of component(s) of unknown long-term hazards to the aquatic environment.3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixturesCAS number %Chemical nameCommon name and synonyms 13397-24-5Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate(Gypsum)60 - < 701317-65-3Limestone5 - < 106153-56-6Oxalic Acid Dihydrate(Ethanedioc acid, dihydrate) 5 - < 101305-62-0Calcium Hydroxide1 - < 310 - < 20Other components below reportable levels546-93-0Magnesium Carbonate 1 - < 3*Designates that a specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret.4. First-aid measuresMove to fresh air. Call a physician if symptoms develop or persist.Inhalation Remove contaminated clothing. Wash with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Skin contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.Eye contact Rinse mouth. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.IngestionSevere eye irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Coughing. Skin irritation. May cause redness and pain.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute and delayedProvide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Keep victim under observation.Symptoms may be delayed.Indication of immediatemedical attention and special treatment needed Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves.General information5. Fire-fighting measuresWater fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2).Suitable extinguishing media Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.Unsuitable extinguishing mediaDuring fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed.Specific hazards arising from the chemicalSelf-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk.Fire fightingequipment/instructions Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials.Specific methods No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted.General fire hazards6. Accidental release measuresKeep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Wearappropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ensure adequate ventilation.Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SDS.Personal precautions,protective equipment and emergency proceduresShould not be released into the environment.Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Following product recovery, flush area with water.Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination.Never return spills to original containers for re-use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upPrevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Do not contaminate water. Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground.Environmental precautions7. Handling and storageAvoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid prolonged exposure. Provide adequateventilation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices.Precautions for safe handlingStore in original tightly closed container. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10of the SDS).Conditions for safe storage,including any incompatibilities8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsThe following constituents are the only constituents of the product which have a PEL, TLV or other recommended exposure limit.At this time, the other constituents have no known exposure limits.US. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)Value Components FormType PEL5 mg/m3Respirable fraction.Calcium Hydroxide (CAS 1305-62-0)15 mg/m3Total dust.PEL5 mg/m3Respirable fraction.Calcium SulfateDihydrate(Gypsum) (CAS 13397-24-5)15 mg/m3Total dust.PEL 5 mg/m3Respirable fraction.Limestone (CAS 1317-65-3)15 mg/m3Total dust.PEL5 mg/m3Respirable fraction.Magnesium Carbonate (CAS 546-93-0)15 mg/m3Total . ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Value ComponentsFormType TWA 5 mg/m3Calcium Hydroxide (CAS 1305-62-0)TWA 10 mg/m3Inhalable fraction.Calcium SulfateDihydrate(Gypsum) (CAS 13397-24-5)STEL 2 mg/m3Oxalic AcidDihydrate(Ethanedioc acid,dihydrate) (CAS 6153-56-6)TWA1 mg/m3US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Value Components FormType TWA 5 mg/m3Calcium Hydroxide (CAS 1305-62-0)TWA5 mg/m3Respirable.Calcium SulfateDihydrate(Gypsum) (CAS 13397-24-5)10 mg/m3TotalTWA 5 mg/m3Respirable.Limestone (CAS 1317-65-3)10 mg/m3TotalTWA5 mg/m3Respirable.Magnesium Carbonate (CAS 546-93-0)10 mg/m3Total No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Biological limit values Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation,or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Provide eyewash station. Eye wash fountain and emergency showers are recommended.Appropriate engineering controlsIndividual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentFace shield is recommended. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles).Eye/face protectionSkin protectionWear appropriate chemical resistant gloves.Hand protectionWear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Use of an impervious apron is recommended.OtherIn case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.Respiratory protection Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary.Thermal hazards Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.General hygiene considerations9. Physical and chemical propertiesAppearanceSolid.Physical state Powder.Form White Color None.OdorOdor threshold Not available.pH1.5 -2.5 3% in Water Melting point/freezing point Not available.Initial boiling point and boiling range Not available.Flash point Not available.Evaporation rate Not available.Not available.Flammability (solid, gas)Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower(%)Not available.Flammability limit - upper (%)Not available.Explosive limit - lower (%)Not available.Explosive limit - upper (%)Not available.Vapor pressure Not available.Vapor density Not available.Relative density Not available.Solubility(ies)Solubility (water)Not available.Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water)Not available.Auto-ignition temperature Not available.Decomposition temperature Not available.ViscosityNot available.Other informationNot explosive.Explosive propertiesNot oxidizing.Oxidizing properties VOC0 % w/w By Weight10. Stability and reactivityReacts violently with strong alkaline substances. This product may react with reducing agents.Reactivity Material is stable under normal conditions.Chemical stability No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use.Possibility of hazardous reactionsContact with incompatible materials. Do not mix with other chemicals.Conditions to avoid Acids. Bases. Reducing agents. Aluminum. Fluorine.Incompatible materials No hazardous decomposition products are known.Hazardous decomposition products11. Toxicological informationInformation on likely routes of exposureInhalationProlonged inhalation may be harmful.Skin contact Causes skin irritation.Eye contact Causes serious eye irritation.IngestionExpected to be a low ingestion hazard.Symptoms related to thephysical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Severe eye irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Coughing. Skin irritation. May cause redness and pain.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityNot available.Causes skin irritation.Skin corrosion/irritation Causes serious eye irritation.Serious eye damage/eye irritationRespiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitizationNot a respiratory sensitizer.This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization.Skin sensitization No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1% are mutagenic or genotoxic.Germ cell mutagenicity CarcinogenicityNot classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans.IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of CarcinogenicityNot listed.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not regulated.US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on CarcinogensNot listed.This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects.Reproductive toxicitySpecific target organ toxicity -single exposureNot classified.Specific target organ toxicity -repeated exposure Not classified.Aspiration hazard Not an aspiration hazard.Chronic effectsProlonged inhalation may be harmful.12. Ecological informationBecause of the low pH of this product, it would be expected to produce significant ecotoxicity upon exposure to aquatic organisms and aquatic systems.EcotoxicityComponentsTest ResultsSpecies* Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown.Calcium Hydroxide (CAS 1305-62-0)AquaticLC50Fish33.8844 mg/l, 96 hoursZambezi barbel (Clarias gariepinus)No data is available on the degradability of this product.Persistence and degradability No data available.Bioaccumulative potential No data available.Mobility in soil Other adverse effectsNo other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component.13. Disposal considerationsCollect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Disposal instructionsDispose in accordance with all applicable regulations.Local disposal regulationsThe waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company.Hazardous waste code Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see:Disposal instructions).Waste from residues / unused productsSince emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal.Contaminated packaging14. Transport informationDOTNot regulated as dangerous goods.IATANot regulated as dangerous goods.IMDGNot regulated as dangerous goods.Not applicable.Transport in bulk according toAnnex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code15. Regulatory informationThis product is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.US federal regulationsTSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Not listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notificationNot regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not regulated.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - Yes Fire Hazard - NoPressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - NoHazard categoriesSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.NoSARA 311/312 Hazardous chemicalSARA 313 (TRI reporting)Not regulated.Other federal regulationsClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) ListNot regulated.Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130)Not regulated.Not regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): This material is not known to contain any chemicals currently listed as carcinogens or reproductive toxins.US state regulations International InventoriesCountry(s) or region Inventory nameOn inventory (yes/no)*NoAustralia Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)No Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL)NoCanadaNon-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* China Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC)Yes Europe European Inventory of Existing Commercial ChemicalNoSubstances (EINECS)Europe European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS)No Japan Inventory of Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS)No Korea Existing Chemicals List (ECL)No New Zealand New Zealand InventoryYes Philippines Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical SubstancesNo(PICCS)United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) InventoryNo *A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s)A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governingcountry(s).16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision08-03-2017Issue date08-03-2017Revision dateVersion #04Malco Products, Inc. cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and its product, Disclaimeror the products of other manufacturers in combination with its product, may be used. It is theuser’s responsibility to ensure safe conditions for handling, storage and disposal of the product,and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due to improper use. The informationprovided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief atthe date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling,use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered awarranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designatedand may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in anyprocess, unless specified in the text.This document has undergone significant changes and should be reviewed in its entirety. Revision information。



manual THUNDERBIRD Probe qPCR Mix 0910 A4250K THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR MixQPS-101T 1 mL x 1QPS-101 1.67 mL x 3Store at -20°C, protected from lightContents[1] Introduction[2] Components[3] Primer/Probe design[4] Template DNA[5] Protocol1. Standard reaction set up2. Cycling conditions2-1. Real-time PCR conditions using Applied Biosystems 7900HT2-2. Real-time PCR conditions using Roche LightCycler 1.1[6] Related ProtocolcDNA synthesis[7] Troubleshooting[8] Related productsC AUTIONAll reagents in this kit are intended for research purposes only. Do not use for diagnosis or clinical purposes. Please observe general laboratory precautions and observe safety procedures while using this kit.-LightCycler™ is a trademark of Idaho Technology, Inc. and Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.-TaqMan® is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.-SYBR® is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio 1JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************1[ 1 ] Introduction [ 2 ] Components DescriptionTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix is a highly efficient 2x Master Mix for real-time PCR using TaqMan® probes. The master mix contains all required components, except for ROX reference dye, probe and primers (50x ROX reference dye is individually supplied with this kit). The master mix facilitates reaction setup, and improves the reproducibility of experiments.This product is an improved version of Realtime PCR Master Mix (Code No. QPK-101). In particular, reaction specificity and PCR efficiency is enhanced.Features-High specificityThe specificity for the detection of low-copy targets is improved.-Homogeneous amplificationThe dispersion of PCR efficiency between targets is reduced by a new PCR enhancer*. (*Patent pending)-Broad dynamic rangeHigh specificity and effective amplification enable the detection of a broad dynamic range.-Compatibility for various real-time cyclers.The reagent is applicable to most real-time cyclers (i.e. Block type and glass capillary type). Because the 50x ROX reference dye is individually supplied with this kit, the kit can be applied to real-time cyclers that require a passive reference dye.-Hot start PCRThe master mix contains anti-Taq DNA polymerase antibodies for hot start technology. The antibodies are easily inactivated in the first denaturation step, thereby activating the DNA polymerase.About the fluorescent probe detection systemThe TaqMan® probe system utilizes fluorescence emission from the probes. The probes hybridize to the target amplicons and then emit fluorescence upon degradation by the 5'-3' exonuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase. This type of detection system can achieve higher specificity in real-time PCR assays than the SYBR® Green I detection system.This kit includes the following components for 40 reactions (QPS-101T) and 200 reactions (QPS-101), with 50 μl per reaction. All reagents should be stored at -20°C.<QPS-101T>THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix 1 ml x 150x ROX reference dye 50 μl x 1JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************2[ 3 ] Primer/Probedesign <QPS-101>THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix 1.67 ml x 350x ROX reference dye 250 μl x 1Notes:-THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix can be stored, protected from light, at 2-8°C for up to 3 months. For longer storage, this reagent should be kept at -20°C and protected from light. No negative effect was detected by 10 freeze-thaw cycles of THUNDERBRID™ Probe qPCR Mix. This reagent does not contain the ROX reference dye.-50x ROX reference dye can be stored, protected from light, at 2-8°C or -20°C. For real-time cyclers that require a passive reference dye, this reagent must be added to the reaction mixture at a concentration of 1x or 0.1x. The master mix solution with the ROX reference dye can be stored, protected from light, at 2-8°C for up to 3 months. For longer storage, this reagent should be kept at -20°C and protected from light. The pre-mixed reagents can be prepared according to the following ratios. [5] Table 1 shows the optimal concentration of the ROX dye.1x solutionTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1.67 ml : 66.8 μl THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1 ml : 40 μl0.1x solutionTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1.67 ml : 6.7 μl THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix : 50x ROX reference dye = 1 ml : 4 μlFor real-time cyclers that do not require a passive reference dye, THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix without the ROX reference dye can be used.1. Primer conditionsHighly sensitive and quantitative data depend on primer design. The primer should be designed according to the following suggestions;-Primer length: 20-30 mer-GC content of primer: 40-60%-Target length: ≤ 200 bp (optimally, 80-150 bp)-Melting temperature (Tm) of primers: 60-65°C-Purification grade of primers: Cartridge (OPC) grade or HPLC gradeNotes:-Longer targets (>200 bp) reduce efficiency and specificity of amplification.-Tm of the primers can be flexible, because the Tm value depends on the calculation formula.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************3[ 4 ] Template DNA 2. Fluorescent probeThe probes should be designed according to the guidelines of each probe system. Because insufficiently purified probes may inhibit the reaction, HPLC-grade probes should be used.The following DNA samples can be used as templates.1. cDNANon-purified cDNA, generated by reverse transcription reactions, can be used directly for real-time PCR using THUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix. Up to 10% of the volume of a cDNA solution can be used for a real-time PCR reaction. However, excess volume of the cDNA may inhibit the PCR. Up to 20% (v/v) of the cDNA solution from ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit (Code No. FSQ-101) can be used for real-time PCR (see [6]).2. Genomic DNA, Viral RNAGenomic DNA and viral RNA can be used at up to 200 ng in 50 μl reactions.3. Plasmid DNAAlthough super-coiled plasmids can be used, linearized plasmid DNA produces more accurate assays. The copy number of the plasmid DNA can be calculated by the following formula.Copy number of 1μg of plasmid DNA = 9.1 x 1011 / Size of plasmid DNA (kb)JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************4[ 5 ] Protocol1. Reaction mixture setupReaction volume FinalReagent50µl20µlConcentrationDWXµlXµlTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix 25 µl 10 μl 1xForward Primer 15 pmol 6 pmol 0.3 μM*1Reverse Primer 15 pmol 6 pmol 0.3 μM*1TaqMan® Probe 10 pmol 4 pmol 0.2 μM*150x ROX reference dye 1μl / 0.1 μl 0.4μl / 0.04μl 1x / 0.1x*2DNA solution Y µl Y µlTotal50µl20µlNotes:*1 Primer / probe concentration should be determined according to the manufacturer’sinstructions.Higher primer concentration tends to improve the amplification efficiency, and lowerprimer concentration tends to reduce the non-specific amplification. The primerconcentration should be set between 0.2-0.6 μM.*2 50x ROX reference dye must be added when using real-time cyclers that require apassive reference dye, according to Table 1. Table 1 shows the optimum concentrationof the ROX reference dye. This dye is not necessary for real-time cyclers that do notrequire a passive reference dye.Table 1 Recommended ROX dye concentrationReal-time cycler Optimal dye concentration(dilution ratio)Applied Biosystems 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900HT etc. 1x (50:1)Applied Biosystems 7500, 7500Fast,Stratagene cyclers (Optional) etc.0.1x (500:1)Roche’ cyclers, Bio-Rad cyclers, BioFlux cyclers etc. Not requiredNotes:The ROX dye in Realtime PCR Master Mix (Code No. QPK-101) corresponds to 1xconcentration.JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140 www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************52. PCR cycling conditionsThe following table shows the recommended thermal conditions using primers designed according to the recommended primer and probe conditions described in [3]. Almost all targets can also be amplified using the ongoing conditions with other real-time PCR reagents.*1Due to the anti-Taq antibody hot start PCR system, the pre-denaturation can be completed within 60 sec. The pre-denaturation time should be determined according to the recommendations of each real-time cycler. If the optimal pre-denaturation time cannot be determined, the time should be set at 60 sec.Table 2 The recommended pre-denaturation time for each real-time cycler Real-time cycler Pre-denaturation time High speed cycler (e.g. Applied Biosystems 7500Fast) 20 sec Capillary cycler (e.g. Roche LightCycler™ 1.x, 2.0) 30 secGeneral real-time cyclers (Applied Biosystems 7700, 7500,7900HT (normal block), Stratagene cyclers, BioFlux cyclers 60 sec *2The following table shows the optimal denaturation times for each real-time cycler. If the optimal denaturation time cannot be determined, the time should be set at 15 sec.Table 3 The recommended denaturation time for each real-time cycler Real-time cycler denaturation time High speed cycler (e.g. Applied Biosystems 7500Fast) 3 sec Capillary cycler (e.g. Roche LightCycler™ 1.x, 2.0) 5 secGeneral real-time cyclers (Applied Biosystems 7700, 7500,7900HT (normal block), Stratagene cyclers, BioFlux cyclers 15 sec *3Insufficient amplification may be improved by decreasing the extension temperature, and non-specific amplification (e.g. abnormal shapes of the amplification curve at low template concentrations) may be reduced by increasing the extension temperature. The extension temperature should be set at 56-64°C. *4If the target size is smaller than 300 bp, the extension time can be set at 30 sec on almost all real-time cyclers. Instability of the amplification curve or variation of data from each well may be improved by setting the extension time at 45-60 sec. Some real-time cyclers or software need over 30 sec for the extension step. In these cases, the time should be set according to each instruction manual (e.g. Applied Biosystems 7000/73000: ≥ 31 sec; Applied Biosystems 7500: ≥ 35 sec.).<3-step cycle> Temperature Time Ramp Pre-denaturation:95°C 20-60 sec *1Maximum Denaturation:95°C 1-15 sec *2 MaximumExtension: 60°C *3 30-60 sec *4 Maximum (data collection should be set at the extension step)JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140 www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************62-1. Real-time PCR conditions using Applied Biosystems 7900HT(Normal block type, software version 2.2.2)The following is an example of a TaqMan ® assay using Applied Biosystems 7900HT.(1) The cycling parameters should be set according to the following “Thermal CyclerProtocol” window under the “Instrument” tab.Notes:- Appropriate sample volumes should be set. - ≥ 45 sec is necessary for the extension step.(2) Click the “Data collection” tab.(3) Insert the PCR plate(4) Start the programJAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************72-2. Real-time PCR conditions using Roche LightCycler 1.1(Software version 3.5)The following is an example of a TaqMan® probe assay using Roche LightCycler 1.1. (1)The cycling parameters should be set according to the following window. Analysisand Acquisition mode of the initial denaturation step must be set at “None”. (2)The cycling parameters should be set according to the following window. Analysismode of the PCR step must be set at “Quantification”. Acquisition modes of 95°C and 60°C must be set at “None” and “Single”, respectively.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************8(3)The cycling parameters should be set according to the following window. Analysisand Acquisition mode of the cooling step must be set at “Non”.(4) Insert the capillaries in the carousel, and start the cycling program.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************9[ 6 ] Related Protocol1. cDNA synthesiscDNA synthesized by various cDNA synthesis reagents can be used withTHUNDERBIRD™ Probe qPCR Mix. However, cDNA synthesized by a reagentspecialized for real-time PCR can increase sensitivity.ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit (Code No. FSQ-101) is a cDNA synthesis kit suitable forreal-time PCR. Here, the protocol with ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit is described.However, for the detailed protocol, please refer to the instruction manual of the kit.(1) Denaturation of RNAIncubate the RNA solution at 65°C for 5 min and then chill on ice.Notes:-This step can be omitted. But this step may increase the efficiency of the reversetranscription of RNA, which forms secondary structures.-Do not add 5x RT Buffer and/or enzyme solution at this step.(2) Preparation of the reaction solutionReagent V olume (amount)Nuclease-freeWaterXµl5x RT Buffer 2 µlPrimerMix 0.5µlEnzymeMix 0.5µlRNAsolution 0.5pg-1 µgTotal10µl(3) Reverse transcription reaction-Incubate at 37°C for 15 min. <Reverse transcription>-Heat at 98°C for 2 min. <Inactivation of the reverse transcriptase>-Store at 4°C or -20°C.**This solution can be used in the real-time PCR reaction directly or after dilution.Notes:The above temperature conditions are optimized for ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************10[ 7 ] TroubleshootingSymptom Cause SolutionLoss of linearity in the high cDNA/DNA concentration region. Inhibition by the components in thecDNA/DNA solution.-DNA: The DNA sample may contain PCRinhibitors. The DNA samples should berepurified.-cDNA: The components in the cDNA synthesisreagent may inhibit the PCR reaction. The cDNAsample should be used after dilution.The template DNA is insufficient. When the DNA/cDNA copy number is lower than10 copies per reaction, the linearity of the reactiontends to be lost. The template concentrationshould be increased.Adsorption of the DNA to the tubewall.The diluted DNA templates tend to be absorbedonto the tube wall. Dilution should be performedjust prior to experiments.Lost of linearity or lower signal in the lowDNA/cDNAconcentration region. Competition with primer dimerformation. In the probe assay, primer dimers are not detected. However, dimer formation may reduce the amplification efficiency of the target, especially for reactions at low template concentration. The reaction conditions should be optimized or the primer sequences should be changed.Loss of linearity of the amplification carves. Competition with non-specificamplification.In the probe assay, non-specific amplification isnot detected. However, non-specific amplificationmay reduce the amplification efficiency of thetarget. The reaction conditions should beoptimized or the primer sequences should bechanged.Inappropriate cycling conditions. Optimize the cycling conditions according to [5]. Degradation of the primers. Fresh primer solution should be prepared.The PCR efficiency is lower than 90% (slope:<-3.6) The calculation of the PCRefficiency is inappropriate. The Ct value on the linear region should be used to calculate PCR efficiency.The PCR efficiency is higher than 110%. The calculation of the PCRefficiency is inappropriate.The Ct value on the linear region should be usedto calculate PCR efficiency.Poor purification of the templateDNA.Low-purity DNA may contain PCR inhibitors.Re-purify the DNA samples.Absorption of the template DNA tothe tube wall.Diluted DNA templates tend to be absorbed ontothe tube wall. Dilution of the templateDNA/cDNA should be performed just prior toexperiments.Plasmid DNA or PCR product isused as a template.In general, plasmid DNA or PCR product is usedat low concentration. Diluted DNA templates tendto be absorbed onto the tube wall. Dilution of thetemplate DNA/cDNA should be performed justprior to experiments. Dilution with a carriernucleic acid solution (Yeast RNA) is alsoeffective in improving linearity.Inappropriate thermal conditions. Optimize the thermal conditions according to [5].Reproducibility is notgood.Low purity of the primers or probes.Different lots of primers or probes may showdifferent results. When the lot is changed, priortesting of the primer or probe should beperformed.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************11Symptom Cause SolutionContamination or carry over of the PCR products. Change the contaminated reagent.Amplification from the non-template control(NTC). Inappropriate settings offluorescence measurement, such asin the case of multiplex PCR. In multiplex experiments, inappropriate setting of fluorescence measurement may cause the detection of noise by the cross talk of fluorescent dyes. Settings should be reconfirmed.Excessive amount of ROX reference dye. Excessive amount of ROX reference dye may cause low signal. 50x ROX reference dye should be used according to [5] Table 1.Inappropriate settings of fluorescence measurement. Settings should be confirmed according to the instruction manual of each detector.Low purity of fluorescent probes. Low purity of the probe may increase the baseline. HPLC grade probes should be used.Excessive intensity of the quencher Dye. Certain quenchers (e.g. TAMRA) may cause a higher baseline because of its fluorescence. Use of a non-fluorescent quencher may improve the high baseline.Degradation of the probe. Store the probes according to the manufacture’srecommendations.Insufficient fluorescence measurement time. Certain detection systems require a longer time to detect the fluorescent signal. Longer extension (measurement) time (45-60 sec) may improve the unstable signal.Low amplificationcurve signal /Unstable amplificationcurve signal.Insufficient reaction volume. Low reaction volume may cause an unstablesignal. Increase the reaction volume.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************12[ 8 ] Related productsProduct name Package Code No.High efficiency real-time PCR master mix THUNDERBIRD™ SYBR® qPCR Mix 200reactionsQPS-201High efficiency cDNA synthesis kit for real-time PCR ReverTra Ace® qPCR RT Kit 200reactionsFSQ-101One-step Real-time PCR master mix for probe assayRNA-direct™ Realtime PCR Master Mix 0.5 mL x 20.5 mL x 5QRT-101TQRT-101One-step Real-time PCR master mix for SYBR® Green assayRNA-direct™ SYBR® Realtime PCR Master Mix 0.5 mL x 20.5 mL x 5QRT-201TQRT-201JAPAN CHINA TOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140 www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio********************NOTICE TO PURCHASER: LIMITED LICENSEA license to perform the patented 5’ Nuclease Process for research is obtained by the purchase of (i) both Authorized 5' Nuclease Core Kit and Licensed Probe, (ii) a Licensed 5’ Nuclease Kit, or (iii) license rights from Applied Biosystems.This product is an Authorized 5’ Nuclease Core Kit. Use of this product is covered by one or more of the following US patents and corresponding patent claims outside the US: 5,079,352, 5,789,224, 5,618,711, 6,127,155, 5,677,152, 5,773,258, 5,407,800, 5,322,770, 5,310,652, 5,210,015, 5,487,972, and claims outside the US corresponding to US Patent No. 4,889,818. The purchase of this product includes a limited, non-transferable immunity from suit under the foregoing patent claims for using only this amount of product for the purchaser’s own internal research. Separate purchase of a Licensed Probe would convey rights under the applicable claims of US Patents Nos. 5,538,848, 5,723,591, 5,876,930, 6,030,787, 6,258,569, 5,804,375 (claims 1-12 only), and 6,214,979, and corresponding claims outside the United States. No right under any other patent claim and no right to perform commercial services of any kind, including without limitation reporting the results of purchaser's activities for a fee or other commercial consideration, is conveyed expressly, by implication, or by estoppel. This product is for research use only. Diagnostic uses under Roche patents require a separate license from Roche. Further information on purchasing licenses may be obtained from the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA.。

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removing agent was determined by orthogonal test as follows: diethanolamine 11 g/L, coconut alkanolamide phosphate
(6503) 9 g/L, fatty alcohol EO-PO polyether 9 g/L, fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether (AEO-7) 5 g/L, oleic acid 10 g/L,



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关键词:温度数据采集;单片机;Visual Basic;串行通讯1 概述随着科学技术的进步,在生产和科学实验中,常常要测控很多参数,诸如温度、压力、转速等,通常的方法是使用专用的仪表人为观测、记录处理数据、做出判断。





2 温度采集系统组成系统分为两部分:实时温度数据采集终端(下位机)和通信控制软件(上位机)。




上位机的控制界面采用Visual Basic6.0语言编写,上位机通过串口与下位机通信。




3 下位机系统的硬件设计下位机部分主要由温度传感器、单片机等组成,在现场采集温度信号,并将温度信号转换成数字信号,通过RS232接口标准传送给上位机。






实际做出的电路板如图2图2温度数据采集系统下位机3.1单片机的选择单片机选择AT89S52,它是一个低功耗,高性能CMOS 8位单片机,片内含8k Bytes ISP(In-system programmable)的可反复擦写1000次的Flash只读程序存储器,器件采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术制造,兼容标准MCS-51指令系统及80C51引脚结构,芯片内集成了通用8位中央处理器和ISP Flash存储单元,功能强大的微型计算机的AT89S52可为许多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高性价比的解决方案[3]。



3.2温度传感器的选择DS18B20是DALLAS公司生产的一线式数字温度传感器,具有3引脚TO-92小体积封装形式;温度测量范围为-55℃~+125℃,可编程为9位~12位A/D转换精度,测温分辨率可达0.0625℃,被测温度用符号扩展的16位数字量方式串行输出;其工作电源既可在远端引入,也可采用寄生电源方式产生;多个DS18B20可以并联到3根或2根线上,CPU 只需一根端口线就能与诸多DS18B20通信,占用微处理器的端口较少,可节省大量的引线和逻辑电路。


3.3 其他器件选择MAX232是由德州仪器公司(TI)推出的一款兼容RS232标准的芯片。

由于电脑串口RS232电平是-10v +10v,而一般的单片机应用系统的信号电压是TTL电平0 +5v,MAX232就是用来进行电平转换的,该器件包含2驱动器、2接收器和一个电压发生器电路提供TIA/EIA-232-F电平[4]。

该器件符合TIA/EIA-232-F标准,每一个接收器将TIA/EIA-232-F 电平转换成5-V TTL/CMOS电平。

每一个发送器将TTL/CMOS电平转换成TIA/EIA-232-F 电平。

4 上位机软件设计上位机的控制界面采用Visual Basic6.0语言编写,通过COM口与下位机连接。




4.1 VB环境下串行通讯的方法VB中的MSComm控件是Microsoft公司提供的Windows下串行通讯编程的ActiveX控件。

在VB工具工具栏里面打开工程,选中其中的部件,再在部件里面的控件栏里选中Microsoft Comm Control 6.0 图形如图3。



图3 Microsoft Comm Control 6.0 图形图4串行通讯控件图标4.2 VB界面设计VB的设计界面包含5个Text文本框,2个Frame,4个Label,3个Command,一个Mscomm 控件和1个Time。






程序主界面如图5:图5上位机界面图6 EXCEL数据表上图中显示的是以EXCEL形式导出的数据图,当我们点击导出数据时程序便会以EXCEL形式将文本框中的内容表示出来,并保存到电脑中。


5 总结本次设计达到了预期效果,但是其中还有很多地方需要改进,比如说在设计中没有实现多点同时测量,传输距离比较近等问题。


这样大大限制了它的应用范围,为弥补RS-232之不足,电子工业协会(EIA)制订RS-422串口标准,将传输速率提高到10Mb/s传输距离延长到1000M (速率低于100kb/s时),并允许在一条平衡总线上连接最多10个接收器。



参考文献[1] 何东健,李书琴.Visual Basic 程序设计教程[M],西安:西北大学出版社,2005.[2] 陈立元.利用Visual Basic 实现串并行通信技术[M],北京:清华大学出版社,2001.[3] 何立民.单片机应用系统设计[M],北京:航天航空大学出版社,1992.[4] 胡汗才.单片机原理及其接口技术[M],北京:清华大学出版社,2003Temperature Data Acquisition System Design andImplementationBian shaoshun, Wang lihuaSchool of Information and Electrical Engineering of CUMT, Jiangsu Xuzhou (221008)AbstractThe main purpose of this design is to achieve real-time temperature data collection. In the hardware to control the use of single-chip AT89S52 as the core, through the temperature sensor DS18B20 the temperature data collection, using the standard RS232 serial interface temperature measurement system into the computer. PC use in VB to achieve control of MSComm PC machines with lower communication, and VB-based surface display real-time monitoring of temperature, maximum, minimum temperature and the number of collection.Keywords:real-time temperature data collection;single-chip;Visual Basic;serial communication。
