Z29F125T2fV35J293V71671673Lavida 1.6 朗逸电气布置图D2D T2aL T41T8T8h T2bf F138N95T2bn G28T3L + _A T4r T4ac T10cT10sM29H U1蓄电池盖上的保险丝盒、(S SA)N92 N93 N282 N283G93 G182 G195尾灯线束SA4 SA5F36离合器踏板开关,在离合器踏板固定架上E150驾驶员侧车内联锁开关,在驾驶员侧车门上E107副驾驶员侧车窗升降器开关,在副驾驶员侧车门上元件符号名称、连接插头、接地点A 蓄电池B 起动马达在发动机舱左侧前方,C 交流发电机,在发动机右侧前方C1电压调节器,在交流发电机内D 点火起动开关D2防盗锁止系统识读线圈,在点火开关上E3闪烁报警灯开关,在仪表板中部中央出风口下方E4手动防眩目功能和远光灯瞬时接通功能开关,在转向柱上组合开关内车灯开关,在仪表板左侧E1E9新鲜空气鼓风机开关,在空调控制面板上E15可加热后窗玻璃开关E18后雾灯开关,在仪表板左侧E38车窗玻璃刮水器间歇运行调节器,在转向柱上组合开关内E40左前车窗升降器开关,在驾驶员侧车门上后部车窗升降器联锁开关,在驾驶员侧车门上E39E24驾驶员侧安全带开关,在驾驶员座椅右侧安全带锁扣内E25副驾驶员侧安全带开关,在副驾驶员座椅左侧安全带锁扣内E35空调器开关E43后视镜调节开关,在驾驶员侧车门上E45GRA 开关,在转向信号和变光拨杆上E48后视镜调节转换开关,在驾驶员侧车门上E52左后车窗升降器开关,在左后车门上E53左后车窗升降器开关在驾驶员侧车门上,E55右后车窗升降器开关在驾驶员侧车门上,E54右后车窗升降器开关,在右后车门上E81右前车窗升降器开关,在驾驶员侧车门上多功能显示器调用按钮,在转向柱上组合开关内E86E109多功能显示器存储开关,在转向柱上组合开关内E159新鲜空气和空气内循环风门开关F 制动信号灯开关,在制动总泵上E231车外后视镜加热按钮,在驾驶员侧车门上E227GRA ( )按钮套件,在转向信号和变光拨杆上F2驾驶员侧车门接触开关,在左柱车门锁钩旁 B F1油压开关,在气缸盖前方左侧F4倒车灯开关,在变速箱前部F9手制动控制开关,在手制动拉杆下方F3副驾驶员侧车门接触开关,在右柱车门锁钩旁 B F34制动液液位报警开关,在发动机舱左侧制动液储液罐内F10左后车门接触开关,在左柱车门锁钩旁 C F11右后车门接触开关,在右柱车门锁钩旁 C F47制动踏板开关,在制动总泵上F111后行李箱盖接触开关,在行李箱尾部左侧 F59驾驶员侧中央门锁开关,在驾驶员侧车门锁内F125多功能开关,在变速箱顶面E2转向信号灯开关,在转向柱上组合开关内E7前雾灯开关,在仪表板左侧E19驻车灯开关,在转向柱上组合开关内E44车窗玻璃清洗泵开关清洗刮水自动装置 ( )E234后行李箱盖把手开锁按钮,在驾驶员侧车门饰板上F138安全气囊螺旋弹簧带滑环的复位环在方向盘下面/,F189Tiptronic 开关,在选档杆右侧驾驶员侧中央门锁闭锁单元,在驾驶员侧车门锁内F220接地点,在起动机固定螺栓上652接地点,在左纵梁前部671接地点,在左纵梁前部左侧673接地点,在右柱下方后侧 A 617低音喇叭,左在前纵梁前端H7H2高音喇叭在右前纵梁前端,G47左前转速传感器,在左前车轮轴承壳体上G39氧传感器催化净化器前排上( ),在发动机气歧管G40霍尔传感器,在发动机顶部左侧G42进气温度传感器,在发动机舱右侧进气歧管后面G44右后转速传感器,在右后车轮轴承壳体上G46左后转速传感器,在左后车轮轴承壳体上G45右前转速传感器,在右前车轮轴承壳体上G32冷却液不足显示传感器,在冷却液膨胀罐内G17车外温度传感器,在前保险杠左侧G21车速表G6燃油泵供油泵在燃油箱内 ( ),G28发动机转速传感器,在发动机密封法兰右侧G61爆震传感器,在发动机后面中部G62冷却液温度传感器,在发动机左侧出水管上G65高压传感器,在发动机舱右侧后方G71进气压力传感器,在发动机舱右侧进气歧管后面G79油门踏板位置传感器,在油门踏板上G185油门踏板位置传感器在油门踏板上 -2-,G186节气门驱动装置电控节气门在节气门内 (),G187节气门驱动装置电控节气门角度传感器在节气门内( ) -1-,G195变速箱输出转速传感器在自动变速箱内,G201制动压力传感器 -1-H 信号喇叭控制在方向盘中部,F222左后中央门锁闭锁单元,在左后车门锁内F223右后中央门锁闭锁单元,在右后车门锁内G 燃油存量传感器,在燃油箱内G1燃油储备显示G5转速表副驾驶员侧中央门锁闭锁单元,在副驾驶员侧车门锁内F221G182变速箱输入转速传感器在自动变速箱内,X 14 ( 100 )触点卸载继电器,在仪表板左侧下方继电器支架上号位继电器J59J271Motronic 7 ( 643 )供电继电器,在仪表板左侧下方继电器支架上号位继电器J285组合仪表中带显示单元的控制单元,在仪表板左侧J293冷却液风扇控制单元,在左侧冷却液风扇上J217自动变速箱控制单元,在发动机舱内排水槽右侧J220Motronic 发动机控制单元,在发动机舱内排水槽中间J234安全气囊控制单元,在换档杆前方的中央通道上空调器继电器,在仪表板左侧下方继电器支架上号位继电器 6 ( 126 )J32J104ABS 控制单元,在发动机舱内左纵梁后部J119多功能显示器J17燃油泵继电器,在仪表板左侧下方继电器支架上号位继电器 13.1 ( 449 )J19起动继电器,在仪表板左侧下方继电器支架上号位继电器 2 ( 643 )J338节气门控制单元,在发动机进气管右侧J362防盗锁止系统控制单元J386驾驶员侧车门控制单元,在驾驶员侧车门上J387副驾驶员侧车门控制单元,在副驾驶员侧车门上J400刮水器马达控制单元,在排水槽左侧J393舒适便利功能系统中央控制单元/G93齿轮油温度传感器在自动变速箱内,G188节气门驱动装置电控节气门角度传感器在节气门内( ) -2-,G130氧传感器催化净化器后 ( )J301空调器控制单元在仪表板中部,M25高位刹车灯灯泡,在挡风玻璃中部下方K28冷却液温度冷却液不足显示指示灯/K38油位指示灯K47ABS 指示灯K84空调器指示灯K83排气警示灯K65左侧转向信号灯指示灯K75安全气囊指示灯K94右侧转向信号灯指示灯K105燃油存量指示灯K114新鲜空气和循环空气运行模式指示灯K115防盗锁止系统指示灯K118制动系统指示灯K132电控节气门故障信号灯K133中央门锁指示灯,在驾驶员侧车门饰板上-SAFE-K155稳定程序指示灯,ASR K166车门打开指示灯K169换档杆锁指示灯K170灯泡故障指示灯K10可加热后窗玻璃指示灯K19安全带报警系统指示灯L9车灯开关照明灯泡L10组合仪表照明灯泡K2发电机指示灯K3油压指示灯K6闪烁报警装置指示灯,在仪表板中部中央出风口下方K13后雾灯指示灯K127后行李箱盖打开指示灯L20后雾灯灯泡,在左侧尾灯内L22左侧前雾灯灯泡,在前保险杠左侧L23右侧前雾灯灯泡,在前保险杠右侧L42插座照明灯泡L131驾驶员侧外后视镜转向信号灯灯泡,在驾驶员侧外后视镜内M1左侧停车灯灯泡,在左前大灯内M2右侧尾灯灯泡,在右侧尾灯内M3右侧停车灯灯泡,在右前大灯内M4左侧尾灯灯泡,在左侧尾灯内M5左前转向信号灯灯泡,在左前大灯内M6左后转向信号灯灯泡,在左侧尾灯内M7右前转向信号灯灯泡,在右前大灯内M8右后转向信号灯灯泡,在右侧尾灯内L132副驾驶员侧外后视镜转向信号灯灯泡,在副驾驶员侧外后视镜内L78后视镜调节开关照明L53车窗升降器开关照明灯泡M17右侧倒车灯灯泡,在右侧尾灯内M21左侧刹车灯和尾灯灯泡,在左侧尾灯内M22右侧刹车灯和尾灯灯泡,在右侧尾灯内M29左侧近光灯灯泡,在左前大灯内M30左侧远光灯灯泡,在左前大灯内M31右侧近光灯灯泡,在右前大灯内M32右侧远光灯灯泡,在右前大灯内N25空调器电磁离合器N79加热电阻曲轴箱的排气孔,在节气门前的进气管上( )N30喷嘴,第缸 1 N31喷嘴,第缸 2 N32喷嘴,第缸 3 N33喷嘴,第缸4 N70带功率输出级的点火线圈,在气缸盖上 1J519BCM 车身控制器,在仪表板左侧下方J533数据总线诊断接口K1远光灯指示灯L16新鲜空气调节照明灯泡L76按钮照明N24带过热保险丝的新鲜空气鼓风机串联电阻R51收音机电话天线,在后挡风玻璃上/ R45天线放大器电话收音机,在左柱上部 ( / ) C N282电磁阀,在自动变速箱内 9N283电磁阀,在自动变速箱内10N89电磁阀,在自动变速箱内 2N90电磁阀,在自动变速箱内 3N88电磁阀,在自动变速箱内 1N91电磁阀,在自动变速箱内 4N92电磁阀,在自动变速箱内 5N93电磁阀,在自动变速箱内6N134左后进气阀 ABS N135右后排气阀 ABS N136左后排气阀ABS N153驾驶员侧安全带拉紧器引爆装置,在左柱下方安全带拉紧器内B N154副驾驶员侧安全带拉紧器引爆装置,在右柱安全带拉紧器内B N225动态行驶调节装置控制阀 -1-N226动态行驶调节装置控制阀 -2-N227动态行驶调节装置高压控制阀 -1-N131副驾驶员侧安全气囊引爆装置,在副驾驶员侧杂物箱上方 N133右后进气阀 ABS N228动态行驶调节装置高压控制阀 -2-N95驾驶员侧安全气囊引爆装置,在方向盘内 N99右前进气阀 ABS N100右前排气阀 ABS N101左前进气阀 ABS N102左前排气阀ABS N110换档杆锁电磁阀,在换档杆旁N127带功率输出级的点火线圈,在气缸盖上 2P 火花塞插头Q火花塞R 收音机在仪表板中部,R14左后高音喇叭,在左后车门饰板上R15左后低音喇叭,在左后车门饰板内R16右后高音喇叭,在右后车门饰板上R17右后低音喇叭,在右后车门饰板内R20左前高音喇叭,在左前车门三角饰板上R21左前低音喇叭,在左前车门饰板内R22右前高音喇叭,在右前车门三角饰板上R23右前低音喇叭,在右前车门饰板内S1保险丝,安培,供电继电器保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上130 Motronic S2保险丝,安培,发动机控制单元保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上2 5 Motronic S3保险丝,安培,自动变速箱控制单元保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上3 5 S5保险丝,安培,保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上5 5 BCM 车身控制器S37保险丝,安培,后部车窗升降器联锁开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧下方继电器支架上 3720 SA1保险丝,安培,交流发电机保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上1150 SA2保险丝,安培,仪表板左侧保险丝盒内号总线保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上 2110 30 保险丝,安培,点火起动开关、触点卸载继电器、起动继电器保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上340 X SA3N291带功率输出级的点火线圈 在气缸盖上 3,N292带功率输出级的点火线圈在气缸盖上 4 ,N80活性碳容器装置电磁阀周期性控制,在发动机舱进气歧管后面中部 1 ( )SA4保险丝,安培,控制单元保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上440 ABS保险丝,安培,开关,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上14 5 Tiptronic SC14SC15保险丝,安培,加热电阻保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上15 5 SC12保险丝,安培,驻车灯开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上127.5 SC13保险丝,安培,后视镜调节开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上13 5 SC18保险丝,安培,保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上1810 BCM 车身控制器SC19保险丝,安培,,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上197.5 BCM 车身控制器SC16保险丝,安培,保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上167.5 BCM 车身控制器SC23保险丝,安培,控制单元、制动信号灯开关、轮胎压力监控按钮保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上23 5 ABS SC21保险丝,安培,组合仪表中带显示单元的控制单元保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上 21 5 SC22保险丝,安培,发动机控制单元、离合器踏板开关、燃油泵继电器保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上22 5 Motronic SC24保险丝,安培,安全气囊控制单元保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上24 5 SC25保险丝,安培,空调器控制单元保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上2510 SC26保险丝,安培,组合仪表中带显示单元的控制单元保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上26 5 SC27保险丝,安培,自诊断接口保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上27 5 SC28保险丝,安培,燃油泵继电器保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上2815 SC30保险丝,安培,空调器继电器保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3010 SC1保险丝,安培,左侧停车灯灯泡、左侧尾灯灯泡、左侧刹车灯和尾灯灯泡保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上1 5 SC2保险丝,安培,右侧停车灯灯泡、右侧尾灯灯泡、右侧刹车灯和尾灯灯泡保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上2 5 SC3保险丝,安培,空调器控制单元、后部车窗升降器联锁开关、后行李箱盖把手开锁按钮、后视镜调节开关照明、收音机、副驾驶员侧车窗升降器开关、点烟器、轮胎压力监控按钮、牌照灯、开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3 5 Tiptronic SC4保险丝,安培,左侧近光灯灯泡保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上410 SC5保险丝,安培,右侧近光灯灯泡保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上510 SC6保险丝,安培,左侧远光灯灯泡保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上610 SC7保险丝,安培,右侧远光灯灯泡保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上710 SC8保险丝,安培,雾灯开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上815 SC9保险丝,安培,、倒车灯开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上9 5 BCM 车身控制器SC10保险丝,安培,、收音机保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上10 5 BCM 车身控制器SC11保险丝,安培,自诊断接口保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上11 5 SA5保险丝,安培,冷却液风扇控制单元保险丝,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上540 SC31保险丝,安培,车灯开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3130SC34保险丝,安培,收音机、安全气囊螺旋弹簧带滑环的复位环、便携式导航准备插头保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上34 5 /SC35保险丝,安培,驾驶员侧车门控制单元保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3520 SC36保险丝,安培,副驾驶员侧车门控制单元保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3620 SC38保险丝,安培,空调器控制单元、新鲜空气鼓风机开关、新鲜空气鼓风机保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3830 SC40保险丝,安培,车窗玻璃刮水器间歇运行调节器保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上407.5 SC43保险丝,安培,氧传感器、活性碳容器装置电磁阀保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上437.5 SC44保险丝,安培,冷却液风扇控制单元、高压传感器、开关、空调器继电器保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上44 5 GRA SC45保险丝,安培,自动变速箱控制单元、多功能开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上4515 SC46保险丝,安培,保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上4625 BCM 车身控制器SC33保险丝,安培,点烟器保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3315 SC48保险丝,安培,保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上4825 BCM 车身控制器SC49保险丝,安培,保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上4920 BCM 车身控制器SC50保险丝,安培,保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上5020 BCM 车身控制器SC51保险丝,安培,收音机保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上5120 SC52保险丝,安培,点火起动开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上5230 SC53保险丝,安培,喷嘴保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上5310 T1b 1 针插头,黑色,起动马达插头T1a 1 针插头,白色,收音机插头SC54保险丝, 安培,带功率输出级的点火线圈保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上5415T2h 2 针插头,黑色,换档杆锁电磁阀插头T1c 1 针插头,黑色,油压开关插头T1e 1 针插头,黑色,副驾驶员侧车门接触开关插头T1d 1 针插头,黑色,驾驶员侧车门接触开关插头T1f 1 针插头,黑色,左后车门接触开关插头T1i 1 针插头,黑色,后行李箱盖接触开关插头T1j 1 针插头,黑色,右后车门接触开关插头T2a 2 针插头,黑色,副驾驶员侧安全带开关插头T2b 2 针插头,黑色,车窗玻璃清洗泵插头T2c 2 针插头,黑色,左侧前雾灯灯泡插头T2d 2 针插头,黑色,右侧前雾灯灯泡插头T2e 2 针插头,黑色,左后车窗升降器马达插头T2f 2 针插头,红色,右侧冷却液风扇插头T1g 1 针插头,黑色,天线放大器插头T2g 2 针插头,黄色,副驾驶员侧安全气囊引爆装置插头T2i 2 针插头,黑色,便携式导航准备插头T2j 2 针插头,黑色,左前转向信号灯灯泡插头SC32保险丝,安培,车灯开关、转向信号灯开关保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上3215 SC47保险丝, 安培,保险丝,在仪表板左侧保险丝支架上4725BCM 车身控制器T2k 2 针插头,黑色,右前转向信号灯灯泡插头T2L2 针插头,黑色,左前高音喇叭插头T2ag 2 针插头,黑色,牌照灯插头T2ai 2 针插头,黑色,高位刹车灯灯泡插头T2aL 2 针插头,黑色,防盗锁止系统识读线圈插头T2am 2 针插头,黑色,左侧行李箱照明灯插头T2aq 2 针插头,黑色,高音喇叭插头T2ar 2 针插头,黑色,倒车灯开关插头T2at 2 针插头,黑色,手制动控制开关插头T2as 2 针插头,黑色,制动液液位报警开关插头T2au 2 针插头,黑色,冷却液不足显示传感器插头T2av 2 针插头,黑色,车外温度传感器插头T2ay 2 针插头,黑色,左后转速传感器插头T2az 2 针插头,黑色,右前转速传感器插头T2ax 2 针插头,黑色,交流发电机插头T2ba 2 针插头,黑色,右后转速传感器插头T2bb 2 针插头,黑色,左前转速传感器插头T2bh2 针插头,黄色,副驾驶员侧安全带拉紧器引爆装置插头T2bj 2 针插头,黑色,驾驶员侧安全带开关插头T2bg2 针插头,黄色,驾驶员侧安全带拉紧器引爆装置插头T2bf2 针插头,黄色,驾驶员侧安全气囊引爆装置插头T2bc 2 针插头,黑色,油箱盖板联锁装置马达插头T2bn 2 针插头,黑色,爆震传感器插头T2o 2 针插头,黑色,右后高音喇叭插头T2p 2 针插头,黑色,右后车窗升降器马达插头T2n 2 针插头,黑色,左后高音喇叭插头T2u 2 -SAFE- 针插头,黑色,中央门锁指示灯插头T2br2 2 针插头,黑色,第缸喷嘴插头T2db 2 针插头,黑色,低音喇叭插头T3b 3 针插头,黑色,前部车内照明灯插头T3d 3 针插头,白色,点烟器插头T3e 3 针插头,黑色,驾驶员侧中央门锁开关插头T 4a 4 针插头,黑色,刮水器马达控制单元插头T 4d 4 针插头,黑色,闪烁报警灯开关插头T3ak3 针插头,黑色,副驾驶员侧后视镜调节马达插头T3ag 3 针插头,黑色,天线放大器插头T3ai 3 针插头,黑色,驾驶员侧后视镜调节马达插头 3 针插头,黑色,高压传感器插头T3x T3L 3 针插头灰色发动机转速传感器插头,,T3m 3 针插头黑色霍尔传感器插头,,T 4c4 针插头,黑色,离合器踏板开关插头T4g 4 针插头,黑色,左前低音喇叭插头T2bt 2 4 针插头,黑色,第缸喷嘴插头T2bu 2 针插头,黑色,加热电阻插头T2bv 2 针插头,黑色,活性碳容器装置电磁阀插头T2bw2 针插头,黑色,后行李箱盖中央门锁马达插头T2bz 2 针插头,黑色,空调器压缩机电磁离合器T2cq 2 针插头黑色,新鲜空气鼓风机插头,T3f 3 针插头黑色新鲜空气/空气内循环风门伺服马达插头,,T2bp 2 针插头,黑色,冷却液温度传感器插头T2bq 2 1 针插头,黑色,第缸喷嘴插头T4j 4 针插头,黑色,左后低音喇叭插头T4h 4 针插头,黑色,右前低音喇叭插头T4k 4 针插头,黑色,右后低音喇叭插头T4L 4 针插头黑色,带过热保险丝的新鲜空气鼓风机串联电阻插头,T8b 8 Tiptronic 针插头,黑色,开关插头T8b 10 针插头黑色在蒸发箱左侧后部,,T8d 8 针插头黑色在副驾驶员侧车门饰板内,,T8e 8 针插头黑色在驾驶员侧车门饰板内,,T8f 8 针插头黑色收音机插头,,T10s 10 针插头黑色多功能开关插头,,T10y 10 针插头黑色选档杆位置显示屏插头,,T1010 A 2 针插头棕色在左柱下方插座上号位,,T10a 10 A 1 针插头黑色在左柱下方插座上号位,,T10c 10 针插头黑色左前大灯插头,T10d 10 针插头黑色右前大灯插头,,T10e10 A 3 针插头红色在左柱下方插座上号位,,T10f 10 针插头黑色驾驶员侧车门控制单元插头,,T10h 10 针插头黑色后视镜调节转换开关插头,,T8u 8 ,针插头黑色自动变速箱传感器插头在自动变速箱前部右侧,,T8h8 /针插头黄色安全气囊螺旋弹簧带滑环的复位环插头,,T6i 6 针插头,黑色,右后中央门锁闭锁单元插头T6L 6 针插头,黑色,油门踏板位置传感器插头T6ad6 针插头,黑色,节气门控制单元插头T8a 8 针插头,黑色,车窗升降器开关插头T14c 14 针插头黑色电磁阀插头在自动变速箱前部左侧,,,T14a14 针插头黑色,在左侧纵梁前端插头固定架上,T6g6 针插头,黑色,副驾驶员侧中央门锁闭锁单元插头T4v4 3 针插头,黑色,带功率输出级的点火线圈插头T4w4 4 针插头,黑色,带功率输出级的点火线圈插头T5k 5 针插头,黑色,燃油泵插头T6b 6 针插头,黑色,左尾灯插头T6c 6 针插头,黑色,右尾灯插头T6d 6 针插头,黑色,副驾驶员侧车门控制单元插头T6f6 针插头,黑色,驾驶员侧中央门锁闭锁单元插头T5b 5 针插头,黑色,右后车窗升降器开关插头T5c 5 针插头,黑色,后行李箱盖把手开锁按钮插头T5a 5 针插头,黑色,左后车窗升降器开关插头T55 针插头,黑色,副驾驶员侧车窗升降器开关插头T4ao 4 针插头,黑色,制动踏板开关插头T4aq 4 针插头,黑色,进气压力/温度传感器插头T4ac 4 针插头,棕色,在变速箱前方插头固定架上T4p 4 针插头,黑色,冷却液风扇控制单元插头T4r 4 针插头,黑色,在变速箱前方插头固定架上T4t4 1 针插头,黑色,带功率输出级的点火线圈插头T4u4 2 针插头,黑色,带功率输出级的点火线圈插头T5f 5 针插头黑色新鲜空气鼓风机开关插头,,T6h 6 针插头黑色左后中央门锁闭锁单元插头,,T10b 10 针插头黑色在蒸发箱左侧后部,,T16b 16 针插头,黑色,自诊断接口,在仪表板左侧下方T16c 16 针插头,棕色,车窗升降器联锁开关插头T16j 16 针插头黑色空调器控制单元插头,,X 牌照灯,在行李箱盖中部V154新鲜空气空气内循环风门伺服马达,在进风口右侧/V115左后车门中央门锁马达,在左后车门锁内V97右后车门中央门锁马达,在右后车门锁内 V57副驾驶员车门中央门锁马达,在副驾驶员侧车门锁内V56驾驶员车门中央门锁马达,在驾驶员侧车门锁内V2新鲜空气鼓风机,在空调器右侧后方V148副驾驶员侧车窗升降器马达V149驾驶员侧后视镜调节马达,在驾驶员侧外后视镜内V150副驾驶员侧后视镜调节马达,在副驾驶员侧外后视镜内V147驾驶员侧车窗升降器马达,在驾驶员侧车门上W 前部车内照明灯,在车顶内饰板前部中间V155油箱盖板联锁装置马达,在行李箱右侧W13副驾驶员侧阅读灯,在车顶内饰板前部中间W18左侧行李箱照明灯,在行李箱左侧内饰板上W19驾驶员侧阅读灯,在车顶内饰板前部中间氧传感器加热装置,在催化净化器后1 Z29接地点,蓄电池车身,在左纵梁上-1接地点,在右纵梁前部13接地点,在转向柱上,点火开关旁边42接地点,在右柱下方 A 43接地点,在左柱下方A 44接地点,在行李箱左侧车轮罩上方50507正极螺栓连接点,在蓄电池盖保险丝支架上( 30 )608接地点,在排水槽中部Z5副驾驶员侧可加热车外后视镜,在副驾驶员侧外后视镜内Z19氧传感器加热装置催化净化器前 ( )Z4驾驶员侧可加热车外后视镜,在驾驶员侧外后视镜内Y6选档杆位置显示屏Z1可加热后窗玻璃Y2数字钟Y4里程表接地点,在气缸盖左侧16V64ABS ABS 液压泵,在控制单元上V5车窗玻璃清洗泵,在右前轮前方V7冷却液风扇,在散热器左后方V17驾驶员侧后视镜调节马达,在驾驶员侧外后视镜内V25副驾驶员侧后视镜调节马达,在副驾驶员侧外后视镜内 V26左后车窗升降器马达,在左后车门上V27右后车窗升降器马达,在右后车门上V35右侧冷却液风扇,在水箱右后方后行李箱盖中央门锁马达,在行李箱盖尾部中间V53U1点烟器,在换档杆前方V 车窗玻璃刮水器马达T8080 Motronic 针插头,黑色,发动机控制单元插头U 插座在换档杆前方,T5050 针插头,黄色,安全气囊控制单元插头T52b 52 针插头,黑色,自动变速箱控制单元插头T73a73 BCM BCM A 针插头,黑色,车身控制器插头,在车身控制器号位T73b73 BCM BCM B 针插头,白色,车身控制器插头,在车身控制器号位T3232 针插头,蓝色,组合仪表中带显示单元的控制单元插头T4141 针插头,白色,组合开关插头T26a 26 ABS 针插头,黑色,控制单元插头T1717 针插头,黑色,车灯开关插头便携式导航准备插头在仪表板中部杂物箱下方,。
PIN ASSIGNMENTGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe HMF2M32M4VGL is a high-speed flash read only memory (FROM) module containing 2,097,152 words organized in a x32bit configuration. The module consists of four 2M x 8bit FROM mounted on a 72-pin, single-sided, FR4-printed circuit board.Commands are written to the command register using standard microprocessor write timings.Register contents serve as input to an internal state-machine, which controls the erase and programming circuitry. Write cycles also internally latch addresses and data needed for the programming and erase operations. Reading data out of the device is similar to reading from 12.0V flash or EPROM devices.Four chip enable inputs, (/WE0, /WE1, /WE2, /WE3) are used to enable the module ’s 8 bits independently. Output enable (/OE) and write enable (/WE) can set the memory input and output.When FROM module is disable condition the module is becoming power standby mode, system designer can get low -power design. All module components may be powered from a single +3.3V DC power supply and all inputs and outputs are TTL-compatible.FEATURESPIN Symbol PIN Symbol PIN Symbol 1 Vss 25 DQ17 49 /BANKE0 2 NC 26 DQ18 50 A3 3 DQ0 27 DQ19 51 A4 4 DQ1 28 DQ20 52 A5 5 DQ2 29 DQ21 53 A6 6 DQ3 30 Vcc 54 A7 7 DQ4 31 DQ22 55 A8 8 DQ5 32 DQ23 56 A9 9 DQ6 33 /WE2 57 A10 10 Vcc 34 NC 58 A11 11 DQ7 35 DQ24 59 Vcc 12 /WE0 36 DQ25 60 A12 13 /RY_BY 37 DQ26 61 A13 14 DQ8 38 DQ27 62 A14 15 DQ9 39 Vss 63 A15 16 DQ10 40 DQ28 64 A16 17 DQ11 41 DQ29 65 A17 18 DQ12 42 DQ30 66 A18 19 DQ13 43 DQ31 67 A19 20 DQ14 44 /WE3 68 A20 21 DQ15 45 NC 69 A0 22 /WE1 46 /RESET 70 A1 23 NC 47 A2 71 NC 24DQ1648/OE72Vssw Access time : 70, 80, 90, 120ns w High-density 8MByte design w High-reliability, low-power design w Single + 3.3V ± 0.3V power supply w Easy memory expansionw All inputs and outputs are TTL-compatible w FR4-PCB design w Low profile 72-pin SIMMw Minimum 1,000,000 write/erase cycle w Sectors erase architecture w Sector group protectionw Temporary sector group unprotectionOPTIONS MARKINGw Timing70ns access -70 80ns access -80 90ns access -90 120ns access -120 w Packages72-pin SIMM MFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMDQ0 - DQ31A0 – A19/WE0/WE1/WE2/WE3/OE/ResetTRUTH TABLEMODE/OE /CE /WE /RESET DQ ( /BYTE=L )POWER STANDBY X H X Vcc ±0.3VHIGH-Z STANDBY NOT SELECTED H L H H HIGH-Z ACTIVE READL L H H D OUT ACTIVE WRITE or ERASE XLLHD INACTIVENOTE : X means don ’t careABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPARAMETERSYMBOL RATING Voltage with respect to ground all other pins V IN,OUT -0.5V to Vcc+0.5V Voltage with respect to ground Vcc V CC -0.5V to +4.0VStorage TemperatureT STG-65o C to +150o COperating Temperature T A -55o C to +125o CThis is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONSPARAMETERSYMBOL MIN TYP. MAX Vcc for ± 10% device Supply Voltages Vcc 2.7V 3.6V Ground V SSDC AND OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS ( 0o C ≤ T A ≤ 70 o C )PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSSYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNI T Input Load Current Vcc=Vcc max, V IN = Vss to Vcc I L1 ±1.0 µA A9 Input Loda Current Vcc=Vcc max, ; A9=12.5 V I L1T 35 µA Output Leakage CurrentVcc=Vcc max, V OUT = Vss to Vcc I L0±1.0 µA5MHz 9 16 /CE= V IL, /OE= V IH, Byte Mode1MHz 2 4 5MHz 9 16 Vcc Active Read Current (1)/CE= V IL, /OE= V IH, Word Mode1MHzI CC1 2 4 µA Vcc Active Write Current (Note2,3,4)/CE = V IL , /OE=V IH I CC2 20 30 mA Vcc Standby Current(Note2)/CE, /RESET=Vcc ±0.3VI CC30.25mAVcc Standby Current DuringReset(Note2)/RESET=Vss±0.3V I CC40.2 5 mAAutomatic Sleep Mode(Note2,5) V IH= Vcc ±0.3V;V IL= Vss ±0.3V;V CC50.2 5 VInput Low Voltage V IL-0.5 0.8 VInput High Voltage V IH 0.7×VccVcc+0.3VVoltage for Autoselect andTemporary Sector UnprotectV CC = 3.3V V ID11.5 12.5 V Output Low Voltage I OL = 4.0mA, Vcc =Vcc min V OL0.45 VI OH = -2.0mA, Vcc =Vcc min 0.85×VccVOutput High VoltageI OH = -100µA, Vcc =Vcc min Vcc-0.4Low Vcc Lock-Out Voltage(Note4)V LKO 2.3 2.5 V Notes1. The Icc Current listed is typically less than 2 ma/MHz,with /OE at V IH. Typical Vcc is 3.0V.2. Maximum Icc Specifications are tested with Vcc=Vccmax.3. Icc active while Embedded Erase of Embedded Program is in progress.ERASE AND PROGRAMMING PERFORMANCELIMITSPARAMETERMIN. TYP. MAX.UNIT COMMENTSSector Erase Time - 0.7 15 sec Chip Erase Time 25 sec Excludes 00H programming prior to erasureByte Programming Time - 9 300 µs Chip Programming Time - 18 54 sec Excludes system-level overheadTSOP CAPACITANCEPARAMETER SYMBOLPARAMETERDESCRIPTION TEST SETUP MIN MAX UNITC IN Input Capacitance V IN = 0 6 7.5 pFC OUT Output Capacitance V OUT = 0 8.5 12 pFC IN2 Control Pin Capacitance V IN = 0 7.5 9 pF Notes : Test conditions T A = 25o C, f=1.0 MHz.AC CHARACTERISTICSu Read Only Operations CharacteristicsPARAMETER SYMBOLS Speed OptionsJEDEC STANDARD DESCRIPTIONTEST SETUP-70R -80 -90 -120 UNITt AVAV t RC Read Cycle Time (Note 1)Min 70 80 90 120 ns t AVQV t ACC Address to Output Delay /CE = V IL /OE = V IL Max 70 80 90 120 ns t ELQV t CE Chip Enable to Output Delay /OE = V IL Max 70 80 90 120ns t GLQV t OE Chip Enable to Output Delay Max 30 30 35 35 ns t EHQZ t DF Chip Enable to Output High-Z Max 25 25 30 30 ns t GHQZ t DF Output Enable to Output High-ZMax 25253030ns Read Min 0Output Enable Hold Time(Note 1)Toggle and /Data PollingMin 10 nst AXQX t QH Output Hold Time From Addresses, /CE or /OE, Whichever Occurs FirstMinnsNotes :1. Not 100% tested.2. See Figure 5 and Table 10 for test specifications.TEST SPECIFICATIONSTEST CONDITION70R, 8090, 120UNIT Output load1TTL gateOutput load capacitance,C L (Including jig capacitance) 30100 pF Input rise and fall times 5 ns Input pulse levels0.0-3.0 V Input timing measurement reference levels 1.5 V Output timing measurement reference levels 1.5V2.7k ΩDiodes = IN3064 or EquivalentNote LPARAMETER SYMBOLSSpeed Options JEDEC STANDARDDESCRIPTION70R 80 90 120 UNITt AVAV t WC Write Cycle Time Min 708090120ns t AVWL t AS Address Setup Time Min 0ns t WLAX t AH Address Hold Time Min 45 45 45 50 ns t DVWH t DS Data Setup Time Min 35354550ns t WHDX t DH Data Hold TimeMin 0 ns t OES Output Enable Setup Time Min 0 ns t GHWL t GHWL Read Recover Time Before Write Min 0 ns t ELWL t CS /CE Setup Time Min 0 ns t WHEH t CH /CE Hold Time Min 0ns t WLWH t WP Write Pulse Width Min 35353550ns t WHWL t WPH Write Pulse Width High Min 30 ns Byte Typ 9 t WHWH1 t WHWH1 Byte Programming OperationWordTyp 11 µs t WHWH2 t WHWH2 Sector Erase Operation (Note1) Typ 0.7 sec t VCS Vcc set up timeMin 50 µs t RB Recovery Time from RY//BY Min 0 ns t BUSYProgram/Erase Valid to RY//BY DelayMin90ns Notes :1. Not 100% tested.2. See the “Erase and Programming Performance ” section for more information.Alternate /CE Controlled WritesPARAMETER SYMBOLS Speed Options JEDEC STANDARDDESCRIPTION-70R -80 -90 120 UNITt AVAV t WC Write Cycle Time Min 708090120ns t AVWL t AS Address Setup Time Min 0ns t WLAX t AH Address Hold Time Min 45 45 45 50 ns t DVEH t DS Data Setup Time Min 35354550ns t EHDX t DH Data Hold TimeMin 0 ns t OES Output Enable Setup Time Min 0 ns t GHEL t GHEL Read Recover Time Before Write Min 0 ns t WLEL t WS /WE Setup Time Min 0 ns t EHEH t WH /WE Hold Time Min 0ns t ELEH t CP /CE Pulse Width Min 35353550ns T EHEL t CPH /CE Pulse Width High Min 30 ns Byte Typ 9 t WHWH1t WHWH1Byte Programming OperationWordTyp 11 µs t WHWH2 t WHWH2Sector Erase OperationTyp0.7secNotes :1. Not 100% tested.2. See the “Erase and Programming Performance ”section for more information.u READ OPERATIONS TIMINGu RESET TIMINGu PROGRAM OPERATIONS TIMINGu CHIP/SECTOR ERASE OPERATION TIMINGSu DATA# POLLING TIMES(DURING EMBEDDED ALGORITHMS) u TOGGLE# BIT TIMINGS (DURING EMBEDDED ALGORITHMS)u SECTOR PROTECT UNPROTECT TIMEING DIAGRAMu ALTERNATE CE# CONTROLLED WRITE OPERATING TIMINGSPACKAGE DIMENSIONSORDERING INFORMATIONPart NumberDensityOrg.PackageComponent Number VccSPEEDHMF2M32M4VGL-70 8MByte 2Mx 32Bit 72Pin -SIMM 4EA 3.3V70ns HMF2M32M4VGL-80 8MByte 2Mx 32Bit 72Pin -SIMM 4EA 3.3V 80ns HMF2M32M4VGL-90 8MByte 2Mx 32Bit 72Pin -SIMM 4EA 3.3V 90ns HMF2M32M4VGL-120 8MByte2Mx 32Bit72Pin -SIMM4EA3.3V120ns(Solder & Gold Plating)。
Featuress 8 Low Voltage/Power AMD 2M x 8 FLASH Die in OneMCM Packages Overall Configuration is 4M x 32s +5V Power Supply / +5V Programing Operation s Access Times of 100, 120 and 150 nss Erase/Program Cycles – 100,000 Minimum (+25°C)s Sector erase architecture (Each Die)q 32 uniform sectors of 64 Kbytes eachq Any combination of sectors can be erased. Alsosupports full chip eraseq Sector group protection is user definable s Embedded Erase Algorithims – Automaticallypre-programs and erases the die or any sector s Embedded Program Algorithims – Automatically programs and verifies data at specified addresss Ready/Busy output (RY/BY) – Hardware method fordetection of program or erase cycle completions Hardware RESET pin – Resets internal state machine to the read modes Erase Suspend/Resume – Supports reading or programming data to a sector not being erased s Packaging – Hermetic Ceramicq 68–Lead, Low Profile CQFP(F1), 1.56"SQ x .140"max q 68–Lead, Dual-Cavity CQFP(F2), 0.88"SQ x .20"max(.18 max thickness available, contact factory for details) (Drops into the 68 Lead JEDEC .99"SQ CQFJ footprint)s Internal Decoupling Capacitors for Low NoiseOperations Commercial, Industrial and Military Temperature Rangess MIL-PRF-38534 Compliant MCMs AvailableCIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY/act1.htmSector EraseFLASH Multichip ModuleACT–F4M32A High Speed 128 MegabitAdvancedGeneral DescriptionUtilizing AMD’s Sector Erase Flash Memory Die, the ACT-F4M32A is a high speed, 128 megabit CMOS flash multichip module (MCM) designed for full temperature range, military, space, or high reliability applications.The ACT-F4M32A consists of eight high-performance AMD Am29F016 16Mbit (16,777,216 bit) memory die. Each die contains 8 separately write or erase sector groups of 256Kbytes (A sector group consists of 4 adjacent sectors of 64Kbytes each).The command register is written by bringing WE to a logic low level (V IL), while CE is low and OE is high (V IH). Reading is accomplished by chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) being logically active. Access time grades of 100ns, 120ns and 150ns maximum are standard.The ACT-F4M32A is offered in two different hermetically sealed co-fired 68 lead ceramic packages. This allows operation in a military environment temperature range of -55°C to +125°C.The ACT-F4M32A can be programmed (both read and write functions) in-system using the +5.0V V CC power supply. A 12.0V V PP is not required for programming or erase operations. The end of program or erase is detected by the RY/BY pin, Data Polling of DQ7, or by the Toggle bit (DQ6).The ACT-F4M32A also has a hardware RESET pin. When this pin is driven low, execution of any Embedded Program Alggorithm or Embedded Erase Algorithm will be terminated.Each block can be independently erased and programmed 100,000 times at +25°C.For Detail Information regarding the operation of the Am29F016 Sector Erase Flash Memory, see the AMD datasheet (Publication 18805).68 Pins — CQFPPin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function 1GND18GND35OE52GND 2CE119I/O836CE453I/O23 3A520I/O937A1754I/O22 4A421I/O1038A18 55I/O21 5A322I/O1139A1956I/O20 6A223I/O1240A2057I/O19 7A124I/O1341A2158I/O18 8A025I/O1442RESET59I/O17 9RY/BY26I/O1543NC60I/O16 10I/O027V CC44I/O3161V CC 11I/O128A1145I/O3062A10 12I/O229A1246I/O2963A9 13I/O330A1347I/O2864A8 14I/O431A1448I/O2765A7 15I/O532A1549I/O2666A6 16I/O633A1650I/O2567WE 17I/O734CE251I/O2468CE3 Consult Factory for Special order: Pin 9 -NCPackage Outline — CQFP "F1"(16 at .050 4 sides)68 Pins — Dual-Cavity CQFP (Standard Configuration)Pin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function 1GND 18GND 35OE 52GND 2NC 19I/O 836CE 253I/O 233A 520I/O 937A 1754I/O 224A 421I/O 1038RY/BY 55I/O 215A 322I/O 1139NC 56I/O 206A 223I/O 1240NC 57I/O 197A 124I/O 1341A 1858I/O 188A 025I/O 1442A 1959I/O 179RESET 26I/O 1543A 2060I/O 1610I/O 027V CC 44I/O 3161V CC 11I/O 128A 1145I/O 3062A 1012I/O 229A 1246I/O 2963A 913I/O 330A 1347I/O 2864A 814I/O 431A 1448I/O 2765A 715I/O 532A 1549I/O 2666A 616I/O 633A 1650I/O 2567WE 17I/O 734CE 151I/O 2468NCConsult Factory for Special order: Pin 38 -NCTop ViewAll dimensions in inchesPackage Outline — Dual-Cavity CQFP "F2".015.050Detail “A”TYP*.180 MAX available, call factory for detailsOrdering InformationModel Number Screening Speed Package ACT–F4M32C–100F1C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F2C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F2C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F1C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F1I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F2I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F2I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F1I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F1M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F2M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F2M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F1M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFPC I R C U I T T E C H N O L O G YPart Number BreakdownACT–F4M32A–100F1MAeroflex CircuitTechnologyMemory TypeS = SRAMF = FLASH EEPROME = EEPROMD = Dynamic RAMMemory Depth, LocationsPinout OptionsMemory Width, BitsF2 - A = One WE, RY/BY access on Pin 38 - Standard pinout F2 - C = RY/BY internally tied - Optional pinoutF1 - A = One WE, RY/BY access on Pin 9 - Standard pinout F1 - C = RY/BY internally tied - Optional pinoutMemory Speed, ns (+5V V CC)Package Type & SizeSurface Mount PackagesF1 = 1.56"SQ 68 Pin CQFPF2 = .88"SQ 68 Pin Dual-Cavity CQFPC = Commercial T emp, 0°C to +70°CI = Industrial Temp, -40°C to +85°CT = Military Temp, -55°C to +125°CM = Military Temp, -55°C to +125°C, Screened *Q = MIL-PRF-38534 Compliant/SMD if applicableScreening*Screened to the individual test methods of MIL-STD-883Aeroflex Circuit Technology35 South Service RoadPlainview New York 11803Telephone: (516) 694-6700FAX: (516) 694-6715Toll Free Inquiries: (800) 843-1553Specifications subject to change without notice/act1.htm E-Mail: sales-act@。
表1国际单位制的基本单位量的名称单位名称单位符号长 度米m质 量千克(公斤)kg时 间秒s电 流安[培] A热力学温度开[尔文] K物质的量摩[尔] mol发光强度坎[德拉] cd表2国际单位制的辅助单位量的名称单位名称单位符号[平面]角弧度rad立体角球面度sr表3国际单位制中具有专门名称的导出单位量的名称单位名称单位符号其它表示式例频 率赫[兹] Hz s-1力,重力牛[顿] N kg·m/s2压力,压强,应力帕[斯卡] Pa N/m2能[量],功,热量焦[耳] J N·m功率,辐[射能] 瓦[特] W J/s 电荷[量] 库[仑] C A·s 电位,电压,电动势伏[特] V W/A 电 容法[拉] F C/V电 阻欧[姆] ΩV/A电 导西[门子] S A/V磁通[量] 韦[伯] Wb V·s磁通[量]密度,磁感应密度特[斯拉] T Wb/m2电 感亨[利] H Wb/A摄氏温度摄氏度℃光能量流[明] 1m cd·sr[光]照度勒[克斯] 1x 1m/m2[放射性]活度贝可[勒尔] Bq s-1吸收剂量戈[瑞] Gy J/kg剂量当量希[沃特] Sv J/kg表4国家选定的非国际单位制单位量的名称单位名称单位符号换算关系和说明时 间分[小]时天(日)minhd1min=60s1h=60min=3600s1d=24h=86400s平面角[角]秒[角]分度(″)(′)(° )1″=(π/648000)rad(π为圆周率)1′=60″=(π/10800rad)1°=60′=(π/180)rad旋转速度转每分r/min 1r/min=(1/60)s-1长度海里n mile 1n mile=1852m(只用于航程)速度节kn 1kn=1n mile/h=(1852/3600)m/s(只用于航行)质量吨原子质量单位tu1t=103kg1u≈1.6605655×10-27kg体积升L,(l) 1L=1dm3=10-3m3能电子伏eV 1eV≈1.6021892×10-19J级差分贝dB线密度特[克斯] tex 1tex=1g/km表5用于构成十进倍数和分数单位的词头所表示的因数词头名称词头符号1018艾[可萨] E1015拍[它] P1012太[拉] T109吉[咖] G106兆M103千k102百h101十da10-1分 d10-2厘 c10-3毫m10-6微μ10-9纳[诺] n10-12皮[可] p10-15飞[母托] f10-18阿[托] a注:1.周、月、年(年的符号为a)为一般常用时间单位。
Acrel 江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司 ARCM300 型 电气火灾监控探测器 安装使用说明书
171ARCM300型电气火灾监控探测器安装使用说明书V1.1江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司Jiangsu Acrel Electric MFG.Co.,Ltd.申明DECLARATION版权所有,未经本公司之书面许可,此手册中任何段落、章节内容均不得被摘抄、拷贝或以任何形式复制、传播,否则一切后果由违者自负。
目录1概述 (1)2产品型号 (1)3技术参数 (1)4安装与接线 (2)4.1外形及安装尺寸 (2)4.2安装方式 (2)4.3接线说明 (3)4.4注意事项 (3)5编程与使用 (5)5.1测量项目及面板说明 (5)5.2LED指示说明 (5)5.3按键编程说明 (5)5.4液晶显示 (5)5.5编程 (7)6功能应用 (8)6.1剩余电流监测 (8)6.2温度保护 (8)6.3自检功能 (8)6.4消音功能 (8)6.5报警复位(解除报警) (8)6.6集中监控 (9)7通讯协议 (9)7.1通讯协议概述 (9)7.2功能码简介 (10)7.3探测器参数地址表 (11)8典型应用及附件 (13)8.1典型接线图 (13)8.2分级保护应用原则 (13)8.3AKH-0.66L系列剩余电流互感器选型 (13)8.4NTC温度传感器 (14)9注意事项 (14)1概述ARCM300型电气火灾监控探测器是针对0.4kV 以下的TT 、TN 系统设计的,通过对配电回路的剩余电流、导线温度等火灾危险参数实施监控和管理,从而预防电气火灾的发生。
A-T Controls F83系列火灾安全3件球值说明书
F83-3R-20220525Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.SERIES F83 3-Piece FiresafeThe F83 Series Firesafe 3-piece ball valves are the finest quality 3-piece valves on the market. The high quality investment castings feature a fully machined bore. The superior live-loaded packing system is accomplished with Belleville washers, Grafoil packing and a unique primary pyramidal stem seal. This advanced sealing system provides protection against stem leaks experienced by ordinary ball valves.Easy to Automate!See automated data sheets for pre-sized assembliesPneumaticElectricRTFE seats are standard, but various options are available for seat materials. The 50/50 STFE seat option is excellent for services that call for higher temperatures and more difficult applications including steam. Call us for details.Cincinnati, Ohio FAX (513) 247-5462********************C E R T I F I E DHigh Performance, Full Port 3-Piece Ball ValveISO 5211 Mounting Pad Class 400 to 600960 to 1480 psi (by size)1/4” to 2”* 1/4” THRU 2” QTY = 4 PCS* 2-1/2” QTY = 6 PCSHigh Performance, Full Port 3-Piece Ball ValveISO 5211 Mounting Pad Classes up to 600 1500 - 2000 psi (by size)SIZED FOR 60 psi AIR SUPPL YMODELF83-TX-025/3RDD-XX F83-TX-038/3RDD-XX F83-TX-050/3RDD-XX F83-TX-075/3RDD-XX F83-TX-100/3RDD-XX F83-TX-125/3RED-XX F83-TX-150/3RED-XX F83-TX-200/3RFD-XXDIMENSIONS (IN)VALVE SIZEABCDE1/4" 6.50 2.840.7872.65 2.823/8" 6.50 2.840.7872.65 2.821/2" 6.50 2.840.7872.62 2.823/4" 6.50 2.840.7872.78 2.821" 6.50 2.840.7872.99 2.821-1/4" 6.50 2.840.7873.14 2.821-1/2"7.60 3.470.7874.03 3.352"9.304.300.7874.91 4.18DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ASSEMBLIES SIZED FOR 80 PSI SUPPLYFiresafe tested to API-607(valve only)83 3-Piece FiresafeOther options available - call for detailsActuators are sized based on full differential pressure with clean water. Consult the Application Sizing Guide for assistance with sizing actuators.SAMPLE PART #F83C-TX-100/3RDD-XXSee automated part number matrix on back cover for complete part number and options. Valve SeriesFiresafe Seat MaterialValve SizeEnd ConnectionCarbon Steel TRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator Size Double ActingSUFFIX 1: Solenoids SUFFIX 2: Limit SwitchOPTIONSSUFFIX 1X A B C D F Q M L N P ESIZED FOR 60 psi AIR SUPPL YMODELF83-TX-025/3RD4-XX F83-TX-038/3RD4-XX F83-TX-050/3RD4-XX F83-TX-075/3RE4-XX F83-TX-100/3RF4-XX F83-TX-125/3RF4-XX F83-TX-150/3RG4-XX F83-TX-200/3RH4-XXDIMENSIONS (IN)VALVE SIZEABCDE1/4" 6.50 2.840.7872.65 1.933/8" 6.50 2.840.7872.65 1.931/2" 6.50 2.840.7872.62 1.933/4"7.60 3.470.7872.78 3.351"9.29 4.300.7872.98 4.181-1/4"9.29 4.300.7873.13 4.181-1/2"9.294.300.7874.03 4.182"11.02 4.610.7874.91 4.27DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ASSEMBLIES SIZED FOR 80 PSI SUPPLYFiresafe tested to API-607(valve only)83 3-Piece FiresafeOther options available - call for detailsActuators are sized based on full differential pressure with clean water. Consult the Application Sizing Guide for assistance with sizing actuators.SAMPLE PART #F83C-TX-100/3RFS-XXSee automated part number matrix on back cover for complete partnumber and options.Valve SeriesFiresafe Seat MaterialValve SizeEnd ConnectionCarbon Steel TRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator Size Spring ReturnSUFFIX 1: Solenoids SUFFIX 2: Limit Switch OPTIONSSUFFIX 1X A B C D F Q M L N P EOther options available - call for detailsActuators are sized based on full differential pressure with clean water. Consult the Application Sizing Guide for assistance with sizing actuators.SAMPLE PART #F83C-TX-100/WEA1-XXSee automated partnumber matrix on back cover for complete part number and options. Valve SeriesFiresafe Carbon Steel Seat MaterialValve SizeEnd ConnectionTRIAC Actuator SeriesActuator SizeOn-Off SUFFIX 1: Voltage SUFFIX 2: OptionsHOW TO ORDER:Manual Valves w/ OptionsF83C-TH-0200-XXX-_-_ _SAMPLE PART #(2) Valve Series(1) Firesafe(4) End Connection(6) Seat, Lining & TrimMaterial (5) Valve Size(7) Special Designation(8) Additional Specials(9,10,11) OptionsMANUAL VALVE(3) Body/Ball/StemMaterialHOW TO ORDER:Automated Valves(10) Special DesignationSAMPLE PART #(2) Valve Series(3) Body/Ball/StemMaterial(6) Valve Size(5) Seat, Lining, & TrimMaterial(4) End Connection (7A) TRIAC Actuator Series(7A) Actuator Size (7B) Double Acting(8) Accessory (9) AccessoryAUTOM ATED VALVE F83C-TX-100/3RDD-XX-_**2500 & 3500 60 psig springF83-3R-20220525Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio FAX (513) 247-5462********************(1) Firesafe。
安科瑞 362 ATC450-C无线测温收发器使用说明书
1.安装使用 (1)1.1技术指标 (1)1.2产品安装及尺寸 (1)1.2.1无线温度收发器 (1)1.2.2无线温度传感器尺寸 (2)1.2.3无线温度传感器ATE400安装 (2)1.3接线方法 (3)2.通讯指南 (3)2.1通讯格式详解 (3)2.1.1读取数据(功能码03H/04H) (3)2.1.2预置单个寄存器(功能码06H) (3)2.1.3预置多个寄存器(功能码10H) (4)2.2通讯地址表 (4)1.安装使用1.1技术指标1.2产品安装及尺寸1.2.1无线温度收发器ATC450-C 无线测温接收器,可以采用导轨(DIN35mm )安装方式,也可以使用螺栓固定方式。
图1.1无线温度收发器项目指标收发器ATC450-C工作电源DC24V功耗≤1W 测温点数不大于60点分辨率0.1℃通讯端口RS485协议MODBUS-RTU 波特率(bps)2400、4800、9600、19200工作环境温度:-20℃~+55℃;相对湿度≤95%传感器ATE400测温范围-50℃~+125℃测温精度±1℃无线频率470M通讯距离不小于150m (空旷)采样频率15S工作电源感应取电,启动电流5A安装方式合金片固定工作环境温度:-40℃~+125℃;相对湿度≤95%1.2.2无线温度传感器尺寸无线温度传感器ATE400适用于手车式动触头,电缆与母排搭接处,隔离刀闸搭接处等电气搭接点的温度测量,采用合金片固定式安装。
● 液晶屏上可显示故障报警的回路、站号、时间等信息,并可打印出来。
一、TSX-DF-LD 电气火灾监控设备.1 系统概述
TSX-DF-LD 型剩余电流式电气火灾报警监控系统(以下简称控制器)可以检测线路的漏电电流以及线路 的过电流,在液晶显示屏上可查看报警信息,以找到发生漏电或过电流的线路。通过配接我厂生产的电气火 灾监控器和控制单元,构成具有高智能,大容量,网络化,多功能,高可靠的电气火灾探测报警及消防联动 控制系统。
七、附件 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 7.1 TSK-8 中继扩展模块................................................................................................................................. 14 7.2 TSP 监控器机盒......................................................................................................................................... 15
杰森 Moeller 系列 ZB 过载保护器 ZB32 商品说明说明书
Eaton 278444Eaton Moeller® series ZB Overload relay, ZB32, Ir= 0.24 - 0.4 A, 1N/O, 1 N/C, Direct mounting, IP20General specificationsEaton Moeller® series ZB Thermaloverload relay278444401508278444796 mm67 mm45 mm0.141 kgCSA-C22.2 No. 60947-4-1-14 IEC/EN 60947-4-1IEC/EN 60947CSACSA File No.: 012528CSA Class No.: 3211-03CEUL Category Control No.: NKCR ULUL File No.: E29184VDE 0660UL 60947-4-1ZB32-0,4Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model Code0.4 A1 x (1 - 4) mm², Main cables2 x (1 - 4) mm², Main cables1 x (0.75 - 2.5) mm², Control circuit cables2 x (0.75 - 2.5) mm², Control circuit cablesIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.8 mm25 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Direct attachmentDirect mountingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10 mm40 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.AutomaticPush-button1 A, Class J/CC, max. Fuse, SCCR (UL/CSA)100 kA, Fuse, SCCR (UL/CSA)DA-DC-00004843.pdf DA-DC-00004853.pdfDA-CE-ETN.ZB32-0,4IL03407195ZIL03407015ZDA-CD-zb32DA-CS-zb32Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Terminal capacity (flexible with ferrule)10.11 Short-circuit ratingStripping length (control circuit cable)Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting method10.2.5 LiftingStripping length (main cable)Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Reset functionShort-circuit current rating (high fault at 600 V)Declarations of conformity eCAD modelIstruzioni di installazione mCAD model10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Screw sizeM4, Terminal screwM3.5, Terminal screw, Control circuit cablesAdjustable current range - min0.24 AProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact when actuated from front (EN 50274)Ambient operating temperature - max55 °CClimatic proofingDamp heat, cyclic, to IEC 60068-2-30Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78FeaturesTest/off buttonPhase-failure sensitivity (according to IEC/EN 60947, VDE 0660 Part 102)Reset pushbutton manual/autoTrip-free releaseStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 WElectrical connection type of main circuitScrew connection10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Voltage rating - max600 VACAmbient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Safe isolation440 V AC, Between main circuits, According to EN 61140440 V, Between auxiliary contacts and main contacts, According to EN 61140240 V AC, Between auxiliary contacts, According to EN 61140Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V1.5 AClassCLASS 10 A10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of contacts (normally closed contacts)110.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V0.9 AHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid1.8 WProduct categoryAccessoriesOverload relay ZB up to 150AOverload release current setting - min0.24 ARated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 60 V0.75 AEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid5.4 WHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WSuitable forBranch circuits, (UL/CSA)Temperature compensation≤ 0.25 %/K, residual error for T > 40° ContinuousTerminal capacity (solid)1 x (0.75 - 4) mm², Control circuit cables2 x (1 - 6) mm², Main cables2 x (0.75 - 4) mm², Control circuit cables1 x (1 - 6) mm², Main cablesNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts) Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 220 V, 230 V0.2 AConventional thermal current ith of auxiliary contacts (1-pole, open)6 AOverload release current setting - max0.4 ATerminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG)18 - 8, Main cables2 x (18 - 14), Control circuit cables10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Degree of protectionIP20Overvoltage categoryIIINumber of auxiliary contacts (change-over contacts)Pollution degree310.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)6000 V AC4000 V (auxiliary and control circuits)10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Tightening torque1.2 Nm, Screw terminals, Control circuit cables1.8 Nm, Screw terminals, Main cablesAdjustable current range - max0.4 AFrame sizeZB32Screwdriver size1 x 6 mm, Terminal screw, Standard screwdriver2, Terminal screw, Pozidriv screwdriverRated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 120 V1.5 A10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of contacts (normally open contacts)1Short-circuit protection rating25 A gG/gL, Fuse, Type “1” coordinationMax. 6 A gG/gL, fuse, Without welding, Auxiliary and control circuits2 A gG/gL, Fuse, Type “2” coordinationNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)1Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 110 V0.4 ARated operational voltage (Ue) - max690 VShock resistance10 g, Mechanical, Sinusoidal, Shock duration 10 msEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tutti i diritti riservati. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia0.9 AB600 at opposite polarity, AC operated (UL/CSA) R300, DC operated (UL/CSA)B300 at opposite polarity, AC operated (UL/CSA)Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 24 V Switching capacity (auxiliary contacts, pilot duty)。
赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK_120_GB_12F4_T 数据表
© by SEMIKRONRev. 2.0–02.09.20211SEMITOP ®3IGBT moduleSK 120 GB 12F4 T Features*•Compact design•One screw mounting module•Optimum heat transfer and isolation through AlN direct copper bonding (DBC)•Trench4 Fast IGBT technology •CAL4F diode technology•Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized, file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Switching (not for linear use)•Inverter•Switched mode power supplies •UPSAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditionsValuesUnitInverter - IGBTV CES T j =25°C 1200V I C T j =175°CT s =25°C 174A T s =70°C143A I Cnom 120A I CRM240A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =800V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1200VT j =150°C10µs T j -40...175°C Inverse - DiodeV RRM T j =25°C 1200V I F T j =175°CT s =25°C 29A T s =70°C24A I FRM 30A I FSM 10ms, sin 180°, T j =150°C65A T j -40 (175)°C Module I t(RMS)∆T terminal at PCB joint = 30 K, per pin 60A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC, sinusoidal, t =1min2500VCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverter - IGBTV CE(sat)I C =120A V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 2.05 2.40V T j =150°C 2.59 2.85V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.800.90V T j =150°C 0.700.80V r CE V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 1013m ΩT j =150°C1617m ΩV GE(th)V GE = V CE , I C =4.5mA5.25.86.4V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1200V, T j =25°C 1.6mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0V f =1MHz 6.90nF C oes f =1MHz 0.56nF C res f =1MHz0.41nF Q G V GE =- 15 V...+ 15 V412nC R Gint T j =25°C 2.7Ωt d(on)V CC =600V I C =120A R G on =2.2ΩR G off =2.2Ωdi/dt on =2354A/µs di/dt off =2264A/µs V GE =+15/-15VT j =150°C 156ns t r T j =150°C 51ns E on T j =150°C 8.8mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 346ns t f T j =150°C 42ns E off T j =150°C 7.47mJ R th(j-s)per IGBT, λpaste =0.8 W/(mK)0.22K/W2Rev. 2.0–02.09.2021© by SEMIKRONSEMITOP ®3IGBT moduleSK 120 GB 12F4 T Features*•Compact design•One screw mounting module•Optimum heat transfer and isolation through AlN direct copper bonding (DBC)•Trench4 Fast IGBT technology •CAL4F diode technology•Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized, file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Switching (not for linear use)•Inverter•Switched mode power supplies •UPSCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse - Diode V F = V EC I F =15A chiplevel T j =25°C 2.38 2.71V T j =150°C 2.44 2.77V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.30 1.50V T j =150°C 0.90 1.10V r FchiplevelT j =25°C 7281m ΩT j =150°C103111m ΩI RRM I F =120A di/dt off =2350A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =600VT j =150°C 43.4A Q rr T j=150°C5.7µC E rr T j =150°C 2.04mJ R th(j-s)per diode, λpaste =0.8 W/(mK)1.25K/W Module L CE -nHM s to heatsink 2.252.5Nm w29g Temperature Sensor R 100T c =100°C (R 25=5 k Ω)493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%K© by SEMIKRON Rev. 2.0–02.09.202134Rev. 2.0–02.09.2021© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 2.0–02.09.20215This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.6。
● 必须拆除并重新安装空调机时,应请销售代理店负责。 安装不当可能导致漏水、触电和火灾。
● 室外机周围不要堆积杂物、落叶等。 一旦落叶、小动物等进入机器,接触到内部电气部件,会引起部件故障或冒烟、起火等状况。
● 保养只能由专业维修人员进行。 ● 在接触接线装置之前,必须切断所有电源。
● 不要在本产品附近使用易燃材料(例如头发定型剂 或者杀虫剂)。 不要使用有机溶剂,例如油漆稀释剂清洁本产品。 如果使用有机溶剂,可能导致裂缝、触电或火灾。
● 请求修理时应提供以下细节: ● 空调机型号 ● 出厂编号及安装日期 ● 故障-详细描述 ● 您的姓名、地址和电话号码
● 保修期过后的修理 与销售商联系,如可以修理,会提供收费服务。
● 关键零部件的最短保留期 大金公司在停止生产此型号空调后至少9年内会保留关键 零部件。 关键零部件指维持产品运转所必须的零件。
(1)拉下空气过滤网的底部,将空气过滤网的开孔从 空调格栅突块处移开。(左右两侧)
3. 清洁空气过滤网。
● 勿用50℃以上热水清洗,以免掉色或变形。 ● 勿在火上烤干,过滤网可能会着火。
A 使用吸尘器或 B 用水清洗,以除去尘土。 A 用吸尘器除去尘土。
● 保养检查 使用几个季节之后,由于机内积累灰尘,空调机性能会 降低。 除自己进行日常保养之外,建议您跟我们签订(收费的) 保养检查合同。有关这项专业服务的细节,请与销售商 联系。
● 问询 关于售后服务请向销售商咨询。
3PR04235-18L.indd 5
2009-3-6 9:56:39
Eaton PDG23F0100E3CJEaton Power Defense molded case circuit breaker, Globally Rated, Frame 2, Three Pole, 100A, 25kA/480V, PXR20 LSIG w/ CAM Link and Relays, Standard Line and Load (PDG2X3T100)Eaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDG23F0100E3CJ 78667927831488.9 mm 152.4 mm 104.6 mm 1.82 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant CSAIEC 60947-2CCC MarkedUL 489Product NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertificationsCAM / Relays25 kAIC at 480 Vac2600100 A100 AThree-pole600 VPD2 Global10 kAIC Icu @250 Vdc35 kAIC @240V (UL)10 kAIC Icu @125 Vdc25 kAIC Icu/ 25 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC)25 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC)14 kAIC @600V (UL/CSA)18 kAIC Icu/ 15/13 kAIC Ics/ 37.8 kAIC Icm @525V South Africa (IEC)35 kAIC Icu/ 35 kAIC Ics/ 73.5 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC)20 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 42 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC)25 kAIC @480V (UL)ElectronicClass AComplete breakerStandard Line and Load Eaton Power Defense MCCB PDG23F0100E3CJ 3D drawingPower Xpert Protection Manager x64Power Xpert Protection Manager x32Consulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Defense technical selling bookletPower Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 2 product aidPower Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuit breakersMolded case circuit breakers catalogEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersPDG4 CCC certificationPDG4 CB reportPDG2 CB reportPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65Power Defense Frame 2 global terminal shield, 3 pole - IL012330EN Power Defense Frame 2/3/4/5/6 voltage neutral sensor module wiring instructions – IL012316ENPower Defense Frame 2 box terminal (steel), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012234EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 box terminal (aluminum), 225A, 3 pole instructions - IL012235EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012237EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 bell alarm switch instructions - IL012154EN Power Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm Switch Instructions (IL012154EN).pdf Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 150A, 3 pole instructions - IL012238EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2256W instructions - IL012242EN H01Special featuresInterrupt ratingFrameRated operation voltage (Ue) at AC - max Trip ratingAmperage RatingNumber of polesVoltage rating - maxCircuit breaker typeInterrupt rating rangeSwitch off techniqueClassCircuit breaker frame typeTerminals 3D CAD drawing package Application notesBrochuresCatalogsCertification reports Installation instructions600 Vac PXR 20 LSIG CAM Link Power Defense Frame 2 PDG2 and PDC(E)9 breaker instructions -IL012106ENPower Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA150RF instructions - IL012244EN H01Power Defense Frame 1-2-3-4 IP door barrier assembly instructions -IL012278ENPower Defense Frame 2 screw terminal_end cap kit, 225A, 3 pole instructions - IL012258EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Assy With Interlock Version Instructions (IL012138EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 shunt trip UVR instructions - IL012130EN Power Defense Frame 2 clamp terminal (steel), 20A, 3 pole instructions - IL012246EN H03Power Defense Frame 1 IEC and Frame 2 Rotary Mechanism with NFPA Handle Attachment Instructions (IL012260EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 50A, 3 pole instructions - IL012236EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA225RF instructions - IL012245EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal kits - PDG2X1TA225K instructions- IL012239EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 locking devices and handle block instructions - IL012149ENPower Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2253W instructions - IL012243EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 handle mech direct rotary handle instructions - IL012134ENPower Defense Frame 2 handle mech variable depth rotary handle instructions - IL012136ENPower Defense Frame 2 TMTU Aux, Alarm, ST and UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Locking Devices and Handle Block Animated Instructions.pdf.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Handle Mech Variable Depth Rotary Handle Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 withTMTU, Shunt Trip_UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm with PXR Animated Instructions.pdf.rhPower Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Mechanism InstallationVoltage ratingTrip TypeCommunicationInstallation videosMultimediaEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaHow-To VideoPower Defense Frame 2 Aux, Alarm, Shunt Trip, and UVR How-To Video Power Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense molded case circuit breakers Eaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safety Power Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To Video Power Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To Video Power Defense Breakers Eaton Specification Sheet - PDG23F0100E3CJ Power Defense time current curve Frame 2 - PD2Single and double break MCCB performance revisited Making a better machineIntelligent circuit protection yields space savings Intelligent power starts with accurate, actionable data Molded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker health Molded case and low-voltage breaker health Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniquesSpecifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。
Power Defense™ContentsDescription Page General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Installation of three-way cable interlock . . . . . . . .4Functional test of interlock assembly . . . . . . . . .103-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit- type 32 - RFUL489 : PD-RFIEC: PD-RF , IZMX40Instructions apply to:2Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RFEATON WORK ON THE EQUIPMENT.(2) ALWAYS DE-ENERGIZE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CIRCUITS IF A CIRCUIT BREAKER CANNOT BE REMOVED TO A SAFE WORK LOCATION.(3) DRAWOUT CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHOULD BE LEVERED (RACKED) OUT TO THE DISCONNECT POSITION.(4) ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHOULD BE SWITCHED TO THE OFF POSITION AND MECHANISM SPRINGS DISCHARGED.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE WARNINGS FOR ALL PROCEDURESDESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUCTION LEAFLET COULD RESULT IN DEATH, BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.HAVE TO BE FOLLOWED. OBSERVE THE FIVE SAFETY RULES: – DISCONNECTING– ENSURE THAT DEVICES CANNOT BE ACCIDENTALLY RESTARTED – VERIFY ISOLATION FROM THE SUPPLY – EARTHING AND SHORT-CIRCUITING– COVERING OR PROVIDING BARRIERS TO ADJACENT LIVE PARTSDISCONNECT THE EQUIPMENT FROM THE SUPPLY. USE ONLY AUTHORIZED SPARE PARTS IN THE REPAIR OF THE EQUIPMENT. THE SPECIFIEDMAINTENANCE INTERVALS AS WELL AS THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPAIR AND EXCHANGE MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO PREVENT INJURY TO PERSONNEL AND DAMAGE TO THE SWITCHBOARD.SWITCHED ON AT ALL TIMES. IN THE EVENT THAT BOTH SUPPLYSWITCHING DEVICES ARE IN THE OPEN POSITION, THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT A CLOSE SIGNAL TO ALL THREE SWITCHING DEVICES COULD CAUSE MOMENTARY PARALLELING. IF THIS IS UNDESIRABLE, THE USER MAY WANT TO INCLUDE A SEPARATE MECHANICAL AND/OR ELECTRICAL INTERLOCK TO PREVENT SIMULTANEOUS CLOSING COMMANDS BEING SENT TO BOTH OF THE NORMAL SUPPLY SWITCHING DEVICES (A AND C) AND THE TIE SWITCHING DEVICE (B) UNDER ALL CONDITIONS.General informationThis information leaflet provides detailed installation instructions for installing and interconnecting one fixed Type RF frame breaker to another type of low voltage circuit breaker (LVCB) in any position (see A, B, C in T able 1) for a Type 32 interlock configuration as shown in Figure 1 . When purchasing kits for a Type 32 interlock configuration setup, additional interlock kits (the types of interlock kits and the other breakers on which they can be installed that are compatible with this kit are listed in T able 2) are required for the other two breakers as well as the interconnecting cable kits (three are required) .For Type 32 interlock configurations, the mechanical interlock holds one of the breakers tripped or open (prevents closure) when the other two are closed . A lever assembly is mounted on each breaker and interfaces with the pole shaft and trip bar . The lever assemblies are interconnected with cables provided in interconnecting cable kits (listed in T able 3) that are compatible with this interlock kit . The cable kits, purchased separately, each contain two cables and can be used for any orientation of the breakers according to the installation recommendations in Step 9 .Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3 for identification of interlock kit and interconnecting cable kit contents, respectively .Breaker ABreaker BBreaker CType 32 cable routingFigure 1. Cable routing for three-way T ype 32 interlock configurations T able 1. T ype 32 interlock logicBreaker0 = open 1 = closed3Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RF EATON T able 2. Interlock assembly kits for interconnected breakersInterconnected breakerInterlock assembly kit for fixed breakerInterlock assembly kit for drawout breakerType RF frame IZMX-MIL32C-F16-2IZMX-MIL32C-W16-2Type NF frameIZMX-MIL32C-F40-2IZMX-MIL32C-W40-2Magnum IZM97 or IZM99IZM-MCI32-F IZM-MCI32-W Magnum DST or SB MCI3W32FX MCI3W32DOT able 3. Interconnecting cable kits (two cables per kit) aCable kit lengthCatalogue number1,5 m (5 ft)IZMX-MIL-CAB1520-21,8 m (6 ft)IZMX-MIL-CAB1830-22,4 m (8 ft)IZMX-MIL-CAB2440-23,0 m (10 ft)IZMX-MIL-CAB3050-2a Cable kits are purchased separately as needed.(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)(J)M3 x 16 mm flathead screw1x Lock washer 4xM6 x 12 mm hex bolt 4x Interlock assembly1xTrip pin 1xGrease tube1xCable bracket4xM6 x 10 mm thread-formingscrew 7x41,3 mm (1,625 in) cable tube spacer1xDrive arm1xM6 x 35 mm flathead screw1x(L)Fixed mountingbracket 1x(K)Figure 2. Interlock kit part identification, includes parts to install on a single fixed T ype RF frame breaker and cassette (does not include cables)Figure 3. Interconnecting cable kit part identification (includes cables)4Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RFEATON Installation of two-way cable interlockRequired tools• 10 mm hex socket• 11/16-inch open-end wrench • 3/8-inch open-end wrench • 3/8-inch hex socket • 2 mm Allen wrench • Drive extension • Ratchet• Adjustable wrench • T15 Torx driver•Measuring instrument, in mmBefore proceeding with the following steps, ensure that all breakers are in the OPEN and DISCHARGED position .Step 1Remove the four screws (six for 4-pole breaker) holding the coverin place . Pull down on the charging handle and remove the front cover as shown in Figure 4 . Remove drive arm window as shown in Figure 5 . Either use a utility knife to cut the window from the cover, or use a punch and a small hammer to carefully punch out the window . Once the window is removed, use a small file to remove any burrs that remain . Make certain that all pieces and/or particles are cleaned up and removed before proceeding .Step 2Remove and retain the upper right M5 x 12 mm screw from the fixed breaker mounting foot (ref . IL01301076E) as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. Details for Steps 1 and 2Figure 5. Details for Steps 1 and 2Step 3Install the drive arm (E) to the end of the pole shaft using an M6 x 35 mm flathead screw (F) as shown in Figure 6 . Apply LoctiteT Blue 242 to ensure that the screw cannot come loose during operation . The drive arm should be oriented as shown in Figure 6 . Torque to 7,3–9,6 N·m (65–85 in-lb) .Step 4Install the trip pin (A) to the trip bar using an M3 x 16 mm flathead screw (B) as shown in Figure 6 . Apply Loctite Blue 242 to ensure that the screw cannot come loose during operation . Use a wrench to hold the trip lever during installation . Torque to 0,3–0,6 N·m (3–5 in-lb) .(A)(E)(B)(F)Figure 6. Details for Steps 3 and 45Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RF EATON Step 5Fasten the interlock assembly (J) to the fixed mounting bracket (K) using four M6 x 12 mm hex bolts (C) and four lock washers (D) as shown in Figure 7 . Torque to 4,5–5,6 N·m (40–50 in-lb) .Step 6Fasten the fixed mounting bracket (K) to the right side fixed breakermounting foot using three M6 x 10 mm thread-forming screws (H) as shown in Figure 7 . Torque to 7,3–9,6 N·m (65–85 in-lb) . Ensure that once attached to the breaker, the trip paddle is above the trip pin on the trip bar as shown in Figure 8 .Step 7Re-install M5 x 12 mm screw as shown in Figure 7 . Torque to 2,2 N·m (20 in-lb) .Figure 7. Details for Steps 5 and 6Interlock assembly trip paddle(A) Trip pin With all circuit breakers OPEN, the paddle is positioned above the trip pin as shown .Figure 8. Details for Step 6Step 8Fasten four cable brackets (G) to the right fixed mounting bracket (K) just below the interlock assembly (mounted in Steps 5, 6 and 7) using four M6 x 10 mm thread-forming screws (H) as shown in Figure 9 . Torque to 7,3–9,6 N·m (65–85 in-lb) .(H)(G)Figure 9. Details for Step 8Step 9This step contains cable routing and installation procedures .Make sure that cables move freely in their cable housings before installation . When attaching cables to swivel fittings, ensure that both ends of the cable are connected to push swivel fittings or both ends of the cable are connected to pull swivel fittings (refer to Figure 11) . For example, a cable connected to the Drive Lever Pull Swivel Fitting on Breaker A must connect to the Driven Lever Pull Swivel Fitting on Breaker B .ATTENTIONFIGURE 10 SHOWS THE TYPICAL CABLE ROUTING FOR TYPE 32 INTERLOCK CONFIGURATIONS. NOTICE THAT DEPENDING ON THE POSITION OF THE BREAKER WITHIN THE INTERLOCK CONFIGURATION, THE CABLES WILL BE ATTACHED IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS. THE CABLE MOUNTING ON BOTH POINTS OF THE DRIVE AND DRIVEN LEVERS ARE DESCRIBED BELOW. TABLE 4 SHOWS THE TYPE 32 INTERLOCK LOGIC DEPENDING ON POSITION.6Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RFEATON Breaker ABreaker BBreaker CType 32 cable routingFigure 10. Cable routing for three-way T ype 32 interlock configurations T able 4. T ype 32 interlock logicBreaker0 = open 1 = closedInstallation recommendations• 102 mm (4 inch) minimum allowable cable housing bend radius •Use plastic wire ties / clamps to attach cable housing to structure after installation and adjustment • Do not compress cable housing •Recheck to ensure cables move freelyDriven ”And” leverDriven lever pull swivel fitting Driven lever push swivel fittingDrive lever push swivel fittingDrive lever pull swivel fitting Drive leverGapFigure 11. Push and pull swivel fitting identificationStep 10This step describes how to first attach the drive (short rod) end of a cable to its interlock assembly and cable bracket . See Figure 12 .To attach the drive (short rod) end of a cable to the drive lever pull swivel fitting (refer to Figure 11), follow the directions below .1. Remove upper nut, compression spring, and 38,1 mm tubespacer from end of rod of cable assembly .2. Slide rubber boot toward tip of rod .3. Unthread outer bulkhead nut and slide nut and lock washertoward tip .4. Insert threaded end of rod into swivel fitting .5. Slide smaller diameter portion of bulkhead fitting into cablebracket slot, keeping one of the two lock washers with each bulkhead nut .6. Raise the cable assembly until threaded portion of bulkheadfitting enters slotted hole in cable bracket (threads show above bracket) .7. Bring bulkhead washer and nut down to threads andhand tighten .8. Adjust two bulkhead nuts to approximately center the threadedsection of the bulkhead fitting on the cable mounting bracket . 9. Hand tighten the bulkhead nuts at this time .10. Slide rubber boot back into place over end of bulkhead fitting .11. Replace 38,1 mm tube spacer, compression spring, and uppernut on end of rod .12. Lower nuts should be against the stop at the end of thread andupper nut tightened against tube spacer .13. Hold lower nuts and torque upper nut to 3,3–4,5 N·m(30–40 in-lb) .7Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RFEATON Figure 12. Details for Step 10: cable assembly drive (short rod) end mounting component identification, mounting cable assembly in cable bracket, and cable rod attachment to drive armTo attach the drive (short rod) end of a cable to the drive lever push swivel fitting (refer to Figure 11), follow the directions below (see Figure 12) .1. Remove upper nut from end of rod of cable assembly .2. Slide rubber boot toward tip of rod .3. Unthread outer bulkhead nut and slide nut and lock washertoward tip .4. Insert threaded end of rod with 38,1 mm tube spacer into swivelfitting, ensuring that the compression spring remains between the lower nuts and the swivel .5. Slide smaller diameter portion of bulkhead fitting into cablebracket slot, keeping one of the two lock washers with each bulkhead nut .6. Raise the cable assembly until threaded portion of bulkheadfitting enters slotted hole in cable bracket (threads show above bracket) .7. Bring bulkhead washer and nut down to threads andhand tighten .8. Adjust two bulkhead nuts to approximately center the threadedsection of the bulkhead fitting on the cable mounting bracket . 9. Hand tighten the bulkhead nuts at this time .10. Slide rubber boot back into place over end of bulkhead fitting .11. Lower nuts should be against the stop at the end of thread andupper nut tightened against tube spacer .12. Hold lower nuts and torque upper nut to 3,3–4,5 N·m(30–40 in-lb) .8Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RFEATON Step 11This step describes how to attach the driven (long rod) end of a cable attached to an interlock assembly on another breaker to the cable bracket and interlock assembly on this Type RF frame breaker . Refer to Figure 10 and Figure 11 for cable routing and correct swivel fittings to which the cables are connected .The driven (long rod) end of the cable is attached to thecorresponding push or pull swivel fitting on the driven lever on this cable interlock assembly similarly to Step 10 except the driven end does not utilize a compression spring between the swivel and nut . For the push cable, remove and discard the 22,2 mm (0,875 inch) cable tube spacer (O) on the rod end of the cable assembly (M) and replace it with a 38,1 mm (1,5 inch) cable tube spacer (N) . For the pull cable, remove and discard the 22,2 mm (0,875 inch) cable tube spacer (O) on the rod end of the cable assembly (M) and replace it with the 41,3 mm (1,625 inch) cable tube spacer (L) . Install as shown in Figure 17 .Step 12This step describes how to adjust the cables to ensure proper functionality of the cable interlock setup . Cable adjustments are made with the large bulkhead nuts ONL Y and with all breakers OPEN . Nuts on the rod ends should not be moved .Begin by adjusting or verifying that the threaded section of allbulkhead fittings are approximately centered on the cable mounting brackets, allowing for room to adjust in either direction . Hand tighten the nuts at this time .Perform initial adjustments on the driven (long rod) end of cable until the gaps identified in Figure 13 through Figure 16 are as specified . Figure 13 through Figure 16 show the position of the interlock assembly driven “And” lever based on the state of the interconnected breakers .Lever plateGap0–14 mmConnected breaker openGap 0 mmFigure 13. Driven “And” lever position with interconnected breakers openLever plateGap 0–4 mmConnected breaker closedGap øConnected breaker openFigure 14. Driven “And” lever position with interconnected push breaker open and pull breaker closedLever plateGap 0–4 mmConnected breaker openGap øConnected breaker closed Figure 15. Driven “And” lever position with interconnected push breaker closed and pull breaker openLever plateConnected breaker closedFigure 16. Driven “And” lever position with interconnected breakers closed9Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RF EATON If there is too much clearance , adjust both bulkhead nuts to retract the cable housing (move threaded portion down) .If there is no clearance , advance the cable housing in the same manner (move threaded portion up) .If additional adjustment length is needed, the bulkhead nuts on the other (drive) end of cable can be used .When the proper clearance is attained on the driven end, torque both cable bulkhead nuts to 11–13 N·m (100–120 in-lb) without moving the bulkhead fittings .After the driven end has been adjusted and the bulkhead nuts have been tightened, perform adjustments on the drive (short rod) end of the cable . Adjust the bulkhead nuts up (move threaded portion down) such that the gap between the drive lever and the interlock assembly base shown on Figure 11 is less than 8 mm .When the gap is less than 8 mm, torque the cable bulkhead nuts on both ends to 11–13 N·m (100–120 in-lb) .Lower nutsUpper nutCable tube spacer Driven end (long rod)BulkheadRubber bootOuter bulkhead nut Lock washers (2)Pull swivel Upper nut41,3 mm (1,625 in) cable tube spacer Lower nutsDriven “And”leverPull swivel Upper nut38,1 mm (1,5 in) cable tube spacerLower nutsFigure 17. Details for Step 11: driven (long rod) end mounting component identification and Step 12 driven (long rod) end after adjustments10Instruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 20193-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RFEATON Functional test of interlock assemblyRefer to T able 1 and Figure 1 for breaker position in the interlock configuration . Begin test sequence with all breakers OPEN . ForBreaker A , verify that the interlock assembly is positioned as shown in Figure 18 while in the various states required by the steps below . For Breakers B and C , use the figure included in the information leaflet for the interlock kit installed on those breakers .T ype 32Six-cable interlock assembly test . Refer to T able 1 for logic details .• OPEN all breakers•CHARGE and CLOSE Breaker A —Breakers B and C should not be interlocked (not held OPEN and able to CLOSE, one at a time)• OPEN Breaker A•CHARGE and CLOSE Breaker B —Breakers C and A should not be interlocked (not held OPEN and able to CLOSE, one at a time)• OPEN Breaker B•CHARGE and CLOSE Breaker C —Breakers A and B should not be interlocked (not held OPEN and able to CLOSE, one at a time)• OPEN Breaker C•CHARGE and CLOSE Breakers A and B —Breaker C should be interlocked (held OPEN, not able to CLOSE)•CHARGE and attempt to CLOSE Breaker C —it should not respond to CLOSE attempt (no noise, spring discharge, or contact motion)• OPEN Breakers A and B•CHARGE and CLOSE Breakers B and C —Breaker A should be interlocked (held OPEN, not able to CLOSE)•CHARGE and attempt to CLOSE Breaker A —it should not respond to CLOSE attempt (no noise, spring discharge, or contact motion)• OPEN Breakers B and C•CHARGE and CLOSE Breakers C and A —Breaker B should be interlocked (held OPEN, not able to CLOSE)•CHARGE and attempt to CLOSE Breaker B —it should not respond to CLOSE attempt (no noise, spring discharge, or contact motion)• OPEN Breakers C and A•All breakers should now be OPENThe mechanical interlock is now properly installed and adjusted . Use a light amount of supplied lubricant (I) if any interlock parts are sticky or do not fully reset . This is only recommended if needed .Type RF frame breaker interlock assembly in OPEN state(not interlocked, able to close) .Type RF frame breaker interlock assembly in interlocked state (open and unable to close) .Type RF frame breaker interlock assembly in CLOSED state (not interlocked) .Figure 18. Position of interlock based on breaker stateEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United StatesEaton .com© 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No . IL0131075EN / LNT39 Part Number: IL0131075ENH02 January 2019Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.3-way multi-family fixed cable interlock kit - type 32 - RFInstruction Leaflet IL0131075ENEffective January 2019Disclaimer of warranties and limitationof liabilityThe information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton’s experience and judgment, and may not cover all contingencies . If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted .Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser .THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES . ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON . THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES .In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwisefor any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting fromthe use of the information, recommendations and description contained herein .The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice .。
赛米控丹佛斯 SEMITRANS IGBT模块 SKM100GB12F4 数据表
Rev. 1.0–11.11.20191®2GBHigh Speed IGBT4 ModulesSKM100GB12F4Features*•High speed trench and field-stop IGBT •CAL4 ultra-fast = soft switching 4. generation CAL-diode•Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper) •Increased power cycling capability •For higher switching frequencies above 15kHz•UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•UPS•Electronic welders •Inductive heating•Switched mode power suppliesRemarks•Case temperature limited to T c = 125°C max.•Recommended T op = -40 ... +150°C •Product reliability results valid for T j = 150°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitIGBT V CES T j =25°C 1200V I C T j =175°CT c =25°C 153A T c =80°C117A I Cnom 100A I CRMI CRM = 2 x I Cnom 200A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =800V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1200 V T j =150°C10µs T j -40...175°C Inverse diodeV RRM T j =25°C 1200V I F T j =175°CT c =25°C 111A T c =80°C82A I Fnom 100A I FRM I FRM = 2xI Fnom200A I FSM t p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C550A T j -40...175°C Module I t(RMS)200A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC sinus 50 Hz, t =1min4000VCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitIGBT V CE(sat)I C =100A V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 2.05 2.38V T j =150°C 2.55 2.93V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.10 1.28V T j =150°C 0.95 1.13V r CE V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 9.511m ΩT j =150°C1618m ΩV GE(th)V GE =V CE , I C =3.8mA5.1 5.86.4V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1200V, T j =25°C 1mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0Vf =1MHz 6.2nF C oes f =1MHz 0.41nF C res f =1MHz0.35nF Q G V GE =- 8 V...+ 15 V 567nC R Gint T j =25°C 0Ωt d(on)V CC =600V I C =100AV GE =+15/-15V R G on =3.9ΩR G off =3.9Ωdi/dt on =5000A/µs di/dt off =1300A/µs dv/dt =4300V/µs L s =26nH T j =150°C 12ns t r T j =150°C 20ns E on T j =150°C 6.6mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 315ns t f T j =150°C 65ns E off T j =150°C 8mJR th(j-c)per IGBT0.238K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.122K/W2Rev. 1.0–11.11.2019© by SEMIKRON®2GBHigh Speed IGBT4 ModulesSKM100GB12F4Features*•High speed trench and field-stop IGBT •CAL4 ultra-fast = soft switching 4. generation CAL-diode•Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper) •Increased power cycling capability •For higher switching frequencies above 15kHz•UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•UPS•Electronic welders •Inductive heating•Switched mode power suppliesRemarks•Case temperature limited to T c = 125°C max.•Recommended T op = -40 ... +150°C •Product reliability results valid for T j = 150°CCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse diodeV F = V EC I F =100AV GE =0V chiplevelT j =25°C 2.55 2.93V T j =150°C 2.46 2.80V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.51 1.75V T j =150°C 1.16 1.40V r FchiplevelT j =25°C 1012m ΩT j =150°C1314m ΩI RRM I F =100A di/dt off =5000A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =600VT j =150°C 200A Q rr T j=150°C16.5µC E rr T j =150°C 6.3mJR th(j-c)per diode0.483K/W R th(c-s)per diode (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.134K/W Module L CE 30nH R CC'+EE'measured per switchT C =25°C 0.65m ΩT C =125°C1.09m ΩR th(c-s)1calculated without thermal coupling 0.0319K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling, T s underneath module (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.050K/WM s to heat sink M635Nm M t to terminals M52.55Nm -Nm w160g© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–11.11.201934Rev. 1.0–11.11.2019© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–11.11.20195GBThis is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, chapter IX.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.6。
德力西 CDBNE-100GQFE电能表外置断路器 说明书
CDBNE-100GQFE 电能表外置断路器使用说明书安装、使用产品前,请仔细阅读使用说明书并妥善保管、备用符合标准:GB/T 10963.1、CQC 1121目录1主要用途及适用范围 (1)2 产品特点、型号及含义 (1)2.1产品特点 (1)2.2产品型号及含义 (1)2.3面板介绍 (1)3 正常工作条件和安装条件 (2)4 正常贮存和运输条件 (2)5安装及接线 (3)6技术特性 (4)6.1分类 (4)6.2主要技术参数 (4)6.3主要技术性能 (4)7 外形及安装尺寸 (8)8 安装和使用(维护) (9)9 注意事项 (9)10 开箱检查 (10)11 公司承诺 (10)1主要用途及适用范围CDBNE-100GQFE电能表外置断路器(以下简称为断路器)是一种具有远程全自动和半自动控制方式的小型重合闸断路器。
2 产品特点、型号及含义2.1 产品特点a) 过载保护;b) 短路保护;c) 过、欠、失压保护及自动恢复;d) 控制方式:全自动控制:自动分闸,自动合闸;半自动控制:自动分闸,手动合闸;e) 控制信号方式:AC220V电平控制、RS485控制、蓝牙控制。
2.2 产品型号及含义本系列包括三个产品型号:CDBNE-100GQFE(电平)、CDBNE-100GQFEW(蓝牙)、CDBNE-100GQFER(RS485)100A2.3 面板介绍图1 产品面板介绍说明:1公司商标2控制状态指示灯3过欠压参数4蓝牙标识(仅蓝牙有)5手动自动转换指示6分断能力、额定冲击耐受电压7额定频率、额定电压8二维码(仅蓝牙有)9出线端10 N极标识11进线端12产品型号13电流规格(脱扣类型+额定电流)14分合指示15认证标识16指示窗17接线图18符合标准19控制端接线口20反馈端接线口注:正常分合闸手柄时,如指示窗不同步运动,请停止使用。
1兆帕(MPa)=145磅/英寸2(psi)=10.2千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=10巴(bar)=9.8大气压(atm)1磅/英寸2(psi)=0.006895兆帕(MPa)=0.0703千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=0.0689巴(bar)=0.068大气压(atm)1巴(bar)=0.1兆帕(MPa)=14.503磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0197千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=0.987大气压(atm)1大气压(atm)=0.101325兆帕(MPa)=14.696磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0333千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=1.0133巴(bar)1立方英尺(scf)=0.028317立方米(MMscfd:百万标准立方英尺/天、scf:立方英尺/天) 1英寸=25.4毫米1立方米=6.29桶(油)1吨=6.29/ρ桶ρ为原油密度,t/m3大概一桶油就是135公斤左右1桶(bbl)=42加仑(美制)=159升(l)=0.159立方米(m3)1吨约等于7桶.单位属性:属于专用单位详细解释:体积与重量单位之间的换算必须引入密度p(原油及成品油的密度)pt表示在某个温度状态下,每立方米体积的石油为p吨重。
换算关系为:一吨油的体积数=1/p立方米一吨油相当的桶数=1/p * 6.29桶(油)一桶油相当的吨数=p / 6.29吨(油)将6.29除以密度即为求1吨油等于多少桶油的换算系数公式。
此换算系数的大小与油品的密度大小有关,且互为倒数关系,如:大庆原油密度为0.8602,胜利101油库原油密度为0.9082,可分别得:大庆原油换算系数=6.29/0.8602=7.31 ,胜利原油换算系数=6.29/0.9082=6.93重力加速度g:1N=1kg*1m/s^2g=9.8N/kg=9.8*(1kg*1m/s^2)/kg=9.8m/s^21帕=1牛/1平方米。
‘>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>’长度1千米(km)=0.621英里(mile) 1米(m)=3.281英尺(ft)=1.094码(yd) 1厘米(cm)=0.394英寸(in)1英里(mile)=1.609千米(km) 1英尺(ft)=0.3048米(m) 1英寸(in)=2.54厘米(cm)1海里(n mile)=1.852千米(km) 1码(yd)=0.9144米(m) 1英尺(ft)=12英寸(in)1码(yd)=3英尺(ft) 1英里(mile)=5280英尺(ft) 1海里(n mile)=1.1516英里(mile)质量1吨(t)=1000千克(kg)=2205磅(lb)=1.102短吨(sh.ton)=0.934长吨(long.ton) 1千克(kg)=2.205磅(lb) 1短吨(sh.ton)=0.907吨(t)=2000磅(1b)1长吨(long.ton)=1.016吨(t) 1磅(lb)=0.454千克(kg) 1盎司(oz)=28.350克(g)密度1千克/米3(kg/m3)=0.001克/厘米3(g/cm3)=0.0624磅/英尺3(lb/ft3) 1磅/英尺3(lb/ft3)=16.02千克/米3(kg/m3) 1磅/英寸3(lb/in3)=27679.9千克/米3(kg/m3)1磅/美加仑(lb/gal)=119.826千克/米3(kg/m3) 1磅/英加仑(lb/gal)=99.776千克/米3(kg/m3) 1磅/(石油)桶(lb/bbl)=2.853千克/米3(kg/m3)1波美密度=140/15.5℃时的比重-130 API=141.5/15.5℃时的比重-131.5压力1兆帕(MPa)=145磅/英寸2(psi)=10.2千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=10巴(bar)=9.8大气压(at m) 1磅/英寸2(psi)=0.006895兆帕(MPa)=0.0703千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=0.0689巴(bar)=0.068大气压(at m) 1巴(bar)=0.1兆帕(MPa)=14.503磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0197千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=0.987大气压(at m)1大气压(at m)=0.101325兆帕(MPa)=14.696磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0333千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=1.0133巴(bar)面积1平方公里(km2)=100公顷(ha)=247.1英亩(acre)=0.386平方英里(mile2) 1平方米(m2)=10.764平方英尺(ft2) 1公亩(acre)=100平方米(m2)1公顷(ha)=10000平方米(m2)=2.471英亩(acre) 1平方英里(mile2)=2.590平方公里(km2) 1英亩(acre)=0.4047公顷(ha)=40.47*10-3平方公里(km2)=4047平方米(m2)1平方英尺(ft2)=0.093平方米(m2) 1平方英寸(in2)=6.452平方厘米(cm2) 1平方码(yd2)=0.8361平方米(m2)体积1立方米(m3)=1000升(liter)=35.315立方英尺(ft3)=6.290桶(bbl) 1立方英尺(ft3)=0.0283立方米(m3)=28.317升(l) 1千立方英尺(mcf)=28.317立方米(m3)1百万立方英尺(MMcf)=2.8317万立方米(m3) 10亿立方英尺(bcf)=2831.7万立方米(m3) 1万亿立方英尺(tcf)=283.17亿立方米(m3)1立方英寸(in3)=16.3871立方厘米(cm3) 1英亩·英尺=1234立方米(m3) 1桶(bbl)=0.159立方米(m3)=42美加仑(gal)1美加仑(gal)=3.785升(l) 1美夸脱(qt)=0.946升(l) 1美品脱(pt)=0.473升(l)1美吉耳(gi)=0.118升(l) 1英加仑(gal)=4.546升(l)运动粘度1英尺2/秒(ft2/s)=9.29030*10-2米2/秒(m2/s) 1斯(St)=10-4米2/秒(m2/s) 1厘斯(eSt)=10-6米2/秒(m2/s)=1毫米2/秒(mm2/s)动力粘度1泊(P)=0.1帕·秒(Pa·s) 1厘泊(cP)=10-3帕·秒(Pa·s) 1千克力秒/米2=9.80505帕·秒(Pa·s)1磅力秒/英尺2(1bf·s/ft2)=47.8803帕·秒(Pa·s)力1牛顿(N)=0.225磅力(1bf)=0.102千克力(kgf) 1千克力(kgf)=9.81牛顿(N) 1磅力(1bf)=4.45牛顿(N)1达因(dyn)=10-5牛顿(N)温度K(开尔文度)=5/9(℉+459.67) K=℃+273.15 n℉=[(n-32)*5/9]℃n℃(摄氏度)=(5/9·n+32)℉1℉(华氏度)=5/9℃(温度差)传热系数1千卡(米2·时·℃)[kcal/(m2·h·℃)]=1.6279瓦/(米2·开尔文)[W(m2·K)] 1英热单位/(英尺2·时·℉)[Btu/(ft2·h·℉)]=5.67826瓦/(米2·开尔文)[W(m2·K)] 1米2·时·℃/千卡(m2·h·℃/kcal)=0.86000米2·开尔文/瓦(m2·K/W)1千卡(米2·时)(kcal/m2·h)=1.16279瓦/米2(W/m2)热导率1千卡(米2·时·℃)[kcal/(m2·h·℃)]=1.16279瓦/(米·开尔文)[W(m·K)] 1英热单位/(英尺2·时·℉)[Btu/(ft2·h·℉)]=1.7303瓦/(米·开尔文)[W(m·K)]比容热1千卡/(千克·℃)[kcal/(kg·℃)]=1英热单位/(磅·℉)[Btu/(lb·℉)]=4186.8焦耳/(千克·开尔文)[J/(kg·K)]热功1焦耳=0.10204千克·米=2.778*10-7千瓦·小时=3.777*10-7公制马力小时=3.723*10-7英制马力小时=2.389*10-4千卡=9.48*10-4英热单位1卡(cal)=4.1868焦耳(J) 1英热单位(Btu)=1055.06焦耳(J)1千克力米(kgf·m)=9.80665焦耳(J) 1英尺磅力(ft·1bt)=1.35582焦耳(J) 1米制马力小时(hp·h)=2.64779*106焦耳(J)1英制马力小时(UKHp·h)=2.68452*106焦耳(J) 1千瓦小时(kw·h)=3.6*106焦耳(J) 1大卡=4186.75焦耳(J)功率1千克力·米/秒(kgf·m/s)=9.80665瓦(W) 1米制马力(hp)=735.499瓦(W) 1卡/秒(cal/s)=4.1868瓦(W)1英热单位/时(Btu/h)=0.293071瓦(W)速度1英尺/秒(ft/s)=0.3048米/秒(m/s) 1英里/时(mile/h)=0.44704米/秒(m/s)渗透率1达西=1000毫达西, 1平方厘米(cm2)=9.81*107达西1mD=0.987×10-3μm2(平方微米)。
STULZ精密空调简易操作资料C1002控制器中文操作资料空调常见故障判断及处理STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料1STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料2STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料3STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料4STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料5STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料6STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料空调常见故障判断及处理1、更换热保护器2、清洗或更换滤网3、调整或更换皮带1、热保护器坏2、过滤网脏3、风机皮带太松电加热故障HEA 1、倒换相序2、检查三相电源是否正常3、闭合空开/更换保险管4、调整皮带,清洗滤网5、调整、更换气流开关6、改造回风1、AC 电源反相2、AC 电源缺相/不正常3、风机空开未闭合/保险管坏4、皮带松,滤网脏5、气流开关失灵6、回风不好气流报警FLO11、查漏后补氟里昂2、更换膨胀阀3、清洗过滤网4、改造回风5、更换低压保护开关6、更换干燥过滤器7、更换管路电磁阀或线圈8、修改设定值1、A/C 系统缺氟漏氟2、膨胀阀失灵3、过滤网脏4、回风不好5、低压保护开关坏6、干燥过滤器脏堵7、管路电磁阀或线圈坏8、温度设置太低低压报警LOP1清洗或更换过滤网1、清洗室外机2、更换室外风机3、检查线路及开关4、高压开关复位5、更换高压保护开关故障处理过滤网脏1、室外机太脏2、室外风机堵转3、室外机无电源4、高压开关未复位5、高压保护开关坏原因过滤网脏堵FIL 压缩机高压报警HIP1报警内容7STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料8STULZ C1002精密空调操作资料9。
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Featuress 8 Low Voltage/Power AMD 2M x 8 FLASH Die in OneMCM Packages Overall Configuration is 4M x 32s +5V Power Supply / +5V Programing Operation s Access Times of 100, 120 and 150 nss Erase/Program Cycles – 100,000 Minimum (+25°C)s Sector erase architecture (Each Die)q 32 uniform sectors of 64 Kbytes eachq Any combination of sectors can be erased. Alsosupports full chip eraseq Sector group protection is user definable s Embedded Erase Algorithims – Automaticallypre-programs and erases the die or any sector s Embedded Program Algorithims – Automatically programs and verifies data at specified addresss Ready/Busy output (RY/BY) – Hardware method fordetection of program or erase cycle completions Hardware RESET pin – Resets internal state machine to the read modes Erase Suspend/Resume – Supports reading or programming data to a sector not being erased s Packaging – Hermetic Ceramicq 68–Lead, Low Profile CQFP(F1), 1.56"SQ x .140"max q 68–Lead, Dual-Cavity CQFP(F2), 0.88"SQ x .20"max(.18 max thickness available, contact factory for details) (Drops into the 68 Lead JEDEC .99"SQ CQFJ footprint)s Internal Decoupling Capacitors for Low NoiseOperations Commercial, Industrial and Military Temperature Rangess MIL-PRF-38534 Compliant MCMs AvailableCIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY/act1.htmSector EraseFLASH Multichip ModuleACT–F4M32A High Speed 128 MegabitAdvancedGeneral DescriptionUtilizing AMD’s Sector Erase Flash Memory Die, the ACT-F4M32A is a high speed, 128 megabit CMOS flash multichip module (MCM) designed for full temperature range, military, space, or high reliability applications.The ACT-F4M32A consists of eight high-performance AMD Am29F016 16Mbit (16,777,216 bit) memory die. Each die contains 8 separately write or erase sector groups of 256Kbytes (A sector group consists of 4 adjacent sectors of 64Kbytes each).The command register is written by bringing WE to a logic low level (V IL), while CE is low and OE is high (V IH). Reading is accomplished by chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) being logically active. Access time grades of 100ns, 120ns and 150ns maximum are standard.The ACT-F4M32A is offered in two different hermetically sealed co-fired 68 lead ceramic packages. This allows operation in a military environment temperature range of -55°C to +125°C.The ACT-F4M32A can be programmed (both read and write functions) in-system using the +5.0V V CC power supply. A 12.0V V PP is not required for programming or erase operations. The end of program or erase is detected by the RY/BY pin, Data Polling of DQ7, or by the Toggle bit (DQ6).The ACT-F4M32A also has a hardware RESET pin. When this pin is driven low, execution of any Embedded Program Alggorithm or Embedded Erase Algorithm will be terminated.Each block can be independently erased and programmed 100,000 times at +25°C.For Detail Information regarding the operation of the Am29F016 Sector Erase Flash Memory, see the AMD datasheet (Publication 18805).68 Pins — CQFPPin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function 1GND18GND35OE52GND 2CE119I/O836CE453I/O23 3A520I/O937A1754I/O22 4A421I/O1038A18 55I/O21 5A322I/O1139A1956I/O20 6A223I/O1240A2057I/O19 7A124I/O1341A2158I/O18 8A025I/O1442RESET59I/O17 9RY/BY26I/O1543NC60I/O16 10I/O027V CC44I/O3161V CC 11I/O128A1145I/O3062A10 12I/O229A1246I/O2963A9 13I/O330A1347I/O2864A8 14I/O431A1448I/O2765A7 15I/O532A1549I/O2666A6 16I/O633A1650I/O2567WE 17I/O734CE251I/O2468CE3 Consult Factory for Special order: Pin 9 -NCPackage Outline — CQFP "F1"(16 at .050 4 sides)68 Pins — Dual-Cavity CQFP (Standard Configuration)Pin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function Pin #Function 1GND 18GND 35OE 52GND 2NC 19I/O 836CE 253I/O 233A 520I/O 937A 1754I/O 224A 421I/O 1038RY/BY 55I/O 215A 322I/O 1139NC 56I/O 206A 223I/O 1240NC 57I/O 197A 124I/O 1341A 1858I/O 188A 025I/O 1442A 1959I/O 179RESET 26I/O 1543A 2060I/O 1610I/O 027V CC 44I/O 3161V CC 11I/O 128A 1145I/O 3062A 1012I/O 229A 1246I/O 2963A 913I/O 330A 1347I/O 2864A 814I/O 431A 1448I/O 2765A 715I/O 532A 1549I/O 2666A 616I/O 633A 1650I/O 2567WE 17I/O 734CE 151I/O 2468NCConsult Factory for Special order: Pin 38 -NCTop ViewAll dimensions in inchesPackage Outline — Dual-Cavity CQFP "F2".015.050Detail “A”TYP*.180 MAX available, call factory for detailsOrdering InformationModel Number Screening Speed Package ACT–F4M32C–100F1C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F2C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F2C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F1C Commercial (0°C to +70°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F1I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F2I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F2I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F1I Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F1M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F2M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32C–100F2M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns.88"sq CQFP ACT–F4M32A–100F1M Military (-55°C to +125°C)100 ns 1.56"sq CQFPC I R C U I T T E C H N O L O G YPart Number BreakdownACT–F4M32A–100F1MAeroflex CircuitTechnologyMemory TypeS = SRAMF = FLASH EEPROME = EEPROMD = Dynamic RAMMemory Depth, LocationsPinout OptionsMemory Width, BitsF2 - A = One WE, RY/BY access on Pin 38 - Standard pinout F2 - C = RY/BY internally tied - Optional pinoutF1 - A = One WE, RY/BY access on Pin 9 - Standard pinout F1 - C = RY/BY internally tied - Optional pinoutMemory Speed, ns (+5V V CC)Package Type & SizeSurface Mount PackagesF1 = 1.56"SQ 68 Pin CQFPF2 = .88"SQ 68 Pin Dual-Cavity CQFPC = Commercial T emp, 0°C to +70°CI = Industrial Temp, -40°C to +85°CT = Military Temp, -55°C to +125°CM = Military Temp, -55°C to +125°C, Screened *Q = MIL-PRF-38534 Compliant/SMD if applicableScreening*Screened to the individual test methods of MIL-STD-883Aeroflex Circuit Technology35 South Service RoadPlainview New York 11803Telephone: (516) 694-6700FAX: (516) 694-6715Toll Free Inquiries: (800) 843-1553Specifications subject to change without notice/act1.htm E-Mail: sales-act@。