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english time

give you pleasure, supply you information.

improve your language, eich your literary accomplishment.

here comes our english time, welcome to our program, i am the radio announcer____________________________ our program contains three parts: news updating, action english and natural lifestyles. join us and enjoy the feast of english learning.

first part

you may not have a chance to travel around the world, you may not have a chance to follow the pace of the fashion, and you may not have a chance to explore all the wonders. here, slow down and keep your ears on us. the first part, news updating.

second part

act in role, act in life. get yourselves into learning actions. here comes our second part, action english.

third part

touch your soul, comfort your heart.

relax your body, open your mind.

welcome to our last part, natural lifestyles.

time flies, easy campus life, easy english learning. now we have to say goodbye, hope you had a good time. the radio announcer_____________________ represent the

editor___________ and the music director__________ thanks for your listening, see you next time.



a: dear teachers and students, good afternoon. welcome to listen to our english broadcast--- happy english world!

b: 亲爱的老师们,同学们:大家下午好!欢迎收听快乐英语广播! a: hello, boys and girls. i?m_______from class 1grade 5.大家好,我是五一班的________.

b:my name is________from class 1grade 5我是五一班的



a:下面我们进入第一个版块“english stations”,英语加油站。

b: let?s learn some english proverbs together. 让我们一起学习几个英语谚语吧!

a: a good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。let?s say together, 大家一起说a good book is a good friend b:every minute counts.分秒必争。every minute counts.

a:no pains, no gains.不劳无获。

no pains, no gains. 希望这些小谚语能激励大家努力学习英语。

a:接下来我们要进入下一个版块:?english show’

b:we learn something about plant this week. 这周我们学习了很多关于植物的知识。can you talk about that? a: ok. let?s welcome our classmates to show us their readings. 下面让我们欢迎我的同学们为大家展示课文对话。介绍植物各部分的功能。


:thanks for your show. i hope that everyone will love english and can be good at english.


a: lets go to the next part ?song of the week ?ei condor pasa’ b: 让我们进入下一板块:每周一歌“老鹰之歌”(音乐起3:14)

a: this song is a famous country music of latin america这首歌是一首著名的拉丁美洲乡间音乐歌曲 b: in this song, there are 3 comparison of things, sparrow and snail, hammer and nail, the forest and the street.歌中选用了三对事物作比较:麻雀与蜗牛、铁锤与铁钉、森林与街道

a:people prefer the former, and this stands for freedom.人们选择了

每一对的前者, 代表了人们对自由的渴望。

b:hope you enjoy this wonderful song.希望大家喜欢这首动人的歌曲。

a: time flies. so much for today. see you next time .

b: 亲爱的老师们,同学们:在这优美的音乐声中,今天的快乐英语广播就要和你说再见了,很高兴和大家一起度过这短暂而又愉快的10分钟,我们下周见。
