• Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how it can be used to motivate.
• Discuss how Theory X and Theory Y managers approach motivation.
• Describe the cross-cultural challenges of motivation. • Discuss the challenges managers face in motivating
unique groups of workers. • Describe open-book management, employee recognition,
ninth edition
16 Chapter Motivating Employees
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama
❖ Satisfied needs will no longer motivate. ❖ Motivating a person depends on knowing at what level that
person is on the hierarchy.
➢ Hierarchy of needs
➢ Motivation works best when individual needs are compatible with organizational goals.
员工激励理论外文文献及翻译员工激励理论外文文献及翻译One-to-one-management companiesare run -- in a timely inversion of John Adams's ideal -- as organizations of men (and women), not of laws. Nonetheless, a few laws, or at least cultural traits, appear to govern many such organizations. Together those traits create an environment where employees' needs are known, sometimes anticipated, and served, justas customers' needs are known, sometimes anticipated, and served in CRM-focused organizations. What follows is a look at the rules by which one-to-one-management companies operate[2].3.2 It's All in the DetailHow do you build morale and a sense of corporate responsibility? In surprisingly small ways. Standing in the kitchen at Eze Castle Software, CEO Sean McLaughlin watches as one of his programmers sets milk and cookies on a table. It's 2:30 on a Wednesday afternoon. "Hang on, Parvathy," McLaughlin says to the employee as he opens the refrigerator door and pulls out an apple pie. "Put this out, too." When Parvathy is done in the kitchen, she flips some switches, andthe lights flicker all over the fifth floor. Almost instantly, programmers leave their cubicles and make a beeline for thekitchen.Then Parvathy jogs up a staircase and flashes the lights on the sixth floor. Account managers, salespeople, and assorted techies come downstairs and join their colleagues in the kitchen. When they arrive, McLaughlin is at the center of the steadily building crowd, dishing out the pie. Around him conversations spring up between colleagues who work in different departments. The topics range from work to social life to politics. Ten minutes later the lights flash again and it's back to work for the 90 employees in the Boston office of Eze.What's so remarkable about the staff of a developer of securities-trading software with $13 million in revenues taking daily milk-and-cookies breaks? Not much -- until you consider that the practice is part of a cultural shift engineered by the CEO, a shift that has profoundly changed the way he and his employees relate toone another. Perhaps more significant, the changes have affected how employees deal with the myriad little details that keep the six-year-old company grounded.原文请找腾讯3249114六-维^论,文.网Eze's transformation began last year, when McLaughlin realized to his chagrin that his once small and collegial company had -- because of accelerated growth -- begun acting like a large corporation. His employees no longer knew one another, and he himself was increasingly vague about who some of the new faces were. "In the early days I could get to know everyone," saysMcLaughlin.However, the CEO was most annoyed by the fact that his employees -- both old and new -- were beginning to behave with large-company sloppiness rather than with start-up frugality. "Back when we were small, if someone sent a FedEx, we all knew how much that was costing the company," McLaughlin says. He recalls noticing that things were changing when one employee approved paying a contractor $100 a month to water the company's five plants. Then there were rising charges from the company's Internet service provider because of excessive traffic on the corporate T1 line. The cause? Employees were downloading MP3 files to listen to music during the workday. It frustrated McLaughlin that employees weren't taking responsibilityfor their actions and for the ways in which those actions affected the company's bottom line[2].But last summer two things happened that spurred McLaughlin to make some changes.First, the Boston office lost both of its administrative assistants. One assistant quit and the other left a few weeks later. The two had stocked the supply room, sorted the mail, and welcomed visitors. The dual departures wreaked havoc. "The kitchen was out of milk, we didn't have any pens in the supply cabinet, the reception area looked like crap," McLaughlin says.Then came the World Trade Center attacks. Though McLaughlin had long been brooding on how to reverse Eze's fat-cat habits, he had yet to act. He says that 9-11, and the "what are my priorities" thinking it engendered, "created an environment where it was easy for me to initiate a change."The change he had in mind was inspired by a visit to his daughter's kindergarten class. There he saw how the teacher divided the cleanup tasks among the children by posting a rotating "chore wheel." McLaughlin thought the wheel was just the thing to clean up the mess and teach his employees a little corporate responsibility. But he also wanted to institute something that would help improve camaraderie. That's where another kindergarten institution, the milk-and-cookies breaks, came in. "I wanted to build relationships among the employees, to make them feel more company morale," he says.上一页[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] 下一页。
➢ Needs were categorized as five levels of lower- to higher-order needs.
❖ Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher order needs.
Early Theories of Motivation
• Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how it can be used to motivate.
• Discuss how Theory X and Theory Y managers approach motivation.
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • MacGregor’s Theories X and Y • Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Early Theories of Motivation
• Discuss the motivation implications of equity theory.
• Contrast distributive justice and procedural justice.
• Explain the three key linkages in expectancy theory and their role in motivation.
• Describe Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory. • Explain Herzberg’s views of satisfaction and
员工激励管理外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Performance Appraisal as a Guide for Training and Development:A Research Note on the Iowa Performance Evaluation SystemBy Dennis Daley owa State UniversityThis paper examines one facet of performance appraisal-its use as a guide for the drafting of employee training and development plans. The scope is limited in that it excludes any consideration as to whether these plans are actually implemented. Our interest focuses only on the extent to which supervisors endeavor to assist employees in correcting or overcoming weaknesses and inenhancing or developing perceived strengths. The findings reported here are based on a 1981 monitoring of the performance appraisal system used by the State of Iowa.As civil service reform has been instituted in one jurisdiction after another in order to further assure objective, performance based personnel practices, performance appraisal has emerged as one of the key issues in the personnel management of the 1980s. This heightened sense of importance and seriousness has, in turn, led to a renewed interest in the study of the actual workings of performance appraisal systems.The uses to which performance appraisal can be put are myriad. The recent Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 serves as a model in this respect. Here we find enunciated what may be taken as the typical orientation toward the uses of performance appraisal, recommending that personnel managers and supervisors "use the results of performance appraisal as. a basis for training, rewarding, reassigning, promoting, reducing in grade, retaining, and removing employees." Performance appraisal systems can also serve to validate personnel testing and selection procedures, although such systems are themselves also subject to affirmative action validation requirements.The economic recessions of the 1970s and 1980s have placed significant restraints on these uses, however. The imposition of hiring freezes, the diminishment of promotional opportunities, the advent of reductions-in-force, and the near abandonment of merit pay provisions by financially strapped governmental entities have contributed to the loss of enthusiasm for performance appraisal in many quarters. Under such circumstances, performance appraisal 一limited in its use to the more negative functions of employee evaluation-takes on the dreaded image ascribed to them by Douglas McGregor (1957).In their search to salvage something positive from amidst these circumstances personnel specialists have alighted upon the use of performance appraisal as a guide for employee training and development. This offers them the opportunity of providing public employees with a service that employees view as beneficial.Although public employees have shown little confidence in specific performance appraisal systems or in the managerial abilities of those responsible for their implementation (McGregor, 1957; Levinson, 1976; Nalbandian,1981), they have tended to demonstrate a more favorable attitude when the purpose of performance appraisal has been perceived to be employee development (Decotiis and Petit, 1978;Cascio, 1982).This, of course, still poses a significant problem to a multipurpose system such as that found in the State of Iowa. Disenchantment or distrust with one aspect of the performance appraisal system may significantly contribute to the weakening of the entire evaluation system.THE IOWA PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEMIn all public service systems employees are evaluated periodically; most often this is done informally. The introduction of formal systems of performance appraisal, usually in addition to continued informal assessment, is a relatively recent event. Formal systems of performance appraisal are designed to provide a systematic and objective measure of individual job performance and/or potential for development.Although the use of formal performance appraisal in Iowa can be traced back at least to the early 1950s (limited, for the most part, to such rudimentary methods as the essay or graphic rating scale), these occurred within a fragmented setting. Individual departments and agencies retained descretion over the choice of such personnel practices until well into the 1960s.Under Governor Harold Hughes (1963一1969) a number of efforts were undertaken tostrengthen the executive. Among these reforms was the creation of the State Merit System of Personnel Administration, administered by the Iowa Merit Employment Department, in 1967. Even so, there were numerous exemptions limiting the extent of its coverage, both in terms of separate merit systems outside its jurisdictionand of patronage appointments.The executive reform movement was continued throughout the lengthy service of Governor Robert Ray (1969-1983). Strong executive support was placed behind the development of the personnel system. Governor Ray unsuccessfully advocated expanding the IMED jurisdiction through the elimination of the existing coverage exemptions and by integrating the separate merit systems into an executive personnel department. Notwithstanding the somewhat 1imited success of recent Iowa governors, the basis for a professionalized public service was established during those years.One reflection of this basis is the fact that the use of a statewide appraisal-by-objectives system was inaugurated in 1977. The implementation of this system followed the introduction of the management-by-objectives concept among a number of the larger state agencies.Since appraisal-by-objectives is a specific application or extension of the MBO approach, it was felt that by this means executive support for performance appraisal could be more readily obtained. It is known, of course, that the lack of managerial support is a significant contributing factor in the failure of many performance appraisal systems.The Iowa performance evaluation system is an ideal-typical descriptive example of the appraisal-by-objectives technique. The introduction of this approach in 1977 was accompained by a series of training sessions (Burke, 1977) and supported with supervisory and employee handbooks. However, training for new supervisors and periodic "refresher courses" appear to have been given a low priority in Iowa, as is generally the case in public sector personnel systems. Iowa's use of appraisal-by-objectives is designed as a participatory system. Employee participation is a hallmark found among most modern management approaches and has been linked to successful public sector performance appraisal systems (Lovrich, et al,1981).The Iowa performance evaluation process is initiated with joint completion of "Section A:Responsibilities and Standards/Results Expected" (also referredto as the "job description")by the supervisor and employee. This is the first of three sections included in the performante appraisal form/process. SectionA is completed at the beginning of the annual appraisal period while sectionsB andC are written up at its conclusion. The employee is to be given prior notice of the conference and supplied copies of previous evaluation for use as guides. Eight to ten major responsibilities (four to five is the norm) are to be selected and, written down in a results-oriented format with specific standards by which the achievement of these results are to be measured. These individual responsibilities are weighted through the use of an additive formula which factors in the time spent on each task and the evaluation of its importance or the consequence of error (a five point Likert-type scale is used for both). The overall employee rating is the weighted average of these individual responsibility ratings(also based on a five point scale).In the event that these responsibilities need to be subject to modification due to changing circumstances, a new Section A would be prepared by the supervisor and employee. During the course of the evaluation period the supervisor is also encouraged to use a "critical incident" approach. Both formal (with written copy inserted into the employee's file) and informal communications between employees and supervisors are encouraged. For negative incidents it is important that a record of corrective action be documented; employees must be notified if they are doing something wrong and the supervision must indicate how they can correct their behavior.At the end of the evaluation period, again following advanced notice, the employee and supervisor meet to discuss the employee's job performance in light of the responsibilities outlined in the employee's Section A. Worksheets are used at this meeting with a formal evaluation prepared only afterward. At this appraisal interview the supervisor discusses "SectionB: Performance Review/Rating" with the employee. Employees are also given the opportunity to formally comment on the final evaluation form. Historically only five percent do so,of which under two percent can be classified as negative comments."Section C: Summary of Total Job Performance and Future Performance Plans" is also completed at this time. Basically, this is an essay evaluation. The supervisor is provided the opportunity to list the employee's "areas of strength- and those "areas needing improvement." In the latter instances "training and developmental plans" for correcting these are supposed to be filed.DATA COLLECTIONIn conjunction with its implementation efforts the Iowa Merit Employment Department engaged in a two-year monitoring of its appraisal-by-objectives evaluation system. The results of this monitoring project, involving the sampling of performance appraisals submitted in between July 1978 and December 1979, were reported to state officials in January 1980.The first monitoring project led to a number of minor changes in the performance evaluation system. For most part these modifications represented "word changes;" e.g., instead of listing"employee weaknesses," "areas needing improvement" were prescribed. This study is based on the results of a second monitoring project conducted by the IMED.The questions addressed in this study were, in part, raised by the first monitoring project.While the first monitoring focused primarily on the basic or general implementation of the performance evaluation system (i.e., was there compliance with the mandated requirements?), the second is more concerned with how well it is working. The format used here is that of "action research" or "troubleshooting" (Starling, 1979, pp. 495一514; Rossi and Freeman, 1982). IMED staff served as judges who assessed the qualitative aspects of performance appraisals. A stratified approach to sampling was employed in order to assure that sufficient supervisory, professional and managerial appraisals were included. The resultant data base consisted of 535 performance appraisals submitted between July and December of 1981.DATA ANALYSISThe primary results assessing how well Iowa's performance appraisal system is working are reported elsewhere (Daley, 1983). This paper focuses only on thoseaspects related to the specification of training and development plans.Because Iowa employs a multipurpose approach in the use of performance appraisals it is hardly surprising that there are many instances, 43 percent of those monitored, in which no training and development are specified. This, however, poses the task of somehow separating the cases in which training plans should most definitely be present.A supervisor may choose to list training and development plans for three reasons. First,unrelated to any individual strengths or weaknesses, he may choose to use this performance appraisal section as a memo or reminder of a training activity which all employees are routinely given. The inclusion of such activities in an "official" performance appraisal may serve to provide added political weight in order to insure their being performed; it is all to easy amidst the pressing, day-to-day concerns of administrative firefighting to let training and development activities slide off the edge.Second, supervisors may choose to promote employee development. They may either pickup on some strength an individual already possesses or for which he may have an aptitude and attempt to polish, refine, or enhance those skills. While this is not an automatic relationship, not all "strengths" would require additional or follow-up training, it is important for both organizational and individual well-being. Obviously, such activities benefit the organization by increasing its administrative or technical capacity. One can also expect that the individual employee benefits through material rewards and/or enhanced self-esteem. As such, this represents one of the positive uses to which performance appraisal can be put.Hence, it has an added importance.Finally, training plans should be specified in those instances in which a supervisor notes that an employee "needs improvement." As such remarks may become the basis for an adverse personnel action (reassignment, reduction in grade, removal, etc.) it is legally incumbent that the state demonstrate that it has made a good faith effort to correct such deficienties. Due process demands that public employees not be dealt with a "star chamber" fashion.An employee cannotbe expected to correct inadequate work behaviors if he is neither told that they are inadequate nor, it told, not instructed or assisted in how to correct them. In monitoring Iowa's performance appraisals room was allowed to record up to three "strengths" and "areas needing improvement" for each employee. Supervisors tended to list employee strengths twice as often as they detailed areas needing improvement (1223 to 506),and as one would expect there is a pronounced tendency to note both strengths and areas needing improvement vis-a-vis individual employees (58 percent of the monitored appraisals combine both strengths and areas needing improvement).A count of the number of listed strengths and areas needing improvement was made use of (zero to three for each variable) in analyzing this data. While this fails to measure the importance or significance of each strength or area needing improvement, it was felt that in some way the number of such instances would be related to or a rough indicator of the overall seriousness underlying the specification or training plans (i.e., as the number of instances increased so would the need for a training plan to be specified).Furthermore, training plans were judged not only as to their existence but also as to whether they were deemed to represent a "poor" or "good" relationship between the plan and the listed strengths and areas needing improvement. The nature of this relationship may also be interpreted in terms of partial or full compliance. "Good" plans would be seen as following-up on the listed strengths and/or areas needing improvement and, hence, as complying with the personnel system's intention to use performance appraisals as a guide for training and development.In addition to the above analysis the count of strengths and areas needing improvement were also compared to the rounded performance ratings given to each individual. It was felt that there should be evidence here, too, albeit tangential in nature, of a relationship; those employees garnering more mentions of strengths and/or of fewer areas needing improvement should possess higher ratings.译文:激励是人力资源管理的核心。
Discuss the function of leadership and team building inemployees’encourageAbstractFacing with the changing environment and fierce challenges, the article explains that when encouraging employees how can leadership and team building play a role with an organic combination by taking two different roles played by leadership and team building in employees’encourage as the starting point, and the article also discusses the question that how can company makes employees work better with the encourage of leadership and team building。
Key words: Leadership Team building Encourage CoexistenceContents1 Introduction (1)2 The functions of Leadership and Team Building on motivating staffs (3)2。
1 The concept and importance of motivation (3)2。
2 The functions of leadership encourage (3)2.3 The functions of team building encourage (4)3 Discuss whether Leadership and Team building can coexist or not (4)4 Case study (6)5 Conclusion (6)References: (7)1 IntroductionWith the development of leaderships and the deep exploration of people on leadership practice,many scholars has already concluded series of leader method and leader styles from various points of view. For example, Daniel·Gorman summarized six kinds of leadership methods that existed widely all over the world by taking global 20 thousand professional managers database as the sample,namely forced leadership,authoritative leadership, union leadership,the democratic leadership, coach leadership and lead leadership. As the leader of the enterprise, it will be good for them establishing their own and unique methods of leadership and leadership styles if they can fully understand all the advantages and disadvantages of these different methods of leadership and leadership styles, then they can motivate employees' potential abilities, affecting the performance of the entireenterprise。
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Current Issues in Motivation
• Describe the cross-cultural challenges of motivation. • Discuss the challenges managers face in motivating
ninth edition
16 Chapter Motivating Employees
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook
The University of West Alabama
LEARNING OUTrning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Is Motivation?
• Define motivation. • Explain motivation as a need-satisfying process.
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
➢ Needs were categorized as five levels of lower- to higher-order needs.
❖ Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher order needs.
Discuss the function of leadership and team building inemployees' encourageAbstractFacing with the changing environment and fierce challenges,the article explains that when encouraging employees how can leadership and team building play a role with an organic combination by taking two different roles played by leadership and team building in employees' encourage as the starting point,and the article also discusses the question that how can company makes employees work better with the encourage of leadership and team building。
Key words:Leadership Team building Encourage CoexistenceContents1 Introduction (3)2 The functions of Leadership and Team Building on motivating staffs (4)2.1 The concept and importance of motivation (4)2。
2 The functions of leadership encourage (5)2.3 The functions of team building encourage (5)3 Discuss whether Leadership and Team building can coexist or not (6)4 Case study (8)5 Conclusion (8)References: (9)1 IntroductionWith the development of leaderships and the deep exploration of people on leadership practice,many scholars has already concluded series of leader method and leader styles from various points of view。
Discuss the function of leadership and team building inemployees' encourageAbstractFacing with the changing environment and fierce challenges, the article explains that when encouraging employees how can leadership and team building play a role with an organic combination by taking two different roles played by leadership and team building in employees' encourage as the starting point, and the article also discusses the question that how can company makes employees work better with the encourage of leadership and team building.Key words: Leadership Team building Encourage CoexistenceContents1 Introduction (3)2 The functions of Leadership and Team Building on motivating staffs (4)2.1 The concept and importance of motivation (4)2.2 The functions of leadership encourage (5)2.3 The functions of team building encourage (5)3 Discuss whether Leadership and Team building can coexist or not (6)4 Case study (8)5 Conclusion (8)References: (9)1 IntroductionWith the development of leaderships and the deep exploration of people on leadership practice, many scholars has already concluded series of leader method and leader styles from various points of view. For example, Daniel·Gorman summarized six kinds of leadership methods that existed widely all over the world by taking global 20 thousand professional managers database as the sample, namely forced leadership, authoritative leadership, union leadership, the democratic leadership, coach leadership and lead leadership. As the leader of the enterprise, it will be good for them establishing their own and unique methods of leadership and leadership styles if they can fully understand all the advantages and disadvantages of these different methods of leadership and leadership styles, then they can motivate employees' potential abilities, affecting the performance of the entire enterprise. Throughout out history about the practice of both international and domestic leaders, we can see that an excellent leader should use all kinds of leader methods according to their own characteristics to guide employees, educate employees and motivate employees, and they can also convert the various methods successfully, so as to play their outstanding leadership.Having a leader with clear thinking, wonderful coups, great personal charming to point out the development direction and path to subordinates is very important in team activities. Since everyone has his own world outlook,values, working styles, habits, methods and the train of thought, so there will exist kinds of conflicts inevitably during the period of team working, in this time the team needs a leader to play the role of leadership organization and encourage employees constantly, besides, the leader also should rule out difficulties for staff, lead them try their best to work together. Promoting the team to get a great progress, leading team members step to the goals also is the duties of leaders. Command, lead, guide and encourage subordinates is the struggling process for a leader to achieve that goal with his team. However, the formation of team building bring in better benefits to the development of enterprise.Team building is the working group composed by several or different cooperate individuals who wants to achieve one goal. In other words, group means that a group of people with a certain goal as the center task make a contribution to the work, at this time, they have mutual cooperation and brainstorming, use their wisdom, ability and power fully. Team building reflects the functional characteristics of team cooperation fully, it is the necessary condition for guiding direction and providing impetus for group members, and it also is the power condition that makes group members willing to contribute their power and knowledge to the team work. Members in a successful team always use a lot of time and energy to discuss, modify and perfect a goal which is accepted by all the group members whether in the collective level or the personal level. Successful team will transfer its common goal to the specific and implemented goal. Goal can not only improve the performance level of individuals, but also can make the group full of vitality. Specific target can promote the communication and cooperation, and it also is benefit for team puts its energy to achieveing a effective result.Team building has already become the main operate form in international well-know enterprises, such as: General Electric Company, American Telephone and Telegraph and HP, etc. The facts proved that team building is more effective than individual working if this certain job needs a variety of skills and experiences. Team is the feasible way for organization improving its running efficiency, it is good for organization to motivate employees' potential ability. In the changeable environment of today's society, team will be more feasible and more responsive than traditional sector structures or other form of stable group.2 The functions of Leadership and Team Building on motivating staffs2.1 The concept and importance of motivationIn <Unabridged Dictionary>, "incentive" means "inspire somebody to stand up", namely "exciting and motivation". Incentive is one kind of mental process that make peoplekeep exciting under the influence of both the internal and external incentives. From broadly speaking, incentive is to mobilize the enthusiasm of people; from the special speaking, incentive is one kind of motivate, is the means of promoting behaviour.The importance of incentives not only lies in it can make staffs work positively and peacefully, but also can make staffs accept and identify the goals and values of enterprise, then let staffs produce the strong feeling of belonging. Therefore, the foundation of incentive is people's needs, is to encourage the morale of staffs and motivate people's enthusiasm at the appropriate time by using all kinds of incentive models and means to satisfy people's needs.2.2 The functions of leadership encourageLeadership is how to arouse people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity effectively. Leaders should recognize people, encourage people, respect people and love people in the process of incentive, and they must take humanistic theory as the guide. Besides, leader should grasp all kinds of people's behaviour, understand the relationship between people's needs and development, inspire the potential enthusiasm and creativity of people, let staffs play their potential ability and energy on the maxi level.Different leaders have different management measures and ideas, other people's action is the core of management, and incentive is the necessary and important means to achieve the goal of management. All roads lead to Rome, as long as leaders can achieve the largest profits with least costs by regulating human resources based on the present resources of enterprise, then they reach the original goal of incentive.2.3 The functions of team building encourageThe function of incentive mechanism in the organization is obvious, it can not only arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of staffs fully, improve the organizational performance,but also is good for creating one kind of organizational culture, forming the atmosphere that the whole enterprise respects knowledge and talents and the environment that staffs put their strong ambition in working. Just think, if the staffs' working motivation got a good incentive, their working level is likely to play on the highest level. On the contrary, if staffs could not get the deserved incentive, they would not work hard with fully enthusiasm, they would "do one day monk, bump one day clock", which means work with the attitude of halfheartedness, by this way, staffs not only can not play the normal business level, but also will become the unstable factors in the organization, then disturb the normal order of organization and influence working performance of others.3 Discuss whether Leadership and Team building can coexist or notAs what introduce before, people's needs is always changing, different people at different period has different needs. An incentive measures may has good motivated effects in the beginning when it is used firstly, however, after a period of time, this kind of incentive may slow down its performance. So only making the certain motivated measures according the different needs of people in different periods and maintaining the innovation of incentive measures, can make incentive mechanism arouse staffs' enthusiasm and creativity effectively.Leadership and team building are two integral individuals. Both of them should keep high flexibility when they motivate staffs to achieve the completion of the task and emotional cohesion of them, so that leaders can make proper leadership behaviour in the different situations, and create the best performance by using various resources under the limited resources of the enterprise, which can help team to make the best decisions. Antai effect confirms that view fully. Antai effect originated in ancient Greece myth, there was a hercules called Antai, he was the son of Poseidon and God gaia, he was extremely strong, and ever-victorious. But he had a fatal weakness, that is, once he left the earth, left his mother's nourish, he would lost all the power. His opponent spied this secret, and designeda ruse that lifted him high in the air and then killed him. From that on, people call the phenomenon that once get out from the corresponding conditions, lose some kinds of abilities, as "Antai effect". Moral: any supports is weak without the support of the masses; water is still water without fish, however, fish will be not fish without water. "Antai effect" told us that people can not lose sources of strength, can not lose the necessary environment of survive. In the management of enterprise construction, the leader of enterprise should be good at forming a team, let staffs have a necessary environment, therefore, leaders should learn to rely on people and collective. " I for all" could get the situation of "everybody for me". Leaders will fail without the sources of power, even they have the greatest ability. With the rapid development of economy and technology in nowadays, only team work can help the enterprise achieve the certain goals.The interaction of internal impetus and external impetus is important in encouraging staffs based on the particularity of leadership and team building. Only the direction and function of internal imputes and external imputes has no differences in the process of encouraging staffs, can they play a positive incentive effect. External incentives influence staffs' internal impetus. Only incentive factors of external environment fit the internal goals of individuals, can it produces positive incentive effects. If staffs hop to earn more money in the work, giving them spiritual encouragement can not strength their working force, at this situation, only giving them material rewards, can improve their working force; if staffs want to get the sense of identity from the work, but they do not get identity from leaders when they really do an excellent performance, they will lose working force and do not want to do better. In this sense, leaders must know the needs of their subordinate, and then enhance their motivation according to different needs. Individuals are proud of being one member of the team, individuals have confidence and self-esteem by inspired; members are proud of their work, and have a sense of achievement and satisfaction; company has s strong force and team spirits. So in the process of incentive, the needs of individuals decides the motivation of work; the collaboration of team building provides enough working incentives for staffs to struggly achieve the goal. From what mentioned before, both of them must give birth to the new demand based on meeting the last demand, andthen a new round of incentive cycle beginning. However, leadership and team building must grasp the discretion, only from this way, leadership and team building can coexist and have a good performance on encouraging staffs.4 Case studyGoal determines the finally results of the team. But the team with high performance also needs leadership and structure to provide direction and focus. Since the 1980s, the organization development form of team has always been the new attempt. The innovated measures of industry leader ---- Boeing created a classic paradigm of team work. The development of Boeing 777 jet aircraft included the extensive use of cross functional team. Since the production of Boeing 777 made market, finance, design and information system get together, which promoted the formation of team building. The members of this team came from multiple function area, and were responsible for the specific parts of the plane, such as: the tail, wing, electronic system and so on. During the period of producing Boeing 777, each functional departments knew every plan and step clearly because of the construction of team building. Relevant professional experts promoted the performance of the whole design, production and marketing by the communication and cooperation. The work ways which based on the team has achieved more economic effect than what they predicted.At the same time, in order to mobilize staff's enthusiasm fully and cultivate intellectual young workers, leaders at all levels has given high values and already made a lot of political systems about establishing youth backup talent pool, selecting outstanding young intellectuals to stand important management work and paying attention on the education and cultivation, sending staffs to participate in various professional training, learning and visiting.5 ConclusionAbove all, it seems that leadership and team building are two different individuals, but they are interdependent and inseparable. Leaders care about and support the work of subordinates, which is the important part in care incentive. But as leaders, finding good creativity is very important, if they hope all these ideas can achieve great success in the reality, leaders must have the ability to persuade others constructing the team, and then protect benefits of the whole team by decreasing the costs to the least level, so as to make enterprise succeed.Therefore, leadership and team building must be combined organically and play their functions effectively in encouraging staffs, the coexistence of them are important part for enterprise to step into success.References:[1] Wang Lijiu.(2011).Property Management.Beijing:Beijing University Press.[2] Jerald,G.(2005).Organizational Behaviour.Beijing:Renmin University of China Press.[3] Warren,B.(2008).Leaders.Beijing:Renmin University of China Press.[4] Stephen,R.(1996).Management.Beijing:Renmin University of China Press.[5] Zhang Zhi.(2003).Team cooperation creates miracle performance.Gold electronic company Press.[6] Hunt, J.W. (1992) Managing People at Work: a manager’s guide to behaviour in organizations, 3rd edu. McGraw-Hill,London.。
person is on the hierarchy.
Hierarchy of needs
Lower-order (external): physiological, safety Higher-order (internal): social, esteem, self-actualization
Need for power (nPow) – The need to influence the behavபைடு நூலகம்or of others
Need of affiliation (nAff) – The desire for interpersonal relationships
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Attempted to explain why job satisfaction does not result in increased performance.
The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather no satisfaction.
ninth edition
16 Chapter Motivating Employees
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© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Early Theories of Motivation
ninth edition
16 Chapter Motivating Employees
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama
• Explain how goal-setting and reinforcement theories explain employee motivation.
• Describe the job characteristics model as a way to design motivating jobs.
Early Theories of Motivation
• Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how it can be used to motivate.
• Discuss how Theory X and Theory Y managers approach motivation.
• Discuss the motivation implications of equity theory.
Motivation and Goals
Goal-Setting Theory
Proposes that setting goals that are accepted, specific, and challenging yet achievable will result in higher performance than having no or easy goals.
gets feedback on their progress
MacGregor’s Theories X and Y 麦格雷戈的X and Y理论
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory 赫茨伯 格的激励-保健理论
Main points
1.There is a hierarchy of 5 needs. 2.A.Individuals must satisfy lower-
• Describe the five levels in Maslow’s hierarchy and how Maslow’s hierarchy can be used in motivational efforts.
• Discuss how Theory X and Theory Y managers approach motivation.
• Discuss the challenges managers face in motivating unique groups of workers.
• Describe open-book management and employee recognition, pay-for-performance, and stock option programs.
Item1 Objectives:To provide staff a harmonious atmosphere, a self-fulfillment stage and manoeu-vre staff positivity by effective incentives, so as to improve the performance level of the whole com-pany.第二条企业文化相关活动的开展:为提升团队的凝聚力,加强员工的集体荣誉感,同时塑造一个良好的企业形象,公司开展了一系列的激励员工的活动。
Item2 Corporate culture:In order to exalt consolidation and sense of collectivity honor of the team as well as shaping a favorable corporation visualize, the company developed a series of staff motiva-tion activities.1) 活动一:团队旅游:Activity1:Group travelling活动时间:每年3月份Time:March every year活动形式:参加旅游团及公司自行组织Form:Take part in tour or organize by the com-pany活动组织部门:公司行政部提出当年旅游景点、日期、餐饮、联系旅游团,办理相关保险,做好旅游纪律宣权活动。
Organizing department:AD Dept. bring forward the place, date, meal and tour for traveling, transact related insurance and propagandize for traveling disci-pline.活动参加人员:部门经理及优秀员工。
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• Describe the job characteristics model as a way to design motivating jobs.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
• Describe the three needs McClelland proposed as being present in work settings.
• Three-Needs Theory • Goal-Setting Theory • Reinforcement Theory • Designing Motivating Jobs • Equity Theory • Expectancy Theory
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Satisfied needs will no longer motivate. Motivating a person depends on knowing at what level that
person is on the hierarchy.
Hierarchy of needs
Lower-order (external): physiological, safety Higher-order (internal): social, esteem, self-actualization
Current Issues in Motivation
• Describe the cross-cultural challenges of motivation. • Discuss the challenges managers face in motivating
unique groups of workers. • Describe open-book management, employee recognition,
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Exhibit 16–1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
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Early Theories of Motivation (cont’d)
Motivation and Needs
• Three-Needs Theory (McClelland)
There are three major acquired needs that are major motives in work.
Need for achievement (nAch) – The drive to excel and succeed
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
What Is Motivation?
• Define motivation. • Explain motivation as a need-satisfying process.
Attempted to explain why job satisfaction does not result in increased performance.
The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather no satisfaction.
Early Theories of Motivation
• Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how it can be used to motivate.
• Discuss how Theory X and Theory Y managers approach motivation.
Need for power (nPow) – The need to influence the behavior of others
Need of affiliation (nAff) – The desire for interpersonal relationships
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Describe Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory. • Explain Herzberg’s views of satisfaction and
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Discuss the motivation implications of equity theory.
• Contrast distributive justice and procedural justice.
• Explain the three key linkห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ges in expectancy theory and their role in motivation.
• McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X
Assumes that workers have little ambition, dislike work, avoid responsibility, and require close supervision.
Exhibit 16–3 Contrasting Views of Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction
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Contemporary Theories of Motivation
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L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Motivation works best when individual needs are compatible with organizational goals.
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Early Theories of Motivation
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Early Theories of Motivation (cont’d)
• Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are created by different factors.
ninth edition
16 Chapter Motivating Employees
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Needs were categorized as five levels of lower- to higher-order needs.
Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher order needs.
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • MacGregor’s Theories X and Y • Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Early Theories of Motivation
Hygiene factors: extrinsic (environmental) factors that create job dissatisfaction.
Motivators: intrinsic (psychological) factors that create job satisfaction.
pay-for-performance, and stock option programs.
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.