



Scientific question
(design & conduct Experiment)
-Conclusion -Finding -Theory
Where there is a will, there is a way
A English saying
There will be very different practices in various locations
Flowchart of carrying out a research
Selecting research subject
Read around subject
Create hypotheses & design experiments
But, it is possible to use a “sub-set” (sample) to estimate relevant parameters of a population
Samples & sampling
To select the “sub-set” of a population is called sampling
A few aspects in conducting scientific research
The principles of measurement SI units & their es Sample & sampling Scientific method & design of
Sampling strategies
Good sampling strategies should related to the objective(s)



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AAbbreviated title简名(连续出版物);见Key-titleAbridgement简本、节本Access point检索点;参见HeadingAccompanying material附件Acronym首字母缩略词Activity card游戏卡;参见Game, KitAdaptation (Music)改写曲(音乐);参见Arrangement (Music) Added entry附加款目;参见Main entryAdded title page附加题名页;参见Series title page。



SWFC MC合同文件准备事项(PRELIMINARIES)12/2004A部分----准备事项索引说明与定义1.00说明1.01定义1.02工期(period)的计算1.03工程现场1.04接受现有的现场1.05合同范围1.06分包合同范围1.07涉及建筑施工的MEP分包工程范围1.08设备与管道等的油漆1.09提供一切必需的物品1.10免费服务与维修1.11对现场通路的责任1.12道路和人行道13.13工作场地投标与合同1.14技术报送件的要求1.15合同形式16.16工程的实施1.17设计责任1.18不一致1.19工作顺序1.20更新协议(不使用)1.21规范条款的含义1.22报送件与信函1.23工程进度计划24.24开工时/施工期间的报送件1.25施工管理程序1.26工作时间1.27已完成的打桩工程、临时围堰墙与挖方合同1.28已完成的打桩工程和临时围堰墙的缺陷29.29总额投标与固定价格1.30总承包提供建筑设施(备)协调员1.31考察现场32.32现场指示1.33业主/工程师1.34停工指示1.35总承包商对额外工作的索赔1.36分包商对额外工作的索赔1.37总承包商对计日工作的索赔1.38分包商对计日工作的索赔1.39暂定项目1.40较小的变更1.41变更工人、材料和工艺1.42工人1.43非法工人的雇用1.44住在现场的职工1.45现场职工管理1.46临时厕所1.47安全措施1.48总承包商/分包商/直接承包商对工伤发出通知1.49现场会议1.50材料样品、装饰样品(本)的认可1.51实物模型1.52专利品1.53材料和工艺的质量1.54试验与检查1.55材料产地1.56施工设备与装置的归属1.57材料与施工设备的货车运输与装卸1.58试验证明1.59样品楼层和实物模型临时工程1.60施工设备、脚手架、吊装、运进和运出等1.61支撑1.62模板和模具1.63发动机消声器1.64白天标记和警告灯1.65工程师和其他业主代表的办公室1.66总承包商的车间、办公室和库棚1.67为指定分包商和直接承包商提供方便1.68消防设备1.69浮力1.70除水1.71临时排水1.72侵蚀损害1.73台风或大雨的预防工作1.74临时供水1.75临时照明和电力1.76临时围墙(围篱)、遮护和通道1.77布告牌、广告与宣传1.78名(铭)牌分包和直接承包1.79直接承包商1.80对政府部门或公用事业公司的照料1.81对指定分包商和直接承包商的照料1.82与指定分包商和直接承包商的配合1.83建筑设施协调一般义务1.84临时附属建筑物1.85不使用1.86施工图和制作图1.87放线1.88尺寸1.89良好的秩序1.90日报告和照片91.91对其他分包和临近财产的损害1.92对临近财产、道路、公用工程的保护以及对损坏的修复1.93对毗邻财产占有者的打扰1.94对公众的保护1.95参观者1.96看守人员1.97设备的重量1.98火灾1.99材料的安全保管1.100工程与材料的保护1.101冷、热天气1.102对所有专业工种的保护1.103发票1.104施工期间对现场的一般清理1.105害虫控制1.106试验和试运行1.107完(竣)工1.108施工过程照片1.109竣工文件(资料)1.110竣工图1.111竣工照片1.112验收证书出具后的缺陷责任期1.113保证(Guarantee)1.114保证期1.115担保书1.116备件1.117关于自流泉水池排水的排放的报告(Report on discharge of drainageof artesian spring tank)1.118风向和风速的观测1.119维修1.120工程完成一年后和两年后的检查1.121从接收最初送电到最终移交这段时间电气设备的维修、管理与电费的控制1.122从上下水连接及煤气与干管的连接到最终移交这段时间的煤气费1.123对参观者的回应1.124文明工地1.125法定的批准1.126履约担保A部分----准备事项说明与定义1.00说明A部分-准备事项(包括A部分的附录A、B、C、D、E和F)应结合B部分-技术规范一起阅读,如A部分与B部分之间有可作两种或多种解释的词语,则应以A部分---准备事项中的词语为准。



冬奥会英语词汇大全一、运动项目大类冰上项目:1.短道速滑short-track speed skating2.速度滑冰speed skating3.花样滑冰figure skating4.冰球ice hockey5.冰壶curling雪上项目:1.雪车bobsleigh2.钢架雪车skeleton3.雪橇luge4.高山滑雪alpine skiing5.自由式滑雪freestyle skiing6.单板滑雪snowboarding7.跳台滑雪ski jumping8.越野滑雪cross-country skiing9.冬季两项biathlon10.北欧两项Nordic combined二、详细项目三、动作技巧四、装备:手套Gloves头盔Helmet护颈Neck Protection连身服Racing Suit护腿板Shin Protection冰鞋Boots冰刀Blades五、其他常用词汇吉祥物Mascot冰墩墩Bing Dwen Dwen雪容融Shuey Rhon Rhon火炬传递Torch Relay奥林匹克圣火Olympic flame冰丝带The Ice Ribbon冬奥会Winter Olympics Games冬残奥会WinterParalympic Games国际奥林匹克委员会The International Olympic Committee (IOC) 一起向未来Together for a SharedFuture体育精神Sportsmanship奥运精神the Olympic Spirit业余爱好者Amateur奥运场馆Olympic venue金牌Gold medal冰场Ice rink冰刀Blades奥运会代表团Olympic Delegation奥运会运动员Olympicathlete残奥会运动员Paralympicathletes火炬点燃仪式Torch Lighting Ceremony主办国Host Country主办城市Host City奥运村The Olympic Village开幕式Opening Ceremony闭幕式Closing Ceremony六、运动项目历史1.速度滑冰Speed skatingSpeed skatingis a competitive form of ice skating in which the competitors race each other in travelling a certain distance on skates. Types of speed skating are long track speed skating, short track speed skating, and marathon speed skating. In the Olympic Games, long-track speed skating is usually referred to as just "speed skating", while short-track speed skating is known as "short track". The ISU, the governing body of both ice sports, refers to long track as "speed skating" and short track as "short track skating".2.短道速滑Short Track Speed SkatingShort track speed skating is only about 100 years old and a product of North America. Speed skating, however, dates back to 13th century Holland. Short track speed skating originated in Canada and the United States in 1905 with the first known competition having taken place in 1909. By he 1920s and 30s, the sport was gaining popularity in Great Britain, Japan, France, Belgium and Australia. While short track speed skating became part of the International Skating Union (ISU) in 1967, it wasn't until 1976 that official ISU competitions began.3.花样滑冰Figure SkatingFigure skating is a sport and activity in which individuals, duos, or groups perform on figure skates on ice. It was the first winter sport included in the Olympics, in 1908. The four Olympic disciplines are men's singles, ladies' singles, pair skating, and ice dancing. Non-Olympic disciplines include synchronized skating and four skating. From intermediate through senior-level competition, skaters generally perform two programs (short and long) which, depending on the discipline, may include spins, jumps, moves in the field, lifts, throw jumps, death spirals, and other elements or moves.4.冰球Ice HockeyIce hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in a rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score points. Ice hockey teams usually consist of four lines of three forwards, three pairs of defensemen, and two goaltenders. Normally, each team has five players who skate up and down the ice trying to take the puck and score a goal against the opposing team.5.冰壶CurlingCurling is a sport in which players slide stones on a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles. It is related to bowls, boules and shuffleboard. Two teams, each with four players, take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones, also called rocks, across the ice curling sheet towards the house, a circular target marked on the ice. Each team has eight stones. The purpose is to accumulate the highest score for a game; points are scored for the stones resting closest to the centre of the house at the conclusion of each end, which is completed when both teams have thrown all of their stones. A game usually consists of eight or ten ends.。




2019专八阅读理解练习题附答案:动物世界Naturally, m a group of animals as diverse as the snakes, and with so many varied enemies. there are numerous defensive reactions and devices. There is. however, one general pattern of behavior. In the presence of suspected enemy the first reaction is to try to escape observation; if this fails, the next resort is the flight co some inaccessible retreat, but if this is not possible, or is circumvented. various kinds of intimidatory gestures and warning devices are broughtinto play; in the last resort the snake attacks. This pattern vanes with the circumstances; some stages may be omitted or combined unpredictably whilst all some notoriously irascible species may dispense with all the preliminaries and attack almost at once. though seldom or never without some provocation.Amongst the factors that increase aggressiveness are hunger, the mating season and surprise, with the last mentioned the commonest; when hunting for food or for mate. activity and the aggressive instinct are both at their peak. Owing to their poor sense of hearing snakes are very liable to be, quite literally, caught napping and a similar situation arises during their periods of temporary blindness just before sloughing (蜕皮)begins. By far the greatest number of snake-bit accidents result from the unwitting disturbance of resting snakes. and this hazard is much increased with species that are well disguised and whose natural instinct is to trust to this concealment as their principal defense. As well as differences in aggressiveness between individuals of the samespecies according to the circumstances and conditions, there are also notable differences between species, even closely allied species; and the reports of those who have been attacked may understandably be lacking in objectivity. So it is impossible to forecast. even in outline, how any encounter will develop.The Hamadryad, for example, is usually credited with being amongst the most aggressive of snakes. and there are many accounts of unprovoked attacks, yet on one occasion fourteen men and seven dogs passed and returned within two yards from a nest and no snake was seen although the female. which guards the nest, could not have been far away.1.When a snake meets a potential enemy, its primary device is______________.A) avoiding any observationB) Finding a safe shelterC) giving a warning threatD) starting a quick attack2.The underlined phrase dispense with all the preliminaries in Paragraph I most probably means________________.A) the snakes combine all the previous three stepsB) the snakes give up all the previous three stepsC) che snakes follow all the previous steps one by oneD) the snakes reverse the order of all the previous steps3.A snake is most aggressive when_______________.A) it meets a possible enemyB) it is caught when it is sleeping or sloughingC) it is disturbed unknowinglyD) it seeks a partner in che mating season4.It is difficult to predict what would happen when asnake meets a man because____________.A) no one bas ever clearly known how he himself was bitB) man tends to be subjective when he describes his encounter with a snakeC) the aggressiveness of the snakes differs according to diverse situationsD) a snake does not begin co attack without provocation5. The author uses the example in the last paragraph m support his idea that___________.A) snakes do not begin the aggressive act if it is notdisturbedB) some snakes are more aggressive and more ready to attackC) it is hard to forecast whether and how snakes would attackD) snakes often conceal themselves as their principal defense答案:1.当蛇遇到了潜在的敌人,它主要的做法会是______________。



工程特别词汇建筑英语2010-03-19 16:29:51 阅读19 评论0 字号:大中小订阅A Preliminaries / General conditionsC Existing site / buildings / services (前面把这项打成B, 特此更正)Preliminaries 这个字找不到对应的中文, 查字典的翻译都没反映这个字的建筑清单中的意思. 由中同建设工程造价管理协会与香港测量师学会合编的"英汉工程造价管理词典"也没给出对这个字(单字应用, 在清单中的一章)时的翻译. 有两个翻译,倒也给出清单中这章的部份意思.1. Preliminary bill (工程的)开办清单2. Preliminary expenditure (工程的)筹备费/初期支出.其实在英式清单里, 这Preliminaries一章, 与GB50500的措施费相对应, 但比措施费多了些内容.下面是SMM7, A preliminaries / general conditions 的内容:A10 Project particulars 项目相关信息1. Name, nature and location 项目名称, 工程内容, 工程所在地(地址)2. Names and addresses of Employer and consultants 业主与中介(咨询公司,顾部公司或个人)的名称(名字)与地址A11 Tender and Contract documents 投标与合约(合同)文件(文档)1. List of drawings / other documents 图纸明细表/其它文件A12 The site / existing buildings 现场/ 现有建筑物1. Site boundaries 工地(场)范围2. Existing buildings on or adjacent to site 现场上的或相邻的建筑物3. Existing mains / services 现有管道/电缆4. Others, details stated 其它, 给出详情A13 Description of the Works 工程说细描述1. Elements of each new building 每座新建筑的构件2. Dimensions and shape relating to each building 新建筑各自尺寸与形状3. Details of related work by others 由他人施工的相关工程详情A20 The Contract / Sub-contract 合约/ 分合约(总包与分包合约)1. Schedule of clause headings of standard conditions (所用)标准合同(合同范本)各条款名称2. Special conditions or amendments to standard conditions 特别条款或标准条款变更3. Appendix insertions 附录目录4. Employer’s insurance responsibility 业主保险责任范围5. performance guarantee bond / collateral warranties 履约担保书(或金)/ 共同担保书(注: Collateral 两个人的交互互动, 这担保书是第三者为你而开出给业主的担保书, 由你与第三者共同担保, 毁约发生时,业主可向第三方索赔)(业主, 也称发展商,开发商, 就是国内所惯称的甲方)A30 Employer’s requirements : tendering / Sub-letting / Supply 业主要求: 投标/分包/供应1. Details stated 给出细则(注: 投标保函, 分包规定, 对供应商的规定, 等等)A31 Employer’s requirements : Provision, content and use of documents业主要求:提供, 内容与文件(文档的应用)1.Details stated 给出细则(注:业主对你应提供的文件的细节要求, 文件的应用方式与版权等等)A32 Employer’s requirements : Management of the Works业主要求: 工程管理1. details stated 给出细则(注: 业主对你在工程管理上的要求, 如施工人员的资格, 人数等等)A33 Employer’s requirements : Quality standards / control业主要求:质量管理标准/ 控制与保证1. Details stated 给出细则(注: 基本的质量要求由工程说明书/规程定下了, 这儿是提出较特另的要求, 如承包商需有ISO9000持量管理体系认证,等)A34 Employer’s requirements : Security / Safety / Protection业主要求: 保安/ 安全/ 保护1. Noise and pollution control 噪音与环境污染控制2. Maintain adjoining buildings 维护相邻建筑物3. Maintain public and private roads 维护松共与私有道路4. Maintain live services 维护应用中的设施(包括水电供暖等公共设施)5. Security 保安6. Protections of work in all sections 保护全部工作/资产7. Others 其它A35 Employer’s requirements : Specific limitations on met hod / sequence / timing/ use of site业主要求: 对方法/程序/时间(表)/工场应用的特殊限制1. Design constraints 设计限制2. Method and sequence of work 对工作应用的方法与程序(次序)3. Access 通道4. Use of the site 现场土地应用5. Use or disposal of materials found 现场发现的物件的应用与处置6. Start of work 开工(日期)7. Working hours 工作时间(段)8. Others 其它A36 Employer’s requirements : facilities / Temporary works / Services业主要求:设施/ 临时工事/ 水电等供应1. Offices 办事处2. Sanitary accommodation 卫生设施3. Temporary fences. Hoardings, screens and roofs 临时篱芭, 围护, 隔离板, 防雨蓋4. Name boards 工程显示牌5. Technical and surveying equipment 技术与测量工具6. Temperature and humidity 温度与湿度(保温空调)7. Telephone / facsimile installation and rental / maintenance 电话/ 传真设备, 租金/维护8. Others 其它9. Telephone / facsimile call charges 电话/传真费用(Prov sum)A37 Employer’s requirements : Operation / maintenance of the finished building业主要求: 完成建筑物的操作/ 维护1. details stated 列出细节(注:这个主要是移交手续, 机电设备验收, 设备操作手册, 业主维修人员培训)A40 Contractor’s general cost items : management and staff 承包商一般运作费用: 管理与员工A41 Contractor’s general cost items : Site accommodation承包商一般运作费用: 工场临时住宿A42 Contractor’s general cost items : Services and facilities承包商一般运作费用: 水电保暖与设备1. power 电供2. Lighting 照明3. Fuels 燃料/燃油4. Water 水供5. Telephone and administration 电话与行政6. Safety, health and welfare 安全(施工), 卫生, 福利7. Storage of materials 物料储存8. Rubbish disposal 废料处理9. Cleaning 日常清洁工作10. Drying out 排水/烘干11. protection of work in all sections 各部工作(建筑物)保护(维护)12. Security 保安13. Maintain public and private roads 维护公共与私人道路14. Small plant and tools 小型机械与工具15. Others 其它16. General attendance on nominated sub-contractors 指定分承包的照管A43 Contractor’s general cost items : Mechanical plants承包商一般运作费用: 大型施工机械1. Crane 起重机械, 塔吊, 混凝土泵等2. Hoists 小型起重机械3. personnel transport 人员运输4. Transport 运输5. Earthmoving plant 土石方机械6. Concrete plant 混凝土机械7. piling plant 打桩机械8. paving and surfacing plant 铺设与找平机械9. Others 基它A44 Contractor’s general cost items : Temporary works承包商一般运作费用: 临时工事1. Temporary roads 临时道路2. Temporary walkways 临时走道3. Access scaffolds 交通脚手架4. Support scaffolding and propping 支撑脚手架5. Hoardings, fans, fencing, etc 围护, 通风, 围栏6. Hardstanding 硬质停车坪7. traffic regulations 交通控制8. Others 其它A50 Work / Products by/on behalf of the employer 业主自做工作(程)/自供材料或代业主执行工作(程)/供料1. Work by others directly employed by Employer details stated工作由业主直接聘请的分包执行, 列细节2. Attendance on others directly employed by the Employer, details stated (由总承包)向业主直接聘用分际包所提供的服务, 列细节3. Materials provided by or on behalf of the Employer, details stated 由业主直接/或(由供应商)代业主提供有材料, 列细节A51 Nominated sub-contractors 指定分承包1. Sub-contractor’s work (PC Sum) 分承包工作事项2. Main contractor’s profit (%) 总承包利润3. Special attendance, details stated (item) 总承包提供的服务, 列细节A52 Nominated suppliers 指定供应(料)商1. Supplier’s material (PC Sum) 提供的材料2. Main contractor’s profit (%) 总承包利润A53 Work by statutory authorities / undertakers 由法定机关/承担人执行的工作(程)1. Work by local authority 当地公共设施机关承担的工作2. Work by statutory undertakers 由法定承包商执行的工作(程)A54 Provisional work 暂定工作1. defined 定义明确的工作2. undefined 定义不明确的工作A55 Dayworks 计日工1. Labour 劳务2. materials 材料3. plant 机械注: a. Nominated subcontractor and Nominated supplier 所负责的工作就是Prime Cost itemsb. Provisional workc. Dayworks 相当于contingencies以上三种加起来就相当于GB50500的预留金注: A11 这条款把清单与图纸/规程/其它相关文件结合起来.A20 这条款把清单与合约紧密结合.这两条款GB50500没有相应的规定.。

英语词汇学 英语词汇学习题1及答案

英语词汇学 英语词汇学习题1及答案

试题一第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket。


In Old English there was _______ agreement between sound form.A。

moreB. littleC。


gradual2.Both LDCE and CCELD are _______。


general dictionariesB. monolingual dictionariesC. both A and BD。

neither A and B3。

The word ”MINISKIRT" is _______。


morphologically motivatedB. etymologically motivatedC. semantically motivatedD. none of the above4。

The most important way of vocabulary development in present—day English is _______。



semantic changeC。

creation of new wordsD. all the above5。

Generalization is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become ________.A。


expandedC. elevatedD。



犯罪术语英语词汇第一篇:犯罪术语英语词汇犯罪术语英语词汇红灯区:adult business district抢劫:robbery逮捕证:arrest warrant暗杀:assassin保释金:bail敲诈,勒索:blackmail黑市:black market装尸袋:body bag非法闯入:break in行贿受赂:bribery窃听:bug入室盗窃:burglary虐待儿童:child abuse消除财务信息的电脑黑客:computer cleaner囚犯:convict信用卡欺诈:credit-card fraud犯罪:criminal强奸:rape死刑:death penalty被告:defendant原告:accuser吸毒:drug abuse酒后驾驶:drank driving一级谋杀案【premeditated murder】:first-degree murder 伪造:forgery赌博:gamble黑帮:gang劫持:hijack冲动犯罪:impulse 【Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc.that are done on an impulse.】青少年犯罪:juvenile delinquency黑手党:Mafia 【A secret society that originated in Italy in the 1860’s.The Mafia now widespread, and is focused on power and profit.】洗钱:money laundering假释:parole 【A conditional release of an offender from confinement before the expiration of his or her sentence.The offender is usually placed under the guidance of a parole officer.】伪证:perjury扒手:pickpocket腐败:corruption系列命案的杀手,连环杀手:serial killer第二篇:邮政术语英语词汇邮政术语英语词汇YN801型铅志夹钳 MODEL YN801 Lead seals tongsYN801型铅志夹钳用印模 Seals model for MODEL YN801 lead seals tongs包裹、印刷品、总包设备噪声测量方法Measurement methods of noise for parcel equipment flat equipment & bag equipment 包裹粗分机 Primary parcel sorting machine包裹收寄电子秤Electronic weighing instrument for parcel posting包裹细分机技术条件Specifications for secondary parcel sorting machines多媒体邮电业务查询台技术条件Specifications of the multimedia inquiry system of post and telecomunucationservices 给据邮件条码签国际挂号函件部分Bar code label for record mail International registered correspondence滚筒式邮袋除尘机邮电专用汽车标志挂式邮政信箱 Wall mail box 国际包裹五联单Bill in five parts for international postal parcels国际明信片 International postcard国际业务用航空公司代码 Codification of air carriers for postal services国际业务用机场代码Codification of airports for postal services185国际邮件袋牌 International label of mail bags国际邮件互换局代码Codification of international mail exchange offices国内邮件袋牌 Bag-label for domestic mail国内邮件单据通用技术条件General specifications for domestic mail documents贺卡信封 Congratulatory card envelope红框理信机技术条件Specifications of red box letter facing machines金属按扣式封志 Metal button seal全国邮政管理和生产机构代码编制规则Rules of coding for nationwide postal establishments双孔铅志 Lead seal with double holes信函分拣机测试卡片 Testcard of letter sorting machines信函分拣设备电磁兼容性静电放电和电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度要求Electromagnetic compatibility of letter sorting equipment Immunity technical requirements of electrostatic discharge & electrical fast transient burst信函分拣设备技术词汇 Technical vocabulary for letter sorting equipment信函过戳机技术条件Specifications of letter letter stamping machine信函邮票盖销机技术条件Specifications for letter stamp-cancelling machine信筒 Pillar box用户服务中心技术要求 Technical requirement of 185 customer care邮袋 Mail bag邮袋封扎带 Plastic tying string for mail bag邮袋封扎绳 Closing string for mail bags邮电日戳技术条件 Specifications for date-stamps of post and telecommunication邮简 Letter-card邮件封面书写规范国际信函Writing specifications on mail envelopes international letters邮件封面书写规范国内信件Writing specifications on mail envelopes domestic letters邮政包裹包装箱(国内)Packing boxes for parcels邮政带式输送机固定式胶带机Belt conveyor for mail processing fixed fabric belt conveyor邮政日戳用铅字钉 Type for post date-stamp邮政特快专递详情单 Detail bill for express mail service邮政特快专递业务单据国际特快专递邮件封发清单EMS operational forms Express mall service manifest邮政特快专递业务单据国内特快专递邮件封发清单EMS operational forms Dispatch list for domestic EMS邮政特快专递业务单据国内特快专递邮件收发路单EMS operational forms Delivery bill for domestic EMS邮政特快专递业务单据收发航空邮件总包路单 EMS operational forms Delivery bill airmails邮政条码生成器技术条件Specifications of postal bar-code producers邮政业务词汇特快专递部分Postal service vocabulary EMS part邮政营业电子秤准确度等级Accuracy class of postal counter electronic weighing instrument邮资票品和集邮品的分类与编码规则the classification and the principle of coding of postage item and pgilatelic item 住宅楼房信报箱 Private letter box for multi-storey and high-rise block of flets 磅秤 scale包裹 parcel包裹吊牌 parcel tag包裹附单 despatch note包裹营业台 parcel counter包裹邮件 parcel post包装纸 brown paper;parcel paper报值邮件 insured letter报纸 newspaper背面 back本地邮件 local mail本国大宗包裹 domestic mail in bulk本国邮件 domestic mail本人不在 addressee absent本人拒收 refused by addressee玻璃橱窗 showcase玻璃柜 showcase齿孔 perforation储蓄利息表 interest rate table船运邮件 sea mailLetter-post items 函件bulk mail 大宗邮件the insured letter 保价信函registered letter 挂号信the surface mail平信return receipt 邮件回执the speed post 邮政快件the electronic mail 电子邮件all kinds of correspondence 各类函件EMS(Express Mail Service)特快专递print matter/papers 印刷品the small packet 小包package/parcel 包裹post code 邮政编码letter telegrams 书信电报the telegraph service 电报业务public telex 公众用户电报urgent telegrams 加急电报ordinary telegrams 普通电报stamp collector 集邮者the Souvenir Folder 纪念邮折the First Day Cover 首日封miniature sheets 小型张the block of postage stamps 四方连邮票the pair of postage stamps 双连邮票ordinary stamps 普通邮票special stamps 特种邮票stamp album 集邮册picture cards 美术明信片Christmas cards 圣诞贺卡postal savings 邮政储蓄the money order 邮政汇票邮政设备邮opening tables with dust absorption 除尘开拆台letter dust removal machines 信函除尘机cancelling machines 盖销机franking machines 邮资机stamping machines 过戳机parcel posting machines 包裹收寄机automatic parcel delivery machines 自动取包机automated registration machines 自动挂号登单机the pillar-box/postbox [英]邮筒,信筒the mailbox [美]邮筒,信筒邮政管理the General Post Office in the Provincial Capital 省会邮政局2 the Postal Hub 邮政枢纽the Station Branch Office 车站支局an information desk 问讯处、咨询服务台a retail shop 零售店、亭或柜台a packing counter 包装柜台the office of destination 寄达局retail shops for newspapers and periodicals 报刊零售亭、店9 self-run mail routes 自办邮路the quickest route 最快邮路邮联UPU(The Universal Postal Union)万国邮联UPU Consultant 邮联专家The Asian-Pacific Postal Union 亚洲太平洋邮政联盟(亚太邮联)4 the member country其他the insured value 保价金额the insurance charge 保价费the highest limit 最高限额the sealing wax 封蜡;火漆privatemarks 私人印志draft paper 牛皮纸adhesive tapes 胶带block letter 大写印刷体on the top of the right-hand 右上角第三篇:法律术语英语词汇现在随着英语的普及,越来越多的专业词汇需要被大家知道、学习,文章中介绍了关于法律专业英语词汇,供大家学习。



1、工程量清单:Bills of quantities(BQ)载明建设工程分部分项工程项目、措施项目、其他项目的名称和相应数量以及规费、税金项目内容的明细清单。

2、招标工程量清单:BQ for tendering招标人依据国家标准、招标文件、设计文件以及施工现场实际情况编制的,随招标文件发布供投标报价的工程量清单,包括其说明和表格。

3、已标价工程量清单:Priced BQ构成合同文件组成部分的投标文件中已表明价格,经算数行错误修正(如有)且承包人已确认的工程量清单,包括其说明和表格。

4、分部分项工程:Work sections and trades分部工程是单项或单位工程的组成部分,是按结构部位、路段长度及施工特点或施工任务将单项或单位工程划分为若干分部的工程;分项工程是分部工程的组成部分,是按不同施工方法、材料、及路段长度等将分部工程划分为若干个分项或项目的工程。


6、项目编码:Item code分部分项工程和措施项目清单名称的阿拉伯数字标识。

7、项目特征:Item description构成分部分项工程项目、措施项目自身价值的本质特征。

8、综合单价:All-in unit rate完成一个规定清单项目所需的人工费、材料和工程设备费、施工机具使用费和企业管理费、利润以及一定范围内的风险费用。

9、风险费用:risk allowance隐含于已标价工程量清单综合单价中,用于化解发承包双方在工程合同中约定内容和范围内的市场价格波动风险的费用。

10、工程成本:Construction cost承包人为实施合同工程并达到质量标准,在确保安全施工的前提下,必须消耗或使用的人工、材料、工程设备、施工机械台班及其管理方面发生的费用和按规定缴纳的规费和税金。

11、单价合同:unit rate contract发承包双方约定以工程量清单及其综合单价进行合同价款计算、调整和确认的建设工程施工合同。



Chapter 1 招投标(Tendering) 第一节招标的类型Types of Bidding竞争性招标competitive bidding协商性招标negotiated bidding竞标与协商相结合的招标combined bidding and negotiation第二节招投标活动Tendering Activities一、招投标程序Tendering Procedure1、招标前的活动Pre-tendering activities●对承包商的招标初步意向询问Preliminary inquiry to contractors●对投标人的资格预审Pre-qualification of tenderers2、邀请招标,发放招标文件Inviting tenders and supplying documents●邀请信Letter of Invitation●投标者须知Instructions to Tenderers●合同条件:通用条件和专用条件Conditions of Contract:Consisting ofGeneral Conditions and ParticularConditions●投标书格式Form of Tender●图纸Drawings●技术规格书Specifications●工程量表Bill of Quantity●附加资料表Schedules of Additional Information●资料数据Information Data●回函信封(递送投标书的信封,为了确保准确无误的送达,上面印有业主的地址)Return envelope (An addressedenvelope for the return of tender toensure that each tenderer has the sameand correct address of the Employer) 3、承包商编制投标书[ 'enviləup ]Preparation of tender by contractors●考察现场Visit and inspect the site●如有疑问可向业主提出质询[ 'kwiəri ]Make queries to the Employer (if any)●承包商对现场的形状和性质感到满意The contractor is satisfied with the form and nature of the site●向业主收集资料Collect data from the employer●对业主提供的数据资料进行解释Interpret the data provided by the Employer ●根据数据资料编制标书Prepare tender based on the data●承包商认为中标合同金额是正确和足够Satisfy himself as to correctness andsufficiency of the Accepted ContractAmount●应考虑到合同第13.7和第13.8款,关于成本的增加与减少的规定Consider the provision s in Sub-clauses13.7 & 13.8 regarding increase or decreaseof cost4、提交投标书---附上投标函和投标担保Tender Submission (with Letter of Tender and Tender Security)5、评标与授标Evaluation of Tender and Decision on Award 6、双方就保险条件达成协议Both parties agree on the terms of insurance7、颁发中标函Issue the Letter of Acceptance8、向业主提交履约担保Submission of Performance Security to the Employer 9、签订合同Signing of Contract二、资格预审Prequalification●组织形式和/或合法地位、注册地点和主要经营地等原始文件的复印件[ ə'ridʒənəl ]copies of original documents definingconstitution and/or legal status, place ofregistration and principal place of busines s ●最近五年中每年完成的工程总量的年度营业总额total annual turnover expressed as totalvolume of engineering work carried out in each of the five year●财务报告(包括最近五年中的损益表,平衡表和审计报告,随后一年的财务预测)financial report (including profit and lossstatement s, balance sheets and auditor’sreports for the past five years, and afinancial forecast / an estimated financedprojection for the subsequent year)●信贷额度的使用证据,其他财务资源的可用性evidence of access to lines of credit, andavailability of other financial resources●业主请求时,能(且已被授权)提供证明的银行的名称及地址[ 'ɔ:θəraizd ]name and address of banker(s) who will (and have been authorized to) provide references upon quest by the Employer●作为总承包商最近五年从事的类似性质和规模的工程及目前工程的业绩的详细资料details of performance as prime contractor on works of a similar nature and volume over the past five years and on current works●一份关于执行包括所有权的详细资料在内的合同的承包商设备的主要条款的清单a list of major items of Contractor’sEquipment proposed for carrying out theContract including details of ownership.三、投标者须知Instructions to Tenderers1、说明Introduction1) 定义Definition2) 工程描述Description of Works3) 资金来源Source of Funds [ 'elidʒəbl ]4) 合格的投标人Eligible Tenderers5) 投标费用Cost of Tendering6) 现场考察Site Visit2、招标文件Tendering Documents1) 招标文件内容Contents of Tendering Documents2) 招标文件的澄清Clarification of Tendering Documents 3) 招标文件的修改Amendment of Tendering Documents 3、投标文件的编制Preparation of Tenders1) 投标的语言Language of Tender2) 组成投标书的文件Documents Comprising the Tender3) 定价方法及投标报价Pricing and Tender prices4) 货币要求与汇率Currency Requirements and ExchangeRates5) 证明投标人合格和资格的文件Documents Establishing Tenderers’Eligibility and Qualification6) 投标担保Tender Security7) 投标有效期Tender Validity Period8) 标前会议Pre-tender Meeting9) 投标书的式样和签署Format and Signing of Tender4、投标书的提交Submission of Tenders1) 投标文件的密封和标记Sealing and Marking of Tenders2) 投标截止期Deadline for Submission of Tenders3) 迟交的投标书Late Tenders4) 投标文件的修改、替代与撤回Modification, Substitution andWithdrawal of Tenders [ sʌbsti'tju:ʃən ] 5、开标与评标Opening and Evaluation of Tenders1) 开标Opening of Tenders2) 投标文件的澄清Clarification of Tender Documents3) 投标文件的初审Preliminary Examination of TenderDocuments4) 最终评标价的确定Determination of Final Evaluated TenderPrices5) 错误的修正Correction of Errors6) 评标Evaluation of Tenders6、授予合同Award of Contract1) 资格后审Post Qualification2) 合同授予标准Award Criteria3) 接收投标与拒绝任何或所有投标的权力Right to Accept Tender and to RejectAny or All Tenders4) 中标通知书Notification of Award /Letter of Acceptance5) 签订合同Signing of Contract6) 履约担保Performance Security7) 预付款担保Advance Payment Security附录A:投标保函格式Appendix A: Form of Tender Bond附录B:协议书格式Appendix B: Form of Agreement附录C:现场视察确认书Appendix C: Confirmation of Site Visit附录D:履约保函格式Appendix D: Form of Performance Bond附录E:预付款保函格式Appendix E: Form of Advance PaymentBond附录F:预付款指南Appendix F: Guideline for AdvancePayment四、工程量表(工程量清单)Bill of Quantities (BOQ)1、预备Preliminaries (包括业主的要求及承包商的职责)1) 合同双方的名称Names of parties2) 工程的描述Description of the works3) 合同的形式及种类Form and type of contract4) 承包商将要提供的基本设施General facilities to be provided by thecontractor ……2、序言Preambles(包括……)1) 材料的质量及性能Quality and performance of materials2) 工艺标准Standard of Workmanship3) 材料及工艺的测试the testing of materials and workmanship 4) 材料及工艺样品Samples of materials and workmanship3、工程量明细表Breakdown of bill of quantitiesa) 工种工程量表trade bill of quantitiesb) 单位工程量表elemental bill of quantities4、主要成本和暂定金额Prime cost and provisional sums(备用款)5、附录Appendices [ə'pendisi:z]1) 投标总结tender summary2) 一份主要承包商、分包商名单a list of the main contractors andsubcontractors3) 材料及主要承包商愿意指定分包商投标的工程的基本价目单a basic price list of materials andnominated subcontractor’s work for whichthe main contractor desires to tender五、投标决策Decision to Tender工程应该在规定时间内开工。




研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。




通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下:(一) 篇首:封面(Title)序言(Preface)谢词(Acknowledge)提要(Summary)目录(Tables and Appendixes)(二) 本文:引言(Introduction)主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes)(三)参考资料:参考书目(References or Bibliography)附录资料(Appendix)。



构思为确定写作大纲或Proposal 的先前步骤,大纲是论文、报告的骨干,Proposal 是研究的架构、流程及范围的说明书。






例如:preliminary results(初步结果),preliminary talks(初步谈判),preliminary examination(预备考试)。


例如:as a preliminary to sth/to doing sth(作为某事/做某事的前提),the preliminaries of a book(一本书的序言),a preliminary round/match(预赛)。


例如:The preliminary findings of the investigation will be announced next week.(调查的初步结果将于下周公布。

)The two sides held a preliminary meeting to discuss the agenda.(双方举行了一次初步会议,讨论了议程。

)The course includes a preliminary year of basic training.(课程包括一年的基础培训。


例如:He had to go through a lot of preliminaries before he could see the doctor.(他在看医生之前要经过很多预备事项。






二、课程内容第1章准备知识(Things Familiar and Less Familiar)10课时复习集合论、集合间映射及数学归纳法知识,通过学习集合间映射为继续学习群论打基础。

1、几个注记(A Few Preliminary Remarks)2、集论(Set Theory)3、映射(Mappings)4、A(S)(The Set of 1-1 Mappings of S onto Itself)5、整数(The Integers)6、数学归纳法(Mathematical Induction)7、复数(Complex Numbers)第2章群(Groups) 22课时建立关于群、子群、商群及直积的基本概念及基本性质;通过实例帮助建立抽象概念,掌握群同态定理及其应用;了解有限阿贝尔群的结构。

1、群的定义和例子(Definitions and Examples of Groups)2、一些简单注记(Some Simple Remarks)3、子群(Subgroups)4、拉格朗日定理(Lagrange’s Theorem)5、同态与正规子群(Homomorphisms and Normal Subgroups)6、商群(Factor Groups)7、同态定理(The Homomorphism Theorems)8、柯西定理(Cauchy’s Theorem)9、直积(Direct Products)10、有限阿贝尔群(Finite Abelian Groups) (选讲)11、共轭与西罗定理(Conjugacy and Sylow’s Theorem)(选讲)第3章对称群(The Symmetric Group) 8课时掌握对称群的结构定理,了解单群的概念及例子。



香港特区工程施工合同与造价管理一、香港地区建设工程合同文本种类香港地区建设工程合同文本是多元化的,但主要的有特区政府合同文本(HK. GOV. FOR MS)、建筑师/测量师学会合同文本(HKIA/HKIS FORMS)、国际咨询工程师联合会合同文本(FIDIC);一些大型私营建设机构如和记黄埔集团、九广铁路集团等等还拥有自己的合同文本;此外,英美等国合同文本,如RICS、JCT等也在香港的工程建设中被使用。

1、HK. GOVERNMENT FORMS由特区政府组织编制,是香港特区政府项目投资指定使用的合同条件。

现用的文本是1999年的版,由建筑工程(General Conditions of Contract for B uilding Works)、土木工程(General Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works)、电气设备工程(General Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Works)及设计与施工总承包合同(General Conditions of Contract for Design and Build)等四种文本组成。

一个合同文本通常由三部分构成,即协议书(Articles of Agreement)、通用条款(G CC)和特别条款(SCC),其中特别条款是根据具体工程项目的要求对标准文本的补充和修改。


2、HKIA/HKIS FORMS由香港建筑师学会/香港测量师学会组织编制。



第1章 微观经济学框架 微观经济学主要内容

第1章 微观经济学框架 微观经济学主要内容

Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 11

张三原工作年薪40000,打算辞职不做,开火锅店当 老板。火锅店的投资是100,000,张三全部自掏腰包, 当时的存款利率为5%。张三自己编了一个年度利润表 销售收入 减:原料成本、人工费和其他支出 会计利润 90000 70000 20000

Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 10

会计利润(Accounting Profit) = 销售收入-会计成本

经济利润(Economic Profit) = 会计利润-机会成本 = 销售收入-会计成本-机会成本

经济利润大于0的决策是最优的 经济利润为0时,企业获得正常利润

Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 12

张三原收入年薪40000,火锅店的投资是100,000,张 三全部自掏腰包,当时的存款利率为5%。销售收入为 90000,原料成本、人工费和其他支出为70000。开火 锅店的会计利润和经济利润分别为:
会计利润=90000-70000=20000 经济利润=90000-70000-40000-5000=-25000
Chapter 1 Preliminaries 绪论

微观经济学课程安排 微观经济学的主题 机会成本、经济利润和正常利润
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 2
欲望(wants)是无穷的 资源是稀缺的(scarcity)



- 228-校园英语 / 语言文化研究《体裁分析——学术与科研英语》评介江西师范大学/郭倩John. M. Swales的《体裁分析——学术与科研英语》(Genre Analysis:English in Academic and Research Settings 1990)一书的出版标志着体裁分析的ESP学派的兴起。

John. M. Swales教授撰写此书的主要目的在于为教学研究和英语研究提供一种方法。


一、内容简介本书共有11章,主要分为四个部分:1)引言(Preliminaries 第1章);2)关键概念(第2-5章);3)科研过程中的体裁(第6-8 章);4)应用(第9-11章)。














Market Extent Defines the boundaries of the market
• Geographic • Range of products
Chapter 1
Slide 25
What is a Market?
Geographic boundaries Gasoline: US vs California Housing: Chicago vs a Chicago neighborhood
Chapter 1
Slide 24
What is a Market?
Market Definition & The Extent of a Market
Market Definition Which buyers and sellers should be included in a given market
Chapter 1
Slide 16
Positive Versus Normative Analysis
Positive Analysis
Positive analysis is the use of theories and models to predict the impact of a choice.
Chapter 1
Slide 8
The Themes of Microeconomics
Why Not?
Limited Resources
Chapter 1
Slide 9
The Themes of Microeconomics
Allocation of Scarce Resources and Trade-offs In a planned economy In a market economliminaries



预赛的形容词预赛的形容词:preliminary第三人称复数:preliminariespreliminary基本解释形容词初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的名词预赛; 准备工作; 初步措施; (对学生等的)预考preliminary相关例句形容词1. Preliminary arrangements have been made for the talks.会谈的准备工作已经就绪。

名词1. These boxers did quite well to get through the preliminaries. 这些拳击运动员以相当出色的成绩通过了预赛。

2. He spent a long time on polite preliminaries.开始时他的许多时间花在客套上。

preliminary情景对话创业A:I was thinking of starting my own business.我正在考虑开始自己创业。

B:What kind?哪一类的?A:I know you wanted me to take over your restaurant business, but to be honest, I can’t stand working in the food industry.我知道你想让我接手你的餐厅,但是说实话,我受不了干食品业这行。

B:Don’t worry, I knew that about you a long time ago.别担心,你这一点我很早以前就知道了。

A:I thought maybe you and dad could loan me some money to open a skate boarding shop.我想你和爸爸也许能借我点钱让我开一个滑板商店。

B:That’s possible. Do you have a business plan?那也有可能,你有创业计划吗?A:Not in writing, but I’ve thought of all the preliminary details.还没有落实到文字,但是我已经想过所有准备阶段的细节。

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The Theory of the Firm The Theory of Consumer Behavior
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 13
Theories and Models

Microeconomic Analysis


a mathematical representation of a theory used to make a prediction.
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 11
The Themes of Microeconomics

Microeconomics and Prices
The How
role of prices in a market economy prices are determined
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 9
The Themes of Microeconomics

of Scarce Resources and

In a planned economy
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 14
Theories and Models

Microeconoபைடு நூலகம்ic Analysis

Validating a Theory

The validity of a theory is determined by the quality of its prediction, given the assumptions.
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 16
Positive Versus Normative Analysis

Positive Analysis

Positive analysis is the use of theories and models to predict the impact of a choice.
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 2

Microeconomics deals with:

Behavior of individual units

How we choose what to buy
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 15
Theories and Models

Microeconomic Analysis

Evolving the Theory

Testing and refining theories is central to the development of the science of economics.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 1
Topics to be Discussed

The Themes of Microeconomics
What Is a Market? Real Versus Nominal Prices Why Study Microeconomics?
can’t always get what you want”
*Economics degree from London School of Economics
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 8
The Themes of Microeconomics

Why Not?
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 12
Theories and Models

Microeconomic Analysis

Theories are used to explain observed phenomena in terms of a set of basic rules and assumptions. For example

Microeconomics deals with:

Markets: The interaction of consumers and producers
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 5

Macroeconomics deals with:

Analysis of aggregate issues:
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 6

The Linkage Between Micro and Macroeconomics

Microeconomics is the foundation of macroeconomic analysis
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 7
The Themes of Microeconomics

According to Mick Jagger* & the Rolling Stones
In a market economy

Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 10
The Themes of Microeconomics

Microeconomics and Optimal Trade-offs
1. Consumer Theory 2. Workers 3. Theory of the Firm
Slide 3

Microeconomics deals with:

Behavior of individual units

How we choose what to produce
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Slide 4