1 引言 ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1. 安全须知..................................................................................................................................... 7
广州致远电子股份有限公司PCI-98XX 系列用户手册工业级PCI 接口通用CAN 卡User ManualUM01010101 V1.01Date: 2014/11/11类别 内容关键词 PCI 接口通用CAN 卡,工业级CAN 接口卡摘 要PCI-98XX 系列接口卡是一款符合工业级温度范围,兼容PCI2.2规范的多通道PCI-CAN 通讯接口卡,每一个CAN 通道均集成独立的隔离保护电路。
修订历史目录1. 功能简介 (1)1.1产品概述 (1)1.2功能特性 (1)1.3产品外观 (2)2. 设备硬件 (3)2.1规格参数 (3)2.2接口定义 (3)2.3终端电阻 (4)2.4硬件安装 (5)3. 安装驱动程序 (6)3.1安装驱动程序 (6)3.2如何检查安装 (9)3.3卸载驱动程序 (10)4. 常见问题解答 (11)5. 检查和维护 (14)6. 附录A:CAN2.0B协议帧格式 (15)7. 附录B:SJA1000标准波特率 (17)8. 免责声明 (18)1. 功能简介1.1 产品概述致远电子PCI-98XX系列通用CAN卡,兼容PCI 2.2规范的,带有1~4路CAN接口的高性能CAN接口卡。
Advance Technologies; Automate the World.Manual Rev.3.02Revision Date: December 2, 2008Part No:50-11116-2040NuDAQ PCI-9812/98104-CH, 20 MHz Simultaneous Analog Input CardUser’s ManualCopyright 2008 ADLINK TECHNOLOGY INC.All Rights Reserved.DisclaimerThe information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in order to improve reliability, design, and function and does not represent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer.In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, spe-cial, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.This document contains proprietary information protected by copy-right. All rights are reserved. No part of this manual may be repro-duced by any mechanical, electronic, or other means in any form without prior written permission of the manufacturer.Trademark InformationNuDAQ, NuIPC, DAQBench are registered trademarks of ADLINK TECHNOLOGY INC.Product names mentioned herein are used for identification pur-poses only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Getting serviceCustomer satisfaction is our top priority. Contact us should you require any service or assistance.ADLINK TECHNOLOGY INC.Web Site Sales & Service service@Telephone No.+886-2-8226-5877Fax No.+886-2-8226-5717Mailing Address9F No. 166 Jian Yi Road, Chungho City,Taipei Hsien 235, TaiwanADLINK TECHNOLOGY AMERICA, INC.Sales & Service info@Toll-Free+1-866-4-ADLINK (235465)Fax No.+1-949-727-2099Mailing Address8900 Research Drive, Irvine,CA 92618, USAADLINK TECHNOLOGY EUROPEAN SALES OFFICESales & Service emea@Toll-Free+49-211-4955552Fax No.+49-211-4955557Mailing Address Nord Carree 3, 40477 Düsseldorf, Germany ADLINK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD.Sales & Service singapore@Telephone No.+65-6844-2261Fax No.+65-6844-2263Mailing Address84 Genting Lane #07-02A,Cityneon Design Center, Singapore 349584 ADLINK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD.(INDIA Liaison Office)Sales & Service india@Telephone No.+91-80-57605817Fax No.+91-80-26671806Mailing Address No. 1357, Ground Floor, “Anupama”,Aurobindo Marg JP Nagar (Ph-1)Bangalore - 560078ADLINK TECHNOLOGY INC. (KOREA Liaison Office)Sales & Service korea@Telephone No.+82-2-20570565Fax No.+82-2-20570563Mailing Address4F, Kostech Building, 262-2,Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu,Seoul, 137-130, South KoreaADLINK TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO., LTD.Sales & Service market@Telephone No.+86-10-5885-8666Fax No.+86-10-5885-8625Mailing Address Room 801, Building E, YingchuangdongliPlaza, No.1 Shangdidonglu,Haidian District, Beijing, ChinaADLINK TECHNOLOGY (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.Sales & Service market@Telephone No.+86-21-6495-5210Fax No.+86-21-5450-0414Mailing Address Floor 4, Bldg. 39, Caoheting Science andTechnology Park, No.333 Qinjiang Road,Shanghai, ChinaADLINK TECHNOLOGY (SHENZEN) CO., LTD.Sales & Service market@Telephone No.+86-755-2643-4858Fax No.+86-755-2664-6353Mailing Address C Block, 2nd Floor, Building A1,Cyber-tech Zone, Gaoxin Ave. 7.S,High-tech Industrial Park S.,Nanshan District, Shenzhen,Guangdong Province, ChinaUsing this manualAudience and scopeThis manual guides you when using ADLINK NuDAQ® multi-func-tion PCI card. The card’s hardware, signal connections, and cali-bration information are provided for faster application building.This manual is intended for computer programmers and hardware engineers with advanced knowledge of data acquisition and high-level programming.How this manual is organizedThis manual is organized as follows:Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter introduces the PCI-9812/9810 card including its features, specifications, software support information, and package contents.Chapter 2 Hardware Information: This chapter presents the card’s layout and connector pin definition.Chapter 3 Installation: This part describes the PCI-9812/9810 installation, configuration, and options for signal connections.Chapter 4 Registers: Descriptions of the register format and structure of the PCI-9812/9810 are specified in this chapter.Chapter 5 Operation Theory: The operation theory of the PCI-9221 functions including A/D conversion, D/A conversion, and programmable function I/O are discussed in this chapter.Chapter 6 Function Reference: The chapter includes a soft-ware library necessary for operating the PCI-9812/9810 card in DOS or Windows 95.Chapter 7 Calibration: The chapter offers information on how to calibrate the PCI-9812/9810 for accurate data acquisition and output.Chapter 8 Software Utility: The chapter offers information on how to use the software utility to configure, calibrate, and test the PCI-9812/9810 card.Warranty Policy: This presents the ADLINK Warranty Policy terms and coverages.ConventionsTake note of the following conventions used throughout the man-ual to make sure that you perform certain tasks and instructions properly.NOTE Additional information, aids, and tips that help you per-form particular tasks.IMPORTANT Critical information and instructions that you MUST perform to complete a task.WARNING Information that prevents physical injury, data loss, mod-ule damage, program corruption etc. when trying to com-plete a particular task.Table of ContentsList of Tables (iv)List of Figures (v)1Introduction (1)1.1Features (1)1.2Applications (1)1.3Specifications (2)1.4Unpacking Checklist (4)1.5Software Support (5)Software Support (5)Programming Libraries (5)Drivers for Third-Party Programming Languages (6)2Hardware Information (9)2.1Layout (9)2.2Connectors (10)JP1 Pin Definition (11)2.3Input Settings (12)Analog Input (12)External Clock 0 (14)External Clock 1 (14)Digital Input (14)3Installation (15)3.1Before You Proceed (15)3.2Installing the Card (15)3.3Configuring the Card (16)Troubleshooting (16)3.4Installing the Drivers for Windows (16)4Registers (17)4.1I/O Port Address (17)ADC Channel Enable Register (18)ADC Clock Divisor Register (19)Trigger Mode Register (20)Trigger Level Register (21)Trigger Source Register (22)Table of Contents iPost Trigger Counter Register (23)FIFO Status Register (24)FIFO Control Register (25)Acquisition Enable Register (26)Clock Source Register (27)4.2High Level Programming (28)4.3Low Level Programming (28)5Operation Theory (29)5.1Conversion Procedure (29)5.2Signal Source Control (31)5.3Trigger Source Control (32)Trigger Sources (32)Trigger Modes (34)5.4Clock Source Control (36)A/D Clock Sources (36)5.5Data Transfer (38)Data Transfer (38)Simultaneous Sampling of Four AD Channels (38)Total Data Throughput (39)Maximum Acquiring Data Length (39)Bus-mastering Data Transfer (40)Host Memory Operation (40)5.6Data Format (42)6Function Reference (45)6.1Installing the Libraries (45)6.2Programming Guide (46)Naming Convention (46)Data Types (47)6.3Function Reference (48)_9812_Initial (48)_9812_Close (50)_9812_AD_DMA_Start (51)_9812_AD_DMA_Status (54)_9812_AD_DMA_Stop (55)_9812_Set_Clk_Src (56)_9812_Set_Clk_Rate (57)_9812_Set_Trig (58)W_9812_Alloc_DMA_Mem (60)ii Table of ContentsW_9812_Free_DMA_Mem (61)W_9812_Get_Sample (62)7Calibration (63)7.1Before You Proceed (63)7.2VR Assignment (63)7.3A/D Calibration (64)A/D Calibration for Channel 0 (64)A/D Calibration for Channels 1/2/3 (64)8Software Utility (65)8.1Running the Utility (65)8.2System Configuration (66)8.3Calibration (67)8.4Functional Testing (69)Table of Contents iiiList of TablesTable 2-1:JP1 Pin Definition (11)Table 2-2:JP1 Pin Definition Connected to9-pin D-type Connector (11)Table 2-3:Analog Input (12)Table 2-4:Switches and Resistors (13)Table 4-1:I/O Address (17)Table 4-2:Five Trigger Modes (20)Table 6-1:Data Types (47)Table 7-1:Functions of VRs (63)Table 7-2:AD Calibration for Channels 1/2/3 (64)iv List of TablesList of FiguresFigure 2-1:Location of Connectors (10)Figure 5-1:Post-trigger Acquisition (34)Figure 5-2:Pre-trigger Acquisition (34)Figure 5-3:Middle-trigger Acquisition (35)Figure 5-4:Delay-trigger Acquisition (35)Figure 5-5:Data Transfer Diagram of PCI-9812/9810 (38)List of Figures v1IntroductionThe PCI-9812/9810 is an advanced performance data acquisition card based on the 32-bit PCI bus architecture. With maximum sampling rate of up to 20 million samples per second, the PCI-9812/9810 delivers continuous and high-speed streaming of A/D samples to the host memory. The high-performance design and state-of-the-art technology make these cards ideal for DSP, FFT, digital filtering, and image processing applications.1.1FeaturesThe PCI-9812/9810 advanced DAQ card is designed with the fol-lowing features:X32-bit PCI bus with bus mastering DMA data transferX12-bit (PCI-9812)/10-bit (PCI-9810) analog input resolutionX Onboard 32K words (samples) A/D FIFO memoryX Up to 20 MHz A/D sampling rateX Four single-ended analog input channelsX Bipolar input signalsX Four A/D converters with simultaneously samplingX Five A/D trigger modes including software trigger, pre-trig-ger, post-trigger, middle trigger, and delay trigger1.2ApplicationsX IF and BASEBAND digitizationX Ultrasound imagingX Gamma camerasX Test instrumentX CCD imagingX Video digitizingIntroduction 11.3SpecificationsAnalog Input (AI)Converters B.B. ADS800 seriesInput Channels Four single-endedResolution12-bit (PCI-9812)10-bit (PCI-9810)Over Voltage Protection Bipolar ±1 V, or ±5 V by soldering selection Maximum Sampling Rate120 MHz samples/secondAccuracy Gain error ±1.5% at 25°CInput Impedance (soldering selectable)50 Ω (±1 V and ±5 V) 1.25 KΩ (±5 V only) 5 MΩ (±1 V only)Dynamic CharacteristicDifferential Linearity Error±0.4 LSB (Typ.) ±1.0 LSB (Max.) at 25°CIntegral Linearity Error±1.9 LSB at 25°CA/D Clock Sources Internal clock, continuous external digital clock,and continuous external sine waveInput Impedance of ExternalClock Source50 ΩTrigger Sources Software, analog threshold comparator usinginternal D/A to set trigger level, and externaldigital triggerTrigger Modes Software-trigger, pre-trigger, post-trigger,middle-trigger, and delay-triggerAD Data Transfer Method DMA (bus mastering)Digital Input (DI)Channels Three TTL compatible inputs with 10 KW pulldown resistorInput VoltageLow Min. 0 V, Max. 0.8 VHigh Min. +2.0 V, Max. 5.5 VInput LoadLow±1 uA 0 V0.5 mA 5VHigh+2.7V min. 20 mA max.2IntroductionGeneral SpecificationsConnectors 5 BNC-type, one 10-pin headerOperating Temperature0°C to 40°CStorage Temperature-20°C to 80°CHumidity5% to 85%, non-condensingPower Consumption+5 V 2.5 A (maximum)Dimension101 mm (H) X 173 mm (L)1With a single channel enabled, the maximum sampling rate is 20 MHz. With two channels enabled, the 20 MHz sampling rate may only be reached whenthe number of samples accessed for each channel is smaller than 16K. Withfour channels enabled, the 20 MHz sampling rate may only be reached whenthe number of samples accessed for each channel is smaller than 8K. Referto section 5.5 for more information on sampling rates and data length limita-tions.Introduction 31.4Unpacking ChecklistBefore unpacking, check the shipping carton for any damage. If the shipping carton and/or contents are damaged, inform your dealer immediately. Retain the shipping carton and packing mate-rials for inspection. Obtain authorization from your dealer before returning any product to ADLINK.Check if the following items are included in the package.X PCI-9812/9810 multi-function DAQ cardX Five BNC terminatorsX ADLINK All-in-One CDX User’s ManualX Software Installation GuideIf any of the items is damaged or missing, contact your dealer immediately.CAUTION The card must be protected from static discharge and physical shock. Never remove any of the socketed partsexcept at a static-free workstation. Use the anti-static bagshipped with the product to handle the card. Wear agrounded wrist strap when servicing.4Introduction1.5Software SupportSoftware SupportADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages to suit various user approach to building a system. Aside from program-ming libraries, such as DLLs, for most Windows-based systems, ADLINK also provides drivers for other application environment such as LabVIEW®, HP VEETM, DASYLabTM, InTouch™, InCon-trol™, and ISaGRAFTMLabVIEW®.All software options are included in the ADLINK All-in-One CD.Commercial software drivers are protected with licensing codes.Without the code, you may install and run the demo version for trial/demonstration purposes only up to two hours. Contact your ADLINK dealers if you want to purchase the software license. Programming LibrariesFor customers who want to write their own programs, ADLINK pro-vides the following function libraries which are compatible with var-ious operating systems.DOS LibraryBorland C/C++ and Microsoft C++, the functions descriptionsare included in this user’s guide.Windows 95 DLLFor VB, VC++, Delphi, and BC5 the functions descriptions areincluded in this user’s guide.PCIS-DASKThe PCIS-DASK includes device drivers and DLL for Windows98/NT/2000. DLL is binary compatible across Windows 98/NT/2000. This means all applications developed with PCIS-DASKare compatible with these Windows operating systems. Thedeveloping environment may be VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, orany Windows programming language that allows calls to aDLL. The PCIS-DASK user's and function reference manualsare in the ADLINK All-in-One CD. (\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK).Introduction 5PCIS-DASK/XInclude device drivers and shared library for Linux. Thedeveloping environment can be Gnu C/C++ or anyprogramming language that allows linking to a shared library.The user's guide and function reference manual of PCIS-DASK/X are in the CD. (\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK-X).These software drivers are shipped with the card. Refer to theSoftware Installation Guide for details.Drivers for Third-Party Programming Languages PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® DriverThe PCIS-LVIEW contains virtual instruments (VIs) which areused to interface with the LabVIEW software package. PCIS-LVIEW supports Windows 95/98/NT/2000. The LabVIEWdriver is shipped free with the card. These may be installed andused without a license. For more information on PCIS-LVIEW,refer to the user’s guide in the All-in-One CD(\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-LVIEW).PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE DriverThe PCIS-VEE includes user objects that interface with HPVEE software package. The PCIS-VEE supports Windows 95/98/NT. The HP-VEE drivers are shipped free with the card.These may be installed and used without license. For moreinformation on PCIS-VEE, refer to the user’s guide in the All-in-One CD (\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-VEE).DAQBench™: ActiveX ControlsFor customers who are familiar with ActiveX controls and VB/VC++ programming, it is recommended to use the DAQBenchActiveX Control components library for developing applica-tions. DAQBench is designed for Windows NT/98. For moreinformation on DAQBench, refer to the user’s guide in the All-in-One CD (\\Manual_PDF\Software\DAQBench\DAQBenchManual.PDF).6IntroductionDASYLab™ PRODASYLab is an easy-to-use software package that provideseasy-setup instrument functions such as FFT analysis. ContactADLINK for DASYLab PRO support, including DASYLab andADLINK hardware drivers.Introduction 78Introduction2Hardware InformationThis chapter describes the PCI-9812/9810 layout, connectors, signal connection with external devices, and switch settings for various applications.2.1LayoutHardware Information 92.2ConnectorsThe PCI-9812/9810 connects to external devices via five BNC connectors and one 10-pin dual-in-line header. Figure2-1 shows the location of these connectors.Figure 2-1: Location of ConnectorsJ1Input signal of channel 0 A/D converter.J2Input signal of channel 1 A/D converter.J3Input signal of channel 2 A/D converter.J4Input signal of channel 3 A/D converter.J5Input signal of external clock 0.JP1This 10-pin connector is for digital input signal, including a digital clock, a digital trigger, and three digital inputs.10Hardware InformationJP1 Pin DefinitionBelow is the default JP1 pin assignment.Pin Signal1External Clock Input 12Ground3External Digital Trigger Input4Ground5Digital Input 06Ground7Digital Input 18Ground9Digital Input 210GroundTable 2-1: JP1 Pin DefinitionWhen JP1 is connected to a 9-pin D-type connector using a ribbon cable, the pin-out of the D-type connector is changed to:Pin Signal1External Clock Input 12Ground3External Digital Trigger Input4Ground5Digital Input 06Ground7Digital Input 18Ground9Digital Input 210N/ATable 2-2: JP1 Pin Definition Connected to 9-pin D-type Connector Hardware Information 112.3Input SettingsThis section describes the characteristics and settings of the PCI-9812/9810 inputs.Analog InputThe PCI-9812/9810 has four analog input channels which are connected through the J1 to J4 connectors. The input impedance and input amplitude range can be changed through soldering the gap switches on the board (refer to PCI-9812/9810 layout). A solder gap switch consists of two copper pads. The switch can be turned on by soldering the copper pads. As all four channels use the same method to configure their input characteristics, only channel 0 is discussed here. There are two solder gap switches labeled as C0LO (channel 0 low impedance) and C05V (channel 05 V input) to setup the input of channel 0. Refer to Figure2-1.C0LO C05V Input Impedance Input RangeOpen Open High (~15 MΩ)±1 VOpen Close 1.25 KΩ±5 VClose Open Low (50 Ω)±1 V (default)Close Close Low (50 Ω)±5 VTable 2-3: Analog Input12Hardware InformationHardware Information 13CAUTIONDO NOT leave the input connector unconnected when it is configured as high impedance input. The input connec-tor must be connected to a low impedance signal source to provide a return path for the input bias current. Since the OPAMP has a maximum input bias current of 35 µA in the input stage, it will be placed in an abnormal envi-ronment when the input is left unconnected and will lead to saturation in the output stage. Although a current-limit-ing resistor is present to protect the ADC, the large cur-rent brought by the saturation will damage the ADC.Offset problems will occur if you use high impedance (~15 M Ω) with signal sources having high output imped-ance. The high output impedance and the input bias cur-rent of up to 35 µA introduces a voltage drop of several volts. Adjusting the variable resistor does not eliminate this large offset voltage.NOTE75 Ω input impedance can be achieved by: (1) replacing R95 with a 75-ohm resistor and close C0LO or (2) placing a T-connector with a 75-ohm terminator on J1 and open C0LO.The corresponding switches and resistors of other channels are listed below:ChannelSwitches Resistor Channel 0C0LO C05V R95Channel 1C1LO C15V R96Channel 2C2LO C25V R97Channel 3C3LOC35VR98Table 2-4: Switches and ResistorsExternal Clock 0The external clock 0 (J5) is a sine wave signal that is converted toa TTL signal inside the PCI-9812/9810. This signal is AC coupled.The input impedance of external clock 0 is 50 Ω and the input level is 2 V peak-to-peak.Note that the external clock frequency is the system clock. The maximum A/D clock frequency is half of the system clock. When using the external sine clock for PCI-9812, take note that the frequency of the sine clock must be above 300 KHz. Otherwise the sine clock will be converted into a digital clock with a long rise time. When the rise time of a clock signal is too long, the CPLD may not work as specified and the real sample clock fed into the ADC will not be continuous. This explains why users will see a different sampled waveform when using a slower sine wave clock.If slower sampling rate is necessary when using PCI-9812/9810, you could feed a sine wave clock that has the frequency higher than 300 KHz, and use the clock divisor to obtain a slower sampling rate.External Clock 1The external clock 1 (JP1 pin 1) is a digital clock. The input impedance is 50 Ω and the input level into the 50 ohm-load should be between 2.4 V and 5 V. This signal is DC coupled.Digital InputThe PCI-9812/9810 has four digital inputs: an external digital trigger (JP1 pin3) and three general-purpose digital inputs (JP1 pin 5, 7, and 9). These inputs are TTL-compatible with 10 KΩ pull-down resistors.The PCI-9812/9810 also performs an automatic configuration of the IRQ and I/O port address. There is no need to set any configuration, as you would use in an ISA form factor DAQ card.For system reliability, it is necessary to manually assign some critical settings for analog input/output as these settings will not be changed after your data acquisition system configuration is decided. The software package cannot change this configuration when the system is running.14Hardware Information3Installation3.1Before You ProceedThe PCI-9812/9810 card has electrostatic sensitive components that can be easily damaged by static electricity. The card must be handled on a grounded anti-static mat. The operator must wear an anti-static wristband, grounded at the same point as the anti-static mat.Inspect the card module carton for damages. Shipping and han-dling could cause damage to the module. Make sure that the card has no damage before installing.After opening the card packaging, get the module and place it on a grounded anti-static surface with component side up, then care-fully inspect the module for any damage. Press down all socketed IC's to make sure that they are properly seated. Do this only with the module placed on a firm flat surface.WARNING Do not attempt to install a damaged board into the com-puter.3.2Installing the Card1.Turn off the system/chassis and disconnect the powerplug from the power source.2.Remove the system/chassis cover.3.Select the PCI slot that you intend to use, then removethe bracket opposite the slot, if any. The selected slotmust provide bus-mastering capability.4.Align the card connectors (golden fingers) with the slot,then press the card firmly until the card is completelyseated on the slot.5.Secure the card to the chassis with a screw.6.Replace the system/chassis cover.7.Connect the power plug to a power source, then turn onthe system/chassis.Installation 153.3Configuring the CardAs a plug and play component, the card requests an interrupt number through its PCI controller. The system BIOS responds with an interrupt assignment based on the card information and on known system parameters. These system parameters are deter-mined by the installed drivers and the hardware load detected by the system.TroubleshootingIf your system fails to boot or if you experience erratic operation with your PCI board in place, this is likely caused by an interrupt conflict (i.e. the BIOS Setup is incorrectly configured). Refer to the BIOS documentation that came with the system for details.3.4Installing the Drivers for WindowsThe Plug and Play function of Windows 95/98/2000 automatically detects the newly installed card. If this is the first time you installed the card in the system, you will be prompted to search for the device information source. Refer to the Software Installation Guide for instructions on how to install the device drivers.16Installation4RegistersDescriptions of the register format and structure of the PCI-9812/ 9810 are specified in this chapter. This information is for program-mers that want to handle the card using low-level programming.4.1I/O Port AddressThe PCI-9812/9810 functions as a 32-bit PCI target device to any master on the PCI bus. It supports burst transfer to memory space by using 32-bit data — where both data read and write are based on 32-bit data transfer. Table4-1 lists the I/O address of each reg-ister according to the base address and the register function.I/O Address Read WriteBase + 0—ADC Channel Enable RegisterBase + 4—ADC Clock Divisor RegisterBase + 8—Trigger Mode RegisterBase + C—Trigger Level RegisterBase + 10—Trigger Source RegisterBase + 14—Post Trigger Counter Register Base + 18FIFO Control & Status Reg FIFO Control & Status Register Base + 1C—Acquisition Enable RegisterBase + 20—Clock Source RegisterTable 4-1: I/O AddressRegisters 17ADC Channel Enable RegisterThe PCI-9812/9810 has four analog input channels: CH0, CH1, CH2, and CH3. CH0 to CH3 may be enabled or disabled by bit 0 to bit 3 of the ADC channel enable register.Address: BASE + 0Attribute: Write onlyData Format:Bit76543210 BASE+0————CH3EN CH2EN CH1EN CH0EN BASE+1————————BASE+2————————BASE+3————————Bit 31->4Any valueBit 3CH3ENBit 2CH2ENBit 1CH1ENBit 0 CH0ENAllowed combinations (refer to section 5.5) of these bits include:0000No channel is enabled.0001Only CH0 is enabled.0011CH0 and CH1 are enabled.1111All channels are enabled.18RegistersADC Clock Divisor RegisterFeeding the ADC source clock to a clock frequency divider gener-ates the ADC sampling clock. The output of the frequency divider becomes the sampling clock. The frequency of the ADC sampling clock is:Frequency of source clock / ADC clock divisorAddress: BASE+04h Attribute: Write only Data Format:NOTEThe minimum value of this register is 2, and the DIV0 is hardwired to 0.Bit 76543210Base+4DIV7DIV6DIV5DIV4DIV3DIV2DIV1DIV0Base+5DIV15DIV14DIV13DIV12DIV11DIV10DIV9DIV8Base+6————————Base+7————————DIV15...0AD clock frequency devisor.—Any valueTrigger Mode RegisterThe PCI-9812/9810 has five trigger modes: software trigger, post trigger, pre-trigger, middle trigger and delay trigger. The trigger mode register is used to specify which trigger mode is currently used.Address: BASE + 08h Attribute: write only Data Format:NOTEAll other values for this register is not allowed. The cardwill fail to acquire data if you set an unsupported value to this register.Bit 7654321Base + 8—————TRGMOD2TRGMOD1TRGMOD0Base + 9————————Base + A ————————Base + B————————TRGMOD2...0Trigger mode. See trigger mode table below.—Any valueTRGMOD2TRGMOD1TRGMOD0Trigger Mode 000Software trigger 001Post trigger 010Pre-trigger 011Delay trigger 1Middle triggerTable 4-2: Five Trigger Modes。
新能源汽车动力总成试验系统发布时间:2023-03-10T02:49:30.094Z 来源:《科技潮》2022年35期作者:苏全在吕晓洲[导读] 汽车动力总成是电动汽车的动力源泉,是动力变换及传输的中枢,是电动汽车的核心部件。
中汽研汽车工业工程(天津)有限公司 300000摘要:新能源汽车动力总成是汽车的关键部件之一,其质量优劣关系到汽车品质和整车安全。
试验系统采用高性能变频电机作为动力驱动,采用工业计算机控制平台,软件基于WINDOWS 环境,具备良好的人机交互界面。
图1 动力总成测试系统机械结构示意图2.基本构成汽车动力总成测试系统主要包括以下几部分:(1)机械部分:用来安装被试件、负载电机、扭矩传感器等;(2)传动控制系统:用于对负载电机进行控制。
Agilent I O Hardware 数据手册说明书
82357A technical specificationsGeneral requirementsMinimum system requirements Windows 98(SE)/Me 2•PCI IEEE-488 interface for PCs•Transfer rates up to 900 KB/s•Dual processor support onWindows 2000/XPBest for•Maximum GPIB throughput forall configurationsHigh performance for manufacturingtest applicationsThe 82350B is Agilent’s highest-performance GPIB interface. Witha direct PCI computer connection,transaction overhead is minimizedfor the best overall performance.The 82350B card de-couples GPIBtransfers from PCI bus transfers.Buffering provides I/O and systemperformance that is superior to directmemory access (DMA). The hardwareis software configurable and compati-ble with the Plug-and-Play standardfor easy hardware installation. TheGPIB interface card plugs into a 5 voltPCI slot in the backplane of your PC.For programming capability youhave access with the latest versionof IO Libraries suite, version 14.1, toprogram in all standard developmentenvironments. Agilent’s IO LibrariesSuite 14.1 is easy to use and workswith virtually any vendor’s instrumentor T&M programming softwareapplication and includes automaticconfiguration for Agilent or NI VISA,NI-488.2, VISA COM or T&M ToolkitDirect IO. Even if you use NI IO soft-ware Agilent will configure automati-cally so as a user you do not have tobe concerned with the behind-the-scenes details.382350B technical specifications General requirements Minimum system requirements Windows 98(SE)/Me (note 98 supported with version 14.0 only)/2000/XP Software required Agilent IO Libraries Suite (included); see requirements on page 1PCI bus slot 5-V PCI slot, 32 bits Supported standards PCI rev 2.2IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 compatible General characteristics Power Backplane +5 V PCI Connectors Standard 24-pin GPIB (IEEE-488)+5V PCI Maximum data rate More than 900 KB/s Maximum instrument connection 14 instruments—daisy chain via GPIB Buffering Built-in Configuration Plug-and-Play EMC and safety *IEC 61326-1Group 1, Class A IEC 61010-1Warranty 1 year Dimensions Length, width, and height 122 mm (L) x 122 mm (W) x 22 mm (H) (a full-height PCI card)Weight 0.091 kg Environmental specifications Operating environment 0°C to 55°C Operating humidity Up to 90% at 40°C non-condensing Storage environment -40°C to +70°C Storage humidity Up to 90% at 65°C non-condensing * Additional detail and information in the Declaration of ConformityThis traditional GPIB connection still offers the highest throughputE5810A technical specifications 45USB port on your PC to up to fourRS-232 instruments or devices•Fully compatible with WindowsCOM driver and industry-standardVISA I/O software.Best for•Easy connection to RS-232 devices•Notebook computer RS-232connectionsAdd four serial ports in minutesThe Agilent E5805A USB/4-portRS232 interface provides a directconnection from the USB port onyour notebook or desktop PC to up tofour RS-232 instruments or devices.There are no switches to set, no PCcards to install, and no external powersupplies are required. Simply installthe driver and plug in the E5805AUSB 4-port RS232 interface to addfour RS-232 ports to your computer.Since the E5805A is a standardPlug-and-Play device, your computerautomatically detects and configuresit when it is connected to your com-puter USB port. You can interface upto four devices, with baud rates up to230 Kb/s per serial port. The E5805Aprovides four DB9 serial connectorsand ships with a 1.8-meter USB cable.E5813A technical specificationsGeneral requirements67Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instru-ment and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our Promise Our Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment,we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recom-mendations from experienced test engineers. When you receive your new Agilent equipment, we can help verify that it works properly, and help with initial product operation.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and techni-cians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity,optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products./find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you /find/openAgilent Open simplifies the process of connecting and programming test systems to help engineers design,validate and manufacture electronic products. Agilentoffers open connectivity for a broad range of system-ready instruments, open industry software, PC-stan-dard I/O and global support, which are combined to more easily integrate test system development. For more assistance with your test & measurement needs or to find your local Agilent office go to /find/contactus Microsoft, Windows and Visual Studio are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Pentium is a U.S. registered trademark of Intel Corporation.Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2005Printed in USA, August 5, 20055989-1889EN Agilent Open Agilent Email Updates •Agilent E2094N IO Libraries Suite, Data sheet pub no. 5989-1439EN •Modern Connectivity–Using USB and LAN I/O Converters, Application note 1475-1pub no. 5989-0123EN •Simplified PC Connections for GPIB Instruments,Application note 1409-1, pub no. 5988-5897EN •Using LAN in Test Systems: The Basics,Application note 1465-9, pub no. 5989-1412ENpub no. 5989-1417EN •Computer I/O Considerations, Application note 1465-2, pub no. 5988-9818EN Learn more at /find/io-ds Join the Agilent Developer Network to get updated I/O software, instrument drivers, code examples,white papers, and more! Registration is easy and free at /find/adn.。
金橙子PCI-E单层卡 说明书
PCI-E打标控制卡说明i版本记录版本号更新日期更新人更新说明V1.0 2015-06-29 PCIE打标控制卡目录须知 (1)1.1 如何辨识PCI-E打标控制卡 (2)1.2 主要特点 (3)二、电气连接 (3)2.1接口说明 (3)2.1.1 CON1 :CB15 振镜控制 (3)2.1.2 CON2 :DB25 激光控制 (5)2.1.3 CON3 :DB15 扩展轴与IO (7)2.1.4 CON4 :插头CON4与电脑主板USB的连接 (8)2.1.5 CON5 :DB9飞标接口 (9)2.1.6 LJQ5 :振镜,扩展轴,IO连接线 (10)2.2跳线说明 (11)2.2.1拨码开关SW1 (12)2.3 数字输入输出信号的连接 (12)2.3.1输入信号In0---In9,START (12)2.3.2输出信号Out6,Out7 (13)安全须知在安装、使用PCI-E控制卡之前,请仔细阅读本节内容。
2.客户负责的安全部分z PCI-E被设计用来控制一个激光扫描系统。
广州致远电子股份有限公司类别内容 关键词CAN-bus 总线产品 摘 要 介绍CAN-bus 总线产品使用的疑难问题修订历史版本日期原因V1.00 2015/01/01 创建文档目录1. USB接口CAN卡 (1)1.1软件问题 (1)1.1.1USBCAN板卡的驱动安装不成功要如何处理? (1)1.1.2CANtest测试软件CAN的数据帧怎样能分类固定查看CAN报文数据? (1)1.1.3使用CANtest软件发送数据时,总是提示发送数失败? (3)1.1.4电脑进入休眠之后唤醒,CANtest不需重新启动就能驱动CAN卡? (3)1.1.5使用CANtest软件启动通道时,提示启动通道失败或初始化通道失败。
(3)1.2原理问题 (3)1.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (3)1.2.2如何识别多个同型号USBCAN卡在一台PC机上所分配的设备索引号? .. 41.2.3CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (6)1.2.4CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (6)1.2.5USBCAN-II是否支持Win8平板上的OTG接口? (6)2. PCI接口CAN卡 (7)2.1软件问题 (7)2.1.1使用CANtest软件发送数据时,总是提示发送数失败? (7)2.1.2电脑进入休眠之后唤醒,CANtest不需重新启动就能驱动CAN卡? (7)2.1.3使用CANtest软件启动通道时,提示启动通道失败或初始化通道失败。
(7)2.2原理问题 (7)2.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (7)2.2.2为什么PCI-5110 CAN板卡无法使用? (8)2.2.3PCI-9820I的DB9接头内的管脚定义是怎样的? (9)2.2.4系统中插入多张相同的PCI CAN板卡后,如何确定各各设备的索引号?.. 92.2.5CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (9)2.2.6CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (9)2.2.7PCI-9820I的linux系统驱动为什么无法使用? (10)3. CPCI接口CAN卡 (11)3.1软件问题 (11)3.1.1使用CANtest软件发送数据时,总是提示发送数失败? (11)3.1.2电脑进入休眠之后唤醒,CANtest不需重新启动就能驱动CAN卡? (11)3.2原理问题 (11)3.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (11)3.2.2CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (12)3.2.3CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (12)4. PCIe接口CAN卡 (14)4.1软件问题 (14)4.1.1使用CANtest软件发送数据时,总是提示发送数失败? (14)4.1.2电脑进入休眠之后唤醒,CANtest不需重新启动就能驱动CAN卡? (14)4.2原理问题 (14)4.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (14)4.2.2CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (15)4.2.3CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (15)5. CANalyst-II总线分析仪 (17)5.1软件问题 (17)5.1.1CANalyst-II如何安装驱动? (17)5.2原理问题 (17)5.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (17)5.2.2CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (18)5.2.3CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (18)6. 以太网转CAN模块 (20)6.1软件问题 (20)6.1.1电脑进入休眠之后唤醒,CANtest不需重新启动就能驱动CAN卡? (20)6.2原理问题 (20)6.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (20)6.2.2为什么使用CANET-200T的UDP通信方式会出现通信不稳定? (21)6.2.3CANET-100T如何恢复出产设置? (21)6.2.4CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (22)6.2.5CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (22)6.2.6CANET-200T设备无法正常使用,怎么调通进行自发自收的测试? (22)7. Wifi转CAN模快 (26)7.1软件问题 (26)7.1.1电脑进入休眠之后唤醒,CANtest不需重新启动就能驱动CAN卡? (26)7.2原理问题 (26)7.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (26)7.2.2CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (27)7.2.3CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (27)8. 串口转CAN模快 (29)8.1软件问题 (29)8.2原理问题 (29)8.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (29)8.2.2CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (30)8.2.3CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (30)8.2.4CANCOM-100IE的串口RS485能不能带多个串口设备? (30)8.2.5CANCOM-100IE的有几种数据转换模式? (30)8.2.6CANCOM-100IE设备CAN口的波特率一定需要与串口波特率一样? (31)8.2.7CANCOM-100IE在格式转换模式下,串口往CAN发送不了1-7个字节数据?319. CAN隔离中继器集线器 (32)9.1软件问题 (32)9.1.1为什么无法对CAN485MB进行参数的配置? (32)9.2原理问题 (32)9.2.1CAN232MB能否同时实现对标准帧与扩展帧的转换? (32)9.2.2CAN485MB单个测试正常,接入RS-485的大网络中就无法使用? (32)9.2.3CANHub-AS4的电源接口与CAN接口之间的隔离电压值是多少? (32)9.2.4CANBridge智能网桥能否使用在CANOPEN网络中? (33)9.2.5如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (33)9.2.6为什么CANHub-AS4替换原来的CANHub-S5设备后,系统无法使用?.339.2.7CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (34)9.2.8CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (34)10. CAN光纤转换器 (36)10.1软件问题 (36)10.2原理问题 (36)10.2.1如何计算并选择自定义波特率的配置数值? (36)10.2.2为什么CANHub-AF1S1接入系统后通信不正常? (37)10.2.3CAN总线为什么要有两个120欧姆的终端电阻? (37)10.2.4CAN总线错误状态的种类有哪些? (37)10.2.5CANHUB-AF2S2使用在西门子消防控制主机上,CAN口设置波特率自适应,CAN口故障灯亮无法进行数据传输。
0x00001000 此设备不存在
0x00002000 装载动态库失败
0x00004000 执行命令失败错误码
0x00008000 内存不足
ERR_CANETE_PORTOPENED 0x00010000 端口已经被打开
ERR_CANETE_INDEXUSED 0x00020000 设备索引号已经被占用
1.3 函数库中的数述:
VCI_BOARD_INFO 结构体包含 CAN 系列接口卡的设备信息。结构体将在 VCI_ReadBoardInfo 函数中被填充。 typedef struct _VCI_BOARD_INFO {
2. LINUX 下动态库的使用 .......................................................................................... 37 2.1. 驱动程序的安装 ..................................................................................................... 37 2.1.1. USBCAN 驱动的安装 .......................................................................................37 2.2. 动态库的安装 ......................................................................................................... 37 2.3. 动态库的调用及编译 ............................................................................................. 37
广州致远电子股份有限公司CAN 接口卡系列产品CAN 测试软件与接口函数使用手册类别 内容关键词CANTest 通用测试软件、CAN 接口函数库使用摘要 本软件可适用于广州致远电子股份有限公司出品的各种CAN 接口卡。
CANTest 测试软件可进行数据收发、查询等基本传输功能。
是CAN 总线测试的必备软件。
CAN 接口函数库是提供给用户进行上位机二次开发,可以自行编程进行数据收发、处理等。
修订历史目录1. 测试软件使用说明 (1)1.1.设备操作 (1)1.1.1.设备类型选择 (1)1.1.2.滤波设置 (2)1.1.3.启动CAN (2)1.1.4.获取设备信息 (3)1.1.5.发送数据 (3)1.1.6.接收时间标识 (3)1.1.7.隐藏发送帧与显示发送帧 (4)1.1.8.DBC解码与按ID分类显示 (4)1.1.9.实时保存与停止保存 (4)1.1.10.总线利用率 (5)1.1.11.错误信息显示 (5)1.2.辅助操作 (6)1.2.1.帧ID显示方式 (6)1.2.2.帧ID显示格式 (6)1.2.3.继续显示发送和接收的数据 (6)1.2.4.暂停显示发送和接收的数据 (6)1.2.5.滚动 (6)1.2.6.显示帧数 (6)nguage (6)2. 接口函数库说明及其使用 (7)2.1接口卡设备类型定义 (7)2.2接口库函数使用流程 (8)2.3驱动的特色与工作原理 (9)2.4错误码定义 (10)2.5函数库中的数据结构定义 (10)2.5.1VCI_BOARD_INFO (10)2.5.2VCI_CAN_OBJ (11)2.5.3VCI_CAN_STA TUS (12)2.5.4VCI_ERR_INFO (13)2.5.5VCI_INIT_CONFIG (14)2.5.6CHGDESIPANDPORT (15)2.5.7VCI_FILTER_RECORD (16)2.5.8VCI_AUTO_SEND_OBJ (16)2.6接口库函数说明 (18)2.6.1VCI_OpenDevice (18)2.6.2VCI_CloseDevice (19)2.6.3VCI_InitCAN (20)2.6.4VCI_ReadBoardInfo (22)2.6.5VCI_ReadErrInfo (22)2.6.6VCI_ReadCANStatus (27)2.6.7VCI_GetReference (28)2.6.8VCI_SetReference (31)2.6.9VCI_StartCAN (34)2.6.10VCI_ResetCAN (34)2.6.11VCI_GetReceiveNum (36)2.6.12VCI_ClearBuffer (36)2.6.13VCI_Transmit (38)2.6.14VCI_Receive (39)3. 接口库函数使用方法 (40)3.1VC调用动态库的方法 (40)3.2VB调用动态库的方法 (40)3.3接口库函数使用流程 (42)3.4Linux下动态库的使用 (43)3.4.1驱动程序的安装 (43)3.4.2USBCAN-I/II/I+/II+驱动的安装 (43)3.4.3PCI-9820驱动的安装 (43)3.5动态库的安装 (43)3.6动态库的调用及编译 (43)4. 参考资料 (44)5. 免责声明 (45)1. 测试软件使用说明CAN-bus 通用测试软件是一个专门用来对所有的ZLGCAN系列板卡进行测试的软件工具,此软件操作简单,容易上手,通过运用此软件可以非常方便的对板卡进行测试,从而熟悉板卡的性能,其主界面如下:1.1. 设备操作1.1.1. 设备类型选择在进行操作之前,首先得从“类型”菜单中选择您想要操作的设备类型,如下图所示:此时会弹出“选择设备”对话框:在这个对话框中您可以选择您要打开的设备索引号和CAN通道,以及设置CAN的初始化参数,然后点“确定”按钮来打开设备操作窗口(或者也可以点击“确定并启动CAN”按钮打开设备操作窗口并自动打开设备和启动CAN通道)。
PCI-9820 用户手册
32 位 33M PCI 数据总线 即插即用
CAN 总线速率可编程 范围在 5Kbps 1Mbps 内
CAN 通讯接口
DB9 针型插座 符合 DeviceNet 和 CANopen 标准
\Driver 目录 PCI9820B.INF PCI9820B.SYS PCI9820B.DLL
\LIB 目录
WDM 内核驱动安装信息文件 WDM 内核驱动文件 WDM 内核驱动接口函数动态链接库
\Manual 目录
PCI-9820 用户手册.PDF
CAN-bus 通用测试软件及接口函数库使用手册.pdf
附录 A 附录 B 附录 C
ZLGCAN 产 品 简 介 --------------------------------------------------------- 11 CAN2.0B 协议帧格式 ---------------------------------------------------------- 13 SJA1000 标 准 波 特 率 ------------------------------------------------------- 14
4.3 设备驱动程序安装
i. 在硬件可靠安装到计算机后重新启动计算机 ii. Window 检测到新硬件 自动启动 发现新硬件 向导程序 单击下一步开始设备驱动程序的安 装 如下图所示 注意 若设备没有提示发现新硬件 可以手工在系统的设备管理器窗口按刷新按钮使系 统再次查找设备 有可能设备已在未知设备列表中
CAN-bus 仿 真 器 / 实 验 仪
TKS-591S HOOKS 仿真器 TKS-591B HOOKS 仿真器 DP-51+ 单片机仿真实验仪 DP-51H 单片机数据通讯仿真实验仪 DP-668 单片机与 TCP/IP 仿真实验仪
CAN-bus 开 发 套 件
CANstarter-I CAN-bus 开发套件
CAN-bus 应用方案 ···························································································· 24
CAN-bus 介 绍
CAN-bus (Controller Area Network) 即控制器局域网, 是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之一。 起先, CAN-bus 被设计作为汽车环境中的微控制器通讯,在车载各电子控制装置 ECU 之间交换信息,形成汽车电子控制网络。比如: 发动机管理系统、变速箱控制器、仪表装备、电子主干系统中,均嵌入 CAN 控制装置。 CAN-bus 是一种多主方式的串行通讯总线,基本设计规范要求有高的位速率,高抗电磁干扰性,而且能够检测 出产生的任何错误。当信号传输距离达到 10Km 时,CAN-bus 仍可提供高达 5Kbps 的数据传输速率。由于 CAN 串 行通讯总线具有这些特性,它很自然地在汽车、制造业以及航空工业中受到广泛应用。 作为一种技术先进、可靠性高、功能完善、成本合理的远程网络通讯控制方式,CAN-bus 已被广泛应用到各个 自动化控制系统中。例如,在汽车电子、自动控制、智能大厦、电力系统、安防监控等各领域,CAN-bus 都具有不 可比拟的优越性。
型号 PCI-9840
工作温度 0°C ~ +70°C
接口 DB-9
CAN 控制器:SJA1000T
Windows 2000/XP/2003
CAN 收发器PCA82C251T
基于周立功PCI-9820I板卡的组态王CAN通讯协议V2.2 2011-03-151.协议编制目的本协议是基于PCI-9820I通讯卡而编写的CAN通讯协议。
2.报文类型:2.1 服务数据报文SDO(Service Data Object)SDO报文通过索引和子索引来传输数据,可批量下载和上传数据。
2.2 过程数据报文PDO(Process Data Object)PDO报文用来传输实时数据,数据从一个创建者传到一个或多个接收者。
3.CAN帧格式3.1 帧结构一个CAN帧包含13个字节,内容如下:◆帧信息:长度1字节,用于标识该CAN帧的一些信息,如类型、长度等。
内容如下:节点号(低字节) 类型索引备用(高字节)注意:1.本协议采用扩展帧格式。
1-127(1-7f)|3.2 帧ID描述3.2.1 节点号节点号指下位机站点号,范围1-127。
3.2.2 帧类型帧类型描述了CAN帧的类别,定义如下:◆开关量PDO帧:用来传输开关量数据,一个开关量PDO帧可以传输最多64个数字I/O值。
RAND 和 Ki 用 A3 算法计算得出,长 4B,用来判断鉴权是否通过。 − Kc(Cipher Key)
RAND 和 Ki 用 A8 算法计算得出,长 8B,用于空中无线信道加密的密钥。 MS 中 SIM 卡和 AuC 中存贮的信息 − SIM 卡中:
GSM 鉴权功能用以决定用户是否有权接入 PLMN 网络。通过比较 MS 提供的鉴权响应 和 AuC 提供的鉴权三元组之间是否一致进行判断的,通过鉴权,可以防止非法用户使 用网络提供的服务。
GSM 鉴权参数
鉴权三元组 鉴权三元组,GSM 用于用户鉴权的三个主要参数组成的向量,包括: − RAND(Random Challenge)
文档版本 01 (2007-07-20)
HUAWEI HLR9820 操作手册 用户管理分册
3 鉴权管理
3 鉴权管理
标题 3.1 鉴权功能概述 3.2 设置 K4 3.3 设置 OP 3.4 设置 KI
内容 本节分别对 GSM 鉴权和 UMTS 鉴权加以说明。 本节主要介绍如何设置 K4。 本节主要介绍如何设置 OP。 本节主要介绍如何设置 KI。
3.2 设置 K4........................................................................................................................................................3-6 3.2.1 增加 K4...............................................................................................................................................3-6 3.2.2 校验 K4...............................................................................................................................................3-7
PEG2i-基于英特尔® 的双端口铜缆千兆以太网 PCI Express 服务器适配卡简介Silicom 的千兆以太网 PCI Express 服务器适配卡(以下简称“适配卡”)是一种 PCI-Express 服务器适配卡,其 PCI-Express适配卡上包含多个/单个千兆以太网端口。
该适配卡设计用于服务器和高端设备,并且对性能进行了优化,使系统 I/O 不再是高端网络应用的瓶颈。
该适配卡具有集成的硬件加速功能,能够执行 TCP/UDP/IP校验和分载以及 TCP 分段任务。
主机处理技术可分载加速器,释放 CPU资源,以处理其他应用程序。
关键特性铜缆千兆以太网 1000Base-T:• 铜缆千兆以太网通道独立支持单个千兆以太网 (1000Base-T)、高速以太网 (100Base-Tx)和以太网 (10Base-T)。
• 三倍速 1000Mbps (1000Base-T)、100 Mbps (100Base-Tx) 以及 10 Mbps (10Base-T)运行。
• 在 1Gbps 全双工和 100/10 Mbps 单工或全双工之间,实现 Nway 自适应自动侦测和切换。
• RJ-45 母连接器一般特性:• 主机接口:• 主机接口标准支持:• PCI-Express 基础规格 1.0a 修正版。
• 高性能、高可靠且低功耗的高级英特尔集成 MAC +PHY(媒体接入控制器和物理接口收发器)/SERDES 芯片控制器。
• 各通道的数据包缓冲器容量超大,可降低 CPU 使用率,避免 PCI-Express 拥塞• 硬件加速可分载主机处理器的任务。
此控制器可分载 TCP/UDP/IP 校验和计算以及 TCP分段任务。
• 服务器级别的可靠性、可用性和性能特点:• 链路聚合和负载平衡• 取决于交换机:802.3ad (LACP),Generic Trunking (GEC/FEC)• 独立于交换机和 NIC。
PCI-I8R开关量输入及继电器输出卡使用说明书(Ver 3.2 )阅读指南:1.对于初次使用工控板卡的用户,我们希望您能从第一章开始仔细阅读本说明书。
PCI-I8R 开关量输入及继电器输出卡使用说明书第一章概述PCI-I8R接口卡适用于486、586、PⅡ、PⅢ系列的原装机、兼容机和工控机。
第二章主要技术参数2.1 PCI局部总线性能:2.1.1总线宽度32位,同步工作频率可达到33MHz,最高传输速率为132MB/S2.1.2使用方便,能够实现自动配置,实现设备的即插即用2.1.3提供数据和地址奇偶校验功能,保证了数据的完整性和准确性;2.2 数字量输入输出部分:2.2.1 DI:8路,差分输入,信号范围5-48V电平2.2.2 DO:共8路继电器接点输出,4路常开型,4路一开一闭带中心触点型,触点容量:250VAC/3A,30VDC/3A2.2.3 隔离电压500V2.3 使用环境要求:2.3.1 工作温度:10℃~40℃2.3.2 相对湿度:0%~95%(不凝露)2.3.3 存贮温度:-55℃~+85℃第三章元件位置图、信号输出插座和开关跳线选择定义3.1 插座接口定义:插座接口定义见表1。
注:COMX 为继电器中间结点,NOX 为常开点,NCX 为常闭点。
输入输出插座J1定义示意图:COM8 COM7 COM6 COM5NC4 NO4 COM3 NC2NO2 COM1空闲 Din8_1 Din7_1 Din6_1Din5_1Din4_1 Din3_1Din2_1Din1_1NO8 NO7 NO6 NO5 COM4 NC3 NO3 COM2 NC1 NO1 Din8_2 Din7_2 Din6_2 Din5_2 Din4_2 Din3_2 Din2_2 Din1_2 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 13.2输入信号的接线示意:R*为插在圆孔插座上的电阻排,共有一组,每组8个。
ICP-DAS I-8120W 用户指南说明书
Quick Start User Guide1. IntroductionThis user guide introduces users to apply the I-8120W in their application quickly. Therefore, if users want to know the details, please refer to the user manual of I-8120W. You can find it in the CD or the website.CD path: CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/DocumentsWebsite: /products/Remote_IO/can_bus/i-8120w.htm2. Hardware structureMode LEDDescriptionPWRTurn ON when power onTx/Rx Flash once when getting/sending a CAN messageDefault FirmwareErrTurn ON for finding an error. Flash for transmitting fail. PWR Turn ON when power on Tx/Rx User-defined FirmwareErr User-defined LED PWRTurn ON when power on Tx/Rx DownloadErrInterlace flash once per secondPin No.Signal Description 1 GND Ground 2 CAN_H CAN_H bus line 3 N/A Non-available 4CAN_LCAN_L bus line5 N/A Non-availableI-8120WJumperDescriptionStatus SW1 120Ω terminator resistance of CAN port.EnableDisableJP1 Lock mode for resisting the noise or disturbances. In this case, updating firmware is not allowed. Unlock mode for updating the firmware of I-8120W. LockUnlockJP2Debug port for user-defined firmware. The I-8120W prints the debug messages or system information from this port. Connect this port to PC COM port. Use 7188xw.exe to show the messages. The baud rate is 115200 bps. You can find the 7188xw.exe in the CD. The path is CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Tools/PCJP4Reset mode for forcing the I-8120W into download mode. Wiring this jumper until Tx/Rx LED and Err LED are always ON. Then, remove the wire.ResetNormal3. How to StartStep1: Set the SW1 of the I-8120W to the proper position. Generally, the both end ofCAN bus (line topology) needs 2 terminator resistance. Each of them is 120Ω.Step2: Unlock the JP1. Generally, unlock the JP1 during developing the application.When running the application in practice, locking the JP2 is helpful to resist thenoise and disturbances.Step3: Connect the JP2 with PC COM port.Step4: Set the JP4 to normal.Step5: Plug the I-8120W in the WinPAC. Connect the CAN port of the I-8120W with the CAN network. Connect the peripherals (such as monitor, Keyboard, mouse, andEthernet) with the WinPAC. Then, turn on the WinPAC.Step6: Download the I8120W_Utility.exe and the I-8120.dll into the same folder on the WinPAC. You can use ftp or USB disk to do this. (Before using the ftp, you must configure the ftp parameters of WinPAC by using WinPAC Utility. You can find the shortcut on the desktop of WinPAC.) Please refer to the WinPAC user manual.CD path of the utility tool: CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Tools/WinPACCD path of the I8120.dll: CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/WinPAC_Library/User manual of WinPAC:/products/PAC/winpac/download/winpac_8000/download_docum ents.htmFor Default Firmware:Step7: Run the I8120W_Utility.exe. Assume the I-8120W is plugged in slot 4 of the WinPAC, set the slot No. to slot 4.Step8: Assume the baud of the CAN network is 125 kbps. Set the filter, baud, and message format as follows:Setp9: The receiving messages will be shown on the list, and users can use the button “Send” to send a CAN message. Use “SaveToFile” to save the receptions. In this case, uncheck the “Show message on the list” to improve the efficiency of the WinPAC.Step10: Users can download and run the demos for default firmware on the WinPAC.You can find them in the CD. The path is shown as follows:CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/For_Default_Firmware/WinPACFor Updating Firmware:Step7: Run the I8120W_Utility.exe. Assume the I-8120W is plugged in slot 4 of the WinPAC, set the slot No. to slot 4. Then, click the button “Update Firmware”.Step8: Use ftp or USB disk to copy the newer firmware on to the WinPAC.Step9: The pop-up dialog shows the information of current firmware. Click the button “Update”. Afterwards, select the newer file from the pop-up dialog.For User-defined Firmware:Step7: Users need to build their application of the WinPAC and the firmware of I-8120W firstly. Use eVC++, WinPAC SDK, I8120.lib and I-8120.h to develop the WinPAC application. Use TC/BC/TC++/BC++, 186COMM.lib, and 186COMM.h to develop the firmware of I-8120W. You can find these file in the CD or website. The path is show as follows:Website:eVC++:/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=1DACDB3D-50D1-41B2-A107-FA75AE960856&displaylang=enWinPAC SDK:/products/PAC/winpac/download/winpac_8000/download_sdk.ht mTC++ 1.01/download/download-list.htmCD path:I-8120.lib and I-8120.h for eVC++:CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/WinPAC_Library186COMM.lib and 186COMM.h for TC/BC/TC++/BC++:CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/For_User_Defined_Firmware/Firm_LibStep8: When finishing the user-defined firmware of the I-8120W, download it into the WinPAC. Please refer the Step7 of the “For Updating Firmware”.Step9: Run your WinPAC application. For more details about how to program the application and firmware, please refer to the user-defined demos and user manual for the details.。
110 KS/s 12-Bit Low-Cost A/D Boards U PCI BusU12-Bit 110 KHz A/D ConverterU32 Single-Ended/16 DifferentialAnalog InputsU S ampling Rate:OME-PCI-1002L: 110KS/sOME-PCI-1002H: 40KS/s(Single Channel or Multiple Channels)U T hree Different External Triggers:Post-Trigger, Pre-Trigger,External Pacer TriggerU 16 Digital Input and 16 Digital Output Channels U O ME-PCI-1002L:Programmable Low Gain: 1, 2, 4, 8U O ME-PCI-1002H:Programmable High Gain: 1, 10, 100, 1000U H alf-Size BoardU I ncludes Software Development Kit OME-PCI-1002H shown smaller than actual sizeOME-PCI-1002L/OME-PCI-1002HThe OME-PCI-1002 Series is a family of PCI bus A/D boards. They feature 110 KHz data acquisition under DOS and Windows. The boards provide 32 single-ended or 16 differential inputs, 16 digital input and 16 digital output channels.The suffix “H” denotes a high-gain model and the suffix “L” denotes a low-gain model. The OME-PCI-1002 Series provides three flexible external trigger modes: post-trigger, pre-trigger, middle trigger.Software Development KitAll boards are supplied with a standard software development kit for Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. The software kit includes DLL files for programming in C,C++, or other high-level languages, and OCX files for Visual Basic or Active X programming. DASYLab and LabVIEW drivers are also included.The OME-PCI-1002 includes 16-channels of digital input and 16-channels of digital output. An OME-DB-8025 screw terminal panel can be used to connect to the digital I/O lines. The OME-DB-16P isolated digital input board and OME-DB-16R relay board can be used to connect the digital I/O on the OME-PCI-1002 to real-world signals.Ordering Example: OME-PCI-1002H, high-gain data acquisition board, OME-DB-8025, screw terminal board and OCW-1, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 2 years.TIMER COuNTERInternal Pacer Timer: 16-bit, 8 MHz input External Pacer Timer: 16-bit, 8 MHz inputMachine Independent Timer: 16-bit, 8 MHz input GENERAL ENvIRONMENTALOperating Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temperature: -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F)Humidity: 0 to 90% RH non-condensing Dimensions: 175 L x 105 mm H (6.9 x 4.1")Power Requirements: 5V @ 350 mA (maximum)OME-DB-16P shown smaller than actual sizeOME-DB-16R shown smaller than actual sizeSpecificationsANALOG INPuT SPECIfICATIONSChannels: OME-PCI-1002H, OME-PCI-1002L: 32 single-ended/16 differential Resolution: 12-bitsMaximum Conversion Rate: OME-PCI-1002H: 40 KS/s OME-PCI-1002L: 110 KS/sInput Impedance: 10,000 M Ω/6pF Overvoltage Protection: ±35V Accuracy: 0.01% of reading ±1-bit Linearity: ±1-bitDIGITAL I/OInputs: 16 channels; TTL levels Input Low:V IL = 0.8V maximum I IL = 4 mA Input High:V IH = 2V minimum I IH = -20 µA maximumOutputs: 16 channels; TTL levels Output Low:V OL = 0.33V maximum I OL = 4 mA maximum Output High:V OH = 3.83V minimum I OH= -400 µA maximumOMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts,labor and equivalent loaners.。
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PCI-9820I———————————————概述PCI-9820I 接口卡是一款符合工业级温度范围(-25°C ~ +85°C)、兼容PCI2.2规范的2通道PCI-CAN 通讯接口卡,每一个CAN 通道均集成独立的隔离保护电路。
PCI-9820I 符合CAN2.0A/B 规范,支持5Kbps ~ 1Mbps 之间的任意波特率,并提供多个操作系统的设备驱动、工具软件等,能真正的满足客户的各种应用需求,为工业通讯CAN 网络提供了可靠性、高效率的解决方案。
——————————————产品特性 符合工业级温度范围(-25°C ~ +85°C) 通用PCI 接口,适用于5V 系统 支持CAN2.0A 和CAN2.0B 规范 符合ISO/DIS 11898 规范两路电气完全隔离的CAN 通道支持5Kbps ~ 1Mbps 之间的任意波特率 DC 2500V 电气隔离保护内置120欧姆终端电阻,可通过跳线选择 可靠的EMI/EMC 性能 遵守工业应用规范——————————操作系统支持 PCI-9820I 接口卡支持Win2000、WinXP 、Win2003等操作系统,提供WDM 驱动程序、ZLGVCI 动态库、ZOPC 服务器,支持用户进行二次开发。
—————————————订购信息型号 工作温度 接口 PCI-9820I-25°C ~ +85°CDB-9——————————————————————————————————规格 操作系统支持 Win2000、WinXP 、Win2003 工具软件支持 通讯CAN 测试工具ZLGCANTest OPC 服务器ZOPC_Server iCAN 测试工具iCANTest 虚拟串口服务器 ZVCom 电源和环境 电源要求:5V@300 mA (Max.) 操作温度:-25°C ~ +85°C存储温度:-40°C ~ +85°C 尺寸:130 x 90 mm (W x D) 硬件 CAN 控制器:SJA1000T CAN 收发器:PCA82C251T 接口 总线:PCI ver. 2.2 (32-bit) 性能 速率:5Kbps ~ 1Mbps 传输率:1000fps(标准帧) 配置 PCI :中断和I/O 由BIOS 分配 工作模式:正常、只听、自收发 API :VCI 函数库修订历史版本日期原因V1.00 2006/07/10 第一次发布V1.01 2007/07/01 修改文档的格式成统一版本目录1. 功能简介 (2)1.1 产品外观 (2)1.2 性能规格 (3)1.3 产品清单 (3)2. 硬件安装与配线 (4)2.1 安装硬件 (4)2.2 连接器的接线 (5)2.3 终端电阻 (6)3. 驱动安装 (7)3.1 在WinXP系统 (7)3.1.1 安装驱动程序 (7)3.1.2 验证驱动的安装 (10)3.1.3 卸载驱动 (11)3.2 在Win2000系统 (12)3.2.1 安装驱动程序 (12)3.2.2 验证驱动的安装 (17)3.2.3 卸载驱动 (18)4. 常见问题解答 (20)5. 软件开发 (23)6. 检查和维护 (24)7. 免责声明 (25)8. 附录A (26)9. 销售与服务网络 (27)1. 功能简介PCI-9820I接口卡是一款符合工业级温度范围(-25°C ~ +85°C)、兼容PCI2.2规范的2通道PCI-CAN通讯接口卡。
PCI-9820I接口卡支持32位33MHz PCI数据总线,采用了通用PCI连接器,能让PC方便地连接到CAN总线上,即插即用,安装简单方便。
PCI-9820I提供2个完全独立的CAN通道,符合CAN2.0B规范(兼容CAN 2.0A)应用灵活。
软件支持通用的ZLGVCI驱动程序接口,可进行完全独立的CAN相关操作,驱动支持Win2000、WinXP和Win2003操作系统,适合于不同层次的开发人员在VC++、VB、Delphi 和C++Builder等开发环境下进行二次开发计,实现CAN-bus在产品通讯的高级应用。
1.1 产品外观图 1-1 PCI-9820I工业级CAN接口卡1.2 性能规格项目规格PC 接口 32位33M PCI 数据总线,符合PCI2.2标准,即插即用;功率 小于5W ;CAN 协议 CAN 2.0B 规范(兼容CAN 2.0A ); CAN 控制器 NXP SJA1000T ; CAN 收发器NXP PCA82C251T ;隔离电压 DC 2500V(1Min);输出端子 DB9 针式,符合CANopen 和DeviceNet 规范; 通讯速率 5Kbps ~ 1Mbps ; 数据吞吐量大于1000帧/秒(1Mbps 速率,标准数据帧)。
操作环境温度 -25°C ~ +85°C ; 操作环境湿度 10% ~ 90% ( 无凝露); 空气 必须远离腐蚀性气体; 存储环境温度 -40°C ~ +85°C ;尺寸130 x 90 mm (长x 宽);1.3 产品清单zPCI-9820I 工业级CAN 接口卡 1块 z 接口动态链接库、使用例程 1份 z 测试软件、OPC 服务器软件 1份 z 用户手册1份 z DB9_OPEN5转换座选配2. 硬件安装与配线2.1 安装硬件PCI-9820I接口卡是属于静电敏感产品,出厂时安放在专用保护袋中。
图 2-1 PCI-9820I工业级CAN接口卡注意事项:请勿带电插拔PCI接口卡;安装时不要用手触摸器件,防止静电损坏器件。
2.2 连接器的接线图 2-2 接口卡的DB9插座位置PCI-9820I 接口卡有2路CAN 通道,通过DB9针型连接器与实际的CAN-bus 网络进行连接。
DB9针型连接器的引脚信号定义如图 2-3所示。
引脚定义符合DeviceNet 和CANopen 标准。
引脚信号描述 1 N.C.2 CAN_LCAN_L 信号线3 CAN_GND 参考地4 N.C.5 CAN_SHIELD 屏蔽线6 CAN_GND 参考地7 CAN_H CAN_H 信号线8 N.C.9 N.C.图 2-3 DB9插座的引脚定义可以通过选配的DB9_OPEN5转换器,将DB-9连接器的信号转至5引脚的OPEN5连接器。
引脚信号描述1 V- 网络电源负极2 CAN_LCAN_L 信号线3 CAN_SHIELD 屏蔽线4 CAN_H CAN_H 信号线5 V+网络电源正极图 2-4 OPEN5插座的引脚定义1234567892.3 终端电阻PCI-9820I接口卡的每路CAN通道都内建120Ω终端电阻。
JP1JP0图 2-5 终端电阻跳线器JP0、JP1的设置3. 驱动安装以下步骤提示在Win2000和WinXP下第一次如何安装PCI-9820I接口卡的驱动。
3.1 在WinXP系统3.1.1 安装驱动程序Win XP能自动检测新设备并激活“找到新的硬件向导”程序来安装即插即用设备驱动程序。
图 3-1 首次安装接口卡后PC发现新设备选择“否,暂时不”,单击“下一步”继续。
图 3-2 驱动安装向导(1)选择“从列表或指定位置安装”,单击“下一步”继续。
图 3-3 驱动安装向导(2)标记“在搜索中包括这个位置”,然后点击“浏览”按钮。
图 3-4 驱动安装向导(3)等待安装向导安装驱动程序。
图 3-5 驱动安装向导(4)接下来的窗口显示了已经安装好的设备。
图 3-6 驱动安装向导(5)此时,系统会提示新硬件已安装并可以使用了。
图 3-7 驱动安装完成3.1.2 验证驱动的安装可以通过“开始→控制面板→系统”检查设备的安装。
图 3-8 “系统属性”页面如果设备安装成功,在“设备管理器”窗口中应该可以看到“ZLGCAN”设备类下的“PCI-9820I PCICAN Communication Card”。
图 3-9 设备管理器的ZLGCAN设备3.1.3 卸载驱动可以通过“开始→控制面板→系统”卸载设备驱动。