User V4-11-Day5-Vol2




1.13.3 程序概要页 .................................................................................................... 29
1.13.4 报警概要......................................................................................................... 31
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2
第 2 章 访问更多的参数 .................................................33
等级 3(Level 3)......................................................................................... 33 配置等级......................................................................................................... 33 选择不同的访问等级................................................................................... 34 访问菜单中的参数 .........................................................................................35
1.1 这是什么样的仪表? .........................................................................................9

B033 三折触控键盘说明书

B033 三折触控键盘说明书

·邸对码连接:产品功能Product features • Bluetooth pairing connectionB033三折触控键盘说明书.,, 气, 严气一"亏,,,.., I'"'\)= = = ..占匕—|注怠:正确澡作本产品,韵仔细阅读用户手册.支持系统W叩OS/Android芒1王已严扂器必刘妈接口二2、打开芦牙”进入搜索樱式.3、互到发现"Bluetooth3.0 Keyboarci"然后点击下步.4、根据蓝牙提示,汗键斋卜输入对应的密码,按E ntertj量确五霉夏”O吻++_注:配对成功以后下次便用只蓄萎打开蓝牙键霓电双及使用设备的直牙蓝牙键盘将会臼动搜索还接上次使用过的识督,1'贾亵再进行配对觅作5、提示连接配对成功,您就可以舒适地使用您的键盘了.!OS/Android WindowsFn+ 对应功能Fn+Shift 对应功能-o返回Qi!ii~仑主页、E0<`巳,o! 0. 搜索! q 搜索1 F1 1 F1@ l,l 全选@ I, 全选2 F2 2 F2# t;J 复制# "' 复制3 F3 3 F3$苍粘贴$屯粘贴4 F4 4 ,.",I,剪切%丛剪切5 FS 5 FSA ...上佃人l嘈·上曲6 FO 6 FO& .,, 暂停序肪文& .,, 暂停序驻女7 ., 7 "*中下11!1*.. ,下曲8 F8 8 ,.(' 静舌(. 脖音9 Fl 9 F9) .,音盘减小)心音量减小0 F10 0 F10-F11I 音旦唱人一F11 ,音呈增大+ a锁+ Q锁屏= F12 = F12三系统切换语言:Windows: Alt+Shift 四姐泊iOS: Ctrl+峦謹切换诺言Android :Shift+空格霓切换语言!OS/Android WindowsFn+fuonrrt isopnonding Fn+Shiftfuon『trei,oponnding-o邸um to Desk.-oHome、...、...I 0. Search ! 0. Search1 " 1 F1@ el Select @ el Select2 " 2 F2• Id Copy # Cl Copy3 F> 3 "$ ,.. Stick $ ,.. Stick4 ,. 4 F4,. 1 Cut %& Cut5 ,. 5 F5A, ...Pre-Track ^-Pre-Track6 FO 8 FB& .,, Play/Pause &�II Play/Pause7 f7 7 F7*...Next*由Next8 ,. 8 F8(. Mute I Mute.,. 9 FO) .,Volume-I哺)Volume-0 F10 0 F10一F11 • Volume+_`'Volume+-F11+`Lock + a Lock= F12 = F12T hree system switching languagesWindows: Alt+Shift switch languageiOS: Ctrl+Space key switch languageAndroid : Sh1ft+Space k可switch langua扣三l.Please turn on the power at theside of the灼board,blue lights up,press the Bluetooth connectionbutton, blue light will twinkle andinto the match mode quickly.2.0pen the tablet PC setting"Bluetooth" into searching andpairing state.3.You will find the·s1uetooth 3.0Keyboard'and click to next !lep.4.According the table PC tips to inputthe cor『eel password then click"Enter·buttonS.There have a tip for connectingsuccessfully ,you can use your知yboard comfortably知ma心A彻'"'"泌山r>g'"'""""'�"'·心rrt tiM• ,ou do,", .,., m虹h cod•. j u<t op"" 1hoSluetooth虹yboard po, 心心劝扛h and the tablet PC'Bl叩ooth.'TheBT切boordwillsea兀h寸ed ..k•• 心.如m忒,,onn配,-)c,----,--­---·-_, I -T一平--·'·=· 归',"""""""�·"厂一一-., —干—_JCompatible SystemWin /10S /Android8033B lue t oo t h KeyboardUser' s ManualNote: Plea,e read the use『manual carefully before you 5ta八using this product 状态显示LE D常见问题解答技术规格l、平板灭法连接蓝牙键盎?键盘尺寸:304 5X97.95X8mm切开)贱跷汇作电流:<8.63m A .对码.ITTf明研关,蓝牙指动叨郢广壳,按下对码键,蓝灯闪烁1)谔先检查蓝牙键盘是否有进入配.然后再打开平板电脑蓝牙.充电·指示灯红色,充满叮灭;搜索设备进行连接.颐板尺寸:54.8X44.8mm 使用按键工作电流.<3mA.低电压指示当电压低于3.3V,红色指示灯闪烁2)检杳唷干键盘电至是否充足,电云不足也会导致无法连接,请将茜牙符盘平,量:197.3g 待机电流·025mA提示·为了延长电池寿命,请您在不使用键息时,关闭键盘的电瘾开关.泣盘充电后再使用.休眠电流,60µA 2、谜卿示灯在使用途中且闪烁?工作距离:<lOm故障分析键盘指示灯在使用途中直闪烁,表示电池即将没电,请尽快将键盘锤电池容云:140mA h 休朕时间11½ 并中请与售后服务人员联系充电.唤醒方式按任怠键知识产权信息3、设备显示蓝牙键盘断开连接?工作电压:3 7V蓝牙键盘在段时间内不使用,设备为了台电将自动关闭篮牙功能,未经本司的许可,禁止复制本用户手册的内容.按键盘任意鞋唤醒.蓝牙连接自动恢St.触控板功能说明安全提醒请不要打开或修理该设备,涓不要在潮湿环堁内使用设备,滑用干n'l'll;;li il;-压左键.四点击庄右键布擦拭该设备.匝保条款本设备自购买之日起,提供1年保修服务.II运上下滑动蚕直聪匮-键盘保养1、谝勿将设备暴露在液体和淜汜的环境中或使其淋雨,诘勿在浴水槽`m主顽石滑动桑拿房`游泳池或蒸汽房附近使用.m丰ili-w;n+II!!还,, '(打开Co rtan a)活动寅口切换2、涓勿将设备暴霓于过高或过低的温度下.3. 请勿长时间放置在阳光直射的地方.m至向上扫-Wlo+To卤合键”式向下扫-w;n+D组合4、消勿靠近明火,如烹任用炉、蜡烛或者壁炉.I IJ开任务浏汲留IJI键(翌示桌面)5、避免使用锋利器物刮擦产品,及时给产品进行充电以保证正常使用.注·该设备在iOS系统下触摸板无功能······ 一.一,一一.一...一一.一.---..一.--.一.一..一......一.-....一··········,保修卡用户坻写资料公司或个人全称通讯地址电话邮编所购产品名称及型号购买日期: }亘圭兰弘\, ••.••.•...••••.•.•.••••.•.••• 一一.一一一.--.一......一...一..一一.一一..一,',',.,',',',',',',',',',',',',.,','.,...,',',.,'.,',',..,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','.----丛。

User Manual

User Manual

USER MANUALmade late in the product’s development. All game art for this manual has been taken from the English version of this product.0434567New Game will allow you to create a single or multi-player game.• Hovering the curser over this button will show you more options.• Quick start will launch the game with your last New Game settings.• Beginner will start the game with pre-selected settings in order to give you theThe camera system allows you Zoom in and out by rotating the mouse wheel forward and126435 7231If you have an exploration ship on the star system you can launch an Expedition on this Curiosity to see what the planet is concealing.There are various types of Curiosities such as an anomalythat gives bonuses or penalties to a planet, a luxury orhave a ship equipped with Probes orbiting the system. Thenumber of probes is limited, and is replenished over timewhen they are used up. Each expedition costs one probe,and there are technologies to increase both the numberof probes the ship can carry and the speed of probereplenishment.The main quest is divided into several chapters which unlock as you complete the previous steps. There are also different branches and choices, allowing you to play and develop the civilization the way you want to—and then replay them for a different experience.SIDE QUESTS1243561. An overview of your empire, its type of government, and its various traits (bonuses / penalties).2. Your level of Approval at an empire level, calculated as the average of your star systems and their populations.3. A list of the colonized systems of your empire.3456789Each system line displays summary information related to its system:2. Status (Outpost or Colony, and the number of colonized planets)3. Population2456732131246753。

《世界经典电影250部 --绝对收藏珍品》(IMDB Top 250)[DBRip][DVDRip]

《世界经典电影250部 --绝对收藏珍品》(IMDB Top 250)[DBRip][DVDRip]

Top011.魔戒3:王者归来(剧场Top012.星球大战4-新的希望.Star.Wars.A.New.Hope.1977.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop013.卡萨布兰卡.Casablanca.1942.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop014.好家伙.Goodfellas.1990.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop015.七武士.Seven.Samurai.1954.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop016.搏击俱乐部.十周年纪念Top017.上帝之城.City.Of.God.2002.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop018.夺宝奇兵.Indiana.Jones.And.The.Raiders.Of.The.Lost.Ark.1981.HDTV.MiniSD-Top019.魔戒1:魔戒现身(剧场Top020.后窗.Rear.Window.1954.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop021.非常嫌疑犯ual.Suspects.1995.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop022.惊魂记.Psycho.1960.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop023.西部往事沉默的羔羊mbs.1991.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop025.黑客帝国1.The.Matrix.1999.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop026.七宗罪.Se7en.1995.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop027.记忆碎片.Memento.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop028.魔戒2:双塔奇谋(剧场Top029.生活多美好.Its.A.Wonderful.Life.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop030.奇爱博士.Dr.Strangelove.1964.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop031.日落大道.Sunset.Boulevard.1950.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop032.西北偏北.North.By.Northwest.1959.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop033.公民凯恩.Citizen.Kane.1941.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop034.这个杀手不太冷加长版.Leon.The.Professional.1994.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-Top035.现代启示录.Apocalypse.Now.Redux.1979.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop036.美国丽人.American.Beauty.1999.HDTVRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop037.美国X档案.American.History.X.1998.BDRip.MINISD-TLF.mkvTop038.阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop039.出租车司机.Taxi.Driver.1976.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop040.迷魂记.Vertigo.1958.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop042.阿拉伯的劳伦斯.Lawrence.of.Arabia.1962.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop043.终结者2审判日.Terminator.2.Judgment.Day.1991.DC.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top044.机器人总动员.WALL-E.2008.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop045.天使爱美丽.Amelie.2001.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop046.异形.Alien.DC.1979.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop047.拯救大兵雷恩.Saving.Private.Ryan.1998.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop048.发条橙.A.Clockwork.Orange.1971.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop049.闪灵.The.Shining.1980.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop050.光荣之路.Paths.of.Glory.1957.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop051.无间行者.The.Departed.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop052.杀死一只知更鸟.To.Kill.A.Mockingbird.1962.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop053.钢琴师.The.Pianist.2002.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop054.异形2.Aliens.II.1986.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop055.千与千寻.Spirited.Away.2001.D9.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop056.窃听风暴.The.Lives.of.Others.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop057.M就是凶手.M.1931.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop058.双重保险.Double.Indemnity.1944.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop059.美丽心灵的永恒阳Top060.唐人街.Chinatown.1974.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop061.梦之安魂曲.Requiem.for.a.Dream.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop062.第三个人.The.Third.Man.1949.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop063.洛城机密.L.A.Confidential.1997.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop064.落水狗.Reservoir.Dogs.1992.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop065.碧血金沙.The.Treasure.Of.The.Sierra.Madre.1948.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top066.从海底出击.Das.Boot.1981.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop067.巨蟒与圣杯.Monty.Python.and.the.Holy.Grail.1975.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop068.潘神的迷宫.Pan'byrinth.2006.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop069.城市之光.City.Lights.1931.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop071.桂河大桥.The.Bridge.On.The.River.Kwai.1957.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop073.愤怒的公牛.Raging.Bull.1980.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop074.致命魔术.The.Prestige.2006.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop074.致命魔术.The.Prestige.2006.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.eng.srtTop075.雨中曲.Singin'.in.the.Rain.1952.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop076.2001太空漫游.2001.A.Space.Odyssey.1968.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop077.美丽人生.La.vita.e.bella.1997.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop078.回到未来帝国的毁灭.Der.Untergang.2004.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop080.热情似火.Some.Like.It.Hot.1959.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop081.摩登时代.Modern.Times.1936.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop082.马耳他之鹰.The.Maltese.Falcon.1941.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop083.莫扎特传.Amadeus.1984.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop084.老爷车.Gran.Torino.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop085.全金属外壳.Full.Metal.Jacket.1987.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop086.罗生门.Rashomon.1950.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop087.贫民窟的百万富翁lionaire.2008.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top088.天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1988.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop089.勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995.BDRip.4Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop090.美国往事.Once.Upon.A.Time.In.America.1984.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop091.彗星美人.All.About.Eve.1950.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop092.象人.The.Elephant.Man.1980.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop093.罪恶城市.Sin.City.UNRATED.ReCut.EXT.2005.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop094.绿里奇迹e.1999.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop095.大都会.Metropolis.1927.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop096.蝴蝶梦.Rebecca.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop097.大独裁者.The.Great.Dictator.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop098.桃色公寓.The.Apartment.1960.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop099.骗中骗.The.Sting.1973.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop100.夺宝奇兵st.Crusade.1989.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-Top101.大逃亡.The.Great.Escape.1963.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop102.角斗士.Gladiator.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop103.星球大战6.绝地大反击.Star.Wars.VI-Return.of.the.Jedi.1983.HDTV.MiniSD-Top104.蝙蝠侠诞生.Batman.Begins.2005.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop105.偷自行车的人.Bicycle.Thieves.1948.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop106.不可饶恕.Unforgiven.1992.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop107.大白鲨.jaws.1975.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop109.银翼杀手.Blade.Runner.Final.Cut.1982.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop110.卢旺达饭店.Hotel.Rwanda.2004.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop111.史密斯先生到华盛顿.Mr.Smith.Goes.To.Washington.1939.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top112.老无所依.No.Country.for.Old.Men.2007.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop113.虎胆龙威.Die.Hard.1988.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop114.码头风云.On.the.Waterfront.1954.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop115.历劫佳人.Touch.of.Evil.1958.HDTVRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop117.第七封印.The.Seventh.Seal.1957.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.Repack.mkvTop118.冰血暴.Fargo.1996.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop119.幽灵公主.Princess.Mononoke.1997.HDTV.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop120.绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.Of.Oz.1939.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop121.镖客三部曲之二-黄昏双镖客.For.a.Few.Dollars.More.1965.BDRip.MiniSD-Top122.火车怪客.Strangers.on.a.Train.1951.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop123.盗火线.Heat.1995.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop124.死亡幻觉.Donnie.Darko.D.C.2001.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop125.铁窗喋血.Cool.Hand.Luke.1967.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop126.摔角王.The.Wrestler.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop127.正午.High.Noon.1952.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop128.美人计.Notorious.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop129.血色将至.There.Will.Be.Blood.2007.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop130.满洲候选人.The.Manchurian.Candidate.1962.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop131.灵异第六感.The.Sixth.Sense.1999.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop132.安妮霍尔.Annie.Hall.1977.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop133.猎鹿人.The.Deer.Hunter.1978.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop134.杀死比尔.Kill.Bill.Vol1.2003.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop135.野战排.Platoon.1986.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop136.偷拐抢骗.Snatch.2000.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop137.将军号.the.general.1926.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop138.宾虚.Ben.Hur.1959.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop139.夜长梦多.The.Big.Sleep.DC.1946.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop140.荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop141.谋杀绿脚趾.The.Big.Lebowski.1998.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop142.百万宝贝.Million.Dollar.Baby.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop143.用心棒.Yojimbo.1961.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop144.乱.Ran.1985.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop145.一夜风流.It.Happened.One.Night.1934.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop147.谍影重重3.最后通牒.The.Bourne.Ultimatum.2007.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top148.布莱恩的一生.Life.of.Brian.1979.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop149.狮子王.The.Lion.King.SP.1994.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop150.神枪手与智多星.Butch.Cassidy.and.the.Sundance.Kid.1969.BDRip.MiniSD-Top151.海底总动员.Finding.Nemo.2003.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop152.野草莓.Wild.Strawberries.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop153.控方证人.Witness.for.the.Prosecution.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop154.猜火车.Trainspotting.1996.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop155.伴我同行.Stand.By.Me.1986.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop156.毕业生.The.Graduate.1967.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop157.乱世佳人(全屏版).Gone.with.the.Wind.1939.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top158.玩具总动员.Toy.Story.1995.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop159.终结者.Terminator.1984.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop160.偷天情缘.Groundhog.Day.1993.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop161.疤面煞星.Scarface.1983.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop162.料理鼠王.Ratatouille.2007.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop163.爱情是狗娘.Amores.perros.2000.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop164.突变第三型.The.Thing.1982.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop165.热天午后.Dog.Day.Afternoon.1975.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop166.甘地.Gandhi.1982.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop167.V字仇杀队.V.for.Vendetta.2005.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop168.八部半.Eight.And.A.Half.1963.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop169.愤怒的葡萄.Grapes.of.Wrath.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop170.淘金记.The.Gold.Rush.1925.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop171.十二猴子.Twelve.Monkeys.1995.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop172.两杆大烟枪.Lock.Stock.And.Two.Smoking.Barrels.1998.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top173.恐惧的代价.The.Wages.Of.Fear.1953.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop174.恶魔.Les.diaboliques.1955.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop175.猎人的夜晚.The.Night.of.the.Hunter.1955.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop176.公主新娘.The.Princess.Bride.1987.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop177.超人特工队.Incredibles.2004.HDTV.4Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop178.赌城风云.Casino.1995.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop179.纽伦堡大审判杀手.The.Killing.1956.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop181.仁心与冠冕.Kind.Hearts.And.Coronets.1949.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop182.日落黄沙.The.Wild.Bunch.DC.1969.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop183.人类之子.Children.of.Men.2006.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop184.萤火虫之墓.Hotaru.No.Haka.1988.D9.2Video.5Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop186.驱魔人.The.Exorcist.DC.1973.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop187.花街春梦.Nights.of.Cabiria.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop188.黄金时代.The.Best.Years.Of.Our.Lives.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop189.江湖浪子.The.Hustler.1961.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop190.日出.Sunrise.A.Song.Of.Two.Humans.1927.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop191.迷离世界.Harvey.1950.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop192.寻子遇仙记.The.Kid.1921.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop193.艾得伍德.Ed.Wood.1994.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop194.金刚.King.Kong.1933.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop195.心灵捕手.Good.Will.Hunting.1997.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop196.失婴记.Rosemary's.Baby.1968.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop197.电话谋杀案.Dial.M.for.Murder.1954.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop198.硫磺岛来信.Letters.From.Iwo.Jima.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop199.血色入侵.Let.The.Right.One.In.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop200.大鱼.Big.Fish.2003.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop201.辣手摧花.Shadow.of.a.Doubt.1943.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop202.杀死比尔2.Kill.Bill.Vol.2.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop203.本杰明-巴顿奇事.The.Curious.Case.of.Benjamin.Button.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-Top204.欲望号街车d.Desire.1951.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop205.足迹.Sleuth.1972.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop206.战地军魂.Stalag.17.1953.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop207.相见恨晚.Brief.Encounter.1945.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop208.撞车.Crash.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop209.木兰花.Magnolia.1999.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop210.潜水钟与蝴蝶.The.Diving.Bell.and.the.Butterfly.2007.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top211.非洲女王号.The.African.Queen.1951.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop212.鸭羹.Duck.Soup.1933.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop213.洛奇.Rocky.1976.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop214.神秘河.Mystic.River.2003.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop215.雌雄大盗.Bonnie.And.Clyde.1967.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop216.电视台风云.Network.1976.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop217.夺魂索.Rope.1948.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop218.曼哈顿.Manhattan.1979.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop219.加勒比海盗.黑珍珠号的诅Top220.卧虎藏龙.Crouching.Tiger.Hidden.Dragon.2000.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top221.阳光小美女.Little.Miss.Sunshine.2006.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop222.大路.La.Strada.1954.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop223.换子疑云.Changeling.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop224.巴顿将军.Patton.1970.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop225.侠盗罗宾汉.The.Adventures.Of.Robin.Hood.1938.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop226.和莎莫的500天.500.Days.of.Summer.2009.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop227.对话.The.Conversation.1974.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop228.人猿星球.1968.Planet.of.the.Apes.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop229.圣诞夜惊魂.The.Nightmare.Before.Christmas.1993.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop230.阿尔及尔之战.The.Battle.of.Algiers.1965.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop231.西线无战事.All.Quiet.On.The.Western.Front.1930.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop232.僵尸肖恩.Shaun.of.the.Dead.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop233.光荣战役.Glory.1989.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop234.贵妇失踪案dy.Vanishes.1938.D9.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop235.费城故事.The.Philadelphia.Story.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop236.穆赫兰道.Mulholland.Dr.2001.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop237.乱世儿女.Barry.Lyndon.1975.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop238.斯巴达克斯.Spartacus.1960.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop239.龙猫.My.Neighbor.Totoro.1988.D9.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop240.灵欲春宵.Whos.Afraid.of.Virginia.Woolf.1966.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop241.怪物公司.Monsters.Inc.2001.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop242.桃色案件.Anatomy.of.a.Murder.1959.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop243.玩具总动员2.Toy.Story.II.1999.BDRip.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop244.四百击.The.400.Blows.1959.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop245.星期五女郎.His.Girl.Friday.1940.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop246.妙想天开.Brazil.1984.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop247.毒药与老妇ce.1944.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop248.无间道.Infernal.Affairs.2002.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop249.哈尔的移动城堡.Howls.Moving.Castle.2004.HDTV.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop250.007皇家赌场(无删减版).Casino.Royale.2006.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv 楚门的世界.The.Truman.Show.1998.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv雨人.Rain.Man.1988.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv谜一样的双眼.The.Secret.In.Their.Eyes.2009.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv留芳颂.Living.1952.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv海扁王.Kick.Ass.2010.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv[IMDB.Top.250合辑.TLF-MiniSD收藏版].rar[TLF.IMDB.TOP.250.合集]电影介绍.pdfTop001.肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top002.教父.The.Godfather.1972.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop003.教父2.The.Godfather.Part.II.1974.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop004.黄金三镖客.The.Good.The.Bad.And.The.Ugly.1966.EX.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top005.低俗小说.Pulp.Fiction.1994.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop006.辛德勒的名单.Schindlers.list.1993.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop007.十二怒汉.12.Angry.Men.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkvTop008.飞越疯人院.One.Flew.Over.The.Cuckoos.Nest.1975.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv Top009.星球大战5-帝国反击战.Star.Wars.V-Top010.蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士.The.Dark.Knight.2008.IMAX.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-全选1.75 GB 858 MB 699 MB 913 MB 1.31 GB 1019 MB 1020 MB 799 MB 1.57 GB 745 MB 739 MB 714 MB 1.04 GB 807 MB 923 MB 863 MB 785 MB 1.56 GB 867 MB 600 MB 729 MB 1.0 GB 793 MB 907 MB 1.51 GB 825 MB 814 MB 1.02 GB 729 MB 814 MB 1.31 GB 1.02 GB 582 MB 830 MB 803 MB 1.31 GB 813 MB 978 MB 542 MB 1.02 GB 878 MB 965 MB 865 MB 848 MB 886 MB 698 MB699 MB 854 MB 658 MB 659 MB 694 MB 686 MB 803 MB 988 MB 640 MB 766 MB 542 MB 1007 MB 878 MB 895 MB 0 MB 666 MB 1012 MB 722 MB 788 MB 1.03 GB 788 MB 555 MB 617 MB 1.25 GB 747 MB 837 MB 566 MB 875 MB 844 MB 1.57 GB 1.38 GB 898 MB 846 MB 965 MB 1.27 GB 790 MB 874 MB 788 MB 799 MB 863 MB 1000 MB 1.09 GB 1.26 GB 973 MB 967 MB 598 MB801 MB 887 MB 741 MB 832 MB 831 MB 851 MB 699 MB 722 MB 620 MB 713 MB 921 MB 740 MB 821 MB 636 MB 1.27 GB 919 MB 816 MB 706 MB 560 MB 643 MB 1011 MB 864 MB 700 MB 579 MB 1.22 GB 748 MB 850 MB 709 MB 517 MB 1.63 GB 753 MB 1007 MB 810 MB 916 MB 710 MB 1.18 GB 699 MB 1.19 GB 651 MB 538 MB 828 MB 621 MB 594 MB 701 MB 599 MB 650 MB1.58 GB 629 MB 787 MB 699 MB 1.09 GB 673 MB 955 MB 738 MB 826 MB 1.27 GB 806 MB 901 MB 851 MB 461 MB 872 MB 747 MB 1008 MB 732 MB 559 MB 598 MB 657 MB 1.12 GB 1.13 GB 536 MB 677 MB 948 MB 668 MB 858 MB 876 MB 738 MB 1.0 GB 949 MB 601 MB 669 MB 326 MB 786 MB 580 MB 869 MB 877 MB 694 MB 914 MB 789 MB 760 MB 696 MB 887 MB 1.1 GB918 MB 748 MB 536 MB 782 MB 1.3 GB 669 MB 682 MB 420 MB 809 MB 1020 MB 714 MB 795 MB 520 MB 610 MB1.02 GB558 MB 661 MB 729 MB 915 MB 1.14 GB 657 MB 707 MB 737 MB 718 MB 446 MB 849 MB 801 MB 781 MB 827 MB 699 MB 696 MB 1017 MB 1.18 GB 1.24 GB 604 MB 899 MB 733 MB 1019 MB 715 MB 645 MB 559 MB 848 MB 749 MB 683 MB 773 MB663 MB 998 MB 967 MB 899 MB 905 MB 0 MB 26 MB 904 MB 1.36 GB 1.58 GB 1.17 GB 1001 MB 1.21 GB 581 MB 801 MB 831 MB 1.12 GB 207.1 GB。

TrueSecure TM GTU Series Fingerprint Module User M

TrueSecure TM GTU Series Fingerprint Module User M

TrueSecure TMGTU Series Fingerprint ModuleUser Manual���� 10� �01�Revision: V1.00 Date: ���� 10� �01�Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 Introduction .............................................................................................................32 Functional Description . (3)View Image (5)Enro�� (6)Verif� (7)Identif� (8)Se�ect User (9)De�ete User ..........................................................................................................................10Save Image ..........................................................................................................................10View Log (10)Settings (11)Simi�arit� Thresho�d .............................................................................................................11Exit (11)Introduction1 IntroductionThis demonstration program is a simple but helpful program that will assist users to becomefamiliar with the features of the GTU series of fingerprint modules. The program allows easyimplementat of all the major functions required for fingerprint recognition.2 Functional DescriptionAfter program installation, execute the program by double-clicking on the Gingy_Demo.exe in theSDK program directory. After execution the following start up screen will be displayed.The program includes the following fingerprint recognition functions:Functional DescriptionThis start up screen contains a set of fingerprint module functions which are described in thefollowing section.Functional Description View ImageThe View Image can be selected to view the recorded fingerprint image. This function is used toadjust the image quality for the CMOS optical device. As the default settings may be not suitablefor certain environment or finger types, the user can adjust the brightness, contrast and gamma toget a satisfactory image quality for later enrollment or authentication.Functional DescriptionEnrollThe Enroll function is used to enroll a new fingerprint as the current user. At least three fingerprints are required to complete the enrollment. Place the finger on the reader for at least three times until the enrolled quality is displayed.The fingerprint reader will take the common features of these fingerprints and after a few seconds of processing, the reader will inform the user of the enrolment result.The following table shows the five levels of quality that are provided.You can Select Enroll to enter the enrollment mode. The screen is the same as the snap function. After enrolling a fingerprint successfully, a dialog box will appear which shows the enrolled quality. The user is now requested to input a name and choose the enrolled finger. After inputtingthe desired data, select “Save” to save the data.Functional Description VerifyThe Verify function is used to check a live-scanned fingerprint from the current user. It implementsonly a one-to-one matching. The matching compares a live-scanned fingerprint image against apreviously enrolled fingerprint image, to verify that they came from the same finger. To use thisfunction place a finger on the reader and the fingerprint reader will check it out automaticallyaccording to the security level settings.The objects to be compared are the live-scanned fingerprint image and the final fingerprinttemplate - EnrlTemplate, which is the data that was saved during enrollment. After a successfulsnapping, the live-scan fingerprint image data is stored in the main memory. The EnrlTemplate canbe chosen by clicking Select User or by creating a new user through the enrollment process.The Verify function can be selected to enter the matching fingerprint mode. Before clicking theVerify button, a user must first be selected, otherwise the following screen will appear.After verification, the result will be displayed on the screen to show if the verification achieved amatch or if it failed. See Identify for details.Functional DescriptionIdentifyThe Identify function is used to identify a live-scanned fingerprint image from the database. This function implements a one-to-many matching. The matching process compares a live-scanned fingerprint image with a previously enrolled database. To use this, a finger should be placed upon the reader to allow the fingerprint reader to check it out automatically according to the security level settings.The Identify function can be selected to enter the matching fingerprint mode. After identification, the result will be displayed on the screen to show if the identification has achieved a match or if ithas failed. If the identification is successful the user information will also be shown on the screen.Functional Description Select UserThe Select User function is used to select a User for verification. The user data files are createdafter enrollment. Once a user has been selected, it will become the target for verification. The nameof the user will be displayed on the demo program screen.There are two methods to change the target that is to be verified:▆Select another user from the function of Select User.▆After enrollment, the enrolled user will become the new matching target automatically.The Select User can be selected to enter the Select User mode. The following screen will appearshowing the user list, containing the name, enrolled finger and enrolled class. To select a user,choose the user and click the “OK” button or double-click on the desired user.Functional Description Delete UserThe Delete User function will delete a User from the database. Once you have selected a user, the user will be deleted from the list.Save ImageThe Save Image function is used to save the fingerprint image to a file. After a successful fingerprint snap operation, the fingerprint image will be stored in the main memory. A fingerprint image can be saved using this function. Select the Save Image function to enter the Save Image mode. Select a specified folder and input the filename.According to the user’s requirements, there are two file types that can be selected:▆File TypeBMP: Save the fingerprint image in bitmap file format.View LogThe View Log is used to view the operation history. The log can be sorted by “Date”, “Name” or“Action” by clicking the relative radio buttons. See the dialog box below.Functional DescriptionSettingsSecurity LevelThe default security level is Medium. Set up the security level for matching by setting the verification threshold. High is the safest mode, providing a FAR of less than 1/100,000. Fair is a less tight mode, providing a FAR of less than 1/1000.DeviceSelect a device for the system.Enroll ModeSelect an enrolled mode for the enrollment. All three modes will give high matching performances. However, larger template sizes will require the storage of more fingerprint data, giving higher accuracy but lower speed. The user may use the different modes depending upon their applications.For smaller capture device areas or 1-1 verification or 1-few identifications, the 504-byte mode is recommended. Where it is required to identify a large number of fingerprints, then speed may be the main concern and subsequently the 168-byte or 336-byte mode is recommended.Similarity ThresholdThe Similarity Threshold function is used to adjust the Security Level. The higher the Similarity Threshold, the higher the security levels. However higher security levels will also result in enrollment difficulties.ExitThe Exit function is used to terminate the demo program.Functional DescriptionCopyright© �01� b� HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC.The information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the timeof publication. However, Holtek assumes no responsibility arising from the use ofthe specifications described. The applications mentioned herein are used solely forthe purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be suitable without further modification, nor recommends the use ofits products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise. Holtek's products are not authorized for use as critical components in lifesupport devices or systems. Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at http://www.ho�.Note that Holtek’s fingerprint recognition products have been designed in conjunction withGing� T echno�og�.。



®ISL1208I 2C ® Real Time Clock/CalendarLow Power RTC with Battery Backed SRAMThe ISL1208 device is a low power real time clock with timing and crystal compensation, clock/calendar, power fail indicator, periodic or polled alarm, intelligent battery backup switching and battery-backed user SRAM.The oscillator uses an external, low-cost 32.768kHz crystal. The real time clock tracks time with separate registers for hours, minutes, and seconds. The device has calendar registers for date, month, year and day of the week. The calendar is accurate through 2099, with automatic leap year correction.PinoutISL1208(8 LD MSOP , SOIC)TOP VIEWISL1208(8 LD TDFN)TOP VIEWFeatures•Real Time Clock/Calendar-Tracks Time in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds -Day of the Week, Day, Month, and Year •15 Selectable Frequency Outputs•Single Alarm-Settable to the Second, Minute, Hour, Day of the Week, Day, or Month-Single Event or Pulse Interrupt Mode •Automatic Backup to Battery or Super Capacitor •Power Failure Detection•On-Chip Oscillator Compensation• 2 Bytes Battery-Backed User SRAM •I 2C Interface-400kHz Data Transfer Rate •400nA Battery Supply Current•Same Pin Out as ST M41Txx and Maxim DS13xx Devices •Small Package Options-8 Ld MSOP and SOIC Packages -8 Ld TDFN Package •Pb-Free Available (RoHS Compliant)Applications•Utility Meters •HVAC Equipment •Audio/Video Components •Set-Top Box/Television •Modems•Network Routers, Hubs, Switches, Bridges •Cellular Infrastructure Equipment •Fixed Broadband Wireless Equipment •Pagers/PDA •POS Equipment •Test Meters/Fixtures•Office Automation (Copiers, Fax)•Home Appliances •Computer Products•Other Industrial/Medical/Automotive123487X1X2VBAT VDD IRQ/FOUT SCL SDAGND5623417658X1X2VBAT GNDVDD IRQ/FOUT SCL SDABlock DiagramOrdering InformationPART NUMBER PART MARKING V DD RANGE(V)TEMP . RANGE(°C)PACKAGEPKG. DWG. #ISL1208IU8AGS 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld MSOPM8.118ISL1208IU8-TK*AGS 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld MSOP Tape and ReelM8.118ISL1208IU8Z (Note)ANW 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld MSOP (Pb-free)M8.118ISL1208IU8Z-TK*(Note)ANW2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld MSOP Tape and Reel (Pb-free)M8.118ISL1208IB81208 I 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld SOICMDP0027ISL1208IB8-TK*1208 I 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld SOIC Tape and Reel MDP0027ISL1208IB8Z (Note)1208 ZI 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld SOIC (Pb-free)MDP0027ISL1208IB8Z-TK*(Note)1208 ZI 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld SOICTape andReel (Pb-free)MDP0027ISL1208IRT8Z (Note)08TZ 2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld TDFN (Pb-free)L8.3x3AISL1208IRT8Z-TK*(Note)08TZ2.7 to 5.5-40 to +858 Ld TDFN Tape and Reel (Pb-free)L8.3x3A *Please refer to TB347 for details on reel specifications.NOTE:These Intersil Pb-free plastic packaged products employ special Pb-free material sets, molding compounds/die attach materials, and 100% matte tin plate plus anneal (e3 termination finish, which is RoHS compliant and compatible with both SnPb and Pb-free soldering operations). Intersil Pb-free products are MSL classified at Pb-free peak reflow temperatures that meet or exceed the Pb-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J STD-020.I 2CINTERFACERTC CONTROL LOGICALARMFREQUENCYOUTRTC DIVIDERSDA BUFFER CRYSTAL OSCILLATORPORSWITCHSCL BUFFERSDA SCLX1X2V DDV BATIRQ/F OUTINTERNAL SUPPLYV TRIPSECONDSMINUTES HOURS DAY OF WEEKDATE MONTHYEARUSER SRAMCONTROL REGISTERSPin DescriptionsPINNUMBER SYMBOL DESCRIPTION1X1The X1 pin is the input of an inverting amplifier and is intended to be connected to one pin of an external 32.768kHz quartz crystal. X1 can also be driven directly from a 32.768kHz source.2X2The X2 pin is the output of an inverting amplifier and is intended to be connected to one pin of an external 32.768kHz quartz crystal.3VBAT This input provides a backup supply voltage to the device. V BAT supplies power to the device in the event that the V DD supply fails. This pin should be tied to ground if not used.4GND Ground5SDA Serial Data (SDA) is a bidirectional pin used to transfer serial data into and out of the device. It has an open drain output and may be wire OR’ed with other open drain or open collector outputs.6SCL The Serial Clock (SCL) input is used to clock all serial data into and out of the device.7IRQ/FOUT Interrupt Output/Frequency Output is a multi-functional pin that can be used as interrupt or frequency output pin. The function is set via the configuration register.8VDD Power supplyAbsolute Maximum Ratings Thermal InformationVoltage on V DD, V BAT, SCL, SDA, and IRQ Pins (Note 3) (respect to GND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5V to 7.0V Voltage on X1 and X2 Pins(respect to GND) . . . . . . . . . . . . .-0.5V to V DD + 0.5 (V DD Mode)-0.5V to V BAT + 0.5 (V BAT Mode) Latchup (Note 4) ................Class II, Level B @ +85°C Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1)θJA (°C/W)θJC (°C/W) SOIC Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95N/A MSOP Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128N/A TDFN Package (Note 2). . . . . . . . . . . .53.7 2.8 Storage Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-65°C to +150°C Pb-free Reflow Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see link below /pbfree/Pb-FreeReflow.aspCAUTION: Do not operate at or near the maximum ratings listed for extended periods of time. Exposure to such conditions may adversely impact product reliability and result in failures not covered by warranty.NOTES:1.θJA is measured in free air with the component mounted on a high effective thermal conductivity test board with “direct attach” features. SeeTech Brief TB379.2.For θJC, the “case temp” location is the center of the exposed metal pad on the package underside.3.The V DD and SDA pins should not be subjected to negative voltage while the V BAT pin is biased, otherwise latchup can result. See theApplications section.4.Jedec Class II pulse conditions and failure criterion used. Level B exceptions are using a negative pulse limited to -0.5V.DC Operating Characteristics – RTC Temperature = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise stated.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTESMIN(Note 9)TYP(Note 8)MAX(Note 9)UNITSV DD Main Power Supply 2.7 5.5V V BAT Battery Supply Voltage 1.8 5.5VI DD1Supply Current V DD = 5V5, 626µAV DD = 3V 1.24µAI DD2Supply Current With I2C Active V DD = 5V5, 640120µAI DD3Supply Current (Low Power Mode)V DD = 5V, LPMODE = 15 1.45µAI BAT Battery Supply Current V BAT = 3V5400950nAI LI Input Leakage Current on SCL100nAI LO I/O Leakage Current on SDA100nAV TRIP V BAT Mode Threshold 1.6 2.2 2.6V V TRIPHYS V TRIP Hysteresis103075mV V BATHYS V BAT Hysteresis1550100mV IRQ/F OUTV OL Output Low Voltage V DD = 5VI OL = 3mA0.4VV DD = 2.7VI OL = 1mA0.4V Power-Down Timing Temperature = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise stated.SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTESMIN(Note 9)TYP(Note 8)MAX(Note 9)UNITSV DD SR-V DD Negative Slewrate710V/ms Serial Interface Specifications Over the recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified.SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS NOTESMIN(Note 9)TYP(Note 8)MAX(Note 9)UNITSSERIAL INTERFACE SPECSV IL SDA and SCL Input Buffer LOW Voltage -0.30.3 xV DDVV IH SDA and SCL Input Buffer HIGH Voltage0.7 x V DD V DD + 0.3V Hysteresis SDA and SCL Input Buffer Hysteresis0.05 x V DD V V OL SDA Output Buffer LOW Voltage, Sinking 3mA0.4V C PIN SDA and SCL Pin Capacitance T A = +25°C, f = 1MHz, V DD = 5V, V IN =0V, V OUT = 0V10, 1110pF f SCL SCL Frequency400kHz t IN Pulse width Suppression Time at SDA and SCL InputsAny pulse narrower than the max spec is suppressed.50ns t AA SCL Falling Edge to SDA Output Data ValidSCL falling edge crossing 30% of V DD , until SDA exits the 30% to 70% of V DD window.900ns t BUFTime the Bus Must Be Free Before the Start of a New Transmission SDA crossing 70% of V DD during a STOP condition, to SDA crossing 70% of V DDduring the following START condition.1300nst LOW Clock LOW Time Measured at the 30% of V DD crossing.1300ns t HIGH Clock HIGH TimeMeasured at the 70% of V DD crossing.600ns t SU:STA START Condition Setup Time SCL rising edge to SDA falling edge. Both crossing 70% of V DD .600ns t HD:STA START Condition Hold Time From SDA falling edge crossing 30% of V DD to SCL falling edge crossing 70% of V DD .600ns t SU:DATInput Data Setup TimeFrom SDA exiting the 30% to 70% of V DD window, to SCL rising edge crossing 30% of V DD100nst HD:DATInput Data Hold Time From SCL falling edge crossing 30% of V DD to SDA entering the 30% to 70% of V DD window.20900nst SU:STO STOP Condition Setup Time From SCL rising edge crossing 70% of V DD , to SDA rising edge crossing 30% of V DD .600ns t HD:STO STOP Condition Hold Time From SDA rising edge to SCL falling edge. Both crossing 70% of V DD .600ns t DHOutput Data Hold TimeFrom SCL falling edge crossing 30% of V DD , until SDA enters the 30% to 70% of V DD window.nst R SDA and SCL Rise Time From 30% to 70% of V DD 10, 1120 + 0.1x Cb 300ns t F SDA and SCL Fall TimeFrom 70% to 30% of V DD10, 1120 +0.1 x Cb 300ns Cb Capacitive Loading of SDA or SCL Total on-chip and off-chip 10, 1110400pF RpuSDA and SCL Bus Pull-Up Resistor Off-ChipMaximum is determined by t R and t F .For Cb = 400pF, max is about 2k Ωto~2.5k Ω.For Cb = 40pF, max is about 15k Ω to ~20k Ω10, 111k ΩNOTES:5.IRQ and F OUT Inactive.6.LPMODE = 0 (default).7.In order to ensure proper timekeeping, the V DD SR- specification must be followed.8.Typical values are for T = +25°C and 3.3V supply voltage.9.Parameters with MIN and/or MAX limits are 100% tested at +25°C, unless otherwise specified. Temperature limits established by characterization and are not production tested.10.Parameter is not 100% tested.11.These are I 2C specific parameters and are not tested, however, they are used to set conditions for testing devices to validate specification.Serial Interface SpecificationsOver the recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified. (Continued)SYMBOL PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSNOTESMIN (Note 9)TYP (Note 8)MAX (Note 9)UNITSSDA vs SCL TimingSymbol TabletSDA(OUTPUT TIMING)t t tWAVEFORM INPUTS OUTPUTSMust be steady Will be steadyMay change from LOW to HIGH Will change from LOW to HIGHMay change from HIGH to LOW Will change from HIGH to LOWDon’t Care: Changes Allowed Changing:State Not KnownN/A Center Line isHigh ImpedanceTypical Performance Curves Temperature is +25°C unless otherwise specifiedFIGURE 1.I BAT vs V BATFIGURE 2.I BAT vs TEMPERATURE AT V BAT = 3VFIGURE 3.I DD1 vs TEMPERATURE FIGURE 4.I DD1 vs V CC WITH LPMODE ON AND OFFFIGURE 5.I DD1 vs F OUT AT V DD = 3.3V FIGURE 6.I DD1 vs F OUT AT V DD= 5V1. 3.54.0 BAT (V)I B A T (A )000E+0200E-9400E-9600E-9800E-91E-6-40-20020406080TEMPERATURE (°C)I B A T (A )1.0E-061.2E-061.4E-061.6E-061.8E-062.0E-062.2E-062.4E-06-40-2020406080TEMPERATURE (°C)I D D 1 (A )V CC = 5VV CC = 3.3V400.0E-9600.0E-9800.0E-91.0E-61.2E-61.4E-61.6E-61.8E-62.0E-62.2E-62.4E- CC (V)LPMODE = 0LPMODE = 1I D D 1 (A )1.2E-61.3E-61.4E-61.5E-61.6E-61.7E-61.8E-61.9E-62.0E-62.1E-6F OUT (Hz)1/828321024327681/21/321/161/41416644096I D D 1 (A )1.8E-61.9E-62.0E-62.1E-62.2E-62.3E-62.4E-62.5E-62.6E-62.7E-62.8E-62.9E-63.0E-6F OUT (Hz)1/828321024327681/21/321/161/41416644096I D D 1 (A )General DescriptionThe ISL1208 device is a low power real time clock with timing and crystal compensation, clock/calendar, power fail indicator, periodic or polled alarm, intelligent battery backup switching, and battery-backed user SRAM.The oscillator uses an external, low-cost 32.768kHz crystal. The real time clock tracks time with separate registers for hours, minutes, and seconds. The device has calendar registers for date, month, year and day of the week. The calendar is accurate through 2099, with automatic leap year correction.The ISL1208's powerful alarm can be set to anyclock/calendar value for a match. For example, every minute, every Tuesday or at 5:23 AM on March 21. The alarm status is available by checking the Status Register, or the device can be configured to provide a hardware interrupt via the IRQ pin. There is a repeat mode for the alarmallowing a periodic interrupt every minute, every hour, every day, etc.The device also offers a backup power input pin. This V BAT pin allows the device to be backed up by battery or Super Capacitor with automatic switchover from V DD to V BAT . The entire ISL1208 device is fully operational from 2.0V to 5.5V and the clock/calendar portion of the device remains fully operational down to 1.8V (Standby Mode).Pin DescriptionX1, X2The X1 and X2 pins are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier. An external 32.768kHz quartz crystal is used with the ISL1208 to supply a timebase for the real time clock. Internal compensation circuitry provides high accuracy over the operating temperature range from-40°C to +85°C. This oscillator compensation network can be used to calibrate the crystal timing accuracy overtemperature either during manufacturing or with an external temperature sensor and microcontroller for activecompensation. The device can also be driven directly from a 32.768kHz source at pin X1.V BATThis input provides a backup supply voltage to the device. V BAT supplies power to the device in the event that the V DD supply fails. This pin can be connected to a battery, a Super Cap or tied to ground if not used.IRQ/fOUT (Interrupt Output/Frequency Output)This dual function pin can be used as an interrupt orfrequency output pin. The IRQ/F OUT mode is selected via the frequency out control bits of the control/status register.•Interrupt Mode. The pin provides an interrupt signaloutput. This signal notifies a host processor that an alarm has occurred and requests action. It is an open drain active low output.•Frequency Output Mode. The pin outputs a clock signal which is related to the crystal frequency. The frequency output is user selectable and enabled via the I 2C bus. It is an open drain active low output.Serial Clock (SCL)The SCL input is used to clock all serial data into and out of the device. The input buffer on this pin is always active (not gated). It is disabled when the backup power supply on the V BAT pin is activated to minimize power consumption.Serial Data (SDA)SDA is a bidirectional pin used to transfer data into and out of the device. It has an open drain output and may be ORed with other open drain or open collector outputs. The input buffer is always active (not gated) in normal mode.An open drain output requires the use of a pull-up resistor. The output circuitry controls the fall time of the output signal with the use of a slope controlled pull-down. The circuit is designed for 400kHz I 2C interface speeds. It is disabled when the backup power supply on the VBAT pin is activated.V DD , GNDChip power supply and ground pins. The device will operate with a power supply from 2.0V to 5.5VDC. A 0.1µF capacitor is recommended on the VDD pin to ground.Functional DescriptionPower Control OperationThe power control circuit accepts a V DD and a V BAT input. Many types of batteries can be used with Intersil RTC products. For example, 3.0V or 3.6V Lithium batteries are appropriate, and battery sizes are available that can powerFIGURE 7.STANDARD OUTPUT LOAD FOR TESTING THEDEVICE WITH V DD = 5.0VSDA AND IRQ/fOUT1533Ω100pF5.0VFOR V OL = 0.4V AND I OL = 3mAEQUIVALENT AC OUTPUT LOAD CIRCUIT FOR V DD = 5VFIGURE 8.RECOMMENDED CRYSTAL CONNECTIONX1X2the ISL1208 for up to 10 years. Another option is to use a Super Cap for applications where V DD is interrupted for up to a month. See the “Application Section” on page 18 for more information.Normal Mode (V DD ) to Battery Backup Mode (V BAT )To transition from the V DD to V BAT mode, both of the following conditions must be met:Condition 1:V DD < V BAT - V BATHYS where V BATHYS ≈ 50mV Condition 2: V DD < V TRIPwhere V TRIP ≈ 2.2VBattery Backup Mode (V BAT ) to Normal Mode (V DD )The ISL1208 device will switch from the V BAT to V DD mode when one of the following conditions occurs:Condition 1:V DD > V BAT + V BATHYS where V BATHYS ≈ 50mV Condition 2:V DD > V TRIP + V TRIPHYS where V TRIPHYS ≈ 30mVThese power control situations are illustrated in Figures 9 and 10.The I 2C bus is deactivated in battery backup mode to provide lower power. Aside from this, all RTC functions areoperational during battery backup mode. Except for SCL and SDA, all the inputs and outputs of the ISL1208 are active during battery backup mode unless disabled via the control register. The User SRAM is operational in battery backup mode down to 2V.Power Failure DetectionThe ISL1208 provides a Real Time Clock Failure Bit (RTCF) to detect total power failure. It allows users to determine if the device has powered up after having lost all power to the device (both V DD and V BAT ).Low Power ModeThe normal power switching of the ISL1208 is designed to switch into battery backup mode only if the V DD power is lost. This will ensure that the device can accept a wide range of backup voltages from many types of sources while reliably switching into backup mode. Another mode, called LowPower Mode, is available to allow direct switching from V DD to V BAT without requiring V DD to drop below V TRIP . Since the additional monitoring of V DD vs V TRIP is no longer needed, that circuitry is shut down and less power is used while operating from V DD . Power savings are typically 600nA at V DD = 5V. Low Power Mode is activated via the LPMODE bit in the control and status registers.Low Power Mode is useful in systems where V DD is normally higher than V BAT at all times. The device will switch from V DD to V BAT when V DD drops below V BAT , with about 50mV of hysteresis to prevent any switchback of V DD afterswitchover. In a system with a V DD = 5V and backup lithium battery of V BAT = 3V, Low Power Mode can be used.However, it is not recommended to use Low Power Mode in a system with V DD = 3.3V ±10%, V BAT ≥ 3.0V, and when there is a finite I-R voltage drop in the V DD line.InterSeal™ Battery SaverThe ISL1208 has the InterSeal™ Battery Saver whichprevents initial battery current drain before it is first used. For example, battery-backed RTCs are commonly packaged on a board with a battery connected. In order to preserve battery life, the ISL1208 will not draw any power from the battery source until after the device is first powered up from the V DD source. Thereafter, the device will switchover to battery backup mode whenever V DD power is lost.Real Time Clock OperationThe Real Time Clock (RTC) uses an external 32.768kHz quartz crystal to maintain an accurate internal representation ofsecond, minute, hour, day of week, date, month, and year. The RTC also has leap-year correction. The clock also corrects for months having fewer than 31 days and has a bit that controls 24-hour or AM/PM format. When the ISL1208 powers up after the loss of both V DD and V BAT , the clock will not begin incrementing until at least one byte is written to the clock register.V BAT - V BATHYSV BATV BAT + V BATHYSBATTERY BACKUPMODEV DD V TRIP 2.2V 1.8VFIGURE 9.BATTERY SWITCHOVER WHEN V BAT < V TRIPFIGURE 10.BATTERY SWITCHOVER WHEN V BAT > V TRIPV TRIPV BAT V TRIP + V TRIPHYSBATTERY BACKUPMODEV DD V TRIP3.0V 2.2VAccuracy of the Real Time ClockThe accuracy of the Real Time Clock depends on the frequency of the quartz crystal that is used as the time base for the RTC. Since the resonant frequency of a crystal is temperature dependent, the RTC performance will also be dependent upon temperature. The frequency deviation of the crystal is a function of the turnover temperature of the crystal from the crystal’s nominal frequency. For example, a ~20ppm frequency deviation translates into an accuracy of ~1 minute per month. These parameters are available from the crystal manufacturer. The ISL1208 provides on-chip crystal compensation networks to adjust load capacitance to tune oscillator frequency from -94ppm to +140ppm. For more detailed information. See “Application Section” on page18.Single Event and InterruptThe alarm mode is enabled via the ALME bit. Choosing single event or interrupt alarm mode is selected via the IM bit. Note that when the frequency output function is enabled, the alarm function is disabled.The standard alarm allows for alarms of time, date, day of the week, month, and year. When a time alarm occurs in single event mode, an IRQ pin will be pulled low and the alarm status bit (ALM) will be set to “1”.The pulsed interrupt mode allows for repetitive or recurring alarm functionality. Hence, once the alarm is set, the device will continue to alarm for each occurring match of the alarm and present time. Thus, it will alarm as often as every minute (if only the nth second is set) or as infrequently as once a year (if at least the nth month is set). During pulsed interrupt mode, the IRQ pin will be pulled low for 250ms and the alarm status bit (ALM) will be set to “1”.NOTE:The ALM bit can be reset by the user or cleared automatically using the auto reset mode (see ARST bit).The alarm function can be enabled/disabled during battery backup mode using the FOBATB bit. For more information on the alarm, See “Alarm Registers” on page14.Frequency Output ModeThe ISL1208 has the option to provide a frequency output signal using the IRQ/FOUT pin. The frequency output mode is set by using the FO bits to select 15 possible output frequency values from 0kHz to 32kHz. The frequency output can be enabled/disabled during battery backup mode using the FOBATB bit.General Purpose User SRAMThe ISL1208 provides 2 bytes of user SRAM. The SRAM will continue to operate in battery backup mode. However, it should be noted that the I2C bus is disabled in battery backup mode. I2C Serial InterfaceThe ISL1208 has an I2C serial bus interface that provides access to the control and status registers and the user SRAM. The I2C serial interface is compatible with other industry I2C serial bus protocols using a bidirectional data signal (SDA) and a clock signal (SCL).Oscillator CompensationThe ISL1208 provides the option of timing correction due to temperature variation of the crystal oscillator for either manufacturing calibration or active calibration. The total possible compensation is typically -94ppm to +140ppm. Two compensation mechanisms that are available are as follows:1.An analog trimming (ATR) register that can be used toadjust individual on-chip digital capacitors for oscillator capacitance trimming. The individual digital capacitor is selectable from a range of 9pF to 40.5pF (based upon32.758kHz). This translates to a calculatedcompensation of approximately -34ppm to +80ppm. (See ATR description on page18).2.A digital trimming register (DTR) that can be used toadjust the timing counter by ±60ppm. (See DTRdescription on page18).Also provided is the ability to adjust the crystal capacitance when the ISL1208 switches from V DD to battery backup mode. See “Battery Backup Mode (V BAT) to Normal Mode (V DD)” on page9.Register DescriptionsThe battery-backed registers are accessible following a slave byte of “1101111x” and reads or writes to addresses [00h:13h]. The defined addresses and default values are described in Table 1. Address 09h is not used. Reads or writes to 09h will not affect operation of the device but should be avoided.REGISTER ACCESSThe contents of the registers can be modified by performing a byte or a page write operation directly to any register address.The registers are divided into 4 sections. These are:1.Real Time Clock (7 bytes): Address 00h to 06h.2.Control and Status (5 bytes): Address 07h to 0Bh.3.Alarm (6 bytes): Address 0Ch to SRAM (2 bytes): Address 12h to 13h.There are no addresses above 13h.分销商库存信息:INTERSILISL1208IB8Z-TK ISL1208IB8Z ISL1208IU8ZISL1208IB8Z-TKR5291ISL1208IU8Z-TK ISL1208IRT8Z-TK ISL1208IRT8Z ISL1208IB8ZR5291ISL1208IB8Z-T7A ISL1208IU8Z-T7A ISL1208IU8ISL1208IB8ISL1208IB8-TK ISL1208IU8-TK。

TPS2554 and TPS2555 Evaluation Module User's Guide

TPS2554 and TPS2555 Evaluation Module User's Guide

User's GuideSLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module This user’s guide describes the evaluation module(EVM)for the TPS2554and TPS2555.TPS2554and TPS2555are precision-adjustable,current-limited,power-distribution switches.The document contains an operational description of the EVM,schematic,board layout,and bill of materials.Contents1Description (2)1.1Features (2)1.2Applications (2)2Schematic (3)3General Configuration and Description (4)3.1Physical Access (4)3.2Current-Limit Setpoint (4)3.3Test Setup (4)4EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelines (5)4.1Layout Guidelines (5)4.2PCB Drawings (5)5Bill of Materials (8)List of Figures1TPS2554/5EVM Schematic (3)2Typical TPS2554/5EVM Test Setup (5)3Top-Side Placement and Routing (6)4Layer-Two Routing (6)5Layer-Three Routing (7)6Bottom-Side Placement and Routing (7)List of Tables1User Interface (4)2Test Points (4)3EVM Bill of Materials (8)1 SLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedDescription 1DescriptionThe TPS2554EVM-010evaluation module allows reference circuit evaluation of the Texas Instruments TPS2554and TPS2555power-distribution switches.1.1Features•Precision adjustable,current-limited,power-distribution switch•Fast overcurrent response–1µs typical•80-mΩ,high-side MOSFET•Operating range:4.5V to5.5V1.2Applications•USB ports/hubs•Notebook personal computers(PC)2TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module SLVU462–June2011Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedGeneral Configuration and Description 3General Configuration and Description3.1Physical AccessTable1lists the TPS2554/5EVM connector functionality,and Table2describes the test point InterfaceConnector Label DescriptionJ1VIN Input connectorJ2VOUT Output connectorJ3J3Input voltage jumper.Shunt can be removed to measure input current.J4J4Output voltage jumper.Shunt can be removed to measure output current.J5EN Enable jumper.Leave open to enable TPS2554and install shunt to enable TPS2555.J6ILIM_SEL Current limit select.Install shunt to select ILIM0(2.4A nominal),and remove shunt toselect ILIM1(1.2A nominal).D1(RED)FLT Fault LEDTable2.Test PointsTest Point Color Label DescriptionTP3RED IN Power switch input(IC side of J3shunt)TP4BLK GND Power switch input groundTP1WHT FLT Fault pin outputTP2RED VOUT Power switch outputTP5BLK GND Power switch output groundTP6WHT EN Enable pin input3.2Current-Limit SetpointR4and R5configure the current-limit setpoint for ILIM0and ILIM1,respectively(see J6in Table1).ILIM0or ILIM1setpoint can be adjusted using the following example by substituting R4or R5for RILIMx .In thisexample IOS=2A.The following example is an approximation only and does not take into account the resistor tolerance or the variation of ILIM.For exact variation of ILIM,see the TPS2554/TPS2555data sheet,SLVSAM0.IOS=48000/RILIMx=2ARILIMx=48000/IOS=48000/2=24000ΩChoose RILIMx=23.7kΩIOS=48000/23700=2.03A3.3Test SetupFigure2shows a typical test setup for TPS2554/5EVM.4TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module SLVU462–June2011Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedV INOscilloscope EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout GuidelinesFigure2.Typical TPS2554/5EVM Test Setup4EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelines4.1Layout Guidelines•TPS2554/55placement:Place the TPS2554/55near the USB output connector and the150-µF OUT pin filter capacitor.Connect the exposed pad to the GND pin and the system ground plane using a viaarray.•IN pin bypass capacitance:Place the100-nF bypass capacitor near the IN and GND pins,and make the connection using a low-inductance trace.•ILIM0and ILIM1pin connections:Current-limit accuracy can be compromised by stray current leakage from a higher voltage source to the ILIM0or ILIM1pins.Ensure that adequate spacing existsbetween IN pin copper/trace and ILIM0pin trace to prevent contaminate buildup during the PCBassembly process.If a low-current-limit setpoint is required(RILIMx >200kΩ),use ILIM1for this case,as it is further away from the IN pin.4.2PCB DrawingsThe Figure3through Figure6show component placement and layout of the EVM.5 SLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedEVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelines Figure 3.Top-Side Placement and RoutingFigure yer-Two Routing6TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation ModuleSLVU462–June 2011Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelinesyer-Three RoutingFigure6.Bottom-Side Placement and Routing7 SLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedEvaluation Board/Kit Important NoticeTexas Instruments(TI)provides the enclosed product(s)under the following conditions:This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT,DEMONSTRATION,OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not considered by TI to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use.Persons handling the product(s)must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards.As such,the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-,marketing-,and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.This evaluation board/kit does not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility,restricted substances(RoHS),recycling(WEEE),FCC,CE or UL,and therefore may not meet the technical requirements of these directives or other related directives.Should this evaluation board/kit not meet the specifications indicated in the User’s Guide,the board/kit may be returned within30 days from the date of delivery for a full refund.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY MADE BY SELLER TO BUYER AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,EXPRESSED,IMPLIED,OR STATUTORY,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.The user assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the goods.Further,the user indemnifies TI from all claims arising from the handling or use of the goods.Due to the open construction of the product,it is the user’s responsibility to take any and all appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge.EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF THE INDEMNITY SET FORTH ABOVE,NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT,SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.TI currently deals with a variety of customers for products,and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance,customer product design,software performance,or infringement of patents or services described herein.Please read the User’s Guide and,specifically,the Warnings and Restrictions notice in the User’s Guide prior to handling the product.This notice contains important safety information about temperatures and voltages.For additional information on TI’s environmental and/or safety programs,please contact the TI application engineer or visit /esh.No license is granted under any patent right or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any machine,process,or combination in which such TI products or services might be or are used.FCC WarningThis evaluation board/kit is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT,DEMONSTRATION,OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not considered by TI to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use.It generates,uses,and can radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for compliance with the limits of computing devices pursuant to part15 of FCC rules,which are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio frequency interference.Operation of this equipment in other environments may cause interference with radio communications,in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference.EVM Warnings and RestrictionsIt is important to operate this EVM within the input voltage range of0V to5.5V and the output voltage range of0V to5.5V. Exceeding the specified input range may cause unexpected operation and/or irreversible damage to the EVM.If there are questions concerning the input range,please contact a TI field representative prior to connecting the input power.Applying loads outside of the specified output range may result in unintended operation and/or possible permanent damage to the EVM.Please consult the EVM User's Guide prior to connecting any load to the EVM output.If there is uncertainty as to the load specification,please contact a TI field representative.During normal operation,some circuit components may have case temperatures greater than85°C.The EVM is designed to operate properly with certain components above85°C as long as the input and output ranges are maintained.These components include but are not limited to linear regulators,switching transistors,pass transistors,and current sense resistors.These types of devices can be identified using the EVM schematic located in the EVM User's Guide.When placing measurement probes near these devices during operation,please be aware that these devices may be very warm to the touch.Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Communications and Telecom /communicationsAmplifiers Computers and Peripherals /computersData Converters Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDLP®Products Energy and Lighting /energyDSP Industrial /industrialClocks and Timers /clocks Medical /medicalInterface Security /securityLogic Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Power Mgmt Transportation and /automotiveAutomotiveMicrocontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID Wireless /wireless-appsRF/IF and ZigBee®Solutions /lprfTI E2E Community Home Page Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated。



置鮎龍太郎 絆―KIZUNA―天下無敵の挑戦狀 一條和矢 1993/04/01
三木眞一郎 お兄さんは生徒會長様 檜山修之 1995/10/01
諏訪部順一 アニマムンディvol.2暗黒編 結社の狂宴 佐々木仁志 2005/10/21
鈴村健一 わがままプリズナー 中原茂 2002/5/22
小杉十郎太 ツーリングエクスプレス~パリコネクション 石田彰 1995
武內健 帝國千戦記~日々徒然~ 福島潤 200508/12
千葉進歩 竜の遺言 山口勝平 2002/06/19
金丸淳一 同棲愛 石田彰 1997
宮田幸季 ビッグガンを持つ男~薔薇の鎖で縛めて~ 千葉進歩 2006/05/15
田坂秀樹 ハッピータイム 森川智之 2003/10/25
石川英郎 タクミくんシリーズ 03 戀文 神奈延年 1996/01/19
金丸淳一 片戀パラダイス 森川智之 1994/06/01
堀川亮 幸せになろうね 置鮎龍太郎 1995/07/25
井上和彥 梨園の貴公子 森川智之 2005/12/10
水島大宙 チョコレート キス 小西克幸 2005/02/20
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(待求證,某個麼聽出來想自殺滴期待高人指點,本來想放的素月と茉莉花 ~ 小杉十郎太2005年12月20日)
森川智之 幸はこんなカタチでやってくる 山寺宏一 1995/03/01
鈴村健一 最後のドアを閉めろ! 森川智之 2002/04/24
岡野浩介 理事長様のお気に入り 森川智之 2002/11/30








eradd指令的语法useradd指令的语法如下:```useradd [选项] 用户名```二、主要参数useradd指令支持多种参数,下面我们列举了一些常用的参数及其作用:1.-u:指定用户ID。


实例:创建普通用户,可以使用以下命令:```useradd -u 1000 普通用户```2.-g:指定用户所属组。


实例:创建属于组“admin”的用户,可以使用以下命令:```useradd -g admin 普通用户```3.-G:指定额外组。


实例:创建属于组“admin”和“staff”的用户,可以使用以下命令:```useradd -G admin,staff 普通用户```4.-d:指定用户家目录。



ANTIGRA VITY BA TTERIESUSER MANUALCONTENTS:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9WELCOMEWARNINGSPRODUCT SPECSPRODUCT SAFETYINSTALL THE TRACKERAPP INSTALLATIONVOL TAGE TESTSYSTEM SETUPCRANKING TESTCHARGING TESTCONTACT INFOPage 1Page 2Page 3Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8WelcomeTHANK YOUThank you for purchasing the Battery Tracker by Antigravity Batteries! The Battery Tracker monitors your battery status through your Phone by using our Battery Tracker App. Easily monitor your voltage, check the performance of your battery during starting and check if your Alternator is charging. The Battery Tracker stores battery data for 31 days, and will even send a warning to your phone if your battery is getting low and needs a charge. The Battery Tracker easily installs in minutes, can be used with Android or Apple Operating systems and works with any vehicle that uses a 12v system. Lead/Acid or Lithium versions are available; this manual covers both.For more information feel free to Contact us.Antigravity Batteries15622 Broadway Center St.Gardena CA90248***************************** 310 527 2330PRECAUTIONS & GENERAL INFOPLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL INFORMATION BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT.Product should NOT be used over the specified voltage range (6-20V); excessive input voltage may damage the Battery Tracker.App requires smartphones with Android 4.3 and higher, or iPhone 4S and higher.When your mobile phone enters Bluetooth range of the Battery Tracker, it will receive notifications from the Battery Tracker. If outside of range the Battery Tracker will not sync with phone though data will still be tracked when away from vehicle.If you do not choose “allow to access location”, you will not receive notification alerts. If you want to use this function in future, you can open the access in phone Settings by selecting “always allow location access”.If the daily power Notification alert is not set to on, you won’t get the notifications of voltage status. You can set to allow notification both in app and phone’s Settings.Make sure not to connect TWO Phones or Devices to the same Battery Tracker. This can create conflicts and the App will not function properly. If you do have a Phone and another Device connected to the same Battery Tracker, make sure one of the Devices is well outside of Bluetooth range or conflicts will occur between the two devices trying to access the Battery Tracker. It is suggested only ONE device be connected at a time.Firmware updates will clear all data in the Battery Tracker; please review any data before updating firmware. In most cases a firmware or App update will rarely be needed.All historical data will be stored on the phone; an App upgrade will not lose the historical data. But if App is uninstalled, the phone data will be cleared.The Battery Tracker will automatically monitor vehicle battery voltage, cranking and charging systems, but to get historical data transferred to your phone please use the App or make sure the Phone enters range of your Battery Tracker at least one time within each 31 days. Then device historical data will be synchronized to phone at that time.If App can not find Battery Tracker, please ensure your Phone’s Bluetooth is “ON” and within range of the Battery Tracker and has no issues that might block the Bluetooth signal to the phone.Warnings 1)2)3)4)5)6) 7)8)9) 10)Bluetooth Vehicle Battery Monitoring SystemPRODUCT SAFETY PERFORMANCEProduct Case and Wires are made of hi-heat-resistant materials for long life. Addtionally, the Battery Tracker has built-in Protections against short-circuit, reverse polarity and over-current, which will automatically shut down the unit to prevent damage to the product or vehicle in case of misconnections.AVERAGE CURRENT: 1 mASHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION: bUIl T -IN INPUT VOl TAGE: 6~20VREVERSE-CONNECTION PROTECTION : bUIl T -IN OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40°C~90°CBLUETOOTH : 4.0PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS : 2.75 x 2 x 0.7 INCHESBLUETOOTH NAME : Battery Monitor (EdITAblE )VOL TAGE ACCURACY : ±0.03V APP KEYWORD : Battery Tracker BMRSpecificationsBTR-1 (LITHIUM)BTR-2 (LEAD/ACID)InstallationINST ALL THE BA TTER Y TRACKERLoosen the nut (no need to remove it) on your battery cable clamp for thePositive(+) Terminal and slide RED fork connector of the Battery Tracker behindthe bolt and retighten clamp to normal torque specifications. Repeat for the Negative(-) Clamp side using the Black fork connector.Clean an area on the battery where you want to attach the Battery Tracker and usethe provided velcro to attach it. If possible mount in an area free from obstructionfor the best signal for Bluetooth.1)2)3)APP INST ALLA TIONScan the QR code of the product located onface of Battery Tracker.Search for “Battery Tracker” on App Store orGoogle Play; download app.Install the application on your Mobile Device.1) 2)3)APP OPERA TIONAfter installation, run the App. Make sure you turn ON the Bluetooth for your Phone or Tablet so the Battery Tracker can send data to it.Please allow App to access your location and send notifications even when not using the App. This will allow you to receive automatic notifications if your battery is low.1)2)Voltage Test PageVOL T AGE TESTThe Voltage Test page shows the following:The Default Name of the Battery Tracker will be the device ID number. The user can Change the Nickname in the Settings Page (the Gear symbol).The Bluetooth Connection status is indicated here. Blue is Connected, Red is un-connected. By default it will connectto the last device automatically when in range.The Settings Icon (Gear symbol). Click to enter System Settings.Real-Time Voltage reading for the battery.When Charging, the Battery Icon will be animated.The Real-Time percentage of Charge for the battery you have connected the Battery Tracker to.General Battery Charge Status: Battery OK (Green), Charging (Green), Low Power (Red).This is a Real-Time Battery Voltage Graph of your voltage over a 5 minutes span. This allows you to monitor the current voltage and fluctuations in voltage graphically.This bottom row indicates the available Battery Tracker App Pages. The page you are currently on is lit in blue. Volt Test, Crank Test, or Charge Test are the available pages to select from.This is the Cranking Test icon, when selected takes you to the CrankingTest page. The Cranking Test is automatic; when you start the car the results will be given.This is the Charging Test icon, when selected you will be taken through a charging test.1) 2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)Voltage Test Page (Continued)VOL T AGE HISTOR Y GRAPHTo access the Voltage History Graph, press once on the the Real-Time Voltage Graph on the Voltage Test Page. This opens the larger Voltage History Graph. (Click the “Back” button on the upper left of the screen to go back to the Voltage Page at any time.)Each page of the Voltage History Graph has the Date of the History Graph at the top of the page with arrows on eitherside of the date. You can press on the Date to show a Calendar to select a specific date. Or you can scroll back or forward through the dates to access your voltage history by pressing the arrows located on either side of the Date.The History Graph has the VOL TAGE on the left side (y-coordinate), and on the bottom (x-coordinate) shows the TIME (Hours) over 24-Hours. The voltage is logged every 2 minutes for 24-Hours each day. So you can view the voltage during any of the previous 31 days of history. (If the Battery Tracker is disconnected from the battery then there will not be data available for days not connected.)To get more out of your History Graph you can slide your finger from left to right on the screen to view the exact time and voltage reading during any period of the 24 hours for that day. When you slide your finger a Text Display will pop up and show the voltage for that period of time. If you continue to slide your finger over the graph it will scroll showing the voltages during those time periods.1) 2)3)4)System Setup PageTHE GEAR ICONSystem Setup allow you to set your alerts for low battery, change the name of the Battery Tracker in case you have multiple Battery Trackers, and select which Battery Tracker to use if you have other Cars with a Battery Tracker.Daily Notification Alert Setup : Green is ON, Gray is OFF. Tap to set how many hours between notifications.Abnormal Cranking Notification : Green is On, Gray is Off. Tap to set how often alerts are transmitted.Power Alarm : Slide the bell icon to adjust. When battery falls to either % value, user will receive a notification about the charge level of the battery.Bluetooth Device : Click to enter this page. Click “Edit” to either edit the Battery Tracker name, or select another Battery Tracker from the list of Battery Trackers within range of your Bluetooth. For example if you have 3 cars and all have Battery Trackers, each Tracker will show up in the Historical Device list. You can then select the Battery Tracker for a particular vehicle.Hardware Installation : Instructions and diagram for installation of a Battery Tracker.Firmware Upgrade : User can review the App version, also can upgrade new firmware once new versions available.Version : Displays the current app version number.1) 2)3)4)5)6)7)Cranking Test PageCRANKING TESTOn each Start attempt of your vehicle the Battery Tracker will automatically log the Cranking Data and store the result on the Cranking Test Page, even if you were not on this page when you started your vehicle. If you have done 5 starts during a 24 Hour period all 5 starts will be logged and you can swipe to find previous start attempts. Data is only stored for one day, but the data can also be reviewed on the Voltage History Graph that stores data for 31 days (found on the Voltage page by clicking on the small graph). This can be a way to see if your battery is getting weaker and not staying in a high enough voltage range during the Start, which may indicate an aging battery or a low state of charge.Date and Time of the Cranking Test. (test is automatic)General Indication of Cranking Voltage: Reading will be “OK” in Green color, or “Low Voltage” in Red color when below9.6V.Displays the actual cranking voltage values, You will see the lowest voltage-drop indicated during the start attempt in this graphic. If the cranking voltage is higher than 9.6V, it indicates normal/good operation.The Cranking Voltage Graph gives a graphic of the Voltage drop and over the number of seconds the Start took place.Depending the number of Starts made, orange dots will show up for different start attempts. You can swipe left or right to review.1) 2)3)4)5)Charging Test PageCHARGING TESTThis Test will allow you to see if your Alternator is charging the battery and working correctly.Go to the “Charge Test” page and follow the instructions. The first part of the test will test charging at idle.For high RPM voltage test, it is necessary to increase RPM as indicated by App and hold for 5 seconds, this will testcharging at higher RPM conditions. After doing this the Battery Tracker App will display the results.The ? will take you to page describing the results of the Charging Test.Indicates the Time of the Test.Indicates the Results of Idle Charging: Green is OK; Red is abnormal.Indicates the Results of the higher RPM Charging. Green indicates charging is OK; RED indicates abnormal charging.To test again you would press the RE-TEST button.1) 2)3)4)5)6)7)356Charging Test Page (Continued)POTENTIAL CAUSES OF TEST INDICA TING LOW VOL T AGEIf Charging voltage is low, check if V-Belt is slipping or disconnected; check whether the line connection between alternator and battery is normal or not. If V-Belt and line connection is good, please follow the car manufacturer’s recommendations to exclude the alternator failure potential.POTENTIAL CAUSES OF TEST INDICA TING HIGH VOL T AGEIf the alternator output voltage is too high (above 14.8v) and since most Automotive Alternators use built-in voltage regulation, you may need to need to replace alternator assembly. Note that older vehicles use external regulators, in this case you would replace the regulator directly. Common high voltage limits for an Automotive regulator are 14.6V ~14.8. High charging voltages can overcharge and Damage a Lithium Battery. So if any indications show above 14.8v charging immediately have your vehicle checked by a professional.POTENTIAL CAUSES OF TEST INDICA TING NO VOL T AGECheck whether alternator cable is connected properly, and the alternator belt is not slipping and is in good condition.NOTEThe Tests provided by the Battery Tracker are not meant to take the place of a professional opinion by a Mechanic. They are for alerting you of potential problems before larger problems may occur. Contact UsWhen you need help or have questions, our knowledgeable support team is here for you!Please feel free to call us during our Office Hours 7:30am-4pm Pacific Time, Monday-Friday;or you can write to us any time!310 527 2330*****************************15622 Broadway Center St.Gardena CA 90248VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE COOL PRODUCTS, ACCESSORIES AND INFO。



213=0,BIGBUYCOUNT4,主动买入小单量,214=0,BIGSELLCOUNT4,主动卖出小单量,215=5,BIGBUYTICK1,主动买入特大单笔数,216=5,BIGSELLTICK1,主动卖出特大单笔数,217=5,BIGBUYTICK2,主动买入大单笔数,218=5,BIGSELLTICK2,主动卖出大单笔数,219=5,WAITBUYTICK1,被动买入特大单笔数,220=5,WAITSELLTICK1,被动卖出特大单笔数,221=5,WAITBUYTICK2,被动买入大单笔数,222=5,WAITSELLTICK2,被动卖出大单笔数,223=5,BIGBUYMONEY1,主动买入特大单金额,224=5,BIGSELLMONEY1,主动卖出特大单金额, 225=5,BIGBUYMONEY2,主动买入大单金额, 226=5,BIGSELLMONEY2,主动卖出大单金额,227=5,WAITBUYMONEY1,被动买入特大单金额, 228=5,WAITSELLMONEY1,被动卖出特大单金额, 229=5,WAITBUYMONEY2,被动买入大单金额,230=5,WAITSELLMONEY2,被动卖出大单金额, 231=5,BUYTICK,买入单数量,232=5,SELLTICK,卖出单数量,240=0,PREYIELD,昨日收盘收益率,241=0,PREAVGYIELD,昨日加权平均收益率,242=0,OPENYIELD,开盘收益率,243=0,HIGHYIELD,最高收益率,244=0,LOWYIELD,最低收益率,245=0,LASTYIELD,最新收益率,246=0,AVGYIELD,当日加权平均收益率,250=5,BUYMONEY5,委托买入前五档金额, 251=5,SELLMONEY5,委托卖出前五档金额, 252=5,BUYMONEY10,委托买入前十档金额,253=5,SELLMONEY10,委托卖出前十档金额, 48=5,ZHANGSHU,涨速,(日线不能用)722=3,LC_BCFX,本次风险,723=3,LC_YQYL,预期盈利,98=5,YVALUE,Y轴数值,99=2,YSTRING,Y轴字符串,51=3,PERVOL,分价量比,80=0,YJLX,应计利息,36=3,INDEXTYPE,指数种类,37=3,TOTALSTOCK,本类股票总数,38=3,RISECOUNT,上涨家数,39=3,FALLCOUNT,下跌家数,40=5,INDEXLEAD,领先指标,41=3,RISETREND,上涨趋势,42=3,FALLTREND,下跌趋势,22=5,BUYCOUNT,委买,委买手数23=5,SELLCOUNT,委卖,委卖手数14=5,OUTVOL,外盘,外盘成交量15=5,INVOL,内盘,内盘成交量18=3,VOLAMOUNT,成交次数,24=5,BUYPRICE1,买一,25=5,BUYCOUNT1,买一量,26=5,BUYPRICE2,买二,27=5,BUYCOUNT2,买二量,28=5,BUYPRICE3,买三,29=5,BUYCOUNT3,买三量,30=5,SELLPRICE1,卖一,31=5,SELLCOUNT1,卖一量,32=5,SELLPRICE2,卖二,33=5,SELLCOUNT2,卖二量,34=5,SELLPRICE3,卖三,35=5,SELLCOUNT3,卖三量,45=5,FIVEDAYVOL,五日总量,49=0,NEWVOL,现手,65=0,OI,持仓量,66=5,SETTLE,结算价,72=5,TSETTLE,今结算,67=5,HISHIGH,历史最高,68=5,HISLOW,历史最低,69=5,UPPERLIM,涨停板,70=5,LOWERLIM,跌停板,1=3,DATETIME,时间,57=3,VALIDBEGIN,起始,58=3,VALIDEND,终止,2=3,MARKETTYPE,市场类别, 5=2,CODE,代码,3=3,CODETYPE,证券类型,6=5,PRE,昨收,前收盘7=5,OPEN,开盘,开盘价10=5,NEW,现价,最新价11=5,CLOSE,收盘,收盘价12=3,VOLCLASS,成交量分类,13=5,VOL,总手,17=5,OPENVOL,开盘量,19=5,MONEY,金额,20=5,BUYPRICE,买入,委托买入价21=5,SELLPRICE,卖出,委托卖出价8=5,HIGH,最高,最高价9=5,LOW,最低,最低价55=3,ZQMC,名称,401=3,BBRQ,股本变动日期,402=0,ZGB,总股数,403=5,GJG,国家股,404=5,FQRG,发起人股,1674=5,AG,A股,406=5,NBZGG,内部职工股,408=5,ZPG,转配股,410=5,BG,B股,411=5,HG,H股,412=5,YXG,优先股,413=5,FRGJW,境外法人股,414=5,FXJA,A股发行价,1670=5,GDZS,股东总数,1613=0,ZCXS,主承销商,421=5,JGCGS,机构持股数,454=5,SGBL,送股比率,455=5,PGBL,配股比率,456=5,PGJ,配股价,460=5,ZZBL,转赠比率,463=5,PXBL,派息率,466=3,CQR,除权日,467=3,DJR,登记日,468=3,PSSR,配股上市日,702=3,LC_JHBH,计划编号,703=3,LC_USERID,用户ID,704=3,LC_ZDRQ,制定日期,705=3,LC_JHCG,计划持股,706=3,LC_ZXZT,计划执行状态,707=3,LC_WTSL,委托数量,708=3,LC_MMD,买卖点,709=3,LC_ZYJG,目标价格,710=3,LC_MMTJ,买卖条件,711=3,LC_ZSFS,止损方式,712=3,LC_ZXZTNAME,执行状态名称,713=3,LC_NOTE,交易计划备注,714=3,LC_USERNAME,用户名称, 715=3,LC_ZSJG,止损价格,716=3,LC_LASTZSJG,最新止损价格, 717=3,LC_BBJ,保本价,822=3,JYJH_STOCK_TOTAL,交易计划的总数,823=3,JYJH_STOCK_FINISH,交易计划的已完成数, 824=3,JYJH_STOCK_SUCC,交易计划的成功次数,825=3,JYJH_STOCK_SUCC_RATE,交易计划的成功率,826=3,JYJH_STOCK_WIN_RATE,交易计划的总收益率,1003=3,DTMGSY,动态每股收益,1110=3,hx_star,星级,1111=3,hx_star_p,星级-盘面,1112=3,hx_grow_p,成长性—盘面,1113=3,hx_walk_p,走势—盘面,1114=3,hx_risk_p,风险-盘面,1115=3,hx_grow,成长性评价,1116=3,hx_plate,盘面评价,1117=3,hx_walk,走势评价,1118=3,hx_risk,风险评价,1120=3,hx_diary,股市日记,1196=3,hx_PriceMemo,价格区间评价,1197=3,hx_PriceLow,价格区间低价,1198=3,hx_PriceUp,价格区间高价,501=5,HBZJ,货币资金,508=5,QTYSK,其他应收款,510=5,YSZKJE,应收帐款净额,514=5,CH,存货,515=5,CHDJZB,存货跌价准备, 520=5,LDZCHJ,流动资产合计, 524=5,CQTZHJ,长期投资合计, 532=5,GDZCHJ,固定资产合计,533=5,WXZC,无形资产,543=5,ZCZJ,资产总计,560=5,LDFZHJ,流动负债合计,567=5,CQFZHJ,长期负债合计,574=5,WFPLR,未分配利润,575=5,GDQYHJ,股东权益合计,593=5,GJJ,公积金,602=5,ZYYWSR,主营业务收入,603=5,ZYYWCB,主营业务成本,605=5,ZYYWLR,主营业务利润, 606=5,QTLR,其他业务利润, 1732=5,CHDJSS,存货跌价损失,607=5,YYFY,营业费用,608=5,GLFY,管理费用,609=5,CWFY,财务费用,611=5,TZSY,投资收益,612=5,BTSR,补贴收入,613=5,YYWSR,营业外收入,615=5,LRZE,利润总额,616=5,SDS,所得税,1737=5,SDSFH,所得税返还,619=5,JLR,净利润,(可以用)902=5,JYR_XS,销售商品提供劳务收到的现金,915=5,JYJE,经营活动产生的现金流量净额,926=5,TZJE,投资活动所产生的现金流量净额,942=5,XJJZJ,现金及现金等价物净增加额,1752=5,RZZL,融资租赁固定资产,1916=0,YSZK1Y,1年以内应收帐款,1917=0,YSZK1_2Y,1-2年以内应收帐款,1918=0,YSZK2_3Y,2—3年以内应收帐款,1919=5,3YYSZK,3年以内应收帐款,1928=5,DQGPTZ,短期股票投资,1931=5,CQGPTZ,长期股票投资,591=5,ZJGCGGXS,在建工程杠杆系数,1430=2,JJ_GLR,管理人[基金],1465=3,JJ_ZBGBRQ,净值周报公布日期[基金], 1468=5,JJ_DWJZ,单位净值[基金],1469=5,JJ_LJJZ,累计净值[基金],1554=5,JJ_GPMMSR,股票买卖价差收入[基金],1561=5,JJ_JSY,净收益[基金],407=5,SHGZG,流通股,1002=5,MGYL,每股盈利,1005=5,MGJZC,每股净资产,1015=5,CJ_JZCSYL,净资产收益率,1935=5,MGXJLLJE,每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额, 1943=5,I_JZCSYL,净资产收益率(国际准则),2297=0,LASTREP,取最近报表,2298=0,REPDATE,取报表日期,262763=5,YEARJLR,年报净利润,1110=3,hx_star,星级1111=3,hx_star_p,星级—盘面1112=3,hx_grow_p,成长性—盘面1113=3,hx_walk_p,走势—盘面1114=3,hx_risk_p,风险—盘面1115=3,hx_grow,成长性评价1116=3,hx_plate,盘面评价1117=3,hx_walk,走势评价1118=3,hx_risk,风险评价2097722=0,LV_D_SUPER_HLD_RATIO,(日)大户持股占比, 2097723=0,LV_D_SUPER_ACCUM_HLD,(日)大户持股累计, 2097724=0,LV_D_SMALL_HLD_RATIO,(日)散户持股占比,2097725=0,LV_D_SMALL_ACCUM_HLD,(日)散户持股累计,6292026=0,LV_W_SUPER_HLD_RATIO,(周)大户持股占比,6292027=0,LV_W_SUPER_ACCUM_HLD,(周)大户持股累计,6292028=0,LV_W_SMALL_HLD_RATIO,(周)散户持股占比, 6292029=0,LV_W_SMALL_ACCUM_HLD,(周)散户持股累计,10486330=0,LV_M_SUPER_HLD_RATIO,(月)大户持股占比,10486331=0,LV_M_SUPER_ACCUM_HLD,(月)大户持股累计, 10486332=0,LV_M_SMALL_HLD_RATIO,(月)散户持股占比, 10486333=0,LV_M_SMALL_ACCUM_HLD,(月)散户持股累计, 2097726=0,LV_D_CH_HLD_RATIO,(日)超户持股占比,2097727=0,LV_D_CH_ACCUM_RATIO,(日)超户持股累计, 199114=0,BLOCKVOL,板块总手,264650=0,BLOCKHIGH,板块最高,330186=0,BLOCKLOW,板块最低,395722=0,BLOCKPRICE,板块均价,2755024=0,JLRBJ,净利润比较(万),2820560=0,ZYYWSRBJ,主营业务收入(万),2886096=0,ZZCBJ,总资产比较(亿),2951632=0,ZFZBJ,总负债比较(亿),3017168=0,SXFYHJBJ,三项费用合计比较(万),3082704=0,YSZKJEBJ,应收帐款净额比较(万),1444297=0,ZYYWSRZZ,主营业务收入增长,1575369=0,LDBL,速动比率,1640905=0,XJBL,现金比率,1837513=0,YSZKZZL,应收帐款周转率,1903049=0,YSZKZZTS,应收帐款周转天数,1968585=0,GDQYBL,股东权益比率,2034121=0,ZCFZBL,资产负债比率,2099657=0,ZBFZBL,资本负债比率,2165193=0,CQFZBL,长期负债比率,2230729=0,GDQYYGDZCBL,股东权益与固定资产比率, 2296265=0,YXFZBL,有息负债比率,2427337=0,YYFYL,营业费用率,2492873=0,CWFYL,财务费用率,2558409=0,GLFYL,管理费用率,2623945=0,SXFYHJ,三项费用合计,2755017=0,CHZZL,存货周转率,2820553=0,CHZZTS,存货周转天数,2886089=0,GDZCZZL,固定资产周转率,2951625=0,ZZCZZL,总资产周转率,3017161=0,GDQYZZL,股东权益周转率,3082697=0,QTYSZKL,其他应收帐款率,3148233=0,YYCBBL,营业成本比率,3213769=0,XSMLL,销售毛利率,3279305=0,ZYYWLRL,主营业务利润率,3344841=0,YYLRL,营业利润率,3410377=0,SQLRL,税前利润率,3475913=0,SHLRL,税后利润率,3541449=0,ZCSYL,资产收益率,3606985=0,JZCSYL,净资产收益率,3672521=0,ZZCHBL,总资产回报率,3738057=0,ZCBL,资产倍率,3803593=0,XSXJZYSRBL,销售商品收到现金与主营业务收入比率, 3869129=0,JYXJLRBL,经营活动产生的现金流量净额与净利润比率, 3934665=0,MGXJZJ,每股现金及现金等价物净增加额,2689488=0,PXHJ,派息合计,723401=0,SHigh,最高,854473=0,SLow,最低,920009=0,SOpen,开盘,985545=0,SCLOSE,区间收盘,788937=0,SVol,总手,1051081=0,SMoney,金额,1116617=0,SZHANGFU,区间涨幅,1182153=0,SZHANGDIE,区间涨跌,1247689=0,SZhenFu,振幅,1313225=0,SHUANSHOU,区间换手,1378761=0,SJunJia,均价,3738058=0,SDay,周期数,1509832=0,DaPanWeiBi,委比,1575368=0,DaPanWeiCha,委差, 2361800=0,EQUALCOUNT,平盘家数, 199112=0,ZHANGDIEFU,涨幅,264648=0,ZhangDie,涨跌,526792=0,ZHENGFU,震幅,330184=0,JUNJIA,均价,395720=0,WEICHA,委差, 461256=0,WEIBI,委比,1771976=0,LIANGBI,量比, 1903048=0,ZEROVOL,对倒,1640904=0,MEIBISHOU,每笔手数, 1968584=0,HUANSHOU,换手, 2034120=0,SHIYING,市盈率, 985544=0,NEWVOLCOLOR,现手颜色, 2427336=0,MeiBiJinE,均笔额,4065737=0,BUY_PRICE,买入, 4131273=0,SELL_PRICE,卖出, 3410378=0,ZSZBH,总市值变化,3475914=0,LTSZ,流通市值,3541450=0,ZSZ,总市值,3934666=0,NewMoney,现金额,2296272=0,HYD,活跃度,2361808=0,QRD,强弱度,657867=0,FIVEVOL,五分钟量变,2558416=0,内外差,内外差,2623952=0,内外比,内外比,723400=0,FENSHIVOLCLASS,分时成交量颜色, 3934664=0,FIVERISE,5分钟,4000200=0,FIVERISECOUNT,五分钟涨跌, 3279306=0,ZSZBH5,五分钟总市值变化,920008=0,VolColor,成交量颜色, 3672520=0,KZhangDieFu,涨幅,2558408=0,KZHANGDIE,涨跌,3738056=0,KZhengFu,振幅,3803592=0,个股换手率,个股换手率,3869128=0,KShiYing,市盈率,1051080=0,DPFENSHI,大盘分时,592328=0,大盘领先,大盘领先分时线, 1182152=0,DuoKong,多空指标,1116616=0,ADL,ADL指标,68040=0,分时,分时走势,133576=0,分时量,分时成交量,3017160=0,ASI,振动升降指标,3148232=0,RSI,相对强弱指标,2492872=0,DMI,趋向指标(标准),3082696=0,WVAD,威廉变异离散量,2623944=0,EXPMA,指数平滑移动平均线,2689480=0,TRIX,三重指数平滑平均线, 2755016=0,ARBR,人气意愿指标,3213768=0,W&R,威廉指标(WILLIAM’S %R), 3344840=0,ROC,变动速率,3410376=0,MIKE,麦克指标,3475912=0,BIAS,乖离率,2820552=0,CR,CR能量指标,2886088=0,VR,VR容量比率,2951624=0,OBV,能量潮,1706440=0,KDJ,随机指标,4000203=0,BOLL,布林带,1837512=0,均线1,均线,1378760=0,VOLCLOUD,火焰山,788936=0,普通K线,普通K线,2492880=0,MAVOL,成交量均线,2324=5,BLOCKSUM,板块求和,2325=5,BLOCKMAX,板块最大值,2326=5,BLOCKMIN,板块最小值,2327=5,BLOCKAVG,板块平均,2328=5,BLOCKSTD,板块标准差,2329=5,BLOCKCOUNT,股票数,2332=0,BLOCKLEAD,取板块领先股票,2299=0,GETREPTYPE,取报表类型,2300=5,REP,同期报表,2301=5,YEARREP,年报,2302=5,MIDREP,中报,2303=5,QUARTERREP,季报,2291=5,WINNER,获利盘,2292=5,ZIG,之字转向,2316=5,CM,成本分布 ,2317=5,PERPRICE,分价函数,2284=5,COST,成本,2224=5,IF,条件,2209=5,DMA_,动态移动平均,2210=5,EMA,指数平滑移动平均,2212=5,HHV,最高值,2214=5,LLV,最低值,2216=5,MA,简单移动平均,2217=5,REF,向前引用,2222=5,REFX,向后引用,2218=5,SMA,移动平均,2219=5,SUM,求和,2204=5,BACKSET,向前赋值,2205=5,BARSCOUNT,有效周期数,2206=5,BARSLAST,上一次条件成立到当前的周期数,2207=5,BARSSINCE,第一个条件成立到当前的周期数, 2208=5,COUNT,满足条件的周期数,2304=0,FORMATTIME,时间格式,2309=5,FROMNIGHT,距午夜秒,2310=5,FROMOPEN,距开盘分钟,2311=5,TRADETIME,总开盘分钟,2312=5,COUNTTIME,时间差,2234=5,ABS,绝对值,2235=5,BETWEEN,介于,2238=5,MAX,最大值 ,2239=5,MIN,最小值,2240=5,MOD,取模,2241=5,NOT,非,2242=5,RANGE,范围,2243=5,REVERSE,求反,2258=5,COS,余弦,2264=5,POW,幂,2265=5,SIN,正弦,2266=5,SQRT,平方根,2268=5,GZSY,附息国债收益率,2269=5,SYFX,附息国债剩余付息次数,2236=5,CROSS,上穿,2237=5,LONGCROSS,维持若干周期后上穿 , 2294=5,ISNULL,空,2274=0,AVEDEV,平均绝对差,2278=5,STD,标准差,2320=5,PLACEOFSORT,排名位置,2321=5,INDEXDATA,大盘数据,2343=0,PERIODNAME,周期,2344=0,INBLOCK,属于板块,3148240=0,jrqd,今日强度,3213776=0,QD3,3日强度,3279312=0,QD5,5日强度,3344848=0,QD10,10日强度,3410384=0,QD20,20日强度,3475920=0,QD60,60日强度,3541456=0,QD250,250日强度,1345996=0,前周期收盘价,前周期收盘价,1444300=0,领先价,领先,2755020=0,指数分时量,分时量, 2820556=0,筹码分布,筹码分布, 3508684=0,首页,首页,3574220=0,均线2,神奇数字,3639756=0,均线3,长期均线,3770828=0,均线4,瀑布线,3836364=0,均线5,自定义均线, 3869132=0,分时最高,最高,3934668=0,分时最低,最低,4000204=0,分时涨跌,涨跌,4065740=0,分时涨幅,涨幅,4131276=0,分时总手,总手,68045=0,分时金额,金额,133581=0,分时换手,换手,199117=0,分时均价,均价,297421=0,主营收入增长,主营增长率, 428493=0,领先线分时量,分时量, 1149389=0,多空指标,指数多空指标,1214925=0,量比指标,量比指标,1345997=0,红绿柱,红绿柱,471=3,QXSM,权息说明,2132429=0,个股资料,个股资料, 2197965=0,TICK,分笔成交走势,3312077=0,K线换手,换手,3508685=0,VOLINDEX,指数成交量, 3574221=0,除权标识,除权标识,461262=0,FiveVolAdd,5分钟量增,657870=0,OSC,变动速率线,723406=0,VMA,变异平均线, 788942=0,OBOS,超买超卖指标,854478=0,AMV,成本价均线, 920014=0,MTM,动量线,985550=0,ADTM,动态买卖气指标, 1051086=0,DBLB,对比量比, 1116622=0,WRZF,5日涨幅,1182158=0,WRJL,五日均量, 1247694=0,WRJJ,五日均价, 1313230=0,SRZF,10日涨幅,1378766=0,SRJL,十日均量, 1444302=0,SRJJ,十日均价, 1509838=0,ESRZF,20日涨幅, 1575374=0,ESRJL,二十日均量, 1640910=0,ESRJJ,二十日均价, 657878=0,CDP,逆势操作,1706446=0,TWORISE,2分钟涨幅, 1771982=0,TWOVOL,2分钟量变,1837518=0,QH_WB,期货委比, 1903054=0,QH_WC,期货委差, 1968590=0,PRESETTLE,前结算, 2034126=0,TBR,新三价率,2099662=0,UDL,引力线,2165198=0,ATR,真实波幅, 2230734=0,STIX,指数平滑广量, 2296270=0,UOS,终极指标, 2361806=0,ZX,重心线,2427342=0,MFI,资金流量指标,2525646=0,FSZDF,涨幅,2591182=0,FSZD,涨跌,2656718=0,SSJJ,均价,2755022=0,ZGC,最高差,2853326=0,ssnewvol,现手,1182161=0,rszs,总市值,1116625=0,rltsz,流通市值,1837521=0,lyd,活跃度,2886094=0,tick vol,跳动量,2951630=0,MFI变化,MFI变化,1074530767=0,YJA04,5分钟涨幅大于1%, 1074792911=0,x_02,百日新高,1074858447=0,x_01,百日新低, 1074923983=0,x_55,突破平台,1074989519=0,x_03,百日地量,854486=0,MARSI,相对强弱平均线, 2034127=0,BBI,多空指标,2558415=0,PBX,瀑布线,2623951=0,QACD,快速异同平均,2755023=0,RADER,威力雷达T, 2820559=0,VPT,量价曲线,461268=0,ABI,绝对幅度指标, 3475919=0,BTI,广量冲力指标,3541455=0,ARMS,阿姆氏指标,3606991=0,MCL,麦克连指标,3869135=0,BBIBOLL,BBIBOLL,1444310=0,RAD,威力雷达,199121=0,LHBLX,领航布林线, 3279313=0,znz。


5. 使用ymodem, 传输vanelife/trunk/output/dest/u-boot.img, 可以看到命令行提示符: u-boot#
6. 插入网线
7. 在PC端开启tftp服务器, 并且将MLO, u-boot.img, uImage, ubi.img拷贝到tftp根目录下
8. 在u-boot中运行以下命令:
nandecc hw 2
mw.b 0x82000000 0xff 0x20000 # 用0xff填充从0x82000000开始的0x20000个字节, 内存的物理启始地址为0x80000000
dhcp 0x82000000 # 将192.168.1.102这个tftp服务器上的MLO文件下载到0x82000000其实的内存空间
nand write 0x82000000 0x280000 0x500000
mw.b 0x82000000 0xff 0x2800000
dhcp 0x82000000
nand write 0x82000000 0x780000 0x2800000
mw.b 0x82000000 0xff 0x2800000
nand erase 0x2f80000 0x2800000
dhcp 0x82000000
nand write 0x82000000 0x2f80000 0x2800000
nand write 0x82000000 0x00000 0x20000

VTech 91-002888-000 Busy Learners Activity Cube 用户

VTech 91-002888-000 Busy Learners Activity Cube 用户

Printed in China Busy Learners Activity Cube T M© 2013 VTechINTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing the VTech ® Busy Learners Activity Cube ™ learning toy!Learn and play every day with the Busy Learners Activity Cube ™ by VTech ®! Featuring 5 sides to explore, this activity cube attracts your baby’s attention with music, light-up buttons, colors and more. They’ll develop their motor skills and have fun with so many activities all in one!I n t r o d u c t i o nSPINNING LETTER BLOCKS ON/OFF/VOLUME 4 LIGHTINCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE• One VTech ® Busy Learners Activity Cube ™ • One instruction manualI n c l u d e d I n T h GETTING STARTEDBATTERY INSTALLATION1. Make sure the unit is turned OFF .2. Locate the battery cover on the back of the unit. Use a coin or a screwdriver to loosen the screw.3. Install 2 new ‘AAA’ (LR03/AM-4) batteries following the diagram inside the battery box. (The use of new alkaline batteries is recommended for maximum performance.)4. Replace the battery cover and tighten the screw to secure the battery cover.WARNING:All packing materials, such as tape, plastic sheets, packaging locks and tags are not part of this toy, and should be discarded for your child’s safety.ATTENTION: Pour la sécurité de votre enfant, débarrassez-vous de tous les produits d’emballage tels que rubans adhésifs, feuilles de plastique, attaches et étiquettes. Ils ne font pas partie du jouet.NOTE:Please keep this user’s manual as it containsimportant information.P r BATTERY NOTICE• Use new alkaline batteries for maximum performance.• Use only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended.• Do not mix different types of batteries: alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable (Ni-Cd, Ni-MH), or new and used batteries.• Do not use damaged batteries.• Insert batteries with the correct polarity.• Do not short-circuit the battery terminals.• Remove exhausted batteries from the toy.• Remove batteries during long periods of non-use. • Do not dispose of batteries in fire.• Do not charge non-rechargeable batteries.• Remove rechargeable batteries from the toy before charging (if removable).• Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.PRODUCT FEATURES1. ON/OFF/VOLUME CONTROL SWITCH T o turn the unit ON , slide the ON/OFF/VOLUME CONTROL SWITCH to the LOW VOLUME () or the HIGH VOLUME () position. To turn the unit OFF , slide the ON/OFF/VOLUME CONTROL SWITCH to the OFF () position.2. AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF To preserve battery life, the VTech ®Cube ™ will automatically power-down after approximately 60 seconds without input. The unit can be turned on again by1. Slide the on/off/volume controlswitch to turn the unit on. You will hear a playful sound, a fun sing-alongsong and a phrase. The lights will flashwith the sounds.2. Press the light-up shape buttons tolearn animal names, animal sounds, shapes and hear playful sing-along songs and music. The lights will flashwith the sounds.3. Press, slide or twist the instrumentsto learn colors, instrument names, instrument sounds and hear a varietyof melodies. The lights will flash withthe sounds.4. Shake the cube to activate the motionsensor and hear a variety of fun sounds. The lights will flash with thesounds.MELODY LIST1. Three Little Kittens2. Alouette3. Old MacDonald Had a Farm4. Bingo5. Hey Diddle Diddle6. This Old Man7. Alphabet Song8. Humpty Dumpty9. Pease Porridge Hot10. Row, Row, Row Your Boat11. Three Blind Mice12. Sing a Song of Sixpence13. Polly Put the Kettle On14. Grandfather's Clock15. Bear Went Over the Mountain16. While Strolling Through the Park One Day17. Turkey in the Straw18. Big Rock Candy Mountain19. Yankee Doodle20. Take Me Out To The BallgameSUNG SONG LYRICS SONG 1Come and say, "Hi."There's fun on 5 sides.Meet the animals, beat the drum. The cube is fun for everyone!SONG 2The cat in the square,Is peeking out of there.Meow, meow, meow, meow. The cat's in the square.SONG 3The bird in the circle,Sings a song that's wonderful. Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.The bird's in the circle.SONG 4The cow in the triangle,Wants to sing for you.Moo, moo, moo, moo.The cow's in the triangle.SONG 5The dog in the star,Barks and runs far.Woof, woof, woof, woof.The dog's in the star.CARE & MAINTENANCE1. Keep the unit clean by wiping it with a slightly damp cloth.2. Keep the unit out of direct sunlight and away from any direct heatsource.3. Remove the batteries when the unit will not be in use for anextended period of time.4. Do not drop the unit on hard surfaces and do not expose the unitto moisture or water. TROUBLESHOOTINGIf for some reason the program/activity stops working or malfunctions, please follow these steps:1. Please turn the unit OFF.2. Interrupt the power supply by removing the batteries.3. Let the unit stand for a few minutes, then replace the batteries.4. Turn the unit ON. The unit should now be ready to play again.5. If the product still does not work, replace with an entire set ofnew batteries.If the problem persists, please call our Consumer Services Department at 1-800-521-2010 in the U.S. or 1-877-352-8697 in Canada, and a service representative will be happy to help you.For information on this product’s warranty, please call VTech®at 1-800-521-2010 in the U.S. or 1-877-352-8697 in Canada.IMPORTANT NOTE:Creating and developing Infant Learning products is accompanied by a responsibility that we at VTech®take very seriously. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information, which forms the value of our products. However, errors sometimes can occur. It is important for you to know that we stand behind our products and encourage you to call our Consumer Services Department at 1-800-521-2010 in the U.S. or 1-877-352-8697 in Canada, with any problems and/or suggestions that you might have. A service representative will be happy to help you.FCC Information:Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.10Caution : changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.。



NX系列说明书目录MMC00 分机锁(STATION LOCK)MMC01 更改分机密码(CHANGE USER PASSCODE)MMC10 设置应答模式(SET ANSWER MODE)MMC11 设置呼叫转移(CALL FORWARD)MMC12 设置分机开/关(STATION ON/OFF)MMC15 设置日期/时间显示(DATA/TIME DISPLAY)MMC17 设置个别速拨(STATION SPEED DIAL)MMC20 设置编程模式(OPEN PROGRAMMING)MMC24 设置插入(ASSIGN BARGE-IN)MMC26 分机叫醒提示(ALARM REMINDER)MMC30 设置分机通话等级(STATION TALL CLASS)MMC31 分机/中继线用途(EXT/TRK USE)MMC32 设置分机用途(INTERCOM USE)MMC35 设置分机组(ASSIGN STATION GROUP)MMC36 设置经理/秘书分机(ASSIGN BOSS/SECRETARY)MMC43 设置中继线接通振铃(TRUNK NAME)MMC50 系统时间参数更改(SYSTEM TIMERS)MMC55 设置系统日期/时间(CURRENT DATA AND TIME)MMC56 设置白天/夜间模式自动转换时间(ASSICN ARTO NIGHT TIME)MMC60 中继线线长途限制代码表(TOLL DENY TABLE)MMC70 拨号变更(DIAL NUMBERING PLAN)MMC71 设置系统按键编程(SYSTEM KEY PROGRAMMING)MMC80 设置输出入端口参数(I/O PARAMETER)MMC95 系统初始化(SYSTEM RESTART)MMC00功能说明本编程用于打开或锁上分机,防止别人使用开锁(YNLOCKED)话机使用可能锁1(LOCKED1)不可挂线锁2(LOCKED2)不可发出或接受来电初始值不锁编程键音量键(VOL)盘分机号码选择(增加、减少)功能/免打扰(FUNC/DND)和留言(MSG)键用以释放锁/分机锁定1/分机锁定型的选择键盘(DIAL)用以释放锁/分机锁定1/分机锁定型的选择MMC01功能说明分机密码初始值为1234的程序。

作业6 全练习 Linux下用户和组的管理

作业6 全练习  Linux下用户和组的管理


三.实验步骤:1.用户的管理切换用户:su - user01●创建一个新用户user01,设置其主目录为/home/user01:#useradd –d /home/user01 -m user01创建一个新用户user02,设置其主目录为/home/user02:#useradd –d /home/user02 -m user02●查看/etc/passwd文件的最后一行,看看是如何记录的。

# cat /etc/passwd●查看文件/etc/shadow文件的最后一行,看看是如何记录的。

cat /etc/shadow●给用户user01设置密码:#passwd user01。

给用户user02设置密码:#passwd user02。


cat /etc/passwd●使用user01用户登录系统,看能否登录成功。

#su –user01。

●锁定用户user01:#passwd -l user01。

切换到用户user02 # su – user02再登录user01#su – user01查看能否登录(普通用户间切换才能检查是否被root锁定密码,root可以任意进入普通用户)●查看文件/etc/shadow文件的最后一行,看看有什么变化。

cat /etc/shadow●再次使用user01用户登录系统,看能否登录成功。

●解除对用户user01的锁定:#passwd -u user01●更改用户user01的帐户名为user02:#usermod –l user02 user01。




1)新建一个组group1,新建一个系统组group2参考答案:groupadd group1groupadd -r group22)更改组group2的GID为103,更改组名为grouptest参考答案:groupmod -g 103 -n grouptest group23)删除组grouptest参考答案:groupdel grouptest4)新建用户user1,指定UID为777,目录为/home/user1,初始组为group1,有效组为root,指定shell为/bin/bash参考答案:useradd -u 777 -d /home/user1 -g group1 -G root -s /bin/bash user15)新建一个系统用户user2参考答案:useradd -r user26)修改用户user1的个人说明为This is a test参考答案:usermod -c "This is a test" user17)修改用户密码过期时间为2008-07-27参考答案:usermod -e "2008-07-27" user18)更改用户主目录/home/user1为/home/user1参考答案:usermod -d /home/user1 /home/user19)创建2个组,组名分别为szmtc1、szmtc2;每个组内分别有两个用户,用户名为student1、student2;student3,student4,用户目录在/home 目录下,设置两个用户组的权限为szmtc1为501,szmtc2为502,设置用户目录权限为755。

groupadd –g 501 szmtc1groupadd –g 502 szmtc2mkdir /home/student1mkdir /home/student2mkdir /home/ student3mkdir /home/ student 4adduser –g szmtc1 –d /home/student1 student1 adduser –g szmtc1 –d /home/student2 student2 adduser –g szmtc 2 –d /home/ student3 student3 adduser –g szmtc 2 –d /home/ student4 student4 chmod 755 /home/student1chmod 755 /home/student2chmod 755 /home/ student3chmod 755 /home/ student4。



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机柜,PLC,翻译,交换,架构和线束管理机柜PLC管理翻译交换DWG/DXF格式架构线速SEE ViewerPage 94 E. 管理机柜目录E管理机柜97E.1.1.在页面编辑器中指定设备位置97E.1.2.创建位置99E.1.3.将多个组件组成一个位置101 E.2.创建机柜图页面102 E.3.插入机柜106E.3.1.第一种情况:按照默认框架插入机柜106E.3.2.第二种情况:按照已经定义的框架插入机柜108E.3.3.为机柜选择设备代码110 E.4.插入实体(导轨,线槽和设备)112 E.5.插入标注135 E.6.修改设备位置143E.7.打印机柜图页面147F PLC管理148F.1.1.原则148F.1.2.输入/输出管理148 F.2.生成I/O页面150F.2.1.a.原则150F.2.1.b.步骤151F.2.1.c.导入文件160 F.3.更新输入/输出页面167F.3.1.a.更新情况167 G翻译173G.1.翻译项目173G.1.1.翻译设置175G.1.2.翻译操作179 H交换DWG/DXF格式185 H.1.原则185 H.2.导出S EE页面185H.2.1.导出设置185H.2.2.颜色对应值185H.2.3.导出步骤186 H.3.导入DXF文件188H.3.1.导入设置188 E. 管理机柜Page 95H.3.2.图层对应值189H.3.3.线型对应值190H.3.4.字体对应值191H.3.5.颜色对应值192H.3.6.确认导入设定193H.3.7.现有项目中的导入步骤193H.3.8.空白项目中的导入步骤195 I架构200 I.1.创建架构图200 I.2.插入位置203 I.3.在架构图中插入连接和电缆204 I.4.插入列表目录209 I.5.从架构图导航210I.5.1.从位置导航210I.5.2.从接口导航211I.5.3.显示位置组件列表211 J线束212 J.1.常规信息212 J.1.1.线束212J.1.2.用于线束设计的特定符号212 J.2.创建线束图214K SEE VIEWER 220 K.1.常规220 K.2.批注222Page 96 E. 管理机柜E.1.1. 在页面编辑器中指定设备位置设备位置用于指示组件(机柜、控制台等)的物理位置。





没有对每个符号都重复位置,以防止页面紊乱:E. 管理机柜Page 97一个区域对应一个位置,此位置显示在区域的一角。


然而,可通过将光标放置在组件上来查看每个组件的位置(页面或区域):Page 98 E. 管理机柜E. 管理机柜Page 99或者通过双击符号:通过符号分配位置唯一显示的位置,是那些与页面位置和可能的区域位置不同的位置。

E.1.2. 创建位置可将几个组件分组在一个现有的或新创建的位置中。


或▪ 单击插入 ➤ 位置。


▪ 单击图标。


可创建新位置,为此: ▪ 右键单击项目文件夹。

▪ 单击显示的弹出命令创建。

或Page 100E. 管理机柜▪ 单击 图标。


▪ 在“名称”和“描述”字段中输入:可在“描述”字段中使用最多100个字符。


该设定在 自动创建端子排设定中预定义。

注释:“自动创建端子排”属性对具有 Synoptic 模块的用户可用。

▪ 单击确定。

新位置现在列在 位置浏览器中。







或▪ 右键单击“项目”节点,选择重命名位置弹出命令。




E. 管理机柜Page 101E.1.3. 将多个组件组成一个位置可将多个组件组成一个位置。

为此:▪ 在插入工具栏中单击图标。

或▪ 单击插入➤ 位置。


▪ 单击第一个字段(工具栏左侧)的箭头按钮 。


或者,二选一,▪ 单击 图标。

显示位置浏览器 。

它提供比滚动列表多的详细信息(位置和描述):▪ 光标旁显示两个正交轴。

▪ 将光标放在要定义的区域的第一个角。

▪ 单击。

其坐标显示:▪ 将光标移动到要定义的区域的对角。


▪ 到达所需点后,单击鼠标左键。



E.2. 创建机柜图页面可在项目设计的任意阶段创建机柜图页面。



















再次出现页面浏览器:新页面在项目中可见,在没命名的情况下名称为<no title>。

Page 102 E. 管理机柜▪右键单击14 |<no title>.▪从弹出菜单中单击更改标题。






E.3. 插入机柜在机柜图中插入机柜有两种情况:✓按照默认框架绘制机柜;✓根据已经定义的框架(手动或自动)绘制机柜。

E.3.1. 第一种情况:按照默认框架插入机柜在此情况下,机柜框架已经按照创建机柜图时选择的图框模版定义。


.出现机柜CAD 属性对话框。








E.3.2. 第二种情况:按照已经定义的框架插入机柜在此情况下,您将先更改默认框架的大小,然后插入设备代码符合已经定义的框架的机柜。
















E.3.3. 为机柜选择设备代码计算(手动的或自动的)机柜框架(假设的)后,您可以选择包含在此机柜中的一个设备。











机柜内容显示在机柜设备中:E.4. 插入实体(导轨,线槽和设备)绘制机柜表示在机柜图页面中插入导轨、线槽、设备和标注。

























出现导轨CAD 属性对话框。




在每个字段中输入值之后:▪按下Enter 键,确认尺寸。


出现导轨CAD 属性对话框:导轨CAD 属性对话框的设置从此阶段开始,导轨插入过程在自由或强制两种模式下是相同的。













