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1.Preparations for International Conference
Task 1 Call for Conference Papers
2. International Letter Exchanges
Task 1 Letters of Invitation
Task 2 Acceptance and Refusal
3. International Conference
Task 1 Chairing a Meeting
4. Presentation of Speeches
Task 1 Giving a Welcome Speech
Task 2 Giving a Closing Speech
Task 3 Giving a Dinner Speech
5. Application, Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement
Task 1 Application for Academic Exchange
Task 2 Curriculum Vitae
Task 3 Personal Statement
Task 1 Call for Conference Papers
The planning process for holding a conference should begin very early. A chairperson is selected to make the plan. Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing
Committee and Conference Academic Committee. The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference. Format of call for conference papers
·Theme and/or background
·Conference objectives
·Topics to be discussed
·Time and venue
·Papers and submissions
·Organizing institution and committee
·Contact information
Conference Goals:
To promote the study of material science in China; to introduce the development of the research work; to discuss the important issues in the field; to provide opportunities for international communication; to promote the understanding of related disciplines; to explore future cooperation possibilities between the countries. Topics to be Discussed:
Papers are solicited on theoretical issues and their applications related to crystal materials. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Papers and Submissions:
Authors are invited to submit full papers, up to six pages, with the authors’ names and affiliations, complete address (including email, fax and phone number of the corresponding author), before April 10,2006, by email to aa@ss. The language is Chinese or English. The papers will be reviewed by the program committee based on content, presentation and suitability for the conference. The papers must be in an MS word or Latex format (A4, single space, Songti, 10 points if in Chinese, or Times New Roman, 12 points if in English). More detailed information will be available on the web page: http://aa. Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
1. Call for papers
·Papers are being invited for TI 83rd World Conference to be held in Shanghai, May 23-27, 2004.
·Titles of proposed papers with a 200-word abstract should be submitted no later than May 10, 2006.
·The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by July 15, 2006. 2. Submission
·The submitted papers should be original and have not been published elsewhere.
·Best papers will be selected by the Advisory Committee and Program Committee, and the authors are invited to submit their papers to
an international journal.
·For all submissions, please include the following information: title of the paper, name, affiliation, address, phone number, email, and audiovisual request.
·Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks followed by 10 minutes of discussion addressing any topic in the areas of Asian environmental protection…
3. Format and length
·Abstracts should be submitted electronically in an MS Word format and sent by email to the conference secretariat.
·Authors of accepted papers should send the full text paper in format of PDF or MS Word before September 15, 2006 to aa@ss with attachment.·All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), postscript (.ps), or MS Word (.doc) format.
·Initial paper submissions should be approximately ten pages.
4. Notification of acceptance and refusal
·Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by August 1, 2006.
·Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email.·Submissions received after this date will not be given primary consideration.
·Acceptance of the paper will be confirmed by JICC 2006 Program
Committee based on content quality of the extended abstract.·Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in papers being excluded from the conference proceedings.
Called to order by the presiding officer主持人致辞
roll call点名
announcement of quorum宣布大会决议
reading of the minutes of the previous meeting宣读前期会议纪要approval of the minutes of the previous meeting通过前期会议纪要related matters相关事宜
unfinished business未尽事宜
appointments and removal任命及离任
nomination and elections提名及选举
opening ceremony开幕式
keynote speech主题发言
plenary session全体会议
poster session论文展示
panel session专题讨论会
discussion / question & answer session讨论/提问与回答时间
field trip考察活动
closing ceremony闭幕式
Task 1 Letters of Invitation
Before the international conference, the conference host or organizer(s) will send invitation letters to famous scholars and experts in the field and invite them as keynote speakers to the conference. They will also invite other prospective authors to present their new ideas, valuable works, and ongoing research at the conference. These letters are formal letters and therefore should bear all the necessary information about the occasion(s), and express the host’s sincerity and hospitality toward the attendees.



Format of invitation letters
·Letterhead: the address of the writer
·Date of writing
·Inside address: the name and address of the recipient ·Salutation
·Body of the letter:
the occasion, time and venue
the purpose of the invitation
the conference theme/arrangement
the anticipated pleasure in meeting the recipient(s)·Complimentary close
·Enclosure(if any)
Learning aids
1.Two main business letter formats
Business letters are important matters you deal with. For such letters as invitation letters and application letters, there are two main formats: full block format and modified block format with indented paragraphs.
·Full block format
This format is very modern. Every line of the letter begins at the left margin (flush left), with a space of one line between paragraphs. It adopts open punctuation, which means that no punctuation marks are used outside the body of the letter, except for a comma after the salutation and the complementary close respectively.
·Modified block format with indented paragraphs
Different from the full block format, this format places the date and the complimentary close near the right margin. And the first
line of each paragraph is indented, with no space of one line between paragraphs. If the letterhead isn’t preprinted on the stationery, you should put it directly above the date.
2.Explanation of invitation letters
Letterhead refers to the full address (street/road address, city, province, country) of the writer (the conference host). postcode, phone number, fax number and email address may also be included. It usually appears at the very top of the letter, either in the left corner, right corner, or at the center. Wherever you put it, be sure that your address is complete.
Put down the full date: date, month, and year. It comes right after and just below your address. It is a common pratice to put the date against the left margin in the full block style. The date of the letter should be quite clear. The year should be given in full, the month should be written in words to avoid misunderstanding and confusion, and the day may be written in cardinal or ordinal numbers and be put before (British style) or after (American style) the month.
British Stytle: 8 May, 2006 8th March, 2006
American Stytle: May 8, 2006 March 8th, 2006
·Inside address
The inside address gives the name and full address of the recipient, which is always on the left margin. Write it with an appropriate courtesy title (e.g. Mrs., Ms., Miss, Mr.), professional title (e.g. Dr., Professor) or business title if any (e.g. Manager, Directer), institution/organization, address, etc. Courtesy and professional titles always appear before the name while business titles come after the name. Never use business titles in the salutation. Remember to make the inside address as complete as possible.·Salutation
This is a greeting to the recipient. Salutation is also always on the left margin.
·Body of the letter
The body of the letter-the message-is the most important part in which the conference host/organizer(s) state(s) the occasion, time and venue, introduce(s) the purpose of writing, the theme/arrangement of the conference and experss(es) the anticipated pleasure in seeing the invited person(s).
·Complimentary close
The complimentary close can be put either on the left-hand side or right-hand side of the page, with the first letter capitalized, and followed by a comma. As with the salutation, your complimentary
close should reflect your relationship with the recipient. The following are some of the most often used complimentary closed. (1)Formal closes:
Sincerely yours, Respectfully yours, Very truly yours,
Yours sincerely, Yours respectfully, Yours truly,
(2)Informal closes (often in emails):
Best regards, Best wishes, With best wishes,
All the best, With respect,
An English letter always requires to be signed, which should be put between the complimentary close and the typed name, including the writer’s position or status in the organization.
·Enclosure(s) (if any)
This can be used to remind the recipient of the additional material(s) put in the invitation letter, such as an agenda of a conference or a curriculum vitae in an application letter. Some prefer the abbreviation Encl.
Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
1. Extending invitation
·I am pleased to invite you to attend our Annual Conference on Chemical Education to be held on November 1-4, 2005 in Atlanta.·It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the 2nd Annual
Commputer Conference. This year’s conference will be held at Wuhan from March 23 to 26, 2007.
·On behalf of the School of Information, Yunnan University and Kunming Association for Science and Technology, I am pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 10th Joint International Computer Conference to be held in Kunming, Yunnan, from August 24 to 26, 2006.
·As co-chair of the 36th Annual meeting of the Association for Commputational Linguistics, to be held in HongKong October 10-25,2000, I am writing to ask whether you would be willing to present a talk in English at the conference as an invited speaker.·It is my pleasure to invite you to appear on a panel at the upcoming conference on English Teaching at Tertiary Level in the Chinese Context to be held in Beijing, September 12-13, 2004.
2.Purpose (of the conference)
·The conference aims at bringing together engineers and researchers with interests in the areas of chemical engineering and at promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences among them in the recent developments in their areas.
·The CE seeks/attempts to encourage scholarly interchange between Asianists located in the Midwest and promote Asian studies both at the university and secondary levels.
·The First International Workshop on Cross Layer Design 2007 provides a forum for researchers from academia, industry and government to present new ideas, valuable research on cross layer design.
3.Expecting attendance
·We sincerely hope that you can accept this invitation.
·I do hope you can make time in your busy schedule to attend the conference and share your ideas on this topic on the panel.
·I very much look forward to meeting you here in the autumn.
·I would like to take this opportunity to strongly encourage your organization to attend this very important preparatory meeting.·The Conference Committee and I hope you will find your conference day educational and rewarding.
·We hope that you will be able to join us at this conference, and give us the benefit of your experience.
4.Meals and accommodations
·The CE would provide the cost of an economy class airfare from Beijing to che conference, hotel accommodations during the conference, and free registration to the conference.
·If you come to the symposium, your local expenses, including hotel accommodations, meals, and the conference fee will be covered by the organizers.
·Our department offers a fee and will, of course, reimburse your traveling and hotel expenses.
·Your round-trip air ticket and meal expenses will be subsidized.·You will be provided with a subsistence allowance and accommodations for the duration of the conference.
If you have any enquiries or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Conference Convener Ms. Song Mei at 88366423, or visit .
Acceptance and Refusal
In response to invitations, it is polite of you to reply promptly. When you receive an invitation and decide to be present, you should respond early to inform the conference host of your acceptance of the invitation and attendance at the conference. If you can not accept the invitation because of one reason or another, you should also write promptly to inform the conference host of that. By giving an early refusal, you allow them time to find another solution or invitee.




Format of letters of acceptance
·Letterhead: the address of the writer
·Date of writing
·Inside address: the address of the recipient ·Salutation
·Body of the letter:
expressing your pleasure and honor at being invited
agreeing to do what was asked
repeating the main content, date, time, venue
closing the letter with your thanks, good wishes, etc.·Complimentary close
Format of letters of refusal
·Letterhead: the address of the writer
·Date of writing
·Inside address: the address of the recipient ·Salutation
·Body of the letter:
expressing thanks
giving convincing reason(s) for your refusal
expressing your regrets
extending good wishes
·Complimentary close
Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
Accepting an invitation
1. Expressing your pleasure in accepting the invitation
·Thank you for your letter of May 23. I am pleased to confirm my participation in this year’s conference in June.
·Thank you for your invitation to attend the International Conference on Cultures and Translation to be held on August 23-26, 2005 in Hong Kong.
·Thank you for your invitation to attend the international conference to be held at Senri Life Science Center in Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan, July 7-11, 2003.
·I would like to express my appreciation for the invitation to speak at your seminar
2. Expressing your agreement to do what was asked
·I am pleased to accept your invitation and will send my paper entitled “Cognitive Linguistics and Discourse Analysis” to the Paper Committee before the required date.
·I have received your letter dated June 22, inviting me to speak at the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth National Council Meeting of Translators Association of China to be held on November 4-6, in Beijing. I will speak on “Globalization and Diversity: What Do They
Mean for Translators?”. Thank you for your kind invitation.
3. Closing the letter by expressing thanks again, or expressing your good wishes
·Thank you once again for your kind invitation and for your effort in making the conference a successful one.
·I am pleased to take part in the conference and look forward to it with pleasure.
·I look forward to visiting London and to seeing you again at the conference this September.
Declining an invitation
1.Expressing thanks for being invited
·Thank you for your invitation to attend the International Symposium on Earth Science in the 21st Century to be held at Shandong University, April 13-17, 2005.
·Thank you for your letter of August 2, 2007, inviting me to attend the conference on sth.
2. Stating the reason(s) for declining the invitation
·Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from ill health this summer.·Unfortunately, I have a previous commitment and thus can not help this time. I would be happy to speak if you would give me another opportunity at some other time.
·Much to my regret, I shall not attend the conference because I have to chair a meeting to be held in France at that time.
·I am very sorry to inform you that I will be unable to go to Canada.
I just have learned that the special flight that I had planned to take has been cancelled and the cost of a regular airline fare is prohibitive.
3.Closing the letter with good wishes (for the conference,
cooperation in the future)
·Please accept my sincere apologies, and I hope you will think of me again if the WCA needs a guest speaker at some future date.
·I feel very sorry to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many other colleagues in the field of the knowledge economy. I wish the conference a complete success.
·However, I look forward to attending the conference next year.
Task 1 Chairing a Meeting
In addition to an opening ceremony and a closing ceremony, an international conference may include several forms of meetings: plenary session, presentation session and discussion. Chairing different forms of meetings has different tasks. The appropriate handling of a meeting depends on a chairman’s adequate preparations, expertise in the topic of the meeting, past experiences, responsibilities and tactful chairing manners. This task only deals
with how to chair a plenary session.
Procedures of chairing a meeting
Opening speech:
·Opening the meeting
·Introducing the theme of the session
·Introducing oneself and co-chairperson
·Introducing the keynote speaker
Closing speech:
·Complimenting on the speech
·Introducing the next speaker
·Closing the meeting
Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
1. Opening the meeting
·Ladies and gentlement! Will you please be quiet and be seated?·Please be quiet, everyone! please be seated. I’d like to open the morning/afternoon/evening session.
·Well, everyone, it’s 8 o’clock now. So I’d like to call the morning session to order.
·On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to / am happy / privileged to declare/ announce the conference open.
·It’s a great pleasure/privilege for me to begin/open/start the conference.
·Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please? The meeting/seminar will come to order/is called to order.
2. Self-introduction
·I’m Wang Yu from Shandong University. It’s a privilege for me to chair this session.
·Let me introduce myself. I am Li Ming from shandong University.
I am the chairperson for this morning’s session.
·I am Philip Wang from Shandong University, china. I want to express, on behalf of Professor Chao, my colleague who is expected to chair this session, his regret about not being able to be presrnt.
3. Introducing co-chairman
·It is a great pleasure for me to share the chairmanship with Professor D. Harris from Jinan.
·My co-chairman is Professor Bill from Milan, Italy.
·Dr. Yang, who was expected to be the co-chairman for this symposium, could not attend this meeting due to illness. We are honored, however, to have in his place as the co-chairman Dr. Li on my left. Dr. Li is the Director for the Nankai Linguistics Institute. We are extraordinarily pleased and honored to have him here today to cochair this meeting.
4. Introducing the theme of the session
·The purpose/aim of our meeting today is to review the Development
in ESL Teaching and Learning.
·What we are going to do this morning is to review the Relation Between Students’ Learning Strategies and performance.
·We are assembled/gathered here to review the Future of Globalization.
·This session will deal with/be devoted to HIV Treatment and Care in the New Century.
5. Introducing a keynote speaker
The speaker’s past and present experience
·Our keynote speaker is Peter de Jager, the president of the National Intelligence Council. Previously, he served as a special advisor to the United Kingdom Year 2000 Task Force and to the Russian Federation Task Force.
·From 2000 to 2004, he was affiliated with the Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East at the Kennedy School of Harvard University.
The speaker’s educational background
·Our speaker got her Ph.D. in agricultural economics at the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at Harvard and Princeton.
·Terry holds a Bachelor of Science degree in communications. He also holds a Master of Business Administration in marketing from
George State University.
·Dr. Lee’s B.S. degree is from Rutgers University. His Ph.D. is from University of Massachusetts under the guidance of Professor Fergus Clydesdale, a renowned food policy expert and personal mentor.
The speaker’s achievement (works and articles)
·Our speaker is the author of life by Design: A Do-It-Yourself Approach for Achieving Happiness and served as the editor and co-author of Let Your Leadership Speak: How to Lead and Be Heard.·Our speaker is also co-author of five books and over 40 published articles. As a communications expert, she has been quoted in the Seattle Times, the chicago Tribune and the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
·Hilka is the author of the upcoming book- Design a Plan to Save Your Life, and four more books have already been published.
The speaker’s speaking experience
·For the past six years, Peter de Jager has been a worldwide leader in creating awareness for the year 2000 computer problem, in both the information security community and the business world at large. He has appeared on numerous TV and radio programs here and abroad.·Our speaker has hosted a daily TV show on the Financial News Network and has appeared on CNN and CBS, sharing his Internet expertise.
The awards and honor of the speaker
·Our speaker has been honored many awards—a Poet Laureate, a Pulitzer Prize winner, a National Medal of the Arts and a National Book Award, etc. Most of the American poets younger than him tend to look up to him as their guide, their leader and their surrogate father.
·He has earned the title of “Distinguished Toastmaster”—the highest honor given by Toastmasters International. Since 1924, only 5,000 members out of five million have been so honored.
·She is a Certified Speaking Professional—the highest earned designation bestowed by the National Speakers Association and held by less than 175 women nationwide.
The presentation topic of a speaker
·Please join me in welcoming our guest speaker today—Mr. Richard Allan, whose topic is entitled From Success to Significance.
·I am happy to present to you the friend of all young people, Dr. Ronald Peterson, who will now address you on “The Future of Globalization”.
·So to speak to you on Scientific Breakthroughs from Mice to Men, please welcome Alice Park.
·Today, Stephen Green will address you on Helping China Spend the Surplus.
6. Complimenting on speeches and introducing the next speaker ·Thank you, Mr. Carswell. Your speech is the absolutely pure gold, very inspiring. We are delighted to be able to share your new specific strategies and techniques. I think everyone wants to be a millionaire, to make a big fortune. The secrets of creating fortune and success will be greatly cherished by the people present here. Now, let’s welcome our next speaker, Prof. King.
·Mr. Dickens has given an eye-opener as well as a very absorbing evening, and on behalf of all of us here, I would like to express to him our sincere thanks and appreciation. Thank you, Mr. Dickens. The next speaker is Dr. Smith.
·Prof. Campell’s speech is highly useful, interesting and informative. We have learnt a lot from her. Thank you again, Prof. Campell. Our next speaker is Prof. Allen. Let’s welcome him!·Thank you very much for your worthwhile/enlightening/informative presentation. Let’s welcome the next speaker Prof. Zhu Lei with warm applause.
7. Adjourning or closing a session
·As you are all aware our session has now come to an end and, like you, I am now looking forward to lunch. Now remember, we reassemble at 2:00 in the afternoon, and I thank you for your attendance.·We have now come to the end of the first section of this morning.
Let’s have a 20-minute coffee break. Please come back before 10:00·We have had five papers presented. Let’s have a break before we start the discussion. You may prepare some questions relating to the five presentations during the recess. Our meeting will be resumed at 4:30.
·I declare the session adjourned until 8 p.m.
Task 1 Giving a Welcome Speech
At an opening ceremony, the chairperson or the distinguished guests would deliver a welcome speech, welcoming all participants, giving thanks to related parties and individuals, starting the organizing background, characteristics and purpose of the conference, and finally expressing sincere wishes to all.
Format of a welcome speech
·Welcoming the participants to the conference
·Introducing the characteristics or uniqueness of the conference ·Presenting background information related to the subject of the conference
·Stating the purpose of the conference
·Expressing good wishes to the conference and the participants Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
1. Welcome remarks
·Please allow me on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Government and myself to extend my warmest congratulations on the convening of this conference. I would also like to warmly welcome you—all the conference participants home and abroad to the conference.·Firstly on behalf of the Sponsors, the School of Nursing, University of Ottawa, I would like to express a very warm welcome to the guests, experts and delegates who have traveled here to participate in this International Academic Conference. I would like also to express our heartfelt thanks to all the organizations and friends, who have helped and supported us in organizing this conference.
·I am Andrew Farrar, the general chairman. It is my pleasure to welcome you to Baltimore to attend EMC 2003, our 35th Annual Symposium.
·On behalf of Nanjing municipal government, I am honored to have the opportunity to welcome you all to Nanjing and participate in this conference.
·It is a great pleasure for me to give you the warmest welcome on behalf of Qufu Normal University.
·As chairman of the Organizing Committee, I am very pleased to extend a hearty welcome to you all.
·I welcome you all on behalf of the Executive Committee of the
Congress on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy.
·I have the honor and the pleasure, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, to extend our cordial welcome to all the scientists who have been invited to this congress.
2. Background
·Three years ago, at the 7th International Conference on Linguistics Studies, I suggested that an international symposium on learning strategies be held. Dr. Gu and Dr. Cohen agreed. We are now very glad to have the opportunity of holding the 8th international conference in Nanjing.
·There are several reasons for organizing this conference. Research on systemic functional linguistics is entering a period of mushrooming growth in China. Therefore, it was desirable that interested linguists gather to report new advances, to review processes, to discuss conflicting findings and divergent interpretation regarding it, and to make more meaningful plans for the future phases and direcrions of research.
·The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology was founded in Hong Kong in 1972. It was undertaken 20 congresses in many countries of the world in over 30 years.
3. Conference programs
·The symposium includes a total of 70 papers for presentation at。
