Summer Not Season To Be Lazy 这个假期有点“忙”




忙碌的假期英语作文The holiday season is supposed to be a time of relaxation and joy, but for many people, it can be a busy and stressful time. (假期季节本应是休闲和快乐的时光,但对许多人来说,它可能是一个忙碌而紧张的时刻。

) With all the parties, shopping, and family commitments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and exhausted during what should be a time of celebration. (在所有的聚会、购物和家庭承诺中,很容易在本该是庆祝的时光感到不知所措和筋疲力尽。

)One of the main sources of stress during the holiday season is the pressure to attend social events and fulfill obligations. (假期季节压力的主要来源之一是参加社交活动和履行义务的压力。

) Whether it's work-related parties, family gatherings, or invitations from friends, the sheer number of events can quickly become overwhelming. (无论是与工作相关的聚会,家庭聚会,还是朋友的邀请,活动的数量之多很快就会让人感到不知所措。

) Saying no to these invitations can be difficult, as no one wants to disappoint or offend others during the holiday season. (在假期季节拒绝这些邀请可能很困难,因为没有人希望在这个时候让别人失望或生气。



我六岁的时候Once, when I was six years old,读过一本关于原始森林的书I read a book about the primeval forest.书上说The book said,"蟒蛇会把猎物整个吞下"Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, "而不咀嚼""without chewing it."我思索良久之后I pondered this deeply.画下了第一幅画And then, I made my first drawing.我把我的杰作拿给大人们看I showed my masterpiece to grown-ups还问他们有没有被这画吓到and asked if the drawing frightened them.害怕Frightened?为什么会有人害怕一顶帽子Why should anyone be frightened of a hat?大人啊Grown-ups.从来不会自己动脑思考问题They never understand anything by themselves. 于是我又画下了第二幅画So, I made another drawing.老天我建议你还是学算术吧Geez. My advice is stick to arithmetic.-历史 -还有语法- History. - And grammar.我听取了他们的建议I took their advice然后我长大了and I grew up.我完全忘记了童年的那个我I forgot all about being a child直到发生这件奇遇until something miraculous happened.小王子小王子我一直很想与人分享这个故事可是...I've always wanted to find someone to share this story with, but... 不知怎么...I don't know...也许是这个世界太世故了吧I guess this world just... got too grown-up.早上好今天最重要的数字Good morning, in matters of consequence today,经过处理计算...figures were managed, counted and...破纪录的数字被写到纸上Record-breaking numbers were written down on pieces of paper, 送到银行放到抽屉里面再用钥匙锁好taken to the bank, placed in the drawers and locked with keys.后背挺直Back straight.注意听Listening attentively.注意听Listening.不要频繁眨眼No excessive blinking.注意听Listening.受到意外表扬Unexpected praise.接受并说"谢谢"Acknowledge and "Thank you."同时微笑宝贝露出牙齿It's a smile, sweetie. Show your teeth.别露太多Not too much.很好Good.好了记住OK, now remember,以往的民♥意♥测验和历史数据告诉我们exit polling and historical data tell us如果评审团有意录取你if the panel is leaning toward acceptance,他们就问一个问题they will ask only one question.终极问题The big question.你适合沃思学院吗Are you Werth Academy material?是的我很适合Yes, I am.我适合沃思学院的理由有三...Three things make me Werth Academy material...零一七号♥Zero One Seven?去吧Go on.我们已经看过你的申请信写得很好We've reviewed your application. Good.谢谢Thank you!我们已经看过你的成绩单We've reviewed your transcripts.谢...谢Thank... you.还有你的论文We've read your essay,《零在盈亏线上的变革力量》"The Transformative Power of Zero on the Bottom Line" 及其续篇《零仍是我的英雄》and the follow-up, "Zero, Still My Hero".是的你的准备充足Yes, you've done your work.一切似乎都已就绪Everything looks to be in place.我们今天只问一个问题We will ask you just one question today.终极问题The big question!"你适合沃思学院吗""Are you Werth Academy material?"你长大后想做什么What will you be when you grow up?是的我很适合Yes, I am.我适合沃思学院的理由有三Three things make me Werth Academy material. 不不No. No.第一就像沃思一样我很明智One, like Werth, I am sensible.第二就像沃思一样我很认真Two, like Werth, I am serious.-快停下 -第三...- Stop! - Three...就像沃思一样 Werth...我坚定 unwavering...快停下快停下Abort. Abort.不移的...concern with...信念谢谢Thank you.宝贝Sweetie!很显然他们换掉了终极问题Apparently, they changed the big question.我很抱歉妈妈I'm sorry, Mom.没事Don't be.现在只好启动备用计划了We're just gonna have to go to Plan B.备用计划B?可你说过备用计划行不通的You said Plan B was impossible!所以我们才会采用原始计划That's why we went with Plan A.备用计划就是新的原始计划Plan B is the new Plan A.前进We're moving forward!学区范围确定Neighbourhood identified. Check.如果发生奇迹If by some miracle我们能在这里找到付得起的房♥子we can find a house in the neighborhood we can afford,他们就必须接收你they have to take you.降价出♥售♥房♥屋确定确定Check. Check.确定Check.搬家卡车确定Moving truck, check.全球搬运对于那个严肃又明智的人来说...Matters of consequence for the serious and sensible man who... 暑假的第一天成功了We did it!不管他们要不要你沃思学院你都上定了You're going to Werth Academy whether they want you or not. 不管火山是死是活对于我们来说都一样Volcanoes are extinct or alive, it comes to the same thing for us. 没有人会满足现状停止追求No one is ever satisfied where he is, or pursuing nothing...新家到了确定Our new home. Check.现在更换计划会不会太晚了Is it too late for a Plan C?你要一直提醒自己Just keep reminding yourself:正是因为那座房♥子我们才住得起这座房♥子that house made this house available,你才得以拥有未来and made your future possible.妈妈Mom?你真觉得我适合沃思学院吗Do you really think I'm Werth Academy material?经过这个暑假你就会够格了You will be by the end of the summer因为我制定了一项计划bacause I've designed a plan.非常准时Right on time.我称它为你的人生计划I call it your life plan.我的人生计划My life plan?人生计划Life plan.不准出现任何意外We're not leaving anything to chance.所有安排都在这里Everything's here.从上到下从左到右Oriented top to bottom. Left to right.来仔细看一下Let's take a closer look.每一分钟每一小时The minute of the hour, hour of the day,每一天每一周每一月day of the week, week of the month, month of the year, 你这辈子的每一年the year of your life.所有安排明白了吗Everything! Got it?连你的生日礼物计划表这里都有It's even got a chart for all your birthday gifts.比如你即将到来的九岁生日礼物是显微镜Like your ninth birthday, coming up. Microscope.正好在沃思学院的生物课上使用Perfect for the Werth Academy biology curriculum.都已经包好了It's already wrapped.-好惊喜 -怎么样惊喜吧- Wow! - Yes. "Wow!"但是现在你要把注意力都集中在这里But for now, all your attention should be focused here.新学校的第一天The first day of your new school.沃思学院准备时间有53天We've got 53 days of prep time,听上去不算多which doesn't sound like much,但你可以将它换算成 1272个小时until you break it into hours, 1,272.或是76320分钟Or minutes, 76,320.只有这样你才会意识到能够做多少事Only then do you realise how much can be accomplished.你要按照表格执行每分钟每小时每一天的计划You will use those minutes, hours and days according to this. 因为老实说吧Because, let's face it,在学校你只能靠你自己you're going to be all alone out there.只能靠自己All alone.所以...So...不能再犯错了不能再像面试那样we can't afford any more mistakes, like the interview. 没...错All... right.你会成为一个很出色的大人You're going to make a wonderful grown-up.谢谢妈妈Thank you, Mom.我也想留下来宝贝I wish I could stay, sweetie,可戴维斯的审计工作又出岔子了but it's the Davis audit, again.凯莉的数据在米勒的统计表里也还有问题The Kelly numbers on the Miller oversite are still problematic. 而且这次资金有些风声Only this time fines caught wind of it now,洛根现在乱了手脚Logan's in a panic.费舍完全不想插手And Fisher wants nothing to do with it...洛根Logan.-现在我得回去 -解决所有问题- Now I've gotta go in... - And make it all balance out. 我自己都没有把握I'm not even sure that's possible.能解决这些事的人只有你快去吧If anyone can do it, it's you. You go.我还要去完成人生计划I've got the life plan!你真是我的得力副手You're my senior VP.好了OK.汽油Gas.不不不不不No no no no no.稳住Tempo.尽力而为目前为止一切还好Exert. Things are talent before you go in.有人在家吗Anybody home?螺旋桨Bolts.小心Pay attention.不要再弄坏其他东西了Don't screw up except those thing.我一直不相信他家后院有架飞机I didn't actually believe he had a plane back there. 我还以为那老头多年前就飞走了I think the old guy flew away years ago.我很欣慰我们没有挨着他住I'm just thankful we don't live next door to him.收到Roger that.你好Well, hello there.祝你下午时光愉快警官A very good afternoon to you, Officer.朋友们Friends!我刚刚只是...玩桥牌玩得太投入了I was just... I was immersed in a game of bridge.你玩吗Do you play?先生你是不是又在发动你的飞机Sir, did you try to start your plane again?是的没错Yes, yes, I did.我真的非常非常抱歉I'm terribly, terribly sorry.我应该给隔壁房♥屋造成了大面♥积♥破坏I do believe I have caused extensive damage to the house next door. 去局里吗Downtown?还是不了I'd rather not.等一下等一下Hold on. Hold on.-应该就在这里的啊 -什么东西- I know it's here, somewhere. - What?-找到它了 -我说先生...- Found it! - Sir...宝贝我回来了我还带了中餐Hey, I'm home. I brought Chinese.-妈妈 -你在这呀- Mom? - Oh. Hi.你回来了Hi.那些硬币是哪来的Where did you get the pennies?-隔壁老头给的 -什么- From the old man next door. - What?实际上是警♥察♥叔叔"给的"Actually, it was the police officer who "gave" them to me.什么What?什么样的疯子会有架飞机What kind of a nut keeps an aeroplane而且还敢在后院发动and actually starts it in his backyard?宝贝你真的没事吗Honey, are you sure you're OK?-我得打给保险公♥司♥ -已经打了- I have to call insurance agent. - Done it.-然后填写报案笔录 -也写完了一式两份- And file a police report. - Done. In duplicate.-拍照取证 -屋里屋外都照过了- Photo documentation? - Inside and outside.不能更完美了Doubt it could have been better.还不算太糟嘛It's not so bad.我们明天一早就给承包商打电♥话♥We'll call a contractor in the morning以后都不会记得他这号♥人物and we'll forget the old man even exists.已经忘了Forgotten.今晚最重要的事情Matters of consequence this evening,我们再来看下今天翻新的数字吧let's recap today's recaps.今天的市场活动都有详细记录...Today's market activity with a detailed account...看下今日编号♥Section number of the day.还有其他上百个...There are also hundreds of others..."很久以前有一个小王子"Once upon a time there is a little prince"他所在的那个星球没比他自己大多少"who lived on a planet that was scarcely bigger than himself, "他很需要...""and who had need of..."一个朋友A friend?我想你需要朋友吧I thought you could use a friend!不我在这里在上面No, no, here I am, up here.对在这呢你好Yep! Here! Hi.很抱歉那只是故事的开头I'm sorry. That's just the beginning of the story.没关系反正也没人看得懂It's OK. Nobody understands it anyway.好吧再见回见也许吧All right. Bye-bye. See you later. Maybe.她制♥造♥出最恐怖的声音She made the most frightful noise.到处都在回响It resounded all over the place.-也许午饭时 -我可以数下那些硬币- Maybe during lunch... - I can count all those pennies.很久以前有一个小王子Once upon a time there was a little prince他所在的那个星球没比他自己大多少who lived on a planet that was scarcely bigger than himself, 他很需要一个朋友and who had need of a friend.而我孤独地生活着And I, I lived my life alone身边没有可谈心的朋友without anyone I could really talk to.于是我去学了驾驶飞机So I learned to pilot aeroplanes.我几乎飞遍了整个世界I flew more or less all over the world,直到有一次在撒哈拉沙漠中遇到故障until I had an accident in the Sahara Desert.你能不能给我画只绵羊If you please, draw me a sheep!你能不能给我画只绵羊If you please, draw me a sheep.给我画只绵羊Draw me a sheep!当神秘事物将你震慑住时When a mystery is too over-powering,你就不敢不听话one dare not disobey.画画可我不会画画Draw? I don't know how to draw.不要紧的That doesn't matter.我画的第一只羊病得太厉害The first sheep I drew was too sickly.而第二只也不合他心意And the second one, not to his liking either.难道你看不出来这不是绵羊Don't you see, that's not a sheep.这是山羊它有角呢This is a ram, it has horns.-而这一只... -太老了- And this one was... - Too old!我想要一只可以活很久的羊I want a sheep that will live for a long time.于是我画下这个So, I drew this.你要的羊在里面The sheep you ask for is inside.我要的就是这个That is exactly the way I wanted it!你觉得这只羊会吃很多草吗Do you think this sheep will eat a great deal of grass? 因为我住的地方所有东西都很小Because where I live, everything is very small.我敢肯定那里的草够他吃的I'm sure there will be enough grass for him.他是一只很小的羊He's a very small sheep.也没小到...你看他睡着了Not so small that... Look! He's gone to sleep.你好Hello?你好Hello?你好Hello!等一下等一下Hold on. Now, hold on.下来了Here we go.我...我是来还画的I... I just wanted to give your drawing back.你不喜欢吗You didn't like it?不不我很喜欢No, no, I did.我画得不是很好It's not very good.我觉得非常不错I think it's nice.故事我也看了很认真地看了I read the story, too. Attentively.我发现这故事很不寻常And I found it quite odd.不寻常Odd?我是指奇妙或者有趣I mean curious, or interesting.故事中的有些内容让我有点不解I guess I have some issues with some of the facts.你有什么想问的吗You have questions?我不想冒犯您我可以吗I don't mean to be rude. Can I?可以什么冒犯我吗当然What? Be rude? Sure.来吧你都想问什么Go ahead. What you got?首先那个小孩在沙漠里做什么Well, first of all, what was the kid doing there in the desert? 这很奇怪That's very strange.人不会在沙漠里活很久No one can last very long in a desert如果缺少食物和水without food and water.他的父母呢他去上学吗Where are his parents? Does he even go to school?他真的住在天上吗Does he really live up there?因为我学过基础天文学Because I took basic astronomy任何其他星球之上and there was no mention of life,都没有生命迹象或是小孩or children, on any other planets.除非他真的来自一颗恒星Unless it's true that he came from a star.但也不大可能But that seems improbable.不是恒星是小行星Not a star. An asteroid.B612号♥小行星Asteroid B612.我们没学过小行星We didn't cover asteroids.不过他想要羊的这件事But the fact that he wanted a sheep,可以证明他真的存在吧that pretty much proves that he exists.你不这样想吗Don't you think?等等我要在这找到另一幅画Hold on, I just got to find it here. Another drawing.这里存在很严重的火灾隐患This is a pretty serious fire hazard.我从不这么看I never looked at it that way.这些东西你都在哪弄的Where did you get all this stuff?人活这一辈子有些东西就是会留在你身边Oh, well, as you live, you know, some things just kind of stick to you. 有个词叫什么来的...And there's a name for it...-收集吗 -聚藏- Collecting? - Hoarding!对聚藏That's it, hoarding.我就是这种人聚藏家算是聚藏家That's what I am. I'm a hoarder. A bit of a hoarder.你叫什么名字小狐狸What's your name, little fox?他无法回答你He can't answer you.我总想给他缝个嘴I keep meaning to sew him a mouth.你...你还好吗Are... Are you OK?没事有时是会这样I'm fine, this happens sometimes.躺躺就好Just need a minute.上次出现这种情况我在这里躺了三天You know, the last time this happened, I was down here for three days. -躺了三天 -不要紧的- Three days? - That's OK.所以我才总在口袋里面揣三明治That's why I always keep a sandwich in my pocket.来一口吗有熏肠哦Do you want a bite? Baloney.我对熏肠过敏I think I'm baloney intolerant.应该是熏肠的I think it's baloney.今晚会很晴朗Gonna be a clear night.星星很快就会出来The stars will be out soon.小王子他很喜欢观看日落The Little Prince, he was very fond of sunsets.有一天他看了四十四次One day he saw 44 of them.什么What?他的行星很小很小His planet, it was so small,只要往后挪动几步椅子就能再看一场日落all he had to do was move his chair a few steps to see another one. 但是小行星也有不好的地方But a small planet also had drawbacks.他需要一只羊来吃掉猴面包树的萌芽He needed a sheep to eat the baobab sprouts.-猴面包树 -对一种很贪婪的树- Baobab? - Yeah. It's a very greedy tree.他每天都要想方设法阻止树苗长大And every day, he toiled to stop them from turning up.要是你铲得太晚...For if you intervene too late...简直就是灾难Catastrophe.幸运的是也有一些好的种子Now, luckily, there are good seeds, too.一天不知从哪吹来一粒种子And one day, from a seed blown from no one knew where,长出一种新的萌芽a new kind of sprout came up.我知道你一定是个奇迹你一定是I know you'll be miraculous. I know you will.你好美啊How beautiful you are!我才刚刚睡醒I'm only half awake.真对不起我还这么乱蓬蓬的Forgive me, I'm still quite dishevelled.你很完美You're perfect.可不是吗Am I not?我出生在日出之时I was born at the same moment as the sun.在那里他们第一次共赏日出It was there they shared their first sunrise第一次同享日落and their first sunset.你这里可真冷It's very cold where you live.请你体贴一点想想我的需求If you would have the kindness to... to think of my needs?玫瑰很快开始骄纵起来折磨着他But the Rose began very quickly to torment him with her vanity. 我看你没有屏风吧I suppose you wouldn't have a screen?到了晚上请你用玻璃把我罩起来And at night I want you to put me under a glass.快点罩上球形玻璃A glass globe, now.我的需求...我的美貌...我的屏风...My needs... My beauty... My screen...然而遗憾的是他们两个深深爱着彼此Now, the shame of it was that they loved each other.但是他们也都太年轻了不懂如何去爱But they were both too young to know how to love.带着满心困惑他逃走了Full of doubt, he ran away.我当然爱你Of course I love you.如果你没有感觉到这是我的错If you're not aware of that, it's my fault.请原谅我Please forgive me.他抛下她自己走了He left her? All alone?可是他去哪了But where did he go?他当时还不知道Well, he didn't know it at the time,他的离开其实是迈出了回到她身边的第一步but his leaving was just the first step on a journey back to her. -真的吗 -真的- Really? - Yeah.你看星星都出来了Look at that, the stars are out.真的好亮They're so bright.能看的有许多There are so many to look at.天气好的时候如果仔细聆听And on a good day, if I listen carefully,我会听到他在天上欢笑I can hear him laughing up there.不我得走了Oh, no! I got to go!宝贝你在哪里Sweetie? Where are you?我回来了Oh. Hi.你的书桌好乱Your desk is a mess.今天的学习计划完成了没有Did you finish your study work for today?没...完成Not exactly.那你都在忙些什么Well, what have you been doing?我读了很多书I've read a lot...还交了个朋友And I made a friend.朋友A friend?不不不不不不No. No, no, no. No. No.不行Nope.也许...Maybe...可以Yes.好了OK.朋友如果你努力学习严格执行各个计划If you study hard and you stay completely on track with the plan, 你就可以去找新朋友玩you can spend some time with your new friend.明年暑假每周四一点到一点半Next summer, on Thursdays, from 1:00 to 1:30.好吗好期待见到她OK? Can't wait to meet her.他不知不觉中来到邻近的小行星He found himself in the neighbourhood of asteroids 325, 326, 327,328号♥ 329号♥ 330号♥... 328, 329, 330...怎么了原来是来了一个臣民What? What? Oh! Here's a subject.走上前来Approach.陛下您都统治什么Sire, over what do you rule?统治一切Over everything.星星也都臣服于您吗And the stars obey you?那是当然我绝不允许有谁反抗They certainly do. I do not permit insubordination.我很想看一场日落I would very much like to see a sunset.那会让我想起我的玫瑰It would remind me of my rose.您可以命令太阳下落吗Could you order the sun to set?你会看到日落You shall have your sunset.我会下达命令I shall command it.但是我要等到条件成熟But I shall wait until conditions are favorable.那要等到什么时候When will that be?那要等到...等到...That will be about... about...等到...今晚大约七点四十That will be... this evening. About twenty minutes to eight. 早上好Good morning.你的帽子有点奇怪You're wearing a funny kind of hat.这什么话...这帽子其实是用来致敬的What is it... It is a hat for salutes, actually.当我受到称赞我便举帽示意To raise when people acclaim me.你鼓个掌Clap your hands, yeah.谢谢谢谢Thank you. Thank you.明白了吗See?你真的很崇拜我吗Do you really admire me very much?我难道不是这个行星上最英俊最华丽最富有Am I not the handsomest, the best-dressed, the richest... 以及最聪颖的人吗and the most intelligent man on this planet?可是这个行星上只有你一个人呀But you're the only man on this planet.请你帮我个忙...Do me this kindness and...还是崇拜我吧好吗admire me just the same, please.这些星星归我所有I own the stars...归我管理I administ them.我会清点数目数完再数I count them, then I recount them.可这样你会得到什么好处呢But what good does that do you?这会让我变得富有这个好处如何Well, it does me the good of making me rich. How's that? 富有又会带给你什么好处呢And what good does it do you to be rich?我会买♥♥下更多星星It makes it possible for me to buy more stars.办到你能想到的任何事情Plus anything else you can think of.成年人真的非常非常奇怪Grown-ups are certainly very very odd.确定确定确定And check. And check. And check.确定Check.确定Check.确定确定确定确定And check. And check, check, check.确定...Check...成年人真的非常非常非常奇怪Grown-ups are certainly very very very odd.我在成年人的世界中生活了很久I've lived a great deal among grown-ups.我已深入并近距离地观察过他们I've seen them intimately close at hand and...但也没怎么改变我对他们的看法that hasn't much changed my opinion of them.我不确定自己是否还想长大Well, I'm not so sure I wanna grow up any more.长大不是问题Growing up is not the problem.遗忘才是Forgetting is.我可不想遗忘I definitely don't want to forget.我还是长大了而我从没忘记过小王子I managed to grow up and I never forgot the Little Prince. 很好Yeah...晚上好Good evening.晚上好Good evening.这是什么行星What planet is this?这是地球This is Earth.这是非洲This is Africa.人都在什么地方Where are all the men?沙漠里面是有一点孤独It is a little lonely in the desert.有人的地方也一样孤独It is also lonely among men.你是个很奇特的动物You are a funny animal.没比手指粗到哪里去You are no thicker than a finger.但我甚至比国王的手指更有威力But I am more powerful than the finger of a king.你没有脚You haven't any feet.甚至不能旅行You cannot even travel.我可以带你去连大船都到不了的地方I can carry you further than any ship can take you.如果你想回到你的行星有朝一日我会帮你I can help you someday, if you grow too homesick for your own planet. 我想我明白你的意思了I think I understand you.好了试试左边那根树干There you go, try that one on the left there.我好害怕I'm scared.那就对了这种事就是会让人害怕That's normal. It is scary.不然我为什么派你上去Why do you think I send you?就快到了干得不错Almost there. You got it now.伸出手够到它Just reach! Reach for it!-我够到了 -没错就是这样- I got it! - There you go! You got it!这真是...Well, that was...真是双倍地吓人是吧That was double scary, right?三倍四倍地吓人Triple and quadruple.-我们得弄掉这个 -什么- We're going to have to amputate them. - What?-感觉好些了吧 -是的- Feels better, then, eh? - Yeah.小王子行走了很长时间But it happened that after walking a long time穿过沙漠岩石雪地through sand, rocks and snow,然后狐狸出现了the Fox appeared.过来跟我玩吧Hey! Come and play with me.我不能跟你玩I cannot play with you.我还没被驯服I'm not tamed.那是什么意思What does that mean?驯服就是"建立关系"Tame means, "to establish ties".对我来说你不过是个小男孩To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy就跟其他成千上万的小男孩一样who is just like 100,000 other little boys.我不需要你And I have no need of you.你也不需要我And you have no need of me.对你来说我也只是成千上万狐狸中的一只To you, I am nothing more than a fox like 100,000 foxes. 但如果你驯服了我我们就会彼此需要But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.你好Hey, there.对我来说你会是世界上唯一的存在To me, you will be unique in all the world.对你来说我也是世界上唯一的存在And to you, I shall be unique in all the world.你们是谁Who are you?我们是玫瑰We are roses.我的玫瑰只是一朵寻常玫瑰My rose is just a common rose?可她告诉我全宇宙只有她那一朵玫瑰But she told me she was the only one of her kind in the whole universe. 但她绝不只是一朵寻常玫瑰But she is not a common rose.她是你的玫瑰She is your rose.是你在她身上倾注的时间It is the time that you've devoted to her让她变得如此重要that makes your rose so important.她是我的玫瑰She is my rose.你必须回到她身边You must return to her.不你要哭了吗Oh, no, are you going to cry?我驯服了你对你却没什么好处My taming you has done you no good at all.作为礼物我告诉你一个秘密Let me make you a present of a secret.只有用心去看才能看得真切It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.真正重要的东西眼睛是看不见的What is essential is invisible to the eye.他们不会再在一起了吗They won't be together any more?他们会的But they will.狐狸只要用心去看就能看得见小王子The Fox, he sees the Little Prince when he looks with his heart.如果你做得到你就永远不会孤单If you can do that, you'll never be lonely again.没错可我现在不孤单啊有你在了Right. But I'm not lonely. I've got you now.我真幸运I am so lucky.我还以为永远也找不到愿意听我讲故事的人了I thought I'd never find anyone who wanted to hear my story.结果你出现了时机刚好Then you came along. Just in time.等等Wait...什么叫做 "时机刚好"What do you mean, "Just in time"?每个人早晚都会告别的Well, everyone has to say goodbye sooner or later. 你要走吗You're leaving?这个...Well...要是...要是我把那架旧飞机修好了呢What if... What if I get that old plane running?要是时间到了...And what if it's time for me to...我该去找小王子了呢you know, go be with the Little Prince?可是...But...可是他有他的玫瑰了But he already has his rose...而我需要你And I need you here.饿了没有You hungry?我知道一个好地方I know a great place生日当天可以吃到免费薄饼where we can get free pancakes on your birthday. 可是我两周后才过生日But my birthday's not for two weeks.他们又不知道They don't know that.这就像开飞机It's... It's like flying a plane.像你开毁的那次吗Like the one you crashed?没错Exactly!怎么回事What!靠边停下Pull over.-你有驾照吗 -没有- Do you have a driver's licence? - No.-实习驾照呢 -没有- A learner's permit? - No.你多大了你好警官How old are you? Hi, Officer.显然你把车又开出来了You obviously started your car, again.是啊Yeah...下午好警官我可以插句话吗Good afternoon, Officer. If I may interject for a moment?你知道吗今天是我生日Did you know it's my birthday?-妈妈听我... -里面等我- Mom, I can... - Wait for me inside.-但是... -快点- But... - Now.女士我很抱歉打断你的工作Madam, I'm very sorry to pull you out from work.显然他们想去吃薄饼...Apparently, they were going to get pancakes...-你想找他谈谈吗 -是的- Would you like to speak to him? - Yes...不不不不No! No! No! No!狐狸先生Mr. Fox!按照计划你现在应该在床上睡觉According to this, you're still in bed. Asleep.看看昨天Yesterday.你的"朋友"连驾照都没有Your "friend" doesn't even have a driver's licence.不是被没收了Oh, no. They took it away因为他四次没拔管子就把车开出来了after the fourth time he drove away with the gas pump attached. 你可能被他害死的You could have been killed!-妈妈听我解释 -不你那是说谎- Mom, I can explain... - No, no, you mean you can lie.。




In summer, a bowl of mung bean soup is used to detoxify and go to Xiusai Xianfang.2、一穗两穗,一月入囤。

One ear, two ears, and one month.3、夏至落雨十八落,一天要落七八砣。

Eighteen rains fall during the summer solstice, seven or eight a day.4、立夏见夏,立秋见秋。

See summer in summer and autumn in autumn.5、春雪填满沟,夏田全不收。

Spring snow fills the ditch, but summer fields are not harvested.6、春鲢夏鲤,秋鳜冬鳊。

Spring silver carp, summer carp, autumn eel and winter bream.7、大暑小暑,有米也懒煮。

Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.8、适当密植不误地,一季收成顶两季。

Appropriate close planting, one season harvest top two seasons.9、春旱谷满仓,夏旱断种粮。

Dry grain in spring is full of barns, and dry grain in summer is cut off.10、芒种火烧鸡,夏至烂草鞋。

Turkey is planted in awn, straw shoes are rotten in summer solstice.11、苗子补严,间定莫慢。

When the seedlings are tightened, do not slow down.12、小满不下,梅雨较少。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I've been super busy this holiday season. From running errands to attending family gatherings, my schedule hasbeen packed to the brim. It feels like there's never a dull moment!One day, I woke up early to go grocery shopping for abig dinner party I was hosting later that evening. I had to rush around the store, picking up ingredients and making sure I didn't forget anything on my list. It was chaotic, but also kind of exhilarating.After the grocery store, I had to rush home to start prepping for the dinner party. I was in charge of makingthe main course, so I had to get everything marinated and ready to go in the oven. The kitchen was a mess, but I was on a mission to get everything done in time.Later that evening, the dinner party was a huge success. Everyone loved the food, and we had a great time catchingup and laughing together. It was a lot of work, but seeing everyone enjoy themselves made it all worth it.In between all the hustle and bustle, I also managed to squeeze in some time for myself. I went for a long walk in the park, read a book by the fireplace, and even treated myself to a spa day. It was nice to have some moments of relaxation amidst all the chaos.Overall, this holiday season has been a whirlwind of activity. From hosting dinner parties to taking time for myself, I've been constantly on the go. But despite the busyness, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's been a holiday season to remember.。



这个暑假也很忙英语作文English Response:This summer has been far from a break, filled with an abundance of activities that have kept me perpetually occupied. From rigorous academic pursuits to fulfilling extracurricular commitments, every day has been meticulously planned to maximize my time.My academic endeavors have constituted a substantial portion of my summer schedule. I enrolled in an intensive online statistics course to bolster my quantitative skills, delving into complex concepts such as hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and ANOVA. The course has been both challenging and rewarding, expanding my statistical knowledge and sharpening my analytical thinking abilities.Concurrently, I have been actively involved in various extracurricular activities, each of which has enriched my summer experience in its own unique way. As a member of theschool's debate team, I have honed my research, critical thinking, and public speaking skills through weekly meetings and practice debates. The team's preparation for an upcoming tournament has provided me with an invaluable opportunity to collaborate with peers and engage inthought-provoking discussions.Additionally, I have dedicated a significant amount of time to volunteering at a local soup kitchen. This experience has not only exposed me to the realities of food insecurity but has also instilled in me a profound sense of empathy and compassion. Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds has broadened my perspective and reinforced the importance of service to others.In the realm of personal pursuits, I have pursued my passion for music by attending several concerts and participating in a summer music festival. These events have not only allowed me to immerse myself in live performances by talented musicians but have also inspired me to continue exploring and refining my own musical abilities.Amidst this whirlwind of activities, I have also made a conscious effort to prioritize my well-being. I have maintained a regular exercise routine, ensuring that I have dedicated time each day to physical activity. Moreover, I have set aside specific time slots for relaxation, pursuing hobbies such as reading, writing, and playing the piano. These moments of respite have proven invaluable in maintaining my focus and productivity throughout the summer.Overall, this summer has been an enriching andfulfilling experience, filled with a diverse range of opportunities and challenges. While it has undoubtedly been demanding, I am grateful for the opportunity to engage inso many meaningful activities. I am confident that theskills and experiences I have gained this summer will serve me well in my future endeavors.中文回答:这个暑假是我忙碌的另一个开始,充实的活动让我如履薄冰。



Busy Summer HolidayThe summer holiday was a time of excitement and bustle for me. Days flew by as I engaged in various activitiesthat kept me occupied and learning new things.The first thing that filled my summer schedule was attending a summer camp. It was a week-long adventure where I met new friends and participated in thrilling outdoor activities. We went hiking, swimming, and even tried our hands at canoeing. It was an opportunity to test my courage and try things I had never done before.After the camp, I devoted myself to reading. I had a long list of books that I had been wanting to read, and the summer break was the perfect time to dive into them. I read about adventure stories, mysteries, and even some educational books that broadened my knowledge.In addition to reading, I also spent a considerable amount of time on my math and English studies. I knew that the new school year would bring new challenges, so I wanted to be prepared. I did practice exercises, revised concepts, and even worked on my writing skills.Another highlight of my summer was learning a new skill - cooking. I always found cooking fascinating, so I decided to take it up as a hobby. With the help of online tutorials and my mother's guidance, I learned to make simple yet delicious dishes. It was not only fun but also taught me the importance of independence and self-reliance.To balance out the indoor activities, I also made sure to include some outdoor playtime. I played soccer with my friends in the park, went for bike rides, and even tried my hand at gardening. These activities kept me active and refreshed.Lastly, I also spent some quality time with my family. We went for picnics, watched movies together, and even had some family game nights. These moments were truly cherishable and made the summer even more special.In conclusion, my summer holiday was a busy yetfulfilling time. It was a blend of learning, exploring, and spending time with loved ones. As I look back, I realize that these experiences have not only made my summer memorable but have also helped me grow as an individual.**忙碌的暑假**暑假对我来说是一段充满激动与忙碌的时光。

my busy summer holiday作文

my busy summer holiday作文

my busy summer holiday作文1.I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things.I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too.I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.我有一个快乐的暑假因为我做了许多有趣的东西。













2.I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall it is very famous for the world so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals . There are many foreigners in this city too .I want to talk with them in English . I want to learn English from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is ing soon .我想要去北京。



Ah, the much-anticipated summer vacation! A season of warmth, sunshine, and freedom from the relentless pace of school life. It's a time when young hearts race with excitement, and minds are brimming with possibilities. In this article, we delve into the wonders of summer vacation, offering a guide to making the most of this precious time off.The Arrival of SummerAs the days stretch longer and the sun blazes brighter, students across the globe begin to unwind from the academic rigor of the past year. The final bell rings, and with it, the realization that the summer isfinally here. This is a time for celebration, for saying goodbye to textbooks and hello to the great outdoors.The Importance of Summer BreakSummer vacation is not just a respite from studies; it is a vital component of a balanced educational experience. It allows students to:- Relax and Recharge: After months of hard work, the body and mind need time to recover and rejuvenate.- Explore New Interests: With more time on their hands, students can delve into hobbies and activities that might have been overlooked during the school year.- Develop Life Skills: Summer activities often involve teamwork, leadership, and independence, helping students grow into well-rounded individuals.- Travel and Experience: The summer is the perfect time to explore new places, cultures, and perspectives.Making the Most of Your Summer1. Plan Ahead:- Create a Schedule: Even though summer is about relaxation, having a rough schedule can help maintain a balance between fun and productivity.- Set Goals: Whether it's learning a new skill, reading a certain number of books, or traveling to a new destination, setting goals can make the summer more meaningful.2. Stay Active:- Engage in Physical Activities: Sports, swimming, hiking, or cycling can keep the body fit and the mind alert.- Participate in Outdoor Games: Street football, frisbee, or evenjust playing with friends can be great fun and a great way to stay active.3. Learn Something New:- Take Up a New Hobby: Learn to play an instrument, paint, cook, or try digital art.- Volunteer: Giving back to the community can be both rewarding and fulfilling.4. Travel and Explore:- Plan a Family Trip: Summer is the perfect time to explore new places with your loved ones.- Go on Day Trips: Discover hidden gems in your own city or nearby areas.5. Catch Up on Reading:- Read for Pleasure: Summer is a great time to catch up on your reading list, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or even educational books.- Join a Book Club: Discussing books with friends can make the experience even more enjoyable.6. Engage in Mindfulness and Relaxation:- Practice Meditation: Mindfulness and meditation can help reduce stress and improve focus.- Try Yoga: Yoga can be a great way to stay active and relax your mind.7. Stay Connected:- Connect with Friends and Family: Keep in touch with friends through social media, phone calls, or video chats.- Keep in Touch with Teachers: Stay in touch with teachers for any educational opportunities or guidance.Safety Tips for Summer Vacation- Sun Protection: Use sunscreen, wear a hat, and stay hydrated to prevent sunburn and heatstroke.- Water Safety: If swimming, always swim with a lifeguard and never alone.- Travel Safety: If traveling, research your destination and stay aware of your surroundings.ConclusionSummer vacation is a time for growth, exploration, and fun. It is a gift that we should cherish and make the most of. By planning ahead, staying active, learning something new, traveling, reading, practicing mindfulness, and staying safe, we can ensure that our summer vacation is not only enjoyable but also memorable. So, grab your sunscreen, pack your bags, and get ready to soar into the summer of a lifetime!。



这个暑假也很忙英语作文Title: A Busy Summer Vacation。

This summer vacation has been incredibly busy for me. While many of my peers were looking forward to relaxation and leisure, I found myself occupied with a myriad of activities. From academic pursuits to personal growth, my schedule was filled to the brim with enriching experiences.To begin with, my summer was dominated by academic endeavors. I devoted a significant portion of my time to preparing for upcoming exams and improving my English language skills. Each morning, I dedicated several hours to rigorous study sessions, poring over textbooks and practicing grammar exercises. I also engaged in online courses and virtual workshops, aiming to broaden my knowledge in various subjects. Despite the heat of summer, my commitment to academic excellence remained unwavering.In addition to academics, I explored severalextracurricular activities. One highlight was volunteering at a local community center. Spending time with diverse groups of people allowed me to develop interpersonal skills and cultivate empathy. Moreover, I participated in a summer camp focused on environmental conservation. Activities like tree planting and beach cleanups not only raised awareness about environmental issues but also instilled in me a sense of responsibility towards our planet.Furthermore, I dedicated time to pursuing personal interests. I delved into creative writing, penning short stories and poems during my spare moments. This creative outlet provided a therapeutic escape from the demands of everyday life. Additionally, I took up a new hobby –photography. Capturing the beauty of nature and urban landscapes became a refreshing pastime, offering a unique perspective on the world around me.Moreover, I embarked on a fitness journey to improve my physical well-being. Regular workouts and outdoor exercises became an integral part of my daily routine. Not only did I experience physical benefits, but I also noticed a positiveimpact on my mental clarity and overall mood.Despite the packed schedule, I ensured to allocate time for family and friends. Weekends were reserved for outings and gatherings, strengthening bonds and creating lasting memories. These moments of joy and connection served as a reminder of the importance of cherishing relationships amidst a busy lifestyle.Reflecting on this busy summer, I realize the immense value of time management and prioritization. Balancing academics, extracurriculars, and personal pursuits was challenging yet rewarding. I emerged from this summer vacation with a heightened sense of discipline, resilience, and self-discovery.In conclusion, while this summer vacation was undeniably busy, it was also incredibly fulfilling. Through academic diligence, diverse experiences, and personal growth, I made the most of every moment. This summer has taught me the importance of seizing opportunities and embracing challenges. As I look back on these past months,I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me intoa more well-rounded individual. Here's to a summer well spent, brimming with productivity, growth, and unforgettable memories.。



我的忙碌的暑假英语作文My Busy Summer VacationThis summer vacation has been a busy one for me. I have been going non-stop since the school bell rang for the last time in June.The first thing I did was attend a week-long summer camp. It was a fun-filled camp that offered a variety of activities like swimming, hiking, and canoeing. The best part of the camp was making new friends and getting to know myself better.After the camp, I focused on my studies. I attend summer school to keep up with my studies and to avoid falling behind. It was not easy to wake up early in the morning after a whole day of outdoor activities, but I managed to pull through.In addition to studying, I worked part-time at a local café. It was my first job, and I was nervous at first, but it turned out to be a great experience. I learned the value of hard work and the importance of customer service.During my free time, I helped my parents with house chores and spent quality time with my family. We went on a few day trips to the beach and visited some museums and galleries.Overall, this has been a productive and fulfilling summer vacation for me. I have learned new skills, made new friends, and spent time with my loved ones. I am looking forward to the upcoming school year with confidence.。

开启忙碌的假期 英语作文

开启忙碌的假期 英语作文

开启忙碌的假期英语作文Title: Embracing a Productive Holiday。

As the holiday season approaches, many of us look forward to a well-deserved break from our usual routines. However, rather than idling away the days, I propose making the most of this time by embracing productivity and self-improvement. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of a busy holiday and provide some strategies for making it both enjoyable and rewarding.First and foremost, a busy holiday can be immensely fulfilling. Instead of succumbing to laziness or boredom, filling our days with meaningful activities can give us a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Whether it's pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill, or tackling a long-neglected project, staying busy can lead to personal growth and development.One way to make the most of a busy holiday is bysetting clear goals. By identifying what we hope to achieve during this time, we can stay focused and motivated. Whether our goals are related to personal development, professional growth, or simply having fun, having a plan in place can help us make the most of every day.Additionally, it's important to prioritize our time effectively. With so many potential activities vying for our attention, it's easy to become overwhelmed. By identifying our top priorities and allocating our time accordingly, we can ensure that we're spending our days in a way that aligns with our values and aspirations.Of course, it's also important to remember to take care of ourselves during this busy time. While it's great to be productive, we shouldn't neglect our physical and mental well-being. Taking breaks, getting plenty of rest, and engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation are all essential components of a healthy and balanced holiday.In conclusion, while it may be tempting to spend our holidays lounging around and doing nothing, there arecountless benefits to embracing a busy and productive holiday instead. By setting clear goals, prioritizing our time effectively, and taking care of ourselves along the way, we can make the most of this time and emerge from the holiday season feeling refreshed, accomplished, and ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead.。



你暑假并不忙的英语作文英文回答:My summer vacation was far from hectic, providing me ample time to pursue leisurely activities and recharge. With no pressing obligations looming over me, I reveled in the freedom to explore my passions and indulge in hobbies that had been put on hold during the academic year.One significant aspect of my summer was the opportunity to delve deeper into my interest in photography. Armed with my trusty camera, I embarked on countless nature walks and city strolls, capturing the ephemeral beauty of the world around me. Each click of the shutter transported me to a realm of mindfulness, as I paid rapt attention to the details and compositions that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The fruits of my photographic endeavors were a collection of evocative images that not only preserved precious moments but also served as a testament to the wonders that can be discoveredwhen one slows down and truly observes.In addition to photography, I dedicated a substantial portion of my summer to reading and writing. With an abundance of time at my disposal, I immersed myself in a literary universe, delving into classic novels, contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction. The pages of these books became portals to distant lands, introduced me to unforgettable characters, and expanded my horizons in ways that would have been impossible during the school year, when time constraints often limited my reading to textbooks and academic materials. The act of writing, too, became a sanctuary for me, a space where I couldfreely express my thoughts and emotions without the pressures of deadlines or expectations.Furthermore, my summer was enriched by the joy of spending quality time with family and friends. We embarked on memorable road trips, attended concerts and festivals, and shared countless meals filled with laughter and lively conversation. These precious moments with loved ones created lasting memories that will warm my heart long afterthe summer has ended."Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Adhering to this adage, I ensured that my summer slumber was both restful and rejuvenating. I reveled in the luxury of waking up without the jarring sound of an alarm clock, allowing my body to naturally awaken when it was well-rested. This newfound morning tranquility allowed me to greet each day with a sense of calm and clarity that had been elusive during the hectic school year.The summer also presented an ideal opportunity to volunteer my time and give back to the community. I spent several afternoons at a local soup kitchen, where I had the privilege of serving meals to those in need. This experience humbled me and reminded me of the importance of compassion and service.As the days of summer dwindled, I couldn't help butfeel a tinge of nostalgia for the leisurely pace and freedom that had defined this special season. However, Ialso recognized that the memories and experiences I had accumulated would sustain me throughout the upcoming school year and beyond.中文回答:我的暑假并不忙,我有充足的时间来从事休闲活动和充电。



五年级下册英语忙碌的暑假作文A Busy Summer VacationMy summer vacation was a whirlwind of activities and fun moments. Every day was filled with something new and exciting.Early in the morning, I would often join my father for a run in the park. The fresh air and the sounds of nature gave me a great start to the day. After the run, we would grab a healthy breakfast and head to my math and science classes. I love learning new things, and these classes kept my mind sharp and engaged.In the afternoons, I would participate in swimming lessons. Splashing in the pool and learning new strokes was not only fun but also a great way to stay cool in the hot summer sun.On weekends, my family and I would visit nearby attractions or go on hikes in the mountains. These trips allowed us to bond and explore new places together.Evenings were spent reading books, playing with my toys, or watching movies with my siblings. We would often stay up late, laughing and sharing stories.Looking back, my summer vacation was truly a busy but rewarding time. I learned new skills, spent quality time with my family, and created lasting memories. I am grateful for the opportunities I had and look forward to the next summer with equal enthusiasm.。



Introduction:Summer break is a time for relaxation, adventure, and fun. However, for some, it can also be a period of boredom and monotony. With long days stretching ahead, it's easy to find yourself feeling restless and unproductive. In this article, we will explore the causes of boredom during the summer vacation and provide practical tips on how to make the most of your longest break of the year.I. Causes of Boredom During Summer Vacation1. Lack of RoutineOne of the main reasons people get bored during the summer vacation is the lack of a routine. Without the structure of school or work, it's easy to fall into a pattern of laziness and inactivity.2. Overindulgence in Leisure ActivitiesWhile it's important to relax and enjoy leisure activities during the summer, overindulgence can lead to boredom. Spending every day lying on the beach or watching TV can make the days feel endless and uneventful.3. Social IsolationThe summer vacation can also be a time for social isolation. Without the daily interaction with friends and colleagues, some people may feel disconnected and lonely.4. Financial ConstraintsLimited funds can also contribute to boredom. Without the means totravel or participate in expensive activities, it can feel like there's nothing to do.II. Tips to Combat Boredom During Summer Vacation1. Establish a RoutineCreating a daily routine can help combat boredom and keep you organized. Allocate time for various activities, such as exercise, studying, and hobbies. This will help you stay focused and productive.2. Try New ActivitiesOne of the best ways to combat boredom is to try new things. Explore local attractions, take up a new hobby, or learn a new skill. This will not only keep you entertained but also help you grow as an individual.3. Spend Time with Friends and FamilySocializing is crucial for combating boredom. Organize get-togethers, go on group outings, or simply have a coffee with friends. This will not only keep you entertained but also strengthen your relationships.4. VolunteerVolunteering can be a great way to combat boredom while making apositive impact on the community. Look for local volunteering opportunities or consider joining a volunteer organization.5. TravelIf possible, travel can be a fantastic way to combat boredom. Explore new places, meet new people, and experience new cultures. Travel can be an unforgettable way to spend your summer break.6. Set Goals and ChallengesSetting goals and challenges can help you stay motivated and focused. Whether it's learning a new language, reading a certain number of books, or completing a home improvement project, having a goal will keep you busy and productive.7. Take Care of Your HealthSummer break is the perfect time to focus on your health. Engage in regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will help you stay energized and motivated.8. Embrace TechnologyIn today's digital age, technology can be a valuable tool in combating boredom. Use social media, online courses, and educational apps to stay entertained and informed.9. Create a Summer Bucket ListMake a list of things you want to accomplish during the summer vacation. This can include anything from visiting a national park to learning to cook a new dish. Having a list will give you a sense of direction and purpose.10. Be Patient and Open-MindedLastly, remember that boredom is a temporary state. Be patient and open-minded, and you'll find that the summer vacation can be a time of growth, learning, and new experiences.Conclusion:Boredom during the summer vacation is a common concern, but it doesn't have to be a hindrance. By implementing the tips outlined in this article, you can make the most of your longest break of the year. Embrace new experiences, stay connected with loved ones, and focus on personal growth. With a positive attitude and a willingness to explore, the summer vacation can be an exciting and fulfilling time.。



Ah, summer! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the world is ripe with opportunities. It's time to bid farewell to the structured school year and embrace the wild, unstructured beauty of summer vacation. But wait, don't let the sun-soaked days lull you into a false sense of relaxation. This is the perfect season to kickstart your hustle and make the most of every moment. Get ready to dive into a summer filled with adventure, learning, and personal growth. Here's how to embrace the busy beat of the hottest vacation season.1. Set Clear Goals for the SummerThe first step to a productive summer is to set clear, achievable goals. Whether you want to improve your skills, explore new hobbies, or simply make the most of your time off, having a plan is crucial. Here are some goal-setting tips to get you started:- Skill Development: Identify a skill you want to improve or learn. It could be anything from learning a new language to mastering a musical instrument.- Health and Fitness: Make a commitment to get active and stay healthy. This could involve joining a sports team, going for daily runs, or even starting a fitness challenge with friends.- Educational Enrichment: Use the summer as an opportunity to expandyour knowledge. This could mean enrolling in online courses, reading books, or attending workshops.- Volunteer Work: Help others while enriching your own life.Volunteering can be a fulfilling way to give back to your community and gain valuable experience.- Travel and Exploration: If you're lucky enough to have the chance to travel, make a list of places you want to visit and experiences you want to have.2. Create a Daily RoutineOne of the biggest challenges of summer is managing your time effectively. Without the structure of school, it's easy to getsidetracked or feel like you're constantly running out of time. To combat this, create a daily routine that balances your goals with relaxation and leisure.- Morning Ritual: Start your day with a morning routine that sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. This could include exercise, meditation, or reading.- Goal Time: Dedicate specific times throughout the day to work on your goals. Whether it's writing, studying, or practicing a skill, having designated time slots will help you stay focused.- Breaks and Leisure: Don't forget to schedule breaks and leisure time. Summer is about enjoying the moment, so make sure to include activities you love in your routine.- Evening Reflection: End your day with a brief reflection on whatyou've accomplished and what you plan to do the next day.3. Embrace Technology and Online ResourcesSummer is the perfect time to embrace technology and take advantage of the vast array of online resources available. From educational platforms to productivity apps, there are countless tools at your disposal to help you stay organized and on track.- Educational Platforms: Websites like Coursera, Khan Academy, and edX offer a variety of courses on a wide range of topics. Use these resources to learn something new or deepen your knowledge in a subject you're passionate about.- Productivity Apps: Use apps like Trello, Evernote, and Google Calendar to stay organized and keep track of your goals and tasks.- Communication Tools: Keep in touch with friends and family usingsocial media, video calls, and messaging apps. Staying connected can help you feel more motivated and supported.4. Explore New Hobbies and InterestsSummer is the ideal time to explore new hobbies and interests. Whether you're interested in photography, cooking, coding, or gardening, there are endless possibilities to discover.- Workshops and Classes: Look for local workshops and classes that can help you learn a new skill or hobby.- Online Communities: Join online communities and forums related to your interests. This is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and gain inspiration.- DIY Projects: Try your hand at DIY projects. Not only is it a fun way to spend your time, but it can also be a creative outlet and a source of pride.5. Volunteer and Give BackVolunteering is a powerful way to make a difference in your communityand gain valuable experience. Whether you're helping at a local shelter, tutoring students, or participating in environmental projects, volunteering can be a transformative experience.- Community Organizations: Reach out to local organizations to see if they need volunteers. This could be a great way to meet new people and contribute to a cause you care about.- Service Projects: Organize or participate in service projects with friends or family. Whether it's cleaning up a park or organizing a food drive, these projects can have a lasting impact.- Online Volunteering: If you're unable to volunteer in person, consider online volunteering opportunities. There are many organizations that need help with tasks like translation, graphic design, and research.6. Travel and AdventureSummer is the perfect time to explore new places and have new adventures. Whether you're embarking on a road trip, taking a plane to a far-off destination, or simply exploring your own city, travel can be athrilling and enriching experience.- Research and Plan: Start by researching destinations that interest you. Look for travel blogs, websites, and travel guides to get inspirationand ideas.- Budgeting: Create a travel budget and stick to it. This will help you avoid overspending and ensure you have enough funds for your adventures.- Sustainability: When traveling, try to be a responsible tourist. Respect local cultures and environments, and consider sustainable travel options like public transportation or staying in eco-friendly accommodations.7. Stay Flexible and Open-MindedLastly, remember to stay flexible and open-minded throughout your summer adventures. The beauty of summer is that it's unpredictable and full of surprises. Embrace the unexpected and be willing to adapt your plans as needed.- Embrace Change: Be prepared to change your plans if something unexpected comes up. Whether it's a sudden opportunity or an unexpected challenge, being flexible will help you make the most of your summer.- Learn from Experience: Whether things go exactly as planned or not,use your experiences as learning opportunities. Reflect on what you've learned and how you can apply it to your life moving forward.In conclusion, summer is a time for growth, exploration, and fun. By setting clear goals, creating a routine, embracing technology, exploring new hobbies, volunteering, traveling, and staying flexible, you can make the most of this busy vacation season. So, lace up your shoes, grab your sunscreen, and get ready to hustle through the summer of a lifetime!。



怎么度过苦闷夏天英语作文英文回答:Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it can also be a time of boredom and frustration. The long, hot days can seem endless, and it can be difficult to find ways to stay entertained. If you're feeling bored this summer, don't worry—you're not alone. Millions of people around the world are also struggling to find ways to beat the boredom.There are many different ways to make the most of your summer, even if you're on a tight budget. Here are a few ideas:Get outside. One of the best ways to beat boredom is to get some fresh air and sunshine. Go for a walk, hike, bike ride, or swim. You can also visit a local park or beach.Spend time with friends and family. Summer is a great time to catch up with friends and family. Go to a movie, have a picnic, or play a game. You can also just hang out and talk.Learn something new. Summer is a great time to learn something new. Take a class, read a book, or watch a documentary. You can also learn a new skill, such as playing an instrument or cooking.Volunteer your time. Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and make a difference. You can volunteer at a local soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or animal shelter.Take a vacation. If you can afford it, taking a vacation is a great way to escape the everyday grind. You can go to the beach, the mountains, or even just adifferent city.No matter what you choose to do, the most important thing is to have fun. Summer is a short season, so make themost of it!中文回答:夏天是享受乐趣和放松的时候,但它也可以是无聊和沮丧的。


































Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.2、春天孩儿面,一日三变脸。

Children's faces change three times a day in spring.3、秋蝉叫一声,准备好过冬。

The autumn cicada cried out, ready for winter.4、种地不选种,一年退二成。

If you don't choose the land, you will get 20% back a year.5、半年的锅头当年的炕,熏透的烟囱发苗壮。

Half a year's pot head in that year's kang, smoked chimney seedling strong.6、过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇。

Spring ploughing can't stop after the feast of constipation.7、未到惊蛰先动雷,四十八天云不开。

The thunder strikes before the sting strikes, and the clouds don't open for forty-eight days.8、江浦雷声喧昨夜,春城而色动微寒。

The thunder of Jiangpu was loud last night, and the color of Spring City was slightly cold.9、大麦黄,钓鱼忙。

Barley yellow, busy fishing.10、冬至天气晴,来年百果生。

















15.- 开学谁要是说我胖了或者黑了,丫的我就跟他同归于尽。









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Summer Not Season To Be Lazy这个假期有点“忙”The summer vacation should be a time of leisure and fun. But a new trend on campuses across China is for students to keep themselves busy doing “social practices” of various kinds in an effort to get a taste of the ou tside world.暑假本应是一段休闲享乐的时光。


Li Ji, who works for the School Department of the Communist Youth League’s Central Committee, believes that social practices can help freshmen and sophomores improve their personal skills and competitiveness.就职于共青团中央学校部的李吉(音译)认为,社会实践活动能够帮助大一、大二的学生提高个人能力和竞争力。

“It’s an opportunity for them to expand their horizon beyond campus life and will be of benefit in the future when they look for jobs and work, ” says Li.李吉说:“这对他们来说是一个拓展校外视野的契机,对接下来的求职与工作大有裨益。

”But some students complain that their social practice experience wasn’t as constructive as they hoped. In the following, students share their summer plans and experts offer advice on what to look out for in order to have a fruitful summer.但是,有些学生抱怨说,社会实践经历并不像他们期待的那样有收获。


Internships实习Cao Liyuan’s summer internship was hard and smoldering hot. The22-year-old, who studies material forming and control engineering at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, was sent to Zhangdian Iron and Steel Works in Shandong province together with his classmates for a two-week internship.22岁的曹立元(音译)的暑期实习工作艰苦而又闷热。


For most of the day, they followed an engineer, who explained different processes and how the equipment works. The students were constantly exposed to high temperatures, loud noise and dust. But he thinks the experience wasn’t helpful at all because he will never work as a steel worker. 一天中的大部分时间里,他们都跟着一名工程师学艺,听他讲解不同流程以及设备的工作方法。



Compared with him, Tang Yao had a better summer experience. The22-year-old German language and literature major at Fudan University worked as an intern for the German Academic Exchange Service’s information center in Shanghai in an office building.与他相比,唐尧(音译)的暑期经历就要好得多。



Tang was in charge of completing chores such as maintaining the company’s official website and answering questions about studying in Germany.唐尧的工作是做一些公司日常杂务,譬如维护公司官网,回答有关德语学习方面的问题。

Many students encounter situations similar to those of Cao and Tang. They either work in an unpleasant environment or work on chores that don’t seem to make a difference. But Li Kaifu, CEO of Innovation Works, believes that even working on easy tasks is a beneficial experience.许多学生的境遇都和曹立元、唐尧相仿。



“Students on a two-month internship should not expect employers to assign any real work to them. But this doesn’t mean the internship is worthless. Students can learn fundamental skills, such as team work and interpersonal communication, and gain valuable knowledge of the company’s organizational structure an d work culture, ” Li said in an online Q&A session with student interns.在一次与学生的在线互动问答环节中,李开复说:“实习期只有短短两个月,指望用人单位能给学生安排什么实质性的工作,这明显不现实。



He thinks that an important part of an internship is asking questions. “Don’t be afraid to ask your colleagues questions. If you don’t ask, you’re wasting the best opportunity to learn, ” Li says.他认为实习的一个重要环节就是“发问”。



”The saying “He that travels far knows much” is deeply rooted in the minds of Chinese people. Many students use their summer vacation to go on study tours, often to a foreign country.“读万卷书不如行万里路”这句老话已经在中国人心中根深蒂固。


Qi Di is one of them. In order to experience American culture, the 21-year-old energy engineering major at Zhejiang University visited the University of California, Berkeley, US, on a two-week summer study tour organized by her university.21岁的戚迪(音译)就是他们中的一员。


“I’m considering studying abroad after my graduation, so this tour allowed me to see the US f rom inside, ” she says.她说:“我正考虑毕业后出国留学,所以这次旅程让我可以从内而外地感受美国。

”During her tour, Qi had classes at the university and the experience strengthened her resolve to study abroad. “I enjoyed the open and free academic environment there. The approach to teaching encouraged me to think creatively, ” Qi says.在旅行期间,她亲自到加州大学听课,这段经历使她更加坚定了出国留学的决心。
