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Birds dwell in a tree by the pond.
A monk knocks at the door under the moon.

The moon shines brightly.

Death stared him in the face.

She strikes him across the face.

He sits out the other guests.

The dress becomes you very well.

Modesty becomes a young man.

This coat has lasted me five years.

He talked himself hoarse.
●She saw him young, and proud, and strong, and now he was old, and worn, and
horrible, and dead. (Bennett, Old Wives’ Tale) 她看到他的时候,他是年轻、骄傲、而又强壮的,现在他已年老,疲惫不堪,样子可怕,而已经死了。


Our business has suffered not a little through the war.
The effect upon our business of the war has been striking.
The war has affected our business to a remarkable.
The war has done our business much harm.
The war has rendered our business dull. (46)
●They saw a burning house, standing a little distance from the road, with some
stately fir-trees in the foreground. 他们见到离开大路不远的地方,有一幢房子起火了,在那房子前面长得有一排森森的樅树。

●Caught in a shower on his way to his house in Lloyd Road, a tall English
gentleman, a teacher of English in one of the most flourishing private schools in Singapore, began running, with some books under his arm, in order to catch a bus going at full speed about twenty yards ahead of him. 一个身材高大的英国人,是新加坡顶发达的一间私立学校的英语教员,在回返老益路他的住宅的途中,遇到了骤雨,他手臂下挟着几本书,开始向前跑,想去搭乘在他二十码光景前面以全速力在开行的那辆公共汽车。


Nature has molded her form and features with masterly touch.

A pound of tobacco only lasts him a fortnight.
●The truth is that I was never much of a credit to the family, and I doubt if they
would be so very glad to see me. They were all steady, chapel-going folk, small farmers, well known and respected over the country-side while I was always a bit of a rover.(Conan Doyle, The Sign of Four)实际我对那个家族是没有什么信誉的,他们是不会高兴见到我的。


●There was only a wooden latch to his door, because he had been too much of a
skinflint to pay for one of the new iron locks to be fixed on. (Walter de la Mare)他家门上只有一个木闩,因为他太吝啬而不肯花钱买一把新的铁锁装上。

●You may have something of a Roosevelt, something of a Newton in yourself; you
may have something very much greater than either of these men manifested waiting your help to give it expression. 你也许具有罗斯福的才能,牛顿的智慧,你也许具有比他们两人所显示的更为伟大的本领,在等待着你把它表现出来。

●It was a truly awful sight, watching the numberless little wooden houses catching
fire one after another, and flaming up like so many match-boxes.那真是一个可怕的光景,望着无数的小木屋,一个又一个地着火燃烧,就象那样多的火柴盒子一样。

●No family is too poor to have the table covered with a clean cloth. 没有一个家

●Magnesium lives well with other metals and, as in any good marriage, each
partner functions better with the other than either does alone.镁跟其他金属结合得很好,所有好象很相合的婚姻一样,各金属单独的时候不如与其他结合时更能发生作用。

●Sometimes he used to tell us of his expeditions through the woods and fields
round his home, and how he explored the solitary brooks and ponds; and then he would describe the curious animals and birds he saw. (Sweet)以前他时时对我说关于他在他家周围的森林和原野中探险的事,以及他怎样找到一些寂静的溪流和池塘的情形,然后他老要描述他所见到的珍禽异兽。

●You will never fail to be moved by the beauty of the sight.你一定会被那些美丽

●The steamer leaves nothing to be desired so far as comfort and luxury are
concerned. 在舒服和豪华方面这轮船可谓尽善尽美了。

●Speeches may be broadly divided into two kinds. There is the speech a man
makes which he has something to say, and the speech he endeavours to make when he has to say something.演说可大别为两类。


● A man can never be hindered from thinking whatever he chooses so long as he
conceals what he thinks.一个人只要他不把心里所想的事说出来,他高兴怎么想就怎么想,是谁也不能阻止他的。

●She walked softly so as not to make any noise.
She walked softly that she might not make any noise.
She walked softly in order not to make any noise.(214)
●Elliott was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his
invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless. (W. S. Maugham)艾略特是聪明的人必然看得出来,大多数接受他的邀请的人,只是为着要来吃一顿不花钱的饭,他知道他们当中有些是愚笨的,另外有些却是不足轻重的。

●Not to speak of; not to say
He cannot afford the ordinary comforts of live, not to speak of luxuries.他连日常生活的舒服多负担不起,那里还谈得上奢侈。

He is very good-natured, not to say foolish.他老实得几乎有点愚笨。

●He was no more than skin and bone, was partly paralysed, and wore spectacles of
such unusual power, that his eyes appeared through the glasses greatly magnified and distorted in shape. (R. L. Stevenson) 他只剩下皮包骨了,半身不遂,因为戴着非常深度的眼镜,所以在那镜子后面的眼睛,看去扩大得多,而且变了样子。

●He did not so much as punish one of the murderers, nor did he show the least
tenderness to the survivors. (Macaulay) 对于那些杀人犯他甚至一点也没有处罚他们,而对于那些生存者他也没有表示一点亲切。

●Law, in its true notion, is not so much the limitation as the direction of a free an
intelligent man to his proper interest. 法律真正的意义,是要把一个自由而有理性的人,导向正当的利益上去,而不是对此加以限制的。

● A man‟s dignity depends not on what he has but on what he is. 一个人的高贵,

●Hurry or interrupt him, and he showed himself anything but the man for a crisis.

● A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will. Solitude is
not measured by the miles of space that intervene between a man and his fellows.
The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary as a dervish in the desert. (Thoreau)一个人在思想和工作时总是孤独的,无论他在什么地方都是一样。



●The silkworm is an animal of such acute and delicate sensation that too much
care cannot be taken to keep its habitation clean, and to refresh it from time to time with pure air. 蚕是一种感觉敏锐而纤细的生物,要注意尽量保持它居住处的清洁,时时使它获得新鲜空气。

●For the man sound in body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad
weather; every sky has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously. (G. Gissing) 对于一个身体健全,精神平静的人,是没有坏天气的;无论什么天气都有它的美丽,激励血液的暴风雨,只会使、脉搏跳动得更加活泼。

●Public opinion is always more tyrannical towards those who obviously fear it
than towards those who feel indifferent to it. A dog will bark more loudly and bite more readily when people are afraid of him than when they treat him with contempt, and the human herd has something of his same characteristic. (B.


●He observed with interest the errors of her face and figure, the thin underlip, too
heavily penciled eyebrows, and her legs less than slim although not actually skinny. 他颇感兴趣地望着她面孔和身体上的一些缺点,那太薄的下嘴唇,画得太浓的眉毛,和她那瘦弱的双腿,虽然没有达到皮包骨的程度。

(298)●Not all verse is poetry; not all prose about the past is history, nor is all literary
work literature. The discrimination is habitually applied to other subjects, and clearly it is the quality which is decisive, not the quantity, scope or subject-matter, still less the popularity, of the work. 并非所有的韵文文部是诗,并非所有关子过去的散文都是史,并非所有的著作都是文学。


●Such a mean fellow, though never so rich, should not be admitted into society. 这

●The sun appears to take his daily course over the earth, while it is really the earth
which moves. The sun, at least, so far as we are concerned, is standing still. 太阳好像是每天围绕地球走动,二实际走动的却是地球。


●There is not a war in the world, no, nor an injustice, but you women are
answerable for it, not in that you have provoked, but in that you have not hindered. 世界上任何一次战争,不,任何一次不讲道义的行为,都应由钵们女人来负责,并不是因为那是你们鼓励起来的,而是因为你们没有夫加以阻止。





In order to explain the disposition of a landscape painting, we have to make clear at first the principle of its composition. Originally the composition of landscapes is not to paint a real picture as we see it, but to depict by means of a bird's eye view, namely, to diminish the subject matter in a nutshell. What we can see with our naked eyes is generally only a single layer of mountains or rivers. This of course is not enough for us to compose a scene of the landscape. The one who paints ought to go into the heart of mountains and rivers, inspecting all the scenery before he puts down from memory on returning home the whole scope of his travelled regions as a miniature as he draws a map. In doing so, he has to enlarge himself as big as possible and contract the scenery as small as a rock-work to look upon, then he can for the first time compose a picture of thousand miles represented on a few-foot piece of paper or the like.(410)
●No young man believes he shall ever die. There is a feeling of Eternity in youth,
which makes us amends for everything. To be young is to be one of the Immortal Gods. One half of time indeed is flown---the other half remains in store for us with all its countless treasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. We make the coming age our own. “The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.” We look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress; and feel in ourselves all the vigour and spirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into
the grave. 没有一个年轻人相信他是要死的。








●On D. H. Lawrence
One of the great charms of Lawrence as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring. He was able to absorb himself completely in which he was doing at the moment; and he regarded no task as too humble for him to undertake, nor so trivial that it was not worth his while to do it well. He could cook, he could sew, he could darn a stocking and milk a cow, he was an efficient woodcutter and a good hand at embroidery, fires always burned when he had laid them and a floor, after Lawrence had scrubbed it, was thoroughly clean.
Moreover, he possessed what is, for a highly strung and highly intelligent man, an even more remarkable accomplishment: he knew how to do nothing. He could just sit and be perfectly content. And his contentment, while one remained in his company, was infectious. (Aldous Huxley)很罗伦斯大做朋友所感到的他的一种很可爱的地方,就是他从不讨人厌,因之,他也从不讨厌人。








●It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain.
This description is both refined and, as far as it goes, accurate. He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him; and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself. His benefits may be considered as parallel to what are called comforts or conveniences in arrangements of a personal nature---like an easy chair or a good fire, which do their part in dispelling cold and fatigue, though Nature provides both means of rest and animal heat without them. 这差不多可以算是绅士的定义了:说一个人从来不使别人受苦。




●People in our culture who like to think of themselves as tough-minded and
realistic, including influential political leaders and businessmen as well as
go-getters and hustlers of smaller caliber, tend to take it for granted that human nature is “selfish” and that life is a struggle in which only the fittest may survive.
According to the philosophy, the basic law by which man must live, in spite of his surface veneer of civilization, is the law of the jungle. The “fittest” are those who can bring to the struggle superior force, superior cunning, and superior ruthlessness.
The wide currency of this philosophy of the “survival of the fittest”enables people who act ruthlessly and selfishly, whether in personal rivalries, business competition, or international relations, to ally their consciences by telling themselves that they are only obeying a “law of nature”. But a disinterested observer is entitled to ask whether the ruthlessness of the tiger, the cunning of the ape, and obedience to the “law of the jungle”are actually evidences of human fitness to survive. (S. L. Hayakawa) 在现代文化中,喜欢把自己看作是意志坚强而现实的人们,包括那些有势力的政冶领袖和商界翘楚,以及才干较差的野心家和活动家在内,都想要把人性的自私,与夫人生是一场只有适者才能生存的奋斗,视为当然。




●The English Humour
Humour has been well defined as “thinking in fun while feeling in earnest”. The English do not approach life intellectually; they do not demand that it shall conform to some rigid mental plan; they are not convinced that the universe can be penetrated by thought; they are willing to go to work, either in politics or art, without of theory to sustain them; and when they are more practical than other races, it is not---as those races frequently conclude---because they are coldly clear-sighted and unimaginative, but because they do not busy themselves asking reason to find a key when instinct has already shown them that the door is wide open. (J. B. Priestley) 幽默被人很巧妙的诠释说:“一面认真地感觉一面滑稽第思考”。






● A writer may take to long words, as young men to beards---to impress. But long
words like long beards, are often the badge of charlatans. Or a writer may cultivate the obscure, to seem profound. But even carefully muddied puddles are soon fathomed. Or he may cultivate eccentricity, to seem original. But really
original people do not have to think about being original---they can no more help it than they can help breathing. (Frank Laurence Lucas) 一个作家也许好用长字,正如年轻人好蓄胡须一样,目的无非是想使人留下深刻的印象。






●Then Dora noticed that there was a Red Admiral butterfly walking on the dusty
floor underneath the seat opposite. Every other thought left her head. Anxiously she watched the butterfly. It fluttered to the passengers' feet. Dora held her breath.
She ought to do something. But what? She flushed with indecision and embarrassment. She could not lean forward in front of all those people and pick the butterfly up in her hand. They would think her silly. It was out of the question.
The sunburnt man, evidently struck with the concentration of Dora‟s gaze, bent down and fumbled with his boot laces. Both seemed securely tied. He shifted his feet, narrowly missing the butterfly which was now walking into the open on the carriage floor.
“Excuse me,” said Dora. She knelt down and gently scooped the creature into the palm of her hand, and covered it with her other hand. She could feel it fluttering inside. Everyone stared. Dora blushed violently. Toby and his friend were looking at her in a friendly surprised way. Whatever should she do now? if she put the butterfly out of the window it would be sucked into the whirlwind of the train and killed. Yet she could not just go on holding it, it would look too idiotic. She bowed her head, pretending to examine her captive. (Iris Murdoch: The Bell)























●Annette felt always that she was travelling at a speed which was not her own.
Going to or from her parents on one of her innumerable journey, her train would stop sometimes between stations, revealing suddenly the silence of the mountains.
Then Annette would look at the grass beside the railway and see its green detail at it swayed in the breeze. In the silence the grass would seem very close to her; and she would stun herself with the thought that the grass was really there, a few feet away, and that it was possible for her to step out, and to lie down in it, and let the train go on without her. Or else, travelling towards evening, as the lights were coming on in the houses, she would see the cyclist at the level-crossing, his face preoccupied and remote, and think that when the train had passed and the gates opened he would go on his way and by the time he reached his house she would be passing another frontier. But she never got off the train to lie down in the grass, nor did she ever leave it, high up in the mountains, at the small station that was not mentioned in the timetable, where the train unexpectedly halted and where the little hotel whose name she could read so plainly, waited with its doors open. She would not break the spell and cross the barrier into what seemed to her at such moments to be her own world. She stayed on the train until it reached the terminus, and the chauffeur came to take her luggage to the car and Nicholas came bounding into the carriage, filling her with both sadness and relief at the ending of the journey. But the world of the chambermaid and the cyclist and the little strange hotel continued to exist, haunting and puzzling her with a dream of something slow and quiet from which she was forever shut away. (Iris Murdoch: The Flight from the Enchanter)












I seemed to be walking alone at the edge of a swamp at nightfall, the light around
me glimmering, crepuscular, touched with the greenish hue presaging the onslaught of a summer storm. The air was windless, still, but high in the heavens beyond the swamp thunder grumbled and heaved, and heat lightning at somber
intervals blossomed against the sky. Filled with panic, I seemed to be searching for my Bible, which strangely, unaccountably I had left there, somewhere in the depths and murk of the swamp; in fear and despair I pressed my search into the oncoming night, pushing now deeper and deeper into the gloomy marshland, haunted by the ominous, stormy light and by a far-off pandemonium of thunder.
Try desperately as I might, I could not find my Bible. Suddenly another sound came to my ears, this time the frightened outcry of voices. They were the voices of boys, hoarse and half grown and seized with terror, and now instantly I saw them: half a dozen black boys trapped neck-deep in a bog of quicksand, crying aloud for rescue as their arms waved frantically in the dim light and as they sank deeper and deeper into the mire. I seemed to stand helpless at the edge of the bog, unable to move or to speak, and while I stood there a voice echoed out of the sky, itself partaking of that remote sound of thunder. (William Styron:The Confessions of Nat Turner) 我好象是在暮色中独自一个人在沼泽岸边走着似的。










Scurridge reached for the morning newspaper and turned to the sports page. “I fancy a bit o‟ bacon an‟ egg,” he said, and sat down beside the fire and placed his pointed elbows in the centers of the two threadbare patches on the arms of his chair.
His threw a surly glance at the upraised newspaper. “There is no eggs,” she said, and Scurridge‟s pale, watery blue eyes fixed on her for the first time as he lowered the paper.
“What y‟ mean …there is no eggs‟?”
“I mean what I say; I didn‟t get any.” She added with sullen defiance. “I couldn‟t afford ‟em this week. They‟re five-an‟-six a dozen. Something‟s got to go---I can‟t buy all I should, as it is.”
Scurridge smacked his lips peevishly. “God! Oh! Are we at it again? It‟s one bloody thing after the other. I don‟t know what you do with your brass.”
“I spent it on keeping you,” she said. “God knows I get precious little out of it.
Always a good table, you must have. Never anything short. Anybody ‟ud think you‟d never heard of the cost of living. I‟ve told you time an‟ again ‟at it isn‟t。
