Telecom移动英语 (15)

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移动业务mobile service
移动应用部mobile application part (MAP)
移动用户mobile subscriber
移动用户电话码directory number (DN)
移动终端mobile termination (MT)
已调波modulated wave
异步通信asynchronous communication
异步网nonsynchronized network
“异或非”门exclusive-NOR gate
“异或”门exclusive-OR gate
抑躁输入信号电平noise-quieting input-signal level
抑制器,抑制部件suppressor, suppression component 抑制载波单边带发射suppressed carrier SSB emission 译码约束长度decoding constraint length
音节表syllable chart
音节清晰度syllable articulation
音节压扩syllable companding
音量控制volume control
音频保护比AF protection ratio
音频放大器audio frequency amplifier
音载负载audio frequency load
音频互调失真audio frequency intermodulation distortion 音频试验负载audio frequency test load
音频响应audio frequency response
音频信号干扰比AF signal to interference ratio
音质评价assessment of acoustics
引导重试directed retry
隐蔽调谐concealed tuning
印制电路printed circuit
应急通信emergency communication
应用层application layer
营救器电台survival craft station
硬判决译码hard decision decoding
拥挤控制congestion control
用户电报telex (service)
用户电话交换机private branch exchange (PBX)
用户功能(业务)user facility (service)
用户加密user encipherment
用户鉴权键subscriber authentication key
用户接入user access
用户开关subscriber switch (SSS)
用户缺席服务absent subscriber service
用户身份保密subscriber identity confidentiality
用户身份鉴权subscriber identity authentication
用户身份模块subscriber identity module (SIM)
用户图问通信,双向图文视传videotex , interactive videography
用户线路,用户环路subscriber line, subscriber loop
用户线路接口电路subscriber line interface circuit
用户至用户信令user-to-user signalling (UUS)
优先级控制priority control
优先业务priority facility
有效单极辐射功率effective monopole radiated power (EMRP)
有效辐射功率effective radiated power (ERP)
有替换试验test with substitution
有无话鉴别speech vs silence discrimination
有限服务restricted service
有线/无线转接器wire/wireless swticher
有线电通信wire communication
有效全向辐射功率effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP)
有效数字significant figure
有效位significant digit
有效选择性effective selectivity
有源天线active antenna
有源网络active network
有源卫星active satellite
有源遥感器active sensor
有源中继站active relay station
右旋极化波(或顺时针极化波)right-hand (or clockwise)-polarized wave 诱发invocation
“与非”门N-AND gate
“与或非”门AND-OR-INVERT gate (AOI)
“与”门AND gate
宇宙射线cosmic ray
宇宙时universal time (UT)
语声处理speech processing
语音保密speech security
语言自然度naturalness of speech
语音编码speech coding
语音带宽speech bandwidth
语音合成speech synthesis
语音识别speech recognition
语音数字化voice digitization
语音置乱speech scrambling
预防性维修preventive maintenance
预分配多址preassigned multiple access (PMA)
元音的共振峰频率formant frequency of vowel
原电池primary cell
原籍位置登记器home location register (HLR)
原籍移动无线局home mobile services switching center (HMSC) 原籍移动用户home mobile subscriber
远场区far-field region
远程处理信息teleprocessing, teleinformation
远地点或近地点高度altitude of apogee or perigee
远距离供电remote power-feeding。
