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污染率较低ꎬ且诱导产生的愈伤组织生长状况最优ꎻ培养基中 6-苄氨基嘌呤(6-BA) 质量浓度 / 萘乙酸( NAA) 质量
浓度影响了双色茉莉叶片愈伤组织的诱导ꎬ当 6-BA 质量浓度 / NAA 质量浓度为 1 / 4 ~ 1 时有利于愈伤组织的诱
导ꎬ形成的愈伤组织质量较好ꎻ添加激动素( KT) 则不利于双色茉莉叶片愈伤组织的诱导ꎮ 该研究以双色茉莉叶片
Shengnanꎬ Wang Yingꎬ Tian Weishuangꎬ Yan Shiyue( Shangqiu Normal Universityꎬ Shangqiu 476000ꎬ P. R. China) / /
Journal of Northeast Forestry Universityꎬ2020ꎬ48(5) :67-71.
为外植体ꎬ培养获得了愈伤组织ꎬ其中愈伤组织诱导的适宜培养基有 MS+1.0 mgL -1 6-BA+1.0 mgL -1 NAA、MS+
1.0 mgL -1 6-BA+2.0 mgL -1 NAA、MS+1.0 mgL -1 6-BA+4.0 mgL -1 NAA 和 MS+2.0 mgL -1 6-BA+2.0 mgL -1
速繁殖提供了新的途径ꎮ 植物组织培养研究至今已
30 ~ 100 cmꎮ 叶片呈长卵形ꎬ暗绿色ꎬ单叶互生ꎮ 花
手段 [3] ꎮ 目前ꎬ 许 多 观 赏 植 物、 园 艺 作 物、 经 济 林
um for callus induction were MS+1 mgL -1 6-BA+1 mgL -1 NAAꎬ MS+1 mgL -1 6-BA+2 mgL -1 NAAꎬ MS+1 mg
L -1 6-BA+4 mgL -1 NAA and MS+2 mgL -1 6-BA+2 mgL -1 NAAꎬ which laid the foundation for establishing in
mercuric chloride was lowerꎬ and the callus induced were in the best growth condition. The value of 6-BA / NAA in the cul ̄
ture medium affected the callus induction of leaves of B. latifolia. It was beneficial to the callus inductionꎬ and the callus
第 48 卷 第 5 期
2020 年 5 月
东 北 林 业 大 学 学 报
Vol.48 No.5
May 2020
双色茉莉叶片初代培养物的建立及愈伤组织诱导 1)
马丽 郭学良 周胜楠 王颖 田维爽 闫世月
关键词 双色茉莉ꎻ愈伤组织ꎻ选材时期ꎻ消毒时间ꎻ植物生长调节剂
分类号 S685.16ꎻQ813.1+2
Establishment of Primary Culture and Callus Induction of Brunfelsia latifolia Leaves / / Ma Liꎬ Guo Xueliangꎬ Zhou
( 商丘师范学院ꎬ商丘 ꎬ 476000)
摘 要 以双色茉莉的叶片为外植体ꎬ探讨外植体取材时期、消毒时间、不同植物生长调节剂组合对愈伤组织
诱导的影响ꎬ结果表明:取材时期对双色茉莉叶片诱导愈伤组织的影响较为显著ꎬ4 月份和 10 月份是双色茉莉叶
片取材的最佳时期ꎻ不同消毒时间对双色茉莉叶片愈伤组织诱导影响不同ꎬ其中在 0.1%的氯化汞中消毒 5 ~ 6 min
formed was of good quality when the value of 6-BA to NAA ranged from 1 / 4 to 1. The concentration of KT had little effect
on callus induction. The leaves of B. latifolia were used as explantsꎬ and callus was obtained by culture. The suitable medi ̄
had a great effect on callus induction from leaves of B. latifoliaꎬ and April and October were the best sampling periods. Dif ̄
ferent disinfection times have different effects on callus induction. The pollution rate of disinfection for 5- 6 min in 0.1%
Taking the leaves of Brunfelsia latifolia Benth. as explantsꎬ ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe studied the effects of explant sampling periodꎬ disin ̄
fection timeꎬ and plant growth regulators on callus induction were discussed. The results showed that the sampling period
vitro regeneration system of B. latifolia.
Keywords Brunfelsia latifolia Benth.ꎻ Callusꎻ Selection periodꎻ Disinfection timeꎻ Plant growth regulator
双色茉莉( Brunfelsia latifolia Benth.) ꎬ又名番茉