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(51)International Patent Classification:HR,HU,ID,IL,IN,IR,IS,JO,JP,KE,KG,KH,KN,KP,
C02F1/58(2006.01)C02F101/18(2006.01)KR,KW,KZ,LA,LC,LK,LR,LS,LU,LY,MA,MD,ME, C02F1/467(2006.01)MG,MK,MN,MW,MX,MY,MZ,NA,NG,NI,NO,NZ,
OM,PA,PE,PG,PH,PL,PT,QA,RO,RS,RU,RW,SA, (21)International Application Number:
(22)International Filing Date:
(84)Designated States(unless otherwise indicated,for every
14February2019(14.02.2019)kind o f regional protection available).ARIPO(BW,GH, (25)Filing Language:English GM,KE,LR,LS,MW,MZ,NA,RW,SD,SL,ST,SZ,TZ,
UG,ZM,ZW),Eurasian(AM,AZ,BY,KG,KZ,RU,TJ, (26)Publication Language:English TM),European(AL,AT,BE,BG,CH,CY,CZ,DE,DK,
(30)Priority Data:EE,ES,FI,FR,GB,GR,HR,HU,IE,IS,IT,LT,LU,LV,
62/630,43314February2018(14.02.2018)U S MC,MK,MT,NL,NO,PL,PT,RO,RS,SE,SI,SK,SM,
merce Square,2005Market Street,Suite3200,Philadel¬
(72)Inventors:ROVISON,John,M.;6066Ward Road,San¬—with international search report(Art.21(3))
born,NY14132(US).AN,Weidong;8189Melissa Re¬
nee Court,Williamsville,NY14221(US).HORNER,Ian;
345Parkwood Ave.,Kenmore,NY14217(US).DES¬
JARDINS,Brianna;6276Pfamer Road,Boston,NY
(74)Agent:TEMELES,Gretchen,L.et al.;Duane Morris
LLP,30S.17th Street,Philadelphia,PA19103(US).
(81)Designated States(unless otherwise indicated,for every
kind o f national protection available):AE,AG,AL,AM,
Water supply i Electrolytic cell Collector
A-boron-doped diamond electrode serving a s anode:C-boron-doped
diamond electrode serving a s cathode;
(57)Abstract:Provided herein are methods and compositions for reducing the level of a cyanotoxin in cyanotoxin contaminated-water. The electrolytic destruction methods can include contacting the contaminated water with an electrochemical cell in the presence of a magnesium salt and applying an electrical current to the water for a time and in an amount sufficient to oxidize the cyanotoxin.The methods are useful for treatment of lake water,reservoir water,pond water,river water,or irrigation water and any water that serves as a source of drinking water.
Treatment of Cvanotoxin-containing Water
Cross-Reference to Related Applications
[0001]This application claims priority under35U.S.C.§119(e)(1)from United States Provisional Application Serial No.62/630,433,filed on February14,2018,the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.
Field of the Invention
[0002]The present invention relates to a method of treating cyanotoxin-containing water,for example,lake water,by electrochemical oxidation in the presence of a magnesium salt.
Background of the Invention
[0003]Cyanobacteria,also known as blue-green algae,are found in both fresh and salt water.Under certain conditions,for example,in the presence of high levels of agricultural fertilizer run-off for in coastal upwelling zones,cyanobacteria can proliferate exponentially to form“algae blooms.”Cyanobacteria can produce cyanotoxins which are released upon cell death or lysis.Cyanotoxins are powerful toxins that are harmful to animals that live in and/or consume the water.Cyanotoxins have been implicated in the deaths of fish,water fowl,marine mammals,and agricultural animals that have consumed cyanotoxin-containing water.Cyanotoxins are also harmful to humans. Cyanotoxins cause liver toxicity,kidney damage,and neurotoxicity.For municipalities that derive their drinking water from sources that are subject to algal blooms,the presence of cyanotoxins in the water source poses a significant public health problem. Cyanotoxins are relatively stable compounds and can persist in water for several months.Conventional methods of water treatment,such chlorination,membrane filtration,ultraviolet disinfection,or ozonation,are not always effective for rapid cyanotoxin removal.There is a continuing need for efficient and cost-effective methods of cyanotoxin removal from water.。