1_Drowsy Driving Detection by EEG Analysis Using Wavelet Transform and K-means Clustering



目前有关疲劳驾驶检测的方法主要有基于生理参数的测量 方法 [3]、基于驾驶员头部动作的方法 [4]、基于驾驶行为的方法 [5] 和基于计算机视觉的检测方法 [6]。由于不同人对疲劳的具体反 应不同,使业界缺少针对疲劳的客观指标。同时,已有大部分 疲劳检测系统采用接触性传感器,但在实际行车过程中往往会 造成驾驶员不适或影响驾驶员操作。通过直接监测驾驶员脑 电 [7,8],并综合计算科学技术实时分析检测驾驶员的大脑疲劳
系统疲劳驾驶检测的 Sensitivity、Specificity 分别达到 68.31% 和 90.43%,系统同时具有无线、小巧和实时的特点。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
A Real-time Driving Fatigue Detection System Based on Portable EEG
Abstract:According to the wireless,compact and real-time problems on the practical application of driving fatigue detection based on EEG,the relation between attentive and meditative EEG from the left prefrontal lobe of the driver who is in concentration,relax, tiresome and sleep states. Meanwhile,a new method for driving fatigue detection based on the correlation coefficient of driver’s Attentive and Meditative EEG is proposed,and the KNN is introduced to develop a new algorithm for driving fatigue detection. The experiments show that the Sensitivity and Specificity of the system are 68.31% and 90.43% respectively,and the system has the characteristics of wireless,compact and real-time.



u e ss i ul. Two t pe fviu lsi uiwe e pr s nt d r n om l s d a tm i y so s a tm l r e e e a d y:pit r sofc m plt a e c u e o e e f c s,pit e nc p e ef c s ( he c ur sofi om l t a e t

91 ・ 8
中 国康 复 理 论 与 实践 2 1 0 0年 l o月第 1 6卷 第 l 朔 C t 墨!a i= e h l! U
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Байду номын сангаас专题 ・
视 觉 完 形 负 波 在 评 价 托 吡 酯 及 丙 戊 酸 钠 对 癫 痫 患 者 早 期 认 知 功 能 损 害 中 的 应 用
[ 关键 词] 癫 痫 ; 吡 酯 ; 戊 酸钠 ; 托 丙 事件 相 关 电位 N1 0 认 知 7;
Co n tv mpar e n Ep lptc t pia ae o g ii eI im nti ie is wih To r m t r Val o t e t ntb s a m plto g tvt SUN e pr a eTr a me y Viu lCo ei n Ne a i iy W i,M AO e , W i
面孔 相 片 , 忽 略 S 是 否 部 分 被 遮 盖 , 步 记 录 市 件 相 关 电位 。 结 果 3 受 试 者 在 面 孔 不 完 整 状 态 下 , 诱 发 出 P 0 ( 1 和 而 2 同 组 均 10 P ) N1 O N1 。与 完 整 面孔 相 比 , 完 整 面 孔 在 枕颞 区诱 发 出 明 显增 大 的 而孔 负 波 N1 并 且存 在 着 右 侧 优 势 。在 不 完 整 面 孔 状 态 下 , 7( ) 不 ,






关键词:深度学习;癫痫;卷积神经网络;连续小波变换;格拉姆角场中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0006-05Multi-domain Transformation of EEG and Deep Learning Epilepsy DiagnosisCHEN Haobin1, GE Wei2, YANG Chao1, ZHENG Lin1(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Wireless Wideband Communications and Signal Processing,Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; 2.College of Humanities and Management, Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541004, China)Abstract: Feature detection in a single dimension limits the accuracy of existing EEG-based epilepsy diagnosis. By converting EEG into Gram angle field map and wavelet time-frequency map,an integrated deep learning model consisting of two 2D CNNs and one DNN is constructed. Two 2D CNNs extract and fuse the features of Gram angle field map and wavelet time-frequency map respectively, and output the fused features to DNN for epileptic fusion recognition. The effectiveness of the integrated deep learning model is tested with the EEG dataset of the University of Bonn. The results show that the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of the model for EEG recognition of epilepsy are 96.5%, 95.0% and 96.0%, respectively. The overall recognition performance is better than the traditional single neural network model, which can provide better auxiliary functions for the diagnosis of epilepsy and other diseases.Keywords: deep learning; epilepsy; convolutional neural network; continuous wavelet transform; Gram angle field0 引言癫痫是由于大脑神经元突发性异常放电,导致短暂的大脑功能障碍的一种慢性疾病。



- 179 -①滨州医学院附属医院神经内科 山东 滨州 256600通信作者:鹿树军依达拉奉右莰醇治疗缺血性脑卒中的研究进展席娅琳① 汪临华① 鹿树军① 【摘要】 缺血性脑卒中是脑血管疾病中的常见病,严重可导致高级认知及运动障碍,甚至死亡。


新型双靶点复合型神经保护剂依达拉奉右莰醇(ED)可抑制诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)的表达,降低自由基过氧化亚硝基阴离子(ONOO -)水平,从而改善缺血性脑卒中所致的神经损伤症状、功能障碍及活动障碍,本文将对ED 的作用机制及其应用发展做一综述,并对ED 的临床应用进行展望,为后续的用药提供指导。

【关键词】 缺血性脑卒中 自由基清除剂 神经保护剂 依达拉奉右莰醇 Research Progress of Edaravone Dexborneol in the Treatment of Ischemic Stroke/XI Yalin, WANG Linhua, LU Shujun. //Medical Innovation of China, 2024, 21(10): 179-183 [Abstract] Ischemic stroke is a common type of cerebrovascular disease that can lead to advanced cognitive and motor deficits and even death. The treatment of ischemic stroke mainly includes early thrombolysis and neuroprotection. However, the clinical efficacy of neuroprotective agents remains to be verified, and most neuroprotective agents have not yet received useful evidence. Edaravone Dexborneol (ED), a new dual-target neuroprotective agent, can inhibit the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), reduce the level of peroxynitrite anion (ONOO -), and improve the symptoms of nerve injury, dysfunction, and activity disorder caused by ischemic stroke. This article will review the mechanism of ED and its application development, and prospect the clinical application of ED, so as to provide guidance for subsequent medication. [Key words] Ischemic stroke Free radical scavenger Neuroprotective agent Edaravone Dextrogenol First-author's address: Department of Neurology, Binzhou Medical University Hospital, Binzhou 256600, China doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2024.10.041 脑卒中已成为我国居民寿命的“第一杀手”,其中,急性缺血性脑卒中(acute ischemic stroke,AIS)约占我国脑卒中的70%,为最常见的卒中类型[1-2]。



用于检测废墟下被困者心跳的雷达设备2016年7月一个闷热的早晨,在原北弗吉尼亚州一所监狱的废墟中,小大卫•路易斯(David Lewis Jr.)爬进一根混凝土管道中。

他一直爬到只能看到他鞋尖儿的位置,然后,在旁观者的注视下,R4公司新开发的FINDER设备(Finding Individuals for Disaster and Emergency Response,灾难和应急响应用被困者搜救设备)开始进行实景训练。





他的同事,负责业务开发的副总裁肖恩•克洛科特(Shawn Crockett)介绍说,路易斯在此次试验中的心率高于之前在另一试验中测得的心率。








JPL负责FINDER项目的任务经理吉姆•卢克斯(Jim Lux)解释道,NASA在分析微弱的无线电信号以识别轻微的物理运动方面有着丰富的经验,例如,通过近地轨道观察地震活动,或者通过行经行星的卫星路径的微小变化,并能够▲NASA在通过消除大量噪声及分析微弱信号以探测轻微物理运动方面有着丰富的经验。




























  人工智能教授劳尔-罗哈斯(Raúl Rojas)领导的科研小组负责这一项目。


 眼睛控制汽车的过程中使用了eyeDriver软件,这套软件是柏林自由大学和德国SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI)公司合作开发的。













⾃动驾驶最全简称和英⽂缩写Autonomousvehicles⾃动驾驶汽车Self-pilotingautomobile⾃动驾驶汽车L0ADAS Advanced driverAssistantSystem 辅助驾驶系统,提醒和警⽰作⽤,不⼲涉驾驶员的驾驶LDW Lane DepartureWarning车道偏离预警FCW Forwardcollisionwarning前⽅碰撞预警RCW Rear Collisionwarning后⽅碰撞预警MODNV Night Vision夜视PDS PedestrianDetectionsystem⾏⼈检测TSR Traffic signRecognition交通标⽰识别BSM Blind SpotMonitoring盲点检测(并线辅助)RCTA Rear-CrossTraffic Alert后排路⼝交通警报DDD DriveDrowsinessDetection驾驶员疲劳探测HDC Hill Descentcontrol下坡控制系统Electric Vehiclewarning sounds电动汽车报警系统EBD制动⼒分配ABS Antilock BrakeSystem防抱死制动ASR起步加速防滑控制ETS电⼦牵引辅助ACWS AdvancedCollisionWarning System先进碰撞预警系统HMWS车距监控预警SLAM SimultaneousLocalization andmapping 同时定位与建图核⼼技术:定位技术(localization),建图(Mapping),导航(Navigation)-路径规划(path Planning)和跟踪技术(tracking),控制执⾏技术(Controlling) Odometer⾥程计Gyroscopes陀螺仪EKF Extended卡尔曼滤波器Kalman FilterRTK Real time实时动态KinematicFuzz logic模糊逻辑MODAT Moving ObjectDetection andTrackingStixel Sticks above theground in theimageRadar Radio Detectionand RangingTOF Time of FlightHCU Hydraulic压⼒控制模块PressureECU Electronic电控模块control unitSAS Steering angle⽅向盘转⾓传感器sensorIMU Inertial车⾝惯量传感器measurementunitsEBCM Electronic电⼦制动控制单元braking controlmoduleWSS Wheel speed轮速传感器sensorESC Electronic电⼦稳定控制系统stability controlRSC Rolling stability防侧翻稳定控制系统controlTCS Traction control牵引⼒控制系统SystemHSA Hill Start Assist坡道起步辅助AVH Auto vehicle车辆⾃动驻车HoldFBS Fading brake制动衰退补偿supportTVBB Torque制动⼒矩⽮量控制Vectoring byBrakeSTO Steering Torque转向⼒矩⼲预OverlayHMI Human Machine⼈机界⾯HMI Human MachineInterface ⼈机界⾯DDT DynamicDriving task动态驾驶任务OEDR Object andevent detectionand response周边监控ODD Operationaldesign Domain设计运⾏域LiDAR Light Detectionand RadarL1⼲预性辅助驾驶AEB AutoEmergencyBraking 检测前⽅的障碍物,并提供刹车制动ACC Adaptive cruisecontrol⾃适应巡航控制PA Parking Assist停车辅助系统ESC ElectronicStability Control车⾝电⼦稳定系统L2半⾃动驾驶,⼈在良好交通状况下选择性的启动⾃动驾驶,这个阶段以⼈驾驶为主,车⾃动驾驶为辅L3⼈车交互驾驶,车⾃动控制驾驶,⼈参与指挥车辆驾驶,车⾃动驾驶为主,⼈驾驶为辅助L4全⾃动驾驶,⼈不做任何指挥或控制车辆驾驶,由车辆全⾃助驾驶L5完全⾃动驾驶。



Science &Technology Vision科技视界0引言,。

20186, 3.19,、。






1物联网20,MIT Auto-ID Ashton ,,“”,[2]。









【关键词】酒驾检测;物联网;ZigBee ;交通事故中图分类号:TP27文献标识码:ADOI:10.19694/ki.issn2095-2457.2021.21.42【Abstract 】According to incomplete statistics,30%of traffic accidents are caused by drunk driving.Theaccidents can cause serious loss of property and life,and the safety situation is severe.This article proposes the concept of "pre -drunk driving"detection,based on the Internet of Things technology,to complete the drunk driving detection before the driver drives.The identity of the driver is confirmed by the fingerprint recognition module,and the breath alcohol detector judges the physiological condition of the driver.After the completion of the two tests,the system sends an instruction to release the locked electromagnet brake pedal for the driver to drive plete the driver's drunk driving test before driving,to prevent the phenomenon of drunk driving fromthe root cause.【Key words 】Drunk driving detection ;Internet of Things ;ZigBee;Traffic accident ※基金项目:吉林省2020年高等学校大学生创新创业训练项目(202010191019);一种预先酒驾检测-疲劳驾驶预警系统的设计;国家自然科学基金面上项目(51674224)。



i s

i s

统计子集合 Ui 中各行为绩效点所对应的各级 持续性注意水平的分布频数为 fk,其中分布频率最 高的等级作为该驾驶段所对应持续性注意水平等级
的 C(i) ,即
C ( i)
= {i | fi
max (
mk q
式中 mk 为第 k 级持续性注意水平所对应的行为绩 效点频数. 按照上述方法,依次确定集合 U = { U1, U2 ,…,UM}中各驾驶段所对应的持续性注意水平, 最终得到该次驾驶过程中持续性注意水平等级序列
将 EEG 三种信号频段( 兹(4 ~ 8 Hz) 、琢(8 ~ 13 Hz) 、茁
(13 ~ 30 Hz) ) 的平均幅值作为持续性注意水平的
识别参数. 对时段内 1 个电极的 EEG 参数计算处
1) 以 0 ~ 80 Hz等伪迹干扰. 然后,
驶时长,采集 t 时段内驾驶员对突发事件的反应时
间,并构 成 反 应 时 间 序 列 的 集 合 z = { z1 , z2 , …, zm},计算其均值 z 与标准差 滓. 剔去[ z - 3滓, z + 3滓] 以外的异 常 数 据, 并 对 剩 余 数 据 按 从 小 到 大 顺
序排列,得到序列 Z = { z(1) ,z(2) , …, z(n) } ( n臆m) . 将持续性注意水平划分为 l 级,则第 k 级与第
GUO Zizheng1 , WU Zhimin1 , PAN Yufan1 , YU Gang2 , ZHANG Jun1

























图1 疲劳驾驶检测系统框图
3. 2
脑电信号处理方法 小波包变换方法
[ 7 ]
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram for driving fatigue detection system
也被称为最优子带数结构( SB-

第35 卷
TS) , 也称为小波包分解( WPD) , 是一种利用小波变换, 其 中离散时间( 采样) 信号通过比更多的过滤器通过离散小 波变换( DWT) 。利用小波包变换可以将 EEG 信号分解成 不同的子频带, 并且可以进一步对重要子频带进行细致分 [ 8 ] 析, 提取子频带的能量作为特征 。但是该分析方法对于 先验知识的依赖程度较大, 需要根据经验从多个导联中挑 选出少数与实验任务相关的导联。而信号和噪声都从各 自的源发出, 相互关联弥散, 造成各个导联信号之间具有 [9 ] 很强的相关性 。由于脑电信号中噪声源和信号源都有 明显的时空分布特性, 因此利用多通道信号的空间信息对 数据预处理, 可以有效地提高信噪比。共空间模式方法
本文中选择 6 名男性在校本科生作为实验对象, 年 龄在 20 ~ 24 岁, 驾龄差小于 5 岁, 实验对象无身体和心 理问题, 实验前有足够的睡眠, 可以保证实验过程中状态 良好, 实验前和实验过程中均未服用咖啡、 茶叶和精神兴 奋型药物。 为获得驾驶员在不同生理状态下的驾驶行为数据, 实 3 。 1 : 验将在 种不同的精神状态下进行 状态 经过良好的 睡眠, 实验对象早晨起床后, 感觉十分警醒精力充沛; 状态 2 : 实验对象进行阅读等脑力劳动, 直至感觉非常疲倦, 不 愿再继续完成任务为止, 时间选在当天晚上 9 点左右; 状 态 3 : 实验对象继续进行脑力活动, 直至感觉非常疲倦, 不 愿再继续完成任务为止, 时间选在次日早 8 点左右。每个 状态采集时间约为 2 h, 每个被试者共计进行 6 h 左右的仿 真驾驶, 在驾驶过程中采集驾驶人的方向盘操纵数据和 EEG 信号, 实验步骤安排如表 1 所示。











要求●Python●OpenCV:OpenCV 是用于图像处理和执行许多计算机视觉任务的出色工具。


●TensorFlow:Tensorflow 是一个免费的开源库,由Google Brain 团队开发,用于机器学习和人工智能。

Tensorflow 特别关注深度神经网络的训练和推理。

●Ke ras:Keras 是一个开源软件库,它为人工神经网络提供Python 接口。

Keras 更加用户友好,因为它是一个内置的 Python 库。





方法该项目的方法是使用网络摄像头捕获第一个视频,并使用Harcascade 算法从视频中检测第一张脸,检测眼睛。



我们将使用 Python、OpenCV、TensorFlow 和 Keras 来构建一个系统,该系统可以检测驾驶员的闭眼情况,并在他们在驾驶时睡着时提醒他们。











脑诱发电位联合心理智能测验检测肝癌患者亚临床肝性脑病的研究李薇;吴积坰;李惠芳;顾海蔚【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2003(009)007【摘要】目的用脑诱发电位联合心理智能测验的方法,研究原发性肝癌患者并发亚临床肝性脑病(SHE)的情况.方法用视觉诱发电位(VEP)、听觉事件相关电位(P300)、数字连接试验(NCT)、数字符号试验(DSY)与数字广度试验(DSP)等检测对81例原发性肝癌并肝硬化患者及50例非肝痛患者及部分健康志愿者对照进行研究.结果患者组与对照组之间各检测值存在明显差异,81例患者中检出VEP、P300、NCT、DSY及DSP异常例数,分别为5例(6.2%)、17例(21.0%)、19例(23.5%)、12例(14.8%)与10例(12.3%),共检出亚临床肝性脑病33例(40.7%).肝功能Child-PughB级组亚临床肝性脑病的发生率明显高于Child-Pugh A级组.并发亚临床肝性脑病的患者死于肝性脑病的比例明显高于不伴亚临床肝性脑病的患者.结论亚临床肝性脑病在原发性肝癌并肝硬化患者中有一定的发生率,其发生情况与肝功能状况密切相关.肝癌患者并发亚临床肝性脑病与死因是否为肝性脑病有一定的关系.【总页数】2页(P447-封三)【作者】李薇;吴积坰;李惠芳;顾海蔚【作者单位】上海瑞金医院集团闵行医院,上海,201100;上海瑞金医院集团闵行医院,上海,201100;上海瑞金医院集团闵行医院,上海,201100;上海瑞金医院集团闵行医院,上海,201100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.7;R575.2;R749.23【相关文献】1.心理智能测验检测原发性肝癌并肝硬化患者并发亚临床肝性脑病的研究 [J], 李薇;吴积垌2.心理测验、视觉诱发电位检测亚临床肝性脑病的价值 [J], 唐彤宇;陈立刚;吴扬3.探讨心理测验和脑诱发电位检测亚临床型肝脑的价值 [J], 钟碧慧;陈旻湖;袁育红;任明;胡品津4.心理智能测验检测肝动脉化疗栓塞对肝癌合并肝硬化患者亚临床肝性脑病的影响[J], 李薇;吴积炯;李惠芳;顾海蔚5.探讨心理测验和脑诱发电位检测亚临床型肝性脑病的价值 [J], 钟碧慧;陈Min湖因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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P roce dia Compute r Scie nce 34 ( 2014 )400 – 4091877-0509 © 2014 Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Conference Program Chairs doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.07.045ScienceDirectAvailable online atThe 11th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing(MobiSPC-2014)Drowsy Driving Detection by EEG Analysis Using WaveletTransform and K-Means ClusteringNikita Gurudath, H. Bryan Riley*School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701, USAAbstractThis research aims to develop a driver drowsiness monitoring system by analyzing the electroencephalographic (EEG) signals in a software scripted environment and using a driving simulator. These signals are captured by a multi-channel electrode system. Any muscle movement impacts the EEG signal recording which translates to artifacts. Therefore, noise from the recording is eliminated by subtracting the noisy signal from the original EEG recording. The actual EEG signals are then subjected to band pass filtering with cut-off frequencies 0.5 Hz and 100 Hz. The filtered signals are analyzed using a time-frequency technique known as the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). A third order Deba uchies’ wavelet and five level decomposition is utilized to segregate the signal into five sub-bands, namely, delta (0.5 – 4 Hz), theta (4 – 8 Hz), alpha (8 – 12 Hz), beta (12 – 30 Hz) and gamma (> 30 Hz). First order statistical moments such as mean, median, variance, standard deviation and mode of the sub-bands are calculated and stored as features. These features serve as an input to the next stage of system classification. Unsupervised learning through K-means clustering is employed since the classes of the signals are unknown. This provides a strong decision making tool for a real-time drowsiness detection system. The algorithm developed in this work has been tested on twelve samples from the Physionet sleep-EDF database.© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Program Chairs of MobiSPC-2014. Keywords: Driver health monitoring; EEG signal analysis; discrete wavelet transform; Debauchies’ wavelet; K-means clustering* Tel.: +1-740-597-3173E-mail address: rileyh1@© 2014 Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Conference Program Chairs401 N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 )400 – 4091.IntroductionThe National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that drowsy driving accounts for 1550 deaths, 40000 injuries and more than 56000 crashes every year in the United States [1]. This varies between 2.2% - 2.6% of the fatal crashes. A study by researchers in Australia has proven that being awake for 18 hours produces an impairment equivalent to a Blood Alcoholic Concentration (BAC) OF 5% and 10% after 24 hours [2]. With 8% of BAC being considered as legally drunk, this study provides alarming statistics. Drowsiness hampers driving by causing slower reaction times, vision impairment and major lapses in judgment [3, 4]. This reiterates the need to investigate various methods that can classify drowsiness by monitoring the awareness state of the driver.Drowsy driving detection is an important issue in today’s society because falling asleep while driving is clearly dangerous, while the propensity to be sleepy affects one’s ability to drive safely even if the person does not fall asleep. Drowsiness has the following effects•Decrease driver’s attention to surroundings•Slow down reaction time considerably•Affect a driver's ability to make decisionsFig. 1 below summarizes a drowsy driving study conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP).Fig.1. Statistics of adults falling asleep while driving (from [4]).1.1. Electroencephalographic signalsEEG signals are the indication of brain activity in a high level organism. It is a graph of low voltage levels versus time. The brain is made up of neurons which communicate via electrical impulses. It is analogous to a network with nodes corresponding to different activity centers, and meshes corresponding to various pathways. The voltage measured is extremely small (up to the order of microvolts) and is susceptible to artifacts and disturbances. These signals are non-stationary in nature. This means that they have different frequency components existing at different intervals of time. The five primary frequency bands in a typical EEG signal are defined as [3]:•Delta – (0.5 – 4) Hz•Theta – (4 – 8) Hz•Alpha – (8 – 12) Hz•Beta – (12 – 30) Hz•Gamma – >30 HzThe Theta, Alpha and Beta sub-bands are of interest for drowsy driving identification. Alpha activity is predominant when a person is resting or closing his eyes. During the transition from awake to sleep or drowsy state,402N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 )400 – 409alpha decreases and theta increases gradually [5]. It has also been proven that beta waves are significantly high when a person is taking sedative and hypnotic drugs such as benzodiazepines and/or barbiturates [6].EEG signals are measured by placing electrodes on the human scalp. The position of the electrodes is given by a standardized system known as the 10-20 montage [7]. Fig. 2 illustrates a configuration of electrodes utilized by neurologists and related healthcare professionals.Fig.2. Mapping of electrode placements for EEG data collection (from [7]).The regions marked by English letters F, P, T, O and C in Fig. 2 correspond to the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe and central lobe respectively. A1 and A2 represent the regions where reference electrodes are placed. Fpz is the frontal polar region and Pz represents the nasopharyngeal position.1.2. Background and literature reviewIncreased focus on safe driving has made driver health monitoring an important aspect in the automotive industry. There are two ways to monitor the vigilance of a driver:•Image processing techniques that track facial and/or head movements and eye gaze monitoring•Signal processing techniques that utilize information from physiological signals from EEG, Electrocardiography (ECG), Electrooculography (EOG) and Electromyography (EMG) recordings.Academic researchers and automobile manufacturing companies have recognized the importance of evaluating drowsy driving and have implemented systems to detect drowsiness for the safety of drivers and passengers. [8] illustrates comprehensive parameters of the human body that could be used to monitor the health of the driver.Existing vehicles have state-of-the-art systems installed [9]. For example, the 2013 Mercedes Benz 5000 series model consists of the Attention Assist system which creates the driver’s profile by monitoring the driving during the first five minutes of the drive and then uses this as a reference to monitor driver input and vehicle parameters such as vehicle speed, angle of steering wheel, longitudinal and lateral acceleration. Volvo has incorporate d a driver alert control system that monitors drowsiness based on the car’s progress on the road. Delphi manufactures commercial products such as Driver State Monitor and Driver Fatigue Monitor that determine drowsiness by eye blink detection algorithms. These expensive systems have not been robustly tested under low illumination conditions (night time driving) and heavily rely on inputs from the vehicle.Literature reports that EEG data provides the best descriptors of sleep [10]. Kerkeni et al. described automatic classification of different sleep stages using frequency domain analysis. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the EEG signal was computed after certain pre-processing [11]. The spectral power of each of the resulting five sub-bands was calculated. These five values were used as an input for the three layered neural network employed as the classifier. A low classification accuracy of 76% indicated the ineffectiveness of using frequency analysis for non-stationary signals such as the EEG signals. When electing to deal with life threatening situations, a more robust system is required to be developed. The analysis of spatial and temporal aspect is required to evaluate non-stationary data such as EEG signals [12, 13]. In order to account for the non-stationary property, [13] suggested a time-frequency analysis using the wavelet transform. The work described by the method in [14] provides 93%403 N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 )400 – 409classification accuracy. The use of other classifiers such as support vector regression or fuzzy neural networks provide higher classification accuracy (97%) as indicated by [15]. However, this increases the complexity of the system and requires a large feature set.The number of channels used to record the EEG signals plays a major role. More information is obtained when many channels are used [16]. However, this increases the cost and computation time. When a single or double channel is used, the cost and time are manageable but the reliability decreases. This triggers the need for a trade-off between complexity and reliability. [17] indicates that recordings from 5 channels, Fp1, Fp2, Cz, O1 and O2 as shown in [7], provide a good description of drowsiness.1.3. Specific objectives of this researchIn this work, the aim is to implement classification of driver drowsiness. We intend to use data from a publically available Sleep-EDF database at Physionet [18]. The EEG signals collected would be analyzed by DWT that e mploys third order Debauchies’ wavelet and level five decomposition, resulting in the five sub-bands. The mean, median, variance, standard deviation and mode from each of the sub-bands would be calculated and stored as a set of features. Since the class of the EEG signals is unknown, K means clustering would be used to determine the classes of the data. The classes predicted from K-means clustering would be used as a priori information for classification via three layer neural net consisting of input layer, hidden layer and output layer. The three classes considered are awake, drowsy and asleep (class 1, class 2 and class 3).2.Description of the methodThe algorithm in this research has been developed taking into account the non-stationary property of EEG signals. A well-established mathematical theory (i.e. Wavelet) is implemented on a digital computer to analyze time and frequency (or scale) components simultaneously in a signal.2.1.Pre-Filtering and artefact removalThe EEG signals obtained from [18] are recorder from two channels- Fpz - Cz and Pz- Oz. It also consists of recordings from the eyelids (Electrooculography/EOG signals). These are considered as noise and must be subtracted from the EEG recordings in order to be able to use them for further processing. The signals are filtered at a frequency of 100Hz. Using this information, epochs of 30s is extracted and stored.2.2.Non-stationary signal analysis using discrete wavelet transformA signal contains information about the physical world. In order to extract useful data from these signals, they are required to be transformed from one domain (say, time) to another domain (say, frequency) to gain further insights. Applicable transforms for such purposes include the: [19]•Fourier transform•Radon transform•Hilbert transform•Wigner transform•Short-time Fourier transforms•Wavelet transformFourier transforms are widely used for analysis of stationary signals. When a signal consists of different frequency components for various time intervals, short-time Fourier transform (STFT) provides valuable information. The STFT is computed by sliding a window function over the entire length of the original signal [19]. The width of the window depends on the time, for which a single frequency component exits in the signal, i.e., the interval of time for which the signal is stationary. It is given as:ܵܶܨܶ௫ሺௐሻሺݐᇱǡ݂ሻൌ ׬ሾݔሺݐሻήܹכሺݐെݐᇱሻሿ݁ି௜ଶగ௙௧݀ݐ(1)௧404N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 )400 – 409Fig.3. Low pass and high pass filters of Deubauchies third order wavelet family.The frequency spectrum of each of the coefficients has been evaluated. They correspond to the five sub-bands of an EEG signal namely, gamma, beta, alpha, theta and delta.Feature extractionIn any pattern recognition system it is essential to isolate those attributes which are specific to a particular class. In this work, five first order features have been extracted from each of the sub-bands or DWT coefficients. They are:405N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 ) 400 – 409ݏҧൌ ଵேσݏ௜ே௜ୀଵ (4)The median is the mid value of the sample. If N is odd, then the median is the ሺேାଵଶሻ௧௛ value of the sample. If N iseven, then the median is the average of ሺேଶሻ௧௛ and ሺேାଶଶሻ௧௛ value in the sample. Standard deviation is defined as:ߪൌ ටଵேσሺݏ௜െݏҧሻଶே௜ୀଵ (5)Variance is given by:ݒܽݎൌ ߪଶ(6)Mode is defined as the most frequently occurring point in the sample. If there are multiple points having the same frequency of occurrence, then the smallest of the values is chosen. These features are utilized as input to the neural network for classification.2.4. ClassificationLearning can be divided into two categories: supervised and unsupervised. Supervised learning involves useof a feedback-based algorithm such as backpropagation, where error responsibility is calculated at each node. Unsupervised learning, often using the Hebbian algorithm, finds correlations between input data and divides it into related sets [21]. In this research the classes of the EEG data is assumed to be unknown. In any real time drowsiness detection system using EEG signals, it is difficult to know the class to which a particular feature belongs. In order to determine which class each signal belongs to, a well-known clustering technique called K-means clustering is employed [22]. This method utilizes the mean of similar data points in order to group the signals together. It is an iterative procedure carried out to minimize within-class sum of squares. For n feature vectors, ࢞ଵǡ࢞ଶǡǥǡ࢞௡, that fall into k clusters (k<n) the objective/cost function to be minimized is given asܬൌσσฮݔ௜ሺ௝ሻെܿ௝ฮଶ௡௜ୀଵ௞௝ୀଵ(7)݉௜ is the mean of vectors in cluster i and the term inside the summation is a chosen distance measure between datapoint ݔ௜ሺ௝ሻand cluster center ܿ௝. The algorithm for K-means clustering [23] is x Step 1: Startx Step 2: Initialize ࢓1, ࢓2, …, ࢓k x Step 3: While no change in meanx Step 4: Classify samples into clusters using estimated means x Step 5: For i running from 1 to kx Step 6: Calculate the distance between each feature and the initialize cluster mean x Step 7: If the criterion in equation 7 is satisfied proceed to Step 9 else go to Step 8. x Step 8: Replace ݉i with mean of all samples for cluster i x Step 9: End for x Step 10: End while x Step 11: StopOnce the classes of the samples have been determined, training would be accomplished using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). An ANN emulates the human brain’s ability to learn and recognize patterns. All neural nets consist of neurons as the basic processing nodes, and synapses which store a weight value to connect together the layers of neurons. A three layered ANN would be employed to classify the EEG signals into drowsy, awake or sleep states. The input, hidden and output layers would be trained using the back propagation algorithm [24]. The set of 15 features obtained from DWT form the inputs to the neural net. The output layer consists of three neurons corresponding to the three desired states. The number of hidden layers would be determined empirically after successive trials.406N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 )400 – 4093.Experimental resultsIn this research, 12 EEG samples have been used from the Physionet sleep-EDF database [18]. The files are in EDF/EDF+ (European Data Format) format which can be viewed using the Polyman software. Fig. 4 illustrates the EEG and EOG data from one sample.Fig.4. An EEG and EOG sample from Physionet database [18] displayed using Polyman software.It is essential to remove artifacts from the EEG data before the DWT can be applied for the purpose of analysis. This is achieved by subtracting the EOG data from the EEG data. The processed signals are subjected to a DWT with third order Debauchies’ wave let and five level decomposition to obtain five sub-bands.The mean, median, standard deviation, variance and mode for each of the five sub-bands are calculated. In order to determine the best set of classes for the EEG signals, K-means clustering for each of these features is conducted on all the sub-bands. The K-means clustering plots for channel 1and channel 2 and for standard deviation and variance is as shown in Figs. 5 and 6 respectively.(a)407 N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 )400 – 409(b)Fig. 5. Results of Kmeans clustering using standard deviation and variance as input from Fpz – Cz channel.(a)(b)Fig.6. Clusters obtained using standard deviation and variance from Pz- Oz channel of EEG recording.408N ikita Gurudath and H. Bryan Riley / P rocedia Computer Science 34 ( 2014 )400 – 4094.Conclusion and future workThis research aims to develop an automatic system for drowsy driving identification or detection by analyzing EEG signals of the driver. The wavelet transform is an effective tool to analyze the time as well as frequency components hidden in such non-stationary signals. The first order statistical features are tractable andhave low memory requirements. In real world driving scenarios where manual scoring of EEG signals is impossibleand impractical, the K-means clustering technique is a strong decision making tool in order to determine to whichsleep related state: (i.e., awake, drowsy or asleep) each sample belongs. It is concluded that classes obtained by clustering the variance data provides the best separation of clusters when visually inspected. This would be utilizedto input the features into a three layer ANN and conduct classification.AcknowledgementsWe wish to thank Dr. Shinichi Amano and Dr. S. Lee Hong for their guidance and suggestions during this research period. Dr. Amano is postdoctorial fellow in the Ohio Musculoskeletal and Neurological Institute (OMNI) College of Osteopathic Medicine. He earned a PhD degree in biobehavioural science from the University of Floridaand currently is a researcher at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Dr. Hong earned a PhD in Kinesiology, with an emphasis on motor control, and currently is an associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Ohio University. 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