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Please discuss with your desk mate:
Why could Angela achieve success in the quiz show? external factors: opportunity good luck

4 What happened before the TV programme began? One of the contestants fainted. 5 Who came to help? Angela came to help. 6 Who got the grand prize? And what was the prize? Angela got the grand prize. The prize was a trip for two to the lovely city of Paris.
terrific job. 7 She has done a _______
is ahead of its rivals in sales. 8 Their company ____________
Answer the following questions according to what we have learnt from the passage. 1 Where did the story happen? The story happened in a studio. 2 What did Mandy and Angela do at the very beginning of the story? They attended the filming of the TV quiz programme. 3 What was the name of the TV programme? The name of the TV programme was Travel quiz.
make good use of class time
go over what you have learnt after class
be self-confident work hard
not give up or lose heart
ask teachers for help when necessary
1 Read a passage about Helen Keller and answer some questions. 2 Think: What can we learn from Helen Keller and her story?

; 三维柔性焊接平台 焊接平台 检验平台 铸铁平台 三维柔性焊接平台 吴慧考进了名牌的大学,李想却只考到一个三流的大专,吴慧信心满满的就读着自己的大学,李想却在念完大一的时候,因为校园的生 活跟她心中的梦有了出入,而选择了放弃念书。 吴慧说“你怎么能这么自暴自弃呢,怎么样也得把毕业证拿上呀,你难道不看电视么,现在大学生就业是多么困难,你这样放弃学业, 以后该怎么办?”她说这话的时候甚是理直气壮,好似李想如果就这样离开学校就不能够很好的存活下去。 李想只是笑“我知道大学生就业很不容易,不过,我觉得现在校园的生活实在是太清闲了,我不喜欢这样的生活!” 从此以后,吴慧继续过着她风光无比的校园生活,李想却投身到现实的工作中,那个工作虽然并没有什么了不起,但是,也并没有吴慧 说的那样,她将成为一无是处的废物继而被这个社会淘汰!工作虽然比较辛苦,毕竟是没有多少技术含量的销售工作,又对学历没有太 高的要求,所以,李想在那样的一处工作场所也算过得肆意。至少,那份工作,让她感到当下的生活过得是比较充足的,不再似在学校 那般过得浑浑噩噩,每天如同混日子般,也至少,她现在可以凭借自己的努力养活自己,而不再是那个只能伸手跟父母要钱的人,至少 在这一点上,让她感到从内心中得到解脱、从而过得舒坦些!
4 The atmosphere in the meeting was getting more and tense more ________.
contestants from Shanghai. 5 Let’s welcome the ___________ 6 The little girl _______ fainted because of hunger.
Unit five Surprises at the studio
Word revision: Fill in the blanks with the given words in their correct form.
director contestant faint seat terrific sense beat ahead of
whispered fainted
shouted came could hardly keep still asked shouted
Please retell the story according to the time order or the key words.
Key words: in a studio--- attended the filming --- before --fainted ---needed another contestant--- Angela raised her hand --- began --- answered the questions easily --- ahead of ---kept getting the questions right --- finally ---won the grand prize
Group discussion:
If we want to achieve success in study, what should we do? In my opinion…\ From my point of view,…\ I think… We should be…\We should have…
Please find out all the expressions of time.
five minutes before ten seconds before twenty-five minutes later finally
Complete the table What happened at each time? And how did Angela deal with it?
directed a short piece 1 The famous _______ director Zhang Yimou _______ of film for Beijing Olympics.
beat Class two at the basketball match. 2 Class one _______ 3 Ladies and gentlemen, please get _______. seated
When Five minutes before the show Ten seconds before the show Twenty-five minutes later What happened How attended raised answered was ahead of had beaten had to replied