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第32卷第3期2008年6月J OU RNAL OF DAQ IN G PETROL EUM INSTITU TE Vol.32No.3J un.2008
(1.大庆石油学院提高油气采收率教育部重点实验室,黑龙江大庆 163318; 2.大庆油田有限责任公司第九采油
厂,黑龙江大庆 163853)
摘 要:采用RS600流变仪PP20防滑锥板测量系统,通过流变特性实验,研究低温调堵剂凝胶的黏弹特性、屈服应
关 键 词:调堵剂;凝胶;流变性;屈服应力;蠕变回复
中图分类号:TE243 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100021891(2008)0320034203
1 实验材料和方法
使用德国HAA KE 公司RS600流变仪,采用转子Sensor 为PP20的防滑锥板测量系统,测量低温调堵剂凝胶的黏性、弹性、屈服应力特性及蠕图1 凝胶的黏弹特性曲线
2 调堵剂凝胶影响因素
2.1 黏弹特性
频率f 为0.10~10.00Hz ,在剪切应力τ为1Pa 时,不
同频率下调堵剂凝胶的黏弹特性曲线见图1,其中G ′为
储能模量,G ″为耗能模量.由图1可以看出,振荡频率低
本质上是与储能模量和耗能模量有关的量,其正切等于储能模量与耗能模量的比值,即tan δ=G ″/G ′[5].
τ=τ0sin (ω
t ),(1)式中:τ0为振荡剪切应力的幅值;ω为振荡角频率,ω=2
πf .测量相关时间的应变γ为γ=γ0sin (ω
t -δ),(2)式中:γ0为振荡剪切应变的幅值.
令|G 3|=τ0/γ0,G 3为绝对动态模量,G
′=|G 3|co s δ,G ″=|G 3|sin δ,δ=arctan (G ″/G ′).δ=0°时为纯弹性固体;δ=90°时为纯黏性流体;0°<δ<90°时为黏弹性体[6].
.图2 调堵剂凝胶损耗角随振荡频率的变化曲线 在不同频率下振荡剪切过程中调堵剂凝胶δ的变化见图
2.2 屈服应力特性
用的是CS 应力扫描,
图3 不同主剂质量分数凝胶屈服应力测量曲线为0.3s -1,控制测量时间为180s ,测量温度为30℃,测定剪
图3,其中σ为屈服应力,t 为时间.由图3可以看出,在相同
间约为100s 时,曲线上升到峰值;然后曲线下降,当下降到
表1 不同主剂质量分数凝胶的屈服应力w (主剂)/%σ/Pa
同一剪切速率( γ=0.3s -1)、不同主剂质量分数下的屈
2.3 蠕变-回复特性
蠕变-回复显示一定应力下样品黏性和弹性的时间响应,凝胶的蠕变-回复特性采用CS 流变方法进行测量,在测量过程中设定恒定应力,测定与时间相关的应变γ(t ):
第3期 张继红等:低温调堵剂凝胶的流变特性
γ(t )=J (t )τ,(3)
式中:J (t )为柔量,是与时间相关的物质常数,类似于稳态流动试验中的黏度.该参数表明样品的柔性,在给定应力下,样品的柔量越高,样品就越容易变形[7].只要为实验样品设定的实验条件能够确保应力/应变关系处于线性黏弹性区域,柔量就与所施加的应力无关[8].
调堵剂凝胶的蠕变-回复应变曲线见图4.由图4可以看出,当设定应力τ为1kPa ,蠕变、回复时间为300s 时,一旦给调堵剂凝胶体系施加应力,应变就会增加,但随着时间的增加,应变增加量逐渐减少,表示有蠕变现象;在施加应力后期,应变随时间几乎不再增加,说明这时即使延长加载时间,调堵剂凝胶也不会再发生蠕变现象.卸载后调堵剂凝胶可基本恢复加载前的状态,表明对调堵剂凝胶所加应力在弹性极限应力范围内.
不同主剂质量分数调堵剂凝胶的蠕变-回复柔量曲线见图5.由图5可以看出,加载后各主剂质量分数下的调堵剂凝胶的柔量不断增大,但增加的幅度逐渐减小;τ为1kPa 时,加载50s 后柔量与时间的对应关系曲线基本为水平线,说明柔量不再增加.另外,主剂质量分数越小,在同一加载时间内,调堵剂凝胶的柔量越大,即调堵剂溶液中主剂质量分数越少,其成胶后的调堵剂凝胶在定应力下就越容易变形.因此,为防止变形应尽量选择主剂质量分数较高的调堵剂
图4 凝胶的蠕变-
回复应变曲线图5 不同单体质量分数凝胶的蠕变-回复柔量曲线
3 结论
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Abst ract s Journal of Daqing Pet roleum Instit ute Vol.32 No.3 J un.2008 search on rock wettability in Lamadian Oilfield provides a scientific evidence for oilfield develop ment and comp rehensive adjust ment.
K ey w ords:Lamadian oilfield;wettability;reservoir nat ure;water driven oil;infill well
Solution to the unsteady flow problem in anisotropic triple2porosity reservoir with impermeable top and bot2 tom boundaries and a partially penetrating vertical w ell based on the source f unction approach/2008,32(3): 29-33
WAN G Hai2tao,ZHAN G Lie2hui
(S t ate Key L aboratory of Oil an d Gas Reservoi rs Geolog y and ex ploitation,S out h W est Pet roleum U2 ni versit y,Cheng d u610500,Chi na)
Abstract:In order to solve t he unsteady flow problem in anisot ropic t riple2poro sity reservoir wit h t he im2 permeable top and bottom boundaries and a partially penet rating vertical well,firstly,we used“Point Source”and“Line Source”approach to obtain t he point source solution in a infinite3D reservoir,t hen u2 tilized t he“mirror image”p rinciple and Poisson summation equation to obtain t he point source solution in a3D reservoir wit h t he impermeable top and bottom boundaries,t hen integrate t he continuous point source solution along t he penet rating formation to obtain t he solution of t he concerning problem under u2 niform2flux idealization.Then we utilized t he conclusion about“Efficient average pressure point”which was derived by Gringarten and Ramey to obtain t he solution of an infinite2conductivity line source in con2 cerning conditions.Finally he utilized t he Stehfest numerical inversion and program design to draw typi2 cal curves,and analyzed t he factors which affect t he shape of t he typical curves such as storativity, t ransfer coefficient,t he penet rating ratio,and vertical anisot ropy degree.The result s help people to un2 derstand t he flow mechanism of t his type of reservoir and also can be employed for well test and p roduc2 tivity research and so on.It p rovides t heoretical basis for people to reasonably develop reservoir.
K ey w ords:source f unction;partially penet rating;t riple2porosity media anisot ropic;numerical inversion Rheological characteristics of low temperature plugging gel/2008,32(3):34-36
ZHAN G Ji2hong1,WAN G Ya2nan1,ZHAO Ti2cai1,YU Hai2ming1,L IU Ming2jun2
(1.Key L aboratory f or Enhanci ng Oil/Gas Recovery of M i nist ry of Ed ucation,D aqi n g Pet roleum
I nstit ute,D aqi ng,Heilon g j i ang163318,Chi na;2.Oil Recovery Pl ant N o.9,D aqi n g Oil f iel d Cor p.L t d.,D aqi ng,Heilong j i ang163853,Chi na)
Abstract:The viscoelasticity,yield st ress and creep recovery characteristic of t he low temperat ure plug2 ging gel are st udied by means of RS600rheometer PP20antiskid cone and plate measuring system.The result shows t hat t he low temperat ure plugging gel is a viscoelastic body,and it s elastic behavior is lar2 ger t han viscous characteristic,and it s loss angle is always less t han45°.The low temperat ure plugging gel represent s obvious characteristic of yield st ress,which is t he st rain will be weak after t he yield st ress reaches yield point.It s yield st ress value will increase along wit h t he mass fraction augmentation of pri2 mary element,which shows t hat t he plugging gel t hat co ntains high mass fraction of p rimary element is a material t hat can take on larger cementing strengt h.The plugging gel system has creep recovery char2 acteristic.Under t he fixed stress and t he same time of loading,t he value of t he yielding is larger wit h t he lower mass f raction of t he primary element,and t he plugging gel shoud be easily deformed.
K ey w ords:plugging agent;gel;rheological characteristics;yield st ress;creep recovery
H eat transfer effect caused by ground f ires on buried pipelines/2008,32(3):37-39
DEN G Song2sheng1,YAN G Li2yun1,DON G Jian2wei1,L I Zhao2jie1,Q IN Wei2
(1.De pt.of M ilit ary Oil S u p pl y Engi neeri ng,L EU,Chongqi ng400016,Chi na;2.S out hw est S y n2 t hetic Pharm aceutical Cor p.L t d.,Chongqi ng401147,Chi na)
Abstract:In t he case of a ground surface fire,t he t hermal balance of soil around it is destroyed,t he tem2 perat ure of soil and pipeline is redist ributed.The pipeline would be invalid when temperat ure is too high.In t his paper,unstable heat t ransfer course is analyzed and t hermal model is established,t he finite difference t heory is used for calculation.And t he factors governing t he heat t ransfer of buried pipelines are discussed.The result s indicate t hat t he fire2resistant capability of t he underground pipeline will be greatly imp roved if t he deep ness t hat pipeline is buried is added.
K ey w ords:fire;buried pipeline;unstable temperat ure field;finite difference;grid division
A new w ell2testing technology of fracturing t w o2layers with single string running/2008,32(3):40-42
DA I Jiang1,2,L I Zi2feng1,L IU Guo2zhi2,YU Zhen2dong2
(1.M echanical Engi neeri ng College,Yans han Universit y,Qi nhuang dao,Hebei066004,Chi na;2. Oil Testi n g Com p any of D aqi n g Oil f iel d Cor p.L t d.,D aqi ng,Heilong j i ang163412,Chi na) Abstract:A technology of fract uring two-layers wit h single st ring running means t hat it can fract ure two layers,and finish flowing back and t he production testing after f ract uring wit hout p ulling st ring. Wit h t he reasonable design of st ring struct ure and downhole tools,t he p ressure monitoring and well temperat ure measuring can be finished,and a complete set of technology is formed t hat contains two-。