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It’s eighteen degrees Centigrade [18 C] today. 今天气温是摄氏18度。

It’s eighteen degrees Fahrenheit [18 F] today. 今天气温是华氏18度。

The temperature has climbed to 35 C. 气温已上升到摄氏35度。

It’s five above (zero). 气温是5度。

It’s five below (zero). 气温是零下5度。

It’s 25 degrees. 气温是25度。

The temperature will drop twenty below. 气温将会降到零下20度。

The highest temperature during the day will be five below zero. 白天最高气温零下5度。

On a very hot day, he temperature reaches 35 C. 在很热的日子里,气温可达到摄氏35度。

The weather forecast says the highest temperature will be 3 degrees centigrade, and the lowes
t 6 degrees blow zero. 天气预报说最高气温是3度,最低气温零下6度。

according to the weather forecast, the temperature is expected to re ach [hit] 40 degrees centigrade. 根据天气预报,气温可达摄氏40度。

A: I really want to go to the beach this weekend.
B: That sounds like fun. What's the weather going to be like?
A: I heard that it's going to be warm this weekend.
B: Is it going to be perfect beach weather?
A: I believe so.
B: Good. I hope it doesn't cool off this weekend.
A: I know. I really want to go to the beach.
B: But you know that California weather is really unpredictable.
A: You're right. One minute it's hot, and then the next minute it's cold.
B: I really wish the weather would just stay the same.
A: I do too. That way we can have our activities planned ahead of time.
B: Yeah, that would make things a lot easier.
A: I would like to take a trip to the beach this weekend.
B: A trip to the beach would be fun. How is the weather going to be?
A: The forecast says that it will be warm on the weekend.
B: So do you think it'll be perfect weather for the beach?
A: It sounds like it will be.
B: I really hope it doesn't get cold.
A: That would ruin things, I want to go so badly.
B: The weather in California is unpredictable, so you never know.
A: That is true. The weather is constantly changing.
B: It would be nice if the weather would never change.
A: That would be great, then we could plan things sooner.
B: True. Predictable weather would make life easier.
A: It would be nice to go to the beach sometime this weekend.
B: What's the weather going to be like? I may want to go too.
A: The weather this weekend is supposed to be warm.
B: Will it be good beach weather?
A: I think it will be.
B: It wouldn't be good if it got cold this weekend.
A: I want this trip to be perfect, I hope it stays warm.
B: This California weather is so uncertain, it's impossible to know what'll happen. A: I know. Every day the weather seems different.
B: I would love it if it wasn't always so unpredictable.
A: That would make it easier for us to make plans.
B: I know. Things are easier when you know what the weather's going to be like. Part 1
A: It looks like it's going to be sunny.

B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday.

A: They say we're going to get some rain later.

B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm.

A: I think it's going to be a nice day.

B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.

A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over.

Part 3
A: It seems to be clearing up.

B: It's such a nice change.

A: I really don't think this weather will last.

B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.

A: Beautiful day, isn't it?
B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.

A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.

B: As long as it doesn't snow!


Northwest China: September 11 to 13, affected by streams of cold air, northern and western Xinjiang and eastern parts of the region will have showers or light to moderate rain with lower temperatures. Northern Xinjiang will have force 4 to 6 northerly winds. September 15 to 17, more cold air will affect the region bringing showers or light rainfall in northern and western Xinjiang and eastern areas of the region. Temperatures will drop and force 4 to 6 northerly winds will blow in northern Xinjiang.



North China: September 11 to 13, most of the region will be sunny to cloudy with higher temperatures while northeastern Inner Mongolia will have occasional showers. September 14 to 16, most areas will be cloudy with showers or light rain while eastern Inner Mongolia will experience moderate rainfall with force 4 to 5 southerly and then northerly winds. September 17, throughout most of the region mixed cloudy to sunny skies.



Northeast China: September 11 to 12, the bulk of the area will be sunny to cloudy with higher temperatures. September 13 to 14, northernmost parts will have showers or light to moderate rainfall with force 4 to 5 southerly and then northerly winds. Temperatures will drop. September 15 to 17, most of the region will have rainfall and winds from west to east.



Central China: September 11 to 12, most areas will be under cloudy to overcast skies with possible showers in northern parts. September 13 to 14, western and northern parts will have showers or light to moderate rainfall. September 16 to 17, northern parts will be cloudy with short showers. Southern Hunan will encounter thunder showers or light to moderate rainfall but heavy rain in some places.



East China: September 11 to 13, most of the region will have sunny to cloudy skies while northern parts and the coastal regions will encounter showers or thunderstorms on September 12. Southern parts will have higher temperatures. September 14 to 16, central and northern parts will be overcast with showers while the southern coastal regions will be exposed to winds and rainfall caused by low pressure tropical air.


South China: September 11 to 13, the majority of the region will be sunny to cloudy with higher temperatures while the coastal areas and Hainan Island will have light to moderate rain or thundershowers with possible heavy to stormy rain in some areas accompanied by force 5 to 7 winds. September 14 to 17, affected by a low-pressure tropical zone most of the region will experience light to moderate rain or
thundershowers from east to west with heavy to stormy rain in some places. Strong winds will blow in the coastal regions.



Southwest China: The area will have overcast and rainy days during the week. September 11 to 14, central and eastern parts will have showers or light to moderate rain with heavy rainfall expected in some of southeastern Tibet and the Sichuan Basin. September 15 to 17, most of the region will experience further rain.。
