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3. 在电脑的帮助下,他得以顺利完成任务。

3. With the help of the computer, he was able to finish the task successfully.
4. 他已经绞尽脑汁了,可是仍未找到问题的答案。

4. He had thought hard, but wasn’t able to work out the answer to the problem.
5. 他已经两天没来上学了。

5. He has been absent from school for 2 days.
6. 医生不会给他开刀,除非绝对必要.(absolutely)
6. The doctors will not operate on him unless it is absolutely necessary.
7. 当你聚精会神地读一本好书时,不会注意到时间的流逝。

7. Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book
8. 他忘了带阅读证,进不了图书馆.(accessible)
8. He forgot to take the reading card, so the library was not accessible to him.
9. 游客只有乘坐直升机才能到达那个山顶。

9. The top of the mountain is only accessible to tourists by helicopter.
11. 尽管付出的努力不可估量,但那些偏远山城都已通车,这让全国人民无比自豪.(accessible) 11. Although the efforts made are beyond measure, those remote mountainous cities have been accessible to cars, which makes all the Chinese people/ the whole nation feel very proud/ full of pride.
Be proud of take pride in
12. 那些不愿意向他人学习的人是不会有所作为的.(accomplish)
12. Those who refuse to learn/who are not willing to learn from others will accomplish nothing.
13. 老师批评他说话声音太轻。

13. The teacher accused him of his low voice.
14. 说实话,我至今还不习惯用刀叉吃西餐。

14. To tell the truth, I have not been accustomed to eating western food with knife and fork.
15. 你出来乍到,水土不服很正常。

15. Since you are a newcomer, it is very natural not to be accustomed to the water and climate here.
18. 如果你不能牢记“不劳无获”这句谚语,那么你将一事无成。

18. If you can’t remember the proverb “No pains, no gains.”, you will achieve nothing in life.
19. 读书不是获取知识的唯一途径.(acquire)
19. Reading is not the only way of acquiring knowledge .
20. 广州人一般很难适应北方气候,尤其是冬天。

20. It is difficult for the people from Guangzhou to adapt themselves to the climate of the north, especially in winter.
21. 去国外时,你必须适应新的风俗习惯.(adapt)
21. When you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.
23. 新建的大剧院给广场增添了美丽。

23. The newly-built grand theatre has added to the beauty of the square.
24. 除日常工作外,他在周末还有一份临时工作,他的月收入加起来达一万元。

(add up to) 24. Besides/In addition to his routine work, he also has a part-time job at weekends and his monthly income adds up to 10,000 Yuan.
26. 我还要补充说一下,我们对测试结果表示满意。

26. I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.
27. 很显然,人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。

27. It is obvious that everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor.
28. 未经容许,任何人不得入内.(admit)
28. Nobody is admitted without permission.
29. 无论做什么事,都应该事先做好充分的准备。

29. Whatever we do, full preparations should be made in advance.
30. 同学们在班会课上各抒己见,提出了许多节约能源的建议。

30. Students gave their own opinions at the class meeting and put forward many suggestions on saving recourses.
31. 他通过做兼职赚了足够的钱去国外旅游。

31. He has earned enough money by doing part-time jobs to afford his trip abroad.
32. 我买得起汽车,但养不起。

32. I can afford a car, but cannot afford to maintain it.
34. 他是由于怕输才不敢尝试的。

34. It was because he was afraid to lose that he didn’t dare to try.
35. 三分之二的出席者反对这项计划.(against)
35. Two – thirds of the people present are against the plan.
36. 听了老师的演讲后,学生们不再反对穿校服了。

36. Having hearing the teacher’s speech, the students were no longer against wearing school uniforms.
38. 我认为他们不会同意你的想法。

38. I don’t think they will agree to your opinion.
39. 曾有一段时间,天气预报和事实根本不相符。

39. There was a time when the weather forecast didn’t agree with the fact at all.
40. 我认为他们不会同意你的想法。

40. I don’t think they will agree to your opinion.
41. 他们没能就谁先去西部工作取得一致意见.(agreement)
41. They can’t make an agreement on who should go to work in the West.
42. 陪审团一致认为被告有罪。

42. The jury reached an agreement that the accused was guilty.
45. 每个学生都允许从学校图书馆借书,但一次只能借一本.(allow)
45. Every students is allowed to borrow books form school library, but only one at a time.
46. 电影院里不许抽烟。

46. Smoking is not allowed in the cinema.
47. 校园内禁止吸烟.(allow)
47. Smoking is not allowed on campus/ in school(s).
48. 几乎三分之一的大一学生说他们在暑假期间打工。

48. Almost a third of the freshmen said they were working during the summer vacation.
49. 他对生活的态度正在被改变。

49. His attitude towards life is being altered.
50. 虽然妇女对社会的贡献有目共睹,但对妇女得歧视仍然存在,并可能持续很长一段时间。

50. Although women’s contributions to the society are obvio us to all, discrimination against women still exists and may last for a long time.
51. 科学家分析了一下牛奶,发现里面所含水分过多。

(analyze; contain)
51. The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water.

(…, and…)
Improve your body language, and you will make /leave a good impression on the guests.
52. 休息一会儿,你会感到舒服一点。

52. Have a rest, and you will feel better.
55. 好好休息,你很快会恢复体力的。

55. Have a good rest, and you will recover your strength soon.
56. 租辆自行车,你就可以环游这座历史古城了。

56. Rent a bicycle, and you can travel around / make a tour of the historical ancient city.
59. 遵照说明,你就会知道怎样服用这药了。

59. Follow directions, and you will know how to take the medicine.
60. 遵守交通规则,你就能避免交通事故.(and)
60. Obey/ Observe/ Follow the traffic rules/ regulations, and (thus) you can avoid traffic accidents.
61. 他们急于知道玛丽是否已经脱险。

61. They were anxious to know whether Mary was out of danger.
62. 我们都很担心他的健康(anxious)
62. We are all anxious about his health.
63. 你应该为你犯的错向布朗夫妇道歉。

63. You should apologize to Mr and Mrs Brown for the mistake(s) you made.
64. 经理因为员工的失误向顾客赔了礼。

64. The manager made an apology to the customer for the mistakes of the employee.
65. 被五颜六色旗帜点缀的大厅挤满了人,他们中的一些在呼吁全校师生为灾区人民捐资捐衣。

65. The hall decorated by colourful flags was crowded with people, some of whom were appealing to the teachers and students to contribute money and clothing to the people in the disaster area.
66. 他们呼吁人们帮助那些无家可归的人。

(appeal to)
66. They appealed to people to help those who are homeless.
67. 这部国产喜剧老少皆宜。

67. The home-made comedy appeals to people of all age.
68. 电脑自从问世就对世界产生了巨大的影响。

68. The computer has had a huge effect/impact/influence on the world since its appearance.
69. 你必须先申请驾照才能去买车。

69. You must apply for the driving license before you buy a car.
70. 科学发现应应用于工业生产。

70. Discoveries in science should be applied to industrial products.
71. 如你能在韩国帮我买到他的新专辑,我将感激不尽。

71. I would appreciate it if you could buy me his new album in Korea.
72. 非常感谢你的帮助。

72. I appreciate your help very much.
73. 还有一些需要改进之处(area)
73. There are areas in need of improvement./Some areas still need improving.
74. 昨天下午,他们班的两个学生与服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。

74. The two students in their class argued with the waiter about the price of the meal yesterday afternoon.
75. 房产商许诺会安排车辆接我们去看房。

75. The house agent promised to arrange for a car to take us to look at the house.
76. 她找到了一份做护士的工作。

76. She has found a job as a nurse.
77. 正如古语所说的:"条条大路通罗马",无论干哪一行业一样可以有所作为。

77. As an old saying goes, all roads lead to Rome, one can still be successful no matter what job he does.
78. 不管多忙,只要邻居需要,他都会去帮忙。

(as long as)
78. However busy he is, he will go to his neighbors’ help as long as he is needed.
79. 只要坚持不懈,不半途而废,你一定能实现奇迹。

(as long as)
79. As long as you persevere and not give up halfway / in the half way, you are sure to accomplish wonders.
80. 篮球和足球一样深受中学生喜爱.(as well as)
80. Basketball as well as football is popular with high school students.
81. 众所周知,英语是一种广泛使用的国际语言。

81. As is known to all, English is a widely used international language.
82. 我们应该尽可能好的保护地球。

82. We should protect the earth as well as possible.
83. 正如预料的一样,与会代表提出了很多解决这个棘手问题的好建议.(as)
83. As was expected/ we had expected, the representatives at the conference/ attending the conference/ who attended the conference put forward// offered/ provided many good suggestions to solve the problem/ on solving the problem.
84. 谈判双方只关心各自利益,且对各自应承担的责任意见相左,至今没有在该问题上达成最终协定.(As)
84. As negotiating parties only care about their own interests and hold different opinions on the duties they should take, so far no final agreement on the issue has been reached.
85. 他尽管双目失明,却没有放弃作家梦。

85. Blind as he is, he doesn’t give up his dream of being a writer.
86. 尽管自己缺钱,他仍在资助那个山里娃娃。

86. Short of money as he is, he is still funding the country child.
87. 他尽管双目失明,却没有放弃作家梦。

87. Blind in both eyes as he was, he didn’t give up his dream of being a writer.
88. 做决定之前,你最好征求一下父母的建议。

88. Before making a decision, you’d better ask your parents for advice.
89. 很难估计昨天那座被火烧毁的牢房子的价值。

89. It is difficult to assess the value of the old house which was burned down yesterday.
90. 他向我们保证会给我们提供及时帮助.(assure)
90. He assured us that he should provide us with timely help.
91. 他向我保证会给我提供及时帮助。

91. He assured me that he would provide us with timely help.
92. 他向我保证一定会克服困难,完成任务。

92. He assured me that he would overcome difficulties and complete the task.
93. 因灾害频发,旅行社必须问游客确保旅行的安全.(assure)
93. Because of frequent disasters/ Because disasters occur frequently, the travel agency must assure the tourists of the safety of travelling.
94. Jack向老师保证不在未经允许使用学校电脑。

94. Jack assured the teacher that he would never use the school computer without permission again.
96. 获悉中国女足失利的消息,球迷大失所望.(at)
96. The fans were/felt disappointed at the news that Chinese women football team lost the game.
97. 要特别注意同音词。

97. Special attention should be paid to the words of the same pronunciation.
98. 这场足球赛的门票可以在体育馆买也可以在网上购得。

98. Tickets for the football match are available on the Internet as well as at the stadium.
99. 在网上,我们可以获取我们想要的任何信息.(available)
99. Any information is available to us on the internet.
100. 你要的书任何书店都买不到。

100. The book you want is not available in any bookstore.
101. 如果我们不善待大自然,大自然一定会报复我们的。

101. If we fail to treat nature well, nature is sure to avenge us. / nature will surely avenge us.
102. 由于细心,他们避免了一场可能的灾难。

102. Thanks to their great care / carefulness, they avoided a potential disaster.
103. 大多数潜水者都没有意识到自己的行为对鱼类造成的影响。

103. Most divers are not aware of the influence that was bought to fish by their behaviors.
104. 我们深晓,就自然资源而言,它是西欧最贫瘠的国家(aware,terms)
104. We are fully aware that it is the poorest country in Western Europe in terms of natural resources.
105. 他从一开始就意识到自己所肩负的责任。

105. In the very beginning, he was aware of the responsibility he should take on.
106. 他在晚会上的粗鲁举止使他的女朋友感到很尴尬。

106. His rude behavior at the evening party made his girlfriend(feel) awkward.
107. 电视禁止烟草广告。

107. Tobacco advertisement is banned on TV.
108. 科学的结论应该以事实为基础.(base)
108. Scientific conclusions should be based on facts.
109. 在很多方面,我们所学的知识与我们将来的生活息息相关。

109. What we have learned is basic to our future life in many ways.
110. 人们相信中国入世有助于推动全球的经济发展。

(be believed)
110. It is believed that China's entry into the WTO will help to promote global economy.
111. 这座桥的开通使周围的居民受益匪浅。

(be open)
111. The nearby residents benefit a lot from the bridge that has been open to traffic.
112. 从他的求职面试中的表现判断,他能胜任这个职务。

(be qualified)
112. Judging from his performance in the job interview, he is qualified for this post.
113. 他犹豫了很久,才做出决定。

113. He (had) hesitated (for ) a long time before he made his/ the decision/ made up his mind.
114. 他没等老师解释就已经解决了问题.(before)
115. 他没等到老师解释就已经解决了问题.(before)
115. He had solved the problem before the teacher explained it.
116. 没过多久,教练就让Tom替换那位受伤的球员。

116. It wasn’t long before the coach asked Tom to substitute for the injured player.
117. 很多年后他才明白,每个人,无论强弱贫富,只要他对社会做出了贡献,就应该得到尊重。

117. It was many years before he realized that everyone, strong or weak, rich or poor, should be respected as long as he had made contributions to the society.
118. 他犹豫了好久才决定去美国留学。

118. He hesitated for a long time before he made the decision to study in America/further his study in America.
119. 他犹豫了好久才做出决定。

119. He hesitated for a long time before he made his decision.
120. 他们咨询了许多学生,然后才决定用已故总统的名字来命名新建的图书馆.(before) 120. They had consulted many students before they decided to name the newly-built library after the late president.
122. 在公共汽车上给老人让座是很有教养的行为.(behavior)
122. It is a good behavior to offer your seats to the old on the bus.
123. 他们俩都相信勤奋会带来成功。

123. Both of them have the belief that diligence brings about success.
124. 未来属于那些对自己的美丽梦想深信不疑的人们。

124. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams/ their beautiful dreams.
125. 老师的一席话使我受益匪浅。

125. What the teacher said benefited me a lot.
126. 多走路,少开车,这不仅对你的身体有益,也能保护环境。

126. Walk more and drive less, and it benefits not only your health but also the environment.
127. 不要害怕思考,因为思考总能让人有所收益(benefit)
127. Never fear to think because we will benefit from thinking.
128. 老师在毕业典礼上的一席话使学生们受益匪浅。

128. What the teacher said at the graduating ceremony had benefited the students a lot.
129. 那位学者给了我们许多语言学习的建议,使我们收益非浅。

129. The scholar gave us lots of advice on language study, which benefited us greatly.
130. 良好的教育是你今后可以受用终生的.(benefit)
130. A good education is what you can benefit from all your life/ in your whole life.
131. 谁应该为这起交通意外负责呢?(blame)
131. Who should be to blame for the traffic accident?
132. 谁应该为昨天发生的交通事故而受到责备。

132. Who is to blame for the traffic accident that happened yesterday?
133. 有人把交通堵塞归咎于大量的自行车。

133. Some people blame the busy traffic on the great number of bicycles.
134. 这事不怪你,你不必内疚。

134. You are not to blame, so you don’t need to feel guilty.
135. 把失败全都归咎于客观因素是不对的。

135. It is not right to blame failure totally on objective factors.
136. 他们把球队输球的原因归咎于纪律。

136. They blamed their loss to a lack of discipline.
221. 如果他对自己的缺点视而不见,他是不会取得成功的。

221. If he is blind to his shortcomings, he won’t achieve success.
138. 那里的服务无懈可击,还免费出界雨伞。

138. The service there is perfect and umbrellas are borrowed free of charge, and the borrowing of umbrellas is free.
139. 我想他不会不遵守诺言的.(break)
139. I don’t think he’ll break his promise.
140. 我想他不会不遵守诺言.(break)
140. I don’t think he’ll break his promise.
141. 当你紧张的时候,深呼吸可以帮你冷静下来。

141. When you are nervous, taking a deep breath can help you calm down.
142. 成功带给你的不单单是喜悦,更重要的是经验。

142. Success brings not only happiness but also experience to you.
143. 中央电视台自1997年来就播放英语新闻了.(broadcast)
143. The CCTV has broadcasted English news since 1997.
144. 他讲了个笑话,周围人都爆发出笑声,这打破了僵局。

144. He told a joke and those around him all burst into laughter, which broke the ice.
145. 每次早晨醒来,妈妈都在忙着给我准备早餐。

145. Every morning I get up, Mom is busy preparing the breakfast for me.
146. 对于这件事,所有在场的人除了保持沉默,别无选择。

146. As for this matter, all the people at present had no choice/ alternative but to keep silent.
147. 只有傻瓜才会相信你说的话。

147. No one but a fool will believe what you have said.
148. 对于高一学生来说,这道计算题再简单不过了。

148. This calculation problem can’t be easier to a senior one student.
149. 遇到困难时,学生会不由自主求助于老师。

(can’t help)
149. When meeting with difficulties, students can’t help tur ning to their teachers for help.
150. 他说话的方式让我忍俊不禁。

(can’t help)
150. I can’t help laughing at the way he speaks.
151. 作为幼儿园老师,你要非常细心。

151. As a teacher in the kindergarten, you can’t be more patient.
152. 在超市人们会情不自禁去买根本不需要的东西。

152. At the supermarket, people can’t help buying things they don’t really need.
153. 他找的借口让我忍俊不禁。

(can't help)
153. I couldn't help laughing at the excuse he found.
154. 在关键时刻,我们应该有能力面对一切困难。

154. We should be capable of facing all difficulties at critical moments.
155. 依我看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中遇到的问题。

155. In my opinion, the wider range/scope of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems you have met (with) at work.
156. 我相信妇女能够做任何男人能够做的工作。

156. I believe (that) women are capable of doing all that men can do.
157. 接受了为期三天的培训后,学生都能独立进行课题研究。

157. Having received three days’ training, the students are all capable of conducting researches independently.
158. 小心别打破那个瓷壶。

158. Take care not to break the china pot.
159. 年轻人不能老是想到自己,要学会如何关心他人。

(care for)
159. Young people shouldn’t always think of themselves, and must learn to care for others.
160. 他的计划听上去很好,可是实施起来困难重重。

160. His plan sounds great, but we certainly have much difficulty in carrying it out.
161. 培养学生进行独立工作的能力是我们的主要任务.(carry on)
161. Our main task now is to develop the students’ ability to carry on independent work.
162. 你能尽快实施这项计划吗?(carry out)
162. Can you carry out this plan as soon as possible?
163. 请牢记:在任何时候都不能欺骗别人。

163. Please keep in mind that in no case can you deceive others.
164. 我相信我们能在科技方面赶上发达国家.(catch)
164. I’m sure that we can catch up with the developed countries in science and technology.
165. 他不停咳嗽,一定是淋着雨了。

165. He must have been caught in the rain, for he keeps coughing.
166. 毫无疑问,这起事故是由于对公共安全的无知所造成的。

166. Without doubt, / Undoubtedly, the accident was caused by the ignorance of the public safety.
167. 突如其来的灾难性天气给这个地区带来了巨大的损失,使成千上万的人流离失所。

167. The unexpected disastrous weather did great damage to the place, causing/which caused
thousands of people homeless.
168. 政府正在举行一系列活动庆祝国庆.( celebrate)
168. The government is having a series of activities to celebrate National Day.
169. 中国人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。

169. The Chinese people warmly celebrate National Day on Oct.1 every year.
170. 欢庆春节是中国的传统习俗.(celebrate)
170. To celebrate / Celebrating the Spring Festival is a traditional custom in China. / is a Chinese tradition.
171. 他退休后肯定会把公司转交给他的儿子。

171. It is certain that he'll hand over his company to his son after retirement.
172. 年轻人如果不知道他们的人生目标,也不为其目标而努力奋斗,那注定是要失败的.(certain)
172. It is certain that young people will fail if they don’t know what their ambitions/ goals are or strive for / work hard for/ fight for them.
173. 很可能他会在这次考试中不及格,因为他没有努力复习功课.(chances)
173. Chances are that he will fail in the exam because he hasn’t reviewed his lessons very hard.
174. 他被指控非法入侵他人住宅。

174. He was charged with breaking into others’ houses illegally.
175. 他抱怨快递公司投递包裹收费太高。

175. He complained that the express company charged too much for delivering parcels.
176. 我们似乎别无选择,只能等天放晴。

176. We seem to have no choice but to wait for the weather to clear up.
177. 由于天气突变,他们迫不得已更改日程安排。

177. Because of the sudden charge of the weather, they had no choice but to change their schedule.
178. 现在我们唯一能选择做的办法就是放弃计划。

178. The only way we can choose to do is to give up the plan.
179. 你一旦选择了当老师,就要准备奉献。

179. Once you choose to be a teacher, you should be prepared to be devoted.
180. 那位村民声称,在后院发现了一个地下山泉。

180. That villager claimed to have discovered an underground spring in his back yard.
181. 有消息从警局里传来说警方一直在设法搞清这个通缉犯死亡的原因。

(clear up)181. Word came form the police office that the police had been trying to clear up the reason of the wanted's death.
182. 对阿拉伯人来说,交谈时站得离朋友近些是好的礼貌.(close to)
182. It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking.
183. 他不负众望,在演讲比赛中夺得第一名。

183. He came first in the speech contest, which didn’t let anyone down.
184. 他的当地朋友越来越多,也逐渐喜欢上了这座海边城市。

(come to)
184. As he has made more and more friends with local people, he has come to love the seaside city.
356. 人们开始钟情与徒步旅行(hiking),因为可以接触大自然,同时还能锻炼身体.(come to) 356. People come to favor hiking (as way to travel) because they can get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.
185. 懂得法语会让你的巴黎之行更喜欢。

185. A command of French will make your trip to Paris more enjoyable.
186. 谈判结束后,发言人在记者招待会上拒绝评论双方达成的协议。

(comment,n.)186. After the negotiation, the spokesman refused to make any comments on the agreement reached by both sides.
187. 任何有常识的人都知道地球围绕太阳转.(common)
187. Anyone who has common sense knows that the earth circles the sun.
188. 他们已是多年的好友,有很多共同之处。

188. They have been friends for years and have a lot in common.
189. 与B1食堂相比,A1食堂的菜味道更好。

189. Compared with Dining Hall B1,A1 provides dishes that taste better.
190. 比起过去,我们现在仿佛生活在天堂。

190. Compared with the past, it is as if we were living in the heaven.
191. 与你相比,我所做的微不足道。

191. Compared with what you have done, what I have done is too little to be mentioned.
192. 八名学生相互竞争以取得这项奖学金.(compete)
192. Eight students competed with one another for the scholarship.
193. 我们向经理投诉了那个店员的恶劣的服务。

193. We complained to the manager of/ about the assistant's poor service.
194. 游客们向电视台投诉该旅行社提供的服务很糟糕。

194. The travelers complained to the TV station about the poor service offered by that travel agency.
195. 越来越多的家长向学校投诉教师的教学质量。

195. More and more parents complain to the school about the teaching quality of teachers
196. 那所大学由于为社会培养了许多优秀毕业生而受到赞誉。

196. That university is complimented on having produced many excellent graduates for the society.
197. 他经常称赞房东的宠物狗,给他们留下很好的印象。

197. He often gives compliments to the host’s pet dog, which leaves a good impression on them.
198. 教室外面太吵,学生们无法专心听课。

198. It was so noisy outside the classroom that the students couldn’t concentrate on their lessons.
199. 从图表我们能得出结论,世界人口正急剧增(conclusion)
199. From the chart we can come the conclusion that the world population is increasing rapidly.
200. 他在网上下载了大量资料才得出结论。

200. He downloaded a great deal of data on the Internet before he reached the conclusion.
201. 这种植物在艰苦的条件下也能存活。

201. This species of plant is able to survive under tough conditions.
202. 他的父母对他的前途十分有信心.(confident)
202. His parents are very confident of his future.
203. 他对即将到来的期末考试很有信心。

203. He is very confident of the coming final exam/ examination.
204. 所有在场的人都热烈鼓掌,祝贺他再次当选部长。

204. All the people present applauded warmly, congratulating him on being elected minister.
205. 他们死里逃生,为自己感到庆幸.(congratulate)
205. They are congratulating themselves on their narrow escape.
206. 我听说他们发明了一台电脑,这台电脑连接打印机不需要任何电线。

206. I hear that they have invented a computer that can connected to the printer without a wire.
207. 任何有良知的中国人都希望中国将尽快地统一。

(conscience, reunite)
207. Any Chinese who has conscience hopes that China will be reunited as soon as possible.
208. 简被认为是本世纪最伟大的舞蹈家之一(consider)
208. Jane was considered one of the greatest dancers of the century.
209. 许多人把在国外生活当作一种挑战。

209. Many people consider life abroad a challenge.
210. 这个服务队的成员主要是青年团员。

210. Members of the service team consist of young league members.
211. 要是你不知道这个单词怎么念,请咨询一下老师。

211. If you don’t know the pronunciation of the word, / how to pronounce the word, please consult your teacher.
212. 飞机起飞之后不久就与机场失去了联系。

212. The plane lost contact with the airport soon after it took off.
213. 他设法与吉他的失主取得了联系。

213. He managed to make contact with the owner of the missing guitar.
214. 水果中含有丰富的维生素。

214. Fruits contain rich vitamins.
215. 自成立以来,该协会在动物保护方面做出了杰出的贡献。

215. Since its foundation, the association has contributed greatly to animal protection.
216. 你不一定要认同所有人的观点,但你必须尊重每一个对讨论做出贡献的人.(contribute) 216. You don’t need/have to agree with everyone, but you must respect everyone who has contributed something to the discussion.
217. 上周,史密斯教授由于为科学研究做出了重大的贡献而被授予了诺贝尔物理奖。

217. Last week, Professor Smith was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics because he had made significant contributions to the scientific research.
218. 经过一周的培训,便利店的新员工们都能够独挡一面了。

218. Having received one week's training ,the new shop assistants in the convenience shops can solve students on their own.
219. 为了方便大众,这家商场正在筹划在居民区建立几家流动商店。

219. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some mobile shops in the residential area.
220. 地铁使市民外出更方便了.(convenient)
220. The underground railway makes it more convenient for residents to travel around.
44. 艾滋病(AIDS)的防止和治疗是我们可以合作的领域.(cooperate)
44. The prevention and treatment of AIDS is where we can cooperate with.
221. 我对付不了所有这些工作。

221. I can’t cope with all this work.
222. 缺乏合作使他们错失良机。

222. A lack of cooperation cost them a gold chance.
223. 为了争分夺秒,有些学生还在学校附近租了房(count)
223. To make every minutes count, some students even rented apartments near their schools.
224. 狄更斯在他的作品创造了许多奇妙的人物.(create)
224. Dickens created many wonderful characters in his work.
225. 一半的建筑物在爆炸中受到了上损坏.(damage)
225. Half of the building was damaged in the explosion.
226. 我想我没有时间去和这样的人打交道。

(deal with)
226. I don't think I will have time to deal with people of this kind.
227. 经过激烈的讨论,他们找到了处理这些垃圾的更好方法。

(deal with)
227. After a heated discussion, they found (out) a better way to deal with the rubbish/ garbage.
228. 中国已采取措施应对环境问题.(deal with)
228. China has taken measures to deal with the environmental problems.
229. 他们是否去海滨度假还没有决定。

229. Whether they will go to the beach for holiday has not been decided. / It has not been decided whether whey will go to the beach for holiday.
230. 没有弄清事实不要轻易做出决定。

230. Don’t make a decision casually before you make out the fact.
231. 是向老师承认错误,还是掩盖事实,他举棋不定。

231. He couldn’t make his decision on whether to admit his mistake to the teacher or to conceal the fact.
232. John过去的五年都在这附近送早报。

232. John has made/ has been making morning paper delivery near here in the past/ last 5 years.
233. 不可否认,电脑的迅速发展已经导致了其他领域里的一些革命性的变化。

(deny) 233. There is no denying that the fast development of computers has led to a series of revolutionary changes in other field.
234. 你是否能成功取决于你有多努力。

234. Whether you can succeed (or not) depends on how hard you work.
235. 从某种程度上来讲,一个国家的国际地位取决于经济。

(depend on)
235. To some extent ,the international position of a country depends on its economy.
236. 个人成功与否主要取决与他有多勤奋而不是他有多聪明。

(depend on)
236. Whether a person will succeed or not mainly depends on how hard he works rather than on how clever he is.
237. 发型取决于脸型。

237. One’s hair style depends on the shape of his face.
238. 老先生虽然无依无靠,但仍助人为乐。

238. The old man has no one to depend on, but he is still ready to help others.
239. 独生儿子在灾难中丧生后,这对夫妇相依为命。

239. After their only son was killed in the disaster, the old couple depended on each other for a living.
240. 事实上你的病没有医生形容的那样严重。

240. In fact, your disease is not as serious as what the doctor described.
241. 不论她如何说,我也不相信这个消息。

241. Despite what she says, I don't believe this news.
242. 尽管天气恶劣,没有什么能阻止这些志愿者们去帮助那些遭受痛苦的人们。

(despite) 242. Despite the bad weather, nothing can prevent these volunteers from helping those who are suffering.
243. 尽管天气不好,但运动会还是按计划举行了(despite)
243. Despite the bad weather ,the sports meet was held as planned.
244. 尽管他身体虚弱,他已决定坚守岗位。

244. Despite his poor health, he has decided to keep/stick to his post.
245. 那些孩子不顾大雨,仍在兴奋地踢球。

245. Those children are still playing soccer excitedly despite the heavy rain.
246. 尽管各国政府已做出了不懈的努力,但要应对日益严重的全球性气候变暖问题还需制。
