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Stress fracture (acetabular roof). (A) Plain radiograph shows no abnormality. (B) Coronal T1-weighted spinecho image shows a hypointense fracture line (arrow) in the cancellous bone. (C) Coronal fatsuppressed turbo spin-echo T2-weighted image shows hyperintense bone marrow with a mildly hypointense fracture line (arrow).
Bone bruise. (A) Coronal T1-weighted spin-echoimage of the knee shows a reticular hypointense lesion(arrow ) in the medial femoral condyle. (B) Coronal turbo-STIRimage of the same knee
Thirty-three-year-old professional baseball player after medial collateral ligament reconstruction with acute graft rupture. A STIR coronal image reveals increased signal and poor definition of an medial collateral ligament graft (black arrow). A contusion of the radial head is noted (curved arrow) due to lateral impaction and valgus insufficiency. The lateral ulnar collateral ligament (small arrows) is well seen on this image.
常伴有关节结构损伤 58例中侧副韧带损伤20例(45%为同侧
骨挫伤;50%为对侧骨挫伤) 半月板损伤37例(64.9%为同侧骨挫伤;
13.5%为对侧骨挫伤;21.6%为双侧骨挫伤) 前交叉韧带损伤10例,80%有股骨外侧
X片和CT等影像学检查 无
arrow). (B) Frayed chondral defect (arrows). (C) Completely detached chondral defect. The transition between normal and detached cartilage is seen (short arrow).
T2-weighted MR scans of the (A) right and (B) left foot 3 days after trauma showing increased signal intensities in the same areas.
Partially detached osteochondral fracture. (A) Sagittal T1-weighted spin-echo image shows a partially detached fragment (arrow) that is slightly depressed into bone. (B) Sagittal fat-suppressed turbo spin-echo protondensity-weighted image clearly depicts the fracture line(arrow) and the bony edema.
A 30-year-old woman with bone contusions in the presence of an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. Sagittal oblique fat-suppressed T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging shows increased signal intensity in the lateral femoral condyle and the posterolateral tibial plateau (arrow). Arthroscopy revealed a high-grade partial ACL tear.
T2-weighted image shows bony edema.
(C) Coronal turbo spin-echo T2-weighted image shows a vertical fracture line (arrows) and bone marrow edema. (D) Axial fat-suppressed turbo spin-echo T2-weighted image clearly depicts the hyperintense fracture line (arrow) in the cortical bone.
Osteochondral impaction (geographic type 2). (A) T1-weighted spin-echo image shows a mildly hypointense subchondral lesion with a hypointense rim (short arrow) and minimal impaction (long arrow). (B) Fat-suppressed turbo spin-echo proton-densityweighted image shows a hyperintense geographic lesion with sharp edges (short arrow). Thesubchondral hypointense area is secondary to bone impaction (long arrow).
核素骨显像和MRI征象 SPECT与MRI均可发现骨挫伤
有助于诊断 骨挫伤 缺点
◆ 解剖分辨率差,定位不准确 ◆ 不能够很好地显示关节附属结构的
损伤 ◆ 检查时间有限制 ◆ 肾功能不全和长期服用激素的病人 易造成假阳性
常见于骨骺或干骺端,Tlw呈低信号, T2w及准T2w呈高信号,范围广,境 界不清,可表现为不规则形、地图 样及网状等多种形态 ,但不累及骨 皮质 。
Mink等(1987 ) 骨挫伤(骨弥漫性或局限性充血、水
肿、出血伴或者不伴有骨小梁的微 骨折,而相应的软骨和骨皮质正常。
● 骨挫伤按照形态可分为三型 I 型:表现为干骺端和骨干区的弥 漫性 信号改变; II型:软骨下骨质的连续性中断; III型:软骨下骨内可见到局限性的 信号改变区。
Chondral fractures (on sagittal fat-suppressed turbo spin-echo T2-weighted sequences). (A) Chondral flap defect (long arrow). A peripheral meniscal tear is also seen (short
A 16-year-old girl with torn medial collateral ligament. Coronalprotondensity image showsincreased signal and lack of continuity between the proximal and distal portions of the ligament (arrows). B bone marrow edema.
♧ 病因 直接暴力、剪切暴力、垂直挤 压以及关节囊或韧带的牵拉
♧主要组织病理学改变 髓腔内出血、水肿和骨小梁微
多见于中青年 58例 男40例 ,女18例 年龄 5~74岁 平均30.5岁
受伤至检查时间为4小时 360天
STIR( short time inversion recovery) 为骨挫伤MRI诊断的最佳序列。
骨挫伤常伴有关节其他结构的损 伤
骨挫伤和隐性骨折 骨挫伤与骨肿瘤等其他疾病鉴别
观察 病理
Tervonen等 无需特殊治疗
T1-weighted MR scans of the (A) right and (B) left foot 3 days after trauma, revealing a geographic area of signal loss of the subcortical tuber calcanei and intermediate portion of the left more than right calcaneus.
Fowler等 应当引起重视 ——制动。
Coronal T1-weighted spin-echo image of the knee shows the multilaminar appearance of normal articular cartilage. Note the variationsin signal intensity of cartilage as a function of location.
.A: On sagittal proton-density image, the anterior cruciate ligament is lax due to proximal distraction of the avulsed fracture fragment from its donor site (arrow). It is difficult to assess bone marrow edema on protondensity images. B: On coronal fat-suppressed intermediate image, the fracture line (arrows) demonstrates no surrounding marrowedema,reflecting traction at the ligamentous attachment site rather than compression.
shows a hyperintensepaction (geographic type 1). (A)Coronal T1-weighted image of the talar dome shows asubchondral hypointense area with illdefined margins(arrow). (B) Coronal fat-suppressed turbo spin-echo protondensity-weighted image of an osteochondral impaction of thelateral femoral condyle with associated geographic subchondralbone contusion (arrows).