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• Less pollution: Among the many benefits of running in the morning is getting out on the road before the cars and busses beat you to it.
• Go farther: Runners that exercise in a cool climate can run longer and farther than those who work out in the heat. Thus, running in the morning is the best way to avoid hot weather and heat stroke.
6. The college campus enjoys the ____d_is_t_in_c_t_i_o_n__ of being the most beautiful in the city. 7. Women who exercise regularly, especially in ___e_n_d_u__r_a_n_c_e_ activities, typically lose iron. 8. Each winner received a __s_u_b_s_ta_n__ti_a_l cash prize plus a laptop. 9. This official came to _p__ro_m__i_n_e_n_c_efor being fair and honest in office. 10. Needless to say, his habit of talking loudly at night doesn’t _____e_n_d__eahrim to his roommates.
Topic II: What do you think of loss and gain in your key life after watching Forrest Gump?
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Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev. .
Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev.
Topic-centered study of new words
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Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev.
Discussion — What are the benefits of Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev. running in the morning? (1/2)
As is known to all, running in the morning is an effective way to help you toward your fitness. But if you look deeper into it, you will find more benefits of it as follows: •Weight-loss or fat-loss: According to some experts, running on an empty stomach in the morning burns more calories than any other time of the day. •Peace of mind: Most runners will agree that running helps clear the mind and get bright ideas flying. In other words, problems are solved and ideas are born as the road glides along under your feet.
access to the Internet.
Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev. Words
distinction endear endurance substantial prominence
Background Information
Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev.
Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon (1/2)
During the 1970s many Australian runners ran between Sydney and Melbourne. But those runners were regarded by the general public as strange people. In 1983 the shopping center group, Westfield, sponsored the first official Sydney-to-Melbourne race, known as Westfield Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon. The race was held annually between 1983 and 1991. The standard marathon is a long-distance running event with an
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3 • Video watching & discussion on it
Background Information
Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev.
Cliff Young
Cliff Young (1922-2003) was a farmer and athlete from Beech Forest in Victoria, Australia. He was best known for his unexpected win of the Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon in 1983 at 61 years of age. He became very popular after this “tortoise and hare” feat. In 1984 he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia “for long distance running”. After his death, a memorial in the shape of a gumboot in Beech Forest is dedicated to Young, and the Cliff Young Drive and Cliff Young Park there are named after him.mation
Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev.
Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon (2/2)
official distance of 42.195 kilometers. However, the Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon was an 875-kilometer event. Therefore, it was regarded as one of the toughest races in the world. Cliff Young won the race in 1983 and the race took him 5 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes. The record of this ultramarathon was held by Yiannis Kouros in 1985 in a record time of 5 days, 5 hours, 7 minutes and 6 seconds.
1. The movie directed by a not-very-famous director has __s_m__a_s_h_e_d__ all box office records.
2. The contest is open to __a_m__a_t_eu__r__ athletes as well as professional ones.
To get deeper insights into text
Our Aims
To make creative use of English
To be better at writing in English
Warming-up Activities
Interactive Reading
Further Writing Model Development Extraction & Practice & Application
3. The great disaster has proved the truth that law of nature will ___a_ss_e_r_t__ itself.
4. As he was __h_a_r_s_h__ with us, so are we kind with him. 5. We shall be pleased if you can __fu_r_n_i_s_h_ us with an easier
Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev.
Warming-up Activities 2
• Getting familiar with background information
• Topic-centered study of new words and their use
Discussion — What are the benefits of Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev. running in the morning? (2/2)
• No excuses: By running in the morning, all of the typical excuses for not exercising can be put to rest.
Video Watching
Text Reading Extr. & App. Par. Writing Further Dev.
Watch the video clip and discuss the topics as follows:
Topic I: What are the benefits of running in the