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眼部间距正常参考值的数据库.方法选择重庆医科大学第一附属医院妇产科出生的胎龄37~40周、单胎和出生体重>2 500 g的新生儿,重庆医科大学附属儿童医院儿童保健科1月龄至12岁健康体检儿童以及重庆医药高等专科学校18岁青少年
而增长.耳长1岁时较新生儿增长1.3 cm,2~12岁增长缓慢,平均每年增长0.15 cm,12岁时达18岁时的95%;耳宽1岁时较新生儿增长0.5 cm,6岁后无明显变化.各年龄组耳长、耳宽男性均大于女性.平均耳指数随年龄的增长而下降.②内眦间距、外眦间距均随年龄的增长而增宽.内眦间距1岁时较新生儿增宽0.5 cm;外眦间距1岁时较新生儿增宽1.6 cm,睑裂长1岁时较新生儿增长0.6 cm;以后每年增长较平缓;各年龄组内眦间距、外眦间距和睑裂长性别差异不显著.结论耳长、耳宽、内眦间距和外眦间距均随年龄增长而增长,6岁后增长不明显;耳长和耳宽发育存在性别
差异.%Objective To investigate the growth of auricle and eye in children and adolescents.and to establish the data of normal ear and eye
growth.Methods Singleton newborns whose gestational age was from 37 to 40 weeks and birth weight was>2 500 g from the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, healthy children aged 1 month to 12 years attending physical examinations in Children 's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University and adolescents aged 18 years from Chongqing Pharmaceutical College were included.Enrolled participants were classified into neonate, 1 month, 3 months , 6 months.9 months,1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 6 years, 12 years and 18 years groups with 200 participants ( half were boys and half were girls ) in each group.Ear length, ear width, inter canthal distance ( ICD ) and outer canthal distance ( OCD ) were measured and recorded, ear index and palpebral fissure length ( PFL ) were calculated ac.cording to ear length, ear width.ICD and OCD.The growth of auricle and eye distance and differences between genders were analyzed.Normal reference values of auricle and eye distance were established.Results ①Ear length and ear width were increased with age.The average ear length in 1 year group was longer than that in neonate group by 1.3 cm.Ear length of the 2 - 12-year group grew slowly, by averagely 0.15 cm per year.In the 12-year group, ear length grew up to 93% of that in 18 years group.The average ear width in 1 year group was wider than that in neonate group by 0.5 cm.Ear width had no significant change in children older than 6 years.Ear length and ear width in boys were all longer than that in girls in each group.The average ear index was decreased with age.②ICD and OCD were increased with age.The average ICD, OCD and PFL in 1 year group were 0.5 cm, 1.6 cm and 0.6 cm longer than that in
neonate group, respectively.ICD, OCD and PFL in children older than 1 year grew slowly.There was no significant difference in ICD.OCD and PFL in each group between genders.Conclusions Ear development, ICD and OCD were increased with age, but tended to stop growing from 6 to 18 years
old.There was gender difference in ear development but not in canthal distance.
1.武汉市31676名正常儿童青少年生长发育调查研究 [J], 无
2.781名空军青少年航空学校新生视力及屈光状态横断面调查 [J], 吴腾云; 齐林嵩; 杨庆红; 赵晨; 赵琎; 邹志康
3.781名空军青少年航空学校新生视力及屈光状态横断面调查 [J], 吴腾云; 齐林嵩; 杨庆红; 赵晨; 赵琎; 邹志康
4.包头地区160名正常儿童尿中草酸盐的测定 [J], 尹春
5.重庆地区1124名汉族青少年的骨龄调查 [J], 江秀娟;孙厚良
