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1. a dog in the manger 占马槽的狗,占着茅坑不拉屎的人
2.shed/cry crocodile tears 流鳄鱼的眼泪,猫哭耗子假慈悲
3.let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密,漏马脚
4. a sitting duck 容易击中的目标,易受攻击的人
5.swan song 绝唱,告别演出,最后的作品
6.white elephant 大而无用的东西
7.fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼
8.talk turkey 坦率的交谈
9.the only fly in the ointment 令人扫兴的人或事;唯一美中不足之处
10.buy a pig in a poke 隔山买牛;未曾见面乱买东西
11.It is safer to commend the dead than the living 盖棺定论
12.None ever gives the lie to him that praises him 没有人会指责表扬自己的人说谎
13.He that praises himself , spaterrs himself 喜欢自吹自擂的人往往自毁声誉
14.He dwells far from neighbours, who is fain to praise himself 喜欢自吹自擂的人往往离群索
15.half the battle 实现目标的至关重要的部分;成功的一半
16.a sword of Damocles 达摩克里斯剑,比喻临头的危险
17.a big gun 大人物;有影响的人物
18.at daggers drawn 剑拔弩张,势不两立
19.spike sb’s guns 破坏某人的计划
20.get one’s knife into sb 加害于某人
21.burn one’s boats 破釜沉舟
22.when one’s ship comes home 当发财的时候,等自己成功时
23.a shot in the dark 盲目的冒险;无根据的瞎猜
24.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关忍受痛苦;勇敢的面对不愉快的事情
25.Bound is he that takes gifts 受人之礼,受制于人
26.Look not a gift horse in the mouth 礼物不好麽挑剔
27.He who gives a duck , expects a goose 投人以鸭者,图其鹅也
28.A gift ,long waited for ,is sold ,not given 让人久等后才送的礼物等于是卖给人家
29.crossing my bridges before I come to them 及时解决我的问题
/doc/2b17645192.html,y at the door of 让。
31.sit on the fence 骑虎难下;为难
32.the writing on the wall 不祥之兆
33.a tower of strength 莫大的安慰
34.raise the roof 热闹无比
35.from pillar to post 游荡
36.a half way house 大杂烩
37.take the floor 起立并发表讲话
38.beat a path to her door 很想和她谈生意
39.There is only one happiness in life ---to love and to be loved ……..Socrates
40.If you get a good wife , you will be very happy; if you get
a bad one ,you will become a
philosopher……. Socrates
41. Out of spirits 无精打采
42. speak/talk of the devil 说魔鬼魔鬼到;说曹操曹操到
43. on the side of the angels 在道义一方,在善的一方
44. sell one’s soul 为名利等出卖灵魂
45. for the hell of it 仅仅为了取乐,玩玩而已
46. bear one’s cross 背十字架,忍受痛苦
47. give the devil his due 即使对坏人也要公平对待;平心而论
48. a tin god 自以为了不起的人;徒有虚名的人
49. move heaven and earth 全力以赴;竭尽全力
50. runs in where angels fear to tread 鲁莽的干预与自己无关的事,愚蠢的冒险,胆大妄为
51. Death keeps no calendar 死亡不期而至
52. One man’s breath is another’s death 一个人的生存意味着另一个人的死亡
53. Our lives are but marches to the grave 到头来不过是一个土馒头
54. Death makes equal the high and low 死亡使得高贵与贫贱平等
55. have your cake and eat it 既想保有蛋糕,又想吃掉它;两者兼得
56. butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth 假装天真无邪;表面上一副老实样子
57. butter both sides of one’s bread 两头获利,左右逢源
58. egg on one’s face 丢脸
59. cry over spilt milk 为无法挽回的事而后悔
60. pour oil on troubled waters 调解争端;平息风波
61. eat humble pie 低声下气的道歉
62. sugar the pill 使不愉快的事较易接受
63. make a meal of it 把某事做过头
64. save one’s breath 不白费口舌
65.Old men are twice children 老人如小孩
66. An old dog can not learn new tricks 老狗学不会新把戏;人
67. An old bird is not caught with chaff 秕谷逮不住老鸟;老练之人难上当
68. An old wise man’s shadow is better than a young buzzard’s sword 老至贤的影子胜过小糊涂蛋的剑
69. meet its Waterloo 遭遇失败
70. Johnny-come-lately 迅速取得成功的人
71. a king’s ransom 很多钱
72. take French leave 不辞而别
73. go Dutch AA制
74. nosey Parker 爱管闲事的人
75. all Greek to me 对我来说很难
76. Jekyll and Hyde 具有双重性格的人
77. Jack-of-all-trades 多面手,万事通
78. Hobson’s choice 别无选择
79. No mill , no meal 不劳而获
80. They that work not ,cannot pray 不劳动的人无权祈祷
81. No man is born into the word whose work is not born with him 劳动必然是生活的一部分
82. He that labors and thrives spins gold 劳动聚财如聚金
83. too big for one’s boots 夜郎自大,自以为是
84. below the belt 暗中伤人地;不公正地
85. hand in glove 亲密无间地
86. ste p into sb’s shoes 步某人后尘
87. line one’s pocket 贪污;中饱私囊
88. be tied to sb’s apron strings 受某人的控制;依赖某人
89. hot under the collar 脸红脖子粗的,发怒的
90. cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth量入为出,适应环境
91. lose one’s shirt 输得的精光
92. on the wrong side of the blanket 私生的
93. Better a good name than riches 有钱不如有个好名声
94. He that has an ill name is half hanged 名誉扫地的人虽生犹死
95. Where there is no honor ,there is no grief 如果一个人没有荣誉感,他就不会感到悲伤
96. Gain at the expense of reputation should be called loss 如果获得了利益但赔上了名声,无异于遭受损失
97. play both sides of the street 与双方都结盟,见机行事
98. know one’s place 守本分,知趣
99. on the town 去城里的娱乐场所,优指夜间
100.Museum piece 过时的人或物,老古董
101. the man in the street 普通人,一般人
102. come down in the world 落魄;变穷
103. laugh sb/sth out of court 对某人或某物藐视而不予理会
104. talk shop 与同事谈论自己的工作
105. turn the corner 度过危险期,度过难关
106. come to the wrong shop 找错对象
107. Example is better than precept 身教重于言传
108. The child is father of the man 从小看大,三岁看老
109. Spare the rod and spoil the child 小儿不打不成才
110. Like father , like son 有其父必有其子
111. forgive and forget 不念旧恶
112. null and void 无效的
113. spick and span 极整洁的,极干净的
114. wax and wane 盛衰
115. dead and buried 已彻底结束,早已过去
116. first and last 总括起来,彻底地
117. hale and hearty 老当益壮的,健壮的
118. few and far between 稀少的
119. toil and moil 辛苦地工作
120. fine and dandy 好的,十全十美的
121. He that speaks , doth sow ; he that holds his tongue doth reap 沉默是金,不言者有后福122. A word spoken is an arrow let fly 一言既出驷马难追
123. An ox is taken by the horns ,and a man by the tongue 以角识牛,以言识人
124. More have repented of speech than of silence 言多必失125. make someone’s day 使某人的一天生色,使某人非常高兴
126. play second fiddle 唱配角,做第二把手
127. the moment of truth 紧要关头
128. on the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下;未经仔细考虑129. at the eleventh hour 最后时刻
130. a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人;煞风景者
131. Someone’s day are number ed 某人的寿命已尽;死期已到132. blacken sb ‘s character 破坏某人的名誉
133. old before one’s time 略显老成
134. come of age 成年;到法定年龄。