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[2 ̄3]
. 臭
. 我
臭氧形成北高南低浓度分布的主导因素 [4] . 受多种
In contrastꎬ the flat westerly airflow type exhibited the lowest O3 exceeding standard rate. The high ̄ozone days occurred mostly under the
westerly north wind. The near ̄ground meteorological elements generally included wind speed of 1 2 ̄1 6 m∕sꎬ temperature above 25 ℃ ꎬ
[5 ̄6]
. 处于不同地理位置、气候背景的城市ꎬ
域污 染 物 稀 释 扩 散 和 输 送 堆 积 起 至 关 重 要 的 作
respectively. The high ̄ozone hours were mainly influenced by southerly wind with temperature of 30 ̄36 ℃ . The relative humidity was
below 60%ꎬ the total cloud cover was below 40%ꎬ and the sun radiation was 0 ̄3 5 MJ∕m2 . The results indicate that ozone pollution in
1.Sichuan Meteorological Disasters Prevention Technology Centerꎬ Chengdu 610072ꎬ China
2.Heavy Rain and Drought ̄Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Provinceꎬ Chengdu 610072ꎬ China
后依次为低压前部型、低压型、高压后部型. 臭氧超标率最高的海平面气压场为低压前部型ꎬ其后依次为弱低压型、低压型、高压
后部型. 500 hPa 位势高度场平直西风气流型臭氧超标日数最多ꎬ青藏高压型臭氧超标日数最少. 青藏高压型是臭氧超标率最高
的 500 hPa 位势高度场型ꎬ平直西风气流型臭氧超标率最低. 成都市区臭氧超标日多出现在偏西北风下ꎬ近地面气象要素特征一
3.Guizhou Meteorological Service Centerꎬ Guiyang 550002ꎬ China
4.Sichuan Meteorological Observatoryꎬ Chengdu 610072ꎬ China
5.Department of Atmospheric Scienceꎬ School of Environmental Studiesꎬ China University of Geosciencesꎬ Wuhan 430074ꎬ China
Abstract: This study analyzed the weather with excess ozone and meteorological elements in downtown Chengdu during the summer of
2016 to 2019. The meteorological characteristics of O3 pollution were investigated through several complementary parametersꎬ including
Chengdu is more likely to occur when sea level pressure field is of low pressure typeꎬ and the geopotential height field of 500 hPa is of the
Qinghai ̄Tibet high pressure type.
1.四川省气象灾害防御技术中心ꎬ 四川 成都 610072
2.高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室ꎬ 四川 成都 610072
3.贵州省气象服务中心ꎬ 贵州 贵阳 550002
4.四川省气象台ꎬ 四川 成都 610072
5.中国地质大学环境学院大气科学系ꎬ 湖北 武汉 430074
摘要: 为揭示成都市区臭氧污染气象条件特征ꎬ通过欧盟 COST733 天气客观分型软件对成都市区 2016—2019 年夏半年(5—9 月)
mostly distributed in the 500 hPa potential height field with the straight westerly air typeꎬ and less distributed in the Qinghai ̄Tibet high
收稿日期: 2020 ̄08 ̄20 修订日期: 2020 ̄10 ̄13
文献标志码: A
DOI: 10 13198∕j issn 1001 ̄6929 2020 10 20
Characteristics of Ozone Weather in Chengdu during Summer of 2016 ̄2019
YANG Jingchao 1ꎬ2 ꎬ ZHAO Xiaoli 1 ꎬ TAO Yong 3 ꎬ CHENG Xiang 1 ꎬ XIAO Dixiang 4 ꎬ ZHANG Chao 5 ꎬ GENG Wei 1∗
第 34 卷 第 2 期
环 境 科 学 研 究
2021 年 2 月
Research of Environmental Sciences
2016—2019 年夏半年成都市区臭氧污染天气特征分析
杨景朝1ꎬ2 ꎬ 赵晓莉1 ꎬ 陶 勇3 ꎬ 成 翔1 ꎬ 肖递祥4 ꎬ 张 超5 ꎬ 耿 蔚1∗
般表现为风速 1 2 ~ 1 6 m∕sꎬ气温在 25 ℃ 以上ꎬ相对湿度多集中在 70%左右ꎬ总云量和降水概率多低于 60%ꎬ降水量级以小雨为
主ꎬ太阳辐射和日照时数分别位于 20 5 ~ 23 2 MJ∕m2 和 6 0 ~ 7 8 h 区间. 小时臭氧超标近地面气象要素特征为气温和总辐射曝
and relative humidity at about 70%. During the high ̄ozone daysꎬ most of the total cloud cover and precipitation probability were less than
60%ꎬ and the precipitation was mainly light rain. The sun radiation and sunshine time were between 20 5 ̄23 2 MJ∕m2 ꎬ and 6 0 ̄7 8 hꎬ
辐量相对较高ꎬ二者分别在 30 ~ 36 ℃ 和 0 ~ 3 5 MJ∕m2 之间ꎬ相对湿度在 60%以下ꎬ总云量低于 40%ꎬ以偏南风影响为主. 研究显
示ꎬ成都市区海平面气压场为低压型ꎬ500 hPa 位势高度场为青藏高压型时ꎬ易发生臭氧污染.
关键词: 天气客观分型ꎻ 臭氧污染ꎻ 气象要素
中图分类号: X511 文章编号: 1001 ̄6929(2021)02 ̄0254 ̄09
159 high ̄ozone days with the exceeding rate of 26 0%. The O3 exceeding standard periods were mainly from May to Augustꎬ and the high ̄
ozone time was mainly from 14:00 to 17:00. The sea level pressure field for the highest ozone days was weak low pressure typeꎬ followed
by low pressure frontꎬ low pressureꎬ and high pressure back type. The sea level pressure field with the highest ozone exceeding standard
rate was the low pressure front typeꎬ followed by weak low pressureꎬ low pressureꎬ and high pressure back type. The high ̄ozone days were
杨景朝等:2016—2019 年夏半年成都市区臭氧污染天气特征分析
25 5
pressure type. The 500 hPa potential height field type of the Qinghai ̄Tibet high pressure exhibited the highest O3 exceeding standard rate.
Keywords: objective synoptic weather classificationꎻ ozone pollutionꎻ meteorological elements
夏半年ꎬ随着太阳辐射加强ꎬ臭氧已取代 PM 2 5
500 hPa位势高度场及其气象要素特征ꎬ分析臭氧污
作者简介: 杨景朝(1988 ̄) ꎬ男ꎬ内蒙古呼和浩特人ꎬ工程师ꎬ硕士ꎬ主要从事大气污染模拟研究ꎬ1010793055@ qq.com.
∗责任作者ꎬ耿蔚(1982 ̄) ꎬ女ꎬ重庆人ꎬ高级工程师ꎬ主要从事气象灾害研究ꎬyueguang520@ 163.com
基金项目: 中国气象局预报员专项( No.CMAYBY2020 ̄112) ꎻ成都市科技项目( No.2018 ̄ZM01 ̄00037 ̄SN)
ozone monitoring dataꎬ ground meteorological observation dataꎬ and actual total cloud cover product data. In additionꎬ the atmospheric
circulation of the sea level pressure field and the 500 hPa geopotential height field were classified using the COST733 software. There were
Supported by China Meteorological Administration Special Forecaster Projectꎬ China ( No. CMAYBY2020 ̄112) ꎻ Technology Program of Chengduꎬ China
( No.2018 ̄ZM01 ̄00037 ̄SN)
海平面气压场和 500 hPa 位势高度场进行大气环流形势分型ꎬ并结合同期臭氧监测数据、地面气象观测数据以及总云量实况分析产
品ꎬ分析成都市区夏半年臭氧超标天气及气象要素特征. 结果表明:成都市区 2016—2019 年夏半年共出现臭氧超标日数为 159 dꎬ超
标率为 26 0%ꎬ超标日主要集中于 5—8 月ꎬ小时超标多出现于 14:00—17:00. 臭氧污染日数最多的海平面气压场为弱低压型ꎬ其