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行统计学检验.结果 2007~2009年度北京市脑血管病住院病例分别为87 729、
99 369和109 829例,平均年龄分别为(65.29±13.56)岁、(65.29±13.47)
59.6%,58.6%和58.7%;疾病亚型构成此中,脑梗死约为50.0%、短暂性脑缺血发作和相关的综合征约为20.0%、脑内出血约为8.3%、脑血管病后遗症约为3.0%、蛛网膜下腔出血约为1.6%.2007~2009年度脑血管病的住院病死率分别为3.6%、3.2%和2.8%,呈逐年下降趋势(Z=11.10,P<0.01).脑血管病平均住院日(中位数)为15~16 d.人均总费用(中位数)由2007年的8848元上升到2009年的9824元.结论北京市脑血管病住院病例数量巨大,疾病负担沉重.其疾病亚型构成与发达国家相似,但发病年龄较早,平均住院日较长.住院病死率呈逐年下降趋势.本研究结果为制定北京市脑血管病防治策略、评价脑血管病防治效果提供了基础信息.%Objective
To understand the epidemiological and medical risk profile of inpatients with cerebrovascular disease in Beijing, e.g., distribution of age, gender, stroke subtype, and prognosis, disease burden and medical quality, and provide evidence for make strategy for cerebrovascular disease prevention and treatment, and to evaluate the effectiveness of its prevention and treatment Methods The data was obtained from "The Database of Inpatient Record from Level 2 and 3 hospitals" administered by Beijing Public Health information Center. Data of cerebrovascular disease in 2007-2009 were analyzed on demographic, disease characteristics, prognosis and health economic indicators through description analysis. Furthermore, the trend on changes over years was statistically tested.Results In the year of 2007, 2008 and 2009, there were 87 729, 99 369 and 109 829 inpatients diagnosed as cerebrovascular disease, respectively. The average age was (65.29± 13.56), (65.29±13.47) and (65.26±13.68)years old for 2007, 2008 and 2009 with no significant difference (F=0.13, P=0.81). However, the proportion of patients aged from 45 to 60 showed significantly increased(Z=10.11,P<0.01).There were 59.58%, 58.6% and 58.7% of male in 2007,2008 and 2009, respectively. As for the proportion of stroke subtype, the top five were ischemic stroke(50.0%), transient ischemic attack(20.0%), intracerebral haemorrhage(8.3%), sequelae of cerebrovascular
disease(3.0%) and subarachnoid haemorrhage( 1.6%) in order. The in hospital case-fatality was 3.6%,3.2% and 2.8% in 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively, with a significant decreasing trend(Z=11.10,P<0.05). The median of length of hospital stay was 15-16 days, and the median of total
medical costper-person ranged from ¥8848 in 2007 to 9824 in
2009.Conclusion There is huge number of inpatient with cerebrovascular disease in Beijing, which leadsto very heavy disease burden. Compared to developed countries, the proportion of stroke subtypeis similar, whereas the average age of inpatients is much younger, and the length of hospital stay islonger. The in hospital case-fatality decreased over years. These findings would provide realizableevidence to make strategies to prevent and treatment cerebrovascular disease in Beijing, and toevaluate its effectiveness.
【作者】刘改芬;王拥军;王伊龙;周永;李子孝;赵性泉;王春雪;高晓兰;郑健鹏;谢学勤【作者单位】100050 北京市首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科;100050 北京市首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科;100050 北京市首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科;首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院科研处;100050 北京市首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科;100050 北京市首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科;100050 北京市首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科;100050 北京市首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科;北京市脑血管病防治指导组办公室;北京市脑血管病防治指导组办公室;北京市公共卫生信息中心;北京市公共卫生信息中心
1.2007年至2009年北京市居民急性心肌梗死住院病死率及其分布特征的研究 [J], 张秀英;郭默宁;万浩;刘静;赵冬;王薇;谢学勤;韦再华;王淼;孙佳艺;齐玥;刘军
2.中毒伤害住院病例748例流行特征分析 [J], 刘海燕;张吉玉;郭晓雷;徐爱强;付振涛;高丛丛
3.脑血管病住院医师规范化培训方案思考——基于北京市神经内科住院医师规范化培训临床结业技能考核影响因素分析 [J], 霍墨菲;袁雪姣;王宇晴;任依
4.2015-2019年北京市密云区性传播疾病流行特征及病例空间聚集分析 [J], 翟艳春;孙勇
5.淮北市3 224例肺炎患儿病例流行特征及住院时间分析 [J], 白亮亮;陈家辉;王丽丹;邹延峰
