BG101 调试手册(TKE)V1.1

1 注意事项
2 安全事项
BG101 调试手册
在报废控制器时,请注意: 主回路的电解电容和印制板上电解电容在焚烧时可能发生爆炸。 器件焚烧时会产生有毒气体。 请作为工业垃圾进行处理。
3 现场拆卸与安装
3.1 拆掉原 K200 变频器
BG101 调试手册
BG101 调试手册
BG101 调试手册 V1.1
BG101 调试手册
1 注意事项 ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 安全事项 ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 3 现场拆卸与安装 ............................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 拆掉原 K200 变频器 ............................................................................................................................ 2 3.2 安装 BG101 控制器(出厂时,BG101 已装配好安装护板)............................................................. 2 3.3 BG101 接线 ............................................................................................................................................ 2 4 BG101 调试....................................................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 面板简介 ............................................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 密码登陆 ............................................................................................................................................... 6 4.3 设置 P01.00=1 ...................................................................................................................................... 8 4.4 设置 P03.02=1 ...................................................................................................................................... 9 4.5 模拟试运行及效果调整 ....................................................................................................................... 9 4.6 投入正常使用 ..................................................................................................................................... 10 5 参数表 ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 6 故障对策 ......................................................................................................................................................... 15

Site Master 用户培训手册使用提示:为了您的设备避免损坏,请注意以下几点:1.严禁在测试口“TEST PORT”加入超出+20dBm的任何信号电平或40V直流信号。
第一章1.1 简介这一章主要是详细介绍Site Master 的规格,性能指标,选件,附件,维护事项,校准事项。
S331B/S332B MS2711 S330A/S331A S810A/S818A S113B/S114B 频率范围频率精度 (CW 方式) 频率分辨率 S331B 单端口: 25-3300MHz S332B 双端口: 25-3300MHz75 ppm100 KHz频谱分析 0.1-3000MHz 2ppm 10 KHz S330A: 700-3300MHz S331A: 25-3300MHz S400A: 25-3300MHz 75 ppm 100 KHz S810A: 3.3-10.5GHz S818A: 3.3-18GHz 75 ppm 1.0 MHz S113B 单端口: 5-1200MHz S114B 双端口:5-1200MHz75 ppm 10 KHz 测量回波损耗 SWR 电缆损耗 故障点定位 频谱分析(S332B) 增益/插入损耗回波损耗 SWR 电缆损耗故障点定位, S331A RF 功率(选件)回波损耗 SWR电缆/波导插入损耗 故障点定位 RF 功率(选件)回波损耗 SWR 电缆损耗 故障点定位 频谱分析(S114B)典型速度/每个数据点(扫频显示校准)25 ms/点 40 ms/点40 ms/点70 ms/点40 ms/点测试端口抗干扰能力 +5 dBm +10 dBm-15 dBm0 dBm, <12 GHz -10 dBm, <18 GHz +10 dBm回波损耗 0~54 dB. 分辨率:0.01dB0~54 dB. 分辨率:0.01dB 0~54dB. 分辨率:0.01dB 0~54 dB. 分辨率:0.01dB SWR1~65 分辨率:0.011~65 分辨率:0.01 1~65 分辨率:0.01 1~65 分辨率:0.01 电缆/波导损耗0~20dB 分辨率:0.1dB0~20dB 分辨率:0.01dB0~20dB 分辨率:0.01dB0~20dB 分辨率:0.1dB1.2 概述Site Master 天馈线分析仪的主要用途为:在射频传输线、接头、转接器、天线、其它射频器件或系统中查找问题。

Copyright (C) 1997 by ZTE Co. Ltd..All rights reserved.设备说明SM21设备接口描述(尽可能提供设备和接口图片,不同型号设备存在差别)(如何判断有无接口板、接口板外观描述)(接口类型、定义)RS232电平、DB9针、2接收、3发送、5地、(波特率、数据位、校验位、停止位)RS232电平:波特率19200、数据位8位、无校验、起始/停止位1位(操作步骤、拨码设置等)(特殊说明)调试方法pcudebug.exe(通讯是否存在时限要求、是否存在控制条件等)通道表(包括物理通道和逻辑通道)---AI通道---[交流屏数据]AI通道36(双字节1) =交流电压AAI通道37(双字节2) =交流电压BAI通道38(双字节3) =交流电压CAI通道39(双字节7) = 交流电流AAI通道40(双字节8) = 交流电流BAI通道41(双字节9) = 交流电流C[直流屏数据]AI通道27(双字节151) = 直流系统电压AI通道29(双字节153) = 负载总电流AI通道30(双字节179) = 电池1电流AI通道31(双字节193) = 电池2电流[整流屏数据]AI通道16(双字节331) = 整流模块1电流AI通道17(双字节334) = 整流模块2电流AI通道18(双字节337) = 整流模块3电流AI通道19(双字节340) = 整流模块4电流AI通道20(双字节343) = 整流模块5电流AI通道21(双字节346) = 整流模块6电流AI通道22(双字节349) = 整流模块7电流AI通道23(双字节352) = 整流模块8电流AI通道24(双字节355) = 整流模块9电流AI通道25(双字节358) = 整流模块10电流AI通道52(双字节361) = 整流模块11电流AI通道53(双字节364) = 整流模块12电流AI通道54(双字节367) = 整流模块13电流AI通道55(双字节370) = 整流模块14电流AI通道56(双字节373) = 整流模块15电流AI通道57(双字节376) = 整流模块16电流AI通道60(双字节379) = 整流模块17电流AI通道61(双字节382) = 整流模块18电流AI通道69(双字节385) = 整流模块19电流AI通道70(双字节388) = 整流模块20电流AI通道71(双字节391) = 整流模块21电流AI通道72(双字节394) = 整流模块22电流AI通道73(双字节397) = 整流模块23电流AI通道74(双字节400) = 整流模块24电流---AO通道---AO通道(双字节2617) = 块充均电压AO通道(双字节2606) = 自动均充电压AO通道(双字节2608) = 手动均充电压AO通道(双字节2615) = 一次下电电压AO通道(双字节2607) = 浮充电压AO通道(双字节2616) = 二次下电电压AO通道(双字节2610) = 自动均充时间(单位:分钟) AO通道(双字节2612) = 手动均充时间(单位:分钟) AO通道(双字节2609) = 均充周期(单位:天)AO通道(双字节2620) = 一次下电反弹电压AO通道(双字节2621) = 二次下电反弹电压---DI通道---DI通道16(双字节3000) = 监控模块故障[交流屏数据]DI通道42(双字节722) = 市电停电[直流屏数据]DI通道17(双字节924) = 均充/浮冲(0-浮充,1-均充)DI通道(双字节935) = 自动均充打开DI通道(双字节936) = 手动均充打开DI通道(双字节1006) = 温度补偿DI通道(双字节944-953) =报警继电器1-10状态DI通道40(双字节923) = 熔丝告警(0-正常,1-告警) DI通道38(双字节1026) = 一次下电DI通道39(双字节1027) = 二次下电[整流屏数据]DI通道(双字节1075) = 整流器故障(0-正常,1-故障)DI通道18(双字节1094) = 整流器1故障(0-正常,1-故障) DI通道19(双字节1119) = 整流器2故障DI通道20(双字节1144) = 整流器3故障DI通道21(双字节1169) = 整流器4故障DI通道22(双字节1194) = 整流器5故障DI通道23(双字节1219) = 整流器6故障DI通道24(双字节1244) = 整流器7故障DI通道25(双字节1269) = 整流器8故障DI通道26(双字节1294) = 整流器9故障DI通道27(双字节1319) = 整流器10故障DI通道61(双字节1344) = 整流器11故障DI通道62(双字节1369) = 整流器12故障DI通道63(双字节1394) = 整流器13故障DI通道64(双字节1319) = 整流器14故障DI通道65(双字节1344) = 整流器15故障DI通道66(双字节1369) = 整流器16故障DI通道67(双字节1394) = 整流器17故障DI通道68(双字节1419) = 整流器18故障DI通道69(双字节1444) = 整流器19故障DI通道70(双字节1469) = 整流器20故障DI通道71(双字节1494) = 整流器21故障DI通道72(双字节1519) = 整流器22故障DI通道73(双字节1544) = 整流器23故障DI通道74(双字节1569) = 整流器24故障---DO通道---DO通道(双字节2834)= 自动均充打开DO通道(双字节2835)= 自动均充关闭DO通道(双字节2836)= 手动均充打开DO通道(双字节2837)= 手动均充关闭DO通道(双字节2838)= 温度补偿打开DO通道(双字节2839)= 温度补偿关闭关键及特殊数据(特殊接收函数处理)常见故障(被监控设备监控功能是否可靠)基站名称:新村基站电源型号:DUM - 24/400I整流模块型号:DZY93 - 24/50监控模块型号:DUK - 24/50I*A监控模块生产日期:97.06监控模块编号:0037现场现象:1.电源系统整流模块显示停机,输出电流为零;电源监控模块液晶显示区域点阵紊乱,按键操作无响应;连接电源监控接口通讯无响应;确认电源监控模块已死机。

ALCATEL BSC 操作维护手册辽宁移动通信公司——————————————————————————————————————————————第 1 页/共37 页目录第1章BSC硬件介绍 (4)1.1BSC简介 (4)1.2BSC的结构 (4)1.2.1 DNS (5)1.2.2 Abis TSU (6)1.2.3 Ater TSU (7)1.2.4 Common TSU (9)1.2.5 TSCA (10)1.2.6 BCLA (11)第2章BSC操作维护手册 (11)2.1 SBL安全块 (11)2.1.1 SBL安全块概念 (11)2.1.2 SBL状态(SBL States) (12)2.1.3 SBL设备操作命令 (14)2.1.4 MO的操作命令 (15)2.2 维护案例 (16)2.2.1 BTS O&M故障处理 (16)第3章OMC-R操作与维护 (18)3.1 进入A1353RA工作程序主界面 (18)3.2 当前告警数据库(CAL) (21)3.2.1 访问当前告警管理数据库 (21)3.2.2 访问告警子数据库 (22)3.2.3 历史告警数据库(HAL) (23)3.3 伴随窗口(Follow up) (25)3.4 无线网络资源管理 (26)3.4.1访问RNUSM界面 (26)3.4.2 SC左窗口-显示所有的无线网络资源对象,分为三个子窗口: (28)3.4.3 右窗口-显示类对象(BSC、BTS、Cell、MFS...)的主要属性的描述 (28)3.4.4 如何建立左右窗口的关联性 (28)3.4.5 由于RNUSM所管理的是资源对象,故仅可进行有限的维护操作,见下表: (28)3.4.6 访问其他管理窗口 (29)——————————————————————————————————————————————第 2 页/共37 页3.5 BSS设备功能管理 (30)3.6 进程管理 (33)3.6.1 访问DSM (34)3.6.2 进程管理操作 (35)3.7 OMC-R操作维护注意事项 (35)3.7.1 注意告警消息提示 (35)3.7.2 PRC是一个非常高负荷的操作,在做这个操作时,不要使用USD。

AT-S39 v3.3.1 AT-S39 v3.3.1 AT-S39 v3.3.1 AT-S39 v3.3.1 AT-S39 v3.3.1 AT-S39 v3.3.1 AT-S39 v3.3.1
安奈特产品说明 AT-8024M AT-8026FC AT-8026T AT-8088/MT AT-8088/SC AT-8124 AT-8124XL (V2) AT-8216FXL/SC AT-8224XL AT-8324 AT-8324SX AT-8326GB AT-8350GB AT-8400 AT-8403 Fan Tray for AT-8400 AT-8411 8-port (RJ-45) Line Card AT-8412 4-port (MT-RJ) Line Card AT-8412 4-port (SC) Line Card AT-8413 2-port (GBIC/RJ-45) Line Card AT-8414 4-port (SC) Line Card AT-8414 4-port (ST) Line Card AT-9006SX/SC AT-9006T AT-9410GB 4. L2+ 交换机 AT-8516F/SC AT-8524M AT-8524POE AT-8550GB AT-8550SP AT-8724XL AT-8724XL-DC AT-8748XL AT-8748XL-DC AT-9408LC/SP (new!) AT-9424T/GB AT-9424T/SP 5. L3 交换机 AT-8624POE (new!) AT-8624T/2M AT-8824 AT-8848 Rapier 16F/MT Rapier 16F/SC

MODULATING CONTROL VALVESERIES MPVINSTRUCTIONS FOR THEINSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE1. M AIN F EATURES 22. TECHNICAL FEATURES 23. INSTALLATION 34. ELECTRIC CONNECTIONS 45. WIRING 55.1 W ITHOUT MANUAL/AUTOMATIC CONTROL STATION 55.2 W ITH MANUAL/AUTOMATIC CONTROL STATION 66. AUXILIARY MICROSWITCHES 77. POTENTIOMETER/S 78. CONTROL STATION 79. CALIBRATIONS 89.1 L IMIT SWITCH89.2 P OTENTIOMETER/S99.3 E LECTRONIC CARD109.4 M AX. CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT1110. START-UP 1111. MAINTENANCE AND CHECKS 1112. REPLACEMENT 111.MAIN FEATURESThe modulating valves in the MPV [Modulating Plug Valve] series have been designedwith a modern concept and they are DVGW approved, with CE identification number.They are suitable to be used in commercial and industrial combustion systems.They are especially suitable for the proportional adjustment of non corrosive fuel gasesfrom the first, second and third family and air. The MPV valve is an adjustment devicewithout zero closing. The actuator is equipped with a single-pole bi-directional motorwith high static torque and holding torque for 3-positional control or electronicmodulation with analogic signal current [4 ÷ 20 mA] or tension [0 ÷ 10 Vdc] variationat. The adjustment of flow volume in the valve operates by a delivery adjustingcylinder with linear characteristics. The cylinder rotation changes the passage openingand the flow volume is adjusted according to a linear trend.Three different orifice sizes are available according to the operating conditions, interchangeable without removing he valve from the plant.exclusively by skilled and authorized service technicians. Non-proper installation,adjustment, modifications, use and maintenance may cause injuries to the staff ormaterial damages. It is therefore necessary to respect strictly the followinginstructions and local prescriptions for the installation of electric and gas devices.2.TECHNICAL FEATURESOperating pressure : max. 500 mbarValve group : 2Ambient temperature : from -10 to +60°CAdjusting ratio : 25:1Fittings : Rp 1, according to ISO 7-1Delivery feature : linearValve : without zero closingAvailable voltage : 230 Vac / 50 - 60 Hz115 Vac / 50 - 60 Hz24 Vac / 50 - 60 HzNominal load : 7 VAElectric protection : IP 54 according to EN60529Duty cycle : continuous 100%Cable fasteners : 2 x Pg 13.5Opening/closing times : 30 ÷ 60 seconds at 50 HzLimit - Aux. switches rating : 5 [1] A 250 VacAvailable potentiometers : 150, 1000 [standard], 2500 ohmControl signal : 4 ÷ 20 mA [only with supply voltage 24 Vac][for electronic version]: 0 ÷ 10 Vdc [only with supply voltage 24 Vac]by-passmanualadjustable Accessories :3.INSTALLATION3.1Make sure that all the operating data shown on the valve label comply with thesystem operating data.3.2When installing the valve be sure that there is sufficient clearance above thegear cover and that it can be easily accessible in order to perform the electricalconnections and the calibration of the electric limit switches.3.3Install a filter before the MPV valve.3.4Before installing the valve, make sure the piping is clean and free of everyimpurity, and it is perfectly aligned with the valve body and not subject tovibrations.3.5Remove the protection plugs installed on the valve body.3.6The sealant must be applied only on the piping outer threading and not on thevalve inner threading. Use gas suitable sealants only.3.7Comply with the gas flow direction marked by the arrows on the valve body.3.8The MPV valve installation can be carried out in every position.3.9The MPV valve can be installed in every premise included in the range of theelectric protection IP 54, except for premises with presence of acid fumes orother vapours that can etch the metal parts, in atmosphere with gas orexplosive vapour leaks.3.10For the installation of the MPV valve on the piping do not use the actuator aslever, rather use the suitable wrench.3.11Install the MPV valve without voltage.4.ELECTRIC CONNECTIONS4.1Arrange the wiring and the grounding according to the local norms in force.4.2To access the inner terminal board and for the electric connections, remove thecover loosening the 4 fastening screws.4.3Two threaded holes for cable pressers Pg 13.5 are already arranged on thebase of the electric actuator.4.4Before servicing make sure, that power supply is disconnected by means of thetwo-pole-switch [phase and neutral]; in case of non-observance, damages topeople and equipments may occur.4.5All wires must comply with local prescriptions and, in any case, their sectionmust be ranging between 1 and 1.5 mm2. Connection piping recommendedH07V-U…G1.5 mm2.4.6Wiring diagrams are reported in the attached technical bulletin and on the plateinside the cover.4.7Auxiliary microswitches are single-pole double through and voltage-free.4.8If a potentiometer is installed, its resistance value is indicated on thenameplate.4.9Make sure the supply voltage and the system frequency correspond to thoseindicated on the valve plate.4.10Low-tension signalling cable [tension lower than 48V] must be laid separatelyfrom the higher-tension conduits [tension higher than 48V]. In case they arelaid in a single channel, screened cables must be used.5.WIRINGThe wiring schemes refer to the valve in “closed” [0°] position.5.1W ITHOUT MANUAL/AUTOMATIC CONTROL STATIONT ERMINAL BOARDTerminal earthingTerminal N1 N = neutralTerminal L2 by tension the valve closesTerminal 3 by tension the valve opensTerminal 4 for manual electric operationTerminal 16 answer signal when the valve reaches the “open” positionTerminal 17 answer signal when the valve reaches the “closed” position5.2W ITH MANUAL/AUTOMATIC CONTROL STATIONTerminal earthingTerminal 1 N = neutralTerminal 2 by tension the valve closesTerminal 3 by tension the valve opensTerminal 4 for manual electric controlTerminal 16 answer signal when the valve reaches the “open” positionTerminal 17 answer signal when the valve reaches the “closed” position microswitches6.3 AuxiliaryTerminal 20 common contact from the auxiliary microswitch S3Terminal 21 normally open contact of the auxiliary microswitch S3Terminal 22 normally closed contact of the auxiliary microswitch S3Terminal 23 common contact from the auxiliary microswitch S4Terminal 24 normally open contact of the auxiliary microswitch S4Terminal 25 normally closed contact of the auxiliary microswitch S46.4 Potentiometer/s for answer signal of the position Pot. A and/or Pot. BTerminal 30 max. valueTerminal 31 cursorTerminal 32 min. valueTerminal 33 max. valueTerminal 34 cursorTerminal 35 min. value6.AUXILIARY MICROSWITCHESOn request, the valve can be equipped with 2 auxiliary microswitches that can be adjusted in any position.Microswitches are voltage-free.The contact capacity is 5 A/250 Vac with ohmic load and 1 A/250 Vac with inductive load.Contact rating is about 5 A/250 with Ohm load and about 1 A/250 with inductive load.For adjusting the cams of auxiliary microswitches, proceed as for cams of endswitches as indicated in paragraph 9.1 chapter 9 “CALIBRATIONS”.7.POTENTIOMETER/SOn request, the valve can be equipped with 1 or 2 independent potentiometers [pot. A and/or Pot. B] for the answer signal of the valve position.Resistance value of the potentiometer is indicated on the identification label.If the resistance value does not correspond to the wished one, proceed as indicated in paragraph 9.2 of chapter 9 «CALIBRATIONS».Absorbed power is 2 W for each potentiometer.8.CONTROL STATION8.1The control station enables the manual electric activation of the valve.8.2Phase L must be connected to the terminal no. 4.8.3The AUTO/MAN switch is delivered by the factory in AUTO position .8.4Set the AUTO/MAN switch in the manual position indicated by stylized hand8.5Activate the Open/Stopped/Closed switch as follows:8.5.1Keeping the lever pushed towards the symbol ◄ the valve opens [the cam S2adjusts the desired final opening position].8.5.2Keeping the lever pushed towards the symbol ►the valve closes [the cam S1adjusts the desired final closing position].8.5.3Positioning the lever to the centre, the valve motor is not activated.8.5.4ATTENTION: after the operations for manual electric activation of the valve,reset the AUTO/MAN switch onto AUTO position .9.CALIBRATIONS9.1L IMIT SWITCH9.1.1The MPV valve is delivered by the factory in closed position. The limit switchesare adjusted to reach the positions of closed valve and completely open valve.9.1.2For “OPEN” position adjustment, it is necessary to operate on cam “S2”.9.1.3For cam adjustment, use the proper “half-moon” key, supplied with theactuator and installed inside it.9.1.4Use the key from the right side, introducing the pin into one of the holes onthe sides of the blue cam of the cam involved and lever it to required position.9.1.5If the blue cam is in a behind position, use at first the lever on its curved sideto move the blue cam to a more suitable position to perform adjustment[picture 1].Picture 19.1.6To calibrate, refer to the mechanical position indicator disc; the valve is closedwhen the mechanical pointer is in the 0 position, the valve is completely openwhen the mechanical pointer is in the 90° position.9.1.7The cam adjustment is possible in both directions.9.1.8The lever roller operates the microswitch when it is on the bottom of the camgroove, stopping the motor rotation.9.1.9Remove the wrench before starting the actuator.9.1.10 The movable crown can be driven also by a small screwdriver, acting on thesuitable notches.9.1.11 Avoid valve rotation over 90°, in order to prevent damage on the adjustingcylinder, and/or force the potentiometer shaft rotation.9.2P OTENTIOMETER/S9.2.1 The potentiometer shaft is frictioned and is accessible from the upper sideinside the gear motor.9.2.2 Disconnect the cables connected with the regulation system from therespective terminals n. 30, 31 and 32 [Pot. A] and, if necessary, n. 33, 34 and35 [Pot. B].9.2.3By means of a suitable screwdriver with 5 mm cut rotate the potentiometershaft and measure the resistance value of 0 Ohm between terminals n. 31 and32 and, if necessary, also between terminals n. 34 and 35 when the valve isclosed [picture 2].2Picture9.2.4By rotating the potentiometer:● clockwise 3the resistance value increases● counter dock wise 4the resistance value decreases9.2.5The gearbox between the gear motor shaft and the potentiometer shaft isforeseen for a 90° rotation angle between closed valve and totally open valve.Hence should the gear motor opening be reduced with a rotation angle lowerthan 90°, the variation of the potentiometer resistance value will beproportionally reduced.If, vice versa, the rotation angle had been wrongly adjusted over 90° therewill be no increase in the resistance value beyond the plate maximum value.9.3E LECTRONIC CARD9.3.1Supply the servocontrol as per schema SE.9.3.2Select the MAN function9.3.3Position the adjustment instrument on 4 mA [or on 0 Vdc].9.3.4Turn the servocontrol manually till reaching the mechanical zero.9.3.5Adjust the closing cam «S1» at few degrees before microswitch involvement.9.3.6Turn the potentiometer shaft clockwise 3 till it stops mechanically.9.3.7Select the AUTO position9.3.8Set the adjustment device on 6 mA [or on 2 Vdc] and wait up the servocontrolmoves, then take it back to 4 mA [or on 0 Vdc] and check it reaches 0 degrees.9.3.9If it does not exactly come back to 0 degrees, turn the potentiometer shaftcounterclockwise 4 till 0 degrees.9.3.10 Set the adjustment device at 20 mA [or on 10 Vdc] and check the max.opening, then calibrate the opening cam «S2» at few degrees before themicroswitch involvement.9.3.11 Set the adjustment device on 4 mA [or on 0 Vdc] regulating the servocontrolback to 0 degrees.9.4M AX. CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT9.4.1To reduce the max. capacity fit a 3 mm hexagon socket screw in the suitableseat on the lower part of the valve body and rotate it counterclockwise MPV valves are supplied by the factory adjusted for the max. capacity.10.START-UP10.1Before starting the system up, carefully check the following points of the MPVvalve:- correct installation according to the flow direction- gas outer seals- correct electric connections and grounding- perfect electric and mechanical operation by opening and closing with closed gas main cock.Once preliminary conditions compliance, the gas main cock can be opened andthe operating test can be carried out.11.MAINTENANCE AND CHECKS11.1The MPV valve does not require any special maintenance.Both the valve body and the actuator do not need any lubrication.11.2 At least once a year, and above all for systems subject to vibrations, it isrecommended to check the harness for faulty contacts of the terminal boardand to tighten the screws.12.REPLACEMENTFor replacement of MPV valve, operate as follows:12.1Close the gas main cock.12.2Cut off the supply voltage to the valve.12.3Remove the actuator cover.12.4Disconnect all the electric connections, noting the cable numbers.12.5Remove the valve body from the piping.12.6Install the new valve according to the instructions of the previous chapters. These instructions can be subject to possible variations without notice.11 of 11。

目录INANTER-SIMS2000最终用户软件许可协议 (5)前言 (9)一、参考材料以及书目 (9)二、INANTER-SIMS2000软件运行环境要求 (9)三、数据库系统 (10)SIMS2000综合安防网络集成管理平台简介 (11)如何应用SIMS2000综合安防网络集成管理平台 (12)一、二级中心应用 (12)二、一级中心应用 (13)安装SIMS2000综合安防网络集成管理平台的条件 (13)第一章MS SQL Server 2000个人版数据库安装 (14)第二章MS SQL Server 2000 SP4补丁安装 (23)第三章MS SQL Server 2000 SP4 补丁安装后的网络测试 (32)3.1 看ping 服务器IP能否ping通 (32)3.2 在DOS或命令行格式下的测试 (32)3.3 检查客户端设置 (33)3.4 企业管理器或查询分析器连接测试 (34)3.5 错误产生的原因 (34)第四章INANTER-SIMS2000 软件安装 (35)第五章INANTER-SIMS2000 数据库安装 (41)5.1 自动安装数据库 (41)5.2 手动安装数据库 (42)第六章软件授权设备的安装 (45)第七章INANTER-SIMS2000 软件服务的安装 (46)7.1 安装及启动软件授权服务 (46)7.2 安装及启动安装语音服务器 (46)7.3 安装及启动SIMS2000-RMS注册服务器 (46)7.4 安装及启动SIMS2000-VBUS通讯服务器 (46)第八章INANTER-SIMS2000 平台软件操作使用说明 (47)8.1 运行前的准备 (47)8.2 SIMS2000-RMS注册服务器(仅在大联网时使用) (47)8.3 SIMS2000-Config设置管理系统 (48)8.3.1 站点授权 (49)8.3.2 电子地图 (50)8.3.3 报警管理 (55)8.3.4 模拟矩阵 (67)8.3.5 数字视频 (71)8.3.6 巡更管理 (76)8.3.7 门禁管理 (79)8.3.8 对讲管理 (81)8.3.9 系统用户 (84)8.4 SIMS2000-VBUS Service通讯服务器 (87)8.4.1 系统设置 (88)8.4.2 事件日志 (88)8.4.3 报警系统 (89)8.4.4 巡更系统 (90)8.4.5 模拟矩阵 (90)8.4.6 门禁系统 (91)8.4.7 对讲系统 (93)8.5 SIMS2000综合安防网络集成管理平台 (94)8.5.1 软件登录 (94)8.5.2 界面按钮介绍 (95)8.5.3 电子地图 (95)8.5.4 报警系统 (96)8.5.5 模拟矩阵 (97)8.5.6 数字视频 (98)8.5.7 扩展工具 (100)8.5.8 查询历史记录 (100)第九章系统故障珍断 (104)9.1 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services 错误 (104)9.2 Windows 安全警报 (106)(一) 关闭Windows XP的防火墙 (106)(二) 将应用程序添加到windows防火墙例外设置中 (110)第十章网络模块设置 (113)10.1 AW-NC100及AW-NC200M设置 (113)10.2 IP2000的编程及设置 (117)10.3 IPM的编程及设置 (119)10.4 DVSAlarm的设置与使用 (123)第十一章一级中心联网络系统安装 (123)11.1 安装概述 (123)11.2 一级中心与二级中心联网示意图 (124)11.3 二级中心的设置 (124)11.4 一级中心安装MS SQLSERVER数据库 (125)11.5 一级中心软件安装 (125)11.6 一级中心软件运行设置步骤 (132)INANTER-SIMS2000最终用户软件许可协议重要须知——请认真阅读本《最终用户许可协议》(一下称《协议》)是您(个人或单一机构团体)与南京英安特科技实业有限公司(以下简称英安特)之间有关上述INANTER-SIMS2000“软件产品”的法律协议。

目录初始登录设置: (2)预备操作知识: (2)三层交换机vlan基本配置: (3)IP基本配置: (6)IP Helper设置(广播转发): (7)DHCP(动态主机配置协议)服务器设置: (7)IP Filter的配置(访问控制列表,ACL): (8)Hardware Filter的设置(硬件包过滤,HWF): (10)IP NAT的配置(网络地址转换,标准IP NAT只适用于路由器): (13)SNMP(简单网络管理协议)设置: (13)Ping Polling的设置: (16)Trigger(触发器)的设置: (17)Test工具之Virtual Cable Test Facility: (18)OSPF(开放式最短路径优先)的设置: (19)VRRP(虚拟路由器冗余协议)的设置: (23)QoS(服务质量)的设置: (24)物理端口速率限制: (25)各种二层隧道协议及IPSec VPN设置: (25)配置文件的保存及设置: (31)上传下载文件至路由器/三层交换机: (31)####################################################################### 初始登录设置:####################################################################### 使用超级终端通过串口登录进入路由器/三层交换机。
安奈特路由器/三层交换机的配置环境是不区分层次化的,不存在类似Cisco的“全局配置模式”、“接口配置模式”、“路由协议配置模式”……,所有的配置命令均在同一模式/界面下执行,其提示符为:登录用户级别设备名称>例如,使用Manager权限用户登录名称为Test的设备,则显示为:Manager Test>使用SecurityOfficer权限用户登录名称为CoreSwitch的设备,则显示为:SecOff CoreSwitch>然后即可配置所有内容。


网神安全产品安装调试指导手册网神SecSIS 3600安全隔离与信息交换系统目录1网神SecSIS 3600安全隔离与信息交换系统产品常用功能描述和使用说明 ....................................................... 2网神SecSIS 3600安全隔离与信息交换系统产品常见应用场景说明 ...................................................................2.1数据库安全同步解决方案.....................................................................................................................................2.2安全邮件收发解决方案.........................................................................................................................................2.3安全文件交换解决方案.........................................................................................................................................2.4安全FTP访问解决方案 ........................................................................................................................................2.5安全浏览解决方案................................................................................................................................................. 3准备工作.....................................................................................................................................................................3.1了解实际用户网络环境或主机环境 .....................................................................................................................3.1.1网络环境.............................................................................................................................................................3.1.2主机环境.............................................................................................................................................................3.2了解实际用户应用及安全需求 .............................................................................................................................3.2.1业务模式.............................................................................................................................................................3.2.2安全需求.............................................................................................................................................................3.3开箱、加电.............................................................................................................................................................3.3.1设备开箱.............................................................................................................................................................3.3.2设备加电.............................................................................................................................................................3.3.3安全注意事项.....................................................................................................................................................3.4管理网神SecSIS 3600安全隔离与信息交换系统...............................................................................................3.4.1WEB界面方式.......................................................................................................................................................3.4.2命令行方式.........................................................................................................................................................3.4.3其它方式.............................................................................................................................................................3.5如何申请许可证和激活网神SecSIS 3600安全隔离与信息交换系统产品功能模块 .......................................3.5.1申请License .......................................................................................................................................................3.5.2导入License ....................................................................................................................................................... 4初级“假设法”手把手教您如何快速安装部署网闸产品......................................................................................4.1网闸网络配置......................................................................................................................................................... 5中级“假设法”手把手教您如何快速调试网闸产品的基本功能..........................................................................5.1安全浏览.................................................................................................................................................................5.1.1客户需求.............................................................................................................................................................5.1.2网络配置.............................................................................................................................................................5.1.3网闸具体配置.....................................................................................................................................................5.2安全FTP.................................................................................................................................................................5.2.1客户需求.............................................................................................................................................................5.2.2网络配置.............................................................................................................................................................5.2.3网闸具体配置.....................................................................................................................................................5.3FTP访问.................................................................................................................................................................5.3.1客户需求.............................................................................................................................................................5.3.2网络配置.............................................................................................................................................................5.3.3网闸具体配置.....................................................................................................................................................5.4数据库访问.............................................................................................................................................................5.4.1客户需求.............................................................................................................................................................5.4.2网络配置.............................................................................................................................................................5.4.3网闸具体配置.....................................................................................................................................................5.5邮件访问.................................................................................................................................................................5.5.1客户需求.............................................................................................................................................................5.5.2网络配置.............................................................................................................................................................5.5.3网闸具体配置.....................................................................................................................................................5.6定制模块.................................................................................................................................................................5.6.1客户需求.............................................................................................................................................................5.6.2网络配置.............................................................................................................................................................5.6.3网闸具体配置..................................................................................................................................................... 6常见问题答疑............................................................................................................................................................. 网神SecSIS 3600安全隔离与信息交换系统产品常用功能描述和使用说明网御神州SecSIS 3600安全隔离与信息交换系统根据不同的应用需求,量身定制功能模块,满足用户的不同应用需求,主要包括:网络配置:完成设备网络参数的基本配置以及高可用性(双机负载)的配置管理员配置:管理员源地址的访问控制,权限分配,新增管理员及参数设置。

赛蓝移动云平台快速配置手册一、设备的接口配置赛蓝移动云平台SGA1000的接口出厂IP参数如下:ETH0:波特率38400二、首次配置赛蓝移动云平台是基于WEB的配置方式,默认管理员端口是4433,管理员账号是admin, 密码是111111, 首次可以通过默认的IP进入管理界面(注意在本机添加0网段或者1网段的IP),设备默认进入方式如下:或https://三、修改SGA各网口IP以适合用户具体需求,配置网关和DNS信息。
五、如果设备放在防火墙和路由器后面,需在前端防火墙或路由器上做端口转发(如果设备有固定公网IP,则可以省略此步骤),需要映射的端口如下:TCP 443 (用户使用)TCP 4433(后台管理)TCP 自定义(IP隧道使用端口)TCP 自定义(TCP隧道使用端口)如需用到IPSec需转发UDP 500和UDP4500端口。
六、发布手机应用进入设备后台管理页面,打开【应用发布】——【CAB应用】,点击【添加】,填好应用的名称、服务器的IP地址、服务器的WINDOWS账号、密码,如发布一个B/S的程序(OA或web),需在【登录后的工作目录】里面填IE的路径,为C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer,在【登录后启动程序】里面填IE的可执行文件名称,即IEXPLORE.EXE (此处为要发布的OA的URL),如下图:如发布一个C/S的程序(如ERP),需在【登录后的工作目录】里面填ERP 程序的路径,在【登录后启动程序】里面填IE的可执行文件名称,xxx.exe.(此处为要发布的ERP的exe文件),如下图:应用账户选择方式:使用手动绑定账号如选择这一项,表示应用账户可以与iServer上具有远程桌面登录权限的账号,进行手动绑定,拥有相应资源使用权限的特定用户组中的用户可以手动绑定Windows登录账号,需要在CAB用户绑定页面进行相应绑定,此处的SGA设备前台登录用户名、密码和绑定Windows登录账号、密码可以不同。

APT-251B/252B 多协议解码器1、设备概述本系统解码器兼容多种控制协议,可兼容多种数字硬盘录像机和矩阵切换主机。
2、面板介绍∙CODE:RS-485 通讯指示灯,当数字监控硬盘录像机或矩阵切换主机与解码器的控制线连接正常时,指示灯亮。
∙A、S、B:RS-485 通讯接口,通过屏蔽双绞线与数字监控硬盘录像机或矩阵切换主机的RS-485通讯接口连接(如果无此接口可通过接口转换器转换),A、B通过双绞线对应相连,S通过屏蔽层对应相连。
∙CAMERA ID:解码器六位地址编码开关,1是低位,8是高位:ON=1,OFF=0.通过二进制编码来实现对前端设备的分别控制。
∙120Ω:RS-485 通讯接口阻抗选择开关(高阻/120Ω),出厂状态为高阻(OFF).∙云台控制输出:UP:云台上DOWN:云台下LEFT:云台左RIGHT:云台右AUTO:云台自动P/T COM:云台电源输入端∙镜头控制输出LENS COM:镜头公共端ZOOM:镜头焦距FOCUS:镜头变焦IRIS:镜头光圈∙电源输出:12VDC:12VDC 输出正极,供应摄像机、探头等设备电源,容量为700mAGND:12VDC输出负极。
∙AUX1 SW:辅助控制开关AUX1端口。
∙AUX2 SW:辅助控制开关AUX2端口。
∙CAM SW:摄像机电源控制开关端口。
∙220V 50Hz:电源220输入端口。
3、技术指标输入电压:220VAC±10% 50Hz;24VAC±10% 50Hz(型号后缀:/24)云台电压:220VAC/1.0A或24VAC/1.0A镜头电压:±9VDC/250mA摄像机电压:12VDC/700mA辅助开关:AUX1-常开触点,275VAC/7AAUX2-常开触点,275VAC/7A摄像机开关:CAM-常开触点,275VAC/7A控制线连接方式:屏蔽双绞线4、与数字监控硬盘录像机连接示意图解码器可采用链式和星式连接,A、B为信号端,通过双绞线与数字监控硬盘录像机端口A、B端对应连接;S为屏蔽端,通过双绞线屏蔽层对应本相连。

Quick installation user guideAn Eaton secure-by-design solutionComplies with rigorous cyber-security, process, requirements and testing standards Eaton Cyber Secured Monitoring is the right solution to connect your device without any compromise to security and availability. It can run either on a secured cloud or on your own local network. It enables services such as Remote Monitoring, Health Reports and early anomaly detection that help to mitigate downtime risk associated with the critical components (batteries, capacitors, FANs,…). Eaton Cyber Secured Monitoring runs in all the units that support the Gigabit Network Card. Wireless internet connection option available by using SIM card router to connect to the network card.Eaton Cyber Secured MonitoringThe IoT platform and cloud solution is ISO IEC 27001 and carrier security certified, provided by the market leader in EuropeThe Gigabit Network Card is theindustry first to receive IEC 62443-4-2 and UL 29001-1 certificationsPurpose of the documentThe document serves the purpose of supporting the correct configuration of the gigabit network card and connecting the UPS to the Eaton remote service support.Points of contactIn case of technical issues, questions or any inquiries, please feel free to contact your local service team, according to your area from our website:/powerquality.You can select your country as shown in the picture below:1. Worldwide Sites2. Customer SupportMy Account | Logout?Customer Support USA | Worldwide Sites | 21RequirementsThe remote monitoring needs the below gear for starting the set-up:1. A UPS from the table listed below (offering this service).2. A gigabit network card (network -M2) with a firmware revision >1.7.11 - RMS (Solution not available for firmware >2.0.5).3. Firewall allowing outbound TCP 443 port (protocol used is MQTT over TLS).Customer detailsWe recommend fulfilling the fields in the below image in order to retrieve your unit location:• Location of the unit (to be filled following this requirement City - Country)• Contact• System name( Name given to the UPS to be identified on the cloud dashboard)Route: Setting (on the top right) » General tab » Detailsote: N P lease ensure that the card is configured to your local network requirements. Remember to checkthe manual of the card for detailed instructions.Connecting the card to the cloudPlease follow the below steps for connecting the card to the cloud:1. Access the protocol tab in the settings menu.2. Check the box Enable in the Remote Monitoring window. A proxy can block the communicationbetween the card and the cloud. If you have one, enter the proxy address into the field.ote: NA dvanced settings must not be changed unless advised by Eaton Support team.213. Press Save. The status should turn to: “pending approval”4. When you receive the ‘’pending approval’’ status, the UPS is waiting the activation into the cloud.4.1 I n case you purchased a Connected Warranty+1 or Connected Warranty+3, at this stage, if notdone yet, please proceed to the activation of your service online according to the instructions you received. Following this registration, your Eaton service team will enable your UPS on the cloud.4.2 I n case of service contract (Standard +, Advanced +, Premium or Flex), your Eaton service teamwill take in charge the registration of your UPS into the cloud and activate the monitoring service.5. When the activation is completed by Eaton service team, the status on the card will become greenindicating: “connected”, after showing a disclaimer window (as seen below). This step can take time.No need to stay in front of your screen. You can come back hour’s later to check.6. ‘’CONNECTED’’ indicates that your UPS is now under the supervision of our Eaton support team andwill be monitored.7. Connect to https:/// with the credentials from the service team, to login andview the details of your UPS under monitoring on your account.8. The Eaton support team will contact you in case specific actions are required from your end.。
SENTRONIC AG 安全自动化解决方案说明书

Selection guideSafety automation solutionsPreventa safety modules056 222 38 18SEN TRONIC AGO perating principle, characteristics Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules types XPSAC, XPSAXEFor Emergency stop and switch monitoringOperating principleSafety modules XPSAC and XPSAXE are used for monitoring Emergency stop circuits conforming to standardsEN/ISO 13850 and EN/IEC 60204-1 and also meet the safety requirements for the electrical monitoring ofswitches in protection devices conforming to standard EN 1088/ISO 14119. They provide protection for both themachine operator and the machine by immediately stopping the dangerous movement on receipt of a stopinstruction from the operator, or on detection of a fault in the safety circuit itself.To aid diagnostics, the modules have LEDs which provide information on the monitoring circuit status.The XPSAC module has 3 safety outputs and a solid-state output for signalling to the PLC.The XPSAXE module has 3 safety outputs and a relay output for signalling to the PLC.Characteristics (continued), r eferencesSafety automation solutionsPreventa safety modules types XPSAC,XPSAXEFor Emergency stop and switch monitoringEmergency stop and switch monitoringclamp terminals Terminal block integrated in module48 V a XPSAC13210.210115 V aXPSAC34210.210230 V a XPSAC37210.210Captive screw clamp terminals Terminal block removable from module3 1 solid-state a and 24 V c XPSAC5121P 0.16048 V aXPSAC1321P0.210115 V a XPSAC3421P 0.210230 V a XPSAC3721P 0.2101 relaya and 24 V c XPSAXE5120P0.229Spring terminals Terminal block removable from module3 1 relay a and 24 V c XPSAXE5120C 0.229XPSAXE5120P XPSAXE5120CXPSAC pppp PXPSAC ppppO perating principle, characteristics Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSAF For Emergency stop and switch monitoringOperating principleSafety modules XPSAF meet the requirements of Performance Level PL e/Category 4conforming to standard EN/ISO 13849-1.They are used for:b Monitoring Emergency stop circuits conforming to standards EN/ISO 13850 andEN/IEC 60204-1.b Electrical monitoring of switches activated by protection devices conformingto standard EN 1088.Housed in a compact enclosure, the modules have 3 safety outputs.Preventa safety modules XPSAF pppp P incorporate removable terminal blocks, thusoptimising machine maintenance.To aid diagnostics, the modules have 3 LEDs on the front face which provideinformation on the monitoring circuit status.The Start button monitoring function is configurable depending on the wiring.R eferences, connections Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSAF For Emergency stop and switch monitoringReferencesDescription Type of terminalblock connection Number of safetycircuitsSupply Reference WeightkgSafety modules forEmergency stop and switchmonitoringIntegrated in module3a and 24 V c XPSAF5130 0.250Removable from module 3a and 24 V c XPSAF5130P0.250XPSAF5130Operating principle, characteristics Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSAKFor Emergency stop, switch, sensing mat/edges or safety light curtain monitoringOperating principleSafety modules XPSAK meet the requirements of Performance Level PL e/Category 4conforming to standard EN/ISO 13849-1.They are used for:b Monitoring Emergency stop circuits conforming to standards EN/ISO 13850 andEN 60204-1.b Electrical monitoring of switches activated by protection devices, with optionalselection of synchronisation time between signals.b Monitoring 4-wire sensing mats or edges.b Monitoring type 4 light curtains conforming to EN/IEC 61496-1 which havesolid-state safety outputs with test function (light curtains XUSL).Housed in a compact enclosure, the modules have 3 safety outputs, a relay signallingoutput and 4 solid-state signalling outputs for signalling to the process PLC.Preventa safety modules XPSAK pppp P incorporate removable terminal blocks, thusoptimising machine maintenance.To aid diagnostics, the modules have 4 LEDs on the front face which provideinformation on the monitoring circuit status.The Start button monitoring function is configurable depending on the wiring.Characteristics, references Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSAKFor Emergency stop, switch, sensing mat/edges or safety light curtain monitoringEmergency stop, switch,sensing mat/edges or safetylight curtain monitoringin module24 V c110 V a24 V cXPSAK361144 0.400120 V a24 V cXPSAK351144 0.400230 V a24 V cXPSAK371144 0.400Removable from module 3 1 / 424 V a24 V cXPSAK311144P0.30048 V a XPSAK331144P0.300110 V a24 V cXPSAK361144P 0.400120 V a24 V cXPSAK351144P 0.400230 V a24 V cXPSAK371144P 0.400XPSAK3p1144O perating principle, characteristics Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSARFor Emergency stop, switch or safety light curtain monitoringOperating principleSafety modules XPSAR meet the requirements of Performance Level PL e/Category 4 conforming to standard EN/ISO 13849-1 and are designed for thefollowing safety applications:b Monitoring Emergency stop circuits conforming to EN/ISO 13850 andEN/IEC 60204-1.b Electrical monitoring of switches activated by protection devices conformingto standard EN 1088/ISO 14119.b Monitoring type 4 light curtains conforming to EN/IEC 61496-1 that havesolid-state safety outputs with test function (light curtains XUSL).In addition to 7 safety outputs, modules XPSAR incorporate 2 relay signallingoutputs and 4 solid-state signalling outputs for signalling to the process PLC.Safety modules XPSAR p p p p p p P incorporate removable terminal blocks, thusoptimising machine maintenance.To aid diagnostics, the modules have 4 LEDs on the front face which provideinformation on the monitoring circuit status.C haracteristics, references Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSARFor Emergency stop, switch or safety light curtain monitoringEmergency stop, switchor safety light curtainmonitoringin module24 c115 a24 cXPSAR3511440.400230 a24 cXPSAR3711440.400Removablefrom module7 2 / 4 24 a24 cXPSAR311144P0.300115 a24 cXPSAR351144P0.400230 a24 cXPSAR371144P0.400 XPSAR3p1144O perating principle, c haracteristics Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSVNE For zero speed detectionOperating principlePreventa safety modules XPSVNE for zero speed detection are used to detect thestop condition of electric motors. Their most common applications include: providingthe unlock signal for electrically interlocked sliding or removable machine guards,controlling rotation direction signals for reversing motors and engaging lockingbrakes after a motor has come to a standstill.As electric motors run down, a remanent voltage is produced in the windings of themotor due to residual magnetism. This voltage is proportional to the speed of themotor and, therefore, decreases as the motor comes to a standstill.This remanent voltage is measured in a redundant manner so as to detect the stopcondition of the motor. The cabling between the motor windings and the inputs of theXPSVNE module is also monitored to prevent a cabling breakage or fault being seenas a stopped motor.A transformer should not be used to connect the motor to terminals Z1, Z2 and Z3since there is no monitoring of the connection with the motor winding via theresistance monitoring.Modules XPSVNE are suitable for detecting the stop condition of all types of ACor DC motor driven machines which, when the motor runs down, produce a remanentvoltage in the windings due to residual magnetism. These machines can be controlledby electronic devices, such as variable speed drives or DC injection brakes.The input fi lters for standard XPSVNE modules are designed for a frequencyof up to 60 Hz.For motors operating at a frequency higher than 60 Hz, which therefore produce a highfrequency remanent voltage, special modules XPSVNE pppp HS should be used.Modules XPSVNE have 2 potentiometers mounted on the front face of the modulewhich allow independent adjustment of the switching threshold for each input circuit.This allows adjustment for different types of motors and application requirements.To aid diagnostics, modules XPSVNE have 4 LEDs and 2 solid-state outputs to provideinformation on the status of the zero speed detection circuit.C haracteristics, references Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules type XPSVNEFor zero speed detectioncontact has not been used for switching high power loads (possible contamination or wearof the gold layer on the contact tips).ReferencesDescription Number ofsafety circuits Solid-stateoutputs forPLCSupply Frequency ofmotor powersupplyReference WeightkgSafety modules for zerospeed detection2224 V c y 60 Hz XPSVNE1142P0.500> 60 Hz XPSVNE1142HSP0.500115 V a y 60 Hz XPSVNE3442P0.600> 60 Hz XPSVNE3442HSP0.600230 V a y 60 Hz XPSVNE3742P0.600> 60 Hz XPSVNE3742HSP0.600 XPSVNE pppppO perating principle, characteristics Safety automation solutions Preventa safety modules types XPSDMB, XPSDMEFor coded magnetic switch monitoringOperating principleSafety modules XPSDMB and XPSDME are specifi cally designed for monitoringcoded magnetic safety switches. They incorporate two safety outputs and twosolid-state outputs for signalling to the process PLC. Conforming to PerformanceLevel PL e/Category 4 conforming to EN/ISO 13849-1, modules XPSDMB canmonitor two independent sensors and modules XPSDME can monitor up to sixindependent sensors.To monitor a higher number of magnetic switches using these safety modules,the magnetic switches can be connected in series parallel, while meeting therequirements of Performance Level PL d/Category 3 conforming to standardEN/ISO 13849-1.Safety modules XPSDM ppppp P incorporate removable terminal blocks, thusoptimising machine maintenance.To aid diagnostics, the modules have LEDs on the front face which provideR eferences Safety automation solutionsPreventa safety modules types XPSDMB,XPSDMEFor coded magnetic switch monitoringmonitoring 2 codedmagnetic switchesin moduleSafety module for monitoring 6 coded magnetic switches Integratedin module2 NO224 c XPSDME11320.300Safety module for monitoring 2 coded magnetic switches Removablefrom module2 NO 2 24 c XPSDMB1132P 0.250Safety module for monitoring 6 coded magnetic switches Removablefrom module2 NO224 c XPSDME1132P 0.300XPSDMB1132XPSDME1132。

1、设备信息厂家名称:安耐特设备名称:开关电源设备型号:【设备照片】2、监控屏信息监控屏型号:SM32J(注意,该监控模块面板无型号丝印,需要参看下图确定)软件版本:无监控屏操作密码:888【监控屏照片】3、接口信息通信方式:RS485波特率:9600,n,8,1地址:1接口板拔码或跳线:无接线端子:RJ45(水晶头插口)连接方式:采集器(COM口凤凰端子) <──────> 设备端(水晶接头)D+ <──────> RS485+ (2)D- <──────> RS485- (3) 【接口板照片】电源监控板RS485端口信号定义对应水晶头线序应为如下:RS485需连接的线:RS485+、RS485-4、协议信息适用协议编码:PenatelSM32E6-001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8RS485+ RS485-5、铁塔交维测试(1)防雷器告警测试:拔出一个防雷器(2)整流模块故障告警测试:拔出一个整流模块,出现模块通信中断告警(3)停电告警测试:断开交流输入开关防雷器、整流模块、市电空开位置见下图箭头指向。
Altronic EXACTA 21 监控和控制系统说明书

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSEXACTA 21 MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM DEVIATION FROM THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO IMPROPER ENGINE/MACHINE OPERATION WHICH COULD CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY TO OPERATORS OR OTHER NEARBY PERSONNEL.WARNING:1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 The Altronic EXACTA 21 control system is an electronic device de-signed to monitor and control gas compressors and associated siteequipment. The EXACTA 21 can monitor temperatures, pressures, levels, and other signals through analog and discrete I/O boards. The EXACTA 21 uses a microprocessor and battery-backed RAM to process the input signals and to store the setup and setpoint values.A backlit, 8 line x 40 character LCD display is programmable and shows process values and descriptions, event messages, real time clock and many other variables. A front-mounted, programmable 21-button keypad serves as the user interface.1.2 The EXACTA 21 Computer Module communicates to the Analog and Discrete I/O Boards using the Exacta ports on the bottom of the EXACTA 21 Computer Module. Each of the two Exacta ports can have up to four Analog or Discrete I/O Boards linked together in a se-ries connection. The Analog I/O Boards have 16 analog inputs and 4 analog outputs. The Discrete I/O Boards have 12 digital inputs and 12 digital outputs and one RPM input. A total of eight boards (any combination of Analog or Discrete Boards) may be used in a system. Each board has an Exacta “in” port and an Exacta “out” port used for communications between the computer module and the I/O Boards. The boards are “daisy-chained” to each other using these ports. The Analog Board part numbers are 691404-1 and 691404-2 and the Dis-crete Board part numbers are 691405-1 and 691405-2.CAUTION:THE EXACTA 21 CONTROL SYSTEM IS CSA CERTIFIED FOR USE IN CLASS I, GROUPS C & D, DIVISION 2 HAzARDOUS LOCATIONS WHEN INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS.THE DIGITAL AND ANALOG SIGNAL INPUTS OPERATE AT A VERY LOW VOLTAGE AND POWER LEVEL AND MUST NOT CONTACT ANY EXTERNAL VOLTAGE SOURCE. DAMAGE TO THE SYSTEM WILL RESULT FROM CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SIGNAL INPUT TERMINALS AND THE IGNITION SYSTEM OR ANY AC OR DC POWER SOURCE.(SCADA) through Modbus protocol.1.4The recommended power requirement for the EXACTA 21 system is24 Vdc, 5 amps max.1.5For proper operation, these instructions must be adhered to strictly.2.0 COMPUTER MODULE - 691403-12.1COMPUTER MODULEThe 691403-1 Computer Module contains the LCD display, integral keypad, and communications ports. The power requirement for the computer module is 24 Vdc, 2 amp max.2.2INPUT POWERInput power is brought into the Computer Module on the side of the unit via a Phoenix-type connector. Minus (–) is power supply com-mon and plus (+) is power supply +24 Vdc. The Computer Module must be grounded to panel ground using the terminal provided. 2.3EXACTA PORTSThere are two Exacta ports located on the bottom of the Computer Module; they are female DB-9 connectors used to communicate to the I/O Boards. Each Exacta port can handle up to four I/O Boards.2.4RS232 AND RS485/RS422 PORTSThe RS232port is generally used for uploading and downloading (configuring) the Computer Module. A special cable, P/N CW1642-1, must be used from the Computer Module to the PC (personal com-puter) or laptop computer with the side marked TO EXACTA connected to the EXACTA 21 Computer Module’s RS232 port, and the end marked TO PC connected to an RS232 serial port of the PC or laptop. FIGURE 7 SHOWS THE PIN-OUT OF THIS CABLE.The RS485/422 port can be used to communicate to SCADA systems or to optional graphical user interfaces using Modbus RTU.2.5MODEM CONNECTORThe modem connector is a standard RJ11 phone line connector. This connector can be used to remotely connect to the Exacta 21 comput-er using a phone line to update a configuration parameter, diagnose problems, collect record data and others.NOTE: The optional inter-nal socket modem, P/N CW6460, must be installed in the computer module modem socket to make use of this feature.INSTALLATION MANUAL 3.0 ANALOG I/O BOARD - 691404-1AND ANALOG INPUT BOARD - 691404-23.1ANALOG I/O BOARDThe 691404-1 Analog I/O Board accepts up to 16 analog inputs and 4 analog outputs. The analog inputs can be 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 volts, type J and K thermocouples, resistive temperature devices (RTD’s), resis-tive inputs and normally-open or normally-closed discrete switches.3.2ANALOG INPUT BOARDThe 691404-2 Analog Input Board accepts up to 16 analog inputs. The analog inputs can be 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 volts, type J and K thermo-couples, resistive inputs and normally-open or normally-closed dis-crete switches.3.3ANALOG INPUTSUp to 16 analog inputs can be connected to the Analog Input Board.Any combination of the listed sensor types can be used in any of the16 locations. Input voltage range is 0 to 5 Vdc. Connect the sensors tothe analog input connector; the minus (–) terminals are internally tied together. Place the switch in the proper position for each transducer type as DESCRIBED IN SECTION 6.3 and on FIGURES 3 AND 4. For 3 or 4 wire RTD’s, a third terminal is provided for RTD excitation voltage.3.3ANALOG OUTPUTSThe 691404-1 Analog I/O Board has four 4-20 mA analog outputs.Each output has a plus (+) and minus (–) output terminal. The mi-nus terminals are internally tied together. The analog outputs are typically supplied from an internal supply of 24 volts (jumpers J4A and J4B from center pin to pin B); this allows for a maximum load resistor of 1000 ohms. Typically either a 250 ohm or 500 ohm load resistor will be used which equates to 1 to 5 volts or 2 to 10 volts. Ifa higher loop voltage is required, place jumpers J4A and J4B fromcenter pin to pin A, and supply an external voltage of up to 32 volts to the external loop supply terminals, marked “S”. The maximum load resistor versus supply voltage can be calculated using RL (max) = (Vs-2V)/20 mA. With an external supply voltage of 32 volts, the maximum load resistor will be 1500 ohms resulting in a loop volt-age of 6 to 30 volts.3.4EXACTA PORTSThe Analog Board has an Exacta “in” port (Exacta port from previous unit) and an Exacta “out” port (Exacta port to next unit). These ports carry the communications connections from the EXACTA 21 Computer Module or I/O Board to the next Analog or Discrete Board. No connec-tion is required for the Exacta “out” port on the last board of the chain.4.1DISCRETE I/O BOARDThe 691405-1 12x12 Discrete I/O Board accepts up to 12 normally-open (N/O) or normally-closed (N/C) discrete (on/off) switches, one RPM input from a magnetic pickup, and provides up to 12 discrete (digital) outputs.4.2DISCRETE INPUT BOARDThe 691405-2 Discrete Input Board accepts up to 12 normally-open (N/O) or normally-closed (N/C) discrete (on/off) switches.4.3DISCRETE INPUTSEach discrete input is optically isolated and can be wired for a nor-mally open or a normally closed, dry-contact switch. Each input hasa (+) and (–) terminal. The switch should be connected across (+)and (–). This is SHOWN IN FIGURES 5 AND 6, the Discrete Board wiring diagram. No external “wetting current” is required.4.4DISCRETE OUTPUTSEach discrete output is optically isolated and is rated at 60 Vdc max, fused at 3 amps. Each output has an isolated (+) and (–) terminal.The outputs can be wired as either high-side or low-side switches.REFER TO FIGURE 5. Each output has an LED indicator that is ON when the output is energized.4.5RPM INPUTThe 691405-1 12x12 Discrete I/O Board has one RPM input marked “RPM A” and “RPM B”. The RPM input will accept a signal from a magnetic pickup from 1.5 volts peak to 15 volts peak. An ALTRONIC 691118-X magnetic pickup and 693104-X cable assembly are recom-mended.4.6EXACTA PORTSThe Discrete Board has an Exacta “in” port (Exacta port from previ-ous unit) and an Exacta “out” port (Exacta port to next unit). These ports carry the communications connections from the EXACTA 21 Computer Module to the Analog and Discrete Boards. Connections are made using the DB 9 type of connector. No connection is required for the Exacta “out” port on the last board of the chain.NOTE: The Exacta 21 can be configured for one RPM input only even if two or more Discrete I/O Boards are used in the system.–31°F to +176°F (–35°C to +80°C).6.0 WIRING (SEE WIRING DIAGRAMS)6.1 POWER WIRINGThe EXACTA 21 will operate from 18-36 Vdc. A 24 volt DC power sup-ply, rated 5 amps minimum, is recommended.COMPUTER MODULE Connect the power input wires, plus to terminal (+) and minus toterminal (–). Connect the minus terminal to panel ground which should be the same as engine ground. Connect the module ground terminal to the panel. DO NOT ground this device directly to the ig-nition system common coil ground. Use a heavy gauge grounding strap to ground the panel to the engine block or skid. Use a heavy gauge (#14 AWG or larger) wire for the positive connection from the 24 volt power supply to the Computer Module.DISCRETE I/O BOARD WIRING FOLLOW FIGURE 5 OR 6 for wiring the input and output discrete com-ponents. Unshielded wire is recommended.NOTE: All of the minus (–) terminals on the Discrete Board are common. Place a wire across the unused inputs.the table below for proper switch position.Take care not to damage the insulation when installing and takeprecautions against later damage from vibration, abrasion, or liq-uids in conduits. In addition, it is essential that the following prac-tices be adhered to:A. Never run sensor wires in the same conduit with ignition wiring or otherhigh energy wiring such as AC line power. B. Keep secondary wires to spark plugs and other high voltage wiring atleast eight inches (200mm) away from sensor and sensor wiring.THERMOCOUPLES Ungrounded type J or K thermocouples may be used. Use thermo-couple extension wire of the same type as the thermocouple probe to connect the thermocouple to the Analog Board. Use stranded ther-mocouple wire having a good moisture-resistant insulation such as PVC; for higher ambient temperatures, Teflon or B-fibre insulated thermocouple wire is recommended. To insure an accurate signal is transmitted to the instrument, avoid any added junctions, splices and contact with other metals.RTD PROBEMount a 3-wire 100 ohm RTD probe in a thermowell on the engine or machine. To ensure accuracy, make sure the actual element is surrounded by the measured media. Care should be taken to protect the wiring and connectors from contact with hot surfaces. A 3-wire RTD will require three connections, a single connection on one side (usually colored RED ) and two connections on the other side of the probe (both usually colored BLACK ). The single red connection must be connected to minus (–). Connect one black wire to the positive (+) terminal and the other black wire to the corresponding channel number on the RTD excitation terminal block. For example, for an RTD connected to input channel 1, connect the red wire to terminal (–), one of the black wires to terminal (+) and the other black wire to terminal RTD excitation “CH 1” AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 3. NOTE: All of the minus (–)terminals on the Analog Board are common. Place a jumper wire across each unused input from (–) to (+).For accurate temperature measurements, all three wires must beof the same gauge, type and length for each probe; all three wires must have the same resistance. Standard copper wire may be used. Maximum lead resistance for each lead is 10Ω.0 TO 5 VDC TRANSDUCERSEach analog input will accept from 0 TO 5 Vdc. Typical transducer out-puts are 0-5, 0.5-4.5, AND 1-5 Vdc. Wire the transducer as follows: trans-ducer plus excitation voltage to power supply plus, transducer signal output to (+), and transducer minus and supply minus return to (–).4-20 MA TRANSDUCERSAn internal 200 ohm resistor is available on the Analog Board. To use the internal resistor, set switch 1 to ON, and switch 2 to OFF. This will convert the 4-20 mA signal to 0.8 to 4.0 volts on the Analog Board.RESISTIVE SENSORSWire three-wire resistive sensors with the ends of the resistor on sup-ply plus and minus. Wire the slider to (+) and the supply minus to (–).DISCRETE SWITCHESDiscrete switches can be connected to the analog input to sense when a switch opens or closes. Set the switches with 1 OFF and 2 ON and wire the switch in series from the supply (+) to terminal (+), supply (–) to terminal (–) on the Analog Board.6.4 4-20MA ANALOG OUTPUT WIRING There are four 4-20 mA outputs available on the Analog Board; loop output (–) is minus and loop output (+) is plus. With board jumpers J4A and J4B from center pin to pin B, the loop output is supplied from the internal supply of +24 Vdc. An external load resistor value of 1000 ohms or less can be used with the internal supply. If an ex-ternal load resistor value of breater than 1000 ohms is required, an external 32 Vdc supply is required. Place jumpers J4A and J4B from center pin to pin A, and connect the external supply to terminals S(+) and S(–) AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 3.6.5 EXACTA PORT WIRING The Exacta ports carry the communication signals from the Com-puter Module to each board. Using a DB9 cable, connect the Exacta ports from the Computer Module to the Exacta “in” port of the first I/O Board. Connect the Exacta “out” port of the first I/O Board to the Exacta “in” port of the second I/O Board, etc.6.6 RS-232 COMMUNICATIONS WIRING When programming the Computer Module from a laptop or PC, an upload/download cable, P/N CW1642-1, is required. Connect the end labeled TO PC to the laptop or PC, and the end marked TO EXACTA to the RS232 port on the EXACTA 21 Computer Module.SEE FIGURE 7 FOR PIN CONNECTIONS.NOTE: The maximum voltage on input terminals must not exceed +5 Vdc.The 691403-1EXACTA 21 control system is CSA CERTIFIED FOR CLASS I, DIVISION 2, GROUPS C & D areas. The system is certified as a com-ponent only and is required to be installed in a suitable enclosure where the suitability of the combination is subject to the local in-spection authority having jurisdiction. The power connections to the EXACTA 21 must be in accordance with the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE or in Canada, the CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE. In addition, the following requirements must be met:1. Run the sensor wires leaving the panel in a separate conduit from allother wiring and keep them separate throughout the installation.2. Power wiring and wiring to the modules must have a grade of insulationcapable of withstanding an AC voltage of 500 volts RMS.3. In general, run wires in separate conduits and junction boxes from highvoltage wires such as ignition, fuel valve, and other high voltage wiring.EXPLOSION HAzARD - DO NOT REPLACE FUSES OR CONNEC-TORS UNLESS POWER HAS BEEN SWITCHED OFF OR THE AREA WARNING:IS KNOWN TO BE NON-HAzARDOUS.DO NOT DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT IN DIV. 2 ENVIRONMENT UN-LESS POWER IS SWITCHED OFF OR THE AREA IS KNOWN TO BENON-HAzARDOUS.6 .8TESTING SENSOR LEADSIf it becomes necessary to check sensor to terminal strip wiring with an ohmmeter or other checker, first unplug the connectors from the EXACTA 21. This will prevent possible damage to the device’s sensi-tive low voltage detection circuitry.INSTALLATION MANUALFIGURES SECTION:FIG. 1 ExACTA 21 SYSTEM DRAWING AND SPECIFICATIONSFIG. 2 LAYOUT - COMPUTER MODULE 691403-1FIG. 3 WIRING DIAGRAM - ANALOG I/O BOARD 691404-1FIG. 4 WIRING DIAGRAM - ANALOG INPUT BOARD 691404-2FIG. 5 WIRING DIAGRAM - DISCRETE I/O BOARD 691405-1FIG. 6 WIRING DIAGRAM - DISCRETE INPUT BOARD 691405-2FIG. 7 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD CABLE, ExACTA TO PC CW1642-1EXACTA 21 MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEMFIG. 1 ExACTA 21 SYSTEM DRAWING AND SPECIFICATIONSFIG. 2 LAYOUT - COMPUTER MODULE 691403-1SPECIFICATIONS:DISPLAY: BACKLITAMBIENT TEMP. RANGE: -30°C TO 70°C(–22°F TO 158°F)ENCLOSURE: POWDER COATED STEELFIG. 3 WIRING DIAGRAM - ANALOG I/O BOARD 691404-1FIG. 4 WIRING DIAGRAM - ANALOG INPUT BOARD 691404-2Ω RESISTORS)FIG. 5 WIRING DIAGRAM - DISCRETE I/O BOARD 691405-1FIG. 6 WIRING DIAGRAM - DISCRETE INPUT BOARD 691405-2FIG. 7 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD CABLE, ExACTA TO PC CW1642-1。
Altronic IIING SM 06-20 产品说明书

Service Manual Altronic III NG Ignition System Units Medium Engines, 2-16 Cylinders Form AL T III NG SM 11-20TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE:PROPER INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND OPERATION OF THIS EQUIP-MENT IS ESSENTIAL. THE RECOMMEND-ED PRACTICES CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD BE FOLLOWED WITHOUT DEVIA-TION. AN IMPROPERLY INSTALLED OR OPERATING IGNITION SYSTEM COULD CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY TO OPERA-TORS OR OTHER NEARBY PERSONNEL.1.0 ALTRONIC III NG IGNITION SYSTEM – DESCRIPTIONAltronic III NG is an alternator-powered, electronic ignition system. All electronic parts are mounted to the back cover which disconnects from the alternator section as a module.The alternator (A) provides the power to charge the energy storage capacitor (B). A separate pickup coil (C) and SCR (D) are used for each of the system’s outputs, which usually correspond to each engine cylinder. A rotating timer arm (E), driven through speed-reducing gears, passes over the pickup coils to trigger the SCR switches to the on state in sequence. This releases the capacitor’s stored energy to the ignition coils, which step up the voltage to fire the spark plugs.CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW — ALTRONIC III NGUNITA – AlternatorB – Energy Storage CapacitorC – Magnet HolderD – Distribution GearsE – PCBANG back cover,new cover.2.0 PARTS IDENTIFICATION AND SPECIFICATION2.1 PARTS LISTReference numbers with a letter suffix are part of an assembly of the same number without a suffix. Example: (1a) is part of (1).2.2 PART NO. DESIGNATION8 A 2 9 - BEL-NGMOUNTING A = Vertical flange, 1 slotBEL = Adjustable baseD = Flange, 3” pilotEL = Base mountG = Horizontal flange, 2 slotsGL = Horizontal flange, flex couplingGN = Horizontal flange, gear-flex couplingGV = Vertical flange, 2 slotsJ = Round flange, 3 slotsSTATOR WINDING 0 = 3710061 = 3716012 = 371600 (16 cyl.), 371601 (6, 8 cyl.)3 = 3716025 = 3716046 = 3716047 = 371602` 9 = 371604GEAR RATIO 1 = 1:12 = 2:13 = 3:14 = 4:15 = 2.5:16 = 1.5:1FIRING PATTERN A = Even Firing PatternOther Letters = Odd Firing PatternNO. CYLINDERS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 162.3 UNIT SPECIFICATIONSDetermine mounting, gear ratio and stator winding from unit part number. ALWAYS USE THE PART LISTED - DO NOT SUBSTITUTE.2.4 CONNECTION SPECIFICATIONSA. Wiring Color Code - Connector (51c)3 to 12 Cylinders: 16 Cylinders:G orange G orangeN black all others all others whiteall others all others white2.5 BEARING FIT TOLERANCES:A. Housing Bearing Bores:B. Shaft Bearing Diameter:Front Housing (6) 1.5737"/1.5739"Intermediate Housing (13) 1.865"/1.867"Back Cover (58)1.1800"1.1803"Drive Shaft (7).6693"/.6696"3.0 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSInstall unit on a test stand equipped with a suitable number of 501061 coils and spark gaps. Test stand wiring should conform to that shown in the Installation Instructions form Alll II.3.1 VOLTAGE TESTA. With the wiring harness unplugged, measure the positive voltage at theconnector “G” pin:3.2 OPERATING TESTA. At 70-90 RPM a 5mm gap should fire consistently.B. At the TEST RPM (see pages 12-15) a 15mm gap should fire consistently.3.3 TIMING SPECIFICATIONSA. The Altronic III units are listed on pages 12-15. Establish the indicated TESTRPM and ROTATION.B. Check the Firing Degree Sequence as indicated. The basic tolerance is ± one (1) distributor degree. This must be multiplied by the internal gear ratio since the degrees are read at the unit drive shaft speed.C. If timing is out of specification, change the pickup coil (31) in question.3.3 T I M I N G S P E C I F I C A T I O NS3.3 T I M I N G S P E C I F I C A T I O N S (c o n t i n u e d )4.0 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDESee Section 3.0 – 3.3 for proper electrical performance.4.1 OSCILLOSCOPE TESTINGThe system should be fully connected per section 3.0 with the Altronic III unit operating at the TEST RPM given in section3.2. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the “G” lead of the output connector. Set the oscilloscope vertical calibration to 50volts/div.; adjust the time base to get a full cycle of firings on the screen: No. of discharges = number of outputs for single capacitor unit; half the number of outputs for dual capacitor unit.A. STORAGE CAPACITOR PATTERN: NORMALThe normal patterns for typical single (8A29H) and dual storage capacitor (12A33H) units are shown below.NOTE: Patterns below apply to units having 373xxxH circuit board assembly.B. STORAGE CAPACITOR PATTERN: ABNORMALOne cylinder misfiring. See troubleshooting section 4.2, no. 1.C. STORAGE CAPACITOR PATTERN: NORMALStepped waveform. See troubleshooting section 4.2, no. 3.5.0 SERVICE – ALTERNATOR SECTIONA. Replace all worn or defective parts.B. The procedures of this section require the use of a small arbor press.5.1 DISASSEMBLY – COUPLING (1) OR (2)A. Drive spring pin (1a) or (2a) out of coupling (1) or (2) and shaft (7) and remove coupling from shaft.5.2 DISASSEMBLY – FLANGE MOUNT UNITA. Unscrew four screws (11) and remove flange (3) from housing (5). Note the relationship of flange to housing so that it maybe reinstalled in the same position.5.3 DISASSEMBLY – STATOR (10)A. Release the stator leads from clamp (17).B. Remove three screws (48) holding the alternator assembly together.C. Using a plastic or rubber hammer, tap intermediate housing (13) away from stator and front housing until free from bearingcover (9).D. Pull stator winding (10) and seal band (10a) free from housing (5) taking care not to damage Teflon® wrapping.5.4 DISASSEMBLY – BEARINGS (6)A. Remove drive gear (16), then reinstall screw (20) in shaft.B. Remove rubber bearing cover (9). Use small bearing puller to remove gear end bearing (6).C. Referring to FIG. 5, support front housing (5) on the stator end. Using an arbor press, press on drive end of the main shaftuntil shaft assembly (7) is free from the front housing (5).D. Press the drive end bearing (6) from either housing (5) or shaft (7).5.5 PARTS REPLACEMENTA. Replace gaskets (3b) and (4).B. Replace coupling (1 or 2), seal (3a), bearings (6) and bearing cover (9) with new parts.C. Replace any removed hardware with new parts.D. Aluminum housings should be cleaned in carbon tetrachloride or similar cleaning solution.E. Any metal filings should be cleaned from magnet-rotor (7) before reassembly.5.6 REASSEMBLY – FRONT HOUSING ASSEMBLYA. Press new drive end bearing (6) into front housing (5) until it bottoms. Referring to FIG. 6, support the housing with tool506105B; use the loose ring provided EXCEPT with adjustable base housing 360405. Press on the outer race of the bearing using tool 506105A.B. Referring to FIG. 7a, press the shaft-rotor assembly (7) into the front housing assembly (5). Use tool no. 506104A topress on the end of the shaft, and tool no. 506104C to support the inner race of the bearing. This will insure the correct extension of the shaft through the bearing (see FIG. 7a).C. Install bearing spacer (8) on shaft (see FIG. 7b).D. Press gear end bearing (6) on shaft (7) until it bottoms against the bearing spacer (8). Referring to FIG. 7b, leave toolno. 506104C (step 6.6B) in place to support the coupling end of the shaft. Press on the inner race of the bearing for this operation using tool no. 506104D.E. Install a new rubber bearing cover (9) on gear end bearing (6).F. Using a new lockwasher (32) and flat washer (18), install drive gear (16); if worn, use a new gear. Secure with screw (20).G. If the 360405 housing (-BEL) has been disassembled, use a lubricating grease on the mating surfaces and reinstall thelarge snap ring with its gap at the 3 o’clock position (90° from the base).5.7 REASSEMBLY – ALTERNATORA. Insert one 10-24 x 2-1/4" screw (48) through the stator hole, 180° from the stator leads and plug. Place stator (10) overrotor (7) so that the leads are on the same side as the flat base on housing (5). Use the screw to line up the stator holes properly with the tapped holes in the housing (5). Insert stator into front housing taking care not to damage the Teflon®wrapping or the windings. Remove screw.NOTE: Stator 371604 replaces previous types 371004 and 371007. The hole in housing (13) for the stator leads must be enlarged to .750" diameter in units below S/N 12,000.B. Apply a film of Vaseline® or similar lubricant to the bearing bore in intermediate housing (13). THIS IS ESSENTIAL FORPROPER ASSEMBLY.C. Insert the stator plug and leads through the .750" dia. hole in housing (13) and start the housing over bearing cover (9).Insert three new HEX SOCKET HEAD SCREWS (48) – DO NOT REUSE THE OLD SCREWS – and lockwashers (47) through housing (13) and stator (10) into the tapped holes in the front housing (5). Apply pressure evenly to bring housings (13) and (5) together over the stator. Take care not to damage the Teflon® wrapping on the stator core. Using a torque wrench, tighten the three screws (48) evenly in several steps to a final torque of 78 in.-lbs. (6.5 ft.-lbs.).NOTE: This torque specification applies only to the hex socket head screws, part no. 902601. These should be used on all overhauls replacing the former filister head, slotted screw.D. At this point, the shaft should turn freely without mechanical drag. If there is mechanical interference (not to be confusedwith the magnetic drag of the 12-pole alternator), remove the intermediate housing (see steps 6.3B and 6.3C), and repeat steps 6.7B and 6.7C.E. Insert stator leads in clamp (17).NOTE: If clamp (17) has pulled loose from housing (13), use silicon rubber adhesive (503151) to secure clamp to housing.F. Install a stator seal band (10a) from the coupling end. The band should seat against the stator (10) between housings (5)and (13).5.8 FLANGE MOUNT UNITA. Replace oil seals (3a) in flange bracket (3) Place new gasket (4) on housing (5).B. Install flange bracket (3) to housing (5) and insert four new screws (11) – DO NOT REUSE OLD SCREWS. Note whethernameplate on unit calls for a flange to be mounted vertically with tapped hole up (-A or -GV), or horizontally (-D or -G).Tighten screws (11) to 10-12 ft-lbs.C. Glue a new flange gasket (3b) to the unit flange.5.9 COUPLINGA. Install coupling (1) or (2) on shaft (7) lining up holes in coupling and shaft.B. Use tool no. 506108A to drive spring pin (1a) or (2a) through coupling and shaft until flush with the coupling O.D.5.10 REASSEMBLY – BACK COVER TO ALTERNATORA. The timing mark on the back cover should line up with the stationary rotation mark (CCW or CW) on the cover just as theleading edge of the trigger arm reaches the hole in the steel plate for “A” (red) pickup coil.B. For FLANGE MOUNT UNITS, mate the back cover to the alternator with both set as shown in FIG. 8 for the correct unitrotation. If the back cover mark does not line up exactly with the proper rotation mark with the coupling set as shown, rotate the alternator shaft 180° and try again. Obtain as close of a line-up as possible with the CCW or CW mark.C. Secure the back cover assembly to the alternator section with hardware (34) and (47).6.0 SERVICE – ASSEMBLY TOOLSA. The following assembly tools are referenced in sections 5.3, 6.6 and 6.9:506101A Press bearing-shaft (25) into back cover (58)506101C Support back cover (58)506104D Press timer arm assembly (24) on bearing-shaft (25)506104E Support bearing shaft (25)506105A Press bearing (6) into front housing (5)506105B Support front housing (5), including ring506104A Press shaft-rotor (7) into front housing (5)506104D Press gear-end bearing (6) on shaft-rotor (7)506104C Support front housing bearing (6)506108A Drive coupling pin (1a) or (2a) off and on7.0 OPERATIONAL TESTA. Perform the tests following the guidelines in sections 3.0 through 3.3.B. Run the Operating Test in section 3.2B for one hour.C. After the one-hour Operating Test, check timing per section 3.3。

二、主要特点 1.安装简单,与接地开关本体组合为一体,不改变原接地开关安装结构。
3.安全可靠,防堵转功能可实现对电机的控制和保护三、试验调试方法jn15-12/d31.5电动接地开关安装完毕后,应按以下步骤进行调试: 1、认真阅读at-c01电动手车地刀控制模块说明书。
smissline tp 预配置远程电源控制柜操作说明书

—ORIGINAL MANUAL 2CCC444013M0202 RE V. 2.0, DATE OF RELE A SE: 06/2017 Preconfigured Remote Power PanelOperation instructions2R E M OTE P OW E R PA N E L O PER ATI O N I NS TR U C TI O NS—Table of contents003 – 006U npacking and checkingthe cabinet007C abinet mounting008L oad connections009– 011Line connection of …XT4N 250A“012O peration013 M aintenance013 A pproved SMISSLINE TP devices014 – 015T echnical DataPictures in this manual are given for the Remote Power Panel 500Aaccording to the following type code:RPP-500A-P-INT-RTI-BCM-PQ-TSAll other cabinets (250A, 750A, 1000A) can be derived from this manual.For installation/assembly, please refer to the “Assembly instructionmanual” (2CCC444010M0202).3—Unpacking and checking the cabinetVisual control of the packaging• Check the packaging carefully for damage Unpacking the cabinet• Do not use a knife to cut the package sealing • After unpacking, the cabinet should look as shown in Fig. 1• The size of the cabinet can vary depending on your order - R PP-250A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8 (Fig. 2) -RPP-500A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8 (Fig. 2) -RPP-750A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8 (Fig. 3) -RPP-1000A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8 (Fig. 4)•Attention: The cabinet is top-heavy!—01 Unpacked cabinet —02 Cabinet small – 250/500 A —03 Cabinet medium – 750 A —04 Cabinet large – 1000 A—01—02 —03 —044R E M OTE P OW E R PA N E L O PER ATI O N I NS TR U C TI O NSTransportation of the cabinet• The transportation of the cabinet is only allowed as shown in Fig. 5 on the left • Fig. 6 shows the incorrect transportation of the cabinet• For further information please refer to the manual of the enclosure socket, which will be delivered with the cabinetOtherwise or for detailed information, please contact ABB or download the specific instruction manual on the following homepage:https:///mounting-instructions/category/allgemein-sockel-bausatz-0—05 Correct transpor-tation of the cabinet —06 Incorrect transpor-tation of the cabinet—05—065Opening cabinet• Only authorized/skilled people are allowed to open the cabinet• To open the electrical cabinet it is necessary to use a common cabinet key, displayed in Fig. 7• Each door can be opened to a maximum angle of 180°Checking door hinge• Check that all bolts of the door hinge are positioned as shwon in Fig. 8•Fig. 9 shows an incorrect mounting—07 Cabinet key —08 Correct mounting —09 Incorrect mounting—07—08—096R E M OTE P OW E R PA N E L O PER ATI O N I NS TR U C TI O NSChecking proper function and screws• Check all screws and nuts in the cabinet after transportation (Fig. 10).• If necessary, retighten all screws and nuts in the cabinet after transportation (Fig. 4).∙ Especially pay attention to the screws which are in contact with conductive parts1. All screws for each terminal "D120/42.FF" (8Nm)2. All screws for the earthing terminal (8 Nm)3. All screws for the earthing of the cabinet (8 Nm)4. All screws at the incoming terminal blocks – ZLS2245. All screws for the earthing of the door (8 Nm)6. All screws at the devices on the DIN rail 6.1. CMS-600/CMS-700 6.2. AC500-eco6.3. 4-pole RCCB/MCB7. All screws of additional controlling devices which are mounted on the DIN rail8. All screws of the controlling devices in the front door of the panelFor further details of each tightening torque please check the technical specification of each device.• All other parts shall be checkedChecking touch proof security IP20B• Ensure that all required items in the cabinet are positioned properly, especially the parts which are responsible for touch proof security• Parts that shall be in place are -Terminal covers of all ZLS224 -Terminal covers of all XT4-Protection covers of all terminals "120/42.FF"• Ensure that the minium cross section of all power cables feeding the SMISSLINE busbar system including neutral and earthing cable are 50 mm²• Only if these parts are mounted correctly the panel is protected IP20B• Check the complete cabinet for touch proof security• If any device is not installed correctly, it willnot be allowed to proceed with the installation—10 Overview of all screws which shall be checked after transportation—107—Cabinet mountingBottom fastening• The cabinet will be delivered with up to three sockets• At least one socket shall be mounted below the cabinet-Necessary for the fixing of the cable-Necessary for the fixing of the cabinet to the ground/floor • The maximum amount of sockets mounted simultaneously is three• To mount the electrical cabinet to the floor, use all four “Floor fastener for plinth” brackets which are delivered with the cabinet (Fig. 11)• For a detailed mounting instruction please refer to manual “RZ3P4“ provided from Striebel&John • Due to safety reasons it is forbidden to install the cabinet without the “Floor fastener for plinth”• The maximum weight of the cabinet includingSMISSLINE is mentioned in the technical data—11 Floor fastener for plinth—118R E M OTE P OW E R PA N E L O PER ATI O N I NS TR U C TI O NS—Load connectionsFor detailed information please contact ABB or download the specific instruction manual for SMISSLINE TP on the ABB homepage:/low-voltage/products/system-pro-m/smissline-tpInstallation of SMISSLINE TP devices• Ensure that each powerbus does not exceed 250A rated current referring to the consump-tion of the servers-Note: For data center applications it might be preferable to feed each MCCB with maximum 125A due to redundancy in case of a break-down/failure of the other MCCB • Load connection of SMISSLINE TP devices • To ensure that the devices are correctly con-nected, please check the position of the fixing clip of each MCB• The position shall be in the upper position as shown in Fig. 13Wiring of SMISSLINE TP devices• Wiring of each SMISSLINE TP device depends on the local regulations and standards• Only authorized personnel is allowed to wire electrical devices/components inside the cabinet• Tightening torque for the screws are 2.8 Nm For detailed information please contact ABB or download the specific technical instructions manual on the ABB homepage:https://goo.gl/fFZcbaDocument Number: 2CCC451059C0203—12 Assembly of a SMISSLINE device —13 Plug-in position—12—139—Line connection of …XT4N 250A“For detailed information please contact ABB or download the specific instructions manual for the XT4N 250A on the ABB homepage:https://goo.gl/kMV7ct– Document Number: 1SDH000722R0001https://goo.gl/WXluwI– Document Number: 1SDH000721R0506https://goo.gl/1GzEtT– Document Number: 1SDC007406G0202Removing the protection housing of "XT4N 250A"• Unbolt the tiny screw in the center of the housing (one or two screws) (s. Fig. 14)• Remove the protection housingRemoving the protection housing "CPUF120"• Remove the protection housing "CPUF120" as shown in Fig. 15• Store the protection housing "CPUF120" at asave place—14 Protectionhousing of “XT4N 250A”—15 Protectionhousing "CPUF120"—14—1510R E M OTE P OW E R PA N E L O PER ATI O N I NS TR U C TI O NSConnecting main power supply• All electrical connections shall always corre-spond to the national and local standards • Connect the Cu cable in the same way as on the load side (N L1 L2 L3)-Each cable cross section shall be according to current load of XT4N 250A or the terminals D120/42.FF - N , L1, L2, L3: min. 120 mm²; Cu - P E: min. 70 mm²; Cu • Cable shall be according to IEC 60228 Class 5 or Class 6, 105 °C• For connection to XT4N 250A use cable lugs ac-cording to Fig. 17-Cable lugs shall be suitable for Cu 120 mm² and switchgear connection (or bigger, depending on the cross section of the line/incoming cable)-For the connection to D120/42.ff we recom-mend to use 106R10 cable lugs by Klauke® -For the connection to the MCCB we recom-mend to use 106R8 cable lugs by Klauke®• To comply with the required minimum force according to IEC 61238 T1 we recommend the crimp-type-method “indent crimping” as illustrated in the Fig. 16 and 17-Example: Minimum 7200N when 120mm² is installed • Use a heat shrinking tube for each phase to isolate the cable lug• For further connection options, please refer to the document 1SDC007406G0202 provided by ABB• Connect the cable with the XT4N 250A and fix the screws with a torque of 8 Nm as shown in Fig. 18• For connection to the terminal block, please refer to the instruction manual of "D120/42.FF" -2 cable lugs can be installed above • For detailed information please refer to theassembly instruction of the RPP—16 Indent crimping —17 Indent crimping – practical example —18 Details onconnection of XT4—16—17—1811Mounting of protection housing• Reassemble the dismounted electrical shock protection• Fix the protection housing using the previously unfastened screwMounting of the protection housing "CPUF120"• Mount the protection housing "CPUF120" as shown in Fig. 20 and check the terminal for IP20BOvervoltage protectionEnd of life indicator of the standard surge protec-tive device (Fig. 21).This option enables the indication of the surge protective device state via a mechanical indicator which changes from green to red when the surge protective device comes to end-of-life. If this occurs, the surge protective device must be changed as protection is no longer guaranteed.Technical features of the integrated auxiliary contact• Contacts information: Normally-opened (NO)/Normally-closed (NC)• Min. load: 12 V DC - 10 mA • Max. load: 250 V AC - 1 A• Connection cross section: 1.5 mm²For detailed information please contact ABB or download the specific technical instructions manual on the ABB homepage:https://goo.gl/eOhONG– Document Number: 2CTC432096M1701—19 Protectionhousing of XT4N 250A —20 D120/42.FF with protection housing "CPUF120"—21 Surge protection device with pluggable surge protective device cartridges—19—20—2112R E M OTE P OW E R PA N E L O PER ATI O N I NS TR U C TI O NSEkip Display for “XT4N 250A”For further information please refer to the user and operator manual.Address of ABB library: https://goo.gl/yqlxSi– Document Number: 1SDH000892R0002Mounting of plug-in SMISSLINE TP devices • The device has to be switched off before mounting• Mount all devices onto the SMISSLINE TP sys-tem as visualized in Fig. 22• Ensure that each powerbus does not exceed 250 A-Cf. technical data-Note: For data center applications/crictical power applications it might be preferable to feed each powerbus with maximum 125 A due to redundancy in case of a breakdown/failure of one MCCBMounting of plug-in SMISSLINE TP devices• To ensure that the device is correctly connected please check the position of the fixing clip • The position shall be in the upper position as shown in Fig. 23Disconnection of a device• Before disconnecting, the device shall be switched off• To remove the device open the fixing clip shown in Fig. 24• Remove or change the devicePosition plug-in connector• First: Lift contact gate (Fig. 25)• Second: Bring plug contacts to requiredposition (L1, L2 or L3) (Fig. 25)—22 Assembly of a SMISSLINE device —23 Plug-in position —24 Disconnecting a device —25 Change position of plug contacts—22—23—24—25—Operation13 No maintenance is necessary.Only the listed devices may be used in combination with theRPP panel.MCB 1-poleRated current Product ID Catalog description 16A2CCS571001R0164S401 M-C1616A2CCS571001R0467S401 M-K1632A 2CCS571001R0324S401 M-C3232A 2CCS571001R0537S401 M-K32MCB 2-pole (with protected neutral)Rated current Product ID Catalog description 16A2CCS571103R8164S401 M-C16NP16A2CCS571103R8467S401 M-K16NP32A 2CCS571103R8324S401 M-C32NP32A 2CCS571103R8537S401 M-K32NP MCB 3-poleRated current Product ID Catalog description 16A2CCS573001R0164S403 M-C1616A2CCS573001R0467S403 M-K1632A 2CCS573001R0324S403 M-C3232A 2CCS573001R0537S403 M-K32MCB 4-pole (with protected neutral)Rated current Product ID Catalog description 16A2CCS573103R8164S403 M-C16NP16A2CCS573103R8467S403 M-K16NP32A 2CCS573103R8324S403 M-C32NP32A 2CCS573103R8537S403 M-K32NP Other devices for SMISSLINEProduct ID Catalog description Auxiliary switch and signal contactsSignal contact, 1NO(right side mounting)2CCS500900R0216SK40010-R SASignal contact, 1NO(left side mounting)2CCS500900R0141SK40010-L SASurge Protection DeviceUniversal adapterSMISSLINETP/DIN-Rail2CCA180550R001ZLS964Surge arrester OVRtyp 2 pluggable2CTB803873R5200OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS QSCircuit breaker forsurge arrester OVR2CCS573103R8324S403M-C32NP—Maintenance—Approved SMISSLINE TP devices14R E M OTE P OW E R PA N E L O PER ATI O N I NS TR U C TI O NS—Technical dataRPP-250A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8DimensionsRPP-500A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8Dimensions15RPP-750A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8DimensionsRPP-1000A-X3-X4-X5-X6-X7-X8DimensionsAdditional informationWe reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatso-ever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustra-tions contained therein. Any reproduc-tion, disclosure to third parties orutilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.—ABB Switzerland Ltd.Low Voltage Products Fulachstrasse 1508201 Schaffhausen, Switzerland Phone: +41 58 586 41 11Fax: +41 58 586 42 22/data-centers/rpp For technical questions please refer to:*********************2C C C 444013M 0202 22.5.2017© Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved.Specifications subject to change without notice.。
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RS232电平、DBM 2接收、3发送、5地、
PcuDebug 名称: pcudebug.exe
---AI 通道---
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