我们在写的时候可以使用一些表格题的写作方法,比如:This was the similarcase with the trend of foot.其实我们讲,考试中虽然有4种图,但题型本质上就分动态图和静态图,动态图最好使用曲线图的整体写作模式,就是All trends加天龙八部的微观和宏观结合,静态图则是静态表格的写作模式,通常用纯比较的写作模式。
另外隐藏特征要在结尾段写,它有自己的默认格式:What is worth mentioning is that since…, it indicates the fact that…,这个应该算高分的最后一击。
雅思Task1的高分关键在于:一,变化多端的wording,句式和体系,这就说明了你词汇的词汇的使用能力,包括句型的变化,这个用的好的话,5分是一定的;二,清晰宏观的分类,all trends的总分句;三,7.5分以上需要有力得体的隐藏特征,这是一个加分,找不到不扣分,找到有0.5分的加分。

雅思小作文写作技巧及范文一.图表类型饼状图,直方图或柱形图趋势曲线图表格图流程图或过程图程序图二.解题技巧A. 表格图1 横向比较: 介绍横向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势2 纵向比较:介绍横向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势3 无需将每一个数据分别说明,突出强调数据最大值和最小值,对比时要总结出数据对比最悬殊的和最小的说明:考察例举数字的能力和方法。
B. 曲线图1 极点说明: 对图表当中最高的,最低的点要单独进行说明2 趋势说明: 对图表当中曲线的连续变化进行说明,如上升,下降,波动,持平3 交点说明: 对图表当中多根曲线的交点进行对比说明说明:关键是把握好曲线的走向和趋势,学会 general classification, 即在第二段的开头部分对整个曲线进行一个阶段式的总分类,使写作层次清晰。
接下来在分类描述每个阶段的 specific trend, 同时导入数据作为你分类的依据。
注意不要不做任何说明就机械性的导入数据!可以使用一些比较 native 的单词和短语来描述 trend。
C. 饼状图1 介绍各扇面及总体的关系2 各个扇面之间的比较,同类扇面在不同时间,不同地点的比较3 重点突出特点最明显的扇面:最大的,最小的,互相成倍的D. 柱状图1. 比较 : similarity2.对比 : difference)3.横向总结所有柱状图表的共性特征 & 分别描写各个柱子的个性特征E.流程图1.首先说明:做什么工作的过程,目的是什么 2.准备工作 3.按时间/过程先后描述4.结果 5.简单总结说明:注意流程图里的“因果关系” 或每一流程的“承前启后” 关系;表达每一流程的主体内容,阐明这种关系;揭示其内在联系或规律;最后,给予简要归纳和总结。
F. 实物/器具工作过程 1.实物的名称,功能 2.基本结构 3.工作过程 4.简单总结G. 综合图1 不求甚解,不拘泥于细节2 分门别类,分段落详细介绍各个图表3 不画蛇添足,主观臆断或猜测图表之间的关系三.写作结构框架结构1.开头:该图阐述的是______ 的______.共有以下几个部分组成。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!雅思作文满分范文(5篇)雅思作文满分范文第1篇下面给大家讲解一下小作文的心得和训练方法:小作文(A类)心得:为考的是A类,这里只说A类,留学生的话也建议考A类,平时写报告其实就是在练小作文,尤其是理工科。
雅思 图表作文写作技巧范文

声明:本讲义为GARY 呕心制作,GARY 享有独家版权,禁止转发、出售本讲义或将其用于其他商业用途!Task1 图表作文写作技巧(一)一、认识图表作文20 分钟 150 单词,占写作考试总分值的三分之一,描述一个或几个图表。
线性图(line graph/chart );柱状图(bargraph/chart );饼状图(pie graph/chart );表格( table );流程图(process diagram ) Table:Fig. 1 Pie chart and line graph: sales and share prices for Coca-ColaFig.2 Preferred leisure activities of Australian childrenFig. 3 Underground Railways Systems in Six Cities二、图表作文审题要素1. 描述对象整个图表的数据都是针对描述对象的。
如:sales of Coca Cola,share price of Coca Cola,the preferred leisure activities of Australian kids aged 5-14, wages growth rate。
2. 描述单位对于有 X 轴(horizontal axis)和 Y 轴(vertical axis)的图表,描述单位一般在 Y 轴以符号的形式标明。
一般要弄清数字 ( number )和百分比( percentage; proportion )的区别。
另外,记住几个常用的单位缩写符号:$:dollarbn:billionm: million 或 metrekm: kilometre%: percentage / proportion 区别: per cent,000s: thousand比如,第一页的描述单位: bottle / percentage (pie chart), dollar (line chart), percentage (bar chart) 三、图表作文标准结构Part 1 开头段,介绍写作目的,需包含四个要素:图表类型主要描述动词describe,show,present,depict,indicate,representcompare / make a comparison between …描述对象背景信息(地点 + 时间)例如:The line graph gives some detailed information about the wages growth rate of some country over adecade from 1993 to 2003.The pie charts below show the percentage of men and women who smoked in Australia during a 40-yearperiod, between 1960 and 2000.Part 2 主体段:1 + N 结构1: 一句话概括总趋势或总特征( general trend or feature )套句:… have shown striking changes/differences.N: N 段 ( N≥1 )细节描述( striking trends or features )Part 3 结尾段结尾段给出结论。

曲线图常用词汇动词—九大运动趋势一:表示向上:increase,rise,improve,grow,ascend,mount,aggrandize,goup,climb, take off, jump,shoot up暴涨,soar,rocket, skyrocket雅思英语图表作文范文第2篇It is said that countries are becoming similar to each other because of the global spread of the same products, which are now available for purchase almost anywhere. I strongly believe that this modern development is largely detrimental to culture and traditions worldwide.A country’s history, language and ethos are all inextricably bound up in its manufactured artefacts. If the relentless advance of international brands into every corner of the world continues, these bland packages might one day completely oust the traditional objects of a nation, which would be a loss of richness and diversity in the world, as well as the sad disappearance of t he manifestations of a place’s character. What would a Japanese tea ceremony be without its specially crafted teapot, or a Fijian kava ritual without its bowl made from a certain type of tree bark?Let us not forget either that traditional products, whether these be medicines, cosmetics, toy, clothes, utensils or food, provide employment for local people. The spread of multinational products can often bring in its wake a loss of jobs, as people urn to buying the new brand,perhaps thinking it more glamorous than the one they are used to. This eventually puts old-school craftspeople out of work.Finally, tourism numbers may also be affected, as travelers become disillusioned with finding every place just the same as the one they visited previously. To see the same products in shops the world over is boring, and does not impel visitors to open their wallets in the same way that trinkets or souvenirs unique to the particular area too.Some may argue that all people are entitled to have access to the same products, but I say that local objects suit local conditions best, and that faceless uniformity worldwide is an unwelcome and dreary prospect.Heres my full answer:The line graphs show the average monthly amount that parents in Britain spent on their children’s s porting activities and the number of British children who took part in three different sports from 2008 to is clear that parents spent more money each year on their children’s participation in sports over the six-year period. In terms of the number of children taking part, football was significantly more popular than athletics and 2008, British parents spent an average of around £20 per month on their children’s sporting activities. Parents’ spending on children’s sports increased gradually over the followi ng six years, and by 2014 the average monthly amount had risen to just over £ at participation numbers, in 2008 approximately 8 million British children played football, while only 2 million children were enrolled in swimming clubs and less than 1 million practised athletics. The figures for football participation remained relatively stable over the following 6 years. By contrast, participation in swimming almost doubled, to nearly 4 million children, and there was a near fivefold increase in the number of children doing athletics.剑桥雅思6test1大作文范文,剑桥雅思6test1大作文task2高分范文+真题答案实感。

雅思写作满分范文:雅思图表作文怎样才能拿满分The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category - 2002构思过程:I know that I can write a short introduction by paraphrasing the question.I look for an overall trend. I can see that the food/drinks/tobacco category has the highest percentages, and leisure/education has the lowest.Now I want to write two main body paragraphs. I need to select something to say about each country. Remember, there is no rule about what information you select; everyone will do this differently.I look for the highest figures in each category: I can see that Turkey has the highest figure for food/drinks/tobacco AND for education/leisure. Italy has the highest figure for clothing/footwear.So, I'll write a paragraph about Turkey and Italy.My final paragraph needs to talk about Ireland, Spain and Sweden.Maybe I'll point out that Ireland has a high figure for the first category, Spain has the lowest figure for education/leisure, and Sweden has the lowest figures for the first AND second categories.I don't need a conclusion because I have already mentioned a general trend in point 2.满分范文:The table shows percentages of consumer expenditure for three categories of products and services in five countries in 2002.It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco. On the other hand, the leisure/education category has the lowest percentages in the table.Out of the five countries, consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco was noticeably higher in Turkey, at 32.14%, and Ireland, at nearly 29%. The proportion of spending on leisure and education was also highest in Turkey, at 4.35%, while expenditure on clothing and footwear was significantly higher in Italy, at 9%, than in any of the other countries.It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages of national consumer expenditure for food/drinks/tobacco and for clothing/footwear, at nearly 16% and just over 5% respectively. Spain had slightly higher figures for these categories, but the lowest figure for leisure/education, at only 1.98%.。


特定的数字可以采取多样性的表达,如25%=a quarter of, 50%=half of, >50%=a,or the majority of。
曲线图:关键是把握好曲线的走向和趋势,学会general classification,即在第二段的开头部分对整个曲线进行一个阶段式的总分类,使写作层次清晰。
接下来在分类描述每个阶段的specific trend,同时导入数据作为你分类的依据。

雅思写作饼图小作文满分篇1The pie charts compare visitors’ responses to a survey about customer service at the Parkway Hotel in 2005 and in 2010.It is clear that overall customer satisfaction increased considerably from 2005 to 2010. While most hotel guests rated customer service as satisfactory or poor in 2005, a clear majority described the hotel’s service a s good or excellent in 2010.Looking at the positive responses first, in 2005 only 5% of the hotel’s visitors rated its customer service as excellent, but this figure rose to 28% in 2010. Furthermore, while only 14% of guests described customer service in the hotel as good in 2005, almost three times as many people gave this rating five years later.With regard to negative feedback, the proportion of guests who considered the hotel’s customer service to be poor fell from 21% in 2005 to only 12% in 2010. Similarly, the proportion of people who thought customer service was very poor dropped from 15% to only 4% over the 5-year period. Finally, a fall in the number of ‘satisfactory’ ratings in 2010 reflects the fact that more people gave positive responses to the survey in that year. 雅思写作饼图小作文满分篇2The charts compare Korea, Sweden and the UK in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of harmful waste.It is clear that in both the UK and Sweden, the majority of dangerous waste products are buried underground. By contrast,most hazardous materials in the Republic of Korea are recycled.Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 82% of the UK’s dangerous waste is put into landfill sites. This disposal technique is used for 55% of the harmful waste in Sweden and only 22% of similar waste in Korea. The latter country recycles 69% of hazardous materials, which is far more than the other two nations.While 25% of Sweden's dangerous waste is recycled, the UK does not recycle at all. Instead, it dumps waste at sea or treats it chemically. These two methods are not employed in Korea or Sweden, which favour incineration for 9% and 20% of dangerous waste respectively.雅思写作饼图小作文满分篇3Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in Shanghai Daily for the position of overseas mechanical engineer on Mon. Feb.23.I would like to apply for this post. I graduated with a Master’s degree in Machine-Building and Electronics Industries in Tsinghua University in 1999 and began my career in Zhongshan ABB Company as a young mechanical engineer. In 20XX, I was promoted to be the chief engineer, taking charge of the projects in Southeast Asia. I have been seeking for chances overseas in my majored domain in the hope that I can develop my potential further.If possible, I would like to choose a mechanical company with good reputation located in Chicago. I would also prefer small private companies which allow me to enjoy a larger space of promotion.The reason I made the decision above is that my husbandhas recently been relocated to Chicago by his company and I am, therefore, seeking a position in the same area in Chicago.I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from my former employer.Please give me a feedback at your earliest convenience if my qualifications meet your requirements.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Lucy Liu雅思写作饼图小作文满分篇4As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagantlifestyles with huge houses and cars.Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.Those who feel that sp orts stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform. in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is littleprivacy out of the spotlight. So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.译文在媒体不断地推波助澜下,我国的许多职业运动员已成为了明星和名人。

本文中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家就为各位考生分析一篇剑桥10考官所写的最新流程图满分范文,希望借这篇文章对大家的雅思小作文有一定的帮助和提升!我们来看一下小作文题目(剑桥雅思10, Test 4, P101)The diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon.该图表描述了某一种大型鱼(三文鱼)的生命循环过程。
注意:1. 图中所有的信息点都要讲到,不然会被重点扣分;2. 图中的信息千万不能写偏,不能写出和图中描述不符合的信息;3. 不要在小作文里面写自己的观点,这是很大的忌讳之处;4. 流程图也要写overview, 这点非常重要!这篇文章总体分为三段:第一段写了最上面的那个图:也就是三文鱼在上游时候最初的形态。
考官范文分析:在第一段里面考官在一开始就写到:salmon begin life as eggs on a pebbly riverbed, hidden among reeds in the slow-moving upper reaches of a river. 大家注意考官写的这句话是一种9分的流程图表达方式:就是用一句话把图中的好几个信息点都串进去,我们可以看到,这句话里面:图中有的salmon eggs, small stones, upper river slow moving都写进去了,所以从这句话中考生们可以学习一种技能,就是尽量一句话中多串几个图中的信息点。

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 wordsSample AnswerThe pie charts illustrate the primary reasons that people came to and left the UK in 2007.At first glance it is clear that the main factor influencing this decision was employment. Having a definite job accounted for 30 per cent of immigration to the UK, and this figure was very similar for emigration, at 29%. A large number of people, 22%, also emigrated because they were looking for a job, though the proportion of people leaving the UK for this purpose was noticeably lower at less than a fifth. Another major factor influencing a move to the UK was for formal study, with over a quarter of people immigrating for this reason. However, interestingly, only a small minority, 4%, left for this.The proportions of those moving to join a family member were quite similar for immigration andemigration, at 15% and 13% respectively. Although asignificant number of people (32%) gave ‘other’ reasons or did not give a reason why they emigrated, this accounted for only 17% with regards to immigration.通过上面的这道题以及给出的,可以看出饼状图的文章是很好模仿的,或者说是有一个模板的下面是一些如何组织语句的要点:1、选择最重要的一个点放在第一个写从范文中可以看出,换工作,找工作和读书是作者首先提到的,因为这是选择搬家的主要原因。

比如说用高级句型:It is clear to see ...;The percentage of those...;To be spicific...用高级连接词组:by contrast;on the other hand;overall...同义形容词交替使用:例如文中temporarily(暂时的)多次使用时可用provisional(临时的)代替。
上面是总的写作技巧,下面店铺在给大家介绍一下几种图表的写作技巧:静态图解题思路1). 表格题的静态题解题思路大致可以分为三步:①先分类(横向,纵向或者横竖交替);②挑出极值(最大值与最小值);③挑选剩余数值(倍数关系,两个数值,变化明显的数值);2). 静态柱图解题思路:第一种:①按颜色来分类;②总体做比较。
第二种:①按特征分(把有相同特征的分在一起);3). 静态饼图解题思路:①若单个饼图不相关时,单个饼图分开写最后整体总结;②若是同一相关事物的比较也是按颜色特征先分类,后作比较。
动态图解题思路1). 表格题的动态题解题思路大致可以分为四步:①先相减(年份大的减小的);②后分类(上升一类,下降一类);③挑出极值(最大值);④挑选数值(倍数关系,变化明显的数值);2). 线图的解题思路大致分为两种:第一种:①按整条线来写(可以把相同趋势的线放在一起,也可把相反趋势的线拿来做对比);②挑选重要信息(整体趋势,起点,重点,最高点,最低点);③整体作比较。

即对图表当中多根曲线的交点进行对比说明饼状图图表作文1、介绍各扇面及总体的关系2、各个扇面之间的比较,同类扇面在不同时间,不同地点的比较3、重点突出特点最明显的扇面:最大的,最小的,互相成倍的综合图图表作文1、不求甚解,不拘泥于细节2、分门别类,分段落详细介绍各个图表3、不画蛇添足,主观臆断或猜测图表之间的关系写作细节注意问题一、句首单词首字母大小写问题通常情况下,同学们只要感觉是个句子就都把句首单词首字母大写了,但是在实际写作中情况如何呢?我们来看例子Some corpora attempt to cover the language as a whole; others are extremely selective.分号的作用是对关系非常紧密的句子进行分隔,所以后一个句子只是前一个的附属,并不是一个独立的新句子,所以首字母仍然要小写的。
也不要写得过于稀疏而让人无法在eye span 范围内看到完整的意群,从而影响考官阅读。

IELTS 第一章:初识雅思小作文图表作文写作技术要领1、请永远记住这句话:Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main featuresand make comparisons where relevant.2、小作文一般写5 段3、小作文的总体写作思路通常如下:先总后分,先一般后特殊4、“一篇没有数字只有描述性语言的小作文是失败的,而一篇只有数字而没有描述性语言的小作文是非常失败的。
”快速图表作文要领之“先出现一句对于一连串数字的描述性语言, 再选择相应的数字来进行支撑和证明。
具体技巧:(1)使用V 的过去分词结构。
6、提前在主体段将“however , whereas , whilst, on the other hand , nonetheless”写在段落的中间,接下来就是不断的寻找在总分段,一般到特殊段的强对比和若对比的过程。
然而,高手在写这个数据的时候会写上:大约(around , roughly ,approximately )2 billion.8、重要句型组合——带入数字的四种句型句型的多样性:The world population experienced a dramatic growth, rising from 0.6 billionto 6 billion.直接使用动词的ING 结构是带数字的重要手段。
The world population experienced a dramatic growth, which rose from 0.6billion to 6 billion.用which 引导的非限制性定语从句是传统方法之一。

雅思写作柱状图小作文满分范文一话题:The charts below compare the age structure of the populations of France and India in 1984.满分范文:The two charts compare the populations of France and India in terms of age distribution by gender in the year 1984.It is clear that the population of India was younger than that of France in 1984, with a noticeably larger proportion of people aged under 20. France, on the other hand, had a significantly larger percentage of elderly inhabitants.In India, close to 14% of people were aged 5 or under, and each five-year age bracket above this contained an increasingly smaller proportion of the population. France’s population, by contrast, was more evenly distributed across the age ranges, with similar figures (around 7% to 8% of all people) for each five-year cohort between the ages of 0 and 40. Somewhere between 10% and 15% of all French people were aged 70 or older, but the equivalent figure for India was only 2%.Looking more closely at gender, there was a noticeably higher proportion of French women than men in every cohort from age 50 upwards. For example, almost 3% of French 70- to 75-year-olds were women, while just under 2% were men. No significant gender differences can be seen on the Indian population chart.雅思写作柱状图小作文满分范文二话题:The chart below shows the total number of Olympic medals won by twelve different countries.参考范文:The bar chart compares twelve countries in terms of the overall number of medals that they have won at the Olympic Games.It is clear that the USA is by far the most successful Olympic medal winning nation. It is also noticeable that the figures for gold, silver and bronze medals won by any particular country tend to be fairly similar.The USA has won a total of around 2,300 Olympic medals, including approximately 900 gold medals, 750 silver and 650 bronze. In second place on the all-time medals chart is the Soviet Union, with just over 1,000 medals. Again, the number of gold medals won by this country is slightly higher than the number of silver or bronze medals.Only four other countries - the UK, France, Germany and Italy - have won more than 500 Olympic medals, all with similar proportions of each medal colour. Apart from the USA and the Soviet Union, China is the only other country with a noticeably higher proportion of gold medals (about 200) compared to silver and bronze (about 100 each).。

1. 阅读并理解图表:在做写作任务1之前,首先要认真阅读图表或者图形,并且完全理解所给信息。
2. 确定重点和关联信息:在描述图标信息时,要先确定所给图表的主要趋势和关键信息。
3. 使用适当的描述词汇和连接词:在写作任务1中,我们应该使用一些适当的描述词汇来描绘数据和趋势。
4. 注意时态和语态的使用:在任务1中,我们需要准确地使用时态和语态来描述数据的变化。
5. 使用合适的数据比较方式:在任务1中,我们经常需要进行数据比较。
6. 注意图表的整体结构和格式:在写作任务1时,除了图表本身外,我们还需要注意文章的整体结构和格式。
7. 练习写作和复习范例:最后,为了提高写作任务1的水平,我们可以通过频繁练习和复习范例来提高我们的写作能力。
【最新文档】雅思图表作文的四大高分策略-优秀word范文 (1页)

【最新文档】雅思图表作文的四大高分策略-优秀word范文本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思图表作文的四大高分策略图表题是雅思 A 类小作文的出题形式,经过对多年来雅思小作文写作题目的研究,专家发现,在小作文中图表的类型基本上有四种,下面雅思就为大家整理了在这四种图表类型的写作中,能拿到高分的详细的策略分析。
特定的数字可以采取多样性的表达,如25%= a quarter of , 50%= half of , 50%= a / the majority of ,具体题型的表达请参见 Pie Chart 的部分。
要拿到曲线图的高分,必须学会 general classification ,即在第二段的开头部分对整个曲线进行一个阶段式的总分类,使写作层次清晰,同时也方便考官阅卷。
接下来在分类描述每个阶段的 specific trend ,同时导入数据作为你分类的依据。
曲线图高分的关键还在于使用一些比较 native accurate 的单词和短语来描述trend ,不要淹没在云云众生的垃圾词汇中。

小作文:图表作文1. Summarize 写作目的、最重要的信息2. Make comparisons 归类、控制好下面的内容:1、开篇:明确指出文章的写作目的a) 随着时间,变化b) 大小的比较2、结尾:结合写作目的,明确的给出图表中最为重要的信息a) 看变化:哪些对象上升,哪些对象下降,哪些不变b) 看比较:哪个对象是最好王者3、细节分类讨论,给出一些支持结论的证据或过程分段模式:2+X (2代表开篇和结尾;X代表分类的结果和图形的数量)开篇:1) 重点要突出写作目的change or compare CC2) 名词照抄,动词和抽象名词替换,时间和地点不变,但要突出指代下面是一篇以描述比较为主的文章范例:选材e.g. Cambridge 8 Test 1The chart compares the proportions of overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation and others. The table compares the percentages of overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation in North America, Europe and Oceania during 1990 2000. 文章的开篇与提示句不同之处在于:你是在看过图表后产生的具体的描述。
结尾:Overall, it is clear that overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation are main causes of global land degradation, and that the primary causes of land degradation in the three areas were different : North America (Over-cultivation),Europe (Deforestation),and Oceania (Overgrazing),and Europe had the most seriously affected land of the three countries.中间段:分段,每段的主题句如何支持最后的结论X= 2 第一段:第一句:最大值,while第二句:接近的值归类。
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The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category - 2002
I know that I can write a short introduction by paraphrasing the question.
I look for an overall trend. I can see that the food/drinks/tobacco category has the highest percentages, and leisure/education has the lowest.
Now I want to write two main body paragraphs. I need to select something to say about each country. Remember, there is no rule about what information you select; everyone will do this differently.
I look for the highest figures in each category: I can see that Turkey has the highest figure for food/drinks/tobacco AND for education/leisure. Italy has the highest figure for clothing/footwear.
So, I'll write a paragraph about Turkey and Italy.
My final paragraph needs to talk about Ireland, Spain and Sweden.
Maybe I'll point out that Ireland has a high figure for the first category, Spain has the lowest figure for education/leisure, and Sweden has the lowest figures for the first AND second categories.
I don't need a conclusion because I have already mentioned a general trend in point 2.
The table shows percentages of consumer expenditure for three categories of products and services in five countries in 2002.
It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco. On the other hand, the leisure/education category has the lowest percentages in the table.
Out of the five countries, consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco was noticeably higher in Turkey, at 32.14%, and Ireland, at nearly 29%. The proportion of spending on leisure and education was also highest in Turkey, at 4.35%, while expenditure on clothing and footwear was significantly higher in Italy, at 9%, than in any of the other countries.
It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages of national consumer expenditure for food/drinks/tobacco and for clothing/footwear, at nearly 16% and just over 5% respectively. Spain had slightly higher figures for these categories, but the lowest figure for leisure/education, at only 1.98%.。