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()1.--lt seems that you don ' t know much about this city.

--You' re right. I an a ___here.

A. stra nger


C.patie nt

D.teacher ()2.Wu Ming went to Hong kong ____ his vacation.

A. for




()3.We eat five meals a day and now I have __ five pounds.

A. put off

B.put up

C.put on

D.pull dow n

--I n two days.

A. How long

B.How ofte n

C.How soon

D.How far

()5.A new year is a time for cleaning and ___ b ad things.

A.washing away

B.taking over

C.putting away

D.rushing away ()6.The water festival is __ to that in Yunnan province.




D.patie nt

()7. Wu Ming visited his __ on his vacati on.

A.stra ngers


C.relati on

D.relatio nships

()8.--- ___ she __ I like WuYi fan very much.

---Me, too.He is really cool.

A.n either; nor


C.not onl y;but also

D. neither;or

()9. __ fan tastic the drag on boat teams were.


B.What a


D.How a

( )lO.Bill wonders ___ they will have zongzi again next year.

A. that




( )11.Ch in ese people __ t he Mid-Autu mn festival for cen turies.

A. is celebrat ing

B.will celebrate

C.had celebrated

D.have bee n celebrat ing

( )12.WuMing ___ Jack ' s favorite fruit in the garden.

id out

B.put up

C.tur n up

D.pull dow n

( )13.M oon cakes are ___ t he shape of the full moon.


B.o n



( )14.Whe n I went into the room, I found him __ in the bed.

A.him lyi ng

B.he lyi ng

C.his lies

D.him was lyi ng

( )15.---Look at the color of the boats. How pretty they are.

--- __ . But I guess it is a little too crowded.





Once upon a time, some childre n were play ing at seaside whe n they found a turtle(海龟).They bega n to beat the turtle. Just at that time, a young man came and said to them, “ Stop! ” The alnildt6n raquickly. The turtle was very thankful and said, “ Thanks for your kindness. I really would like you to a wonderful palace now/'

After dinner, the king of the turtles said,

“I am going to give you two b

you can open only one. ” “ You mustn ' t open both. Don ' t forget it! ” t

him. “ All right. I will open only one,

” the yoiing9i)aAtpthcisitsBe( a large wave sent him out of the sea.

After he 22 , he opened the bigger one of the two boxes.23 the box was full of gold. “ My God! ” he cried.

n “w.' nT2en he thought, “Things in the other box must be expe nsive, too.

” He could not wait any Ion ger. He broke his promise an ( ope ned the other box. As soon as he ope ned it, he became an old man. His hair turned

white. His f moment. He was sorry for what he did, but it was too late.

B. ask ing

C. to let

D. to in vite B. arrived on C. arrived at D. got away

( )19. A. a very big dinner B. a very poor dinner

C. a very bad dinner

D. a very small dinner

( )20. A. pleased with B. strict in C. angry with D. sorry for

()21. A. so B. or C. but D. as

( )22. A. went back to home B. was back home

C. went back to the sea

D.was back the sea

( )23. A. To his surprising B. To one ' s surprising

C. To one ' s surprise

D. To his surprise

( )24. A. a poor man

B. a rich man

C. an old man

D. a young man

()16. A. through

B. away

C. into

D. out ()17. A. wanting

()18. A. left for
