【美国C++教材PPT】Chapter 04
Testing the Divisor in Program 4-9
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
Testing the Divisor in Program 4-9
if Statement in Program 4-2
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
Flowchart for Program 4-2 Lines 21 and 22
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
if (expression) statement1; // or block
else if (expression) statement2; // or block
. . // other else ifs . else if (expression)
statementn; // or block
"If it is raining, take an umbrella, else, if it is windy, take a hat, else, take sunglasses”
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
if/else if Format
12 > 5 is true 7 <= 5 is false
if x is 10, then x == 10 is true, x != 8 is true, and x == 8 is false
第三年开始做research,并通过第二语言考试(法语或德语或俄语,一般人都选法语,因为代数几何经典大作都是法语的). 而Princeton就没有基础课,只有seminar类型的课……美国数学研究生基础课程参考书目第一学年秋季学期春季学期几何与拓扑I 几何与拓扑II1、James R. Munkres, Topology较新的拓扑学的教材适用于本科高年级或研究生一年级2、Basic Topology by Armstrong本科生拓扑学教材3、Kelley, General Topology一般拓扑学的经典教材,不过观点较老4、Willard, General Topology一般拓扑学新的经典教材5、Glen Bredon, Topology and geometry研究生一年级的拓扑、几何教材6、Introduction to Topological Manifolds by John M. Lee研究生一年级的拓扑、几何教材,是一本新书7、From calculus to cohomology by Madsen很好的本科生代数拓扑、微分流形教材代数I 代数II1、Abstract Algebra Dummit最好的本科代数学参考书,标准的研究生一年级代数教材2、Algebra Lang标准的研究生一、二年级代数教材,难度很高,适合作参考书3、Algebra Hungerford标准的研究生一年级代数教材,适合作参考书4、Algebra M,Artin标准的本科生代数教材5、Advanced Modern Algebra by Rotman较新的研究生代数教材,很全面6、Algebra:a graduate course by Isaacs较新的研究生代数教材7、Basic algebra V ol I&II by Jacobson经典的代数学全面参考书,适合研究生参考分析基础复分析I 实分析I1、Walter Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis本科数学分析的标准参考书2、Walter Rudin, Real and complex analysis标准的研究生一年级分析教材3、Lars V. Ahlfors, Complex analysis本科高年级和研究生一年级经典的复分析教材4、Functions of One Complex V ariable I,J.B.Conway研究生级别的单变量复分析经典5、Lang, Complex analysis研究生级别的单变量复分析参考书6、Complex Analysis by Elias M. Stein较新的研究生级别的单变量复分析教材7、Lang, Real and Functional analysis研究生级别的分析参考书8、Royden, Real analysis标准的研究生一年级实分析教材9、Folland, Real analysis标准的研究生一年级实分析教材第二学年秋季学期春季学期代数III 代数IV1、Commutative ring theory, by H. Matsumura较新的研究生交换代数标准教材2、Commutative Algebra I&II by Oscar Zariski , Pierre Samuel 经典的交换代数参考书3、An introduction to Commutative Algebra by Atiyah标准的交换代数入门教材4、An introduction to homological algebra ,by weibel较新的研究生二年级同调代数教材5、A Course in Homological Algebra by P.J.Hilton,U.Stammbach经典全面的同调代数参考书6、Homological Algebra by Cartan经典的同调代数参考书7、Methods of Homological Algebra by Sergei I. Gelfand, Y uri I. Manin高级、经典的同调代数参考书8、Homology by Saunders Mac Lane经典的同调代数系统介绍9、Commutative Algebra with a view toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud 高级的代数几何、交换代数的参考书,最新的交换代数全面参考代数拓扑I 代数拓扑II1、Algebraic Topology, A. Hatcher最新的研究生代数拓扑标准教材2、Spaniers "Algebraic Topology"经典的代数拓扑参考书3、Differential forms in algebraic topology, by Raoul Bott and Loring W. Tu 研究生代数拓扑标准教材4、Massey, A basic course in Algebraic topology经典的研究生代数拓扑教材5、Fulton , Algebraic topology:a first course很好本科生高年级和研究生一年级的代数拓扑参考书6、Glen Bredon, Topology and geometry标准的研究生代数拓扑教材,有相当篇幅讲述光滑流形7、Algebraic Topology Homology and Homotopy高级、经典的代数拓扑参考书8、A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology by J.P.May研究生代数拓扑的入门教材,覆盖范围较广9、Elements of Homotopy Theory by G.W. Whitehead高级、经典的代数拓扑参考书实分析II 泛函分析1、Royden, Real analysis标准研究生分析教材2、Walter Rudin, Real and complex analysis标准研究生分析教材3、Halmos,"Measure Theory"经典的研究生实分析教材,适合作参考书4、Walter Rudin, Functional analysis标准的研究生泛函分析教材5、Conway,A course of Functional analysis标准的研究生泛函分析教材6、Folland, Real analysis标准研究生实分析教材7、Functional Analysis by Lax高级的研究生泛函分析教材8、Functional Analysis by Y oshida高级的研究生泛函分析参考书9、Measure Theory, Donald L. Cohn经典的测度论参考书微分拓扑李群、李代数1、Hirsch, Differential topology标准的研究生微分拓扑教材,有相当难度2、Lang, Differential and Riemannian manifolds研究生微分流形的参考书,难度较高3、Warner,Foundations of Differentiable manifolds and Lie groups标准的研究生微分流形教材,有相当的篇幅讲述李群4、Representation theory: a first course, by W. Fulton and J. Harris李群及其表示论的标准教材5、Lie groups and algebraic groups, by A. L. Onishchik, E. B. V inberg李群的参考书6、Lectures on Lie Groups W.Y.Hsiang李群的参考书7、Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by John M. Lee较新的关于光滑流形的标准教材8、Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representation by V.S. V aradarajan最重要的李群、李代数参考书9、Humphreys, Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory , Springer-V erlag, GTM-9标准的李代数入门教材第三学年秋季学期春季学期微分几何I 微分几何II1、Peter Petersen, Riemannian Geometry标准的黎曼几何教材2、Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature by John M. Lee最新的黎曼几何教材3、doCarmo, Riemannian Geometry.标准的黎曼几何教材4、M. Spivak, A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry I—V全面的微分几何经典,适合作参考书5、Helgason , Differential Geometry,Lie groups,and symmetric spaces标准的微分几何教材6、Lang, Fundamentals of Differential Geometry最新的微分几何教材,很适合作参考书7、kobayashi/nomizu, Foundations of Differential Geometry经典的微分几何参考书8、Boothby,Introduction to Differentiable manifolds and Riemannian Geometry标准的微分几何入门教材,主要讲述微分流形9、Riemannian Geometry I.Chavel经典的黎曼几何参考书10、Dubrovin, Fomenko, Novikov “Modern geometry-methods and applications”V ol 1—3经典的现代几何学参考书代数几何I 代数几何II1、Harris,Algebraic Geometry: a first course代数几何的入门教材2、Algebraic Geometry Robin Hartshorne经典的代数几何教材,难度很高3、Basic Algebraic Geometry 1&2 2nd ed. I.R.Shafarevich.非常好的代数几何入门教材4、Principles of Algebraic Geometry by giffiths/harris全面、经典的代数几何参考书,偏复代数几何5、Commutative Algebra with a view toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud高级的代数几何、交换代数的参考书,最新的交换代数全面参考6、The Geometry of Schemes by Eisenbud很好的研究生代数几何入门教材7、The Red Book of V arieties and Schemes by Mumford标准的研究生代数几何入门教材8、Algebraic Geometry I : Complex Projective V arieties by David Mumford复代数几何的经典调和分析偏微分方程1、An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis,Third Edition Yitzhak Katznelson调和分析的标准教材,很经典2、Evans, Partial differential equations偏微分方程的经典教材3、Aleksei.A.Dezin,Partial differential equations,Springer-V erlag偏微分方程的参考书4、L. Hormander "Linear Partial Differential Operators, " I&II偏微分方程的经典参考书5、A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis by Folland高级的研究生调和分析教材6、Abstract Harmonic Analysis by Ross Hewitt抽象调和分析的经典参考书7、Harmonic Analysis by Elias M. Stein标准的研究生调和分析教材8、Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order by David Gilbarg 偏微分方程的经典参考书9、Partial Differential Equations ,by Jeffrey Rauch标准的研究生偏微分方程教材复分析II 多复分析导论1、Functions of One Complex V ariable II,J.B.Conway单复变的经典教材,第二卷较深入2、Lectures on Riemann Surfaces O.Forster黎曼曲面的参考书3、Compact riemann surfaces Jost黎曼曲面的参考书4、Compact riemann surfaces Narasimhan黎曼曲面的参考书5、Hormander " An introduction to Complex Analysis in Several V ariables" 多复变的标准入门教材6、Riemann surfaces , Lang黎曼曲面的参考书7、Riemann Surfaces by Hershel M. Farkas标准的研究生黎曼曲面教材8、Function Theory of Several Complex V ariables by Steven G. Krantz高级的研究生多复变参考书9、Complex Analysis: The Geometric V iewpoint by Steven G. Krantz高级的研究生复分析参考书专业方向选修课:1、多复分析2、复几何3、几何分析4、抽象调和分析5、代数几何6、代数数论7、微分几何8、代数群、李代数与量子群9、泛函分析与算子代数10、数学物理11、概率理论12、动力系统与遍历理论13、泛代数*数学基础:1、halmos ,native set theory2、fraenkel ,abstract set theory3、ebbinghaus ,mathematical logic4、enderton ,a mathematical introduction to logic5、landau, foundations of analysis6、maclane ,categories for working mathematican 应该在核心课程学习的过程中穿插选修假设本科应有的水平分析Walter Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis Apostol , mathematical analysisM.spivak , calculus on manifoldsMunknes ,analysis on manifoldsKolmogorov/fomin , introductory real analysis Arnold ,ordinary differential equations代数:linear algebra by Stephen H. Friedberglinear algebra by hoffmanlinear algebra done right by Axleradvanced linear algebra by Romanalgebra ,artina first course in abstract algebra by rotman几何:do carmo, differential geometry of curves and surfaces Differential topology by PollackHilbert ,foundations of geometryJames R. Munkres, Topology。
1.《数学分析》(Calculus),作者:詹姆斯·萨维奇(James Stewart)
2.《线性代数》(Linear Algebra),作者:弗朗西斯·费舍尔(Francis J. Flanigan)
3.《概率论和统计学》(Probability and Statistics),作者:查
尔斯·贝尔(Charles M. Bell)
4.《微积分》(Calculus),作者:约翰·科恩(John C. Kern)
5.《抽象代数》(Abstract Algebra),作者:约翰·拉德贝克(John B. Ladue)
6.《数学分析:实变函数与复变函数》(Real and Complex Analysis),作者:罗伯特·科尔曼(Robert L. Coleman)
7.《数学分析:积分与微分方程》(Integral and Differential Equations),作者:伊恩·米勒(Ian Miller)
8.《几何学》(Geometry),作者:罗伯特·科尔曼(Robert L. Coleman)
9.《数学分析:空间解析几何》(Analytic Geometry),作者:罗伯特·科尔曼(Robert L. Coleman)
10.《数论》(Number Theory),作者:约翰·科恩(John C. Kern)。
第13 卷第3 期数学教育学报Vol.13, No.3美国数学教育专业本科生教材《中学数学教学》的评介李清,李淑文(东北师范大学数学与统计学院,吉林长春130024)关键词:美国;教材;数学教学;探究式教学《中学数学教学》是美国马里兰州马里兰大学数学系数学教育专业本科生使用的教材,与国内高师院校数学教育专业本科生使用的教材《数学教育学》或《中学数学教学论》相比,在编写方式和内容上迥然不同.这本教材没有长篇的理论论述,不是深奥的教育理论加数学例子,而是以一名中学数学教师Casey 的数学教学工作经历为脉络的.该教材详细介绍了Casey 在一年的中学数学教学工作中怎样想、怎样做及其理论依据.该教材还列举了大量其他数学教师正确或错误的教学案例,详细地刻画了教师和学生在数学教学过程中的思维活动,真实地反映了中学数学教学的实际,使学习者能更好地结合具体案例理解数学教育理论.读罢全书,顿觉耳目一新,深感获益匪浅.一名高师数学教育专业的本科生若学习了这本教材,在未来的数学教学实际中,他就会知道应该想些什么、做些什么.另外,该书还详细地论述了美国数学课程标准所提倡的教学理论——探究式教学理论.下面就对这本教材作简要评介,以期对我国数学教育学教材的编写及数学教育的发展有所启示和借鉴.1《中学数学教学》的结构和内容(1)一个数学教师生涯的开始.通过Casey 的亲身经历,收稿日期:2004–03–12基金项目:东北师范大学校内青年基金项目(111494029)介绍了从一名大学毕业生到有一年教龄的新教师所经历的各种各样的数学教学活动及其相应的做法,并结合具体的活动内容讲述了一些发展课程、进行数学教学的思想.(2)在有利于做数学的环境中获得学生的合作.课程实施的成功不仅取决于课程设计的好坏,也取决于教师建立的教学环境.本着这一思想,这一章结合实例讲述了在有利于做数学的环境中,教师获得学生合作的教学策略.这些策略有助于教师创设一个学生能够专心、积极主动地从事学习活动,自由地实验、提问题、暴露思维过程的环境.(3)激发学生从事数学学习活动.这一章内容是第二章内容的延伸.着重介绍了在问题解决教学中培养学生做数学的策略和组织学生从事大组展示、问题讨论会、合作学习、独立工作和家庭作业等学习活动的策略.(4)发展数学课程.介绍了“美国学校数学课程与评价标准(PSSM)”的理念与内容,通过具体案例说明了如何设计和PSSM 理念相一致的数学课,而不是由教材所决定的数学课.由教材所决定的数学课使学生获得的数学是一些无意义的定义、符号、规则和运算法则,而基于PSSM 的数学课则是引导学生做有意义的数学.(5)引导学生建构概念和发现关系.该章结合具体案例说明如何设计和进行探究性教学,如何引导学生建构数学概念、发现数学关系.还介绍了测量、监视、评价学生学习情况和教学目标达成情况的策略.(6)引导学生发展知识和运算技能.讲述了如何运用直接教学策略进行学生获得和记忆数学信息,发展运算技能的教学,也介绍了如何设计小测验识别和更正学生错误的运算执行模式.(7)引导学生用数学进行交流.讲述了如何运用探究式和直接式教学策略,引导学生用数学来组织和交流思想,理解数学语言,以及怎样在课堂上与学生合作交流,包括交谈、讲演、聆听、写作和阅读.(8)引导学生创造性地用数学.如何运用探究式教学引导学生把数学应用到现实生活情境中,培养学生的数学创造力和做数学的愿望.(9)评价和报告学生的数学进展.介绍了一个有效的用72 数学教育学报第13 卷于监控和评价学生发展的系统和如何对学生的数学成就进行地道地终结性评价;一些考试的误用情况和怎样解释标准化和核心课程考试的结果.(10)数学教与学的技术资源.一些学数学和教数学的技术资源(包括在中学各阶段使用的技术手段和课程资源,如实物模型、教科书、期刊、音像材料、网站等).及其作用.教读者如何评价、选择和运用这些技术资源.(11)数学课程与教学实践案例分析.通过分析若干中学数学教学实例,讲解如何对教学案例进行分析及教师在教学过程中运用的一些策略.从实践层面上总结、复习前10章内容.结合具体实例论述了数学课程与其它学科领域课程进行整合的意义和做法.教材每章都由学习目标、正文、综合学习活动 3 个部分组成.章首是该章应达到的学习目标,章尾是该章的综合学习活动和学习下一章的过渡活动.综合学习活动,一方面可以帮助学习者整合、强化、扩展这一章所学习的内容,另一方面可以检测学生这一章的学习情况,从而针对不足进行复习.2《中学数学教学》的特点分析2.1目的明确且重点突出2.2内容编写有利于教师教学和学习者自学教材在内容编写方面按照学习目标、学习内容(包括理论和案例),应用、复习、检测的顺序设计,符合学生的认知特点,便于教师教学和学习者自学.教材每章的开头为本章的任务、目标.章尾有两部分,一部分是本章的习题,统称为综合实践活动,包括选择题和问答题两种题型,内容主要是该章内容的实验、调查和应用;另一部分为引出下一章内容的过渡活动.这样的设计使得学习者有明确的学习目标,学完一章内容后能结合习题进行复习、检测,并在学习下一章内容前结合相关问题,有针对性地进行思考和实践活动,为下一章内容的学习做好准备.2.3注重内容的整体性和关联性数学教学过程是一个整体,这个过程中的各个环节紧密衔接,任何一个环节出现问题都会影响到教学效果.这本教材重视数学教学过程的整体性和关联性,体现在:(2)各章内容虽相对独立,但又相互关联.例如,该书2.4注重理论与实践的结合该教材没有长篇的纯教育理论的讲解,而是在一小段的理论讲解之前或之后,有相应的、具体的、详细的操作策略、图片或案例.案例很多,共189 个,都是从教学实践中节选出来的,有对教师或学生思维过程的记叙,也有教师和学生的对话,其作用或是引出理论,或是对理论进行解释、说明.如第十一章在介绍了数学学科内容和其它学科内容整合理论后,举例说明了教师如何在教学中进行数学学科内容和其它学科内容的整合的.案例的大意是Casey 先把英语、美术、体育等其它学科教师召集在一起,把自己的教学内容介绍给他们,由他们提建议,指出能够整合的知识.然后Casey参与到其他教师的教学过程中去.在体育课的教学中,Casey 来到了运动场,给学生创设了一个好的问题情境,提出了“如何计算跑道的长度问题”,然后在自己的数学课堂上组织学生分析问题,分组讨论和解决问题.书中除了对该教学案例进行了长篇详细的叙述外,还展示了Casey 与其它学科教师讨论后,总结出的应整合的内容表、不同组学生解决这些问题情况的照片等.这样,教育理论不再抽象,而有了具体的实施方法和步骤,使得理论与实践紧密结合起来.此外,教材每一章的习题也重视理论与实践的结合.如,结合本章所学内容进行调查和实践;学生制定计划参加地区或全国的NCTM 会议;找几本教材进行分析、比较;让学生自己去设计课堂教学,并找两个学生试教,然后把教学的结果在同学之间进行交流反思等.使得学习者能把学到的教育理论运用到实际,提高了学习者的教学能力.2.5重视区别化教学思想教材除了贯彻探究式教学思想外,还在各个章节中讲述了区别化教学思想.由于每个学生都有他们的性格、背景、能力、兴趣、动机、体力、信仰等,因此他们处理事情的方式不同,所以教学应注意学生的差异,不能教条.该书不是纯理论式地讲述区别化教学思想,而是结合具体教学过程进行阐述.如第一章中通过Casey 首次和他所教的班级的学生见面采取考试的做法,说明教师应在对学生的个性特点进行了解后再进行教学,这样才能达到公平.又如第二章中通过举了一个学生违反课堂纪律,教师如何进行管理的例子,说明只有根据学生的个性特点采取相应的管理措施,才能控制好课堂教学,取得良好的教学效果.2.6一位教师在教学工作中会产生或遇到大量的文字、数据第3 期李清等:美国数学教育专业本科生教材《中学数学教学》的评介73《中学数学教学》这本教材现在有 3 个版本,分别出版于1992 年,1996 年,2003 年.上面介绍的是第3 版,版式为16 开,共435 页,这一版在前两版的基础上,在内容、语言上都进行了一定的改动,比较及时、全面地反映了当前美国数学教学的情况,是了解美国数学教育专业本科生数学教育教材情况的有益参考.Introduction and Remark of the USA Textbook for the Graduates Majoring in Mathematical EducationLI Qing, LI Shu-wen(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University, Jinlin Changchun 130024, China)Abstract: “Teaching Mathematics in Secondary and Middle School”, a textbook for the graduates majoring in mathematical education in USA, was quite different from “Mathematics Pedagogy” or “Mathematics Instructional Theory in Secondary and Middle School” that were widely used in our country. The USA textbook had some typical characters such as having definite g oal, laid stress on the key points, the writing style being beneficial to and suitable for teachers’ teaching and students’ learni ng by themselves; emphasizing the integrality and relevance of the content, integration of theory and practice, differentiate teaching idea and how teachers managed the teaching materials.Key words: USA; textbook; mathematics teaching; inquiry teaching[责任编校:刘伟娜]数学新课程研究系列(刘兼,黄翔主编)《数学教育的价值》黄翔编著(价待定)《数学课程设计》刘兼,黄翔,张丹编著(19.50 元)《设计合理的数学教学》马复编著(16.10 元)《数学教育评价》马云鹏,张春莉等编著(17.60 元)《数学新课程与数学学习》孔企平,张维忠,黄荣金编著(20.60 元)《数学课程发展的国际视野》孙晓天主编(22.00 元)《数学课题学习的实践与探索》张思明,白永潇编著(19.90 元)地址:北京市西城区德外大街 4 号邮编:100011书讯书讯。
美本高等数学教材目录以下是美本高等数学教材的目录:第一章:微积分基础1.1 实数与数轴1.2 函数与映射1.3 极限与连续1.4 导数与微分1.5 中值定理与导数的应用第二章:高等微积分2.1 不定积分与定积分2.2 微积分基本定理与换元积分法2.3 定积分的应用2.4 曲线的长度、曲率与曲边梯形法2.5 多重积分与重心坐标法2.6 广义积分与反常积分第三章:级数与收敛性3.1 数列的极限3.2 数列的收敛性与敛散性判定3.3 黎曼和与积分3.4 级数的收敛性与敛散性判定3.5 幂级数与泰勒级数第四章:微分方程4.1 常系数线性微分方程4.2 变系数线性微分方程4.3 高阶线性齐次微分方程4.4 高阶线性非齐次微分方程4.5 欧拉方程与二阶线性方程4.6 线性方程组与矩阵方程第五章:多元函数与矢量分析5.1 多元函数的极限与连续5.2 偏导数与全微分5.3 多元函数的导数与链式法则5.4 隐函数与隐函数的微分5.5 多元函数的极值与条件极值5.6 多元函数积分与曲线积分5.7 曲面积分与格林公式第六章:多元函数微分学6.1 方向导数与梯度6.2 多元函数泰勒公式6.3 多元函数的最小二乘法6.4 多元函数的泛函极值6.5 多元函数的约束优化问题6.6 多元函数积分的应用第七章:常微分方程7.1 初等方程的解法与初值问题7.2 高阶常微分方程7.3 常系数线性齐次微分方程7.4 常系数线性非齐次微分方程7.5 高阶常微分方程组7.6 线性微分方程与矩阵第八章:变分法与特殊函数8.1 函数的极值与最优化8.2 随机函数与最优随机过程8.3 欧拉方程与变分法8.4 贝塞尔方程与贝塞尔函数8.5 雅各比方程与雅各比函数8.6 数学物理方程与特殊函数第九章:傅里叶级数与变换9.1 傅里叶级数与周期函数9.2 傅里叶级数的收敛性与性质9.3 傅里叶级数与一般函数9.4 波的传播与振动现象9.5 傅里叶变换与拉普拉斯变换9.6 傅里叶变换与偏微分方程第十章:复变函数10.1 复数与复平面10.2 复变函数的极限与连续10.3 复变函数的导数与全纯函数10.4 保解析函数与解析函数10.5 全纯映射与有限变射10.6 复积分与柯西定理以上是美本高等数学教材的目录,本教材全面系统地介绍了微积分、级数与收敛性、微分方程、多元函数与矢量分析、常微分方程、变分法与特殊函数、傅里叶级数与变换、复变函数等数学知识点,旨在帮助学生打好数学基础,提升数学应用能力。
美国algebra1 Chapter04
CHAPTER 4116C HAPTERT ABLE OF C ONTENTS4-1Solving Equations Using More Than One Operation4-2Simplifying Each Side of anEquation4-3Solving Equations That Have the Variable in Both Sides4-4Using Formulas to SolveProblems4-5Solving for a Variable in T erms of Another Variable4-6T ransforming Formulas4-7Properties of Inequalities4-8Finding and Graphing theSolution Set of an Inequality 4-9Using Inequalities to SolveProblemsChapter SummaryVocabularyReview ExercisesCumulative Review FIRST DEGREE EQUA TIONS AND INEQU ALITIES IN ONE V ARIABLE An equation is an important problem-solving tool.A successful business person must make many deci-sions about business practices.Some of these deci-sions involve known facts,but others require the use of information obtained from equations based on expected trends.For example,an equation can be used to represent the following situation.Helga sews hand-made quilts for sale at a local craft shop.She knows that the mate-rials for the last quilt that she made cost $76 and that it required 44 hours of work to complete the quilt.If Helga received $450 for the quilt,how much did she earn for each hour of work,taking into account the cost of the materials?Most of the problem-solving equations for business are complex.Before you can cope with complex equa-tions,you must learn the basic principles involved in solving any equation.Some Terms and DefinitionsAn equation is a sentence that states that two algebraic expressions are equal.For example,x ϩ3 ϭ9 is an equation in which x ϩ3 is called the left side ,or left member ,and 9 is the right side ,or right member .An equation may be a true sentence such as 5 ϩ2 ϭ7,a false sentence such as 6 Ϫ 3 ϭ4,or an open sentence such as x ϩ3 ϭ9.The number that can replace the variable in an open sentence to make the sentence true is called a root ,or a solution ,of the equation.For example,6 is a root of x + 3 ϭ9.As discussed in Chapter 3,the replacement set or domain is the set of pos-sible values that can be used in place of the variable in an open sentence.If no replacement set is given,the replacement set is the set of real numbers.The set consisting of all elements of the replacement set that are solutions of the open sentence is called the soluti on set of the open sentence.For example,if the replacement set is the set of real numbers,the solution set of x ϩ3 ϭ9 is {6}.If no element of the replacement set makes the open sentence true,the solution set is the empty or null set,or {}.If every element of the domain satisfies an equation,the equation is called an identity .Thus,5 ϩx ϭx Ϫ (Ϫ5) is an iden-tity when the domain is the set of real numbers because every element of the domain makes the sentence true.Two equations that have the same solution set are equivalent equations .To solve an equation is to find its solution set.This is usually done by writing sim-pler equivalent equations.If not every element of the domain makes the sentence true,the equation is called a conditional equation ,or simply an equation.Therefore,x ϩ3 ϭ9 is a conditional equation.Properties of EqualityWhen two numerical or algebraic expressions are equal,it is reasonable to assume that if we change each in the same way,the resulting expressions will be equal.For example:5 ϩ7 ϭ12(5 ϩ7) ϩ3 ϭ12 ϩ3(5 ϩ7) Ϫ8 ϭ12 Ϫ8Ϫ2(5 ϩ7) ϭϪ2(12)These examples suggest the following properties of equality:5 1 735123лSolving Equations Using More Than One Operation 117Properties of Equality1.The addition property of equality.If equals are added to equals,the sums are equal.2.The subtraction property of equality.If equals are subtracted from equals,the differences are equal.3.The multiplication property of equality.If equals are multiplied by equals,the products are equal.4.The division property of equality.If equals are divided by nonzero equals,the quotients are equal.5.The substitution principle.In a statement of equality,a quantity may be substituted for its equal.To solve an equation,you need to work backward or “undo”what has been done by using inverse operations.To undo the addition of a number,add its opposite.For example,to solve the equation x ϩ7 ϭ19,use the addition prop-erty of equality.Add the opposite of 7 to both sides.The variable x is now alone on one side and it is easy to read the solution,x ϭ12.To solve an equation in which the variable has been multiplied by a num-ber,either divide by that number or multiply by its reciprocal.(Remember multiplying by the reciprocal is the same as dividing by the number.) To solve 6x ϭ24,divide both sides by 6 or multiply both sides by .6x ϭ246x ϭ24orx ϭ4x ϭ4To solve ,multiply each side by the reciprocal of which is 3.x ϭ15In the equation 2x ϩ3 ϭ15,there are two operations in the left side:mul-tiplication and addition.In forming the left side of the equation,x was first mul-tiplied by 2,and then 3 was added to the product.To solve this equation,we must undo these operations by using the inverse elements in the reverse order.Since the last operation was to add 3,the first step in solving the equation is to add its opposite,Ϫ3,to both sides of the equation or subtract 3 from both sides(3)x 35(3)5x35513x 35516(6x )516(24)6x6524616x 1 7 5 1927 27x512118First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variableof the equation.Here we are using either the addition or the subtraction prop-erty of equality.orNow we have a simpler equation that has the same solution set as the original and includes only multiplication by 2.To solve this simpler equation,we multi-ply both sides of the equation by ,the reciprocal of 2,or divide both sides of the equation by 2.Here we can use either the multiplication or the division property of equality.orAfter an equation has been solved,we check the equation,that is,we verify that the solution does in fact make the given equation true by replacing the vari-able with the solution and performing any computations.Check:2x ϩ3 ϭ152(6) ϩ3 ϭ1512 ϩ3 ϭ1515 ϭ 15 ✔To find the solution of the equation 2x ϩ3 ϭ15,we used several properties of the four basic operations and of equality.The solution below shows the math-ematical principle that we used in each step.2x ϩ3 ϭ15Given(2x ϩ3) ϩ(Ϫ3)ϭ15 ϩ(Ϫ3)Addition property of equality 2x ϩ[3 ϩ(Ϫ3)]ϭ15 ϩ(Ϫ3)Associative property of addition 2x ϩ0ϭ12Additive inverse property 2x ϭ12Additive identity property ϭMultiplication property of equality ϭAssociative property of multiplication 1x ϭ6Multiplicative inverse property x ϭ6Multiplicative identity propertyThese steps and properties are necessary to justify the solution of an equationof this form.However,when solving an equation,we do not need to write each of the steps,as shown in the examples that follow.12(12)C 12(2)D x12(12)12(2x )2x 5122x 25122x 562x 51212(2x )512(12)x 56122x 1 323 2x551523122x 1 35152x 1 3 1 (23)515 1 (23)2x 512Solving Equations Using More Than One Operation 119EXAMPLE 1Solve and check:7x ϩ15 ϭ71Solution How to Proceed(1)Write the equation:(2)Add Ϫ15,the opposite of ϩ15 toeach side:(3)Since multiplication and division areϭinverse operations,divide each x ϭ8side by 7:(4)Check the solution.Write the solution7x ϩ15 ϭ71in place of x and perform the computations:71 ϭ71 ✔Answer x ϭ8Note:The check is based on the substitution principle.EXAMPLE 2Find the solution set and check:ϭ Ϫ18SolutionAnswer The solution set is {Ϫ20}.EXAMPLE 3Solve and check:7 Ϫx ϭ9Solution METHOD 1.Think of 7 Ϫ x as 7 ϩ(Ϫ1x ).35x 2 656 1 15 5717(8) 1 15 5715677x 7120First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One VariableϭϪ12ϭx ϭϪ2053(212)53A 35x B 35x 16 1635x 2 65 218Addition property of equality Multiplication property of equalityCheckϪ6ϭϪ18Ϫ18 ϭ Ϫ18 ✔212 2 6 521835(220) 2 6 5 21835x7x ϩ15ϭ71Ϫ15Ϫ157x ϭ56CheckAddition property of equality Division property of equalityx ϭϪ2METHOD 2.Add x to both sides of the equation so that the variable has apositive coefficient.How to Proceed(1)Write the equation:7 Ϫ x ϭ9(2)Add x to each side of the equation:7 Ϫ x ϩx ϭ9 ϩx7 ϭ9 ϩx(3) Add Ϫ9 to each side of the equation:Ϫ9 ϩ7 ϭϪ9 ϩ9 ϩxϪ2 ϭxThe check is the same as for Method 1.Answer {Ϫ2} or x ϭϪ2Writing About Mathematics1.Is it possible for the equation 2x ϩ5 ϭ0 to have a solution in the set of positive real num-bers? Explain your answer.2.Max wants to solve the equation 7x ϩ15 ϭ71.He begins by multiplying both sides of the equation by ,the reciprocal of the coefficient of x .a.Is it possible for Max to solve the equation if he begins in this way? If so,what would be the result of multiplying by and what would be his next step?b.In this section you learned to solve the equation 7x ϩ15 ϭ71 by first adding the opposite of 15,Ϫ15,to both sides of the equation.Which method do you think is better? Explain your answer.Developing SkillsIn 3 and 4,write a complete solution for each equation,listing the property used in each step.3.3x ϩ5 ϭ354.ϭ1512x 211717EXERCISES21x 21522171(2x ) 5 927272x 52Solving Equations Using More Than One Operation 1217 Ϫ x ϭ99 ϭ9✔7 1 2 597 2 (؊2) 59In 5–32,solve and check each equation.5.55 ϭ6a ϩ76.17 ϭ8c Ϫ 77.9 Ϫ 1x ϭ78.11 ϭ15t ϩ169.15 Ϫ a ϭ310.11 ϭϪ6d Ϫ 111.8 Ϫ y = 112.ϭ1213.ϭϪ814.12 ϭ15.16.ϭ3017.7.2 ϭ18.ϭ519.Ϫ2 ϭ20.21.4a ϩ0.2 ϭ522.4 ϭ3t Ϫ 0.223.ϭ524.13 ϭ25.ϭ4726.0.04c ϩ1.6 ϭ027.15x ϩ14 ϭ1928.8 ϭ18c Ϫ ϩ19 ϭ2031.32.842 Ϫ162m ϭϪ616Applying Skills33.The formula F ϭgives the relationship between the Fahrenheit temperature F andthe Celsius temperature C .Solve the equation 59 ϭto find the temperature in degrees Celsius when the Fahrenheit temperature is 59°.34.When Kurt orders from a catalog,he pays $3.50 for shipping and handling in addition to thecost of the goods that he purchases.Kurt paid $33.20 when he ordered six pairs of socks.Solve the equation 6x ϩ3.50 ϭ33.20 to find x ,the price of one pair of socks.35.When Mattie rents a car for one day,the cost is $29.00 plus $0.20 a mile.On her last trip,Mattie paid $66.40 for the car for one day.Find the number of miles,m ,that Mattie drove by solving the equation 29 ϩ0.20x ϭ66.40.36.On his last trip to the post office,Hal paid $4.30 to mail a package and bought some 39-centstamps.He paid a total of $13.66.Find s ,the number of stamps that he bought,by solving the equation 0.39s ϩ4.30 ϭ13.66.An equation is often written in such a way that one or both sides are not in sim-plest form.Before starting to solve the equation by using additive and multi-plicative inverses,you should simplify each side by removing parentheses if necessary and adding like terms.Recall that an algebraic expression that is a number,a variable,or a prod-uct or quotient of numbers and variables is called a term .First-degree equations in one variable contain two kinds of terms,terms that are constants and terms that contain the variable to the first power only.95C 13295C 13213w 1 652217514 2 x45t 1 7 5 2 23y14x 1 119d 2 1251712y5 1 3a 4 1 94m 5235m 5t 4545234y 23x 3a 8122First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One VariableLike and Unlike TermsTwo or more terms that contain the same variable or variables,with corre-sponding variables having the same exponents,are called like terms or similar terms .For example,the following pairs are like terms.6k and k5x 2and Ϫ7x 29ab and 0.4aband Two terms are unli ke terms when they contain different variables,or thesame variable or variables with different exponents.For example,the following pairs are unlike terms.3x and 4y5x 2and 5x 39ab and 0.4aand To add like terms,we use the distributive property of multiplication overaddition.9x ϩ2x ϭ(9 ϩ2)x ϭ11x Ϫ16d ϩ3d ϭ(–16 ϩ3)d ϭϪ13dNote that in the above examples,when like terms are added:1.The sum has the same variable factor as the original terms.2.The numerical coefficient of the sum is the sum of the numerical coeffi-cients of the terms that were added.The sum of like terms can be expressed as a single term.The sum of unlike terms cannot be expressed as a single term.For example,the sum of 2x and 3cannot be written as a single term but is written 2x ϩ3.EXAMPLE 1Solve and check:2x ϩ3x ϩ4 ϭϪ6Solution How to Proceed Check(1)Write the equation:2x ϩ3x ϩ4 ϭϪ6(2)Simplify the left side bycombining like terms:(3)Add Ϫ4,the additiveinverse of ϩ4,to Ϫ6 ϭϪ6✔each side:(4)Multiply by ,themultiplicative inverse of 5:(5)Simplify each side.x ϭϪ2Answer Ϫ215(5x )515(210)1524 2 6 1 4 5262(22) 1 3(22) 1 4 52647x 2y383x 3y22113x 2y392x 2y3Simplifying Each Side of an Equation 1232x ϩ3x ϩ4ϭϪ65x ϩ4ϭϪ6Ϫ4Ϫ45xϭϪ10Note:When solving equations,remember to check the answer in the original equation and not in the simplified one.The algebraic expression that is on one side of an equation may contain e the distributive property to remove the parentheses solving the equation.The following examples illustrate how the distributive and asso-ciative properties are used to do this.EXAMPLE 2Solve and check:27x Ϫ3(x Ϫ6) ϭ6Solution Since Ϫ3(x Ϫ6) means that (x Ϫ6) is to be multiplied by Ϫ3,we will use thedistributive property to remove parentheses and then combine like terms.Note that for this solution,in the first three steps the left side is being simplified.These steps apply only to the left side and only change the form but not the numerical value.The next two steps undo the operations of addition and multi-plication that make up the expression 24x ϩ18.Since adding Ϫ18 and dividing by 24 will change the value of the left side,the right side must be changed in the same way to retain the equality.How to Proceed(1)Write the equation:27x Ϫ3(x Ϫ6) ϭ6(2)Use the distributive property:27x Ϫ3x ϩ18ϭ6(3)Combine like terms:(4)Use the addition property of equality.Add Ϫ18,the additive inverse of ϩ18,to each side:(5)Use the division property ofequality.Divide each side by 24:(6)Simplify each side:x ϭCheck(1)Write the equation:27x Ϫ3(x Ϫ6) ϭ6(2)Replace x by (3)Perform the indicated computation:6 ϭ6 ✔Answer x ϭ212122 562272 1 392 562272 1 1832 5627A 212B 2 3A 2612B 5 627A 212B 2 3A 212 2 6B 5 621221224x24521224124First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable24x ϩ18ϭ6Ϫ18Ϫ1824x ϭϪ12Simplifying Each Side of an Equation125 Representing Two Numbers withthe Same VariableProblems often involve finding two or more different numbers.It is useful toexpress these numbers in terms of the same variable.For example,if you knowthe sum of two numbers,you can express the second in terms of the sum and thefirst number.•If the sum of two numbers is 12 and one of the numbers is 5,then theother number is 12 Ϫ5 or 7.•If the sum of two numbers is 12 and one of the numbers is 9,then theother number is 12 Ϫ9 or 3.•If the sum of two numbers is 12 and one of the numbers is x,then theother number is 12 Ϫx.A problem can often be solved algebraically in more than one way by writ-ing and solving different equations,as shown in the example that follows.Themethods used to obtain the solution are different,but both use the facts statedin the problem and arrive at the same solution.EXAMPLE 3The sum of two numbers is 43.The larger number minus the smaller number is5.Find the numbers.Solution This problem states two facts:The sum of the numbers is 43.The larger number minus the smaller number is 5.In other words,the larger number is 5 more than the smaller.(1)Represent each number in terms of the same variable using Fact 1:the sum of the numbers is 43.Let xϭthe larger number.Then,43 Ϫxϭthe smaller number.(2)Write an equation using Fact 2:The larger number minus the smaller number is 5.___________________________________↓↓↓↓↓xϪ(43 Ϫx)ϭ5(3)Solve the equation.(a) Write the equation:x Ϫ(43 Ϫx ) ϭ5(b) To subtract (43 Ϫx ),add its opposite:x ϩ(Ϫ43 ϩx )ϭ5(c)Combine like terms:(d) Add the opposite of Ϫ43 to each side:(e) Divide each side by 2:x ϭ24(4)Find the numbers.The larger number ϭx ϭ24.The smaller number ϭ43 Ϫx ϭ43 Ϫ24 ϭ19.Check A word problem is checked by comparing the proposed solution with the factsstated in the original wording of the problem.Substituting numbers in theequation is not sufficient since the equation formed may not be correct.The sum of the numbers is 43:24 ϩ19 ϭ43.The larger number minus the smaller number is 5:24 Ϫ19 ϭ5.Reverse the way in which the facts are used.(1)Represent each number in terms of the same variable using Fact 2:the larger number is 5 more than the smaller.Let x ϭthe smaller number.Then,x ϩ5 ϭthe larger number.(2)Write an equation using the first fact.(3)Solve the equation.(a) Write the equation:x ϩ(x ϩ5) ϭ43(b) Combine like terms:(c) Add the opposite of 5 to each side:(d) Divide each side by 2:x ϭ19(4)Find the numbers.The smaller number ϭx ϭ19.The larger number ϭx ϩ5 ϭ19 ϩ5 ϭ24.(5)Check.(See the first solution.)Answer The numbers are 24 and 19.2x 25382The sum of the numbers is 43.______________________↓↓↓x ϩ(x ϩ5)ϭ43Alternate Solution 2x 25482126First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable2x Ϫ43ϭ5ϩ43ϩ432x ϭ482x ϩ5ϭ43Ϫ5Ϫ52x ϭ38Writing About Mathematics1.Two students are each solving a problem that states that the difference between two num-bers is 12.Irene represents one number by x and the other number by x ϩ12.Henry repre-sents one number by x and the other number by x Ϫ12.Explain why both students arecorrect.2.A problem states that the sum of two numbers is 27.The numbers can be represented by x and 27 Ϫx .Is it possible to determine which is the larger number and which is the smaller number? Explain your answer.Developing SkillsIn 3–28,solve and check each equation.3.x ϩ(x Ϫ6) ϭ204.x Ϫ(12 Ϫx ) ϭ385.(15x ϩ7) Ϫ12 ϭ46.(14 Ϫ3c )ϩ7c ϭ947.x ϩ(4x ϩ32) ϭ128.7x Ϫ(4x Ϫ39) ϭ09.5(x ϩ2) ϭ2010.3(y Ϫ9) ϭ3011.8(2c Ϫ1) ϭ5612.6(3c Ϫ1) ϭϪ4213.30 ϭ2(10 Ϫy )14.4(c ϩ1) ϭ3215.25 Ϫ 2(t Ϫ5) ϭ1916.18 ϭϪ6x ϩ4(2x ϩ3)17.55 ϭ4 ϩ3(m ϩ2)18.5(x Ϫ3) Ϫ30 ϭ1019.3(2b ϩ1) Ϫ7 ϭ5020.5(3c Ϫ2) ϩ8 ϭ4321.7r Ϫ(6r Ϫ5) ϭ722.8b Ϫ4(b Ϫ2) ϭ2423.5m Ϫ2(m Ϫ5) ϭ1724.28y Ϫ6(3y Ϫ5) ϭ4025.3(a Ϫ5) Ϫ2(2a ϩ1) ϭ026.0.04(2r ϩ1) Ϫ0.03(2r Ϫ5) ϭ0.2927.0.3a ϩ(0.2a Ϫ0.5) ϩ0.2(a ϩ2) ϭ1.328.Applying SkillsIn 29–33,write and solve an equation for each problem.Follow these steps:a.List two facts in the problem.b.Choose a variable to represent one of the numbers to be determined.e one of the facts to write any other unknown numbers in terms of the chosen variable.e the second fact to write an equation.e.Solve the equation.34(8 1 4x ) 2 13(6x 1 3) 5 9EXERCISESSimplifying Each Side of an Equation 127f.Answer the question.g.Check your answer using the words of the problem.29.Sandi bought 6 yards of material.She wants to cut it into two pieces so that the differencebetween the lengths of the two pieces will be 1.5 yards.What should be the length of each piece?30.The Tigers won eight games more than they lost,and there were no ties.If the Tigers played78 games,how many games did they lose?31.This month Erica saved $20 more than last month.For the two months,she saved a total of$70.How much did she save each month?32.On a bus tour,there are 100 passengers on three buses.Two of the buses each carry fourfewer passengers than the third bus.How many passengers are on each bus?33.For a football game,of the seats in the stadium were filled.There were 31,000 empty seatsat the game.What is the stadium’s seating capacity?A variable represents a number.As you know,any number may be added toboth sides of an equation without changing the solution set.Therefore,the samevariable (or the same multiple of the same variable) may be added to or sub-tracted from both sides of an equation without changing the solution set.For instance,to solve 8x ϭ30 ϩ5x ,write an equivalent equation that hasonly a constant in the right side.To do this,eliminate 5x from the right side byadding its opposite,Ϫ5x ,to each side of the equation.METHOD 1METHOD 2Check8x ϭ30 ϩ5x 8x ϭ30 ϩ5x 8x ϩ(Ϫ5x ) ϭ30 ϩ5x ϩ(Ϫ5x )8(10) 3x ϭ3080 x ϭ1080 ϭ80✔Answer:x ϭ10To solve an equation that has the variable in both sides,transform it into anequivalent equation in which the variable appears in only one side.Then,solvethe equation.5 30 1 505 30 1 5(10)45128First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable8x ϭ30 ϩ5x Ϫ5x Ϫ5x 3x ϭ30x ϭ10EXAMPLE 1Solve and check:7x ϭ63 Ϫ2xSolution How to ProceedCheck (1)Write the equation:7x ϭ63 Ϫ2x (2)Add 2x to each side of7(7) the equation:49 49 ϭ49✔(3)Divide each side of theequation by 9:(4)Simplify each side:x ϭ7Answer x ϭ7To solve an equation that has both a variable and a constant in both sides,first write an equivalent equation with only a variable term on one side.Thensolve the simplified equation.The following example shows how this can bedone.EXAMPLE 2Solve and check:3y ϩ7 ϭ5y Ϫ3Solution METHOD 1METHOD 2Check3y ϩ7 ϭ5y Ϫ33(5) ϩ7 15 ϩ7 22 ϭ22 ✔ϭy ϭ5y ϭ5Answer y ϭ5A graphing calculator can be used to check an equation.The calculator candetermine whether a given statement of equality or inequality is true or false.Ifthe statement is true,the calculator will display 1;if the statement is false,the calculator will display 0.The symbols for equality and inequality are found in the menu.TEST 10252y22102222y225 25 2 35 5(5) 2 39x 956395 63 2 145 63 2 2(7)Solving Equations That Have the Variable in Both Sides 1297x ϭ63 Ϫ2x ϩ2x ϩ 2x 9x ϭ633y ϩ7ϭ5y Ϫ3Ϫ5y Ϫ5y Ϫ2y ϩ7ϭϪ3Ϫ7Ϫ7Ϫ2y ϭϪ103y ϩ7ϭ5y Ϫ3Ϫ3y Ϫ3y 7ϭ2y Ϫ3ϩ3ϩ310ϭ2yTo check that y ϭ5 is the solution to the equation 3y ϩ7 ϭ5y Ϫ3,firststore 5 as the value of y .then enter the equation to be checked.ENTER :5 3 75 3 DISPLAY :EXAMPLE 3The larger of two numbers is 4 times the smaller.If the larger number exceedsthe smaller number by 15,find the numbers.Note:When s represents the smaller number and 4s represents the largernumber,“the larger number exceeds the smaller by 15”has the followinge any one of them.1.The larger equals 15 more than the smaller,written as 4s = 15 ϩs .2.The larger decreased by 15 equals the smaller,written as 4s Ϫ15 ϭs .3.The larger decreased by the smaller is 15,written as 4s Ϫs ϭ15.Solution Let s = the smaller number.Then 4s = the larger number.Check The larger number,20,is 4 times the smaller number,5.The larger number,20,exceeds the smaller number,5,by 15.Answer The larger number is 20;the smaller number is 5.4s ϭ15 ϩs Ϫs Ϫs 3s ϭ15s ϭ54s ϭ4(5) ϭ20The larger is 15 more than the smaller._____________________________↓↓↓↓↓4s ϭ15ϩs4s ϭ15 ϩsENTER ؊ALPHA ENTER TEST 2nd ؉ALPHA ENTERALPHA STO Ł130First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One VariableThe calculator displays 1 which indi-cates that the statement of equality is true for the value that has been stored for y .EXAMPLE 4In his will,Uncle Clarence left $5,000 to his two nieces.Emma’s share is to be$500 more than Clara’s.How much should each niece receive?Solution (1)Use the fact that the sum of the two shares is $5,000 to express each sharein terms of a variable.Let x ϭClara’s share.Then 5,000 Ϫx ϭEmma’s share.(2)Use the fact that Emma’s share is $500 more than Clara’s share to writean equation.(3)Solve the equation to find Clara’s share.2,250 ϭxClara’s share is x ϭ$2,250.(4)Find Emma’s share:5,000 Ϫx ϭ5,000 Ϫ2,250 ϭ$2,750.(1) Use the fact that Emma’s share is $500 more than Clara’s share to expresseach share in terms of a variable.Let x ϭClara’s share.Then x ϩ500 ϭEmma’s share.(2)Use the fact that the sum of the two shares is $5,000 to write an equation.(3)Solve the equation to find Clara’s sharex ϩ(x ϩ500) ϭ5,000Clara’s share is x ϭ$2,250.2x ϩ500ϭ5,000Ϫ500Ϫ5002x ϭ4,500x ϭ2,250Clara’s share plus Emma’s share is $5,000.__________________________↓↓↓↓↓x ϩ(x ϩ 500)ϭ5,000Alternate Solution 5,000Ϫx ϭ500 ϩx ϩx ϩx 5,000ϭ500 ϩ2x Ϫ500Ϫ5004,500ϭ2xEmma’s share is $500 more than Clara’s share.___________________________________↓↓↓↓↓5,000 Ϫx ϭ500ϩxSolving Equations That Have the Variable in Both Sides 131(4)Find Emma’s share:x ϩ500 ϭ2250 ϩ500 ϭ$2,750.Check $2,750 is $500 more than $2,250,and $2,750 ϩ$2,250 ϭ$5,000.Answer Clara’s share is $2,250,and Emma’s share is $2,750.Writing About Mathematicsus said that he finds it easier to work with integers than with fractions.Therefore,in order to solve the equation ,he began by multiplying both sides of the equation by 4.3a Ϫ28 ϭ2a ϩ12Do you agree with Milus that this is a correct way of obtaining the solution? If so,what mathematical principle is Milus using?2.Katie said that Example 3 could be solved by letting equal the smaller number and x equal the larger number.Is Katie correct? If so,what equation would she write to solve the problem?Developing SkillsIn 3–36,solve and check each equation.3.7x ϭ10 ϩ2x4.9x ϭ44 Ϫ2x5.5c ϭ28 ϩc6.y ϭ4y ϩ307.2d ϭ36 ϩ5d ϭ0.2m ϩ2410.8y ϭ90 Ϫ2y 11.2.3x ϩ36 ϭ0.3x 12.13.5a Ϫ40 ϭ3a 14.5c ϭ2c Ϫ8115.x ϭ9x Ϫ7216.0.5m Ϫ30 ϭ1.1m 17.18.7r ϩ10 ϭ3r ϩ5019.4y ϩ20 ϭ5y ϩ920.7x ϩ8 ϭ6x ϩ121.x ϩ4 ϭ9x ϩ422.9x Ϫ3 ϭ2x ϩ4623.y ϩ30 ϭ12y Ϫ1424.c ϩ20 ϭ55 Ϫ4c25.2d ϩ36 ϭϪ3d Ϫ5426.7y Ϫ5 ϭ9y ϩ2927.3m Ϫ(m ϩ1) ϭ6m ϩ128.x Ϫ3(1 Ϫx ) ϭ47 Ϫx 29.3b Ϫ8 ϭ10 ϩ(4 Ϫ8b )30.31.18 Ϫ4n ϭ8 Ϫ2(1 ϩ8n )32.8c ϩ1 ϭ7c Ϫ2(7 ϩc )33.8a Ϫ3(5 ϩ2a ) ϭ85 Ϫ3a34.4(3x Ϫ5) ϭ5x ϩ2( x ϩ15)35.3m Ϫ5m Ϫ12 ϭ7m Ϫ88 Ϫ536.5 Ϫ3(a ϩ6) ϭa Ϫ1 ϩ8a 23t 2 1154(16 2 t ) 2 13t 414c 5934c 1 44234x 1 2453x214y 5114y 2 8x 44A 34a 2 7B 54A 12a 1 3B 34a 2 7512a 1 3EXERCISES132First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One VariableSolving Equations That Have the Variable in Both Sides133In 37–42,a.write an equation to represent each problem,and b.solve the equation to find each number.37.Eight times a number equals 35 more than the number.Find the number.38.Six times a number equals 3 times the number,increased by 24.Find the number.39.If 3 times a number is increased by 22,the result is 14 less than 7 times the number.Find thenumber.40.The greater of two numbers is 1 more than twice the smaller.Three times the greaterexceeds 5 times the smaller by 10.Find the numbers.41.The second of three numbers is 6 more than the first.The third number is twice the first.The sum of the three numbers is 26.Find the three numbers.42.The second of three numbers is 1 less than the first.The third number is 5 less than the sec-ond.If the first number is twice as large as the third,find the three numbers.Applying SkillsIn 43–50,use an algebraic solution to solve each problem.43.It took the Gibbons family 2 days to travel 925 miles to their vacation home.They traveled75 miles more on the first day than on the second.How many miles did they travel eachday?44.During the first 6 month of last year,the interest on an investment was $130 less than dur-ing the second 6 months.The total interest for the year was $1,450.What was the interest for each 6-month period?45.Gemma has 7 more five-dollar bills than ten-dollar bills.The value of the five-dollar billsequals the value of the ten-dollar bills.How many five-dollar bills and ten-dollar bills does she have?46.Leonard wants to save $100 in the next 2 months.He knows that in the second month he willbe able to save $20 more than during the first month.How much should he save each month?47.The ABC Company charges $75 a day plus $0.05 a mile to rent a car.How many miles didMrs.Kiley drive if she paid $92.40 to rent a car for one day?48.Kesha drove from Buffalo to Syracuse at an average rate of 48 miles per hour.On thereturn trip along the same road she was able to travel at an average rate of 60 miles perhour.The trip from Buffalo to Syracuse took one-half hour longer than the return trip.How long did the return trip take?49.Carrie and Crystal live at equal distances from school.Carries walks to school at an averagerate of 3 miles per hour and Crystal rides her bicycle at an average rate of 9 miles per hour.It takes Carrie 20 minutes longer than Crystal to get to school.How far from school doCrystal and Carrie live?50.Emmanuel and Anthony contributed equal amounts to the purchase of a gift for a friend.Emmanuel contributed his share in five-dollar bills and Anthony gave his share in one-dollar bills.Anthony needed 12 more bills than Emmanuel.How much did each contribute toward the gift?。
第三年开始做research,并通过第二语言考试(法语或德语或俄语,一般人都选法语,因为代数几何经典大作都是法语的). 而Princeton 就没有基础课,只有seminar类型的课。
第一学年几何与拓扑:1、James R. Munkres, Topology:较新的拓扑学的教材适用于本科高年级或研究生一级;2、Basic Topology by Armstrong:本科生拓扑学教材;3、Kelley, General Topology:一般拓扑学的经典教材,不过观点较老;4、Willard, General Topology:一般拓扑学新的经典教材;5、Glen Bredon, Topology and geometry:研究生一年级的拓扑、几何教材;6、Introduction to Topological Manifolds by John M. Lee:研究生一年级的拓扑、几何教材,是一本新书;7、from calculus to cohomology by Madsen:很好的本科生代数拓扑、微分流形教材。
代数:1、Abstract Algebra Dummit:最好的本科代数学参考书,标准的研究生一年级代数材;2、Algebra Lang:标准的研究生一、二年级代数教材,难度很高,适合作参考书;3、Algebra Hungerford:标准的研究生一年级代数教材,适合作参考书;4、Algebra M,Artin:标准的本科生代数教材;5、Advanced Modern Algebra by Rotman:较新的研究生代数教材,很全面;6、Algebra:a graduate course by Isaacs:较新的研究生代数教材;7、Basic algebra Vol I&II by Jacobson:经典的代数学全面参考书,适合研究生参考。
加州初中数学教材篇一:中美初中数学教材中美初中数学教材“函数”内容比较-------以人教版初中数学教材和美国Prentice Hall 教材为例程丽摘要纵观近、现代数学的发展可知,函数是描述运动、变化的基本概念。
本研究立足于中美初中数学教育发展的历史渊源与现状,主要选取在中美两国具有代表性的初中数学教科书“人教版”和“Prentice Hall”中“函数”的课程内容进行比较研究,对中美初中数学教科书的编写进行了系统而全面的分析。
1.1 教材类型多样美国的高等数学教材种类繁多,分为教材和参考书两大类。
1.2 教材编写理念美国的高等数学教材编写侧重于培养学生的数学思维和解决问题的能力。
1.3 教材内容覆盖全面美国的高等数学教材注重内容的全面性和连贯性。
二、教材特点分析2.1 注重学生思维培养与中国的高等数学教材相比,美国的教材更注重培养学生的思维方式和解决问题的能力。
2.2 强调数学与实际应用的结合美国的高等数学教材强调数学在实际生活和工作中的应用价值。
2.3 尊重学生个体差异美国的教材编写注重尊重学生的个体差异。
美国原版高等数学教材目录一、微积分部分1. 函数与极限1.1. 函数的定义与性质1.2. 极限的概念与性质1.3. 极限计算方法2. 导数与微分2.1. 导数的定义与性质2.2. 微分的概念与性质2.3. 微分的应用3. 积分与定积分3.1. 不定积分的概念与性质3.2. 定积分的定义与性质3.3. 积分与微分的关系4. 微积分的应用4.1. 曲线的切线与法线4.2. 曲线的弧长与曲率4.3. 隐函数与参数方程4.4. 微积分在物理学和经济学中的应用二、线性代数部分1. 行列式与矩阵1.1. 行列式的概念与性质1.2. 矩阵的基本操作与特性1.3. 行列式与矩阵的运算2. 向量空间与线性变换2.1. 向量空间的定义与性质2.2. 线性相关与线性无关2.3. 线性变换的定义与性质3. 特征值与特征向量3.1. 特征值与特征向量的概念3.2. 特征值与特征向量的计算方法4. 线性方程组与矩阵的应用4.1. 线性方程组的解与性质4.2. 线性方程组的求解方法4.3. 线性方程组在工程与科学研究中的应用三、常微分方程部分1. 常微分方程的基础知识1.1. 方程与解的概念1.2. 一阶常微分方程1.3. 高阶常微分方程2. 常微分方程的解法2.1. 可分离变量法2.2. 齐次方程与一阶线性方程2.3. 常系数线性齐次方程3. 常微分方程的应用3.1. 数学模型的建立3.2. 生物、物理和工程学中的应用3.3. 经济学与社会科学中的应用四、多元函数微积分部分1. 多元函数的极限与连续性1.1. 多元函数的定义与性质1.2. 多元函数的极限计算方法1.3. 多元函数的连续性2. 偏导数与全微分2.1. 偏导数的定义与性质2.2. 全微分的概念与性质2.3. 偏导数与全微分的关系3. 多元函数的积分与曲线积分3.1. 二重积分的定义与性质3.2. 二重积分的计算方法3.3. 曲线积分的概念与性质4. 多元函数微积分的应用4.1. 多元函数的极值与最优化4.2. 曲面积分与体积计算4.3. 多元函数在物理学和工程学中的应用本目录仅为美国原版高等数学教材的大致内容,具体章节和标题可能有所不同,但总体涵盖了微积分、线性代数、常微分方程和多元函数微积分的核心知识。
a picture to solve.
20. Number Sense Juan has 4 packs of baseball cards. Each pack has ten cards. He has 3 more cards in his pocket. How many baseball cards does Juan have?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
7 70 ones =
3 30 ones =
9 90 ones =
You can also group tens and ones.
2 9 tens
2 tens = 20 9 ones = 9
Circle the value of the red digit. 1. 25
2. 34
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
2021年第4期中学数学月刊•55 •美国早期代数教科书中的集合概念闫欣汪晓勤(华东师范大学教师教育学院200062)1引H T集合作为现代数学的基本语言,可以简洁、准 确地概括、表达数学内容.在19世纪之前,虽然 s e t作为一个名词经常出现在人们的生活中,但其 含义类似于collection,概念模糊,并无确切的定义.19世纪70年代,德国数学家康托尔(C antor,1845—1918)创立了集合论.他在解决涉及无限量 的数学问题时,跳出传统的数集研究,提出了一般 性的集合概念.无穷概念抽象而准确的表达、无穷 集合与其真子集的一一对应、由罗素悻论引发的第 三次数学危机,促使集合论一步一步走向公理化,同时也促进其他数学领域如微积分、实变函数论、代数拓扑等的发展[1].经过半个世纪的演变,集合 论在20世纪20年代的数学理论体系中已经拥有 无可比拟的重要地位,现代数学各个分支几乎所有成果都离不开严格的集合论支撑.人教版数学教科书将集合定义为研究对象组 成的总体,并设置了判断某些元素的全体是否组成集合的课后习题.作为高中数学的第一节课,集 合不仅衔接了初中数学与高中数学,也体现了高 中数学更加抽象、严谨的思维要求.有学生不免会 问:学习集合有什么用?为什么要在高中第一节课学习集合?数学里的“集合”与我们日常生活中 熟知的“集合”有什么区别?教师也会思考:在课堂教学中,如何更好地刻画集合的概念、理清集合 的关系、把握集合的运算?为了 ,了 集 概的历史.集合概念在数学教科书中的演变过程反映了人们在认识上逐渐完善的过程.同时,参考早 期教科书,也是站在前人肩膀上,可以帮助我们从 更高的视角来更好地讲授集合概念.基于此,本文考察了 1954—1963年间出版的 14种美国代数教科书中与集合相关的内容,试图 解答以下问题:美国早期教科书呈现了有关集合的哪些内容?又是如何呈现的?与当前的教科书 有何不同?对当前的教学有何启示?2教科书的选取本文从相关数据库中选取了 14种美国早期代数教科书为研究对象,其中出版于1958,1959和1961年的各1种,出版于1954和1963年的各 2种,出版于1960年的有3种,出版于1962年的 4.14 早期代数教科书 集 的相关内容,其中8种分布在介绍集合及其相关内容的章节中,如集合和数轴、命题、变量、函数;其余 6种分布在将集合视为预备知识的章节中,如自 然数、数学语言、概率、等价关系、函数.14种教科 书中,11种含有独立介绍集合的小节+种没有独立介绍集合的章节,集合的相关概念出现在其他章节里,如数学符号与运算、概率事件、等价关系 等.14种教科书中,集合的相关内容主要可分为以下四个板块:集合的定义、集合的表示、集合的 关系、集合的运算.3集合的概念3.1集合概念的引入作为通常的生活用语,s e t—词于英国数学家 弗伦德(Fren d,1757—1841)的《代数学原理》中#之 #数学教科书 用. 代数学意义上的“集合'(德文m enge,法文ensemble)—词源于集合论创立者康托尔.在英文 中,作为数学专有名词的set—词直到20世纪初 才出现.到了 20世纪中叶,集合概念进人数学教科书.一些教科书在引人集合概念时,往往会交代学 习该概念的缘由,主要包括集合的地位、意义、用 途等,见表1.数教科书 论及集 论 数学 的位.K o o,Burchenal,B ly th还解释了用s e t而不用 collection来表达数学上的“集合”的缘由:人们默 认collection是由相似的物品组成,比如玩具、邮 票、硬币,有“收集”之意;而s e t可以由完全没有任何相似之处的物品组成,因而更符合数学上的 涵义12].3.2集合的定义数教科书引 集 概 #对了定义.表2给出了教科书中若干典型的定义.由2表可见,R osenbaum强调了集合兀素的“确定性”,即:对于任何一个集合,都有相关标准•56 •中学数学月刊2021年第4期表1集合概念的引人类别具体叙述作者(年份)集的集合是数学中的常用名词、基础概念、原始术语Levi1954[2]集合论的语言和符号将贯穿整个课程Dubisch&Kelley1960[3]集合可以用于表示其他数学抽象概念Kelley1960[4]集合能极大地增强代数学主题之间的连贯性和交互性Haag1960[5]集的集合是学习实数系统时不可或缺的概念,可用于分类数字、验证数字运 算的性质、解方程和不等式、学习函数集合是现代数学基本概念的基础,在统计学、电气开关设计、保险问题和其他领域中也有多种多样的广泛应用SMSG19621] Hall &Kattsoff1962[7]总结归纳数学中某一类别(如有理数)的性质Maria1958[8]集合的用途定义和学习函数(两个集合之间的对应关系)Brumfiel1962[9]论证概率论样本空间的相关理论Miller&Green1962[10]对生活情景中常见的、模糊的集合进行准确定义SMSG1959[11]表2集合的定义类别具体叙述(份)直接定义具有某种共同特征(客观或抽象)的元素组成的整体Maria19 58[8]集合中的元素不一定相似或相关,可以随意搭配,比如金鱼、旱冰鞋、汽车Levi1954[]间接定义集合是未定义的概念,比如所有美国的州、所有天上的星星、所有大于17的实数的集合Hall &Kattsoff1962[7]对于任何一个元素,都有标准判断其是否属于一个集合Rosenbaum1963[13]来判断一个元素是否属于该集合,并称之为“完备 的集合定义”[13]. 14种教科书中,有6种体现了集 合元素的“确定性但除了“确定性”,早期教科书很少涉及集合元素的其他性质,只有2种教科书间接体现了“无 序性”,2种教科书间接体现了“互异性K elley 举例论述了三种性质1].3.3集合的表示在14种教科书中,11种使用大写字母A,B,C,…来表示集合,8种用小写字母a,,c,…来表 示元素,6种采用了“属于”和“不属于”的符号(ci'A,ci+A).集合的表示方法有“自然语言”“列举法”和 “描述法”三类.其中,“自然语言”即为通过日常语 句概括、描述、表示集合的共同特征+列举法”即 为一一枚举集合中的元素,并用花括号将其括起来,如果元素过多且符合某项特征规律,可使用省 略号+描述法”即为仅使用抽象的数学符号来概、、表示集 的 特征 4在14种教科书中,7种使用了自然语言,10 种使用了列举法,2种使用了描述法.由于自然语言能帮助学生准确概括集合的共同特征,列举法 能帮助学生清晰准确地逐个给出集合中的元素,因此多种教科书同时使用了自然语言和列举法.但由于描述法的抽象程度较高,鲜有教科书采用.A r t in同时采用了三种表示方法,并以Z表示整 数集,Q表示有理数集,R表示实数集,C表示复 数集[14].3.4集合的分类少数教科书从集合论的视角给出了有限集和 无限集的定义.L e v i将有限集定义为“可以与标准集{1,2,3,…,n}建立一一对应关系的集合”,将无限集定义为“可以与自己的真子集建立一一对应关系的集合”[2].S M S G将有限集定义为“可 以从头至尾一一数出其中的元素的集合”,将无限 集定义为“不能从头至尾一一数出其中的元素的集合”[11].H a a g则将有限集定义为“不能与自己 的真子集建立一一对应关系的集合”[5].L e v i还 给出了基数的概念:“与标准集{1,2,3,…,n}建 立一一对应关系的集合的基数为n.”[2]4集合的关系与运算4.1集合之间的关系13种教科书给出了子集的定义:若集合A 中的所有元素都是集合B中的元素,就称集合A 为集合B的子集.关于真子集,L e v i给出定义:“若集合A是集 合B的子集,且B中存在某个元素x不是A的 元素,则称集合A是集合B的真子集.”[2]Haag2021年第4期中学数学月刊•57 •给出定义$集合A是集合B的子集,且A W B 不相等,则集合A是集合B的真子集.”126种教科书采用了包含关系的符号,,卩:若集 合A是集合B的子集,则B包含A,即A A B,B B A.Rosenbaum则用 A(B 表示“A 是 B 的 子集”,A C B表示“A是5的真子集关于集合的相等,L e v i给出的定义为“若构 成两个集合的元素相同,则称两个集合相等”[2]+ A r t in的定义为“集合A包含集合B,集合B包含 集合A,则集合A和集合B相等'14].关于空集,L e v i的定义为“不含任何元素的集合”[2],而A r t in的定义为“集合A相对于集合A的补集'14].S M S G特别指出:集合{0}不是空 集,它包含了元素0[11][15];K elley指出:空集不代 表无,就像“一个空盒子不同于完全没有盒子”一 样;同时,空集也不等于以空集为元素的集合1]. K o o,Burchenal,Blyth Delia交代了空集符号C 及其读法12].一些教科书给出了有关子集和空集的性质:•空集是任何集合的一个子集[15]+•任何一个集合都是其自身的一个子集15] +•一个集合的最大子集是它本身,最小的子集是空集[4]+•空集的子集只有空集1] +•若八是5的子集,5是0的子集,则A是 C的子集1] +•若集合A的真子集是空集,则A只有一 个 [2.此外,3种教科书还给出了集合之间的一一对应关系:对于集合A中的每个元素,都有集合B中的某个元素与之对应,反之亦然,且一个集合中的不同元素不会有另一个集合中的同一个元 素与之对应.4.2集合的运算表3>5分别给出了早期教科书中的并集、交 集和补集的不同定义.L e v i给出了任意数量的集合的并集、交集定义1];M iller G r e e n在概率论样 本空间的基础之上,类比数字的加法、乘法给出集 合的并集、交集定义,并以数字0类比空集,数字 1类比样本空间[10].表3并集的定义类别直接定义 一般定义 类比定义_________________________具体叙述_________________________由所有属于集合A或属于集合B的元素组成的集合,称为集合A与5的集给定集合,至少属于其中一个集合的元素组成的集合称为这些集合的并集类比加法.在集合A中,或在集合> 中,或同时在集合A和> 中的元素组成的集合称为集合A和集合> 的并集作者(年份)Dubisch&Kelley1960[3]Levi1954[2]Miller&Green1962[10]在定义并集和交集概念的教科书中,有8种 K a tts o ff用U—C来表示集合C相对于全集U的采用了符号A U>和A K e lle y用A〜> 来 补集[7].A rtin讨论了任意多个集合的并集、交集表示集合A相对于集合 >的补集[];H a l l和 和积集[14].表4交集的定义类别直定一般定义比定间接定义_________________________具体叙述_________________________由所有属于集合A且属于集合> 的元素组成的集合,称为集合A与>的集给定若干集合,同时属于所有这些集合的元素组成的集合称为这些集合的集类比数字乘法.所有同时在集合A和集合> 中的元素组成的集合称为集合A和集合 > 的交集集合A和集合> 中相同、共有的元素组成的集合称为集合A和集合>的集作者(年份)Dubisch&Kelley1960[3]Levi1954[2]Miller&Green1962[10]Brumfiel1962[]表5补集的定义类别具体叙述(份)直定全集U中不属于集合A的所有元素组成的集合称为集合A相对全集U的补集集合A是集合> 的子集,由集合 > 中不属于集合A中的所有元素组成的集合称为集合A相对于集合> 的补集Miller&Green1962[10]一般定义Artin19 54[14]•58 •中学数学月刊2021年第"期K elley使用了韦恩图来表示交集、并集运算 法则和 12 #1所示.藝參鬱)A s h a d e d3U5s h a d e d j〜5s h a d e d j门5 J门(5U C)A〜C^B s h a d e d J fl5 s h a d e d5〜J s h a d e d J门C A~B A~(BU〇图1Kelley使用的韦恩图Miller,Green强调韦恩图的作用:韦恩图可 使集合运算可视化、直 示集合之间的关系,用了 韦恩图,类比实数运算法则,推导出一些交集、并集的运算法则102 #2所示.^ u(^n^)Mu 在i nMuf}图2Miller和Simon采用的韦恩图Bm m fiel利用矩形韦恩图来表示集合的并集 和交集12 #3所示.除 的集合运算,"种教科书了笛卡儿积集的概念,,卩:集合A a和集>&的有序数对(a,&)组成的集合,符号表示为A X>. B r um fi e l还指出,如果集A r n个元素,集合 > 中有n个 ,那么集合A X>m n个,这也是为 之为积集并使用乘法符号的原因12.5集合的应用高中数学中,集合用于定数的对应关系、刻画不等式的解集.早期教科书中的集合应用 多属高等数学范畴,如利用集合的有界性证明槡2是无理数,进一步学 性定理和 公 理,或是定义集合的等价关系和偏序集,推 恩 引理.表6列出了早期教科书 的高中数学 范畴内集合的应用方式.表6集合的应用应用作者(年份)表示变量的取值范围Levi1954[22定义集合之间的映射(函数)Artin1954[142利用集合语言,如元素、子集、集合来推理三段论概率论、计算机设计(为符号了数学 )Kelley1960[42Miller g Green1962[102早在初中学习初等函数和不等式时,学生就 已知道解集的.早期教科书中,SM SG112, H aag12,K elley12 集定义为:所有使得开变为 的 的集合.H a ll,K a tts o ff通过利用两个方程的解集的交集 公共解12.值得一提的是,部分教科书,如SM SG112, H aag12,Brum fiel12,H all和 K attsoff12 等给出了 数集图象(the graph of a set)的定义:与集 的数字相对应的实数轴上的 的集 为集合的图象.其中,元素是点的坐标表示,点是 的象表示.K e lle y在平面直角坐标画出满足:y=z+1的有序数对(z,:y)的集合的图象12 + H a ll,K a tts o ff轴与纵轴的积集称为儿平面,并利用 数轴上、下的 的集合与纵数轴左、右的 的集合的交集表示 一、、第三、第四象限的定义12.6教学启示,关于集合概念,美国早期教科 书呈现了引入、定义、性质、运算、应用等丰富的内 容,为今 教学 了许多启示.一,关于为 学习集合,而且为 要高一学习集合的,早期教科书指,集合是常见的数学 ,可以对数学研究对象分类归纳,是各个数学分支((数、逻辑推理、概率统计)的 ,在现代数学中影响 .,从早期教科书表示集合的方法可‘,对 触集合概念的学生来说,列举法能、直 表示集合,加深集合定义的刻画;自然 能 、简洁地表示集合,培养概括数学对象的能力.描述法在早期教 科书 较少,这说明描述法对于学生来说可能(下转"(上接第58页)归纳提取、抽象表述元素共同特征等方面的学 4,部分早期教科书通过情境来 f 学生理解集合的相关概念和集合之间的关系,如: 集并不代表 集合,就像“空盒盒子”一样.在集合的教学中,教师可 分利用现情境.例如,教师可 打比方:以空集为元素的集 等 集,就像&盒子的抽抽屉”一样;集合{〇}并不等于空集,就像“含 一张标有〇的卡片的盒 是空盒子”一样.,关于学习集 用的 ,早期教科书 了的解答.对学生来说,从短期来看,学习集合可 加 刻画函数定义、更加 表示方程和不等式的解集、更加严 推 段论;从长期来看,学习集合可以过进一步建立等价关而 划分下的商集,进一步论述“无穷”的内涵[16],解答&和1之 间的有理数多还是无理数多”等抽象数学 4五,多数教科书只强调集 的确定性,而 无序性和互异性,这提示 ,今天的学生也可能会 的错误.教 可以过集合相等的概 学生 ,即使 序 ,集 保持不变;而集合本身的含义4教 可 学生加析.参考文献1]彭文静.基于HPM视角下的集合概念教学研究[].学数学参考,2015(5) :5-6.[2] Levi H.Elements of Algebra[M].New York:ChelseaPub.Co,1954:7-17.[3] Dubisch R,Kelley J L.Student M fenual for the Study ofIntroduction to Modern Algebra[M].Princeton:VanNostrand,1960 :10-18.[4] Kelley J L.Introduction to Modem Algebra[M].Princeton:Van Nostrand,1960 :36-50.[5] Haag V H.Structure of Elementary Algebra[M].New Haven:Yale University Press,1960:33-41. [6] School Mathematics Study Group.Introduction toAlgebra[M].New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:2-8.[7] Hall D W^Kattsoff L O.Unified Algebra and Trigonometry[M].New York:Wiley,1962 :1-23.[8] M aria M H The Structure of Arithm etic ad Algebra[M].NewYork:Wiley,1958:88-91.[9] Brumfiel C F.Algebra H[M].Michigan:Addison-Wesley,1962: 151-157.[10] Miller I,Green S.Algebra and Trigonometry[M].Englewood Cliffs:Prentice-Hall,1962:302-306. [11] School Mathematics Study Group.Mathematics forHigh School:First Course in Algebra[M].AnnArbor:Cushing-Malloy,Inc.,1959 :8-25.[12] Koo D,Burchenal J M,Blyth M I.First Course inModern Algebra[M].New York:F.Ungar Pub.Co.1963 1-9[13] Rosenbaum R A Introduction to Projective Geometryand Modem Algebra[M].Michigan:Addison-Wesley,1963:39-42.[14] Artin E.Selected Topics in Modern Algebra[M].North Carolina:Chapel Hill,1954 :1-3.[15] School Mathematics Study Group .Introduction toalgebra[M].Ann Arbor:Cushing-Malloy,Inc. ,1961 :1-11.[6]汪晓勤,周保良.高中生对实无穷概念的理解[J].数学教育学报,2006 !) :90-93.中学教學月刊1978年7月创刊2021年第4期(总第455期) 2021年4月15日出版主 苏州大学 协办单位江苏省数学学会主 江苏省教育中学数学月刊编辑部(邮编:215006)投稿网址 http://zxsxyk.math.s u 苏州文星 限公主 编徐稼红发 行江苏公司责任编辑沈琦珉订 阅全中国标准ISSN 1004-1176CN 32-1444/O1发行范围公开28-757.00。
所有想进入UC系统的高中毕业生,都必须完成A-G课程(A-G Curriculum),并且全部考试成绩都在C以上,才有申请大学资格。
典型的顺序是8年级 (初二) 学初级代数(Algebra I)9年级 (初三) 学几何(Geometry)10年级 (高一) 学中级代数(Algebra II)11年级 (高二) 学三角函数/数学分析(Trigonometry/Math Analysis)12年级 (高三) 学初级微积分(Pre-Calculus)。
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摘 要美国是世界上的经济强国,其数学教育和现代数学研究都位居世界前列。
关键词:小学数学;数与代数;教科书;中美比较;第一学段AbstractThe United States, a global economic powerhouse, plays a leading role in both its mathematical education and modern mathematics research. It is conducive to the further improvement of primary school mathematics curriculum in China, if we compares similarities and differences between Chinese and American primary school mathematics courses, and uncover the advantages of the latter. As the core of mathematics course, "Number and Algebra" is an important foundation for mathematics learning, used more widely in all aspects of social production and daily life. As a result, it is particularly important to master the basic knowledge and skills of it.Based on textbooks, the most explicit vehicle, we select the Beijing Normal University edition and the California edition of each country as research subject in order to discuss similarities and divergences of "Number and Algebra" in the first period of the two editions. In the study, literature review has been firstly introduced to understand the background of the compilation of Chinese and American textbooks, including the curriculum reform, standards and the overview of Chinese and American primary school mathematics textbooks. Secondly, comparative analysis and content analysis are used to study the "Number and Algebra" in the two textbooks in terms of both knowledge content and presentation. The former includes the width and depth of the knowledge content, and the latter consists of problem situation and compiling style.The study demonstrates that the Beijing Normal University edition and California edition of primary school mathematics textbooks have similarities in "Number and Algebra", but the differences are significant. In terms of the width of knowledge content, the California edition outperforms its counterpart; In the depth, the Beijing NormalUniversity edition is better; In the problem situation, it can be seen that the situation structure of the Beijing Normal University edition has the advantage against the California edition, but fewer material forms, using an example of “cognition of addition and subtraction”. In the aspect of mathematical relationships, representation methods, and thinking methods, the two textbooks exhibit their own features with little difference. In regard to the compiling style, there is not much difference between the two editions. In the compilation of the "chapter", the two textbooks differ greatly with the California edition being richer in detail. Based on the above study conclusions, this article proposes the following improvements to the field of "Number and Algebra" in the first period textbook of primary school mathematics in China: Add lessons and refine the knowledge points properly; Integrate disciplines organically to expand knowledge coverage; Focus on the material diversification of problem situations to expand students' thinking ability; enrich the columns in each unit and section to diversify the writing style.The conclusions and suggestions of this study may provide reference for the compilation of primary school mathematics textbooks in China. In the meanwhile, it is beneficial to the curriculum implementation of primary school mathematics teachers.Keywords: Primary School Mathematics; Number and Algebra; Textbook; Comparison Between China and the United States; First Period目 录摘 要 (I)Abstract ........................................................... I II 绪 论 . (1)(一)问题提出 (1)1.研究背景 (1)2.研究问题 (2)(二)研究意义 (2)1.理论意义 (2)2.现实意义 (3)(三)概念界定 (3)1.教科书 (3)2.第一学段 (4)3.数与代数 (4)(四)文献综述 (5)1.关于数学教科书的比较研究 (5)2.关于“数与代数”领域的研究 (7)(五)研究设计 (9)1.研究方法 (9)2.研究思路 (10)一、中美小学数学教科书编制背景 (12)(一)中美小学数学课程改革 (12)1.中国小学数学课程改革 (12)2.美国小学数学课程改革 (13)(二)中美数学课程标准 (15)1.课程理念 (15)2.课程目标 (16)(三)中美小学数学教科书概况 (17)1.北师版教科书 (17)2.加州版教科书 (17)二、第一学段“数与代数”知识内容比较 (18)(一)知识内容广度 (18)1.各年级知识内容广度 (18)2.各模块知识内容广度 (27)(二)知识内容深度 (29)1.北师版知识内容深度 (31)2.加州版知识内容深度 (31)三、第一学段“数与代数”呈现方式比较 (35)(一)问题情境 (35)1.案例呈现:加、减法的认识 (36)2.案例情境五要素分析:加、减法的认识 (41)(二)编写体例 (46)1.“章”的编写体例 (46)2.“节”的编写体例 (48)四、结论与建议 (50)(一)两版教科书“数与代数”比较的主要结论 (50)1.第一学段“数与代数”知识内容的比较结果 (50)2.第一学段“数与代数”呈现方式的比较结果 (52)(二)对我国教科书“数与代数”编写的建议 (53)1.适当增设课节,细化知识点 (53)2.学科之间有机融合,扩大知识涉及面 (54)3.注重问题情境素材多元化,拓展学生思维能力 (54)4.丰富单元和节的栏目板块,充实编写体例 (55)参考文献 (56)附录A 北师版和加州版1-3年级教科书封面 (59)致 谢 (60)绪 论(一)问题提出1.研究背景(1)数学教育成为国际比较的热潮随着世界经济与科技的发展,数学已不单单是一门学科,科学“数学化”成为一种发展趋势。
20210703美国加州中学各科原版教材合集,让⼩朋友读英美同龄⼈的书,更有共鸣!刚拿到这套美国加州中学各科教材原版的时候,我被教材的种类之丰富、书本数量之多给⼩⼩惊到了⼀下:地理GEORGRAPHY:四种物理PHYSICS:两种化学CHEMISTRY:三种科学SCIENCE:七种,包括红蓝绿系列、科学模块系列教材(A-O)总共15本历史HISOTRY:16种,包括中国历史艺术ART:四种美国基础政治US POLITICS:两种社会经济学SOCIAL ECONOMICS:⼀种(经济学的当下与明天)⽣物学BIOLOGY:三种(另配练习册)数学⼏何代数MATH GEOMETRY ALGEBRA:三种卫⽣与健康HEALTH:两种⽂学LITERATURE:12种语⽂GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE:三种(另配练习册)选修课OPTIONAL:15种其他OTHERS:词典,GRE以上总共87种,近200册,够你们读上⼏年的了!既然是中学课本,那么不难想象,这些课本,清⼀⾊的“厚”重。
给你们看看G11的⼀段⽂字:Before retiring, Boudreau had never attempted any personal writing. Now hesays, “To sit down and try to match up a style with an actual event that you havehad a part in—I never realized it was such a challenge. To use words as onewould use paints—to let them shed their color on each other in a way thathighlights an adventure—is rewarding.”His ship’s log is “perhaps the chief sourcebook for the newsletters,” thecaptain says. He tries to “make little vignettes or anecdotes out of the entries.”“Culebra Island, July, 1997” is an example of a vignette that grew out of a logentry.The newsletter sometimes features life-and-death adventures, such as onein which Boudreau described a terrifying hurricane. Other issues are morelighthearted. One issue described the process of baking bread. In the middle ofthe churning ocean, even baking bread can be an adventure.我们看到,这段⽂字虽然⽣词是有的,但句型并没有什么超出⾼中英语学习范畴的。
美国大学本科数学专业的必修课及教材(Required courses and materials for undergraduate mathematics in the United States)What are the required courses and teaching materials for undergraduate math majors in the United States? Questioner: 2008-10-18 22:01 _ blue shadow mourning drunk, | reward points: 100 | Views: 2387I'm going to America next year undergraduate mathematics, professional choice, now want to own a preview, hope to understand the required curriculum in the United States about 40 of university mathematics and the use of the teaching materials are (what is the most important about mathematics curriculum) hope that good hearted people tell me, thank you...2008-10-31 19:10 satisfied answer American undergraduate mathematics, Graduate basic curriculum reference bookFirst academic yearGeometry and topology:1, James, R., Munkres, Topology: the new topology of teaching materials for undergraduate senior or graduate freshmen;2, Basic, Topology, by, Armstrong: Undergraduate topology textbooks;3, Kelley, General, Topology: the classic textbook of general topology, but the older point of view;4, Willard, General, Topology: new classical textbook of general topology;5, Glen, Bredon, Topology, and, geometry: Graduate freshmen topology and geometry textbooks;6, Introduction, to, Topological,, Manifolds, by, John, M., Lee: Graduate freshman topology and geometry textbook, is a new book;7, From, calculus, to, cohomology, by, Madsen: good undergraduate algebra topology and differential manifold teaching materials.Algebra:1, Abstract, Algebra, Dummit: the best undergraduate algebra reference books, standard graduate students, first-year algebra textbooks;2, Algebra Lang: standard graduate student, grade one or two algebra teaching material, very difficult, suitable for reference books;3, Algebra, Hungerford: standard graduate freshmen algebra textbooks, suitable for reference books;4, Algebra, M, Artin: standard undergraduate algebra textbooks;5, Advanced, Modern, Algebra, by, Rotman: newer graduatealgebra textbooks, very comprehensive;6, Algebra:a, graduate, course, by, Isaacs: newer graduate algebra textbooks;7, Basic, algebra, Vol, I&II, by, Jacobson: classical algebra comprehensive reference book, suitable for graduate reference.Analysis basis:1, Walter, Rudin, Principles, of, mathematical, analysis: standard reference books for undergraduate mathematical analysis;2, Walter, Rudin, Real, and, complex, analysis: standard graduate freshmen analysis textbooks;3, Lars, V., Ahlfors, Complex, analysis: senior undergraduate and graduate students in the first grade classic analysis of teaching materials;4, Functions, of, One, Complex, Variable, I, J.B.Conway: graduate level single variable complex analysis classic;5, Lang, Complex, analysis: graduate level single variable complex analysis reference book;6, Complex, Analysis, by, Elias, M., Stein: newer graduate level single variable complex analysis textbooks;7, Lang, Real, and, Functional, analysis: graduate levelanalytical reference books;8, Royden, Real, analysis: standard graduate students in the first year of the actual analysis of teaching materials;9, Folland, Real, analysis: standard graduate students in the first year of the actual analysis of teaching materials.Second academic yearAlgebra:1, Commutative, ring, theory, by, H., Matsumura: newer graduate exchange algebra standard textbook;2, Commutative, Algebra, I&II, by, Oscar, Zariski, Pierre, Samuel: classical commutative algebra reference book;3, An, introduction, to, Commutative, Algebra, by, Atiyah: standard introductory textbook on commutative algebra;4, An, introduction, to, homological, algebra, by, Weibel: newer graduate students' two year coherence algebra textbooks;5, A, Course, in, Homological, Algebra, by, P.J.Hilton, U.Stammbach: classical and comprehensive homological algebra reference book;6, Homological, Algebra, by, Cartan: classical homological algebra reference books;7, Methods, of, Homological, Algebra, by, Sergei, I., Gelfand, Yuri, I., Manin: advanced and classical homological algebra reference books;8, Homology, by, Saunders, Mac, Lane: an introduction to the classical homological algebra system;9, Commutative, Algebra, with, a,, view, toward, Algebraic, Geometry, by, Eisenbud: Advanced Algebra geometry, commutative algebra reference book, the latest exchange algebra comprehensive reference.Algebraic topology:1, Algebraic, Topology, A., Hatcher: the latest graduate algebra topology standard textbook;2, Spaniers, "Algebraic, Topology": classical algebraic topology reference book;3, Differential, forms, in, algebraic, topology, by, Raoul, Bott, and, Tu, Loring, W.: Graduate algebra topology standard textbook;4, Massey, A, basic, course, in, Algebraic, topology: classical graduate algebra topology textbooks;5, Fulton, Algebraic, topology:a, first, course: very good algebra algebra reference for freshmen and graduate students in their freshman year;6, Glen, Bredon, Topology, and, geometry: standard graduate algebra topology textbooks, there is a considerable space to talk about smooth manifolds;7, Algebraic, Topology, Homology, and, Homotopy: advanced and classical algebraic topological reference books;8, A, Concise, Course, in,, Algebraic, Topology, by, J.P.May: Graduate algebra topology introductory materials, covering a wide range;9, Elements, of, Homotopy, Theory, by, G.W., Whitehead: advanced and classical algebraic topological reference books.Real analysis and functional analysis:1, Royden, Real, analysis: standard graduate analysis textbooks;2, Walter, Rudin, Real, and, complex, analysis: standard graduate analysis textbooks;3, Halmos, "Measure Theory": Classic graduate analysis of teaching materials, suitable for reference books;4, Walter, Rudin, Functional, analysis: standard graduate functional analysis textbooks;5, Conway, A, course, of, Functional, analysis: standard graduate functional analysis textbooks; 6, Folland, Real,analysis: standard graduate student analysis of teaching materials;7, Functional, Analysis, by, Lax: advanced graduate functional analysis textbooks;8, Functional, Analysis, by, Yoshida: advanced graduate functional analysis reference book;9, Measure, Theory, Donald, L., Cohn: classical measurement theory reference book.Differential topology Li Qun and Lie algebra1, Hirsch, Differential, topology: standard graduate differential topology textbooks, quite difficult;2, Lang, Differential, and, Riemannian, manifolds: graduate reference books of Differential Manifolds, higher difficulty;3, Warner, Foundations, of, Differentiable, manifolds, and, Lie, groups: standard graduate Differential Manifolds teaching materials, there is considerable space about Li Qun;4, Representation, theory:, a, first, course, by, W., Fulton, and, J., Harris: Li Qun and its representation standards;5, Lie, groups, and, algebraic, groups, by, A., L., Onishchik, E., B., Vinberg: Li Qun's reference book;6, Lectures, on, Lie, Groups, W.Y.Hsiang: Li Qun's referencebook;7, Introduction, to, Smooth, Manifolds, by, John, M., Lee: the newer standard textbook on smooth manifolds;8, Lie, Groups, Lie, Algebras, and, Their, Representation, by, V.S., Varadarajan: the most important reference book of Li Qun and Li algebra;9, Humphreys,李代数及其表示理论,介绍SpringerVerlag,gtm9:标准的李代数入门教材。
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functions, noting that the vertical change (change in y-value) per unit of horizontal change (change in x-value) is always the same and know that the ratio (“rise over run”) is called the slope of a graph. (Key, CAHSEE)
Chapter 4 Get Ready For Chapter 4 185
Algebra Lab
Steepness of a Line
In mathematics, you can measure the steepness of a line using a ratio.
Reinforcement of Standard 7AF3.4 Plot the values of quantities whose ratios are always the same (e.g., cost to the number of an item, feet to inches, circumference to diameter of a circle). Fit a line to the plot and understand that the slope of the line equals the quantities. (Key, CAHSEE)
4 Label each of the tabs with a lesson number. The last tab is for the vocabulary.
{Ó {Î {{ {x {È {Ç 6V>LÕ>ÀÞ
184 Chapter 4 Analyzing Linear Equations
GET READY for Chapter 4
Diagnose Readiness You have two options for checking Prerequisite Skills.
Option 2
Option 1
Take the Online Readiness Quiz at .
rise and the run of the ramp. Then calculate the
ratio _ rriusne. Record the data
in a table like the one at
the right.
Step 2
Keeping the rise the same, move the books to make the ramp steeper. Measure the rise and run, and
3. MAKE A PREDICTION Suppose you want to construct a skateboard ramp
that is not as steep as the one shown at the left. List three different
_ rise
Key Vocabulary
point-slope form (p. 220) rate of change (p. 187) slope (p. 189) slope-intercept form (p. 204)
Real-World Link
Space Exploration Linear equations are used to model a variety of real-world situations, including the cost of the U.S. space program.
• Stack three books on your desk.
• Lean a ruler on the books, creating a ramp.
• Tape the ruler to the desk.
Step 1 Measure and record the
your predictions by calculating the
result in a less steep ramp.
_ rise
ra graph and draw a line
Analyzing Linear Equations Make this Foldable to help you organize information about writing linear equations. Begin with four sheets of grid paper.
1 Fold each sheet of grid paper in half along the width. Then cut along the crease.
_ rise
than the original line. Then draw a line
through the origin with a ratio less than the
original line. Explain your reasoning using
2 Staple the eight half-sheets together to form a booklet.
3 Cut seven lines from the bottom of the top sheet, six lines from the second sheet, and so on.
Take the Quick Check below. Refer to the Quick Review for help.
Simplify. (Prerequisite Skill)
4. _ -4
_ -5
_ -7
9. -_26
calculate the ratio _ rriusne.
Repeat three times and record the data.
Step 3 Start with the last measurements from Step 2. Keeping the run the same, add a book to increase the rise of the ramp. Measure and record the rise and run, and calculate the ratio. Repeat one time, adding another book, and record the data.
_ -1
Simplify. Since the signs are different, the quotient is negative.
_ Evaluate
a-b c-d
= 2,
_ a - b
Original expression
Standard 8.0 Students understand the concepts of parallel lines and perpendicular lines and how those slopes are related. Students are able to find the equation of a line perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given point. (CAHSEE)
y (2, 4)
(1, 2)
rise run
the words rise and run.
186 Chapter 4 Analyzing Linear Equations
4-1 Rate of Change
and Slope
Main Ideas
• Use rate of change to solve problems.
= _2 -_ 5 Substitute 2 for a, 5 for b, -3 for c,
(-3) - (-12) and -12 for d.
_ -3
_ -3 ÷ 3
_ -1
Divide -3 and 9 by their GCF, 3. Simplify. The signs are different, so the quotient is negative.
Write the ordered pair for A.