English+Study 美国俚语大全
下面的句子包含很多的哲理,背诵这样的句子是一个非常大的挑战,但却对我们的英语和人生都将有非常大的提高!操练英语的同时,还能提高我们的智慧,何乐而不为!1----- You only go around once in life★Special Note:Though you may tell someone they are doing something in a wrong way, you have to stop criticizing them if their method works.2-----Nothing succeeds like success★Special Note:Like money in a savings account, success seems to compound itself.3------Easy does it★Speci al Note:Some things require gentleness for success. One should not push too hard.4-----Every little bit helps★Special Note:This is especially true if there is a huge job to do or a huge amount of money to be raised from many people.5-----Look before you leap★Special Note:Don't jump into a situation carelessly. You may land in difficulty.6------Curiosity killed the cat★Special Note:Do not ask too many questions or become too curious aboutthings.7-----Flattery will get you nowhere★Special Note:If flattery is recognized, it will not succeed. One sometimes hears the opposite, Flattery will get you everywhere.8-----There is no such thing as a free lunch★Special Note:If someone you do not know offers you a free lunch or other gift, watch out.9------Better safe than sorry★Special Note:It is better not to take a risk than to take a risk foolishly.10-----Winning isn't everything★Special Note:One may enjoy the process of playing a game whether one wins or not.11-----The burned child shuns fire★Special Note:Some of life's lessons are learned the hard way. The person who has had to pay for a mistake will be careful not to make that mistake again.12-----There are other fish in the sea★Special Note:There are opportunities! For example, this may be used to encourage someone who has just broken off a relationship with a sweetheart.13-----There is more here than meets the eye★Special Note:Be careful. People are hiding something in order to protect themselves or take advantage of you.14-----Once bitten, twice shy★Special Note:This may be used to explain the behavior of a person who is overly cautious about something.15-----To each his own★Special Note:Each individual should be allowed to have his or her own preferences. people will naturally choose different activities, goals, life-s, etc.16-----Looking out for number one★Special Note:This is sometimes used to criticize a person who has abused or taken advantage of someone else.17-----If it feels good, do it★Special Note:Live according to your desires at the moment. Forget about rules, regulations or consequences. Just have fun.18-----Live and let live★Special Note:Do not be judgmental. Do not try to control or punish other people.You live as you like and let others live as they like.19-----Variety is the spice of life★Special Note:Variety is what makes life pleasureable. Boredom is seen as a threat and monotony is the surest route to boredom.20------Money talks★Special Note:Wealth has influence. People who make big contributions to political candidates are "talking" to the candidates and expecting them to listen.21-----All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy★Special Note:This is used to criticize someone who takes work too seriously. It affirms that play is as an essential part of human life.22-----The more the merrier★Special Note:This is a way of welcoming someone to participate. It means, the bigger the group, the bigger the party.23-----You can't have your cake and eat it too★Speci al Note:Make up your mind. Sometimes one must choose between two very desirable things, giving up one thing in order to enjoy the other.24-----Love finds a way★Special Note:Love is considered one of the most powerful and determined forces in the world.25-----Absence makes the heart grow fonder★Special Note:When lovers are separated, they may think about each other constantly. their love may deepen.26-----Out of sight, out of mind★Special Note:This is said of someone not considered important or worthy of loyalty. One forgets about that person as soon as he or she is out of sight.27-----Marry in haste and repent at leisure★Special Note:Do not rush into any long-term commitment. It may also apply to any long-term partnership, such as a joint businessventure.28------Talk is cheap★Special Note:Talking is not doing, It is easy to talk about a plan, but this gets little respect untill one takes a risk and puts the plan into action.29-----Love is blind★Special Note:When people are in love, they do not see each other's faults.30-----Beggars can't be choosers★Special Note:Beggars have to accept whatever they get. This harsh reply may be used if people complain about the size or quality of a gift.31----- Home, sweet home★Special Note:This phrase reminds people of the ideal home--It should be a place of warmth, love and joy.32-----Nice guys finish last★Special Note:Success is valued more highly than kindness and politeness. This is more often applied to men than woman.33-----The one who dies with the most toys wins★Special Note:This recent, cynical saying makes fun of three common American desires-- competing, accumulating property, and having fun.34----- You can't argue with success★Special Note:Enjoy life, do what you want to do, experience everything you can.35-----Put your money where your mouth is★Special Note:Get serious about what you are saying. When you have spoken in favorof something, prove that you mean it by risking some money on it in a bet or an investment.36-----The best defense is a good offense★Special Note:Be pro-active and goal-oriented, not timid or conservative. Aim to conquer, not merely to protect yourself.37-----You've got to take the bull by the horns★Special Note:Grab directly and fearlessly for the toughnest part of a problem. Don't look for an easy way out.38-----Money doesn't grow on trees★Special Note:You have to work for things. Success does not come on its own.39-----Too many cooks spoil the broth★Special Note:Individual action or action by the smallest group possible is better than consulting a lot of people.40-----Stand on your own two feet★Special Note:This may be said to a young or immature person who depends too much on others.41-----The cure is worse than the disease★Special Note:While trying to solve one problem, we create an even bigger problem.42-----Boys will be boys★Special Note:This is sometimes used to describe irresponsible but not too seriously wrong behavior by men.43-----A man is only as old as he feels★Special Note:A person's energy level is more important than age.44-----A man's home is his castle★Special Note:At home a man is like a king, completely free to do as he wishes.45-----Two heads are better than one★Special Note:Two people are more likely to succeed than one working or thinking alone. It is better to consult than to act alone.46-----There is safety in numbers★Special Note:Do not take large risks all by yourself. Do not walk alone on a dangerous street at night.47-----Charity begins at home★Special Note:One should be kind to close relatives before doing good to the community in general.48-----What goes around comes around★Special Note:What you do to others, especially if it is bad, will eventually be done to you. As you seek your own success, do not treat other people badly.49-----If the shoe fits, wear it★Special Note:If an accusation is true, accept the blame. This saying can also mean, " if a suitable opportunity comes to you, take it!"50-----Don't get mad, get even★Special Note:When someone treats you badly, do not just get angry, express your anger in action.51-----Get a life★Special Note:Do not be so unreasonably critical about tiny things. Find something better to do with your time.52-----My country, right or wrong★Special Note:I am absolutely loyal to my country whether or not I agree with its policy in a certain area.53------Business and pleasure don't mix★Special Note:When you work, work. When you play, play. It is inefficient and therefore unwise to try to mix the two.54-----Let a sleeping dog lie★Special Note:Do not meddle in something that will cause you no trouble if you leave it alone. If you wake up the "dog," it may bite you.55------No man can serve two masters★Special Note:Divided loyalty will break down sooner or later.56-----Make it short and sweet★Special Note:Speak briefly and to the point. We don't have time for the details.57-----What will be will be★Special Note:Some things cannot be changed or avoided.58-----Opposites attract★Special Note:As positive and negative magnets attract each other, so people of very different types attract each other.59-----To err is human★Special Note:It is normal for humans to make mistakes and it is godly (or God-like) to forgive them.60-----Life is a pie★Special Note:If we ask for more than our share, we're just begging to be disappointed.61-----Making every minute count★Special Note:Doing something productive all the time, not letting any time "slip away."62-----A pen is mightier than the sword★Special Note:A conflict maybe resolved more deeply and effectively by writing the truth than by resorting to violence.63-----A new broom sweeps clean★Special Note:A new person in power will change many things and improve the situation.64-----Opportunity only knocks once★Special Note:Opportunity is like an unexpected stranger passing by. It knocks on someone's door. It does not return to the same person.65-----History repeats itself★Special Note:There are patterns in history. Nations rise and fall for similar reasons.66-----People are people★Special Note:Their human nature is predictable. They respond to stimulus and incentives.67-----Praise when praise is due★Special Note:Do not criticise beyond necessity and seldom in public. And always precede criticism with a few words of praise.68-----Turnabout is fair play★Special Note:If a person is taking advantage of someone else, the situation may change. The one on top may end up on the bottom.69-----Here today, gone tomorrow★Special Note:Things may change quickly. This is said as a criticism of a person who changes quickly for no good reason. It may also be said of a thing or situation which does not last.70-----Do not stand out, fit in★Special Note:Make no long-term, close friendships with any colleague., but be cordial to all.71-----Natural law is blind★Special Note:Just like water, cleaness and refreshes without any distinction, and without any judgement either.72-----Man proposes, God disposes★Special Not e:Human beings make their plans but God determines whether they succeed or not.73-----A live dog is better than a dead lion★Special Note:It may be better to run away like a scared dog with its tail between its legs than to stand and fight to the death like a courageous lion.74-----The worm turns★Special Note:Everything chnages. Do not expect situations or people to stay the same for very long.75-----You are what you eat★Special Note:A nation's diet can be more revealing than it's art or literature.76-----Marriages are made in heaven★Special Note:God is the source of human love and the one who destines two individuals to be married.77-----If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours★Special Note:If you do something good for me, I should do something good for you.78-----Work smarter, not harder★Special Note:Get others to do as much as they can for you.79-----Time heals all wounds★Special Note:The damage done by a conflict is like a wound that will heal naturally over time if it is not re-injured.80-----Time marches on★Special Note:Time is marching to its own drumbeat. It does not slow down or stop for anyone.81-----Keeping up with Joneses★Special Note:This means buying things that you see your neighbors buying. That way you look like.82-----The exception proves the rule★Special Note:Though we are making an exception and breaking the rule in this one case, we do it only becasue the circumstances are so unusual.83-----Shop till you drop★Special Note:Shopping is a form of considering options. People think this is fun so they keep doing it untill they are worn out.84-----The good die young★Special Note:Life is not always fair. Some very fine people die at a young age though it seems they were so good they deserved to live longer.85-----Power corrupts★Special Note:When people are put into positions of power, they gradually forget what life is like for ordinary people.86-----Crime does not pay★Special Note:Though crime appears to have benefits, this is an illusion.87-----So far so good★Special Note:Said by or to someone who is carrying out a plan taking one step at a time. Confidence increases with each step.88-----Innocent untill proven guilty★Special Note:In a court of law, the accused person is presumed innocent at the start. The jury will not convict the person unless the proof is clear.89-----The devil made me do it★Special Note:This is playfully used as an excuse by people who know they have done something wrong but want to avoid the penalty.90-----Home is where the heart is★Special Note:Home is wherever ones loved ones are. The size or appearance of a house does not make it a home or keep it from being a home.。
美国留学不可或缺的本地俚语踏上美国的土地,留学生们最要紧的除了学习,就是如何快速融入当地生活,留学生们应该怎么改变不落单的现状呢?下面小编就教你美国人常用的那些俚语,让你也能迅速成为“老油条”!1、What’s up?What’s up是美国年轻人之间的一种打招呼的非正式方式(但不要对长辈使用)。
意思跟“你在做什么”比较类似,所以用I’m fine 这样的回答是不OK的。
现在小编教大家几种合适的回答,第一种就是用I + am + -ing verb的形式来回答,例如“I’m hanging out with friends right now”。
第二种是用“Not much. What’s up with you?”来回答,意思是“无聊中,你呢?”,一般比较适合想不出如何回答的同学。
第三种就是用俚语回答,例如“I’m chilling”,意思是我在休息。
2、forty winks13世纪,wink(本意,眨眼)就开始表示“打盹儿”,因为人打盹儿时处于浅睡眠状态,眼皮会快速眨动。
因此,“forty wink”表示“打盹儿”。
3、Damn it这句俚语同学们在美剧里经常可以听到。
学会了这句俚语,同学们就可以把粗俗的F**k给抛弃了,用Damn it相对优雅地表达自己那不愉悦的心情岂不更好。
4、In the nick of timeIn the nick of time 一般用在非常紧急的时候,意思是“及时、恰好”。
上个例句让大家感受一下——“News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers.”,这句话的意思是“对借款人来说,减息的消息来得正是时候”。
American English slangs美国俚语美国口语俚语(1)1.clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!美国口语俚语(2)1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just theway he talks.保持冷静。
2.cool it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
3.joy ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。
5.red-letter day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是susan的大日子。
10个常用美式英语俚语,日常口语必备系列1. By the skin of (my/your/his/her) teeth 侥幸成功,差一点点,刚刚好【例句】I got through calculus class by the skin of my teeth.我侥幸通过了微积分课程。
【例句】I got to the airport a few minutes late and missed the plane by the skin of my teeth.我晚了几分钟到机场,正好错过了飞机。
2. Couch Potato —成天躺著或坐在沙发上看电视的人;极为懒惰的人【例句】A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle may colloquially be known as a couch potato.过着久坐不动的生活方式的人通常被称为“沙发土豆”。
3. Down to earth —实际的,实在的【例句】Down-to-earth traveling tips 实地的旅行建议【例句】Surprised to find the movie star so down-to-earth惊奇地发现这位电影明星如此平实。
4. Drive up the wall —使某人烦恼或恼怒。
【例句】A week on vacation with my relatives is enough to drive me up the wall.和亲戚们一起度一个星期的假期让我彻底厌烦了。
【例句】That loud beeping noise is driving me up the wall!那巨大的哔哔声快把我逼疯了!5. Going Dutch —当每个人为自己的餐费买单时。
【例句】Dutch dateAA制约会【例句】I feel comfortable going Dutch.我觉得各付各的好。
英语学习资料:20个基本的美国俚语(二)11.To have a crush (on somebody) (verb) To have a crush on somebody is a great feeling and it means that you’re attracted to somebody and would like them to be more than just your friend. And if somebody has a crush on you, well it’s the same – they like you in a more intimate way.To have a crush (on somebody)(动词)。
To have a crush on somebody 之一种强烈的情感。
Example 1)例1“I have the biggest crush on Simon. He’s so cute!”“我非常迷恋西蒙,他是如此的可爱!”Instead of saying have a crush you can also just say crushing on –it means the same thing but it’s usually used among the younger generation and teenagers.除了说 have a crush你也可以说 crushing on –两者意义相同,但是年轻人和青少年中这个词常常这样用。
Example 2)例2“Oooh, you’re so crushing on Michael right now!”“哦,你现在对迈克尔已经完全着迷了!”“I am not! We’re just friends!”“我没有,我们只是朋友!”12.To dump somebody (verb) If you dump somebody, you’re probably going to break their heart. If you dump your boyfriend or girlfriend it means you stop having a romantic relationship with them for some reason. And if you’re dumped,it means that somebody doesn’t want to date you anymore –don’t worry, there are plenty more fish in the sea! (There are many more great single people out there to date).To dump somebody(动词)。
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1、give me a hand 帮我一下忙例如:Can you give me a hand ? sure . what do you need你能帮我吗?当然,你需要什么?2、Foot the bill 付账的意思例如:You order the dishes and i 'll foot the bill .你点菜,我来付帐。
3、blow-out 既可以指规模很大的聚会,也有指汽车的轮胎炸了的意思例如:We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charle’s birthday because our car had a blow-out.这个句子中第一个blow-out是指规模很大的聚会,第二个blow-out是指汽车的轮胎炸了。
”4、To hold water 按字面解释当然可以说是“不让水漏出来”。
例如:That excuse simply doesn't hold water.那个借口根本站不住脚。
5、make my mouth water 让我流口水例如:The roast duck that restaurant serves is my favorate dish. Every time I think about it, it makes my mouth water.我最喜欢吃那个饭馆的烤鸭。
6、Pay a call 拜访的意思例如:Tomorrow I’ll pay a call on him.明天我将要去拜访他。
7、Feeling blue 感到无精打采例如:He feels blue today . his car was stolen他今天感觉很忧郁(心情不好)。
40个特别有威力的地道美国英语俚语,值得人人研读收藏!1、Bent out of shape这个俚语指的意思是“非常的恼怒或者沮丧”。
例句:It's really not worth getting so bent out of shape just because your boss ignored your comments.不就是你老板没在意你的意见嘛,你也没必要这么气嘟嘟的啊。
2、Burn someone up这个俚语说的是“让某某人非常生气”,和 bent out of shape类似。
例句:What you just said really burns me up! 你刚刚说的那些话真是把我气死了!3、Bust someone’s ass to do something我很喜欢这个俚语。
例句:I wouldn't bust my ass to finish that project if you told me you wouldn't need the analysis results this week. 你要早告诉我你这个星期不需要分析结果,我也不会那么着急上火的赶那个项目了!4、Cheap shot这个俚语表示的“很阴很贱的一种行为”,有一种“暗箭伤人”的意思。
例句:You told her boyfriend he is in love with you? That's really a cheap shot!你告诉她男朋友说他爱的是你?你这种做法也太阴了吧?!5、freak of nature直译为“自然的怪诞”,其实就是表示“这个怪胎”的意思,但不一定就是坏话,有时候也有戏谑的意思。
例句:That freak of nature even really finished that 20-page paper in 2 days!那个怪胎居然真的在2天里完成了那篇20页的论文!6、Have guts to do something/gutlessguts的本意是“内脏”,但在美语口语经常被用作“胆量、勇气”的意思。
1. Moonlight 赚外快,兼职2. Its a steal 极廉宜的东西3. Its a bit steep 太贵了点4. Its a daylight robbery太贵了!5. Its a rip-off! 太贵了点!6. Cost somebody an arm and a leg,要某人的一手一脚,真要命,引伸指“非常昂贵”。
例如,It cost me an arm and a leg指“那车花了我很多钱”。
(寄自香港)7. Satiety: 过饱。
The state of being full or gratified to or beyond the point of satisfaction.8. Presentiment: 预感,预觉A sense that something will or is about to happen; a premonition. Hed had a presentiment of this. , he had known that this was precisely what would be said.9. Timorous: 胆小的1). Full of apprehensiveness; timid; fearful.Indicating, or caused by, fear.10. Give me five!,“和我击一下掌,庆祝我成功了,太棒了!”11. Long in the tooth 的意思很简单,就是“年长,青春不再”。
12. Baby Kisser, 美国政客在竞选时为了争取选票,无论是真心还是矫情,都喜欢在公共场合亲吻选民怀中的婴儿,表现亲民的形象来讨好民众,所以被称为“Baby Kisser”。
简单的说,“Baby Kisser“就是指那些爱拍马屁,假惺惺的人。
13. Against the Grain, 理解这个短语的关键是grain,此处它不是“谷子”,而是“(木、石、织物等的)纹理”。
常用美国口语俚语100条1.clock in打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow!I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!6.keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on.He didn't mean to offend you.That's just theway he talks.保持冷静。
7.cool it冷静一点Cool it.You are making me mad.冷静一点。
8.joy ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
9.red-letter day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan.She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是苏珊的大日子。
10.go up in smoke成为泡影Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office.办公室出了问题,peter的假期泡汤了。
1. a big letdown ⼤失所望的事 It was a big letdown that I didn't pass the final exam. 2. max out 累惨了 Max out! Finally I finished my assignment. 3. a spate of words 语⽆伦次, 废话连篇 When the teacher asked me to do the presentation, a spate of words poured out from my lips, for I didn't prepare it at all. 4. all bark and no bite 光说不练 All bark and no bite will do you harm. 5. take a shine to 有好感 You are a lucky dog. You are one of the few whom she takes a shine to. 6. all thumbs ⼀窍不通 When it comes to advanced math, I am all thumbs. 7. apple polish 拍马* His promotion lies in his great apple polishing skills. 8. ask for the moon异想天开 Poor Smith wants to build a great business after his graduation, I am afraid he is asking for the moon. 9. stick in the mud 保守的⼈ My grandmother is a stick in the mud. 10. get off it 别胡扯, 别瞎说 Oh, get off it; he is my cousin, not my boyfriend. 11. at one's own charge⾃费 I'll have a trip during the National Day at my own charge. 12. bag (v.) 逃课 It is not your fault that she bagged class. 13. pull some strings ⾛后门 I'll have to pull some strings if I can't buy the concert tickets. 14. at the bottom of fortune's wheel倒霉透顶 My PC was broken again; I'm at the bottom of fortune's wheel. 15. be a good sport 来点⾼兴的,提神的事 Be a good sport, let's sing a song together. 16. overgrown 孩⼦⽓ She is an overgrown girl and is apt to get angry with her boyfriend. 17. a heavy course load 繁重的课程负担 Nowadays in China, most of the school students have a heavy course load. 18. act the lord 装阔,摆阔 We should criticize some college students who act the lord. 19. spoil the show ⼤刹风景 It will spoil the show if my parents come into my room when I am dancing crazily. 20. the third wheel 累赘,电灯泡 You two go to see the movie alone, I don't want to be the third wheel. 21. allow oneself in 沉溺于 College students should not allow themselves in the video games bar. 22. spring for 请客 Let me spring for dinner tonight. 23. get down to 放得开,不受拘束 Though he is quiet in daily life, when gives a speech he really gets down! 24. animated talk 畅谈 Every night my roommates give the splendid animated talk about our bright future. 25. as close as a clam ⼀⽑不拔,吝啬 Do not expect Lily to treat you dinner, she is as close as a clam. 26. show sb. the back door 下逐客令 If you behave rudely, I will show you the back door. 27. at one's feet 在……门下,在……⼿下 I have got great achievements at this distinguished scholar's feet. 28. catch some Zs ⼩睡⼀会 Be quiet, girls, I want to catch some Zs. 29. open sesame 秘诀,关键,敲门砖 Wealth is an open sesame to get that actress's love. 30. wear sb.'s heart on sb.'s sleeve 情绪化 The weak point of the young generation is to wear their hearts on their sleeves. 31. call in sick 打电话请病假 The teacher got angry again, for Jack called in sick again. 32. blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了 A: How did you do on the exam? B: I blew it. 33. mess around 瞎混 Work hard, do not mess around or else you will regret one day. 34. fast worker 闪电恋爱 A: What's eating you? You have been so quiet all morning. B: I fell in love with a girl, but she says she doesn't want to be a fast worker at all. 35. cold shoulder 不理⼈ The couple has been angry with each other for a long time, even now the wife still gives cold shoulder to her husband. 36. blind date 从未晤⾯的男⼥经第三者安排所作的约会 37. have the face 厚颜⽆耻 We are so surprised that you have the face to say you are the top student in the class. 38. catch up with 把握⼀切 This research fellow could catch up with and surpass advanced world levels in physics. 39. raise hell⼤发牢骚 When the boss entered the office she was raising hell. 40. click (两⼈)合得来 After the blind date with Charles she found they really clicked. 41. get a load of 试试 A: Hi, Bob, this is my new car Benz. B: Wow, that's awesome; can I get a load of it? 42. fix …… up 撮合某⼈ I think Mary and Tom would make a perfect couple, let's fix them up. 43. gag me with a spoon 我快吐了 Gag me with a spoon! Look at the girl's short shirt! 44. go together 谈恋爱 Even their parents don't know they are going together. 45. give sb. some dope 散播内幕 If you are my best friend, you will give me some dope about it. 46. feeling blue ⽆聊 Every time she feels blue she will have a field day. 47. break the ice打破僵局 In order to break the ice I decided to treat all my colleagues to dinner. 48. flip out ⾼兴之极 He flipped out when he knew that we won the game. 49. cut class 旷课,逃课 He failed in English exam because he is always cutting classes. 50. get hot 亲热 The teacher warned the couple not to get hot in public.。
欢迎大家阅读参考学习!各国常常用到的俚语1.He's the idol of girls. 他是个大众情人。
2.There you go again. 你又来那一套了。
3.I'm not as picky as you. 我没有像你那样挑剔。
4.He holds a top job. 他位居要职。
5.That's more like it. 那还差不多。
6.I'll show you the way. 我为你带路。
7.That's more than I can say. 我无可奉告。
8.You can't get it cheap! 这个价钱最便宜不过了!9.Let down your hair! 坦白地说吧!10.I need a steady job. 我需要一个固定的差事。
11.Let your hair dry! 你别神气!12.Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。
13.We must keep in mind our final objective and our 我们必须牢记我们的最后目标和任务。
14.Fish in troubled waters. 趁火打劫(混水摸鱼) 。
15.I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在胡说些什么。
16.Now I'm safe and sound. 现在我安全无忧了。
17.We talked our hearts out. 我们互吐心声。
18.Don't make a federal case out of this matter. 不要把此事虚张声势出去。
1.Absurd! 荒唐!可笑!2.Adieu! 再见!再会3.Aloha! 您好!欢迎!再见!4.Asshole! 笨蛋!傻瓜!5.Attention! 立正!6.Baloney! 胡说八道!7.Banzai! 万岁!8.Bigbore! 讨厌鬼!9.Birdbrain! 笨蛋!傻瓜!10.Boast! 吹牛!臭显!11.Bozo! 傻瓜!12.Bully! 棒极了!好!妙!13.Bummer! 懒鬼!懒人!14.Camera! 开拍!15.Cheerio! 再见!祝你健康!16.Chump! 笨蛋!傻瓜!17.Coward! 胆小鬼!18.Crook! 恶棍!流氓!19.Crumb! 人渣!杂碎!20.Damn! 该死!21.Deuce. 平分。
22.Dismiss! 解散!下课!23.Dope! 笨蛋!24.Dummy! 笨蛋!傻瓜!25.Eff! 操!26.Fathead! 笨蛋!猪脑袋!27.Fink! 告密者!间谍!可恶的家伙!28.Fudge! 胡说!瞎扯!29.God! 天啊!哎呀!糟糕!30.Gracious! 天哪!哎呀!31.Hag! 母夜叉!恶婆婆!32.Hellion! 恶少!恶棍!捣蛋鬼!33.Honey! 亲爱的!爱人!34.Hooey! 瞎扯!胡说!35.Hurrah! 万岁!加油!36.Idiot! 白痴!傻瓜!37.Jake! 乡巴佬!38.Jiggers! 哎呀!哎哟!zybones! 懒鬼!40.Lousy! 笨蛋!傻瓜!41.Lowlife! 卑鄙的家伙!无赖!42.Man! 喂!老兄!43.Minx! 浪货!浪荡女!44.Moron! 低能儿!傻瓜!45.Nerts! 废话!鬼扯蛋!呸!46.Nitwit! 笨蛋!傻瓜!47.Nonsense! 废话!胡说!鬼扯蛋!48.Nut! 怪胎!疯子!傻瓜!神经病!49.Ouch! 哎唷!痛啊!50.Pig! 猪猡!脏鬼神!贪吃鬼!51.Pshaw! 呸!哼!啐!52.Psycho! 神经病!脑筋有问题!53.Question! 有异议!回到本题!54.Rat! 鼠辈!小人!55.Rats! 胡说!我才不信呢!56.Salute! 敬礼!57.Sayonara! 再见!58.Scoundrel! 恶棍!无赖!59.Screw! 操!快逃!60.Shake-up! 振作起来!61.Shame! 真可耻!多可惜!62.Shithead! 笨蛋!63.Shuck! 唉!呸!哼!不好意思!哪有这回事!64.Slob! 脏鬼!懒鬼!65.Snacks! 平均分吧!66.Snob! 势利鬼!67.Socko! 嗖!68.Speaking! 我就是。
a bird in the hand is worth two the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林a blank slate 新的一页,新的开始a bone to pick 争端,不满a cat nap 打个盹儿a chip off the old block 子肖其父a chip on one's shoulder 自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅a ouch potato 懒鬼a cake walk 易事a headache 麻烦事a knock out 美得让人倾倒a load off my mind 心头大石落地a nut 傻子,疯子a pain in the neck 苦事a piece of cake 小菜一碟,易事一件a shot in the dark 瞎猜a short fuse 脾气火爆a sinking ship 正在下沉的船a slam dunk 轻而易举的事a slap in the face 公然受辱a smoke screen 烟幕a social butterfly 善于交际,会应酬的人a stick in the mud 烂泥中的树枝a thick skin 厚脸皮a thorn in someone's side 芒刺在背a turn coat 叛徒an uphill battle 在逆境中求胜a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担ace 得到完美的结果all ears 洗耳恭听all thumbs 笨手笨脚an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌an open and shut case明显的事件ants in one's pants 坐立不安back in the 改过自新backfire适得其反ball and chain 老婆beat a dead horse 徒劳beaten by the ugly stick 生得难看beggar can't be choosers 讨饭的谈不上挑三拣四bet on it 有把握,无疑bet your life 绝对错了better half 我的另一半between a rack and a hard place 前有狼后有虎big headed 傲慢,自大bigger fish to fry有更重要的事要办bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂bite the bullet 强忍痛苦birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚blow up in you face 事情完全弄砸了bologna 胡说,瞎说break a let 表演真实,演出成功break the ice 打破僵局bright聪明,灵光brown nose 讨好,谄媚bug somebody 使人讨厌bull in a china shop 笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人bump into 巧遇burn brides 过河拆桥burst your bubble 打破人的幻想,煞风景bury one's head in the sand自欺欺人butterfingers抓不稳东西的人butterflies in my stomach心里紧张,七上八下buy the farm归道山,死了call it a night 一日事毕,可以睡觉了can't teach an old dog new tricks 老狗学不会新把戏cash in my chips 睡觉,就寝chicken 胆小鬼circle the wagons 严阵以待clean up one's act 自我检点,自我改进come down in bucket 倾盆大雨come down in sheets 倾盆大雨cool your lips 冷静下来cost someone an arm and a leg 代价昂贵count on something /doing something 这事靠得住count your chickens before they hatch 蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡crock 废话cross the line 做得太过分了cross that bridge when we come to it 船到桥头自然直cry over spilled milk 为过去的失败而懊丧cushion the blow 说话绵软一点,以免打击太重cut to the chase 不绕圈子,开门见山daily grind 例行苦事days are numbered 来日无多dead center 正当中dead-end street 死路,死巷子dog 丑八怪domino effect 骨牌效应don't hold your breath 别期望太高don't look a gift horse in the mouth 收人礼物别嫌好道歹down to the wire 最后关头downhill from here 自此每况愈下drop the ball 失职empty nest 儿女长大离家every cloud has a silver lining 祸兮福所倚,塞翁失马美国最新俚语293条(首字母:L-O)landslide压倒性的胜利last straw最后一根稻草left a bitter taste in one's mouth留下不愉快的回忆left hanging被挂起来,悬而不决let sleeping dogs lie别无事生非let the cat out of the bag泄密,说漏嘴light a fire under your butt促其行动light at the end of the tunnel一线希望like hot cakes很受欢迎的东西,抢手货like looking for a needle in a haystack大海捞针like pulling hen's teeth艰苦不堪like shooting fish in a barrel瓮中捉鳖like stealing candy from a baby易事我要收藏ling winded长舌,碎嘴loose cannon一触即发的脾气lose one's marbles疯了,神智不清low blow不正当的攻击,下流手段make a mountain out of a molehill小题大作make him and break the mold再没有跟他一样的人了Monday morning quarterback马后炮monkey business胡闹monkey on one's back难以摆脱的负担more than you can shake a finger at屈指难数more than one way to skin a cat另有办法music to my ears爱听的话my old man我父亲nail in the coffin致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素neck and neck齐头并进,不分轩轾no sweat没什么大不了not dealing with a full deck头脑不正常nothing will leave these walls言不入六耳off the charts好得没治了off the deep end暴跳如雷off the fop of one's head临时一想,随口一说on a good note尽欢而散on a roll做得很顺,势如破竹on cloud nine九霄云上on fire红火,手气旺on my nerves惹我心烦on pins and needles如坐针毡,坐立不安on tap现成的,预备好on the back burner靠边站on the ball做事有准备,有把握on the edge of my seat专心地看和听on the rocks触礁,搁浅;加冰块on the same page进度相同on the tip of my tongue话到舌尖,呼之欲出once in a blue moon稀罕,少见one foot in the grave入土三尺one of a kind独一无二one step ahead of you领先你一步out of the pan and into the fire每况愈下out of the picture不在画面里out of this world人世所无,只应天上有美国最新俚语293条(首字母:F-K)fall into place落实,就绪fender bender小车祸fight tooth and nail爪牙并施,拚命抵抗fine line微妙的差别fish out of water如鱼离水flash in the pan空欢喜一场,好景不长fork in the road岔路framed被陷害,遭栽赃full throttle加足马力get a foot in the door获得立足点get hitched结婚get off on the wrong foot第一印象不佳get the ball rolling动起手来get/give the green light获准行动get up on the wrong side of the bed起床下错边give the shirt off one's back慷慨成性go one step too far做得太过分了go out on a limb担风险go overboard过火go to hell in a hand basket一坏不可收拾go to one's head上头上脸,冲昏头脑go under破产goose bumps鸡皮疙瘩grasp for straws绝望中的挣扎guts胆子hot惹火have one's cake and eat it too既要鱼,又要熊掌hit the jackpot中了头彩hit the road上路hold the key to my heart掌管我心灵的钥匙hold your horses慢来hang somebody out to dry把……坑苦了in one's back pocket是某人的囊中之物in the dark茫然in the lime light出风头it's Greek to me天书in the middle of nowhere前不见村,后不着店joined at the hip死党jump the gun抢先just what the doctor ordered对症下药keep an ear to the ground注意新动向keep one's fingers crossed/cross one's fingers暗祈上苍保佑kick the bucket翘辫子kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕,一举两得kiss up to讨好kitty corner斜对角美国最新俚语293条(首字母:P-S)pale in comparison相形失色peas in a pod好哥儿们pieces come together诸事顺利,达成完美结果play it by ear随机应变我要收藏plenty of other fish in the sea天涯何处无芳草poke* **ce喜怒不形于色pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步pull oneself up by one's bootstraps凭自己的力量重新振作pull the rug out from underneath someone地事出意外punch your lights out揍得你两眼发黑put all of one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷put one's foot in one's mouth说错话put one's nose to the grindstone专心工作put the cart before the horse本末倒置rain on your parade扫兴,浇冷水rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨raise the bar更上一层楼read someone like a book对这个人一目了然red handed趁着手上的血还没洗净时候抓住,在犯罪现场被逮red tape (扎公文的)繁文缛节right down my alley正能者多劳的胃口rob the cradle老牛吃嫩草rock the boat无事生非,制造不安定rumple my feathers逆批龙鳞seamless天衣无缝secret weapon秘密武器see right through someone一眼看穿,洞烛其奸shoot for the stars sick and tired立志要高sit shotgun厌烦six one way, half a dozen the other半斤八两skate on thin ice如履薄冰skeleton in one's closet不可告人的事skin and bones皮包骨sleep on it考虑一晚上small talk寒喧,闲聊smooth sailing一帆风顺snowball滚雪球,越滚越大snowball's chance in hell希望不大spark来电spineless没有骨气split hairs吹毛求疵stab in the back遭人暗算stallion貌美体健的男人stand someone up对方失约,让人空等stick a fork in him, he's done用叉子戳他一下看看,他烤熟了吧stop and smell the roses享受生活straw that broke the camel's back致命的一击straight from the horse's mouth根据最可靠的消息来源strike out三振出局美国最新俚语293条(首字母:T-W)take a hike滚蛋take a rain check另一次机会take the word right out of someone's mouth你所说的正是我想要说的the ball is in someone's court该你行动了我要收藏the walls have ears隔墙有耳throw in the towel认输,放弃tie the knot结婚toe the line循规蹈矩,沿着线走tongue in cheek挖苦地too many cooks in the kitchen筑室道谋,三个和尚没水渴twinkle in your mother's eye未出娘胎twisted脾气拧,别扭two left feet笨手笨脚under my skin让我极不舒服under the weather受了风寒until the cows come home空等,白等until you are blue in the face也是白干unwind轻松下来up for grabs大家有份up in the air悬而未决walk in someone's shoes设身处地,经历相同walk on air,飘飘然washed up筋疲力尽,力气都放完了water off a duck's back马耳东风water under the bridge逝水,覆水when hell freezes over绝不可能的事weed out淘汰well rounded全能,全才when pigs fly绝不可能not lift a finger袖手旁观wound up紧张,兴奋wrapped around his/her little finger玩弄于股掌之间wring his neck扭断他的脖子。
【导语】以下是⽆忧考整理的《美国⼈常⽤的10个地道俚语》,⼀起来看看吧! 什么是俚语? 俚语就是美国⼈⽣活⾥常⽤的语⾔,“⾮正式”语⾔。
接下来,就为⼤家介绍美国⼈最常⽤的10个俚语! 1.In The Nick Of Time Meaning: At the last moment, just before something bad happens 意思:在最后⼀刻,来的正是时候。
例句: 1. The accident victim was near death, but the ambulance arrivedin the nick of timeand the paramedic saved her.这个伤者已经奄奄⼀息了,但是救护车在最后⼀刻赶到了!护理⼈员把他从死亡边缘拉了回来。
2. We ran as fast as we could toward the bus stop and got there just as the bus was pulling to a stop. We got there in the nick of time.我们以最快速度朝汽车站跑去,当我们到了车站时,汽车正好停了下来,我们到的正是时候。
Tips: ①这个俚语常⽤在情况⾮常紧急的时候。
②“nick”还有⼀个很常见的词组“nick name”,意思是昵称。
2.Take a Hike Meaning:used for rudely telling someone to go away 意思是:哪⼉凉快哪⼉歇着去吧 例句: 1. please take a hikewhile I'm drawing, don't interrupt me!我画画的时候请⾛开,不要打扰我! 2. Our teacher told Jack that if he did n't learn to be quiet in class , he could take a hike.我们⽼师告诉杰克,如过他不学著在课堂上安静下来,他就可以滚出去了。
1. I don't know for sure.
例: Could you tell me how to get to the subway station?
I don't know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman o ver there.
2. I'm not going to kid you.
例:You quit the job? You are kidding.
I'm not going to kid you. I'm serious. 我没跟你开玩笑,是真的。
3. That's something.
例:I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester.
Congratulations. That's something. 恭喜你,太棒了!
4. Brilliant idea!
5. Do you really mean it?
例:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me.
Do you really mean it?
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· crack open a bottle
· Let's crack open a bottle for his birthday.
· MEANING: open
· cram
· I need more time to cram for the test.
· MEANING: deceive
· cool
· This is a really cool place to work.
· MEANING: good
· cool down
· Things should cool down in a day or two.
· MEANING: calm down
· MEANING: crazy
· boo-boo
· If you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job.
· MEANING: mistake
· booze
· I promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party.
· MEANING: study hard
· cream
· Our team creamed them badly.
· MEANING: beat
· croak
· I feel like I am going to croak.
· MEANING: die
· cruise
· The skier was cruising down the hill
· Calm down. Don't blow your cool.
· MEANING: become angry
· blown away
· I was blown away by his donation of a million dollars.
· MEANING: greatly impressed
· MEANING: leave
· blow
· He blew all his money gambling.
· MEANING: lost
· blow a fuse
· Hey, don't blow a fuse.
· MEANING: lose your temper.
· blow one's cool
· MEANING: alcohol
· bread
· I need some bread to pay for my car.
· MEANING: money
· break
· A lucky break helped him get the job.
· MEANING: opportunity
· He barfed all over the seat of the airplane.
· MEANING: vomitted
· bashed
· The boat was bashed beyond recognition.
· MEANING: crushed
· beat
· After working all day I am really beat.
· MEANING: undesirable place
· awesome
· What an awesome sunset.
· MEANING: great
· bad
· Wow, that was really a bad movie.
· MEANING: intense
· barf
· MEANING: knife
· blimp
· I always seem to have a blimp sitting next to me when I travel.
· MEANING: very fat person
· blow
· I'm going to blow out of here now.
· MEANING: taken out of the game
· bent
· It's OK. Don't get so bent.
· MEANING: angry
· bent out of shape
· Don't get so bent out of shape.
· MEANING: become upset
· MEANING: going very fast
· cuffs
· He put the cuffs on the killer.
· MEANING: handcuffs
· cop
· How did you get the road sign? I copped it.
· MEANING: robbed
· cop
· The cop showed me his badge.
· MEANING: policeman
· couch potato
· He is a couch potato.
· big gun
· The president brought two big guns to the meeting.
· MEANING: powerful people
· big mouth
· Shut up! You really have a big mouth.
· MEANING: talk too much
· I need to find a place to chow down.
· MEANING: eat a lot
· clip
· Watch out or they will clip you at that bar.
· MEANING: cheat
· clunker
· I can't go on a date in that clunker.
· MEANING: bathroom
· carb
· My motorcycle's carb is out of adjustment.
· MEANING: carburetor
· catch some rays
· I'm going to lie on the beach and catch some rays.
· buck
· Do you have a buck I can borrow?
· MEANING: dollar
· bummed
· I was really bummed after I heard the news.
· MEANING: depressed
· bummer
· My trip to New York was a bummer.
· MEANING: die
· call
· The weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come.
· MEANING: prediction
· can
· Do you know where the can is?
· break it up
· Break it up, or I will call the police.
· MEANING: stop
· bring-down
· The news of the airplane crash was a bring-down.
· MEANING: depressing
· MEANING: arrest
· come up for air
· He has to come up for air or he will die from exhaustion.
· MEANING: take a break
· con
· Don't try to con me.
· MEANING: cheap
· chicken
· Don't be a chicken.
· MEANING: coward
· chintzy
· That really was a chintzy present you got him.
· MEANING: cheap
· chow down
· I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter.
· MEANING: after studying all night.
· ammo
· The gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo.
· MEANING: get some sunshine.
· catch some Z's
· I need to catch some Z's before I go on my trip.
· MEANING: get some sleep
· cheesy
· That is really a cheesy looking outfit.