
高考英语短文改错专项强化训练短文改错练习(1)Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model high schoolstudents . They study hard . They do extreme well on 76.achievement tests . And next year , Rowena will attending 77.Harvard University . Billy , her younger brother , hoe to go 78.to Cornell . That makes Rowena and Billy different from 79.most students is that they don’t go to school . In fact , 80.they've never been to school . Since a kindergarten , they 81.have studied at home . Neither Rowena or Billy feels as if 82.they have missed out on nothing by being taught at home . 83.As many of the more than one million people who receive 84.home schooling in the United States , they feel if they 85.have gotten a good education .短文改错练习(2)Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I suppose you do. But I’d76.like to tell you what a bad day I had yesterday. Nothing 77.just went wron g. On the morning, my alarm clock didn’t ring,78.since I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I burnt my 79.hand when I was cooking the breakfast. Then I ran out of the house 80.to catch the 8:30 buses. This is the bus I usually take. But, you 81.may laugh, I missed it of course. I am very unhappy, and scared 82.as well because teacher hates the students coming late to school. 83.So I ran three miles to school only to discover that nobody 84.was there. The school was quiet but peaceful. Our classroom was 85.locked. I realized that moment: It was Sunday.短文改错练习(3)Get a good education is more important today than 76._______________ ever before .In Canada mostly children attend public 77._______________ schools. Public schools are mainly found by governments 78._______________ through tax income. Students in Canada taught in 79._______________ English and in French. The rests of Canadian children 80._______________ attend private schools, that are supported mainly by fees 81._______________ paying by parents .By law ,the children must attend 82._______________ the school from age 5 to 16. There are several different 83._______________ levels in the Canadian education system .The first was 84._______________ called Elementary Schools ,which include kindergartens 85._______________ through grade 7 or 8.短文改错练习(4)Yesterday we went to plant trees on the hill near to 76.our school. The boys were made dig pits(坑).The 77.girls were told to plant the young trees into the pits. 78.All of us worked very hardly. Soon we were all wet 79.with sweat.After the young trees planted, we 80.began to water it.The water was at the foot of 81.the hill. But we stood in line to pass pails(桶) 82.of water from one to other up to the hill. 83.We did not finish water the trees until it 84.was dark.Though we were tired,we feel very happy. 85短文改错练习(5)A few months after returning the US from Germany , I took 76.part in a college course in French. Since I have learned to 77.speak German good in Germany, I thought that it might be 78. interested to begin studying another language. At the first 79.class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise, 80.in which he would say one word or two in French, and each 81. student would do their best to copy. When he got to me, he 82.kept having me to say more words, and I finally asked him 83.why. “I find it great funs. It’s the first time I’ve heard an84. American speak French with a German accent.”he explained it. 85.短文改错练习(6)It was fine yesterday. The sun was shining in thesky. I went boating by myself. I didn’t take many76.friends with me because I wanted to row alone. 77.I hired a boat and rowed slowly to the center of lake. 78.A fresh breeze was blowing, fish was swimming and birds 79.were singing. When I reached the center, I took up the 80.paddles(桨)and lie down in the boat. With the blue sky 81.over me or green water around me I was extremely 82.relaxed. Over about two hours passed in this way before I 83.knew them. I came back home very late. I didn’t feel84.tiring at all, for I had really had a good time. 85.短文改错练习(7)I was anxiously expected your letter, and at last 76.________ it has reached to me. I am very glad to know that 77________ everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually. 78________ Things here are same now as they were before. The 79 ________ final examination will take place in next week. So 80 ________ I am now busy preparing for my lessons. It’s nice81________ to think that the summer vacation is coming 82________ near. I can’t say much I want to see you all again. 83 ________I am looking forward to spend summer days with you. 84________ Give my love to Father, Mother and anyone at home. 85________短文改错练习(8)One afternoon , when I was on my way home , the sky 76.changed suddenly . Dark clouds were gathered . I began 77.to feel worried because I didn’t have both a raincoat 78.or umbrella about me . It soon started to rain . 79.Just as I was hurrying home , I heard of someone calling 80.me from behind . I turned to have a look and find that 81.he was Liu Wei , a good neighbour of mine . He 82.offered to share his umbrella with me . We walked all 83.the ways home . Without Liu Wei’s help , I would have 84.got wet to the skin . How much thankful I was for his help ! 85.短文改错练习(9)I worried about the missed bag all the evening. 76.I tried to remember exact what I had done from the 77.time I left the store until at the time I got home. I 78.remembered whether I had looked at the bag while I 79.was having lunch. So I must have it when I left the 80.store. I remembered showing it to a friend on the bus. 81.But I had the bag then. I came directly from the bus 82.to my house, and I must have forgotten it on the bus. I 83.was in hurry to get off and forgot to check the packages 84.lying on the floor. I should be much careful next time. 85.短文改错练习(10)A kind of little car may someday take place of today’s big 76.ones . If people drive such cars in the future ,there would be 77.less pollution in there air . There will be more spaces for 78.parking cars in cities . The streets will be less crowd . And 79.driving will be safer as these little cars can go only 65 km 80.per hour . The future cars will be fine for getting round acity , so they will not be useful for long trips . Little cars 81.will go m , before needing to stop more gas . If big cars 82.are still used along with the small ones , two sets of roadsthat will be needed in the future . Some roads will be used 83.for the big fast cars and another roads will be needed for 84.the slow small ones . It is said that third such little cars 85.fit in the space now needed for one car the usual size .短文改错练习(11)Dear Bob,I must say that I do agree with you. Though you find 76.something, but it doesn’t m ean it belongs to you. If you 77.can find who it belongs to, you should try to return back 78.it. I’m sure you would want someone to do same for79.you. Once I found a beautiful picture. I wanted to keep 80.it. Then I remembered see one just like it in an office. 81.I went to the office and found the person to who it 82.belonged. The lady was very happy to get back and 83.gave me delicious apples. So you see, Bob, I get two 84.rewards: one I could eat and another I could keep in 85.my heart.Yours,Li Ming短文改错练习(12)Mr Zhang is over sixty years old. He has retired(退休).He is one of my respected teachers. He teaches us 76. chemistry when we were in senior Grade One. He was old, and he 77.taught us good. He tried his best to make his classes lively. 78.Mr Zhang usually made good preparations for the lesson and was strict 79.to us, too. Whenever we made mistakes in our homework. 80.he would ask us to correct them. At that time, I was used to be 81. poorly in chemistry. Mr Zhang often helped me with my studies 82.very patiently. With his help, I had made rapid progress and 83. caught with the class. He is always very kind to every student. 84.As an experienced teacher, he is respected and loved by all 85.the students.短文改错练习(13)I can’t swim because I have a strong fear o f water.Look back at my childhood experience, I think 76.that three reason might explain the fear. The first 77.reason is that I was not allowed to go near the water 78.when I was a child, for my mother had unreasonable 79.fear of it. So, even as a child I was taught see the 80.water as something danger. Second, my eyes 81.became bad ones when I was five. If I took off my 82.glasses in the wa ter, I couldn’t see anything, but this83.increased my fear. The worst part of your experience 84.is that as a child I often see a neighbor drowned. Since 85.______________ then I have been more frightened.短文改错练习(14)Most people who are ambitious and want to achievesomething live on stress. They need them. I like to use 76.example from the animal world because there is a biological 77.basis for what I say. If you take a turtle and force it to run with as 78.fast as a race-horse, you should kill it. So it’s useless to say79.to a turtle type human what he must achieve this because his 80.father was famous and his grandfather was successful. You can’t 81.make race-horse out of a turtle. But the reverse is also true. If you 82.are the race-horse type, as more efficient businessmen and politicians 83.are, you have the urge to do many things and to express you. If 84.you told not to do anything, you are under terrible distress. 85.短文改错练习(15)Have you ever heard from the saying : All work and no play 76.make Jack a dull boy ? What this means is that if you study 77.all the times you will become a boring person . You must 78.go out and having fun with your friends , otherwise you will 79.lose him . No one wants to be friends with someone who only 80.talks about work and study . 81.Perhaps you have a confidence problem . Please try remember 82.what the work you do is for yourself but no one else . You 83.do not have to compete with your classmates . No one could 84.be happier in studying seven days and seven nights in a week . 85.短文改错练习(16)Deare Abby ,How are you ? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you .76.I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my 77.further education . One hundred and twenty students took exam 78.for it , but only a few was chosen and I was one of them . However , 79.my parents are not happy about it . They are strong against me 80.going there . They say it is too far away that they will not see me 81.for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely . They 82.can't imagine a girl so young live alone . They advise me to study 83.in the capital instead . Then I’ll be able to continue l iving with 84.them . How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up ? 85.Best WishesJane短文改错练习(17)I used to love science class—all of them—76.biology, chemistry, geography or physics. I think I 77.liked those classes because I felt that it helped me 78.understand what the world works. For example, 79.when I was a child, the rain was a mystery. In one 80.class, I learned why it rained. I think science classes 81.clear up mysteries. But then there is always more 82.mysteries look into. What was my least favorite class? 83.That was math. After learn the basics of the subject, 84.Nothing else seemed very practically to me. I never 85.saw how I could use it in my daily life.短文改错练习(18)Some Americans judge success on the length 76.of his vacations . The man who gets a month’s 77.vacation each year consider himself more successful 78.than the man gets two weeks . Many people want 79.to be teachers because it is teachers who can 80.get three-month vacation every year . Some college 81.teachers who teach the three classes consider 82.themselves less successful than that who teach 83.only one or two , or none in all . In short , the less 84.work Americans do , the less successful they 85.consider themselves .短文改错练习(19)As is known, that is interesting to teach children to 76.swim while they are still babies. Most the large towns in 77.Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for 78.babies. The idea has quickly spread to Europe from where, 79.in several countries, special courses are now offered to 80.the children who are from 7 to 24 month old. 81.The first step is to have child get rid of fear of 82.water. Next, he is teaching to float in water. Once he 83.can do that naturally and can swim with fear, the child can 84.master the technique and push him forward through the water. 85.短文改错练习(Dear Mr. GreenI work in the Friendship Shop on Zhongshan Road 76. where you have often come to buy things. The other day 77. if you bought a vase at our shop with your wife, I made 78. the mistake about the price. You looked at two different 79. price of the same vase, one costing 30 yuan and the other 80.21 yuan. You took the 21 yuan one so I accepted 30 81. yuan from you. I found my mistake only after you and 82. your wife have left. Will you please come to our shop to 83. get in your change or to return your vase and get a 30 84. yuan one instead? I apologize you for it. 85.I’m looking forward to your coming earlier.Yours truly,Wang Hua短文改错练习(21)In many western countries heavy industry is high developed 76.The difference between heavy and light industry are based on 77.the nature of the goods produced. Heavy industry produce 78.machines while light industry uses machines produce the 79.smaller objects required for various purpose in our home 80.and offices.The growth of industry in country depends on the 81.general level of economic or industrial development. 82.In its beginning, industrialization is likely to be cheap. To 83.decrease (减少)costs, industrialists in an area usually depend on 84.Local supplies of the coal or electric power for their operation 85.短文改错练习(22)It happened in a morning that I was walking in the street . 76.I ate up a banana and threw its peel on the corner of the road . 77.Short after that I heard a scream behind .I looked back to 78.see what was happened .A little girl about 8 years old fell 79.down and the banana peel was exactly under her left shoes . 80.She stood up without cry .Then she picked up the banana peel 81.and ran toward the dustbin .On that moment ,I realized my fault , and went to 82.apologize her for that ,but my vanity (虚荣心)prevented me . 83.The little girl had taught me a good lesson by her action . 84.And now ,after I do everything , I’ll think carefully whether85.it’s right or wrong . I’ll do my best to be in good habits and qualities .短文改错练习(23)Mr Wang is my physics teacher. He has 1.75 meters 76in the height. He was born on November 4,1952. So 77 he is a middle-aged man. He graduated Qinghua 78 University in 1978. After graduation, he becomes a middle 79 school teacher. He has been taught physics for more than ears. 80He is very successful as a teacher. He has been given a 81lot of honor. He not only is a good teacher in 82 physics but also speak English and Russian very well. 83In his spare time, he likes reading books, collect stamps 84and listening music. Also, Mr Smith is kind-hearted. 85短文改错练习(24)Dear Lily,I got your letter and pleased to hear about your job 76.______interview at a grocery store. I know you wanted to 77.______get a job at the TV station, and you’ve been looking 78.______for several week now and haven’t found anything. 79.______The job at the grocery store doesn’t sound badly. If I 80.______am you, I’d take it. If you worked there a while, you 81.______could earn some money. Its your decision, of course, 82.______but I advise you to take it. Let me to know what you 83.______decided to do. By the way, after you get the job you 84.______can think about get a bike later. 85.______Love短文改错练习(25)Dear Abby:How are you? I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you76.______ I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my 77.______ further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam 78.______ for it, but only a few were chosen and I was one of them. Therefore, 79.______ my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against my 80.______ going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me 81.______ for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They 82.______can’t imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study83.______ in the capital instead. Then I’ll be able to continue living with them. 84.______ How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up? 85.______Best Wishes,Jane短文改错练习(26)I went to see film after supper. On my way to the 76.cinema, I met an old English woman, she had lost her 77.way. I gave up the chance to see the film, walking towards 78.her and took her to her hotel. While go there, I told her 79.great change had taken place in the past few years and she 80.told me something about Britain and her family. 81.Though I missed the film, however I felt very happy, 82.for I not only helped the old lady out from trouble but also 83.practise my spoke n English. If I hadn’t worked hard at84.English, I would have been able to help her. 85.短文改错练习(27)I was anxiously expected your letter, and at last 76it has been reached me. I am very glad to know that 77everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually. 78Things here are the same now as we were before. 79The final examination will take place of next week. 80But I am now busy preparing my lessons. It’s nice to81think that the summer vacation is coming near. I can’t 82say much I want to see you all again. 83Looking forward to spend summer days with you. 84Give my love to Father, mother and anyone at home. 85短文改错练习(28)Helen is one of my best friends. She had taught 76.______us English when I attended training course two 77.______ years before. Helen always made good preparations 78._____ _ for the lessons, she tried her best to make her 79._ _____ classes lively. I used to being poor in English, 80._ _____ especially in written English. But now I’m able81.__ ____ to write English letters and reports correct. 82.___ ___ I still remember how she helped me for my 83.___ ___ English patiently. Teachers’ Day’s come. I’m going to 84._ _____ send to her a card and give her best wishes. 85.___ ___短文改错练习(29)ow I'd like to tell you why I learn English.76._ ____I often read English aloud and try learn something 77._____ important by hearts, which helps me remember it easily and 78._____ form the good habit of thinking in English.79._ ____I listen to a lot and talk with others in English.80._ ____In this way, I was improved both my hearing 81.___ __ and my spoken English.I keep a diary in English every day but my 82.___ __ spoken English is becoming better and better.83.I also try my best to master the necessary grammarknowledge.By this means, I can express itself 84.___ __in English correct.That's the way I have been learning 85._ ____ English.I hope it will be useful to you.That's all.Thank you.短文改错练习(30)I passed all the other course that I took at my university, but I could 76.never pass botany. This was why all botany students had to spend 77. several hours a week in a lab look through a microscope at plant 78. cells, and I could never see through a microscope. This was used to 79. make my professor angry. “I can’t see everything, ” I said. Then80.he began patient enough to explain how to see through it, but I still 81. couldn’t make it. At last we tried it with every adjustment of the82. microscope known to man. With my pleasure, I saw something 83.and drew it quickly on the paper. “What’s that?” my professor asked.“That’s what I saw.” I answered. “No, you don’t!” he shouted,84.and he bent over and look ing into the microscope. “That’s your85.eyes! You’ve fixed the lens so that it reflects! You’ve drawn your eyes!”短文改错练习(31)One cold day, an aged lady was sent for her doctor. When he came, 76.she tells him that her right leg was very sore(酸痛)in the knee. 77.The pain sometimes was bad enough to make it walking difficult. 78.She asked him what the trouble could be because she had never before 79.suffered some similar discomfort. After making a careful examination, 80.the doctor said, “You are in a very bad state of health for a woman81.of your age. I think the trouble in your right knee is just matter of 82.old age. We get diseases as we get old. The trouble will mostly 83.clean up in spring!” “Nonsese, doctor!” she said, “My left knee is84.perfect, and it is exactly same age as my right.”85.短文改错练习(32)May I have you attention please? I have a few 76. _________ things to tell you. When you have a class here in the 77. _________ language lab, please be here a little early. Change 78. _________ your shoes before enter the lab. Don't bring anything 79. _________here except your text books. When you are into, 80. _________ please don't touch these machine without permission. 81. _________ Always do as the teacher tell you to. In class you 82. _________ should only speak the English, not Chinese. Recorders 83. _________ can be used make a copy of the listening materials. 84. _________ When class over, turn off your machines and leave 85. _________ the lab one by one.短文改错练习(33)Dinner on Children's DayOn Children's Day last year, our city held an interested 76. _________ activity, in which children and their parents play the rich 77. _________ and the poor. In the dinner, the rich could have more delicious 78. _________ food, but the poor could only have bread with porridge(粥). 79. _________ Parents both hoped to have the dinner for the poor with the 80. _________ children. They hoped that their children could be taught the 81. _________ lesson from the dinner.Now many people on earth don't have enough food and clothes. 82. _________ Every day only one half the world could enjoy enough food. 83. _________ The activity was held to make the families understand the 84. _________ differences from the poor and the rich and also make the parents 85. _________ know that too much material life won't always do good to the children.短文改错练习(34)We'll never forget the day which my classmates and 76.I paid a visit to a chemistry factory last week. 77.It was a larger one with nearly 2,000 workers. It 78.looked a garden and we could see colorful flowers, 79.grass and trees anywhere. We also visited some 80. workshops and saw workers worked very hard. We 81.talked to them and learned a lot. We understood 82.them further. On the way home we felt tiring. 83.We all thought that we had a very good day. We 84.really hoped that we could get more chances of 85.leave the school and learn social experience.短文改错练习(35)One morning Mrs Jenkins went to department store 76. ___________ to buy a coat. There was not shop assistant in the store 77. ___________ before she got there. She had to wait. Then a fat lady. 78. ___________ came in. She went to Mrs Jenkins and asked her to serve 79. ___________ for her. She told Mrs Jenkins that she wanted to buy 80. ___________ a coat. Mrs Jenkins said that she couldn't do. 81. ___________ The fat lady got angrily. She didn't let Mrs Jenkins 82. ___________ explain anything but insisted that Mrs Jenkins 83. ___________ would do that right away because it was her job. 84. ___________ At last Mrs Jankins has to tell her that she was 85. ___________ a customer herself and wanted to buy a coat, too.短文改错练习(36)If there are much more people in the world, there must 76. ________ have more food to feed the people. But food is already a 77. ________ problem in today's world. One-third of the world's population 78. ________is starving, because there is not enough food. Ten thousand 79. ________ people died of hunger every day in some parts of the world 80. ________ But in others parts of the world, people become ill or die 81. ________ because they eat too much food, and they are very fat. Some 82. ________ countries have no food, but the others have too much, and 83. ________they throw them away. How can tomorrow's world feed 84. ________ its people? The world needs produce more food than 85. ________ it does now.短文改错练习(37)There are strange similarities in the life 76. _________ of John F. Kennedy and the life of Abraham Lincoln. For 77. _________ example, Kennedy became a president in 1960,while Lincoln 78. _________ elected in 1860.This was exactly one hundred years 79. _________ apart. Then both men were shot after, on a Friday and in 80. _________ the presence of their wife. There is another very 81. _________ strangely similarity. Kennedy's secretary, named Lincoln, 82. _________ told him to go to Dallas. Lincoln's secretary, named Kennedy, 83. _________ told him not to go to the Ford Theatre. But all of them went 84. _________ and both were shot to die. 85. _________短文改错练习(38)A US-led War against Iraq broke out in March 76. _________ without the agreement of the UN. They came less than two 77. _________ hours after Bush's deadline for Saddam leave his 78. _________ country has passed. There are about 250,000 US armies 79. _________ around Iraq. There are also armies from another countries. 80. _________ includes Britain and Australia, fighting with the American 81. _________ soldiers. Their force is much more bigger than that of Iraq 82. _________ But they met stronger resistance than they expected. 83. _________ “These things are never easy. There will have some difficult 84. _________ times ahead so the War is going on as its plan,” said 85. _________British Prime Minister Blair.短文改错练习(39)My husband 96-year-old grandmother came to live 76. __________ with us for many years of independence. We did 77. __________ all the things we could make her feel comfortable, 78. __________ in our home, including giving her the private line for 79. __________ their bedroom. One evening we were having a party 80. __________ while the phone rang. It was telephone operator, 81. __________ who asked, “Do you have a grandmother on upstairs? 82. __________ “Yes,what’s happened?” my husband replied.“Well,”the 83. __________ operator again continued,“She can't remember. 84. __________ your phone number, and she like a cup of tea.. ”85. __________ 短文改错练习(40)I'd like to tell you something more about the problem of 76. _________ pollution we are facing to. As we know, the factory 77. _________ besides our school gives off heavy smoke all day 78. _________ long. Very loud voices hurt our ears. Rubbish and 79. _________ waste are thrown here or there. It also sends out 80. _________ polluting water and poisonous gas. All this has 81. _________ made a great harm to the health and study of the 82. _________ teachers and students. But as time goes on, a little 83. _________ has done to change the situation. I don't think we can 84. _________ study well until the problem is solved. We do hope 85. _________ you'll help and support us.短文改错练习(41)Helen is one of my best friends. She has taught 76. _________ us English when I attended training class two 77. _________ years before. Helen always made good preparations 78. _________ for the lesson, and she tried her best to make 79. _________ her classes lively. I used to being poor in English, 80. _________ especially in written English. But now I'm able 81. _________to write English letters and reports correct. 82. _________I still remember how she helped me for my 83. _________ English patiently. Teachers' Day's come. I'm going to 84. _________ send to her a card and give her best wishes. 85. _________短文改错练习(42)The early morning fire damaged the historic Gallad House today. 76___________ It destroyed the third floor of the building so fire fighters saved 77___________ the first and the second floors. There were only a few elderly people 78___________ living in the building at the time and they carried out to safety. 79___________ The Gallad House was built in 1718 and was used for a hotel for over 80___________ 150 years. George Washington stayed in here in 1782. The Gallad family 81__________ owned the building for the elderly. Several fire department were called 82__________ to the scene. When Fire Chief Andrew Bond asked when the fire 83__________ started, he answered that perhaps a burning cigarette caused it. 84__________ Chief Bond had promised to further examine the cause.85__________。

错词占60%左右【错误类型】1. 错词2. 多词3. 缺词4. 正错【考点透视】一.错词的热点1.动词—时态语态非谓语;主谓关系。
二.多词和缺词热点1. 冠词2.介词3.副词4.代词5.关联词6.小品词 to【短文改错主要特点】1. 语言材料取自于学生的习作。
2. 短文为贴近学生生活的话题或学生身边事。
3. 短文难度符合学生水平。
4. 语言简单易懂。
5. 没有生僻的语言现象或繁难的语句结构。
短文改错Snow came a bit later this year than usually. After school, we took a bus to go back home in noon. On the way, we were attracted by the amazing scenery — trees, houses, and even cars were covered with purely white snow. How desperately we want to play in the snow! However, when we got off the bus, we immediately ran to a square nearby to enjoy the very spirits what the snow brought us. Despite the cold weather, we had a great fun playing with the snow. Many passer-by watched us laughing and playing, with smiles on his faces. Occupying with our study every day, we would like to regard it a refreshing experience for us all.【参考答案】4.Snow came a bit later this year than usually. After school, we took a bus to go backusualhome in noon. On the way, we were attracted by the amazing scenery — trees, houses, atand even cars were covered with purely white snow. How desperately we want to playwantedin the snow! However, when we got off the bus, we immediately ran to a square nearby Thereforeto enjoy the very spirits what the snow brought us. Despite the cold weather, we had thata great fun playing with the snow. Many passer-by watched us laughing and playing,去掉 passers-bywith smiles on his faces. Occupying with our study every day, we would like to regard their Occupiedit ∧ a refreshing experience for us all.as短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

广西课标版2019版高考英语大二轮专题复习短文改错专题突破练3短文改错专题突破练18 1 Recently,a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great Wall. In the fact,this happens in many place of interest.I had some suggestions to solve this problem. First,make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti涂鸦. Besides,punishments,such as a fine,is necessary to tourists with so bad behavior.Also,I think it’s helpfully to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages. I’m sure with our efforts,more and more people will become concerning about protecting cultural relics. 答案Recently,a famous basketball player has caused public by writing on the Great Wall.In fact,this happens in many of interest.I some suggestions to solve this problem. First,make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti涂鸦. Besides, punishments,such as a fine, necessary to tourists with bad behavior.Also,I think it’s to put up some boards along the tourist attractions tourists can leave messages. I’m sure with our efforts,more and more people will become about protecting cultural relics. 2 During my second month of nursing school,our professors gave us a quiz. I had smoothly finished the others’questions when I got stuck on the last one“What’s the first name of the woman who clean the school”I had seen,many times,the woman,tall and in her fifty,but how could I know her name I handed in my paper,leave the last question blankly. After a class ended,one student asked for the answer for the question.The professor said,“As you know,that in your careers you will meet many people. You should respect them and care about them,even you just smile and say ‘hello’to them.” 答案During my second month of nursing school,our gave us a quiz.I had smoothly finished the questions when I got stuck on the last one“What’s the first name of the woman who the school”I had seen,many times,the woman,tall and in her ,but how could I know her nameI handed in my paper, the last question .After class ended,one student asked for the answer the question.The professor said,“As you know, in your careers you will meet many people.You should respect them and care about them,even you just smile and say ‘hello’to them.” 3 I still remember the first day I come to this new school.Everything was new to me,what made me realize I was no longer a small child. I had to depend on me.Luckily,I made several good friend.Their interests were similar with mine. I had great English teacher,Maggie.She let me know the important ofEnglish.So I decided to learn English hardly. Although it was very difficult at first,but with the help of my teacher,I made rapidly progress.Just as the old saying goes,“Where there is a will,there is a way.” 答案I still remember the first day I to this new school.Everything was new to me, made me realize I was no longer a small child.I had to depend on .Luckily,I made several good .Their interests were similar mine.I had great English teacher,Maggie.She let me know the of English.So I decided to learn English .Although it was very difficult at first, with the help of my teacher,I made progress.Just as the old saying goes,“Where there is a will,there is a way.” 4 My father is the man I respect most.Strict as he may be,however he never fails to show her care and consideration.Once I broke a neighbor window.Seeing nobody around,I ran away immediately.When Dad came home,he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what has happened. I could only tell him a truth. Instead of scold, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our neighbor. I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my health and he also teaches me what to be a good citizen.How luckily I am to have such a good father 答案My father is the man I respect most.Strict as he may be, he never fails to show care and consideration.Once I broke awindow.Seeing nobody around,I ran away immediately.When Dad came home,he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what happened.I could only tell him truth.Instead of ,he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our neighbor.I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my health he also teaches me to be a good citizen.How I am to have such a good father 5 I have met many teachers since I begin my schooling. Of all my teachers,Mrs.Green is the one who impresses me most.Though she is 50,she looks very young at her paring with other teachers, Mrs.Green pays more attention to her way of teaching. She tries various ways to make her class lively and interestingly.In her opinion, we will not only know “what” but also understand “why”.So instead of giving us answer immediately,she encourages us to think carefully every time when she puts forward questions. With her help,we have learned how to analyze and settled problems. What the amazing world of “why”she leads usSh e is such a learned person that we all admire him very much. 答案I have met many teachers since I my schooling.Of all my teachers,Mrs.Green is the one who impresses me most.Though she is 50,she looks very young her age. with other teachers,Mrs.Green pays more attention to her way of teaching.She tries various ways to make her classlively and .In her opinion,we will not only know “what” but also understand “why”.So instead of giving us immediately,she encourages us to think carefully every time she puts forward questions.With her help,we have learned how to analyze and problems.What amazing world of “why” she leads us She is such a learned person that we all admire very much. 6 Last weekend we went for camping in the mountains with our teacher,Anna. When we arrived,we made a campfire first.Then,Anna taught us to catch fish so that they could have more food to eat that night.I liked the airs there because it was fresh and clean. Many stars were up highly in the sky and the moon looked bright. We all sat around the fire,listening Anna’s stories about her childhood.She was born into a poor family or she worked very hard to be successful. I was very touched that I couldn’t sleep the whole night,thought about being a teacher in the future.When I get home,I said to my parents,“Everything was great about the camping. I want to be the teacher like Anna in the future.” 答案Last weekend we wentcamping in the mountains with our teacher,Anna.When we arrived,we made a campfire first.Then,Anna taught us to catch fish so that could have more food to eat that night.I liked the there because it was fresh and clean.Many stars were up in the sky and the moonlooked bright.We all sat around the fire,listening Anna’s stories about her childhood.She was born into a poor family she worked very hard to be successful.I was touched that I couldn’t sleep the whole night,/ about being a teacher in the future.When I home,I said to my parents,“Everything was great about the camping.I want to be teacher like Anna in the future.” 7 I’m a huge book lover but like sharing my love for books So I’ve been bought books constantly.Finishing reading one book,I placed it in or around my school so that some of my schoolmate can treat themselves to the book. I especial like placing it on a stone table in the little garden in that students might have time to take a rest. I was delighted an other day when I saw a card left on the table to say thanks.And from the card,I knew my book turned out of to be a birthday gift for a strange girl. It was so lovely find out that my book could bring anyone pleasure 答案I’m a huge book lover like sharing my love for books So I’ve been books constantly.Finishing reading one book,I it in or around my school so that some of my can treat themselves to the book.I like placing it on a stone table in the little garden in students might have time to take a rest.I was delighted other day when I saw a card left on the table to say thanks.And from the card,I knew my book turned out to be a birthday gift for astrange girl.It was so lovely find out that my book could bring pleasure 8 Now I’d like to share with you a strange experience I had a month before. It may sound funny,and it’s true. After a day’s hard work I went to bed early than usual. It was about two o’clock in the morning,and suddenly I woke up. I heard a noise.I got out of bed and went slow downstairs. I listened carefully. I could heard two men speaking quietly. I believed two thieves had broken into my house and I was really frightened,so I went back to upstairs,and immediately phone the police from my bedroom.The police arrived quickly. They opened front door with a special key and went into the living room.You can imagine what embarrassed I was when they came upstairs and told me we had turned the television off for me and everything was all right. 答案Now I’d like to share with you a strange experience I had a month .It may sound funny, it’s true.After a day’s hard work I went to bed than usual.It was about two o’clock in the morning,and suddenly I woke up.I heard a noise.I got out of bed and went downstairs.I listened carefully.I could two men speaking quietly.I believed two thieves had broken into my house and I was really frightened,so I went back upstairs,and immediately the police from my bedroom.The police arrived quickly.They opened front door with a special key and went intothe living room.You can imagine embarrassed I was when they came upstairs and told me had turned the television off for me and everything was all right. 9 Susan’s family was terrible poor.One Christmas Eve,Susan’s father saw that Susan had used piece of gold wrapping paper to decorate a shoe-box,where was so precious to their family,and she put it under the Christmas tree. The next morning,Susan takes the box to her dad and said,“This is for you,Dad”But if he opened it,he found it was empty.“Why do you give me an empty boxes Don’t you know the gold wrapping paper is such expensive to us” Her dad said angrily.Susan cried,said,“Dad,it isn’t empty.I blew kisses into it until it was all full.”Hearing of this,the dad felt regretful,he held Susan in his arms but said,“Sorry,my dear,I love you” 答案Susan’s family was poor.One Christmas Eve,Susan’s father saw that Susan had used piece of gold wrapping paper to decorate a shoe-box, was so precious to their family,and she put it under the Christmas tree.The next morning,Susan the box to her dad and said,“This is for you,Dad”Buthe opened it,he found it was empty.“Why do you give me an empty Don’t you know the gold wrapping paper is expensive to us”Her dad said ang rily.Susan cried,,“Dad,it isn’t empty.I blew kisses into it until it was all full.”Hearing this,the dad felt regretful,he held Susan in his armssaid,“Sorry,my dear,I love you” 10 In hot summer,there are many kind of drinks such as water,tea and coffee.When you are very hot and feel thirst,which is the best you should drink Scientists say water is very important for people.Water is needed for cooling the body on the hot day.Water carries body heat to the surface of the skin,but the heat is lost by sweating. Scientists say in hot weather,drink cold water is the best.Cold water helps cool us faster than warmer water.This is because it takes more heat inside the body and carries them away faster.However,scientists think why sweet drinks are not good in hot weather.The sugar slows the drinks from getting the blood system.Tea and coffee are also not effective.Doctors also warn against alcoholic drinks.Alcohol speed the loss of body water. 答案In hot summer,there are many of drinks such as water,tea and coffee.When you are very hot and feel ,which is the best you should drink Scientists say water is very important for people.Water is needed for cooling the body on hot day.Water carries body heat to the surface of the skin, the heat is lost by sweating.Scientists say in hot weather, cold water is the best.Cold water helps cool us faster than water.This is because it takes more heat inside the body and carries away faster.However,scientists think sweet drinks are not good in hotweather.The sugar slows the drinks from getting the blood system.Tea and coffee are also not effective.Doctors also warn against alcoholic drinks.Alcohol the loss of body water.。

仁寿县城北教学点2021届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:短文改错(ɡǎi cuò)+书面表达〔30〕第一节短文改错 (一共10小题,每一小题1.5分,满分是15分)I picked out a baby bird without any feathers on myway home. It was too young to feed itself, so I took itinto my room and fed it careful. It grew up a month later.It kept in a birdcage made by myself. One morning, Ihappened to think that it should return to the nature and that the forest should be it’s home indeed, so I set it free. To my surprise and joy, it fly down and stood on my shoulder,appeared to welcome me when I came back after school.From then , I often saw it fly away as I left for school andfly back when I came to home. We were good friends for years.第二节书面表达〔满分是35分〕假设你叫李华,是一名马上就要毕业的高三学生,打算在高考后利用暑假时间是去做志愿者,做些有意义的事。
1. 自己情况简介;2. 自身才能;3. 原意承当的工作;4. 对志愿者工作的认识。
注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连接;3. 文章开头与完毕语已为你写好〔不计入总词数〕。

“ My friend falls, I laugh ;my phone falls, I cry. ”要求:(1)就此材料发表你的看法;(2)紧扣材料,有明确的观点;(3)词数不少于60;(4)在答题卡上作答。
【考点】考察开放性作文【写作指导】本文属于开放性作文,根据材料:My fr iend falls, I laugh; my phone falls , I cry. “朋友摔倒了,我笑了。
①People abuse mobil e phones, ignoring the true relationship with their friends.②People a buse m obile phones, which makes them ignore the true relationship withtheir friends.【参考范文】(略)书面表达假设你校学生会准备在新的一年里成立一个志愿服务社团(Voluntary Service Club), 需要在学校招募一些学生志愿者。
请根据以下内容, 写一份招募通知张贴在学校英语网站上。

近几年考题的话题包括外国交换学生在华学习生活安排、少年健康问题、中学生业余生活、人们的生活变化、环境保护、中学生庆祝 2008年奥运会申办、举办成功等。
广西凤山县高考英语二轮复习 七选五类阅读练习(2)

Although problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesn’t mean that welet them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, you’ll have to stand up andsay –problem, I don’t want you in my life.36 Problems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children –the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems come in different shapes and colors and feelings.But good news is that all problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know howto solve your problems.Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help. 37 Talking helps you move onand let go.Write your problems. 38 When you write down your problems, you are setting free all the tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper on whichyou wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.Don’t lose faith and hope. No matter what you lose in life, don’t lose faithand hope. Even if you lose all your money, family… you should still have faith. 39 Your problems aren’t the worst. No matter what problem you get in life, there’re another one million people whose problems are huger than yours. 40 Your problems might just seem big and worse, but in reality they can be removed.Go about and solve your problems because every problem, however big or small, always has a way out.A. Of course, we’ve been fighting troubles ever since we were born.B. When we have a problem, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?C. Having a personal dia ry can also be of huge help if you don’t want a real person to talk with.D. But the truth is that when you talk about it, you’re setting free the negative energies that have been gathering within you.E. We can often overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.F. Tell yourself: when they can deal with them, why can’t I?G. With faith and hope, you can rebuild everything that you lose.36.A 37.D 38.C 39.G 40.F【解析】文章主要讲的是怎样处理生活中遇到的问题。
广西凤山县高考英语二轮复习 书面表达专练(7)

假如你是新华社的记者, 请根据下面提供的信息, 用英语写一篇新闻报道。
时间: 4月2日清晨地点: 中山超市经过: 风大、火势蔓延快, 消防人员花了两个多小时才将大火扑灭。
结果: 整个超市被毁, 两名妇女死亡, 十多人受伤, 直接经济损失达一百多万元, 附近的银行也遭到破坏。
原因: 不明, 警方正在调查之中。
注意:1. 词数: 100个左右;2. 使用必要的连接词, 使行文连贯, 完整。
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________【参考范文】A big fire broke out in Zhongshan SupermarketXinhua News—On the early morning of April 2, a big fire broke out in Zhongshan Supermarket.Firemen came immediately and rushed to the building to put out the fire. But the wind was blowing hard and the fire was spreading quickly. The fire lasted for more than two hours before it was finally put out. As a result of the fire, the whole supermarket was destroyed and a bank nearby was also damaged. Two women died and over ten persons were injured. And the immediate economic loss added up to more than 1, 000, 000 yuan.So far, the cause of the fire is still unknown and the police are looking into it.书面表达。
广西马山县高考英语二轮复习 语短文改错练习(3)

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
Dear peter,I am very exciting to hear that you are coming to our school soon. Now let me to introduce our school to you. Our school is a famous school with long history. We have many experiencing teachers and excellent equipments. There are two teach buildings. One is for seniors and the other is for juniors. There is two lab buildings and a library. Except Chinese, maths, English, physics and chemistry, We have some electives(选修课).The students can choose what they like attend. We love our school.I am looking forward to meet you soon.【参考答案】1.Dear peter,I am very exciting to hear that you areexcitedcoming to our school soon. Now let me to去掉tointroduce our school to you. Our school is afamous school with∧long history. We have manyaexperiencing teachers and excellentexperiencedequipments. There are two teach buildings. One isequipment teachingfor seniors and the other is for juniors. There is twoarelab buildings and a library. Except Chinese, maths,BesidesEnglish, physics and chemistry, We have someelectives(选修课).The students can choose whatthey like∧attend. We love our school. I am lookingtoforward to meet you soon.meeting短文改错。

短文改错专题突破练171Last month,I visited the Great Wall of China.It was packing with many tourists.As a girl from small village,I found it was difficulty for me to get a scenic photo opportunity.However,the setting was really attractive.Visiting this wonder was a tiring and absolutely unbelievable experience,easy proven by those large crowds around me.They made me realized just how lucky I was to be there.How long have they all been waiting for to visit this wonder?Saw a friend of mine in Beijing gave us an opportunity that others wish to have in their entire lives.For that,I am forever grateful.Last month,I visited the Great Wall of China.It was with many tourists.As a girl from small village,I found it was for me to get a scenic photoopportunity.However,the setting was really attractive.Visiting this wonder was a tiring absolutely unbelievable experience,proven by those large crowds around me.They made me just how lucky I was to be there.How long they all been waiting to visit this wonder?a friend of mine in Beijing gave an opportunity that others wish to have in their entire lives.For that,I am forever grateful.2Most people directly link senior high school life with plenty of stress and endless homeworks.However,some interested activities indeed contribute to reduce the st week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized the activity in which each class shoot a short movie.Our class chose a story setting in World War Ⅱ,that showed the preciousness of peace. I think this process was a good lesson that taught to me how to strike a balance between studying or relaxation. Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.Most people directly link senior high school life with plenty of stress and endless .However,some activities indeed contribute to the st week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized activity in which each class a short movie.Our class chose a story in World War Ⅱ, showed the preciousness of peace. I think this process was a good lesson that taught me how to strike a balance between studying relaxation. Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.3With the development of science and technology,intelligent robots will be wide used in the future. At home,robots will help people do some housework and taking care of the elderly,babies and patients. In addition to these task,robots will even beable to play the chess and do exercise with people. In factories,robots will be used to perform some dangerous jobs avoid accidents.Robots will change our future life by many ways,what will make it more colorful and comfortable. Therefore,we shouldn’t depend on intelligent robots too much,for they were made to help humans rather than replace us.As helpers of we humans,robots should be used properly.With the development of science and technology,intelligent robots will be usedin the future. At home,robots will help people do some housework and care of the elderly,babies and patients. In addition to these ,robots will even be able to play chess and do exercise with people. In factories,robots will be used to perform some dangerous jobs avoid accidents.Robots will change our future life many ways, will make it more colorful and comfortable. ,we shouldn’t depend on intelligent robots too much,for they made to help humans rather than replace us.As helpers of humans,robots should be used properly.4Nowadays many people drive instead of taking a bus or walking to work. It causes more traffic jam and accidents. As the student, what can we do to guarantee our safe? First of all,the traffic rules must be strict obeyed.When we cross streets,wait until the traffic light turn green.Next,don’t forget walk on the pavement.Finally,I think it very dangerously to wear headphones while walking or cycling.Since we can’t pay enough attention on the traffic around us,so accidents may happen.Taking good care of ourselves and don’t let our parents worry about us.Nowadays many people drive instead of taking a bus or walking to work. It causes more traffic and accidents. As student,what can we do to guarantee our ? First of all,the traffic rules must be obeyed.When we cross streets,wait until the traffic light green.Next,don’t forget walk on the pavement.Finally,I think it very to wear headphones while walking or cycling.Since we can’t pay enough attention the traffic around us, accidents may happen. good care of ourselves and don’t let our parents worry about us.5Living without an aim is like sailing without compass.If there is no aim in our lives,we will get lose. Last term,I couldn’t accept the truth which I failed in my math examination.I decided to give it up,so I skipped from classesfrequently.Considered my case,my teacher offered me several detailed approach and advised me to set a short-term goal to improve my math.Finally,I work harder than ever and made great progress in her math. In my opinion,success lies in a series of goals.However,we should remember to make our targets clearly and spare no effort to realize our dreams.Living without an aim is like sailing without compass.If there is no aim in our lives,we will get . Last term,I couldn’t accept the truth I failed in my math examination.I decided to give it up,so I skipped classes frequently. my case,my teacher offered me several detailed and advised me to set a short-term goal to improve my math.Finally,I harder than ever and made great progress in math. In myopinion,success lies in a series of goals.,we should remember to make our targetsand spare no effort to realize our dreams.6Last weekend I went on a eco-travel with a travel agency.All the way weappreciate the beautiful scenery and fresh air,so a few of us picked flowers while going sightseeing.What was worse,many tourists threw rubbishes here and there.I don’t think that it is a truly eco-travel.An eco-travel not only allows us to express our love for nature,but needs our responsibility as well as. A real eco-travel should like this:take nothing away but your good memory;leave nothing behind but all cleaner water and green trees.Enjoyed the beauty of nature,we should trytheir best to protect it.Last weekend I went on eco-travel with a travel agency.All the way we the beautiful scenery and fresh air, a few of us picked flowers while goingsightseeing.What was worse,many tourists threw here and there.I don’t think that it is a eco-travel.An eco-travel not only allows us to express our love for nature,but needs our responsibility as well . A real eco-travel should like this:take nothing away but your good memory;leave nothing behind but all water and green trees. the beauty of nature,we should try best to protect it.7I like travelling and my dream of visit Beijing,the capital city of ourcountry,come true during the National Day holidays this year.In October 1st,I went to Tian’anmen Square with my parents,there we watched the flag-raising ceremony. As I watched flag rising slowly, I sang the national anthem,feeling extremelyexciting.Then we went to some other famous tourist attraction,like the GreatWall.Standing on the Great Wall,I felt very proudly. I thought of the old saying that “One who fail to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.”Although I was tired,but I really had a good time.I like travelling and my dream of Beijing,the capital city of our country, true during the National Day holidays this year. October 1st,I went to Tian’anmen Square with my parents, we watched the flag-raising ceremony.As I watched flag rising slowly, I sang the national anthem,feeling extremely .Then we went to some other famous tourist ,like the Great Wall.Standing on the Great Wall,I felt very .I thought of the old saying that“One who to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.”Although I was tired, I really had a good time.8When asked about honesty,many people will surely say that honesty is very importance or it’s basic to a person.I think it’s great that every one of us has realized its importance.However,it seemed that there are still some people not full aware of it.Once I went to the market with my mum for a big dinner in Saturday. When we were walking past the stalls,a loud noise was caught my attention. It came from a butcher’s stand,which a lady accused him of inject water into the pork and asked for the money back.But the butcher refused and even argued that it wouldn’t do harm her health.We can also see being honest are easier said than done.I think we should plant honesty like a tree in our heart so that we won’t hesitate to be honest when they are in society.With it,we will be fully trusted and popular with others.When asked about honesty,many people will surely say that honesty is very orit’s basic to a person.I think it’s great that every one of us has realized its importance.However,it that there are still some people not aware of it.Once I went to the market with my mum for a big dinner Saturday. When we were walking past the stalls,a loud noise caught my attention. It came from a butcher’s stand, a lady accused him of water into the pork and asked for the money back.But the butcher refused and even argued that it wouldn’t do harm her health.We can also see being honest easier said than done.I think we should plant honesty like a tree in our heart so that we won’t hesitate to be honest when are in society.With it,we will be fully trusted and popular with others.9It is known that some students cheat in exams. It has three reason.First ofall,there are so many exams.Beside,the exams given are difficulty in some way. Secondly,some students have to cheat in exams because of they are too lazy.The last reason is to please our parents and teachers.For some students,low marks brought them great pressure and make them depressing.In my opinion,cheating in exams are wrong.We should take active attitude to our studies,and try to get a mark what is true as well as good.It is known that some students cheat in exams. It has three .First of all,there are so many exams., the exams given are in some way. Secondly,some students have to cheat in exams because they are too lazy.The last reason is to please parents and teachers.For some students,low marks them great pressure and make them .In my opinion,cheating in exams wrong.We should take active attitude to our studies,and try to get a mark is true as well as good.10Last summer holiday,I learned to swim.It was very unforgettable and interested.I went to the swimming pool without my father.He taught me what to swim .At first,I was afraid of dive in the water.And I felt uncomfortable in the water.But my father said he will protect me.Then I began to swim,and I couldn’t swim forward to at all. It made me upset. Then my father told me how to move and how to stretch out my hand and legs. Slow,I could move a little. In fact,it was not that easy. I learned it for almost half month.I was excited when my father told me I made it.Last summer holiday,I learned to swim.It was very unforgettable and .I went to the swimming pool my father.He taught me to swim.At first ,I was afraid of in the water.And I felt uncomfortable in the water.But my father said he protect me.Then I began to swim, I couldn’t swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then my fathertold me how to move and how to stretch out my and legs. ,I could move a little. In fact,it was not that easy. I learned it for almost half month.I was excited when my father told me I made it.品味人生1、不管鸟的翅膀多么完美,如果不凭借空气,鸟就永远飞不到高空。

广西凤山县2016高考英语短文改错(二轮)专练(6)及答案短文改错文中有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。
增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下写出该加的词。
删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。
修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2。
只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。
On Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and W ang Ping, members of “Green Eyes”, was having an environmental protection activity near the riverside when they catch sight of a bird on the ground。
They picked it out and found it wounded。
Think it might die without timely help,they took it to home. They made a nest for it but fed it on rice and water. The lucky bird recovered soon. When it was time for the bird to fly away, they felt pity but were very delightful. I think it's worthwhile for him to do such a thing. Here I call on the public to show respects for nature。
Only by changing the way which we treat the environment can we get along well with it.【参考答案】4.1.was 改为were;2.catch 改为caught;3.out 改为up;4.Think 改为Thinking5.to 去掉6.but 改为and7.delightful 改为delighted8.him 改为them9.respects 改为respect10.which 前加in;或把which 改成that;或把which 去掉短文中共有10处语言错误,每行中最多两处错误.错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
高三英语二轮复习一 语法填空和短文改错 第二讲 短文改错练习高三全册英语试题

见下表:A(2017·卷Ⅰ)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor’s orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!” I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road.答案:In the summer holiday following myeighteeneighteenthbirthday, I took driving lessons. I still remember how hard∧the/myfirst day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor’s orders,sobut/yetonce I started the car, my mindgoeswentblank. I forgot what hehad said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the wordwords ,“Speed up !” “Slow down!” “TurningTurn left !” I was so much \ nervousthat I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minutes latelater ,the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly sudden stop just in the middle on ofthe road.B(2017·卷Ⅱ)Mr. and Mrs.Zhang all work in our school.They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in plantingvegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. Theyoften get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have alsobought for some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some usefulinformations from the Internet. When summer came, they will invite theirstudents pick the fresh vegetables!答案:Mr. and Mrs.Zhang/allbothall \ work in our school.They live farfrom the school, and it takes them about aan/one hour and a half to goto work every day. In their spare time, they areinterestinginterestedin plantingvegetables in their garden, thatwhich is on the rooftop of their house. Theyoften get upearlierearlyand water the vegetables together. They have alsobought for some gardening tools. BesideBesides , they often get some usefulinformations information from the Internet. When summer camecomes , they will invitetheir students ∧topick the fresh vegetables!C(2017·卷Ⅲ)When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of howfast time flies. I had grown not only physically, and also mentally inthe past few years. About one month after this photo was took, I enteredmy second year of high school and become a new member of the school musicclub.Around me in picture are the things they were very important inmy life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments.I enjoyedstudying difference kinds of cars and planes ,playing pop music ,andcollecting the late music albums.This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.答案:When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of\ how fast timeflies. I hadhavegrown not only physically,andbutalso mentally in the pastfew years. About one month after this photo was tooktaken, I entered mysecond year of high school and becomebecamea new member of the school musicclub.Around me in∧this/thepicture are the thingstheythat/whichwerevery important in my life at that time:car magazines and musicalinstruments.I enjoyed studying differencedifferentkinds of cars and planes,playing pop music,and collecting thelatelatestmusic albums.This pictureoften brings back to me many happy memories of yourmyhigh school days.名词单复数的误用1.此类题的错误设置一般包括以下三个方面:(1)可数名词单复数的错用:一般考查错把复数用作单数,有时也考查错把单数用作复数。

2022高考二轮英语:短文改错训练(3)及答案(2021·江西省上饶市三模)When I first learn to write in English, I ran into much difficulties. The main problem was that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate into my own language everything which I came across while I was reading. My teacher advised myself to keep a diary. I followed his advices and put down 100 words or so each day.Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself as I was learning to express myself with simple English. One day I wrote a story and showed to my teacher. He liked it very much that he read it to the class. All said that the story was a good one. Their words were an great encouragement to me.参考答案:When I first learnlearned to write in English, I ran into muchmanydifficulties. The main problem was that I alwaysthought in Chinese and tried to translate into my own language everything whichthat或删去I came across while I wasreading. My teacher advised myselfme to keep a diary. I followed his advicesadviceand put down 100 words or so each day.Soon I began to enjoy talktalking to myself as I was learning to express myself withinsimple English. One day Iwrote a story and showed ∧it to my teacher. He liked it verysomuch that he read it to the class. All said that the storywas a good one. Their words were anagreat encouragement to me.1.命题立意:考查时态。
高考英语二轮复习 短文改错高三全册英语试题_03

语鹅市安置阳光实验学校2016高考英语短文改错(二轮)精编(2)短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. 请按格式改错,每处错误及其修改均限一词。
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Though great progress has made in science these years, thereare still many people lived in poor conditions. They make their living by collecting and selling used thing. Their children cannot go to school because they have no enough money to send their children to there. Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now?The answer lies on the population explosion. A president of a developing country once said: “It is us who are to blame for the poverty because we used toproduce child without limit.” Although these few words sound simple enough,but they have clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion.【参考答案】4.Though great progress has∧ made in science these years, therebeenare still many people lived in poor conditions. They make their living livingby collecting and selling used thing. Their children cannot go to school thingsbecause they have not enough money to send their children to there. Why∧ you think so many people still suffer from poverty now?doThe answer lies on the population explosion. A president of a developing incountry once said: “It is us who are to blame for the poverty because we used toweproduce child without limit.” Although these few words sound simple enough,childrenbut they have clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion.clearly短文改错。

仁寿县城北教学点2021届高三英语(yīnɡ yǔ)二轮复习专题训练:短文改错+书面表达〔31〕第一节短文改错〔一共10小题;每一小题1.5分,满分是15分〕此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。
对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾〔√ 〕;如有错误〔每行只有一个错误〕,那么按以下情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线〔\〕划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。
I can’glasses in the water, I couldn’第二节书面表达〔满分是35分〕下面(xià mian)是对中学生对志愿工作的看法的调查表,请根据下面所给的信息写一篇英语小短文。
Different students have different attitudes toward voluntary work. ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________第一节短文改错(ɡǎi cuò)〔一共10小题,每一小题分,满分是15分〕→Looking →reasons 63.√后加to后加an →dangerous 67.去掉ones →and→my →saw第二节书面表达〔满分是35分〕Different students have different attitudes toward voluntary work. 70% of the students approve of doing voluntary work. They consider that it can make a contribution to society and it is a worthwhile job to help others. It can also bring personal benefits and will contribute to their future because they can gain valuable experience and skills for their future career. Voluntary work often opens up opportunities for them, build confidence, self-awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.25% of the students disapprove of doing voluntary work. They think the work is done without payment and it is a waste of time.The rest of the students don’t have clear attitude to it , nor do they care about it.I think each of us should make a contribution to society. No matter how small it is, it will help make a difference.内容总结(1)仁寿县城北教学点2021届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:短文改错+书面表达〔31〕第一节短文改错〔一共10小题。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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My friend Dick was seven years old, and her sister Katherine was five. One day their mother take them to their aunt’s to play while she w ent to the city buy some new clothes. They played for a hour, and then their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nicely cake and a knife and said, “Dick, cut this cake in half, and give one of the piece to your sister. But remembering to do it like a gentleman.” “How do ge ntlemen do it?” Dick asked. “They always give the bigger one piece to the other person,” answered his aunt. Dick thought up this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister but said to her, “Cut this cake in half, Katherine.”【参考答案】4.My friend Dick was seven years old, and her (his) sister Katherine was five. One day their mother take (took) them to their aunt’s to play while she went to the city ∧ (加to ) buy some new clothes. They played for a (an) hour, and then their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nicely (nice) cake and a knife and said, “Dick, cut this cake in half, and give one of the piece (pieces) to your sister. But remembering (remember) to do it like a gentleman.” “How do gentlemen do it?” Dick asked. “They always give the bigger one piece to the other person,” answered his aunt. Dick thought up (about) this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister but (and) said to her, “Cut this cake in half, Katherine.”短文改错。
After our final examinations, my brother and me thought we would give ourselves a treat at restaurant. While waiting for our food, we emptied all our small changes from our wallets on the table and counted it out. Soon, our food arrived with a note. It reads, “Your lunch has been paid for. Have a lovely meal!” It was a wonderfully surprise as nothing like that had ever been happened to us. I remembered an old man sitting nearby. He s hould have thought we didn’t have enough money to the bill. We looked around to thank him, and he was not there. His kindness meant so many to us. 【参考答案】5.After our final examinations, my brother and me thought we would give ourselvesa treatIat ∧ restaurant. While waiting for our food, we emptied all our small changes from our walletsa changeon the table and counted it out. Soon, our food arrived with a note. It reads, “Your lunch has beenreadpaid for. Have a lovely meal!” It was a wonderfully surprise as nothing like that had ever beenwonderfulhappened to us. I remembered an old man sitting nearby. He should have thought we didn’t havemustenough money to the bill. We looked around to thank him, and he was not there. His kindnessfor butmeant so many to us.much假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
Dear Amy,I glad to discuss your present situation with you. People often miss parents for the first time they left home. However, most people have to leave home for higher educations or employment. You cannot live with our parents forever. You should realize that the separation will help improve your person ability. You need to make new friends and share ideas with whomever has something in common with you. Maybe you will still miss your parents, and your new friends will bring joy to your new life. Also I suggest you will enjoy yourself by taking the active part in different activities. You will get much pleasure.Faithfully yoursSharon【参考答案】6.1.在glad前加am2.在parents前加their3.left—leavecations--education5.our--your6.person—personal7.whomever--whoever8.and—but 9.will--should10.the--an短文改错(第一节:短文改错(共10小题)假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的作文。
I saw an accident happened on my way to home this afternoon. A girl was crossing the street on a zebra crossing while a young man drove a motorbike towards her. The young man saw the girl but tried to stop, but he drove too fast to stop. He hit the girl and fell off her motorbike. The girl was bad hurt and couldn’t move. The young man didn’t know how to do. I ran to a phone box nearby and dialed 110. Soon the police arrived. They send her to the nearest hospital at once. One of the policeman talked to the young man and wrote something down while was talking. I think it is very dangerous to drive very fast.参考答案、、短文改错(共10小题)I saw an accident happened on my way to home this afternoon. A girl was crossing the street on a zebrahappen 去掉tocrossing while a young man drove a motorbike towards her. The young man saw the girl but tried to stop,when andbut he drove too fast to stop. He hit the girl and fell off her motorbike. The girl was bad hurt and couldn’this badlymove. The young man didn’t know how to do. I ran to a phone box nearby and dialed110. Soon the policewhatarrived. They send her to the nearest hospital at once. One of the policeman talked to the young man andsent policemenwrote something down while was talking. I think it is very dangerous to drive very fast.加he或去掉was短文改错When we learn English, we always find we have difficulties in remembering the names of the months. Therefore, if we know something about the history of the months, possibly it won’t be very harder for us to remember them. The following is one of example. January named after God Janus. He was a strange god because he has two faces. He could look in two directions. He could look forward or backward at the same time. He was the god of endings and beginnings. January is the month on which one looks forward to the new year and it’s also a period of time how people think about the past year.Now can you share with us the stories about rest of the months?参考答案:When we learn English, we always find we have difficulties in remembering the names of thedifficultymonths. Therefore, if we know something about the history of the months, possibly it won’t be veryHoweverharder for us to remember them. The following is one of example. January ∧named afterGod Janus.hard wasHe was a strange god because he has two faces. He could look in two directions. He could lookhadforward or backward at the same time. He was the god of endings and beginnings. January is the monthandon which one looks forward to the new year and it’s also a period of time how people think about thein whenpast year.Now can you share with us the stories about∧ rest of th e months?The【重庆市】第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)以下标有题号的每一行均有一个错误,请找出,并按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。