大学英语b统考 (2)
二、考试内容1. 英语听力英语听力是大学英语B统考的重要组成部分。
2. 英语阅读英语阅读考察学生对英语文章的理解和分析能力。
3. 英语写作英语写作是评估学生英语表达能力的重要方式。
4. 英语口语英语口语考察学生听说交流能力。
三、备考建议1. 学习策略在备考大学英语B统考时,制定一个有效的学习计划非常重要。
2. 听力训练英语听力是大学英语B统考的核心部分。
3. 阅读训练为了提高英语阅读能力,建议学生每日阅读各种英语材料,如英语报纸、杂志、小说等。
外研社2024新编大学英语_第四版_综合教程教学课件B4U2 Further development
Further development Unit project
3. Impact on Hangzhou 3.1 Economic benefits
The event is expected to promote tourism and boost local businesses, including hospitality, dining, and retail sectors. It will also create opportunities for local artisans and vendors, showcasing Hangzhou’s craftsmanship and culinary heritage. 3.2 Social and cultural enrichment
Unit project Additional activity Broaden our horizon
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development
目录 contents
Unit project Additional activity Broaden our horizon
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development Unit project
2.3 Rich experience Hangzhou’s track record of hosting international events, like
the 2016 G20 Summit and the 2022 Asian Games, positions it as an ideal venue for the Dragon Boat Racing Championship. These experiences have refined the city’s ability to manage large crowds, ensure top-notch hospitality, and implement sophisticated emergency protocols, crucial for the safety and enjoyment of all attendees. Leveraging this wealth of expertise not only guarantees the smooth operation of the event but also promises an enriching experience that highlights the city’s commitment to showcasing both the sport and its deep cultural heritage. Equipped with a highly skilled cadre of professionals and volunteers, Hangzhou stands ready to make the Dragon Boat Racing Championship a remarkable and unforgettable event.
考试目录8月29日10:20-12:20工业品营销1人地点:A103 100952 戴骏彦中国近现代史纲要44人地点:A103 100233 吴欣礼100341 高原100971 陈梦奇101215 曹丽丽101442 周阳110121 杜仁浩110125 袁泱泱110132 符伟110212 刘松110311 梁煌荣110321 王路涛110331 高振隆110336 刘昕宇110343 门鑫熊奇凡110421 金鹏糜力晨110423 戈巴特110432 侯馥佳何建泰110441 崔国强110443 周嘉祚110451 王皓110452 袁名军110461 李飞110462 朱帅李竞宇110601 王凯112012 刘艺112021 林锴迪焦青宁鸿儒桂巧何浪万纯耀112031 徐新龙112032 刘书楷吴雪峰112061 任俊杰施永波吴国超仲训华112062 陈泊远朱超群中国文化概论3人地点:A103 101451 柳建超孙晨明101452 程晟中级财务会计2 3人地点:A103 100972 舒夏芸110971 陈泽何秋炎中外服装史1人地点:A104 111214 马铫中外美术史3人地点:A104 121212 曾露王伟成121214 李海洋专业英语4人地点:A104100132 喻鹏程100341 赵嘉成钱远志100343 尹利钊专业英语(20)8人地点:A104102011 李梓璇102015 陈洁102021 周志祥102022 周艺锦邹博杨堃徐俊鹏102023 邹许夏羊自动控制基础7人地点:A104110631 王晓健陈杨中陈立何睿蔡为贤谢波张云鹏综合英语A1 4人地点:A104122271 刘毓潇吴媛哈斯廖浩成8月29日14:00-16:00电路分析A 58人地点:A101100411 王甜甜江海波李航郑刚100412 李玲李凯沈力100413 孙绍骏苏鹤屹100414 高伦飞段泽风姚骏伟廖钰欣100422 李晨曦100423 谢帅黄国栋李洋阮皓苏振洲100431 彭文闻何彦鹏郭君辉郑国棋肖子乐熊志高徐昌林100432 裴美华曹成远张天聪范琎刘伟武彭阳120401 彭璇李旭邓忠易熊伟李俊熊江豪120411 罗乐董贺林淼易炫谕雷飞雄黄金鑫黄子康徐欣欣侯明邈夏铎华120412 曾庆王高国文尹浩然金威王文豪吴伟周铭明张家琛卢飞虎彭宏杰电路分析A 51人地点:A102120413 昝旭林挺辉兰云飞肖晖余鹏鹏孙义涛刘冬郑金钊肖志中吴浩田陈金伟120414 彭涛王浩谭泽荣120421 万星付霄李屹温小锋钟智霖左玄120422 占涓陈佳依施飞宇胡晨黄超万威魏元吉袁赟周美俊周宇凡周越峰杨松洁120423 王澎吴道攀吴奕佳邹仕鑫120431 王俊哲武勇邓习虔刘处荣120432 陈常杰胡乔木杨洋陈意封水亮胡英琦熊志成张理军周健勤赵宇严飞大学英语4(B班)38人地点:A103100132 喻鹏程100222 黄揭亮100233 刘士彬100241 吴淑冠吴健100311 胡成华100313 赵相建100314 陆伟亮100319 龚鹏100333 康晅100441 叶卓鹏100451 刘文楠100452 章志强100721 金宏100952 何一弢袁博110133 沈聪聪110134 刘埔泉110311 梁煌荣110312 王冠110315 毕杰明彭文程110331 杨亦110341 朱锋110415 田城110441 许武平110721 崇杰110814 田喜110851 李云飞110971 邢维杰111112 李翰操111115 查军松111121 梁书博111132 张潇宴111411 龙衡璇梁剑杨竣文王一凡大学英语4(C班)53人地点:A104101011 陈钟伟赖国胜凌己斌101021 陈冬冬101211 蔡昊魏志高101212 肖晓斌101213 邓健圆张俊松101214 田建国高明朱华101215 李翔宇高星宇徐亮101231 陈雪薇刘芬麒黎文军张煌毅易恒梁茂升101232 朱玉婕黄瑶方戴中101233 陈浩101241 刘丰友101242 李祖庆王超颖夏深华周祖琛101451 常乐101522 徐梦佳杨思偲111011 郝佳良陈宇翔刘晓冰111021 吴洪彬11111212 韩新杰111213 陈洪坤111214 张晓伟111215 张丽111233 韩玮111242 梁凤珍杨万江范志远胡衍钰田宏伟111452 张启明111453 李云娇111532 张晓玥熊婉婷111533 樊梦佳魏姝璨单片机技术(03)26人地点:A201100311 郭锡超黄佳魏磊邱恒青天乐100312 黄庆江鹏廖为玉彭玉强吴钦盛吴昀夏舜斌熊克敏章剑钟春明孙天峰蒋英杰许世伟陈玉彬100313 杨刚万平平100316 危星周志盛周小明100317 杨鑫付御城数字电路(04)22人地点:A201100442 于凯李刚李乐州100443 邱鹏110441 邓远旺廖金龙钟文荣纪腾博110442 程向桢鹿弋炜110443 王志诚曾宇方海艇胡宇星廖佳俊罗丑王成城夏学杰肖求林徐海钢周嘉祚刘永强数字电路(08)46人地点:A202100811 罗龙华100812 邓星海张志强100813 黎宇100815 周传奇100832 陈熊飞100851 李杨洋110811 唐继铭黄晓丹张珺刘庆江钟洁旻梁永卓兰锡张程祥110812 蔡锦华朱旭魏铄岩刘世聪毛国淮范成旭王立毕文超付宇110813 高祺110814 陈涛110831 郭涛胡振吴伟风段伟伟110832 聂力平白雪江政110841 郭佳鑫110851 杨元琪万志强吴鹏鹏110852 张小珂廖警兴姜文李由取汪浩武世伟朱洪波徐华伟王洪达大学英语读写译2 42人地点:A203101441 董博文102011 李新平刘少平宋琨102012 付方标许佳泉12102021 邹景华102023 徐琴102031 胡芬122011 陈志葛剑饶友徐星122013 吴兴书张熙胡维庆焦鑫122014 黄俊122015 王和骏熊金飚陈诚陈宣发黄杰熊少鹏张义河122042 程远羿李勇刘能王善勇王逸群白加理122051 蔡仕琦刘丰华陈坤坤122052 叶智勇122061 丁继理洪宇梁华勋安宇豪122062 戴琛单片机技术(08)5人地点:A203100841 邓艳平王晓琴陈思桥雷宏亮杨文建大学英语读写译4 3人地点:A303112014 陈赵112021 吴鹏辉112042 邓喆德语语法4人地点:A303110531 谢婷杨检王艺霞陈心怡电磁场与电磁波1人地点:A303100851 张留欢电镀理论及工艺1人地点:A303100126 许正华航空先进复合材料概论1人地点:A303100611 黄杰建筑结构试验9人地点:A303101111 范博楠101112 钟茂林101113 刘林祥陶志意易定都周一博刘书俊101114 王育韬101115 马如金属材料焊接1人地点:A303100341 赵嘉成计算机文化基础115人地点:见准考证100317 杨勇100318 万小强100321 丁焕100511 丁朦100513 吴平100711 郭俊峰100721 曹明剑100812 罗禁黄世华100814 江学虎13101113 黄伟101411 热萨来提.112212 廖鸣恺120511 邱伍选120613 令富强120711 何锡阳120721 连旭娟赵家全洪亚军120812 姬帮勇蔡汝芹谢继强120851 毛宇飞120921 杨燕姜婕邱玉芬杨绘芳杨崇盛郑志辉周鹏王磊120931 王辉州120961 杨帆戴林燕龙文丽吴小琴卢俊宇佘启松王晓宇刘龙辉张昌正何小雨肖涵文余登旭121011 殷悦华温英占智裕121113 刘传刘倚忱121114 聂宇琦周海洋121115 林振江任思奇黄聪谭敏兵王明温著浪熊亮亮赵华腾周海飞屈进121121 戴融卢华平秦涛游辉121122 段小娟何倩文郑君君钟志清陈坚陈磊李康刘腾中程春生121212 韦毅玲陈曼曼梁幸培曾露邓原才刘春宇马宏腾121213 陈虹张程许家志121214 林秋燕练欣欣121232 赵思楠杨玉董121233 陈颖刘小洁吴扬涛张宁赵俊朋121242 丁达冲古明辉121421 王惟忠刘薏暄121441 康建栋沈翀121452 刘畅之121511 向聆韵杨烁121531 吴俊茗黄源柏陶琛121532 李乐天122271 肖潇122291 颜静雯余雅文杨俊婵邓睿哲金鉴张辉煌德语听力1 1人地点:外306120531 李娜法语视听2 1人地点:外306120521 段宇佳8月30日08:00-10:00通信系统原理C 9人地点:A101100831 周祥孙永斌罗泉杨健健邓云飞14100832 葛杨铭王俊豪100851 黄善巧吴锦强物理化学B1 28人地点:A101100213 邹祺昀赖海飞宋强张涛100232 黄鹏100233 吴欣礼黄明伟110211 张磊鲁礼会刘思麟110212 王宗宇谢义诚万宇蔡珊珊胡鹏刘松110231 闻凡杨正铎沈润州赵敦年陈英海崔涛肖爱忠李小林110232 潘小林冯林飞凌浩110233 高为民现代控制理论16人地点:A101100441 杨兴科胡鑫彭斌尚兵唐金明祝志阳100442 王丹卉盛乐乐李乐州廖书强江云100443 李闻梁文昊姚彬俞志强涂远鹏体育公共关系15人地点:A102101011 李鑫陈钟伟管鹏飞黄志淳纪龙凌己斌缪定山彭轶刘永强姚学魁101021 肖宇徐赐勋张乐王骏龙陈垚微机原理与接口技术A 21人地点:A102100451 彭国辉蔡鹏翔李枝枝黎捷贾贺东刘文楠胡佳男黄跃赖应李高翔李俊宋光辉邬荣飞张冲史骁雄100452 刘圆圆王君华肖称保杨志云章志强周仁有机化学B 15人地点:A102100231 邱灿荣蔡国玺100232 陈威孙建钊100233 刘士彬杨柳萌120131 李小兰陈亮斌郝群120132 罗凌罗垂扬如希尼古120133 钟辉霖张海川120134 林志友信号与线性系统A 52人地点:A103100401 夏林青100413 孙绍骏胡晖刘刚100414 刘伟升100421 陈吉树李寿红100422 李瑞珂陈翀陈志强李晨曦王滨100423 陆建忠苏振洲100431 郭君辉肖子乐100432 曹成远车彦男余成成范琎刘伟武毛大任彭阳汪涛吴志伟110401 余文婷朱彦年110411 李静文殷安谊石璐陈鸿昊高博刘海涛聂流鹏邱达铨110412 殷风旭吴迪潘文强谢李欢赵绪黄忠李佳成吴立勇110413 王宣壹邹雅琴徐淑艳杨玉月李文旭刘传棕刘汉威叶安陈纪东15信号与线性系统A 54人地点:A104110414 胡安安佟子明张秀安牟志强王邵博江明付鑫110415 郝彦超田城胡思杰吕伟林石煜谭辉辉110421 吴浩铭姚永飞金鹏王勇泉魏威张立桥糜力晨110422 黎梦馨金敏罗刚蓝海非刘炳集陈平坦110423 李宁莫世聪黄科嘉李玮哲刘伟成刘鑫涂葵星王兴麟徐星星游柳青戈巴特郭晨朝110431 韦如全王勇鹏曾强张鹏110432 李京建勾浩侯馥佳张凯华陈佳傅辉明卢财锋邱兵王荔杨建文张黎超王奇超物理化学A 46人地点:A203100123 胡杰100124 孙诚袁圣健高竞海100126 杨庆君100131 陈琪舟吴俊瑜朱晓贤100132 王群100241 张远亮杜微微傅先铭110111 谭翠文谢颖巍樊昆伦武诗尧110121 林琇琇陈智刘旋杨灿110122 张笑怡丁坤杰110123 谭俊雄李邹章龙张海洋110124 吴永森王洪瑞朱小红110125 杨波吴思聪程秋桂乔晴宇110126 夏汇哲李凯曾宇110221 胡聪付友亮林万赐张安桂李茂文陈羽李博陈志宇丁云皓蓝卫清土木工程施工技术25人地点:A204101111 刘志辉徐凯晏海龙101112 胡强强江志强饶旺101113 黄伟李凯刘林祥饶兆金孙成江张小坤周瑞麟刘书俊101114 江鹏梁吉炜101121 徐子洋刘海涛孙建亚辛亮熊超超徐逃平王励为101122 熊平安张凯华外贸函电27人地点:A204112212 蔡烁军丁文山黄晶平刘骏浩余程112213 黄颖高俊胡堃正胡伟江一帆乐凯林圣杰罗鹏万禹南熊云川杨鑫叶栋周权周志新112214 毛珊但福建丁志峰冯强冯志简政邵雨辰史伊轩微观经济学A 14人地点:A301110711 汪昱忻李锐陈飞周利强120711 陈逸飞高翔120901 余航122291 江旎康诗雨刘英姿122292 江华王昱钟柱贤危晨微机原理及应用8人地点:A301100312 陈佩琦16100313 雷旭峰100314 陆伟亮100315 龙贻伟周徐亮100316 危星周志盛周小明信息论与编码理论12人地点:A301100711 陈人胜范保龙付伟伟何春刘煜东叶炳红李泽100721 邓洪波肖飞余传鑫王小林高治力形势与政策1 13人地点:A301100124 徐东100323 周醒100443 张子凡100711 郭俊峰101231 李人杰101521 盛玉薇101522 范玲玉徐梦佳刘梦如101523 朱夏滢102011 李梓璇120531 李娜121021 傅浩体育社会学6人地点:A302111011 黄峰111021 苏沛陈富钥黎天明吴洪彬谢宝飞体育营销学5人地点:A302111011 张城陈宇翔刘晓冰王贤炜张静通信系统原理A 5人地点:A302100421 林菡100422 翁康伟100423 周伟华彭石波徐斌微观经济学B 2人地点:A302120941 钟梦婷特吉微机原理及应用C 5人地点:A302100333 杨昆李胜义100341 赵嘉成钱远志蒋顺航小组工作5人地点:A302111411 龙衡璇李冉梁剑余增宏蔡晨超运筹学6人地点:A302100971 陈梦奇李运龙100973 李响牛志凡110931 刘思奇夏杰微积分基础1人地点:A303122271 廖浩成橡胶工艺学1人地点:A303100132 喻鹏程信息系统分析与设计2人地点:A303100931 刘朝清胡鹏雅思读写2 3人地点:A30317122281 敖宇凡李自强122291 路遥英语语法1人地点:A303122271 梁滢应用电化学1人地点:A303100213 李末霞应用文写作2人地点:A303110511 李生哲谭长林图形创意1人地点:H207111232 徐明梁舞蹈表演2 1人地点:K325101511 张怡形体与舞蹈4 1人地点:K327111532 张晓玥外贸英语会话1人地点:外104100513 姚汉声英语听力A2 1人地点:外301120511 刘莎8月30日10:20-12:20大学英语2(B班)56人地点:A101100131 吴俊瑜100222 黄揭亮黄靖100233 黄明伟100332 任传庆100336 吴清山100413 孙绍骏100423 卢衍庆100471 李俊翰100622 许志豪100931 傅振阳101122 刘海龙101421 陈怡120124 王明120125 余通120131 胡松120211 顾传奇120212 康跃东徐世武120213 黎峰聪袁剑代志远杨骐铭120221 王本航胡紫博120232 操留仁王信佛120233 柳振江120241 陈薪120311 徐世雄120314 李勃翰潘峰张春旭18120315 黄杨李图伟李鹏程张林昕120316 邓志强120321 张亮120322 万志城吴海峰罗千120332 谢成文120333 曾繁科120334 钟星房其光120411 钟泓麟徐凯洲120412 曾庆王卢飞虎彭宏杰120413 徐艺洪120414 王浩120421 李屹120422 胡晨周美俊大学英语2(B班)57人地点:A102120431 何国正120432 杨旭张理军张鑫120441 徐浪杨雄120442 吕剑涛袁新树120443 胡美亮杨欣然王正辉120452 徐维维120461 梁传和120462 张宇120612 谭永乐王敏马维利120631 林亚奇李洁涛120711 吴梦雅120721 赵利业陈涛沈洪飞李松120812 杨庆姬帮勇韩和平120813 万达全孔明辉白洋120814 杨忠邱堋120832 龙登义120941 舒宏俊特吉120951 冉晨谷张宇朱萌120961 白鹤余登旭121111 卜一峰王建121112 刘庆鸿潘雨源121113 莫耀邦戴隆轩赵益华121114 张宇赵永建121115 林振江史弋121411 林道圣忠恩乐121421 王惟忠121431 朱凌翔121441 衡鑫韩晨WEB高级编程45人地点:A103102011 李新平李梓璇邹宇李德争李鹏张科刘少平宋琨张根章熙李蹊然涂倔强熊兴王能力102012 付方标胡泽华朱小建左志鹏缪鹰辉19102013 郑祎胡峰徐一凡程通邓志斌唐彪何成健陈江102014 包义成刘冬骐赖博宁李俊吴非凡何松102015 陈洁谢伟陈欢郑乐悄祝小夏黄羽聂子添张永兵黄东杰黄宏扬林森邬陈健WEB技术及应用2人地点:A103100931 刘朝清陈世荣安全防卫常识5人地点:A103101521 盛玉薇101522 范玲玉徐梦佳刘梦如101523 朱夏滢材料科学基础B 37人地点:A104100331 何镇良100332 刘闻文100333 杨昆100334 常亮100335 付佳欣张旭100343 王力110331 范若谦程涛赵尊烔110332 郝文灿章文文初铎110334 孙轶侯何兵胡鹏110335 王威谭鑫刘俊罗武辉熊昱110336 陈盈李健王忠山傅培豪刘敬强刘昕宇汪承星110341 朱锋牛真张泽群崔玉石罗思敏单一冬110342 肖荣华110343 门鑫李宏伟常微分方程9人地点:A104110711 汪昱忻张俊110721 廖南雄曹凡邓达清何星宇唐嘉岑建勋崇杰机械原理66人地点:A201100311 郭棽100312 蒋子安100316 危星万天天100318 罗明锋100321 王晟沈鑫钟慧100322 张睿100331 张尧100332 向龙100333 戚付强100961 郭意110101 林浩于晨110311 卢祥新文博邓凯赖珍林刘浩余兆烽张兢梁煌荣110312 白亮亮童清彪汪茂松袁铮曾韦翔郑文浩王冠110313 李江民杨海亮余加凌刘子琪110314 乐佳伟李力110315 张家翌邹楚威何炀黄兴辉解协任赖弥兴李晓盼刘永华彭文程齐明乐陶振佳肖飞徐明权尧俊郑栋文史泰隆20110316 全鑫王策王会样徐峰110317 江晔曹树根陈卿冷杰吕辉赵汉强吴云肖吴海谢洋虞凯晨机械原理56人地点:A202110321 代博超孟凡云林耿张皓高超罗经110322 张琪胡细滨110601 戴超华苏艺花邱春福熊沈立唯宋善宏110611 周江城赵致远王云彬李焘康照照110612 潘小阳余殷杰熊怡豪晏翔易雨豪殷文福110613 王伟军邱清竣汪俊吴腾飞110614 马腾110621 黄立王行胡文昌管杨明邓安翔王悦天110622 侯晋尧胡聪霍翰朱锦雪王朋龚智飞饶良健110623 黄文斌廖世银张涛110624 肖合飞吴盛东110631 陈立何睿郭桦乐天乐谢波张云鹏郑盼宇110632 董帅胡睿弧焊电源12人地点:A203100341 赵嘉成钱远志高原聂官运100343 杨亦松张翕蒋孝杰郭年华周书阅杨晟方三明李貌液压与气压传动42人地点:A203100311 李攻成100312 陈佩琦王腾飞廖为玉罗淼彭玉强吴昀肖亮熊克敏钟春明孙天峰许世伟夏舜斌100313 杨刚陈秀锋何亮亮李亚平万平平伍敏文徐元旦姚培兴叶文彬周福田100314 陆伟亮100316 周志盛陈柱安沈涛董杨成胡聪聪周小明邹长飞黄振100317 黄英庆100319 张毅鹏郭少聪王凡习凯鹏谢志浩张涛赵明彪王博龚鹏财务管理A 6人地点:A204120971 丁安琪谭雅丹曹璐曹孟玲熊国勇朱文敏航空航天概论18人地点:A204100233 吴欣礼121011 温英黄国强121213 陈虹121233 王典121242 靳燕伟121511 郭向南余威121512 张晓忆121531 蔡田罗聪抒毛利君岳思彤121532 杜春静李乐天121533 文萃辜诗琦王祎土木工程测量A 25人地点:A204101112 钟茂林111111 张云汉周绪泉111112 赵鹏程111113 刘绮袁瀚霖毛程锦温勋勋徐水生叶晟曾祥荣谢伟111114 甘超卢瑞吴家敏杨崇浩邹贤臣111115 韩典111131 张晓文111132 陈洪南王鹏夏侯伟朱宏达蔡伟播音创作基础专业小课2 3人地点:A301111451 张琦111452 杨紫嫣刘宪伟动力机械测试技术3人地点:A301100611 黄杰黄亮朱学任建筑制图1人地点:A301121115 孙毅凡经济法C 2人地点:A301120921 杨崇盛周鹏手语基础6人地点:A301101511 张怡101512 李浪101522 付思佳112261 凌天笑王楚楚王莉洁数理统计4人地点:A301100721 耿祥争李君杰110711 周利强巨磊英语语言学概论2人地点:A301100513 姚汉声欧阳晓宇大学英语3 24人地点:A303100121 姚运鹏100311 胡成华黄佳100313 赵相建100316 黄明100422 翁康伟100423 戴梦帆徐斌100441 叶卓鹏100721 金宏100952 何一弢120121 史航120123 王宇120124 胡欧林120201 刘啟明120301 赖福强120311 付斌120341 王晨120422 周宇凡120951 罗世兴121115 赵华腾121131 许磊121421 马昊轩大学英语听说2 10人地点:A304102042 何鹏122015 王和骏熊金飚122031 张运升122032 范家瑞周帆122042 程远羿王善勇白加理122061 梁华勋大学英语听说4 4人地点:A304112014 严文陈赵杨一聪112042 邓喆素描2 1人地点:H506121215 杨秀辉德语口语1 1人地点:外104120531 李娜8月30日14:00-16:00脉冲与数字电路62人地点:A101100414 欧阳光晔高伦飞刘伟升王诗晗100415 许鹄展100422 陈志强100423 王建国100431 郭君辉100432 范琎110401 余文婷赖树发朱彦年杨明熊沛坤110411 胡昕李静文项正武石璐魏振安110412 方东潘文强赵绪喻宏海110413 李文旭叶安110414 白皓然佟子明张秀安牟志强付鑫110415 郝彦超田城谭辉辉110421 吴浩铭林嘉伟姚永飞金鹏涂兆华王勇泉糜力晨李跃110422 罗刚余盛泽邵本震110423 曾小金莫世聪刘鑫孙玘涂葵星王兴麟朱家庆戈巴特郭晨朝110431 梁闵瑞张鹏陈宇贵110432 周霓裳王雅莹侯馥佳何建泰邱兵王荔市场营销学58人地点:A102112211 李文雯金逸程雷东东舒志远张羽轩周子繁邹欢郭心怡彭丝妍112212 蔡烁军刘芯合熊江雯丁文山黄晶平蒋栩海李飚廖鸣恺刘骏浩秦佳葳王天鹏万禹南汪帆熊云川徐洋叶栋喻斌林周权周志新112214 刘诗月毛珊邱铼汤丽丽奚楠英朱悦游但福建丁志峰冯强冯志胡进康黄剑简政连振业邵雨辰史伊轩吴韦宏习勇余阳郑庆林周之昂姜修磊马克思主义基本原理45人地点:A103100316 陈伟100912 唐流101021 严志红矫石朋101112 王志龙120124 郑辉王明120133 赵冰120221 孙亚明120241 操惠敏120311 杨勋伟徐世雄120312 黎华120314 潘峰120322 吴海峰罗千120411 周伟明120412 曾庆王120431 王俊哲120432 王衡张理军120441 杨雄120442 袁新树120443 杨欣然王正辉陆奕男120451 刘传伟卢阳120461 况梦莹刘远文张瑞120462 胡瀚仁蓝道弘120481 成茁王其平曾晔122011 金笑骋122012 罗婧122032 范家瑞122041 白明浩122061 李骏梁华勋吴嘉文安宇豪122062 戴琛射线检测技术22人地点:A104100811 徐万宝邹剑锋傅俊李学峰杨家奇邹水庭王越闫华伟100812 陈若愚张志强100813 黎宇100814 李陈伟闫德立黄一鸣叶俊张子琦董浩100815 刘雕硕曹期军徐俊许文钦周传奇数控技术22人地点:A104100312 陈佩琦蒋子安吴昀夏舜斌肖亮孙天峰许世伟100313 何亮亮伍敏文叶文彬邹行江100314 陆伟亮100316 危星周志盛沈涛袁旭周小明熊高升100318 洪燕梁100319 张毅鹏聂学友模拟电路B 36人地点:A201100451 吴静王新春100452 蔡翔刘圆圆100461 李土文陈鸿陈月明110451 黄山唐钦富王皓江超江新来王晶晶徐锴孙军亮110452 翁春媛李好好李俊刘浩然吴磊昌谢波徐正平杨凯张绳云孙海涛110461 梁嘉华方钊黄金海谢蒙恩郑智超李飞110462 李世华邱凯肖敏钟美健朱帅数理方程20人地点:A201110812 蔡锦华冷玉龙王栋梁毕文超110813 傅禹高祺110814 陈涛110831 付丁山郭涛胡振吴先东110832 李荣涛冷雨翀110851 陈翔宇唐路平万志强汪强郝海波110852 武世伟徐华伟软件工程导论15人地点:A202112011 卢滨112012 余建波涂鹏向拓112013 戴运祯姜建伟112014 陈赵李力112015 余博成杨东银112021 焦青112032 吴雪峰112041 袁福平112042 邓喆阮玉昌数据库原理12人地点:A202100711 余洪浩何春刘煜东周超兵100721 赵熙李树青耿祥争张浩然顾金奇肖飞徐霜李君杰算法设计与分析14人地点:A202102021 虞杰102023 彭庆潘小凯邱楷烨夏芳兵102031 谢骐曾乐田雷郭昆102032 未猛猛袁文涛赵佳裕廖琳琳何梅生体育科研方法4人地点:A203101011 陈钟伟管鹏飞缪定山101021 肖宇英语写作2 13人地点:A203112211 郑伟122211 陈欢姜大伟蒋珺凯李骏122212 耿荣涛金鑫罗超122213 胡堃黄韦铭柳文成王超张新宇121011 王琪韩博雁殷悦华温英占智裕121021 傅浩高梓骏柳宏阳马志成运动营养学3人地点:A203111011 刘晓冰111021 苏沛黎天明自动控制原理C 15人地点:A203100341 赵嘉成钱远志魏永强叶帆崔玉华100343 杨亦松蒋孝杰刘野郭年华周书阅文晓杨晟杨宏远李貌齐新瑞面向对象程序设计4人地点:A204100462 汪涛程国柱120462 林巧媚曾晓榕民航法规1人地点:A204101522 徐梦佳砌体结构5人地点:A204101111 晏海龙101112 江志强101113 刘林祥周一博101114 曹洁伊男软件测试案例分析3人地点:A204102022 朱梦耀邹博杨堃社会心理学A 3人地点:A204121411 林道圣朱嘉祯忠恩乐社会政策概论7人地点:A204111411 李特日格郭晓宁吴宗烜梁剑杨竣文余增宏蔡晨超审计学1人地点:A204100923 陈建新渗透检测技术3人地点:A204100814 胡诚刘大锋100815 李开亚商务英语会话2 6人地点:A205100911 陆戈弋陈江李剑伟曹业为100913 陈骏翔贾程程市场营销学A 1人地点:A301110951 杨饶龙数控加工编程3人地点:A301100321 罗理鸿郑怀远100323 康周程数学分析2 8人地点:A301100711 彭阿龙120711 林建婷卢锦标叶健王振120721 刘立为张云越赵利业数学模型1人地点:A301100711 郭俊峰水污染控制工程3人地点:A301税法4人地点:A301100971 陈梦奇120971 龚涛魏喆120972 叶发发思想道德修养与法律基础6人地点:A301100321 丁焕100973 李响101021 陈冬冬112213 杨鑫120941 特吉121213 陈虹塑料成型工艺及模具设计A 1人地点:A301100336 余敬闯塑料成型工艺学1人地点:A301100132 喻鹏程器乐表演2 2人地点:见准考证101511 王宇攀101512 杨佳宇声乐表演2 2人地点:见准考证101511 张嘉敏黄文强声乐基础2 3人地点:见准考证121511 吕东方李直杨烁8月31日08:00-10:00机械设计基础75人地点:A100100124 孙诚袁圣健张卓100131 申勇星朱晓贤张志贺100132 钟方明王群100343 胡洋100621 李皓110111 谭翠文陈章勇谢后祯110121 祝志光陈文涛张羽晨刘军民肖帆杨灿付宝娜110122 黄亭张笑怡陈国文杨斯君索志鹏丁坤杰罗书明潘小明齐涛吴西110123 张建强陈攀攀高宇坤韩宇任卫华江雪峰刘伟伟谭俊雄李邹熊勇强杨波杨晨章龙张海洋110124 刘煜王洪瑞樊之峰朱小红110125 张雪健杨波袁磊周飞程秋桂梁立兵谢世雄袁泱泱郑洲华110126 夏汇哲李凯汤笠张冬郭明睿曾宇谭铁平吴广明徐健波110341 朱锋崔玉石单一冬110342 肖荣华钟志军高分子化学17人地点:A101110131 费安文黄懿黎佳锋李金涛涂学平王明焕110132 刘宏斌黎斌刘剑刘强110133 陈林浩程时城李波彭奕华沈聪聪詹贤刚110134 张台旭高频电子线路B 52人地点:A101100411 郑刚100412 吴武宗陈利华100413 孙绍骏赵海彤胡晖刘刚王忠100414 陈永强100421 黄香华100422 陈翀100423 王建国100432 曹成远范琎汪涛110401 余文婷吴权然徐思武朱彦年彭一鸣110411 胡昕石璐高博110412 余学霖潘文强谢李欢李佳成徐诗君110413 刘传棕刘汉威110414 白皓然张秀安牟志强王邵博付鑫漆宇麟110415 郝彦超田城谭辉辉110431 梁闵瑞王鹏何雄王勇鹏魏超超张鹏朱日禧110432 周霓裳连西湖陈佳何建泰卢财锋钟胜杰工程材料12人地点:A102110811 苗北辰唐继铭聂涛110812 蔡锦华毛国淮黄涛涛付宇110813 蒋成付进伟黄德文许大贵110814 习勤勇工程制图B 33人地点:A102100411 李航欧阳安100412 敖星铭龚思阳100414 张健100423 陈光光李洋苏振洲100431 周益100432 裴美华余成成毛大任吴志伟100441 彭斌100442 李刚李乐州王帮祥100443 吴世伟100812 陈若愚涂广辉温若晖100841 汪星驰100851 成惠山彭喆101231 胡忞李人杰王兴鹏张一凡冯绍义101232 金正君101233 黄煌121233 刘小洁张宁100124 周夏伟100331 张尧100332 张璇畅任传庆100334 常亮100341 钱远志魏永强叶帆100343 尹利钊孙立德杨晟郝千驹李貌王力谢熙互换性与技术测量A 27人地点:A103100312 蒋子安孙天峰100313 万平平100315 鄢文超100316 陈柱安沈涛万天天袁旭100317 鹿新丁志勇黄英庆100318 丁承祥黄昊然100331 王海东龚磊100332 向龙何冬冬100333 王冈100336 魏有才100341 林世昌叶承志110321 王典林耿高超罗经110322 张琪周裕机电传动控制25人地点:A103100311 胡成华李攻成刘峰欧阳涛徐洋波100312 陈佩琦郭伟吴昀夏舜斌100313 雷旭峰伍敏文叶鑫周福田朱子云方洲100316 危星周志盛胡聪聪曾龙周小明100317 黄超张彪100318 林得雨冯兆乾龚明明工程项目管理B 10人地点:A104101111 晏海龙101112 胡强强江志强101113 汪粉霞蔡敬谱孙成江余忠琳周一博101114 沈明芳101115 王鑫计算机控制技术19人地点:A104100411 陈健林100412 汪冠100441 张婷婷祝志阳尚兵100442 王丹卉江潮100443 刘顺张子凡邱鹏100451 李俊王新春邬荣飞史骁雄100452 蔡翔李福才章志强周仁祝正杰声学检测技术26人地点:A104100811 徐万宝苏伟强傅俊邹水庭王越100812 陈辉敏邓星海徐宏祥马庚寒100814 陈高俊王国海黄一鸣吴振李亚坤张子琦蒋公博100815 陈阳刘雕硕徐俊许文钦周传奇高分子科学基础8人地点:A201100231 陈云龙100232 陈威钟鼎福100233 吴欣礼刘士彬杨柳萌李丰钟明生个案工作1人地点:A201121411 林道圣工程估价4人地点:A201101121 刘海涛101122 刘海龙陈斌张凯华国际贸易地理9人地点:A201112212 罗武112213 胡伟林圣杰汪帆喻斌林周权112214 余阳郑庆林周之昂计算机网络B 9人地点:A201110461 侯东鹏宋维明冉亚兵王帅王炳林李飞110462 孙敬松肖敏朱帅计算机组成与结构A 7人地点:A201110451 唐钦富徐锴110452 李好好吴磊昌杨凯张绳云孙海涛游泳与救护15人地点:A201101011 彭轶孙治辉邹斌海101021 肖宇黎国兴张帅陈强黎冬波彭丛饶欢欢宋锋徐赐勋张乐张耀永陈垚基础德语2 2人地点:A202120531 李娜熊玉婷基础法语4 2人地点:A202110521 曾欢赵佳儿基础会计(22)6人地点:A202122213 胡堃李盛平聂晖王超王峰张新宇计量经济学2人地点:A202100913 陈建龙110911 彭勃计算机网络4人地点:A202100451 彭国辉蔡鹏翔张亚波100452 刘圆圆计算机网络技术A 1人地点:A202100931 代灿建筑力学4人地点:A202111121 罗潇111122 沈鼐朱小龙徐勇离散数学B 6人地点:A202110721 廖南雄王兵高慧朝曹凡唐嘉崇杰流体力学8人地点:A202。
新版大学英语教材目录第一单元:个人发展与学习1.1 课程简介1.2 学习环境与资源1.3 学习方法与技巧1.4 思维导图与概念框架1.5 信息获取与整理第二单元:语言与交际2.1 语言的组成与功用2.2 语言形式与用途2.3 语法知识与应用2.4 口语表达与听力训练2.5 书面表达与阅读理解第三单元:社交与人际关系3.1 社交场合中的礼仪与规范3.2 团队合作与沟通技巧3.3 人际关系管理与冲突解决3.4 职业素养与个人品质3.5 社会责任与公众参与第四单元:文化与全球视野4.1 文化差异与跨文化沟通4.2 国际交流与多元文化融合4.3 文化产业与艺术欣赏4.4 科技与社会发展4.5 环境保护与可持续发展第五单元:职业与职场5.1 职业规划与发展5.2 就业面试与求职技巧5.3 职场沟通与人际关系5.4 领导力与团队管理5.5 职业道德与职业素养第六单元:大学生活与社团活动6.1 大学生活的特点与规划6.2 学生社团与组织6.3 学术研究与科技创新6.4 志愿者服务与社会实践6.5 健康与心理调适第七单元:综合实践与实习7.1 实习申请与安排7.2 实践活动的准备与执行7.3 实习过程中的问题与应对7.4 实践经验总结与反思7.5 实践成果展示与分享第八单元:跨学科知识与终身学习8.1 跨学科思维与创新能力8.2 跨领域知识与学科融合8.3 终身学习与自我发展8.4 学科辅助工具与资源8.5 学习成果展示与评价第九单元:英语能力及测试9.1 英语听力理解与口语表达9.2 英语阅读理解与写作能力9.3 英语词汇与语法知识9.4 英语听力与口语测试技巧9.5 英语阅读与写作测试技巧第十单元:学术研究与论文写作10.1 学术研究的基本方法与过程10.2 学术论文的结构与写作技巧10.3 学术查找与文献综述10.4 学术规范与文责10.5 学术研究成果展示与交流以上是新版大学英语教材的目录,在这些单元中涵盖了个人发展与学习、语言与交际、社交与人际关系、文化与全球视野、职业与职场、大学生活与社团活动、综合实践与实习、跨学科知识与终身学习、英语能力及测试、学术研究与论文写作等方面的内容。
目录一、老师 (1)二、科学家 (3)三、美国尊重体力工作者 (5)四、时间扮演的角色(在美国打电话) (7)五、砸脚书商 (9)六、租家具 (11)七、退休商人 (13)八、牛顿镇老鼠 (15)九、伦敦郊外 (17)十、害羞的人 (19)十一、不认字买眼镜 (21)十二、文字的起源 (23)十三、短、中、长期目标 (25)十四、工人救画家 (27)十五、24号居民委员会 (29)一、老师he ideal teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship. The ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He must never teach anything he himself is not interested in. He should be a bit of an actor and he should not be afraid to show his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. He must like his students and respect them, but he must also respect himself and take pride in his work. Otherwise, he can not respect his students and win respect from them. The ideal teacher should have an understanding of his students and be able to relate to them. He need s students’ understanding, too. The ideal teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and he should motivate his students to seek knowledge. The ideal teacher should see his students as individuals and acknowledge their differences. He must know how to encourage the self-development and growth of each of his students. The ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students.11.Which of the following is the least important in judging an ideal teacher according to the passage?A.His age and appearance.B.His personality.C.His scholarship.D.His attitude towards his students.答案:A12.Can an ideal teacher make mistakes?A.No. He should be very careful not to make any mistakes.B.Yes. Because he knows too little.C.No. He should always be the authority to his students.D.Yes. But he should be willing to learn.答案:D13.What relationship should be set up between an ideal teacher and his students according to thepassage?A.Mutual respect and understanding.B.Mutual encouragement and help.C.Mutual aid and affection.D.Mutual support and inspiration.答案:A14.How does an ideal teacher view his students?A.As talented young people.B.As different from each other.C.As self-centered individuals.D.As understanding, respectful individuals.答案:B15.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A.An ideal teacher should seldom set an example for his students.B.Teachers and students benefit each other in the process of teaching and learning.C.Students should never expect their teachers to be ideal.D.Anyone who is trying to improve himself constantly is an ideal teacher.答案:B二、科学家What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is “no”. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further, he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.The scientist’s knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions. If the conditions are different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the Theory of Relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations, and Einstein’s ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.11.What makes a scientist according to the passage? ________A.The tools he uses.B.The way he uses his tools.C.His ways of learning.D.The various tools he uses.答案:B12.The underlined part in the passage shows_______.A.the importance of informationB.the importance of thinkingC.the difference between scientists and ordinary peopleD.the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs答案:C13.A sound scientific theory should be one that _________.A.works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other timesB.does not allow any changes even under different conditionsC.can be used for many purposesD.leaves no room for improvement答案:A14.The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate __________.A.that measurements are keys to success in scienceB.that accuracy of mathematicsC.that investigations are important in scienceD.that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations答案:C15.What is the main idea of the passage? ________A.The theory of relativity.B.Exactness is the core of science.C.Scientists are different from ordinary people.D.Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.答案:D三、美国尊重体力工作者A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man – the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort.This attitude toward manual (体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地) furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward; furthermore, the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery. On the contrary, the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education.11.From Para. 1, we know that in America _________.A.people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made manB.people can always rise to the top through their won effortsC.college professors win great respect from common workersD.people feel painful to mention their fathers as labors答案:A12.According to the passage, the hostess cooks dinner herself mainly because _________.A.servants in America are hard to get.B.she takes pride in what she can do herselfC.she can hardly afford servantsD.it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food答案:B13.The underlined expression “wait on table” in Para. 2 means “_________”.A.work in a furniture shopB.keep accounts for a barC.wait to lay the tableD.serve customers in a restaurant答案:D14.The author’s attitude towards manual labor is _______.A.positiveB.negativeC.humorousD.critical答案:A15.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?A.A Respectable Self-made FamilyB.American Attitude toward Manual LaborC.Characteristics of American CultureD.The Development of Manual Labor答案:B四、时间扮演的角色(在美国打电话)In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it’s a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person, who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.11.What is the main idea of this passage? ________A.It is not customary to telephone someone in the morning and in sleeping hours in the U.S.B.The role of time in social life over the world.C.If people are late, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible in the U.S.D.Not every country treats the concept of time as the same.答案:B12.What does it mean in the passage if you call someone during his or her sleeping hours? _______A.A matter of work.B.A matter of life or death.C.You want to see him or her.D.You want to make an appointment with him or her.答案:B13.Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an appointment with your friend in the U.S. A.?A.at 7:00 amB.at 4:00 pmC.at the midnightD.at 4 am答案:B14.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ________A.In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.B.No misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures about the concept of time.C.It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A..D.Promptness is valued highly in American life.答案:D15.From the passage we can safely infer that _______A.it’s a matter of life or death if you call someone in day time.B.the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.C.it makes no difference in the U.S. whether you are early or late for a business party.D.if a person is late for a date, he needn’t make some explanation.答案:B五、砸脚书商One day a bookseller(书商)let a big box of books fall on his foot. “Go to see the doctor,” said his wife. “No, “he said. “I’ll wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I’ll ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I’ll have to pay him.”On the next day the doctor came into the shop for some books. When the bookseller was getting them ready, he told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it.“You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put something on it,” said the doctor.He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. “Buy this and put i t on the foot before you go to bed every night,” he said.“Thank you,” said the bookseller. “And now, sir, here are your books.”“How much?” said the doctor.“Two pounds.”“Good,” said the doctor. “I shall not have to pay you anything.”“Why?” asked the bo okseller.“I told you about your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I want two pounds. And I came here, didn’t I?”11.What happened to the bookseller one day?A.He lost a box of books.B.His foot was wounded by a box of books.C.He lent the doctor a box of books.D.He sold out all his books.答案:B12.The bookseller’s wife asked him ______.A.to go out for some medicineB.to send somebody for a doctorC.to go to see the doctorD.to wait for the doctor to come答案:C13.The bookseller didn’t take his wife’s advice because ______.A.he was afraid of the doctorB.he didn’t like to take medicineC.he couldn’t walk by himselfD.he didn’t want to pay the doctor答案:D14.The doctor paid ______ for the books.A.one poundB.two poundsC.nothingD.something答案:C15.The bookseller paid ______ money for seeing the doctor in the end.A.moreB.lessC.the same amount ofD.no答案:A六、租家具When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York City for one-year stay, they did not bring very many things with them. They had planned either to live in a furnished apartment or to buy used furniture. But they soon learned about a new system that more and more people are using. The renting of home furnishings (bed, tables, dishes, and so on) has become one of America’s fastest growing businesses.What kinds of people rent their home furnishings instead of buying them? People who are international business or government officials, foreign students, airline workers, young married couples – people whose job or business may force them to move frequently from one city to another. They save a lot of trouble and the cost of moving their furniture each time. They simply rent new furniture when they reach their new homes. Young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike. They prefer to wait until they have enough money to buy furniture they really like. Meanwhile, they find they can rent better quality furniture than they could afford to buy.One family, who now have a large, beautiful home of their own, liked their rented furniture so much that they decided to keep renting it instead of buying new things. But usually people don’t like to tell ot hers about it. The idea of renting home furnishings is still quite new, and they are not sure what their neighbors might think.11.Which of the following has become one of America’s fastest growing businesses?A.Selling home furnishings.B.Renting furnished apartments.C.Selling used furniture.D.Renting home furnishings.答案:D12.Why do some people prefer to rent furniture?A.Because the furniture they get in this way is new.B.Because it saves them a lot of money.C.Because it saves them much trouble and money.D.Because they can always get better quality furniture in this way. 答案:C13.What can you infer from the passage?A.The idea of renting furniture is not acceptable.B.Renting furniture is not popular in the couple’s ho me town.C.Only those who don’t have enough money to rent furniture.D.People usually grow to like the furniture they have rented.答案:B14.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A.Rent or Buy?B.A New Way of Getting Home Furnishings.C.Furnished Apartments.D.A New Idea.答案:B15.Young people liked renting home furniture because_________.A.they have less moneyB.they don’t want to buy old furnitureC.the new furniture is of good qualityD.they don’t have much money and don’t want to buy the cheap furniture答案:D七、退休商人Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman. He used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time. When he was 65, the normal retirement age, he decided that he didn’t want to stop, so he carried on working for another two years. Eventually, when he was nearly 68, his wife, Dolly, asked him to retire because she wanted to enjoy their old age together. Reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son.But he was unhappy. He didn’t know wh at to do with himself. Although he read a lot of books and he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife, he was bored and began to get depressed because he hated being retired.Then one day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper and, without telling his wife, he bought a small crockery (陶器) factory. The next week he told his family. They were horrified and worried. They thought he was too old at 71 to start work again.He is now 76 and he has expanded the company considerably. He has increased the number of staff from 6 to 24 and he has found many new customers for the products. He has developed the export market and has improved profits by 200%. He has opened a new design office and employed three young designers. They have been all over the world to get new ideas, and one of them has gone to France this week to a major trade fair. Most importantly, he hasn’t been bored since he bought the factory.11.The topic sentence of Para. 1 is ______.A.Morgan Rees has always been a good businessmanB.he used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the timeC.when Morgan Rees was 65, he got retiredD.reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son答案:A12.The topic sentence of Para. 2 is ______.A.he didn’t know what to do with himselfB.he went on holiday to interesting places with his wifeC.he was unhappy after he got retiredD.none of them答案:C13.Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of Para. 3?A.One day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper.B.He bought a small crockery factory in secret and started work again.C.He told his family he bought a small crockery factory.D.His family was horrified and worried when they learned he bought the small factory.答案:B14.What is the central idea of the last paragraph?A.Morgan Rees has worked until he is 76.B.Morgan Rees has developed the export market and improved the profits by 200%.C.Morgan Rees hasn’t been bored since he bought the factory.D.Since he started working again, Morgan Rees has expanded the company considerably, which has enriched his retired life.答案:D15.The passage mainly deals with ______.A.why Morgan Rees bought a small crockery factoryB.how Morgan Rees lived his retired life more happily by turning to work againC.how Moran Rees became a good businessmanD.how Moran Rees expanded the company considerably答案:B八、牛顿镇老鼠Today Newton is a very clean place. Many years ago, however, there were millions of rats in it. They attacked the cats and dogs. Sometimes a great number of them knocked down a man or woman walking home at night. The rats were very large in size and they harmed many people.The Government ordered everybody to kill rats. Most people were lazy, so they didn’t kill many. The Government promised to pay some money for each dead rat. That made the people very happy. They killed thousands of rats everyday. A Government officer put all the dead rats in a big pile. Sometimes a man brought hundreds in one day.After two weeks there were not many rats in the city, but people still brought many rats to the Government office. The Government officer thought that people were stealing dad rats from the pile. He ordered his men to dig a deep hole and put the rats in it. Soon there were no more rats, and the Government didn’t pay any more money.11.Newton is a place which ______.ed to be very cleanB.is no longer a cityC.is very cleanD.will be very clean答案:C12.When the Government first ordered the people to kill rats, the people ______.A.asked for some money for each dead ratB.stole dead rats from the pileC.were too lazy to kill many ratsD.killed nearly all the rats quickly答案:C13.The people killed rats ______.A.to get money from the GovernmentB.to help the Government make the city cleanC.to make the Government officer happyD.to protect(保护)their cats and dogs答案:A14.A deep hole was dug so that ______.A.the rats couldn’t come out to attack people at nightB.people could take rats from it easilyC.people would kill more ratsD.nobody could take any rats from the pile答案:D15.What is the best topic for this passage?A.How to Kill RatsB.Newton一A City of RatsC.How Newton Became a Very Clean PlaceD.How Newton Became a Famous City答案:C九、伦敦郊外Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of Nature.Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one o f the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night.11.Which of the following statements is NOT true?_________A.People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city.B.People who work in London prefer to live in the country.C.Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London.D.Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside the city.答案:B12.With the same money ________, one can buy a little house with a garden in the country.A.getting a small flat with a gardenB.having a small flat with a gardenC.renting a small flat without a gardenD.buying a small flat without a garden答案:C13.When the garden is in blossom, it means that one ________ has been rewarded.A.living in the countryB.having spent time working in the gardenC.having a garden of his ownD.having been digging, planting and watering答案:B14.People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that _______ if they had to live outside London.A.their life was meaninglessB.their life was invaluableC.they didn’t deserve a happy lifeD.they were not worthy of their happy life答案:A15.The underlined phrase get away from in the 3rd paragraph refers to ________.A.deal withB.do away withC.escape fromD.prevent from答案:C十、害羞的人Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in theirminds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must negatively affect people. A person’s conception of himself or herself is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people’s reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing “the right thing.” Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their feelings of inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliment with a statement like this one, “You’re just saying that to make me feel good. I know it’s not true.” It is clear that while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient efforts in building self-confidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with a lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths.Each one of us is a unique, worthwhile individual, interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. Let’s not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fulfilling life.11.What does the author try to prove by citing “what kind of impression am I making?” (Para. 1)__________A.Shy people benefit from their caring about their appearance.B.People’s shyness make them care too much about their appearance and actions.C.It’s natural that shy people don’t believe other’s compliments.D.Shy people think they are different from others.答案:B12.According to the writer, self-awareness is __________.A.a good qualityB.the cause of unhappinessC.harmful to peopleD.a weak point of shy people答案:A13.That shy people react to a compliment in such a way is ___________.A.goodB.unrealC.very reasonableD.harmful答案:D14.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage? _________A.Shyness helps us to develop our potentialB.Shyness enables us to understand ourselves betterC.Shyness can block our chances for a rich lifeD.Shyness has nothing to do with lack of self-esteem答案:C15.It can be inferred from the passage that shy people ________.A.should find more of their weaknessB.should understand themselves in the right wayC.had better ignore their weaknessD.can get rid of their shyness while maintaining low self-esteem答案:B十一、不认字买眼镜Mr. Tom Forester lived by himself a long way from town. He hardly ever left his home, but one day he went into town to buy some things in the market. After he had bought them, he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table by himself. When he looked around, he saw several old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers, so after lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy himself some glasses too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop.The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, “No, I can’t read with these.”The man became more and more puzzled(迷惑不解), until finally he said, “Excuse me, but can you read at all?”“No, of course I can’t!” Tom said angrily.“If I was already able to read, do you think I would have come here to buy glasses?”11.Mr Forester lived ______.A.with his family in a cityB.with his family in the countrysideC.alone in a cityD.alone in the countryside答案:D12.Tom ______ went into town.A.oftenB.alwaysC.almost neverD.everyday答案:C13.The old people in the restaurant read their newspapers ______.A.with glasses onB.with glasses offC.with glasses of beer in front of themD.with glass pipes in their mouths答案:A14.The shop Tom went into sold ______.A.drinking glasses and cupsB.glass for windows and doorsC.glasses for people who could not readD.glasses for people who could not see well答案:D15.What kind of mistake did Tom make?A.He went to the wrong kind of shop.B.He didn’t tr y on all the glasses in the shop.。
牛津大学出版英语教材目录1. Introduction2. Starter Level2.1 English File - Starter2.2 Oxford Discover - Starter3. Beginner Level3.1 English File - Beginner3.2 Oxford Discover - Beginner4. Elementary Level4.1 English File - Elementary4.2 Oxford Discover - Elementary5. Pre-Intermediate Level5.1 English File - Pre-Intermediate5.2 Oxford Discover - Pre-Intermediate6. Intermediate Level6.1 English File - Intermediate6.2 Oxford Discover - Intermediate7. Upper-Intermediate Level7.1 English File - Upper-Intermediate7.2 Oxford Discover - Upper-Intermediate8. Advanced Level8.1 English File - Advanced8.2 Oxford Discover - Advanced9. Grammar Resources9.1 English Grammar in Use10. Vocabulary Resources10.1 Oxford Word Skills11. Writing Skills Resources11.1 Oxford Writing Tutor12. Speaking Skills Resources12.1 Oxford Speaking Tutor13. Listening Skills Resources13.1 Oxford Listening Tutor14. Reading Skills Resources14.1 Oxford Reading Tutor15. Teacher's Guides15.1 English File - Teacher's Guide15.2 Oxford Discover - Teacher's Guide16. Supplementary Materials16.1 Oxford English for Careers16.2 Oxford Exam Excellence17. Conclusion以上是牛津大学出版的英语教材目录,涵盖了从入门级到高级的各个教学教材,以及相关的语法、词汇、写作、口语、听力和阅读技巧资源。
新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程2教学课件B2U5 Reading 1
Reading 1 Text exploration
Pre-reading questions
1. Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like to read? 2. Which book has a tremendous impact on you? 3. Have you ever made some friends through reading?
First, reading can improve our writing skills. In addition to expanding our vocabulary, exposure to published, well-written works has a positive effect on our own writing. Many successful authors gain their expertise by reading the works of others. The various styles of works we have read will eventually be reflected in our own writing style.
Sample answer:
7 Empathy in Elephants. Elephants
are one of the most intelligent animal species and are very social too. They have an innate ability to remember and act empathetically toward other herd members. If any member of the herd is injured or sick, the others will try to pick them up with their trunk. If a member is dead, the rest of the herd mourns for the one gone.
8 It doesn’t matter where you are or what you do, you are always going to work with
others to make things happen. You cannot grow or achieve much individually until you trust your team and work together like meerkats. Understanding each other and communicating as effectively as wolves can work wonders in teams. Coordinating like killer whales will play a major role in completing any task, simple or complex. Resolving conflicts in the way chimpanzees do will not only maintain amiability among people involved in the argument, but also benefit the entire team. By learning from elephants, empathizing with your team members and understanding their joys and sorrows, you tend to create bonds which are very important for the team to perform better. Making an effort toward going that extra mile always reaps benefits at some point or the other.
Improving reading comprehension
Common vocabulary testing tools
Vocabulary testing is used to evaluate students' language proficiency by assessing their knowledge and understanding of words
Promoting language learning
Fill in the blank or Spot the word tests
In these tests, students are giving a presence or paragraph with missing words and asked to fill in the correct word or complete the presence
Detailed description
GRE Vocabulary Test
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a standardized exam used to evaluate the academic abilities of students applying for undergraduate degrees in American universities.
The TOEFL Vocabulary Test mainly tests the vocabulary of candidates and their understanding and application ability of English vocabulary. The test covers vocabulary in academic, daily life, and work fields, and requires candidates to be able to correctly understand, use, and spell English words.
[一]if 条件句形式总结
一] “ It is +形容词+ that…” 结构中主语从句的谓 语动词要用 should 加动词原形,或将should 省略, 直接用动词原形.这些形容词一般表示“应当,必须, 惊奇,重要”等意思,主要有 essential, important, necessary, vital, desirable, imperative, advisable, surprising, incredible , obligatory, better, preferable, 等,例如 It is necessary that everyone keep a secret.或 It is necessary that everyone should keep a secret.
一0. All the traveling ______are paid by the company if you travel on business. [二00六/一二 ]
A] charges B] money C] prices D] expenses
答案 D 本题考查学生对词汇意义的掌握.根据题意逻辑判
selling and marketing? A] between B] from C] among D] for 答案 A 考查与differences搭配的介词.Difference
between…and… 表示“…与…之间的区别”
五. ________ our great surprise, the new secretary can
A] put away B] take over C] work out D] make up[二 0一0/六]
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大学英语B级词汇表大学英语B词汇表B.C adj.公元前baby n.婴孩back adj./adv.后面的(地),向后n.背部,后面background n.背景,后台backward adv./adj.向后地(的)bad adj.有害的,坏的bag n.袋包bake v.烘焙,烤balance n.秤,平衡ball n.球,舞会ban vt./n禁止banana n.香蕉band n.乐队bank n.银行,岸bar n.条,棒vt.禁止,妨碍bargain v.还价barrier n.栅栏,障碍物base n.基础,根据地baseball n.棒球basic adj.基本的basis n.基础,根据basket n.篮子basketball n.篮球bat n.蝙蝠,球拍bath n.沐浴,浴室bathroom n.浴室,盥洗室battery n.电池battle n.战役,战争be v./aux.是,在beach n.海滩bean n.豆bear n.熊v.负担,忍受beard n.胡须beat n.敲打,拍子beautiful adj.美丽的beauty n.美,美人because conj./adv.因为become v.变成,成为bed n.床bedroom n.卧室beef n.牛肉beer n.啤酒before prep./conj.在…之前begin v.开始beginning n.开始behave v.举动,举止behaviour n.行为,举止behind prep.在…之后adv.在后地belief n.信任,信仰believe v.相信,认为bell n.铃,钟belong vi.属于below prep./adv.在下面belt n.带子,地带bench n.长椅bend v./n.弯曲beneath prep./adv.在之下benefit n.利益, 好处v.有益,受益beside prep.在旁边best adj./adv.最好的(地) bet n./v.赌,打赌better adj./adv.更好的(地) between prep.在…之间beyond prep.超过adv.在远处bicycle n.自行车bid vt./n.出价,投标big adj.大的bill n.帐单,票据billion n./pron.十亿bird n.鸟birth n.出生birthday n.生日bit n.小块,少量bite n./v.咬,咬伤bitter adj.苦的,痛苦的black adj.黑色的blackboard n.黑板blade n.刀片blame vt./n.责备blank adj.空白的blind adj.瞎的,盲目的block n.块,街区vt.防碍,阻塞blood n.血,血统bloody adj.有血的,血腥的blouse n.宽松的上衣blow v.风吹,吹气n.殴打,突然的打击blue n.蓝色adj.蓝色的,忧郁的board n.木板vt.上(船,飞机等)boat n.小船,艇body n.身体boil v.沸腾bomb n.炸弹vt.轰炸bone n.骨头bonus n.奖金,红利book n.书籍v.预订bookshelf n.书架bookshop n.书店boom n./v.繁荣boost v.推进boot n.靴子border n.边界,国界bored adj.无聊的boring adj.令人厌烦的born adj.天生的borrow v.借入boss n.老板,上司both adj./prep两者,双方bother v.烦扰,打扰bottle n.瓶子bottom n.底,底部bowl n.碗box n.盒子,箱v.拳击boy n.男孩boyfriend n.男朋友brain n.脑,头脑branch n.树枝,分部brand n.商标brave adj.勇敢的bread n.面包break n.休息,暂停v.打破breakfast n.早餐breast n.胸部breath n.呼吸breathe v.呼吸brick n.砖bridge n.桥,桥牌brief adj.简短的bright adj.明亮的,聪明的brilliant adj.灿烂的,有才气的bring vt.拿来,带来Britain n.英国British adj.英国(人)的broad adj.宽阔的(地)broadcast n./v.广播broken adj.坏掉的brother n.兄弟brown n./adj.褐色(的),棕色(的)brush n.刷子,画笔budget n./v.预算build v.建造building n.建筑物burglar n.夜贼burglary v.入室行窃burgle v.偷窃burn v.烧, 烧焦n.烧伤,灼伤burnt adj.烧坏的烧伤的burst v.爆发bury vt.埋葬bus n.公共汽车business n.商业,生意,事情businessman n.商人busy adj.忙碌的,热闹的but prep.除…以外conj.而是,但是butter n.黄油button n.钮扣,按钮buy v.买buyer n.买主by prep.在附近,由,按照adv.通过,附近bye int.再Ccabbage n.卷心菜cable n.电缆cafén.咖啡馆cake n.蛋糕,饼calculate v.计算,考虑calculation n.计算,考虑calendar n.日历call n.喊声,叫声v.呼叫,召集calm adj.平静的v.(使)平静camera n.照相机camp v./n.露营campaign n.战役,活动can modal v.能,可以n.罐头Canada n.加拿大Canadian adj.加拿大(人)的n.加拿大人cancel vt.取消, 删去cancer n.癌candidate n.候选人cannot modal v.不能cap n.帽子capable adj.有能力的,能干的capital n.首都,资本captain n.队长,船长car n.汽车card n.纸牌,卡片care n.注意,照料vt.在意,关心,喜爱career n.事业careful adj.小心的,仔细的careless adj.粗心的carpet n.地毯carry v.携带,运送cartoon n.漫画,动画片case n.事情,案例cash n.现金castle n.城堡cattle n.牛cat n.猫catch v.捕获,赶上cause n.原因v.引起,导致CD (CompactDisc)光盘ceiling n.天花板celebrate v.庆祝,举行celebration n.庆祝,庆典cell n.细胞cent n.(货币单位)分center n.中心,中央centimeter n.厘米central adj.中心的,中央的century n.世纪,百年ceremony n.典礼,仪式certain adj.确定的,某一个certainly adv.的确,当然certificate n.证书chain n.链(条)chair n.椅子chairman n.主席,会长challenge n./n.挑战champion n.冠军championship n.锦标赛chance n.机会,可能性change n./v.改变,变化channel n.海峡,频道chapter n.(书籍)章character n.性格,特征,人物charge 费用,掌管v.控诉,收费charity n.慈善chart n.图表chase vt.追赶,追逐chat v./n.聊天cheap adj.便宜的cheat n./v.欺骗check v.检查,核对(US) n.支票cheer n./v.欢呼cheerful adj.愉快的,高兴的cheese n.干酪chef n.厨师chemical adj.化学的chemist n.化学家,药剂师chemistry n.化学cheque n.支票chest n.胸膛chicken n.小鸡,鸡肉chief n.首领,领袖child n.孩子children n.(pl.)孩子们chin n.下巴,下颚China n.中国, 瓷器Chinese adj.中国(人)的,汉语的n.中国人,中文chip n.碎片chocolate n.巧克力choice n.选择choose v.选择,选定Christmas n.圣诞节church n.教堂,教会cigarette n.香烟cinema n.电影院circle n.圆周,圆形物cite v.引用,引述citizen n.市民,公民city n.城市civil adj.市民的,公民的claim n./v.要求,主张class n.班级,阶级classic n.杰作,名著adj.第一流的classical adj.古典的classroom n.教室clean adj.清洁的,干净的v.打扫,使干净cleaner n.清洁工人,清洁器clear adj.清楚的,清晰的v.扫除,清除clearly adv.明显地clerk n.职员clever adj.机灵的,聪明的click n./v.(发出)滴答声client n.顾客,客户cliff n.悬崖climate n.气候climb v.攀登,爬clock n.时钟close v.关,关闭adj.近的,亲密的n.结束clothes n.衣服cloud n.云cloudy adj.多云的,阴天的club n.俱乐部coach n.长途汽车,教练coal n.煤coast n.海岸coat n.外套,涂层cock n.公鸡code n.代号,编码coffee n.咖啡coin n.硬币cold adj.寒冷的,冷淡的n.感冒collapse n./v.倒塌,崩溃colleague n.同事collect v.收集,搜集collection n.收藏,搜集品college n.学院,大学colo(u)r n.颜色colourful adj.多彩的column n.圆柱,专栏comb n.梳子combination n.联合,合并combine v.(使)联合come vi.来,到达comfort n./v.安慰comfortable adj.舒适的command v./n.命令,指挥comment n./v.注释,评论commercial adj.商业的,贸易的commission n.委任,委托commit vt.做,犯(错误),处理,保证commitment n.委托,许诺,承担committee n.委员会common adj.共同的,普通的communicate v.沟通,通信communication n.交通,通讯community n.团体,社区companion n.同伴,共事者company n.公司,陪伴compare v.比较,相比comparison n.比较,对照compensation n.补偿,赔偿compete vi.比赛,竞争competition n.竞争,竞赛competitive adj.竞争的complain v.抱怨complaint n.抱怨,牢骚complete adj.完全的,完成的vt.完成complex adj.复杂的,合成的complicated adj.复杂的,难解的composition n.写作,作文computer n.计算机,电脑concentrate v.集中concentration n.集中,专心concept n.观念,概念concern vt.涉及,关系到n.关系,关心concerned a dj.关心的,有关的concerning prep.关于concert n.音乐会conclude v.结束,作出结论condition n.条件,环境conduct n.行为v.引导,管理conference n.会议confidence n.信心confident adj.自信的confirm v.确认conflict n./v.斗争,冲突confuse vt.搞乱,使糊涂confused adj.困惑的confusion n.混乱,混淆congratulation n.祝词,贺辞connect v.连接,联合connection n.连接,关系conscious adj.有意识的,有知觉的consequence n.结果consider vt.考虑,认为considerable adj.相当大(或多)的可观的,值得考虑的consideration n.体谅,考虑consist vi.由…组成consistent adj.一致的,调和的constant adj.不变的,持续的construct vt.建造,构造construction n.建筑,建筑consult v.商议,请教consultant n.顾问,商议者consumer n.消费者contact n./v.接触,联系contain vt.包含,容纳container n.容器content n.内容,目录context n.上下文continue v.继续continuous adj.连续的contract n.合同,契约v.缩短,订约contrast vt.使与...对比n.对比,对照contribute v.捐助,贡献contribution n.捐献,贡献control n./v.控制,支配,管理convenience n.便利,方便convenient adj.便利的,方便的convention n.大会,协定,惯例conversation n.会话,交谈convert vt.使转变,转换convince vt.使信服cook n.厨师v.烹调cooking n.烹饪cool adj.凉爽,冷静的copy n.副本,一册v.复印,复制core n.果核,核心corn n.<美>玉米,<英>谷物corner n.角落,(街道)拐角处corporate adj.法人的,全体的corporation n.公司,企业correct adj.正确的,恰当的cost n.成本,价钱,代价v.花费cottage n.村舍,小屋cotton n.棉花cough n./v.咳嗽could modal v.能够,可以council n.理事会,委员会count v.数,计算n.计数,计算counter n.计算器,柜台country n.国家,乡村countryside n.乡村,郊外,野外county n.县,couple n.(一)对,(一)双,夫妇courage n.勇气course n.过程,课程court n.法院,宫庭cousin n.堂(表)兄弟姊妹cover n.盖子,封面vt.覆盖,铺cow n.母牛crack n.裂缝craft n.工艺,手艺crash n./v.碰撞,坠落crazy adj.疯狂的,狂热的cream n.乳酪,奶油create vt.创造,造成creation n.创造creative adj.创造性的credit n.信用,声望crew n.全体人员crime n.犯罪,罪行criminal n.罪犯,犯罪者adj.犯罪的,犯法的crisis n.危机,紧要关头critic n.批评家critical adj.评论的,危急的criticism n.批评,批判crop n.农作物cross n.十字,十字架v.使交叉,横过crowd n.人群cruel adj.残酷的cry v.哭,叫,喊cultural adj.文化的culture n.文化,文明cup n.杯子,奖杯cupboard n.碗碟橱cure n./v.治愈,痊愈curious adj.好奇的,古怪的curly adj.卷曲的currency n.流通current adj.当前的curtain n.窗帘,门帘curve n.曲线,弯曲v.弯,使弯曲custom n.风俗,海关customer n.消费者cut v.切,割cycle n.周期,循环Ddad n.爸爸daily adj.每日的damage n./v.损害,伤害dance n./v.跳舞danger n.危险dangerous a dj.危险的dare v.敢,胆敢dark adj.暗的,(皮肤等)黑色的darkness n.黑暗data n.数据date n.日期,约会vt.约会,定日期daughter n.女儿day n.天,白天dead adj.死的deaf adj.聋的deal n.交易,dealer n.经销商,商人dear int.[表示惊讶等]Oh,~!adj.昂贵的,亲爱的death n.死亡debate v./n.争论,辩论debt n.债务decade n.十年,十December n.十二月decide v.决定decision n.决定,declare vt.宣布,宣告decline v.拒绝, 衰落,下降decorate v.装饰,装修decoration n.装饰,装饰品decrease n./v.减少deep adj.深的deeply adv.深深地defeat n./v.击败,战胜defence n.防卫defend vt.辩护,防卫define vt.定义definite adj.明确的definition n.定义degree n.度数,程度delay v./n.耽搁,延迟delicious adj.美味的delighted adj.欣喜的,快乐的deliver vt.递送,传递delivery n.递送,交货demand n./v.要求,需求demanding adj.过分要求的,苛求的demonstrate vt.证明,示威demonstration n.示范,游行dentist n.牙医deny v.否认,拒绝department n.部门,系departure n.启程,出发depend vi.依靠,依赖dependent a dj.依赖的deposit n.存款,押金depth n.深,深度deputy n.代理人,代表describe v.描述description n.描写,描述desert n.沙漠v.遗弃,逃跑deserve v.应受,值得design n./v.设计designer n.设计师desk n.书桌,办公桌desperate adj.不顾一切的,绝望的despite prep.不管,尽管,不论disgusting a dj.令人厌恶的dish n.盘, 碟dislike vt.讨厌,不喜欢dismiss v.解散,下课,开除disorder n.杂乱,混乱vt.扰乱,使失调display vt./n.陈列,展览dissatisfied adj.不满意的,不高兴的dessert n.餐后甜点distance n.距离distant adj.远的distinction n.区别,差别district n.区域disturb v.打乱,打扰destroy v.破坏,毁坏destruction n.破坏,毁灭detail n.细节,详情determination n.决心determine v.决定,使下定决心determined adj.坚决的,决定了的develop v.发展development n.发展device n.装置devote vt.投入于,献身dial v.拨(电话) diary n.日记dictionary n.字典,词典die v.死亡,消逝diet n.日常食物difference n.差异,差别different adj.不同的difficult adj.困难的difficulty n.困难dig v.掘, 挖digital adj.数字的n.数字dinner n.正餐,宴会direct adj.径直的,直接的direction n.方向,指导director n.主任,主管,导演dirt n.污垢,泥土dirty adj.肮脏的disabled adj.伤残的disadvantage n.不利,缺点disagree vi.不一致disappear vi.消失, 不见disappoint v t.使失望disappointed adj.失望的disaster n.灾难disc n.圆盘,唱片discipline n.纪律discount n.折扣discover v.发现discovery n.发现,发明的东西discuss vt.讨论discussion n.讨论disease n.疾病dream n./v.梦,梦想dress n.女服,服装v.(给…)穿衣drink n.饮料, 酒v.喝, 喝酒drive vt./n.开车,驱赶driver n.驾驶员,驱动程序drop v.滴下,落下n.落下,下降,滴drug n.药drum n.鼓,鼓声drunk adj.喝醉了的drink 的过去分词divide v.划分,分开division n.分开divorce n.离婚vt.使离婚DJ abbr.(discjockey)流行音乐节目主持人do v.做doctor n.医生,博士document n.文件dog n.狗dollar n.美元domestic adj.家庭的,国内的dominant adj.占优势的,支配的dominate v.支配,占优势door n.门dormitory n.宿舍dot n.点, 圆点double adj.两倍的,双重的doubt n./v.怀疑,疑惑down adj./adv.向下的(地)prep.往下,沿着download v.下载,卸货downstairs adv.在楼下,往楼下dozen n.一打,十二个draft n.草稿drag v.拖,拖曳drama n.戏剧dramatic adj.戏剧性的draw v.拉,画drawer n.抽屉,画家drawing n.图画dry adj.干的,干燥的v.(使)干燥,变干duck n.鸭子due adj.应得的,正当的dull adj.迟钝的,呆滞的dump vt.倾倒(垃圾)during prep.在...的期间dust n.灰尘,尘土duty n.义务,责任Eeach adj.各自的,每个的adv.每个pron.各自,每个ear n.耳朵early adj.早的,早期的adv.早,在初期earn v.赚得,获得earth n.地球,泥土east n./adj.东(的),东方(的)adv.在东方,向东eastern adj.东方的,东部的easy adj.容易的,舒适的eat v.吃economicadj.经济(上)的economics n.经济学economy n.经济edge n.边缘edit vt.编辑edition n.版本, 版editor n.编辑器,编者educate v.教育education n.教育educational adj.教育的effect n.结果,效果effective adj.有效的efficient adj.有效率的effort n.努力,成就egg n.蛋,鸡蛋,卵eight num./pron./n 八(个)eighteennum./pron./n.十八(个)eighth num./pron./adv.第八eighty num./pron./n.八十(个)either adj.(两方中的)任一的pron.随便任一个conj.或者,也elderly adj.上了年纪的elect vt.选举,推选,选择election n.选举,选择权electric a dj.电的,导电的electrical adj.电的,有关电的electricity n.电流,电,电学electronic adj.电子的element n.要素,元素elephant n.大象eleven num./pron./n.十一(个)else adj./adv.别的(地)elsewhere adv.在别处email n.电子信函emerge v i.显现,浮现emergency n.紧急情况emotion n.情感,感情emotional adj.情绪的,情感的emphasis n.强调,重点emphasize v.强调empire n.帝国employ v.雇用,使用employee n.职工,雇员employer n.雇主,老板employment n.雇用,使用empty adj.空的,空虚的v.倒空,腾出来enable vt.使能够enclose vt.装入,围绕encounter v./n.遭遇,遇到encourage v t./n.鼓励end n.末端,尽头,结束v.结束,终结enemy n./adj.敌人(的)energy n.精力,活力,能量engage vt.雇佣,使从事于engine n.发动机engineer n.工程师engineering n.工程(学)England n.英格兰,英国English adj.英文的,英国人的n.英国人,英语enjoy v.享受,欣赏,喜爱enjoyable adj.令人愉快的enormous adj.巨大的enough adj./adv.足够的(地)n.充足,足够ensure v.保证,担保enter v.进入,加入enterprise n.企业,事业entertainment n.款待,娱乐enthusiasm n.狂热,热心enthusiastic adj.热心的,热情的entire adj.全部的,完整的entrance n.入口,进入entry n.条目,进入envelope n.信封environmental adj.环境的equal adj./n.相等的(事物或数量)equipment n.设备,器材equivalent a dj./n.相当的(等价物)error n.错误,过失escape v./n.逃脱,避开,溜走especially adv.特别,尤其essay n.随笔,短文essential adj.本质的,基本的establish v.建立,设立estate n.不动产estimate v./n.估计,估价ethnic adj.人种的,种族的Europe n.欧洲European adj.欧洲的,欧洲人的n.欧洲人even adj.平的adv.甚至,即使evening n.傍晚,晚会event n.事件,活动eventually a dv.最后,终于ever adv.曾经,永远every adj.每个的,全部的everybody pron.每人,人人everyone pron.每人,人人everything pron.每件事物everywhere adv.各处,到处evidence n.明显,根据,证据evil adj.邪恶的,有害的n.不幸,罪恶exact adj.精确的,准确的exactly adv.正确地,严密地examination n.考试,检查examine v.检查,考试example n.例子excellent adj.卓越的,极好的except prep.除了…之外v.把…除外exchange v./n.交换,兑换excited adj.兴奋的exciting adj.令人兴奋的excuse vt.原谅,作为…的托辞n.致歉,理由,借口exercise n./v.练习,锻炼exhibition n.展览会,展览品exist vi.存在,生存existence n.存在(物)existing adj.现有的exit n.出口,太平门expand v.膨胀,扩充expansion n.扩充,膨胀expect vt.预期,盼望expectation n.期待,指望expense n.费用,代价expensive adj.昂贵的experience n./vt.经验,经历experienced adj.富有经验的experiment v./n.(做)实验expert n.专家,行家explain v.解释,说明explanation n.解释,说明exploit vt.开发,剥削explore v.探险,探测export v./n.出口(物)expose v.使暴露,揭露express n.快车,快递vt.表达,表示expression n.表达,表情extend v.扩充,延伸extension n.延长,扩充extensive adj.广阔的,广泛的extent n.广度,范围,程度external n./adj.外部(的)extra adj./adv.额外的(地)extraordinary adj.特别的extreme n./adj.极端(的)extremely adv.极端地,非常地eye n.眼睛, 视力Fface n.脸,表情facility n.设备,工具fact n.事实factor n.因素factory n.工厂fail v./n.失败,不及格failure n.失败(者),故障fair adj.(肤色)白皙的(头发)金黄的,公平的fairly adv.公正地,相当地faith n.信任,信念faithful adj.守信的,忠实的fall n.秋天,落下,瀑布vi.落下,下跌FALSE adj.错误的,假的familiar adj.熟悉的,常见的family n.家庭,家属famous adj.著名的fan n.扇子,狂热者fancy vt.想象,设想n.迷恋,想象力fantastic adj.幻想的,奇异的far adj./adv.遥远的(地)fare n.费用farewell n.辞别,再见int.再会,别了!farm n.农场,农田v.种田,务农farmer n.农夫,农场主fashion n.流行,风尚fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的fast adj./adv.快速的(地)fat n.脂肪,肥肉adj.胖的,油腻的father n.父亲fault n.过错,缺点favor n.好感,喜爱vt.赞成,喜欢favorite adj./n.特别喜欢的(人或物)fax n./v.传真fear n./v.害怕,担心feather n.羽毛feature n.特征,特色February n.二月fee n.费(会费,学费等)feed v.喂养,饲养feedback n.反馈,反应feel n./v.触摸,感觉feeling n.感觉,情绪fellow n.家伙,伙伴female n./adj.女性(的)fence n.栅栏,围墙festival n./adj.节日(的)fetch v.取来,带来fever n.发烧,狂热few adj.很少的field n.田地,领域fifteen num./pron./n.十五(个)fifth num./pron./adv.第五fifty num./pron./n.五十(个)fight n./v.打架,战斗figure n.外形,轮廓,数字file n.文件,档案fill v.装满,填充film n.胶卷,影片final adj.最后的n.结局,决赛,期末考试finally adv.最后,终于finance n.财政,金融financial adj.财政的,金融的find vt.找到,发现finding n.发现fine adj.好的,细的vt./n.罚款finger n.手指finish vt./n.完成,结束fire n.火,火灾v.开枪,解雇,着火firm n.公司adj.结实的,坚硬的first adj./num.第一的(个)adv.首先,最初firstly adv.第一,首先fish v./n.(钓)鱼,鱼肉fishing n.钓鱼, 捕鱼fit adj.合适的,健康的v.适合,安装five num./pron./n.五(个)fix vt.固定,修理flag n.旗flash vi./n.闪光,闪现flat adj.平坦的n.平面,公寓flavour n.滋味,香味flesh n.肉,肉体flexible adj.灵活的flight n.飞行,航班float v.浮动,飘浮flood n.洪水,水灾v.淹没,泛滥floor n.地面,地板flour n.面粉flow n./adj.流程,流动flower adj/n.花fly n.苍蝇v.飞翔focus n.中心,焦点fog n.雾,烟雾foggy adj.雾的,模糊的fold v.折叠,合拢folk n.人们,民族adj.民间的follow v.跟随,接着following n./adj.下列(的)food n.食物,养料fool n.愚人,白痴v.愚弄,欺骗foolish adj.愚蠢的,傻的foot n.足,英尺football n.足球for prep.为了,因为,对于conj.因为force n.力量,武力vt.强制,强加forecast vt./n.预测,预报foreign adj.外国的,外交的foreigner n.外国人forest n.森林forget v.忘记forgive vt.原谅,饶恕fork n.叉,岔口form n.表格,形式v.形成,构成formal adj.外形的,正式的former adj.以前的fortnight n.两星期fortunate adj.幸运的fortune n.财富,运气forty num./pron./n.四十(个)forward adv.向前地found v.建立,创立foundation n.基础,创立,基金(会)four num./pron./n.四(个)fourthnum./pron./adv.第四frame n.框架,结构France n.法国free adj.自由的,免费的vt.释放,使自由freedom n.自由freeze v.(使)冷冻,冻结French n.法国人, 法语adj.法国(人)的,法语的frequent adj.频繁的fresh adj.新鲜的Friday n.星期五friend n.朋友friendly adj.友好的friendship n.友谊frighten v.惊恐,使惊吓frightened a dj.受惊的,受恐吓的from prep.从,来自front n.前面fruit n.水果, 果实fry v./n.油炸(食物)fuel n.燃料full adj.充满的,完全的fully adv.充分地,完全地fun n.玩笑,有趣的人或事物function n.功能,作用vi.活动,运行fund n.资金,基金v.支助, 投资funny adj.有趣的,好笑的furniture n.家具further adj.更远的(地)vt.促进,增进furthermore adv.此外,而且futuren./adj.未来(的),将来(的)Ggain v.得到game n.比赛,游戏gang n.(一)伙,(一)群gap n.缺口,间隙garage n.修车厂,车库garden n.(菜、花)园gas n.气体,煤气,汽油gate n.大门gather v.集合,搜集gay adj.快乐的n.<美俚> 同性恋者general adj.一般的,大体的n.将军,概要generally adv.一般,通常generation n.一代(人)generous adj.慷慨的,大方的gentle adj.温和的gentleman n.先生,绅士genuine adj.真实的German n.德国人,德语adj.德国(人)的,德语的Germany n.德国get v.获得,变成gift n.礼物,天赋girl n.女孩girlfriend n.女朋友give vt.给,供给glad adj.高兴的glass n.玻璃,玻璃杯global adj.球形的,全球的glue n.胶,胶水go vi.离去,走goal n.目标,(球赛等的)得分goat n.山羊god n.神,上帝gold n.黄金golden adj.金色的golf n.高尔夫球good adj.优良的,有益的goodbye int.再见goods n.货物govern v.统治,管理government n.政府grab v.抢夺,攫取grade n.等级,级别graduate v./n.毕业(生)gram n.克grammar n.语法grand adj.盛大的,豪华的grandchild n.孙(女) grandfather n.(外)祖父grandmother n.(外)祖母grant vt.同意,准予grass n.草grateful adj.感激的great adj.伟大的,非常的green n.绿色(颜料或物品)adj.绿色的,未成熟的greeting n.问候grey n./adj.灰色(的)ground n.地面,土地group n.团体,组,群grow v.生长,成长,种植growth n.生长,种植guarantee v./n.保证,担保guard n./v.守卫,警戒guess v./n.猜测,推测guest n.客人,来宾guide n.导游者,向导guilty adj.犯罪的,有罪的guitar n.吉他gun n.炮,枪guy n.家伙,人gym n.体育Hhabit n.习惯hair n.头发,毛发hairdresser n.(为女子做发的)理发师hairstyle n.发型,发式half n./adj.一半(的)hall n.礼堂,大厅ham n.火腿hand n.手v.交给handbag n.手提包handle vt.处理,操作handsome adj.英俊的handwriting n.笔迹hang vt.悬挂,绞死happen v.发生,碰巧happiness n.幸福,快乐happy adj.快乐的,幸福的harbour n.海港hard adj.硬的,困难的,艰苦的adv.努力地,辛苦地hardly adv.刚刚,几乎不hardship n.困苦,艰难hardware n.五金器具,硬件hardworking adj.苦干的harm n./v.伤害,损害harmful adj.有害的hat n.帽子hate v./n.憎恨,讨厌have v.有,持有he pron.他head n.头(脑),领袖headache n.头痛headline n.大字标题headquarters n.总部health n.健康healthy adj.健康的hear v.听到,听说hearing n.听力,听觉heart n.心,心脏,中心heat v./n.(加)热heating n.加热,暖气装置heaven n.天空,天堂heavy adj.重的height n.高度helicopter n.直升(飞)机hell n.地狱,苦境hello int.喂,哈罗help v./n.帮助helpful adj.有帮助的her pron.她的,她here adv./n.(在)这里hero n.英雄,男主角hers pron.她的herself pron.她自己hi int.嗨!(打招呼)hidden adj.隐藏的hide v.隐藏,掩藏high adj.高的highlight vt.加亮,使显著highly adv.高地,非常highway n.公路hill n.小山him pron.他himself pron.他自己hire n./v.租用,雇用his pron.他的historical adj.历史(上)的history n.历史,历史学hit n./v.击,打,碰撞hi-tech adj.高技术的hobby n.业余爱好hold v.支持,持有hole n.洞,孔holiday n.假日holy adj.神圣的home n./adj.家(的)adv.在家,回家homework n.家庭作业honest adj.诚实的honour n.荣誉,敬意hope n./v.希望hopeful adj.有希望的horn n.(牛、羊等的)角,喇叭horrified adj.惊骇的horror n.惊骇,恐怖horse n.马hospital n.医院host n.主人hot adj.热的,辣的hotel n.旅馆hour n.小时,钟头house n.房子,住宅household n.一家人,家庭housewife n.家庭主妇how adv.怎样,多么however adv./conj.无论如何huge adj.巨大的human n.人,人类humorous adj.幽默的humour n.幽默,诙谐hundrednum./pron./n.一百(个)hungry adj.饥饿的hunt v./n.打猎,搜寻hurry n.匆忙,仓促v.赶紧,匆忙hurt n./v.伤痛,伤害husband n.丈II pron.我ice n.冰ice-cream n.冰淇淋idea n.想法,主意ideal n./adj.理想(的)identity n.身份if conj.如果ignore vt.不理睬,忽视ill adj.有病的,坏的illegal adj.违法的illness n.疾病,生病illustrate vt.举例说明,阐明image n.图象,肖像imaginary adj.想象的,虚构的imagination n.想象,空想imagine vt.想象,设想immediate adj.立即的immediately adv.立即,马上impact n./v.冲击,影响impatient adj.不耐心的implement v.贯彻,执行impolite adj.无礼的importance n.重要(性)important adj.重要的,重大的impossible adj.不可能的impress vt.留下印象impression n.印象impressive adj.印象深刻的improve v.改善,提高improvement n.改进,进步in prep.在…之内inch n.英寸incident n.事件,事变include vt.包括,包含including prep.包括income n.收入increase n./v.增加,增长increasingly adv.日益,愈加incredible adj.难以置信的indeed adv.真正地independence n.独立,自主independent adj.独立的,自主的index n.索引,指数indicate vt.显示,预示individual n./adj.个人(的)industrial adj.工业的industry n.工业infect vt.传染,感染infection n.传染,感染inflation n.通货膨胀influence n./v.影响inform v.通知,告诉informal adj.非正式的information n.消息,情报initial adj.最初的,开始的initiative n.主动injure v.伤害injury n.伤害inner adj.内部的inquiry n.询问,调查insect n.昆虫inside prep.在…之内adj./adv.内部的(地)insist v.坚持,强调inspection n.检查,视察install vt.安装instance n.实例instant adj.立即的instead adv.代替,改为institute n.学院,协会institution n.机构,协会instruction n.指示,说明(书)instrument n.工具,器械insurance n.保险intellectual adj.智力的n.知识分子intelligence n.智力,聪明intelligent adj.聪明的intend vt.想要,打算intense adj.强烈的intention n.意图,目的interact vi.互相作用interaction n.交互作用interest v./n.(感)兴趣interested adj.感兴趣的interesting adj.有趣的internal adj.内在的,国内的international adj.国际的,internet n.因特网,国际互联网interrupt v.打断,中断interruption n.中断,打断interview v./n.面试,采访into prep.到…里introduce vt.介绍,引进introduction n.介绍,引进invent v.发明invention n.发明,创造inventor n.发明者invest v.投(资)investigate v.调查,研究investigation n.调查,研究investment n.投资investor n.投资者invitation n.邀请invite v.邀请involve vt.包括,涉及Ireland n.爱尔兰Irish n.爱尔兰人,爱尔兰语adj.爱尔兰(人)的iron n.铁, 熨斗vt.烫平,熨island n.岛isolate vt.使隔离,使孤立issue n.发行,问题it pron.它IT abbr.信息技术item n.一则,一条its pron.它的itself pron.它本Jjacket n.短上衣,夹克jail n.监狱January n.一月Japan n.日本Japanese adj.日本(人)的,日语的n.日本人,日语jazz n.爵士乐jeans n.牛仔裤jewellery n.(=jewelry)珠宝job n.工作join v.加入,连接joint n.接合处,关节adj.联合的,连接的joke v./n.(开)玩笑journal n.期刊journalist n.新闻记者journey n.旅行,旅程joy n.欢乐,喜悦judge n.法官,裁判vt.判断,断定judgement n.审判,判断juice n.果汁July n.七月jump n./v.跳跃June n.六月junior n.年少者,下级adj.年少的,下级的just adj.公正的adv.正好,仅仅justice n.正义,公平justify v.证明…是正当Kkeen adj.热切的,敏锐的keep v.保持,保存key n.钥匙,答案,键keyboard n.键盘kick n./v.踢kid n.小孩v.哄骗,开玩笑kill v.杀死kilogram n.千克,公斤kilometer n.千米,公里kind adj.仁慈的,和蔼的king n.国王,君主kiss n./v.吻kitchen n.厨房knee n.膝盖knife n.刀knock v./n.击,敲打know v.知道,了解knowledge n.知识,学问Llabel v./n.(贴)标签laboratory n.实验室labour n.劳动,劳力lack v./n.缺乏,没有ladder n.梯子,阶梯lady n.女士,夫人lake n.湖lamp n.灯land n.陆地v.上岸,登陆landlord n.房东,地主landscape n.风景,山水画lane n.小路,巷language n.语言laptop n.笔记本电脑large adj.巨大的largely adv.主要地,大量地last adj./adv.最后的(地)vi.持续,支持late adj.迟的,新近的adv.晚,迟,最近later adj.更迟的,更后的adv.稍后,随后latter adj.后面的,后者的laugh n./v.笑launch v./n.起飞,下水,开始law n.法律lawn n.草坪lawyer n.律师lay v.放置,产(卵)layer n.层lazy adj.懒惰的lead v.领导,引导leader n.领导者leadership n.领导能力(阶层)leading adj.领导的,最主要的leaf n.叶,树叶league n.同盟,社团lean v.倚靠,倾斜learn v.学会,认识到learning n.知识,学习least adj.最小的,最少的adv.最少,最小leather n.皮革leave vt.离开,剩下,遗忘lecture n./v.演讲left n./adj.左边(的)leg n.腿legal adj.法律的,合法的leisure n.空闲,闲暇lend v.借给,贷(款)length n.长度less adj.少的,小的adv.较少地,更小地lesson n.功课,教训let vt.允许,让letter n.字母,信函level n.水平,级别liberal adj.自由的,慷慨的library n.图书馆license n.许可证,执照lie v.说谎,躺n.谎话life n.生命,生活lift n.举起,电梯v.升高,提高light n.光,灯adj.轻的,明亮的,浅的lightning n.闪电like prep.象,如同adj.相似的,同样的v.喜欢likely adj./adv.很可能的(地)limit n./v.限制,限定limited adj.有限的line n.线条,线路link n./v.关系,联系lion n.狮子lip n.嘴唇liquid n./adj.液体(的)list n.名单,列表v.列出listen v.听,收听literature n.文学(作品)little adj.少的,小的adv.很少,稍微live adj.活的,实况转播的vi.活着,生活lively adj.活泼的,栩栩如生的living n.生活,生计adj.活的,逼真的,现存的load n./v.负荷,装载loan n./v.贷款,借出local adj.地方的,当地的locate v.定位,位于location n.位置,场所lock n./v.锁log n.航行日志,原木logical adj.合乎逻辑的logo n.标识语lonely adj.孤独的long adj.长的vi.渴望look n.看,面容,外表vi.看loose adj.宽松的v.释放,变松lord n.君主,大人,上帝lose vt.遗失,迷路,失败loss n.损失,遗失lot n.一堆,许多adv.很,非常lottery n.彩票,抽彩给奖法loud adj./adv.高声的(地)loudly adv.响亮地,大声地lounge n.休息室love n./v.爱,热爱lovely adj.可爱的lover n.爱人,爱好者low adj.低的,浅的lower adj.较低的,下级的vt.放下,降下loyal adj.忠诚的luck n.运气luggage n.行李lump n.块,团lunch n.午餐lung n.肺luxury n.奢侈,豪华Mmachine n.机器,机械mad adj.疯狂的,狂热的Madam n.女士,夫人magazine n.杂志magic n.魔术,戏法mail n./v.邮件(寄)main adj.主要的。
每单元的结构由如下部分组成:单元目标:用明晰的CAN-DO形式来阐述本单元(包括Lesson 1 & 2)的语用与交际目标。
*Lesson 1Lead-in:基于图示理论,通过情景剧片断来导入每课的主题,有利于激发学生的英语学习兴趣,激活学生原有的知识图示,在新旧知识之间构筑有机的联系。
Speaking:主要包括Conversation Model和Conversation Pair Work两部分。
Conversation Model为学生提供一定场景下的交际活动框架,图文并茂的场景为进一步开展口语活动提供了素材,同时也兼顾了不同层次学习者的需求。
1. 在线搜索引擎使用在线搜索引擎是最常见也是最简单的方法之一。
2. 在线学习资源平台有一些在线学习资源平台上提供了大量的教材答案资源,例如Quizlet、Course Hero、Chegg等。
3. 问答论坛和社交媒体加入一些英语学习的问答论坛或社交媒体群组,与其他学生或老师进行讨论和交流,是一个不错的方法。
4. 学校图书馆和学习资源中心学生们也可以亲自前往学校图书馆或学习资源中心寻找所需的教材答案。
5. 与老师和同学交流与课程教师进行积极的沟通和交流是另一个有效的途径。
6. 自制答案或寻求辅导如果以上方法都无法找到所需的教材答案,学生们也可以自行尝试制作答案。
现代大学英语精读1目录Lesson OneT ext A Half a DayT ext B The EdgeLesson TwoT ext A Going HomeT ext B A Homeconing of a Different SortLesson ThreeT ext A Message of the LandT ext B The Son from AmericaLesson FourT ext A The Boy and the Bank OfficerT ext B My Bank AccountLessong FiveT ext A Angles on a PinT ext B We Should Cherish Our Children's Freedom to Think Lesson SixT ext A The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street(Act Ⅰ)T ext B The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street(Act Ⅱ) Lesson SevenT ext A Mandela's GardenT ext B Rite of SpringLesson EightT ext A My Personal MangerT ext B And If ElectedLesson NineT ext A Agsinst All OddsT ext B The Dark GiftLesson TenT ext A The Green BananaT ext B A Secret Lost in the WaterLesson ElevenT ext A The Miadnight VisitorT ext B The Night the President Met the BurglarLeoon TwelveT ext A The Kindness of StrangersT ext B In Chelsea,Back to SleepLesson ThirteenT ext A Christmas Day in the MorningT ext B Swars Mate for LifeLesson FourteenT ext A After Twenty YearsT ext B A Man Who Had No EyesLesson FifteenT ext A T ouched by the MoonT ext B A Plea for Our Planet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 现代大学英语精读2目录Lesson One Another School Year-What For?Lesson Two Mahegun My BrotherLesson Three More Crime and Less PunishmentLesson Four The Nightingale and the RoseLesson Six The Man in The WaterLesson Seven The Greatest InventionLesson Eight Paychologically SpeakingLesson Ten The Richer,the PoorerLesson Eleven You Have to Get Me Out of HereLesson Twelve Confessions of a Miseducated ManLesson Fourteen Space Shuttle ChallengerLesson Fifteen The Riddle of Time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 现代大学英语精读3目录Plan of the BookAcknowledgementT extsLesson OneT ext A Your College YearsT ext B Preparing for CollegeLesson TwoT ext A Discovery of a FatherT ext B The Last Word Was LoveLesson ThreeT ext A Michael Dell’s Two-Billion-Dollar DreamT ext B Would You Know a Computer If You Met One?Lesson FourT ext A Wisdom of Bear WoodT ext B Baby BirdsLesson FiveT ext A Twelve Angry Men (Part One)T ext B Shot Actress — Full Story (Part I)Lesson SixT ext A Twelve Angry Men (Part T wo)T ext B Shot Actress — Full Story (Part I)Lesson SevenT ext A The RivalsT ext B The Open WindowLesson EightT ext A "We’re Only Human"T ext B Button, ButtonLesson NineT ext A A Dill PickleT ext B The Valentine GenerationLesson TenT ext A Diogenes and AlexanderT ext B A Horseman in the SkyLesson ElevenT ext A Silent SpringT ext B Of Man and the Stream of TimeLesson TwelveT ext A The Needs that Drive Us AllT ext B Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsLesson ThirteenT ext A In My DayT ext B My Grandmother, the Bag LadyLesson FourteenT ext A Mercy at AppomattoxT ext B Grant and Lee: A Study in ContrastsLesson FifteenT ext A The President as Corporate SalesmanT ext B Our Leaders Don’t Know BestVocabulary ListIdiomatic Expressions and Collocations~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 现代大学英语精读4目录Plan of the BookAcknowledgementT extLesson OneT ext A Thinking as a HobbyT ext B The Pleasures of LearningLesson TwoT ext A Waiting for the PoliceT ext B The Hitch—hikerLesson ThreeT ext A Why Historians DisagreeT ext B The Third ManLesson FourT ext A A Drink in the PassageT ext B The BenchLesson FiveT ext A Man of the MomentT ext B Climbing the Mountain of SuccessLesson SixT ext A Groundless BeliefsT ext B Corn——pone OpinionsLesson SevenT ext A Spring SowingT ext B The Earth POetLesson EightT ext A Globalization’S Dual PowerT ext B The International Language of GesturesLesson Nine。
Bbaby n.婴儿;孩子气的人back ad.在后;回原处;回background n.背景,后景,经历backward a.向后的;倒的 ad.倒bacteria n.细菌bad a.坏的,恶的;严重的badly ad.坏,差;严重地badminton n.羽毛球bag n.袋,包,钱包,背包baggage n.行李bake vt.烤,烘,焙;烧硬balance vt.使平衡;称 n.天平ball n.球,球状物;舞会balloon n.气球,玩具气球banana n.香蕉;芭蕉属植物band n.乐队;带;波段bang n.巨响,枪声;猛击bank n.银行;库;岩,堤banner n.旗,旗帜,横幅bar n.酒吧间;条,杆;栅barber n.理发师bare a.赤裸的;仅仅的bargain n.交易 vi.议价;成交bark n.吠叫声 vi.吠,叫barn n.谷仓;牲口棚barrel n.桶;圆筒;枪管barrier n.栅栏,屏障;障碍base n.基础,底层;基地basic a.基本的,基础的basically ad.基本上basin n.盆,洗脸盆;盆地basis n.基础,根据basket n.篮,篓,筐basketball n.篮球;篮球运动bat n.球拍;短棍;蝙蝠bath n.浴,洗澡;浴缸bathe vt.给…洗澡;弄湿bathroom n.浴室;盥洗室battery n.电池;一套,一组battle n.战役;斗争 vi.作战bay n.湾;山脉中的凹处B.C. (缩)公元前be aux.v.&vi.是,在,做beach n.海滩,湖滩,河滩beam n.梁;横梁;束,柱bean n.豆,蚕豆bear n.熊;粗鲁的人bear vt.容忍;负担;生育beard n.胡须,络腮胡子beast n.兽,野兽;牲畜beat vt.&vi.打,敲;打败beautiful a.美的,美丽的beauty n.美,美丽;美人because conj.由于,因为become vi.变成;成为,变得bed n.床,床位;圃;河床bee n.蜂,密蜂;忙碌的人beef n.牛肉;菜牛beer n.啤酒before prep.在…以前;向…beg vt.&vi.乞求;请求beggar n.乞丐,穷人begin vi.开始 vt.开始beginner n.初学者,生手beginning n.开始,开端;起源behalf n.利益,维护,支持behave vi.表现,举止;运转behavior n.行为,举止,态度behind prep.在…后面being n.存在;生物;生命belief n.信任,相信;信念believe vt.相信;认为bell n.钟,铃,门铃;钟声belong vi.属于,附属beloved a.为…的爱的 n.爱人below prep.在…下面(以下) belt n.带,腰带;皮带;区bench n.长凳,条凳;工作台bend vt.使弯曲 vi.弯曲beneath prep.在…下方beneficial a.有利的,有益的benefit n.利益;恩惠;津贴berry n.浆果(如草莓等) beside prep.在…旁边besides ad.而且prep.除…之外best a.最好的;最大的bet vt.&vi.&n.打赌betray vt.背叛;辜负;泄漏better a.较好的 ad.更好地between prep.在…中间beyond prep.在…的那边Bible n.基督教《圣经》bicycle n.自行车,脚踏车big a.大的,巨大的bike n.自行车 vi.骑自行车bill n.账单;招贴;票据billion num.万亿(英)bind vt.捆绑;包扎;装钉biology n.生物学;生态学bird n.鸟,禽birth n.分娩,出生;出身birthday n.生日,诞生的日期biscuit n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼bit n.一点,一些,小片bite vt.咬,叮,螫;剌穿bitter a.痛苦的;严寒的bitterly ad.苦苦地;悲痛地black a.黑色的;黑暗的blackboard n.黑板blade n.刀刃,刀片;叶片blame vt.责备,把…归咎于blank a.空白的 n.空白blanket n.毛毯,毯子,羊毛毯blast n.爆炸,冲击波 vt.炸blaze n.火;闪光 vi.燃烧bleed vi.出血,流血;泌脂blend vt.&vi.&n.混和bless vt.为…祝福blind a.瞎的;盲目的block n.街区 vt.堵塞,拦阻blood n.血,血液;血统bloom n.花;开花,开花期blossom n.花,开花 vi.开花blow vi.吹,吹动;吹响blue a.蓝色的 n.蓝色board n.板 vt.上(船、车等) boast vi.自夸 vt.吹嘘boat n.小船,艇;渔船body n.身体;主体;尸体boil vi.沸腾;汽化vt.煮沸bold a.大胆的;冒失的bolt n.螺栓;插销 vt.闩门bomb n.炸弹 vt.轰炸bond n.联结,联系;公债bone n.骨,骨骼book n.书,书籍 vt.预定boot n.靴子,长统靴booth n.货摊;公用电话亭border n.边,边缘;边界bore vt.使厌烦;钻,挖born a.天生的;出生的borrow vt.借,借用,借人bosom n.胸,胸部;内心boss n.老板,上司 vt.指挥both pron.两者(都)bother vt.烦扰,迷惑 n.麻烦bottle n.瓶,酒瓶;一瓶bottom n.底,底部,根基bough n.树枝bounce vi.反跳,弹起;跳起bound a.一定的;有义务的boundary n.分界线,办界bow n.弓;蝴蝶结;鞠躬bowl n.碗,钵;碗状物box n.箱,盒;包箱box vi.拳击,打拳boy n.男孩,少年;家伙brain n.脑,脑髓;脑力brake n.闸,刹车 vi.制动branch n.树枝;分部;分科brand n.商品;烙印 vt.铭刻brandy n.白兰地酒brass n.黄铜;黄铜器brave a.勇敢的,华丽的bread n.面包;食物,粮食breadth n.宽度,幅度;幅面break vt.打破;损坏;破坏breakfast n.早饭,早餐breast n.乳房;胸脯,胸膛breath n.气息,呼吸;气味breathe vi.呼吸 vt.呼吸breed n.品种 vt.使繁殖breeze n.微风,和风brick n.砖,砖块;砖状物bridge n.桥,桥梁;桥牌brief a.简短的;短暂的bright a.明亮的;聪明的brighten vt.使发光;使快活brilliant a.光辉的;卓越的brim n.边,边缘;帽沿bring vt.带来;引出;促使brisk a.活泼的;清新的bristle n.短而硬的毛;鬃毛Britain n.不列颠,英国British a.不列颠的,英联邦的brittle a.脆的;易损坏的broad a.宽的,阔的;广泛的broadcast n.广播,播音broken a.被打碎的,骨折的bronze n.青铜;青铜制品brood n.同窝幼鸟 vt.孵(蛋) brook n.小河,溪流broom n.扫帚brother n.兄弟;同事,同胞brow n.额;眉,眉毛brown n.褐色,棕色bruise n.青肿,伤痕;擦伤brush n.刷子,毛刷;画笔brute n.禽兽,畜生bubble n.泡 vi.冒泡,沸腾bucket n.水桶;吊桶;铲斗bud n.芽,萌芽;蓓蕾build vt.建筑;建立;创立building n.建筑物,大楼;建筑bulb n.电灯泡;球状物bulk n.物体,容积,大批bull n.公牛;雄的象bullet n.枪弹,子弹,弹丸bunch n.束,球,串;一群bundle n.捆,包,束;包袱burden n.担子,重担;装载量bureau n.局,司,处;社,所burn vi.烧,燃烧 n.烧伤burst vt.使爆裂 vi.&n.爆炸bury vt.埋葬,葬;埋藏bus n.公共汽车bush n.灌木,灌木丛,矮树business n.商业,生意;事务busy a.忙的,繁忙的but conj.但是,可是butcher n.屠夫;屠杀者butter n.黄油;奶油butterfly n.蝴蝶button n.扣子;按钮 vt.扣紧buy vt.买,购买 vi.买by prep.在…旁;被,由Ccabbage n.洋白菜,卷心菜cabin n.小屋;船舱,机舱cabinet n.橱,柜;内阁cable n.缆,索;电缆;电报cafe n.咖啡馆;小餐厅cafeteria n.自助食堂cage n.笼;鸟笼,囚笼cake n.饼,糕,蛋糕calculate vt.计算;估计;计划calculation n.计算,计算结果calculator n.计算器,计算者calendar n.日历,历书;历法call vt.把…叫做;叫,喊calm a.静的,平静的camel n.骆驼camera n.照相机,摄影机camp n.野营,营地,兵营campaign n.战役;运动campus n.校园,学校场地can aux.v.能,会,可能can n.罐头,听头;容器Canada n.加拿大Canadian a.加拿大的canal n.运河;沟渠;管cancel vt.取消,撤消;删去cancer n.癌,癌症,肿瘤candidate n.候选人;投考者candle n.蜡烛;烛形物;烛光candy n.糖果;砂糖结晶cannon n.大炮,火炮;榴弹炮canoe n.独木舟,皮艇,划子canteen n.小卖部;临时餐室canvas n.粗帆布;一块油画布cap n.帽子,便帽;帽状物capable a.有能力的,有才能的capacity n.容量;能力;能量capital n.资本,资金;首都captain n.陆军上尉;队长captive n.俘虏,被监禁的人capture vt.捕获,俘获;夺得car n.汽车,小汽车,轿车carbon n.碳card n.卡,卡片,名片care vi.关心,介意 n.小心career n.生涯,职业,经历careful a.仔细的;细致的careless a.粗心的,漫不经心的cargo n.船货,货物carpenter n.木工,木匠carpet n.地毯,毡毯,毛毯carriage n.客车厢;四轮马车carrier n.运输工具;运载工具carrot n.胡罗卜carry vt.携带;运载;传送cart n.二轮运货马车carve vt.刻,雕刻;切开case n.情况;事实;病例case n.箱(子),盒(子),套cash n.现金,现款cassette n.盒式录音带;盒子cast vt.投,扔,抛;浇铸castle n.城堡;巨大建筑物casual a.偶然的;随便的cat n.猫,猫科,猫皮catalog n.目录,目录册catch vt.捉住;赶上;领会cathedral n.总教堂;大教堂cattle n.牛;牲口,家畜cause n.原因,理由;事业cave n.山洞,洞穴,窑洞cease vi.&vi.&n.停止,停息ceiling n.天花板,顶蓬celebrate vt.庆祝;歌颂,赞美cell n.细胞;小房间cellar n.地窑,地下室cement n.水泥;胶泥 vt.粘结cent n.分;分币;百centigrade a.百分度的centimetre n.公分,厘米central a.中心的;主要的centre n.中心;中枢 vt.集中century n.世纪,百年ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节certain a.确实的;肯定的certainly ad.一定,必定;当然certainty n.必然;肯定certificate n.证书,证件,执照chain n.链,链条,项圈chair n.椅子;主席chairman n.主席;议长,会长chalk n.白垩;粉笔challenge n.挑战;要求,需要chamber n.会议室;房间;腔champion n.冠军,得胜者chance n.机会,机遇;可能性change n.改变,变化;零钱channel n.海峡;渠道;频道chapter n.章,回,篇character n.性格;特性;角色characteristic a.特有的 n.特性charge vt.索价;控告 n.费用charity n.施舍;慈善事业charming a.迷人的,可爱的chart n.图,图表;海图chase n.追逐,追赶,追求cheap a.廉价的;劣质的cheat vt.骗取;哄 vi.行骗check vt.检查;制止 n.检查cheek n.面颊,脸蛋cheer vt.使振作;欢呼cheerful a.快乐的,愉快的cheese n.乳酪,干酪chemical a.化学的 n.化学制品chemist n.化学家;药剂师chemistry n.化学cheque n.支票cherry n.樱桃;樱桃树chess n.棋;国际象棋chest n.胸腔,胸膛;箱子chew vt.咀嚼,嚼碎chicken n.小鸡,小鸟;鸡肉chief a.主要的;首席的child n.小孩,儿童;儿子childhood n.童年,幼年;早期childish a.孩子的;幼稚的chill vt.使变冷 n.寒冷chimney n.烟囱,烟筒;玻璃罩chin n.颏,下巴China n.中国china n.瓷器,瓷料Chinese a.中国的 n.中国人chocolate n.巧克力;巧克力糖choice n.选择,抉择choke vt.使窒息;塞满choose vt.选择,挑选;情愿chop vt.砍,劈;切细vi.砍Christian n.基督教徒;信徒Christmas n.圣诞节church n.教堂,礼拜堂;教会cigarette n.香烟,纸烟,卷烟cinema n.电影院;电影,影片circle n.圆,圆周;圈子circuit n.电路;环行;巡行circular a.圆的;循环的circulate vt.使循环 vi.循环circumference n.圆周,周长,圆周线circumstance n.情况,条件;境遇citizen n.公民;市民,居民city n.城市,都市civil a.公民的;文职的civilization n.文明,文化;开化civilize vt.使文明;教育claim vt.声称,主张;索取clap vi.拍手 vt.拍,轻拍clarify vt.澄清,阐明clasp n.扣子,钩子;别针class n.班,班级;阶级classical a.古典的;经典的classification n.分类;分级;分类法classify vt.把…分类classmate n.同班同学classroom n.教室,课堂claw n.爪,脚爪,螯clay n.粘土,泥土;肉体clean a.清洁的;纯洁的clear a.清晰的 vt.清除clearly ad.明白地,清晰地clerk n.店员;办事员,职员clever a.聪明的;机敏的cliff n.悬崖,峭壁climate n.气候;风土,地带climb vi.攀登,爬 vt.爬cloak n.斗篷;覆盖(物)clock n.钟,仪表close vt.关,闭;结束closely ad.紧密地,接近地cloth n.布;衣料;桌布clothe vt.给…穿衣服clothes n.衣服,服装;被褥clothing n.衣服,被褥cloud n.云;云状物;阴影cloudy a.多云的;云一般的club n.俱乐部,夜总会clue n.线索,暗示,提示clumsy a.笨拙的;愚笨的coach n.长途公共汽车coal n.煤,煤块coarse a.粗的,粗糙的coast n.海岸,海滨(地区)coat n.外套,上衣;表皮cock n.公鸡;雄禽;旋塞code n.准则;法典;代码coffee n.咖啡,咖啡茶coil n.(一)卷;线圈 vt.卷coin n.硬币;铸造(硬币)cold a.冷的;冷淡的 n.冷collapse vi.倒坍;崩溃,瓦解collar n.衣领,项圈colleague n.同事,同僚collect vt.收集 vi.收款collection n.搜集,收集;收藏品collective a.集体的;集合性的college n.学院;大学collision n.碰撞;冲突colonel n.陆军上校;中校colony n.殖民地;侨居地color n.颜色,彩色;颜料column n.柱,支柱,圆柱comb n.梳子 vt.梳理combination n.结合,联合;化合combine vt.使结合;兼有come vi.来,来到;出现comfort n.舒适;安慰 vt.安慰comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的command vt.命令,指挥;控制commander n.司令官,指挥员comment n.评论,意见;注释commerce n.商业,贸易;社交commercial a.商业的;商品化的commission n.委任状;委员会commit vt.犯(错误);干(坏事) committee n.委员会;全体委员common a.普通的;共同的commonly ad.普通地,一般地communicate vi.通讯;传达;传播communication n.通讯;传达;交通communism n.共产主义communist n.共产党员community n.社区;社会;公社companion n.同伴;共事者;伴侣company n.公司,商号;同伴comparative a.比较的,相对的compare vt.比较,对照;比作comparison n.比较,对照;比似compass n.罗盘,指南针;圆规compel vt.强迫,迫使屈服compete vi.比赛;竞争;对抗competent a.有能力的;应该做的competition n.竞争,比赛compile vt.编辑,编制,搜集complain vi.抱怨,拆苦;控告complaint n.抱怨;怨言;控告complete a.完整的;完成的completely ad.十分,完全地complex a.结合的;复杂的complicate vt.使复杂;使陷入complicated a.复杂的,难懂的component n.组成部分;分;组件compose vt.组成,构成;创作composition n.构成;作品;写作compound n.化合物;复合词comprehension n.理解,理解力;领悟comprehensive a.广泛的;理解的compress vt.压紧,压缩comprise vt.包含,包括;构成compromise n.妥协,和解compute vt.计算,估计,估算computer n.计算机,电脑comrade n.同志,亲密的同伴conceal vt.把…隐藏起来concentrate vt.集中;聚集;浓缩concentration n.集中;专注;浓缩concept n.概念,观念,设想concern n.关心,挂念;关系concerning prep.关于concert n.音乐会,演奏会conclude vt.推断出;结束conclusion n.结论,推论;结尾concrete n.混凝土;具体物condemn vt.谴责,指责;判刑condense vt.压缩,使缩短condition n.状况,状态;环境conduct n.举止,行为;指导conductor n.售票员;(乐队)指挥conference n.会议,讨论会confess vt.供认,承认;坦白confidence n.信任;信赖;信心confident n.确信的,自信的confine vt.限制;禁闭confirm vt.证实,肯定;批准conflict n.争论;冲突;斗争confuse vt.使混乱,混淆confusion n.混乱;骚乱;混淆congratulate vt.祝贺,向…道喜congratulation n.祝贺;祝贺词congress n.大会;国会,议会conjunction n.接合,连接;连接词connect vt.连接,连结;联系connection n.连接,联系;连贯性conquer vt.征服,战胜;破除conquest n.攻取,征服;克服conscience n.良心,道德心conscious a.意识到的;有意的consciousness n.意识,觉悟;知觉consent n.同意,赞成 vi.同意consequence n.结果,后果consequently ad.因此,因而,所以conservation n.保存,保护;守恒conservative a.保守的 n.保守的人consider vt.认为;考虑;关心considerable a.相当大的;重要的considerate a.考虑周到的;体谅的consideration n.考虑,思考;体贴consist vi.由…组成;在于consistent a.坚持的,一贯的constant a.经常的;永恒的constitution n.章程;体质;构造construct vt.建造;建设;构筑construction n.建造;建筑;建筑物consult vt.请教,查阅consume vt.消耗,消费;消灭consumption n.消耗量;消耗contact vt.使接触;与…联系contain vt.包含,容纳;等于container n.容器;集装箱contemporary a.当代的,同时代的contempt n.轻蔑;藐视;受辱content n.内容,目录;容量content a.满意的,满足的contest vt.争夺,争取;辩驳continent n.大陆;陆地;洲continual a.不断的;连续的continue vt.继续,连续;延伸continuous a.连续不断的,持续的contract n.契约,合同;婚约contradiction n.矛盾,不一致;否认contrary a.相反的 n.相反contrast n.对比,对照,悬殊contribute vt.捐献,捐助;投稿control vt.控制,克制 n.控制convenience n.便利,方便;厕所convenient a.便利的;近便的convention n.习俗,惯例;公约conventional a.普通的;习惯的conversation n.会话,非正式会谈conversely ad.相反地conversion n.转变,转化;改变convert vt.使转变;使改变convey vt.传送;运送;传播convince vt.使确信,使信服cook vt.烹调,煮 vt.烧菜cool a.凉的,冷静的cooperate vi.合作,协作;配合coordinate vt.使协调,调节cope vi.对付,应付copper n.铜;铜币,铜制器copy n.抄件 vt.抄写,复制cord n.细绳,粗线,索cordial a.真诚的,诚恳的core n.果实的心,核心corn n.谷物;(英)小麦corner n.角;犄角;边远地区corporation n.公司,企业;社团correct a.正确的 vt.纠正correction n.改正,纠正,修改correspond vi.相符合;相当correspondent n.通信者;通讯员corresponding a.相应的;符合的corridor n.走廊,回廊,通路cost n.价格,代价;成本costly a.昂贵的;价值高的cottage n.村舍,小屋cotton n.棉;棉线;棉布cough vi.咳,咳嗽 n.咳嗽could aux.v.(can的过去式) council n.理事会,委员会count vt.计算 vi.数,计数counter n.柜台;计数器country n.国家,国土;农村countryside n.乡下,农村county n.英国的郡,美国的县couple n.夫妇;(一)对;几个courage n.勇气,胆量,胆识course n.课程;过程;一道菜court n.法院,法庭;庭院cousin n.堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹) cover vt.盖,包括 n.盖子cow n.母牛,奶牛;母兽coward n.懦夫;胆怯者crack n.裂缝,裂纹 vi.爆裂craft n.工艺;手艺,行业crane n.起重机,摄影升降机crash vi.碰撞,坠落 n.碰撞crawl vi.爬,爬行crazy a.疯狂的,荒唐的cream n.奶油,乳脂;奶油色create vt.创造;引起,产生creative a.创造性的,创作的creature n.生物,动物,家畜credit n.信用贷款;信用creep vi.爬行;缓慢地行进crew n.全体船员cricket n.板球;蟋蟀crime n.罪,罪行;犯罪criminal n.犯人,罪犯,刑事犯cripple n.跛子;残废的人crisis n.危机;存亡之际critic n.批评家,爱挑剔的人critical a.决定性的;批评的criticism n.批评;批判;评论criticize vt.批评;评论;非难crop n.农作物,庄稼;一熟cross vt.穿过;使交*crow n.鸦,乌鸦 vi.啼crowd n.群;大众;一伙人crown n.王冠,冕;花冠crude a.简陋的;天然的cruel a.残忍的,残酷的crush vt.压碎,碾碎;镇压crust n.面包皮;硬外皮cry vi.哭,哭泣;叫喊crystal n.水晶,结晶体;晶粒cube n.立方形;立方cubic a.立方形的;立方的cucumber n.黄瓜cultivate vt.耕;种植;培养culture n.文化,文明;教养cunning a.狡猾的,狡诈的cup n.杯子;(一)杯;奖杯cupboard n.碗柜,碗碟橱;食橱cure vt.医治;消除 n.治愈curiosity n.好奇,好奇心;珍品curious a.好奇的;稀奇古怪的curl n.卷毛;螺旋 vi.卷曲current a.当前的;通用的curse n.诅咒,咒骂;天谴curtain n.帘,窗帘;幕(布)curve n.曲线;弯 vt.弄弯cushion n.垫子,坐垫,*垫custom n.习惯,风俗;海关customer n.顾客,主顾cut vt.切,割,剪;减少cycle n自行车,循环daily a.每日的 n.日报dairy n.牛奶场;乳制品dam n.水坝,水堤;障碍物damage vt.损害,毁坏 n.损害damp a.潮湿的,有湿气的dance vi.跳舞;摇晃 n.舞danger n.危险;危险事物dangerous a.危险的,不安全的dare vt.&aux.v.敢;竟敢daring a.大胆的,勇敢的dark a.暗的;黑色的darling n.亲爱的人;宠儿dash vt.使猛撞;溅 n.猛冲data n.数据; 资料date n.日期 vt.注…日期daughter n.女儿dawn n.黎明;开端 vi.破晓day n.(一)天,白昼,白天daylight n.白昼,日光;黎明dead a.死的,无生命的deadly a.致命的,死一般的deaf a.聋的;不愿听的deal n.买卖;待遇 vt.给予dear a.亲爱的 int.啊death n.死,死亡;灭亡debate n.&vi.争论,辩论debt n.债,债务,欠债decade n.十年,十年期decay vi.腐烂;衰败 n.腐烂deceit n.欺骗,欺诈deceive vt.欺骗,蒙蔽,行骗December n.十二月decent a.正派的;体面的decide vt.决定,决心;解决decision n.决定,决心;果断deck n.甲板;舱面;层面declare vt.断言;声明;表明decorate vt.装饰,装璜,修饰decrease vi.&n.减少,减少deduce vt.演绎,推论,推断deed n.行为;功绩;契约deep a.深的;纵深的deepen vt.加深 vi.深化deer n.鹿defeat vt.战胜,击败;挫败defect n.缺点,缺陷,欠缺defence n.防御;防务;辩护defend vt.保卫,防守define vt.给…下定义;限定definite a.明确的;肯定的definitely ad.一定地,明确地definition n.定义,释义;定界degree n.程度;度;学位delay vt.推迟;耽搁;延误delete vt.删除;擦掉delegation n.代表团delicate a.纤细的;易碎的delicious a.美味的,怡人的delight n.快乐 vt.使高兴deliver vt.投递,送交;发表delivery n.投递;交付;分娩demand vt.要求;需要;询问democracy n.民主,民主制democratic a.民主的,民主政体的demonstrate vt.说明;论证;表露dense a.密集的;浓厚的density n.密集,稠密;密度deny vt.否定;拒绝相信depart vi.离开,起程;出发department n.部,司,局,处,系departure n.离开,出发,起程depend vi.依*,依赖;相信dependent a.依*的,依赖的deposit vt.使沉淀;存放depress vt.使沮丧;按下depth n.深度;深厚;深处derive vt.取得 vi.起源descend vi.下来,下降;下倾describe vt.形容;描写,?杌? description n.描写,形容;种类desert n.沙漠 vt.离弃;擅离deserve vt.应受,值得design vt.设计 n.设计;图样desirable a.值得相望的;可取的desire vt.相望;要求 n.愿望desk n.书桌,办公桌despair n.绝望 vi.绝望desperate a.拼死的;绝望的despise vt.鄙视,蔑视despite prep.不管,不顾destination n.目的地,终点;目标destroy vt.破坏;消灭;打破destruction n.破坏,毁灭,消灭detail n.细节;枝节;零件detect vt.察觉,发觉;侦察detection n.察觉,发觉;侦察determination n.决心;决定;确定determine vt.决定;查明;决心develop vt.发展;形成;开发development n.发展;开发;生长device n.器械,装置;设计devil n.魔鬼,恶魔devise vt.设计,发明devote vt.将…奉献,致力于dew n.露,露水diagram n.图解,图表,简图dial n.钟面;拨号盘 vt.拨dialect n.方言,土语,地方话dialog n.对话,对白diameter n.直径diamond n.金钢石,钻石;菱形diary n.日记,日记簿dictate vt.&vi.口授;命令dictation n.口授笔录,听写dictionary n.词典,字典die vi.死,死亡;灭亡differ vi.不同,相异difference n.差别;差;分歧different a.差异的;各种的difficult a.困难的;难对付的difficulty a.困难;难事;困境dig vt.掘,挖;采掘digest vt.消化;领会 n.文摘digital a.数字的,计数的diligent a.勤勉的,勤奋的dim a.昏暗的;朦胧的dimension n.尺寸,尺度;面积dinner n.正餐,主餐;宴会dip vt.浸,蘸 vi.浸一浸direct a.直接的;直率的direction n.方向,方位;指导directly ad.直接地;立即director n.指导者;理事;导演dirt n.尘,土;污物,污垢dirty a.脏的;下流的disable vt.使无能,使伤残disadvantage n.不利,不利地位disagree vi.有分歧;不一致disappear vi.不见,失踪;消失disappoint vt.使失望,使受挫折disaster n.灾难,灾祸;天灾disk n.圆盘,唱片;磁盘discard vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃discharge vt.释放;排出 n.释放discipline n.纪律;训练 vt.训练disclose vt.揭开,揭发;透露discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心discover vt.发现;暴露,显示discovery n.发现;被发现的事物discuss vt.讨论,谈论;论述discussion n.讨论,谈论;论述disease n.病,疾病;病害disguise vi.隐瞒,掩埋 n.假装disgust n.厌恶,憎恶dish n.碟,盘子;菜肴dishonour n.不光彩;丢脸的人dislike vt.&n.不喜爱,厌恶dismiss vt.不再考虑;解雇disorder n.混乱,杂乱;骚乱display vt.陈列,展览;显示disposal n.丢掉,处理,销毁dispose vi.去掉,丢掉;销毁displease vt.使不愉快,使生气dispute vi.争论,争执 n.争论dissatisfy vi.使不满,使不平dissolve vt.使溶解;解散distance n.距离,间距;远处distant a.在远处的,疏远的distinct a.与其他不同的distinction n.差别,不同,区分distinguish vt.区别,辨别,认别distress n.忧虑,悲伤;不幸distribute vt.分发,分送;分布distribution n.分发,分配;分布district n.区;地区,区域disturb vt.打扰,扰乱;弄乱ditch n.沟,沟渠,渠道dive vi.跳水;潜水;俯冲diverse a.不一样的,相异的divide vt.分;分配;分开division n.分,分配;除法divorce n.离婚,离异 vi.离婚do aux.v. vt.做,干,办dock n.船坞;码头;船厂doctor n.医生,医师;博士document n.公文,文件;证件dog n.狗,犬,犬科动物dollar n.元(货币单位) domestic a.本国的;家庭的donkey n.驴;笨蛋door n.门,通道;一家dorm n.宿舍dormitory n.集体寝室;宿舍dose n.剂量,用量;一剂dot n.点,圆点 vt.打点于double a.两倍的;双的doubt n.怀疑;疑虑 vt.怀疑doubtful a.难以预测的;怀疑的doubtless ad.无疑地;很可能down ad.向下,在下面downstairs ad.在楼下 a.楼下的downward a.向下的 ad.向下地dozen n.一打,十二个draft n.草稿;汇票 vt.起草drag vt.拖,拉;拖曳dragon n.龙;凶暴的人drain vt.排去;放水 n.耗竭drama n.一出戏剧,剧本dramatic a.引人注目的,戏剧的draw vt.画,划;拖;拨出drawer n.抽屉drawing n.图画,素描;绘图dread n.畏惧;恐怖 vt.惧怕dream n.梦;梦想 vi.做梦dress n.女服,童装;服装drift vi.漂流,漂泊 n.漂流drill n.钻头;操练 vi.钻孔drink vt.饮 vi.喝 n.饮料drip vi.滴下;漏水 n.水滴drive vt.驾驶;打入;驱driver n.驾驶员,司机drop vt.使落下;降低drought n.旱灾,干旱drown vi.淹死,溺死drug n.药,药物,药材drum n.鼓;鼓状物,圆桶drunk a.醉的;陶醉的dry a.干的,干燥的duck n.鸭,雌鸭;鸭肉due a.预期的;应给的dull a.枯燥的;不鲜明的dumb a.哑的;无言??dump vt.倾卸,倾倒;倾销durable a.耐久的,耐用的duration n.持续,持久during prep.在…期间dusk n.薄暮,黄昏,幽暗dust n.尘土,灰尘duty n.职责;责任;税dwelling n.住处,寓所dye vt.染 n.染料;染色dying a.垂死的;临终的dynamic a.有活力的;动力的Eeach pron.各,各自 a.各eager a.渴望的,热切的eagle n.鹰ear n.耳朵;听力,听觉early ad.早 a.早的,早期的earn vt.赚得,挣得;获得earnest a.认真的,诚恳的earth n.地球;陆地,地面earthquake n.地震;大震荡ease n.容易,舒适 vt.缓和easily ad.容易地;舒适的east n.东;东部 ad.在东方eastern a.东方的;朝东的easy a.容易的;安逸的eat vt.吃,喝 vi.吃饭echo n.回声,反响 vi.重复economic a.经济的,经济学的economical a.节约的;经济学的economy n.经济;节约,节省edge n.边缘,边;刀口edition n.版,版本,版次editor n.编辑,编者,校订者educate vt.教育;培养;训练education n.教育;训导;教育学effect n.结果;效果,效力effective a.有效的;有影响的efficiency n.效率;功效,效能efficient a.效率高的,有能力的effort n.努力;努力的成果egg n.蛋,鸡蛋,卵eight num.八,八个,第八eighteen num.十八,十八个eighth num.第八 n.八分之一eighty num.八十,八十个either pron.(两者)任何一个elaborate a.复杂的;精心制作的elastic n.松紧带 a.有弹性的elbow n.肘,肘部;弯管elder a.年龄较大的 n.长者elect vt.选举,推选;选择election n.选举,选择权;当选electric a.电的,电动的electrical a.电的,电气科学的electricity n.电,电学;电流electron n.电子electronic a.电子的electronics n.电子学element n.成分;要素;元素elementary a.基本的;初级的elephant n.象elevator n.电梯;升降机eleven num.十一,十一个eleventh num.第十一(个) eliminate vt.消灭,消除,排除elimination n.消灭,排除,消除else ad.其它,另外 a.别的elsewhere ad.在别处,向别处embarrass vt.使窘迫,使为难embrace vt.拥抱;包括;包围emerge vi.出现,涌现;冒出emergency n.紧急情况,突然事件emit vt.散发;发射;发表emotion n.情感,感情;激动emotional a.感情的,情绪的emperor n.皇帝emphasis n.强调,重点,重要性emphasize vt.强调,着重empire n.帝国employ vi.雇用;用;使忙于employee n.受雇者,雇员,雇工employer n.雇佣者,雇主employment n.工业;雇用;使用empty a.空的;空洞的enable vt.使能够,使可能enclose vt.围住,圈起;附上encounter vt.遭遇,遇到 n.遭遇encourage vt.鼓励,支持,助长end n.末端;目标 vt.结束ending n.结尾,结局;死亡endless a.无止境的endure vt.忍受;容忍enemy n.敌人;仇敌;敌兵energy n.活力;精力;能enforce vt.实施,执行;强制engage vt.使从事于;聘用engine n.发动机,引擎;机车engineer n.工程师,技师engineering n.工程,工程学England n.英格兰;英国English n.英语 a.英国人的Englishman n.英国男子enjoy vt.享受;欣赏,喜爱enlarge vt.扩大,扩展;放大enormous a.巨大的,庞大的enough a.足够的 ad.足够地ensure vt.保证;保护;赋予enter vt.走进,进入;参加entertain vt.使欢乐;招待enthusiasm n.热情,热心,热忱enthusiastic a.热情的,热心的entire a.全部的,整个的entitle vt.给…权利(或资格) entrance n.入口,门口;进入entry n.入口处;登记;进入envelope n.信封;封套;封皮environment n.环境,外界;围绕envy vt.&n.妒忌;羡慕equal a.相等的;平等的equality n.等同,平等;相等equation n.方程(式);等式equip vt.装备,配备equipment n.装备,设备,配备equivalent a.相等的;等量的era n.时代,年代;纪元erect vt.建造;使竖立error n.错误,谬误;差错escape vi.逃跑;逸出 n.逃跑especially ad.特别,尤其,格外essay n.短文,散文,小品文essential a.必要的,本质的establish vt.建立,设立;确立establishment n.建立,设立,确立estimate vt.估计,评价 n.估计Europe n.欧洲European a.欧洲的 n.欧洲人evaluate vt.评价,估…的价evaporate vt.使蒸发 vi.蒸发eve n.前夜,前夕,前一刻even ad.甚至;甚至更,还even a.均匀的;平的evening n.傍晚,黄昏,晚上event n.事件,大事;事变eventually ad.终于;最后ever ad.在任何时候;曾经every a.每一的;每隔…的everybody pron.每人,人人everyday a.每天的,日常的everyone pron.每人,人人everything pron.每件事,事事everywhere ad.到处,处处evidence n.根据;证据,证人evident a.明显的,明白的evil n.邪恶;祸害 a.坏的evolution n.进化,演化;发展evolve vt.使进化;使发展exact a.确切的;精确的exactly ad.确切地;恰恰正是exaggerate vt.&vi.夸大,夸张exam n.考试;检查,细查examination n.考试;检查,细查examine vt.检查,仔细观察example n.例子,实例;模范exceed vt.超过,胜过;超出exceedingly ad.极端地,非常excellent a.优秀的,杰出的except prep.除…之外exception n.例外,除外excess n.超越;过量;过度excessive a.过多的,极度的exchange vt.交换;交流 n.交换excite vt.使激动;引起exciting a.令人兴奋的exclaim vi.呼喊;惊叫exclude vt.把…排除在外exclusively ad.专门地excursion n.远足;短途旅行excuse vt.原谅;免除 n.借口execute vt.将…处死;实施executive a.执行的 n.执行者exercise n.锻炼,训练 vi.练习exert vt.尽(力),运用exhaust vt.使筋疲力尽;用尽exhibit vt.显示;陈列,展览exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会exist vi.存在;生存,生活existence n.存在,实在;生存exit n.出口;退场 vi.退出expand vt.扩大;使膨胀expansion n.扩大,扩充;扩张expect vt.预料,预期;等待expectation n.期待,期望,预期expense n.花费,消费;费用expensive a.昂贵的,花钱多的experience n.经验,感受;经历experiment n.实验;试验experimental a.实验的,试验的expert n.专家 a.熟练的explain vt.解释;为…辩解explanation n.解释,说明;辩解explode vt.使爆炸 vi.爆炸exploit vt.剥削;利用;开拓explore vt.&vi.探险,探索explosion n.爆炸,爆发,炸裂explosive n.炸药 a.爆炸的export vt.输出,出口;运走expose vt.使暴露;揭露exposure n.暴露;揭露;曝光express vt.表示 n.快车,快递expression n.词句;表达;表情extend vt.延长;扩大;致extension n.延长部分;伸展extensive a.广阔的;广泛的extent n.广度;范围;程度exterior a.外部的;对外的external a.外部的,外面的extra a.额外的 ad.特别地extraordinary a.非同寻常的,特别的extreme a.极度的;尽头的extremely ad.极端,极其,非常eye n.眼睛;眼力;鉴赏力eyesight n.视力,目力。
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大学英语B 目 录第一部分 交际用语 A C D E (1)G H I (2)J L M (3)N O P S T W (4)Y (5)第二部分 阅读理解 A ……………………………………………………………………………………5-7B (7)C D (8)E (9)H I …………………………………………………………………………………10-11J L M (12)N O P (13)R S (14)T …………………………………………………………………………………15-16U W ……………………………………………………………………………16-17第三部分 词汇与结构 A B (17)D E F G H (18)I …………………………………………………………………………………19-20J L M (20)N O P S (21)T …………………………………………………………………………………21-22U W (23)Y …………………………………………………………………………………2 4第四部分 完型填空 A B C (24)F H I J (25)M N P (26)S T (27)U W (28)第五部分 英译汉 A B E H (28)I (29)J L M N P S (30)T …………………………………………………………………………………3 1V W Y (32)第六部分 写作 A …………………………………………………………………………………33-34D …………………………………………………………………………………34-35H (35)L M ………………………………………………………………………………36-38P T ………………………………………………………………………………38-39W (3)9 第一部分 交际用语 Are you on holiday here? —C .No ,we aren't .We live here Are there any drug —stores around here? — B .Yes ,there's one on the left cornerAre there any good shows on TV tonight? —B .Titanic is on the movie channelAmi .I'd like this report typed today — A .It'll be ready in the afternoon ,sirAfternoon ,sir .Where to?— A .Please get me to the airportAre you feeling better today .Mrs Silver? —D .Yes ,thanks doctor .But I still feel dizzyAre you sure about that? —D .Oh ,yes .I'm absolutely positiveCan I help you to get it off?—C .Thanks .It's so nice of your Can I take your order now? — D .Just a moment .Two friends are comingCan you tell me how much a T-shirt like this costs?—C .About forty-five dollarsCan you help me clear up the mess ? —D .No problemCould you tell me where Mr,Brianis?— B .At the officeCan you tell me where I can park the car? —C .Well ,just over thereCould I talk to Prof .Lee? —A.Yes ,speakingCould I speak to Molly,please? — A .This is Molly speakingCould I borrow your CD for English song? — B .I‟m sorry . It‟s not at hand nowCould you show me how to get to the railway station? —e with me .I ‟ll show you theCould you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? —C .It's on the fight corner just aheadCome to our house for a party .please — C .Oh ,thank you for your kindnessDavid,you've been losing your temper over nothing lately .— C .I'm sorry .I shouldn't have blown up like that Did you travel to Xi'an by train or by plane? — D.I flew there A C DDid I tell you? My husband was laid off a couple of weeks ago.—D .I‟m sorry to h ear that .That‟s really t oo badDo you like watching football matches? — D .Football? No,It‟s a waste of timeDo you know if the Andersons are still living there? — B .Yes ,they areDo you know whereI can repair my motorcar? C .Around the street cornerDo you know who telephoned me? — A.It‟s said that Sally didDo you know if John‟s coming home for dinner . — A .He'll be late .He said not to wait for himDo you know which student is the most intelligent? D .Yes ,the one in a red jacketDo you have anything special in mind if you eat at a restaurant here?— B .Some place reasonable and cleanDoesn't it snow in your hometown? — D .No ,it doesn‟tDo you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? —B .Go ahead,pleaseDo you think the exam will be put off? —C .Not likelyDon ‟t take too long at the coffee shop .It ‟s 14:15.—B .I see .I ‟ve got 30 minutes leftExcuse me,does this bus go to the bookstore? —C. No,You'd change at the next stop Excuse me,I didn't mean to bother you . —C .That's quite all rightExcuse me. Is this table taken? —C .Yeah.I am saving theses seats for friendsExcuse me, may I sit here? C .Yes ,certainly .This seat's freeExcuseme ,how far is the airport from here? — B .It‟s about thirty milesExcuse me ,how can I get to the nearest supermarket? — D .Sorry ,sir .I‟m a stranger here myselfExcuse me,which bus goes to the city museum? —B .You can take No.102 busExcuse me,which is the express train to Tokyo? —D .On your right. It'll leave in 5 minutesExcuse me,when is the next flight from London due to arrive?—A .In half an hourExcuse me ,where‟s the Capital Theatre? — B .It‟s only two blocks away from hereExcuse me ,would you lend me your calculator? — A .Certainly .Here you areEd said that his boy fell off a tree — A .Oh dear!I hope he wasn‟t hurtEveryone knows where the shop is ,but who's the owner? — A .Steve Go that way and take a seat . —B .Thanks .but I'd rather stand Have you heard that Betty is married to George? — A .You're kidding? I Can't believe it Have you ever been to Tokyo? —B .No ,but I hope to go there next yearHave a nice holiday,Ted . —C. Thank you ,and you tooHave you got a table for four,Waiter?—B .Yes ,sure .This way ,pleaseHello,could I speak to Don please?— D .Who‟s speakingHello ,Sally.How‟s everything? — D .Just so-soHey ,Barbara .You look so pale .—A.I'm just getting over the fluHello!Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?—C.I'm sorry. But it's completely bookedHelp yourself to the steak ,Maggie . —B .Thank you ,Helen .It ‟s been a nice dinne Here you are ,Sir . — D .Thank you very muchHow are you feeling now? — A .Much betterHow are you this morning? —C .Very well ,thank youHow are things with you ,Bill?— B .I'm terribly busy these daysHow do I get to Cairo? — B. Catch the 9:30 flight and change at PadsHow long have you known Jack? — D.For twenty yearsHow long have you lived in London? — B .My whole lifeHow long will you be away from Italy? —B .About a monthHow many students are from America? — A. Only two of themHow much is it altogether?— D .It ‟s freeHow was the journey to London? — A .It went very wellHow often do you have listening classes in a week? —D .Every Monday and FridayHow's the movie?Interesting?— C .Far from .I should have stayed home watching TVHurry up .The lecture begins at 2:00—A.Don ‟t worry.We've got 20 minutesI have got a pain in my neck . —C. I'm sorry to hear that I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson .—C .Please wait for a minute .He is busy nowI haven ‟t seen Belly for 10 years .—B .Neither have II‟ve got a bad cold today . — B .Oh .dear!I hope you'll get better soonI ‟ve ordered pizza and salad, what else do you want?—C .A beer is fine for me .I'm not hungry yetI've got 2 tickets for the match .Shall we go and watch it together?— C .Why not? Let ‟s goI heard your motorcar was stolen .—D .Mine wasn't but Bill's wasI hear you just came back from your vacation .How was your trip? A .Not too good .The restaurants were overpricedI hope the weather will stay fine tomorrow — B.I hope so tooI'm sorry I've returned your book late . —D .That's all rightI'm trying to call Maric,but there's no answer.—A .Really? Maybe she ‟s outI'm sorry .Bob's not in his office —A .Can you take a message for meI'm sorry to be late .Thank you for waiting .—B .Oh ,I don't mind .I've been here 10 minutesI‟m looking for a place to stay .Could you recommend a good hotel? — D .Let me see .Oak Hotel is pretty good ,though it may be a little expensiveIt is a great race! Do you agree? —D. Yes ,it's really excitingit's a great pleasure to meet you ,Mr .Smith —D .I‟ve been looking forward l to meeting you ,tooIs there anything serious,doctor? —C .No .Just stay in bed and drink more waterIs my TV program disturbing you? —C .Yes .I ‟m trying to write my paperIs there anythingI can do for you?— B .Yes .It ‟s very kind of you E G H IIs it going to be warm next week? — A .Yes ,it isls this the motel you mentioned? — B .Yes ,it's so quiet as we expectedIs there a drugstore near here? —_ D .Yes,there is a big oneIs the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? — C .On the ground floorI don't like the sports programs on Sundays .—B .Neither do II don't think I'm late.Excuse me,what's the time?— A.It says 8:00.But it's 5 minutes slowI wonder where you were yesterday . — D .I stayed at homeI wonder what Bill is doing now . D .He's probably talking to the professorI wonder what happened to that plane . A .It may have fallen in to the seaI wonder if you could help me — D .of courseI wonder if Tim could control the situation .—D Well ,if he can't control it .no one canI wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised.-C .Don't worry .He always keeps his wordsI wish yon success in your career . —D .The same to youI ‟d like to know if everybody is here . —C .Everyone except TomI feel quite ill. —B .You ‟d better have a restI think the Internet is very helpful . —A .Yes .so do II really enjoy pop music .What's your favorite?— D .Well,actually I like classical musicIn my opinion ,you ‟d better take a couple of days off .—A .I ‟ll take your adviceI‟d like to know something about your life in Paris.—C .I‟11 tell youJack .are you leaving now? It's 7:20. —D .No ,I'll set off in 30 minutes Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ian‟s ,won‟t he? —C .Yeah ,he‟s bringing his cousin ,SandyLet‟s take a walk . — A .Yes .1et‟s Let me help you carry this . — A .That's OK .I can manageLook at the rainbow! What a view!— B .Yes, How beautifulitisLook ,25% off .The $2,500 camera is on sale today .— D.Yeah,a surprising bargain. I'll buyLinda .can you give me a lift after work? —D .No problem .We go the same directionMay I use your bike to go shopping? —B .Certainly,There it is May I speak to Jack please .'? — D .I'm afraid you've got the wrong numberMay I help you ,madam? — D .Yes ,I'd like 2 kilos of orangesMay I know your address? — A .Sure .Here you areMay I give you a hand? — B .Thank you ,You are so kindMay I have a look at your photo album? —D .Yes ,of courseMust I do the washing-up tonight? — B .Leave it to tomorrow if you're exhaustedMust we hand in our homework now? — C .No ,you needn‟tMrs .Johnson ,I've come to say good-bye . — B. Have a pleasant journey. I'll miss youMy camera isn't working properly . —A .Maybe there's something wrong with itNice weather .isn‟t it? — C .Yes .it is Now what did I do with my umbrella? —C .Perhaps at the back of the carNorthwestern Airlines .May I help you? —A .Yes .I ‟d like some information about morning flights from Beijing to DetroitOh .you‟re back at work? How was your holiday? — A .We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the timeOh.The box is too heavy . 一B.Can I help you to carry itPlease give me a hand ,won't you? — D. No problemPlease tell David not to drink too much. —B .I seeSam ,this is my friend ,Jane . — C.Glad to meet you, JaneSo sorry to trouble you . —A .It's a pleasureSue looks good in that new dress ,doesn‟t she? —C .Yes ,she doesThank you for your invitation and the nice coffee . — D .My pleasure .I hope you‟ll come again wayThanks a lot .You've gone to so much trouble — A .It's no trouble at allThe lecture given by Prof .Smith was really interesting.— A .I couldn't agree with you moreThere‟s a new cafeteria at the corner .How about going there for supper? — A .Fine ,But I treat this timeThere is an hour to go .Could we sit somewhere to have a drink? — B .SureThis picture is very nice .but I think it's too small for our room .— A .I agree .Let's look for a bigger oneWhat a beautiful dress in the window! — B .Yes ,really If I had the money .I‟d buy it what are you majoring in ? — A .MedicineWhat about going for a walk? — D .Why not?A good ideaWhat about another coffee? —A .No .thank youWhat does this word mean .Joe? — D .Sorry ,I don‟t know ,eitherWhat does your English teacher look like? — D .She looks much like her motherWhat do you think of his suggestion? —B .It's hard to say ,actuallyWhat do you do? —A .I‟m a teacherWhat do you usually do in your spare time —B .GardeningWhat do you find difficult in learning English?— A .Listening and speakingWhat do you think about this story? — C .I like it very muchWhat did the manager go to Paris for? — B .For businessWhat‟s on at the Star Cinema this week? — A .Sorry .I don't knowWhat‟s the weather like in your hometown? — D It‟s cold in winter and hot in summerWhat‟s the problem ,Harry? — D .I can‟t remember where I left my glassesWhat's the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here? —B .Walking through the woodWhat's the fare to the museum? —D .Five dollarswhat's the weather like in this area? —B .It's rainy J L M N O P S T WWhat ‟s the date today —D .The Second of JulyWhat's the matter with you? —C .I feel a bit sickWhat if my computer doesn't work? —B.Ask Anne for helpWhat kind of TV program do you like best? — C .It‟s hard to say ,actuallyWhat kind of job are you applying for —B. If possible .I‟d like to be an accountantWhat should we have for dinner? —C .How about fish? It's very freshWhat subjects are you studying? — C .I‟m studying philosophyWhat time is the next flight to Washington? —C .It's 1:45 pmWhat time does the train leave? — C .At half past fiveWhat time is it ,Lucy? — C .It‟s ten to nineWhat would you like ,tea or coffee? — B .Coffee ,pleasewhat was your journey like? —A .It was terribly interestingWhat will the weather be like tomorrow? — A .The same as todayWhen is your birthday?—C. It‟s on the l8th of MarchWhen are you going on holiday? — B. Next weekWhen does the next bus leave for Glasgow? — C .They leave every hourWhen will the meeting be held? —C .In a weekWhere do you think the De an‟s office is? — A .I'm afraid I don't knowWhere are you from?—B .BritainWhere to? I'm so thirsty . — B .Why don't we enjoy some beer at that barWhich language do you speak at home? — D .English ,most of the timeWhich of your nieces looks like the girl in the photo? — B .The older one doesWho‟s the tall man behind the door? — D .Don‟t you remember? That‟s David Smith .We met him at the airport.Whose car is this? —B .It‟s my uncle‟sWho has done your hair ,Susan? — B .That hair stylistWhy not have a glass of beer .'? —A .That ‟s greatWhy are you so late?— B .I came across an old friendWill you please turn down the TV?—D. Sorry .I haven't realized you're sleepingWill you have some dessert,Judy? —A .No ,thank you .I'm on a dietWill you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?—B. Sorry.I have all appointment with Dr.BrownWould you like a tea? —A .Yes ,pleaseWould you like to order now?—B.Yes .I'd like a fish and a soupWould you like to see the menu?—A .No .thanks .I already know what to orderWould you mind if I opened the window for a better view? — D .Of course notWell ,Mary ,how are you? — C .I‟m fineWait here and I'll get my car .we go there together .—D .Why bother?It's within walking distanceYou are not the manager here, are you? —C .Yes ,I am You needn‟t do the work till after the New Year .— B .Oh ,good! Thank youYou may have seen this film . — C .Actually ,I haven'tYour spoken English is as good as native speakers‟— B .Thank you .but I'm only a beginnerYour scarf feels soft and wavin .What ‟s it made of? —A .Wool第二部分 阅读与理解Airline companies are responsible for transporting your luggage .If you cannot recover it at the point of arrival,…… If you do not have this information ,please label your luggage with the name and address of the institution you are to attend in Canada .If none of these details are available ,you can use CIDAs address .(航空行李托运)1.If you can ‟t find your luggage at the point of arrival ,airline companies will try to find it and B .deliver it to where you live .2.Before taking your air trip ,you have to make sure A .of the restrictions on luggage3.The charge for the excess luggage should be paid by _______ B .the passenger __________.4.In case you have no idea at all where to send your luggage .you can first send it to the address of__ D. the executing agency given in the Training Agreement provided you have the information5. The passage is mainly about CIDA ‟s advice on___ D .the transportation of your luggage __.As far back as 700 BC ,man has talked about children being cared for by wolves . Romulus and Remns ,founders ofancient Rome ,were said to have been brought up by wolves .………..(狼孩子)………With great difficulty ,the doctor was able to make the wolf-boy recognize and speak quite a few words.1.According to the passage .it is believed that__ B .the unusual occurrence of wolf-children has existed for over twenty centunes ___2. Except that the boy knew nothing about the relationships among human families ,____ C .four _facts could show that he was a wolf-child .3.The word “litter ”in the first paragraph probably refers to_____ C .newly-born wolves ____.4. It took the doctor a long time to manage to get the wolf-child to____ A. retum to what it means to be a human being ____.5.Only after many long years of devoted and patient instruction did the doctor manage to ____ C. get the boy to dress himself in clothes and feed himself as a human being does _____.Abiket our and race will be held on August 26 and 27(Sat.&Sun .).(周末赛事—自行车、足球、攀岩)Time /Dates :9-12am ,August 26 and 27Telephone :7143177,7144850,Wang Zhenhua1.The main purpose of announcing the above events(赛事及活动)is to give information about C .things to do for the weckend _2.If you take part in the bike tour ,you will ride for_ D .110. kilometres3.The underlined word “leg ”in “Bicycle tour and race ”means “__ D.part of the tour_”.4.What is special about the rock climbing competition? B .You can watch it without paying . YA5.you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon,which telephone number will you call? C.5012372After her husband had gone to work,Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom.She was too excited to do any housework that morning.(仿真7—理查兹夫人准备参加化装舞会)……But it was too late,the man let out a cry and jumped back several paces.When Mrs Richards walked towards him,he fled,closing the door heavily behind him.1.The reason for Mrs Richards's excitement that day was that B.she was to attend an evening party __2.Mrs Richards went downstairs with the costume on so as to A.make sure that the costume fitted her well3.The man who was knocking at the door was_ D.an electricity man4. What did the man do after he knocked on the front door? C.He stepped directly towards the store-room.5.The man____ _______and that made him cry out and run away.A.thought he must have met a ghost “Are you the happiest man in the world?”When asked this question,most people would say no.They don't think they are the happiest of the people around them. ……As nothing is perfect.Anyone can be unhappy.It takes no courage or effort to be unhappy.True happiness lies in struggling to be happy.(仿真16—讨论幸福)1.According to the author,most people would__ D. not think that they are the happiest in me world.D2.The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves with __ C.anyone we think is happier3.What is not true about the young man the author once met with ? B._ Everything goes effortlessly right for him.4.After talking with the young man about the Internet,the author realise___A.that he is mistaken in thinking nothing unhappy existed in the latter‟s life5.The significant conclusion the author draws about happiness is that _ D.true happiness lies in struggling to be happyAs our cell phones get smarte,smaller and faster,and enable users to connect at high speeds to the internet……………who works in an 80-member law firm,which recently started giving its lawyers smart phones instead of laptops(仿真17手机与电脑)l.The author believes that the mobile phone has already turned into the next computer to some extent,since B.more and more of today's mobile phones have computer like features2.PC supporters believe that__ D.mobile phones will not replace the computer ___in the future.3.Fans ofthe mobile phones think__ C.new techniques will solve the limitations of the mobile phone _in the future.4.In the sentence of the second paragraph,“but the figure has been doubling each year,the word figurerefers to_ A.the five percent of the overall mobile phone's market share5.In America,the main buyers of the smart phones are _ C. business people ___.A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers(消费者)will spend their money must study consumeer behavior.He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.………..is based on a cor rect understanding of consumer psychology(心理).仿13:学者必须研究消费者行为—消费的传统假设--保持价格稳定的普遍生意策略是基于对消费者心理的正确理解的结论。