





1. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语这是最基本的句型结构,用于表达简单的事实或行为。

例如:“I love reading books.”2. 主语 + be动词 + 形容词这种句型结构用于描述人或事物的特征或状态。

例如:“She is beautiful.”3. 主语 + be动词 + 名词这种句型结构用于描述人或事物的身份或职业。

例如:“He is a doctor.”4. 主语 + 动词 + 副词这种句型结构用于描述动作的方式或程度。

例如:“He runs quickly.”5. 主语 + 动词 + 介词短语这种句型结构用于描述动作的位置或方向。

例如:“She walks to the park.”6. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语这种句型结构用于描述宾语的状态或特征。

例如:“I find the book interesting.”7. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语从句这种句型结构用于描述宾语的内容或意义。

例如:“I know that heis coming.”8. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 介词短语这种句型结构用于描述宾语的位置或方向。

例如:“She gives thebook to me.”9. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 + 介词短语这种句型结构用于描述宾语的状态或特征以及位置或方向。

例如:“I find the book interesting and put it on the shelf.”10. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语从句 + 介词短语这种句型结构用于描述宾语的内容或意义以及位置或方向。

例如:“I know that he is coming and he will meet me at the station.”以上是一些常用的雅思口语句型结构,考生可以根据需要进行组合和变化,以表达更加丰富和准确的意思。





以下是一种常用的雅思口语对话模板,供参考:Part 1: 个人信息和常规话题1. 介绍自己"Hello, my name is [Your Name]. I come from [Your Country/City].""I'm currently studying/working as a [Your Occupation/Student Major]."2. 回答个人常规问题"In my free time, I enjoy [Your Hobbies/Interests].""I'm fond of [Your Favorite Activities/Books/Movies]."3. 简短的个人看法/观点"I believe that [Your Opinion on a Common Topic]."Part 2: 针对给定话题展开讨论1. 阐述个人经验或观点"From my perspective, [Your Experience/Opinion on the Topic].""I'd like to share an experience related to [Topic]."2. 提供例子或支持观点的具体内容"For instance, [Example/Reason Supporting Your Opinion].""To illustrate, [Specific Example or Story]."3. 表达理解与补充"Moreover, [Additional Point/Opinion on the Topic].""Furthermore, [Extend Your Thought/Connect to a Related Point]."Part 3: 对话延伸和问题回答1. 与考官进行对话"What about you? What's your opinion on [Topic]?""Have you ever experienced something similar to what I mentioned?"2. 回答考官的问题并扩展讨论"I haven't thought about it in that way before. Can you tell me more about [Related Topic]?""That's an interesting point. It reminds me of [Personal Experience/Another Perspective]."3. 结束对话"Thank you for the discussion. It was nice sharing thoughts on [Topic].""I appreciate the opportunity to talk about [Topic]."这个模板旨在帮助考生组织思路,但在实际口语考试中,更自然、更真诚的表达和回答往往更能获得更高的分数。






以下是一些常见的雅思口语问题和相关的口语模板:1.个人陈述部分常见问题:-请你介绍一下自己模板回答:My name is [你的姓名], and I am from [你的国家]. Currently, I am [你的职业/学生身份]. In my free time, I enjoy [你的兴趣爱好]. I decided to take the IELTS exam because [你的原因].-你最喜欢的科目是什么?模板回答:My favorite subject is [科目名]. I find it fascinating because [原因]. I enjoy learning about [科目中的一个方面] because [原因]. It helps me to [你的学习目标].-你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?模板回答:My favorite TV show is [电视节目名]. I like it because [原因]. The characters are [形容词], and the storyline is [形容词]. It is entertaining and keeps me engaged.2.对话部分常见问题:-对话1:与考官的个人对话-请问你的名字是什么?模板回答:My name is [你的姓名].-你的家乡是哪里?模板回答:I am from [你的家乡]. It is located in [家乡所在地区/国家]. It is a [形容词] place with [一些描述特点].-你的家乡是一个怎样的地方?模板回答:My hometown is a [形容词] place. It is knownfor [一些特点]. The people are [形容词] and welcoming, andthe food is [形容词]. I love the atmosphere of my hometown.-对话2:与考官的对话-你认为追求成功重要吗?模板回答:I believe that pursuing success is important.It motivates us to work hard and achieve our goals. However,it is also important to define what success means to us individually.-你认为教育的重要性如何?模板回答:I believe that education is extremely important. It provides us with knowledge and skills that are essentialfor personal growth and development. It also opens up opportunities and improves our career prospects.3.话题讨论部分常见问题:-你认为旅行的好处是什么?模板回答:I believe that traveling has numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows us to experience different cultures and broadens our perspectives. Secondly, it helps us to relax and de-stress. Lastly, it provides us with valuable memories and experiences that we can cherish for a lifetime.-你认为宠物对人们的生活有什么影响?模板回答:I think pets have a positive impact on people's lives. They provide companionship and unconditional love. Additionally, taking care of a pet teaches responsibility and empathy. Pets can also help reduce stress and improve mental health.-你认为社交媒体对人们的生活有何影响?模板回答:I believe that social media has both positive and negative effects on people's lives. On one hand, it allows us to connect with others and share our thoughts andexperiences. It also provides a platform for learning and staying updated. On the other hand, excessive use of social media can be addictive and harmful to mental health.总结:在雅思口语考试中,准备一些常见问题的模板回答可以帮助考生更好地准备口语考试。





雅思口语最新评分标准:9.0 分:该分数段的考生通常能够以正常语速流利地进行口头表达,极少出现重复或自我纠正。






8.0 分:该分数段的考生通常能够以正常语速流利地进行口头表达,偶有重复或自我纠正。















雅思口语考试是一个测试考生真实的口语交流能力的机会,建议在备考期间多 进行口语练习,提高自信和流利度。同时,保持积极的心态,灵活应对考试中 的各种话题和问题。
请注意,以上是对雅思口语考试的一般介绍和准备建议,具体的考试要求和内 容可能会有所变化。建议您在备考期间参考官方网站或相关教材,以获取最新 和准确的信息。
雅思口语考试是雅思(IELTS)考试的四个部分之一,旨在评估考生在英语口语 交流方面的能力。以下是关于雅思口语考试的一般信息和准备建议:
1. 考试结构:雅思口语考试分为三个部分,总时长为 11-14 分钟。第一部 分是面试,考官会就一些常见话题询问考生的个人信息和兴趣爱好;第
二部分是独立发言,考生根据一个给定的话题进行 1-2 分钟的自我陈 述;第三部分是与考官进行深入的讨论,探讨与第二部分话题相关的问 题。
2. 评分标准:雅思口语考试的评分标准包括词汇和语法的准确性、流利 度、发音清晰度、语言连贯性和逻辑性、语言表达的多样性等方面。每
个部分的分范围为 0-9 分,最终的口语得分是三个部分的平均分。
3. 准备建议: • 熟悉考试要求和评分标准,了解每个部分的具体要求和考察内 容。 • 练习常见话题和问题,准备相关的词汇和观点。 • 提高口语流利度和表达能力,多进行口语练习,可以与朋友、语 伴或英语教师进行对话练习。 • 注重发音和语调,注意清晰地表达每个单词和句子。 • 注重语言连贯性和逻辑性,在回答问题时要有清晰的思路和组织 结构。 • 多参考雅思口语样题和范文,了解优秀回答的结构和表达方式。





下面就给大家一个最基本的英语回答的结构:1、STATEMENT(陈诉)‘I think .....’2、REASON(原因)‘Because.......’3、EXAMPLE(举例)‘for example......’For example:I think the weather is favourable in Shanghai. Because there are humid climate in four seasons, for exmple, the number of rain is more than other upcountry city.ps: 其实这样的结构也可以用在写作中,写作的理由段也能这样写的,(陈诉观点,为什么你是这样认为,举例说明)不过最好别用(i think、because、for example)这样的词语,因为用多了,得不到高分的基于上次给的回答结构,现在推出另一个能得高分的结构这样的结构一般用于这类的问题advantages and disadvantages of (something)?on one hand (something)has certain advantages,shuch as...statement(i think.....)reason(because.....)example(for example...)on the other hand (it)also has certain disadvantages, such as...statement(i think.....)reason(because.....)example(for example...)就算你的词汇不怎么好,语法也不好,只要能学会用这种结构的话,肯定不会的低分的`,因为考官很容易的就能懂你在说什么,说话有条理,不用去联想什么,就能明白,考官就没什么理由会给你低分阿。



雅思口语句型结构大全以下是一些常见的雅思口语句型结构:1.前言+主题+理由- One reason why I believe/feel/think...(主题) is that...(理由).2.前言+问题/情景+主题+理由3.前言+问题/情景+主题+简要解释- In response to...(问题/情景), I would say that...(主题) because...(简要解释).4.前言+问题/情景+主题+具体例子- Regarding...(问题/情景), I have had personal experience that supports the idea of...(主题). For example,...5.前言+问题/情景+对比- However, on the other hand, there are some people who argue that...(其他观点). In my opinion, though, I believe...(主题) is still more preferable.6.前言+比较+结论7.前言+两种观点对比- On one hand, some people argue that...(观点 A). On theother hand, others believe that...(观点 B). Personally, I agree with/oppose to...(主题).8.前言+父母观点+个人观点- My parents have always believed that...(父母观点). However,I tend to have a different opinion on...(主题).9.前言+现象描述+个人看法- It is often said/observed that...(现象描述). From my perspective, I think/feel...(个人看法).10.前言+选择题+理由- If I am asked to choose between...(选项 A) and...(选项 B), I would definitely choose...(选项 A) because...(理由).这些句型结构可以根据具体的题目和话题进行适当的调整和变化。



雅思口语模板一、Introduction (介绍)A. Greetings (问候)- Hello/Hi, my name is [Your Name].- Nice to meet you all.B. Self-introduction (自我介绍)- I am from [Your Country/City].- I am [Your Age] years old.- Currently, I am [Your Profession/Student].C. Topic introduction (话题介绍)- Today, I would like to discuss/talk about the topic of [Topic]. - I chose this topic because [Reason].二、Main Body (主体部分)A. Opinion (观点)- In my opinion, I believe that...- From my perspective, I think that...B. Supporting points (支持观点)1. Firstly, [First Supporting Point]- For example, [Example].2. Secondly, [Second Supporting Point]- Additionally, [Additional Example].3. Lastly, [Third Supporting Point]- Moreover, [Additional Example].C. Contrasting points (对比观点)1. On the other hand, some people argue that...- For instance, [Example].2. However, another perspective is that...- Additionally, [Additional Example].D. Personal experience (个人经历)- Personally, I have experienced [Personal Experience Related to the Topic].- This experience has shaped my viewpoint because [Explain How Personal Experience Influenced Opinion].E. Conclusion (结论)- In conclusion, I believe that...- Overall, taking everything into consideration, I think that...三、Vocabulary and Phrases (词汇和短语)A. Topic-related vocabulary (与话题相关的词汇)- [Vocabulary Word] means...- [Vocabulary Word] represents...B. Opinion phrases (观点表达)- In my opinion...- From my perspective...- I strongly believe that...- It is evident to me that...- Personally, I feel that...C. Transition phrases (过渡短语) - Firstly...- Secondly...- Lastly...- On the other hand...- In contrast...- However...- In addition...- Additionally...- Moreover...D. Conclusion phrases (结论表达) - In conclusion...- Overall...- Taking everything into consideration...- All things considered...四、Sample Question and Answer (示例问题和答案) Question: What is your favorite hobby?Answer: My favorite hobby is reading. Personally, I find it to be a very enriching activity that allows me to escape reality and delve into different worlds through books. Additionally, reading helps expand my vocabulary and knowledge in various areas of interest. All in all, reading is a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy and highly recommend to others.五、Practice (练习)To practice using this template, you can try answering different questions or discussing various topics using the provided structure. This will help you become more comfortable and fluent in expressing your opinions in English.六、Conclusion (总结)In conclusion, having a template can be a valuable tool for organizing your thoughts and effectively communicating your ideas during the IELTS speaking test. Remember topersonalize the template to your own opinions and experiences to make your responses more authentic. With practice and familiarity, you will be able to confidently tackle any speaking topic and impress the examiners with your fluency and coherence. Good luck!。



《雅思口语教案》word版第一章:雅思口语考试简介1.1 雅思口语考试形式和结构1.2 雅思口语考试评分标准1.3 雅思口语考试注意事项第二章:雅思口语话题准备2.1 常见话题分类2.2 话题准备策略2.3 话题素材积累第三章:雅思口语Part 1技巧3.1 回答问题的基本原则3.2 如何在Part 1环节展现流畅度3.3 如何在Part 1环节展示词汇多样性第四章:雅思口语Part 2技巧4.1 如何准备Part 2话题4.2 如何在Part 2环节展示连贯性和逻辑性4.3 如何在Part 2环节使用高级词汇和表达第五章:雅思口语Part 3技巧5.1 如何在Part 3环节应对抽象问题5.2 如何在Part 3环节展示批判性思维5.3 如何在Part 3环节保持冷静和自信第六章:雅思口语Part 1实战演练6.1 模拟Part 1环节的常见问题6.2 学生实战演练与反馈6.3 针对性的改进建议第七章:雅思口语Part 2实战演练7.1 模拟Part 2环节的常见问题7.2 学生实战演练与反馈7.3 针对性的改进建议第八章:雅思口语Part 3实战演练8.1 模拟Part 3环节的常见问题8.2 学生实战演练与反馈8.3 针对性的改进建议第九章:雅思口语常见问题解答9.1 学生关于口语的常见疑问9.2 教师针对性的解答与指导9.3 雅思口语备考心得分享第十章:雅思口语备考资源推荐10.1 推荐雅思口语学习网站和资料10.2 推荐雅思口语实战练习工具10.3 推荐雅思口语模拟考试机会重点和难点解析一、雅思口语考试简介重点和难点解析:了解雅思口语考试的形式、结构和评分标准对于考生来说至关重要。









1、雅思口语Part 1——4-5分钟在Part 1考官通常会向考生做自我介绍并核实考生的身份,随后会对考生生活中较为熟悉的话题做一些询问,而这些问题通常都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的,可能是有关于朋友、兴趣习惯或是喜爱的食物等。


2、雅思口语Part 2——3-4分钟在Part 2考官通常会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔以及草稿纸做笔记,答题任务卡上还会给出一个话题以及要在个人陈述里包涵的要点,同时在最后去提醒考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。




3、雅思口语Part 3——4-5分钟在Part 3考官会结合Part 2涉及的话题进行更深入地探讨,谈论也更加广泛和抽象。









雅思口语的Part 2部分主要分为四大类话题:人物类、地点类、事件类和物品类。

1. 人物类话题:要求描述某个人,可以细分为亲近关系和个人熟悉两大类。



2. 地点类话题:描述某个地点或场景,如城市、建筑、景点等。


3. 事件类话题:描述某个事件或经历,如旅行、节日、庆祝活动等。


4. 物品类话题:描述某个物品或物体,如食物、礼物、艺术品等。


在解答Part 2部分时,考生需要在作答前有一分钟的准备时间,然后进行两分钟的自述。





雅思口语评分标准对照表雅思口语分为四个部分,分别是口语考试的三个部分:Part 1: Introduction and Interview,Part 2: Individual Long Turn,Part 3: Two-Way Discussion,以及Part 4:Individual Long Turn的信息提供。





























雅思口语考试题目雅思口语考试分为三个部分,Part 1、Part 2和Part 3。

Part 1是考官与考生之间的一般性交流,考官会问一些简单的问题,考察考生的语言流利度、语音语调、发音等方面。

Part 1的题目通常会涉及以下几个方面:1.考生的个人情况,例如姓名、年龄、居住地、职业、兴趣爱好等。





Part 2是考官给考生一个话题,要求考生进行两分钟的描述或讲述。

Part 2的题目通常会涉及以下几个方面:1.描述一个地方,例如家乡、学校、工作地点等。





Part 3是考官与考生之间的讨论,考官会就Part 2的话题提出一些问题,考察考生的思维能力、逻辑能力、表达能力等。

Part 3的问题通常会涉及以下几个方面:1.话题的利弊2.话题的不同观点3.话题的解决方案4.话题的未来发展以下是一些雅思口语考试题目的例子:Part 1●请介绍一下你自己。

●你来自哪里?你在哪里长大?●你现在在哪里工作或学习?●你喜欢什么样的食物?●你喜欢什么样的运动?Part 2●请描述一下你家乡的景色。





Part 3●你认为家乡的景色有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为参加假期活动有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为遇到有趣的人有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为看到新闻事件有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为社会问题有什么好处?有什么坏处?雅思口语考试的评分标准分为四个方面:1.流利度和连贯性:考生能够流利地表达自己的思想,语句之间能够连贯地衔接。




















雅思口语话题:a good parent you know雅思口语人物类话题里有一道是a good parent you know,其实关于这道题,同学们可以运用语料共用的原则在其他话题中使用,相关话题有:Describe a family member you want to spend time withDescribe a person who you respectDescribe a good neighbour话题考频:人物类的话题原来就是雅思口语其次部分中消失频率较高的类别,而人物类中有关于家人的话题也会变换不同的家庭成员进行考察,包括家庭中的小孩儿,家庭中好玩的成员以及本题中涉及的你知道的一个好家长等等。
















雅思口语考试的结构、内容及评分标准雅思考试口语第一个部分:introduction and interview部分introduction andinterview我们主要可以分为;两个部分解答:在开始的时候,考官会问你一些基本的问题,主要是一些关于身份的问题,可能会问你:名字是什么,看你的证件吗等等简单的问题,这个过程之后就会正式进入到这个所谓interview的部分。


雅思考试口语第二部分:Personal long-turn部分在这个部分,学生会拿到一张写着题目的纸张,这个题目主要是关于人,或者一个地方,或者是某件事情,还有一些提示性的问题。


雅思考试口语第三部分:Two-way discussion部分这个部分和第一部分有类似的东西,主要是以问答的形式出现,考官会抛出一些问题,这些问题是和第二部分的内容比较相关的,涉及的主要层面是关于社会、自然、生态之类的,内容比第一部分相对深入很多,词汇量的要求也会大一些,这个持续时间是四五分钟的样子。



雅思考试口试部分的评分标准有以下四项:A、Fluency and coherence,流利度和相关性B、Lexical resource,词汇量C、Grammatical range and accuracy,所谓的语法的范畴和我们的所谓的什么,准确度D、Pronunciation,发音。




Part 1:最常见的雅思口语题型多对一谈话 One-on-one interview)问题类型:考官就一个主题与考生进行一对一的谈话,谈话时间一般为2-3分钟。

示例句型:考官:Do you enjoy English classes?你:Yes, I do.考官:Why do you enjoy English classes?你:Because English classes help me improve my listening and speaking skills.Part 2:最常见的雅思口语题型两人小组讨论 Two-person group discussion)问题类型:考官将考生分成两人小组,并就一个主题展开讨论,讨论时间一般为2-3分钟。

示例句型:考官:What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?你:The advantages of globalization are that it can bring more trade opportunities and economic development for all. But it also has some disadvantages, such as environmental pollution and cultural differences.Part 3:独立口语 Independent Speaking)问题类型:考官给考生一个话题,考生根据自己的兴趣、经历或观点进行2分钟左右的个人演讲,之后考官对考生的演讲进行提问或与考生进行互动。

示例句型:考官:What are the differences between personal hobbies and professional careers?你:Personal hobbies can help me relax and de-stress. But professional careers require me to have a strong focus and work ethic.Part 4:配对口语 Paired Interview)问题类型:考官将考生分成两人一组,并提供一个话题,两人根据这个话题进行配对讨论,讨论时间一般为2-3分钟。









雅思口语考试一共有多少道题目?雅思口语总共12-15分钟左右,分三个部分:雅思口语 PART 1 论题:有些考官会跟你先聊几句,有的直奔主题,先问what's your full name. 第二问你what I should call you. 之后一般都会问答what are you doing?是作业或许学习,针对学习或作业问几个问题。



雅思口语 PART 2 论题:(1个论题)是卡片题,给考生卡片,上面有一个论题,然后给考生供给纸和笔,给考生一分钟时刻考虑,自己陈说1-2分钟。



雅思口语 PART 3 论题:依据PART2会问一些深层次的问题,这一部分一定要多答复些,不要过分简略;有时候也会放下PART2内容问些其他问题,这个的考试时刻大约为4-5分钟。

雅思口语中14种表达意见的方式In life we’re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn’t been asked for!生活中,经常有人会询问我们的意见,或者在某些情况下,即使没有被询问,我们也会给出自己的意见。

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LECTURE 1本节课教学大纲雅思口语扩展套路-Example套路-WH句型-Personal Experience套路-万能句型/常用词汇How can we have more things to talk about?Direct answer + expansion + expansionExample模式Step 1I enjoy动词ing某笼统类型的somethingStep 2Such as ___ and____Step 3I think给予观点●Do you enjoy doing sports?Yea I do, I enjoy doing outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I think it…s really healthy.●Do you enjoy doing sports?Yea I do, I…m into doing some contact sports such as football and basketball, I think it‟s really intense and I love the body contact between players.●Do you enjoy playing games?Yea I do, I enjoy playing computer games such as CS and WOW, I think it…s really fun and it‟s a wonderful way to loosen up.●What kinds of films do you enjoy watching?I love watching Hollywood films such as Lord of the Rings and The Avengers, I think it has wonderful special effects and the plot is exciting.WH句型此套路用于说个人习惯What + who, when, where, whyStep 1-WHATI + 动词+名词Step 2 –WHOWith my friends/family/By myselfStep 3 – WHENDuring my time off / During my weekends / During my holidaysOrWhen I‘m feeling bored / When I‘m feeling tired / When I‘m feeling happy/downStep 4- WHEREAt… / To…Step 5 – WHYTo (为了…)To have fun为了好玩儿To get some exercise锻炼身体To enjoy myself自己享受To improve my____. 提高我的…To keep fit保持健康To loosen up放松To enrich myselfTo kill timeTo enrich myselfI watch films by myself during my time off at home to enjoy myself.I do sports with my friends during my weekends at the park to keep fit.I go traveling with my family during my holidays to many foreign countries to expandmy horizons.两个套路连接到一起●Do you enjoy doing sports?Yea I do, I enjoy doing some outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I think it…s really healthy, I play basketball with my friends during my weekends at the park to get some exercise.●Do you enjoy cooking?Yea I do, I enjoy cooking Chinese food such as GBJD and TDS, I think it…s really good, I cook with my mother during my weekends at home to enjoy myself.Personal experienceStep 1I remember when I was a kid…I remember a while ago…Step 2I did something…Something happened…Someone did something…Step 3I thought it was ____ so I started to _____. (用于衬托喜好)It made me into a ____ person. (用于衬托观点)I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to museums very often, I thought Icould learn a lot of new things so I started to enjoy going to museums.I remember when I was a kid, I would always listen to my mother sing, I thought it wasso beautiful so I started to enjoy singing.两个套路连接到一起Yea I do, I enjoy going to cultural museums, such as history museums and art museums, I think it makes my free time productive, I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to museums very often, I thought I could learn a lot of new things so I started to enjoy going to museums.OpinionDifferent ways to say “I think”I feel that… / In my opinion… / The way I see it..结构:I think Opinion 1 and Opinion 2尽量陈述观点时给予两个不同观点万能句型___ can enhance someone‘s ____.___ can cultivate someone‘s ____.Vocabulary:技能类做饭开车Hands on skills动手能力Independent ability独立能力运动类跳舞游泳Physical ability体能Coordination skills协调能力艺术类Artistic talent艺术天赋Artistic taste艺术品位Creativity创意文艺类Mental development心智发展Knowledge of ____对什么的认知Social skills社交能力Teamwork ability团队合作能力Sense of responsibility责任感Doing sports can enhance people…s physical ability.Learning how to cook can cultivate my independent ability.Reading books can enhance children…s mental development.____ keeps someone posted about the latest _____(文化传播类)Advertisement keeps people posted about the latest products The internet keeps me posted about the latest events.____is good / bad for someone‟s (名词)名词:Health健康Growth成长Future development未来发展Career事业Studies学业Studying finance is good for my future development.Doing exercise regularly is good for people‟s healthStudying English is good for people‟s careers.is a good way to express someone‟s (某种心情) towards _____Vocabulary:Emotions情感Love爱Care关心Respect敬意Gratitude谢意Passion热衷Sendin g flowers is a good way to express people‟s love towards their other half.Singing is a good way to express people‟s emotions towards life.Going to live concerts is a good way to express my passion for music.______brings someone (noun)Vocabulary:Convenience便利Happiness快乐Sense of achievement成就感Relaxation放松The internet brings people convenience.Raising a pet brings me a sense of achievement.Going to KTV with my friends brings me happiness.adds spice to someone’s life (给谁的生活添加乐趣/更精彩)Computer games add spice to my life.Gardening adds spice to my life.____ helps someone get a better picture of _____.___使谁对什么东西有一个更好的认识.Traveling helps me get a better picture of the world.History museums help people get a better picture of Chinese culture._____is a necessary part of life.Learning how to cook is a necessary part of life.Driving is a necessary part of life.Entertainment is a necessary part of life.____ has a positive / negative influence on ______.____ has a positive / negative effect on ______.Smoking has a negative effect on people‟s health.Reading has a positive influence on children.Playing too much computer games have a negative influence on student‟s studies. ____ can fulfill people’s _____Spiritual needs精神需求Material needs物质需求Social needs社交需求Curiosity好奇心Music can full fill people‟s spiritual needsShopping can full fill people‟s material needsGoing to parties can full fill people‟s social needs.常用形容词:Convenient方便的Healthy健康的Useful有用的Efficient有效的Nutritious有营养的Educational有教育意义的Inspiring给予人们启发的Thought-provoking使人深思的Mellow柔和的Intense激烈的Strenuous累人的(运动方面)Tiring累人的Money-savingMoney-consumingTime-savingTime-consumingIt‟s a hassle费劲的Tricky困难不容易上手的Corny俗气,土的Trendy时尚,“潮”的Simple简单的Complex复杂的Old-fashioned老套的Conservative保守的Open-minded开放的Comfortable舒服Soothing特能安抚人的Health – oriented 以健康为中心的Study-oriented以学习为中心的___ - oriented以什么为中心的●What kinds of books do you like to read?I enjoy reading self improvement books, such as XX and XX, I think it can enhance my mental development, I read books during my time off at home to enrich my self.●What kinds of flowers do you like?I like yellow flowers such as daisies and sunflowers, I think flowers add spice to people‟s lives and it brings people happiness, I remember when I was a kid, my mother planted a lot of flowers at home, I thought it made my home felt livelier so I started to like flowers.LECTURE 2本节课教学大纲-复杂结构Complex structures-Although套路-双层习惯套路-人物双层-Dislike套路Although 模式套路:Direct answer + 正面opinion + although反面opinion + I still like / think 再次重复你的喜欢/观点because ______.(用于说喜好/观点)●Tell me something about your hometown?My hometown is Beijing, Beijing is a large city and it‟s China‟s cultural center, although Beijing has bad air quality and high cost of living, I still like Beijing because I grew up here.●Do you enjoy shopping?Yea I do, I think it‟s really trendy and it can fulfill my material needs, although shopping is money-consuming, I still enjoy it because it brings me happiness.●Do you enjoy dancing?Yea I do, It think dancing can enhance my coordination skills and it adds spice to my life, although I‟m not very good at it, I still enjoy it because it‟s fun.No I don‟t, I think dancing is tiring and it‟s tricky, although it can shape my body, I still don‟t like it because I think it‟s a hassle.双层习惯套路【针对时间利用】套路:Sometimes, WH句型,other times, WH句型.●What do you like to do during the weekends?Sometimes, I go shopping with my friends during the weekends at the shopping center to enjoy ourselves, Other times, I watch films by myself during my weekends at home to loosen up.●What do you like to do during your free time?Sometimes, I play basketball with my friends during my time off at the park to get some exercise, other times, I go shopping with my family during my free time at the mall the buy some things.【个人习惯】套路2:It depends, if ___ then I’ll ____ but if ____ then I’ll _____.假设+逻辑对立●What do you usually use your mobile phone for?It depends, if I have a lot of work then I‟ll use it to communicate with my colleagu es to get my work done, but if I‟m bored or have nothing to do then I‟ll use it to play games.●What do you usually eat?It depends, if I have a lot of time then I‟ll eat some home cooked meal at home but if I‟m with my work then I‟ll get some takeaway because it‟s time-saving and convenient●What do you usually do on the internet?It depends, if I have to do homework then I‟ll use the internet to find some information because the internet is a convenient way to find some information, but if I‟m free then I‟l l use the internet for entertainment, such as play some games or watch films.●What kinds of music do you usually listen to?It depends, if I‟m in a good mood then I‟ll listen to some pop music because it can lift my spirits but if I‟m feeling under the weather then I‟ll listen to some light music because it can help me calm down and it‟s quite soothing.人物双层【此套路用于讲解大群体的喜好/习惯】套路1 :____people 喜欢/习惯____ for example ____, on the other hand , ____ people 喜欢/习惯____ for example ______.●What kinds of sports do people in your country like to do?Well, older people enjoy doing some slow sports such as Taiji and go for a stroll, on the other hand, younger people enjoy intense sports such as basketball and football.●What kinds of recreational activities do people like to do in your country?Older people enjoy traditional activities such as playing cards or Chess, on the other hand, the younger generation enjoy going to KTVs or cinemas.●What do people in your country like to eat?People in the north enjoy eating buns and noodles, on the other hand, Southerners prefer seafood and rice.套路2:Most people enjoy 喜欢/习惯____ for example _____, but personally speaking, 说出你对大群题的批判,so I like ______.●What kinds of dance are popular in your country?Most people enjoy some folk dances and yanger and 2RZ, but personally speaking I think it‟s a little bit out–of – date and corny so I think street dancing my thing.●What kinds of food do people like to eat in China?Most Chinese people love eating spicy food but personally speaking, I t hink it‟s unhealthy and it‟s bad for my skin so I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables.●What do Chinese people like to do during the spring festival?Most people enjoy traditional activities such as making dumplings and setting off fireworks because it‟s our custom, but personally speaking I think it‟s getting old, so I enjoy traveling abroad because it can help me get a better picture of the world.Dislike套路不同方式表达dislikeI’m not into____I can’t stand _______ is not my thing.套路:Direct answer + 反面opinion + bad experience (用你的不好的经历去衬托你对某东西的方面看法而呈现不喜欢)●Do you enjoy cooking?No I don‟t, I can‟t stand cooking, I think cooking is tricky and it‟s a hassle, I remember a while ago, I cooked at home, the food was horrible and I was so exhausted.●Do you like to take public transportation?No I don‟t, I can‟t stand public transportation, I think it‟s crowded and it‟s uncomfortable, I remember a while ago, I took the bus, there were so many people squishing(挤) me and I felt like I was going to die.●Do you like planting flowers?No I don‟t, I‟m not into planting flowers, I think it‟s useless and time-consuming, I remember a while ago, I planted some flowers at home , the flowers withered and I thought it was a hassle.LECTURE 3本节课教学大纲Complex structures-Personal Preference-Making comparisons-Past / Present Comparison-Talking about future plansPersonal Preferences【此套路用于回答口语考试当中2选1性质的题】Do you like A or B?套路:I would prefer动词ing A over B because A哪好,whereas B有什么好处, but B存在什么问题你不选他.●Do you prefer shopping in large department stores or in small shops?I would prefer shopping in large department stores over in small shops because large department stores have more choices, whereas small shops are convenient but it doesn‟t have the things I want.●Do you prefer to wear light colours or dark colours?I would prefer wearing light colours over dark colours because light colours make me feel very bright and it‟s cool, whereas dark colour can bring out our curves and it makes me look thin, but dark colours seems too formal and it catches a lot of heat.●Do you prefer going to live concerts or listening to a CD?I would prefer listening to CDs over going to live concerts because CDs have better clarity and it‟s money-saving, whereas live concerts has a good atmosphere and you can seeyour favorite star, but it‟s rowdy, expensive and the star is lip syncing.Comparing套路【此套路针对客观比较型问题】套路:Compared to A, B is ___ for example _____, on the other hand, A is ____ for example ____.●What are the differences between films that adults enjoy watching and films thatchildren enjoy watching?Compared to films that adults enjoy watching, films that children enjoy watching are simple and naive for example they watch cartoons, on the other hand films that adult enjoy watching are thought-provoking for example they watch documentaries and philosophical films.●What are the differences between sports that old people enjoy and sports that youngpeople enjoy?Compared to sports that old people enjoy, sports that young people enjoy are relatively fast-paced and physical, for example basketball and badminton, on the other hand, sports that old people play are mellow and slower, for example they go for a stroll or they do some tai ji.●What are the differences between men‟s fashion and women‟ fashion?Co mpared to men‟s fashion, women‟s fashion lean towards(偏向于) style and trend, for example women like to buy the latest bags and accessories, whereas men like to wear comfortable clothes such as T- shirts and sweats.Past/Present Comparison【过去与现在比较】套路:In the past, 主题was ___ for example ____, but after a few years 主题started to ___ and now 主题is ____ for example ____.【核心变化】硬件变化:Undeveloped > develop > modern文化变化:Traditional > receive western influence > internationalized●How has your hometown changed in the past 20 years?In the past, my hometown was undeveloped for example the buildings were shabby and small, but after a few years my hometown started to develop and now my hometown is modern for example we have automated facilities and tall buildings.●Are pe ople‟s eating habits the same in the past as now?In the past, people‟s eating habits were traditional for example people ate simple food such as Mantou and dumplings, but after a few years people‟s eating habits started to receive western influence and no w people‟s eating habits are internationalized for example we eat hamburgers, sushi and pizza.Future plans (未来计划)What are your future work / study plans?套路:Short term speaking, I plan to _____ and long term speaking, I hope to●What are your future study plans?Short term speaking, I plan to improve my English and pass the IELTS, long term speaking, I hope to study accounting in the UK.●What are your future work plans?Short term speaking, I plan to find a job and learn some experience, long term speaking, I hope to be an entrepreneur and work for my self.Would you like to do something?Do you plan to do something?套路:Yea I would, but currently I want to focus on _____, and in the future when I _____ I will ______because ______.●Would you like to cook?Yea I would, but currently I want to focus on my studies, and in the future when I go abroad I will learn cooking because it‟s an important part of life and it‟s money-saving.●Would you like to learn how to drive?Yea I would, but currently I‟m busy with my studies, and in the future when I have time off, I will learn driving because it‟s a necessary part of life and it will bring me a lot of convenience.LECTURE 4本节课教学大纲Complex structures-Giving Advice / Suggestions-Explaining things-Giving opinionsGiving advice / Suggestions给建议【此题型会提出一个问题,让考生给解决方案(雅思part 3主打题)】套路:It would really be helpful if someone did something, you know right now给予现状,so if someone did something(进一步的扩展你的建议),问题如何得到解决(conclusion).●What advice would you give to the government to make your hometown a betterplace?It would really be helpful if the government improved the traffic situation, you know right now my hometown has a lot of traffic congestion and it‟s a pain to get from one place to another,, so if the government expanded the roads and built more overpasses to cut downpressure on main roads, my hometown‟s traffic will be better and it will be a better place.●How can we minimize the negative effects of the internet on children?It would really be helpful if parents contr olled their children‟s online activities, you know right now, many parents are not aware of children‟s online activities and children can have access to pornographic and violent things on the web, so if parents installed parental control software to protect their children, we can effectively minimize the negative effects of the internet on children.●How can we protect wild animals?It would really be helpful if the government implemented more laws to regulate the problem, you know right now many wild animals are being hunted and used as medicine or food, so if the government punished those who hunt wild animals and improved awareness then we can better protect wild animals.●How can we stop family violence?It would really be helpful if the government implemented more laws to regulate the problem, you know right now many parents beat their children and violence due to marriage problems, so if the government punished those who commit family violence and improved awareness then we can control family violence.Explaining things【此套路用于回答WHY?】做解释的时候尽量从两方面回答套路1:One of the main reasons is that …… and also ……套路2:Firstly I think it’s coz …… and also ……●Why did you choose to study that subject?One of the main reasons is that it‟s good for my future development and I‟ve always been interested in this area.●Why do people in your country collect things?Firstly I think it‟s coz collecting things is a good way to express people‟s passion towards the things they love and also it has sentimental value.●Why do people plant flowers at home?One of the main reasons is that flowers can make people‟s homes feel livelier and it‟s a healthy hobby.Giving Opinions【陈述观点不仅仅可以用Although套路还可以用personal Experience 去衬托你的观点.雅思口语的观点题一般针对一个大群体.】套路:Direct answer + 客观opinion + personal experience (用个人经历验证客观的观点)●Do you think children should learn how to paint?Yea I do, I feel that painting can enhance their creativity and artistic taste, I remember when I was a kid, I learned painting, I became a very innovative person who can appreciate art.●Do you think people should plant flowers?Yea I do, I think planting flowers can make their homes feel lively and colourful, Iremember when I while ago, I planted some flowers at home, everyday when I went home, my home felt fresh and it brought me good mood.●Do you think E learning is good?Yea I do, I think E learning is really convenient and it‟s quite efficient, I remember a while ago, I attended a course on the internet, I learned what I needed and I saved a lot of time because I didn‟t need to go out.运用Although模式给opinion套路:Direct answer + 正面opinion + although反面opinion + I still think再次重复观点because ____.●Do you think E learning is good?Yea I think it‟s good, I think it‟s really convenient and it‟s quite efficient, although people can‟t see their teachers, I still think it‟s good because it saves people a lot of time and people can learn in the comforts of their home.●Do you think children should learn how to paint?Yea I do, I think painting can enhance children‟s artistic talent and their creativity, although it‟s requires a lot of time and money, I still think children should learn painting because it has a positive influence on them.LECTURE 5本节课教学大纲雅思10大题型-喜好题-个人习惯题-个人偏好题-比较题-观点题-解释题-未来计划题-大群体问题-问题解决方案-探测性问题1. Likes / Dislikes喜好题题型特征/问法:-Do you like…?-Are you interested in …?-What ___ do you like?-What‟s your favorite …?-What ____ do you like / dislike?不同方式表达I like:I’m really into…I’m fond of…I’m keen on …I enjoy…套路1:Although模式Direct answer + 正面opinion + although反面opinion +I still like 再次重复你的喜好because _______.套路2:Direct answer + example + WH句型套路3:Dislike 套路Direct answer + 反面opinion + bad experience2. Personal Habits –通常题A. Usually (通常题)Do you usually do something?When / Where do you usually do something?How do you usually do something?What do you like to do during 某时间段?How do you spend某时间段?套路:时间利用型:Sometimes, WH句型,other times, WH句型.其他习惯型:It depends, if ___ then I’ll ____ but if ____ then I’ll _____.Personal Habits –频率题问法:-Do you often do something?-How often do you do something?套路:经常:I do something a lot + Example + WH句型●Do you often use the internet?Yea, I use the internet a lot, I enjoy doing online shopping such as Taobao and 360buy, I think it‟s really fun and it can fulfill my material need s, I use the internet whenever I get the chance to enjoy myself and enrich myself.偶尔:I do something every now and then, it depends, if ____ then I’ll ____ but if ____ then I’ll ____.●Do you often do sports?I do sports every now and then, it depends, if I‟m not very busy with my studies then I‟ll go to the gym or play some basketball, but if I have a lot on my hands then I‟ll focus on my studies.3. Personal Preference 个人偏好题问法:-Do you prefer A or B?-Do you like A or B?-Which do you think is better A or B?套路:I would prefer 动词ing A over B because A哪好, whereas B 有什么好处but B存在什么问题.4. Comparing比较题分为两种题型:Differences (区别)问法:What are the differences between A and B?Would you please compare A and B?Do you think A and B feel the same about something?Do you think A and B are the same?套路:Compared to A, B is _____ for example _____, on the other hand, A is _____ for example ______.Past / Present Comparison过去与现在比较- What are the differences between something in the past and now?- How has something changed in the past and now?- Is something the same in the past and now?套路:In the past,主题was ____ for example ____, but after a few years, 主题started _____, and now something is ______.5. Opinion 题问法:-Do you think something is good?-Do you think something is necessary?-Do you think it‟s important to do something?-What are the benefits of something?-Would you say it‟s good for someone to do something?套路1:Although模式Direct answer + 正面opinion + although反面opinion + I still think再次重复观点because ____.套路2:Direct answer + 客观opinion + 个人经历(用个人经历去验证观点)Do you think children should learn dancing?Yea I do, I think dancing can enhance children‟s coordination skills and their artistic talent, I remember when I was a kid, I learned dancing, it made me into a person who is very flexible.●Do you think schools should take students on excursions to museums?Yea I do, I think museums can help students gain practical knowledge and it helps them get a better picture of what they learn, I remember when I was in school, our school took us to museums, I learned so many things.6. Explaining【任何时候问WHY 就为此题型.】套路1:One of the main reasons is that ……… and also ……套路2:Firstly I think it’s coz …… and also ……7. Future plans问法:What are your future work / study plans?套路:Short term speaking, I plan to _____ and long term speaking, I hope to _______.Short term speaking, I plan to find a job and gain some practical experience, and long term speaking I hope to be a teacher teaching Chinese in CANADA.Would you like to do something? / Do you plan to do something?套路:Yea I would, but currently I want to focus on ____, and in the future when I ____ I will ____ because _____.8. Generalizations大群体的喜好/习惯问法:Do people in your country…?Do Chinese people …?Do children …?套路1:____ people喜欢/习惯for example ____, on the other hand, ____ people喜欢/习惯_____ for example ______.套路2:Most people喜好/习惯_____for example ____, but personally speaking, I think对大群体做出批判so I _______.9. SuggestionsPART 3主打题考官提出问题让考生给予解决方案问法:-How can we do something?-What should be done to …?-Is there anything we can do to …?-What advice would you give to …?-What can be done to …?套路:It would really be helpful if someone did something, you know right now, 给予现状,so if someone did something(更深入扩展你的solution),问题如何得到解决.What advice would you give to make your hometown a better place?It would really be helpful if the government improved the traffic situation, you know right now, my hometown has horrible traffic and a lot of congestion, so if the government expanded the roads and built more overpasses to accommodate the number of cars, then my hometown will be a better place.How can we minimize negative effects of TV on children?Is there anyway we can preserve our history better?10. Fact / Example 引子题问的问题很简单:-Do you have something?-Do you know how to do something?-Have you done something before?-Does something have something?-When was the first/last time you did something?-What are some examples of something?以及其他不具有上面9种题特征的题目。
