青岛理工大学成人教育期末考试 复习题2及答案.doc
)1.C++对C语言作了很多改进,即从面向过程变成为面向对象的主要原因是()A.增加了一些新的运算符B.允许函数重载,并允许设置缺省参数C.规定函数说明符必须用原型D.引进了类和对象的概念2•下列符号不能组成标识符的是()A.连接符B.下划线C.大小写字母D.数字字符3.类型修饰符unsigned不能修饰()A.charB. intC. long intD. float4.在int a=3,int *p=&a;中,*p 的值是()A.变量a的地址值B.无意义C.变量p的地址值D.35•下列关于指针的操作中,错误的是()A.两个同类型的指针可以进行比较运算B.可以用一个空指针赋给某个指针C.一个指针可以加上两个整数之差D.两个同类型的指针可以相加6•重载函数在调用时选择的依据中,错误的是()A.函数的参数B.参数的类型C.函数的名字D.函数的类型7.—个函数功能不太复杂,但要求被频繁调用,选用()A.内联函数B.重载函数C.递归函数D.嵌套函数8•下列不是描述类的成员函数的是()A.构造函数B.析构函数C.友元函数D.拷贝构造函数9.构造函数不具备的特征的是()A.构造函数的函数名与类名相同B.构造函数可以重载C.构造函数可以设置默认参数D.构造函数必须指定类型说明10.通常,拷贝构造函数的参数是()A.某个对象名B.某个对象的成员名C.某个对象的引用名D.某个对象的指针名11•继承机制的作用是()A.信息隐藏B.数据封装C.定义新类D.数据抽象12.类的析构函数的作用是()A.—般成员函数B.类的初始化C.对象的初始化D.删除对象创建的所有对象13•类的析构函数是在()调用的。
A.函数体含有循环语句B.函数体含有递归语句C.函数代码少、频繁调用D.函数代码多、不常调用15•如果类A被说明成类B的友元,贝!]()A.类A的成员即类:B的成员B.类B的成员即类A的成员C.类A的成员函数不得访问类:B的成员D.类B不一定是类A的友元16•在类中声明转换函数时不能指定()A.参数B.访问权限C.操作D.标识符17•在公有继承的情况下,基类成员在派生类中的访问权限()A.受限制 B.保持不变18.C++类体系中,不能被派生类继承的有()A.转换函数B.构造函数C.虚函数D.静态成员函数19•假定AB为一个类,则执行ABx;语句时将自动调用该类的() A.有参构造函数 B.无参构造函数C.拷贝构造函数D.赋值构造函数20.C++语言建立类族是通过()A.类的嵌套B.类的继承C.虚函数D.抽象类答案如下:l. D 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.D6.A 7.A &C 9.D 10.C11.C 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.D16.C17.B 18.C 19.B 20.B二•下面的每小题有一个或多个答案是正确的,请选出正确选项并将其填入相应括号内。
A. 随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,对文化生活的需求也日益增强。
B. 通过这次学习,我对我国社会主义初级阶段的理论有了进一步的认识,并提高了自己运用理论分析问题的能力。
C. 尽管他工作十分繁忙,但他还是抽出时间认真学习外语。
D. 鉴于这个课题难度较大,他决定先易后难,逐步进行。
2、下列词语中,没有错别字且字形、字义完全正确的一项是:A. 谈笑风生(谈笑风生)B. 惟妙惟肖(惟妙惟肖)C. 纷至沓来(纷至沓来)D. 妄自菲薄(望自菲薄)3、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是:A. 随着科技的不断发展,使得我们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。
B. 为了提高学生的综合素质,学校开展了丰富多彩的课外活动。
C. 他的报告深入浅出,既揭示了问题的实质,又提出了切实可行的解决方案。
D. 虽然天气寒冷,但并没有阻止他们完成任务的决心。
4、下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的一项是:A. 翠色欲流(yù liú)B. 纷至沓来(dá lái)C. 震耳欲聋(zhèn ěr yù lóng)D. 悬梁刺股(xuán liáng cì gǔ)5、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()A. 谈到这次失败,他心情沉重,感到愧对领导和同事。
B. 谈到这次失败,他心情沉重,觉得愧对领导和同事。
C. 谈到这次失败,他心情沉重,认为愧对领导和同事。
D. 谈到这次失败,他心情沉重,说愧对领导和同事。
6、下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的一项是()A. 拈轻怕重(niān)潜移默化(qián)B. 殚精竭虑(dān)妙手偶得(ǒu)C. 鞠躬尽瘁(cuì)气壮山河(shān)D. 雕梁画栋(liáng)欢腾鼓舞(tēng)二、现代文阅读Ⅰ(16分)阅读下面的文字,完成下面的问题。
2020成人大学试题答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在成人高等教育中,以下哪项不是学习者应具备的基本素质?A. 自主学习能力B. 团队合作精神C. 创新思维能力D. 应试教育倾向2. 成人学生在学习过程中,最有效的时间管理策略是:A. 随意安排学习时间B. 制定详细的学习计划C. 仅在考试前突击复习D. 依赖他人的学习进度3. 关于成人教育的教学方式,以下描述正确的是:A. 与传统全日制教育无差异B. 侧重于理论与实践的结合C. 完全依赖网络教学D. 强调记忆而非理解4. 成人学生在选择学习资源时,应当优先考虑:A. 资源的丰富性B. 资源的易获取性C. 资源的权威性和实用性D. 资源的娱乐性5. 在成人教育中,以下哪项不是有效的沟通技巧?A. 倾听他人意见B. 避免使用专业术语C. 及时反馈信息D. 坚持个人立场不变6. 成人学生在撰写论文时,以下哪项做法是不正确的?A. 严格遵循学术规范B. 大量引用他人观点C. 进行深入的文献综述D. 保证论文原创性7. 关于成人教育的学习目标,以下说法错误的是:A. 旨在提高个人综合素质B. 为了获得文凭而学习C. 促进职业发展D. 增强社会责任感8. 成人学生在学习团队项目中,最应避免的行为是:A. 主动承担责任B. 与团队成员积极沟通C. 独自完成所有任务D. 互相学习和支持9. 在成人教育中,以下哪项不是激发学习兴趣的方法?A. 与实际工作相结合B. 参与互动式学习活动C. 重复机械记忆D. 探索未知领域10. 成人学生在面对学习困难时,应该采取的策略是:A. 放弃学习B. 寻求教师和同学的帮助C. 依赖网络答案D. 仅依赖个人努力二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 成人教育的特点包括:A. 学习者年龄多样化B. 学习时间不固定C. 学习内容单一D. 学习方式灵活多样2. 成人学生在学习中常见的动机包括:A. 个人兴趣B. 职业晋升C. 社交需求D. 家庭责任3. 有效的学习策略包括:A. 定期自我评估B. 设定不切实际的学习目标C. 创造良好的学习环境D. 合理安排休息时间4. 在线学习的优势包括:A. 灵活的学习时间B. 丰富的学习资源C. 降低学习成本D. 缺乏互动和反馈5. 成人学生在团队合作中应当:A. 尊重每个成员的意见B. 只关注个人任务完成情况C. 主动分享知识和经验D. 避免与团队成员沟通三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 成人教育的学习内容通常比传统教育更加职业化和实用化。
一、单项选择题1.下列属于汉语特点的是(C)A.汉语有严格意义的形态变化B.汉语是单音节语C.汉语语句的修饰语用在中心语的前边D.汉语属于没有声调的语言2.下列一组均属于塞擦音的声母是(B)A.f s sh r x h B.z zh j q c chC.z c j qɡk D.b p d tɡk3.下列一组均属于二合后响复韵母的是(B)A.ai ei ao ou uo B.ia ie ua uoüeC.ia ie ua uo ou D.ao ai ia ie ua4.下列声韵调完全相同的一组字是(C)A.军-晋B.讶-芽C.织-汁D.峦-岚5.在普通话中,不.能和合口呼韵母相拼的声母是(C)A.双唇音B.唇齿音C.舌面音D.舌尖后音6.“这药好苦啊”和“你叫我怎么讲啊”中的“啊”应分别读作(A)A.wa nɡa B.ya naC.za ra D.wa ra7.秦始皇统一六国后推行的标准汉字形体是(C)A.金文B.大篆C.小篆D.隶书8.“帘子”和“莲子”中的“子”(D)A.都是词根B.都是词缀C.前一个是词根,后一个是词缀D.前一个是词缀,后一个是词根9.“走马观花”中“走”的意义是词的(A)A.本义B.基本义C.引申义D.比喻义10.下列各组词中都是外来词的是(B)A.仓促、婆娑B.葡萄、沙发C.激光、科学D.物理、化学11.下列各组成语中,每个成员的构造类型都相同的是(A)A.入木三分、嫁祸于人B.高人一等、层出不穷C.一衣带水、天衣无缝D.令行禁止、飞黄腾达12.“化学和和化学有关的学科”中两个“和”的词性分别是(A)A.连词、介词B.连词、连词C.介词、介词D.介词、连词13.“人家小王长得几乎和明星一样”中“人家”和“一样”的词性分别是(D)A.助词和助词B.助词和形容词C.名词和助词D.代词和形容词14.“有饭吃”和“有人吃”这两个短语分别是(C)A.兼语短语、兼语短语B.兼语短语、连动短语C.连动短语、兼语短语D.连动短语、连动短语15、“雷峰塔”、“塔吉克族”、“一座塔”中的“塔”分别是( B )。
函授站点_______学生姓名_______年级________专业________层次________ ----------------------密--------------------------封-------------------------线---------------------------------
2024年成人高考成考语文(高起本)复习试题(答案在后面)一、语文基础知识(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()A. 勤奋刻苦B. 良苦用心C. 畸形病态D. 妙笔生花2、下列词语中,字形完全正确的是()A. 残羹冷炙B. 鹿死谁手C. 龙飞凤舞D. 理直气壮3、下列词语中,加点字的读音与其他三项不同的一项是:A. 沉默(mò)B. 嘈杂(cáo)C. 沸腾(fèi)D. 沧桑(cāng)4、下列词语中,字形、字音、字义完全一致的是:A. 招待 / 招引B. 落款 / 落枕C. 雕刻 / 雕虫小技D. 熔岩 / 熔炉5、下列各句中,没有语病的一项是:A、我国在新能源领域的研发投入逐年增加,但与发达国家相比仍有较大差距。
6、下列词语中,字形和字义完全正确的一项是()A. 驰骋疆场疆场——边疆B. 蹉跎岁月蹉跎——时光C. 气贯长虹气贯——气势D. 纵横捭阖捭阖——关合二、现代文阅读Ⅰ(16分)阅读下面的文章,回答问题。
枣庄学院成人教育《统计学 (2)》复习题及参考答案
一、单选题1.下面属于连续变量的是( A )A、职工人数B、机器台数C、工业总产值D、车间数2.变量是( D )A、可变的质量指标B、可变的数量指标和标志C、可变的品质标志D、可变的数量标志3.有意识地选择三个农村点调查农民收入情况,这种调查方式属于( A )A、典型调查B、重点调查C、抽样调查D、普查4.调查大庆、胜利等几个主要油田来了解我国石油生产的基本情况,这种调查方式属于( C )A、普查B、典型调查C、重点调查D、抽样调查5.代表性误差( A )。
第一组和第四组的组中值分别为( D )A、750和2500B、800和2250C、800和2500D、750和22507、有20个工人看管机器台数资料如下:25443434422434634524,如按以上资料编制分配数列应采用(A)同轴度A.单项式分组B.等距分组C.不等距分组D.以上几种分组均可以8、我国人口中,男女人口的性别比为1.6:100,这是(A)A.比例相对指标B.比较相对指标C.强度相对指标D.平均指标9、用标准差比较,分析两个同类总体平均指标的代表性的前提条件是(B)A.两个总体的标准差应相等B.两个总体的平均数应相等C.两个总体的单位数已相等D.两个总体的离差之和应相等10、事先将总体个单位按某一标志排列,然后依排列顺序和按相同的间隔来抽选调查单位的抽样称为(C)A.简单随机抽样B.类型抽样C.等距抽样D.整群抽样11、编制总指数的两种形式是(B)A.数量指标指数和质量指标指数B.综合指数和平均数指数C.算数平均数指数和调和平均数指数D.定基指数和环比指数12、几位学生的某门课成绩分别是67分、78分、88分、89分、96分,学生成绩是(B)A.品质标志B.数量标志C.标志值 D.数量指标13、统计整理的关键(B)A.对调查资料进行审核B.对调查资料进行统计分组C.对调查资料进行汇总D.编制统计表14、某主管将下属企业按制调计划完成程度分为以下四组,正确的是(C)A.简单分组B.复合分组C.分析分组D.结构分组15、由反映总体各单位数量特征的标志值汇总得出的指标是(B)A.总体单位总量B.总体标志总量C.质量指标D.相对指标16、权数对算术平均数的影响作用,实质上取决于(A)A.作为权数的各组单位数占总体单位数比重的大小B.各组标志值占总体标志总量比重的大小C.标志值本身的大小D.标志值数量的多少17、反映样本指标与总体指标之间的平均误差程度的指标是(C)A.平均数离差B.概率度C.抽样平均误差D.抽样极限误差18、若物价上涨,商品的需求量相应减少,则物价与商品需求量之间的关系为(B)A.不相关B.负相关C.正相关D.复相关19、间隔相等的时点数列计算序时平均数应采用(D)A.几何平均法B.加权算术平均法C.简单算术平均法D.首末折半法20、标志是说明总体单位特征的名称(C)A.它有品质标志值和数量标志值两大类 B.品质标志具有标志值C.数量标志且有标志值D.品质标志和数量标志都具有标志值21.标准差指标数值越小,则反映变量值( B )A、越分散,平均数代表性越低B、越集中,平均数代表性越高C、越分散,平均数代表性越高D、越集中,平均数代表性越低22.间隔相等的不连续时点数列计算序时平均数的公式为( C )23.时间数列中所排列的指标数值( D )。
每题2分,共20分)1.欧阳修散文的基本风格是()A.沉著痛快 B.艰涩怪奇C.平易流畅 D.气雄词峻2.北宋词人晏殊被称为()A.俚俗词人 B.富贵词人 C.豪放词人 D.感伤词人3.下列词句出于柳永《雨霖铃》(寒蝉凄切)的是()A.无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来B.山抹微云,天连衰草,画角声断谯门C.今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月D.落花人独立,微雨燕双飞4.苏轼词的基本特点是()A.以诗为词 B.以文为词 C.以赋为词 D.以曲为词5.元杂剧《梧桐雨》(全名《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》)的作者是()A.白朴 B.乔吉 C.张可久 D.贯云石6.关汉卿塑造的悲剧形象之一是()A.谢小娥 B.孙雪娥 C.窦娥 D.姮娥7.张养浩著名散曲《潼关怀古》中的名句是()A.兴,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦 B.一半云遮,一半烟埋C.知音三五人,痛饮何妨碍 D.肝肠百炼炉间铁,富贵三更枕上蝶8.现存最早的讲史话本是宋代的()A.《五代史平话》 B.《三国志平话》C.《秦并六国平话》 D.《前汉书平话续集》9.明代“后七子”谢榛的诗集是()A.《沧溟集》 B.《大复集》 C.《空同集》 D.《四溟集》10.《三国演义》采取的叙事方式是()A.全知全能 B.限知限能C.由全知全能到限知限能 D.由限知限能到全知全能二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.金代中期“国朝文派”的代表作家有()A.蔡珪 B.蔡松年 C.党怀英 D.赵秉文 E.王庭筠2.公安三袁的理论主张有()A.文道合一,温柔敦厚 B.独抒性灵,不拘格套。
成人教育《教育学 》期末考试复习题及参考答案
一、单项选择题1. 以下哪个因素不属于教育要素( C )。
A. 教师B.学习者C. 教育形式D.教育影响2.从教育形态上分析,下列教育属于制度化教育的是( B )。
A.家庭教育B.学校教育C.社区教育D.网络教育3.教育要适应人的发展的个别差异性,做到( C )。
A.循序渐进B.教学相长C.因材施教D.防微杜渐4.我国正式颁布的第一个现代学制是( A )。
A.壬寅学制B.癸卯学制C.壬戌学制D.癸丑学制5.教学艺术的( B )是教学艺术的核心。
A.情感性B.审美性C.创造性D.科学性6.现代学制中,双轨学制的典型代表是( A )。
A.西欧国家 B.美国C.前苏联D.中国7.以有组织的学科内容作为课程组织基础的课程类型是( A )。
A.学科课程B.活动课程C.综合课程D.核心课程8.( C )是教学工作的中心环节。
A.批改作业B.备课C.上课D.课外辅导9. 在班集体中,学生通过班集体中规范化的组织结构,扮演各种社会角色,培养公民品质,这说明班集体对学生发展具有( B )。
A.个性化功能B.社会化功能C.选择功能D.保护功能10.在中国,“教育”二字合用最早出现在( A )。
A.《孟子·尽心上》B. 《学记》C. 《中庸》D. 《说文解字》11.教育名著《爱弥儿》的作者是 ( A )A.卢梭B. 柏拉图C.康德D. 斯宾塞12.教师的教育学、心理学知识属于 ( B )A.本体性知识B. 条件性知识C. 实践性知识D. 一般知识13.教育是非盈利事业,学校是公益性机构,表明了教育的 ( A )A.公共性原则B. 民主性原则C.循序渐进原则D.启发行原则14.教育法律关系是一种 ( D )A.民主关系B. 政治关系C.保护关系D.权利和义务关系15.中华人民共和国教育法颁布的时间是 ( A )A.1995B. 1996C. 1986D.200116.教育的心理起源论观点否认了教育是 ( C )A.模仿活动B.神话活动C.有意识有目的活动D. 学习活动17.与学科课程论相对立的一种课程理论是 ( B )A.分科课程B.活动课程论C.认知课程论D.经验课程论18.教育的出发点和归宿是 ( D )A.教学目标B.教育目标C.课程目标D.教育目的19.教育具有与政治经济制度和生产力发展的不平衡性,说明了教育具有 ( D )A.生产性B.阶级性C.民主性D.相对独立性20.《学记》中说,“古之王者,建国君民,教学为先。
成人高考成考语文(高起本)复习试题与参考答案一、语文基础知识(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、下列词语中,加点字的读音完全正确的一项是:A. 翌日(yì rì)B. 恪守(kè shǒu)C. 玷污(diàn wū)D. 愤懑(fèn mèn)答案:B解析:A项中,“翌”应读作“yì”,但“日”应读作“rì”,整体读音“yì rì”是正确的。
B项中,“恪”应读作“kè”,“守”应读作“shǒu”,整体读音“kè shǒu”是正确的。
C项中,“玷”应读作“diàn”,但“污”应读作“wū”,整体读音“diàn wū”是正确的。
D项中,“愤”应读作“fèn”,但“懑”应读作“mèn”,整体读音“fèn mèn”是正确的。
2、下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是:A. 玷污(diàn wū)纨绔(wán kù)锲而不舍(qièér bù shě)B. 憧憬(chōng jǐng)鞭笞(biān chī)矫揉造作(jiǎo róu zào zuò)C. 踌躇(chóu chú)奢靡(shē mí)恪守不渝(kèshǒu bù yú)D. 恫吓(dòng hè)咄咄逼人(duōduō bī rén)颠扑不破(diān pū bù pò)答案:C解析:A项中,“纨绔”的“纨”应读作“wán”,但“绔”应读作“kù”,故不选;B项中,“鞭笞”的“笞”应读作“chī”,但“鞭”应读作“biān”,故不选;C项中,“踌躇”、“奢靡”、“恪守不渝”三个词语的注音均正确,故选C;D项中,“咄咄逼人”的“咄”应读作“duō”,但“逼”应读作“bī”,故不选。
成人自考专科试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 成人高等教育是我国教育体系的重要组成部分,其主要特点是()。
A. 灵活性B. 正规性C. 强制性D. 阶段性答案:A2. 成人自考专科教育的学历层次相当于()。
A. 高中B. 大专C. 本科D. 研究生答案:B3. 下列哪项不是成人自考专科的优势?()A. 学习时间灵活B. 学习费用较低C. 必须全日制学习D. 国家承认学历答案:C4. 成人自考专科的考试通常由()组织。
A. 教育机构B. 地方教育局C. 国家教育部门D. 学生自己答案:C5. 成人自考专科的学生在学习期间,以下哪项不是他们需要遵守的?()A. 按时完成作业B. 参加所有课程的面授C. 定期参加考试D. 遵守学校规章制度答案:B6. 成人自考专科的学生如果未能通过某门课程的考试,他们()。
A. 必须重修该课程B. 可以补考C. 不能再次参加考试D. 将失去学籍答案:B7. 成人自考专科的课程设置通常包括()。
A. 公共课和专业课B. 只有公共课C. 只有专业课D. 不需要任何课程答案:A8. 成人自考专科的学生在学习过程中,通常需要()。
A. 独立学习B. 团队学习C. 只听讲座D. 只做实验答案:A9. 成人自考专科的学生在完成学业后,将获得()。
A. 毕业证书B. 结业证书C. 荣誉证书D. 资格证书答案:A10. 成人自考专科的学生在学习期间,以下哪项不是他们可以享受的资源?()A. 图书馆B. 网络资源C. 实验设施D. 无需任何资源答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 成人自考专科的学生通常需要在________年内完成所有课程的学习。
答案:规定年限(如2-3年)12. 成人自考专科的学生在学习过程中,可以通过________来获取学习资料。
答案:网络教育平台13. 成人自考专科的学生如果在学习中遇到困难,可以向________寻求帮助。
答案:辅导员或教师14. 成人自考专科的学历在________上具有同等效力。
A、终身性B、灵活性C、开放性D、应试性3、根据皮亚杰的认知发展阶段理论,儿童开始能够进行抽象逻辑思维的阶段是:A. 感知运动阶段B. 前运算阶段C. 具体运算阶段D. 形式运算阶段4、在教育心理学中,强调学习是通过观察他人行为及其后果而发生的理论称为:A. 经典条件作用理论B. 操作条件作用理论C. 行为主义理论D. 社会学习理论5、以下哪项不属于成人高考专升本教育理论的基本原则?A、终身教育原则B、全面发展原则C、以就业为导向原则D、以学生为中心原则6、在成人高考专升本教育中,以下哪种教学方法最有利于培养学生的自主学习能力?A、讲授法B、讨论法C、演示法D、实验法7、教育心理学中,提出“最近发展区”理论的心理学家是:A. 皮亚杰B. 维果斯基C. 埃里克森D. 斯金纳8、根据班杜拉的社会学习理论,以下哪一项不是观察学习过程中的一个阶段?A. 注意过程B. 保持过程C. 动作再现过程D. 反馈过程9、关于教学原则,下列说法错误的是:A. 因材施教原则强调针对学生的个别差异进行教学B. 理论联系实际原则要求在教学过程中将理论与实际相结合C. 启发式教学原则强调教师的主导作用D. 科学性与思想性统一原则要求教学内容必须具有科学性和思想性 10、以下哪项不属于成人高等教育的特点?A. 自主学习为主,课堂教学为辅B. 灵活多样的教学形式C. 注重学生的实践能力培养D. 强调学生的专业素质提高11、根据布鲁姆的教育目标分类学,认知领域的最高层次是:A、知识B、理解C、应用D、评价12、在教育过程中,教师运用直观教学法的主要目的是:A、提高课堂纪律B、增强学生记忆C、培养学生的抽象思维能力D、促进学生对知识的理解二、辨析题(本大题有2小题,每小题6分,共12分)第一题辨析题:成人高考的专升本教育注重理论学习,因此实践教学环节可以适当减少。
英语阅读导学资料Part I Filling the blanks with the given word in its proper form. (33 points)1. Tom is a good student; all his teachers speak _______ of him. (high)2. You must carry out your plan with _________ (determine).3. The picture is faded, but the people in it are still _______ (recognize).4. I was _____ at the sight of a snake crawling in the grass near my feet. (frighten)5. _______ Bullfight is a famous sport which attracts many tourists to Spain each year. (Spain)6. It’s a _______ dress, but it’s too small for me. (love)7. The ____ was awarded by the government for his useful inventions. (invention)8. Mary’s dress is too short. She decided to ____ it. (short)9. He was given a medal for the brave act by the local _______. (govern)10. To read more good books is _______ to teenagers. (help)11. Gina often _ (take) the train to school.12.The _ (village) are working on the farm.13. Please stop _ (talk). Let's read books.14. How about _ (ride) a bike to the zoo?15. What time does your father get _ (dress)?16. What time do you _ (usual) get up?17. Eating _ (quick) is not very good for us.18. What time _ your aunt usually go to _ (work)?19. Hellen wants _ (join) the basketball club.20. You should be careful(小心) when he _ (cross) the street.21. It is 10 _ (kilometer) away from my home to our school.22. I must practice _ (speak) English every day.Part II Translate the following phrases into Chinese (33 points)1. boring2.headquater3.environment4. distribute5.relationship6. international7. violation8. prediction9. presence 10. sacrifice11. burden 12. preference 13. responsibility 14. adopt 15. dine16. partner 17. independent 18. process 19. champion 20. extensive 21. tough 22. breakthrough 23. abondon 24. document 25. disposePart III Sentence selection ( 20 points)Directions: In this section, you are going to read two dialogues. For each dialogue, you need to choose five sentences from the seven sentences in the frame to complete the dialogue.Dialogue 1Tom: Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Mimi, please?Mimi’s mum: Hello, Tom. 1)________ Mimi is doing the dishes in the kitchen.Tom: OK.Thank you.Mimi’s mum: Mimi! 2)_________Mimi: Thank you, Mum.(Mimi comes and answers the phone.)Mimi: Hello, Tom. This is Mimi.Tom: Mimi, let’s go to the library tomorrow.Mimi: Oh, sorry, Tom. I can’t g with you. I am going to cook dinner tomorrow.Tom: But why?Mimi: 3)_________Tom: Oh,your mum’s birthday! 4)________Mimi: I am going to cook some noodles.Tom: 5)__________Mimi: It’s easy. First, put some water in the pot and then put the noodles in the boiled water. In several minutes, they are ready.Tom: Wow! You are great. Have a nice weekend.Mimi: Thank you. Bye.Dialogue 2A: Hello! May I speak to Mr Smith?B: I’m sorry. 1)______ I think he’ll be back in an hour. 2) __________A: That’s very kind of you. I want him to come to my birthday party. 3)___________B: OK. 4)___________A: 5697846. My name is Liu Wei.B: All right. 5)________A: Thank you. Bye!Part IVVocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. Very few people understood this contract, ______ was very obscure.A. the languageB. the language of whichC. all it saidD. which it had said2. The meeting _____ next week will be of great importance.A. to be heldB. heldC. holdingD. is held3. It rained hard yesterday, ______ prevented me from going to the park.A. thatB. whichC. asD. It4. It _______ me three years to draw the beautiful horses.A. tookB. paidC. spentD. Cost5. The book fair has received a positive ________ from readers.A. resultB. responseC. settlementD. Solution6. I wished it ______ but it did .A. had not occurredB. occurred notC. did not occurD. would not occur7.Charles Smith, ______ was my former teacher, retired last year.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. as8. The professor asked a question, and David ________ a good answer.A. put up withB. stood up forC. came up withD. looked down upon9. Jenny complained that the hospital ________ her too much for the treatment.A. expendedB. paidC. costD. Charged10. They prefer to _______ the rest of the morning walking in the garden.A. spendingB. spentC. be spendingD. spend11. Sickness often _______ eating too much.A. as a result ofB. result ofC. result inD. result from12.This is the most beautiful village _____ I visited these years.A. whichB. whereC. in whichD. that13. No sooner had we reached home ________ a violent storm broke out.A. whenB. thatC. untilD. Than14. I was really anxious about you. You ______ home without a word.A. mustn ’t leaveB. shouldn ’t have leftC. couldn ’t have leftD. needn ’t leave15. It makes good ________ to bring an umbrella; it seems to be raining today.A. senseB. reasonC. suggestionD. Advice16. Very few people understood this contract, ______ was very obscure.A. the languageB. the language of whichC. all it saidD. which it had said17. The meeting _____ next week will be of great importance.A. to be heldB. heldC. holdingD. is held18. It rained hard yesterday, ______ prevented me from going to the park.A. thatB. whichC. asD. It19. It _______ me three years to draw the beautiful horses.A. tookB. paidC. spentD. Cost20. The book fair has received a positive ________ from readers.A. resultB. responseC. settlementD. solutionPart V Reading Comprehension (90 points)Passage 1A dinner party is often a pleasurable time for everyone but the host, so the important point to keep in mind is that “planning” is a key part of a successful dinner party.All too often, people make the mistake of over-exerting themselves, leaving little time to enjoy the evening themselves. The following information can help you make it an enjoyable night for both yourself and your guests.Firstly, make a guest list so you’ll know how many people to cook for. Let your guests know the time and date of the dinner well in advance and be sure to remind them shortly before the party. Make a checklist of ingredients and drinks that you’ll need and try to buy them a couple of days before the party. Get the house in order the day before the dinner party. If you leave your house cleaned till on the day, you might find yourself more stressed than you need to be. Keeping the menu simple doesn’t mean it has to be boring. The night will also be a lot easier for you if you prepare dishes that can be laid out at the centre of the table, allowing guests to serve themselves. You can provide some music and the type of music will depend on the type of guests. You might not think of it, but the night will run a lot smoother with background music for the evening.1. What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs?A. Usually both the host and the guests enjoy themselves at the party.B. A good “planning” means over-exerting the host.C. The host should make a fuller preparation in order to have more time to enjoy the party.D. It’s important for hosts to leave themselves some time to enjoy the dinner party.2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in planning a diner party?A. Inform your guests of the time and date beforehand.B. List the ingredients and drinks for the party and buy them before the party.C. Practice cooking according to menu.D. Prepare some proper music for the party.3. Get your house in order the day before the dinner party so that .A. you may find yourself less stressed than you need to beB. you won’t get up so early on the party dayC. you will have little time to enjoy the partyD. your guests will be much happier4. Which statement is NOT true according to the information given in the passage?A. Making lists helps.B. A simple menu must be boring as well.C. Music can make the party go smoother.D. Allowing guests to help themselves makes things easier.5. What’s the third paragraph mainly about?A. How to save time for a dinner party.B. How to entertain your guests.C. How to plan a party.D. How to enjoy yourself at a party.Passage 2There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something to do. In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world.What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained are same. The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship, mechanics, and technology. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the world and their persistence to the present that is amazing. In Egypt, America, China, Japan and among the Arctic (北极的) peoples, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings. Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to technological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use. The progress from the wheel to the oxcart (牛车) to the automobile is a direct line of ascent (进步). The progress from a rattle (拨浪鼓) used by a baby in 3000 BC to one used by an infant today, however, is not characterized by inventiveness. Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations of available materials.6. The reason why the toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with isthat ________.A. their social roles are rigidly determinedB. most boys would like to follow their fathers’ professionsC. boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothersD. they like challenging activities7. One aspect of “the universality of toys” lies in the fact that ________.A. technological advances have greatly improved the durability of toysB. the improvement of craftsmanship in making toys depends on the efforts of universitiesC. the exploration of the universe had led to the creation of new kinds of toysD. the basic characteristics of toys are the same the world over8. Which of the following is the author’s view on the historical development of toys?A. The craftsmanship in toy-making has remained essentially unchanged.B. Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.C. The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.D. Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child’s character.9. Regarded as a kind of art form, toys ________.A. follow a direct line of ascentB. also appeal greatly to adultsC. are not characterized by technological progressD. reflect the pace of social progress10. The author uses the example of rattle to show that ________.A. in toy-making there is a continuity in the use of materialsB. even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technologyC. even the simplest toys can reflect the pace of lifeD. even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the timePassage 3Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of the human condition is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances. Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to cope with major life changes and daily hassles (困难). People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off (挡开) illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.Social support cushions stress in a number of ways. First, friends, relatives, and co-workers may let us know that they value us. Our self-respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others despite our faults and difficulties. Second, other people often provide us with informational support. They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Engaging in leisure-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting (转移…注意力)us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support—financial aid, material resources, and needed services—that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.11. Interpersonal relationships are important because ________.A) they are indispensable to people’s social well-beingB) they awaken people’s desire to exchange resourcesC) they help people to cope with life in the information eraD) they can cure a range of illnesses such as heart disease, etc12. Research shows that people’s physical and mental health ________.A) relies on the social welfare systems which support themB) has much to do with the amount of support they get from othersC) depends on their ability to deal with daily worries and troublesD) is closely related to their strength for coping with major changes in their lives13. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “cushions” (Line 1, Para. 2)A) adds up toB) does away withC) lessens the effect ofD) lays the foundation for14. Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work is an example of ________.A) instrumental supportB) informational supportC) social companionshipD) the strengthening of self-respect15. Social companionship is beneficial in that ________.A) it helps strengthen our ties with relativesB) it enables us to eliminate our faults and mistakesC) it makes our leisure-time activities more enjoyableD) it draws our attention away from our worries and troublesPassage 4Betty and Harold have been married for years. But one thing still puzzles old Harold. Betty and her friend Joan sat on the sofa talking while Harold went out to a ball game. When he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, talking! What in the world, Harold wonders, do they have to talk about?Researching this matter called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men. No matter what their age and job, the results were clear: women have more friendships than men, and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is “marked and unmistakable.”More than two-thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend. Those who could were likely to name a woman. Yet three-quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend, and almost always it was a woman. More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend, most trusted person, or the one they would turn to in time of emotional distress. “Most women,” says Rubin, “identified at least one, usuallymore, trusted friends to whom they could turn at a troubled moment, and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives.”“In general,” writes Rubin in her new book, “women’s friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support, but men’s relationships are marked by shared activities.” For the most part, Rubin says, interactions between men are emotionally controlled — a good fit with the social requirements of “manly behavior.”“Even when a man is said to be a best friend,” Rubin writes, “the two share little about their innermost feelings, whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage. It wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.”16. What old Harold cannot understand is the fact that ______.A) he is treated as an outsider rather than a husbandB) women have so much to shareC) women show little interest in ballgamesD) he finds his wife difficult to talk to17. Rubin’s study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to ______.A) a male friendB) a female friendC) her parentsD) her husband18. According to the passage, which type of behavior is NOT expected of a man by society?A) Ending his troubled marriage.B) Spending much time with his friends.C) Complaining about his marriage trouble.D) Chatting with his friends about manly behavior.19. Which of the following statements is best supported by the last paragraph?A) Men keep their innermost feelings to themselves.B) Women are more serious than men about marriage.C) Men often take sudden action to end their marriage.D) Women depend on others in making decisions.20. The research done by Rubin centers around _____.A) happy and successful marriagesB) friendships of men and womenC) emotional problems in marriageD) interactions between men and womenPassage 5Praise is a powerful tool but many parents have misconceptions about what it does and how it works. Praise encourages motivation and confidence, but a surprising number of people think it's the cause of jealousy, laziness and resentment. What are the most common assumptions about praise?“There's no need to say anything.”If things are going well, you may think there's no need to say anything. This attitude can be summed up as “if I don't say anything, then everything's OK”. What this really means is “I'll only say something when there is something to criticize”.“If I say 'well done', they'll stop trying.”Do you think that if you compliment your children they'll slack off? If we are praised for a job well done, it generally encourages us to do better, not worse. The disappointment we feel when good work is not recognized gives rise to the feeling “why should I bother if nobody notices?”“If I praise one, the others will be jealous.”If you are honest and fair in your praise and recognize the special talents of each child, they won't resent praise given to their siblings. Each will feel valued for the unique individuals they are. Children who feel good about themselves are usually generous in their praise of other people. Never use praise of one as a way of implicitly criticizing another. For example, “you're always so cheerful...”with its implied message “... unlike your moody brother”.“What if there's nothing to praise?”There is always something to praise. You have to catch your child doing something right. Have a positive attitude to the things he does and remember the praise must always be genuine. Your child will quickly sense when you are lying.21. Many parents have misunderstandings about .A) how powerful praise isB) what praise isC) what praise does and how it worksD) how to give genuine praises to their children22. Why do some parents consider it unnecessary to say anything to praise their children?A) Because they think things aren’t always going well.B) Because they don’t like to praise their children.C) Because they only think it necessary to say something when there is something to criticize.D) Because they don’t like to criticize their children.23. When you are praising one kid, you should .A) praise other kids tooB) explain the kid’s special talentsC) tell others to be generous and not to be jealousD) make sure you don’t hurt another kid indirectly24. Children who ________ are usually generous in their praise of other people.A) feel good about themselvesB) feel bad about themselvesC) seldom receive praisesD) receive false praises25. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?A) How to Be Good ParentsB) Misunderstandings About PraiseC) The Power of the PraiseD) All Kids Love PraisesPassage 6When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claim for it, the first step is to present the warranty (保单), or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the "higher up" the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favour, assuming he or she has a just claim.Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question. If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, "The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear" is better than "This stereo (立体声音响) does not work."The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible. But if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go a step further. She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers’ rights.26. When a consumer finds that his purchase has a fault in it, the first thing he should do is to _____.A. complain personally to the managerB. threaten to take the matter to courtC. write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchaseD. show some written proof of the purchase to the store27. If a consumer wants a quick settlement of his problem, it's better to complain to _____.A. a shop assistantB. the store managerC. the manufacturerD. a public organization28. The most effective complaint can be made by _____.A. showing the faulty item to the manufacturerB. explaining exactly what is wrong with the itemC. saying firmly that the item is of poor qualityD. asking politely to change the item29. The underlined phrase "live up to" in the context means _____.A. meet the standard ofB. realize the purpose ofC. fulfil the demands ofD. keep the promise of30. The passage tells us _____.A. how to settle a consumer's complaint about a faulty itemB. how to make an effective complaint about a faulty itemC. how to avoid buying a faulty itemD. how to deal with complaints from customersPassage 7In 1872, the United States Congress created Yellowstone National Park(黄石国家公园). It was the world’s first national park. Did you know that Yellowstone National Park is as large as the states of Delaware and Rhode Island combined? Yellowstone gets its name from the yellow cliffs along the Yellowstone River, which runs through the park.Millions of tourists visit Yellowstone each year. They watch Old Faithful and other geysers (间歇泉)in the park shoot hot water into the air. They see steaming hot springs and bubbling mud pots. The mud pots are made of heated clay. Tourists also watch bears, bison(美洲野牛), deer, moose, and other wildlife.Yellowstone sits in the Rocky Mountains. The ground beneath Yellowstone contains a large amount of hot melted rock, called magma(岩浆). The magma heats water in the ground. The steaming water pushes to get to the surface, much like steam whistling from a boiling teapot. Sometimes the heated water forms a geyser. A geyser is a place where hot water shoots up from underground. There are more than 300 geysers in Yellowstone, some big and some small. Other times the hot water seeps(渗出)from the ground as a hot spring. There are even more hot springs in Yellowstone than geysers.The most famous geyser, Old Faithful, is in Yellowstone. It blows its top about every 30 to 90 minutes. It shoots thousands of gallons of hot water high into the air. Visiting Old Faithful is a highlight of any trip to Yellowstone.There’s a forest of stone trees in Yellowstone that is millions of years old. The trees were once buried by ash from a volcano and were gradually turned to stone. There are also beautiful lakes, rivers, and mountains to see and enjoy, which is one of the major reasons to attract a great many tourists each year.Yellowstone is rich with wildlife. Hundreds of kinds of birds live in the park, including bald eagles. Yellowstone is home to many large animals. Visitors may see black bears, sheep, deer, and bison. Protecting animals in the wild is one of the most important tasks of the park. In fact, the creation of Yellowstone helped save bison from being hunted to extinction in the late 1800s.Yellowstone was once home to thousands of gray wolves. But people thought they were dangerous and killed them off. The last wolf in the park was killed in the 1930s. In 1995 and 1996, biologists brought about 30 wolves from Canada and released them inside Yellowstone. There are now more than 200 wolves in and around the park! Today, seeing a wolf is one of Yellowstone’s big attractions.31. According to the passage, how large is Yellowstone National Park?A. As large as Rhode Island.B. As large as Delaware.C. As large as Rhode Island and Delaware combined.D. Twice as large as either Rhode Island or Delaware.32.Which of the following best describes a geyser in Yellowstone?A. It is a hot spring that attracts a lot of visitors.B. It is a place where hot water shoots up from underground.C. There are over 300 big geysers in Yellowstone.D. Geysers are the hottest water in Yellowstone.33. Which type of animals is not so likely to be seen in the park?A. Sheep.B. Deer.C. Pandas.D. Wolves.34. Which of the following is NOT true about Yellowstone National Park?A. Yellowstone gets its name from the yellow cliffs along the Yellowstone River.B. Yellowstone is rich with wildlife and home to many large animals.C. Visiting Old Faithful is the most interesting part of any trip to Yellowstone.D. There’s a forest of stone trees in Yellowstone that is hundreds of years old.35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a big attraction of the park?A. Seeing a wolf.B. Watching Old Faithful.C. Enjoy beautiful lakes.D. Hunting bison.Passage 8Many of us believe that a person’s mind becomes less active as he grows older. But this is not true according to Dr. Jail, professor of psychiatry at the University of California. She has studied the mental functioning of aging persons for several years. For example, one of her studies concerns 136 pairs of identical twins who were first examined when they were already 60 years old. As Dr. Jail continued the study of the twins into their 70s and 80s, their minds did not generally decline as was expected.However, there was some decline in psychomotor (心理运动) speed. This means that it took them longer to accomplish mental tasks than it used to. But when speed was not a factor, they lost very little intellect ability over the years. In general, Dr. Jail’s studies have shown that there is no decline in knowledge or reasoning ability. This is true not only with those in their 30s and 40s, but with those in their 60s and 70s as well.It is true that older people themselves often complain that their memory is not as good as it once was. However, much of what we call “loss of memory” is not that at all. There usually was incomplete learning in the first place. For example, the older person perhaps had hearing trouble, or poor vision, inattention, or was trying to learn the new thing at too slow a pace. In the cases where the older person's mind really seems to decay, it is not necessarily a sign of decay due to old age. Often it is simply a sign of a depressed emotional state.36. According to Dr. Jail’s studies, middle-aged and older people would _____.A. remember less。
一.单项选择题2•北宋中叶的诗文革新运动,起着文坛盟主的领袖作用并提出“词穷而后工”的是:(A )o A欧阳修 B 范仲淹 C 王安石 D 苏洵2. 中国文学史上第一部专门为剧作家树碑立传的戏剧史著作是:(B )。
A 《曲品》B 《录鬼簿》C 《太和正音谱》D 《南词叙录》3. 宋代最早提倡继承杜甫、白居易现实主义传统的优秀诗人,自称“本与乐天为后进,敢 期子美是前身”的是:(A )。
A 王禹傅B 姚铉C 苏舜钦D 柳开4. 论诗主张"必能状难写之景,如在目前:含不尽之意,见于言外,然后为至矣”的是:(D )。
A 林逋B 杨亿C 姜夔D 梅尧臣5. 曾以“云破月来花弄影”、“帘压卷花影”、'‘柳径无人,堕风絮无影”及“不如桃杏,犹 解嫁东风”等词句,被传为“三影郎中”的是:(C )。
A 晏殊B 晏几道C 张先D 昊文英6. 王国维《宋元戏曲史》中说“当为元人第一”指的是:(B )。
A 马致远B 关汉卿C 白朴D 王实甫7. 下列剧本敷衍王昭君出塞和亲故事的是:(A )。
A 《汉宫秋》B 《梧桐雨》C 《墙头马上》D 《望江亭》8. 下列剧本是演述春秋晋灵公时(赵盾)和(屠崖贾)两个家族的矛盾斗争,歌颂(程婴),A ・叙事抒怀B ・描景写意C ・用事用典D ・议论说理D 4・吕本中是第一个用宗派观念论诗人群体的人,他率先提出的诗派名称是A ・江西诗派B ・剑南诗派C ・江湖诗派D ・晚唐诗派 A5. 秦观词作内容绝大多数是A ・儿女柔情B ・劉旅行役C •家国兴亡D ・田园风光 A6. 柳永词贏得“凡有井水处都能歌柳词”的声誉,所指的是A ・淸空词B ・骚雅词C.俚俗词D ・豪放词 C7. 杨万里诚斋体诗最为岀色的是A ・乐府B ・古风C ・律诗D ・绝句 D&刘克庄是南宋末年文坛领袖,在诗歌方而是 A ・江西诗派传人B ・剑南诗派后进C ・江湖诗派宗师D ・遗民作家先驱C9・文天祥是著名的遗民作家,其诗歌代表作《过零丁洋》的需句是A ・从此西湖休插柳,剩栽桑树养吴蚕A 《赵氏孤儿》B 《单刀会》C 《西蜀梦》9.提岀 “童心说"的是:(B )。
2024年成人高考成考大学语文(专升本)复习试卷与参考答案一、Ⅰ卷-选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是:A. 玷污(diàn)狭隘(ài)矫健(jiǎo)鞭笞(chī)B. 咀嚼(jǔ)憧憬(chōng)惩罚(chéng)粗犷(guǎng)C. 翌日(yì)汲取(jí)殷红(yān)狙击(jū)D. 哺育(bǔ)纨绔(kù)汲水(jí)矫情(jiáo)答案:C解析:A项中,“狭隘”的“隘”应读作“aì”,故A项错误;B项中,“咀嚼”的“咀”应读作“jǔ”,故B项错误;C项中所有词语的注音均正确;D项中,“矫情”的“矫”应读作“jiǎo”,故D项错误。
2、下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是:A. 纨绔(kuà)子弟矫揉(róu)造作鞠躬尽瘁(cuì)B. 殒(yǔn)身不恤殚(dān)精竭虑良莠(yǒu)不齐C. 蓦(mò)然回首颠倒(dǎo)黑白狗尾续貂(diāo)D. 惴(zhuì)惴不安锲(qiè)而不舍饮鸩(zhèn)止渴答案:B解析:A项中“纨绔”应读作“wán kù”,而非“kuà”;B项中所有词语的注音均正确;C项中“颠倒”应读作“diān dǎo”,而非“dǎo”;D项中“锲而不舍”应读作“qièér bù shě”,而非“qiè”。
3、下列词语中,加点字的注音完全正确的一项是:A. 纨绔(wán kù)恫吓(dòng hè)跻身(jī shēn)B. 瑰丽(guī lì)汲取(jí qǔ)狡黠(jiǎo xiá)C. 玷污(diàn wū)矫情(jiǎo qíng)鞭笞(biān chī)D. 鄙薄(bǐ bó)奢靡(shē mí)恪守(kè shǒu)答案:B解析:A项中,“纨绔”的“纨”应读wán,但“绔”应读kù,所以注音不完全正确;“恫吓”的“恫”应读dòng,“吓”应读hè,注音正确;“跻身”的“跻”应读jī,“身”应读shēn,注音正确。
2025年成人高考成考语文(高起本)复习试题(答案在后面)一、语文基础知识(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的一项是:A. 美轮美奂(huàn)美不胜收(shōu)B. 豁然开朗(huò)豁达大度(duó)C. 赤壁之战(bì)赤手空拳(quán)D. 窃窃私语(qiè)窃窃私语(qiē)2、下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的是:A. 瞠目结舌(chēng)B. 遥相呼应(xiù)C. 轻歌曼舞(màn)D. 鸿毛利嘴(h óng)3、下列词语中,没有错别字且书写正确的一项是:A. 息事宁人——息事宁人B. 蹉跎岁月——蹉跎岁月C. 风驰电掣——风驰电撤D. 恣意妄为——恣意妄为4、下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的是:A. 我国古代的“四大发明”是:火药、指南针、印刷术和造纸术。
B. 他的性格非常温和,很少发火,即便是在工作中遇到了不顺心的事情,也总能保持冷静。
C. 他的藏书很丰富,有《三国演义》、《红楼梦》、《水浒传》、《西游记》等。
D. 这本书的内容十分精彩,包括了许多科学知识和生活常识。
5、下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是:A. “这本书非常好看,我推荐给大家。
”(逗号使用错误)B. “今天天气真好,可以出去散步。
”(顿号使用错误)C. “他热爱祖国,关心集体,是老师的得力助手。
”(句号使用错误)D. “这个问题很复杂,需要我们共同努力。
”(分号使用错误)6、下列词语中,字形、字音、字义完全正确的一项是:A. 潜移默化(qián yí mò huà)B. 精疲力竭(jīng pí lì jié)C. 恣意妄为(zìyì wàng wéi)D. 闻风而动(wén fēng ér dòng)二、现代文阅读Ⅰ(16分)阅读下面的文字,完成下列题目。
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I.Choose the correct definition of the underlined word according to the context.(20*2=40)
1. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never requited.
(a) reconsidered (b) realized (c) required (d) rewarded
2. When I left a 20-year-career in the Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects at all.
(a) chances of future success (b) financial support
(c) social connections (d) permanent job
3. On the phone was an old acquaintance from the Coast Guard, now stationed in San Francisco.
(a) working (b) found (c) busy (d) resting
4. What's more, I could write on the side.
(a) full time (b) as a secondary occupation
(c) with more concentration
(d) with enough time
5. From deep inside a bull-headed resolution welled up.
(a) rose like water (b) took shape (c) came into sight (d) overwhelmed
6. Through him I met other struggling artists like Joe Delaney, a veteran painter from Knoxville, Tenn.
(a) poorly paid (b) practical (c) senior (d) experienced
7. Often Joe lacked food money, so he'd visit a neighborhood butcher who would give him big bones with morsels of meat and a grocer who would hand him some wilted vegetables.
(a) less than fresh (b) cheap (c) edible (d) less nutritious
8. The shadows had turned into dazzling limelight.
(a) substantial success (b) center of public attention
(c) places without shadow (d) full daylight
9. It was a confusing, exhilarating time, and in a sense I was blinded by the light of my success.
(a) entertaining and interesting (b) urgent and decisive。