International investment and multinational corporations
International investment environment
Political environment: stability, policies, and regulations that affect foreign investment.
New trade theory departs from the assumption of perfect competition and focuses on the role of increasing returns to scale and monopolistic competition.
Classical trade theory posits that specialization in production based on comparative advantage results in increased production and consumption in all countries.
Balance of trade
The balance of trade is a crucial component of the international balance of payments. It measures the value of a country's exports minus the value of its imports. A positive balance of trade indicates that a country is exporting more goods and services than it is importing, while a negative balance of trade indicates the opposite.
( 双语教 学模 式 和方 法 2)
《 国际经济学 》双语教学 目标
各 个 高校 由于 自 己的 师 资和 学 生 水 平 、 专业 设 置 、教 学手 段
《 国际经济学 》是一级学科理论经济学下的二级学科 ,根据 等 各种 客观 条件 的限 制 ,双语 教学 开展 的程 度不 尽相 同 ,因此存 在 教育 部 的要 求 ,国际经 济学 是经 济类 专业 本科 生 的必修课 程 ,包 括 着 不 同的教 学模 式 。在课 堂教 学 中 ,我 们 主要采 用 了沉浸 式教 学法
理论 和 国际金 融理 论是 主要 目的 ,同时给 学 生创造 学 习和使 用 第二 讨 论 环节 ,要 求学 生尽 量 用英语 进行 讨论 ,用 英语 来 阐述 自己的观
语言 的 空间 ,使学 生在 掌握 国 际经济 学 知识 的同 时 ,能 够尽 可 能多 地使 用 第二语 言 。最终 目的是 为 了让 学 生在 扎实地 掌握 国际经 济学 相 关知识 的 同时 。使 用母语 和 第二语 言 进行 思维 ,能在 这 两种 语言
与训练学生经济学思维方式 ,提高其综合素质和能力有重要意义。
国际 经济 学教 学 的主要 目标 是使 学生 掌握 《 国际经 济学 》教 学 大纲 能 顺 利地 掌握英 语 和教 学 内容 。 对于 比较 专业 的经济 术语 ,教 师用
的 内容 ,并使 学生 能 以经济 学专 业语 言 加 以理 解和 描述 ,独 立 完成 汉 语 准确地 解 释其含 义 ,以使 学 生对 术语 和定 义有准 确 的理解 。运 英文 作业 和考 试 。也就 是说 ,英 语语 言 的教 学不是 本 门课程 的教 学 用 多媒体 教学 ,采 用英 文课件 ,并 以中文 加 以解释 。这有 利 于进行 目的和任 务 。在 《 际经济 学 》双语 教 学 中 ,使学 生掌 握 国际 贸易 沉 浸 式教 学 ,给学 生制 造全英 语 环境 。此 外还 有 ,设置 问题 作业也 要 求用英 语 完成 。 2教学 实践 过程 中面 临的 问题 ( ) 何提 高学 生学 习双语 课程 的兴 趣 1 如
国际经济学课程双语教学的实践与思考一、双语教学定义加拿大学者Miguel Siguan与Willianm F. Mackey认为,双语教学即以两种语言作为媒介,其中一种语言常常是(但不一定是)学生的第一语言。
根据《朗曼应用语言学词典》,双语教学定义为“The use of a second or foreign language in school for the tea ching of content subjects”,即在学校使用第二语言或一门外语进行各门学科的教学。
第四学期使用曼昆的英文版教材学习宏观经济学基础理论,第五到第七学期使用John Sloman 编写的经济学英文原版教材学习微观、宏观和国际经济学内容。
(见表1)表1 经济学课程安排经济学是一门有各种经济变量关系联结在一起的具有很强逻辑关系的学科,数学知识被普遍运用,因此经济学双语教学有着一定的难度,教学模式的选择要根据学生外语水平高低和课程难易程度来确定(见图1)。
我校合作项目在经济学双语教学上采取了以下模式:对于刚入学的新生,英语水平低和相关的专业缺乏,这个时期的教学模式应该是过渡式,也就是说教师首先介绍经济学的一些英文专业词汇,如Economics (经济学) 、Demand (需求)、Elasticity(弹性)等,另外可以介绍名词的英文定义。
International Economic Theories and Policies ■ International Trade Theory 国际贸易理论
■ Analyzes the basis of and the gains from international trade.
FIGURE 1-3 Imports and Exports as a Percentage of U.S. GDP, 1965-2001.
Salvatore: International Economics, 10th Edition © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
■ 1980 to present
■ Most pervasive and dramatic period of globalization 全球化最广泛和剧烈的阶段
■ Fueled by improvements in telecommunications and transportation 受益于电信和运输极大改善
imports and exports of goods and services to GDP 用一国商品和服务进出口总值比上GDP的比值来 粗略衡量
Salvatore: International Economics, 10th Edition © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Salvatore: International Economics, 10th Edition © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
International Trade and the Nation’s Standard of Living
International Economics: Theory and Policy,8/e Paul R. Krugman, professor at MIT- Princeton University,
Nobel Laureate for Economics in 2008 Maurice Obstfeld, professor at UCLA, MA(Cambridge)Ph.D(MIT)
Enhance the understanding of various economies of the world and their interdependence.
Provide a framework to explore the knowledge of macroeconomic issues in open economy with reagrads to its theoretical and practical implications of the international competition.
国际经济学(经济学专业) 双语教案
![国际经济学(经济学专业) 双语教案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ce7f8bb451e79b8968022633.png)
中外本科课程合作项目·国际经济学课程双语教案Chapter One第一章Introduction 绪论Unit 1 Themes of international economics section1(国际经济学的研究对象1)Step 1 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What is international economics?Step 2 New Class Content新课内容( 20Minutes)Twp of Seven themes of international economics (ⅰ)The gains from trade; (ⅱ)The pattern of trade;Step 3 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 4 Summary总结( 10 Minutes)The main two parts of International Economics: trade and money (i)Two Subfields 1. International trade; 2.International money (ii) The relationship between international trade and international moneyUnit 2 Themes of international economics section2(国际经济学的研究对象2)Step 1 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What is the balance of payment?Step 2 New Class Content新课内容( 20Minutes)Two of seven themes of international economics (ⅲ)How much trade (ⅳ)The balance of paymentsStep 3 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 4 Summary总结( 10 Minutes)The main two parts of International Economics: trade and money (i)Two Subfields 1. International trade; 2.International money (ii) The relationship between international trade and international moneyUnit 3Themes of international economics section3(国际经济学的研究对象3)Step 1 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What is international economics?Step 2 New Class Content新课内容( 20Minutes)The last themes of international economics (ⅴ)Exchange rate determination(ⅵ)International policy coordination (ⅶ)The international capital marketStep 3 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 4 Summary总结( 10 Minutes)The main two parts of International Economics: trade and money (i)Two Subfields 1. International trade; 2.International money (ii) The relationship between international trade and international money英文课程名称Chapter TwoLABOR PRODUCTIVITY AND COMPARATIVE ADV ANTAGE: THE RICARDIAN MODEL(生产率和李嘉图模型)Unit 1comparative advantage(绝对优势)Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Seven themes of international economics (ⅰ)The gains from trade; (ⅱ)The pattern of trade; (ⅲ)How much trade (ⅳ)The balance of payments (ⅴ)Exchange rate determination(ⅵ)International policy coordination (ⅶ)The international capital marketStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)1.What's the comparative advantage?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容( 85 Minutes)The concept of comparative advantage (i) Opportunity cost (ii)A numerical example (iii)What's comparative advantage If the opportunity cost of producing a goods in terms of other goods is lower in a country than it is in other country, then a country has a comparative advantage in producing that goods.Step 4 Practice 实践活动(30Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 20 Minutes)The Ricardian model provides an introduction to international trade theory. This most basic model of trade involves two countries, two goods, and one factor of production, labor. Differences in relative labor productivity across countries give rise to international trade. This Ricardian model, simple as it is, generates important insights concerning comparative advantage and the gains from trade. These insights are necessary foundations for the more complex models presented in later chapters.The text exposition begins with the examination of the production possibility frontier and the relative prices of goods for one country. The production possibility frontier is linear because of the assumption of constant returns to scale for labor, the sole factor of production. The opportunity cost of one good in terms of the other equals the price ratio since prices equal costs, costs equal unit labor requirements times wages, and wages are equal in each industry.Unit 2Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)The concept of comparative advantageStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)How to describe the Ricardian model?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容( 85 Minutes)A one-factor economy(i)Assumptions (ii) Production possibilities (iii)Relative prices and supply.Trade in a one-factor world(ⅰ)Determining the relative price after trade 1. Relative demand curve 2. Relative supply curve 3. The world general equilibrium In the Ricardian model, countries will export goods that their labor produces relatively efficiently and import goods that their labor produces relatively inefficiently. (ⅱ)The gains from trade 1.The numerical example2.Two ways to examine the gains from trade (ⅲ)Relative wagesStep 4 Practice 实践活动(30Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 20 Minutes)The text exposition begins with the examination of the production possibility frontier and the relative prices of goods for one country. The production possibility frontier is linear because of the assumption of constant returns to scale for labor, the sole factor of production. The opportunity cost of one good in terms of the other equals the price ratio since prices equal costs, costs equal unit labor requirements times wages, and wages are equal in each industry.Unit 3Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Trade in a one-factor worldStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes).How to determine pattern of trade in the Ricardian model?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容( 85 Minutes)Misconceptions about comparative advantage (ⅰ)Productivity and competitiveness (ⅱ)The pauper labor argument (ⅲ)ExploitationComparative advantage with many goods (i) Setting up the model (ii)Relative wage and specialization 1. The rule for allocating world production 2. The benefits from specialization (iii) Determine the relative wage in the multigoods model 1. The relative demand for labor 2. Relative supply of labor 3. Determination of relative wagesⅥ.Adding transport costs and nontraded goodsStep 4 Practice 实践活动(30Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 20 Minutes)After defining these concepts for a single country, a second country is introduced which has different relative unit labor requirements. General equilibrium relative supply and demand curves are developed. This analysis demonstrates that at least one country will specialize in production. The gains from trade are then demonstrated with a graph and a numerical example. The intuition of indirect production, that is "producing" a good by producing the good for which a country enjoys a comparative advantage and then trading for the other good, is an appealing concept to emphasize when presenting the gains from trade argument. Students are able to apply the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage to analyze three misconceptions about the advantages of free trade. Each of the three "myths" represents a common argument against free trade and the flaws of each can be demonstrated in the context of examples already developed in the chapter.While the initial intuitions are developed in the context of a two good model, it is straightforward to extend the model to describe trade patterns when there are N goods. This analysis can be used to explain why a small country specializes in the production of a few goods while a large country specializes in the production of many goods. The chapter ends by discussing the role that transport costs play in making some goods non-traded.英文课程名称Chapter ThreeS pecific Factors and Income Distribution(特定要素模型)Unit 1第一节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Ricardian modelStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)Do Land owners support the free trade policy when land is specific to the import-competingsector?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容( 20 Minutes)The Specific Factors ModelAssumptions of the ModelBox: What is a Specific Factor?Production PossibilitiesPrices, Wages, and Labor AllocationRelative Prices and the Distribution of IncomeIStep 4 Practice 实践活动(10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)he analysis presented in the previous chapter, demonstrating unambiguous gains from trade, may leave students wondering why free trade is such a politically charged issue and why protectionism is so heatedly discussed in the press. The reason for this is that the debates concerning free trade focus on its distributional rather than its efficiency effects. A formal examination of these effects requires a model which has factors of production linked to producing certain goods. Two models of this nature are presented in this chapter.The first model includes factors of production which are inexorably tied to producing one and only one good. The particular example presented in the text involves winemakers and cheesemakers. The immobility of labor prevents equalization of wages. The production possibility frontier of this economy is a rectangle and the relative supply curve is a vertical line. An equilibrium relative price can be determined when the relative demand curve is specified.Consider the effect of introducing another country which can produce the same bundle of goods. The second economy shares the same production technology, but has different relative amounts of each type of labor. Trade between these two economies benefits each in the aggregate since the possible consumption set of each country expands. However, distributional issues arise when trade is permitted since workers in particular sectors may not gain from trade. There will be no gain for the labor in each economy which was relatively scarce prior to trade as compared to after trade. The type of labor relatively abundant in a country will gain from trade. The source of this effect is the movement in relative prices which favors the good which was relatively abundant in each country before trade. The general outcome is that trade benefits workers in the export sector of each country and hurts workers in the import-competing sector.Unit 2第二节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Ricardian modelStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)Describe the specific factor model.Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容( 20 Minutes)International Trade in the Specific Factors ModelResources and Relative SupplyTrade and Relative PricesThe Pattern of TradeIncome Distribution and the Gains From TradeStep 4 Practice 实践活动(10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)Next, a more general model is presented to investigate the distributional effects of trade. This specific factors model allows an examination of the distributional effects of trade on factors inexorably tied to the production of a specific good as well as on a factor that can be used to produce either good. The three factors in this model include two specific factors, land and capital, as well as one inter-sectorally mobile factor, labor. The fixed amount of each specific factor results in diminishing returns to labor. The mobility of labor ensures an equal wage in the production of either good, and perfect competition ensureUnit 3第3节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Ricardian modelStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)Do Land owners support the free trade policy when land is specific to the import-competing sector?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容( 20 Minutes)The Political Economy of Trade: A Preliminary ViewOptimal Trade PolicyBox: Specific Factors and the Beginnings of Trade TheoryIncome Distribution and Trade PoliticsStep 4 Practice 实践活动(10 Minutes)(内容5号Times New Roman)Step 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)The models presented in this chapter provide a framework for a preliminary discussion of the political economy of trade. The general support for free trade among economists despite its income distributional effects is justified. One reason for this support is that the benefits of free trade are widely dispersed while its costs are concentrated. Economists may better serve the country as advocates for the general welfare since there is no shortage of advocates for particular groups injured by trade. The issue of the political economy of trade reappears throughout the book. An appendix provides further details on the specific factors mode.英文课程名称Chapter fourRESOURCES AND TRADE: THE HECHSCHER-OHLINMODEL(H-O定理)Unit 1第一节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)The specific factors modelStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What is model of a Two-Factor Economy?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(70 Minutes)Ⅰ.A Model of a Two-Factor Economy (ⅰ)Assumptions of the Model ⅱ)Factor Prices and Goods Prices 1.The relationship between w/r and PC/PF 2.From PC/PF to T/L 3.Relative price and income distribution (ⅲ)Resources and Output 1.The allocation of resources 2.Resources change and outputs changeStep 4 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)In Chapter 4, the Heckscher-Ohlin theory considers the pattern of production and trade which will arise when countries have different endowments of factors of production, such as labor, capital, and land. The basic point is that countries tend to export goods that are intensive in the factors with which they are abundantly supplied. Trade has strong effects on the relative earnings of resources, and tends to lead to equalization across countries of prices of the factors of production. These theoretical results and related empirical findings are presented in this chapter.Unit 2第二节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)1.Describe the pattern of trade under H-O model.Step 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What's the income distribution effect of trade under H-O model?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(70 Minutes)Ⅱ.Effects of International Trade Between Two-Factor Economies (ⅰ)Relative Prices and the Pattern of Trade 1.Assumption 2.Relative supply for 2 countries and relative price of cloth in 2 countries 3.The pattern of trade Home is labor-abundant and foreign is land-abundant, So Home exports labor-intensive goods, Foreign exports land-intensive goods. (ⅱ)Trade and the Distribution of Income 1.Income distribution effect Owners of a country's abundant factors gain from trade while owners of a country's scarce factors lose. 2.Comparing the income distribution effects of trade of 2 models (ⅲ)Factor Price Equalization 1.Factor-price Equalization Theorem Home and Foreign have the same wage rate and rent on land when they trade with each other. 2.The difference between theory and realityStep 4 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)The chapter begins by developing a general equilibrium model of an economy with two goods which are each produced using two factors according to fixed coefficient production functions. The assumption of fixed coefficient production functions provides an unambiguous ranking of goods in terms of factor intensities. (The appendix develops the model when the production functions have variable coefficients.) Two important results are derived using this model. The first is known as the Rybczynski effect. Increasing the relative supply of one factor, holding relative goods prices constant, leads to a biased expansion of production possibilities favoring the relative supply of the good which uses that factor intensively.The second key result is known as the Stolper-Samuelson effect. Increasing the relative price of a good, holding factor supplies constant, increases the return to the factor used intensively in the production of that good by more than the price increase, while lowering the return to the other factor. This result has important income distribution implications.It can be quite instructive to think of the effects of demographic/ labor force changes on the supply of different products. For example, how might the pattern of production during the productive years of the "Baby Boom" generation differ from the pattern of production for post Baby Boom generations. What does this imply for returns to factors and relative price behavior?The central message concerning trade patterns of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory is that countries tend to export goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are relatively abundantly endowed. This is demonstrated by showing that, using the relative supply and relative demand analysis introduced in Chapter 2, the country relatively abundantly endowed with a certain factor will produce that factor more cheaply than the other country. International trade leads to a convergence of goods prices. Thus, the results from the Stolper-Samuelson Theory demonstrate that owners of a country's abundant factors gain from trade but owners of a country's scarce factors lose. The extension of this result is the important Factor Price Equalization Theorem, which states that trade in (and thus price equalization of) goods leads to an equalization in the rewards to factors across countries. The political implications of factor price equalization should be interesting to students.Unit 3第3节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Effects of International Trade Between Two-Factor Economies\Step 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)How to explain The Leotief Paradox?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(70 Minutes)Ⅲ. Empirical evidence on H-O Model (i)The Leotief Paradox (ii) Other tests on H-O model Step 4 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes) IEmpirical results concerning the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, beginning with the Leontief paradox and extending to current research, do not support its predictions concerning resource endowments explaining patterns of trade. This observation has motivated many economists to consider motives for trade between nations that are not exclusively based on differences across countries. These concepts will be explored in later chapters. Despite these shortcomings, important and relevant results concerning income distribution are obtained from the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.英文课程名称Chapter FiveTHE STANDARD TRADE MODEL(标准贸易模型)Unit 1第1节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)H-O ModelStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What's terms of trade?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(20 Minutes)Ⅰ.A Standard Model of a Trading Economy (ⅰ)Production Possibilities and Relative Supply 1.Isovalue line 2.The production point and the relative supply (ⅱ)Relative Prices and Demand 1.The relationship among production, consumption and trade 2.The relative price and the relative demand (ⅲ)The Welfare Effect of Changes in the Terms of Trade(ⅳ)Determining Relative PricesStep 4 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)The standard trade model is based upon four relationships. First, an economy will produce at the point where the production possibilities curve is tangent to the relative price line (called the isovalue line). Second, indifference curves describe the tastes of an economy and the consumption point for that economy is found at the tangency of the budget line and the highest indifference curve. These two relationships yield the familiar general equilibrium trade diagram for a small economy (one which takes as given the terms of trade) where the consumption point and production point are the tangencies of the isovalue line with the highest indifference curve and the production possibilities frontier, respectively.You may want to work with this standard diagram to demonstrate a number of basic points. First, an autarkic economy must produce what it consumes, which determines the equilibrium price ratio; and second, opening an economy to trade shifts the price ratio line and unambiguously increases welfare. Third, an improvement in the terms of trade increases welfare in the economy. Fourth, it is straightforward to move from a small country analysis to a two country analysis by introducing a structure of world relative demand and supply curves which determine relative prices.These relationships can be used in conjunction with the Rybczynski and the Stolper-Samuelson Theorems from the previous chapter to address a range of issues. For example, you can consider whether the dramatic economic growth of countries like Japan and Korea has helped or hurt the United States as a whole, and also identify the classes of individuals within the United States who have been hurt by the particular growth biases of these countries. In teaching these points, it might be interesting and useful to relate them to current events. For example, you can lead a class discussion of the implications for the United States of the provision of forms of technical and economic assistance to the emerging economies around the world or the ways in which a world recession can lead to a fall in demand for U.S. export goods.The example provided in the text considers the popular arguments in the media that growth in Japan or Korea hurts the United States. The analysis presented in this chapter demonstrates thatthe bias of growth is important in determining welfare effects rather than the country in which growth occurs. The existence of biased growth, and the possibility of immiserizing growth is discussed. The Relative Supply (RS) and Relative Demand (RD) curves illustrate the effect of biased growth on the terms of trade. The new terms of trade line can be used with the general equilibrium analysis to find the welfare effects of growth. A general principle which emerges is that a country which experiences export-biased growth will have a deterioration in its terms of trade while a country which experiences import-biased growth has an improvement in its terms of trade. A case study points out that growth in the rest of the world has made other countries more like the United States. This import-biased growth has worsened the terms of trade for the United States.Unit 2第2节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes).A Standard Model of a Trading EconomyStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)Discuss the terms of trade in China when cloth-biased growth happens in any country. Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(20 Minutes)Ⅱ.Economic Growth: A Shift of the RS Curve (ⅰ)Growth and the Production Possibility Frontier Export-biased growth and import-biased growth (ⅱ)Relative Supply and the Terms of Trade (ⅲ)International Effects of Growth 1.Biased growth and effects of trade 2.Immiserizing GrowthStep 4 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)The second issue addressed in the context of the standard trade model is the effects of international transfers. The salient point here is the direction, if any, in which the relative demand curve shifts in response to the redistribution of income from a transfer. A transfer worsens the donor's terms of trade if it has a higher marginal propensity to consume its export good than the recipient. The presence of non-traded goods tends to reinforce the deterioration of terms of trade for the donor country. The case study attendant to this issue involves the deterioration of many Asian countries’ terms of trade due to the large capital withdrawals at the end of the 1990s.Unit 3第3节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)the effects of international transfers.Step 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)How is the terms of trade for a large country when this country imposes a tariff?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(20 Minutes)Ⅲ.International Transfers of Income: Shifting the RD Curve (ⅰ)The Transfer Problem Debate on The international transfer (ⅱ)Effects of a Transfer on the Terms of Trade 1. International Transfer of income and the Shift in RD 2. A transfer worsens donor's terms of trade 3.A transfer improves the donor's terms of trade (ⅲ)Presumptions about the Terms of Trade Effects of Transfers Ⅳ.Tariffs and Export Subsidies: Simultaneous Shifts in RS and RD (ⅰ)Relative Demand and Supply Effects of a Tariff 1. External prices and internal prices 2. Tariff and RS 3. Tariff and RD 4. Tariff and the terms of trade Home's terms of trade improve at Foreign's expense when Home impose a tariff. And this effect depends on how large the country imposing the tariff is relative to the rest of the world. (ⅱ)Effects of an Export Subsidy A home export subsidy worsens home's terms of trade and improves foreign's. (ⅲ)Implications of Terms of Trade EffectsStep 4 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)The third area to which the standard trade model is applied are the effects of tariffs and export subsidies on welfare and terms of trade. The analysis proceeds by recognizing that tariffs or subsidies shift both the relative supply and relative demand curves. A tariff on imports improves the terms of trade, expressed in external prices, while a subsidy on exports worsens terms of trade. The size of the effect depends upon the size of the country in the world. Tariffs and subsidies also impose distortionary costs upon the economy. Thus, if a country is large enough, there may be an optimum, non-zero tariff. Export subsidies, however, only impose costs upon an economy. Intranationally, tariffs aid import-competing sectors and hurt export sectors while subsidies have the opposite effect. An appendix presents offer curve diagrams and explains this mode of analysis.英文课程名称Chapter 6ECONOMIES OF SCALE, IMPERFECT COMPETITION,AND INTERNATIONAL(规模经济和不完全竞争)Unit 1第一节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Standard modelStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What's terms of trade?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(20 Minutes)Economies of Scale and International Trade: An OverviewEconomies of Scale and Market StructureThe Theory of Imperfect CompetitionMonopoly: A Brief ReviewMonopolistic CompetitionLimitations of the Monopolistic Competition ModelStep 4 Practice 实践活动( 10 Minutes)Group discussionStep 5 Summary总结( 5 Minutes)In previous chapters, trade between nations was motivated by their differences in factor productivity or relative factor endowments. The type of trade which occurred, for example of food for manufactures, is based on comparative advantage and is called interindustry trade. This chapter introduces trade based on economies of scale in production. Such trade in similar productions is called intraindustry trade, and describes, for example, the trading of one type of manufactured good for another type of manufactured good. It is shown that trade can occur when there are no technological or endowment differences, but when there are economies of scale or increasing returns in production.Economies of scale can either take the form of 1) external economies whereby the cost per unit depends on the size of the industry but not necessarily on the size of the firm; or as 2) internal economies, whereby the production cost per unit of output depends on the size of the individual firm but not necessarily on the size of the industry. Internal economies of scale give rise to imperfectly competitive markets, unlike the perfectly competitive market structures that were assumed to exist in earlier chapters. This motivates the review of models of imperfect competition, including monopoly and monopolistic competition. The instructor should spend some time making certain that students understand the equilibrium concepts of these models since they are important for the justification of intraindustry trade.Unit 2第二节Step 1 Review 复习( 5 Minutes)Standard modelStep 2 Lead-in 新课导入( 10 Minutes)What's terms of trade?Step 3 New Class Content 新课内容(20 Minutes)Monopolistic Competition and TradeThe Effects of Increased Market SizeGains from an Integrated Market: A Numerical ExampleEconomies of Scale and Comparative AdvantageThe Significance of Intraindustry TradeWhy Intraindustry Trade MattersCase Study: Intraindustry Trade in Action: The North American Auto Pact。
International economics is one of major course for the economics-major students require by China’s Ministry of Education, which consists open microeconomics and macroeconomics. The instruction of international economics plays very important role in building up the way of thinking as an economist for the learners, improving the comprehensive aptitudes and abilities. The expected outcomes of this subject is to develop the learners to apply the economic methodology, grasp the basic open economics, and enable the learners to observe and analyze the international economic issues, and then make a solid preparation for the fellow-up subjects in the teachingprogram. In 2009, this course was selected as the national bilingual teaching experimental course by China’s Ministry of Educ ation.二、教学内容及其与毕业要求的对应关系(一)教学内容本课程的主要内容是阐述国际经济学的基础知识。
国际经济学课程全英文教学探索'国际学课程全英文教学探索国际经济学(International Economics)是经济学(Economics)在国际领域的拓展。
保罗克鲁格曼国际经济学英⽂课件1-7章Preface§1. Some distinctive features of International Economics: Theory and Policy.This book emphasizes several of the newer topics that previous authors failed to treat in a systematic way:·Asset market approach to exchange rate determination.·Increasing returns and market structure.·Politics and theory of trade policy.·International macroeconomic policy coordination·The word capital market and developing countries.·International factor movements.§2. Learning features:·Case studies·Special boxes·Captioned diagrams·Summary and key terms·Problems·Further reading§3.Reference books:·[美]保罗?克鲁格曼,茅瑞斯?奥伯斯法尔德,《国际经济学》,第6版,中译本,中国⼈民⼤学出版社,2007.·李坤望主编,《国际经济学》,第⼆版,⾼等教育出版社,2005.·Dominick Salvatore, International Economics, Prentice Hall International,第9版,清华⼤学出版社,英⽂版,2008. Chapter 1Introduction·Nations are more closely linked through trade in goods and services, through flows of money, and through investment than ever before.§1. What is international economics about?Seven themes recur throughout the study of international economics:·The gains from trade(National welfare and income distribution)·The pattern of trade·Protectionism·The balance of payments·Exchange rate determination·International capital market§2. International economics: trade and money·Part I (chapters 2 through 7) :international trade theory·Part II (chapters 8 through 11) : international trade policy ·Part III (chapters 12 through 17) : international monetary theory ·Part IV (chapters 18 through 22) : international monetary policyChapter 2 World Trade: An Overview§1 Who Trades with Whom?1. Size Matters: The Gravity ModelThe size of an economy is directly related to the volume of imports and exports.Larger economies produce more goods and services, so they have more to sell in the export market. Larger economies generate more income from the goods and services sold, so people are able to buy more imports.3 of the top 10 trading partners with the US in 2003 were also the 3 largest European economies: Germany, UK and France. These countries have the largest gross domestic product (GDP) in Europe.Cultural affinity: if two countries have cultural ties, it is likely that they also have strong economic ties.Geography: ocean harbors and a lack of mountain barriers make transportation and tradeeasier.2. Distance Matters: The Gravity ModelDistance between markets influences transportation costs and therefore the cost of imports and exports. Distance may also influence personal contact and communication, which may influence trade.Estimates of the effect of distance from the gravity model predict that a 1% increase in the distance between countries isassociated with a decrease in the volume of trade of 0.7% to 1%.Borders: crossing borders involves formalities that take time and perhaps monetary costs like tariffs. These implicit and explicit costs reduce trade. The existence of borders may also indicate the existence of different languages or different currencies, either of which may impede trade more.3.The gravity modelThe gravity model is:a b c ij i j ijT A Y Y D =?? where a, b, and c are allowed to differ from 1.§2. The Changing Composition of Trade1. Has the World Become “Smaller ”?There were two waves of globalization.1840–1914: economies relied on steam power, railroads, telegraph, telephones. Globalization was interrupted and reversed by wars and depression.1945–present: economies rely on telephones, airplanes, computers, internet, fiber optics,…2. Changing Composition of TradeToday, most of the volume of trade is in manufactured products such as automobiles, computers, clothing and machinery. Services such as shipping, insurance, legal fees and spending by tourists account for 20% of the volume of trade.Mineral products (e.g., petroleum, coal, copper) and agricultural products are a relatively small part of trade.Multinational Corporations and OutsourcingBefore 1945, multinational corporations played a small role world trade.But today about one third of all US exports and 42% of all US imports are sales from one division of a multinational corporation to another.Chapter 3Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage:The Ricardian Model*Countries engage in international trade for two basic reasons:·Comparative advantage: countries are different in technology (chapter 3) or resource (chapter 4).·Economics of scale (chapter 6).*All motives are at work in the real world but only one motive is present in each trade model.§1. The concept of comparative advantage1. Opportunity cost : The opportunity cost of roses in terms of computers is the number of computers that could have been produced with the resources used to produce a given number of roses.Table 3-1 Hypothetical Changes in Production Million Roses Thousand Computers United States-10 +100 South America+10 -30 Total 0 +702. Comparative advantage : A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries.·Denoted by opportunity cost.·A relative concept : relative labor productivity or relative abundance.3. The pattern of trade: Trade between two countries can benefit both countries if each country exports the goods in which it has a comparative advantage.§2. A one-factor economy1.production possibilities: LC C LW W a Q a Q L +≤Figure 3-1 Home’s Production Possibility Frontier2. Relative price and supply·Labor will move to the sector which pays higher wage.·If C W LC LW P P a a >(C LC W LW P a P a >, wage in the cheese sector is higher ), the economy will specialize in the production of cheese.·In a closed economy, C W LC LW P P a a =.·If each country has absolute advantage in one good respectively, will there exist comparative advantage?§3. Trade in a one-factor world·Model : 2×1×2·Assume: **LC LW LC LW a a a a <Home has a comparative advantage in cheese.Home ’s relative productivity in cheese is higher.Home ’s pretrade relative price of cheese is lower than foreign.·The condition under which home has the comparative advantage involves all four unit labor requirement, not just two.1. Determining the relative price after trade·Relative price is more important than absolute price, when people make decisions on production and consumption.·General equilibrium analysis: RS equals RD . (World general equilibrium)·RS : a “step ” with flat sections linked by a vertical section. **(/)(/)LC LW L a L aFigure 3-3 World Relative Supply and Demand·RD : subsititution effects·Relative price after trade: between the two countries ’ pretrade price.(How will the size of the trading countries affect the relative price after trade? Which country ’s living condition improves more? Is it possible that a country produce both goods?)2. The gains from tradeThe mutual gain can be demonstrated in two alternative ways.·To think of trade as an indirect method of production :(1/)()1/LC C W LW a P P a > or C W LC LW P P a a >·To examine how trade affects each country ’s possibilities of consumption.Figure 3-4 Trade Expands Consumption Possibilities(How will the terms of trade change in the long-term? Are there income distribution effects within countries? )3. A numerical example:·Two crucial points :When two countries specialize in producing the goods in which they have a comparative advantage, both countries gain from trade.Comparative advantage must not be confused with absolute advantage; it is comparative, not absolute, advantage that determines who will and should produce a good.Table 3-2 Unit Labor Requirements Cheese WineHome 1LC a = hour per pound 2LW a = hours per gallonForeign*6LC a = hours per pound *3LW a = hours per gallon absolute advantage; relative price; specialization; the gains from trade.4. Relative wages·It is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good.***LC LC LW LW a a w w a a >> **LC LC wa w a <;**LW LW wa w a >·Relative wages depend on relative productivity and relative demand on goods.Special box: Do wages reflect productivity?。
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Additional assumptions
• In HO model, countries use the same technology
•However FPE may not be true in the real world as:
•Three important assumptions may not hold perfectly: –Perfect competition –No barriers to trade –Access to identical technology
Heckscher-Ohlin model & Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
Country A
Relatively K abundant
Comparative Advantage in Steel
Export Steel Import Textiles Increased output of steel Decreased output of textiles Increased demand for K Decreased demand for L Capital owners gain Workers lose
Application to North-South Trade
theorem is proven.
Equilibrium in the HO model
Export oriented economy, highly dependent on external markets and raw material supply; The economic structure is single and sensitive to changes in the external economic environment; The relatively low labor cost is conducive to the development of export processing industry.
Development of service industry
Vigorously develop service industries such as tourism and finance, and increase the proportion of service industry in the national economy.
Frontier issues in international economicsCourse Summary and Outlook
Course Introduction
Developing students' understanding and analytical abilities in international economics
Detailed description
Based on traditional trade theory, the new international trade theory explores the impact of factors such as technological progress, economies of scale, and imperfect competition on international trade, providing a new perspective for understanding the current world trade pattern.
Technical Progress
All technical progress reduces the amount of both labor and capital required to produce any given level of output.
Three different types of Hicksian technical progress:
Growth of Factors of Production
The Rybczynski Theorem
At constant commodity prices, an increase in the ende by a greater proportion the output of the commodity intensive in that factor and will reduce the output of the other commodity.
Salvatore: International Economics, 10th Edition © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Technical Progress
All technical progress reduces the amount of both labor and capital required to produce any given level of output.
The production frontier will shift out evenly in all directions at the same rate at which technical progress takes place.
[关键词]国际经济学;国际贸易;全英文教学[中图分类号]G642.0 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2095-3283(2014)02-0150-03国际经济学(International Economics)是经济学(Economics)在国际领域的拓展。
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TABLE 10.4 U.S. balance of payments, 1980–2008 (billions of dollars)
Note that the U.S. has been competitive in services such as Transportation,
engineering, brokers’ commissions, certain health care services
Trade and Balance of Payments
Goals of chapter
• Relationship between trade and macroeconomics
• Expenditure-switching versus expenditurereducing policies
– However, it could eventually become a problem
• If interest rates rise because the economy is booming and the high government debt could crowd out private investment
Which came first, the chicken or egg?
• The “saving glut” version: Savings in China,
Japan and Germany are too high compared to
their domestic investment opportunities
Describe what you see in this slide
What about this one?
国际经济学英文课件 (2)
![国际经济学英文课件 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/41047f7ecf84b9d528ea7a57.png)
Shortcomings of IMF:
• Moral hazard created by IMF bailouts • Conditionality requirements of IMF loans (fiscal
austerity measures) increase poverty in LDCs • Inappropriateness of IMF measures (i.e. 1997
• Prior to the Uruguay round, sectors such as agriculture, textiles & apparel, services, intellectual property rights, were ignored
• role expanded also to dumping, subsidies, NTBs
George is a professor at HBS and the former CEO of Medtronic, which has been involved in one of this year’s highest-profile inversion transactions, a merger with Irelandbased Covidien.
• International Finance Corporation
– Private sector arm of the WB
• Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
– Provides political risk insurance (guarantees)
• 159 members
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国际经济学课程全英文教学国际经济学(International Economics)是经济学(Economics)在国际领域的拓展。
如ad valorem tariff(从价关税),ad valorem是拉丁文,ad表示according to,valorem的意思可以理解为value。