一()班———————一、准确认读ā e ǒàè o áěóǎòēōɑé二、比一比,读一读ā—ōá—òé—èǎ—ǒā—ěó—ée—ɑǎ—éà—óɑ—ǒǒ—ěō—éè—àà—éò—éá—èɑ—é评分标准:满分写100分,错1个扣一分,分数写—1,读错请注明,可以反复读。
一、准确认读īùyíǖ íǚ yǐüiū wǔ u y yùw yi ǘ ǐwu yì yīwū úwúìyū yúǔ yǔwùǜ二、比一比,读一读ī—yūǖ—ūí—ùǚ—ǔyú—wùü—wǔyǐ—yǔì—wúù—ǜī—ìyù—wǔ ǜ—íwú—yúyí—yùi—ü评分标准:满分写100分,错1个扣一分,分数写—1,读错请注明,可以反复读。
拼音第三课过关测试卷一、拼一拼,读一读pà bǎ pú bō mū bà má fà mùbò mà bī bó fǎ bí fá bǐ póbì bú fó bǔ bù pā pò mǎ pībā pí pū mā pǐ mō pì pǒ mówǒ mǒ mò mī bá mí mǐ mì pǎmú mǔ pǔ fā pō fū pù bǒ fúfǔ pá fù二、读准词语bà bɑ mā mɑ bó bo bǔ yú pó po ā yí wū yā yǔ yī wá wɑ yǎ yǔbǐ yì bǐ三、认读生字词,标拼音我爸爸妈妈评分标准:满分写100分,错1个扣一分,分数写—1,读错请注一、拼一拼,读一读dā tǎ lí tè tī né dǔ dǎ títì lǚ dà tú tǔ tù dí tà nútā nǔ dì nù tǐ nǜ ná dú nǎlǜ tū dù nà lǐ nè nī dǐ nílà nǐ nì nā lū dé lú dē lǔdá lù lǘ nǚ lā lá dī lǎ lēdū lè lī lì二、读准词语lǎ bɑ ní tǔ lǜ dì nǎ lǐ lǚ túdà mǐ tǔ dì mù mǎ dà dì tǐ yùtí mù fā nù nà lǐ mǎ lù dà fó三、认读生字词,标拼音大地马大米土地评分标准:满分写100分,错1个扣一分,分数写—1,读错请注明,可以反复读。
一年级上册第一单元达标检测卷g I九月…一…” 一教仃泊0)师(師)节■ I时间:60分钟 满分:100分鸟 虫 kqn tu xi^ zi二看图写字。
(6分)耳 云 雨只鸭子ktin tu xiS yi xiS三看图,写一写。
(10分)+T 个太阳xi§ chu ddi yflu xid lie bi hud de zi 四写出带有下列笔画的字。
(6分)© @ © @ 0 C例:字共四笔,笔顺是| "日,第二笔是4二1・-Ih"字共 笔, 笔顺是 ,第二笔是Oz *字共 笔. 笔顺是 .第一笔是3. ^虫"字共 笔. 笔顺是 ,第一笔是b3 bu shi tdng yi Ifei de shi wii de zi ydng quan chii Idi小把不是同一类的事物的字用“0”圈出来。
(6分)dn bT shQn gui zd fen Idi xi$ Z 'I五」按笔顺规则分类写字。
(5分)zhdo ydng zi tidn kdng尺瑕样子”填空o (18分)— nd li&ng g 含 han zi n^ng zO ch^ng ci yO Ii6n yi lidn 七価两于汉字能组成词语?连一连口(4分)3 一个星(xlrrg )期(qT )有七4.老师用严(¥如)厉皿)的 光 2庶西)看着我,Ibeii yi bei jiang zhdng qua dd dn ds xu hdo tidn ziii h 白ng xidn shdng 十一背一1.竹lidn yi lidn連—连o (8分) 风行如 坐如 卧如xu&n zl tidn kAng 十'选字填空。
(8分)2.这张桌(zhud )子是用云对 水秀 花对 桃红 山清对 雨 柳绿对树冃7月口鸟H耳3,木 山.do yi dd丸读一读] 站如 头做背,将正J确答案的序号填在横线上。
小学一年级汉语拼音知识大全、 声 母 : :21个辅音 •+零声母 唇音: b(菠)、 p (泼)、m (摸)、f (扶)舌 尖 音: d (得) t (梯)、n (呢)、1(乐)舌 根 音: g (鸽八 k (刻)、h (喝)舌面刖 音: j (鸡八 q (旗)、x (嘻)舌尖后 音: zh (蜘)、ch (吃)、sh (狮)平 舌 音: z (滋)、c (刺)、s (丝)、r (日)J — | —A零 声 母: y (衣八 w (乌)二、 韵母:单韵母6个+复韵母9个+前鼻韵母5个+后鼻韵母4个,共24个。
1、 单韵母:6个a (阿)、o (哦)、e (鹅)、i (衣)、u (乌)、u (鱼)。
2、 复韵母:9个ai (矮)、ei (诶)、ui (围)、ao (袄)、ou (鸥)、iu (邮)、ie (椰)u e (月)、er(耳)(注:er 独立自成音节,不和任何声母相拼。
)3、 鼻韵母:(前鼻韵母有五个,后鼻韵母是四个)。
前鼻韵母:an (安)、en (摁)、in (印)、un (蚊)、u n (云)。
后鼻韵母:ang (昂)、eng (哼)、ing (鹰)、ong (喔)。
三、 整体认读音节16个zhi (织)、chi (吃)、shi (狮)、ri (日)、zi (资)、ci (次)、si (丝)。
yi (衣)、wu (屋)、yu (鱼) ye (夜)、yue (月)、yuan (圆) yin (音)、yun (云)、ying (鹰)五、声调一声平平左到右( 一)、二声就像上山坡(/ )三声下坡又上坡()、四声就像下山坡(、)六、标调规则:1、先标a o e (老lao、花hua), 再标i u u (水shui、求qiu )。
2、i 、u 并列标在后(求qiu ),i 上标调把点抹(起qi )。
3、轻声不标就空着(子zi 、的de)。
七、拼写规律1、小u有礼貌,见了j q x,要脱帽(句ju、去qu、须xu)。
教学目标教学目标与要点1. 能理解和运用被动语态, 用被动语态来表达不方便、不必要出现主语的意思。
2. 认真学习“English is widely used”, 理解学习英语的重要性, 端正自己的学习态度。
3.掌握主动语态和被动语态的区别、用法, 牢记被动语态的构成, 能进行主动语态和被动语态的互换。
4.掌握本单元的词汇, 特别是短语be made of/ from / into, be used for/ as/ by等的用法。
5. 掌握动词grow, produce, made与主语的习惯搭配。
如:tea —grow, salt —produce, trains —made等。
Lesson 33Period: The First PeriodContent: Lesson 33Properties: Recorder; ObjectsTeaching Focus:efu.expressions:be made of, be used for, etc.Teaching’.thi.i.English.2.What’.i.mad.of?3.What’e.for? ions.Hel.the.reall.understan.thi.lesson.IV.PracticeAsk some students to use the Objects in the class and practise the sentence patterns:1.What’.thi.i.English?2.What’.i.mad.of?3.What’e.for?Then practise in groups and in pairs.V.Teachin.grammarAt first, tell the students the grammar:The Active and Passive Voice.Then.giv.som.examples.e.g.1.Man.peopl.spea.English.English is spoken by many is liked by the useful expressions: be made of and be used for in groups and in pairs.VII.WorkbookAsk the students to open their books, look at Exercise 1 and ask them do it in 34Period: The second PeriodContent: Lesson 34Properties: RecordersTeaching Focus:The useful words and expressions the number of; the most; else; none Teaching Procedures:anizingGreetings and make a duty IV.PresentationAsk the students to look at Exercise 1 in the some important ones to explain and nc.b.sentence.VII.WorkbookFor Exercise 2, ask the students to pay attention to the letters in boldface.Do Exercise 3.VIII.Exercis.i.class.Fill in the blanks with the right forms.1.Thos.________.([步骤1]复习复习第34课短文的内容。
2021年二年级上册语文期末全册综合复习及答案往年真题部编人教版班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________补全词语1. 将下列词语补充完整。
(____)(____)独秀(____)(____)环绕(____)清(____)秀点点(____)(____)名(____)古(____)(____)(____)虚传(____)穷(____)尽(____)消(____)散(____)(____)大川2. 先将下列词语补充完整,再选词填空。
3. 把词语补充完整。
四(_____)为(______)山穷水(_____)名(______)古(______)山(______)水秀(_____)林叠翠(_______)消云散4. 把下列词语补充完整。
(______)小(______)鼠如(______)得(______)(______)海(______)家名(______)大(______)无(______)无(______)(______)景(______)画5. 将下面的四字词语补充完整,并完成练习。
拼音词组6. 看拼音,写汉字。
gōng zǎi jímáng zháo jíxīn jíyǎo yádīng yǎo dìyīgōng jīgōng gong gōng yuán7. 看拼音写词语。
아이[a i] 小孩오이[ao i] 黄瓜아우[a u] 弟弟아빠[a bba] 爸爸ㅓ[e]:发音时,比“a”口张的小一些,舌头的后部稍微抬起,嘴唇不要紧张。
어서[e se] 赶快버스[be s] 巴士엄마[em ma] 妈妈어디[e di] 那儿ㅗ[ao]:嘴稍微张开,舌面后部抬起,双唇向前拢成圆形。
오이[ao i] 黄瓜오리[ao li] 鸭子고도[gao dao] 高度포도[pao dao] 葡萄ㅜ[u]:发音时,比发“ㅗ”音时嘴张得更小些,舌面后部抬起,离软腭很近,双唇向前拢成圆形,比“ㅗ”更圆。
우리[u li] 我们무우[mu u] 萝卜우주[u zu] 宇宙구두[gu du] 皮鞋ㅣ[i]:发音时,嘴稍微张开,双唇稍微向左右拉开,下颌上升,舌尖贴下齿龈,舌面抬起贴近硬腭。
이리[I li] 这儿이마[I ma] 额头이모[I mao] 姨母이야기[I ya gi] 故事ㅂㅍㅃㅁㅂ[b]:发音时,双唇紧闭并向前伸,阻住气流,然后使气流从鼻腔中泻出的同时,双唇破裂成声。
아버지[a be zi] 父亲배[bai] 梨바지[ba zi] 裤子바보[ba bao]傻瓜ㅍ[p]:发音时,方法与辅音“ㅂ”基本相同,只是发“ㅍ”时要送气,而发“ㅂ”时则不用送气。
포도[pao dao] 葡萄파[pa]葱피부[pi bu] 皮肤패[pai] 派ㅃ[bb]:发音时,双唇紧闭并向前伸,阻住气流,然后使气流从鼻腔中泻出的同时,双唇破裂成声。
沪教版小学四年级下册词语表h a oh a o1俊俏色彩鲜艳光彩夺目伶俐可爱百花争艳增添波光粼粼演奏2五颜六色漂浮阻止疲劳停留汇合3黑洞洞撒娇央求唠叨暖烘烘爱抚自豪5排列清晰浮现愿意寒风呼啸刺骨严严实实节衣缩食省吃俭用异口同声6摇篮浓绿赛跑遥远苍苍茫茫地久天长污染文明神圣博物馆7通晓刻苦翩翩飞翔忽疏喜讯倍感亲切纪律搏击风雨8拥抱真挚感人大吃一惊醒悟道歉承担采访真心诚意恩惠和谐相处9先驱迹象大显身手广阔披星戴月才华横溢能歌善舞10谈论万水千山亲朋好友天涯庞大天南海北足不出户息息相关丰富多彩11揭开雷电勇士电闪雷鸣显示乌云密布倾盆大雨兴奋轰动12深感不安撕心裂肺死去活来软绵绵任人摆布沉思昏昏入睡苏醒13访问严肃肩膀既然为难规矩面不改色安居乐业自讨没趣尊重14壮举千方百计了不起视而不见不怀好意令人回味证实指手画脚15慌慌张张灾难恩情犹豫躲避危机糊涂教训16栏杆耸立金碧辉煌葱郁掩映远眺隐隐约约姿态不一17举世无双享誉世界昂首挺胸目光炯炯跃跃欲试凝视惟妙惟肖绝无仅有18模样困扰渺茫摇晃夕阳欢声笑语探寻焕然一新传递19山清水秀风景如画装饰街头巷尾星罗棋布金光闪闪盛大20苍翠茂密泰然自若倾听千姿百态亭亭玉立滔滔不绝络绎不绝21寻找神秘苦思冥想凑近饱经忧患烦恼22忽高忽低安详怔住关注关键沉默频率疏朗笼罩23兴趣不由得崇拜不所不能沮丧轮廓24喧哗咆哮异常相遇信守诺言双颊抑制25敬爱报答淹没千真万确狂风怒号震天动地世世代代26哀求含苞欲放简短昏暗怦怦直跳评论挑剔若无其事拘谨27同事旅馆乞求信任撞倒照顾目不转睛表示28宽敞座无虚席扶老携幼专心致志宽慰缓兵之计火上加油问长问短29愤怒长途跋涉轻盈凉爽翻山越岭意味深长31辽阔展现迎面阴沉沉乱蓬蓬难以磨灭描绘歌颂32推敲家境贫寒拜访夜深人静皎洁避让斟酌饶恕衬托33怒目圆睁忘恩负义无言以对羞愧心坚如铁折磨依偎置之度外34嘹亮悠扬渴慕聪颖余晖若有所失严厉莫逆之交35商议推辞勃然变色声色俱厉便宜能耐有机可乘负荆请罪知己同心协力36尊严疲惫不堪朴实狼吞虎咽骨瘦如柴赞赏片刻财富37悲痛一技之长闭塞维持推移探求接替一无所获时光变换饱经苦难38拮据骨气精湛丝毫委屈道德辨认教诲39凶残提防宁静青烟袅袅天敌饥荒蔓延威胁40天才教练准确完毕别墅挖坑汗珠训练场。
(5分)mòlǚɡuān xǐtiáo jīfèi niǔcǎo zhuō四.给(gěi)下(xià)面(mian)的(de)音(yīn)节(jié)加(jiā)上(shang)声(shēng)调(diào),不(bú)要(yào)找(zhǎo)错(cuò)地(dì)方(fāng)哟(yō)。
8分bei zhuo qiu chuɑn五、看图写拼音练习一、把下面韵母补充完整。
a o ( ) i u ( ) ai ( ) ( ) ao ( ) ( )( ) ( ) eran en in ( ) ( ) ang ( ) ( ) ong二、读音节,再正确抄写。
yuánzhūbǐ piāowǔ xióng māo chángjǐnglùlǎo hǔshuǐtián dān dǐng hè huáng sè三、把(bǎ)韵(yùn)母(mǔ)苹(píng)果(guǒ)涂(tú)上(shàng)绿(lǜ)色(sè),声(shēng)母(mǔ)苹(píng)果(guǒ)涂(tú)上(shàng)黄(huáng)色(sè)。
(6分)天桥 tiɑn qiɑo 飞机 fei ji 左右 zuo you 六朵云 liu duo yun五、我(wǒ)会(huì)填(tián)。
(9分)r wu ci zh u o yi h ei声母韵母整体认读音四、照样子分解音节。
三字经r en zh 1 ch u x i ng fe n sh an 人之初, 性本善。
x 1ngxi a ng j 1n x i a ng yu a n习相远。
性相近,g o u b u ji a o x1ngn a i qi a n性乃迁。
苟不教,ji a ozh1 d a o gu 1y1 zhu a n贵以专。
教之道,x1m e ng m u z e l in ch u 昔孟母,择邻处。
z 1 b u xu e du a n j1zh u 子不学,断机杼。
d o u y a n sh a n y o u y1f a ng窦燕八、、山,有义方。
ji a ow u z 1m i ng j u y a ng 教五子,名俱扬。
Y a ng b u ji a o f u zh i gu o 养不教,父之过。
Ji ao b u y a n sh i zh i du o 教不严,师之惰。
z i b u xu e f e i su 1 0 y i子不学,非所宜。
y o u b u xu e l a o h e w ei 幼不学,老何为。
y u b u zhu o b u che e ng q i 玉不琢,不成器。
r e n b u xu e b u zh i y i人不学,不知义。
w e i r e n z i f a ng sh a o sh i为人子,方少时。
q n sh i y o u x i l i y i 亲师友,习礼仪。
Xi a ng ■ ■ y JI u l i ngi e ng w e n x i香九龄,厶匕温席。
Xi ao y u q n su o d a ng zh 孝于亲,所当执。
r o ng s i su i n e ng r a ng l i 融四岁,厶匕让梨。
t i y u zh a ng y i xI a n zh i 弟于长,宜先知。
Sh o u xI ao t i c i■ ■JI a nw en 首孝弟,次见闻。
zhènɡzàizhèshí yì zhī dàihuánɡniúcónɡhónɡ
正 在这时,一只大 黄 牛 从 红
pénɡyou yǒu yì tiān chīɡuozǎofàn qīnɡtóu duìhónɡtóu
朋 友。有一天,吃过 早饭,青 头对 红 头
tóuhòumiànmànmànzǒuɡuo lɑi hónɡtóuzuòmènɡ
青 头又 跳 到牛 身 上,隔着肚皮
héhónɡtóushuōhuà hónɡtóu bú yào pà nǐ huìchū
和 红 头 说 话:“红 头!不要怕,你会出
lɑi de wǒ tīnɡ shuō niú dù zi li yí ɡònɡ yǒu sì ɡè
来的。我听 说 牛肚子里一共 有四个
头后 面 慢 慢 走过来。红 头做 梦
shuō zánmenwánzhuōmícánɡbɑ
说:“咱 们 玩 捉迷 藏 吧!”
yě méi yǒu xiǎnɡ dào dài huánɡ niú tū rán dī xiɑ tóu
也没 有 想 到,大 黄 牛突然低下头
nàrànɡwǒxiāncánɡ nǐ láizhǎo hónɡtóushuō
ne hónɡtóubēi āi deshuō
呢?”红 头悲哀地 说。
dānɡrányǒuyònɡ děnɡyí huì er niú xiū xi de
“当 然有 用。等一会儿牛休息的
shí hou tā yào bǎ ɡānɡ cái tūn jin qu de cǎo chónɡ xīn
zài yí ɡè cǎoduī li bú zuòshēnɡle
在一个草堆里不作 声 了。
以自己为主角写一篇故事60字英语版作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Awesome AdventureHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you an amazing story about the coolest adventure I ever had. Get ready because this tale is going to blow your mind!It all started on a regular Saturday morning. I was lying in bed, staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling, feeling bored out of my skull. Suddenly, I heard a weird noise coming from my closet. At first I thought it might be a monster, so I pulled the covers up over my head. But then I got brave and decided to investigate.I tiptoed over and slowly opened the closet door. To my shock, inside was a humongous swirling vortex! The vortex kind of looked like the drain in our bathtub when the water goes down, but a million times bigger and sparklier. I couldn't believe my eyes!Before I could run away, the vortex started sucking me in like a giant vacuum cleaner. I tried grabbing onto the closet door but it was no use. With a huge SLURRRRRP, I got pulled inside the vortex, spinning around and around at super sonic speed. My stuffed animals and toys went flying everywhere as the vortex destroyed my bedroom.I closed my eyes tightly, screaming my head off. I thought for sure I was a goner. But then, as quickly as it started, the spinning stopped. When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in my bedroom. In fact, I wasn't on Earth at all! I was standing in the middle of a rainbow-colored field of knee-high grass, underneath a bright purple sky with three smiling moons."Where...where am I?" I wondered out loud, feeling very confused and dizzy. Just then, I heard a strange whistling sound.I turned around and saw the strangest sight - a dog who looked like he was made out of spaghetti was running right toward me on legs made of meadow hosepipes!"Yikes! A walking spaghetti monster!" I yelled. The spaghetti dog skidded to a stop in front of me. Then, get this - it started talking in a British accent!"Cor blimey, young'un! You must be the fresh bite we've been expecting," said the dog, slurping up a stray noodle thatwas dangling from his ear. "Welcome to Oggle-Noggle, the mental magic planet where anything is possible!"I couldn't speak, I was so freaked out. A talking spaghetti dog? A magic planet? What was going on?!The dog seemed to read my mind. "No need to be rattled, little mate. Why don't you follow me and I'll show you around our bonkers little world?"Not knowing what else to do, I nodded and followed the bizarre creature as he slurped and whistled down a twisting path through the rainbow fields. Soon, we came to the outer edge of a bustling town made up of the craziest buildings I'd ever seen. One house looked like a giant golf ball, another a humongous rubber duck, and another a jumbled mess of bathtub toys!"This is Oggle-Noggle Village," explained the dog. "Go ahead and make yourself bramley, but don't get a kipper if you can't beat the davy!"I must have looked really puzzled, because the dog laughed his noodle head off. "Oops, forgetting my manners. Allow me to translate - make yourself at home here, but don't get in trouble if you can't follow the rules. Got it?"Still in shock, I just nodded again. The dog tipped his noodle head and slurped away, whistling a jaunty tune. I stood there alone for a moment, turning slowly in a circle and taking in the unbelievable sights and sounds of Oggle-Noggle Village.Doors opened and closed by themselves on the wacky buildings. Sausage-linked trees marched around on tiny hot dog bun feet. A family of plump penguins went waddling past, followed by a trail of bubbles. A group of towering sunflowers sang a cheerful song that made my hair grow three inches. And up in the violet sky, dozens of bumblebees the size of beach balls floated lazily, their big buzz like distant thunder.Just then, a blur of colors zipped past me so fast it made my eyes spin. I blinked hard and rubbed them - and that's when I saw him. The most extraordinary creature ever! He looked sort of like a boy around my age, but he had bright blue skin, pink hair that stuck straight up, and a zippy pink outfit with a jagged yellow streak across the middle. On each hand and foot he had a single, long fingerortoethatwiggledandwrithed. When he grinned at me, I saw two rows of green fangs!"Whoa, hi there! You must be the visitor the Salsa Noodle told me about," he said in a high, buzzy voice. "The name's Zazz - welcome to my zany, razzmatazz world!""Are...are you an alien?" I asked, still stunned by his freaky appearance.Zazz tilted his head to the side, then threw it back and laughed so hard his entire body shook. "An alien? Oh buddy, you have no idea! I'm about as alien as a blizfarnop on a ruckaluck day at the chippity fair!"I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about, but I got the feeling I was in for one epic, bizarre adventure...篇2My Awesome AdventureHi there! My name is Alex and I'm going to tell you about the most exciting day of my whole entire life. It was a regular Saturday and I was lying in bed, playing video games like I do every weekend. My mom yelled up the stairs, "Alex! Get dressed, we're going on an adventure today!"I groaned because usually when Mom said "adventure", it was something lame like going to a museum or hiking. But I got up and put on my clothes anyway. An hour later, we were driving down the highway. "Where are we going?" I asked roughly amillion times. "You'll see!" Mom and Dad kept saying with these huge silly grins.Finally, we pulled up to this huge parking lot with a sign that said "Adventureland!" At first I thought it was just another lame museum, but then I saw THE BIGGEST ROLLER COASTER I'D EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! It went upside down like eight times and looked totally insane. "No way, we're really going there??" I shouted."You bet!" said Dad. "We got tickets to spend the whole day at the greatest theme park ever!"I couldn't believe my luck. We got into the park and I didn't know where to run first. There were roller coasters looping everywhere, dozens of game booths to win prizes, rides that swung you'round and 'round at terrifying speeds, and food stands selling anything your heart could desire - hot dogs, pizza, ice cream, cotton candy, you name it!The first coaster we went on was called the Cyclone. It went so fast I thought I was going to pass out from the G-forces. But I loved every second of it. We went on the Haunted Hotel ride where ghosts and goblins jumped out at you around every corner. I wasn't even scared because I was having such an amazing time.For lunch we had these incredibly delicious cheeseburgers and fries. I was famished from all the excitement so I gobbled it down in about two minutes. Then we played some games and I won a giant stuffed teddy bear that was taller than me!The best part was in the evening though. We went on the Mind Blaster coaster which pulled so many insane loops and turns, I thought I was going to hurl. But I held it together and it was the biggest rush ever. Finally, we saw an incredible laser and fireworks show that lit up the whole night sky. I've never seen anything more vibrant and spectacular in my life.By the time we got home, I could barely keep my eyes open from exhaustion. It was easily a million times better than any boring museum or hike. As I lay down to sleep, hugging my new gigantic teddy bear, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world. What an awesome, epic, amazing adventure!篇3My Super Awesome Adventure!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I'm in 3rd grade. My teacher's name is Mrs. Roberts and she's really nice. Anyway, I wanted totell you about this crazy adventure I had last summer! It was soooo cool.It all started one morning when I was eating breakfast. My little brother Tommy was being a total pain as usual, throwing his Cheerios all over the floor. Mom was yelling at him when suddenly, there was this huge boom! It shook the whole house!"What was that?" Mom shouted. She ran to the window and gasped. "Kids, come look at this!"Tommy and I raced over to the window and couldn't believe our eyes. In our backyard, there was a giant rocket ship! It was super shiny and red and it had tons of blinking lights. The cockpit window opened up and out alien!He was about my height with bright green skin and four arms. He had two heads and was wearing a silver spacesuit that looked really cool. "Greetings, Earthlings!" His voice was kind of squeaky. "I am Zibzox from the planet Blagorn in the Andromeda galaxy. I require your assistance on an urgent mission!"Tommy and I just stared at him, our mouths hanging open. Mom fainted and fell right onto the floor! The alien didn't seem to notice."You there, small child!" he said pointing at me with two of his arms. "You must join me on my spacecraft. The fate of the entire universe hangs in the balance!"Before I could say anything, two of his other hands pressed a button on his suit and zapped me with some sort of beam. Suddenly I started floating off the ground!"Jamie, help!" Tommy cried, but I just drifted right through the window and into the backyard. Another beam zapped down and the alien floated over with me."Do not be afraid," he told me as we headed towards his spaceship. "You have been chosen for a grand purpose. Are you prepared for an adventure across the cosmos?"I gulped and nodded slowly. This was so intense! I couldn't believe I was about to go on a real space journey with a real alien! As we went up the ramp into his ship, I looked back towards the house. Tommy was still staring at us in shock, while Mom was just starting to wake up. I waved goodbye as the door sealed shut.The inside of the spaceship was like nothing I'd ever seen before. The walls were covered in blinking colored lights and tons of high-tech gizmos and controls I couldn't make sense of.Whirring machines and beeping panels lined every surface. It looked just like something out of a sci-fi movie!"Take a seat and strap yourself in," Zibzox instructed, gesturing to a chair surrounded by loads of buttons and levers. I did as he said, fumbling with the buckles while he hopped into the pilot's chair in front of a huge windshield looking out at the Earth and stars beyond.With a whir of engines, the ship started to rumble. "Hang on tight, young Earthling!" the alien shouted. "Next stop - the outer rings of Blagorthor!"And just like that, we blasted off into space! Out the window, I could see my house and neighborhood get smaller and smaller until they were just a tiny speck on the rapidly receding Earth. My stomach did a flip as we rocketed through the atmosphere, the g-forces pressing me back into my chair.After a few minutes of intense acceleration, Zibzox pushed a lever and the rockets cut off. We floated silently amid a brilliant blanket of stars, the Earth now just a bright blue marble behind us."I can scarcely believe my greatest mission has come to this," the alien sighed, shaking both his heads. "To enlist the aid of a primitive child from the pathetic planet Earth...""Hey!" I said indignantly. "Earth isn't pathetic! And I'm not primitive, whatever that means!"One of Zibzox's heads turned to face me. "You'll have to be extremely brave, child. We're venturing into the most chaotic, destructive region of the entire galaxy. At the outer rings of Blagorthor lies a wormhole leading to...the Oblivion Zone!"I gulped again. "That doesn't sound so good.""Indeed. Few who have dared to pass its threshold have survived its terrors. But I fear we have no choice. The Venarx Horde is on the move, consuming everything in its path. Only by unlocking the ancient secrets found in the Oblivion Zone can we hope to stop them."My eyes went wide. "The venarx whatsit? What are you talking about?"The alien sighed through two of his mouths. "I forget how little your kind understands. Very well, allow me to elucidate..."Zibzox spent the next while telling me all about the various alien races, civilizations, and threats that existed across this partof the galaxy. It was all way over my head, but I tried my best to follow along.From what I could gather, the Venarx were some sort of totally evil, all-devouring aliens that existed in higher dimensions. They would open rifts into our universe, consuming and destroying everything in their path on a scale I could barely comprehend. Whole planets, star systems, and even galaxies wiped out in an instant!For eons, Zibzox explained, the various ancient races of our galaxy had allied together to push back this threat using an array of ultra high-tech weapons and defenses. But now the Venarx had found some way to adapt and bypass all their strongest countermeasures. Entire armadas and civilizations had already fallen before their onslaught.The only way to get an edge against them, according to ancient legends, was to brave the Oblivion Zone and rediscover the secrets of the primordial beings who had first driven the Venarx from our universe billions of years ago. Of course, even getting to the Oblivion Zone was insanely dangerous..."We'll need to pass through the hellish outer rings of radiation and gravitic shears surrounding Blagorthor," Zibzox told me gravely. "That's even before we contend with thewormhole nexus itself, awash in exotic curvatures and singularities. We must time our approach with absolute precision."I just sat there trying to take it all in. I mean, I play lots of video games and read comic books, so I thought I had a pretty good imagination. But this was just too crazy and intense! I was just a regular 8-year-old kid from Vermont. How could I possibly help stop some all-powerful, all-destroying alien menace?But before I could really start freaking out, there was a loud beeping noise from the control panel. One of Zibzox's heads whipped around to check some screens while the other cranked a lever to bring the engines back online."Hold on, child!" he warned. "We're entering the outer rings. Turbulence ahead!"I gripped my chair tightly as the ship started rocking and shuddering. Outside the windshield, I could see strange aurora-like energy clouds swirling amid bizarre gravitational eddies. Flashes of searing light and radiation pummeled the hull.I shut my eyes tightly, my teeth chattering from the violent shaking.For what felt like an eternity, we were battered by the raging spacestorms of the outer rings. The ship groaned and creaked around us, emergency sirens blaring. I could feel the temperature rising as the radiation seeped through the shields.Just when I thought we couldn't take any more punishment, we finally burst through the other side. I opened my eyes again to see nothing but the endless starry void stretching out ahead of us."We made it!" I exclaimed. "That was insane!""Do not celebrate yet, child," rumbled one of Zibzox's heads. "That was merely the first crucible. Behold - the wormhole nexus!"My gaze followed where he was pointing and my jaw dropped in awe. Stretched out before us was a massive, swirling vortex of intense purple/black energy, crackling with power. At its center was...just blackness. An inky void that seemed to suck in all light and matter around it."That's the way to the Oblivion Zone?" I asked nervously."Indeed. Few who have taken that path have returned to tell of its secrets. We must plot our trajectory perfectly, aligning ourselves with the outermost fringes of the event horizon.篇4My Awesome AdventuresHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I'm in 5th grade. My teacher, Mrs. Robinson, is really nice but she gives us a lot of homework. I try my best though because I want to get good grades.Anyway, let me tell you about some of my awesome adventures! During spring break last year, my family took an amazing trip to Hawaii. We stayed in this groovy beach house right near the ocean. Every morning, I would wake up to the sound of the crashing waves. So relaxing!My favorite part was going snorkeling with my dad. We saw the most incredible coral reefs and tropical fish. There were yellow angelfishes, blue parrotfishes, and these vivid orange clownfishes that looked just like Nemo from the movie! I even spotted a sea turtle gliding through the water. It was magical.Another cool thing we did was go on a helicopter tour over the islands. Flying high up in the air, I could see the lush, green mountains, beautiful waterfalls, and huge craters left behind from ancient volcanoes. The pilot pointed out spots wheremovies like Jurassic Park and Pearl Harbor were filmed. From up there, it felt like I was in a real-life dinosaur world!Back on the ground, we hiked through a dense bamboo forest. I loved the way the tall bamboo shoots swayed in the breeze. It sounded like music! We also visited a pineapple plantation and I got to sample some fresh pineapple right off the plant. It was so sweet and juicy.On our last day, we went to this amazing luau show on the beach. The dancers were spinning fire batons and doing cool hula moves. The smells of the roasting pig and other Hawaiian foods made my mouth water. And let me tell you, that kalua pork was out-of-this-world delicious!That trip to Hawaii was beyond epic. I have so many wonderful memories that I'll never forget. Like the time I buried my little brother in the sand and he looked like a mermaid! Or when we spotted wild spinner dolphins playing in the waves. Seeing their acrobatic jumps and flips was incredible.I really hope I get to go back to Hawaii again soon. But if not, I know there are so many other awesome places I'll get to explore. Maybe next we'll go on a crazy adventure through the Amazon rainforest. How cool would that be? Spotting jaguars, colorful parrots, and dancing with indigenous tribes!No matter where I go though, you can be sure I'll be on the lookout for fun and excitement around every corner. My life is one big, epic adventure after another! I feel so lucky to have a family that loves traveling and discovering new places together. We've already been making so many amazing memories.Well, that's a little taste of my awesome adventures so far. I'm just a kid, but I've gotten to do and see so many incredible things already. I can't wait to share my next round of stories and escapades. Maybe you'll even get to come along for the journey next time! So until then, keep on having fun and getting out there. The world is an amazing place just waiting to be explored!篇5Here's a 2000-word story written in English from the perspective of a young child, with myself as the main character:My Adventurous DayHi there! My name is Claude, and I'm going to tell you about one of the most exciting days of my life. It all started on a sunny Saturday morning when I woke up feeling extra energetic."Mom, can we go on an adventure today?" I asked as I bounced into the kitchen where she was making pancakes.Mom laughed. "An adventure, huh? Well, what did you have in mind?"I thought for a moment, tapping my chin. "I want to explore the forest behind our house. I've never been that far back before."Mom's eyes grew wide. "The deep forest? But sweetie, that could be dangerous for a little kid like you. There might be wild animals or you could get lost.""Aw, please Mom?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. "I'll be really careful, I promise. And you can come with me!"After some more pleading on my part, Mom finally gave in. "Alright, alright. But you have to hold my hand the whole time, okay?""Yes!" I cheered, throwing my arms up. "This is going to be the best adventure ever!"A little while later, after we had finished breakfast and gotten ready, Mom and I set off towards the forest. I loved the way the morning sunlight filtered through the trees, making everything look sort of magical. Birds were singing cheerful tunes, and squirrels scampered about."Look over there," Mom whispered, pointing. In a small clearing, a deer was grazing peacefully. I held my breath, not wanting to scare it away.We continued on the barely-visible trail, letting the deer be. Every little sound and movement caught my attention—a rustling in the bushes could be a rabbit or a fox! The forest seemed to stretch on forever, with towering trees all around.After what felt like hours of walking, my stomach started grumbling. "I'm getting hungry," I told Mom.She reached into her backpack and pulled out a couple granola bars. "Here you go, sweetheart. We should probably start heading back soon anyway."As we munched on our snacks, a strange noise made us both freeze. It was kind of a growling, grunting sound. And it seemed to be coming closer."M-Mom?" I stammered, suddenly feeling scared. "What was that?""Shhh." Mom grabbed my hand tightly and looked around with alert eyes.That's when I saw it—a huge brown bear lumbering out from behind a fallen tree trunk! I gasped and moved closer to Mom. The bear looked straight at us and let out another growl."Don't make any sudden movements," Mom whispered urgently. "Slowly back away and don't run."My heart was pounding like crazy as we inched backwards, keeping our eyes on the bear. It continued growling and took a few steps towards us. This was definitely not what I had in mind for our "adventure"!Just when I thought the bear might charge, we heard a loud crashing in the bushes behind us. The bear turned its head, distracted. That's when a park ranger suddenly appeared, yelling and waving his arms to scare the bear away. The startled animal turned and lumbered off in the other direction."You two shouldn't be out here," the ranger scolded once the bear was gone. "This area of the forest isn't meant for hiking, especially with young children. You're lucky I came along when I did."Mom and I could only nod, still shaken from our close encounter. The ranger insisted on leading us out of the forest and back to the safe, marked trails.As we followed him, I looked up at Mom. "Some adventure, huh?"She gave me a relieved smile and hugged me close. "Yes, I'd say we've had quite enough adventure for one day. How about we just have a picnic in the park next time?"I nodded vigorously in agreement. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, but I definitely had an exciting tale to share when I went back to school on Monday!篇6My Day at the ParkHi! My name is Billy and I'm going to tell you a story about the time I went to the park with my family. It was a sunny Saturday morning and I was so excited!"Come on Billy, time to get ready!" yelled Mom from downstairs. I jumped out of bed, put on my favorite red t-shirt with the racecar on it, and my blue shorts. I ran downstairs where Mom and Dad were waiting."Did you brush your teeth?" asked Mom. I nodded quickly. "Okay then, let's go!" said Dad.We piled into the car and drove to Maple Park. It's a big green park with lots of trees, a playground, and a little stream running through it. As soon as we got there, I ran over to the playground."Be careful!" Mom called after me. The playground had so much fun stuff - swings, slides, monkey bars, and more! I climbed up to the tallest lookout tower and gasped. From up there I could see the whole park!I spent a long time running around and playing on everything. After a while, I got thirsty so I found Mom and Dad sitting on a bench. Dad had brought a cooler with drinks and snacks."Here you go sport," he said, handing me an apple juice box.I drank it all down in one big gulp."Thanks Dad!" I said. "Can we go to the stream now?" The stream was my favorite part of the park."Sure, let's go," said Mom. She took my hand and we walked over to the little bridge that crossed over the stream. It was lined with pretty yellow flowers and little fish were swimming around in the water.I found a stick and started poking around in the stream, trying to catch the fish. They were too quick for me though! I almost fell in a couple of times, but Mom held me back.After playing in the stream for a while, Dad said it was time to go home for lunch. I didn't want to leave but my grumbling stomach told me I was hungry too.On the way home in the car, I felt so happy and tired from my big day at the park. Playing outside is so much fun! When we got home, I ate a big sandwich and fell asleep watching cartoons on the couch. What a day!The end.。
常见的轻声词组上边身量身上少相清亮间量嫁妆晃荡晃悠 shàngbiɑn shēnliɑng shēnshɑng shàoxi ɑng qīngliɑng jiānliɑng jiàzhuɑng huàngdɑng huàngyou常见的轻声词组(约有上千条) 上边身量身上少相清亮间量嫁妆 shàngbian shēnliang shēnshang shàoxiang qīngliang jiānliang jiàzhuang晃荡晃悠缓醒后晌光溜光趟逛荡公公姑娘方丈方向风筝奉承端量端详待承春上灯笼畜生窗户长处敞快爆仗巴掌年成漂亮平正轻省前边前面翘棱乱腾莲蓬冷清冷战冷颤愣怔凉快粮食亮堂宽敞框框将官宽绰庄家庄稼 huàngdang huàngyou huǎnxing hòushang guāngliu guāngtang guàngdang gōnggong gūniang fāngzhang fāngxiang fēngzheng fèngcheng duānliang duānxiang dàicheng ch ūnshang dēnglong chùsheng chuānghu chángchu ch ǎngkuai bàozhang bāzhang niáncheng piàoliang p íngzheng qīngsheng qiánbian qiánmian qiàoleng lu ànteng liánpeng lěngqing lěngzhan lěngzhan lèngzheng liángkuai liángshi liàn gtang kuānchang kuàngkuang jiàngguan kuānchuo zhuāngjia zhuāngjia壮实枕箱争竞蒸食正经章程硬挣营生娘娘相公响动相声先生鲜亮铜匠收成状元长虫皇上煎饼斗箕矮子庵子鞍子熬头懊糟八哥爱人巴结扒拉扒头吧嗒吧唧疤癞把揽把势把手爸爸罢了霸道拌和帮手白净摆设摆布摆划 zhuàngshi zhěnxiang zhēngjing zhēngshi zhèngjing zhāngcheng y ìngzheng yíngsheng niángniang xiànggong xiǎngdong xiàngsheng xiānsheng xiānliang tóngjiang sh ōucheng zhuàngyuan chángchong huángshang jiānbang dǒuji ǎizi ānzi ānzi áotou àozao bāge àiren bājie bāla bātou bāda bāji bāla bǎlan b ǎshi bǎshou bàba bàle bàdao bànhuo bāngshou b áijing bǎishe bǎibu bǎihua拜拜扳手扳指班子背晦悖晦被卧保人报酬包涵褒贬宝宝棒槌棒子包袱梆子板实箅子避讳前边后边左边右边里边外边东边南边西边北边边式编派奔头蹦达鼻头比方比画比划比量比试辈分本事扁担吵吵部分饽饽播弄 bàibai bānshou b ānzhi bānzi bèihui bèihui bèiwo bǎoren bàochou bāohan bāobian bǎobao bàngchui bàngzi bāofu b āngzi bǎnshi bǐzi bìhui qiánbian hòubian zuǒbian yòubian lǐbian wàibian dōngbian nánbian x ībian běibian biānshi biānpai bèntou bèngda b ítou bǐfang bǐhua bǐhua bǐliang bǐshi bèifen b ěnshi biǎndan chāochao bùfen bōbo bōnong 伯伯拨弄拨拉槟榔别扭标致憋闷扁食别价簸箩笸箩簸弄薄荷簸箕猜摸财主裁缝萝卜行啵补丁柴火搀和缠磨颤悠茨菰慈姑伺候刺挠刺痒凑搭串游抽屉稠糊尺寸尺头重落抽搭差使称呼孱头苍蝇槽坊喳喳茶食差事扯手 bóbo bōnong bōla bīnglang bièniu biāozhi biēmen biǎnshi biéjie b ǒluo pǒluo bǒnong bòhe bòji cāimo cáizhu cáifeng luóbo xíngbo bǔding cháihuo chānhuo chánmo chànyou cígu cígu sìhou cìnao cìyang còuda chuànyou chōuti chóuhu chǐcun chǐtou chóngluo ch ōuda chāishi chēnghu càntou cāngying cáofang chācha cháshi chāishi chěshou出落出息锄头畜类揣摸热闹粗拉粗实撺掇撺弄蹿腾脆生忖摸撮合错处耷拉搭帮街坊搭头搭腰答理答应打扮打点打发调调调头滴水地道地方地下弟兄弟弟掂对掂掇点拨点补点心垫补垫脚提防提溜嘀嗒滴嗒道理道人 chūluo chūxi chútou chùlei chuǎimo rènao cūla cūshi cuānduo cu ānnong cuānteng cuìsheng cǔnmo cuōhe cuòchu d āla dābang jiēfang dātou dāyao dāli dāying d ǎban dǎdian dǎfa diàodiao diàotou dīshui dìdao dìfang dìxia dìxiong dìdi diāndui diānduo diǎnbo diǎnbu diǎnxin diànbu diànjiao dīfang dīliu dīda dīda dàoli dàoren道士得了打听打整打手打算打量德行大发大方大夫大人大爷大意大王担搁耽误当口当头叨叨叨登叨唠唧咕捣鼓捣腾倒腾耳朵多么多嫌多少多咱对付对头堆房队伍斗篷抖搂兜肚兜兜动换动静动弹顶针东西懂得逗弄 dàoshi déle dǎting dǎzheng dǎshou dǎsuan dǎliang déxing dàfa dàfang dàifu dàren dàye dàyi dàiwang dānge d ānwu dāngkou dàngtou dāodao dāodeng dāolao jīgu dǎogu dǎoteng dǎoteng ěrduo duōme duōxian duōshao duōzan duìfu duìtou duīfang duìwu dǒupeng dǒulou dōudu dōudou dònghuan dòngjing dòngtan d ǐngzhen dōngxi dǒngde dòunong都督嘟噜嘟囔嘟哝色子度数短处敦实多会格式胳肢哥哥哥们胳臂胳膊圪塔圪节圪蹴圪针疙疤疙瘩疙疸钢口杠杠高梁糕干告诉告示告送敢情干事嘎巴嘎渣盖火盖头干巴干松干哕甘蔗佛爷伏侍伏手服侍福分福气妇道 dūdu dūlu dūnang dūnong shǎizi dùshu duǎnchu dūnshi duōhui géshi gēzhi gēge gēmen gēbei gēbo gēda gējie g ējiu gēzhen gēba gēda gēda gāngkou gànggang g āoliang gāogan gàosu gàoshi gàosong gǎnqing g ànshi gāba gāzha gàihuo gàitou gānba gānsong g ānyue gānzhe fóye fúshi fúshou fúshi fúfen f úqi fùdao富态富余废物费用分寸风头饭食反叛发送耳风耳塞二乎二忽锢露呱哒呱嗒鼓弄估衣鼓捣姑爷轱轳轱辘骨朵骨碌箍嘴箍眼骨头估摸咕嘟咕叽咕唧咕噜咕哝姑夫姑父姑姑恭维恭惟勾搭公家隔断根脚跟前跟斗跟头跟着 fùtai fùyu fèiwu fèiyong fēncun fēngtou fànshi fǎnpan fāsong ěrfeng ěrsai èrhu èrhu gùlou guāda guāda gǔnonggùyi gǔdao gūye gūlu gūlu gǔduo gūlu gūzui g ūyan gǔtou gūmo gūdu gūji gūji gūlu gūnong g ūfu gūfu gūgu gōngwei gōngwei gōuda gōngjia g éduan gēnjiao gēnqian gēndou gēntou gēnzhe 工夫功夫工钱公道过逾哈欠哈巴还是孩子害处顸实含胡含糊寒伧寒碜行当行道行家行市号丧豪横好处柜上锅饼果子裹脚裹腿归着归置规矩闺女罐头逛游棺材惯家怪物挂记寡妇呱唧忽悠狐狸胡噜胡琴胡涂糊涂后面 gōngfu gōngfu gōngqian gōngdao guòyu hāqian hāba háishi háizi h àichu hānshi hánhu hánhu hánchen hánchen hángdang hángdao hángjia hángshi háosang háoheng h ǎochu guìshang guōbing guǒzi guǒjiao guǒtui gu īzhe guīzhi guīju guīnü guàntou guàngyou guāncai guànjia guàiwu guàji guǎfu guāji hūyou h úli húlu húqin hútu hútu hòumian后头厚道厚实呼噜黑下哼唧横是河漏核桃和气呵欠合计合同和尚红火葫芦虎势护士糊弄花费花哨花头花消划拉坏处滑溜欢实黄瓜黄历皇历回回混混活便活泛活计活路活泼火候脚钱搅混搅和叫唤教训伙计和弄祸害 hòutou hòudao hòushi hūlu hēixia hēngji héngshi hélou hétao héqi hēqian héji hétong héshang hónghuo húlu h ǔshi hùshi hùnong huāfei huāshao huātou huāxiao huála huàichu huáliu huānshi huánggua huángli hu ángli huíhui hùnhun huóbian huófan huóji huólu huópo huǒhou jiǎoqian jiǎohun jiǎohuo jiàohuan jiàoxun huǒji huònong huòhai叽咕饥荒机灵激灵唧咕唧弄挤对挤咕脊梁记得记号记性忌妒忌讳家伙家什价钱架势架子奸细见识苦头将就讲究糨糊交情浇头娇贵娇嫩娇情嚼裹缴裹嚼用结巴结实接着街坊节气节下姐姐姐夫戒指芥末别价甭价不价 jīgu jīhuang jīling jīling jīgu jīnong jǐdui jǐgu jǐliang jìde jìhao jìxing jìdu jìhui jiāhuo jiāshi jiàqian jiàshi jiàzi jiānxi jiànshi kǔtou jiāngjiu jiǎngjiu jiànghu jiāoqing jiāotou jiāogui jiāonen jiāoqing jiáoguo jiǎoguo jiáoyong jiēba ji ēshi jiēzhe jiēfang jiéqi jiéxia jiějie jiěfu jièzhi jièmo biéjie béngjie bùjie筋道紧着紧身进项近乎惊醒精灵揪揪酒钱救应就合舅舅舅母拘挛觉得绝户倔巴开通考究磕巴磕打磕碰咳嗽坑哧抠搜抠唆口袋口头口音扣头窟窿苦处快当快活快性狂气亏得亏空困难阔气拉巴拉扯拉手拉忽喇叭喇嘛 jīndao jǐnzhe jǐnshen jìnxiang jìnhu jīngxing jīngling jiūjiu ji ǔqian jiùying jiùhe jiùjiu jiùmu jūluan juéde juéhu juèba kāitong kǎojiu kēba kēda kēpeng k ésou kēngchi kōusou kōusuo kǒudai kǒutou kǒuyin kòutou kūlong kǔchu kuàidang kuàihuo kuàixing ku ángqi kuīde kuīkong kùnnan kuòqi lāba lāche l āshou lāhu lǎba lǎma来得来往来项来着懒怠懒得烂糊榔头浪头捞摸劳动牢靠牢稳唠叨老到姥姥力量了得咧咧灵便灵透铃铛菱角溜达犁杖篱笆里脊里头力巴嘞嘞乐和姥爷烙铁老爷老实老婆累赘类乎力气力钱厉害利落利钱利索痢疾琉璃 láide láiwang láixiang láizhe lǎndai lǎnde lànhu lángtou làngtou lāomo láodong láokao láowen láodao lǎodao lǎolao lìliang liǎode liělie língbian língtou língdang língjiao liūda lízhang líba lǐji lǐtou l ìba lēle lèhe lǎoye làotie lǎoye lǎoshi lǎopo léizhui lèihu lìqi lìqian lìhai lìluo lìqian l ìsuo lìji liúli碌碡笼头笼嘴路上露水氆氇乱乎罗锅矮糖骆驼落得妈妈抹搭蚂螂麻刀麻烦麻秸麻利马虎马糊码头杩头蚂蚱买卖卖弄馒头忙叨忙乎忙活毛糙毛咕毛毛毛躁茅厕冒失玫瑰眉毛媒人妹夫妹妹门道门面门路眯瞪眯缝弥撒 liùzhou lóngtou l óngzui lùshang lùshui pǔlu luànhu luóguo ǎitang luòtuo luòde māma māda mālang mádao máfan májie máli mǎhu mǎhu mǎtou mǎtou màzha mǎimai m àinong mántou mángdao mánghu mánghuo máocao m áogu máomao máozao máosi màoshi méigui méimao méiren mèifu mèimei méndao ménmian ménlu mīdeng mīfeng mísa迷瞪迷糊密实棉花免得面糊面筋面汤苗条苗头乜斜名气名堂明白模胡模糊磨蹭蘑菇魔怔磨叨磨烦牡丹木匠木头木犀木樨苜蓿牧师暮生拿捏哪个哪里那个那里那么那末前头俏皮俏式俏头切末亲戚亲事勤谨勤快亲家 mídeng míhu mìshi miánhua miǎnde miànhu miànjin miàntang miáotiao miáotou miēxie míngqi míngtang míngbai m óhu móhu mózeng mógu mózheng mòdao mòfan mǔdan mùjiang mùtou mùxi mùxi mùxu mùshi mùsheng nánie nǎge nǎli nàge nàli nàme nàmo qiántou qi àopi qiàoshi qiàotou qièmo qīnqi qīnshi qínjin qínkuai qìngjia铺家欺负漆匠起升气脉气数婆婆苤蓝贫气泼辣笸罗婆家扑打扑棱扑腾扑扇扑闪铺衬铺盖披散配搭朋友皮匠皮实疲塌脾气匹头屁股篇幅便宜漂洒漂悠清楚情形泡泡炮铳炮仗陪房陪客陪送拍打排揎牌楼盘缠盘费盘算 pùjia qīfu qījiang qǐsheng qìmai qìshu pópo piělan pínqi p ōla pǒluo pójia pūda pūleng pūteng pūshan pūshan pūchen pūgai pīsan pèida péngyou píjiang p íshi píta píqi pǐtou pìgu piānfu piányi piāosa piāoyou qīngchu qíngxing pàopao pàochong p àozhang péifang péike péisong pāida páixuan p áilou pánchan pánfei pánsuan盼头暖和疟疾挪动派司扒拉牛气扭搭扭捏奴才女气女人女婿年时年下年月黏糊黏涎捏弄腻烦腻味腻歪闹腾闹哄脑袋奶奶男人丈夫难处难为囔囔神甫生分生日生意牲口省得尸首失闪师父师傅师爷少爷舌头舍得身分 pàntou nuǎnhuo n üèji nuódong pāsi pála niúqi niǔda niǔnie n úcai nǚqi nǚren nǚxu niánshi niánxia niányue ni ánhu niánxian niēnong nìfan nìwei nìwai nàoteng nàohong nǎodai nǎinai nánren zhàngfu nánchu n ánwei nángnang shénfu shēngfen shēngri shēngyishēngkou shěngde shīshou shīshan shīfu shīfu sh īye shàoye shétou shěde shēnfen身份烧卖勺口芍药山药软和丧气扫听嫂嫂扫帚啬刻伤耗晌午上人上司上头烧饼认得认识任务日头揉搓揉磨肉食肉头屈枉蛐蛐圈拢全乎髯口染坊嚷嚷饶头热乎热火热和热闹人家人性狮子石匠石榴石头时辰时候时令 shēnfen shāomai sháokou sháoyao shānyao ruǎnhuo sàngqi sǎoting sǎosao sàozhou sèke shānghao shǎngwu shàngren sh àngsi shàngtou shāobing rènde rènshi rènwu rìtou róucuo róumo ròushi ròutou qūwang qūqu qu ānlong quánhu ránkou rǎnfang rāngrang ráotou r èhu rèhuo rèhuo rènao rénjia rénxing shīzi sh íjiang shíliu shítou shíchen shíhou shíling 时气实诚实落实在拾掇使得使唤世故事情势力势派试探似的是的钥匙骨殖收拾首饰寿数寿星受用瘦溜书记叔伯叔叔舒坦舒服疏忽熟烫属相数叨数落摔打水灵顺当顺和顺溜说道说法说合说口说头私房思量思摸斯文 shíqi shícheng sh íluo shízai shíduo shǐde shǐhuan shìgu shìqing shìli shìpai shìtan shìde shìde yàoshi gǔshi sh ōushi shǒushi shòushu shòuxing shòuyong shòuliushūji shūbai shūshu shūtan shūfu shūhu shútang shǔxiang shǔdao shǔluo shuāida shuǐling shùndang shùnhe shùnliu shuōdao shuōfa shuōhe shuōkou shu ōtou sīfang sīliang sīmo sīwen松散素净算计随和岁数榫头趿拉塌实抬肩抬举太太态度淘换套套特务梯己体己踢腾替换添补甜头填房跳蚤虼蚤铁匠停当捅咕头发头里头面色子秃噜土地下巴下边下处下水下面下头吓唬显摆显得险乎乡下芫荽想法 sōngsan sùjing su ànji suíhe suìshu sǔntou tāla tāshi táijian t áiju tàitai tàidu táohuan tàotao tèwu tīji t ǐji tīteng tìhuan tiǎnbu tiántou tiánfang tiàozao gèzao tiějiang tíngdang tǒnggu tóufa tóuli tóumian shǎizi tūlu tǔdi xiàba xiàbian xiàchu xiàshui xiàmian xiàtou xiàhu xiǎnbai xiǎnde xi ǎnhu xiāngxia yánsui xiǎngfa想头消停消息乌涂蔓菁伍的乌拉悟性吸溜希罕稀罕稀拉锡匠媳妇喜欢喜钱喜鹊喜兴细发细条细挑虾米为了为着位置温和温乎文气纹路纹缕稳当窝憋窝棚窝囊王爷尾巴晚上王八外甥外头吐沫抟弄妥当唾沫挖苦娃娃 xiǎngtou xiāoting xiāoxi wūtu mánjing wǔde wūla wùxing xīliu xīhan xīhan xīla xījiang xífu xǐhuan xǐqian x ǐque xǐxing xìfa xìtiao xìtiao xiāmi wèile w èizhe wèizhi wēnhuo wēnhu wénqi wénlu wénlü w ěndang wōbie wōpeng wōnang wángye wěiba wǎnshang wángba wàisheng wàitou tùmo tuánnong tu ǒdang tuòmo wāku wáwa瓦匠外道外面外气砚台央告雅致胭脂烟火烟筒严实言语阎王丫头丫鬟押头牙口牙碜衙门衙役哑巴学问踅摸寻摸寻思丫巴休息秀才秀气絮烦暄腾玄乎悬乎学生行头兴头行李薪水星星猩猩猩气行道晓得笑话小气歇息 wǎjiang wàidao w àimian wàiqi yàntai yānggao yāzhi yānzhi yānhuo yāntong yánshi yányu yánwang yātou yāhuan yātou yákou yáchen yámen yáyi yǎba xuéwen xuémo xúnmo xúnsi yāba xiūxi xiùcai xiùqi xùfan xu ānteng xuánhu xuánhu xuésheng xíngtou xìngtou x íngli xīnshui xīngxing xīngxing xīngqi hángdao xiǎode xiàohua xiǎoqi xiēxi邪乎斜楞邪行鞋匠谢谢心里心思运气咂摸杂碎再不糟践早晨早起早上灶火灶头造化圆全圆实约莫约摸月饼月亮月钱云彩匀兑匀和匀净匀溜匀实运道用处用人刑法犹疑有着玉色芋头冤家应酬硬棒硬朗硬气硬实印色 xiéhu xiéleng xi éxing xiéjiang xièxie xīnli xīnsi yùnqi zāmo z ásui zàibu zāojian zǎochen zǎoqi zǎoshang zàohuo zàotou zàohua yuánquan yuánshi yuēmo yuēmo yuèbing yuèliang yuèqian yúncai yúndui yúnhuo yúnjing yúnliu yúnshi yùndao yòngchu yòngren x íngfa yóuyi yǒuzhe yùshai yùtou yuānjia yìngchou yìngbang yìnglang yìngqi yìngshi yìnse 已经义气益处意思衣服衣胞姨夫姨父你们爷爷夜里要么要是养活痒痒吆喝妖精秧歌眼睛冤枉扎实怎么怎地怎的咋呼诈唬栅栏侧棱侧歪张罗丈夫丈母丈人招呼招牌找补找头兆头照应折腾折头折受这个这么着哩着呢 yǐjing yìqi yìchu yìsi yīfu yībao yífu yífu nǐmen yéye yèli yàome yàoshi yǎnghuo yǎngyang yāohe yāojing yāngge yǎnjing yuānwang zhāshi zěnme zěndi zěnde zhāhu zhàhu zhàlan zhāileng zhāiwai zhāngluo zhàngfu zhàngmu zhàngren zhāohu zhāopai zhǎobu zhǎotou zhàotou zhàoying zhēteng zhétou zhéshou zhège zhème zheli zhene针脚针线针眼真是枕头主人支使芝麻知会知识脂麻执事直溜指甲指头指望蜘蛛主意抓髻抓鬏抓挠砖头转悠转游赚头准头琢磨茁实子口出溜能耐字号租钱租房祖宗嘴巴罪过作践作料自在做作 zhēnjiao zhēnxian zhēnyan zhēnshi zhěntou zhǔren zhīshi zhīma zhīhui zhīshi zhīma zh íshi zhíliu zhǐjia zhǐtou zhǐwang zhīzhu zhǔyi zhuāji zhuājiu zhuānao zhuāntou zhuànyou zhu ànyou zhuàntou zhǔntou zuómo zhuóshi zǐkou ch ūliu néngnai zìhao zūqian zūfang zǔzong zuǐba zuìguo zuòjian zuòliao zìzai zuòzuo。
二年级语文下学期拼写词语必考题型含答案班级:__________ 姓名:__________一、读拼音,写词语。
hóng zāi chǎn yèduìwuhuìshīnán wàng dùguòzhàn shìjūn rén pōshuǐ二、拼读须认真,按音书写。
péng you(____)nóng shì(____)huān xiào(____)cóng lín(____)xióng māo(____)tóng hào(____)hóng qí(____)lǐng jīn(____)三、看拼音写词语。
cǎi sèzuòmèng píng guǒjīng línggēshēng jìjiéxuěsōng jiǎo jiān四、读拼音,写词语。
cǎi sèlán tiān pìgǔyǔsǎn (________)(________)(________)(________)tái tóu yóu xìbǔchōng shǐjìn (________)(________)(________)(________)五、拼一拼,写一写。
píng jiǎng shíhou chèng gǎn lìng wài (________)(________)(________)(________)diàn dēng tóu fa huàmiàn yuán zhūbǐ(________)(________)(________)(________)六、看拼音写词语。
“大学”是对“小学”而言,是说它不是讲“详训诂,明句读”的“小学” ,而是讲治国安邦的“大学” 。
《大学》为“初学入德之门也” 。
经北宋程颢、程颐竭力尊重,南宋朱熹又作《大学章句》,最终和《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》并称“四书” 。
d a xu &h id do z ai mi ngni n g de z a q i nin z a zh iy u zh ish an zh izh 1 er h ou1大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。
知止而后y o U i ng d i n geih o u e ng i ng j i n g er h oine n g an an er h oine ngl u l u ei h o tn e ngd e 有定,定而后能静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得。
wuy o n en m o sh iy o n h o ngh 1 zh i su o xi an h on z e j in d ao y 1物有本末,事有终始,知所先后,则近道矣。
g u zh i y u mi ngni ngd e y u ti a xi a zh e xi a zh i q igu o y u zh iq 1 gudzh e xi anq 1 q 1古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其ji a y u q 1 q 1 ji a zh e xi a xi u q 1 sh en y u xi u q ish e zh e xi a zh e n oq 1 x in y u zh e ng家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;欲正q ix i zh e xi a ch e ng i y i y u ch e ng iy izh e xi a z h iq izh i zh izh iz aig e w u其心者,先诚其意;欲诚其意者,先致其知;致知在格物。
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匹 , 规 模 之 大 ,
它们的样子 可真像啊!
三 界 , 是 , 道 再一位张道陵,也就是张天师,江苏丰县人,汉顺帝时, 在四川的鹤鸣山创立了五斗米道,规定凡入道者需交纳五斗 米,故称五斗米道,专心以符水、咒法为民治病,教人有罪 首过,道徒们把他尊为“天师”,到了唐宋时期改称为“正 一道”。 还有就是全真道的创始人王重阳,山西咸阳人, 48 岁 时遇到吕洞宾,饮以神水,授以真决,遂入终南山修炼 9 年,王重阳顺应时代思潮,提倡三教合一,主张“全神炼气, 出家修真”,出家人不得杀生、不得吃肉饮酒、不妻不娶。 于 字 姓 的 , , 处 姓 名 , 中 山 的 , , 之 , 山 , , 一 , , 道 , 。 五 祖 中 的 第 一 祖 。 的 。 对 国 教 的 , 老 太 位 先 的 五 教 祠 殿 公 列 , 的 位 , 太 序 姜 称 。 护 单 所 道 , 名 君 , , 姓 王 星 门 、 二 大 家 的 轴 场 保 山 君 仑 帝 , 虎 的 , 法 见 中 动 物 教 居 昆 华 殿 白 写 书 所 的 活 文 隐 东 祖 、 是 五 青 龙 题 的 门 统 教 点 生 名 进 传 道 重 道 位 为 即 先 著 , 之 一 殿 君 。 东 雕 像 老 国 式 国 的 级 初 我 形 中 要 省 祖 将 朴 是 局 是 重 于 大 赵 字 布 的 处 属 长 大 式 用 一 祠 个 宇 采 的 公 庙 式 省 太 形 我 姜 是
风景区地处 05 淄博 梓童山 站 东 5公里处的 梓 东,占地面积100公 。 风景区 柚鬼谷 梓童山鬼谷 洞 、 风 的枫 风 北 栆 谷的遗 , 景区 山 ,根 ,栆水 , , 自然景观 景观 然 , 山 , , 处胜景 落 。 景
妙 惟 肖 , 引 人 入 胜 。 , 匠 心 独 特 , 惟 肖 生 二 十 的 刻 细 雕
临淄也 是个历史悠 久的地方。
至 枬 , 齐 临 , 雄 齐 国 国 , 齐 国 建 国 周 , , , 齐 , , 15 0 国 , 公 称 西 , , 淄 , , , 国 齐 淄 柚 , 柹 国 13 西 齐 00 晋 国 威 废 齐 , 临 , 齐 建 雄 封 国 称 公 宣 太 姜 , 年 淄 年 战 初 临 周
游 娱 乐 场 所 。 它 的 50 建 0 成
游 司 与 济 南 桃 园 集 团 共 填 补 建 的 店 区 的 风 游 乐 俗 区 乡 情 旅 型 合 综 张 设 了 建 资 投 同
公 店 区 旅 游 局 招 商 引 资
张 增 长 的 近 郊 旅 游 需 求
益 玉 黛 湖 生 态 乡 村 庄 园 是 湖 满 足 广 大 市 民 日 为
梓童山位于淄川的北训,张博公路梓童山站东面三公里处, 梓童山鬼谷洞风景区即座落于此。占地面积1500余亩。景区内山 清水秀、谷幽林茂,名胜遗迹、民间故事,俯拾皆是,自然景观 景观 。 、 鬼谷 , 柚 的 。 景区 、 、 柺 、 景 鬼谷洞、鬼谷 、鬼谷 、梓童 、 栉 、 枓 、 、柏 、 、 、 、 林、 、 童 枇 。
0 0 10 月 0年 00 开 万 元 工 月 。 , 改 历 1 造 时 日 正 后 式 的 个 开 人 月 园 民 , , 公 总
任 县 长 晏 兴 堂 , 民 族 英 雄 许 光 汉 人 等 。 , 淄 川 第 一 : 、 如 争 中 , 战 碑 门 龙 物 日 , 大 明 人 抗 观 在 飞 , 帘 许 光 雄 到 壮 立 九 条 龙 门 眼 为 英 院 巍 矗 的 学 巍 阳 , 的 蟠 入 之 映 称 责 泣 事 , 朝 负 可 军 党 歌 所 下 可 一 重 碑 吨0 迎 着 。 特 色 致 先 被 现 有 别 首 古 活 煞 型 区 自 地 批 第 , 驮 活 灵 , 造 景 , 的 大 国 尺 的 、 观 、 入 风 窝 龙 早 一 中 公 高 最 期 的 八 高 ] 雾 壮 香 进 老 区 时 早 高 , 碑 吐 伟 古 矿 争 最 碑 来 山 巨 云 雄 色 , 、 喷 , 古 地 山 淄 博 战 从 解 放 了 此 门 童 、 壁 北 宝 龙 记 载 , 得 梓 天 龙 朝 水 蟠 西 侧 进 [ 升 九 南 风 有 入 地 有 坐 的 下 门 西 是 性 山 ] 的 便 养 童 门 修 仙 梓 龙 [ 蟠
葱 臊
和 诸 ) 、
烂 摆 放 , 调
排 骨 、 猪 、 鱼 、
肉 、 海 带 、
藕 酥 锅 的 原
沂源县,地处沂蒙山区,因沂河发源地而得名。沂源县山青水秀,气候宜人, 是山东省平均海拔最高的地方。沂源东望黄海,西通泰山,西南是孔孟故里, 东北是鸢都潍坊,正北侧临齐国故都临淄。沂源溶洞群风景区,位于沂源县 城西北13公里处,鲁山南侧。在近五平方公里境内,有大小洞穴四十多个, 称“北国第一洞群”。许多洞穴曾是古代猿人生息、繁衍的场所,曾挖掘出 猿人头盖骨及数枚牙齿化石,伴随着大量动物化石,并发现大量猿人石器, 故称为“沂源猿人”溶洞群。近几年已有多处洞穴开发,正式向游人开放。 “千人洞”以高宽大而得名,地质上称“山东一号洞”。洞内有23尊壁雕佛 像和三组“佛的故事”浅浮雕,神态各异,栩栩如生。“石龙洞”以洞内数 石龙而得名,洞 21 ,为 式洞穴,洞内有 、龙 、 河 、 、龙 景 。。 门 张 住 内 千 洞 外 石 柱 长 成 “ 石 婷 宝 石 声 洞 镇 店 、 通 姿 ” 还 等 、 米 , 九 瀑 婷 塔 筝 , 内 游 讯 百 、 有 景 石 。 , 故 天 、 玉 状 。 可 片 、 发 态 “ “ 观 笋 洞 余 名 洞 石 立 , 石 弹 状 步 行 沂 购 达 , 神 珊 奇 、 内 米 “ ” 葡 ; 少 筝 奏 钟 约 源 、 , 美 仙 瑚 特 石 石 , 九 洞 萄 石 数 、 简 乳 公 娱 交 不 洞 洞 , 莲 幔 平 天 内 , 旗 似 石 单 石 2 交 配 通 胜 ” ” 晶 、 、 均 洞 由 多 、 嫦 柱 的 较 公 里 车 套 方 收 等 、 莹 石 石 宽 ” 九 姿 石 娥 林 乐 多 , 个 多 带 、 立 曲 , 即 到 服 便 。 天 “ 剔 冰 帷 到 沂 务 , 旅 然 灵 透 、 幕 1米 洞 洞 彩 、 宫 , , 敲 。 源 。 吃 游 溶 芝 。 卷 、 , 穴 厅 。 石 女 多 名 之 幔 , 呈 曰 发 另 曲 石 高 全 组 土 乘 、 区 洞 、 穴 由 一 垂 直 的 落 水 洞 相 连 接 , ——
齐国历史博物馆位于临淄区齐都镇政府驻地,是 全国十大异型博物馆之一。内部装饰古朴典雅,总建 筑面积2600平方米,顶高15米,与宫城西部的宫殿建 筑遗址桓公台东西相望,交相辉映,显得格外雄伟壮 观。陈列内容是以齐国历史为纲,以时代先后为序, 分先齐时期、周代齐国,以此为重点,突出了西周、 春秋、战国三个时期,最后是秦汉时期。陈列形式灵 活、多样、生动、形象,融知识、艺术、趣味性于一 体,分设15个展厅,有序馆、龙山文化厅、西周文化 厅、桓管霸业厅、韶乐厅、武威厅、城郭厅、稷下厅、 科技厅、礼俗厅、火牛阵厅,陈列各类文物精品300 余件(套),并辅以雕塑、模型、
精 心 路 拾 级 而 上 直 达 山 顶 , 沿 中 心 路
中 目 望 去
举 之 感 , 那 , 好 一 派 美 景 。 气 势 恢 弘 的 生 。 而 然 由 谐 和 、 馨 温 、 静 宁
清 新 摩 的 肩 山 接 风 吹 来 , 使 人 大 有 豁 然 开 朗 门 , 大 园 盛 奎 入 步 , 客 游 的 踵
奎盛公园地处淄川区东侧风景秀丽的杜坡山风景区内,北靠松龄 东路与淄川经济技术开发区相望,西临般阳山庄,东临“世界短篇小 说之王”清代著名文学家蒲松龄先生的故居,地理位置优越,交通便 利。 奎盛园是由淄川区昆仑镇奎三村自行投资兴建的集吃、看、游、 玩的综合旅游场所,占地 400 余亩;自一九九二年动工兴建以来, 总投资达近亿元,完成了 10 个景区的建设,向社会开放后,大大改 善了淄川商城的面貌,已成为淄川商城的重要对外窗口。为精神文明 的建设描上了浓浓的一笔,开创了历史上农民进城办旅游业之先河, 在反映齐文化的巨著“历史拥抱今天”之中写下了崭新的一页。
之 国 古 车 研
中 原 车 , 直 究 至 成 全 果 国 之 出 大 土 成 的 , 各 荟 类 华 夏 历 代 车 乘 珍 。 品 集 车 原 复 车 代 古
复 马 坑 出 土 的 各 类 车 和 临 淄
车 国 十 大 考 古 发 现 之 一 。 古 地 车 区 陈 出 列 土 展 的 厅 古 陈 代 列 车 后 的 李
淄博人民公园始建于1960年,市委、市政府 从建设绿色城市、提升城市形象、为群众办 好事的角度出发,决定对公园进行全面改造。 市委、市政府确定了“规划一流、建设一流、 效果一流”的改造目标,通过运用现代环境 设计理念和各类生态建材,以自然生态条件 和原有植物为基础,将公园改造成为开放式 的城市 公园,
路 盛开 ,风 秀丽的奎 盛园与 名 的杜坡山 一 , 松 , ,园内 与一 风 建 相 , 的 , 的 , 的 , 的 , 园 术的 景, 北 城 下的风 是 枇 , 。奎盛公园已 成为一个 景 、 、 景 的 游 游 ,游 的 著名公园。
技 术 在 世 界 充 车 分 辆 展 发 示 展 了 史 我 上 国 的 车 领 乘 先 的 地 悠 位 久 历 史 和 造 车 车、马是我国古代陆上的主要交通工具。 制车是一个集大成的手工业部门。我国古车以 其优异的性能在世界上长期处于领先地位。骑 乘所用马具中极为重要的构件——马镫,也是 我国首先发明的。在这方面,我国曾对人类文 明作出了巨大的贡献。 临淄中国古车博物馆位于临淄区齐陵镇 后李官庄,坐落在后李文化遗址上,是当代中 国首家最系统、最完整、以车马遗址与文物陈 玉黛湖生态乡村庄园 将以市民近郊旅游需求为目标,突 出现代生活消费观念,集中投资建 设高尔夫练球场、家庭式休闲别墅 等新项目,继续增添适于青少年需 求的游乐设施,力争以更丰富多彩 的项目、更幽雅洁净的环境和更轻 松愉快的活动,把玉黛湖生态乡村 庄园建设成为我市市民近郊旅游的 理想家园。