supplier maturity model


CMMI l2基础知识

CMMI l2基础知识

提供度量结果, 提供度量结果,以便处理信息需要和目标
包括: 包括:获得指定的度量数据 分析并解释度量数据 管理并存储度量数据和分析结果 向所有相关利益者报告度量和分析活动的结果
过程和产品质量保证过程域( PA) 过程和产品质量保证过程域(PPQA PA)
组织实施“过程和产品质量保证”过程域的目标是 组织实施“过程和产品质量保证” 要使工作人员和管理者能客观了解过程和相关的工 作产品的状况 客观评价过程和工作产品 包括:对照适用的过程描述、标准和规程, 包括:对照适用的过程描述、标准和规程,对 指定的已实施的过程进行客观评价 对照适用的过程描述、标准和规程, 对照适用的过程描述、标准和规程,客观评价 所指定的工作产品和服务
制订并维护项目计划,作为项目管理的基础 制订并维护项目计划,
建立项目的预算和ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ度 识别并分析项目风险 计划数据管理 计划项目的资源 计划所需的知识和技能, 计划所需的知识和技能,培训相关人员 计划项目相关人员的参与。( 。(使已识别的利益相关者介 计划项目相关人员的参与。(使已识别的利益相关者介 入的计划) 入的计划) 制订并维护整个项目计划内容。 制订并维护整个项目计划内容。
组织实施“项目监督和控制” 组织实施“项目监督和控制”过程域的目标是监督项目的进 以便在项目性能明显偏离计划时, 展,以便在项目性能明显偏离计划时,采取适当的纠正措施 对照项目计划监督该项目的实际性能和进展 对照项目计划监督项目策划参数的实际值 对照项目计划中确定的承诺进行监督 对照项目计划中标识出的风险进行监督 监督项目数据的管理 对照项目计划监督利益相关者介入情况 定期审查项目进度、 定期审查项目进度、性能和问题 在所选定的项目里程碑处审查项目的完成情况和结果



CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration(能力成熟度模型集成)CMMI-DEV: CMMI Development(CMMI-开发)ML: Maturity Level(成熟度等级)EPG: Engineer Process Group(工程过程组)ISO: International Organization for Standardization(国际标准组织)PA: Process Area(过程域)REQM: Requirements Management(需求管理)PP: Project Planning(项目计划)PMC: Project Monitor and Control(计划监督和控制)SAM: Supplier Agreement Management(供应商合同管理)M&A: Measurement and Analysis(度量和分析)PPQA: Product and Process Quality Assurance(产品和过程质量保证)CM: Configuration Management(配置管理)RD: Requirement Development (需求开发)TS: Technical Solution(技术解决方案)PI: Product Integration(产品集成)VER: Verification(验证)VAL: Validation(确认)OPF: Organization Process Focus(组织过程焦点)OPD: Organization Process Definition(组织过程定义)OT: Organizational Training(组织级培训)IPM: Integrated Project Training(集成项目管理)RSKM: Risk Management(风险管理)DAR: Decision Analysis and Resolution(决策分析与解决方案)。



1.CMMI是什么意思?答:CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration)即能力成熟度模型集成,是一套包括多个学科、可扩充的模型系列,其前身主要包括4个成熟度模型(称CMMI的源模型),他们分别为面向开发的SW-CMM(软件工程)、面向系统工程的SE-CMM(系统工程)、面向产品集成的IPPD-CMM(集成的产品和过程开发)、以及设计外购协作的SS-CMM(采购)。

















LM-IEP Standard
EPI Process & Methods
Industry Stds
IEEE 1220
Common Source Standards
[ 12 ]
Government Stds
Project Specific Standards
CPS – Corporate Policy Statement EPI –旭的评审意见修订,并添加了测试题
根据课时调整,删除了“挑战”部分,简化了其他 体系的简介 受课时限制,删除了“有关标准” 及“其他模型的 简介”等部分。
[ 2]
• 为什么要进行过程改进? • 如何进行过程改进
– 标准化原理简介 – CMMI简介 – 几个标准的对比分析 • 手机事业部研发过程改进组织框架及目标 • 总结
Over/Under Percentage
Results: Boeing Effort Estimation
0% -140%
............................................................................................................ ......................................................................... .
[ 5]
过程管理的前提 • 一个系统的质量,是取决于购买它、开



CMMI的简介CMM I 的全称为:Capability Maturity Model Integration,即能力成熟度模型集成。




自从1994 年SEI 正式发布软件CMM 以来,相继又开发出了系统工程、软件采购、人力资源管理以及集成产品和过程开发方面的多个能力成熟度模型。



于是,希望整合不同CMM 模型的需求产生了。

1997 年,美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)开发了FAA-iCMMSM(联邦航空管理局的集成CMM),该模型集成了适用于系统工程的SE-CMM、软件获取的SA-CMM 和软件的SW-CMM 三个模型中的所有原则、概念和实践。


CMMI 与CMM 最大的不同点在于:CMMISM-SE/SW/IPPD/SS 1.1 版本有四个集成成分,即:系统工程(SE)和软件工程(SW)是基本的科目,对于有些组织还可以应用集成产品和过程开发方面(IPPD)的内容,如果涉及到供应商外包管理可以相应的应用SS(Supplier Sourcing)部分。

CMMI 有两种表示方法,一种是大家很熟悉的,和软件CMM 一样的阶段式表现方法,另一种是连续式的表现方法。

这两种表现方法的区别是:阶段式表现方法仍然把CMMI 中的若干个过程区域分成了5 个成熟度级别,帮助实施CMMI 的组织建议一条比较容易实现的过程改进发展道路。



CMMI全称是Capability Maturity Model Integration,即软件能力成熟度模型集成模型。

分为5个级别,25个过程域(Process Area,PA)。





共7个过程域:1)需求管理Requrements Management2)项目规划Project Planing3)项目跟踪和控制Project Monitoring and Control4)供应商协议管理Supplier Agreement Management5)度量与分析Measurement and Analysis6)过程与产品质量保证Process and Product Quality Assurance7)配置管理Configuration Management3、已定义级(Defined)已将软件管理和工程两方面的过程文档化、标准化,并综合成该组织的标准软件过程。


共14个过程域:1)需求开发Requirements Development2)技术解决方案Techical Solution3)产品集成Product Integration4)验证Verification5)确认Validation6)组织过程焦点Organization Process Focus7)组织过程定义Organization Process Defintion8)组织培训Orgnizational Training9)集成项目管理Integrated Project Management10)风险管理Risk Management11)决策分析和解决DecisionAnalysis and Resolution12)集成团队Integrated Teaming13)集成组织环境Organizational Environment for Integration14)集成供应商管理Integrated Suppliers Management其中12、13是针对大型软件团队提出的要求,一般情况下中小型软件企业可以不用。

16 软件过程模型CMMI

16 软件过程模型CMMI

• CMMI 模型对工程活动进行了一定的强化。
– 在CMM中,只有3级中的软件产品工程和同行评审两个关键过程 域是与工程过程密切相关的, – 在CMMI中,则将需求开发,验证,确认,技术解决方案,产品集 成这些工程过程活动都作为单独的关键过程域进行了要求,从而 在实践上提出了对工程的更高要求和更具体的指导。
2.4 CMMI的 模型表述
• 一个组织可以从以下两种过程改进的方法 中选择其一:
– 组织成熟度 – 过程域能力
• CMMI 对不同过程改进方法采用不同表示 法
– 组织成熟度 – 分级(阶梯式)表示法 – 过程域能力 – 连续表示法
规定了一系列已经证明的改进措施,每一级 都是其上一级的基础,服务于上一级.
3 已定义
项目管理 2 已管理
风险 返工
1 初始级
4.3 CMMI 的新特性
• CMMI 模型中比CMM 进一步强化了对需求的重视。
– 在CMM 中,关于需求只有需求管理这一个关键过程域,也就是说, 强调对有质量的需求进行管理,而如何获取需求则没有提出明确 的要求。 – 在CMMI的阶段模要求和方法。
• CMMI中还强调了风险管理。
– 在CMM 中把风险的管理分散在项目计划和项目跟踪与监控中进行 要求, – CMMI3级里单独提出了一个独立的关键过程域叫做风险管理。
4.4 CMMI 的新特性
• 保留了CMM阶段式模式的基础 • 增加了连续式模型,
– 可以帮助组织其客户更加客观和全面的了解它的过程 成熟度。 – 可以给组织在进行过程改进的时候带来更大的自主性, – 不用再象CMM 中 一样,受到等级的严格限制。 – 这种改进的好处是灵活性和客观性强,弱点在于若缺 乏指导,一个组织可能缺乏对关键过程域之间依赖关 系的正确理解而片面的实施过程,造成一些过程成为 空中楼阁,缺少其他过程的支撑。 – 两种表现方式(连续的和阶段的)从他们所涵盖的过 程区域上来说并没有不同,不同的是过程区域的组织 方式以及对成熟度(能力)级别的判断方式。



CMMI 有两种表示方法,一种是大家很熟悉的,和软件CMM 一样的阶段式表现方法,另一种是连续式的表现方法。这两种表现方法的区别是:阶段式表现方法仍然把CMMI 中的若干个过程区域分成了5 个成熟度级别,帮助实施CMMI 的组织建议一条比较容易实现的过程改进发展道路。而连续式表现方法则通过将CMMI 中过程区域分为四大类:过程管理、项目管理、工程以及支持。对于每个大类中的过程区域,又进一步分为基本的和高级的。这样,在按照连续式表示方法实施CMMI的时候,一个组织可以把项目管理或者其他某类的实践一直做到最好,而其他方面的过程区域可以完全不必考虑。 五、CMMI的基本表述
如果一家企业对外宣称自己通过了CMMI三级评估,外行的人会觉得还不错,因为三级比二级要高。 内行的人则要问通过了三级什么? 因为,CMMI有两种不同的表述方式,不同的表述方式,其级别表示不同的内容。CMMI的一种表述方式为连续表述,主要是衡量一个企业的项目能力。企业在接受评估时可以选择自己希望评估的项目来进行评估。因为是企业自己挑选项目,其评估通过的可能性就较大一点。但是,它反映的内容也比较窄一点。它仅仅表示企业在该项目或类似项目的实施能力达到了某一等级。而另一种表述方式为阶段性。它主要是衡量一个企业的成熟度,也即是企业在项目实施上的综合实力。企业在进行评估时,一定要由评估师来挑选企业内部的任何项目,甚至于任何项目的任何部分。一般地讲,一个企业要想在阶段性评估中得到三级,其企业内部的大部分项目要达到三级,小部分项目可以在二级,但绝不能够有一级。阶段性表述的难度要大一些。



CMMI3级18个过程域CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration)是一种用于评价和改进组织的软件工程能力的模型。



1. 要求开发(Requirements Development):该过程域涉及确定、分析和记录系统和软件需求的活动。


2. 要求管理(Requirements Management):该过程域涉及组织和控制项目的需求。


3. 项目计划和监控(Project Planning and Monitoring):该过程域涉及制定和维护项目计划,并监控项目活动的执行。


4. 项目监控和控制(Project Monitoring and Control):该过程域涉及监控和控制项目执行过程中的工作和活动。


5. 供应商协议管理(Supplier Agreement Management):该过程域涉及与供应商达成协议,并管理和监控供应商的活动。


6. 产品集成(Product Integration):该过程域涉及对各个组成部分进行整合,形成最终产品。


7. 风险管理(Risk Management):该过程域涉及识别、评估和控制项目和产品的风险。


8. 决策分析和解决方案评估(Decision Analysis and Resolution):该过程域涉及通过分析和评估不同的解决方案,制定决策。



CMM/CMMI术语缩写一览表2008-09-11 16:55术语一览表(按字母排序)AB= Ability to perform (CMM KPA comon feature) AC=Activities to perform (CMM KPA comon featureAD/Software Group=Application DevelopmentAE=Adaptive Enterprise (HP) RTI AI=Assessment InstrumentAPW=Action Planning WorkshopARC=Appraisal Requirements for CMMIATQG=Aassessor Training and Qualifications Guide (ISO SPICE)ATW=Actiion Team WorkshopsBAM=Business Activity MonitoringBI=Business IntelligenceBpel=Business Process Execution LanguageBPFBPG=Baseline Practice Guide (ISO SPICE)BPM=Business Process ManagementBPM=Busiiness Process MaturityBPMM=Business Process Maturity ModeBPO=Business Process OutsourcingBPR=Business Process RedesignBSI=British Standards Institute (standard BS 15000) CAPM=Certified Associate in Project ManagementCAR=Causal Analysis and Resolution (CMMI process area)CBA=CMM-Based AssessmentCBA IPI=CMM-Based Assessment for Internal Process ImprovementCBP=Competency Based PracticesCCB=Configuration Control BoardC-CommerceCDG=Capability Determination Guide (ISO SPICE)CEP=Complex Event ProcessingCEU=Continuing Education UnitsCII=Confederation of Indian IndustriesCM=Configuration ManagementCMM=Capability Maturity Model (also referred to as SWCMM). A model for improving the capability of software organizations.CMMI=Capability Maturity Model-Integration (published by the Software engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh) /sei-home.html(integrates 3 source models the SW CMM, SE CMM and the IPD-CMM)CMU=Carnegie Mellon UniversityCO=Committement to perform (CMM KPA common feature)COBit=Control Objectives for Information and Related TechnologyCOCOMO II=COnstructive COst MOdel II is a model that allows one to estimate the cost, effort, and schedule when planning a new software development activity.CO=Commitment to PerformCOTS=Commercial off-the-shelfCPM=Corporate Permormance MonitoringCRADA=Cooperarive Research and Development AgreementCRD=Career Recommendations DevelopmentCRM=Customer Relationship ManagementDAR=Decision Analysis and Resolution (CMMI process area)DBA=Database AdministratorDELLTA=Danish Electronics Light & AcousticsDI=Directing ImplementationDoD=Department of DefenseDP=Defect Prevention (CMM Process area)DTIZC=Defense Technical Information CenterEAI=Enterprise Application IntegrationEDA=Event Driven ArchitectureEIA=Electronic Industries AllianceEIT=Enterprise Information IntegrationELG=Executive Leadership GroupEPG=Engineering Process GroupEPIG=Engineering Process Improvement GroupERP=Enterprise Resource PlanningESB=Enterprise Service BusesESP=External Service ProvidersETL=Extraction Transformation LoadingETVX format=Enty criteria, Tasks, Verification, and eXit criteria (CMMI)FAR=Functional Area Representative (term used in some assessments)FP=Function PointFTE=Full-time Equivalent (measure of personnel availability)GAO=General Accounting OfficeGESP=Global External Service ProvidersGG=Generic GoalGP=Generic PracticeG-Q-M Approach=Goal Queston Metric techniqueIC=Intergroup Coordination (CMM process Area)IDEAL=Initiating-Diagnosing-Establishing-Acting-Leveraging; an improvement cycle often used for process improvementIEC=International Electrotechnical CommissionIEEE=Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.. A professional organizationIESP=Indian External Service ProvidersIG=Introductory Guide (ISO SPICE)IM=Integrated Management (CMM process area)IPD-CMM=Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity ModelIPM=Integrated Project Management (CMM process area)IPPD=Integrated Product and Process DevelopmentIPI=Internal Process ImprovementIPT=Integrated Product TeamISACA=Information Systems Audit and ControlAssociation ISM=Integrated Software Management (CMM process area)ISM=Integrated Supplier Management (CMMI process area)ISO=International Organization fro Standardization (International Standards Organization)IT=Integrated Teaming (CMM process area)ITIL=Information Technology Infrastructure LibraryJAD=Joint application designJIT=Just in TimeJTCI=Joint Technical Committee on Information TechnologyKGI=Key Goal IndicatorsKIPA=Korean IT Industry Promotion IndustryKP=Key practiceKPI's=Key Performance IndicatorKPA=Key Process AreaKSLOC=thousand source lines of codeMA (M&A)=Measurement and Analysis (CMM process area)MBNQA=Malcom Bridge National Quality AwardMDD=Method Description DocumentME=Measurement and Analysis (CMM KPA common feature)MOA=Memorandum of AgreementMOM=Message Orientated MiddlewareMQ=Maturity QuestionnaireMSG=Management Steering GroupMSMO=Microsoft Message Queue ServerMTBF-Mean Time Between FailuresOEI=Organizational Environment for Integration (CMMI process area)OID=Organizational Innovation and Deployment (CMMI process area)OO=Object OrientatedOOA&D=Object Orientated Analysis & DesignOoda=Observe-Orient-Decide-ActOPD=Organization Process Definition (CMM process area Level 3 KPA)OPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMM process area Level 3 KPA)OPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMMI process area)OPM3=Organizational Project Management Model (Published by PMI in January, 2004)OPP=Organizational Process Performance (OPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMMI process area)OSSP=Organization's Set of Standart PracticesOT=Organizational TrainingOPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMMI process area)OUSD/AT&L=Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition , Technology and LogisticsPA=Process AreaPAIS=Process Appraisal Information Systems (Record of Entry Form for CBA IPIs)PAG=Process Assessment Guiide (ISO SPICE)PAT=Process Action TeamPC=Process Change (Management (CMM Level 5 KPA)PCA's=Pacaged Composite ApplicationsPCAR=People CMM Assessment Repository (Record of Entry Form for a PCMM Assessment)PCB's=Process Capability Baselines-a documented characterization of the range of expected resultsPCM=Process Change Management (CMM Level 5 KPA)PCMM=People Capability Maturity Model (CMM Level 3 KPA)PD=(Organization) Process DefinitionPDCA=Plan-Do-Check-Act; an improvement cycle often used for process improvementPDU=Professional Development UnitPE=(Software) Project Engineering (CMM Level 3 KPA)PF=(Organization) Process Focus (CMM Level 3 KPA)PI=Product IntegrationPII=Process Improvement IndicatorPII=Practice Implementation IndicatorsPIID=Practice Implementation Indicator Data (used for SCAMPI)PIG=Process Improvement Guide (ISO SPICE)PIP=Packaged Integration ProcessesPM=Project ManagementPMAT=appears in COCOMO II model shows the benefit of process maturity on and estimate of effort for a software project. CMM Level 2 to Level 3 noted improvements.4-11%PMBoK=Product Management Body of KnowledgePMC=Project Monitoring and Control (CMMI process area)PMC=Process Management CapabilityPMI=Project Management InstitutePMM=People Maturity ModelPMM=Process Maturity ModelPMP=Project Management ProfessionalPMO=Project Management OfficePP=(Software) Project Planning (CMM Level 2 KPA)PP=Project PlanningPI=Product Integration (CMMI process area)PPBs=Process Performance Baselines-a documented characterization of the actual results achieved by following a process.PPM=Process Performance Model (CMMI)PPQA=Process and Product Quality Assurance (CMMI process area)PSM= Practical Software and Systems ManagementPSM= Practical Software and Systems Measurement ()PSP/TSP=Personal Software Process/Team Software ProcessPT=(Software) Project Tracking (and Oversight) (CMM Level 2 KPA)PTO=Project Tracking and Oversight (CMM Level 2 KPA)QA=(Software) Quiality Assurance (CMM Level 2 KPA)QFD=Quality Function DeploymentQM=(Software) Quality Management (CMM Level 4 KPA)OO=Object OrientatedOoa&D=Object Orientation Analysis and DesignQP=Software Quality Process (Management (CMM Level 4 KPA) OPD=Organizational Process DefiinitionQPM=Quantitative Process Management (CMM process area) QPM=Quantitative Project Management (CMMI process area) RAI=Research Access Inc.RD=Requirements Development (CMMI process area)RE=Requirements EngineeringREQM=Requirements Management (CMMI process area)RM=Requirements Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)RM=Risk ManagmentROI=Return On InvestmentRPG=Report Program GeneratorRSKM=Risk Management (CMMI process area)RTE=Real Tme EnterpriseRTI=Real Time InfrastructureRTM=Requirements Traceability MatrixSA-CMM=Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model SAM=Supplier Agreement Management (CMMI process area)Software Acquisition Management (CMM process area)SAP=Over the course of three decades, SAP has evolved from a small, regional enterprise into a world-class international company. Today, SAP is the global market leader incollaborative, inter-enterprise business solutions. The company now employs over 28,900 peopleSC7=Subcommittee 7 (ISO JTC1 subcommittee on software engineering)SCAMPI=Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process ImprovementSCCB=Software Configuration Control BoardSCE=Software Capability EvaluationsSCM=Software Configuration Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)SDD=Software Design DocumentSDF=Software Development FileSDLC=Software Development Life CycleSDP=Software Development Plan (also known as Project Plan)SE CAMM=Software Engineering Capability Assessment ModelSECM=Software Engineering Capability ModelSE CMM=Software Engineering Capability Maturity ModelSEI=Software Engineering Institute (at Carnegie Mellon University) 【软件工程学院】SEPG=Software Engineering Process GroupSEPI=Systems Engineering Process InitiativeSERP=Software Engineering Process GroupSG=Specific GoalSLA=Service Level AgreementSLOC=Source Line of CodeSM=Senior ManagementSM=(Software) Subcontract Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)SME=Subject Matter ExpertSOA=Service Orientated ArchitectureSOAP=Simple Object Access ProtocolSOW=Statement of WorkSP=Specific PracticeSPA=Software Process Assessment (SEI project; now CMM-based appraisals) software process assessment (method)SPC=Statistical Process ControlSPC=Software Product ConsortiumSPE=Software Product Engineering (CMM Level 3 KPA)SPI=Software Process ImprovementSPICE=Software Process Improvement and Capability DeterminationSPIN=Software Proess Improvement NetworkSPM=Software Process Mearurement (SEI project)SPP=Software Process Program; Software Project Planning (CMM Level 2 KPA)SPPT=Software Project Tracking and Oversight (CMM process area)SPTO=Software Project Tracking and OversightSQA=Software Quality Assurance (CMM Level 2 KPA)SQM=Software Quality Management (CMM Level 4 KPA)SRS=Software Requirements Specification (also known as RequirementsDocument)SS=Supplier SourcingSSM=Software Subcontract Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)STP=Straight Through ProcessingSW-CMM=Software Capability Maturity ModelTC176=Technical Committee 176 (ISO technical committee on quality managemetn systems)TCM=Technology Change ManagementTCO=Total Cost of OwnershipTM=Technology (Change) Management (CMM Level 5 KPA)TP=Training Program (CMM Level 3 KPA)TQM=Total Quality Management TQM can be defined as the application of quantitative methods and human resources to improve the materials and services provided asinputs to an organization an to improve all of the processes within the organization. The goal of TQM is to meet the needs of the customer, now and in the future.TS=Technical SolutionTTM=Time to MarketTTT=Train the TrainerTVO=Total Value of OpportunityUAN=Universal Application NetworkUAT=user Acceptance TestUDDI=Universal Desciption, Discovery and IntegrationVAL=Validation (CMMI process area)VB=Visual BasicVE=Verifying implementation (CMM KPA common feature)VER=Verification (CMMI process area)WBS=Work Breakdown StructureWG10=Working Group 10 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Working Group on software process assessment)WG7=Working Group 7 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Working Group on software life cycle processes)WiMAX=Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. 802.11. 70MB Wireless connectivity over 30 milesWP=Workforce PlanningWS=Web ServicesWSDL=Web Services Descriptive LanguageXML=Extensible Markup LanguagexMM=Maturity Models for different business models (SW, I, P)XSL=Extensible Stylesheet LanguageZLE=Zero Latency Enterprise。



CMMI简介目录第一节CMMI概述 (1)1. CMMI的历史 (1)2. 软件过程成熟度 (1)3. CMMI中的成熟度等级 (2)4. CMMI的关键过程域 (3)5. CMMI的能力等级 (3)第二节CMMI的成熟度等级及其过程域 (4)1. 初始级 (4)2. CMMI已管理级 (4)3. CMMI已定义级 (6)4. CMMI量化管理级 (7)5. CMMI优化管理级 (7)第三节CMMI的应用 (8)第四节PSP,TSP与CMMI的关系 (9)1. PSP (9)2. TSP (10)第一节CMMI概述CMMI( Capability Maturity Model Integration)即能力成熟度模型集成,由CMM (Capability Maturity Model)发展而来,它最早是应用于软件业的一个过程改进模型,为软件组织描述了从混乱的、不成熟的软件过程向成熟有序的软件过程进行改进的一条途径。


1. CMMI的历史1991年,美国卡耐基梅隆大学软件工程研究所(SEI)推出了能力成熟度模型CMM,CMM的作用主要有两方面:为软件客户提供评价软件开发商能力的方法。



SE-CMM (System Engineering CMM) 系统工程CMM,应用于系统工程管理。

SA-CMM (Software Acquisition CMM) 软件获取CMM,应用于软件获取(采购)方的能力成熟度模型。

IPD-CMM (Integrated systems product Development CMM): 集成系统产品开发CMM,应用于集成系统产品的开发管理。

P-CMM (People CMM):人员能力成熟度模型,应用于人力资源管理。




无序的过程是由实践者和管理者临时拼凑的 末得到严格定义 高度依赖于当事者 对进展和质量的低可视性
新技术的应用有很大风险 过量的维护费用 质量难以预测 缺少进一步改进的客观基础



CMMI的5个级别和25个过程域CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration)是一个结构化的过程改进方法,用于评估和提升组织的软件工程能力。



1. 初始级别 (Level 1 - Initial)初始级别指的是一个组织在软件开发方面缺乏组织化和预测性的过程。



2. 执行级别 (Level 2 - Managed)执行级别指的是一个组织开始建立和管理自己的软件开发过程。



2.1 需求管理 (Requirements Management)需求管理是确保正确、一致和可追踪需求的过程。


2.2 项目计划与监控 (Project Planning and Monitoring)项目计划与监控是制定和监控项目时间表、成本和资源的过程。


2.3 供应商协商 (Supplier Agreement Management)供应商协商是与供应商建立和维护合作关系的过程。


2.4 产品质量保证 (Product Quality Assurance)产品质量保证是确保项目交付的产品符合质量标准和用户期望的过程。


2.5 配置管理 (Configuration Management)配置管理是管理项目的配置项(包括软件、硬件和文档等)的过程。



CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration(能力成熟度模型集成)CMMI-DEV: CMMI Development(CMMI-开发)ML: Maturity Level(成熟度等级)EPG: Engineer Process Group(工程过程组)ISO: International Organization for Standardization(国际标准组织)PA: Process Area(过程域)REQM: Requirements Management(需求管理)PP: Project Planning(项目计划)PMC: Project Monitor and Control(计划监督和控制)SAM: Supplier Agreement Management(供应商合同管理)M&A: Measurement and Analysis(度量和分析)PPQA: Product and Process Quality Assurance(产品和过程质量保证)CM: Configuration Management(配置管理)RD: Requirement Development (需求开发)TS: Technical Solution(技术解决方案)PI: Product Integration(产品集成)VER: Verification(验证)VAL: Validation(确认)OPF: Organization Process Focus(组织过程焦点)OPD: Organization Process Definition(组织过程定义)OT: Organizational Training(组织级培训)IPM: Integrated Project Training(集成项目管理)RSKM: Risk Management(风险管理)DAR: Decision Analysis and Resolution(决策分析与解决方案)。



过程域PA(process area) 子实践(Subpractice) 典型工作产品(typical work product) 组织资产(organizational assets) 过程体系结构(process architectures) 过程要素(process element) 产品生命周期(product life cycle) 组织度量库(organizational measurement repository) 组织过程资产库(organizational library of processrelated documentation)

说明: 这个是一个阶 段性表现
共性实践 特定实践
组织级的过程能力是靠一组过程能力结合起来体 现的,而不仅仅是实现单独一个过程。而提高组 织级能力成熟度一般采用阶段型模型,即Level1 到Level5,每个级别都有相关的PA. 阶段表示能力成熟度的五个等级:初始级(1)->受 管理级(2)->已定义级(3)->定量管理级(4)->持续优 化级(5).
过程域PA可以按照过程管理,项目管理,支持,工程四 个大类进行划分。
有两种类型的目标和实践:一种是特别目标SG和特定实 践;一种是共性目标GG和共性实践GP。 GG和GP主要分为是个步骤来实现:执行委托-》执行 能力-》指导实施-》验证实施。其中执行委托是GP2.1; 实现能力是GP2.2 GP2.3 GP2.4 GP2.5 GP3.1;指导实施 是GP2.6 GP2.7 GP2.8 GP3.2 ;验证实施是GP2.9 GP3.0



一、基础信息介绍:1.1 CMMI――Capability Maturity Model Integration(集成能力成熟度模型);1.2 CMMI是由卡耐基梅隆大学软件工程学院(SEI)制定的;1.3 CMMI集成了四个知识领域的应用:l Software Engineering (软件工程)、l System Engineering (系统工程)、l Integrated Product and Process Development (集成的产品与过程开发)、l Supplier Sourcing (外包开发) Newegg引入CMMI主要使用在两个知识领域:Software Engineering(软件工程) 和System Engineering (系统工程)1.4 CMMI模型在表现方式上分为2种:分阶段表述和连续性表述,我们通常所说的CMMI的等级是指在分阶段表述下的成熟度等级(ML)。

二、CMMI构成介绍:2.1 CMMI模型组建图2.2 专有名词介绍:l 成熟度等级(Maturity Level, ML):在CMMI分阶段表述中一组经过定义的渐进式过程改善指标,达到每一个成熟度等级则代表组织过程的某重要部分有稳固的基础,一共分为五级。

l 过程域(Process Area, PA):是一组同属某过程领域而彼此相关的执行方法,当共同执行这些方法时,可以达成一组目标,而这些目标对该领域的重大改善是重要的。

l 特定目标(Specific Goal, SG):适用于单一的过程域,并强调其独有的特征,此特征用来说明必须要执行什么以满足过程域。

l 特定实践(Specific Practice, SP):是一种活动,它对达成相关的特定目标是重要的,特定执行方法说明一组活动,这组活动被期望可某过程域的特定目标。

l 一般目标(Generic Goal, GG):是指该目标可用于多个过程域,分阶段表述的每个过程域只有一个一般目标。

Maturity Model (P2MM)

Maturity Model (P2MM)

PRINCE2®Maturity Model (P2MM)Procurement | Programmes & Projects Version 2.1PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM)ContentsAcknowledgements 3Introduction 4P2MM Structure 9PRINCE2 Maturity Model 13 2Version 2.1PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM) AcknowledgementsAuthor of PRINCE2 Maturity ModelGraham Williams – GSW Consultancy LimitedReviewerAlan Harpham – The APM Group Ltd (Project Executive)The PRINCE2 Maturity Model is derived from thePortfolio, Programme and Project ManagementMaturity Model (P3M3TM) and accordingly the authorwould like to acknowledge the significant work doneby those involved in the development of the P3M3.In particular:Authoring Team of P3M3Rod Sowden – Aspire EuropeDavid Hinley – EnodatumSteve Clarke – Onemind ManagementEditor of P3M3Sean RedmondPRINCE2® is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countriesThe OGC logo® is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United KingdomVersion 2.13PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM) 1. IntroductionThe PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM) is a standard which provides a framework with which organizations can assess their current adoption of the PRINCE2 project management method and put in place improvement plans with measurable outcomes based on industry best practice.P2MM is derived from the Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3), and this document should be read in conjunction withthe P3M3. The P2MM can be used by organizations that have adopted PRINCE2 as the basis for their project management method, in place of the Project Management Maturity Model (PjMM) that forms part of the P3M3.BackgroundThe Office of Government Commerce (OGC), owner of P3M3 and P2MM, is an office of Her Majesty’s Treasury within the UK government and is responsible for improving value for money by driving up standards and capability in public sector procurement. It achieves this through policy and process guidance, helping organizations to improve their efficiency and deliver successfully.This is the second version of P2MM – the first was published in April 2004. The new version takes into account the improvements made to P3M3 and also reflects the 2009 edition of the PRINCE2 method.It is fully compatible with the earlier version, so organizations that have already undertaken P2MM assessments based on the first version will see the impact of their existing improvement plans reflected in future assessments made under the revised model. It has been identified as version 2.1 to align with the latest version of P3M3.Overview of P2MMThe PRINCE2 Maturity Model uses the same structure as the P3M3 from which it is derived, using:A five-level maturity framework to characterise thelevels of organizational maturityS even process perspectives covering key aspects of organization-wide project managementS pecific and generic attributes for each level ofmaturity within each of the process perspectives.Maturity LevelsThe five Maturity Levels are:L evel 1 – awareness of processL evel 2 – repeatable processL evel 3 – defined processL evel 4 – managed processL evel 5 – optimized processThese levels comprise the structural componentsof both P3M3 and P2MM, and are characterizedas shown in table 1. This table compares the characteristics of the P2MM with those of the Project Management Maturity Model (PjMM).Version 2.1 4Version 2.15PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM)Maturity LevelPRINCE2Project ManagementTable 1 – Maturity LevelsVersion 2.16PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM)Figure 1 – Example assessment of Process PerspectivesManagement Control Level 1Level 2Level 3Benefits Management Level 1Level 2FinancialManagement Level 1Level 2Level 3Stakeholder Engagement Level 1Level 2Risk Management Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Organizational Governance Level 1Level 2Level 3Resource ManagementLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Process PerspectivesP2MM focuses on the following seven Process Perspectives, which can be assessed at all five Maturity Levels.M anagement Control B enefits Management F inancial Management S takeholder Engagement R isk Management O rganizational Governance R esource ManagementAttributesEmbedded within the Process Perspectives are a number of attributes. Specific Attributes relate only to a particular Process Perspective. Generic Attributes are common to all Process Perspectives at a given Maturity Level, and include planning, information management, and training and development.Most organizations have strengths in some areas but not in others. P2MM is designed to acknowledge these strengths as well as highlighting weaknesses. Figure 1 illustrates how an organization might be viewed from the Process Perspectives.Version 2.17PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM)Benefits of using P2MMIt is important for organizations to understand the optimal level of performance in their quest to maximize value for money from investment, and to have a realistic view of what they can achieve. Not all organizations will be able to reach the highest level and, for many, the middle levels may be adequate to meet their business needs and aspirations.To gain the maximum benefit from using P2MM, performance improvement should be seen as along-term process (Figure 2), although it is possible to achieve short-term performance gains by using P2MM to identify and correct performance weaknesses.There are a number of reasons why organizations might choose to use a maturity model to assess their current performance, such as:j ustifying investment in project management improvements g aining recognition of service quality in order to support proposals g aining a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses in order to enable improvement to happen.Organizations that have focused only on training,specific methods or tools, or a governance framework, often wonder why they have not seen the promised improvements. P2MM offers a more holistic view of an organization’s performance, using a broad spread of attributes.Figure 2 – Long-term performance improvement Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2Level 1Year 1 Year 2 Year 3Year 4PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM)Uses of P2MMP2MM can be used in many ways, for example:t o understand the key practices in effective projectmanagement using PRINCE2t o identify the key practices that need to beembedded within an organization for it to achievethe next Maturity Levelt o understand and improve an organization’scapability to manage its projects more effectivelyusing PRINCE2b y client organizations, to assess the risks thatmight arise from process capability issues withinservice providers managing their projectsb y OGC, user groups and the APM Group’sAccredited Consultancy Organizations as the basisfor developing maturity questionnaires.Causes of FailureOGC has carried out extensive research into thecommon causes of project failure and how thosecauses actually impact on outcomes. The causes offailure can be grouped into the following categories.D esign and definition failures, where the scopeof the change and the required outcomes and/oroutputs are not clearly definedD ecision-making failures, where there areinadequate levels of sponsorship and commitmentto the change – i.e. there is no person in authorityable to resolve issuesD iscipline failures, such as weak (or no)arrangements for risk management and an inabilityto manage changes in project requirementsS upplier management failures, such as a lack ofunderstanding of suppliers’ commercial imperatives,poor management and inappropriate contractualset-upsP eople failures, such as disconnection betweenthe programme/project and stakeholders, lack ofownership, and cultural issues.P2MM AssessmentsOrganizations can obtain a P2MM assessment of theirmaturity either by self-assessment or a formal review.Self-assessment can be done by simply reviewingthe model and assessing the organization using theattributes, or by using OGC’s self-assessment toolto gain a better insight. If using the self-assessmenttool you must use the questions relating to ProjectManagement, as these are consistent with thePRINCE2 Maturity Model. The self-assessment toolcan be found at .8Version 2.1PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM)As outlined in Chapter 1, P2MM is based on three core concepts: Maturity Levels, Process Perspectives and Attributes. This chapter examines each concept in more detail.Maturity LevelsThe Maturity Levels enable organizations to identify a process improvement pathway along which they may choose to travel. This journey should be seen as a long-term strategic commitment rather than a quick fix for immediate tactical problems. Although rapid short-term improvements can be targeted to achieve specific goals, the real benefits of P2MM come through continual process improvement.The five-level hierarchy of P2MM does not implythat every organization should aim for, or needs to achieve, Level 5. Each organization should decide which Maturity Level would be optimal for its particular business needs at a given time. The highest-level certificate awarded by the APM Group to date is Level 3.The following sections summarize the characteristics of each of the five Maturity Levels. Achievements at a given level must be maintained and improved upon in order to move up to the next level.Level 1 – awareness of processProcesses are not usually documented. There are no, or only a few, process descriptions. They will generally be acknowledged, in that managers may have some recognition of the necessary activities, but actual practice is determined by events or individual preferences, and is highly subjective and variable. Processes are therefore undeveloped, althoughthere may be a general commitment to process development in the future.Undeveloped or incomplete processes mean thatthe necessary activities for better practice are either not performed at all or are only partially performed. There will be little, if any, guidance or supporting documentation, and even terminology may not be standardized across the organization – e.g. business case, risk, issues, etc. may not be interpreted in the same way by all managers and team members. Level 1 organizations may have achieved a number of successful projects, but these are often based on key individuals’ competencies rather than organization-wide knowledge and capability. In addition, such “successes” are often achieved with budget and/or schedule overruns and, due to the lack of formality, Level 1 organizations often over-commit themselves, abandon processes during a crisis, and are unableto repeat past successes consistently. There is very little planning and executive buy-in, and process acceptance is limited.Level 2 – repeatable processThe organization will be able to demonstrate,by reference to particular projects, that basic management practices have been established –e.g. tracking expenditure and scheduling resources– and that processes are developing. There are key individuals who can demonstrate a successful track record and that, through them, the organization is capable of repeating earlier successes in the future. Process discipline is unlikely to be rigorous but, where it does exist, projects are performed and managed according to their documented plans, e.g. project status and delivery will be visible to management at defined points, such as at the end of each stage.Top management will be taking the lead on a number of the projects but there may be inconsistency in the levels of engagement and performance.Basic generic training in PRINCE2 and other aspects of project management is likely to have been delivered to key staff.There is still a significant risk of exceeding costand time estimates. Key factors that may have preconditioned the organization to experience difficulties or failure include: inadequate measuresof success; unclear responsibilities for achievement; ambiguity and inconsistency in business objectives; lack of fully integrated risk management; limited experience in change management; and inadequacies in communications strategy.Level 3 – defined processThe organization’s adoption of PRINCE2 will be documented, standardized and integrated to some extent with other business processes. There is likelyto be PRINCE2 ownership and an established group with responsibility for maintaining consistency and improvement of the use of PRINCE2 across the organization. Such improvements will be planned and controlled, perhaps based on assessments, with planned development and suitable resources being committed to ensure that they are coordinated across the organization.2. P2MM StructureVersion 2.19PRINCE2® Maturity Model (P2MM)Top management are engaged consistently and provide active and informed support.There is likely to be an established training programme to develop the skills and knowledge of individualsso they can more readily perform their designated roles. A key aspect of quality management will be the widespread use of peer reviews of identified products, to better understand how the PRINCE2 management processes can be improved and thereby eliminate possible weaknesses.A key distinction between Level 2 and Level 3 isthe clear adoption of PRINCE2 as the organization’s project management method. This enables processes to be managed more proactively using an understanding of the interrelationships and measures of the process and management products. PRINCE2 can be tailored to suit specific project circumstances, in accordance with guidelines.Level 4 – managed processLevel 4 is characterized by mature behaviour and PRINCE2 processes that are quantitatively managed– i.e. controlled using metrics and quantitative techniques. There will be evidence of quantitative objectives for quality and process performance,and these will be used as criteria in managing the PRINCE2 processes. The measurement data collected will contribute towards the organization’s overall performance measurement framework and willbe imperative in analyzing the organization’s projects and ascertaining the current capacityand capability constraints.Top management will be committed, engagedand proactively seeking out innovative ways to achieve goals.Using process metrics, management can effectively control the PRINCE2 processes and identify ways to adjust and adapt them to particular initiatives without loss of quality. Organizations will also benefit through improved predictability of process performance.Level 5 – optimized processThe organization will focus on optimization of its quantitatively managed PRINCE2 processes to take into account changing business needs and external factors. It will anticipate future capacity demands and capability requirements to meet delivery challenges. Top managers are seen as exemplars, reinforcingthe need and potential for capability and performance improvement.It will be a learning organization, propagating the lessons learned from past reviews. The organization’s ability to rapidly respond to changes and opportunities will be enhanced by identifying ways to accelerate and share learning.The knowledge gained by the organization fromits process and product metrics will enable it to understand causes of variation and therefore optimize its performance. The organization will be able to show that continuous process improvement is being enabled by quantitative feedback from its embedded processes and from validating innovative ideas and technologies. There will be a robust framework addressing issues of governance, organizational controls and performance management. The organization will be able to demonstrate strong alignment of organizational objectives with business plans, and this will be cascaded down through scoping, sponsorship, commitment, planning, resource allocation, risk management and benefits realization.Process PerspectivesThere are seven Process Perspectives within P2MM, defining the key characteristics of a mature organization. Each perspective describes the processes and practices that should be deployed at a given level of maturity. As organizations move up through the Maturity Levels, the quality and effectiveness of the processes and practices increase correspondingly. This incremental nature of process improvement is a key feature of P2MM.The following sections outline the seven Process Perspectives and give a summary of their characteristics.Management ControlThis covers the internal controls of the project and how its direction of travel is maintained throughout its life cycle, with appropriate stages to enable itto be stopped or redirected by a controlling bodyif necessary.Management control is characterized by clear evidence of leadership and direction, scope, stages and review processes during the course of the project. There will be regular Highlight Reports and clearly defined decision-making processes. There will befull and clear objectives and descriptions of whatthe project will deliver. Projects should have clearly described outputs.Internal structures will be aligned to achieve these characteristics and the focus of control will be on achieving them within the tolerances set by corporate or programme management and based on theVersion 2.1 10broader organizational requirements. Issues willbe identified and evaluated, and decisions on howto deal with them will be made using a structured process with appropriate impact assessments. Benefits ManagementBenefits management is the process that ensures that the desired business change outcomes have been clearly defined, are measurable and are ultimately realized through a structured approach and with full organizational ownership.Benefits should be assessed and approved by the organizational areas that will deliver them. Benefit dependencies and other requirements will be clearly defined and understanding gained on how the outputs of the project will meet those requirements. There should be evidence of suitable classificationof benefits and a holistic view of the implications being considered. All benefits should be owned, have realization plans and be actively managed to ensure that they are achieved. There will be a focus on operational transition, coupled with follow-up activities to ensure that benefits are being owned and realized by the organization.There will be evidence of continual improvement being embedded in the way the organization functions. This process will identify opportunities that can be delivered by projects and also take ownership of the exploitation of capabilities delivered by projects. Change management, andthe complexities this brings, will also be built into the organization’s approach.Financial ManagementFinance is an essential resource that should be a key focus for initiating and controlling projects. Financial management ensures that the likely costs of the project are captured and evaluated within a formal Business Case, and that costs are categorized and managed over the investment life cycle.There should be evidence of the appropriate involvement of the organization’s financial functions, with approvals being embedded in the broader organizational hierarchy. The Business Case should define the value of the initiative to the business and contain a financial appraisal of the possible options. The Business Case will be at the core of decision-making during the project’s life cycle, and may be linked to formal review stages and evaluation of the cost and benefits associated with alternative actions. Financial management will schedule the availability of funds to support the investment decisions.Stakeholder EngagementStakeholders are key to the success of anyproject. Stakeholders at different levels, bothwithin and outside the organization, will needto be analyzed and engaged with effectively inorder to achieve objectives in terms of support and engagement. Stakeholder engagement includes communications planning, the effective identificationand use of different communications channels, and techniques to enable objectives to be achieved.Stakeholder engagement should be seen as anongoing process across all projects and one thatis inherently linked to the project’s life cycle andgovernance controls.Risk ManagementThis views the way in which the organization manages threats to, and opportunities presented by, theproject. Risk management maintains a balance offocus on threats and opportunities, with appropriate management actions to minimize or eliminate thelikelihood of any identified threat occurring, or tominimize its impact if it does occur, and to maximize opportunities. It will look at a variety of risk types thataffect the project, both internal and external, and willfocus on tracking the triggers that create risks.Responses to risk will be innovative and proactive,using a number of options to minimize threats and maximise opportunities. The review of risk will beembedded within the project’s life cycle and have a supporting procedure and structures to ensure thatthe appropriate levels of rigour are being applied,with evidence of interventions and changes made tomanage risks.Organizational GovernanceThis looks at how the delivery of projects is alignedto the strategic direction of the organization. Itconsiders how start-up and closure controls areapplied to projects and how alignment is maintainedduring an project’s life cycle. This differs frommanagement control, which views how control ofinitiatives is maintained internally, as this perspectivelooks at how external factors that impact on initiativesare controlled (where possible, or mitigated if not)and used to maximize the final result. Effectivesponsorship should enable this.Organizational governance also looks at how arange of other organizational controls are deployedand standards achieved, including legislative andregulatory frameworks. It also considers the levels ofanalysis of stakeholder engagement and how their requirements are factored into the design and deliveryof outputs and outcomes.Version 2.111Resource ManagementResource management covers management of alltypes of resources required for delivery. These includehuman resources, buildings, equipment, supplies,information, tools and supporting teams. A keyelement of resource management is the process foracquiring resources and how supply chains are utilizedto maximize effective use of resources. There will beevidence of capacity planning and prioritization toenable effective resource management. This will alsoinclude performance management and exploitationof opportunities for greater utilization. Resourcecapacity considerations will be extended to thecapacity of the operational groups to resource theimplications of change.AttributesWithin each Process Perspective are a number ofattributes. These are indicators of process andbehavioural maturity. Specific Attributes relate onlyto a particular Process Perspective, while GenericAttributes apply equally to all Process Perspectivesat each of the five Maturity Levels.Inevitably, organizations will perform well againstsome Process Perspectives and not so well againstothers. Attributes describe the intended profile ofeach Process Perspective at each Maturity Level,and the topics, processes and practices covered willchange and build as the Maturity Level changes.ConclusionThe structure of P2MM allows organizations to see asnapshot of where they are now with respect to anyof the Process Perspectives in their PRINCE2 projectmanagement capabilities. This, along with knowledgeof where the organization needs or wants to be inthe future, provides the basis for an improvement planto be devised and for progress towards the target tobe tracked.The remaining chapter looks at the PRINCE2 MaturityModel in more detail.12Version 2.1This model is based on the 2009 edition of OGC’s PRINCE2 publications, along with experience gained from the Project Management Maturity Model and the original version of P3M3.Definition of PRINCE2 Project Management PRINCE2 defines a project as a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering oneor more business products according to an agreed Business Case.Project management is the planning, delegating, monitoring and control of all aspects of the project, and the motivation of those involved, to achieve the project objectives within the expected performance targets for time, cost, quality, scope benefits and risk. Characteristics of PRINCE2 project management There are a number of characteristics of project work that distinguish it from business as usual. These can be summarized as:C hange. Projects are the means by which weintroduce changeT emporary. As the definition above states, projects are temporary in nature. Once the desired change has been implemented, business as usual resumes (in its new form) and the need for the project isremoved. Projects should have a defined start and a defined endC ross-functional. Projects involve a team ofpeople with different skills working together (ona temporary basis) to introduce a change that willimpact upon others outside of the team. Projectsoften cross the normal functional divisions within an organization and sometimes span entirelydifferent organizations. This frequently causesstresses and strains both within and betweenorganizations, for example, between customersand suppliers. Each has a different perspective and motivation for getting involved in the changeU nique. Every project is unique. An organizationmay undertake many similar projects, and establisha familiar, proven pattern of project activity, buteach one will be unique in some way: a differentteam, a different customer, a different location. All these factors combine to make every project unique U ncertainty. Clearly, the characteristics already listed will introduce threats and opportunities over andabove those typically encountered in the course of business as usual. Projects are more risky.Furthermore, a PRINCE2 project displays evidence of the principles on which PRINCE2 is based. These seven principles can be summarized as follows:C ontinued business justification. A PRINCE2 projecthas continued business justificationL earn from experience. PRINCE2 project teamslearn from previous experience: lessons are sought, recorded and acted upon throughout the life ofthe projectD efined roles and responsibilities. A PRINCE2project has defined and agreed roles andresponsibilities within an organization structurethat engages the business, user and supplierstakeholder interestsM anage by stages. A PRINCE2 project is planned, monitored and controlled on a stage-by-stage basis M anage by exception. A PRINCE2 project hasdefined tolerances for each project objective toestablish limits of delegated authorityF ocus on products. A PRINCE2 project focuses onthe definition and delivery of products, in particular their quality requirementsT ailor to suit the project environment. PRINCE2is tailored to suit the project’s environment, size,complexity, importance, capability and risk. Attributes of PRINCE2 Project ManagementThe following sections set out the attributes for each of the seven Process Perspectives within the PRINCE2 Maturity Model at each of the five Maturity Levels, along with a description of each attribute.3. PRINCE2 Maturity ModelVersion 2.113。



企业环境分析必备模型:1. PEST:分析宏观环境,考虑policy,economy,society,teconology四个方面2. Porter's diamond:分析特定国家地区环境,如新进入某国市场,考虑factor conditions, demand conditions, supporting and related industry, firm strategy and structure四个因素3. Market segmentation: 通常按地域、人口统计学、经济状况、心理、行为划分,也可按维护客户成本等因素划分4. 4P:分析市场组合,production,price,place,promotion5. convergence:分析所在市场环境,横轴分为供应商推动和消费者拉动两维度,纵轴为新旧技术可并存和新技术取代旧技术两维度6. Porter's five force: 分析所处竞争环境,new entrant, substitute, power of supplier, power of customer, rivalry五因素7. life cycle: 分析产品或企业所处地位,introduction,growth,maturity,decline四阶段8. BCG matrix波士顿矩阵:分析产品或子公司增长速度和市场份额,可结合财务信息计算和life cycle使用,分为problem child,star,cash cow,dog四种9. SWOT:这个几乎适用于所有案例,但由于过于笼统,一般需要其他模型辅助10. Value chain:分析企业竞争优势,首要活动分为inbound logistics,operations,outbound logistics,marketing,service,辅助活动包括infrastructure,HR,technology,procurement11.stakeholder mapping:分析对不同利益相关方的态度,企业社会责任问题中重点使用,分为interest和power 两个维度企业发展战略选择:12. 赢得竞争三大策略:cost-leadership,differentiation,focus。

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18 Overall, how do you rate your organization with regard to supplier development maturity?
a.Key charateristics of Clerical stage of supplier development
∙Supplier development does not exist.
∙No dedicated nor temporary teams exist.
∙Fear drives supplier performance.
∙No management commitment exists.
∙No training programs for suppliers.
∙Relationships with suppliers are purely commercial.
∙No mutual trust exists.
∙Suppliers hide problems.
∙Supplier performance is not measured.
∙Performance data not shared.
∙Rationale for supplier development is to eliminate under performing suppliers.
b.Key charateristics of Reactive stage of supplier development
∙Supplier development is a function within a department.
∙Supplier Development Teams primarily address supplier failures.
∙Supplier development creates short term gains in supplier performance.
∙No management commitment exists.
∙Ad hoc training is given to suppliers.
∙Kaizen events are utilized to create short-term gains in supplier performance.
∙Expected bottom line improvement is through price reductions for the purchasing organization.
∙Failure and appraisal cost of quality are the focus; prevention costs are not measured nor understood
c.Key charateristics of Proactive stage of supplier development
∙Supplier development is a function within a department.
∙Supplier Development Teams primarily address supplier failures.
∙Supplier development creates short term gains in supplier performance.
∙No management commitment exists.
∙Ad hoc training is given to suppliers.
∙Kaizen events are utilized to create short-term gains in supplier performance.
∙Expected bottom line improvement is through price reductions for the purchasing organization.
∙Failure and appraisal cost of quality are the focus; prevention costs are not measured nor understood
d.Key charateristics of worldclass supplier development
∙Tangible commitment provided by the CEOs of participating organizations.
∙Alliance and/or collaborative relationships are understood as a requirement with clear goals.
∙Supplier development projects encompass process improvement, and include all other areas of Value Added collaboration.
∙Focus shifts from first tier to include second, third tier suppliers etc.
∙Constantly improve supplier capability to meet FLSmidths global requirements.
∙Purchasing organization involves suppliers in design of processes and products.
∙Learning extends beyond training with courses focused on long-term returns, shared knowledge and retained learning.
∙“Open books” exist between development c ollaborators enabling specific savings sharing, enhanced value & trust for long-term relations.
∙Savings are shared with suppliers in a fair and reasonable way.
∙On-line global overview of supplier management/development activities exist.。
