



VSY22VERSIFY™ 2'X2' ARCHITECTURAL EDGE-LITFEATURESTYPE:PROJECT:CONSTRUCTION• Extruded aluminum side and center rails, cast aluminum end caps, cold-rolled steel driver enclosure• Acrylic light guide and diffuser with custom frost for high efficacy without pixelation • Rail and end cap surfaces are finished after fabrication with unique formula high-reflectivity matte white paintINSTALLATION• An access plate is furnished with each luminaire for fast wiring access without the necessity to open the fixture or wireway • Luminaire fits recessed exposed Grid ceilings (G); four NEC compliant T-bar clips included• Can be placed in Slot Grid (SG) style ceiling with regress 3/8" above ceiling plane • A Flange Kit (FK) accessory is available for recessed hard ceiling applications ELECTRICAL• 60,000 hour LEDs at L80 (up to 105,000 projected life) for reduced maintenance • 82 CRI standard™WARRANTY• 5 year warranty• See HLI Standard Warranty for additional informationSPECIFICATIONSCONTROLS• Optional SpectraSync™ offers two modes of Tunable White solutions and integrates seamlessly into a variety of control systems • NX Distributed Intelligence™ provides options for standalone and networked integrated sensor with wired or wireless connectivity for NX system deployments CERTIFICATIONS• IC label is standard for recessed products • All luminaires are built to UL1598 and 2108 standards, and bear appropriate cCSAus labels• Damp Location label standard. Emergency-equipped fixtures labeled UL 924• Adheres to LM79, LM80, and TM21 industry standards• The DTS, Dimming Bypass Module, is for emergency circuit control loads including sensors and wireless systems listed to UL924. See page 7 for wiring diagram. Link to Dimming Bypass Module Specification sheetCONTROL TECHNOLOGYCATALOG #:• Architectural styling in an edge-lit luminaire• High efficiency acrylic lens featuring edge lit technology • Ideal for offices, schools, medical, and public spaces • Up to 147 lumens per watt • Stylish controls integration• 2" overall depth, 2 1/4" with emergency battery pack• Certified UL924 for fixtures with battery or DTS (Dimming Bypass Module) optionsORDERING GUIDEExample: VSY22–35MLHEG–EDU CATALOG #Notes:1Available with ED driver only. See Availability Table for lumen package options2Refer to performance tables for exact values and available lumen outputs for fixture size3For drywall, order G with flange kit accessory4Not available in 347V5DALIP only available with ODPG, LVS and LVR control options6Combination of all three; SpectraSync, NX, and emergency battery pack not available7For compatibility with Dual-Lite Litegear inverters, contact Hubbell Lighting representative8For emergency circuit control loads including sensors and wireless systems listed to UL924. See page 7 for wiring diagram NX In-Fixture Control Options:9For NX control and flex wire together consult factory10NX is not available with DALIP optionsThird-Party Control Options:11Not available with SpectraSync12Vive is a trademark of Lutron Electronics Co., Inc13ODPG, LVS and LVR only available with DALIPFor questions about configuration options, contact Hubbell RepresentativeOptions listed below are available for the outputs as shown. PRODUCT EXCEPTIONS & DETAILSCONTROLS™NX Distributed Intelligence™ Lighting Controls:Supports both indoor and outdoor applications in a variety of deployment options- wired, wireless, hybrid.2To program NXWE option, need to consult factory. If connected to an area controller, programming can be done from thatPhilips EasySense Controls ODPG Sensor:• Occupancy sensing, daylight harvesting, task tuning and grouping in one device• Standalone control or grouping to wireless switches1• Uses Philips field apps for on site commissioning2,3• Ability to create scenes for various room configurations• Cost-effective solution for energy-savings and code-compliancy strategies• DLC® Qualified: Listed on the QPL for Networked Lighting Controls. Please referto the DLC website for specific product qualifications at 1Wireless switches only compatible with ODPG Philips EasySense2See link to Philips commssioning3Requires android device or IR dongle. See links for phone compatiblity and IR dongleswitch, whitePEDR-WH EasySense compatiblewireless dual rockerswitch, whiteCONTROLS (CONTINUED)DELIVERED LUMENS, SPECTRASYNC™Color Tuning TechnologyColor Tuning TechnologySpectraSync Tunable WhiteAvailable in two options: 2750T (2700K–5000K) or 2765T (2700K–6500K). Requires two 0–10V controllers, one for intensity and one for CCT. Minimum 5% dimming.To enable scheduling and for use with NX wall control preset stations please refer to Hubbell Control Solutions NX SpectraSync technical sheet.100%Channel 1Channel 2Control Input (Vdc)O u t p u t (% o f t o t a l d r i v e r c u r r e n t )Color Tuning Pro le90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%12345678910SpectraSync Tunable White luminaires are provided with two 0–10V circuits. The violet and grey circuit is for wiring to any qualified 0–10V controller for dimming. The violet/white and grey/white circuit is for wiring to any qualified 0–10V controller for Tunable White CCT control.Controller Manufacturer DataSpectraSync Tunable White was designed to be used with sinking style dimmers (provided by others) and is compatible with:• Hubbell Control Solutions (HCS): NX Distributed Intelligence™ RoomControllers (NXRC) and In-fixture Controllers (NXFM) • Lutron: DVTV, DVSTV, and NFTV dimmers• Wattstopper: ADF120277 and CD4BL (Titan) dimmersSpectraSync™ Color Tuning Technology:Control your space based on the needs of the application, specific activities throughout theday and preferences of the occupants with distinct SpectraSync™ Color Tuning Technologies.DELIVERED LUMENSDIMENSIONS GRIDCEILING COMP ATIBILITYceilings. Maximum tee widths of 1" and maximum tee heights of 2" allowed.For flanged fixtures in row configurations, the FKCR adapterbracket kit is required in addition to the FK22 kit. Order one lessFKCR than the total number of fixtures in row. (Example: Row oftwo, order (2) FK22 & (1) FKCR)Row cut out dimensions using FK22s & FKCR adapters:Width 243/8", Length [24" × (# in row)] + 3/8".Example: (24" × 2) + 3/8" = 483/8"Flange kit cut out dimension forsingle unit only: 243/8" × 243/8"flange kit. Flange kit wires directly intoconcealed ceiling opening for a clean,finished appearance.PHOTOMETRYVSY22-35LWHE-EDUPOLAR GRAPHZONAL LUMEN SUMMARYLUMINAIRE DATAT est No. 19.00855Description Recessed Architectural Edge-Lit 2' x 2' LED with Acrylic Diffuser Delivered Lumens 2568Watts 19.27Efficacy 133MountingRecessedSpacing Criterion0º = 1.19 90º = 1.19Horiz 0-180500100001530459075600.045.090.0VSY22-35MLHE-EDUPOLAR GRAPHZONAL LUMEN SUMMARYLUMINAIRE DATAT est No. 19.00852Description Recessed Architectural Edge-Lit 2' x 2' LED with Acrylic Diffuser Delivered Lumens 3276Watts 24.48Efficacy 134MountingRecessedSpacing Criterion0º = 1.19 90º = 1.19Horiz 0-180650130001530459075600.045.090.0VSY22-35HLHE-EDUPOLAR GRAPHZONAL LUMEN SUMMARYLUMINAIRE DATAT est No. 23442Description Recessed Architectural Edge-Lit 2' x 2' LED with Acrylic Diffuser Delivered Lumens 3755Watts 26.02Efficacy 144MountingRecessedSpacing Criterion0º = 1.19 90º = 1.19Horiz 0-180750150001530459075600.045.090.0ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONREV DATE RECORD DESN CHCKAll product and company names, logos and product identifiers are trademarks ™ or registered trademarks ® of Hubbell Lighting, Inc. or their respective owners. Use of them does not necessarily imply any affiliation with or endorsement by such respective owners.GRAYBLACKWHITE BLUEWHITE / BLUE VIOLET REDDTS WIRING DIAGRAM (0–10V DIMMING DRIVER SHOWN)。









二、产品特点1. 创新设计:新产品采用了独特的设计理念,外观简约大方,充满现代感,既突出了产品的功能性,又展现了时尚的气息。

2. 强大性能:新产品配备了先进的处理器和高容量的内存,能够快速响应您的操作需求,同时支持多任务处理,让您的工作和娱乐更加高效。

3. 高清显示:新产品采用了先进的显示技术,拥有出色的色彩还原和高清画质,让您享受更加逼真的视觉体验。

4. 多功能应用:新产品内置了丰富的应用程序和实用工具,涵盖了生活、娱乐、学习等多个领域,满足您的各种需求。

5. 长续航能力:新产品采用了高容量的电池,能够提供更长的续航时间,让您无需频繁充电,更加便捷地使用产品。

三、产品优势1. 品质保证:我们公司一直以来注重产品的品质和可靠性,新产品经过严格的质量控制,确保每一台产品都能够达到高标准。

2. 客户服务:我们公司拥有专业的客户服务团队,随时为您提供技术支持和解决方案,确保您在使用过程中的顺利和满意。

3. 创新研发:我们公司一直致力于技术创新和产品研发,不断推出更多具有竞争力的产品,为客户提供更多选择和可能。








NE40E 全业务路由器产品彩页Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.NE40E 全业务路由器产品彩页产品概述NetEngine40E 系列全业务路由器(以下简称 NE40E )是华为公司推出的高端网络产品,主要应用在企业广域网核心节点、大型企业接入节点、园区互联&汇聚节点以及其他各种大型IDC 网络的边缘位置,与NE5000E 骨干路由器、NE20E 汇聚路由器产品配合组网,形成结构完整、层次清晰的IP 网络解决方案。

NE40E 采用华为自研Solar 系列NP 芯片,基于CLOS 分布式多级交换架构,采用分布式的硬件转发和无阻塞交换技术,具有良好的线速转发性能,优异的扩展能力,完善的QoS 机制和强大的业务处理能力。

NE40E 基于最新的可扩展2T 平台,每槽位最大提供1T 路由线卡,兼容现网线卡,最大限度保护客户的投资。

NE40E 具有强大的汇聚接入能力,凭借丰富的特性支持,可以灵活部署L2VPN 、L3VPN 、组播、组播VPN 、MPLS TE 、QoS 等,实现用户业务的可靠承载;支持丰富的增值业务特性,如GRE 隧道、IPSec 安全隧道NetStream 等;同时,NE40E 全面支持IPv6,可以实现IPv4到IPv6的平滑过渡。

因此,NE40E 可以灵活应用在IP/MPLS 网络的边缘、核心,可以简化网络结构,提供丰富的业务类型和可靠的服务质量,是IP/MPLS 承载网向宽带化、安全化、业务化、智能化发展的重要源动力。

外观NE40E 系列主要包括NE40E-X16A/X16, NE40E-X8A/X8,NE40E-X3/X3A 适应不同规模的网络组网需求。

NE40E X16A NE40E-X16NE40E-X8ANE40E-X8NE40E-X3ANE40E-X3产品特点领先的2T 平台NE40E系列节能减排机框基于2T平台,每槽位最大可以平滑扩容到2Tbps带宽,实现大容量业务承载,满足未来带宽增长需求。



PolarizerAnalyzer+LCOffOnOffOnOffOnLCPolarized LightΘIn-Plane Switch (IPS) mode 簡介•IPS起初是由Hitachi所發展。

它與使用TN+ Film(TN型+廣視角膜)技術不同的地方是液晶分子的動作方向平行於玻璃基板。

•利用橫向電場來驅動液晶,以達到廣視角目的理論上IPS可以選用正型或負型液晶:正型(ε//>ε⊥)−液晶分子平行電場排列負型(ε//<ε⊥)−液晶分子垂直電場排列電場方向Off state On state電場方向Off state On state1.正型液晶(∆ε>0)液晶分子的指向矢平行電場2.負型液晶(∆ε<0)液晶分子的指向矢垂直電場IPS Mode Evolution (AS-IPS and IPS-Pro)IPS Mode Evolution (AS-IPS and IPS-Pro)Conventional IPS and New-IPS對比比較Color WashoutLC材料的選擇•從應答時間,驅動電壓及透過率來考量:• 1.應答時間方面~∆ε大,γ小• 2.驅動電壓方面~∆ε大,K22小• 3.透過率方面~∆nd1.使用樹脂BM(不可用金屬BM)2.OC層(IPS技術非常重視平坦度)3.裡面ITO(色製層相反側,可有可無,色製層側不可做ITO) P.S. 不須打transfer•要求特性抗靜電•以295W A01為例,偏光板採用: CF:NPF-SEG1224DUCAGS1[日東] TFT:NPF-SEG1224DUCAGS1 [日東] (表面具導電粒子,抗靜電用表面)配向布特性`In Plane Switching Advanced Fringe Field SwitchingC/F C/FEdw ldw lV comV pixelIPS AFFSl/dl/wFieldElectrodes>1≤ 1≤ 1Ey, Ez (Fringe Field)Ey (In Plane)>1Folded ITOMetalsC/FLightC/FLightC/FLightd cellLow Power Consumption•The Lowest Driving Voltage in the other normally black modes→FFS is available for Lower Power Consumption : > 10 % lower than TN mode012345678012345678910Voltage (V)T r a n s m i t t a n c e (%)FFS (+LC)V A (-LC)IPS (+LC)TN (+LC)Operation Voltage→FFS, TN : 3~4V → " Realization of low power consumption"→IPS, V A : 5~6V (due to slit gap (IPS), negative LC cause to Low dielectric constants (V A))Smudge FreeCo-plane aligned LC molecules leave no ripples when the display is touched and pressurizedPooling (pushing) Trace ⇒Disappear weighting of 500g White Black *Normally White (TN) < 1s > 2s *Normally Black (V A, IPS) < 3s <1s *AFFS Mode <1s <1sPooling (Pen Pressing)Distorted LCs can be fast recovered by high fringe electric (magnetic) field and horizontal alignment ~ 6.2V/μm (IPS ~ 0.8V/μm)Distorted LCs can’t be recovered By the propagation of E field via vertical electrode, low field and vertical align.~ 0.8V/μm AFFS Display Other Display (TN, V A…)Cause of Ripple/Pooling FreeFlickering透過率影響參數 電極寬度(l)電極間距(w)Cell GapRubbing direction電極傾斜角度正負型液晶FFS技術分析~T vs LC1.FFS的電場有Ey,Ez方向電場,若使用正型液晶分子,液晶分子隨著電力線排列,透過率也隨著電場分布波動.(keypoint)手法一:使用負型液晶分子則可減緩液晶分子透過率隨電場分布波動.手法二:電力線1.電極寬度vs. 電極間距2.cell gap和電極間距的關係.Micrograph of New Pixel (Advanced FFS)Special Features :1. LC director is parallel to the electric field generated between pixel and data line→LC director remains at the original state →No light leakage →Narrow BM→Increasing light efficient2. Near future the BM on the data line will be very much narrowed down furtherUltra-FFS面板結構Special Features :1. UFFS: LC molecules rotate in two opposite directions with applied voltageColor Shift is minimized due to a self-compensated effect2. FFS: Color Shift occurs because the dDn along parallel and perpendicular to theLC director is differentUltra-FFS面板結構•運用2-Domain設計, 使色散更小Color Coordinates/Viewing Angle of FFS ModelMVA, MVA Bumpless, HHS ComparisonMV A MV A Bumpless HHSInfra-structureOMFigureHHS Manufacturing Parameter TFT ComparisonRetardation ComparisonHHS OM Performance3.8um (D)W=4S=64.2um (D) 4.6um (D)W=6S=4OHHS: Trend Analysis (I)1. Transmittance ~ (W/S)-1 [Next Design: W=3um, S=7, 8 and 9um]2. Transmittance exhibits a summit behavior. [ ~ (d/s)-1] Best Retardation Design ~ 360~380 nm (from simulation)xHHS: Trend Analysis (III) ---SD EffectCondition 2: GE→GI→SE→CM→SD→CH→ITOCondition 3: GE→GI→SE→SD→CM→CH→ITOCondition 2Condition 3Tech. Develop Depart. MVA, MVA Bumpless and HHS ComparisonHHS: Yellowish-White Analysis Coordinate Movement on CIE 1931降低overcoat膜厚Turn off Turn on。

Ashford e-Spinner Super Jumbo ESPSJ08082019V2 2 说明

Ashford e-Spinner Super Jumbo ESPSJ08082019V2 2 说明

INSTRUCTIONSe-Spinner Super JumboESPSJ08082019V22AssemblyYarn GuideOrifice Reducer Bushes 3. Squeeze and slide the stainless-steel yarn guides onto opposite sides of the flyer arms.NOTE: when spinning at higher RPM it may be necessary tosqueeze and rotate whichever yarn guide isn’t being used to achieve perfect balance.4. Apply a drop of oil to the flyer spindle and slide the bobbin on.1. Locate the two Orifice Reducer Bushes into the holes in top of the base.2. Locate the threading hook into the tapered hole in the front. This will only be required when using the Orifice Reducer Bushes.35. Locate the drive band onto the MIDDLE groove in the bobbinControls4Changing the bobbin- Turn the motor off using the ON/OFF switch or foot switch.- Remove the drive band from the motor pulley.- Slide the bobbin off the flyer spindle.- Apply a drop of oil to the spindle and fit anotherbobbin. Locate the drive band onto the MIDDLE groove in the bobbin whorl. Do not use the large groove as this will stretch the drive band.- Apply a drop of oil to the front of the flyer shaft. Position it under the leather brake band and into the front and rear flyer bearings.Orifice Reducer Bushes- Use the large Orifice Reducer Bush to reduce the orifice from 27mm (1⅛”) to 15mm (⅝”) for spinning medium yarns.- Use the small Orifice Reducer Bush to reduce the orifice to 9mm (⅜”) for spinning fine yarns.- Orifice Reducer Bushes help prevent the yarn vibrating. By drafting the yarn at about a 45-degree angle to the orifice the vibration will almost be eliminated.- When not in use store the bushes in the holes in top of the base.- Apply Vaseline to the o-ring to make them easier to Because the e-Spinner Super Jumbo is bobbin lead the yarn needs to be strong enough to turn the flyer. Thus, it requires very little tension on the leather brake band. At full speed the flyer rotates at approx. 500 RPM.1. Tie a piece of medium to thick wool yarn called a leader, approx. 1.5m (5 feet) long to the bobbin. Thread it through the flyer yarn guides with the black inserts on the left-hand side of the flyer and out through the orifice.SpinningAccessories - Available from your local Ashford Dealer.1. Thread the leader through the flyer yarn guide with the black inserts and out through the orifice. Locate 2 bobbins of spun yarn onto the pins of the optional Lazy Kate and tie the two strands of yarn to the leader.2. Check the SPIN/PLY switch is on PLY (up) and the SPEED control is on SLOW. Switch the ON/OFF switch to ON. Gradually turn the SPEED control clockwise until the flyer starts to turn slowly.PlyingMore InformationThe Wheel MagazineAshford’s annual fibrecraft magazine. Spinning, weaving, felting, dyeing and knitting projects, patterns and articles from around the world. To receive the premium version delivered to you, subscribe at:/subscribeHow-to videos on You TubeWatch our how-to videos on You Tube./user/AshfordHandicraftsFacebookJoin us on facebook./ashford.wheels.looms3. Allow the leader and your spun yarn to start feeding in. Use the least amount of leather brake band tension possible. Kate – do we need to say something about keep the yarn under tension in your hand when plying the two yarns together?For further plying information refer to “The Ashford book of Hand Spinning” by Jo Reeve, a 116-page book full of ideas and inspiration for spinners.12V cigarette cordso you can spin away from home in your car, caravan, RV, boat or using a battery pack.BobbinsAshford Country Spinner2 bobbins.Lazy KateHolds 2 Country Spinner2 bobbins.Padded Carry BagStore your e-Spinner Super Jumbo in the convenient padded carry bag. The power pack, foot switch and oil bottle will fit in the handy pockets.。


高于30°C 时,润滑剂可能会分层。当润滑剂在30~40°C 存储一段时间后,搅拌 下将温度降至室温可以使产品回复到均相状态。经过长时间的放置后,在使用前最 好滚一滚包装桶或将搅拌浆伸入桶中搅拌一下,使润滑剂均匀。
建议使用SUPERSOL ADM U V2前,彻底清洗所有的设备 (拉伸机、中心 池、管路和过滤装置)。
伸过程中,钢丝上的 Cu 和 Zn 离子会部分溶于浴液中并与润滑剂的活性组份反 应形成紫/蓝色金属络合物; − 由于活性物质的消耗,会导致 pH 的增加和浴液有效浓度的降低。 为了保持最佳的润滑性能,必须对乳液进行控制。建议添加新鲜润滑剂,添加 新鲜润滑剂将有助于:
1) 消除拉伸性能的高低差别 2) 提高拉伸性能 3) 提高浴液寿命 4) 改善工艺参数的控制
[Zn]= 200–500 ppm (最好>350 ppm)
如果细菌量超过 105 col/ml,需要添加 杀菌剂
脂肪酸是维持润滑性能的重要添加剂,保持一定的脂肪酸含 量可以产生良好的润滑性能。
≥ 1500ppm (最好 >2000ppm)
对于一个最初新配的润滑液,为了获得最佳的乳液管理和新液补充速率,及时 跟踪浴液的pH值和金属离子含量的变化是十分重要的。
关于细菌问题,Rhodia 公司推荐使用与浴液有相容性的杀菌剂 GLOKILL ITZ 030。建议用量为:
抑菌量:每周 50~100 ppm 杀菌量:300~500ppm
在没有检验相容性的前提下,不推荐在同一浴槽中混用不同的润滑剂,其它添 加剂,或杀菌剂。添加不相容的产品会使浴液寿命和润滑性能降低。

ISCOM 3024GF(Z.00)宣传彩页-201006

ISCOM 3024GF(Z.00)宣传彩页-201006

ISCOM3024GF高性能全千兆以太网交换机1、产品照片2、产品概述ISCOM 3024GF是标准三层无阻塞交换机,它提供了多层交换能力和线速的路由转发能力。

ISCOM 3024GF以太网交换机基于高性能的ASIC,采用模块化的结构设计,用户可根据需要选取合适的接口数量灵活地配置网络规模;其提供了丰富灵活的接入模式,尤其适合于园区网接入,是目前极具竞争力的园区网及企业网中的工作组级以太网交换机解决方案。


3、产品特点性能卓越⏹64G背板带宽⏹硬件路由,线速三层交换包转发率达到36Mpps⏹千兆光纤支持最大80公里的远距离传输,可直接连入城域骨干网安全可靠⏹限制端口最大连接主机数量⏹支持IEEE802.1x,提供基于端口的用户认证⏹以太网接口进行多路绑定,增加带宽和系统冗余⏹强大的ACL,支持L2-L4层数据过滤⏹支持QinQ功能使用维护方便⏹采用集群技术,支持多台设备堆叠,利用统一的IP地址进行集中管理,节省地址资源⏹可以通过控制口、Web、SNMP等多种方式管理⏹可以通过TFTP进行软件升级和BootRom升级⏹支持DHCP服务器和中继功能,动态分配IP地址⏹支持SFP标准化接口,有效保护用户投资⏹提供冗余电源,增加系统可靠性强大的流量和广播管理⏹自动检测并抑制广播风暴,支持IGMP报文的侦测,有效限制广播报文的泛滥⏹支持全双工模式和半双工模式的流量控制⏹支持以太网接口以1M为步长的速率限制⏹先进的缓冲区管理,支持802.1p协议,每端口4个发送队列映射802.1p的8个优先级⏹支持IP组播和QoS多种路由策略⏹支持静态路由⏹支持RIP v1/v2、OSPFv2,BGPv4等多种动态路由协议⏹支持PIM-SM、PIM-DM等多种组播路由协议4、技术参数。



相机世界德国Super Dolina Ⅱ型、Welta和WITTNAUER图文|雨晨倩当下,相机收藏已进入到向深度、广度和高质量发展的新阶段。



















conspiracy truth 信徒用户手册 V2.3 (发布日期2023-03-10)说明书

conspiracy truth 信徒用户手册 V2.3 (发布日期2023-03-10)说明书

浪潮英信服务器BIOS用户手册文档版本V2.3 发布日期2023-03-10版权所有© 2021-2023浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司。























沃尔沃汽车广告策划书2012/6/22目录绪论.................................................................. (5)上篇.市场分析.................................................................. (7)1.营销环境分析......................................................... . (7)1.1宏观环境分析......................................................... (7)1.1.1总的经济形势........................................................ . (7)1.1.2总的消费态势.................................................................. (8)1.2营销环境中宏观因素的制约......................................................... (8)1.2.1企业市场形势.................................................................. (8)1.2.2中国汽车总的消费态势.................................................................. .. (14)1.2.3产业发展的政策................................................................. . (15)1.3中国汽车市场概况......................................................... (15)1.3.1中国汽车市场现状..................................................................15..................1.3.2中国汽车市场的构成................................................................. (17)1.3.3沃尔沃汽车主要的竞争对手.................................................................. . (20)1.4营销环境总分析......................................................... . (20)1.4.1市场分析.................................................................. .. (20)1.4.2市场威胁.................................................................. .. (21)1.4.3企业在市场中的优势................................................................. (21)1.4.4企业品牌优势.................................................................. . (22)1.4.5企业品牌劣势.................................................................. . (22)2.消费者分析......................................................... .. (22)3.1消费者的总体消费态势......................................................... . (22)3.1.1现有的消费时尚....................................................... . (22)2.1.2各种消费者购买汽车的观念 (23)4.2现有消费者构成分析......................................................... 24..........................4.1.1现有消费者总量....................................................... . (24)4.2.2现有消费者年龄....................................................... . (24)4.3.3现有消费者职业....................................................... . (24)4.4.4现有消费者受教育程度........................................................ .. (24)4.5.5现有消费者分布....................................................... . (24)5.3现有消费者行为分析......................................................... .. (25)5.1.1消费者的购买动机........................................................ (25)感情动机..................................................... . (25)理智动机................................................................. . (25)其他动机................................................................. . (26)5.2.2消费者购买状况....................................................... . (26)获得信息来源..................................................... (26)购买决定者...................................................... 27........................购买国产还是进口..................................................... .. (27)5.3.3现有消费者的态度........................................................ (27)对产品的喜好..................................................... (27)对品牌的认知程度..................................................... .. (27)购买后的满意程度..................................................... (28)购买的偏好程度...................................................... .. (28)5.4.4消费者心理分析....................................................... . (29)6.4潜在消费者分析......................................................... (31)6.1.1潜在消费者的特点分析........................................................ .. (31)6.2.2潜在消费者被本品牌吸引的可能性 (39)6.3.3潜在消费者购买本品牌产品的可能性 (40)3产品分析................................................................. . (40)7.1产品特征分析......................................................... 40...........................................7.1.1产品质量分析........................................................ .. (40)3.1.2产品价格分析.................................................................. . (41)3.1.3产品定位.................................................................. .. (42)8.2产品品牌形象分析......................................................... (42)9.3新产品的研发......................................................... . (42)10.企业和竞争对手的竞争状况分析......................................................... . (42)11.1企业在竞争中的地位......................................................... (42)12.2企业的主要竞争对手......................................................... (43)13.3竞争对手概况......................................................... . (43)14.4竞争对手广告分析......................................................... (44)4.4.1表格分析.................................................................. .. (44)4.4.2竞争对手广告诉求.................................................................. (45)15.5和竞争对手的优劣......................................................... 45....................................4.5.1竞争对手的优势................................................................. . (45)4.5.2竞争对手的劣势................................................................. . (46)16.6总体竞争格局分析......................................................... (46)中篇.广告策略.................................................................. . (46)1.广告目标......................................................... ............................................................461.1企业的目标......................................................... .. (46)1.2本次广告的目标......................................................... . (46)2.目标市场策略......................................................... .. (47)3.1细分市场......................................................... .. (47)4.2本次广告的目标市场......................................................... (47)5.3企业的目标市场策略......................................................... (47)6.产品定位策略......................................................... .. (47)7.1定位前提.........................................................47...........................................8.2定位表述......................................................... . (48)9.广告诉求策略......................................................... .. (48)10.1广告诉求对象......................................................... . (48)11.1诉求重点......................................................... .. (48)12.3广告诉求方法......................................................... . (48)13.广告表现策略......................................................... .. (49)14.1平面广告......................................................... .. (49)15.2电视广告......................................................... .. (49)16.广告媒体策略......................................................... .. (50)17.1平面广告媒体策略......................................................... (50)17.1.1杂志........................................................ . (50)6.1.2电视.................................................................. (50)6.1.3报纸..................................................................51.......................................6.1.4网络.................................................................. (51)6.1.5户外广告.................................................................. .. (52)6.1.6广告费用预算.................................................................. . (52)下篇.广告效果监测.................................................................. (52)1.广告创意主要研究流程......................................................... (52)2.广告主题调查测试......................................................... . (53)也可以通过问卷调查获,广告主题调查一般通过焦点座谈会进行13.得 (54)2.2.1实验室调查................................................................. .. (54)2.2.2实地访问调查.................................................................. . (54)2.2.3.市场实验法................................................................. .. (55)2.2.4实际刊播调查法................................................................. . (55)4.作品效果测试......................................................... .. (55)5.广告发布监控......................................................... 56.....................................................6.1媒介发布监控......................................................... . (56)7.2广告活动效果测定方法......................................................... .. (56)4.2.1事前事后测定法................................................................. . (56)4.2.1比较组测定法.................................................................. . (57)附录.................................................................. . (57)市场调查问卷.................................................................. .. (57)市场调查问卷.................................................................. . (58)广告主题调查问卷.................................................................. (58)广告媒体调查问卷.................................................................. (59)广告活动效果调查问卷.................................................................. .. (61)参考文献:................................................................ (61)绪论瑞典著名汽车品牌又译为富豪,,,1924“沃尔沃”年由阿萨尔·加布里尔松和古斯塔夫·拉尔松创建该品牌汽车是目前世界上最安全的汽车是“滚动向前”,,。



PolarizerAnalyzer+LCOffOnOffOnOffOnLCPolarized LightΘIn-Plane Switch (IPS) mode 簡介•IPS起初是由Hitachi所發展。

它與使用TN+ Film(TN型+廣視角膜)技術不同的地方是液晶分子的動作方向平行於玻璃基板。

•利用橫向電場來驅動液晶,以達到廣視角目的理論上IPS可以選用正型或負型液晶:正型(ε//>ε⊥)−液晶分子平行電場排列負型(ε//<ε⊥)−液晶分子垂直電場排列電場方向Off state On state電場方向Off state On state1.正型液晶(∆ε>0)液晶分子的指向矢平行電場2.負型液晶(∆ε<0)液晶分子的指向矢垂直電場IPS Mode Evolution (AS-IPS and IPS-Pro)IPS Mode Evolution (AS-IPS and IPS-Pro)Conventional IPS and New-IPS對比比較Color WashoutLC材料的選擇•從應答時間,驅動電壓及透過率來考量:• 1.應答時間方面~∆ε大,γ小• 2.驅動電壓方面~∆ε大,K22小• 3.透過率方面~∆nd1.使用樹脂BM(不可用金屬BM)2.OC層(IPS技術非常重視平坦度)3.裡面ITO(色製層相反側,可有可無,色製層側不可做ITO) P.S. 不須打transfer•要求特性抗靜電•以295W A01為例,偏光板採用: CF:NPF-SEG1224DUCAGS1[日東] TFT:NPF-SEG1224DUCAGS1 [日東] (表面具導電粒子,抗靜電用表面)配向布特性`In Plane Switching Advanced Fringe Field SwitchingC/F C/FEdw ldw lV comV pixelIPS AFFSl/dl/wFieldElectrodes>1≤ 1≤ 1Ey, Ez (Fringe Field)Ey (In Plane)>1Folded ITOMetalsC/FLightC/FLightC/FLightd cellLow Power Consumption•The Lowest Driving Voltage in the other normally black modes→FFS is available for Lower Power Consumption : > 10 % lower than TN mode012345678012345678910Voltage (V)T r a n s m i t t a n c e (%)FFS (+LC)V A (-LC)IPS (+LC)TN (+LC)Operation Voltage→FFS, TN : 3~4V → " Realization of low power consumption"→IPS, V A : 5~6V (due to slit gap (IPS), negative LC cause to Low dielectric constants (V A))Smudge FreeCo-plane aligned LC molecules leave no ripples when the display is touched and pressurizedPooling (pushing) Trace ⇒Disappear weighting of 500g White Black *Normally White (TN) < 1s > 2s *Normally Black (V A, IPS) < 3s <1s *AFFS Mode <1s <1sPooling (Pen Pressing)Distorted LCs can be fast recovered by high fringe electric (magnetic) field and horizontal alignment ~ 6.2V/μm (IPS ~ 0.8V/μm)Distorted LCs can’t be recovered By the propagation of E field via vertical electrode, low field and vertical align.~ 0.8V/μm AFFS Display Other Display (TN, V A…)Cause of Ripple/Pooling FreeFlickering透過率影響參數 電極寬度(l)電極間距(w)Cell GapRubbing direction電極傾斜角度正負型液晶FFS技術分析~T vs LC1.FFS的電場有Ey,Ez方向電場,若使用正型液晶分子,液晶分子隨著電力線排列,透過率也隨著電場分布波動.(keypoint)手法一:使用負型液晶分子則可減緩液晶分子透過率隨電場分布波動.手法二:電力線1.電極寬度vs. 電極間距2.cell gap和電極間距的關係.Micrograph of New Pixel (Advanced FFS)Special Features :1. LC director is parallel to the electric field generated between pixel and data line→LC director remains at the original state →No light leakage →Narrow BM→Increasing light efficient2. Near future the BM on the data line will be very much narrowed down furtherUltra-FFS面板結構Special Features :1. UFFS: LC molecules rotate in two opposite directions with applied voltageColor Shift is minimized due to a self-compensated effect2. FFS: Color Shift occurs because the dDn along parallel and perpendicular to theLC director is differentUltra-FFS面板結構•運用2-Domain設計, 使色散更小Color Coordinates/Viewing Angle of FFS ModelMVA, MVA Bumpless, HHS ComparisonMV A MV A Bumpless HHSInfra-structureOMFigureHHS Manufacturing Parameter TFT ComparisonRetardation ComparisonHHS OM Performance3.8um (D)W=4S=64.2um (D) 4.6um (D)W=6S=4OHHS: Trend Analysis (I)1. Transmittance ~ (W/S)-1 [Next Design: W=3um, S=7, 8 and 9um]2. Transmittance exhibits a summit behavior. [ ~ (d/s)-1] Best Retardation Design ~ 360~380 nm (from simulation)xHHS: Trend Analysis (III) ---SD EffectCondition 2: GE→GI→SE→CM→SD→CH→ITOCondition 3: GE→GI→SE→SD→CM→CH→ITOCondition 2Condition 3Tech. Develop Depart. MVA, MVA Bumpless and HHS ComparisonHHS: Yellowish-White Analysis Coordinate Movement on CIE 1931降低overcoat膜厚Turn off Turn on。



陈列效果优秀的陈列桌应该具备: 1. 整齐,系列、主题统一; 2. 组合形式丰满,不过多、不过少; 3. 有不同品类的货品进行交叉陈列; 4. 色彩吸引、有呼应; 5. 遵循从低到高的原则,呈三角构图稳定而有韵律。
陈列效果优秀的附配件应该具备: 1. 整齐!整齐!整齐! 2. 类别归整清晰; 3. 排序时有考虑色彩和价格

陈列效果优秀的中岛应该具备: 1. 整齐,系列、主题统一; 2. 组合形式丰满,不过多、不过少; 3. 有不同品类的货品进行交叉陈列; 4. 色彩吸引、有呼应;
Thank you!
陈列效果优秀的服装墙应该具备: 1. 架构搭建合理、美观; 2. 系列完整体现,主题明确; 3. 色彩呼应、排色遵循色彩原理,效果吸引; 4. 适当运用交叉陈列,结合店铺货品现状。

FirePro HERO V2用户手册说明书

FirePro HERO V2用户手册说明书

OverviewThe FirePro HERO Manual Aerosol Generators are designed to assist trained First Responders such as firefighters, safety o cers, the police andparamedics in mitigating the e ects of a fire incident primarily to save lives and secondly to protect property.These manually operated generators are currently adopted by national and private fire and rescue services worldwide as a vital part of a modern firefighting strategy. The FirePro HERO products are deployed in enclosed spaces where other suppression system may not be present, to suppress or even extinguish a fire.Suppressing a fire at its early stages will reduce the temperature inside the enclosure, allowing for the arrival of the fire brigade and rescue teams as well as for safe evacuation.Features• Manual activation with an 8-second delay.• Easy to use by trained personnel.• Light and compact design.• Environmentally friendly.• Suitable for the following classes of fire:As per EN 2 Solid Combustible Materials As per NFPA 10Flammable Liquids Flammable Gases Ordinary CombustiblesEquipmentCooking oils and fatsFlammable Liquids and GasesFire ClassificationsCAUTION! CAUTION!User Instructions - Assembly stage (Pre-deployment) Step 1:Interface the Hero V2 Manual Activator (HMA-V2) with the initiation mechanism.Caution: Do not pull or remove the actuation ring.Note: The HMA-V2 are delivered in aluminium housings. Use a flat head screwdriver or a coin to unscrew the threaded end caps from the main tube. Unscrew by hand the HMA-V2 from the end caps and proceed as normal with the installation.Step 2: Remove the sticker from the top cover of the HERO V2 Manual Aerosol Generators to access the activator interface socket.Step 3: Carefully interface the HMA-V2 to the HERO V2 Manual Aerosol Generators without removing the actuating ring.WARNING:The HERO V2 Manual aerosol generator will activate in approximately 8 seconds.Step 4: Evaluate the danger from the fire hazard to minimize your exposure to fire, and establish a safe distance from which to roll/throw the generator.Step 5: Based on fire intensity and according to the training and experience of the operator, the appropriate quantity of HERO V2 Manual Aerosol Generators should be used to achieve the fire suppression.Step 6: Tightly grip the HERO V2 Manual Aerosol Generator and pull the actuation ring sideways (in the direction of the arrow as shown in the below diagram) with a single sudden steady action. This activates the HMA-V2 delay countdown.User Instructions - Deployment StageStep 7: Maintain a safe distance from the fire and roll the HERO V2 Manual Aerosol Generator inside the enclosed space, preferably as close to the fire source as possible.Note: Ensure that the minimum clearance distances are kept between the aerosol discharge point(s) and personnel, combustible materials and the construction structure.Step 8: Close any openings in the a ected enclosure to prevent aerosol from escaping. In case that fire is not suppressed su ciently use additional HERO V2 Manual Aerosol Generators.DISCLAIMERFirePro Systems makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, of title, or of non-infringement of third party rights, including the intellectual property rights of others.Any information provided by FirePro Systems, relevant to the HERO Manual Aerosol Generators, is indicative and for guidance purposes only. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIn no event, regardless of cause, shall FirePro Systems be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind, whether arising under breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.NOTEFirePro Systems is constantly updating its products and systems to the state of the art and therefore reserves the right to make changes in design, equipment and technology. Y ou cannot therefore base any claims on the data, illustrations or descriptions contained in this literature.OPERATIONAL CLAUSEProduct to be handled by professionals or trained individuals as the discharged aerosol is of elevated temperature and thus must be handled with care.Good firefighting practices should be applied under all circumstances.FirePro Systems。



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Outdoor Wall Mount Bracket



SISTEMA / SYSTEM ESCO SUPER V-TRASTEEL TSV Compatible y adaptable al sistema SUPER V de ESCO /Compatible and adaptable for SUPER V ESCO systemLos nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia /DIENTES / TEETHPenetration HD Elite - PHDTalla SizeReferencia ReferencePeso WeightABCAlternativa Alternative OEMPortadientes AdaptersPasador PinV13TSV-13-PHD 0,81124344V13SYL 833 - V13V1317PN V17TSV-17-PHD 1,21345144V17TYL 833 - V17V1317PN V19TSV-19-PHD 2,41706448V19SYL 833 - V19V23PN V23 TSV-23-PHD 3,5 200 72 48V23SYL 3870 - V23V23PN V29TSV-29-PHD 5,32207675V29SDX/RC 8833 - V29V29PN V33TSV-33-PHD 7,22458682V33SDX/RC 3872A - V33V33PN V39TSV-39-PHD 11,12649691V39SDX/RC 3892 - V39V39PN V43TSV-43-PHD 16,2295108102V43SDX/RC 8837 - V43V43PN V51TSV-51-PHD 183********V51SDX/RC 8814 - V51V51PN V59TSV-59-PHD 24360129117V59SDX/RC 8811 - V59V59PN V61TSV-61-PHD 30390133127V61SD/RC 3811 - V61V61PN V69TSV-69-PHD 41425168142V69SD/RC 6803 - V69V69PN V71TSV-71-PHD 50,5460184155V71SD/RC 5897 - V71V71PN V81TSV-81-PHD77522214181V81SD/RC6806 - V81V81PNExcavadora / ExcavatorB ACOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes onlySISTEMA / SYSTEMESCO SUPER V2DIENTES / TEETH General Purpose Long - SYLTalla Size ReferenciaReferencePesoWeightAlternativaAlternativeElitePortadientesAdaptersPasadorPinV13V13SYL 0,8TSV-13-PHD833-V13V13PN V19V19SYL2,3TSV-19-PHD833-V19V19PN V23V23SYL3,1TSV-23-PHD3870-V23V23PN V33V33SYL6,8TSV-33-PHD3872A-V33V33PN V39V39SYL9,6TSV-39-PHD3892-V39V39PN V43V43SYL13TSV-43-PH8837-V43V43PN V51V51SYL16,8TSV-51-PHD8814-V51V51PN V61V61SYL24TSV-61-PHD3811-V61V61PNOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only 3Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia /Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia / DIENTES / TEETHTalla SizeReferencia ReferencePeso WeightPortadientes AdaptersPasador PinV17V17TYL 1,2833-V17V1319PN V19V19TY 2,2833-V19V1319PN V23V23TY 3,43870-V23V2PN3V29V29TYL 4,88833-V29V29PN T33T33TYL 7,23872A-V33T33PN V39V39TYL 103892-V39V39PN V43V43TYL 148837-V43V43PN V51V51TYL188814-V51V51PNOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only4Excavadora / ExcavatorTalla Size ReferenciaReferencePesoWeightAlternativaAlternativeElitePortadientesAdaptersPasadorPinV29V29SDX 5V-29-PHD8833-V29V29PN V33V33SDX6,9V-33-PHD3872A-V33V33PN V39V39SDX9,6V-39-PHD3892-V39V39PN V43V43SDX15V-43-PHD8837-V43V43PN V51V51SDX18V-51-PHD8814-V51V51PN V59V59SDX23,5V-59-PHD8811-V59V59PN V61V61SDX/SD29V-61-PHD3811-V61V61PN V69V69SD37,5V-69-PHD6803-V69V69PN V71V71SD/SDX46V-71-PHD5897-V71V71PN V81V81SD75V-81-PHD6806-V81V81PNOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only 5Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia /Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia / DIENTES / TEETHTalla SizeReferencia ReferencePeso WeightPortadientes AdaptersPasador PinV17V17VY 1,1833-V17V17PN V19V19VY 2833-V19V19PN V23V23VY 2,83870-V23V23PN V29V29VY/VYH 3,88833-V29V29PN V33V33VY/VYH 5,43872A-V33V33PN V39V39VY/VYH 83892-V39V39PN V43V43VY/VYH 118837-v43V43PN V51V51VY 14,38814-V51V51PN V59V59VY/VYH19,18811-v59V59PNOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes onlySISTEMA / SYSTEMESCO SUPER V6Excavadora / ExcavatorTalla Size ReferenciaReferencePesoWeightPortadientesAdaptersPasadorPinV43V43VX15,48837-V43V43PN V61V61VX22,53811-V61V61PN V69V69VX33,56803-V69V69PN V71V71VX415897-V71V71PN V81V81VX73,56806-V81V81PNOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only 7Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia /Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia / DIENTES / TEETHTalla SizeReferencia ReferencePeso WeightPortadientes AdaptersPasador PinV17V17TVY 1,2833-V17V17PN V23V23TVY 3,33870-V23V23PN V29V29TVYH 4,32833-V29V29PN V33V33TVYH 63872A-V33V33PN V39V39TVYH 9,33892-V39V39PN V43V43TVYH 128837-V43V43PN V51V51TVY 178814-V51V51PN V59V59TVYH 21,58811-V59V59PN V61V61TVP-3811-V61V61PNOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes onlySISTEMA / SYSTEMESCO SUPER V8Excavadora / ExcavatorOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only 9Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia /Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia / PORTADIENTES / ADAPTERSHD / Top Leg(continua en página siguiente) / (continued on next page)Other manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only10Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia /(viene de página anterior) / (comes from previous page)PORTADIENTES / ADAPTERSHD / Top LegOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only11Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia / DIENTES / TEETHAbrasion Penetration - ADOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes onlySISTEMA / SYSTEMESCO SUPER V12PORTADIENTES / ADAPTERSOther manufacturer’s names, descriptions, pictures and part numbers are used for reference purposes only 13Los nombres, descripciones, ilustraciones y referencias de otras marcas se utilizan a modo de referencia /。



®VICTORY JUSTIFIES EVERYTHING®VICTORY JUSTIFIES EVERYTHING®Engineered for high intensity,fast-paced situations,from extreme shooting sports to tactical training simulations to home defense,Firefield products are designed for the next generation shooter and serious gun enthusiast.Our goal is to provide optimal solutions for demanding tactical,hunting and competitive training situations. Firefield products are tested for durability in extreme terrain and extreme climates. Consisting of shooting accessories compatible with extreme shooting guns,AR-15s, tactical carbines,air guns,shotguns and pistols,the Firefield product line includes: riflescopes,red dot sights,reflex sights,laser sights,magnifiers,bore sights,night vision, digital night vision,flashlights,spotting scopes,rails and mounts.Delivering high quality and exceptional durability to every intense moment,Firefield is the key to victory. T ransform fear to power,panic to excitement and chaos to glory with Firefield units.NVRS NIGHT VISION RIFLESCOPEFeaturing a 42mm lens for higher light gathering capabilities and a powerful 3x magnification,the NVRS 3x42 offers a clear picture of medium- to long-range targets.Its rock-solid,lightweight titanium body and flip-up lens covers shield it from impact and harsh weather conditions.The flip-up lens covers open to reveal enhanced,multi-coated optics and an illuminated red duplex reticle with incremental brightness adjustment,allowing the shooter to quickly adapt to their surrounding environment.FEA TURES:• High quality image and resolution• Lightweight and durable titanium body• Quick-detach weaver mount• Built-in, high power IR illuminator• Incremental reticle brightness adjustment• Ergonomic design and quick power up• Protective flip-up objective lens cover1DIAGRAM1) Lens cap2) Power switch3) Eyepiece4) Battery cap 5) Reticle brightness control6) IR illuminator7) Quick-detach mount8) Reticle adjustment knobs1 23 84652TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONSGeneration1Magnification, x3Lens diameter, mm42Lens focus, mm70Field of view, º14Eye relief, mm45Diopter adjustment, dptr.±4Resolution, lines per mm30IR wavelength, nm805Equivalent IR power, mW100Battery type2xAABattery life (w/IR), hour20Battery life (w/o IR), hour50Reticle type Red duplexOperating temp, ºF-22 ... +104IP rating IPX4 (weatherproof)Dimensions, mm230x80x85Weight, oz30.7345Your NVRS starlight night vision scope is a professional-quality device designed to provide high quality viewing in nearly total darkness. Many active night vision devices require an artificial infrared light source. The NVRS is a passive starlight device: it does NOT require any artificial light source. The NVRS does include a powerful infrared illuminator that is useful when the subject to be viewed is in shadows or total darkness. The NVRS consists of a sophisticated electro-optical assembly contained in an extremely durable titanium housing. The entire unit is engin-eered for extreme field conditions. It is entirely self-contained and can operate for up to 50 hours at temperatures ranging from -22F to +104F ( -30C ~ +40C ).Your NVRS scope is ideal for a wide variety of professional and recreational uses including:Wildlife observation SecuritySearch and rescue Nighttime photo/videoYour NVRS night vision scope was designed to provide many years of reliable service. To ensure that you get the most enjoyment out of your NVRS, always obey the following warnings and precautions:Do not point the NVRS towards any light source greater than 1 lux (such as car headlights) if the unit has been activated or if the eyepiece shows a green glow. Turn the unit off and wait until the green glow dissipates before removing the lens cap.Do not open the case of the NVRS or otherwise attempt to service this device.C lean optical parts (lenses) with professional lens-cleaning supplies designed for use with multicoated optics.OVERVIEWFailure to observe these warnings may void the warranty!BATTERY INSTALLATIONTo install the two AA batteries, unscrew the battery compartmentcover. Slide in the batteries according to +/- polarity indicated onthe cover. Tighten the battery compartment cover (4) .OPERATIONYour NVRS scope operates using two AA batteries.Make sure they have been installed according to instructions listedin the Battery Installation section.Move into a dark area before powering on the device. You can also tryyour scope in daylight with the lens cover on.Remove the lens cap (1) only when the scope is in the dark.Activate the device by turning the power switch (2) down to thefirst click (ON position).When additional illumination is needed, activate the IR illuminator byturning the power switch (2) until second click (IR position).To illuminate the reticle, turn the switch (5) clockwise and adjust the reticlebrightness by rotating the switch clockwise or counterclockwise.To focus the scope, select an object approximately 100 yds. away androtate the eyepiece lens (3) until the image is clear.The green LED indicates that the scope is on. The “ON” LED turns red when the battery starts discharging.The night vision riflescope NVRS can be attached on any rifle equipped with a bar for side or top mounting by use of a Weaver mount. The scope is produced with different mount modifications.The unauthorized replacement or assembly of the mounts is not allowed.6After mounting the riflescope, it will be necessary to zero the scope by firing at a target and making the necessary adjustments using the reticle-adjustingATTENTION! Your NVRS can be used in extremely cold temperatures. However, when the unit isbrought back into a warm environment, you must wait approximately 5 HOURS before using the unit.This is due to condensation that may accumulate on the electronic circuitry.ZEROING OF THE RIFLESCOPEIt is recommended to zero your riflescope at operating temperature according to the following sequence:place your rifle with a riflescope on a support;make sure there are no bright light sources in your scope’s field of view;put the target at a zeroing distance, for instance 50m. The illumination of the target area should not be greater than 1 lux;remove flip-up cap from the objective lens;activate the device by turning the power switch to the “ON” position;aim the rifle at the center of the target;rotate the eyepiece ring until the target image is clear;adjust the reticle brightness by rotating the switch;if the center of the target does not coincide with the aiming dot (the center of the red reticle), remove the caps from reticle-adjusting knobs and rotate the knobs R and UP until the center of the target and the centerof the reticle coincide;aim at the aiming dot and fire 3-4 control shots;determine the close grouping of shots and the position of the middle hit point;if the deviation of the middle hit point is more than the allowable value, rotate the reticle-adjusting knobs(UP - vertical adjustment, R - horizontal adjustment) until the middle hit point coincides with the aiming dot.One click of the adjusting knob will cause a 20mm shift at a distance of 100m;check the accuracy of adjustment by shooting.Your riflescope is zeroed at a chosen distance.89ATTENTION! The recommended energy for Generation 1 Riflescopes NVRS should not exceed 3700 Joules. The Generation 1 riflescopes tolerate the overload shock corresponding to the caliber of no more than 7.62/.308. The guarantee is null and void if cartridges with calibers of more than 7.62/.308 or self-made cartridges have been used.To avoid failures during operation of your riflescope and to provide the detection and elimination of reasons causing the premature deterioration of assemblies and parts in time, it is necessary to carry out technical inspection and technical maintenance of the riflescopeA)TECHNICAL INSPECTION It is necessary to take the following steps during technical inspection:- c arry out the external examination of the riflescope (external surfaces should not have dents and signs of corrosion); - c heck if the riflescope is properly and securely mounted on the rifle; - c heck the condition of optical surfaces: objective and eyepiece lenses should not have splits, fat stains, dirt, and various coatings on them; - c heck the condition of power supply elements and contacts (contacts should not be oxidized or have salt coatings); - check the work of operation switches and of a reticle brightness switch;Having detected some malfunction while using the riflescope, it is necessary to check the following: - riflescope’s mounting on a rifle; - the absence of dust, dirt, frost, water , etc on the objective lens; - if the batteries are discharged; - if the riflescope is on.Pay particular attention to ensure that batteries have been installed.MAINTENANCEB) CURRENT MAINTENANCECarry out the current maintenance of the riflescope at least once every 6 months.Current maintenance requires the following steps to be taken:- remove dust, dirt and moisture from the riflescope;- clean the external surfaces of metal parts;- clean the optics of the scope using a light coating of lens cleaning solution on a soft cotton cloth.ATTENTION! DISASSEMBLY OF THE RIFLESCOPE IS PROHIBITED!USING THE PHOTO ADAPTERYou can take night pictures with the help of the riflescope using digital cameras. For these purposesyou require a night vision photo adapter for digital cameras. Install the reducer into a riflescope’s mount.Setup the digital camera is done according to the photo adapter operating manual.STORAGEAlways store the NVRS in its case in a dry, well-ventilated area away from heating/air conditioning vents,or heating devices. Temperature should not go below +50F. Humidity should not exceed 70%.Remove the batteries if the device is to be stored for longer than 2 months.TROUBLESHOOTINGThe riflescope will not turn on...Check that the battery is installed properly. Install the battery according to the (+) and (-) polarity, ensuring that the markings on the battery and battery compartment correspond with one another. Check the battery contact to ensure it is clean and free of corrosion; if necessary, clean the contact. Make sure that the external contact lug is not broken.If necessary, replace the battery as it may be depleted. Also, be sure that the power is in the “ON” position whentrying to turn on the scope.Distinct black dots appear on the screen...The dots are minor cosmetic blemishes resulting from tube production processes and do not interfere with thereliability or performance of the riflescope.1011T he image flickers, flashes or “snows”... The scope may flicker or flash when used in a bright environment; to correct this, place the cap over the objective lens and enter a dark environment. The scope will restore itself to a natural functioning state in several minutes or hours, depending on how long the scope had been exposed to the light. The scope may flicker for the first several seconds of use, even when in a dark environment, before the scope corrects itself and functions properly. The scope may “snow” for several minutes after being exposed to a bright light source (daylight, a car's headlights, fire, etc.) even if being operated in complete darkness.The red reticle is blurred and can not be focused with the eyepiece… The diopter adjustment range of the eyepiece is not powerful enough for your eye; if you use glasses stronger than +/- 5 diopters, use your glasses while looking through the eyepiece.The image will not focus but the red reticle is clearly seen…Make sure the lenses are not foggy or dusty; if so, carefully clean the external surfaces of lenses with a soft cotton fabric. Replace the battery if the total battery charge is less than 2.2 V. If the unit is brought into a warm environment from a cold one, condensation may appear on the internal lenses; you must wait two hours before using the unit.If this does not correct the problem, then most likely the object you are viewing is too close. The objective of your riflescope does not have distance focusing.The scope or the IR does not turn off via the “ON/OFF” switch...If Make sure the LED indicators for “on” are turned off. The image will take several minutes to completely turn off. the scope was activated by remote control, then turn the scope and IR off by again using the remote control.The reticle will not hold zero... Make sure that the scope is firmly attached to the mount and be sure that the same caliber and type of bullets are being used as when the scope was initially sighted in. If the scope was sighted in during the summer, and is now being used in the winter, or vice versa, a small displacement of the aiming point is possible.Visibility decreases or disappears...Bright light sources, such as headlights, may cause visibility to decrease or disappear and the image to flicker. Turn the power off and turn the riflescope away from the light source; visibility will restore itself in several minutes.13Manufactured bySellmark Corporation 2201 Heritage Parkway Mansfield, TX 76063。

S3300 系列交换机 产品彩页(2009年4月15号)

S3300 系列交换机 产品彩页(2009年4月15号)

Quidway® S3300系列交换机产品概述Quidway®S3300系列交换机(以下简称S3300),是华为公司为满足以太网多业务承载需要而推出的新一代三层以太网交换机,可为运营商或企业客户提供强大的以太网功能服务。

S3300基于新一代高性能硬件和华为公司统一的VRP®(Versatile Routing Platform)软件,提供增强型灵活QinQ功能,具备线速的跨VLAN组播复制能力,支持SmartLink(用于树型组网)和RRPP(用于环形组网)等电信级可靠性组网技术,具备以太网OAM功能,可满足楼宇接入、园区汇聚和接入等多种应用场景的需求。

S3300 系列交换机为盒式产品设备,机箱高度为1U,提供标准型(SI)和增强型(EI)两种产品版本,标准型支持二层和基本的三层功能,增强型支持复杂的路由协议和丰富的业务特性,包含型号如下:S3328TP-SI、S3328TP-EI、S3328TP-EI-24S、S3328TP-PWR-EI、S3352P-SI、S3352P-EI、S3352P-EI-24S、S3352P-EI-48S、S3352P-PWR-EI。

产品型号和外观S3300系列交换机包括如下款型:S3328TP-SI/EI:24个10/100Base-TX,2个1000Base-X SFP,2个10/100/1000Base-T与100/1000Base-X SFP COMBO,分交流供电和直流供电两种机型;S3328TP-SI/EIS3328TP-PWR-EI: 24个10/100Base-TX,2个1000Base-X SFP,2个10/100/1000Base-T与100/1000Base-X SFP COMBO,交流供电,支持POE;S3328TP-PWR-EIS3328TP-EI-24S:24个100Base-FX SFP,2个1000Base-X SFP,2个10/100/1000Base-T与100/1000Base-X SFP COMBO,分交流供电和直流供电两种机型;S3328TP-EI-24SS3352P-SI/EI:48个10/100Base-TX,2个100/1000Base-X SFP,2个1000Base-X SFP,分交流供电和直流供电两种机型;S3352P-SI/EIS3352P-PWR-EI:48个10/100Base-TX,2个100/1000Base-X SFP,2个1000Base-X SFP,交流供电,支持POE;S3352P-PWR-EIS3352P-EI-24S:24个10/100Base-TX,24个100Base-FX SFP,2个100/1000Base-X SFP,2个1000Base-X SFP,分交流供电和直流供电两种机型;S3352P-EI-24SS3352P-EI-48S:48个100Base-FX SFP,2个100/1000Base-X SFP,2个1000Base-X SFP,分交流供电和直流供电两种机型;S3352P-EI-48S产品特点●强大的多业务支持能力S3300支持增强型灵活QinQ功能,启动该功能不需占用ACL资源。

CF V2 揭秘:轻松入门,专业升级说明书

CF V2 揭秘:轻松入门,专业升级说明书

More Flight TimeWhether you’re trying your first gybes or perfecting yourbackflips, the CF V2’s exceptionally forgiving low speed handling keeps the foil flying easily while you focus on the manoeuvre.Stability Is ConfidenceA stable, predictable foil helps to make progression easier and safer. If you’re just beginning your foiling journey or are alreadyan advanced rider, this range has a size tailored for you.Inspiring You To Push ItDesigned to inspire confidence, this range of foils enables intermediate and advanced riders to explore new territory whether it’s under a wing, behind a boat, or on a wave face.A Future-Proofed SystemSized from 950 to 2050sq/cm, the CFv2 range truly caters to the full spectrum of rider levels, weights and foiling sports. As your experience level and style evolve, the modular Armstrong A+ System offers component choices to match your progression.Foiling Made EasyWith the greatest stability and most accessible flight speed in our CF V2 range, the 2050 is larger riders’ gateway to foiling.CF2050• L ow minimum flying speed is ideal for learning to wing foil.•C onfidence-inspiring pitch and roll stability for discovering foiling behind a boat or jetski.•A lightwind machine for more experienced wing foil riders. RECOMMENDA TIONS:*WING:Beginner riders 78kg (171lb) and up in all conditions,intermediate riders 65-89kg (143-196lb) in light+ conditions.WAKERiders 100kg (220lb) and up.DOWNWIND:Intermediate riders of all weights.BEGINNERS:Pair with TC70 fuselage and CF300 stabiliser.INTERMEDIATE:Pair with TC60 fuselage and HS232 or HA195 stabilisers.SPECIFICA TIONS:AREA: 2050 sq/cm WINGSPAN: 972mm WEIGHT : 1620gr AR : 4.82*Recommendations are meant only as a general guideline. Different components andconditions may influence rider experience.E R I K A E D E R R I D E R : J EF F C L A R KK E V A N A N D E R T O N R I D E R : D A V E E D W A R D SVersatility Across a Range of ConditionsThe CF1600 delivers balance, predictability and stability,translating to easy progress across a wide range of foil sports.CF1600• P redictable lift and low stall speed for learning to fly.• E asy turning without compromising stability when cruising.• I deal in lighter winds or smaller surf for lighter riders.RECOMMENDA TIONS:*WING:Beginner riders 65-77kg (143-169lb) in light to moderate+conditions, intermediate riders 78kg (171lb) and up in strong to strong+ conditions.WAKERiders 78kg (171lb) and up.SUPRiders of all weights in small+ conditions.DOWNWIND:Intermediate riders up to 89kg(196lb)BEGINNERS:Pair with TC70 fuselage and CF300 stabiliser.INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED:Pair with TC60 fuselage and HS232 or HA195 stabilisers.SPECIFICA TIONS:AREA: 1600 sq/cm WINGSPAN: 856mm WEIGHT : 1250gr AR : 4.85*Recommendations are meant only as a general guideline. Different components and conditions may influence rider experience.N Broad Performance for a Wide Range of Disciplines, Skill Levels and Rider WeightsWhether you’re just discovering foiling or already proficient, the CF1200 embodies the broad range of use that makes CF V2 so appealing.CF1200G E O R G I A S C H O F I E L D R I D E R : A R M I E //N A T H A N T U K ECF950• D esigned for quick rail to rail response, with impressive grip and flow through the hardest foil surfing turns.• U ltra-compact outline lends to progressive pop and soft landings for aerial wake foiling.• H igher speed range and manoeuvrability make it ideal for kite foiling.RECOMMENDA TIONS:*WING:Advanced riders of all weights in pumping to pumping+ conditions.SURF:Advanced riders of all weights in medium to pumping conditions.KITE:Riders 65-89kg (141-196lb).WAKE:Beginner riders up to 64kg (141lb), advanced riders of all weights.SUP:Riders of all weights in pumping conditions. BEGINNERS:Pair with TC70 fuselage and CF300 stabiliser.INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED:Pair with TC60 fuselage and HS232 or HA195 stabilisers.SPECIFICA TIONS:AREA: 950 sq/cm WINGSPAN: 670mm WEIGHT : 950gr AR : 5*Recommendations are meant only as a general guideline. Different components and conditions may influence rider experience.Maximum Carving FunThe CF950 delivers stellar manoeuvrability, making it ideal for carving turns, surfing waves or pushing the boundaries of wake and kite foiling.。

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Super-II(软件版本V2.0)Plasma Height Control











