INSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGEParameterSymbolSupply Voltage Protected bySCSupply Voltage (Surge)Storage Temperature Isolation Voltage ConditionV CC(surge)T stgV iso Ratings V CC(PROT)400500–40 ~ +1252500Unit V °C V rmsV V D = 13.5 ~ 16.5V, Inverter Part,T j = +125°C StartApplied between : P-N, Surge value60Hz, Sinusoidal, Charged part to Base, AC 1 min. Saturation Voltage Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current–I C = 50A, V D = 15V, V CIN = 15V (Fig. 2)T j = 25°C T j = 125°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise noted)INVERTER PARTParameterSymbol ConditionV CE(sat)I CESV EC t on t rr t c(on)t off t c(off)Limits ———0.5————————T j = 25°C T j = 125°CFWDi Forward VoltageSwitching TimeV D = 15V, V CIN = 0V ↔15V V CC = 300V, I C = 50A T j = 125°C Inductive Load (Fig. 3,4)V CE = V CES , V CIN = 15V(Fig. 5)V D = 15V, I C = 50AV CIN = 0V(Fig. 1)TOTAL SYSTEMV mAVµsUnit 0.95*1.61*0.038°C/WR th(j-c)Q R th(j-c)F R th(c-f)Inverter IGBT (per 1 element) (Note-1)Inverter FWDi (per 1 element) (Note-1)Case to fin, (per 1 module)Thermal grease applied(Note-1)Symbol ConditionUnitMin.——————Junction to case Thermal ResistancesTHERMAL RESISTANCESContact Thermal Resistance* If you use this value, R th(f-a) should be measured just under the chips.(Note-1) Tc (under the chip) measurement point is below.ParameterLimits Typ.Max.UPIGBT 29.0–7.3VPWPUNVNWNFWDi 29.51.6IGBT 64.6–7.3FWDi 65.12.1IGBT 85.9–7.3FWDi 86.42.1IGBT 38.15.3FWDi 37.6–4.6IGBT 54.85.3FWDi 55.3–4.6IGBT 76.15.3FWDi 75.6–4.6armaxisX Y(unit : mm)Bottom viewINSULATED PACKAGEV D = 15VDetect Tj of IGBT chip –20 ≤ T j ≤ 125°C V D = 15V, V FO = 15V (Note-2)V D = 15V(Note-2)V th(ON)V th(OFF)SC t off(SC)OT OT r UV UV r I FO(H)I FO(L)t FOTrip level Reset level Trip level Reset level–20 ≤ T j ≤ 125°C, V D = 15V (Fig. 3,6)V D = 15V(Fig. 3,6) 3.53.5————Main terminal screw : M5Mounting partscrew : M5—Symbol ParameterMounting torque Mounting torque WeightConditionUnit N • m N • m gLimits Min.Typ.Max.2.52.5—3.03.0380MECHANICAL RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSV D = 15V, V CIN = 15VApplied between :U P -V UPC , V P -V VPC , W P -V WPCU N • V N • W N -V NCI D °C V mA ms25101.82.3————12.5—0.0115—mA Circuit CurrentInput ON Threshold Voltage Input OFF Threshold Voltage Short Circuit Trip Level Short Circuit Current Delay TimeOver Temperature Protection Supply Circuit Under-Voltage ProtectionFault Output Current Minimum Fault Output Pulse WidthCONTROL PART——1.21.7100—135—11.5———1.0ParameterSymbol ConditionMax.Min.Typ.Unit Limits 1551.52.0—0.214512512.012.5—101.8(Note-2)Fault output is given only when the internal SC, OT & UV protections schemes of either upper or lower arm device operate toprotect it.V µs V N1-V NC V *P1-V *PCA RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS FOR USERecommended valueUnit ConditionSymbol ParameterV Applied across P-N terminalsApplied between :V UP1-V UPC , V VP1-V VPCV WP1-V WPC , V N1-V NC (Note-3)Applied between :U P -V UPC , V P -V VPC , W P -V WPCU N • V N • W N -V NCUsing Application Circuit of Fig. 8Supply Voltage Control Supply Voltage Input ON Voltage Input OFF Voltage PWM Input Frequency ≤ 40015±1.5≤ 0.8≥ 9.0≤ 20V CC V CIN(ON)V CIN(OFF)f PWM V D V V kHz (Note-3)With ripple satisfying the following conditions: dv/dt swing ≤ ±5V/µs, Variation ≤ 2V peak to peakt deadArm Shoot-through Blocking TimeFor IPM ’s each input signals(Fig. 7)≥ 2.0µsINSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGEINSULATED PACKAGE。
IEC 60730-1:2022 Edition 6.0 2022-09Annex H功能安全认证指导书1 / 141.Purpose 目的国际电工委员会(IEC)制定的IEC 60730-1适用于家电或类似自动控制器产品,附录 H 是该标准的功能安全评估部分,将软件分为 Class A、Class B、Class C 三个等级,详细介绍了新的设计、测试和诊断方法,以确保设备的嵌入式控制硬件和软件的运行安全。
德凯中国强大的专家团队可以根据IEC 60730-1、 IEC 60335-1及IEC 61508等安全标准进行技术培训、差距分析、技术支持(包含功能安全概念SIL支持,硬件&软件设计过程支持)及产品功能安全认证(SIL认证)服务。
本文件旨在帮助客户更快地理解IEC 60730-1,2022 Edition 6.0 Annex H功能安全评估所需资料。
2.Scope 范围家用或类似用途的自动控制器3.Class等级说明IEC 60730 标准规定了三种等级:Class A:电器安全不依靠软件,或电器不会造成人员伤害;Class B:防止家电因不安全的操作造成伤害,如洗衣机的电控门锁、电机热关断机制等。
Class C:防止发生特殊的危害,如电子点火燃气灶(有爆炸危险)。
2 / 144.评估流程项目信息搜集不评估否需评估?是准备资料预评否整改符合要求?是正式评估静态分析动态测试现场审核否符合要求?是报告和总结3 / 145.申请材料:表一.材料清单4 / 14附件:申请材料补充说明H.5 Fault Analysis (Risk Analysis)风险分析常用的可编程逻辑器件软件安全性分析方法包括 FMEA、FTA 和 BDA。
这三种方法各有特点,在实际应用中可根据需要,综合应用这三种方法,更加全面、有效地分析可编程逻辑器件软件安全性可编程逻辑器件软件 FMEA 分析方法通过识别可编程逻辑器件软件故障模式,分析造成的后果,研究分析各种故障模式产生的原因,寻找消除和减少其有害后罘的方法,以尽早发现潜在的问题,并采取相应的措施,从而提高可编程逻辑器件软件的安全性。
孩之寶公司品質保証安全性和可靠性規格SRS-060題目: 美術材料貼紙規格由: L.DOANE/C.FISCHER 批准;日期: 1998年5月11日版本: C1.0 目的此規格的目的在于制定程序以確保用于孩之寶公司產品的所用的美術材料無毒,且不具有產生慢性的有損健康的可能影晌(逐漸發展成癌症,神經毒性或發展性、再生性的毒性)。
2.0 範圍此規格適用于孩之寶公司產品里含有的“美術材料”。
“美術材料”定議為“任何由制造商或包裝商出售或提供的,適合于在制作任何媒介的視覺藝術或圖畫藝術作品的任何階段使用的物品或者是最終藝術品的一部分(如: 油漆,墨水,蠟筆,Play-Doh, 紙等)。
”3.0 計划進入產品發展周期的第一階段之前,必須驗証所有的美術材料,而且在產品的DVP(設計核實試產)前必須符合此規格的要求。
4.0 程序4.1 具有ASTM D4236檢驗証明的藝術材料,只要証明沒有過期且毒理學家已驗証孩之寶公司預定的消費者使用模式,則都符合此要求。
4.2 未經驗証合格的美術材料4.2.1 把樣板交到Corporate化學實驗室作初步試驗,并評定哪些樣板含有重金屬(SRS-014,044),微生物化驗(SRS-021),塑化劑含量(SRS-046),和/或其它物理,化學或以下 4.2.3 相應的微生物測試.4.2.2 部門可靠性工程師應送出符合上述4.2.1所要求的完整的成品一個,以及支持性文件,包括配方,材料安全資料單和現有的成分,有效的消費者健康經曆的技術資料,任何關于產品毒性的報告,要經LHAMA毒理學專家委員會審核,如果這些資料是有專利權的,協議書須直接呈文毒理學家。
4.2.3 毒理學家將評審該產品,按照ASTM D4236確定是否為非毒性,并發放產品合格証,用Poisindex登記該產品.4.3 如果配方或材料有明顯的變化,或者如果合格証已過期(每五年必須更新)該產品必須再次通過全部或部份的驗証。
Document Number: 28327For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@030/031 ASVishay BCcomponentsAluminum CapacitorsAxial StandardFEATURES•Polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors,non-solid electrolyte•Axial leads, cylindrical aluminum case,insulated with a blue sleeve•Taped version available for automatic insertion •Charge and discharge proof•Useful life: 3000hours at 85 °C (case Ø D =3.3mm:1500hours)•Standard dimensions•Lead (Pb)-free versions are RoHS compliantAPPLICATIONS•General purpose and industrial, automotive,telecommunication, audio-video•Coupling, decoupling, timing, smoothing, filtering,buffering in SMPS•Boards with restricted mounting height, vibration and shock resistantMARKINGThe capacitors are marked (where possible) with the following information:•Rated capacitance (in µF)•Tolerance on rated capacitance, code letter in accordance with IEC 60062 (T for - 10to + 50 %)•Rated voltage (in V)•Date code in accordance with IEC 60062•Code factory of origin •Name of manufacturer•Band to indicate the negative terminal •‘+’ sign to identify the positive terminal (not for case sizes L <18mm)•Series number (030 or 031)QUICK REFERENCE DATADESCRIPTION VALUENominal case sizes (Ø D x L in mm)3.3x 114.5x 10to10x 25Rated capacitance range, C R 0.47to 1000µF T olerance on C R - 10to + 50 %Rated voltage, U R6.3to 100VCategory temperature range - 40to + 85 °C Endurance test at 85 °C 1000hours 2000hours Useful life at 85 °C 1500hours 3000hours Useful life at 40°C, 1.4 x I R applied 40 000hours80 000hoursShelf life at 0V, 85°C500hoursBased on sectional specification IEC 60384-4/EN130300Climatic category IEC 6006840/085/56 For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@Document Number: 28327030/031 ASVishay BCcomponentsAluminum Capacitors Axial StandardDIMENSIONS in millimeters AND AVAILABLE FORMSTable 1NoteDetailed tape dimensions see section ‘PACKAGING’.SELECTION CHART FOR C R , U R AND RELEVANT NOMINAL CASE SIZES (Ø D x L in mm)C R (µF)U R (V)6.310162540631000.47------ 4.5x 101.0----- 4.5x 10 4.5x 10----- 3.3x 11-2.2---- 3.3x 114.5x 10 4.5x 103.3----- 4.5x 10 4.5x 104.7-- 3.3x 11-- 4.5x 106x 106.8----- 4.5x 106x 1010 3.3x 11-- 4.5x 104.5x 106x 108x 11------ 6.5x 1815---- 4.5x 106x 10-22--- 4.5x 106x 108x 118x 18----- 6.5x 18-33-- 4.5x 10-6x 10-10x 1847- 4.5x 10-6x 108x 118x 1810x 25---- 6.5x 18--68 4.5x 10-6x 10--10x 18-100-6x 10-8x 118x 1810x 25---- 6.5x 18---1506x 10-8x 118x 1810x 18---- 6.5x 18----220-8x 118x 1810x 1810x 25--- 6.5x 18-----330-8x 1810x 1810x 25---4708x 1810x 1810x 25----68010x 1810x 25-----100010x 25------AXIAL; DIMENSIONS in millimeters, MASS AND PACKAGING QUANTITIESNOMINAL CASE SIZEØ D x LCASE CODE AXIAL FORM BA and BRMASS (g)PACKAGING QUANTITIES Ø d A Ø D max.L max.F min.FORM BA FORM BR 3.3x 1110.663.5 ± 1.5 3.51217.5≈ 0.35100040004.5x 1020.663.5± 1.5 5.010.515≈ 0.5100030006x 1030.663.5± 1.5 6.310.515≈ 0.7100010008x 115a 0.663.5± 1.58.511.515≈ 1.15005006.5x 1840.873± 1.6 6.918.525≈ 1.3100010008x 1850.873± 1.68.518.525≈ 1.750050010x 1860.873± 1.610.518.525≈ 2.550050010x 2570.873± 1.610.525.030≈ 3.3500500Document Number: 28327For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@030/031 ASAluminum Capacitors Axial StandardVishay BCcomponentsNoteUnless otherwise specified, all electrical values in Table 2 apply at T amb =20 °C, P =86to 106kPa, RH =45to 75 %.ORDERING EXAMPLEElectrolytic capacitor 031 series 330µF/10V; - 10/+ 50 %Nominal case size: Ø 8x 18mm; Form BA Ordering code: MAL203134331E3Former 12 NC: 222203134331Table 2ELECTRICAL DATASYMBOL DESCRIPTIONC R rated capacitance at 100Hz, tolerance - 10to + 50 %I R rated RMS ripple current at 100Hz, 85°C I L1max. leakage current after 1minute at U R I L5max. leakage current after 5minutes at U R tan δmax. dissipation factor at 100Hz ESR equivalent series resistance at 100Hz (calculated from tan δmax. and C R )Z max. impedance at 10kHzELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATIONU R (V)C R 100Hz (µF)NOMINAL CASE SIZE ØD x L (mm)CASE CODEI R 100Hz 85°C (mA)I L11min (µA)I L55min (µA)tan δ100HzESR 100Hz (Ω)Z 10kHz (Ω)ORDERING CODEMAL2..........TAPED ON REEL FORM BR TAPED IN BOX FORM BA 6.310 3.3x 111155 5.10.3047.82003023109E303033109E368 4.5x 1027522 5.90.25 5.86 2.903023689E303033689E31506x 10312010 6.90.25 2.66 1.303023151E303033151E34708x 185********.250.850.4303123471E303133471E368010x 186********.250.590.2903123681E303133681E3100010x 25756042180.250.400.2003123102E303133102E31047 4.5x 1027024 5.90.20 6.78 3.403024479E303034479E31006x 103110107.00.20 3.19 1.603024101E303034101E32208x 115a 210189.40.20 1.450.7303124221E303034221E3220 6.5x 184210189.40.20 1.450.7303124221E303134221E33308x 185********.200.970.4803124331E303134331E347010x 186********.200.680.3403124471E303134471E368010x 25751045190.200.470.2403124681E303134681E3164.7 3.3x 1111555.10.2067.82603025478E303035478E333 4.5x 10265276.10.167.72 3.603025339E303035339E3686x 103110117.20.16 3.75 1.803025689E303035689E31508x 115a 200199.80.16 1.700.8003025151E303035151E3150 6.5x 184200199.80.16 1.700.8003125151E303135151E32208x 185********.16 1.160.5503125221E303135221E333010x 186********.160.780.3603125331E303135331E347010x 25748049200.160.550.2603125471E303135471E32510 4.5x 1025013 5.50.1422.3903026109E303036109E322 4.5x 1026028 6.10.1410.2 4.103026229E303036229E3476x 103100127.40.14 4.8 1.903026479E303036479E31008x 115a 16019100.14 2.230.9003026101E303036101E3100 6.5x 184********.14 2.230.9003126101E303136101E31508x 185********.14 1.490.6003126151E303136151E322010x 186********.14 1.020.4103126221E303136221E333010x 25746054220.140.680.2703126331E303136331E3 For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@Document Number: 28327030/031 ASVishay BCcomponentsAluminum Capacitors Axial Standard402.23.3x 111155 5.10.151093203027228E303037228E3104.5x 10250205.80.1117.6703027109E303037109E315 4.5x 10255306.20.1111.7 4.703027159E303037159E3226x 103759 3.203027229E303037229E3336x 10395127.70.11 5.31 2.103027339E303037339E3478x 115a 150168.80.11 3.73 1.503027479E303037479E347 6.5x 184150168.80.11 3.73 1.503127479E303137479E31008x 185********.11 1.750.7003127101E303137101E315010x 186********.11 1.170.4703127151E303137151E322010x 25743057230.110.800.3203127221E303137221E3631.0 3.3x 111105 5.10.121915503090067E303090068E31.0 4.5x 102135 5.10.091435503028108E303038108E32.2 4.5x 102257 5.30.0965.22503028228E303038228E33.34.5x 10235115.40.0946.51703028338E303038338E34.7 4.5x 1024015 5.60.0930.51203028478E303038478E36.84.5x 10246225.90.0921.18.103028688E303038688E3106x 1037076.30.0812.8 5.503028109E303038109E3156x 1037910 3.703028159E303038159E3228x 115a 110137.80.08 5.79 2.503028229E303038229E322 6.5x 184110137.80.08 5.79 2.503128229E303138229E3478x 185********.08 2.71 1.203128479E303138479E36810x 186********.08 1.880.8103128689E303138689E310010x 25730042180.08 1.280.5503128101E303138101E31000.47 4.5x 10295 4.30.082719603029477E303039477E31.0 4.5x 102205 4.60.081284503029108E303039108E32.2 4.5x 1023011 5.30.0857.92103029228E303039228E33.3 4.5x 1024017 6.00.0838.61403029338E303039338E34.76x 1035013 6.80.0723.79.603029478E303039478E36.86x 10370188.00.0716.4 6.603029688E303039688E3108x 115a 9024100.0711.2 4.503029109E303039109E310 6.5x 1849024100.0711.2 4.503129109E303139109E3228x 185********.07 5.07 2.103129229E303139229E33310x 186********.07 3.38 1.403129339E303139339E34710x 25726098330.072.370.9603129479E303139479E3ELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATIONU R (V)C R 100Hz (µF)NOMINAL CASE SIZE ØD x L (mm)CASE CODEI R 100Hz 85°C (mA)I L11min (µA)I L55min (µA)tan δ100HzESR 100Hz (Ω)Z 10kHz (Ω)ORDERING CODEMAL2..........TAPED ON REEL FORM BR TAPED IN BOX FORM BADocument Number: 28327For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@030/031 ASAluminum Capacitors Axial StandardVishay BCcomponentsCAPACITANCE (C)ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL DATAPARAMETER CONDITIONSVALUEVoltage Surge voltage U s ≤1.15x U R Reverse voltage U rev ≤1VCurrent Leakage currentAfter 1minute at U R :Case Ø D x L =3.3x 11and 4.5x 10mm I L1≤0.05 C R x U R or5 µA, whichever is greaterCase Ø D x L =6x 10to 10x 25mm I L1for CV ≤1000:≤ 0.01 C R x U R or 1µA, whichever is greater I L1for CV >1000:≤ 0.006 C R x U R +4µA U R =100V I L1 = 0.02 C R x U R +4µA After 5minutes:U R =6.3to 63V I L5≤0.002 C R x U R +5µA U R =100VI L5≤0.006 C R x U R +4µAInductance Equivalent series inductance (ESL)Case Ø Dx L mm:3.3x 11typ. 11nH4.5x 10typ. 10nH 6x 10typ. 22nH 8x 11typ. 85nH 6.5x 18typ. 25nH 8x 18typ. 40nH 10x 18typ. 61nH 10x 25typ. 38nHResistance Equivalent series resistance (ESR)Calculated from tan δmax. and C R (see T able 2)ESR = tan δ/2 π f C R T am b (°C)C 0 = capacitance at 20 °C, 100 Hz1. 60 - 40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80C C 0Fig.3 T ypical m u ltiplier of capacitance as a f u nctionof am b ient temperat u re1.051.000.950.900.850.7510 102 103 104C C 0T am b (°C)Fig.4 T ypical m u ltiplier of capacitance as af u nction of fre qu encyC 0 = capacitance at 20 °C, 100 Hz For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@Document Number: 28327030/031 ASVishay BCcomponentsAluminum Capacitors Axial StandardEQUIVALENT SERIES RESISTANCE (ESR)IMPEDANCE (Z )Table 3T am b (°C)ESR 0 = capacitance at 20 °C, 100 Hz- 60 - 40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120Fig.5 T ypical m u ltiplier of ESR as a f u nctionof am b ient temperat u re3020100.3ESR ESR 0T am b (°C)ESR 0 = capacitance at 20 °C, 100 HzFig.6 T ypical m u ltiplier of ESR as a f u nctionof fre qu ency21ESR ESR10 102 103104IMPEDANCE VS. CAPACITANCE VALUES AT 10 kHzT amb Z x C R (Ω x µF)6.3V 10V 16V 25V 40V 63V 100V + 20°C ≤ 200≤ 160≤ 120≤ 90≤ 70≤ 55≤ 45- 25°C ≤ 1200≤ 750≤560≤ 400≤ 300≤ 180≤ 130- 40°C≤ 3200≤ 2000≤ 1500≤ 1100≤ 900≤ 500≤ 350T am b 20 °CFig.7 T ypical impedance as a f u nction of fre qu ency10410310210110-1102 103 104 105 106Z (Ω)T am b 20 °CFig.8 T ypical impedance as a f u nction of fre qu ency103101110-110-2102 103 104 105 106Z (Ω)Document Number: 28327For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@030/031 ASAluminum Capacitors Axial StandardVishay BCcomponentsRIPPLE CURRENT AND USEFUL LIFETable 4MULTIPLIER OF RIPPLE CURRENT (IR) AS A FUNCTION OF FREQUENCYFREQUENCY(Hz)I R MULTIPLIERU R =6.3to 10VU R =16to 25VU R =40to 100V500.950.900.85100 1.00 1.00 1.00300 1.07 1.12 1.201000 1.12 1.20 1.303000 1.15 1.25 1.35≥ 10 0001.201.301.40 For technical questions contact: aluminumcaps1@Document Number: 28327030/031 ASVishay BCcomponentsAluminum Capacitors Axial StandardTable 5TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSTESTPROCEDURE (quick reference)REQUIREMENTSNAME OF TEST REFERENCE Case ØD x L =3.3x 11mmEnduranceIEC 384-4/EN130300subclause 4.13T amb =85°C ;U R applied;1000hoursΔC/C:± 20 %tan δ≤ 2x spec. limit Z ≤3 x spec. limitI L ≤spec. limit Useful lifeCECC 30301subclause 1.8.1T amb =85°C;U R and I R applied;1500hoursΔC/C:± 50 %tan δ≤3x spec. limit Z ≤3x spec. limit I L ≤spec. limit no short or open circuit total failure percentage: ≤ 3 %Shelf life (storage athigh temperature)IEC 384-4/EN130300subclause 4.17T amb =85°C; no voltage applied;500hoursAfter test: U R to be applied for 30minutes, 24to 48hours before measurementΔC/C, tan δ, Z: for requirementssee ‘Endurance test’ above I L ≤2x spec. limitCase Ø D L = 4.5 x 10to 10x 25mm EnduranceIEC 384-4/EN130300subclause 4.13T amb =85°C;U R applied;2000hoursU R ≤6.3V; ΔC/C:+ 15/- 30 %U R >6.3V; ΔC/C:± 15 %tan δ≤1.3x spec. limit Z ≤ 2 x spec. limit I L ≤ spec. limitUseful lifeCECC 30301subclause 1.8.1T amb =85°C;U R and I R applied;3000hoursU R ≤6.3V; ΔC/C:+ 45/- 50 %U R >6.3V; ΔC/C:± 45 %tan δ≤ 3x spec. limit Z ≤3x spec. limit I L ≤spec. limit no short or open circuit total failure percentage: ≤ 1 %Shelf life (storage athigh temperature)IEC 384-4/EN130300subclause 4.17T amb =85°C; no voltage applied;500hoursAfter test: U R to be applied for 30minutes, 24to 48hours before measurementΔC/C,tan δ,Z:for requirementssee ‘Endurance test’ above I L ≤ 2x spec. limitDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
6-362Cascadable Silicon Bipolar MMIC␣Amplifier Technical DataFeatures•Cascadable 50 Ω Gain Block •Low Operating Voltage (3.5␣V typical V d )• 3 dB Bandwidth:DC to 1.0 GHz •High Gain:19.5 dB Typical at 0.5␣GHz •Low Noise Figure:2.8␣dB Typical at 0.5␣GHzMSA-0600Chip Outline [1]DescriptionThe MSA-0600 is a high perfor-mance silicon bipolar Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) chip. This MMIC is designed for use as a general purpose 50 Ω gain block. Typical applications include narrow andTypical Biasing ConfigurationR V CC >5 VINOUTNote:1.This chip contains additional biasingoptions. The performance specified applies only to the bias option whose bond pads are indicated on the chip outline. Refer to the APPLICATIONS section “Silicon MMIC Chip Use” for additional information.broad band IF and RF amplifiers in commercial, industrial and military applications.The MSA-series is fabricated using HP’s 10 GHz f T , 25␣GHz f MAX ,silicon bipolar MMIC process which uses nitride self-alignment,ion implantation, and gold metalli-zation to achieve excellent performance, uniformity and reliability. The use of an external bias resistor for temperature and current stability also allows bias flexibility.The recommended assembly procedure is gold-eutectic die attach at 400°C and either wedge or ball bonding using 0.7 mil gold wire.[1] See APPLICATIONS section, “Chip Use”.5965-9583E6-363MSA-0600 Absolute Maximum RatingsParameterAbsolute Maximum [1]Device Current50 mA Power Dissipation [2,3]200 mW RF Input Power+13 dBm Junction Temperature 200°C Storage Temperature–65 to 200°CThermal Resistance [2,4]:θjc = 50°C/WPart Number Ordering InformationPart Number Devices Per TrayMSA-0600-GP4100G P Power Gain (|S 21|2) f = 0.1 GHz dB 20.5∆G P Gain Flatness f = 0.1 to 0.6 GHzdB ±0.7f 3 dB 3 dB Bandwidth GHz1.0Input VSWR f = 0.1 to 1.5 GHz 1.9:1Output VSWR f = 0.1 to 1.5 GHz 1.8:1NF 50 Ω Noise Figuref = 0.5 GHz dB 2.8P 1 dB Output Power at 1 dB Gain Compression f = 0.5 GHz dBm 2.0IP 3Third Order Intercept Point f = 0.5 GHz dBm 14.5t D Group Delay f = 0.5 GHz psec 200V d Device VoltageV 3.13.5 3.9dV/dTDevice Voltage Temperature CoefficientmV/°C–8.0Notes:1.The recommended operating current range for this device is 12 to 30 mA. Typical performance as a function of current is on the following page.2.RF performance of the chip is determined by packaging and testing 10 devices per wafer in a dual ground configuration.Electrical Specifications [1], T A = 25°CSymbolParameters and Test Conditions [2]: I d = 16 mA, Z O = 50 ΩUnitsMin.Typ.Max.VSWR Notes:1.Permanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded.2.T Mounting Surface (T MS ) = 25°C.3.Derate at 20 mW/°C for T Mounting␣Surface > 190°C.4.The small spot size of this technique results in a higher, though more accurate determination of θjc than do alternate methods. See MEASURE-MENTS section “Thermal Resistance” for more information.6-364MSA-0600 Typical Scattering Parameters [1] (Z O = 50 Ω, T A = 25°C, I d = 16 mA)Freq.GHzMagAngdBMagAngdBMagAngMagAngk0.1.05–14820.610.66173–23.3.0684.05–67–13420.410.48166–23.1.0708.09–91–12520.210.28159–22.6.07413.13–102–12120.010.01151–22.4.07615.16–110–12019.79.71145–22.1.07817.20–1170.980.6.15–11919.49.34140–21.8.08120.22–1240.970.8.19–12118.78.60123–20.7.09225.25–1360.931.0.25–12317.97.82117–19.8.10226.28–1480.901.5.32–13415.7 6.1096–18.3.12229.29–1680.892.0.40–14913.5 4.7379–17.4.13627.261750.912.5.45–15711.6 3.7970–16.9.14230.231690.973.0.49–1719.9 3.1261–16.6.14828.19168–1748.3 2.6051–16.4.15225.16173 6.9 2.2143–16.3.15326.12–170 1.9337–16.0.15924.10–149 1.315.0.51162 4.71.7129–15.9.16124.11–126 1.41Note:1.S-parameters are de-embedded from 70 mil package measured data using the package model found in the DEVICE MODELS section.S 11S 21S 12 S 22Typical Performance, T A = 25°C(unless otherwise noted)G p (d B )FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 1. Typical Power Gain vs. Frequency, T A = 25°C, I d = 16 mA.36912151821I d (mA)Figure 2. Power Gain vs. Current.0510152025G p (d B )10202530150.1 GHz 0.5 GHz 1.0 GHz2.0 GHzFREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 5. Noise Figure vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 4. Output Power at 1 dB Gain Compression vs. Frequency.-404812P 1 d B (d B m )–55–25+25+85+125P 1 d B (d B m )N F (d B )G p (d B )TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 3. Output Power at 1 dB Gain Compression, NF and Power Gain vs. Mounting Surface Temperature, f = 0.5 GHz, I d = 16 mA.MSA-0600 Chip Dimensions6-365。
OCXO SERIES 4000n FEATURES APPLICATIONS Excellent frequency stability - SATCOMMechanical / Electrical frequency adjustment available - BASE STATIONS- TEST INSTRUMENTSn ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCEPARAMETER OCXO SERIES 4000AT CUT CRYSTAL SC CUT CRYSTAL Supply voltage, nom. 15V, 12V, 5V ±5% StandardPower dissipation steady state 2.5 Watt Max.Heat up power 5 Watt MaxHeat up time. 7 min MaxFrequency range 1 To 160 MHz StandardFrequency Adjustment:Electrical (0 to 5V) Electrical (0 to 10V) Mechanical ±10PPM Min±15PPM Min±1.5PPM Min±0.7PPM Min±1PPM Min±0.6 PPM Min±0.05 PPM±0.1 PPM±0.002 PPM±0.005 PPMFreq. stability vs. temperatureLX: 0°C to 60°CFZ: -30°C to 70°C(Standard, contact factory for different temp ranges and stabilities) Freq. stability vs. supplychanges±0.005 PPM Max for ±5% Change ±0.002 PPM Max for ±5% ChangeFreq. stability vs. loadchanges±0.005 PPM Max for ±5% Change ±0.001 PPM Max for ±5% ChangeLong term stability (Aging) ± 1.5 PPM Max for 10 Years± 0.3 PPM Max for 1 Years±0.002 PPM/Day Max. ±0.6 PPM Max for 10 Years ±0.05 PPM Max for 1 Years ±0.0005 PPM/Day Max.Output HCMOS/TTL/Sine 0 to +13dBm Harmonics, Sub Harmonics -30dBc(Sine Output)Spurious -75dBc(Sine Output)Duty cycle 40/60% to 60/40%(HCMOS)Rise / fall time 10nS Max. (HCMOS,10%~90%Vout, 90%~10%Vout) Short term Stability (10MHz) 1 E-10 /Sec 5 E-11 /SecPhase Noise typical under static conditions(Sine Output 10MHZ) Offset Phase Noise10Hz -95 dBc/Hz100Hz -125 dBc/Hz1000Hz -135 dBc/Hz10000Hz -150 dBc/HzOffset Phase Noise10Hz -115 dBc/Hz100Hz -135 dBc/Hz1000Hz -145 dBc/Hz10000Hz -150 dBc/HzNote: All Typical parameters for a 10MHz output and 5V Supply, for different frequencies consult factoryn HOW TO ORDER (PART NUMBER)Prefix Output Type Cut TypeSeries Revision Temperature Range Stability FrequencySupply Voltage OX1:TTL 2:HCMOS 3:ACMOS 4:LVCMOS 5:100K ECL 6:SINE 7:10K ECL 8: PECL 9:CUSTOM0:AT (No Vcontrol ) 1: SC (No Vcontrol ) 2: AT (Mechanical Adj) 3: SC (Mechanical Adj) 4: AT (Elect Vcontrol) 5: SC (Elect Vcontrol) 6: AT (Mech & Elect.) 7: SC (Mech & Elect.)4X:4000 40:Height=1”/25.4mm41:Height=2”/50.8mm42:Height=4”/101.6mm44~49:Odd HeightAFirst letter Lowest Temperature,Second letter Highest Temperature: From A=-55°C to Z=+70°C, Then: 1=+75°C, 2=+80°C, 3=+85°C… in 5°C steps Example: LZ: +0°C to +70°C LX: +0°C to +60°C FZ: -30°C to +70°C D3: -40°C to +85°CValue x10E-2 in PPMExample 28=0.28PPM 10= 0.1PPMIn MHZ5: 5V 12; 12V 15; 15V。
40630 Product DetailsHome | Customer Support | Suppliers | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Browser Support© 2008 Tyco Electronics Corporation All Rights Reserved SearchProducts Documentation Resources My Account Customer Support Home > Products > By Type > Product Feature Selector > Product DetailsNo Image Available40630Active Miscellaneous TerminalsAlways EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)Product Highlights:?Crown Crimp Eyelet?Without Insulation Support?Wire Range = 0.80-2.00²[18-14] mm[AWG]?Not For Use With Double Wire?Brass MaterialView all Features | Find SimilarProductsCheck Pricing &AvailabilitySearch for ToolingProduct FeatureSelectorContact Us AboutThis ProductQuick LinksDocumentation & Additional InformationProduct Drawings:?EYELET, CROWN CRIMP(PDF, English)Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:?None AvailableProduct Specifications:?None AvailableApplication Specifications:?None AvailableInstruction Sheets:?None AvailableCAD Files:?None AvailableList all Documents Related Products: ?ToolingProduct Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)Product Type Features:?Product Type = Crown Crimp Eyelet?Insulation Support = No?Material = Brass?Finish = NoneBody Related Features:?Wire Range (mm [AWG]) = 0.80-2.00²[18-14] ?Double Wire = No?Stud Hole Diameter (mm [in]) = 4.44 [0.175]Contact Related Features:?Bulb = Without Configuration Related Features:?Diode = WithoutIndustry Standards:?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELVcompliant?Lead Free Solder Processes = Not relevant forlead free process?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always wasRoHS compliantPackaging Related Features:?Packaging Method = Reel?Packaging Quantity = 10,000Other:?Brand = AMPProvide Website Feedback | Contact Customer Support。
Specified Transformer Supply (RP-25 or Equivalent)
No. 4680—2/8
Equivalent Circuit
Sample PCB Layout for 2-Channel or 3-Channel Amplifiers
The STK401-060 is a thick-film audio power amplifier IC belonging to a series in which all devices are pin compatible. This allows a single PCB design to be used to construct amplifiers of various output capacity simply by changing hybrid ICs. Also, this series is part of a new, larger series that comprises mutually similar devices with the same pin compatibility. This makes possible the development of a 2-channel amplifier from a 3-channel amplifier using the same PCB. In addition, this new series features 6/3Ω drive in order to support the low impedance of modern speakers.
Ordering number: EN 4680B
ES030-5中文资料(Powerbox)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
温度系数 环境
CV: 5x10 /°C, CC: 10x10/°C.
工作温度 储存温度 湿度
降额 冷却 热防护护
-20°C至+ 50°C -40°C至+ 85°C 最大. 95%RH,无冷凝,最高可达40℃. 最大. 75%RH,无冷凝,最高可达50℃. 50°C以上,减免线性至20%@ 75℃
AC 90-265V,为48Hz-到62Hz 10A与NTC电阻30Ω抗寒性. 0.99 / 0.83(110 / 230V交流)
ES015-10: 100mΩ, ES030-5: 200mΩ, ES075-
2: 250mΩ,ES0300-0.45: 5Ω.
ES0300-0.45: 0.3mA. 线,90-265VAC
ES015-10: 0.5mA, ES030-5: 0.2mA, ES075-2: 0.1mA,EMI标准
ES0300-0.45: 0.05mA. 电压/电流调整到10圈电位器,分辨率0.03%
纹波和噪声峰 - 峰值
过压防护护 (固定)
ES015-10: 18V, ES030-5: 40V, ES075-2: 90V, ES0300-0.45: 330V.
机械 安装
Case 尺寸/重量
No 是,主/从操作可能 是,总电压不超过600V 电压0-5V
1. 标准使用状态DZ-030ABStandard Operating Conditions:1-11-21-3 1 V ~ 8.0 V DC CONSTANT CW 、CCW 额定电压Rated voltage 旋转方向Direction of Rotation 7.0 V DC CONSTANT工作电压范围Operating Voltage Range 1-41-51-61-7马达端面算起3mm 高的表面侧压小于150gLess than 150g measured at about 3mm distance from the motor mounting face -20℃~+70℃保存温度范围Direction of Rotation 侧压Side Perssure 使用温度范围Operating Temp ℃~定格负荷Rated Load 6gf.cm171-82. 测定条件Measuring Condition 使用姿势Operating PositionStorage Temp 出力轴全方向All direction of protruded shaft-40℃+85℃2-12-22-3原则上常温常湿下进行测试,如有疑问,采用JIS 标准测试 (20℃±2℃,65%±5%)Normal temperature and normal humidity If judgments questionable,measurement is to be made based on JIS Standard Testing Condition (20℃±2℃,65%±5%RH)温度和湿度Environmental Temperature and Humidity 马达姿势Motor position 出力轴水平Motor to be held with shaft horizontally电源Power supply可调节直流稳压电源,保证测量时无疑问Regulated power supply which assures unquestionable measurement3. 电气特性Electrical characteristics 3-13-2额定电压、无负荷状态At rated voltage and no-load 无负荷回转数No load speed 90mA MAX 14800±1850 r/min 额定电压、无负荷状态At rated voltage and no-load 无负荷电流No load current 3-33-43-53-6定格负荷电流Rated load current 无负荷状态Apply voltage instantly in existing rotor position≥ 起动电压Starting Voltage 额定电压、定格负荷状态At rated voltage and load 额定电压、定格负荷状态At rated voltage and load1.0 V MAX 两点法( 及 At rated voltage and t diff t l d 0f d 6f 250 mA MAX 定格负荷回转速Rated load speed 11200±1400 r/min起动力矩St ti T 3-73-8绝缘抵抗Insulation Resistance接线端子与机壳间加DC 100 V Measured with Insulation resistence toster(100V )betweentwo different load and 两点法( 及 At rated voltage and two different load and≤960 mA 1.0 MΩ MIN Starting Torque 起动电流Starting current4. 构造及机械特性Mechanical characteristics4-1外观External appearance 外观尺寸应在公差范围内,外观无明显的变形或损伤,紧固件应安装牢固As per the dimensional .No remarkable deformation or superficial defects to be observed 4-24-34-40.03 mm MAX约11g距机壳端面3mm 处Measured by dial gauge at 3mm distance from the motor mounting face0.05~0.4mmby visual check .Fastened parts to be fixed firmly轴曲Neuraxon 轴向间隙Shaft end play 重量W i h 4-5机器噪音Mechanical Noise在额定电压、无负荷状态下,轴处于水平位置,距马达出力轴侧面10cm 处的JIS-A 特性水平,背景噪音不大于26dB 。
166 W
0.8...1.2 Nm
VT0 rT RthJC RthCH trr IRM
Characteristic Values typ. max.
VR = VRRM VR = 0.8·VRRM VR = 0.8·VRRM
TVJ = 25°C TVJ = 25°C TVJ = 125°C
IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions
© 2007 IXYS All rights reserved
Dimensions TO-247 AD
t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine
TC = 25°C mounting torque typical
Maximum Ratings
100 A 60 A
550 A 600
480 A 520Biblioteka 1510 A2s 1490
1150 A2s 1120
-55...+150 °C 150 °C
-55...+150 °C
Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED)
DSEI60-06A DSEI60-06AT
IFAV = 60 A VRRM = 600 V trr = 35 ms
600 600
600 600
DSEI 60-06A DSEI 60-06AT
Electrical Characteristics(23 )Resistance Tolerance Hold Current Trip Current Max.Time to Trip Maximum Current Rated Voltage Typical Power R MIN R 1MAX Part Number IH,A I T ,A at 5xIH I MAX ,A V MAX ,V dc Pd, WΩΩFRX010-600.100.20 4.040600.38 2.507.50FRX017-600.170.34 3.040600.48 2.007.00FRX020-600.200.40 2.240600.41 1.83 4.40FRX025-600.250.50 2.540600.45 1.25 3.00FRX030-600.300.60 3.040600.490.88 2.10FRX040-600.400.80 3.840600.560.55 1.29FRX050-600.50 1.00 4.040600.770.50 1.17FRX065-600.65 1.30 5.340600.880.310.72FRX075-600.75 1.50 6.340600.920.250.60FRX090-600.90 1.807.240600.990.200.47FRX110-60 1.10 2.208.24060 1.500.150.38FRX135-60 1.35 2.709.64060 1.700.120.30FRX160-60 1.60 3.2011.44060 1.900.090.22FRX185-60 1.85 3.7012.64060 2.50 5.0015.64060 2.500.050.13FRX300-60 3.00 6.0019.84060 2.800.040.10FRX375-603.757.5024.04060 H =Hold current-maximum current at which the device will not trip at 23 still air.I T =Trip current-minimum current at which the device will always trip at 23 still air.V MAX =Maximum voltage device can withstand without damage at its rated current.I MAX =Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated vo ltage (V max).Pd=Typical power dissipated from device when in the tripped state in 23 still air environment.R MIN =Minimum device resistance at 23 .R 1MAX =Maximum device resistance at 23 , 1 hour after tripping .Physical specifications:Lead material: FRX010~FRX090Tin plated copper,24AWG.FRX110~FRX375Tin plated copper,20AWG.Soldering characteristics:MIL-STD-202, Method 208E.Insulating coating:Flame retardant epoxy ,meet UL-94V-O requirement.Radial Leaded PTC FRX SeriesFUZETECFRX Product Dimensions (Millimeters)FRX 010-60~ FRX 090-60FRX 110-60~ FRX 375-60Lead Size :24A WG,Lead Size :20A WG,Φ 0.51 mm Diameter Φ0.81mm DiameterA B C D E F Part Number Maximum MaximumTypical MinimumMaximumTypical FRX-010-0607.412.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-017-0607.412.7 1.1FRX-020-0607.412.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-025-0607.412.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-030-0607.413.0 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-040-0607.613.5 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-050-0607.913.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-065-0609.714.55.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-075-06010.415.2 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-090-06011.715.8 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-110-06013.018.0 5.17.6 3.1 1.4FRX-135-06014.519.6 5.17.6 3.1 1.4FRX-160-06016.321.3 5.17.6 3.1 1.4FRX-185-06017.822.9 5.17.6 3.1 1.4FRX-250-06021.326.410.27.6 3.1 1.4FRX-300-06024.930.010.27.6 3.1 1.4FRX-375-06028.533.510. Derating CurveRadial Leaded PTC FRX SeriesFUZETECTypical Time-To-Trip at 23Part Numbering SystemPart Marking SystemF R XStandard PackageP/NPcs /BagReel/TapeP/NPcs /BagReel/TapeFRX-017-605003K FRX-110-603001.5K FRX-020-605003K FRX-135-60200 1.5K FRX-025-605003K FRX-160-60200 1.5K FRX-030-605003K FRX-185-60200 1.5K FRX-040-605003K FRX-250-60100------FRX-050-605003K FRX-300-60100------FRX-065-603003K FRX-375-60100------FRX-075-603003KRadial Leaded PTC FRX SeriesFUZETEC。
10 12
14 16 18
AE (15 TYP.) F E C
AB - THD (6 TYP.)
1. V UPC 2. UFO 3. U P 4. V UPI 5. V VPC 6. VFO 7. V P 8. V VPI 9. V WPC 10. WFO
11. W P 12. V WPI 13. V NC 14. V NI 15. NC 16. U N 17. V N 18. W N 19. FO
Millimeters 17.5 16.5 13.2 11.0 10.0 8.0 7.25 6.0 Dia. 5.5 M5 3.22 2.6 2.0 1.8 1.6 0.5 Sep.1998 Type PM Current Rating Amperes 200 VCES Volts (x 10) 60
FLAT-BASE TYPE INSULATED PACKAGE Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25°C unless otherwise specified
技术指标传感器测量范围重复性响应时间校准电路工作范围输出信号和负载电气连接供电电压探头尺寸(mm)材质防护等级认证FM批准&标号防爆等级 PTBFMType ID-EX Type IW-EX Type IC-x-EX Type IE-x-EX长期稳定性<0.1℃/年,<1%rh/年中国CEC Ex ia IIC T6电缆,接线端子IP 66PTB 01 ATEX 2180II 1G EEx ia IIC T5 resp. II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6 resp. II 2 D IP66 T 85℃类型探头长度电缆长度材质订货号HygroClip IE1-EX HygroClip IE3-EX螺纹安装探头,耐压0-5Mpa1/2" G1/2" NPT2 m铬镍钢,V4A/AISI 316/1.4401类型探头长度材质订货号HygroClip IW-EX HygroClip ID-EX壁挂探头管道探头150 mm250 mm铬镍钢,V4A/AISI 316/1.4401ZB1-420过滤器附件订货信息安全栅Z788H,两线制4...20 mA也可以使用符合安全要求的其它安全栅见第10页±0.2℃,±1%rh0.05℃,±0.3%rh<15s,(23℃,1m/s风速)数字化校准, 1...4 点湿度,2 点温度-40...40℃; 0...100%rh,探头温度范围:-50...200℃数字式, 模拟量4...20 mA / 最大800 Ω(26 VDC)通过安全栅供电15...24 VDC,2线制4...20 mA电流环精度(23℃)Ø15x250Ø15x150IC-1-EX:Ø15 x 120IC-3-EX:Ø15 x 270142x25mm x1/2"扳手尺寸 27mm0...100%rh,-50...200℃湿度:ROTRONIC Hygromer® IN-1;温度:Pt100 1/3 DIN不锈钢V4A/AISI 316/1.4401, 150 x 100 x 58 mm /IP 663015571/IS/I,II,III/1/ABCDEFG/T6-12.0724.0006 IP66IS / I,II,III/ 1 / ABCDEFG / T6 -12.0724.0001管道型壁挂型电缆型isolation3233。
30-00006,30-00006, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
24 bare copper 11 x 0.16
80°C, 65P, PVC black 3.4
35P, PVC red, black, green 1.1 ± 0.05
300 80 -5 ~ +80 87.5 2.5/3.0
insulation/jacket PVC 1.05 100 100 °C/168 h 65 70 ≤50% elongation (% min) condition elongation (% unaged min) tensile strength (% unaged min)
Signature Name Company
Title Date Branch
part number: description:
30-00006 Wire, 3C, 24 AWG, 300V, 80C, 3.4 mm, PVC, 65P
date: August 13, 2012 rev: A1 page: 1 of 2
Wire cross section:
conductor insulation jacket
Rev Date Description
A A1
March 14, 2011 August 13, 2012
initial release added operating temperature
Specification Approval
Spec sign-off verifies that you have reviewed the entire specification, tested a sample of the product, and confirm that it meets your requirements. This specification reflects the part as it will be ordered. Orders will not be processed until the specification pages have been initialed and the approval page has been signed. This specification is confidential and is not to be transmitted without prior approval from Tensility.
Simco便携式数字静电测量仪型号 FMX-003指导书安装/操作/维护注意在你试图安装或者操作之前仔细阅读和理解这些指导是非常重要的。
没有这么做可能会造成严重的个人受伤及 [或] 损坏仪器. 在这一本手册最后部分提供有一手写的保证证书。
请小心地保存起来.使用者注意事项注意此仪器没有设计在机密的 (危险的) 环境下使用. 它不能够被暴露用于易起火的或腐蚀的材料和气体中.注意此仪器专门用于静电的处理,需要远离水,油,溶剂和其他具有传导性的污染物. 对暴露在如此的污染物中将会引起产品的电气绝缘故障. 特别小心确定环境没有露珠形成. 此仪器应该在一个湿度小于 60% 的环境下保存和使用.不要插入任何的物体于用于固定感应器的口子里;不要有任何异物进入感应器的开口.这个仪器不能在有腐蚀性的酸/碱烟或腐蚀性的气体如氯之类的环境中使用操作.这个仪器是用电池操作的,不要连接任何其他电线. 正常的操作条件在它的名牌上有列出. 当不使用的时候,请关闭仪器.为了仪器精确的测量请将他正确的接地.如果跌落,此仪器很容易损坏。
如果发生此类事情,它应该交由授权的技术人员做仔细的检查和必要的修理. 此仪器为电子设备,其包含的传感器可能对机械的震动和冲击非常敏感. 当然它也包含有一个微型处理芯片和电子电路,所以它不能在有许多电子噪音的环境中使用.当电压读数超出测定范围之外的时候会中止测量. 如果超过量程使用,有可能损坏感应器.在离子化的空气中使用该产品是可能的。
但是在这种情况下正描述的 10% 精度不能够被保证.不要在 LCD 屏幕的上方施加任何压力.此仪器在25 ± 0.5 毫米的测定距离已经被校正. 对于超出此距离校正是无效的. 不要干预感应器位置和LED方向,否则可能改变测定距离.该仪器在 Simco 日本公司装配和检查. 请不要试图拆解或改变它的构造. 如果你不清楚有关它的操作事项和维护,请联系你所在区域的 Simco 日本公司的授权代理人.第1页谢谢你购买 Simco 产品. 当仪器被正确的安装和维护后,将会迎合你的要求并提供安全的操作.仪器清单请小心地将仪器从硬纸盒移出并且检查. 注意任何可能在运输期间发生的损坏. 倒空硬纸盒确定没有小部份被丢弃.如果在运输期间发生任何的损害,请立刻通知当地的运输员. 损坏报告应该立即寄到 SIMCO 日本公司. 地址和其他的相关信息在背面封页上有写.包装项目和配件(1) FMX-003 静电场测试……………………………………………………… 1件(2) 离子平衡盘…………………………………………………………………….1件(3) 1 m 长接地线…………………………………………………………………1件(4) 软皮包………………………………………………………………………….1件(5) 电池 (类型 6 F22,9 V)…………………………………………………….. 1件(6) 操作手册 /证书 (这一本书) ……………………………………………….. 1件请检查是否有部件不见或没有满意的完成. 如果这样的情况发生,请连络我们或我们的代理人.第2页内容使用者注意 (1)收到仪器 (2)包装项目和配件 (2)目录 (3)第一节一般的描述 (4)第二节特征 (5)第三节规格 (6)第四节外观 (7)第五节电源 (8)第六节静电荷测量 (9)第七节离子平衡测量 (14)第八节功能表 (20)第九节故障解决 (21)SIMCO 仪器设备维修保证………………………………………………………符号的解释:警告注意 /小心电击危险第3页第一节一般的描述SIMCO FMX-003 型号静电测试仪是一个专门用于测定静电电压的简单仪器. 它小巧 (口袋大小) ,便携,便利容易使用.它内部有一个微处理器. 通过电源开关 (红色的) 可以将静电测试仪打开或者关闭. 一个标着零的灰色按键是用来做归零调整的. 一个标着HOLD的绿色按键是用来保持显示数据的,这在当测量过程中显示很难辨认时是非常有用的.SIMCO FMX-003 能在 25 ㎜位置能够准确的测量出静态电压在± 20000 V 内的静电电压. 在感应器旁边的两个LED光环是用来帮助定位测量仪到电荷体之间的正确距离. 传导性外壳和易接地端口容易方便接地,以便正确测量.FMX-003 也可以作为静电压离子平衡电压地测量. 通过安装一个离子平衡盘,并且将标有 IB 的蓝色按钮转换至 IB 状态,便可以对离子平衡电压为± 200 V 的电压进行测量。
(1) For Tape & Reel Packaging, add a “TR” suffix to the end of the Part Number when ordering, e.g. HS00-00096TR or HS00-00096LFTR (for RoHS Compliant) (2) Add a “LF” suffix to the Part Number for RoHS compliant parts, e.g. HS00-02560LF or HS00-02560LFTR (for Tape & Reel) (3) Contact BI Technologies for RoHS compliant part availability (4) IC to Cable side: C is Common Mode Choke, S is Shunt Inductor and T is Transformer (5) Turns Ratio is IC to Cable side
Electrical / Environmental
Power over Ethernet (Voice over IP) Networking Products
0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C
S H o R t for n a li p Com ls
‘LF’ M ode
Application 10/100 10/100 10/100 10/100 10/100 10/100 10/100 10/100 10/100 10/100 (PoE) 10/100 10/100 10/100/1000 10/100/1000 10/100/1000 10/100/1000 10/100/1000
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Electrical Characteristics(23 )
Resistance Tolerance Hold Current Trip Current Max.Time to Trip Maximum Current Rated Voltage Typical Power R MIN R 1MAX Part Number IH,A I T ,A at 5xI
H I MAX ,A V MAX ,V dc Pd, W
ΩFRX010-600.100.20 4.040600.38 2.50
7.50FRX017-600.170.34 3.040600.48 2.007.00FRX020-600.200.40 2.240600.41 1.83 4.40FRX025-600.250.50 2.540600.45 1.25 3.00FRX030-600.300.60 3.040600.490.88 2.10FRX040-600.400.80 3.840600.560.55 1.29FRX050-600.50 1.00 4.040600.770.50 1.17FRX065-600.65 1.30 5.340600.880.310.72FRX075-600.75 1.50 6.340600.920.250.60FRX090-600.90 1.807.240600.990.200.47FRX110-60 1.10 2.208.24060 1.500.150.38FRX135-60 1.35 2.709.64060 1.700.120.30FRX160-60 1.60 3.2011.44060 1.900.090.22FRX185-60 1.85 3.7012.64060 2.50 5.0015.64060 2.500.050.13FRX300-60 3.00 6.0019.84060 2.800.040.10FRX375-60
60 3.20
I H =Hold current-maximum current at which the device will not trip at 23 still air.I T =Trip current-minimum current at which the device will always trip at 23 still air.V MAX =Maximum voltage device can withstand without damage at its rated current.
I MAX =Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated vo ltage (V max).Pd=Typical power dissipated from device when in the tripped state in 23 still air environment.R MIN =Minimum device resistance at 23 .
R 1MAX =Maximum device resistance at 23 , 1 hour after tripping .Physical specifications:
Lead material: FRX010~FRX090Tin plated copper,24AWG.
FRX110~FRX375Tin plated copper,20AWG.
Soldering characteristics:MIL-STD-202, Method 208E.
Insulating coating:Flame retardant epoxy ,meet UL-94V-O requirement.
Radial Leaded PTC FRX Series
FRX Product Dimensions (Millimeters)
FRX 010-60~ FRX 090-60FRX 110-60~ FRX 375-60Lead Size :24A WG,Lead Size :20A WG,Φ 0.51 mm Diameter Φ0.81mm Diameter
A B C D E F Part Number Maximum Maximum
Typical Minimum
Typical FRX-010-0607.412.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-017-0607.4
12.7 5.17.6
3.1 1.1FRX-020-0607.412.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-025-0607.412.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-030-0607.413.0 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-040-0607.613.5 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-050-0607.913.7 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-065-0609.71
5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-075-06010.415.2 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-090-06011.715.8 5.17.6 3.1 1.1FRX-110-06013.018.0 5.17.6 3.1 1.4FRX-135-06014.519.6 5.17.6 3.1 1.4FRX-160-0601
6.321.3 5.1
7.6 3.1 1.4FRX-185-06017.822.9 5.17.6 3.1 1.4FRX-250-06021.326.410.27.6 3.1 1.4FRX-300-06024.930.010.27.6 3.1 1.4FRX-375-0602
Thermal Derating Curve
Radial Leaded PTC FRX Series
Typical Time-To-Trip at 23
Part Numbering System
Part Marking System
Standard Package
Pcs /Bag
Pcs /Bag
FRX-017-605003K FRX-110-60
1.5K FRX-020-605003K FRX-135-60200 1.5K FRX-025-605003K FRX-160-60200 1.5K FRX-030-605003K FRX-185-60200 1.5K FRX-040-605003K FRX-250-60100------FRX-050-60500
3K FRX-300-60100------FRX-065-603003K FRX-375-60
Radial Leaded PTC FRX Series