FRM学习笔记——Schweser Book IV Notes
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SCHWESER STUDY NOTES(一套6本),HANDBOOK.当然,如果时间、财力比较充足,最好还是多看一些原版指定教材。
各位考生,CFA 备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,高顿网校开通了全免费的CFA 题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。
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清算所是一种信用的体现,所有的买方和卖方最终都是与其进行交易,清算所用来管理风险的方式有以下集中:✓设定交易会员的资格 (include a minimum level of capital, posting of surety bonds)✓设定保证金水平✓监控会员的信用评级 (credit surveillance, monitoring of members)交易所是一个交易的平台,它设定参与交易者的必要资质,同时也设立保证金制度,以防止违约的出现。
Market to Market,即逐日盯市。
交易所与清算所的关系Clearing Houses can be dedicated to a specific exchange or serve several exchanges.Limitation of Structural Hubs✓逐日盯市仅限于那些每日都可以以公允价值计量的资产✓Netting需要交易双方同时对对方享有权利和义务✓标准化合约的流动性要远远强于非标准的合约✓对交易的监管尚需透明化(Transparency),这对于降低交易成本是有利的✓Structural Hubs的建立需要较为漫长的过程,所以交易所之间趋向于合并,而非建立新的交易所。
Chapter 22主要介绍了衍生品的一些基本概念,专业术语,和衍生品市场中的一般参与者Chapter 23 Mechanics of Future MarketsFuture可以基于各类资产,其本质是一种规定在未来以既定价格交易的合约。
FRM考试备考资料全集-frm考试论坛FRM考试备考资料全集-frm考试论坛!你准备参加2016年11月FRM考试了,终于做了这个决定,别人怎么劝我都听不到!那么,问题来了?怎么备考呢?如何备考FRM考试呢?2016年11月FRM考试备考可以看哪些资料呢?它们有什么特点?FRM备考资料列表1、Study Guide:GARP协会提供的原版书籍列表。
Kaplan Notes中也能够找到。
3、Core reading:GARP协会考纲上所列书籍。
6、Practice Exam:GARP每年提供的模拟题,09年以前不分1,2级。
7、Notes Exam:Kaplan制作的模拟题。
Chapter I The Need for Risk Management风险是一种不确定性,一般来说,风险可以分为经营风险(Business Risk)和金融市场风险(Financial Risk),前者主要由于经营决策和经营环境导致,而后者则主要由金融市场传递。
金融市场风险可以分为四种:✓市场风险(Market Risk)▪Absolute Risk (相当于同比收益率)和 Relative Risk(相当于环比收益率)▪Directional Risk (与风险因子有线性关系)和 Non-directional Risk(与风险因子有非线性关系)▪Basis Risk(基差风险)▪Volatility Risk(即,市场波动幅度发生变化的不确定性)✓流动性风险▪Asset-liquidity Risk 指由于标的资产过度交易导致的价格波动▪Fund-liquidity Risk 指由于流动资产小于流动负债导致的无法及时偿付✓违约风险✓操作风险监管松弛(Deregulation)和全球化(Globalization)使企业面临更多的不确定性,这些不确定性的增加使得我们更加需要认识和使用风险管理工具。
Chapter I The Need for Risk Management风险是一种不确定性,一般来说,风险可以分为经营风险(Business Risk )和金融市场风险(Financial Risk ),前者主要由于经营决策和经营环境导致,而后者则主要由金融市场传递。
金融市场风险可以分为四种:✓ 市场风险(Market Risk )▪ Absolute Risk (相当于同比收益率)和 Relative Risk (相当于环比收益率)▪ Directional Risk (与风险因子有线性关系)和 Non-directional Risk (与风险因子有非线性关系)▪ Basis Risk (基差风险)▪ Volatility Risk (即,市场波动幅度发生变化的不确定性)✓ 流动性风险▪ Asset-liquidity Risk 指由于标的资产过度交易导致的价格波动▪ Fund-liquidity Risk 指由于流动资产小于流动负债导致的无法及时偿付✓ 违约风险 ✓ 操作风险监管松弛(Deregulation )和全球化(Globalization )使企业面临更多的不确定性,这些不确定性的增加使得我们更加需要认识和使用风险管理工具。
杠杆率(Leverage )降低了交易成本,同时也放大了收益和损失的倍数。
GARP 是一个拥有来自超过150个国家的8万多名会员的世界最大的金融协会组织之一,主要由风险管理方面的专业人员、从业者和研究者组成。
而这一攸关企业组织及其投资人命运的重要决策,需要众多的金融风险管理专业人士(Financial Risk Professionals)的参与,故FRM 日益受到重视,全球报考人数以每年超过38%成长,已俨然成为全球瞩目的国际风险管理证照。
我们拥有一支自主、强大的财务金融培训研发团队,经过九年的实践和积累,已经自主开发了一系列针对CFA FRM等课程的辅导书籍,如《固定收益证券定价理论》、《投资组合管理》、《金融衍生产品》、《权益类证券定价》,这些书籍汇聚专家视角,权威新颖、紧贴时事,为各类金融进修学员提供全新的金融视野,广受各界好评,并被许多高校选为专用教材。
FRM Chapter-4-笔记
FRM 2010 Practice QuestionsTable of ContentsQuestion 50: Chase Manhattan Bank/Drysdale Securities 2 Question 51: Kidder Peabody 3 Question 52: Barings 5 Question 53: Allied Irish Bank 7 Question 54: Long Term Capital Management 9 Question 55: Metallgesellshaft 11 Question 56: Banker’s T rust 12Question 50: Chase Manhattan Bank/Drysdale Securities AIM: Describe the key factors that led to and the lessons learned from thefollowing risk management case studies: Chase Manhattan and theirinvolvement with Drysdale Securities50.1 Steven Allen classifies the Drysdale bankruptcy as which type of financial disaster?a)Case in which firm/investors were misled (misleading reporting)b)Losses from unexpectedly large market moves (disasters due to large market moves)c)Fiduciary or reputational exposure to customer positions (due to conduct of customerbusiness)d)None of the above50.2 The key lesson learned from the Drysdale bankruptcy concerned what practice?a)Need to investigate stream of large profitsb)Need to separate front and back officesc)Correlations spike to almost one in a crisisd)Collateral value determination50.3 Of which bond feature did Drysdale take systematic advantage?a)Embedded call optionb)Short-term yield volatilityc)Accrued coupon interestd)Long-maturity bond durationAnswers:50.1 A. (Misleading reporting)“There is not much question as to how Drysdale managed to obtain the unsecured funds. Theytook systematic advantage of a computational shortcut in determining the value of borrowedsecurities.”50.2. D. (collateral value determination)“The securities industry as a whole learned that it needed to make its methods for computingcollateral value on bond borrowings more precise. Chase, and other firms who may have hadsimilar control deficiencies, learned the need for a process that forced areas contemplating newproduct offerings to receive prior approval from representatives of the principal risk controlfunctions within the firm.50.3 C. (Accrued coupon interest)“To save time and effort, borrowed securities were routinely valued as collateral withoutaccounting for accrued coupon interest. By seeking to borrow large amounts of securities withhigh coupons and a short time left until the next coupon date, Drysdale could take advantage ofthe difference in the amount of cash the borrowed security could be sold for (which INCLUDEDaccrued interest) and the amount of cash collateral that need to be posted against the borrowedsecurity (which did NOT include accrued interest).Question 51: Kidder PeabodyAIM: Describe the key factors that led to and the lessons learned from thefollowing risk management case studies: Kidder Peabody51.1. What happened at Kidder Peabody?a)Kidder Peabody lost ~$350 million in cash due to market riskb)Kidder Peabody lost ~$350 million in cash due to operational riskc)Previously reported booked gains of ~$350 were found to be artificiald)Collateral calls of about $350 million triggered a bankruptcy51.2 Which enabled the failure at Kidder Peabody?a)Jett exceeded position limits in regard Treasury STRIPSb)Jett took positions in forward recons, which were prohibited instrumentsc)Accounting loophole in regard to collateral valuationd)Accounting loophole in regard to forward contracts51.3 Which is the lesson(s) learned from the failure at Kidder Peabody?a)Make sure you understand the source of a large, unexpected profitsb)Periodically review models and systemsc)Both (A) and (B)d)Neither (A) nor (B)Answers:51.1 C. (artificial gains)“Joseph Jett entered into a series of trades that were incorrectly reported in the firm’s accounting system, artificially inflating reported profits. When this was ultimately corrected in April 1994, $350 million in previously reported gains had to be reversed … Jett’s trades had notr esulted in any actual loss of cash for Kidder.”… although it is estimated that he additionally hid about $85 million in actual losses51.2. D. (Accountin g loophole in regard to forward “recon” contracts)In regard to (A) and (B), these are false as “The IS specialists discovered that none of Jett’s trade deals were ever consummated. This meant that while no securities had ever changed hands, the profits associated with these allegedly fictitious trades had been accounted for as income on Kidder’s books.”Rather, Jett exploited the fact that the IS/accounting system allowed him to book the profit on aforward (recon) transaction.51.3. C.“Two lessons can b e drawn from this: Always investigate a stream of large unexpected profitsthoroughly and make sure you completely understand the source. Periodically review models and systems to see if changes in the way they are being used require changes in simplifying assumptions.”Reference:Not the assigned chapter, but this brief piece from NYU is a helpful summary.Question 52: BaringsAIM: Describe the key factors that led to and the lessons learned from thefollowing risk management case studies: Barings52.1 Which is true about Nick Leeson’s failed positions?a)His profits were fictitious but actual losses were less than $10 millionb)His actual positions were non-directional arbitrages that failed due to basis riskc)His actual positions were unhedged directional bets that Nikkei would increase (net longNikkei)d)His actual positions were unhedged directional bets that Nikkei would decrease (netshort Nikkei)52.2 Based on the assigned reading, what was arguably the largest single failure by themanagement of Barings?a)They did not implement position limits for all possible instrumentsb)They allowed Leeson to be both chief trader and head of settlementsc)Positions should have required daily cash settlement (margin would have exposed thelosses)d)They did not hire a consultant to implement training to build risk awareness andpromote a risk culture52.3 What was the EVENT RISK that manifested in the Barings case?a)Kobe earthquake in 1995b)Asian turmoil of 1997c)Russian bond defaults in 1998d)September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks52.4 According to Allen, each of the following is a lesson to be learned from the Barings caseEXCEPT for:a)Absolute necessity of an independent trading officeb)Need to make inquiries into unexpected sources of profitc)Need to inquire into large, unanticipated movements of cashd)Need to attach clawback feature to annual bonus compensationAnswers:52.1 C.Although Leeson was authorized to conduct arbitrage (exchange switching) and to makeunhedged (directional) bets within limits (“Leeson was only allowed to make unhedged tradeson up to 200 Nikkei 225 futures, 100 Japanese Government Bonds, and 500 euroyen futures contract.”), he nevertheless entered into, and hid, huge directional bets that would have beenprofitable generally if the Nikkei would have remained flat or increases. Specifically, he writesizable put options (short options).In regard to (B), Leeson “was supposed to be running a low-risk, limited return arbitragebusiness for Barings in Singapore” but he disguised his speculative positions.52.2 B.The most egregious violation was that Leeson was allowed to simultaneously, effectively manageboth the front and back offices.Allen: “the most blatant of management failures was an attempt to save money by allowingLeeson to function as head of trading and the back office at an isolated branch.”In other words, he was able to facilitate the fraud because there was no independent back office.52.3 A.The Kobe earthquake (/wiki/Great_Hanshin_earthquake) had a verynegative impact on Leeson’s positions. First, it se nt the Nikkei plummeting. Second, it increasedmarket volatility; Leeson had written options so he was short volatility.52.4 D.Allen articulates (A), (B) and (C) but not clawbacks.Question 53: Allied Irish BankAIM: Describe the key factors that led to and the lessons learned from thefollowing risk management case studies: Allied Irish Bank (IAB)53.1 John Rusnak’s fraud was similar to Nike Leeson’s in which respect?a)Ran the back office while conducting tradesb)Generated large unexplained profits from relatively small operationc)Used imaginary transactions to conceal real transactionsd)Used futures markets with daily settlement rather than OTC forwards53.2 According to Allen, which was AIB management’s “most egregious” control failure?a)Failure to employ diversification and hedge techniquesb)Failure to use a risk metric such as Value at Risk (VaR)c)Failure to direct trades to the prime brokerage accountd)Failure to confirm all trades53.3 According to Allen, the internal audits failed for EACH of the following reasons EXCEPT for:a)Small samplesb)Confusing daily profit & loss (P&L) with cash flowsc)Auditors inexperienced in FX optionsd)Over-reliance on trust in Rusnak’s character53.4 According to Allen, lessons learned from AIB include EACH of the following EXCEPT for:a)Value at Risk (VaR) was an inappropriate measure for these non-linear positionsb)Efforts to reduce expenses (increase profits) led to tolerance for weakening controlsc)The back office was not allowed to exercise its independenced)Outside control groups did not have access to direct trading informationAnswers:53.1 C.In regard to (A), Leeson effective ran the back office but Rusnak did not.In regard to (B), Rusnak “was extremely modest in the amount of false profit he claimed so he did not set off the warning flags of large unexplained profits from small operations, which Leeson and Jett at Kidder Peabody triggered in their desire to collect large bonuses.”In regard to (D), Rusnak “had the offsetting advantage that he was ope rating in an over-the-counter market in which there was not a need to put up cash against losses.”53.2 D. (failure to confirm trades)Allen relies on the Ludwig report which, in regard to CONTROL DEFICIENCIES said, “The most critical risk control lapse was in the operation of the back office with respect to confirmation of trades. The ostensible policy at Allfirst treasury was to confirm all trades, as they should be under the basic standard practice in the industry. But Mr. Rusnak was somehow able to bully or to cajole the operations staffer responsible for confirming Mr. Rusnak’ s trades into not confirming all of them. The staffer claims that, due to the absence of any net cash payment and the difficulty in confirming trades in the middle of the night, a decision was made at a meeting in early 2000 attended by other treasury staff senior to him not to confirm offsetting pairs of options trades with Asian counterparties.”In regard to (B), AIB used a VaR but Rusnak manipulated it.53.3 B. (Allen implicates small spot audits, inexperience in FX option, and over-reliance on Rusnak’s character).Of particular interest is the failure of the auditors to use sufficient samples. From the Ludwig report, “In 1999, internal audit of treasury operations underto ok no sample of Mr. Rusnak’ s transactions to see if they had been properly confirmed. In August 2000, a further internal audit of treasury operations sampled 25 transactions to see if they had been properly confirmed. Of those 25, only one was a foreign exchange option (the majority of the transactions sampled were exchange-traded products that had relatively low confirmation risk). The one foreign exchange option sampled turned out to be genuine. Yet roughly 50 percent of the 63 foreign exchange options on the books at that time were bogus. Had the auditors included even just a few additional options in their sample of transactions, the overall probability of detecting a bogus one would have increased dramatically.”53.4 A. (B, C, and D are emphasized)In regard to VaR, AIB did utilize VaR, but (i) it was rendered meaningless by Rusnak’s “gross manipulation” and (ii) the Ludwig report does not assert VaR was inappropriate but rather that “In addition to the use of VaR, AIB should use stress testing a nd scenario analysis to report and control risk. These methods highlight “ long tail” or “ event” risks which, while not probable, can be ruinous.”… this last assertion is quite thematic in the FRM: since VaR does not quantify extreme tail losses, it must be complemented, typically with stress testing and scenario analysis. Additional References:The Ludwig ReportNYU Case StudyQuestion 54: Long Term Capital ManagementAIM: Describe the key factors that led to and the lessons learned from thefollowing risk management case studies: Long Term Capital Management(LTCM)Please note: this question is based on the FRM assignment (Steve Allen); he acknowledgessome areas of disagreement with other commentators.54.1 Which best describes the prevailing strategy employed by LTCM in its initial, successfulyears?a)Relative valueb)Event-drivenc)Distressed debtd)Global macro54.2 Which of the following is true about LTCM?a)Some LTCM employees were indicted for fraudb)U.S. government (public) funds were used to bailout LTCMc)LTCM employed value at risk (VaR) modelsd)Regulators and auditors warned abou t LTCM’s leverage54.3 What does Allen call the Achilles heel (i.e., key weakness) in LTCM’s strategy?a)Interest rate exposureb)Liquidity exposurec)Currency exposured)Counterparty exposure54.4 Each of the following contributed, directly or indirectly, to LTCM’s problems EXCEPT for:a)Salomon Brothers liquidation of positionsb)LTCM seeking new equityc)Russian debt defaultd)Narrowing of interest rate spreads54.5 How does Allen criticize LTCM’s usage of value at risk (VaR)?a)For not using VaRb)For not using a longer horizonc)For not using a higher confidenced)For not using a liquidity-adjusted VaR54.6 The lessons learned from LTMC include EACH of the following EXCEPT for:a)Better use of stress tests in assessing credit riskb)Need for initial margin if counterpar ty’s principal business is tradingc)Need to train new personnel in compliance, disclosure and capital requirementsd)Need to incorporate endogenous and exogenous liquidity risksAnswers:54.1 A. (relative value;a.k.a. “convergence trade,” primary of fixed i ncome)Steven Allen (assigned) gives the example of a converge trade on the spread between U.S. interest rate swaps and U.S. government bonds.In regard to (D), this is arguably an acceptable answer in their later years as they “style drifted” into directional exposures.54.2 C. (LTCM did employ VaR models, but they failed to “supplement VaR with a full set of stress test scenarios”).In regard to (A), (B), and (D): none are true! The Federal Reserve coordinated (coerced?) the consortium of creditors, but no public bailout money was spent; nobody was accused of fraud, no legal accusations were made; and finally, no regulators or auditors made any warnings (although leverage was high at 28:1 but comparable to investment banks at the time)54.3 B. (liquidity exposure to margin calls)The key to Allen’s interpretation is that LTCM was able to avoid positing INITIAL MARGIN in over-the-counter markets (due to its “track record of excellent returns”) which exacerbated its sensitivity to ongoing margin calls, in the event of spread divergence (rather than the hoped-for convergence): “Because they were seeking opportunities where market pressures were causing deviation from long-run relationships, a strong possibility always existed that the same market pressures would push the deviation even further. LTCM would then immediately need to come up with the cash to fund the change in market valuation.”54.4 D.Narrow spreads (convergence) was their strategy; a “flight to quality” caused temporal divergence.In regard to (A), Salomon has similar positions to LTCM, so their selling made the situation worse.In regard to (B), LTCM seeking equity created two problems: 1. rumors drove prices down further, and 2. LTCM was forced to disclose position information.In reg ard to (C), the Russian debt default was the “event risk” trigger54.5. D.Allen: “Another point on which LTCM’s risk management could be criticized is a failure to account for the illiquidity of its largest positions in its VaR or stress runs.”54.6 C.In regard to (D), Allen writes of the need for “Factoring the potential costs of liquidating positions in an adverse market environment into estimates of the price at which trades can be unwound. These estimates should be based on the size of positions as well as the general liquidity of the market.” Note: size of position refers to endogenous liquidity risk; liquidity of market refers to exogenous risk.Additional reference:PRMIA Case StudyQuestion 55: MetallgesellshaftAIM: Describe the key factors that led to and the lessons learned from thefollowing risk management case studies: Metallgesellschaft55.1 The Metallgesellschaft case highlights each of the following risks EXCEPT for:a)Funding liquidity riskb)Basis riskc)Roll (rollover) risk, in contangod)Lack of management supervision (operational risk)55.2 Allen draws EACH of the following lessons from Metallgesellschaft EXCEPT FOR:a)It is inappropriate to hedge long-term contracts with short-term hedges\b)Short-term hedges against long-term contracts can succeed with proper risk controlsc)Because roll risk is key and uncertain, conservative valuation reserves for roll cost arenecessaryd)Liquidity considerations may require a hedge that is appropriate but not the theoreticalminimum varianceAnswers:55.1 D.In regard to (A), (B), and (C), the primary issue highlights all three risks: MG hedged shortpositions in long-term forward with long positions in short-term futures contracts (stack-and-roll). In the shift to contango, the roll return become negative and the DAILY SETTLEMENT ofthe futures contracts (unlike the forward contracts) exposed the BASIS RISK of the hedge and,ultimately, the essential FUNDING LIQUIDITY RISK problem.55.2 A.Allen says “it is often a key component of a market maker’s business strategy to extend availableliquidity in a market. This requires the use of shorter-term hedges against longer-termcontracts.”In regard to (B), (C), and (D): these reflect Allen’s key lessons.References:Super-annotated GARP Sample QuestionStudy Notes on Metallgesellschaft6-min video on MGQuestion 56: Banker’s TrustAIM: Describe the key factors that led to and the lessons learned from thefollowing risk management case studies: Bankers’ Trust.56.1 Allen divides financial disasters into three b road categories. Where does he slot Bankers’Trust?a)Disaster due to misleading reportingb)Disaster due to large market movesc)Disaster due to conduct of customer businessd)All of the above56.2 Which is true about the issue between Bankers’ Trust and Procter & Gamble (P&G)?a)P&G was a new c lient to Banker’s Trust in 1994b)The transaction at issue was a complex interest-rate derivativec)The intent of P&G was to implement a tailored hedged)Banker’s Trust asserted its fiduciary role with respect to P&G56.3 According to Allen, lessons learned from Bankers’ Trust included each of the followingEXCEPT for:a)Complex transaction make comparison shopping difficult and make clients moredependent on advisorb)Price quotes provided to customers should be made by an independent back officec)People and firms should be cautious about communications (e.g., email) that can later bemade publicd)Some transactions are sufficiently complex that their costs outweigh their benefitsAnswers:56.1 C.4.3 Disasters due to the cond uct of customer business: “In this section, we focus on disasters that did not involve any direct financial loss to the firm, but were completely a matter of reputational risk due to the conduct of customer business”56.2 B.The “sheer complexity” of the transaction was at the heart of the dispute and appears to generally not be in dispute.In regard to (A), P&G “had been entering into such trades for several years prior to 1994 with good results.”In regard to (C), P&G was seeking to REDUCE FUNDING COST (consequently that had directional exposure to a rise in interest rates) and “the derivatives were not tailored to any particular needs of P&G or Gibson”In regard to (D), BT asserted that it was NOT acting in an advisory (fiduciary) role to P&G, since the firm had retained its own outside experts to create interest rate forecasts. Notice how this issue resembles Goldman Sachs’ position with respect to the ABACUS transaction.56.3 D.In regard to (A), (B), and (C), these are all lessons learned. In regard to (A), Allen is particularly critical: he thinks the complexity of the transaction, since they “hadn’t been tailored to meet client needs,” was a deliberate aspect of the manipulation by Bankers’ Trust.In regard to (D), please note COMPLEXITY is fundamental to the case. However, Allen says the lesson was not that complex transactions should be avoided but rather that the scandal caused firms “to tighten up their procedures for dealing with customers, both in better controls on matching the degree of complexity of trades to the degree of financial sophistication of customers …”… so this is rather an issue of complexity with regard to client suitability.。
只需要细心研读notes,然后在考前阶段多加练习模拟试题,FRM 是完全可以通过的。
2007年note Topic 35波动率微笑1. 理解为什么在计算看涨期权和看跌期权价格时,所使用的隐含波动率(implied volatility)是相同的:这是根据put-call parity得出的,并不受关于股票价格分布的限制。
2. 实证研究表明:外汇期权(foreign currency option)隐含波动率呈现出微笑的形态(当strike较大或较小的时候,波动率会变大)——因为参与外汇期权的人们预期汇率发生大幅波动的可能性要大于由对数正态分布模型中所预测出的概率。
3. 股票期权(equity option)隐含波动率呈现出半笑的形态(向左偏:当strike较小时,波动率会变大)——人们认为股票价格下跌的可能性要大于其上涨的可能性。
原因:leverage效应:标的资产的价值与其波动性成反比;crashophobia效应:人们恐惧股灾的出现,因此对股票价格下跌提供保护的期权定以较高的价格(只是表明在实际中,标的资产价格下降的概率要大于BS 公式中所假设的那样,但并不意味着随着股票价格降低波动率会提高)。
4. 波动率期限结构(volatility term structure):平价期权的波动率与期权到期期限之间的关系——当短期波动率非常低时,波动率函数是距离到期期限时间的增函数;当短期波动率非常高时,波动率函数是距离到期期限时间的减函数(与波动率的均值回归性质有关)。
5. Volatility surface:同时考虑了期限结构和微笑效应,即同时考虑了strike和maturity term。
因此交易者可以使用volatility term structure和surfaces来判断一个期权定价模型得出结论的准确性和一致性。
6. 在计算期权的Greek的时候所遵守的两大原则:i. sticky strike rule(期权的隐含波动率在短期内应当是保持不变的);ii. sticky delta rule(期权价格和标的价格与施权价格的比率之间的关系应当是保持不变的,根据这个假设得出的delta要大于由BS公式得到的delta)。
CFA level study schweser notes
目录SESSION 15 2LOS 51固定收益债券:基本元素2LOS 52固定收益债券:发行,交易和融资 9 LOS 53固定收益估值简介‘14 LOS 54资产支持证券介绍 26SESSION 16 38LOS 55固定收益的风险和回报 38LOS 56信用基本面分析51SESSION 17 67LOS 57衍生证券市场与工具 67L0S 58衍生品定价和估值基础 70LOS 59风险控制的期权策略应用 83 SESSION 18 88LOS 60另类投资介绍 88Session 15LOS 51固定收益债券:基本元素■考试要点这里的重点是学习债券的基本特点和记住债券的术语。
s• 最普通的固定收益类型是一个债券承诺支付一系列固定额度的利息和到期支付本金。
GARP 是一个拥有来自超过150个国家的8万多名会员的世界最大的金融协会组织之一,主要由风险管理方面的专业人员、从业者和研究者组成。
而这一攸关企业组织及其投资人命运的重要决策,需要众多的金融风险管理专业人士(Financial Risk Professionals)的参与,故FRM 日益受到重视,全球报考人数以每年超过38%成长,已俨然成为全球瞩目的国际风险管理证照。
我们拥有一支自主、强大的财务金融培训研发团队,经过九年的实践和积累,已经自主开发了一系列针对CFA FRM等课程的辅导书籍,如《固定收益证券定价理论》、《投资组合管理》、《金融衍生产品》、《权益类证券定价》,这些书籍汇聚专家视角,权威新颖、紧贴时事,为各类金融进修学员提供全新的金融视野,广受各界好评,并被许多高校选为专用教材。
高顿FRM 官网:
FRM 备考资料:教材、notes 、学习方法等解读 FRM 备考资料疑惑:FRM 教材如何抉择?每个要开始准备FRM 考试的同胞,基本都会有这样的疑惑?FRM Handbook 和notes 有什么区别?看哪个呢?其实,FRM 君身边有很多通过FRM 的考生,比如Alice 只看Handbook FRM 一级二级都过了,也有的只看Notes 也在去年11月通过了一级。
如果你可以做到这一点,那么everything is so easy !!
Handbook 的好处就是重点集中、逻辑清晰且来源官方,缺点是更新慢没有包含许多新内容。
Notes 的优点是包含很多很多新内容,总之考试“接地气”,应考足矣!缺点是缺乏逻辑、内容繁多、累觉不爱。
所以,两种教材的选择纯粹是个人偏好,最完美的选择当然是先过一遍handbook ,形成整体感觉,然后看notes 。
不知道Handbook 和Notes 看哪版?在哪下载?FRM 君已经整理好啦,而且,不止这些哦,FRM 题库、历年真题、core reading 、免费培训视频、词汇、百题等都打包好啦,关注"FRM 金融风险管理师"免费领取!。
FRM学习笔记,整理的很清晰市场风险期货1. 市场风险重要的5个原因:1、management information (将风险暴露和资本相⽐较)2、设定限额3、resoure allocation4、performance evaluation5、监管2. 巴塞尔协议对市场风险的计量包括标准⽅法(固定收益、外汇、权益等)和内部评级法。
3. 成功期货合约的三个性质是标的资产的深度市场,资产价格要有⾜够的波动性以及风险控制不能以直接的⽅式进⾏。
4. 含有carrying cost 的forward price:,I 就是期间产⽣的现⾦流rt e I S F )(00?=5. forward contract 的定价:(连续cash flow ⽀付),没有现⾦流的话.S 为spot price,K 为执⾏价格。
rt qt Ke eS V =0rt Ke S V ??=06. 股指期货的beta 调整策略(⽐如说完全对冲系统风险):A P N )(*ββ?=,其中前⼀个β是对冲后的,后⾯的是对冲前的β,P 是组合的价值,A 是对冲资产的价值,⼀般是单位标的资产的价值×乘⼦。
7. 对冲权益组合所需的股指期货的份数=期货乘数期货价格组合价值××portfolio β,portfolio β是组合相对于基准的β,如果股指期货本⾝也有β的话,则所需份数=期货乘数期货价格组合价值×××future portfolio ββ,这时要和上⾯的beta 调整策略区分开。
8. 最⼩⽅差对冲公式为:FS F S h σσρ),(=,⼀般⽤于外汇期货,要记住即期价格的波动性是作为分⼦的。
注意期权的delta 对冲率就是计算出N()来,还有delta-gamma netrual 对冲。
1d 9. 商品期货中有cost of carry ,U 指的是储存成本。
rte U S F )(00+=10. 如果,就称之为normal backwardation(现货溢价),此时就会卖出期货合0)(F S E T >约,称之为净卖空;反之称之为Contago,所以当期货价格上升⼤于spot )(0T S E F >price 的时候,就会发⽣contago(模拟题)。
Chapter 21 Structural Hubs: Clearing Houses, Derivative Product Companies, and Exchanges本章主要介绍衍生品交易中的主体:清算所、专营衍生品的公司、交易所衍生品交易商一般来说都是较为大型的金融机构,由于交易基本都集中于这些机构,所以导致违约风险的集中。
清算所是一种信用的体现,所有的买方和卖方最终都是与其进行交易,清算所用来管理风险的方式有以下集中:✓设定交易会员的资格(include a minimum level of capital, posting of surety bonds)✓设定保证金水平✓监控会员的信用评级(credit surveillance, monitoring of members)交易所是一个交易的平台,它设定参与交易者的必要资质,同时也设立保证金制度,以防止违约的出现。
Market to Market,即逐日盯市。
交易所与清算所的关系Clearing Houses can be dedicated to a specific exchange or serve several exchanges.Limitation of Structural Hubs✓逐日盯市仅限于那些每日都可以以公允价值计量的资产✓Netting需要交易双方同时对对方享有权利和义务✓标准化合约的流动性要远远强于非标准的合约✓对交易的监管尚需透明化(Transparency),这对于降低交易成本是有利的✓Structural Hubs的建立需要较为漫长的过程,所以交易所之间趋向于合并,而非建立新的交易所。
SchweserNotes备考笔记一级FRM1. 介绍SchweserNotes备考笔记是专门为金融风险管理(FRM)考试准备的一套教材,分为一级和二级两个阶段。
2. 内容概述一级FRM备考笔记涵盖了金融风险管理考试的核心知识点,包括市场风险、信用风险、操作风险、投资组合风险等。
3. 特点介绍一级FRM备考笔记具有以下几个特点:- 全面:涵盖了考试的所有必备知识点,且每个知识点都有详细的讲解和案例分析,帮助考生全面理解和掌握。
- 系统化:内容结构清晰,逻辑严谨,帮助考生建立起完整的知识体系。
- 实用性强:笔记中不仅有理论知识,还包括大量的实践案例和解题技巧,帮助考生更好地应对考试。
- 更新及时:随着市场和监管政策的变化,一级FRM备考笔记会不断更新,保证内容的新鲜和全面性。
4. 学习建议针对一级FRM备考笔记的学习,建议考生可以采取以下方法:- 根据笔记的大纲和目录,制定学习计划,明确每个知识点的重点和难点。
- 学习过程中要注重理解和记忆,可以适当地做一些笔记和总结,有助于加深印象。
- 另外,针对每个知识点,可以多做一些相关的练习题,巩固所学知识。
- 建议考生在复习阶段,多关注一些实际案例和行业动态,有助于理论知识的应用和拓展。
5. 结语一级FRM备考笔记是考生备战FRM考试的重要学习资料,具有全面、系统、实用和更新及时的特点。
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Recovery Rate和Default Rate:这两者之间呈现反相关的关系
Recovery Rate是指债券违约发生后的价格与其票面价值的比例
Chapter 77 Credit Risk