13.8-16.4 g/mg(m)
11.7-14.6 g/ml(f)
SPUR 30100 ...>=300
...25 75 150 500
约±± ++ +++-- ++++
...00 250 500 >=1000
50100 300...1000
OD值〉0. 23血清效价在1:10(++)均为阳性
血吸虫Cag酶联免疫吸附试验 IgG lgM
成人 男性:210~420 umol/L????????? 女性:150~350 umol/L儿童 120~320 umol/L
男:44~80 umol/L女:70~115 umol/L
F-CSQ120开关柜除湿器使用说明书此说明书适用于下列型号产品:客户热线:400-8838-199电话:+86-592-6300320传真:+86-592-5912735网址:地址:厦门集美软件园三期A06栋11层开关柜用除湿器使用说明书文档版本密级V1.0.0产品名称:共页型号产品类别F-CSQ120-A1AC/DC 110~220V±10%F-CSQ120-B1DC 48V±10%F-CSQ120-C1DC 24V±10%文档修订记录日期版本说明作者2/10著作权声明本文档所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由厦门四信通信科技有限公司拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。
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二、技术参数电源:AC/DC 110~220V±10%、DC48V±10%DC24V±10%精度:湿度,±5%RH,温度,±1℃安装方式:固定安装除湿能力:30℃和85%RH 条件,10ml/Hr 适用容积:2m³工作环境温度:-25℃~+55℃工频耐压:AC2kV,1min 绝缘电阻:DC500V,100MΩ功率:≤30W 接线端子:采用螺丝紧固端子,可接0.5~2.5mm²导线。
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Atomic Number†Atomic WeightSymbol†Ground-State Level*Electronegativity (Pauling)Name*Density [Note]†Ionization Energy (eV)*Melting Point (°C)*Boiling Point (°C)Atomic radius (pm)[Note]Crystal Structure [Note]†Electron ConfigurationPossible Oxidation States [Note]Phase at STP†Common ConstantsSource: Absolute Zero -273.15 °CGravitation Constant 6.67428x10-11 m 3 kg -1 s -2Atomic Mass Unit 1.660539x10-27kg Molar Gas Constant8.314472 J mol -1 K -1Categories Avogadro Constant6.022142x1023 mol -1Molar Volume (Ideal Gas)0.02241410 m 3/mol Base of Natural Logarithms 2.718281828PI3.14159265358979Boltzmann constant 1.380650x10-23 J/K Planck Constant6.626069x10-34 J s Electron Mass9.10938215x10-31 kg Proton-Electron Mass Ratio 1836.152672470.5110 MeV Rydberg Constant10 973 732 m -1Electron Radius (Classical) 2.8179403x10-15 m 3.289842x1015 Hz Electron Volt 1.602176x10-19 J 13.6057 eV Elementry Charge 1.602176x10-19 C Second Radiation Constant 0.01438769 m K Faraday Constant 96 485.3399 C/mol Speed of Light in a Vacuum 299 792 458 m/s fine-structure constant 0.0072973525Speed of sound in air at STP 343.2 m/s [42]First Radiation Constant3.7417749x10-16 W m2Standard Pressure101 325 Pa{42}References:†, * (Mathematic),CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st Edition, 2000-2001, and others18VIIIA Notes:- Density units are g/cm 3 for solids and g/L or kg/cm 3 at 0° Celsius for gases- Atomic Weight based on 12C- ( ) indicate mass number of most stable isotope - Common Oxidation States in bold- Electron Config. based on IUPAC guidelines- § indicates crystal structure is unusual or may require explanation- (m) Metallic radius, (v) Covalent radius © 2011 Vertex42 LLC. All rights reserved.Design by CnPeriodic Table of the Elements DbSg(v) 37-+1,-1LiPeriodic Table of the ElementsGROUP 1IA 1 1.0079424.00260216VIAFree Downloads at -1s 11s 11s 217VIIA0.178524.5874-259.14P e r i o d111.007940.089913.5984He1S 02.22.2-H2S 1/2H2S 1/2HydrogenHydrogenHelium2IIA 0.089913.5984(v) 37FCC +1,-1-268.93-259.14-252.87-(v) 3213IIIA 14IVA15VA-252.8709.012182510.8116236.941415.9994918.99840321012.0107714.0067820.17972S 1/2Be1S 0BG 2P°1/2C3P 0N3P 2F3.043.442.042.554S°3/2O2P°3/2Ne1S 00.981.57Gas Liquid Solid Synthetic3.98-LithiumBerylliumm u R BoronCarbonNitrogenOxygenFluorineNeon9.3227 2.468.2980 2.26p 207513.6181 1.69617.42280.911.2603 1.25114.5341 1.4294027-210.121.5645180.54134212872470Alkali Metals Noble Gas e -246.08(m) 152BCC(m) 112HCPk h (v) 82-195.79-218.3rhom.(v) 77hex(v) 75-188.12-248.59-182.9-219.640003550 -0.535 5.3917 1.848[He] 2s 1[He] 2s 2Alkaline EarthMetalsHalogens m e m e /m p [He] 2s 2 2p 1-(v) 73[He] 2s 2 2p 2[He] 2s 2 2p 3[He] 2s 2 2p 4[He] 2s 2 2p 5-(v) 69-(v) 71[He] 2s 2 2p 6+1+2me c 2R ∞+3+2,4,-4+2,3,4,5,-2,-3-2-1031122.9897701224.3050Transition Metals Non Metalsr0R ∞c 1839.9481530.973611632.065Na2S 1/2Mg1S 01735.4531326.9815381428.0855Si3P 0P4S°3/2eV R ∞hc Al2P°3/22.583.16Ar1S 00.93 1.31Rare Earth Metalse ch/k 1.611.902.19-SodiumMagnesiumF cAluminumSilicon PhosphorusSulfurChlorineArgon5.1391 1.7387.6462Poor Metals Metalloidsa2.710.4867 1.9610.36003.2145.9858 2.338.1517 1.8232P°1/2S3P 2Cl11IB 12IIB (m) 1436VIB 7VIIB 8VIII 9VIII §(v) 102FCO12.9676 1.78415.759697.7288365010902p hc 2660.32280.5115.21444.72-101.525191414290044.2-34.04-189.3-185.80.968(v) 99FCC(v) 111cubic(v) 106-(v) 97-[Ne] 3s 1[Ne] 3s 2[Ne] 3s 2 3p 1[Ne] 3s 2 3p 2[Ne] 3s 2 3p 3[Ne] 3s 2 3p 4[Ne] 3s 2 3p 5[Ne] 3s 2 3p 6+1+2+3+2,4,-4+3,4,5,-3+2,4,6,-2+1,3,5,7,-1010VIII (m) 186BCC(m) 160HCP3IIIB 4IVB 5VB 41939.09832063.3875984240.078K2S 1/22350.94152451.99612144.9559102247.8674.507 6.82810.856 4.3407 1.55 6.1132 2.985 6.5615 6.11 6.74627.14 6.7665+2,3,6Ni3F 4Cu1.881.912S 1/2Zn1S 02758.9332002858.69342554.9380492655.845312963.5463065.409Ti3F 2V4F 3/2Ca1S 0Sc2D 3/2Fe5D 4Co1.83Cr7S 3Mn6S 5/24F 9/2Ge3P 0As1.812.014S°3/2Se3P 2Br2.182.552P°3/2Kr79.9043683.7983374.921603478.9669.7233272.64351S 00.82 1.00 1.361.54 1.631.66 1.552.963PotassiumCalciumScandiumTitaniumVanadiumChromiumManganeseIronGalliumGermaniumArsenicSeleniumCobaltNickelCopperZincBromineKryptonGa1.901.652P°1/28.97.88108.9087.63987.477.43407.8747.9024 5.904 5.9993 5.3237.89948.927.72647.149.3942 3.1211.8138 3.7513.99965.7279.7886 4.8199.7524328719103407190714841541283016682861149529271455267112462061153890729.762204938.329131084.622927419.53685-7.359-157.362820817614221-153.22(m) 227BCC(m) 197FCC(m) 162HCP(m) 147HCP(m) 134§cubic(m) 126BCC(m) 125BCC(m) 128BCC(m) 127FCC(m) 134§hex(m) 135HCP(m) 124FCC(m) 128rhom.(v) 116§hex(v) 114§BCO(v) 122§cubic(v) 119BCO(v) 110-[Ar] 4s 1[Ar] 4s 2[Ar] 3d 1 4s 2[Ar] 3d 2 4s 2[Ar] 3d 3 4s 2[Ar] 3d 5 4s 1[Ar] 3d 5 4s 2+2,3,4,6,7[Ar] 3d 10 4s 2[Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 1[Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 2[Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 3[Ar] 3d 6 4s 2[Ar] 3d 7 4s 2[Ar] 3d 8 4s 2[Ar] 3d 10 4s 1+2,3+1,2[Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 4[Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 5[Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6+1+2+3+2,3,4+2,3,4,5053785.46783887.623988.90585+2+34091.2244192.90638+2,4,6,-2+1,5,-1+2,4+3,5,-3+2,3+2,344101.0745102.905504295.9443(98)48112.41149114.8184654131.293Rb2S 1/2Sr1S 0Y2D 3/2Zr3F 2Nb6D 1/2Mo7S 31.602.16Tc6S 5/2Ru5F 51.91S 01.931.69In2P°1/2Sn3P 01.781.96106.4247107.868252127.6053126.9044750118.71051121.760Sb4S°3/2Te3P 22.052.10I2P°3/2Xe1S 02.662.60RubidiumStrontiumYttriumZirconium0.820.95 1.221.33IodineXenon2.20Rh4F 9/2Pd1S 02.282.20Ag2S 1/2CdIndiumTinAntimonyTelluriumRhodiumPalladiumSilverCadmium1.532 4.17712.63 5.6949 4.472 6.21738.57 6.758910.287.0924NiobiumMolybdenumTechnetiumRuthenium12.457.458912.0238.336911.57.2812.377.36057.31 5.78647.317.343910.497.57628.658.9938 4.9410.4513 5.912.12986.6978.6084 6.249.00961526334518554409-111.8-108630.631587449.519886.511 6.633939.31688777138221574265233441502477474426234639961.782162321.07767196436951554.92963113.7184.3156.62072231.932602(m) 146BCC(m) 139BCC(m) 180HCP(m) 160HCP(m) 134FCC(m) 137FCC(m) 136HCP(m) 134HCP(m) 167§tetra.(v) 141§tetra.(m) 144FCC(m) 151§hex(v) 133BCO(v) 130-(v) 138§rhom.(v) 135hex[Kr] 4d 4 5s 1[Kr] 4d 5 5s 1[Kr] 4d 5 5s 2[Kr] 4d 7 5s 1[Kr] 5s 1[Kr] 5s 2[Kr] 4d 1 5s 2[Kr] 4d 2 5s 2[Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5p 1[Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5p 2[Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5p 3[Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5p 4[Kr] 4d 8 5s 1[Kr] 4d 10[Kr] 4d 10 5s 1[Kr] 4d 10 5s 2[Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5p 5[Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5p 6(m) 248BCC(m) 215FCC+1+2+3+4+3,5+2,3,4,5,6+4,7+2,3,4,6,872178.49+3+2,4+3,5,-3+2,4,6,-2+2,3,4+2,4+1+283208.9803884(209)655132.9054556137.327Lanthanide Series73180.947974183.84+1,5,7,-1077192.21778195.07875186.20776190.2381204.383382207.279196.9665580200.5985(210)86(222)2.33 2.02Hf3F 2Ta4F 3/2Cs2S 1/2Ba1S 0Os5D 4Ir4F 9/2W5D 0Re6S 5/2PtPo3P 2At2P°3/22.0 2.2Rn1S 00.790.89 1.3 1.52.36 1.92.2 2.2-3D 3Au2S 1/22.28 2.54Hg1S 0Tl2P°1/221.62Pb3P 0Bi4S°3/2CesiumBariumHafniumTantalumTungstenRheniumOsmiumIridiumPlatinumBismuthPoloniumAstatineRadonGoldMercuryThalliumLead13.31 6.825116.657.54961.879 3.8939 3.51 5.211722.618.438222.658.967019.257.864021.027.833513.53410.437511.85 6.108221.098.958819.39.22559.1968.414--11.347.41679.787.28559.7310.748528.446717271870223346033017545830335012246644283422555531865596-38.83356.7330414731768.338251064.182856254962302-327.461749271.31564-71-61.7(m) 265BCC(m) 222BCC(m) 159HCP(m) 146BCC(m) 135HCP(m) 136FCC(m) 139BCC(m) 137HCP(m) 151§rhom.(m) 170HCP(m) 139FCC(m) 144FCC-§cubic--(m) 175FCC(v) 146§rhom.(v) 145-[Xe] 6s 1[Xe] 6s 2[Xe] 4f 14 5d 2 6s 2[Xe] 4f 14 5d 3 6s 2[Xe] 4f 14 5d 4 6s 2[Xe] 4f 14 5d 5 6s 2[Xe] 4f 14 5d 6 6s 2[Xe] 4f 14 5d 7 6s 2[Hg] 6p 2[Hg] 6p 3[Hg] 6p 4[Hg] 6p 5[Xe] 4f 14 5d 9 6s 1[Xe] 4f 14 5d 10 6s 1[Xe] 4f 14 5d 10 6s 2[Hg] 6p 1[Hg] 6p 6+1+2+4+5+2,3,4,5,6+2,4,6,7,-1+2,3,4,6,8+2,3,4,6+2,4+3,5+2,4+1,3,5,7,-1+1,3+1,2+1,3+2,4787(223)88Fr2S 1/2Francium(226)Actinide Series104(261)Ra1S 0Rf3F 2 ?RadiumRutherfordium- 4.07275 5.2784 6.0 ?+1+2+4107(264)108(277)105(262)106(266)111(272)112(285)109(268)110(281)118115116(292)HsMt117113114(289)UuhUusUutUuq UupDsRg DubniumSeaborgiumBohriumHassiumUuo0.70.9Ununtrium Ununquadium UnunpentiumUnunhexiumMeitnerium Darmstadtium RoentgeniumCoperniciumUnunseptiumUnunoctiumBh--7001737---BCC[Rn] 7s 1[Rn] 7s 2[Rn] 5f 14 6d 2 7s 2 ?59140.9076560144.2461(145)162.50067164.9303270173.0471174.96768167.25969168.9342157138.9055La2D 3/21.10Lanthanum62150.3663151.964A c t i n i d e s8958140.116Cerium L a n t h a n i d e s6664157.2565158.92534Ce1G°4Pr4I°9/21.121.13Nd 5I 4Pm6H°5/21.14-Sm7F 0Eu8S°7/21.17-Gd9D°2Tb6H°15/21.20-Dy5I 8Ho4I°15/21.221.23Er3H 6Tm2F°7/21.241.25Yb1S 0Lu2D 3/2-1.27ThuliumYtterbiumEuropiumGadoliniumTerbiumDysprosiumHolmiumErbiumPraseodymium NeodymiumPromethiumSamarium5.5827.353 5.6437 5.244Lutetium6.146 5.5769 6.689 5.5387 6.64 5.86388.551 5.93898.7955.67047.901 6.14988.219 6.1843 6.57 6.25429.8416.02159.066 6.10779.321 5.425992034647983360931329010213100110015271313325013563000107218038221196166327001497286815455.4737.01 5.52507.264§hex (m) 181§hex (m) 18319508193230141225671474HCP (m) 180§hex (m) 1803402(m) 187§hex (m) 182FCC (m) 182HCP (m) 178HCP (m) 176BCC (m) 180HCP (m) 177HCP (m) 176FCC (m) 174HCP (m) 176HCP (m) 176HCP [Xe] 5d 1 6s 2[Xe] 4f 1 5d 1 6s 2[Xe] 4f 3 6s 2[Xe] 4f 4 6s 2[Xe] 4f 5 6s 2[Xe] 4f 6 6s 2[Xe] 4f 7 6s 2[Xe] 4f 7 5d 1 6s 2[Xe] 4f 9 6s 2+2,3+3[Xe] 4f 10 6s 2[Xe] 4f 11 6s 2[Xe] 4f 12 6s 2[Xe] 4f 13 6s 2+3+3,4+3,4+3+3+2,3+3,4+3+3+3[Xe] 4f 14 6s 2[Xe] 4f 14 5d 1 6s 2+2,3+2,3+3(227)90232.038191231.035992238.028995(243)96(247)93(237)94(244)103(262)U5L°6101(258)102(259)99(252)100(257)Ac2D 3/2Th3F 2Pa4K 11/2Np6L 11/2Pu7F 097(247)98(251)FmBk6H°15/2Cf5I 8Am8S°7/2Cm9D°21S 0Lr1.31.33H 6Md1.°7/2No1.3Es1.34I°15/2- 5.973813.51 5.991420.45 6.265719.816 6.026011353927PlutoniumAmericiumCuriumBerkelium2P°1/2 ? ProtactiniumUraniumNeptuniumNobelium Lawrencium1050320017504820157240006444000640323010.07 5.1711.724 6.306715.37 5.8919.05 6.1941- 4.9 ?14.78 6.197915.1 6.28171050-900-1176201113453110827-827-860-1527-1627-- 6.58- 6.65- 6.42- 6.50--[Rn] 6d 1 7s 2[Rn] 6d 2 7s 2[Rn] 5f 2 6d 1 7s 2[Rn] 5f 3 6d 1 7s 2[Rn] 5f 4 6d 1 7s 2[Rn] 5f 6 7s 2[Rn] 5f 9 7s 2[Rn] 5f 10 7s 2[Rn] 5f 11 7s 2[Rn] 5f 12 7s 2-FCC(m) 179FCC (m) 163§tetra (m) 156BCP (m) 173HCP (m) 174HCP (m) 155SO (m) 159§mono.[Rn] 5f 7 7s 2[Rn] 5f 7 6d 7s 2--(m) 170hex -hex [Rn] 5f 13 7s 2[Rn] 5f 14 7s 2[Rn] 5f 14 7s 2 7p ?+3+4+4,5+3,4,5,6+3,4,5,6+3,4,5,6+3,4,5,6+3+2,3+2,3+3+3,4+3+3+3------。
1.5 技术规格................................................................................................................................. 7
通用规格 ......................................................... 7
● 其他
· 绝对不要自行改造伺服驱动器。
· 目录
第 1 章 型号与规格 .................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 标准连接............................................................................................................................... 11
电源端子 ........................................................ 11
● 防止火灾
· 不要将伺服驱动器、伺服电机以及制动电阻安放在易燃物质上或靠近易燃物质。 · 不要将伺服驱动器暴露在有水气、腐蚀性气体、可燃性气体的物质的场所下使用,否则可能导致火灾。 · 当使用制动电阻时,如果出现错误的信号,请切断主电源。否则,制动电阻故障或类似故障可能使制动
PA 自动化生产线技术规格书 - 汇川技术
PA 自动化生产线技术规格书
一、说明: 1、产线说明:目前我司的插件生产线,除波峰焊外完全依靠手工作业,为
降低制造成本、提升作业效率,根据现有的产品特性,特规划导入自动设备,以 代替传统的人力作业方式。具体流程如下:
排针-02P-单塑单排-弯针-2.54mm-3A(RoHS) PCS
特殊说明: a) 单面插件过炉生产; b) 数码管引脚容易弯形,并且来料为托盘包装; 其它物料来料都为散装; c) 铝电容器弯脚 90 度,并且有极性方向; d) 铝电容、磁性电感位置点胶;
3)02020833 产品
3) PCB 放置不入过炉治具内或定位柱内,需能报警提示;
4) PCB 抓取使用真空方式或夹持方式,可根据需求选择;
5) 过炉治具由乙方设计并打样试机,由我司确认后乙方批量制作满足
生产需求,压扣作业过程中不能损坏 PCB;
6) 过炉治具回流采用 AGV 线外回流方式,AGV 能自动对接定位,并且
存储一定数量后再回流至前端定位;AGV 回流过程中,自动装取治
铝电容器‐25V‐100uF± 20%‐6.3*15‐105℃‐2000h‐黑色外套
(RoHS) 铝电容器‐35V‐100uF± 20%‐6.3*15‐105℃‐2000h‐黑色外套
(RoHS) 排针‐02P‐单塑单排‐弯针
4.2 根轨迹幅值条件与相角条件
s1,2 1 1 2K
K s(0.5s 1)
G s H s s (s 2) 180 2k 1k 0,1,2,
(0,+ ∞ ) ;
(- ∞,-2 ) ;
实轴以外 ;
Page 12
即s2 12s 24 0
解之,得 s1 2.54, s 2 9.46
1 .0 7 , Page 21
4.3 绘制根轨迹的基本法则
方法2 设系统开环传递函数为
GsH s
K s s
z1 s z2 s zm p1 s p2 s pn
K s
1s 12s
T s 1 T s 1 Page 10
1 1
4.2 根轨迹幅值条件与相角条件
G s H
K* s s
z1 s z2 p1 s p2
s zm s pn
K * Az1e jz1 A e j p1
A e jzm zm
A e j pn pn
Gs G s H
特征方程(根轨迹方程):1+G(s)H(s)=0 或写作 G(s)H(s)= -1
相角条件: GsH s 180 2k 1 k 0,1,2,
幅值条件: GsHs 1
GsH s
104(1608) BC33
104(1608) BC34
104(1608) BC35
1.概要 2.PG BOARD的结构 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.
我公司智能低压电动机保护控制器用于检测主回路额定电压至 660V 的三相交流异步电动机,该系列电动 机保护控制器集成了电动机的多种起动控制方案,运行中监视电动机的各种电参量,利用微处理器的快速处理 能力,对电动机在起动、运行过程中出现的各类故障进行正确判断和处理,结合所设定的保护参数,自动动作 于接触器或断路器,使电动机脱离电网运行而停机,并可通过液晶显示、LED 指示、继电器输出、通讯上传等 多种形式及时告知用户,从而达到保护电动机和确保 MCC 系统安全、可靠运行的目的。我公司低压电动机保 护控制器还可实现多种总线方式的通讯组网,轻松实现分散控制保护和集中管理。该系列产品采用模块化设计 结构,体积小,结构紧凑,安装方便,适合于 MNS、GCS、GCK、GGD 等各种抽出式(包括 1/4 抽屉)、 固定式及混合式的柜型。
√ √ √
WDH-31-510 标配 增选
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √
√ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √
规格型号 WDH-31-200 标配 增选
WDH-31-210 标配 增选
WDH-31-500 标配 增选
WDH-31-510 标配 增选
模拟量输入 (4-20mA)
LCD品牌/CONN料号序 号液晶屏P/N连接器P/N液晶屏P/N连接器P/N液晶屏P/N连接器P/N液晶屏P/N连接器P/N1LM100SS1T523XF2H-3015-1LQ133X1TS70DF14A-20P-1.25H LQ190E1LX31FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3HA24FI-RE51S-HF 2LM100SS1T52FI-W31P-HF LQ133X1LH92FI-SEB20P-HF10LQ190E1LX51FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3LW40FI-RE41S-HF 3LM100SS1T562XF2H-3015-1LQ133X1LH82DF19K-20P-1H LQ190E1LW51FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3LW40SM15B-GHS-TB 4LM100SS1T522FI-W31P-HF LQ133X1LH63DF19K-20P-1H LQ190E1LW43FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3LW40SM04B-PASS-TFT 5LQ10PX22KX14-80K2D LQ133X1LH41DF19L-14P-1H LQ190E1LW42FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3HA14FI-RE51S-HF 6LQ10PX21KX14-80K2D LQ133X1LH27FI-SE20P-HF LQ190E1LW41FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3LC0391213-05107LQ101W3LG01FH41-30S-0.5SH(05)LQ133K1LD4BZ DF19KR-20P-1H LQ190E1LW02FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3LC0391213-04108LQ104K1LY05DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ133K1LD4B DF19KR-20P-1H LQ190E1LW01FI-XB30SL-HF LK400D3LB44FI-RNE51SZ-HF-R15009LQ101K5DZ01A FH41-68S-0.5SH(05)LQ133K1LA4A DF19L-20P-1H LQ196U1LG01DF19G-20P-1H LK400D3LB44FI-RNE41SZ-HF-R150010LQ101K5DZ01FH41-68S-0.5SH(05)LQ133K1LA04DF19L-20P-1H LQ197V3DZ6950FLZX-RSM1-A-TB LK0DZ1C0289FI-RE51S-HF 11LQ101K1LY05DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LQ14X03E FX8-60S-SV LQ197V3DZ8150FLZX-RSM1-A-GB-TB LK400D3HAXX FI-RNE51SZ-HF-R150012LQ101R1JX0220455-050E-02LQ14X01E FX8-60S-SV LQ197VC1L17DF14H-20P-1.25H LK400D3HAXX FI-RNE41SZ-HF-R150013LQ101R1SX01A 20525-050E-02LQ14D412HD1S040HA1LQ197V3DZ4150FLZX-RSM1-A-TB LK400D3LA93FI-RE51S-HF 14LQ101R1SX03FH35C-51S-0.35HW LQ140Z1JW01HJ1S050HA1LQ197V3FZ50FH12S-50S-0.5SH LK400D3LA93FI-RE41S-HF 15LQ101R1SX0120525-050E-02LQ141X1LH43W FI-SEB20P-HF10LQ197V3FZ50FH12S-20S-0.5SH LK400D3LA24FI-RE51S-HF 16LQ101K1LY0220455-040E-12LQ141X1LH43FI-SEB20P-HF10LQ197V3FZ50FH12S-30S-0.5SH LK400D3LA24FI-RE41S-HF 17LQ101K1LY0420455-040E-12LQ141X1LH01FI-SEB20P-HF10LQ197V3DZ8950FLZX-RSM1-A-GB-TB LK400D3LA14FI-RE51S-HF 18LQ104S1LG32FI-SE20P-HF LQ141X1DG2150493-060LQ197V3DZ8450FLZX-RSM1-A-GB-TB LK420D3HA09FI-RE51S-HF 19LQ104S1LG0A FI-SEB20P-HFE LQ141K1LB1C FI-XB30SRL-HF11LQ197V3DZ8250FLZX-RSM1-A-GB-TB LQ420D3LZ19SM30B-LDYGLS-01-TB20LQ104V1DG66DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LQ141F1LH02FI-B30S-HF10LQ197V3DZ3134FLZX-RSM1-A-GB-TB LK420D3HA77FI-RE51S-HF 21LQ104V1DG81TP01DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LJ64HM01HIF3FC-20PA-2.54DS LQ197V1LC17DF14H-20P-1.25H LK420D3HZ29FI-RE51S-HF 22LQ104S1DG0A IMSA-9686A-40B-GFLQ150X1LX91DF14H-20P-1.25H LK200T3HA04W IS100-L30R-C15LQ445D3LZ19SM30B-LDYGLS-01-TB 23LM64P89N 53261-1510LQ150X1LX9A DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ200T3LZ18FI-XB30SSL-HF LQ445D3LZ19DF14A-20P-1.25H 24LQ104X2LX11DF19L-14P-1H LQ150X1LW95DF14-20P-1.25H(56)LQ201U1LW32MDF76GW-30S-1H LQ445D3LZ11SM30B-LDYGLS-01-TB 25LM64P8953261-1510LQ150X1LW96DF14-30P-1.25H(56)LQ201U1LW31MDF76GW-30S-1H LQ445D3LZ11DF14A-20P-1.25H 26LQ10PX01DF9B-21P-1V LQ150X1LW12B DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LQ201X3LZ11FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3HA10FI-RE51S-HF 27LQ10PX01DF9B-15P-1V LQ150XWLG97DF14-30P-1.25H(56)LQ201U1LW41FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3FZ10FI-RE51S-HF 28LQ10D311DF13-15P-1.25H LQ150X1LX92DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ201U1LW28FI-XB30SSL-HF11LK460D3HC0991213-0510Y 29LQ10D311DF13-14P-1.25H LQ150X1MG5174320-4004LQ201U1LW22FI-XB30SSL-HF11LK460D3HC0991213-0410Y 30LQ10D311DF13-6P-1.25H LQ150X1MG51KHEY-15S-1A3A LQ201U1LW21FI-XB30SSL-HF11LK460D3LZ10FI-RE41S-HF 31LM10V335DF9B-31P-1V LQ150X1LX96SM06B-SHLS-TF LQ201U1LW11Z DF19G-20P-1H LK460D3LZ10BM20B-SHLDS-G-TFT 32LQ104S1DG2C DF9B-41P-1V(32)LQ150X1LG83DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ201U1LW11DF19G-20P-1H LK460D3LA93FI-RNE51SZ-HF-R150033LQ104S1LG81FI-SEB20P-HFE LQ150X1LX95DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ201U1LW01DF19G-20P-1H LK460D3LA93SM04B-PASS-TFT34LQ104V1DG5B DF9MA-31P-1V LQ150X1LG76MSB240420LQ201T1LZ01FI-XB30SSL-HF15LK460D3LA8T 51103-040035LM10V332DF9B-31P-1V LQ0DZA1019FX8-60S-SV LQ215M1LGN2GS23302-0011R-7F LK460D3LA8T 51103-050036LM64P89L 53261-1510LQ150X1LG75XA MSB240420HD LQ230M1LW11FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LA12FI-RE41S-HF 37LM64C35P DF9B-31P-1V LQ150U1LW21FI-B30S-HF10LQ231U1LW21FI-WE31P-HFE LK460D3LA12SM15B-GHS-TB 38LQ104S1LG33DF19KR-20P-1H LQ150X1LW89DF14-30P-1.25H(56)LQ231U1LW31FI-WE31P-HFE LK460D3LA8S FI-RNE51SZ-HF-R150039LQ104V1DG59DF9MA-31P-1V LQ150X1LG98DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LQ231U1LW01FI-WE31P-HF LK460D3LA8S SM04B-PASS-TFT 40LQ104V1DG81DF9MA-31P-1V(32)YS-150MS01DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ235D1LW03FI-REN51SZ-HF-R1500LK460D3LZ50L FI-RE41S-HF 41LQ10PS21DF9BA-41P-1V LQ150X1LW12DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LQ235D1LW03FI-REN41SZ-HF-R1500LK460D3LZ50L SM04B-PASS-TFT 42LQ10DX01DF9B-21P-1V LQ150X1LG11DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LK235D3HA0S 502790-8091LK460D3LZ50K FI-RE41S-HF 43LQ10DX01DF9B-15P-1V LQ150X1LG96DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LK255T3LZ24SM30B-LDYGLS-01-TB LK460D3LZ50K SM04B-PASS-TFT 44LQ10DH15DF11-22DP-2DSA(01)LQ150X1LW94DF14-30P-1.25H(56)LK255T3LZ24K SM30B-LDYGLS-01-TBLK460D3LZ50N FI-RE41S-HF 45LQ10DH11DF11-22DP-2DSA(01)LQ150X1LG93DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LQ255T3LZW11FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50N SM04B-PASS-TFT 46LQ10D421DF9MA-31P-1V LQ150X1LGF1DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZW11SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50P FI-RE41S-HF 47LQ10D42DF9MA-31P-1V LQ15X01W FX8-60S-SV LQ255T3LZ49FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50P SM04B-PASS-TFT 48LQ10D36A DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LQ150X1MW2174320-4004LQ255T3LZ49SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50Q FI-RE41S-HF 49LQ10D368DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1MW21XM4L-1542-502LQ255T3LZ48FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50Q SM04B-PASS-TFT 50LQ10D367DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LW73DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ48SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50R FI-RE41S-HF 51LQ10D365DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LW71N DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ44A FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50R SM04B-PASS-TFT 52LQ10D363DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LW71DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ44A SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50W FI-RE41S-HF 53LQ10D362DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LHS5FI-XB30SL-HF10LQ255T3LZ44C FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50W SM04B-PASS-TFT 54LQ10D361DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LHS2FI-XB30SL-HF10LQ255T3LZ44C SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50X FI-RE41S-HF 55LQ10D34G DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LHC3 B FI-XB30SL-HF10LQ255T3LZ39FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50X SM04B-PASS-TFT 56LQ10D344DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LH82FI-SEB20P-HF10LQ255T3LZ39SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50Y FI-RE41S-HF 57LQ10D32A DF9BA-31P-1V LQ150X1LH62FI-SEB20P-HF10LQ255T3LZ38FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50Y SM04B-PASS-TFT 58LQ10D131DF9B-31P-1V LQ150X1LH5C FI-XB30SL-HF10LQ255T3LZ38SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50M FI-RE41S-HF 59LQ10D031DF9B-31P-1V LQ150X1LH3B FI-XB30SL-HF10LQ255T3LZ28FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ50M SM04B-PASS-TFT 60LQ10D021DF13-15P-1.25H LQ150X1LGN7DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ28SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ50Z FI-RE41S-HF 61LQ10D021DF13-6P-1.25H LQ150X1LGN2E DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ25B10B-PH-SM3-TB LK460D3LZ50Z SM04B-PASS-TFT 62LQ104V7DS01DF9MA-31P-1V LQ150X1LGN2C DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ25S6B-PH-SM3-TB LK460D3LZ5AN FI-RE41S-HF 63LQ104V1DW02DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LQ150X1LGN2A DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ22K SM30B-LDYGLS-01-TB LK460D3LZ5AN SM04B-PASS-TFT 64LQ104V1DG83IL-FPR-32S-VF LQ150X1LGN2DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ22SM30B-LDYGLS-01-TBLK460D3HA59FI-RE51S-HF 65LQ104V1DG64DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LQ150X1LGN1A DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ21FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3HB29FI-RE51S-HF 66LQ104V1DG62DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LQ150X1LGN1DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LZ2J FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LA63FI-RE51S-HF 67LQ104V1DG61DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LQ150X1LGB4DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LY44A FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LA63FI-RE41S-HF 68LQ104V1DG5A DF9MA-31P-1V(32)LQ150X1LGB1DF14H-20P-1.25H LQ255T3LY44FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ1X FI-RE41S-HF 69LQ104V1DG52DF9MA-31P-1V LQ150X1LG92DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LQ255T3LZ14FI-X30SSL-HF LK460D3LZ1X BM20B-SHLDS-G-TFT70LQ104V1DG51DF9MA-31P-1V LQ150X1LG91DF14H-20P-1.25H(56)LQ255T3LZ14SM07B-SRSS-TB-A LK460D3LZ19FI-RE41S-HF 71LQ104V1DG21DF9MA-31P-1VLQ150X1LG82DF14H-20P-1.25HLQ255T3LZ29B10B-PH-SM3-TBLK460D3LZ19BM20B-SHLDS-G-TFTCONNECTOR SPECIFICATION FOR LCD (SHARP 夏普) (夏普液晶屏T-CON板连接器清单)SHARP LCD (夏普液晶屏)。
·labsky 发表于 2006-7-8 9:05:25。
Altivar Process ATV600产品数据手册说明书
i s c l a i m e r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sProduct data sheetCharacteristicsATV630D55N4variable speed drive ATV630 - 55kW/75HP -380...480V - IP21/UL type 1MainRange of productAltivar Process ATV600Product or component type Variable speed drive Product specific application Process and utilities Device short name ATV630VariantStandard version Product destination Asynchronous motors Synchronous motors Mounting mode Wall mountEMC filterIntegrated EN/IEC 61800-3 category C3 150 m IP degree of protection IP21 IEC 61800-5-1IP21 IEC 60529Degree of protection UL type 1 UL 508C Type of cooling Forced convection Supply frequency50...60 Hz - 5...5 %Network number of phases 3 phases[Us] rated supply voltage 380...480 V - 15...10 %Motor power kW 55 kW normal duty 45 kW heavy duty Motor power hp 75 hp normal duty 60 hp heavy duty Line current97.2 A 380 V normal duty 84.2 A 480 V normal duty 81.4 A 380 V heavy duty 71.8 A 480 V heavy duty Prospective line Isc 50 kAApparent power70 kVA 480 V normal duty 59.7 kVA 480 V heavy duty Continuous output current 106 A 2.5 kHz normal duty 88 A 2.5 kHz heavy duty Maximum transient current116.6 A 60 s normal duty 132 A 60 s heavy dutyAsynchronous motor control profile Constant torque standardVariable torque standardOptimized torque modeSynchronous motor control profile Permanent magnet motorOutput frequency0.0001...0.5 kHzSpeed drive output frequency0.1...599 HzNominal switching frequency 2.5 kHzSwitching frequency 2...8 kHz adjustable2.5...8 kHz with derating factorSafety function STO (safe torque off) SIL 3Discrete input logic16 preset speedsCommunication port protocol Modbus TCPModbus serialEthernetOption card Communication module Profibus DP V1 slot ACommunication module Profinet slot ACommunication module DeviceNet slot ACommunication module Modbus TCP/EtherNet/IP slot ACommunication module CANopen daisy chain RJ45 slot ACommunication module CANopen SUB-D 9 slot ACommunication module CANopen screw terminals slot ADigital and analog I/O extension module slot A/slot BOutput relay extension module slot A/slot BCommunication module Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP/MD-Link slot A ComplementaryOutput voltage<= power supply voltagePermissible temporary current boost 1.1 x In 60 s normal duty1.5 x In 60 s heavy dutyMotor slip compensation Automatic whatever the loadCan be suppressedNot available in permanent magnet motor lawAdjustableAcceleration and deceleration ramps Linear adjustable separately from 0.01...9999 sBraking to standstill By DC injectionProtection type Safe torque off motorMotor phase break motorSafe torque off driveOverheating driveShort-circuit protection driveMotor phase break driveOverspeed driveBreak on the control circuit driveOvervoltages on the DC bus driveOverload of output voltage driveLine supply overvoltage driveLine supply phase loss driveLine supply undervoltage driveOvercurrent between output phases and earth driveThermal protection motorThermal protection driveFrequency resolution Display unitAnalog inputElectrical connection Removable screw terminals 0.5...1.5 mm² AWG 20...AWG 16 controlScrew terminal 70...120 mm² AWG 1/0...250 kcmil line sideScrew terminal 70...120 mm² AWG 1/0...250 kcmil motor Connector type RJ45 Ethernet/Modbus TCP on the remote graphic terminalRJ45 Modbus serial on the remote graphic terminalPhysical interface2-wire RS 485 Modbus serialTransmission frame RTU Modbus serialTransmission rate10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbit/s Modbus serialExchange mode Half duplex, full duplex, autonegotiation Ethernet/Modbus TCP Data format8 bits, configurable odd, even or no parity Modbus serialType of polarization No impedance Modbus serialNumber of addresses 1...247 Modbus serialMethod of access Slave Modbus TCPSupply Internal supply for reference potentiometer (1 to 10 kOhm) 10.5 V DC +/- 5 % <= 10 mA overload andshort-circuit protectionExternal supply for digital inputs 24 V DC 19...30 V <= 1.25 mA overload and short-circuit protectionInternal supply for digital inputs and STO 24 V DC 21...27 V <= 200 mA overload and short-circuitprotectionLocal signalling 3 LEDs local diagnostic3 LEDs dual colour embedded communication status4 LEDs dual colour communication module status1 LED red presence of voltageWidth290 mmHeight922 mmDepth323 mmProduct weight56.5 kgAnalogue input number3Analogue input type Software-configurable voltage AI1, AI2, AI3 0...10 V DC 30 kOhm 12 bitsSoftware-configurable current AI1, AI2, AI3 0...20 mA/4...20 mA 250 Ohm 12 bitsDiscrete input number8Discrete input type Programmable DI1...DI6 24 V DC 3.5 kOhmProgrammable as pulse input DI5, DI6 0...30 kHz 24 V DCSafe torque off STOA, STOB 24 V DC > 2.2 kOhmInput compatibility Level 1 PLC EN/IEC 61131-2 DI1...DI6 discrete inputLevel 1 PLC IEC 65A-68 DI5, DI6 discrete inputLevel 1 PLC EN/IEC 61131-2 STOA, STOB discrete inputDiscrete input logic Positive logic (source) DI1...DI6 < 5 V > 11 VNegative logic (sink) DI1...DI6 > 16 V < 10 VPositive logic (source) DI5, DI6 < 0.6 V > 2.5 VPositive logic (source) STOA, STOB < 5 V > 11 VAnalogue output number2Analogue output type Software-configurable voltage AO1, AO2 0...10 V DC 470 Ohm 10 bitsSoftware-configurable current AO1, AO2 0...20 mA 10 bitsSampling duration 2 ms +/- 0.5 ms DI1...DI4 discrete input5 ms +/- 1 ms DI5, DI6 discrete input5 ms +/- 0.1 ms AI1, AI2, AI3 analog input10 ms +/- 1 ms AO1 analog outputAccuracy+/- 0.6 % AI1, AI2, AI3 for a temperature variation 60 °C analog input+/- 1 % AO1, AO2 for a temperature variation 60 °C analog outputLinearity error+/- 0.15 % of maximum value analog input AI1, AI2, AI3+/- 0.2 % analog output AO1, AO2Relay output number3Relay output type Configurable relay logic R1 fault relay NO/NC 100000 cyclesConfigurable relay logic R2 sequence relay NO 100000 cyclesConfigurable relay logic R3 sequence relay NO 100000 cyclesRefresh time 5 ms +/- 0.5 ms R1, R2, R3 relay outputMinimum switching current 5 mA 24 V DC R1, R2, R3 relay outputMaximum switching current 3 A 250 V AC resistive 1 R1, R2, R3 relay output3 A 30 V DC resistive 1 R1, R2, R3 relay output2 A 250 V AC inductive 0.4 7 ms R1, R2, R3 relay output2 A 30 V DC inductive 0.4 7 ms R1, R2, R3 relay outputIsolation Between power and control terminalsFunctionality FullSpecific application UtilityIP degree of protection IP21Discrete and process manufacturing Building - HVAC compressor centrifugalFood and beverage processing other applicationMining mineral and metal fanMining mineral and metal pumpOil and gas fanWater and waste water other applicationBuilding - HVAC screw compressorFood and beverage processing pumpFood and beverage processing fanFood and beverage processing atomizationOil and gas electro submersible pump (ESP)Oil and gas water injection pumpOil and gas jet fuel pumpOil and gas compressor for refineryWater and waste water centrifuge pumpWater and waste water positive displacement pumpWater and waste water electro submersible pump (ESP)Water and waste water screw pumpWater and waste water lobe compressorWater and waste water screw compressorWater and waste water compressor centrifugalWater and waste water fanWater and waste water conveyorWater and waste water mixerPower range55...100 kW 380...440 V 3 phases55...100 kW 480...500 V 3 phasesMotor starter type Variable speed driveEnvironmentInsulation resistance> 1 mOhm 500 V DC for 1 minute to earthNoise level62.4 dB 86/188/EECPower dissipation in W131 W natural convection 380 V 2.5 kHz917 W forced convection 380 V 2.5 kHzVolume of cooling air295 m3/hOperating position Vertical +/- 10 degreeTHDI<= 48 % from 80...100 % of load IEC 61000-3-12Electromagnetic compatibility Conducted radio-frequency immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-61.2/50 µs - 8/20 µs surge immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-5Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test level 4 IEC 61000-4-4Electrostatic discharge immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-2Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-3 Pollution degree 2 EN/IEC 61800-5-1Vibration resistance 1.5 mm peak to peak 2...13 Hz IEC 60068-2-61 gn 13...200 Hz IEC 60068-2-6Shock resistance15 gn 11 ms IEC 60068-2-27Relative humidity 5...95 % without condensation IEC 60068-2-3Ambient air temperature for operation-15...50 °C without derating50...60 °C with derating factorAmbient air temperature for storage-40...70 °COperating altitude1000...4800 m with current derating 1 % per 100 m<= 1000 m without deratingEnvironmental characteristic Chemical pollution resistance class 3C3 EN/IEC 60721-3-3Dust pollution resistance class 3S3 EN/IEC 60721-3-3Standards EN/IEC 61800-3EN/IEC 61800-3 environment 1 category C2EN/IEC 61800-3 environment 2 category C3UL 508CEN/IEC 61800-5-1IEC 61000-3-12IEC 60721-3IEC 61508IEC 13849-1Product certifications DNV-GLTÜVREACHATEX zone 2/22ULCSAATEX INERISMarking CEOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 1426 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformity Schneider Electric declaration of conformity REAChReference not containing SVHC above the threshold Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold Product environmental profile AvailableProduct environmental Product end of life instructionsAvailableEnd of life manualProduct data sheetATV630D55N4 Dimensions DrawingsDimensionsViews: Front - LeftDrives Without IP21 Top Cover Views: Left - RearClearancesMounting TypesMounting Type A: Individual IP21a ≥ =110 mm (4.33 in.)Mounting Type B: Side by Side IP20 (Possible, 2 Drives Only)Mounting Type C: Individual IP20a ≥ =110 mm (4.33 in.)Connections and SchemaSingle or Three-Phase Power Supply with Upstream Breaking via Line ContactorConnection diagrams conforming to standards EN 954-1 category 1 and IEC/EN 61508 capacity SIL1, stopping category 0 in accordance with standard IEC/EN 6(1)Use digital output R1 set to operating state Fault to switch Off the product once an error is detected.A1 :DriveKM1 :Line Contactor Q2, Q3 :Circuit breakers S1, S2 :PushbuttonsT1 :Transformer for control partSingle or Three-Phase Power Supply with Downstream Breaking via Switch DisconnectorConnection diagrams conforming to standards EN 954-1 category 1 and IEC/EN 61508 capacity SIL1, stopping category 0 in accordance with standard IEC/EN(1)Use digital output R1 set to operating state Fault to switch Off the product once an error is detected.A1 :DriveQ1 :Switch disconnectorControl Block Wiring Diagram(1)Safe Torque Off(2)Analog Output(3)Digital Input(4)Reference potentiometer(5)Analog InputA1 :ATV6.. DriveR1A, R1B, R1C :Fault relayR2A, R2C :Sequence relayR3A, R3C :Sequence relaySensor ConnectionIt is possible to connect either 1 or 3 sensors on terminals AI2 or AI3.Sink / Source Switch ConfigurationThe switch is used to adapt the operation of the logic inputs to the technology of the programmable controller outputs.●Set the switch to Source (factory setting) if using PLC outputs with PNP transistors.●Set the switch to Ext if using PLC outputs with NPN transistors.Switch Set to SRC (Source) Position Using the Output Power Supply for the Digital InputsSwitch Set to SRC (Source) Position and Use of an External Power Supply for the DIsSwitch Set to SK (Sink) Position Using the Output Power Supply for the Digital InputsSwitch Set to EXT Position Using an External Power Supply for the DIsPerformance CurvesDerating Curves40 °C (104 °F) - Mounting type A, B and C50 °C (122 °F) - Mounting type A, B and C60 °C (140 °F) - Mounting type B and C In :Nominal Drive CurrentSF :Switching FrequencyMotor Starter BOMOur Proposal: Circuit Breaker + Contactor + Drive for Motor Power 55 kW and 380 or 440 VACNon contractual pictures.(*) You can select the contactor proposed or variants. Please consider examples hereafter or follow the link to the complete offer.(**) You can select the breaker proposed or variants. Please consider examples hereafter or follow the link to the complete offer.。
Symbol V –V VID VI VO
– –
Ratings –0.3 to +36 ±30 V –0.3 to V +0.3 V –0.3 to V +0.3 350 440 Indefinite
Unit V V
V V mW mW sec °C °C
Output Voltage
+14 –12
Slew Rate Unity Gain Frequency Input Equivalent Noise Voltage Density Channel Separation Input Offset Voltage Average VIO Temperature Drift Input Offset Current Input Bias Current
Note 3
Power Dissipation
Note 4
G2 Package Output Short Circuit Duration
Note 6
Note 5
Operating Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature
TA Tstg
–20 to +80 –55 to +125
PT - Total Power Dissipation - mW
OPTIFLUX 系列及其它技术数据表电磁流量计OPTIFLUX 1300 / 2300 / 4300 / 5300 / 6300 电磁流量计,拥有强大的自诊断功能,有各种安装接口,有各种衬里和电极材料,最高精度可达0.15%,重复性0.06% OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计(IFM 4080 升级换代产品,有自诊断功能)K300 一体型电磁流量计/ K 450K + F 电磁流量计高压电磁流量计科隆电磁流量计经济型K 300(一体型)模拟量K 450(一体或分体型)模拟量(带显示)特殊型OPTIFLUX 4040 C 两线制TIDALFLUX 4110 PF 非满管BATCHFLUX 5015 C 灌装式卫生型常用型W FOPTIFLUX 6300 C1. 性能简介1- 52. 常用产品2.1 OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 电磁流量计62.1 .1I FC 300 信号转换器6- 162.2 OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计172.2 .1I FC 100 信号转换器17- 2021- 22232425263. 经济型30- 313 .2K450K + F 电磁流量计32- 334. 选型与安装4.1传感器口径选择34- 354 .2电极形式 / 材料选择364.3衬里材料的选择374.4传感器在管线上的安装38- 416. 原理及标定证书442.3 OPTIFLUX 2000/4000传感器2.4 IFS / 4000-HP 高压传感器2.5 IFM 3100K +F 电磁流量计2.6 OPTIFLUX 1300夹持型电磁流量计2.7 OPTIFLUX 5300 S W 陶瓷型夹持式电磁流量计2.7.1 OPTIFLUX 5300 FL 法兰型272.8 OPTIFLUX 6300 卫生接口型电磁流量计28- 293.1 K 300 一体型电磁流量计5. 产品选型编码42- 431. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 W(可选 C + F + R)DN 10 ~ 3000OPTIFLUX (一体)(墙挂分体)2100 / 4100 C + W DN 10 ~ 1200详细数据见P 6详细数据见P 17OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )+ / -0.3%±1mm / s (取决于传感器)OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )0.2% - 0.3%(液体中最多含30% 的固体成份)IFM 3100 / 3300 C + W1. 性能简介仪表性能同OPTIFLUX4100,传感器见M 900,见P 24K 300DN 10 ~ 300K 300≤1%详细数据见P 30DN 50 ~ 300M 900+ / -0.3% ±1mm / s(取决于传感器)K 4501. 性能简介DN 10 ~ 450 IFS4000≤0.5%DN 10 ~ 150 OPTIFLUX 1300 OPTIFLUX 10000.3%1. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 5300OPTIFLUX 63001. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 4040TIDALFLUX 4110 PFIFC 300 信号转换器1 图形显示器,背光(白)2 第1 行和第2 行用于显示不同的测量变量,大字体格式显示时只显示一个变量3 第三行显示条形图4 光感应键,无需打开盖就可操作信号转换器5 蓝色条显示:·测量模式时显示仪表位号·设置模式时显示菜单/ 功能名称6 X 指示有键按动7 指示红外线输出工作,此时4 光感应键失效8 连接KROHNE GDC 总线的插座9 光电感应接口,用于无线传送数据(输入/ 输出)IFC 300 显示 / 操作和调整键IFC 300 C 和IFC 300 F 的o 显示器可以隔90旋转2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器使用特点·工厂设置(有二个记忆芯片,一个在机内,另一个在机芯外的底板上)·可以存储3组设定数据,factrory settings 为工厂设定数据用户不能更改(传感器的GK 值、满量程、零点、线圈阻值、温度等)机外底板上的记忆芯片机内记忆芯片·更换转换器时无需设置数据,直接从机芯外的底板上取出工厂设定数据。
SL1005C2BTA1SL1010C2BTA1SL1040C2BT SL1045C3BTA1SL1050C2BTA1 SL1020C2BTA1SL1035C2BTA1SL1040C2BTA2Increase Your Power DensityWith Eaton’s new Heinemann 1U Series Slimline Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit Breaker you can increase your power density without sacrificing performance. The 1U Series Slimline offers the precision performance of a full size hydraulic magnetic breaker in a miniaturized package.Designed specifically for rack-mount applications,the Slimline's reduced height is ideal for tight spaces and the protection of the latest 1U devices.The 1U Series Slimline is the first hydraulic magnetic breaker to use a snap action mecha-nism which improves reliability,safety and performance. With snap action, the contacts are controlled by a stored energy mechanism that closes in one swift action when the operator switches the handle to the ON position. This advanceddesign prevents premature contact failure, improvesefficiency and allows for higher current ratings.The 1U Series Slimline com-pact size allows greater design flexibility and saves valuablerack space without sacrificing performance. All configurations are UL ா489 listed for branch circuit protection and conform to IEC standards. Available with an integral auxiliary switch, the breaker allows for integration into the most complex systems.Take your equipment to a new level of power density and protection, never before possible. Learn about how the new Eaton 1U Series Slimline is revolutionizing the dc power protection market today.1U Series Slimline Product Highlights•Proven reliability of the Heinemann Hydraulic Magnetic Trip Unit.•Patented snap action technology for improved performance and reliability.•World’s first circuit breaker designed for 1U height rack-mount applications.•Ambient compensating trip unit from -40˚ to +80˚C.•1.0 – 100 ampere continuous current ratings (100% rated).•80 Vdc rating.•UL 489 listed.•CE mark. •Integral auxiliary switch option.•Bullet, screw or stud terminals.•Panel removal tool.•Standard distribution panel configurations available.Eaton Electrical Inc.1000 Cherrington Parkway Moon Township, PA 15108United Statestel: 1-800-525-2000© 2006 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA01106001E / Z4344April 2006UL is a federally registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Heinemann is a federally registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.Typical DimensionsPERFORMANCE DATACurrent Range 1 – 100 A 1Continuous (100% Rated)VoltageUp to 80 Vdc or up to 240 Vac 1Interruption Rating 10 kA @ 80 Vdc 1or 10 kA @ 240 Vac 1Delay Curves Medium, Short, Instantaneous Operating Temperature -40 to + 80ºCTerminals Screw, Stud or Bullet ApprovalsUL 489 Listed, CE MarkAuxiliary Switch Rating 100 mA @ 80 Vdc or 300 mA @ 30 Vdc1Phase I Launch 5 – 60 A, 80 Vdc, 5 kA, UL 489. Consult Customer Service for availability of future releases.Catalog Number Configuration GuideUse the table below to select the correct standard catalog number for your application. Standard configuration consists of Series Trip,Imperial Mounting Inserts, UL 489 Listing and Screw Terminals. We also offer custom configurations and assembled DC distribution panels. To get additional technical assistance or for more information about custom applications, call +1 800 356 1243 (Americas), +41 21 841 92 11 (EMEA) or +86 512 6716 3397 (Asia).Auxiliary Switch OptionCATALOG NUMBERING SYSTEMNote:Catalog number example — SL1005C2.2Phase I Launch 5 – 60 A, 80 Vdc, 5 kA, UL 489. Consult Customer Service for availability of future releases.3No catalog designation is required for a standard catalog configuration.SL1005C2BTA1SL1010C2BTA1SL1040C2BT SL1045C3BTA1SL1050C2BTA1 SL1020C2BTA1SL1035C2BTA1SL1040C2BTA2。
Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL StandardHIF3B Series■Features1. Product Compliant with MIL StandardHIF3B series has been developed as a product compliant with MIL standard, and used for wide applications.2. UL Approval ProductHIF3B series connectors are UL approved.3. Mechanism to Prevent Mis-insertionThis connector is equipped with the mechanism to prevent Mis-insertion as follows.1The system provides the convex area to insert the guide-key on the pin header side, and to guide it in combination with the socket convex area (MIL standard).2The system embeds and guides the polarizing key in the socket holes.4. Applicable Cable AWG#28The applicable cable is UL2651 AWG#28 flat cable (7 cores./0.127mm, jacket dia. 0.9±0.1mm).The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Ordering InformationHIF 3B - * D - 2.54 Rqwre tyq Series Name : HIFw Series No.: 3B, 3BA, 3BB (50, 60, 64 contacts only )e Number of contacts : 6,10,14,16, 20, 26, 30, 34, 40, 50, 60, 64 r Contact alignment : D : Double t Contact pitch : 2.54mmy Connection typeR : ID type ●SocketHIF 3B - *P A - 2.54 DSqwretyuq Series Name : HIF w Series No.:3B: (14 contacts not included)3BC: (10 contacts only) 3BA, 3BB: (50, 60, 64 contacts only)3BD: (10 contacts only)e Number of contacts : 6,10,14,16, 20, 26, 30, 34, 40, 50, 60, 64r P : Pin headertA: Selective gold plated y Contact pitch : 2.54mm u Contact styleDS : Right angle type DSA: Straight type●Pin HeaderThe product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Socket (With guide to prevent mis-insertion)Unit:mmNote1, Note2: The number of polarizing keys and polarizing keyways changes according to products. Refer to the list as shown below.Note3: The 50, 60 and 64 contact connector contain two types of polarizing guides. Use the products, referring to Notes 1 and 2.Note4: The 6 contact has no polarizing mark.Body Protector ClampThe product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■SocketNote1: The number of polarizing keys and polarizing keyways changes according to products. For details, refer to the list as shown below.Note2: The 6 contact has no polarizing mark.Body Protector ClampUnit:mmThe products marked with ★comply with MIL standard.The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Four Wall Angle Through holeBPCB mounting patternNote 1, Note 2: The number of polarizing slot and key installed positionschanges according to products. Refer to the list as shown below.Note 3: The spacer moves to the right according to the number ofcontacts.Note 4: The 10, 50, 60 and 64 contact connectors contain two types ofpolarizing slots.Use products, referring to (Note 1) (Note 2).■n=number of contactsUnit:mmThe products marked with ★comply with MIL standard.The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Four-Wall Straight Through holeBPCB mounting patternNote 1, Note 2: The number of polarizing slot and key installed positionschanges according to products. Refer to the list as shown below.Note 3: The spacer moves to the right according to the number ofcontacts.Note 4: The 10, 50, 60 and 64 contact connectors contain two types ofpolarizing slots.Use products, confirming (Note 1) (Note 2).Note 5: The 6 contact has no polarity mark.■n=number of contactsUnit:mmThe product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Three Wall Angle TypeBPCB mounting patternNote 1, Note 2: The number of polarizing slot and key installed positionschanges according to products. Refer to the list as shown below.Note 3: The spacer moves according to the number of contacts.Note 4: The 10 contact connector consists of two types.Use products, confirming (Note 1) (Note 2).■n=number of contactsUnit:mmThe products marked with ★comply with MIL standard.The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Three Wall Straight Through holeBPCB mounting patternNote1,Note2: The number of polarizing slot and key installed positionschanges according to products. Refer to the list as shown below.Note3: The spacer moves to the right according to the number ofcontacts.Note4: The 10 contact connector consists of two types.Use products, referring to (Note 1) and (Note 2).■n=number of contactsUnit:mmThe products marked with ★comply with MIL standard.The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Four Wall Wrapping TypeBPCB mounting patternNote 1, Note 2. The number of polarizing slot and key installed positionschanges according to products. Refer to the list as shown below.Note 3. The spacer moves to the right according to the number ofcontacts.Note 4. The 10, 50, 60 and 64 contact connectors consists of two types.Use products, confirming (Note 1) (Note 2).Note 5. The mark *indicates the number of contacts.Note 6. The nut built-in specification product is also provided.The product can be fixed by M2 screws from the rear e the screw of (board thickness) +4 mm under the neck.■n=number of contactsUnit:mmThe products marked with ★comply with MIL standard.The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.HIF3B Series ●Ribbon Cable connector Compliant with MIL Standard■Four Wall Straight Through hole [Flux Blister Prevention Type ]BPCB mounting patternNote1: The number of polarizing slot and key installed positions changesaccording to products. Refer to the list as shown below.■n=number of contactsUnit:mmThe product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.Two Stage Staking Right Angle Through hole■to the list as shown below.Note 3: The spacer moves to the right according to the number of contacts.Note 4: The 10, 50, 60 and 64 contact connectors consists of two types.Use products, confirming (Note 1) (Note 2).Note 5: The mark *ndicates the number of contacts.Note 6: The locator is located optionally.Unit:mmThe products marked with ★comply with MIL standard.BCombination PatternBPCB mounting pattern■Mounting Hole SpacerNote : Fix the HIF3-mounting hole spacer by screws between upper stage and lower stage connectors.Note : 2 pieces are contained in a bag.BPolarizing KeyNote1: One unit of thisproduct is a set of five pieces in conjunction with a runner. The unit for sale is defined one pack containing 20pieces.Note2: This product isapplicable to the HIF3BA-*D2.54R product.HIF3-GPIN(A)HIF3BA-GPINNote1: One unit of thisproduct is a set of five pieces in conjunction with a runner. The unit for sale is defined one pack containing 20pieces.Note2: This product isapplicable to HIF3A-*D2.54R, HIF3C-*D2.54C and HIF3BA-*D2.54C products.HIF3B-GKCL562-0601-8B HIF3-Multi Clamp B HIF3-*CL Pull Tab●Low Profile Lock Pin HeaderB Lock●F Type Lock Pin HeaderLow profile type, and used for lock ejection.Connector height is reduced.Since no connector clamp is needed on the cable side,this is used without turning back on the cable side. Take Locking range more reduced than conventional lock type.Even if connectors are aligned laterally, the mounting space is reduced.The clamp must be replaced for HIF3A socket typeThis clamp is used for intermediate connection in the bus-line system, etc. Remove compulsory force from the insulation displacement area of the connector in intermediate connection.Note: The pin header corresponds to the HIF3BAEseries (lock E).This pull tab is used for the HIF3 series equipped with cable clamp function. Remove all compulsory force, which is loaded on the insulation displacement area of the connector for extraction.Note: This HIF3-* Pull Tab can not be used for HIF3BA-*PD.Note: The pin header corresponds to the HIF3BAE series (lock E).27.321.5■Socket for CrimpingCover Case for Crimping socket■Note 2: Note that the product cannot be used with AWG #20.Applicable jacket diameters are as described below.20 contacts: 1.7 mm diameter MAX26 to 40 contacts: 1.6 mm diameter MAX50 to 60 contacts: 1.4 mm diameter MAXRoHS■Contact for Crimping SocketRoHSRoHSRoHS RoHSRoHSB Tools●Crimping ToolManual Crimping Tool HIF3-T2226HC●Automatic Crimping Tool (Type: CM-105)●Contact Extraction Tools How to use the extraction tool(1) How to extract contactsAs shown in Figure 1, where theextraction tool is inserted in the lance fixed slot on the insulated case, slightly pull the cable, and the contact can be removed.(2) How to adjust the lance (raise)In order to re-insert the contact removed from the insulated case,raise the contact lance area using the tool A, and re-insert the contact, asshown in Figure 2.Figure 1Part Number HIF1-POCL No.550-0049-7Note1: AP106-HIF3-22-28SCF and AP105-HIF3-22-28CFA can be modified by changing a few parts.B Socket Side (Crimping) Assembling Procedures(1) As shown in Figure 1, peel the applicable cable (AWG#20 to #26) jacket, and connect it using crimping jig HIF3-TA2022HC,HIF3-TA2226HC, or HIF3-TA2426HC. In this case, insert the cable so as to hit the contact cable stripper position as shown Figure 2.(2) After connection as shown Figure 2, check the contact direction, and insert the contact as shown Figures 3 and 4. Slightly pullthe cable, and check whether the contact lance position is firmly fixed to the insulation case, as shown in the area (A).Note1 : For handling procedures for special crimping tools, refer to the "Handling Instruction Manual".Note2 : Wire strip length: Refer to crimp condition sheet.Wire strip lengthFigure 1Figure 2Figure 3Figure 4HIF3B Connection Circuit DiagramType ABType ADType CDT y p e A BT y p e A D T y p e C DType ACType CCType AAT y p e A CT y p e C CT y p e A AHIF2E R(S) A to HIF3B Connection Circuit Diagram Type AAType ACType BAType BCHIF2E R(S)B to HIF3 Connection Circuit Diagram Type AAType ACType BAType BC。
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2.54mm Pitch High Density Connector
A1 and A2 Series
s Features
1. High Density Mounting
Connectors are aligned in the longitudinal direction on the 2.54 mm mesh board, so that no idle space can occur.
2. Variation in Number of Contacts
The A1 series contains 16 types of 6 to 64 contacts, while the A2 series contains 20 types of 1 to 20 contacts,
3. Compatibility
The A1 series is compatible with HIF3B series cable side and HIF3H receptacle for wide applications.
Note 1: Includes temperature rise caused by current flow.
Note 2: The term "storage" refers to products stored for long period of time prior to mounting and use. Operating Temperature Range and
Humidity range covers non conducting condition of installed connectors in storage, shipment or during transportation.
s Applications
Computers, VTR, and other various kinds of electronic equipment
s Product Specifications
s Material
s Ordering Information
q Series Name:A
w Series No.:1 (double row)
2 (single row)
Number of contacts: A1...6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26,
34, 40, 50, 60, 64
A2...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
r P: Pin header
t A: Selective gold plated y Contact pitch : 2.54mm u
Contact type: DS : Right angle type DSA : Straight type
K Pin Header
A 1 - 6 P A - 2.54 DS
q Series Name : A
w Series No. : 1 (double row)
2 (single row)
e Number o
f contacts: A1 : 8, 10, 12
A2 : 5, 6
r Contact alignment : A1 : D (double row)
A2 : S (single row)
t Contact pitch : 2.54mm y
Connection type: C : crimping
K Crimping Socket
A 1 - 12 D - 2.54 C
q Series Name : A w Series No. : 1e
Applicable cable size 2226: AWG#22~ AWG#262630: AWG#26~ AWG#303236: AWG#32~ AWG#36
r Packaging type SCFC : Reel SCC : Bag
K Crimping Contact
A 1 - 3236 - SCFC
s A1 (Double Row)- Straight Type
s A2 (Single Row)-DIP Type
K Right angle type
K Straight type
K Right angle type
K Double Row Type
Single Row Type
Note 1. No. 3 and 8 contacts can be polarized.
Note 1. No. 4 contact can be polarized.
Crimping Tools
SCC contact
SCFC contact
s Short Pin