Title: Part nr:
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1:2 A3, 2(3) 6 This drawing is the property of Supercool 7 AB. Protected in accordance with prevailing 8 law.
Title: Part nr:
Release date: Customer:
1 0
1:1 A3, 1(3) 6 This drawing is the property of Supercool 7 AB. Protected in accordance with prevailing 8 law.
Rev. nr. Status: Scale: Size, sheet
Rev. nr. Status: Scale: Size, sheet
4xRp 1/8-28`10
Hot side
Cold side
• pollution degree of the environment: - PD2 means only non conductive pollution occurs except that
occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected - PD3 means conductive pollution occurs or dry non conductive pollution occurs which becomes conductive due to condensation which is to be expected
- OV3 means a 2500V rated impulse voltage
U Nm* is not the working voltage. U Nm* has to be chosen according to the voltage of the power supply Un.
*Definition of U Nm rated insulation voltage (EN 50-1 24-1): r.m.s. withstand voltage value assigned by the manufacturer to the equipment or to a part of it, characterizing the specified (long-term) withstand capability of its insulation. NOTE: The rated insulation voltage is not necessarily equal to the-rated voltage of equipment which is primarily related to functional performance.
1.IntroductionThe development board for the Atmel ® ATA6661/ATA6662 (ATA6661-EK,ATA6662-EK) is designed to give designers a quick start with these ICs and for the prototyping and testing of new designs. The Atmel ATA6661/ATA6662 is a fully inte-grated LIN transceiver complying with the LIN 2.x specification. The Atmel ATA6661and Atmel ATA6662 are pin and function compatible, but the Atmel ATA6662 has improved EMC behavior.The IC interfaces between the LIN protocol handler and the physical layer, and is designed to handle the low-speed data communication in vehicles, for example, in convenience electronics. Improved slope control on the LIN bus ensures secure data communication up to 20Kbaud with a RC oscillator for the protocol handling. The bus output is capable of withstanding high voltage and complies with the 42V powernet requirements. Sleep mode guarantees minimal current consumption.This document has been developed to give the user an quick start with the develop-ment board of the Atmel ATA6661/ATA6662. For more detailed information about the use of the Atmel ATA6661/ATA6662 itself, please refer to the corresponding datasheet.Figure 1-1.Atmel ATA6661/ATA6662 Development Board24968C–AUTO–05/11Atmel ATA6661/ATA66621.1Development Board FeaturesThe development board for the Atmel ® ATA6661/ATA6662 supports the following features:•Includes All Components Necessary for ATA6661/ATA6662 Operation •All Pins Are Easily Accessible•Can Be Used for Master or Slave Operation •Wake-up Pulse via an On-board Switch•24V Application Can be Built up on the Board1.2Quick StartThe development board for the Atmel ATA6661/ATA6662 is shipped with all components nec-essary to start with the development of a LIN slave node immediately.Connecting an external 12V DC power supply between the terminals VBAT and GND puts the IC in the pre-normal mode. In this mode, the inhibit pin INH will be switched to the VS level in order to enable an external voltage regulator (not included on the board). The LIN pin is in the recessive state.Please note that the communication is still inactive during pre-normal mode.In order to communicate via the LIN bus interface, you have to switch to normal mode by applying 5V at pin EN.As RXD is an open-drain output, the necessary pull-up resistor can be activated by applying a +5V DC voltage, for example at pin +5V on the board.34968C–AUTO–05/11Atmel ATA6661/ATA66622.Hardware DescriptionIn the following sections only the normal operating conditions will be described. For detailed information concerning the mentioned features, refer to the corresponding datasheet.2.1Power Supply (VBAT, +5V and GND)The development board requires an external 5.7V to 18V DC power supply between the termi-nals VBAT and GND. The input circuit is protected against inverse-polarity with the protection diode D1, so that there is normally a difference between the VBAT and VS level of approxi-mately 0.7V.The DC voltage at pin +5V is only needed when the pull-up resistor for the pin RXD is to be activated.2.2LIN Interface (LIN, TXD and RXD)2.2.1Bus Pin (LIN)A low-side driver with internal current limitation, thermal shutdown, and an internal pull-up resistor in compliance with LIN spec 2.0 is implemented. LIN receiver thresholds are compati-ble to the LIN protocol specification.On the board at the LIN pin there is a 220-pF capacitor to ground. Additionally, the two extra components (diode D2 (LL4148) in series with resistor R3 (1k Ω)) necessary to use the devel-opment board for a LIN master application have designated placeholders for convenient mounting.2.2.2Input Pin (TXD)This pin is the microcontroller interface to control the state of the LIN output. TXD must be pulled to ground in order to have the LIN bus low. If TXD is high, the LIN output transistor is turned off and the bus is in the recessive state, pulled up by the internal resistor. If TXD is low,the LIN output transistor is turned on and the bus is in the dominant state. An internal timer prevents the bus line from being driven permanently in the dominant state. If TXD is forced to low longer than t DOM > 20 ms, the LIN bus driver is switched to the recessive state.2.2.3Output Pin (RXD)This pin reports the state of the LIN bus to the microcontroller. LIN high (recessive state) is reported by a high level at RXD, LIN low (dominant state) is reported by a low level at RXD.The output is short-circuit protected.Please note that the Atmel ® ATA6661/ATA6662 has to be in normal mode in order to have the communication via LIN enabled.44968C–AUTO–05/11Atmel ATA6661/ATA66622.3System Control (EN, INH and WAKE)2.3.1Enable Pin (EN)This pin controls the operation mode of the interface. If EN =1 the interface is in normal mode,with transmission paths from TXD to LIN and from LIN to RXD both active. If EN =0 the device is switched to sleep mode and no transmission is possible.2.3.2Inhibit Pin (INH)This pin is used to control an external switchable voltage regulator having an inhibit input. The inhibit pin is a high-side switch structure connected to VS. If the device is in normal mode, the inhibit high-side switch is turned on and the external voltage regulator is activated. When the device is in sleep mode, the inhibit switch is turned off and the external voltage regulator will be disabled.2.3.3Wake Pin (WAKE)This pin is a high voltage input used to wake the device up from sleep mode. It is usually con-nected to an external switch in order to generate a local wake-up.If no local wake-up is needed in the application, the WAKE pin should be connected directly to the VS pin.54968C–AUTO–05/11Atmel ATA6661/ATA66623.Schematic and Layout of the ATA6661/ATA6662 Development BoardFigure 3-1.Schematic of the Development Board for the Atmel ® ATA6661/ATA6662Notes: 1.D2 and R3 are only necessary for a master node.2.R5 and D3 are only used in 24V applications. They guarantee that the supply voltage VSnever exceeds the maximum rating of VS max = 40V . Refer to the corresponding application note of the Atmel A T A6661 for further information.64968C–AUTO–05/11Atmel ATA6661/ATA6662Figure 3-2.Board Component Placement; Top Side, Top ViewFigure 3-3.Atmel®ATA6661/ATA6662 Development Board; Top Side, Top View74968C–AUTO–05/11Atmel ATA6661/ATA6662Figure 3-4.Atmel ® ATA6661/ATA6662 Development Board; Bottom Side, Top View (as if PCB Were Transparent)4.Revision HistoryPlease note that the following page numbers referred to in this section refer to the specific revision mentioned, not to this document.Revision No.History4968C-AUTO-05/11• Section 1 “Introduction” on page 1 changed• Section 3 “Schematic and Layout of the A TA6661/A T A6662 Development Board on pages 5 to 7 changed 4968B-AUTO-03/11• C version on page 1 addedAtmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USATel: (+1)(408) 441-0311 Fax: (+1)(408) 487-2600Atmel Asia LimitedUnit 01-5 & 16, 19/FBEA Tower, Millennium City 5418 Kwun Tong RoadKwun Tong, KowloonHONG KONGTel: (+852) 2245-6100Fax: (+852) 2722-1369Atmel Munich GmbHBusiness CampusParkring 4D-85748 Garching b. MunichGERMANYTel: (+49) 89-31970-0Fax: (+49) 89-3194621Atmel Japan9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8 ShinkawaChuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033JAPANTel:(+81) (3) 3523-3551Fax: (+81) (3) 3523-7581© 2011 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. / Rev.: 4968C–AUTO–05/11Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellec-tual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICU-LAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specif-ically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or war-ranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.分销商库存信息: ATMELATA6662-EK。
No.2152300-8B(共16页)电路板检查装置RNS系列 LS标准规格书2010年10月欧姆龙株式会社目录1.概要 (3)2.装置的外观 (3)3.装置的构成与动作 (4)3.1 装置的构成 (4)3.2 各单元的机能 (4)4.装置规格 (5)5.机能规格 (6)5.1检查对象电路板 (6)5.2检查项目 (7)5.3 检查程序 (7)5.4 电路板定位 (7)5.5 标准选择规格 (8)5.6 选择配件 (8)5.7 保护机能 (8)6.操作概要 (9)6.1 检查模式 (9)6.2 编程模式 (10)7.I/F (11)7.1 上下游I/F 信号时间图 (11)7.2 上下游连接器规格 (13)7.3 输入输出的内部连接 (14)8.本产品使用时的承诺事项 (15)9.付属品 (16)1.概要本装置是根据预先编制的“检查程序”对通过波峰焊接及回流焊接装置焊接的电路板的焊接状态(S)进行检查的装置。
2.装置的外观(单位: mm) *1 作Array*2 安装上下游电路板检知传感器(RNS2出厂标准)时,搬入搬出口处各有22mm的突起,所以横向宽度为964mm。
3.装置的构成与动作3.1 装置的构成本装置如图所示,由各个具有不同机能的单元所构成。
3.2 各单元的机能3.2.1 照相机(镜头)构成本装置的眼睛部分,采用3CCD照相机对电路板进行成像。
3.2.2 显示器显示器根据主计算机的控制对检查状况及检查结果等用彩色图像进行显示。
3.2.3 主计算机依据操作人员的操作对电路板的种类做出选择并输出检查结果等,对本装置进行全体控制。
(1) HD 中预装有OS 及本装置的软件,元件库和检查程序。
Zener diode
zApplication Voltage regulation zExternal dimensions (Unit : mm)
㪇㪅㪍㫧㪇㪅㪇㪌 㪇㪅㪈㪊㫧㪇㪅㪇㪊
zLand size figure (Unit : mm)
㪇㪅㪌 㪇㪅㪌
25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 A5 C5 E5 F5 䇭
Rev.B 2/4
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zType No.
TYPE VDZ̛3.6B VDZ̛3.9B VDZ̛4.3B VDZ̛4.7B VDZ̛5.1B VDZ̛5.6B VDZ̛6.2B VDZ̛6.8B VDZ̛7.5B VDZ̛8.2B VDZ̛9.1B VDZ̛10B VDZ̛11B
62 72 82 92 A2 C2 E2 F2 H2 J2 L2 05 15
Operating on the principle of conductivity (the ability of a liquid toconduct electricity), Curtis Liquid Level controls sense and control the level of almost any fluid or moist solid. These units are available with fixed or adjustable setpoints to control levels in fluids having an external circuit resistance up to 3,000,000 ohms. Typical solution resistivity is shown below.Nominal Resistivity LiquidRange (ohms/CC)acids, bases and salts ................................................0-20dilute acids..............................................................20-200milk, beer ...........................................................200-2,000non-distilled water.........................................2,000-20,000distilled water ............................................20,000-200,000Typical Liquid ResistivityELS 3120, 240VAC ELC 4120, 240VAC LCT 524, 120, 240VAC LCS 624, 120, 240VAC LHS 624, 120, 240VAC LC724, 120, 240VACDLC 824, 120, 240VACAccessories 9Liquid level probeassemblies 9RSA1024, 120, 240VAC1/4 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 240 VAC 1/4 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 240 VAC 1/4 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 240 VAC 1/4 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 240 VAC 1/6 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 240 VAC 1/4 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 240 VAC 1/6 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 240 VACEconomical liquid level control sensitivity range to 100,000 ohmsLow-cost liquid level control with sensitivity up to 50,000 ohmsLiquid level control with built-in time delayfeature for standard applications up to 100,000ohmsLiquid level control with adjustable sensitivity ranges for detection up to 100,000 ohms Liquid level control with adjustable sensitivity ranges for detection up to 3,00,000 ohms Liquid level control with forward and reverse operating modes, adjustable sensitivity to 100,000 ohmsDual liquid level control with heater/pump lockout feature, sensitivity range to 100,000ohmsRugged, compact contractors and enclosures meeting NEMA 1, 3, 4, and 12 specifications A variety of pressure, temperature and fitting options availableLow-cost amplifier module for liquid level applicationscurrent, typically 500 microamperes, is introduced to a solid-state resistance-sending amplifier which provides sufficient gate signal to trigger a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR). The firing threshold is accurate to within 2% of operating differential and is adjustable by means of a potentiometer. The output of the SCR is used to operate the plug-in control relay. When anticipated loads exceed that of the standard relay, an auxiliary contactor is utilized.Control Models ELS, LCS/LHS, LCF and RSA are designed forforward mode operation. They interpret a decrease of external circuit resistance from setpoint as an “ON” signal. Model LCR is designed for reverse mode operation. It energizes when external circuit resistance increases above setpoint. Model DLC is intended primarily for pump and heater level/lockout applications. See the appropriate catalog sections for specific application information.When selecting a liquid level control, several factors must be taken into consideration. Questions arise as to what mode of operation is required, what is the resistivity range of the fluid to be controlled, is a fixed or variable setpoint called for, are special functions required Curtis ®liquid level control principle of operationSelection ChartSeries PageNumberSupply VoltageLoad CapacityDescription and Special NotesCurtis ®liquid level controlsELS1124, 120, 240VAC1/6 HP , 10 amp non-inductive 120VAC, 1/3 HP , 230 VACFor precision photoelectric or temperature applicationsCurtis ®industrial controlsModel ELSEconomical unit with sensitivity up to 100,000 ohmsFeaturess Solid State Amplifier with SCR and Control Relay s Low AC Signal Voltage s Compact Printed Circuit Design s 1/4” Quick-Connect Terminals s Insensitive to Transientss Built-in Holding Circuit for Differential Levels or Manual Reset s Plug-in Dust-Tight Relays Recognized Under the Components Program of UnderwritersLaboratories, Inc. Listed with Canadian Standards Association.SpecificationsModelInput Supply Input Supply :ELS-1-A,B,C120VAC, 50/60 Hz ELS-1-A,B,C240VAC, 50/60 HzMaximum Allowable Supply Voltage Variation : ± 10%Maximum Power Consumption : 3 Watts Detectable Range :ELS-1,2-A100,000 ohmsELS-1,2-B 50,000 ohms ELS-1,2-C25,000 ohmsOutline and Mounting DimensionsConnection DiagramsThis is a fixed-sensitivity, forward mode control. The control relay is energized whenliquid rises to contact the “H” probe. The control relay is pulled in and remains energized until liquid drops below the “L” probe.Typical Curtis Model NumberModel (Also refer to “Specifications” above)Detectable Range (A-100 k ohms, B-50 k ohms, C-25 k ohms)Enclosure – specify only if necessary –N3-NEMA 3, N4–NEMA 4 JICThe composite number above reads as “an ELS amplifier for 120VAC supply, without enclosure, and with 100 K ohms sensitivity.”Ordering InformationMaximum Signal or Probe Voltage : 24VAC Maximum Signal or Probe Current : 10MAControl Relay : Single Pole Double Throw, Plug-in Type with Dust-Tight Cover Load Contacts : SPST Rated – 1/4 HP , 10 Amps, 120VAC1/3 HP, 10 Amps, 240VACAmbient Operating Temperature : 32° F to 140° F Standard Termination : .250” Quick-ConnectsELS-1-A-Model ELCEconomical unit with sensitivity up to 50,000 ohmsFeaturess Compact, Solid-State Designs Single Level, Forward Mode Operations Holding Circuit for Differential Levels, or Manual Reset s Low AC Signal Voltages Transient-Protected Circuit, Positive ON/OFF Eliminates RelayChatter s Circuit Design Limits Short Circuit Probe Current to10MA/24VACSpecificationsModelInput Supply Input Supply :ELC-1-S,D120VAC, 50/60 Hz ELC-1-S,D240VAC, 50/60 HzMaximum Allowable Supply Voltage Variation : ± 10%Maximum Power Consumption : 3 Watts Detectable Range : Up to 50,000 ohms Operating Point Differential : 3% (Typical)Maximum Signal or Probe Voltage : 24VAC Maximum Signal or Probe Current : 10MAOutline and Mounting Dimensions This is a fixed-sensitivity, forward mode control. The control relay is energized when liquid rises to contact the “H” probe. The control relay is pulled in and remainsenergized until liquid drops below the “L” probe.Typical Curtis Model NumberModel (Also refer to “Specifications” above)Detectable Range (A-100 k ohms, B-50 k ohms, C-25 k ohms)Enclosure – specify only if necessary –N3-NEMA 3, N4–NEMA 4 JICThe composite number above reads as “an ELC amplifier for 120VAC supply SPDT Output and without Enclosure.”Ordering InformationControl Relay : Plug-in Type with Dust-Tight Cover Probe Contacts : SPDT internally connectedLoad Contacts : SPDT (ELC-1,2-S) or DPDT (ELC-1,2-D) Rated 10 amp Non-inductive, 120VAC, 1/4 HP 1/3 HP at 240VACAmbient Operating Temperature : +32° F to +140° F Standard Termination :.250” Quick-Connect Mounting Style : 4 StandoffsELC-1-S-Connection DiagramsCurtis ®liquid level control with time delayModel LCTFeaturess Low Cost Control for Standard Applications up to 100,000 ohms s Built-in Delay-on-Makes Interchangeable with Curtis Model LCS Liquid Level Controls s Solid-State Amplifier with Potentiometer for Signal Sensitivity Adjustments Positive ON/OFF Operation Eliminates Relay Chatters Circuit Limits Short-Circuit Probe Current to 10MA/24VAC s Holding Circuit for Differential Levels, or Manual ResetsPre-wired Auxiliary Contactor Available for Handling Heavy Loads and Motor Ratings Exceeding Capacity of Plug-in RelaySpecificationsModel Input SupplyInput Supply :LCT-10120VAC ±10%, 50/60 HzLCT-20240VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz LCT-3024VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz.Maximum Allowable Supply Voltage Variation : ± 10%Maximum Power Consumption : 3 Watts Sensitivity Range: 1,000 to 100,000 ohms Detectable Range : Up to 100,000 ohms Operating Point Differential : 3% (Typical)Time Delay : Delay on Operate: 3 sec: ±50%(Other values between 0.5 and 10 sec. available on request.)Outline and Mounting Dimensions Model LCT is a forward mode control. The control relay is energized when liquid rises tocontact the “H” probe. The time delay on operate is 3 seconds nominal and 0.5 seconds on release. Other values between 0.5 and 10 seconds are available on request. The control relay is pulled in and remains energized until liquid drops below the “L” probe.Sensitivity is adjustable.Typical Curtis Model NumberModel (Also refer to “Specifications” above)Contactor (add “C” if desired)Enclosure – specify only if necessary –N3-NEMA 3, N3C–NEMA 3/Contactor, N4 – NEMA 4 JICThe composite number above reads as an LCT amplifier for 240VAC supply, without enclosure and without contactor.Ordering InformationDelay on Release: 0.5 sec. ±50%Open Circuit Probe Voltage : 24VAC Short Circuit Probe Current : 10MAControl Relay : Plug-in type with dust coverContact Rating : 10 amp non-inductive, 1/4 HP at 120VAC, 1/3 HP at 240VAC Auxiliary Contactor : DPST-NO-DB, rated 1 HP at 120VAC, 2 HP at 240VAC Ambient Operating Temperature : 0° C to +60° CStandard Termination : Barrier-type terminal blocks accepting wire up to No.12AWG. Auxiliary contactor has combination screw/double .250” quick-connects Mounting Style : FlangeOutside Dimensions : 5-1/2” long x 4-1/8” wide x 2-13/16” highLCT-20- -Connection DiagramsSpecificationsModel Input SupplyInput Supply :LCS-10/LHS-1120VAC, 50/60 HzLCS-20/LHS-2240VAC, 50/60 HzLCS-3024VAC, 50/60 Hz.Maximum Allowable Supply Voltage Variation : ± 10%Maximum Power Consumption : 3 WattsDetectable Range : Up to 100,000 ohms (LCS); Up to 3,000,000 ohms (LHS)Adjustable Range : 1,000 to 100,000 ohms (LCS); 1,000 to 3,000,000 ohms (LHS)Operating Point Differential : 3% (Typical)Signal or Probe Voltage : 24VACMaximum Signal or Probe Current : 10MAOutline and Mounting Connection DiagramsModels LCS/LHS is a forward mode control. The control relay is energized when liquid rises to contact the “H” probe. The control relay is pulled in and remains energized until liquid drops below the “L” probe. Sensitivity is adjustable.Typical Curtis Model NumberModel (Also refer to “Specifications” above)Contactor (add “C” if desired)Enclosure – specify only if necessary –N3-NEMA 3, N3C–NEMA 3/Contactor, N4 – NEMA 4 JICThe composite number above reads as an LCS amplifier for 240VAC supply, without enclosure and without contactor.Ordering InformationShort Circuit Probe Current : 10MAControl Relay : Plug-in type with dust coverProbe Contacts : Internally Connected for Holding CircuitLoad Contacts : LCS – SPDT, 1/4 HP, 10 amp Non-inductive, 120VAC 1/3 HP at 240 VAC LHS – SPDT, 1/6 HP, 10 amp Non-inductive, 120VAC 1/3 HP at 240VACAuxiliary Contactor : DPST-NO-DB, rated 1 HP at 120VAC, 2 HP at 240VAC Ambient Operating Temperature : +32° F to +140° FStandard Termination : Barrier-type terminal blocks accepting wire up to No.12AWG. Auxiliary contactor has combination screw/double .250” quick-connects Mounting Style : FlangeLCS-20- -Models LCS/LHSTwo sensitivity ranges fordetection up to 3,000,000 ohmsFeaturess Low cost Model LCS for Standard Applications up to 100,000 ohms s High-Sensitivity Model LHS for Special Applications from 100,000 to3,000,000 ohmss Solid-State Amplifier with Potentiometer for Signal SensitivityAdjustments Positive ON/OFF Operation Eliminates Relay Chatters Circuit Limits Short Circuit Probe Current to 10MA/24VAC s Holding Circuit for Differential Levels, or Manual Resets Pre-Wired Auxiliary Contactor Available for Handling Heavy Loadsand Motor Ratings Exceeding Capacity of Plug-In RelayCurtis ®liquid level controls withSpecificationsModel Input Supply Model Input SupplyInput Supply :LC-F-1120VAC, 50/60 Hz LC-R-1120VAC, 50/60 HzLC-F-2240VAC, 50/60 Hz LC-R-2240VAC, 50/60 Hz LC-F-324VAC, 50/60 Hz LC-R-324VAC, 50/60 HzMaximum Allowable Supply Voltage Variation : ± 10%Maximum Power Consumption : 3 Watts Detectable Range : Up to 100,000 ohms Adjustable Range : 1,000 to 100,000 ohms Operating Point Differential : 3% (Typical)Signal or Probe Voltage : 24VACMaximum Signal or Probe Current : 10MA Control Relay : Plug-in type with dust coverProbe Contacts : Internally connected for holding circuitLoad Contacts : DPDT rated 10 amp, Non-inductive/120VAC, 1/4 HP at 240VAC Connection DiagramsModel LC – Forward ModeControl energizes when liquid reaches “H”. Con-trol de-energizes when liquid falls below “L” and remains in an off state until liquid again reaches “H”. This control maintains a liquid level between “H” and “L” and will not chatter due to surface ripple.Single Level Operation (Not Illustrated)both the LC-F and LC-R may be used without the “L” Probe. Operation without the “L” Probe gives a very small differential between the energize and de-energize levels. This may result in chattering of the control if splashing or ripple is present at the liquid surface.Model LC – Reverse ModeControl Energizes when liquid falls below “L. Con-trol remains energized until liquid rises past “L” and contacts “H”. Control de-energizes when liquid reaches “H” and remains in an off state until liquid again falls below “L. This control maintains a liquid level between “L” and “H” and will not chatter due to surface ripple.Typical Curtis Model NumberModel (Also refer to “Specifications” above)Operational Mode (F – Forward, R – Reverse)Contactor (add “C” if desired)Enclosure – specify only if necessary –N3-NEMA 3, N3C–NEMA 3/Contactor, N4 – NEMA 4 JICOrdering InformationLC-R-1- -Model LCForward or reverse, mode with single or differential level operationadjustable setpointsFeaturess Adjustable Sensitivity up to 100,000 ohmss Solid State Amplifier with SCR and Control Relays Circuit Limits Short Circuit Probe Current 10MA/24VACsRecommended for Applications Having Longer Than Average Probe Runs. (Resultant Line Capacitance can be Compensated for by Adding a Capacitor (CX) of Equivalent Value to Available Terminals or the Control)s Temperature-Stabilized from +32° F to +140° F s Shielded, Grounded Isolation Transformer s Low Power Consumption sAuxiliary Contactor AvailableOutline and Mounting DimensionsSpecificationsModel Input SupplyInput Supply :DLC-1120VAC, 50/60 HzDLC-2240VAC, 50/60 Hz DLC-324VAC, 50/60 Hz.Maximum Allowable Supply Voltage Variation : ± 10%Maximum Power Consumption : 3 WattsSensitivity Range : External circuit sensitivity fixed at 100,000 ohms; Lockout circuit sensitivity fixed at 15,000 ohmsOperating Point Differential : 3% (Typical)Maximum Signal or Probe Voltage : 24VACOutline and Mounting Dimensions Description and Special NotesThe DLC control maintains liquids between a low and a high level. Activating the main switch on this dual-relay unit pulls in control relay No. 1 and starts filling boiler tank through the solenoid valve. When liquid rises to “XL”, minimum level, lockout control relay No. 2 energizes to operate the pump, heater core or contactor.The solenoid valve continues to fill the tank until liquid reaches the “H” probe. When the liquid drops below the “L” probe, the solenoid fill valve is again activated. Relay No. 2, he lockout control, remains energized as long as liquid level remains above “XL” minimum level.Maximum Signal or Probe Current : 10MA Control Relay : Plug-in types with dust coverProbe Contacts : Internally connected for holding circuitLoad Contacts : 1/6 HP, 10 amp, Non-inductive/120VAC, 1/3 HP at 240VACOne side of No. 1 relay actuates fill water solenoid valve, a second set of contacts function as an internally connected holding circuit. One side of No. 2 relay is used to operate a heater load contactor.Ambient Operating Temperature : +32° F to +140° F Standard Termination : .250” quick-connectsModels DLCDual-level control with lockout featureFeaturess Ideal for Pump and Heater Applications Requiring Lockout in theEvent of Loss of Water or Product Being Controlleds Circuit Design Limits Short Circuit Probe Current to 10MA/24VAC s Three-Probe Circuit Eliminates “Hunting” or Relay Chatter s Built-in Holding Circuit for Differential Levels or Manual Resets Has Provision for Priming Switch for Applications Requiring ManualPriming of Systems Solid-State Amplifier with SCR and Control Relays Sensitivity to 100,000 ohmsCurtis ®liquid level controlsTypical Curtis Model NumberModel (Also refer to “Specifications” above)Contactor (add “C” if desired)Enclosure – specify only if necessary –N3-NEMA 3, N3C–NEMA 3/Contactor, N4 – NEMA 4 JICOrdering InformationDLC-1- -The composite number above reads as a “DLC amplifier for 120VAC supply, without enclosure and without contactor.Unless otherwise noted, when a contactor is ordered for the DLC unit, it is wired into the output of the No. 2 (heater control) relay. Contactors may be wired into the output of the No. 1(solenoid valve control) relay or both No. 1 and No. 2 relays, as application may require. Specify with order. Refer to “Control Accessories,” page 7, for additional information.Five basic probe types and 14 model variations provide design versatility matched to your specific application. Choose from single, dual or multi-probe designs in PVC or nylon fittings. All probes feature 316 stainless steel electrodes with standard lengths ranging up to six feet, in one-foot increments. Pressure/temperature limits range as high as 2500 lbs./700° F. Covered probes are offered for applications subject to unusually adverse environments or stringent safety codes.P SeriesProbes for almost anypressure/temperature requirementCurtis ®liquid level probe assembliesModel EPEconomy probe designed for budget systems. Available in NPT sizes 3/4” (Single probe), 1” (Dual probe), 1-1/2”(Triple probe) with Nylon Hex fittings.Model SPSimple probe designed with adjustable probe length fea-ture. Must be used with conductive container only. Avail-able in probe size diameters of 1/8”, 3/16” or 1/4” (i.e.SP125, SP187, SP250).Model CPCovered Probe designed for high humidity environments.Probe headers are splash-proof and moisture-tight. Avail-able in NPT fitting sizes 1-1/2” for dual probe systems and 2” for triple or quadruple probe systems.Models HTPP - HTPGPHigh temperature, high pressure 3/8” NPT probe designed to withstand hydrostatic pressures to 2500 psi and tem-peratures to 700° F. Standard Model HTPP does not con-tain added threaded stud for common ground connection,when required specify HTPGP Model. Constructed from 18-8 non-magnetic stainless steel with alumina insulation.Standard Control Models ELS, LCS/LHS, LC, RSA, DLC, and PCT are open-style.Models with contactors are attached to a 6-7/8” x 8-3/4” panel. NEMA 3 and MEA 4-JIC enclosures are offered to fit above models with or without contactor mounting panels. Alarm and indicator lamp options are also available. Contact factory or your local representative for additional information.Control enclosures for hostile environmentsAccessoriesNEMA 3 Enclosures – Weather-Resistant for Outdoor ApplicationsDesigned to exclude rain, snow and sleet, thee durable enclosures may also be used indoors wherever dripping water presents a problem. Construction features heavy-gauge steel finished in satin gray enamel. Enclosures ac-cepting standard control models are designated N3, while those accepting the larger contactor mounting panels are designated N3C. Enclosures also meet NEMA I specifica-tions for general purpose dust resistance.NEMA 4-JIC Enclosures – Water Tight and Oil Tight Intended for use in areas which are regularly hosed down.They are suitable for outdoor, shipdeck, dairy or brewery applications. Enclosures are fabricated of extra-heavy 14-gauge steel with welded seams. Construction also fea-tures external mounting feet and solid neoprene cover gasket. These grey hammertone enamel-finished units accept standard and contactor mounting panel controls.Enclosures also meet NEMA 12 for dust, dirt and oil pro-tection.Auxiliary Contactors – For Loads Exceeding That of Standard RelaysWhen anticipated loads exceed the 10 amp/120VAC rat-ing of relays furnished with our standard controls, use of a contactor is necessary. These small, ruggedly built units are available in 24, 120 and 240VAC coil voltages to match the control input supply voltage. Contactors feature heavy-duty DPST-NO-DB contacts rated 1HP/120VAC or 2HP/240VAC. Terminals are No. 10 pressure screws with .250”double quick-connect tabs. Contactor/control assembles are prewired for customer convenience.Any standoff or flange-mounted control may be ordered with the auxiliary contactor. Track-mounted controls are-TR -SpecificationsModel Input SupplyInput Supply :RSA-1120VAC, 50/60 HzRSA-2240VAC/ 50/60 Hz RSA-324VAC, 50/60 HzMaximum Allowable Supply Voltage Variation : ± 10%Maximum Power Consumption : 1 W without relay Detectable Range : Up to 100,000 ohms Adjustable Range : 1,000 to 100,000 ohms Operating Point Differential : 3% (Typical)Maximum Signal or Probe Voltage : 24VAC Maximum Signal or Probe Current : 10MAControl Relay : Customer furnished – See Curtis Relay Socket Catalog for complete list of various snap-in assemblies Control Output : 90MA @ 24VDCAmbient Operating Temperature : 0° C to +60° C or ±32° F Standard Termination : .110” quick-connectsOperationModel RSA Amplifier Module accepts any liquid level transducer dis-playing less than 100,000 ohms resistance. As an example of its opera-tion as a liquid level control, the control remains de-energized until liquid rises to contact the “H” probe. The resultant decrease in external circuit resistance from setpoint will energize output. Output remains energized until liquid again drops below the “H” probe. Sensitivity of the external circuit resistance setpoint is fully adjustable up to 100,000 ohms. Model RSA is designed to work in conjunction with track-mounted, customer supplied relays. However, the 90MA/24VDC output is sufficient to oper-ate many solenoid and valve devices directly when minimum impedance exceeds 250 ohms.Model RSAControl-Trak ®componentCurtis ®low cost amplifier module for liquid level applicationsFeaturess Inexpensive, Compact Circuitry is Compatible with any Trans-ducer Exhibiting 100,000 ohms Resistance or Lesss Designed to Fit Curtis TR1 or TR3 Snap-In Track Intended forUse with Curtis RS2, RS4, RS6, RS12, RS15 or RS16 Relay Socket Assemblies (See Curtis Relay Socket Catalog)s Ideal for Custom, Modified or Experimental Circuits – Control/Relay Socket Combination Provides Access to the SeveralHundred Relay Styles Available from Most Relay Manufacturers s Devices Other Than Relays, such as Solenoids or ValveActuators may be Operated Directly Off the Module Providing that They are Rated 24VDC with Impedance Greater than 250ohmss Includes Fully Adjustable Setpoint and Circuit Designed to LimitMaximum Direct-Short Transducer Current to 10MA/24VACTypical Curtis Model NumberBasic Amplifier Type (Also refer to “Specifications” above)Mounting (TR-Track, S-Standoff)Ordering InformationRSA-1The composite number above reads as a “RSA amplifier for 120VAC supply.” Model is track mounted (track ordered separately – see page 11.) An auxiliary contactor offered as a track-mounted accessory is available on special request only. Track-type units cannot be enclosure-mounted. Contact factory for additional information.分销商库存信息: CURTIS-INDUSTRIES ELS-2-C-H。