八年级英语下人教版教材听力原文及译文 3
UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then numberthe names [1-5]. Conversation 1Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’tput on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are youOK?David :I ate too much junk food at myfriend ’s birthday party. So lastnight, Igot a stomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer theotherday and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first,but now I have a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy?听录音并看图。
UNIT1SectionA1bListenandlookatthepicture.Thennumberthenames [1-5]. Conversation1Nurse :Youdon ’tlookwell.What ’sthematter,Sarah?Sarah:Iwasplayingwithmyfriendsattheparkyesterday.Thenitgotwindy,butIdidn’tputonmyjacket.NowIhaveac old.Conversation2Nurse:What’sthematter,David?AreyouOK?David:Iatetoomuchjunkfoodatmyfriend’sbirthdayparty.Solastnight,Igotastomachache.Ialmostcouldn’tgetmy selfoutofbedthismorning.Conversation3Nurse:Ben:ack.Nurse:YNancy:Nurse:Judy:I’Nurse:Judy:Girl2Yeah,andmyheadfeelsveryhot.WhatshouldIdo?Girl1:Maybeyouhaveafever.Youshouldtakeyourtemperature.Girl2:Yes,you’reright.Conversation2Girl1:What’sthematter?Girl2:Ididn’ttakegoodcareofmyself.Ididn’twearenoughwarmclothesyesterday.NowIhaveacoughandasorethr oat.Girl1:Youshoulddrinksomehotteawithhoney.Girl2:Girl:Boy:Girl:Boy:Girl:Boy:It’Girl:Boy:Girl:Girl1:Girl2:Girl1Oh,thatlooksserious.Youshouldputsomemedicineonit.Here,letmehelpyou.Girl2:OK,thanks.2bListenagain.Matchtheproblemswiththeadvice.Conversation1Girl1:Youdon’tlookwell.Yourfacelooksabitred.Girl2:Yeah,andmyheadfeelsveryhot.WhatshouldIdo?Girl1:Maybeyouhaveafever.Youshouldtakeyourtemperature.Girl2:Yes,you’reright.Conversation2Girl1:Girl2:oat.Girl1:Girl2:Girl:Boy:Girl:Boy:Girl:Boy:It’Girl:Boy:GirlNo,andifyoudon’tgotothedentistnow,it’llhurtevenmorelater!Conversation5Girl1:Oh,no!Whathappened?Girl2:IwasmakingdinnerjustnowandIcutmyselfbyaccident.Girl1:Oh,thatlooksserious.Youshouldputsomemedicineonit.Here,letmehelpyou.Girl2:OK,thanks.TeacherNurse:Teacher:Whathappened?Nurse:Hewasrunningunderthehotsunandthenhefeltsickandfelldown.Teacher:Yes,theweatherisveryhottoday.Nurse:Hecuthisknee,soIwashedthecutandputsomemedicineonit.ThenIputabandageonit. Teacher:Wasthecutserious?Nurse:Notreally,butIalsotookhistemperature.Luckilyhedidn’thaveafever.Itoldhimheshouldrest. Teacher:Whatelsehappened?Nurse:Onegirlhadanosebleed.Itoldhertoputherheaddowntostoptheblood.Oh,andanotherboygothitonthehead withabaseballbat.Teacher:Thatsoundsbad.Ihopehe’sOK…Nurse:1cListenagain.Writetheletterofeachtreatmentnexttotheproblemsyoucheckedinthechartabove. Teacher:Hello,Jenny!Youlooktired.Nurse:Well,todaywasabusydayinmyoffice.OneboyhurthimselfinP.E.class.Teacher:Whathappened?Nurse:Hewasrunningunderthehotsunandthenhefeltsickandfelldown.Teacher:Yes,theweatherisveryhottoday.Nurse:Hecuthisknee,soIwashedthecutandputsomemedicineonit.ThenIputabandageonit.Teacher:Wasthecutserious?Nurse:Notreally,butIalsotookhistemperature.Luckilyhedidn’thaveafever.Itoldhimheshouldrest. Teacher:Whatelsehappened?Nurse:Onegirlhadanosebleed.Itoldhertoputherheaddowntostoptheblood.Oh,andanotherboygothitonthehead withabaseballbat.Teacher:Thatsoundsbad.Ihopehe’sOK…Nurse:Ihopeso,too.HewastakentothehospitaltogetanX-ray.UNIT2Boy1:Girl1:Boy2:I’Girl1:Girl2:Girl1:Youcouldaskhospitalstoletyouvisitthekids.Conversation4Girl1:I’dliketohelpkidswiththeirschoolwork.Girl2:Youcouldvolunteerinanafter-schoolstudyprogramtoteachkids.2aAgroupofstudentsareplanningaCityParkClean-UpDay.Listenandcheck(√)thethingstheyaregoingtodototellpeopleaboutit.Boy1:Nowweneedtocomeupwithaplantotellpeopleaboutthecityparkclean-up.Girl1:Yeah,butI’mhungry,Bob.Let’shavelunchfirst.Girl2:No,weneedtostartnow.Clean-upDayisonlytwoweeksfromnow.Boy2:You’reright,Sally.Wecan’tputoffmakingaplan.Aswetalk,I’llwritedownallourideas.Thenwecandecidew hichideasarebest.Girl1:Um…well…wecouldputupsigns.Boy2:Girl2:Boy1:Boy2:Hey,we’recomingupwithalotofgoodideas,aren’twe?2bListenagain.Fillintheblanks.Boy1:Nowweneedtocomeupwithaplantotellpeopleaboutthecityparkclean-up.Girl1:Yeah,butI’mhungry,Bob.Let’shavelunchfirst.Girl2:No,weneedtostartnow.Clean-upDayisonlytwoweeksfromnow.Boy2:You’reright,Sally.Wecan’tputoffmakingaplan.Aswetalk,I’llwritedownallourideas.Thenwecandecidew hichideasarebest.Girl1:Um…well…wecouldputupsigns.Boy2:That’sagoodidea!Girl2:Let’smakesomenotices,too.ThenI’llhandthemoutafterschool.Boy1:Boy2:Man:Jimmy:Man:Jimmy:’thave enoughmoneytobuytheirownbikes.Jimmy:IguessItakeaftermyfather.Helovestohelppeople.Healwaysvolunteerstohelppeopleinneed.Man:Wow!Yourparentsmustbeproudofyou.Jimmy:Iguessso.ButnowI’verunoutofmoney,soIcan’tbuyanymoreoldbikes.Man:Oh,that’stoobad.Jimmy:Yeah.IneedtocomeupwithsomewayofgettingmoneyorI’llhavetostop.1dListenagain.T fortrueor F forfalse.Man:ThismorningI’mtalkingwithaverywonderfulyoungman,JimmytheBikeBoy.Goodmorning,Jimmy. Jimmy:Goodmorning.Man:So,Jimmy,tellourlistenerswhatyoudo.Jimmy:Well,Ifindorbuyoldbikesthatnobodywants.ThenIfixupthebikesandgivethemawaytokidswhodon’thave enoughmoneytobuytheirownbikes.Man:That’sfantastic.Whatgaveyoutheidea?Jimmy:IguessItakeaftermyfather.Helovestohelppeople.Healwaysvolunteerstohelppeopleinneed. Man:Wow!Yourparentsmustbeproudofyou.Jimmy:Iguessso.ButnowI’verunoutofmoney,soIcan’tbuyanymoreoldbikes.Man:Oh,that’stoobad.Jimmy:Yeah.IneedtocomeupwithsomewayofgettingmoneyorI’llhavetostop.UNIT3SectionAPeter’Mom:Peter,weneedtocleanthehouse.Yourgrandmaiscomingoveratseven.Peter:Sure,butIneedtodomyhomeworkfirst.Mom:OK.Thenafteryoufinishyourhomework,let’scleanupthekitchen.Icandothedishesandsweepthefloor.Couldyoupleasetakeouttherubbish?Peter:Sure,Mom.Mom:Good.Andcouldyoupleasemakeyourbedandfoldyourclothes?Peter:Allright.Mom:Andlet’ssee…Ihavetocleanthelivingroombeforeyourgrandmaarrives.2aListen.Peteraskshisfatherifhecandofourthings.Whatdoeshisfathersay?Check yes or no. Peter:Hey,Dad?Dad:Yes?Peter:CouldIgooutfordinnerwithmyfriendstonight?Dad:Peter:Dad:Peter:Dad:Peter :Oh,yeah.Well,couldyougivemearidetotownnow?IfItakethebus,I ’llbelate. Dad :Ican ’t,Peter.Ihavetodosomeworknow.Peter :Oh,OK.Noproblem.I ’llcallAlan.Maybehisdadcangivemearide.2bListenagain.WhydoesPeter’sfathersay“no”?Drawlinestothereasonsinthechartin2a. Peter:Hey,Dad?Dad:Yes?Peter:CouldIgooutfordinnerwithmyfriendstonight?Dad:Sure,thatshouldbeOK.Peter:CouldIgotothemoviesafterthat?Myfriendssaidthenewactionmovieisreallygood. Dad:Iguessso.Butdon’tstayoutlate.Peter:CouldIstayoutuntileleven?Wemightgetsomethingtodrinkafterthemovie.Dad:No,youcan’t.Youhaveabasketballgametomorrow,remember?Youneedtohaveagoodrest. Peter:Dad:Peter:SectionB1cListentoaconversationbetweenSandyandhermom.Check (√)thethingsin1athatyouhear.Sandy:CouldIinvitemyfriendstoapartyonSaturday,Mom?Mom:Ofcourse!Thatsoundslikefun.Sandy:Yeah.Um…couldIborrowsomemoney?Mom:Whatfor?Sandy:Ineedtobuysomedrinksandsnacks.CouldIgotothestore?Mom:Well,I’mgoingtomorrow,andIcanbuysomedrinksandsnacksforyou. Sandy:Oh,good.Thanks,Mom.Mom:Y ou’rewelcome.Oh,couldyoucleanyourroom?Sandy:Icleaneditlastweek.Mom:Sandy:Mom:Sandy:Mom:Sandy:Sandy:Mom:Sandy:Mom:Sandy:Mom:Sandy:Mom:Y ou’Sandy:Mom:Sandy:Mom:Sandy:Mom:Sandy:SectionA1bListenandtheproblemsyouhearin1a.Girl1:Youlookreallytired.What ’sthematter? Girl2:IstudieduntilmidnightlastnightsoIdidn ’tgetenoughsleep.Girl1:Whydon ’tyougotosleepearliertonight?Youcanstartstudyingearlier.Girl2:ButIhavetwoafter-schoolclassestoday.SoIcanonlystartstudyingafterdinner. Girl1:Maybeyoushouldtellyourparentsthatyoucan ’tdosomanythings. Girl2:Idid,buttheythinkit ’simportantthatItakemoreafter-schoolclasses. Girl1:Well,theyprobablywantyoutogetintoagoodseniorhighschool. Girl2:Yes,Iguessthat ’sthereason.Girl1:Youshouldtalktothemagain.Explaintothemthatyouneedtogetenoughsleeptostayhealthy. Girl2:That ’sagoodidea.OK,I ’lltrytotalktothemagain. 听录音,把1a 中你听到的问题圈起来。
UNIT 1 Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5].Conversation 1Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put onmy jacket. Now I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache.I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed thismorning.Conversation 3Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but nowI have a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eatanything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy?Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk.Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5]in the 听录音并看图。
人教版英语八年级下册Unit 3听力原文及翻译
Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A, 1bMom:Peter, we need to clean the house. Your grandma is coming over at seven.彼得,我们需要打扫一些房子。
Peter:Sure, but I need to do my homework first.好的,但我要先做作业。
Mom:OK. Then after you finish your homework, let’s clean up the kitchen. I can do the dishes and sweep the floor. Could you please take out the rubbish?好的。
你可以倒一下垃圾吗?Peter:Sure, Mom.当然,妈妈。
Mom:Good. And could you please make your bed and fold your clothes?很好。
那你可以整理一下你的床并叠一下你的衣服吗?Peter:All right.好的。
Mom:And let’s see...I have to clean the living room before your grandma arrives.再看看,在你祖母来之前我要打扫一下客厅。
Section A, 2a, 2bPeter:Hey, Dad?爸爸?Dad:Yes?什么事?Peter:Could I go out for dinner with my friends tonight?我今晚可以和朋友们出去吃饭吗?Dad:Sure, that should be OK.当然,没问题。
Peter:Could I go to the movies after that? My friends said the new action movie is really good.之后我可以再去看电影吗?我朋友说新的动作电影非常好。
八年级英语 下 人教版 教材听力原文及译文
UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number thenames [1-5]. Conversation 1Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah :I was playing with my friends at thepark yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. Now Ihave a cold. Conversation 2Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK?David :I ate too much junk food at myfriend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move?Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer theother day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a reallysore back. Conversation 4Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. Ihave a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts alot.Conversation 5Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy?Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter?Judy :I talked too much yesterday anddidn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in theorder you hear them. Conversation 1Girl 1:You don ’t look well. Your face looks a bit red. Girl 2:Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I do? Girl 1:Maybe you have a fever. Youshould take yourtemperature.Girl 2:Yes, you ’re right. Conversation 2听录音并看图。
UNIT 1 Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5].Conversation 1Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put onmy jacket. Now I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache.I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed thismorning.Conversation 3Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but nowI have a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eatanything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy?Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk.Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5]in the 听录音并看图。
Nurse : Oh, dear. What ’ s the matter? Judy : I talked too much yesterday and didn ’ t drink enough water. I have a very sore
throat now.
2a Listen and number the pictures [ 1-5 ] in the order you hear them. Conversation 1 Girl 1 : You don’ t look well. Your face looks a bit red.
I have a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can’
t really eat anything either. It hurts a
Conversation 5
Nurse : What’ s the matter, Judy?
Judy : I ’ msorry, but it ’s very difficult for
Girl : No, and if you don ’ t go to the dentist now, it
’ ll hurt even more later!
Conversation 5
Girl 1 : Oh, no! What happened?
Girl 2: I was making dinner just now and I cut myself by accident.
Conversation 2 Nurse : What’ s the matter, David? Are you OK?
八年级英语下 人教版 教材听力原文及译文
UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5].Conversation 1Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the parkyesterday. Then it got windy, but Ididn ’t put on my jacket. Now I have acold. Conversation 2Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got astomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can youmove?Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OKat first, but now I have a really soreback.Conversation 4Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s thematter, Nancy?Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I havea toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy?Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult forme to talk.Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter?Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore听录音并看图。
八年级英语(下)(人教版)教材听力原文及译文————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:UNIT 1 Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5].Conversation 1Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put onmy jacket. Now I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache.I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed thismorning.Conversation 3Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but nowI have a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eatanything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy?Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk.Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now. 听录音并看图。
U N I T 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the 5].Conversation 1Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket.a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’sparty. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almostmyself out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move?Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have aback.Conversation 4Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a It’s terrible! I can’t really eat anything either. It Conversation 5Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy?Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficul t for me to talk. Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink water. I have a very sore throat now.2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5]in the hear them.Conversation 1Girl 1:You don’t look well. Your face looks a bit red. Girl 2:Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I Girl 1:Maybe you have a fever. You should take your temperature.names[1-yesterday.Now I havebirthdaycouldn’t getI hurtreally soretoothache.hurts a lot.enoughorder youdo?听录音并看图。
UNIT 1 Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then numberthe names [1-5].Conversation 1Nurse: You don't look well. What's the matter, Sarah?Sarah: I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday.Then it got windy, but I didn 't put on my jacket. Now I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse: What's the matter, David? Are you OK?David : I ate too much junk food at my friend's birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache.I almost couldn't get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3Nurse: What's the matter, Ben? Can you move?Ben: Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a reallysore back.Conversation 4Nurse: You look really tired. What's the matter, Nancy? Nancy: I didn't sleep very well last night. I have atoothache. It's terrible! I can't really eat anythingeither. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse: What's the matter, Judy?Judy: I'm sorry, but it's very difficult for me to talk.Nurse: Oh, dear. What's the matter?Judy: I talked too much yesterday and didn't drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.|听录音并看图。
源-于-网-络-收-集UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number thenames [1-5]. Conversation 1Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the parkyesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. NowIhave a cold. Conversation 2Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’sbirthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almostcouldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the other dayand I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really soreback. Conversation 4Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I have atoothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurtsalot. Conversation 5Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy?Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult for me to talk.Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter?Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drinkenoughwater. I have a very sore throat now.2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them.听录音并看图。
UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5]. Conversation 1Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the parkyesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the otherday and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter,Nancy?Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night.I have a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy?Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult forme to talk.Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter?Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore听录音并看图。
UNIT 1 Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5].Conversation 1Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache.I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed thismorning.Conversation 3Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day andI hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now Ihave a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy?Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk.Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now.听录音并看图。
UNIT 1 Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5].Conversation 1Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put onmy jacket. Now I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache.I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed thismorning.Conversation 3Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but nowI have a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eatanything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy?Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk.Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now. 听录音并看图。
UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5].Conversation 1Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the parkyesterday. Then it got windy, but Ididn ’t put on my jacket. Now I have acold. Conversation 2Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got astomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can youmove?Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OKat first, but now I have a really soreback.Conversation 4Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s thematter, Nancy?Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I havea toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy?Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult forme to talk.Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter?Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore听录音并看图。
UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture. Then numberthenames [1-5]. Conversation 1Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah?Sarah :I was playing with my friends at theparkyesterday.Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. Now Ihave a cold. Conversation 2Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at myfriend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. Ialmost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move?Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the otherday and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy?Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anythingeither. It hurts a lot.听录音并看图。
1b Listen and look at the picture。 字按[1~5]的顺序编号。
Then number
the names[1—5]。
对话 1
Conversation 1
Girl 1: You should drink some hot 女孩 1:你应该喝些加蜂蜜的 tea
Girl 2: That sounds like a good 女孩 2:那听起来是个好主意。 idea.
of bed this morning。
Conversation 3
Nurse: What’s the matter, Ben? Can 对话 3
you move?
Ben: Not really. I was playing 护士:怎么了,本?你能动 soccer the
other day and I hurt myself。 It
女孩 2:我没有照顾好自己。
Girl 2:I didn’t take good care of
昨 天 我 没 有 穿 足 够 暖 和 myself.
didn’t wear enough warm clothes
的衣服。现在我咳嗽并且 yesterday. Now
I have a cough and a sore
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.UNIT 1Section A听录音并看图。
然后把这些名字按Then picture. and look at the 1b Listen[1~5]的顺序编号。
. 1-5]number the names[对话1Conversation 1护士:你看起来气色不好。
怎么了,matter, s the Nurse:You don't look well. What'萨拉?Sarah?萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。
然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿parkfriends at the :SarahI was playing with my上夹克衫。
'I Then it got windy, but didnyesterday.对话2t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold.护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧?Conversation 2戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃OK? 'Nurse:Whats the matter, David? Are you了太多的垃圾食品。
因此,昨'I ate too much junk food at my friendDavid:天晚上我胃痛。
今天早上我几s birthday party. So last night, I got a乎起不来床了。
myself get couldn't I stomachache. almost对话3out of bed this morning.护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗?Conversation 3本:不完全能动。
前几天我踢足球move? you Ben? 'Whats the matter, Can Nurse:时伤了我自己。
最初看起来还otherplaying soccer the I Ben:Not really. was可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。
day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at对话4back. first, but now I have a really sore护士:你看起来很累。
怎么了,南希?Conversation 4南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。
我牙matter,'tired. really Whats the :NurseYou look痛。
t sleep very well last night.NancyI didn':对话5's ItI have a toothache. 'terrible! I can护士:怎么了,朱迪?t really eat anything either. It hurts a朱迪:对不起,对我来说,说话非lot.常困难。
Conversation 5护士:哦,亲爱的。
怎么了?s the matter, Judy?'WhatNurse:朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足forsorry, 'I:Judym but s 'very difficult it够的水。
me to talk.s the matter?'Oh, dear. WhatNurse:sore'didnand yesterday much talked I :Judytoo I water. drink t enough a have very..throat now.in ][1-5and number the pictures 2a Listen 听录音。
按你听到的顺序将图画标the order you hear them. 上正确的序号[1~5]。
Conversation 1对话1t look well. Your face looks You donGirl 1:'女孩1:你看起来气色不好。
你的脸a bit red. 看起来有点儿红。
女孩2:是的,而且我的头感觉非常What:hot. feels very Yeah, and my head Girl 2热。
我该怎么办?should I do?女孩1:也许你发烧了。
你应该量一takeshould fever. you have a You Girl 1:Maybe 下体温。
your temperature. 女孩2:是的,你说得对。
re right. Yes, you'Girl 2:对话2Conversation 2女孩1:怎么了?s the matter?':Girl 1What女孩2:我没有照顾好自己。
昨天我myself. Igood care of '2:I didnt take Girl 没有穿足够暖和的衣服。
现在yesterday. warm clothes enough didn't wear 我咳嗽并且喉咙疼。
Now I have a cough and a sore throat. 女孩1:你应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。
You should drink some hot tea withGirl 1:女孩2:那听起来是个好主意。
honey.对话3That sounds like a good idea. :Girl 2女孩:你看起来很糟糕!怎么了?Conversation 3男孩:我认为昨天晚上吃晚饭时吃s the matter? Girl:You look terrible! What'得太多了。
night.dinner ate think :BoyI I too much at last 但是现在我胃痛。
the at was It an all-you-can-eat meal 女孩:那太糟糕了。
下次你不应该吃stomachache. have a now restaurant. But I 这么多。
s too bad. You shouldn'':GirlThat男孩:我想我应该。
lie should now, time. much next Right you 对话4down and rest. 女孩:你的脸怎么了?I guess I should. :Boy男孩:不是我的脸。
Conversation 4我牙痛。
s wrong with your face?':GirlWhat女孩:你应该看牙医并且做个X光haveBoy:tooth. my s Itface. my s It'not 'I 检查。
a toothache.男孩:但是会疼吗?X-ray. You Girl:dentist a get and an see should 女孩:不会,而且如果你现在不去看牙医的话,以后甚至会疼得更厉害!But will it hurt?Boy:对话5女孩1:哦,不!发生了什么事?女孩2:刚才我在做饭时意外地割伤.了自己。
..ll hurt even more later! ''t go to the dentist now, itGirl:No, and if you donConversation 5Oh, no! What happened?:Girl 1cutI now and was making dinner just Girl 2:I女孩1:哦,那看起来很严重。
你应myself by accident.该在它上面敷些药。
过来,让putshould You Girl 1:Oh, that looks serious.我帮助你。
you. help let me medicine on it. Here, some女孩2:好的,谢谢。
把问题和建议搭配OK, thanks.Girl 2:起来。
the problems with 2b Listen again. Match the对话1advice.女孩1:你看起来气色不好。
你的脸Conversation 1看起来有点儿红。
looksface well. Your t Girl 1:You don'look女孩2:是的,我的头感觉非常热。
a bit red.我该怎么办?Whatfeels very hot. 2Girl :Yeah, and my head女孩1:也许你发烧了。
你应该量一should I do?下体温。
takehave 1Girl :Maybe you a fever. You should女孩2:是的,你说得对。
your temperature.re right. Girl 2Yes, you':女孩1:怎么了?Conversation 2女孩2:我没有照顾好自己。
昨天我s the matter?Girl 1:What'没有穿足够暖和的衣服。
现在Iof good t :Girl 2I didn'take care myself.我咳嗽并且喉咙疼。
yesterday. clothes warm 'didnt wear enough女孩1:你应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。
Now I have a cough and a sore throat.女孩2:那听起来是个好主意。
You should drink some hot tea withGirl 1:对话3honey.女孩:你看起来很糟糕!怎么了?That sounds like a good idea. Girl 2:男孩:我认为昨天晚上吃晚饭时吃Conversation 3得太多了。
s the matter? :GirlYou look terrible! What'但是现在我胃痛。
night.I Boy:think last at too I ate much dinner女孩:那太糟糕了。
下次你不应该吃the meal an It was all-you-can-eat at这么多。
stomachache. have a I But restaurant. now男孩:我想我应该。
t eat sos too bad. You shouldn''That:Girl对话4lie you now, should Right time. next much女孩:你的脸怎么了?down and rest.男孩:不是我的脸。
I guess I should. Boy:我牙痛。