生产单位:市煤机配件厂邮政编码:110034地址:市于洪区长江北街58号电话:9传真:6网址:邮箱: symjpjsymjpj.目录1.限矩型液力偶合器概述--------------------------- 12.限矩型液力偶合器结构与工作原理----------------- 13.限矩型液力偶合器的技术特性--------------------- 24.限矩型液力偶合器规格选用表--------------------- 35.限矩型液力偶合器的安装、拆卸和调整------------- 66.限矩型液力偶合器使用的传动介质----------------- 67.限矩型液力偶合器使用与维护--------------------- 88.限矩型液力偶合器的故障分析与排除--------------- 99.限矩型液力偶合器的修理------------------------- 910.限矩型液力偶合器的运输及贮存------------------- 911.易损件零件明细表------------------------------- 1112.液力偶合器产品附图----------------------------- 121.限矩型液力偶合器概述我厂生产的限矩型液力偶合器,在设计上选择了最科学,最理想的腔型,并且按系列化、标准化、通用化生产,广泛应用在煤矿井下、机械、电力、化工等行业。
液力偶合器在与恒速电机匹配(输入转速恒定)驱动离心式(M∝n2)工作机时,调速范围约为1~1 / 5 ,驱动恒扭矩(M = C)工作机时,调速范围约为1~1 / 3 。
2.主要技术参数2.1产品型号Y O T G C □/□□□Y——液力O——偶合器T——调速型G——固定箱体C——出口调节□/□——工作腔有效直径(mm)/允许使用的电机最高同步转速(r/min)□□——特殊要求结构改型2.2技术参数型号:YOT GC750/1500输入转速:1500r/min传递功率范围:510~1480kW额定转差率:1.5~3%加油量:309L重量:1250Kg注:当输人转速小于表列值时,传递功率=(实际输入转速/表列输人转速)3×表列功率2.3外形尺寸(图-1)防爆产品的安装尺寸与此相同图-1 外形尺寸图3.主要结构特点(图-2 )图-2部件构成3.1旋转组件输入部件——输入轴、背壳、泵轮、外壳输出部件——涡轮、输出轴旋转组件是液力偶合器的心脏部件,其中泵轮和涡轮均分布一定数量的径向叶片。
因此,该种液力偶合器既不允许承受外来的轴问载荷,也不向外输出轴向力:图 33.2供油组件主要是由输入轴承支座(泵壳体)、工作油供油泵、吸油管等组成。
Voith TurboCouplingswith constantfilling12As an expert in difficult applications in pow er transmission Voith continues to meet the increasing requirements through innovative product design and performance.Constant-fill Voith Turbo Couplings are used w ith electric motors in a wide range of applications, especially w hen highest pow ers, economy and reliability are required.The Voith Turbo Coupling with its in-herent hydrodynamic advantages has proven itself in millions of applications worldwide:I smooth acceleration of the largest massesI suitable for economically priced squirrel cage motorsI load free start-up and run-up of motorI no motor modification requiredI torque control during start-upI effective shock-absorptionI overload protection for motor and machineI load compensation for multi-motor drives.3cal contact between power-transmit-ting parts.The coupling contains a constant q uantity of operating fluid, usually mineral oil.The torq ue transmitted by the drive motor is converted into kinetic energy of the operating fluid in the pump wheel to which the motor is connect-ed. In the turbine wheel, this kinetic energy is converted back into me-chanical energy. When it comes to the function of the coupling, three modes are to be noted:Föttingers concept –Design and functionStartingThe pump-wheel acceler-ates the operating fluid as revolutions in the drive-motor increase, so that a circular flow of fluid is created in the working chamber. The entire blad-ed surface of the turbine wheel is impacted and thus set in motion through kinetic energy. The torque development during the starting procedure is indi-cated by the characteristic curve of the coupling.StationaryAll operating fluid in the coupling is staticOperation at Normal RatingOwing to the minimal dif-ference in speed between the pump and turbine wheel, a constant flow is achieved in the coupling.Only the demand torque from the machine is trans-mitted.Through skillful coordina-tion of compensating chambers, such as the delay chamber and the an-nular chamber shell, the starting performance of the Turbo Coupling can be reg-ulated (see characteristic curves on page 4).A suitable coupling for any drive Essential performance factors for a Arraycoupling are the power and speed ofthe drive motor.Having established the nominalpower and speed required, the dia-gram on the right enables determina-tion of the appropriate size of thecoupling.Different conditions require differentstarting procedures (characteristiccurve) for the coupling. Important cri-teria in this respect are the mass mo-ment of inertia, torque limitation andfrequency of start-ups.In the table below different types ofcouplings and their starting conditionscan be compared.Typ TTyp TVTyp TVVTyp TVVS45Turbo Coupling Type T is the basic version of c onstant-fill c ouplings,onsisting of pump wheel, turbine wheel and outer shell.A further range has been c reated by the addition of other parts to this basic type.The turbo c oupling is normallymounted on the mac hine shaft orgearbox shaft to be driven (outer wheel drive). In order to c ompensate for any slight installation inaccuracies,a flexible connecting coupling is usedto join c oupling and input shaft. Op-tional designs are available for mountarrangements whic h are radially re-moveable without disturbing motor and reducer alignment.Installation of this type of coupling is re ommended when vibration and overload protec tion are required for motor and machine; they may also be used for simpler transmission systems in the lower performanc e range.The basic type –Turbo Coupling ”Type T”Applications–Bucket-wheel equipment –Excavators–Mixing, kneading and stirring machines6This version features a ”delay-fill chamb er“ which is flange-connected to the outer wheel of the coupling (Type TV). At stand-still, a proportion of the working fluid lies in this cham-b er, thus reducing the volume in the working chamb er. Hence on motor start-up, a reduced coupling torque is transmitted, simultaneously providing an unloaded motor start. After the motor has run up, the working fluid flows from the delay-fill chamber into the working chamber which smoothly accelerates the driven machine up to its operating speed.Furthermore, if the application so demands, the delay-fill chamb er can b e further enlarged (Type TVV), thus enhancing its effects and further re-ducing the coupling torque on motor start, as well as resulting in even longer and smoother start up of the driven machine.In certain cases, the function of the delay chamb er can b e additionally improved through centrifugally con-trolled valves (Type TVF) or through hydrodynamic refill (Type TVY).Smoother start up –Turbo Coupling ”Type TV” and ”TVV”Applications:– Belt conveyors – Chain conveyors– Centrifuges, decanters – Tube Mills– High-inertia machinesA further Voith development is the an-nular-chamber shell additional to theenlarged delay chamber (Type TVVS).The additional chamber in thecoupling shell enables f urther reduc-tion of the starting torque. During theinitial rotations of the start-up proce-dure, centrifugalforces cause theouter chamber of the coupling to becompletely f illed with operating f luidfrom the bladed area.In comparison with couplings withoutannular chamber, filling of the bladedarea of a TVVS Coupling is consider-ably reduced, which, in turn, reducesthe torque transmitted during motorrun-up.The increase in torque then f ollowsthrough gradual emptying of the fluidfrom the delay chamber into the blad-ed area.The starting procedure can be adapt-ed to the requirements of the applica-tion by adjustable nozzle screws.This new concept f or couplings wasdesigned especially for conveyor beltdrives. Through the gradual build upof torque an automatic adaptation tobelt load conditions is achieved.The innovative one –Turbo Coupling ”Type TVVS”Application– Belt conveyors8The ”v“-be lt, timing be lt, or flat be lt pulley which is flanged to the bearing cover allows various transmission ra-tios to be accommodated. If required,the pulley may be easily exchanged.TRI and TVRI type Turbo Couplings are normally installe d on the motor shaft in an ove rhung position. The belt force is supported by a bearing in the be aring cove r on the coupling hub.TRI type Turbo Couplings can be in-stalled both as starting aid and over-load protection. Type TVRI with addi-tional de lay chambe r is re comme nd-ed if a particularly smooth start-up is required.For pulley drives –Turbo Coupling ”Type TRI/TVRI”Applications– Centrifuges and decanters – Fans – Mixers – Crushers9MTS mechanical thermal switches As protection against overheating, fu-sible plugs are standard.In order to avoid los s of operating fluid through thermal overload, a me-chanical thermal switch – MTS – can be added.On achieving the res pons e tempera-ture, the element activate a pin which then operates a switch.Depending on the type of circuit, the signal can be used either as an alarm or to switch off the motor.The circuit element has to be re-placed after activation.Monitoring devices and accessoriesBTS – Non-contact thermal switch Monitoring of coupling temperatures take splace without any contact.After activation of the s witch, no re-placement of the element is required.It is ready for us e as s oon as the coupling has cooled down.The s ignal can be us ed either as an alarm or to switch off the motor.In s ome cas es BTS can be us ed as speed monitor.Fitting and dismantling tool Required for profes s ional, s afe fitting and dismantling.As well as the mechanical fitting and dismantling tool, a hydraulic pressure device is available.Sight glassBy fitting a sight glass, the fluid level in the coupling can be easily checkedwithout opening the coupling.10In order to prov ide solutions for an ev er greater v ariety of applications,our engineers and technicians hav e dev eloped additional types of con-stant-fill couplings.Turbo Coupling with solid shaft and primary coupling flangeThe coupling is fitted rigid to the motor shaft ov er a primary coupling flange. The weight of the coupling is thus carried by the motor shaft and the load on the drive shaft is relieved.An elastic connecting coupling is re-quired between the solid shaft on the output side and the driven shaft.By using a specially designed flexible connecting coupling it is possible to fit or dismantle the coupling radially without moving motor or gears.For special applications –Additional typesTurbo Coupling with brake flange For use with a breaking system, the turbo coupling can be equipped with an additional brake flange to which a brake-drum or brake-disc is fitted.Turbo Coupling with twin circuit “Type DT”This coupling has two co-axial work circuits operating in parallel.By means of a double circuit the out-put of the same size coupling is effec-tively doubled.The properties, s uch as s tarting and overload protection are comparable with thos e of bas ic Type T without delay chamber.For available sizes of Turbo Coupling Type DT see performance characteri-stic diagram on page 4.Pulley-type couplingwithout bearing cover Type TRIThis type is ideally suited for particu-larly small belt discs.The pulley with integral bearing isflanged directly to the coupling shell.Subs equent replacement of the beltdisc would be costly.Turbo Coupling with overhungpulley installation – Type TRIn this simplified version of the pulleycoupling, the pulley is fitted to thecoupling shell in an overhung fashion.Turbo Coupling TR is an economicals olution for applications in the lowerpower range.11G R O U P O F C O M PA N I E SC r 128 eVoith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG Start-up Components P.O. Box 1555D-74555 Crailsheim Phone (07951) 32-0Fax (07951) 32-650http://www.voith.deE-Mail: anfahrkomponenten@voith.deModern drive concepts demand state-of-the-art technology, hence Voith drives are present where exacting per-formance is demanded.Decades of experience in the field of hydrodynamics, continuous research and development, state-of-the-art pro-duction technology and the Voith know-how guarantee the quality of our product and keep it at the fore-front of technological development.Our quality is certified under the code DIN ISO 9001.Our engineers with their specialized product knowledge are at your dispo-sal to provide the optimum drive solu-tion for your applications.Marketing companies and sales agen-cies in every continent ensure close contact with our customers and guar-antee rapid service.ESPRIT, EXCELLENCE and EFFIZIENZ together symbolize the factors through which concepts are born and products created within the Voith Group.ESPR IT – researching and developing in the service of the customer.EXCELLENCE – staying ahead of the field.EFFIZIENZ – transforming individual achievement into corporate success.For our customers. For our staff. For our company.Competence inhydrodynamic drivetechnology。
VOITH电液转换器使用说明书型号:DSG-BXX113目录1.技术数据 (1)2.安全指示 (3)2.1 提示和标志的定义2.2 正确使用2.3 重要提示2.4 担保3.功能描述 (6)3.1 设计3.2 操作特点4.包装、储存、运输…………………………………………75.安装…………………………………………………………85.1 组装5.2 液压连接5.3 电器连接6. 试运行 (10)6.1 运行检测6.2 参数设定7.操作 (11)7.1 用手动旋钮操作7.2 用设定信号操作7.3 故障检修和排除8. 维护和检修…………………………………………………9. 停机…………………………………………………………1、技术数据:周围环境:储存温度-40 (90)工作环境温度-20 (85)保护IP65 to EN 60529适合于在工业空间内部安装电气数据:电压:24 VCD ±15%电流:大约0.7A(对DSG-B05…DSG-B10型)大约1A(对DSG-B30型)最大3A 时间t ‹1 Sec输入设置:0/4…20mA输入阻抗大约25欧姆,具有抑制电路。
液压参数:最小进口油压P in min: 1.5bar+最大输出P A max(对B05…B10型)5bar+最大输出油压P A max(对B30型)最大进口油压P in max :见表压力流体:不易燃烧的原油或压力油油粘度:根据DIN51519,ISO VG32…ISO VG48油温:+10℃ (70)油纯度:根据NAS1638为7级根据ISO4406为-/16/13级泄漏量:当进口油压P in=10bar 时≤3 l/min (对DSG-B05…DSG-B10 ) 当进口油压P in=40bar 时≤5 l/min(对DSG-B30)P A最小值调整范围处决于P A最大值的设定值.。
上面表中所示P A最小值的调整范围参考P A max的最小调整值机械参数:安装尺寸:见第十章液压连接:见第十章安装位置:见第十章密封材料:FPM重量:大约12kg2.安全指示:2.1提示和标记的定义:危险:这标志标示对人的生命和健康带会带来危险,如不遵照此提示,将会对健康发生危害,甚至发生更加严重的损害。
德国福伊特液力偶合器650TWVVFS使用说明1.轴承在产品出厂时已保证足够时间的润滑,不需要额外的润滑,2.用于水介质的易熔塞涂黄色漆,并且刻有110℃,VC 标记,必须使用福伊特公司提供的易熔塞。
2 安全信息 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 使用规定............................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 具体细则............................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 操作工的挑选和考核 ........................................................................................................... 4 2.5 运行阶段............................................................................................................................... 5 2.6 责任承担事项....................................................................................................................... 5
(根据福伊特公司手册,英语版本 3626-019348 en 翻译)
请务必同时参阅福伊特公司英语版手册“Installation and Operation Nanual / Fill controlled Turbo Couplings ”文件标号 3626-019348en,如有歧义,以英语版本为准
7.4.1 重要信息...................................................... 29 7.4.2 备件表........................................................ 29 7.4.3 如何订购备品备件.............................................. 29 7.4.4 订货范例...................................................... 29 7.4.5 订货地址...................................................... 29 7.5 大修................................................................ 30 8 零件表,装配图及方案 ...................................................... 31 8.1 零件表 .............................................................. 31 8.2 装配图 3600-023877 .................................................. 34 8.3 功能图 3623-017366(福伊特 提议) ..................................... 35 8.4 流程图 3603-015731(福伊特 提议)..................................... 36 9 福伊特总说明书............................................................ 37 9.1 防护和包装指南...................................................... 37 10 附件..................................................................... 41 10.1 组合阀组 STB7/300D ................................................. 41 11 办事处................................................................... 61 12 索引 ..................................................................... 62
Greatest reduction ratio
225 40 1.5 – 20
Nominal width
Installation sizes [mm] h2
过滤器 减压阀 流量计 压力传感器
| | 33
外部设备 水过滤器
• 供水系统必须加装至少一个过滤器 • 推荐过滤精度不小于150 mm • 安装时必须对管路进行清理干净后方可使用 • 定期检查过滤系统确保供水干净 • 过滤 后的水可保持阀组内先导孔通畅无阻,降低故障率
| | 34
外部设备 水过滤器示例
• 选装的冷却器主要是为了散发
偶合器在工况运行时由于滑差而 产生的热量 • 对某些功能(如刮板卡链时的 启动),仍然需要使用系统提供 的新鲜冷水 • 选型要求:
热功率>100kw 耐压:>15bar 接口:DN40
| | 40
• 好的水质可确保偶合器安全长效运行 • 结诟可导致阀组的小孔、排液泵管、100%液位控制单元等堵塞
| | 36
外部设备 减压阀
• 如果供水压力高于12 bar 时,必须使用减压阀 • 确保当阀打开时的动态压 力不超过12 bar,以免损 坏流量控制器 • 动态压力不能过于低于4 bar,否则阀不能够正常打 开,同时不能确保偶合器 所需的进水流量240L/min
| | 37
外部设备 减压阀示例
| | 12
偶合器功能演示 工况运行
• 工况运行时,水进行闭路循环 • 水温低于55℃时,偶合器既不充液也不排液 • 通过压力开关的动作,确保偶合器达到充满状态 • PLC控制系统可确保偶合器不过充
18xM20 1-0390
18xM20 1-0390
这两个螺栓必须移 去!
– 以交叉方式拧紧螺栓(1-0390),直至输入毂和中间毂的法兰面相互贴紧。螺
栓拧紧扭矩为 MA = 500Nm。
– 拧紧螺栓(1-0390)之后移去 2 颗螺栓(或者柱头螺栓)! – 用盖子(7-0210)重新封闭偶合器壳体上的开口。
| |7
4.在轴颈上抹上薄薄一层 润滑剂
5.常用的 Molykote D 润滑剂
| |8
8.利用液压缸或机械式安装工具将输入毂套装到 电机轴上,直至到底。
2. 分别对电机、偶合器和减速机进行测量并记录结果。
| |5
1. 轴径测量
2. 内径测量
注意:1. 分别对电机输入轴、偶合器输出轴和
| |6
1. 清理电机轴颈
2. 将滑键装入电机轴中
3. 使用砂布打磨轴颈和毂上的配 合面,并清洁。
2. 将半联轴器固定在法兰轴上(4-0010), 锁紧螺栓,并将弹性块放入。
| | 11
1. 紧链轮
2.紧链轮固定盘半联轴器联接。 3. 固定紧链轮