托福报名流程1.注册ETS账号–访问ETS官方网站([–点击“Create Account”按钮,填写相关个人信息并设置密码。
3.选择考试日期和地点–在ETS账号主页,点击“TOEFL iBT”按钮。
–在弹出的页面中,选择“Register for a Test”。
–选择目标考试日期和地点,并点击“Register Now”按钮。
8.打印准考证–在ETS账号主页,点击“TOEFL iBT”按钮。
–选择“View Order(s)”查看订单详情。
–点击“Print Admission Ticket”按钮打印准考证。
TOEFL备考手册第五部分——TSE简介(1)TSE概述:TSE(Test of spoken Eng1ish,英语口语测试)是美国教育考试服务处为母语为非英语国家的学生提供的英语口语水平考试。
TSE考试分为TSE (A)和TSE(P)两种。
TSE考试也有越来越多的学生参加,其中有一个原因是在众多申请者中较高的托福、GRE 分数已经较难拉开很大的差距(因为大家的成绩都很高),因此很多人抱着增加申请筹码的目的而参加了TSE考试,助长了美国学校要求申请者提供TSE成绩的风气。
在有限时间内快速浏览文章,抓住主题和重 要信息,忽略无关细节。
针对问题,迅速定位到相关段落或句子,提 高答题效率。
学会分析长句、难句的结构,理解其深层含 义。
根据文中信息进行逻辑推理,而非主观臆断 。
TOEFL适用于所有母语非英语的人士,无论是在学术或职业领域,都需要证明 自己的英语能力。
无论是高中生、大学生还是职场人士,只要希望证明自己的英语水平,都可以 参加TOEFL考试。该考试成绩被全球范围内的大学、研究生院和雇主广泛接受 和认可。
汇报人: 2023-12-31
• TOEFL考试简介 • TOEFL考试内容 • TOEFL考试成绩与等级 • TOEFL考试技巧与策略 • TOEFL考试备考建议 • TOEFL考试发展趋势与影响
TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)是由美国教育 考试服务中心(ETS)开发的,用于 评估母语非英语人士的英语能力水平 。
TOEFL考试成绩是衡量考生英语能力的标准,满分为120分,考试成绩根据考生的表现划分为不同的级 别。
考生的成绩报告单上会详细列出考生的各项得分,包括听力、阅读、写作和口语四项,以及总分数和对 应的级别。
新形式的具体体现即是基于因特网环境下的计算机化考试(Internet Based Test 简称IBT),也即考试是在具有因特网接入条件下的计算机上进行的。
下面是的关于出guo英语考试的种类有哪些,欢送参考~!一、 TOEFL (,考去美国。
考试时间: 110分钟TOEFL(The Test of English as a Foreign Language,简称TOEFL)是由美国教育测验效劳社(ETS)举办的英语能力考试,全名为“检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试”,中文音译为“托福”。
TOEFL有三种,分别是: pbt—paper based test 纸考 677, cbt—puter based test 机考 300, ibt—inter based test 网考120, 新托福总分值是120分。
二、 IELTS (,考去英联邦国家。
考试时间: 165分钟成绩有效期:2年内雅思(International English Language Testing System,简称IELTS,中文名为国际英语语言测试系统)是由英国文化协会(The British Council,即英国驻华大使馆/总领事馆文化教育处)、剑桥大学考试委员会(CESOL)和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Australia)共同举办的国际英语水平测试。
剑桥英语等级和托福的对照表A Comparative Analysis of Cambridge English Levels and TOEFL ScoresIn the realm of English language proficiency tests, Cambridge English Exams and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) occupy prominent positions. Both serve as reliable indicators of an individual's English language skills, but they differ in terms of their focus, format, and levels of difficulty. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between Cambridge English levels and TOEFL scores, assisting learners in understanding the correspondence between these two frameworks.Firstly, let's delve into the Cambridge English Exams. These exams are designed by Cambridge Assessment English, a department of the University of Cambridge, and are globally recognized as a measure of English language skills. They span multiple levels, ranging from beginner to advanced, and cater to learners of different ages and backgrounds. Some of the well-known Cambridge English Exams include KET (Key English Test), PET (Preliminary English Test), FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate inAdvanced English), and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).On the other hand, TOEFL is a standardized test developed by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to assess the English language proficiency of non-native speakers. It is widely used for undergraduate and graduate admissions in universities and colleges worldwide. TOEFL measures a test-taker's ability in four language skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The total score ranges from 0 to 120, with each section contributing 30 points.Now, let's explore the correspondence between Cambridge English levels and TOEFL scores. While there is no exact one-to-one mapping between these two frameworks, we can draw approximations based on the general difficulty level and skills assessed.At the beginner level, KET corresponds to a relatively low TOEFL score, reflecting basic English proficiency. Progressing to the intermediate level, PET aligns with a slightly higher TOEFL score, indicating improved language skills.Moving up to the advanced levels, FCE, CAE, and CPE represent increasingly higher levels of English proficiency. FCE, being the intermediate-to-advanced level, correspondsto a mid-range TOEFL score, reflecting a strong command of the language. CAE, on the other hand, signifies a highlevel of proficiency, akin to a high TOEFL score. Finally, CPE, the highest level of Cambridge English Exams, corresponds to the top tier of TOEFL scores, indicatingnear-native or native-like proficiency.It's important to note that these correspondences are approximations and may vary depending on individual test-takers' performance and the specific requirements of the institutions they are applying to. Additionally, the focus and format of the two tests differ, with Cambridge English Exams often emphasizing practical communication skills,while TOEFL focuses more on academic language skills.Furthermore, when considering the use of these testsfor specific purposes, such as university admissions or job applications, it is crucial to consult the requirements of the respective institutions or organizations. Someinstitutions may have specific score requirements or preferences for either Cambridge English Exams or TOEFL.In conclusion, while there is no exact one-to-one mapping between Cambridge English levels and TOEFL scores, we can draw approximations based on the general difficulty level and skills assessed. Understanding these correspondences can help learners identify their current level of English proficiency and set appropriate goals for improvement. However, it's essential to keep in mind that both tests assess English proficiency from different angles and have their unique focus and format. Therefore, when preparing for either test, it's crucial to familiarize oneself with the specific format and requirements of the test and target the relevant skills accordingly.。
注册完成后,记录好自己的NEEA ID,并登陆注册邮箱激活账户。
4.2 评分等级
Excellent—4 分 Good—3 分 Fair—2 分 Pass—1 分 Fail—0 分
托福强化口语课程教材 4.3 量化标准与评分等级对应关系
总分 25—28 分 20—24 分 14—19 分 5—13 分
口语得分 3.5 分或 4 分
3分 2 分或 2.5 分 1 分或 1.5 分 0 分或 0.5 分
形式三 (5,6 题)
三:Integrated Tasks: Task 5: listen-speak Task 6: listen-speak ____________________话题
题目类型 类型一
(1,2 题)
类型二 (3,5 题)
类型三 (4,6 题)
按照题目话题分类 一:Speaking about familiar topics:
20 minutes/150-225 30 minutes/300
Scaled Section Score
(Total:120) 0-30 0-30
0-30 (0-4 points per question)
0-30 (0-5 points per question)
托福强化口语课程教材 1.4 加试(加试题目数量和类型的可能性)
序号 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
任务类型 自由回答 自由回答
读听说 读听说 先听后说 先听后说
准备时间(秒) 15 15 30 30 20 20
回答时间(秒) 45 45 60 60 60 60
材料性质 独立题目 独立题目(选择) 校园对话 学术演讲 校园对话 学术演讲
toefl有三种,分别是:PBT—paper based test 纸考677, CBT—computer based test 机考 300, IBT—internet based test 网考,也就是现在的新托福,满分是120分。
托福的成绩需要通过ETS电子形式寄送给相应的申请院校,通过复印、扫描、邮件等形式直接发送给学校或者邮寄,美国院校都会视为非官方寄送,不算材料齐全,因此托福成绩必须通过ETS官网操作寄出,下面按步骤截图手把手教大家如何寄送托福成绩!1.先进入托福的官网/cn并登陆2.进入页面之后左面菜单里面的“查看已注册信息”3. 点开之后可以查看你所有考试的信息,类似于以下状态。
确定自己要寄送的是哪次考试成绩,然后点击“成绩单收件人”右边的“增送”4. 之后显示信息如下需要学生填写的“机构代码”,这个机构代码就是代表你要申请学校的代码,有两种途径可以知道你申请学校的代码是什么,第一种途径,在该页面机构代码对话框下面点击“查找学校机构代码”,之后会跳转一个页面,里面有所有学校的代码,可以根据国家、州进行查询,第二种途径,直接到想要申请院校的官方网站的ADMISSION 页面进行ETS CODE查询。
[code] <script language=javascript>var AnnotationContent =unescape('%3Croot%3E%3CrootTOEFL%20iBT%20SamplerVB501739%3E%3C/rootTO EFL%20iBT%20SamplerVB501739%3E%3C/root%3E')</script><scriptlanguage=javascript>var vTestName = 'TOEFL iBT Sampler';var vTemplateName = '';var vLanguage = 'ENU';</script><script src='scripts/XmlHttp.js' language='JavaScript'></script><script language="javascript">[/code]然后通过各种模块函数来实现数据传输和数据调用[code] function fatalError(message){alert(message);window.clearInterval(testTimer);top.close();return;}function fatalSystemError(errorCode){var message = 'Error code ' + errorCode + ' has occurred. This error requires you to restart your test. Your test\r\nwill restart to the last question you have seen and no data will be lost.\r\n\r\nPlease make a note of the above error code then click OK to close your test. Wealso\r\nrecommend that you close your browser before restarting your test.\r\n\r\nYou may contact technical support atsupport@. Please be sure to include the\r\nerror code in yoursupport request.';if( arguments.length >= 2 )message += arguments[1];alert(message);window.clearInterval(testTimer);top.close();return;}// Check the current item tick timefunction checkTickTime(){var currentTime = new Date().getTime();var theTimeDifference = 0;if( !top.itdLoadComplete || top.isNavigating )return;if( lastTickValue > 0 && itemStartTime > 0 ){theTimeDifference = currentTime - lastTickValue;if( theTimeDifference >= 1000 || theTimeDifference <= -1000 ){var newStartTime = itemStartTime + theTimeDifference - 400; // 400 is the current intervalif( newStartTime < currentTime )itemStartTime = newStartTime;elsefatalSystemError('timing-02');}}lastTickValue = currentTime;}// Return the current time spent on this item (without pauses, manual timing or intermediate saves)function timeSpent(){checkTickTime();var eFrame = elementFrame();var theTimeSpent = 0;var currentTime = new Date().getTime();if( itemStartTime > 0 )theTimeSpent = (currentTime - itemStartTime) + timeSpentBeforePause; elsetheTimeSpent = timeSpentBeforePause;if( theTimeSpent < 0 ){try{var message = '\r\n\r\nPlease record the information below in your support request:\r\n'message += '\r\nStart: ' + itemStartTime.toString();message += '\r\nEnd: ' + currentTime.toString();message += '\r\nDuration: ' + theTimeSpent.toString();message += '\r\nPause: ' + timeSpentBeforePause.toString(); message += '\r\nMode: ' + timerMode.toString();message += '\r\nMax: ' + eFrame.vMaxTimeAllowed.toString(); message += '\r\nAlive: ' + tickIsAlive.toString();fatalSystemError('timing-01', message);}catch( ex ){fatalSystemError('timing-01');}}if ( eFrame.vTimingEnabled && eFrame.vMaxTimeAllowed > 0 && theTimeSpent > eFrame.vMaxTimeAllowed ){theTimeSpent = eFrame.vMaxTimeAllowed;}return theTimeSpent;}// Return the calculated total time spent (includes pauses, manual timing and intermediate saves)function totalTimeSpent(){return new Date().getTime() - totalStartTime;}// Update the during item timing variables before submitting for navigationfunction updateTiming(){try{var eForm = elementFrame().document.forms[0];// This should ALWAYS be availableeForm.TimeSpentOnObject.value = timeSpent();// Update total time only if the variable is availableif( typeof eForm.TotalTimeSpentOnObject != "undefined" )eForm.TotalTimeSpentOnObject.value = totalTimeSpent();}catch( ex ){return false;}return true;}[/code]2. TPO : TPO系统和前面的在线做题和真实考试又大有不同,简单的来说安全性比前面的更高了。
iBT 全称 Internet-based Test 的缩写,即托福网考。
2004年之前的toefl 是用的PBT,也就是paper basic text,是toefl考试机构ETS对考试的形式做的巨大改变,现在在国内考toefl是用计算机考试的,以前是paper text,题型也发生了很大的变化,如果你对自己的英语水平没有把握特别在听力和口语方面(IBT的难点)你可以去美国考PBT,全世界只有美国本土还保留着PBT。
托福考试是由美国教育测验服务社( ETS, Educational Testing Service)在全世界举办,是一种针对母语非英语的人进行的英语水平的考试。
出国考试:托福TOFEL-[托福信息]TOEFL报名表填写的十二个注意事项-出国考试托福TOFEL-[托福信息]TOEFL报名表填写的十二个注意事项托福、TSE报名表各项内容只能用 2B或HB铅笔填写。
1. 托福家考是由托福考试官方机构ETS主办的在线考试,旨在满足考生在疫情或其他特殊情况下无法前往考试中心参加考试的需求。
2. 托福家考的考试内容和形式与传统的托福考试基本一致,包括听力、阅读、口语和写作四个部分。
3. 考生需通过ETS官方网站注册托福家考,并在指定时间参加考试。
4. 托福家考的考生需具备合适的电子设备和网络连接,以确保正常的考试进行。
5. 考生应确保在考试期间没有任何违规行为,包括但不限于作弊、抄袭等,否则将受到相应的处罚。
6. 考生的考试成绩将按照托福考试的标准进行评分,并被认可为官方的托福成绩。
7. 托福家考的考试结果将在一定时间内在ETS官方网站上公布,并可通过个人账号查看。
8. 考生应保护个人信息和考试内容的机密性,不得以任何形式泄露、发布或传播。
9. 考生有权提出对考试结果的异议,需按照ETS官方的规定
10. ETS保留对托福家考规则和程序进行修改和解释的权力,
托福报名考位查询方式托福报名考位查询方式导语:TOEFL,Test of English as a Foreign Language,由美国教育测验服务社( ETS, Educational Testing Service)在全世界举办,是一种针对母语非英语的人进行的英语水平的考试。
就像这次,就是5月底加了11月 15日、11月23日、12月27日、12月28日考试时间,4场考试,真心不知道什么时间放出来。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES/toefl2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes \1Updated February 2007Do not use this list to select a test center. Agencies and institutions listed here accept TOEFL/TSE scores. If your intended score recipient is not listed, contact the agency or institution directly to get the code number.Austria (cont'd)8897 U of Applied Sciences 0275 U of Vienna 9618 V ienna Grad Sch Finance 0547 W ebster U Vienna 0609 W irtschaftsuniversitat Wien B AHRAIN8544 A rab O pen U 8116 I bn Khuldoon Natl Sch 8255 M odern Knowledge Sch 0036 U of Bahrain B ANGLADESH9296 A merican Embassy Dacca 7067 A merican Intl U Bangladesh 9776 I ntl U of Business 2505 N orth S U B ELGIUM0814 B oston U Brussels 0014 C ollege of Europe Belgium 0194 C ontinental Theological Semnry 9408 E uropean U Belgium 7039 E uropean U College Brussels 0753 I ntl Management Inst 0716 K atholieke U Leuven (Cals) 0749 K atholieke Universiteit Leuven 9005 L imburgs Universitair Centrum 0343 S olvay Business Sch 9096 U of Antwerp 9866 U nited Business Institutes 0550 U niversite Libre de Bruxelles 3574 V esalius College VUB 7176 V lerick Leuven Gent Mgmnt Sch B ELIZ E7974 G alen U 8118 S t Johns Coll HS Div 0384 S t Johns College Belize 7147 U of Belize B HUTAN 0139 R oyal Instute of Management B OLIVIA0434 U Privada Bolivian 8950 U Tecnologica B OSNIA AND HERZ EGOVINA 9987 U S Information Service B RAZ IL9092 B usiness Sch Sao Paulo 9377 C APES 9095 C NPQ 8984 C pg-Centro de Pos-Graduacas 9720 E scola Graduada de Sao Paulo 8043 E scola Maria Imaculada 0158 E scola de Adm de Empresas 8557 F ulbright Comission Brazil 8496 I BMEC 8185 I nstitut Brasil-Estados Unidos 0111 U de Ribeirao Preto B ULGARIA9639 A merican Embassy Bulgaria 2451 A merican U Bulgaria 0452 S S Cyril Methodius Intl Fndtn C AMBODIA 0223 S anto Tomas U C ANADA8632 A cademy App Pharmaceutical Sci 0291 A cademy Canada Career Coll 0901 A cadia U 9398 A lberta Assoc Registered Nurse 0595 A lberta College of Art 0820 A lgoma U Coll 7005 A lgonquin Col App Art Tech W 7004 A lgonquin Col App Arts Tech 0015 A lliance Physiotherapy Regl BD 8915 A lliance U Coll 8434 A ppleby Coll 9707 A pplied Linguistics Centre Ltd 0105 A shbury Coll 9564 A ssiniboine Comm Coll 9158 A ssoc For Early Childhood Educ 9146 A ssoc Nurses Prince Edward Isl 9140 A ssoc Prof Engr Geol Geop Alta 9288 A ssoc Reg Nurses Newfoundland 0809 A thabasca U 9716 A tlantic Baptist U 0920 A ugustana U Coll 9519 B ishops College Sch 0906 B ishops U 9078 B ow Vly Coll 0905 B randon U 9644 B riercrest Bible CollCanada (cont'd)0888 L akehead U 9299 L ambton Coll 0335 L angara Coll 8565 L ansbridge U 0889 L aurentian U 0931 L aval U 9244 L ester B Pearson Coll Pacifi c 0930 L ethbridge Comm Coll 9810 L oyalist Coll 0501 L utheran Theo Sem Saskatoon 0864 M acdonald Coll 9581 M alaspina U -Coll 9289 M anitoba Assoc Regis Nurses 9064 M anitoba Pharmaceutical Assoc 8038 M aple Leaf Acad 0832 M arianopolis Coll 0935 M cGill U 0535 M cGill U PhD Mgt 0936 M cMaster U 9554 M ed Recruiters Intl Canada Ltd 9333 M edicine Hat Coll 0885 M emorial U Newfndlnd 0323 M ichener Inst 8618 M odak Aviation Inc 9278 M ohawk Coll 0939 M t Allison U 9326 M t Royal Jr College Lincoln 0865 M t St Vincent U 0661 N Alberta Inst of Tech 0332 N W Baptist Theol Coll 0084 N ewfoundland Medical Board 0559 N ewman Theological Coll 0202 N iagara Coll 3614 N ipissing U 8538 N orth Island Coll 9603 N orthern Lights Coll 0844 N ova Scotia Agricultural Coll 8686 N ova Scotia Comm Coll 9588 N ova Scotia Inst of Technology 9201 N urses Assoc of New Brunswick 9536 O kanagan U Coll 0943 O ntario Agric Cl U of Guelph 0211 O ntario Coll Application Svcs 9511 O ntario Coll of Pharmacists 0537 O ntario College of Art 9041 O ntario College of Teachers 9450 O rder of Nurses of Quebec 8403 O xford Coll Art Business Tech 9067 P acifi c Inst of Culinary Arts 7144 P acific Language Inst 9016 P acific Life Bible Coll 8668 P eace River Bible Inst 0311 P eel Board of Education 9781 P etro Jacyk Ed Foundation 9210 P harmacy Exam Board Canada 9589 P rairie Bible College Grad Sch 6585 P rovidence Coll & Seminary 0949 Q ueens U Canada 8573 Q ueens U Faculty Educ 0250 Q ueens U-MSC Management O nly 0279 Q ueens U-PhD Management O nly 9297 R ed Deer Coll 7866 R ed River Coll 8600 R ed River Coll 0907 R edeemer Reform Christian Coll 9738 R egent Coll 9115 R egistered Nurses Assoc BC 9446 R egistered Nurses Assoc NS 9752 R egistered Psych Nurse Assoc 7211 R otman PhD Prog-U Toronto 0023 R oyal College of Tech 9937 R oyal Conservatory of Music 9054 R oyal Roads U 0886 R yerson U 0849 S Alberta Inst of Tech 3260 S askatchewan Assoc of LPN 0872 S askatchewan Inst Appl Sci Tec 8608 S askatchewan Inst Kelsy Campus 8610 S askatchewan Inst Wascana Campus 8609 S askatchewan Inst Woodland Campus 9559 S askatchewan Psych Nurses Assoc 9134 S askatchewan Regis Nurse Assoc 9116 S ault Coll 0838 S elkirk Coll 9708 S eminary ChristKing 9100 S eneca College App Arts & Tech 9212 S eneca College Willowdale 9117 S heriden College Canada 0999 S imon Fraser U 0848 S ir Sandford Fleming Coll 9702 S outh Africa Ed Trust Fund 8724 S prott-Shaw Comm Coll 0887 S t Clair Coll2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES (continued)2 \ 2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes/toeflFrance (cont'd)8516 I nstitut Vatel 0694 I nstitut de Gestion Sociale 0192 I ntl Business Sch 3462 I ntl Space U 0337 L ecole Louis de Broglie 0134 L incoln Intl Business Sch 8074 L ycee Stendhal Grenoble 0728 M BA Inst 0484 M IB-ENPC Paris 9282 M inistere Des Affaires Entrang 7989 P aris Grad Sch of Management 8217 P arsons Paris Sch of Design 0767 R heims Grad Business Sch 0309 S ervice Commun Des Langues 9883 S up de CO Bordeaux 0043 T heseus Inst 8886 U Catholique de Lquest 0667 U Hartford Business Sch 9706 U of Nice Ctr de Biochimie 8556 U niversa 0463 U niversite Claude Bernard Lyon 0632 U niversite Jean Moulin Lyon 3 0197 U niversite Paul Sabatier G EORGIA 0140 I ntl Black Sea U 9980 O pen Society Georgia Fnd Isic 9023 A achen U Applied Science 8183 A alen U of Applied Sciences 9789 A ccadis-Private Hochschule 7125 A lbert-Ludwigs U 7197 A lbert-Ludwigs U Freiburg 8692 A lbert-Ludwigs U Freiburg 8541 A lice-Salomon U Appl Sci 8968 B auhaus-U Weimar 7977 B onn-Rhine-Sieg U Appld Sci 3688 B randenburg Tech U Cottbus 7181 B ucerius Law Sch 8721 C hristian-Albrechts- 8638 C hristian-Albrechts-U Kiel 8889 C ollege of Education 0315 D AAD 9512 E uropean Business Coll Munich 2615 E uropean Business Sch 8527 E uropean College Liberal Arts 8707 E uropean Sch of Mgmt & Tech 7450 F achhochschule Coburg 8405 F achhochschule Fur Tech (FHTW) 8221 F achhochschule Furtwangen-DIB 8711 F achhochschule Giessen-Frdbrg 7980 F achhochschule Hannover 8240 F achhochschule Ingolstadt U 7764 F achhochschule Karlsruhe 9998 F achhochschule Lippe 0475 F achhochschule Pforzheim 8442 F achhochschule Ravensburg-WGTN 7944 F achhochschule Reutlingen 8514 F achhochschule Stuttgart 0555 F achhochschule Ulm 0298 F h O snabrueck 0360 F h Trier 8005 F rankfurt Intl Sch 8265 F riedrich Alexander U 0061 F riedrich-Schiller-U Jena 9233 F ulbright Comm 8566 G erman Intl Sch Mgt & Admin 8226 H aw Hamburg 8874 H ertie Sch of Governance 0239 H fb Bus Sch of Finance & Mgnt 0372 H hl Leipzig Grad Sch of Mgmt 8650 H ochschule Bremen 7301 H ochschule Furtwangen 8167 H umboldt-U Zu Berlin 9018 I nstitut Fur Werkzeugmschnen I 7957 I ntl Ctr Grad Studies 7808 I ntl Max-Planck 8223 I ntl Max-Planck 8961 I ntl Sch Hamburg 8667 I ntl Sch New Media 9024 I ntl U Bremen 7474 I ntl U In Germany 0090 I ntl U of Applied Sciences 8941 J ohann Wolfgang Goethe 3567 J ohann Wolfgang Goethe-U 8266 K assel Intl Management Sch 0404 L eipzig Graduate Sch of Mgmt 8552 L udwig-Maximilians U 8860 M annheim Business Sch Ggmbh 0092 M annheim U of Applied Sci 8232 M artin-Luther-U 7809 M ax Planck Inst For Chemistry 0336 M ax Planck Inst For Infect Bio 8604 M ax-Planck-Inst Trstrl Mcrblgy 7152 N ations Health Career 8746 O tto Friedrich U Bamberg 0183 O tto Von Guericke U Magdeburg 8890 P adagogische Hochschule 8414 P rivate U Witten/Herdecke 7113 R heinisch W Tech Hoch 3038 R uhr-U Bochum 8504 R wth Aachen U of Technology2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES (continued)/toefl2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes \3Japan (cont'd)7982 U of Electro-Communications 0184 U of Fukui 9757 U of Rio Grande Tokyo 8872 U of Ryukyus 8884 U of Ryukyus 2865 U of Sacred Heart 7765 U of Shizuoka Jr Coll 0340 U of Tokushima 7101 U of Tokyo 7945 U of Tokyo Adm Graduate 8596 U of Tokyo Engineering 8426 U of Tokyo Faculty Med 8001 U of Tokyo Frontier Science 8554 U of Tokyo Grad Pub Pol 0419 U of Tokyo Grad Sch 8445 U of Tokyo IS&T 8002 U of Tokyo Sch Science 8960 U of Tokyo Sch of Sci0440 U of TokyoGrad Sch Inter Info 8863 U of Tokyo 9259 U of Tokyo 0439 U of Tsukuba 9995 U of Tsukuba 7976 U tsunomiya U 9342 W aseda U 8547 W aseda U (Sils) 0416 Y okohama City U 0410 Y okohama National U J ORDAN9180 A MIDEAST Jordan 0039 A bdul Hamid Sharaf Sch 8134 M odern American Sch 0249 U Language Inst K AZ AKHSTAN 0219 K axakhstan Inst of Mgnt 9968 S oros Resource Ctr K ENYA0024 C atholic U of Eastern Africa 0112 F oreign Ed Consultancy Ltd 8030 I ntl Sch Kenya 0966 U of Nairobi 0264 U nited States Intl U 7123 A jou U 0349 A ndong National U 7119 C hangwon National U 8706 C honbuk National U 7908 C hosun U 9679 C itizen's National Bank 8473 C ivil Service Comm (CSC) 9918 C trl Election Mgt Comm Cemc 8994 D ae Woo It Coll 8394 D aeil Foreign Language HS 7223 D aewon Foreign Language HS 7118 D ankook U 9006 D ongguk U 7192 E wha Girls Foreign Language HS 8229 E wha Womens U 9327 F ellowshp Award Prog-O verseas 8681 G eumgang U 0144 G wangju Inst Sci & Tech 0072 H alla Business Group 7141 H andong U 8187 H ankuk U Fgn Studies 7106 H anyang U 7186 H ongik U 9594 H yundai Marine & Insurance CO 0306 I chon Municipal O ff Educ 4558 I nformation Communications UN 8241 I nha U 8999 I ntl Understanding Ed Ctr 7165 K angnam U 8880 K eimyung U 7115 K onkuk U 8877 K orea Adv Inst of Sci & Tech 0195 K orea Advanced Inst Sci & Tech 9584 K orea Airports Authority 0110 K orea Industrial Safety Corp 0420 K orea Land Developement Corp 9722 K orea Maritime & Port Admin 9945 K orea Stock Exchange 8228 K orea U 8577 K orean Intellectual Prop O ff 8868 K orean Minjok Leadership Acad 8471 K orean National U of Arts 9350 K orean-American Ed Commissn 9675 K umho Company Inc 7009 K yunghee U 8230 K yungpook National U 9986 M inistry of Information & Comm 8448 M yongi U 7992 M yongji U 9697 N ational Assembly Secretariat 7224 O chanomizu U 0329 P ohang U Sci & Tech 8242 P usan National U 0417 S amsung Group 9659 S ecurities Supervisory Board 8262 S ejong U 9957 S eoul Board of Education2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES (continued)4 \ 2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes/toeflSingapore (cont'd)8277 D esign Technology Inst 0643 F reely Business Sch 8286 H R Millenium 9966 M anagemnt Devlp Inst Singapore 0138 N anyang Technological U 9705 N anyang Technological U -MBA 8521 N anyang Technological U 7107 N ational Inst Education 0677 N ational U Singapore 3720 N ational U of Singapore 9080 N atl U Singapore Architect 9081 N atl U Singapore Arts & Soc 9082 N atl U Singapore Bus Admin 9088 N atl U Singapore Computing 9083 N atl U Singapore Dentistry 9084 N atl U Singapore Engineer 9085 N atl U Singapore Law 9086 N atl U Singapore Medicine 9087 N atl U Singapore Science 8101 O verseas Family Coll 0009 P ublic Service Comm 9057 R aja's Commercial Coll Pte Ltd 0181 S ingapore Inst of Mgnt 9014 S ingapore Management U 8510 S ingapore Polytechnic 8176 T emasek Polytechnic 8545 T ourism Academy at Sentosa 0786 U of Singapore 7172 U niversitas 21 Global Pte Ltd 0080 U NLV Singapore 0282 U NSW Asia Sch S LOVAKIA 9851 F ulbright Comm S LOVENIA 0162 U of Ljubljana S OUTH AFRICA7188 P e Technikon 0991 U Witwatersrand Johannesbrg 0483 U Zululand 0837 U of Cape Town 0218 U of Pretoria 0473 U of Stellenbosch 0731 U nited States Intl U S PAIN8075 A merican Sch of Las Palmas 8652 B arcelona Business Sch 0369 B arcelona Mgmt Inst 9815 C enter For Intl Studies 7964 C entro de Estudios Monetarios 0071 C olumbus Euroamerican U 9674 C onfederacion Espanola O rganiz 0507 E sade Masters Programmes 0508 E sade PhD In Management Sci 8451 E scuela Administracion Empresa 0884 E scuela Supr de Admin Empresas 7024 E scuela de Alta Direccion Admn 9123 E uropean U Barcelona 9465 E uropean U Madrid 0476 E uropean U-Management Studies 9727 F undacio Familiar Catalana 7099 I ESE-U of Navarra Gemba 0707 I nst de Empresa Spain 0558 I nstitucio Cultural Del Cic 9571 L A Caixa de Cataluna/Baleares 8934 L a Salle U 7763 S t Louis U In Spain 4195 S uffolk U -Madrid 0208 U Pompeu Fabra 0405 U de Cantabria 7135 U de Navarra 7237 U of Navarra Iese Bus Sch 9214 U S-Spain Educational Comm 0755 U nvi de Navarra Iese Full-Time S RI LANKA0204 A merican Coll of Higher Educ 8091 B ritish Sch In Colombo 0276 I nst of Tech Studies 8986 P eople's Acad For Tertiary 9456 P ublic Affairs O ffr 7761 U nited States Ed Foundation S T KITTS AND NEVIS 0129 I ntl U of Nursing S T LUCIA 8625 I ntl American U S WEDEN8865 B lekinge Inst of Tech 0050 C halmers U of Tech 7232 D alarna U 0083 G oteborgs U 8456 G otland U 7970 H almstad U 8487 J onkoping Intl Business Sch 0882 K arolinska Institutet/Mtc 0101 L inkoping U 8871 L ulea U of Techology 0089 L und U 8506 M alardalen U 0242 N ational BD U Clgs Uha 8933 O rebro U2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES (continued)/toefl2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes \5California (cont'd)4123 C alifornia Christian Coll 7987 C alifornia College Technology 4031 C alifornia College of Arts 8206 C alifornia Culinary Acad 3463 C alifornia Design Coll 4049 C alifornia Inst Arts 4807 C alifornia Inst Integral Stds 9203 C alifornia Inst Language 4034 C alifornia Inst Technology 4261 C alifornia Lakewood U 4088 C alifornia Lutheran U 4035 C alifornia Maritime Acad 4159 C alifornia National U 9068 C alifornia Sch Culinary Arts 4128 C alifornia Sch Prof Psychology 4082 C alifornia State Poly U Pomona 4038 C alifornia State Poly U SLO 4110 C alifornia State U Bakrsfld 4048 C alifornia State U Chico 4098 C alifornia State U Dom Hlls 4011 C alifornia State U E Bay 4312 C alifornia State U Fresno 4589 C alifornia State U Fullertn 4389 C alifornia State U Long Bch 4399 C alifornia State U Los Ang 1945 C alifornia State U Monterey 4707 C alifornia State U Northridge 4671 C alifornia State U Sacrmnto 5677 C alifornia State U San Marcos 4099 C alifornia State U Sn Brnrd 4713 C alifornia State U Stanislaus 7998 C alifornia U Mgmnt & Sci 4802 C alifornia Western Sch of Law 4109 C anada Coll 8321 C areplus Intl Services Inc 8529 C ate Sch 4083 C erritos Coll 4027 C erro Coso Comm Coll 4725 C habot Coll 4046 C haffey Coll 4047 C hapman U 8270 C hristian HS 4150 C hristian Heritage Coll 4050 C hurch Divinity Sch Pacific 4131 C itrus Belt Law Sch 4051 C itrus Coll 4052 C ity College of San Francisco 9640 C ity U Los Angeles 4053 C laremont Graduate U 8048 C laremont HS 4054 C laremont McKenna Coll 4710 C laremont Sch of Theology 4095 C laretian Jr Seminary 7182 C leveland Chiropractic Coll LA 4086 C oastline Comm Coll 4057 C ogswell Polytechnical Coll 8477 C olburn Sch Performing Arts 9183 C oleman Coll 4118 C ollege of Alameda 4117 C ollege of Canyons 4085 C ollege of Desert 4255 C ollege of English Language 4061 C ollege of Marin 4063 C ollege of Notre Dame of Calif 4100 C ollege of Redwoods 4070 C ollege of San Mateo 4071 C ollege of Sequoias 4087 C ollege of Siskiyous 4108 C olumbia College Columbia CA 7213 C olumbia College Hollywood CA 4359 C ommonwealth Intl U 8700 C ommunity Christian Coll 4078 C ompton Comm Coll 4069 C oncordia U CA 4943 C ontra Costa Coll 9916 C onverse Intl Sch of Languages 8597 C ornelia Connelly Sch 4121 C osumnes River Coll 4126 C rafton Hills Coll 8055 C renshaw HS 9955 C restmont Coll 4158 C trl State U CA 4101 C uesta Comm Coll 4252 C uyamaca Coll 4104 C ypress Coll 4286 D e Anza Coll 9954 D esign Inst of San Diego 4282 D harma Realm Buddhist U 4295 D iablo Vly Coll 4724 D ominican Sch Philos Theology 4284 D ominican U of CA 4279 D on Bosco Technical Inst 8047 D rew College Prep Sch 8147 D unn Sch 9369 E Manfred Evans Cmty Adult Sch 4296 E ast Los Angeles Coll 4302 E l Camino Coll 8409 E mperors College/Tdtnl O R Med 4275 E mpire Coll 4273 E vergreen Vly Coll 8739 E xpression Coll Digital Arts 4457 F ashion Inst Design Mrchndsng 4318 F eather River Comm Coll Dist2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES (continued)6 \ 2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes/toeflCalifornia (cont'd)4708 S outhern California Coll Chiro 4392 S outhern California Coll O pt 7802 S outhern California Inst Arch 8951 S outhern California U Prof Stds-Bus Sch8869 S outhern California U Prof Stds 8098 S outhwestern Acad 4726 S outhwestern College CA 4703 S outhwestern U CA 4661 S t Johns Seminary 4675 S t Marys College CA 4786 S t Patricks Seminary 9983 S t Teresa's Sch of Medicine 4704 S tanford U 4718 S tanford U Stanford Sloan 4709 S tarr-King Sch For Ministry 8081 S tevenson Sch 4820 T aft Coll 4828 T homas Aquinas Coll 4973 T homas Jefferson Sch of Law 4775 T ouro U Intl 4811 T ownsend Harris U 4789 T ransworld U 7975 T rinity College Grad Studies 4268 T roy U Brunswick 4795 U CA4833 U CA Berkeley 4916 U CA Berkeley Evening MBA 8406 U CA Berkeley Exec MBA 9216 U CA Berkeley Ext 4834 U CA Davis 8520 U CA Davis Commercial Law 4778 U CA Davis Sch of Law 4859 U CA Irvine Grad 4859 U CA Irvine MBA 4988 U CA Irvine PhD4859 U CA Irvine Undergrad 4837 U CA Los Angeles 7845 U CA Los Angeles Biomed IDP 4910 U CA Los Angeles-Extension 4129 U CA Merced 4839 U CA Riverside 4836 U CA San Diego 4840 U CA San Francisco 4342 U CA San Francisco Hasting Law 4835 U CA Santa Barbara 4860 U CA Santa Cruz 9605 U CA Sb Extension 8754 U For Professional Studies 4935 U Northern California 4065 U Pacific 4792 U San Francisco Sch of Law 0256 U of E-W Medicine 4876 U of Judaism 4381 U of LA Verne CA 4892 U of Pacifi c Sch Dentis 7540 U of Phoenix Bakersfield 4785 U of Phoenix Chula Vista 4822 U of Phoenix Costa Mesa 4781 U of Phoenix Del Mar Lrng 7939 U of Phoenix Diamond Bar 7934 U of Phoenix Edwards AFB 7848 U of Phoenix Gardena 7933 U of Phoenix LA Mirada 8518 U of Phoenix Northern CA 7986 U of Phoenix O n-Line CA 7918 U of Phoenix O ntario 7935 U of Phoenix Pasadena 4784 U of Phoenix Rancho Bernardo 7653 U of Phoenix Sacramento 7941 U of Phoenix Saddleback 7936 U of Phoenix San Bernardino 4798 U of Phoenix San Diego 9830 U of Phoenix San Francisco 4914 U of Phoenix San Jose 7938 U of Phoenix Ventura 4783 U of Phoenix Vista 7881 U of Phoenix Woodland Hills 4848 U of Redlands 4368 U of Redlands Johnston 4849 U of San Diego 4850 U of San Francisco 4793 U of Southern Calif Dentist 0940 U of Southern Calif Germany 4852 U of Southern Calif Los Ang 4872 U of W Los Angeles Law 4701 V anguard U Southern CA 4931 V entura Coll 4933 V entura College of Law 4932 V ictor Vly Coll 8967 V illanova Prepratory Sch 8558 V ly Christian Jr/Sr HS 4440 W eimar Coll 4970 W est Coast Christian Coll 4966 W est Coast U 4056 W est Hills Comm Coll 4964 W est Los Angeles Coll 4958 W est Vly Coll 4969 W estern State U Law Fullerton 8440 W estern State U Law Juris Doc 4152 W estern U 4980 W estminster Theological Sem CAConnecticut (cont'd)8980 G unnery 3431 H artford College For Women 8726 H artford Seminary 7017 H igh Hopes Therapeutic Riding 3439 H oly Apostles Coll 8199 H otchkiss Sch 3446 H ousatonic Comm Tech Coll 9473 H oward Greene Associates 8729 I nter/Coll of Hospitality 8039 K ent Sch 8137 L oomis Chaffee Sch 3544 M anchester Comm Tech Coll 0081 M arianapolis Prep Sch 3551 M iddlesex Comm Tech Coll 8606 M iss Porters Sch 3528 M itchell Coll 3539 M orse Sch of Business 3550 N augatuck Vly Comm Tech Coll 3807 N ew Canaan High Scool 3652 N orthwestern Ct Comm Tech Coll 3677 N orwalk Comm Technical Coll 3699 P aier College of Art 8141 P omfret Sch 3698 P ost U 3716 Q uinebaug Vly Tech Coll 3712 Q uinnipiac U 3734 R ensselaer at Hartford 3780 S acred Heart U 3792 S outh Ctrl Comm Coll 3662 S outhern Connecticut St U 3750 S t Basils Coll 3781 S t Francis Hospital Ct 3754 S t Joseph Coll 3798 S t Marys Hosp Sch Nursing 3758 S t Thomas Seminary Hartford 3789 S t Vincents Coll 8627 S uffield Acad 3793 S wiss Hospitality Inst 3654 T hames Vly State Tech Coll 3558 T hree Rivers Comm Tech Coll 3899 T rinity College Ct 3897 T unxis Comm Tech Coll 3914 U of Bridgeport 3973 U of Bridgeport Sch of Law 3921 U of Connecticut Danbury 3938 U of Connecticut Dental Med 3931 U of Connecticut Health Ctr 3926 U of Connecticut MBA Prg 3934 U of Connecticut Medical Sch 3915 U of Connecticut Storrs 3928 U of Connecticut W Hartford 3436 U of Hartford 3663 U of New Haven 5807 U nited States Coast Guard Acad 9540 U nited Technologies Corp 3978 W aterbury State Technical Coll 3959 W esleyan U 3350 W estern Connecticut State U 8486 W estminster Sch 8016 W estover Sch 3986 Y ale Sch of Management 3994 Y ale U Divinity Sch 3988 Y ale U Drama Sch 3987 Y ale U Grad Sch A&S 7072 Y ale U Inst of Sacred Music 3997 Y ale U Law Sch 3998 Y ale U Nursing Sch 3989 Y ale U Physician Assoc Prog 3995 Y ale U Religious Studies 3996 Y ale U Sch Forsty Envl Stds 3985 Y ale U Sch of Architecture 3982 Y ale U Sch of Art 3992 Y ale U Sch of Music 3975 Y ale U Sch of Public Health D ELAWARE5443 D elaware Coll Art & Design 5161 D elaware Law Sch 5153 D elaware State U 5201 D elaware Tech Comm Coll Dover 5204 D elaware Tech Comm Coll Newark 5169 D elaware Tech Comm Coll O wens 5154 D elaware Tech Comm Coll Wlmgtn 5255 G oldey-Beacom Coll 8390 I ntl Consultants DE 8146 S t Andrew's Sch 5811 U of Delaware 5822 U of Delaware Winterthur Prog 9013 U nited States O pen U 5894 W esley Coll 5925 W ilmington Coll 5027 A MIDEAST Washington 9245 A UA Bangkok Binational Ctr 5093 A cademy Ed Devel Botswana 8172 A cademy Ed Devel Gtd Eni Rus 5041 A cademy Educational Devel 5023 A gency Intl Devel 9107 A gency Intl Devel 9726 A gency Intl Devlpmnt Mongolia 9899 A merican College Nrse-Midwives 9800 A merican Council Tchrs Russian 5283 A merican Councils Intl Educ2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES (continued)/toefl2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes \ 7Idaho (cont'd)4114 C ollege of Southern Idaho 3596 I TT Technical Inst Boise 4355 I daho State U 4385 L ewis-Clark State Coll 4544 N W Nazarene Coll 4539 N orth Idaho Coll 4843 U of Idaho I LLINOIS1147 A dler Sch of Prof Psychology 1013 A merican Academy of Art 1014 A merican Conservatory of Music 1031 A merican Islamic Coll 9256 A merican Socty Clinical Pathol 8873 A rgosy U -Schaumburg Campus 1025 A ugustana College IL 1027 A urora U 1052 B arat Coll 1057 B elleville Area Coll 1707 B enedictine U 1483 B lack Hawk Coll 1065 B lackburn Coll 1070 B radley U 1982 C arl Sandburg Coll 1112 C atholic Theological Union 1150 C hicago City-Wide Coll 7153 C hicago Natl Coll Naprapathy 7161 C hicago Sch of Prof Psychology 1118 C hicago State U 1120 C hicago Theological Seminary 1115 C hicago-Kent College of Law 6316 C hrist Seminary-Seminex 2632 C hristian Life Coll 1083 C ollege of Dupage 1983 C ollege of Lake County 1135 C olumbia College IL 1140 C oncordia U IL 2564 C ooking & Hospitality Inst Chi 1160 D anville Area Comm Coll 4277 D eVry Inst of Technology AZ 4799 D eVry Inst of Technology CA 5715 D eVry Inst of Technology GA 1171 D eVry Inst of Technology IL 6092 D eVry Inst of Technology MO 2203 D eVry Inst of Technology NJ 1605 D eVry Inst of Technology O H 0118 D eVry Inst of Technology O NT 6180 D eVry Inst of Technology TX 1165 D epaul U 1667 D ominican U 1530 E ast-West U 1199 E astern Illinois U 1212 E d Comm Foreign Vet Grads 1203 E lgin Comm Coll 1204 E lmhurst Coll 0623 E rickson Inst 1206 E ureka Coll 1193 E vangelical Luth Chrch America 1210 E vangelical Sch of Nursing 1659 E vanston Northwestern Hlthcare 1117 F inch U Health/Sci/Chi Med SC 9103 F oreign Pharmacy Grad Exam Com 1245 G arrett Evangelical Theo Sem 1263 G overnors State U 9368 G rant Hospital Sch of Med Tech 1256 G reenville Coll 1089 H arold Washington Coll (Loop) 3592 H arrington Inst Interior Desgn 9694 H ealth Professionals Intl 1276 H eartland Comm Coll 1233 H ighland Comm Coll IL 7968 I HS Nurs Advocates 2698 I TT Technical Inst Burr Ridge 2729 I TT Technical Inst Matteson 7054 I TT Technical Inst Mt Prospect 8679 I llinois Baptist Coll 1315 I llinois Coll 1317 I llinois College of O ptometry 1312 I llinois Ctrl Coll 9985 I llinois Dept Professional Reg 3043 I llinois Inst Art Schaumburg 1318 I llinois Inst Tec Chicago/West 1710 I llinois Inst of Art Chicago 1306 I llinois Sch Prof Psych Chcgo 1182 I llinois Sch Prof Psych Rlg MD 9292 I llinois State Dept of Educ 1319 I llinois State U 1397 I llinois Vly Comm Coll 1320 I llinois Wesleyan U 9900 I nst of European & Asian Stds 7722 I ntl Acad Merch Desgn 9686 I ntl Health Care Inc 9797 J erusalem U Coll 1357 J ohn A Logan Coll 1344 J ohn Marshall Law Sch 1374 J ohn Wood Comm Coll 1346 J oliet Jr Coll 1351 J udson College IL 1380 K ankakee Comm Coll 1108 K askaskia Coll 1116 K eller Grad Sch Management IL 1366 K endall Coll 1910 K ennedy King Coll2006–07 TOEFL/TSE INSTITUTION CODES (continued)8 \ 2006–07 TOEFL/TSE Institution Codes/toeflLouisiana (cont'd)6383 L ouisiana St U Alexandria 6352 L ouisiana St U Allied Health 6373 L ouisiana St U Baton Rouge 6386 L ouisiana St U Eunice 6385 L ouisiana St U Med Ctr N Orlns 6356 L ouisiana St U Med Ctr Shrvprt 6354 L ouisiana St U Sch Dentistry 6355 L ouisiana St U Shreveport 6372 L ouisiana Tech U 6374 L oyola U New O rleans 6403 M cNeese State U 6472 N ew O rleans Baptist Theol Sem 6471 N ewcomb College of Tulane U 6221 N icholls State U 6492 N orthwestern State U 6495 N otre Dame Seminary 6002 O ur Lady Holy Cross Coll 6656 S outheastern Louisiana U 6663 S outhern U A&M Coll 6689 S t Joseph Seminary Coll 8087 S t Pauls Sch 6832 Tulane U6798 Tulane U Architecture6178 Tulane U Biomedical Sciences 6183 Tulane U Liberal Arts 0797 Tulane U Sch of Business6809 Tulane U Sch of Public Health & Tropical Medicine6173 Tulane U Science & Engineering 6672 U Louisiana Lafayette 6482 U Louisiana Monroe 6379 U of New O rleans 6534 W orld Evan Bible Coll Seminary 6975 X avier U LA M AINE3335 B angor Theological Seminary 3076 B ates Coll 3114 B eal Coll 9745 B oard of Exam Physical Therapy 3089 B owdoin Coll 3700 C asco Bay Coll 3280 C olby Coll 3305 C ollege of Atlantic 3309 C trl Maine Comm Coll 3302 C trl Maine Med Ctr Sch Nsrg 3372 E astern Maine Technical Coll 8139 F ryeburg Acad 8090 G ould Acad 8112 H ebron Acad 3440 H usson Coll 3373 H usson College EMMC Nursing 8591 I ntl Nurses Alliance 3475 K ennebec Vly Tech Coll 8722 L anding Sch Boatbuilding 3701 M aine College of Art 3505 M aine Maritime Acad 9913 M aine State Board of Nursing 3631 N orthern Maine Voc Tech Inst 3535 S outhern Maine Voc Tech Inst 3755 S t Josephs College ME 3764 S t Josephs College ME 3802 S t Marys Gen Hosp Sch Nrsg 3903 T homas College ME 3929 U Maine Augusta 3506 U Maine Farmington 3393 U Maine Ft Kent 3956 U Maine Machias 3916 U Maine O rono 3008 U Maine Presque Isle 3751 U New England ME 3691 U Southern Maine 3925 U nity Coll 3961 W ashington County Tech Coll 3960 W estbrook Coll 3990 Y ork County Comm Coll 5028 A llegany Comm Coll 9755 A merican Assoc C Podiatric Med 8509 A merican Board of Med Genetics 5019 A nne Arundel Comm Coll 5738 A ntietam Bible Coll 5696 A rlington Bible Coll 5131 B altimore City C C Harbor 5051 B altimore City C C Liberty 5085 B altimore Hebrew U 5086 B altimore Intl Coll 8071 B altimore Lutheran HS 5401 B owie State U 8716 C aci Technologies Inc 8858 C apital Baptist Deaf Coll 5884 C apital Bible Seminary 5101 C apitol Coll 8319 C arelink Services Intl 3709 C aspa 5137 C atonsville Comm Coll 5091 C ecil Comm Coll 5143 C hesapeake Coll 5114 C ollege of Notre Dame Maryland 5144 C ollege of Southern Maryland 5890 C olumbia Union Coll 5122 C oppin State Coll 7083 D eaton Specialty Hospital。