WORD格式建筑专业部分相关英语词汇建筑类型类民用建筑civilarchitecture工业建筑industrialbuilding居住区residentialarea坡地住宅steppedhillsidehouse联排住宅terracedhouse错层式住宅split-levelhouse半独立式住宅semi-detachedhouse公寓apartment,flat多层建筑multi-storeyblock高层建筑high-riseblock商业建筑businesspremises乡土建筑vernaculararchitecture本土建筑,地域建筑localarchitecture绿色建筑greenarchitecture基础设施infrastructure设计过程类可行性研究feasibilitystudy进度表timeschedule方案草图preliminarysketch初步设计preliminarydesign施工设计finaldesign详图设计detaildesign图纸drawing平面图plan立面图elevation东立面图eastelevation南立面图southelevation西立面图westelevation北立面图northelevation横剖面crosssection纵剖面longitudinalsection轴测图isometricview鸟瞰图bird’s-eyeview施工图workingdrawing总体规划图masterplanWORD格式索引图key,keyplan现场质量管理sitesupervision工程质量管理projectsupervision验收finalapproval建筑指标类层高storyheight居住面积livingarea建筑占地面积coveredarea容积率plotratio覆盖率coverage绿地率ratioofgreenspace人口密度populationdensity居住密度densityofsettlement建筑元素类走廊corridor,passage挑廊overhangingcorridor檐廊eavescorridor回廊cloister凉廊loggia过街楼arcade门斗foyer阁楼attic阳台balcony雨篷canopy自然层floor维护结构envelopenclosure围护性幕墙enclosingcurtainwall装饰性幕墙decorativefacedcurtainwall落地窗Frenchwindow百叶窗shutter,louverwindow起居室livingroom餐室diningroom厨房kitchen浴室bathroom淋浴shower单人卧室singlebedroom双人卧室doublebedroom备餐室pantryWORD格式洗衣间laundry贮藏室storeroom地下室basement半地下室semi-basement永久性顶盖permanentcap螺旋楼梯spiralstaircase建筑结构类梁beam,girder圈梁ringbeam简支梁suspendedbeam悬臂梁cantileverbeam固端梁fixed-endbeam连续梁continuousbeam拱arch板slab,plate简支板suspendedslab嵌固板fixed-edgeslab单向板one-wayslab双向板two-wayslab肋形板ribbedslab井字形梁板groinedslab壳shell柱column墙wall承重墙loadbearingwall桁架truss框架framework排架bentframe刚架(刚构)rigidframe桩pile板桩sheetpile结构structure基础foundation地基foundationsoil,subgrade,subbase木结构timberstructure拱结构archstructure钢结构steelstructure砌体结构masonrystructure混凝土(砼)结构concretestructure混合结构mixedstructure板柱结构slab-columnsystemWORD格式框架结构framestructure折板结构folded-platestructure壳体结构shellstructure悬索结构cable-suspendedstructure充气结构pneumaticstructure拉膜结构tensilestructure剪力墙(结构墙)结构shearwallstructure框架-剪力墙结构frame-shearwallstructure筒体结构tubestructure悬挂结构suspendedstructure扩展(扩大)基础spreadfoundation刚性基础rigidfoundation独立基础singlefooting联合基础combinedfooting条形基础stripfoundation壳体基础shellfoundation箱形基础boxfoundation筏形基础raftfoundation桩基础pilefoundation沉箱基础caissonfoundation管柱基础cylinderpilefoundation,cylindercaissonfoundation 基床bed,bedding建筑构造类壁纸wallpaper墙面砖walltile地面砖floortile勒脚,柱础plinth踢脚skirting木踢脚timberskirting榫槽,地槽groove墙槽wallconduit墙基wallfooting踢脚skirting凹圆踢脚covedskirting凹形线脚sunkmoulding凹缝openjoint平缝buttjoint伸缩缝expansionandcontractionjoint沉降缝settlementjoint防震缝aseismicjoint变形缝deformationjointWORD格式施工缝constructionjoint防潮层moisturebarrier隔热保温层heatinsulation防水waterproofing防湿moistureproofing防潮dampproofing隔声soundproofing外墙externalwall内墙internalwall隔墙partitionwall女儿墙parapetwall踏面tread踢面riser防滑条reeding栏杆railing扶手handrail排水沟drainageditch护坡slopeprotection,revetment挡土墙retainingwall建筑材料类钢筋混凝土reinforcedconcrete现浇混凝土cast-in-situconcrete预制混凝土precastconcrete预应力混凝土prestressedconcrete加气混凝土aeratedconcrete碎石混凝土rubbleconcrete清水混凝土exposedconcrete水泥cement石灰lime水泥砂浆cementmortar石灰砂浆limemortar石膏gypsum熟石膏plasterofParis砂sand砾石gravel砖brick空心砌块hollowblock混凝土砌块concreteblock木材timber瓦roofingtile屋面毡roofingfeltWORD格式钢筋reinforcingsteel涂料paint景观设计类广场square水景waterfeature圆形剧场,露天剧场amphitheatre儿童乐园children’splayground羽毛球场badmintoncourt篮球场basketballcourt网球场tenniscourt停车场parkingarea屋顶花园roofgarden,greenroof凉亭pavilion花架pergola(比较:宝塔pagoda)行车道carriageway人行道sidewalk自行车道bicyclepath国外建筑类多立克柱Doriccolumn爱奥尼亚柱Ioniccolumn科林斯柱Corinthiancolumn古典主义的classical新古典主义的neoclassical拜占庭Byzantine文艺复兴renaissance帕拉迪奥母题Palladianmotive巴洛克baroque洛可可rococo哥特式gothic罗马风Romanesque新艺术运动artnouveau现代主义运动modernmovement现代主义modernism后现代主义post-modernism解构主义deconstructionism邻里单位neighbourhoodunit田园城市gardencity。
1、Construction industry 建筑业2、High-rise apartments 高层公寓3、Institution and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设4、Oligopoly 垄断,供过于求5、Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设6、Infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设7、Residential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设8、Take charge 负责9、Single-family house 独户住宅10、Professional consultant 专业征询人士11、General contractor 总承包商12、Mission-oriented 以目的(任务)为导向的13、Continuity 连续性14、Indispensable 不可或缺的15、Common-place 常见的16、Schedule 进度17、Maximization 最大化18、Communication 沟通19、Certification 认证20、Distinguish 区别,区分21、Predetermined 预定的22、Ingredient 组成部分,成分23、Linear programming 线性规划24、Trade off 均衡,权衡25、Delineation 叙述,说明26、Utilization 使用27、Integration 综合,整合28、Shop drawings 施工图,安装图29、Simultaneously 同时的30、Prebid site 投标前现场31、Nominated subcontractor 指定分包商32、Prequalified 预审合格33、An manual of professional practice 专业人员从业手册34、Risk-reward 风险和回报35、Structural design 结构设计36、Specialized subcontractor 专业分包商37、Work package 工作包38、Construction planning 施工计划39、Technical feasibility 技术可行性40、Construction operations 施工作业41、Structural or foundation details 结构或基础的具体情况42、Ingenuity and creativity 灵活性和发明性43、Construction constractors 施工承包商44、Monitoring and control 监督和控制45、Facility design 设施设计46、Estimate stage 估算阶段47、Evaluation stage 评估阶段48、equity partners 股权伙伴49. 、specifications and drawings 技术规范和图纸50.、Placing concrete on site 现场浇混凝土1、Job-site productivity 工地生产率2、Contractual agreements 协议3、Safety consciousness 安全意识4、Labor productivity 劳动生产率5、Foreign operations 国外施工6、Labor efficiency 劳动效率7、Infrastructure 基础设施8、Linear interpolation 线性内插9、Labor jurisdictions 劳动仲裁10、Non-productive activities 非生产性活动11、On-site 现场12、Labor characteristics 劳动力的特性13、Security sensitivity 安全敏感性14、Recognized strength 公认的实力15、Processing plant 加工厂16、Logistic problems 后勤问题17、Drilling platform 钻井平台18、Building construction 建筑施工19、Material procurement and delivery 材料采购和运送20、Bulk materials 大宗材料21、Overlapping and rehandling 搭接和再解决22、Semi-processed 半加工的,半成品的23、Concrete mix 混凝土拌和物24、Steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱25、. bills of quantity 工程量清单26、. minutes of the conference 会议纪要27、the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价28、reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用29、.Hierarchical structure 层级结构30、Critical path scheduling 关键线路进度控制程序31、.bonus and penalty clauses 奖励和处罚条款32、lump-sum agreement 总价协议33、.written authorization 书面授权34、unit-price agreement 单价协议35、Bids and quotations 投标和报价36、Off-the-shelf material 现货材料37、Earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖38 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告39、. conditions of contract 协议条件40、Construction supervision 施工监督41、Freight delivery 货品运送44、Slippage or contraction 延误或提前45、.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益46、.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值47、changes clause 变更条款49、prequalification 资格预审49、limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标50、Unit Cost of Estimetion 单位估价1、Cost estimation 成本估算2、Cost engineering 工程估价3、Profitability 赢利4、Production function 生产函数5、Statistical inference 记录推断6、Construction equipment 施工机具7、General office overhead 总部管理费8、The cost engineer or estimator 估算师9、Cost control 成本控制10、Empirical cost inference 经验成本推论法11、Allocation of joint costs 综合成本的分摊12、Bill of quantities 工程量清单2、Cooling system 冷却系统3、Heat exchanger 热互换器4、Slabs and beams 楼板和梁5、Furnaces 锅炉6、Plus ancillary items 辅助设备7、Formwork 模板8、Detailed Estimates 具体估算9、Preliminary Estimates 具体估算10、Subcontractor Quotations 分包报价11、Construction Procedures 施工方法12、Factored Estimate Formula 系数估算公式13、Reinforcing bars 钢筋14、Building foundation 建筑物基础1、Economic evaluation 经济评价2、Sensitivity 灵敏度3、Planning horizon 规划周期4、Project alternative 备择项目5、Opportunity cost 机会成本6、Financial investment 金融投资7、Minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率8、Social rate discount 社会折现率9、Investment consideration 投资分析10、Decision maker 决策者11、Cash flow profile 钞票流分布形态12、Net annual cash flow 年净钞票流13、Capital project 资本项目14、Socially desirable programs 社会公益项目15、The Office of Management and Budget 财政部门16、Government agency 政府部门17、linear programming线性规划18、network analysis 网络分析19、Under ordinary circumstances, 在通常情况下20、best price/performance characteristics最优性价比特性21、an acceptable quality levelallowable可接受的质量水平22、a allowable fraction of defective items.可接受的缺陷比例23、ill structured棘手的24、critical ingredients关键因素25、identified as被看作为26、the rate of return资本回收率 cash flow 净钞票流量28.financing options 融资方式29.project finance 项目融资30.negative cash balance 负钞票结余31.profit measure 利润指标值32.private corporations 私营股份制公司33.Public agencies 公告机构34 instructions to bidders 投标人须知35 . conditions of contract协议条件36.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值37.Capital recovory factor 资金回收因子38.Benefit cost ratio 收益费用比39.Profitability index 赚钱指数40. prequalification 资格预审41. bidding documents 招标文献42. domestic contractor 国内承包商43.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益44.Adjusted internal rate of capital 调整后的内部收益率45.Return on investment 投资收益46. international competitive bidd ing 竞争性国际招标47limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标48.national competitive bidd ing 国内竞争性招标49 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告50 substantially responsive 实质性响应1. changes 工程变更2. contract awards 协议授予3.changes clause 变更条款4.publicly financed priject 公共项目融资5.extra work 附加工作6.the prime contractor 主承包商7. pre-construction sercices 施工前服务8.reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用9. overhead and profit 管理费和利润10.Construction planning 施工计划11. chioce of technology 施工技术的选择12.The definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义13.Normative problem 规范性问题14.Cost control 成本控制15.Schedule control 进度控制16.Critical path scheduling procedure关键线路进度控制程序17.Job shop scheduling procedure 工作现场进度控制程序18.Datebases and information systes m 数据库和信息系统19.The duration of the activity 工作活动的连续时间20.Placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土21 Placing forms 支设模版22. Installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋23. Pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土24.Finishing the concrete 混凝土养护25. Removing forms 模版拆除26.Position forms on the cleanning station 在清理场合码放模版27. Hierarchical structure 层级结构28.fixed fee 固定费用29.overhead and profit 管理费和利润30.job shop scheduling procedure 现场进度控制程序31.change order 变更单32.cost –plus-fee agreement成本加费用协议33.quantity takeoff 工程量清单34. prequalification 资格预审35、decomposed into 分解为36.From the viewpoint of从某个角度看37.responsible for 对某事负责38.superior to 优于。
建筑部分•建筑物(Building): 用来指称房屋、办公楼、商场等建筑结构。
•建筑工程(Construction): 涉及到建造、装修和维护建筑物的整个过程。
•建筑师(Architect): 设计并监督建筑物建造的专业人员。
•施工(Construction): 建筑师和工人根据设计图纸实际搭建和修建建筑物的过程。
•蓝图(Blueprint): 展示建筑物内外部结构和细节的设计图纸。
•承包商(Contractor): 负责组织、协调和管理建筑工程的专业人士或公司。
•材料(Materials): 用于建筑或装修的原材料,如混凝土、钢铁、木材等。
•地基(Foundation): 支撑建筑物的地下结构,通常由混凝土或石材构成。
•横梁(Beam): 横跨两个或多个支柱的结构,用于支撑上方的重量。
•钢筋(Rebar): 给混凝土结构增加强度和耐久性的钢铁材料。
•屋顶(Roof): 地建筑物的顶部结构,用于保护建筑物免受天气和其他外部因素的影响。
建筑过程•设计(Design): 创造和规划建筑物的过程,通常由建筑师负责。
•测量(Measurement): 使用工具和技术确定建筑物的尺寸和位置。
•施工许可证(Building Permit): 由政府部门颁发的允许开始建设的文件。
•招投标(Bidding): 当建筑项目对外承包时,潜在的承包商会提供报价和竞标。
•预算(Budget): 针对建筑工程确定的可用资金的计划和分配。
•进度(Schedule): 描述建筑项目预计完成各个阶段的时间表。
•质检(Quality inspection): 对建筑工程过程中的工作进行检查,以确保其符合质量标准。
建设工程专用词汇(6)caisson gate 浮坞门caisson pile 沉箱桩calcareous cement 含钙水泥calcareous clay 石灰质粘土calcareous earth 石灰质土calcareous sand 石灰质砂calcareous sand stone 灰质砂岩calcinating kiln 焙烧炉calcination 烧成calcined gypsum 煅烧石膏calcining heat 煅烧温度calcium chloride 氯化钙calcium hardness 钙质硬度calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙calcium oxide 氧化钙calcium oxychloride 漂白粉calcium silicate brick 硅酸钙砖calcium silicate concrete 硅酸钙混凝土calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热材料calcium silicate products 硅酸钙产品calculated period 沉淀计算值calculated settlement 沉陷计算值calculating table 计算用表calculating technics 计算技巧calculation 计算calculation assumption 计算假定calculation hypothesis 计算假定calendar progress chart 日程表calfdozer 小型推土机calibration 校正california bearing ratio test 加州承重比试验calking 填隙call bell 电铃calorific capacity 热容量calorific value 发热量calorimeter 量热计camber beam 曲线梁canal 运河canal bridge 运河桥canal concrete paver 渠道混凝土浇筑机canal embankment 渠岸堤canal lining 渠道衬砌canal mouth 渠道口canal pumping station 水道泵站canal silting 水道泥淤canal slope 渠道倾斜canal slope concrete paver 渠道边坡混凝土铺机canal tunnel 渠道隧洞cant 倾斜cant column 多角柱canted wall 斜交墙canteen 临时怜餐室cantilever 悬臂梁cantilever beam 悬臂梁cantilever bridge 悬臂桥cantilever construction 悬臂结构cantilever crane 悬臂吊车cantilever deck dam 悬壁平板坝cantilever design 悬臂结构设计cantilever erection 悬臂架设cantilever foundation 悬臂基础cantilever girder 悬臂梁cantilever reinforcement 悬臂钢筋cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙cantilever roof 悬臂式屋顶cantilever type drop 悬臂式落差构造物cantilever wall 悬臂墙canvas 防水布canvas cloth 防水布caoutchouc 橡皮cap 柱冠capacitor 电容器capacity 能力capacity curve 容量曲线capacity level 额定水位标高capacity of heat transmission 热传导能力capillary pressure 毛细管压力capillary rise 毛细管上升capillary tube 毛细管capillary type air humidifier 毛细管式空气增湿器capillary water 毛细管水capital 柱顶capital investment 基建投资capitalized cost 核定投资额capping brick 檐砖captation 集水装置car bottom furnace 台车式炉car park 停车场caracol 旋梯carbon 碳carbon arc welding 碳素电弧焊carbon black 碳黑carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器carbon fibers 碳化纤维carbonate 碳酸盐carbonate hardness 碳酸盐硬度carbonation of fresh concrete 新烧混凝土碳化carburising 碳化carcase 骨架carcass 骨架carcass work 骨架制作carcassing 骨架制作carcassing timber 木构架构件card 图cardboard 纸板cardboard roof 硬纸板屋顶cargo berth 货物码头cargo terminal 货物码头carpenter 木工carpenter's hammer 木工锤carpenter's wooden vise 木工老虎钳carpenter's work 木工椎carpentry 木工椎carpet 地毯carpet rod 地毯固定棒carriageway 车道carriageway surfacing 车道路面carrying capacity 承载能力carrying wall 承重墙cart 手推车cart house 车库carton 纸板cartridge operated fixing gun 装配用手枪caryatid 女象柱cascade 瀑布case 箱case hardening 表面硬化cased frame 箱式窗架cased pile 沉箱桩cased structures 钢壳构造cased well 套管井casein 酪蛋白casein glue 酪蛋白胶casein paint 酪素涂料casemate 避弹堡casement window 竖铰链窗casement window bolt 窗扉插销cast asphalt concrete 浇注式沥青混凝土cast concrete 浇管灌凝土cast in place and precast construction 装配整体式结构cast in place concrete 就地浇捣的混凝土cast in place concrete pile 就地浇捣的cast in place concreting 就地灌筑混凝土cast in place construction 就地灌筑构造cast iron pipe 铸铁管cast iron radiator 铸铁制散热器cast steel 铸钢cast stone 铸石castellated beam 堞形梁caster 小脚轮casting area 构件制住地casting box 模板casting of concrete without forms 无模混凝土浇注casting plant 钢筋混凝土构件厂casting shop 铸工车间casting yard 构件制住地casualty 事故catalog 目录catalytic agent 催化剂catalyzed aggregates 催化骨料catalyzer 催化剂catch 键锁catch basin 集水槽catchment area 集水面积catenary 悬链线catenary suspension construction 悬链构造cauldron 大锅caulked joint 嵌实缝caulking 填隙caulking hammer 堵缝凿causeway 堤道caustic lime 生石灰caution sign 警告标志cave in 塌落cavern 洞穴cavitation 空穴现象cavity 空腔cavity block 空心砌块cavity brick 空心砖cavity dam 框格坝cavity slab 孔穴板cavity wall 空腔壁ccondense water 冷凝水ceiling 天花板ceiling air diffuser 顶棚空气散流ceiling air distribution 顶棚空气分布ceiling beam 平顶梁ceiling boarding 顶棚装木板ceiling coil 顶棚供热盘管ceiling fan 吊扇ceiling heating 天花板供热ceiling joist 平顶搁栅ceiling luminaire 天花板照描备ceiling mortar 顶棚灰浆ceiling panel 顶棚镶板ceiling panel heating 顶棚板面供热ceiling papering 顶棚糊纸cell concrete 微孔混凝土cell wall 格式壁cellar 地下室地窑cellar wall 地下室壁cellophane 玻璃纸赛璐玢cellular air filter 蜂窝状空气过滤器cellular block 空心混凝土块cellular cofferdam 格形围堰cellular concrete 微孔混凝土cellular dam 格体式坝cellular dust collector 蜂窝状除尘器cellular floor 格型楼板cellular girder 空心梁cellular glass 泡沫玻璃cellular plastics 泡沫塑料cellular rubber 海棉橡胶cellular silencer 蜂窝状消声器cellular structure 蜂窝状结构celluloid 赛璐玢celocret 泡沫矿渣cement 水泥cement additive 水泥外加剂cement admixture 水泥外加剂cement batcher 水泥计量器cement block 水泥砌块cement brand 水泥牌号cement brick 水泥砖cement bunker 水泥筒仓cement burning 水泥煅烧cement clinker 水泥烧块cement coating 水泥抹面cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement content 水泥含量cement covering 水泥罩面cement dispersion admixture 水泥分散外加剂cement distributor 水泥分配机cement external rendering 水泥外面抹灰cement facing 水泥盖面cement factor 水泥含量cement fineness 水泥细度cement finisher 水泥整平抹光机cement floor 水泥地面cement grinding mill 水泥磨碎机cement grit 粗水泥cement grout 水泥浆cement grouting 灌水泥浆cement gun 水泥喷枪cement hardener 水泥粉刷硬化剂cement in bulk 散装水泥cement industry 水泥工业cement injection 水泥灌浆cement joint 水泥缝cement kiln 水泥窑cement lime mortar 水泥石灰浆cement lining 水泥衬砌cement minerals 水泥矿物cement mixer 水泥灰浆拌合机cement mortar 水泥灰浆cement paint 水泥涂料cement paste 水泥浆cement plant 水泥厂cement plaster finish 石膏水泥灰泥饰面cement screed 水泥浆找平cement setting 水泥凝结cement silo 水泥筒仓cement slurry 水泥泥浆cement strength 水泥强度cement testing sand 水泥试验用标准砂cement tests 水泥试验法cement tile 水泥花砖cement water grout 稀水泥浆cement water ratio 灰水比cement weigh batching unit 水泥按重量配料组合机组cement weigher 水泥秤cement weighing hopper 水泥重量配科斗cement wood floor 水泥木质地板cementation 水泥灌浆cementation method 水泥灌浆法cementing 水泥胶结cementing agent 粘结剂cementing materials 胶结材料cementing properties 胶结性cementitious materials 胶结材料center arch 中心拱center boiler 集中式锅炉center line 中心线center of curvature 曲率中心center of gravity 重心center of moments 弯矩中心center of pressure 压力中心center of rotation 旋转中心center span 中央跨距center support 中心支座center to center distance 中心距centering of arches 拱的定心central air conditioner 集中空气第机central air conditioning plant 集中式空气第装置central area 中心地区central axis 中心轴central bay 中心桥跨central boiler house 中央锅炉房屋central botanical garden 中央植物园central control room 中央控制室central heating 中央供热central heating boiler 中央供热锅炉central heating station 中央加热站central mixed concrete 中央拌合混凝土central moment of inertia 中心惯性矩central park 中央公园central plan 中心规划central plant air conditioning system 中央空气第系统central point load 中心点负荷central post 中心柱central warm air heating system 中央热风供热系统centralized hot water supply system 中央热水供应系统centrifugal concrete pile 离心混凝土桩centrifugal pump 离心泵centrifugal reinforced concrete 离心钢筋混凝土centrifugally cast concrete 离心浇灌混凝土centrifugally cast pipe 离心浇灌钢筋混凝土管centrifuge 离心机centroid of section 截面重心ceramic drain 陶瓷排水管ceramic materials 陶瓷材料ceramic mosaic 陶瓷马赛克ceramic tile 瓷砖ceramic veneer 陶瓷面砖ceramic wall 陶瓷砖墙ceramics 陶瓷制品ceramsite concrete 陶粒混凝土ceramsite foam concrete 陶粒泡沫混凝土chain 链chain bridge 链缩桥chain bucket dredge 链斗式控泥船chain hoist 链式提升器chain lever hoist 链条杆卷杨机chain of locks 梯级船闸chain saw 链锯chain sling 链式吊索chain survey 链测chain suspension bridge 链缩桥chair 椅chalk 粉笔chalkstone 白恶石chamber 室chambering 扩孔chamfered angle 斜面角chamotte brick 耐火粘土砖chandelier 枝形吊灯change 变化change in length 长度变化change of gradient 梯度变化change of stress state 应力状态的变化channel beam 槽形梁channel capacity 河槽输水能力channel check 渠道控制channel flow 摸怜channel of approach 引水渠channel revetment 河道护岸channel roughness 河槽糙率channel section 槽形截面characteristic concrete cube strength 混凝土规格立方块强度characteristic curve 特性曲线characteristic load 规格荷载characteristic properties 固有特性characteristic strength 特湛度charcoal 发charge 装药charge of surety 容许荷载charpy impact machine 单梁式冲辉验机charpy test 恰贝试验chart 表chase 槽chasing 车槽雕刻chassisless construction 无车身底盘结构check 检查check calculation 验算check gate 第闸门check of staircase 楼梯侧板check test 检查试验check throat 门嘉水槽check valve 止回阀checker plate 花钢板cheek 边墙chemical action 化学酌chemical admixture 化学掺合料chemical agent 化学试剂chemical analysis 化学分析chemical combination 化合chemical compound 化学组成chemical gauging 化学方法测定chemical grouting 化学灌桨chemical mortar 化学灰浆chemical precipitation 化学沉淀chemical reaction 化学反应chemical sealing 化学密封加固chemical water treatment 水的化学处理chemically bonded brick 化学粘着砖chemistry of concrete 混凝土化学chequer plate 网纹钢板chevron drain 人字形排水沟chief draughtsman 治员图员chief engineer 总工程师children's garden 儿童公园children's play area 儿童游戏场chilled water 冷却水chilling 冷却chilling water 冷却水chimney 烟囱chimney block 烟道砌块chimney cap 烟囱帽chimney drain 竖井排水管chimney effect 抽吸效应chimney flue 烟囱chimney hood 烟囱帽chimney shaft 烟囱身chimneys brick 烟图用砖china cabinet 瞅china sanitary ware 卫生彩色瓷器chipboard 碎木胶合板chippings 碎石片chippings spreader 石屑撒布机chisel 錾chlorination 加氯处理chlorination plant 加氯处理装置chlorinator 氯化器chock 垫木choker hitch 夹钳酸chord 桁架弦杆chord line 弦线chord of arch 拱弦chromatic adaptation 色顺应chromatic sensation 色觉chrome brick 铬砖churn drilling 冲唤钻进chute 斜槽chuting concrete 斜槽溜浇混凝土cillery 叶饰cinder 炉渣cinder aggregate 矿渣骨料cinder block 煤渣砌块cinder concrete 煤渣混凝土cinder concrete brick 煤渣混凝土砖cinquefoil 五瓣花饰cipoletti weir 梯形堰circle 圆circle of influence 影响圈circle of stress 应力圆circle of wall plates 承梁板凸缘。
建筑专业部分相关英语词汇建筑类型类民用建筑civil architecture工业建筑industrial building居住区residential area坡地住宅stepped hillside house联排住宅terraced house错层式住宅split-level house半独立式住宅semi-detached house 公寓apartment, flat多层建筑multi-storey block高层建筑high-rise block商业建筑business premises乡土建筑vernacular architecture本土建筑,地域建筑local architecture 绿色建筑green architecture基础设施infrastructure设计过程类可行性研究feasibility study进度表time schedule方案草图preliminary sketch初步设计preliminary design施工设计final design详图设计detail design图纸drawing平面图plan立面图elevation东立面图east elevation南立面图south elevation西立面图west elevation北立面图north elevation横剖面cross section纵剖面longitudinal section轴测图isometric view鸟瞰图bird’s-eye view施工图working drawing总体规划图master plan索引图key, key plan现场质量管理site supervision工程质量管理project supervision验收final approval建筑指标类层高story height居住面积living area建筑占地面积covered area容积率plot ratio覆盖率coverage绿地率ratio of green space人口密度population density居住密度density of settlement建筑元素类走廊corridor, passage挑廊overhanging corridor檐廊eaves corridor回廊cloister凉廊loggia过街楼arcade门斗foyer阁楼attic阳台balcony雨篷canopy自然层floor维护结构envelop enclosure围护性幕墙enclosing curtain wall装饰性幕墙decorative faced curtain wall 落地窗French window百叶窗shutter, louver window起居室living room餐室dining room厨房kitchen浴室bathroom淋浴shower单人卧室single bedroom双人卧室double bedroom备餐室pantry洗衣间laundry贮藏室store room地下室basement半地下室semi-basement永久性顶盖permanent cap螺旋楼梯spiral staircase建筑结构类梁beam, girder圈梁ring beam简支梁suspended beam悬臂梁cantilever beam固端梁fixed-end beam连续梁continuous beam拱arch板slab, plate简支板suspended slab嵌固板fixed-edge slab单向板one-way slab双向板two-way slab肋形板ribbed slab井字形梁板groined slab壳shell柱column墙wall承重墙load bearing wall桁架truss框架framework排架bent frame刚架(刚构)rigid frame桩pile板桩sheet pile结构structure基础foundation地基foundation soil, subgrade, subbase 木结构timber structure拱结构arch structure钢结构steel structure砌体结构masonry structure混凝土(砼)结构concrete structure混合结构mixed structure板柱结构slab-column system框架结构frame structure折板结构folded-plate structure壳体结构shell structure悬索结构cable-suspended structure充气结构pneumatic structure拉膜结构tensile structure剪力墙(结构墙)结构shear wall structure框架-剪力墙结构frame-shear wall structure筒体结构tube structure悬挂结构suspended structure扩展(扩大)基础spread foundation刚性基础rigid foundation独立基础single footing联合基础combined footing条形基础strip foundation壳体基础shell foundation箱形基础box foundation筏形基础raft foundation桩基础pile foundation沉箱基础caisson foundation管柱基础cylinder pile foundation, cylinder caisson foundation 基床bed, bedding建筑构造类壁纸wall paper墙面砖wall tile地面砖floor tile勒脚,柱础plinth踢脚skirting木踢脚timber skirting榫槽,地槽groove墙槽wall conduit墙基wall footing踢脚skirting凹圆踢脚coved skirting凹形线脚sunk moulding凹缝open joint平缝butt joint伸缩缝expansion and contraction joint沉降缝settlement joint防震缝aseismic joint变形缝deformation joint施工缝construction joint防潮层moisture barrier隔热保温层heat insulation防水water proofing防湿moisture proofing防潮damp proofing隔声sound proofing外墙external wall内墙internal wall隔墙partition wall女儿墙parapet wall踏面tread踢面riser防滑条reeding栏杆railing扶手handrail排水沟drainage ditch护坡slope protection, revetment挡土墙retaining wall建筑材料类钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete现浇混凝土cast-in-situ concrete预制混凝土precast concrete预应力混凝土prestressed concrete 加气混凝土aerated concrete碎石混凝土rubble concrete清水混凝土exposed concrete水泥cement石灰lime水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar石膏gypsum熟石膏plaster of Paris砂sand砾石gravel砖brick空心砌块hollow block混凝土砌块concrete block木材timber瓦roofing tile屋面毡roofing felt钢筋reinforcing steel涂料paint景观设计类广场square水景water feature圆形剧场,露天剧场amphitheatre儿童乐园children’s playground羽毛球场badminton court篮球场basketball court网球场tennis court停车场parking area屋顶花园roof garden, green roof凉亭pavilion花架pergola (比较:宝塔pagoda)行车道carriageway人行道sidewalk自行车道bicycle path国外建筑类多立克柱Doric column爱奥尼亚柱Ionic column科林斯柱Corinthian column古典主义的classical新古典主义的neoclassical拜占庭Byzantine文艺复兴renaissance帕拉迪奥母题Palladian motive巴洛克baroque洛可可rococo哥特式gothic罗马风Romanesque新艺术运动art nouveau现代主义运动modern movement现代主义modernism后现代主义post-modernism解构主义deconstructionism邻里单位neighbourhood unit田园城市garden city。
1 建筑工程专业英语词汇(1)建设,建筑,修建to build, to construct 建筑学architecture 修筑,建筑物building 房子house 摩天大楼skyscraper 公寓楼block block of of of flats flats flats ((美作:apartment block) 纪念碑monument 宫殿palace 庙宇temple 皇宫,教堂basilica 大教堂cathedral 教堂church 塔,塔楼tower 十层办公大楼ten-storey office block 柱column 柱列colonnade 拱arch 市政town planning (美作:city planning) 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证building permission 绿地greenbelt 建筑物的三面图elevation 设计图plan 比例尺scale 预制to prefabricate 挖土,掘土excavation 基foundations, base, subgrade 打地基to lay the foundations 砌好的砖列course of bricks 脚手架scaffold, scaffolding 质量合格证书certification of fitness 原材料raw material 底板bottom plate 垫层cushion 侧壁sidewall 中心线center line 条形基础strip footing 附件accessories 型钢profile steel 钢板steel plate 熔渣slag 飞溅welding spatter 定位焊tacking 引弧generating of arc 建筑工程专业英语词汇(2)充水试验filling water test 错边量unfitness of butt joint 底圈foundation ring 真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test 丁字焊缝tee welding 渗透探伤oil whiting test 充水试验filling water test 内侧角焊缝接头interior interior angle angle angle welding welding welding line line joint 基础沉降foundation settlement 测量基准点datum mark 稳定性试验stability test 排气阀outlet valve 角钢angle steel 构件component part 机械损伤mechanical damage 缩孔shrinkage cavity 折迭enfoldment 碳钢管carbon steel tube 公称直径nominal diameter 预埋件embedded part 轴测图axonometric drawing 布置图arrangement diagram 氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管low alloy steel 热影响区heat affected area 修磨polish 砂轮片grinding wheel 等离子plasma panel 重皮coldlap 凹凸unevenness 缩口necking down 端面head face 倾斜偏差dip deviation 外径external diameter 砂轮grinding wheel 管件pipe casting 单线图single line drawing 平齐parallel and level 两端two terminals 满扣buckle 螺栓紧固bolton 熄弧熄弧 quenching of arc 焊道焊道 welding bead 坡口坡口 beveled edges 外观检查外观检查 visual inspection 重皮重皮 double-skin 水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction 成型成型 molding 直线度直线度 straightness accuracy 焊缝角变形 welding line angular distortion 水平度水平度 levelness 铅垂度铅垂度 verticality 翘曲变形翘曲变形 buckling deformation 角尺角尺 angle square 对接焊缝对接焊缝 butt weld 母材母材 parent metal 法兰密封面法兰密封面 flange sealing surface 夹层夹层 interlayer 表面锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration 挠曲变挠曲变 bending deformation 超声波探伤超声波探伤 ultrasonic ultrasonic testing/ testing/ testing/ ultrasonic ultrasonic examination 压力容器压力容器 pressure vessel 预制下料预制下料 prefabrication baiting 排版直径排版直径 set-type diameter 焊缝焊缝 welding line 中幅板中幅板 center plate 测量方法测量方法 measuring method 基准点基准点 datum mark 跳焊跳焊 skip welding 允许偏差允许偏差 allowable variation 补强板补强板 stiffening plate 开孔开孔 tapping 对接接头对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing 角钢角钢 angle iron 安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱吊装立柱 hoisting upright column 焊接钢管焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 向心斜拉筋向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope 带板带板 band plate 槽钢胀圈槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring 环口环口 collar extension 局部变形局部变形 local distortion 周边周边 periphery 附加应力附加应力 additional stress 同轴度同轴度 axiality 平行度平行度 parallelism 随机随机 stochastic 允许偏差允许偏差 allowable variation 重直度verticality 水平度水平度 levelness 隔离盲板隔离盲板 blind plate 氩弧焊argon arc welding 压盖螺栓压盖螺栓 gland bolt 间距间距 spacing 有效期有效期 period of validity 担任担任 take charge of undertake 焊条焊条 welding rod 碳钢焊条碳钢焊条 carbon steel 焊丝焊丝 welding wire 熔化焊熔化焊 melting 钢丝钢丝 steel wire 气体保护焊气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding 烘干烘干 drying 清洗清洗 ablution 制度s ystem 焊接工艺焊接工艺 welding procedure 相应相应 corresponding 手工电弧焊手工电弧焊 manual electric arc welding 手工钨极手工钨极 manual tungsten electrode 打底打底 render 电源电源 power source 交流交流 alternating current 焊件焊件 weldment 管壁厚度管壁厚度 pipe thickness 对接焊缝对接焊缝 butt weld 工件壁厚工件壁厚 workpiece 飞溅物飞溅物 splash 沾污沾污 smirch 油污油污 oil stain 细锉细锉 smooth file 铣刀铣刀 milling cutter 氧化膜氧化膜 oxide film 脱脂处理脱脂处理 ungrease treatment] 棉质纤维棉质纤维 cotton fibre 丙酮丙酮 acetone 硫 sulfur 环缝环缝 circumferential weld 顶板顶板 top plate 拱顶拱顶 vault 顶板加强肋顶板加强肋 stiffening rib 对接对接 butt joint 胎具胎具 clamping fixture 卷板机卷板机 plate bending rolls 中心支架中心支架 center bearing bracket 椭圆度椭圆度 ovality 等分线等分线 bisectrix 搭接宽度搭接宽度 lap width 点焊点焊 spot welding 搭接焊搭接焊 overlap welding 对称对称 symmetrically 螺旋爬梯螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs 放料阀放料阀 baiting valve 液位计液位计 content gauge 芬兰维萨拉芬兰维萨拉 V ailsla OY 美国美科美国美科 "Met-coil, USA" 集中式空调系统 centralized air conditioning system 裙房裙房 annex 热源热源 heat source 平面位置的空间 space of planimetric position 密封性能密封性能 sealing performance 机房机房 machine room 节点节点 timing 专业专业 "profession or discipline 都可以都可以,要根据上下文" 连体法兰连体法兰 coupling flange 垂直井笼垂直井笼 vertical well cage 变风量变风量 variable air rate 施工面展开施工面展开 construction unfolds 违约行为违约行为 noncompliance 合同交底- contract presentation 管理承包商 Management Contractor party 工程量工程量 work amount 实施的形象进度 progress of implementation 完工资料完工资料 as-built documentation 文整文整 clear-up 审核审核 review 汽车式起重机汽车式起重机 Autocrane 深化图纸深化图纸 deepen drawing 焊剂焊剂 welding flux 钢板钢板 steel plate 纵向焊缝纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam 筒节筒节 shell ring 封头封头 end socket 卷管卷管 reelpipe 强度试验强度试验 strength test 起弧起弧 arc starting 穿堂风穿堂风 draught 熔合熔合 fusion 反面反面 reverse side 整体整体 integral 封堵封堵 block up 焊口焊口 weld bond 医用胶布医用胶布 medical proof fabric 高频高频 high frequency 焊炬焊炬 welding torch 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(4) 综合分析判断 comprehensive analysis and judgement 变压器变压器 transformer 抽芯loose core 过道过道 aisle 三相电容三相电容 three phase capacitance 芯棒芯棒 core rod 都市规划与土地开发 Urban g and Land Development 社区开发及工业区开发社区开发及工业区开发 Community Development and Industry Park Development 开发许可申请开发许可申请 Development Permit 土地使用变更计划土地使用变更计划 Land Use Rezoning Plan 主要计划及细部计划主要计划及细部计划 Master Master Plan Plan Plan and and and Detail Detail Plan 都市计划更新计划都市计划更新计划 Urban Renewal Plan 都市设施都市设施 Urban Design 建筑设施建筑设施 Architecture Design 大地工程大地工程 Geotechnical Engineering 工址调查工址调查 Site Investigation 现地试验与室内试验现地试验与室内试验 In-Situ In-Situ and and and Laboratory Laboratory Test 基础工程基础工程 Foundation Design 设备配置计划 equipment furnishment plan 结构预埋配合阶段 Structure pre-embedment assistance stage 精装修阶段精装修阶段 Fine fitment stage 工程施工阶段工程施工阶段 Construction stage 工程竣工阶段工程竣工阶段 Completion stage 台钻台钻 Bench drill 冲击钻冲击钻 Churn drill 手电钻手电钻 Electric portable drill 砂轮切割机砂轮切割机 Abrasive cutting off machine 角钢卷圆机角钢卷圆机 Angle iron rolling machine 管道切断器管道切断器 Pipe cutting machine 铜管调直机 Copper Copper pipe pipe pipe straightening straightening machine 管道压槽机管道压槽机 Book Book joint joint joint setting setting setting machine machine for pipes 管道压槽机管道压槽机 Book Book joint joint joint setting setting setting machine machine for pipes 角向磨光机角向磨光机 Angle polishing machine 电动套丝机电动套丝机 Electric threading machine 电动卷扬机电动卷扬机 Electric winch 电动试压泵 Motor-driven pressure pressure test test pump 手动试压泵手动试压泵 Manual pressure test pump 阀门试压机阀门试压机 Valve pressure test device 阀门试压机阀门试压机 Valve pressure test device TDC(F)风管加工流水线 TDC(F)air ductwork fabrication stream line 等离子切割机等离子切割机 Plasma cutting machine TDC(F)法兰条成型机 TDC(F) flange strip shaping mill 勾码成型机勾码成型机 Forming Forming machine machine machine for for for flange flange clamp TDC(F)风管加工成型机 TDC(F) TDC(F) duct duct fabrication shaping mill 多普勒超声波流量检测仪 Doppler ultrasonic flow detector 温、湿度传感器温、湿度传感器 "Temperature, "Temperature, humidity humidity senor" 精密声级计精密声级计 Precision sound level meter 风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装置 "Duct air leakage tester, airchamber air leakage testing 深开挖工程及建物保护深开挖工程及建物保护 Deep Excavation and Building Protection 新生地及软弱地层改良新生地及软弱地层改良 Reclamation and Soft Ground Improvement 山坡地开发与水土保持 Slope land Development, Soil and Water Conservation 潜盾隧道与岩石隧道潜盾隧道与岩石隧道 Shield Tunnel and Rock Tunnel 大地工程施工顾问大地工程施工顾问 Geotechnical Construction Consultant 土壤材料试验土壤材料试验 Soil and Material 结构工程结构工程 Structural Engineering 各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢骨钢筋混凝土结构 Structures of R.C., Prestressed Concrete, Steel, and SRC 桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开挖挡土结构 Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures for Deep Excavations 桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强 Bridge Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 钢结构细部设计及制造图 Steel Steel Structural Structural Detail Design and Shop Drawings 厂房工程厂房工程 Industrial Plant 工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、科技工业厂房、一般性厂房 Industrial Plants--Petroleum Plants--Petroleum and and and Chemical, Chemical, Chemical, Steel, Steel, Steel, Power, Power, Gas, High-Technical and General Plants 环保设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污水处理厂及相关管线水处理厂及相关管线 Environment Environment Protecting Protecting Plants--Incineration Plants--Incineration Plants, Plants, Plants, Garbage Garbage Garbage Disposal Disposal Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Piping System 设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台 Equipment Supporting Supporting Structures, Structures, Structures, Pipe Pipe Pipe Racks, Racks, Racks, Operating Operating Platforms 设备基础设备基础 Equipment Foundations 厂区一般土木及公共设施 General Civil Works and Utilities of Plants 运输工程运输工程 Transportation Engineering 运输规划运输规划 Transportation Planning 停车场设施工程规划、设计 Engineering Planning & Design for Parking Facilities 建筑交通维持计划 Traffic Control & device" 风罩式风量测试仪 Air hood air rate tester 微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪 "Micromanometer , pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) anemoscope" 潜水泵潜水泵 Submerged pump 电动弯管机电动弯管机 Electric pipe bender 铜管弯管机铜管弯管机 Copper pipe bender 液压弯管机液压弯管机 Hydraulic pipe bender 电动剪刀电动剪刀 Electric clipper 液压铆钉钳液压铆钉钳 Hydraulic riveting clamp 线槽电锯线槽电锯 Trunking electric saw 开孔器开孔器 Tapper 电动空压机电动空压机 Electric air compressor 液压千斤顶液压千斤顶 Hydraulic jack 液压手推车液压手推车 Hydraulic trolley 焊条烘干箱焊条烘干箱 Welding rod drying box 手拉葫芦手拉葫芦 Chain block 道(垫)木道(垫)木 Sleeper 转速表转速表 Tachometer 电流钳型表电流钳型表 Clip-style ammeter 压力表压力表 Pressure gauge 接地电阻测试仪 Earthing resistance testing device 氧气表氧气表 Oxygen gauge 乙炔表乙炔表 Acetylene gauge 对讲机对讲机 Walkie talkie 文件和资料文件和资料 documents and information? 建设单位建设单位 Construction unit 安装单位安装单位 Installation unitz 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(3) 送气送气 air supply 电流衰减装置电流衰减装置 current attenuation 气体延时保护装置气体延时保护装置 time delay 熄弧熄弧 quenching of arc 成型成型 molding 钢印代号钢印代号 steel seal 质量分析质量分析 quality analysis 负责人负责人 principal 审批审批 examine and approve 补焊工艺补焊工艺 repair welding 压缩机压缩机 compression pump 平焊法兰平焊法兰 welded flange 测试流程图测试流程图 test flow chart Management during Construction 水利及港湾工程 Hydraulic and Harbor Engineering 营建管理营建管理 Construction Management 估价及工程预算制作 Estimates and Engineering Budget Works 营建管理营建管理 Construction Management 工程监造工程监造 Construction Supervision 施工计划施工计划 Construction Plan 工程进度控管 Schedule Control during Construction 施工规划施工规划 Construction Specifications 环境工程环境工程 Environmental Engineering 环境影响评估 Environment Impact Assessment 环境监测环境监测 Environmental Monitoring 地下水监测系统地下水监测系统 Groundwater Monitoring 污水处理厂污水处理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水下水道污水下水道 Sewage System 噪音振动防治噪音振动防治 Noise and Vibration 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程垃圾焚化厂兴建工程 Waste Incinerator 废弃物处理系统工程 Waste Treatment & Disposal 共同管道共同管道 Common Ducts 管道及附属设施之规划设计 Planning Planning and and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiary Facilities 经济效益分析 Economic and Efficiency Analysis 财务评估财务评估 Financial Evaluation 管理维护办法及组织订定管理维护办法及组织订定 Regulation Regulation for for for the the Management, Maintenance and Organization 电力复合脂电力复合脂 electric force compounded grease 电缆敷设电缆敷设 cable laying 电缆槽架电缆槽架 cable channel 主干线主干线 trunk line 弯头弯头 angle fitting 剥落处剥落处 exfoliation 银粉银粉 aluminum powder 支持点支持点 support point 拆装拆装 disassembly and assembly 畅通畅通 smooth 电压等级电压等级 electric pressure 通断实验通断实验 onoff 加固措施加固措施 reinforcement measure 校验校验 verify 升压升压 boost pressure 读数读数 off scale reading 满刻度值满刻度值 full-scale value 盲板盲板 blind plate 压力表压力表 pressure meter 强度强度 intensity 目测目测 eye survey, visiual inspection 半径半径 radius 公式公式 formula 管路管路 pipeline 严密性严密性 leakproofness 导电膏导电膏 conductive paste 压接压接 compression joint 地上连接地上连接 overground 埋深埋深 buried depth 接地线接地线 earth wire 说明说明 description 分线盒分线盒 junction box 接地装置接地装置 earthing deivce 交叉across 塑料保护管塑料保护管 protection tube 塑料带塑料带 plastic tape 防腐处理防腐处理 preservative treatment 接地极接地极 earthing pole 接地电阻测试接地电阻测试 earth resistance 防雷接地防雷接地 lightning protection 遵守遵守 comply with 避雷网避雷网 lightning conduction 引下线引下线 down lead 搭接焊搭接焊 overlap welding 避雷针避雷针 lightning rod 镀锌制品镀锌制品 zinc coating 断接卡断接卡 breaking of contact 电阻电阻 resistance 配电装置配电装置 power distribution equipment 集中接地装置集中接地装置 centralized 串联串联 cascade connection 干线联接干线联接 main line 并列并列 paratactic 单独单独 solely 机组机组 machine set 终端头终端头 terminals 余度余度 remaining 标记牌标记牌 notice plate 表册表册 statistical forms 电缆桥架电缆桥架 cable testing bridge 电机电机 electric machine 相对湿度相对湿度 relative humidity 杂物杂物 sundries 耐压试验耐压试验 withstand voltage test 照明器具照明器具 ligthing paraphernalia 铭牌铭牌 nameplate 验收规范验收规范 acceptance specification 接线接线 wire splice 试运试运 test run 进线口进线口 incoming line 带电带电 electrified 盘车转子盘车转子 jigger rotor 二次回路二次回路 secondary circuit 中心线中心线 center line 触头触头 contactor 配电配电 power distribution 成套成套 whole set 楼板楼板 floor slab 备件备件 duplicate part, spare part 包装包装 packing 器材器材 equipment 导线导线 conducting wire 脱落脱落 fall off 规范规范 specification 电器电器 electrical appliance 断路器断路器 line breaker 机械联锁机械联锁 mechanical interlocking 碰撞碰撞 collision 轻便轻便 portable 。
.' (1)隧道图用缩略语英语词汇D&B 钻炸法(Drill and Blow)TBM 全断面隧道钻掘机(Tunnel Bore Machine)T.H. 上半断面(Top Height)B 台阶(Bench)I 仰拱(Invert)NATM 新奥工法(New Austrian Tunnel Method)RMR 岩体评分(Rock Mental Ratio)RQD 岩石品质指标(Rock Quality Directive)T.I. 临时仰拱(Temporary Invert)CCM 明挖覆盖工法(Cut and Cover Method).' (2)结构图用缩略语英语翻译ALT 交错排列(Alternative)BOT 底(层)(Bottom)BT 弯(Bent)CL 净(保护层)(Clearance)CT 柱箍筋(Column Tie-Bar)EW 各方面(Each Way)FF 远侧(Far Face)Fc 混凝土设计强度(28天圆柱试体抗压强度)(Compressive Strength of Concrete)Fs 钢材抗拉强度(Tensile Strength of Steel)Fy 钢材降伏强度(Yield Strength of Steel)HSB 高强度螺栓(High Strength Bolt)HTS 高拉力钢绞线(High Tensile Strand)HTW 高拉力钢线(High Tensile Wire)IF 内面(Inner Face)NF 近侧(Near Face)OF 外侧(Outside Face)SP 螺旋筋(Spiral) STIR 箍筋(Stirrup)STR 直通(Straight)T&B 顶层及底层(Top and Bottom)W/C 水灰比(Water Cement Ratio)WWF 熔接钢线网(Weld Wire Fence)GWL 地下水位(Ground Water Level)HHWL 最高洪水位(Highest High Water Level)HWL 高水位(High Water Level)HWY 公路(Highway)INV 仰拱(沟、管)底(Invert)LWL 低水位(Lower Water Level) MSL 平均海平面(Mean Sea Level) MWL 平均水位(Mean Water Level) NWL 常水位(Normal Water Level) PC 无筋混凝土(Preplair Concrete) PG 纵坡(Profile Grade) PVCP 塑胶管(P.V.C Pipe) RC 钢筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete) RCP 钢筋混凝土管(Reinforced Concrete Pipe) ROW 路权(Right of Way) RR 铁路(Rail Road) SE 超高(Super Elevation) SL 海平面(Sea Level) SRC 钢骨钢筋混凝土(Steel Reinforced Concrete) SSP 不銹钢管(Stainless Steel Pipe) STA 测站、桩号(Station) T/R 轨道顶(Top of Rail) WL 水位、水平面(Water Level) WWL 警戒水位(Warning Water Level)AFF 粉刷完成楼板面上(Above Finished Floor)CB 阴井(Catch Basin) CL 中心线(Center Line) C-C 中心到中心(Center to Center) COL??????.??? ? ????柱(Column).????CONC 混凝土(Concrete) CMU 混凝土空心砖(Concrete Masonry Unit) CJ 控制缝(Control Joint) CP 控制点(Control Point) DIA 直径(Diameter) DIM尺寸(Dimension) ???.???DN 向下(Down) DRG 图说(Drawings) EA 每个(Each) EL高程(Elevation) (按比例绘制的)建筑的立式图ELVR 电梯(Elevator) ????EQ 相等(Equivalent) ?????EXP 伸缩(Expansion) EJ 伸缩缝(Expansion Joint) FFL 粉刷(装修)楼板面高程(Finished Floor Level) FGL 粉刷(装修)地面高程(Finished Ground Level) FHC消防器(Fire Hydrant Cabinet)FLASH 盖板、遮雨板(Flash)FL 楼板(Floor) FD 地板落水(Floor Drainage) GALV 镀锌(Galvanized) GA 轨距/ 量规(Gauge) GLA 玻璃(Glass) GL 地面高程/ 地基高程(Ground Level) GYP 石膏板(Gypsum) ???JT 接缝(Joint)????KO 预留开口(孔)(Knock Out) MO 圬工(Masonry) R半径(Radius) RD ????????路(Road) RD 屋顶落水(Roof Drainage) RI 放样(Rough In) RM 房间(Room) SNV 卫生纸贩卖机(Sanitary Napkin Vending) SNR 卫生纸收集箱(Sanitary Napkin Receipt) S 南向(South) SPKR 扬声机(Speaker) SPEC规范说明(Specification) ???????SQ 广场(Square) SS??不銹钢(Stainless Steel)???? ??? ???STR 楼梯(Stair) STA 车站(Station)SCR 车站控制室(Station Control Room) ST 钢(Steel) STOR 储藏(Storage) ST 街(Street) SUSP 悬吊式(Suspended) SYS 系统(System) TEL 电话(Telephone) TELENCL 电话箱(Telephone Control) TV 电视(Television) TERR 磨石子(Terrazzo)THK 厚(Thickness) TYP 标准型式(Typical) U/G 地下(Under Ground) UP 向上(Up) VENT通风(Ventilation) VERT 垂直(Vertical) WC 大便器(Water Closet) WT 重量(Weight) W 西向/ 宽度或木料(West / Width / Wood) W/ 含… / 及… (Wit h) W/O 不含… (Without) WD 木料(Wood) WP 工作点(Working Point)(5)土木工程常用缩略语ABUT 桥墩(Abutment) C-C 中心到中心(Center to Center) CCTV 闭路电视(Closed Circuit Television) CONC 混凝土(Concrete) CC 施工契约(Construction Contract) C&C 明挖覆盖(Cut and Cover) DDCs 详细设计顾问(Detail Design Consultants) DIA 直径(Diameter) DN 向下(Down) DRG 图说(Drawings) E 东向(East) EMU 电联车(Electric Multiple Unit) EL 高程(Elevation) EQ 相等(Equivalent) ECS 环境控制系统(Environmental Control System) EXC 开挖(Excavation) EXIST 现有(Existing) EGL 现有地面高程(Exist Ground Level) EXP 伸缩(Expansion) FRC 强化玻璃纤维混凝土(Fiber Glass Reinforced Concrete) FIN 粉刷(装修)(Finishing) FFL 粉刷(装修)楼板面高程(Finished Floor Level) FGL 粉刷(装修)地面高程(Finished Ground Level) FL 楼板(Floor) FDN 基础(Foundation) GC 总顾问(General Consultants) GL 地面高程、地基高程(Ground Level) HOR 水平(Horizontal) HR 时(Hour) ID 内径(Inside Diameter) IL 仰拱面高程(Invert Level) MH 人孔(Manhole) MRT 大眾捷运系统(Mass Rapid Transportation) ML 衔接线(Match Line) MCT 中运量捷运系统(Middle Capacity Transportation) N 北向(North) NIC 契约外(Not In Contract) NTS 不按比例(Not To Scale) PCC 预铸混凝土(Precast Concrete) PRC 预铸钢筋混凝土(Precast Reinforcement Concrete) PSC 预力混凝土(Prestressed C oncrete) RC 钢筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete) RD 道路(Road) SECT 断面(Section) SQ 方形/ 平方/ 正方(Square) STA 车站(Station) TEL 电话(Telephone) TYP 标准型式(Typical) UP 向上(Up)装配式预制precast 安装预应力prestressed 连续多跨Multi-spans continuous 刚构rigid frame 受力load-carrying capability 等截面uniform section 拼接splice 跨越spanning 支架scaffoldings 模板formwork 跨线桥overpass bridge 最优化optimization 三跨three-span 结构优化设计optimum design of structures-program 单墩single pier 主梁girder断面deck/section 边、中跨径side span & middle spin 空心板梁hollow slab beam 工字形箱H-shaped box 板箱梁slab box beam 主梁截面girder section 中等(30~50米)的主跨跨径范围medium range of main span 刚度比ratio of rigidity V形墩V-shaped pier V形斜撑V-shaped inclined strut 与水平线夹角included angle with level lineplan 设计图town planning 城市规划Doric 多利安式Ionic 爱奥尼亚式Corinthian 科林斯式Composite 混合式Tuscan order 托斯卡纳式Gothic 哥特式flamboyant Gothic 哥特式的火焰状饰Romanesque 罗马式barroque 巴洛克式plateresque 带复杂花叶形装饰的rococo 洛可可式building 建筑物arch 拱vault 穹顶ogive 葱形饰;尖形拱顶facade 侧面frontispiece 三角墙,山墙column 柱pilaster 壁柱,半露柱pediment 山墙饰,山花fronton 山墙ground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层(美作:first floor)flat 套(美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft 电梯,升降梯(美作:elevator shaft) fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯lift 电梯(美作:elevator)goods lift 公务电梯(美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦property 物业,资产interest 产权subsidiary 附属机构,子公司valuation 评估open market value 公开市场价值leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)on a residual basis 剩余法capital value 资本价值cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)finance costs 融资成本(指利息等)sale proceeds 销售收益on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法floor area 建筑面积title document 契约文书land use certificate 土地使用证commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同plot ratio 容积率.' site coverage 建筑密度land use term 土地使用期project approval 项目许可planning approval 规划许可commission 佣金permit 许可证business license 营业执照strata-title 分层所有权public utilities 公共设施urban planning 城市规划state-owned land 国有土地fiscal allotment 财政拨款grant or transfer 出让或转让the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局infrastructure 基础设施financial budget 财政预算public bidding 公开招标auction 拍卖negotiation /agreement协议&nbsland efficiency 土地效益location classification 地段等级projecting parameter 规划参数government assignment 政府划拨administrative institution 行政事业单位key zones for development 重点开发区tract 大片土地biding document 标书prerequisitioned land 预征土地competent authorities 主管部门construction project 建设项目planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证go through the formalities 办手续comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区reconstruction of old area 旧区改造purchasing power 购买力property trust 物业信托equity 权益cash flows 现金流量appreciation 增值disposition 处置hedge 保值措施income tax shelter 收入税的庇护downturn (经济)衰退wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比)forecast 预测rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法mortgage lender 抵押放贷者vacancy 空房discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型expectation 期望值letting 出租equity reversion 权益回收bad debts 坏帐depreciation allowances 折旧费supplies 日常用品utilities 公共事业设备allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额stamp duty印花税recession 衰退<br>overproduction 生产过剩glut 供过于求high-technology 高科技investment strategy投资策略circulation 发行量entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家coliseum 大体育场,大剧院chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所arena 室内运动场socioeconomic status 社会经济地位amenities 便利设施condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权income bracket 收入档次tenement 分租合住的经济公寓area code (电话)地区代码community 社区assessment 估价downzone 降低区划规模housing residences住宅to build, to construct 建设,建筑,修建architecture 建筑学building 修筑,建筑物house 房子skyscraper摩天大楼block of flats 公寓楼(美作:apartment block)monument 纪念碑palace 宫殿temple 庙宇basilica 皇宫,教堂cathedral 大教堂church教堂tower 塔,塔楼ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼column 柱colonnade 柱列arch 拱town planning 市政(美作:city planning)building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证greenbelt 绿地elevation 建筑物的三面图plan 设计图scale 比例尺to prefabricate 预制excavation挖土,掘土foundations 基to lay the foundations打地基course of bricks 砌好的砖列scaffold脚手架scaffolding脚手架质量合格证书certification of fitness原材料raw material底板bottom plate垫层cushion侧壁sidewall中心线center line条形基础strip footing附件accessories型钢profile steel钢板steel plate熔渣slag飞溅welding spatter定位焊tacking引弧generating of arc熄弧quenching of arc焊道welding bead坡口beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮doubleskin水平方向弧度radian in horizontal direction 成型molding直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion 水平度levelness铅垂度verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺angle square对接焊缝butt weld母材parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concentration挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter焊缝welding line中幅板? center plate测量方法measuring method基准点datum mark跳焊skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板stiffening plate开孔tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing角钢angle iron安装基准圆installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱hoisting upright column焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope 带板band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口collar extension局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate拱顶vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接butt joint胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架center bearing bracket椭圆度ovality等分线bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊overlap welding对称:symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计content gauge充水试验filling water test错边量unfitness of butt joint底圈foundation ring真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test丁字焊缝tee welding渗透探伤oil whiting test充水试验filling water test内侧角焊缝接头interior angle welding line joint foundation settlement 基础沉降测量基准点datum mark稳定性试验stability test排气阀outlet valve角钢angle steel构件component part机械损伤mechanical damage缩孔shrinkage cavityenfoldment 折迭碳钢管carbon steel tube公称直径nominal diameter预埋件embedded part轴测图axonometric drawing布置图arrangement diagram氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管low alloy steel热影响区heat affected area修磨polish砂轮片grinding wheel等离子plasma panel重皮coldlap凹凸unevenness缩口necking down端面head face倾斜偏差dip deviation外径external diameter砂轮grinding wheel管件pipe casting单线图single line drawing平齐parallel and level两端two terminals满扣buckle螺栓紧固bolton周边periphery附加应力additional stress同轴度axiality平行度parallelism随机stochastic允许偏差allowable variation重直度verticality水平度levelness隔离盲板blind plate氩弧焊argon arc welding压盖螺栓gland bolt间距spacing有效期period of validity担任take charge of undertake焊条welding rod碳钢焊条carbon steel焊丝welding wire熔化焊melting钢丝steel wire气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding 烘干drying清洗ablution制度system焊接工艺welding procedure相应corresponding手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding 手工钨极manual tungsten electrode打底render电源power source交流alternating current主入口大门/岗亭(车行& 人行)MAIN ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE(FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )2.次入口/岗亭(车行& 人行) 2ND ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )3.商业中心入口ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING CTR.4.水景WATER FEATURE5.小型露天剧场MINI AMPHI-THEATRE6.迎宾景观-1 WELCOMING FEATURE-17.观景木台TIMBER DECK (VIEWING)8.竹园BAMBOO GARDEN9.漫步广场WALKWAY PLAZA10.露天咖啡廊OUT DOOR CAFE11.巨大迎宾水景-2 GRAND WELCOMING FEATURE-212.木桥TIMBER BRIDGE‘S13.石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台ROCK‘SCAPE WATERFALL GROTTO/ VIEWING TERRACE14.吊桥HANGING BRIDGE15.休憩台地(低处) LOUNGING TERRACE (LOWER )16.休憩台地(高处) LOUNGING TERRACE (UPPER )17.特色踏步FEATURE STEPPING STONE18.野趣小溪RIVER WILD19.儿童乐园CHILDREN‘S PLAYGROUND20.旱冰道SLIDE21.羽毛球场BADMINTON COURT22.旱景DRY LANDSCAPE23.日艺园JAPANESE GARDEN24.旱喷泉DRY FOUNTAIN25.观景台VIEWING DECK26.游泳池SWIMMING POOL27.极可意JACUZZI28.嬉水池WADING POOL29.儿童泳池CHILDREN‘S POOL30.蜿蜒水墙WINDING W ALL31.石景雕塑ROCK SCULPTURE32.中心广场CENTRAL PLAZA33.健身广场EXERCISE PLAZA34.桥BRIDGE35.交流广场MEDITATING PLAZA36.趣味树阵TREE BATTLE FORMATION37.停车场PARING AREA38.特色花架TRELLIS39.雕塑小道SCULPTURE TRAIL40.(高尔夫)轻击区PUTTING GREEN41.高尔夫球会所GOLF CLUBHOUSE42.每栋建筑入口ENTRANCE PAVING TO UNIT43.篮球场BASKETBALL COURT44.网球场TENNIS COURT45.阶梯坐台/种植槽TERRACING SEATWALL/PLANTER46.广场MAIN PLAZA47.森林、瀑布FOREST GARDEN WATERFALL48.石景园ROCKERY GARDEN49.旱溪DRY STREAM50.凉亭PA VILION51.户外淋浴OUTDOOR SHOWER52.拉膜结构TENSILE STRUCTURE53.台阶STAIR54.高尔夫球车停车场PARKING ( GOLF CAR )55.健身站EXERCISE STATION56.晨跑小路JOGGING FOOTPATH57.车道/人行道DRIVEW AY /SIDEWALK58.人行漫步道PROMENADE59.瀑布及跳舞喷泉(入口广场) WATER FALL AND DANCING FOUNTAIN ( ENTRY PLAZA )60.特色入口ENTRY FEATURE61.石景广场ROCKERY PLAZA建筑类词汇(3)建筑工程专业英语词汇建设,建筑,修建to build, to construct建筑学architecture修筑,建筑物building房子house摩天大楼skyscraper公寓楼block of flats (美作:apartment block) 纪念碑monument宫殿palace庙宇temple皇宫,教堂basilica大教堂cathedral教堂church塔,塔楼tower十层办公大楼ten-storey office block柱column柱列colonnade拱arch市政town planning (美作:city planning)营建许可证,建筑开工许可证building permission 绿地greenbelt建筑物的三面图elevation设计图plan比例尺scale预制to prefabricate挖土,掘土excavation基foundations, base, subgrade打地基to lay the foundations砌好的砖列course of bricks脚手架scaffold, scaffolding质量合格证书certification of fitness 原材料raw material底板bottom plate垫层cushion侧壁sidewall中心线center line条形基础strip footing 附件accessories型钢profile steel钢板steel plate熔渣slag飞溅welding spatter 定位焊tacking引弧generating of arc熄弧quenching of arc焊道welding bead坡口beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮double-skin水平方向弧度radian in horizontal direction 成型molding直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion 水平度levelness铅垂度verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺angle square对接焊缝butt weld母材parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concentration挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter焊缝welding line中幅板center plate测量方法measuring method基准点datum mark跳焊skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板stiffening plate开孔tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 角钢angle iron安装基准圆installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱hoisting upright column焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope 带板band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口collar extension局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate拱顶vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接butt joint胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架center bearing bracket 椭圆度ovality等分线bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊overlap welding对称symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计content gauge芬兰维萨拉Vailsla OY美国美科"Met-coil, USA"集中式空调系统centralized air conditioning system 裙房annex热源heat source平面位置的空间space of planimetric position密封性能sealing performance机房machine room节点timing专业"profession or discipline 都可以,要根据上下文" 连体法兰coupling flange垂直井笼vertical well cage变风量variable air rate施工面展开construction unfolds违约行为noncompliance合同交底- contract presentation管理承包商Management Contractor party工程量work amount实施的形象进度progress of implementation完工资料as-built documentation文整clear-up审核review汽车式起重机Autocrane深化图纸deepen drawing设备配置计划equipment furnishment plan结构预埋配合阶段Structure pre-embedment assistance stage精装修阶段Fine fitment stage工程施工阶段Construction stage工程竣工阶段Completion stage台钻Bench drill冲击钻Churn drill手电钻Electric portable drill砂轮切割机Abrasive cutting off machine角钢卷圆机Angle iron rolling machine管道切断器Pipe cutting machine铜管调直机Copper pipe straightening machine 管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes 管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes 角向磨光机Angle polishing machine电动套丝机Electric threading machine电动卷扬机Electric winch电动试压泵Motor-driven pressure test pump手动试压泵Manual pressure test pump阀门试压机Valve pressure test device阀门试压机Valve pressure test deviceTDC(F)风管加工流水线TDC(F)air ductwork fabrication stream line等离子切割机Plasma cutting machineTDC(F)法兰条成型机TDC(F) flange strip shaping mill勾码成型机Forming machine for flange clampTDC(F)风管加工成型机TDC(F) duct fabrication shaping mill多普勒超声波流量检测仪Doppler ultrasonic flow detector 温、湿度传感器"Temperature, humidity senor"精密声级计Precision sound level meter风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装置"Duct air leakage tester, airchamber air leakage testing device"风罩式风量测试仪Air hood air rate tester微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪"Micromanometer , pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) anemoscope"潜水泵Submerged pump电动弯管机Electric pipe bender铜管弯管机Copper pipe bender液压弯管机Hydraulic pipe bender 电动剪刀Electric clipper液压铆钉钳Hydraulic riveting clamp 线槽电锯Trunking electric saw开孔器Tapper电动空压机Electric air compressor 液压千斤顶Hydraulic jack液压手推车Hydraulic trolley焊条烘干箱Welding rod drying box 手拉葫芦Chain block道(垫)木Sleeper转速表Tachometer电流钳型表Clip-style ammeter压力表Pressure gauge接地电阻测试仪Earthing resistance testing device 氧气表Oxygen gauge乙炔表Acetylene gauge对讲机Walkie talkie文件和资料documents and information?建设单位Construction unit安装单位Installation unit。
建设,建筑,修建to build, to construct建筑学architecture修筑,建筑物building房子house摩天大楼skyscraper公寓楼block of flats (美作:apartment block)纪念碑monument宫殿palace庙宇temple皇宫,教堂basilica大教堂cathedral教堂church塔,塔楼tower十层办公大楼ten-storey office block柱column柱列colonnade拱arch市政town planning (美作:city planning)营建许可证,建筑开工许可证building permission 绿地greenbelt建筑物的三面图elevation设计图plan比例尺scale预制to prefabricate挖土,掘土excavation基foundations, base, subgrade打地基to lay the foundations砌好的砖列course of bricks脚手架scaffold, scaffolding质量合格证书certification of fitness 原材料raw material底板bottom plate垫层cushion侧壁sidewall中心线center line条形基础strip footing附件accessories型钢profile steel钢板steel plate熔渣slag飞溅welding spatter定位焊tacking引弧generating of arc熄弧quenching of arc坡口beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮double-skin水平方向弧度radian in horizontal direction成型molding直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion水平度levelness铅垂度verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺angle square对接焊缝butt weld母材parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concentration挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter中幅板center plate测量方法measuring method基准点datum mark跳焊skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板stiffening plate开孔tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing角钢angle iron安装基准圆installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱hoisting upright column焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope 带板band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口collar extension局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate拱顶vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接butt joint胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架center bearing bracket椭圆度ovality等分线bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊overlap welding对称symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计content gauge芬兰维萨拉Vailsla OY美国美科"Met-coil, USA"集中式空调系统centralized air conditioning system 裙房annex热源heat source平面位置的空间space of planimetric position密封性能sealing performance机房machine room节点timing专业"profession or discipline 都可以,要根据上下文" 连体法兰coupling flange垂直井笼vertical well cage变风量variable air rate施工面展开construction unfolds违约行为noncompliance合同交底- contract presentation管理承包商Management Contractor party工程量work amount实施的形象进度progress of implementation完工资料as-built documentation文整clear-up审核review汽车式起重机Autocrane深化图纸deepen drawing设备配置计划equipment furnishment plan结构预埋配合阶段Structure pre-embedment assistance stage精装修阶段Fine fitment stage工程施工阶段Construction stage工程竣工阶段Completion stage台钻Bench drill冲击钻Churn drill手电钻Electric portable drill砂轮切割机Abrasive cutting off machine角钢卷圆机Angle iron rolling machine管道切断器Pipe cutting machine铜管调直机Copper pipe straightening machine管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes角向磨光机Angle polishing machine电动套丝机Electric threading machine电动卷扬机Electric winch电动试压泵Motor-driven pressure test pump手动试压泵Manual pressure test pump阀门试压机Valve pressure test device阀门试压机Valve pressure test deviceTDC(F)风管加工流水线TDC(F)air ductwork fabrication stream line等离子切割机Plasma cutting machineTDC(F)法兰条成型机TDC(F) flange strip shaping mill勾码成型机Forming machine for flange clampTDC(F)风管加工成型机TDC(F) duct fabrication shaping mill 多普勒超声波流量检测仪Doppler ultrasonic flow detector温、湿度传感器"Temperature, humidity senor"精密声级计Precision sound level meter风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装置"Duct air leakage tester, airchamber air leakage testing device"风罩式风量测试仪Air hood air rate tester微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪"Micromanometer , pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) anemoscope"潜水泵Submerged pump电动弯管机Electric pipe bender铜管弯管机Copper pipe bender液压弯管机Hydraulic pipe bender电动剪刀Electric clipper液压铆钉钳Hydraulic riveting clamp线槽电锯Trunking electric saw开孔器Tapper电动空压机Electric air compressor液压千斤顶Hydraulic jack液压手推车Hydraulic trolley焊条烘干箱Welding rod drying box手拉葫芦Chain block道(垫)木Sleeper转速表Tachometer电流钳型表Clip-style ammeter压力表Pressure gauge接地电阻测试仪Earthing resistance testing device 氧气表Oxygen gauge乙炔表Acetylene gauge对讲机Walkie talkie文件和资料documents and information?建设单位Construction unit安装单位Installation unit。
环境设计:environmental design
环境标准:environmental standards
能源保护:energy conservation
主干道:arterial road
辅助道路:collector street
居住面积密度:density of living floor area
居住建筑面积密度:density of residential floor area
居住人口密度:density of registered inhabitants
人口密度:population density
人口分布:population distribution
人口机械增长:population growth from migration
居住密度:residential density
高层高密度:high-rise/high density
高层低密度:high-rise/low density
建筑面积比容积率:FAR - floor area ratio
居住建筑面积:residential floor area
建筑高度:building height。
建筑类英语词汇绿色建材网来源:property 物业,资产interest 产权subsidiary 附属机构,子公司valuation 评估open market value 公开市场价值leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)on a residual basis 剩余法capital value 资本价值cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)finance costs 融资成本(指利息等)sale proceeds 销售收益on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法floor area 建筑面积title document 契约文书plaza 购物中心land use certificate 土地使用证commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同plot ratio 容积率site coverage 建筑密度land use term 土地使用期project approval 项目许可planning approval 规划许可commission 佣金permit 许可证business license 营业执照strata-title 分层所有权public utilities 公共设施urban planning 城市规划state-owned land 国有土地fiscal allotment 财政拨款grant or transfer 出让或转让the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局infrastructure 基础设施financial budget 财政预算public bidding 公开招标auction 拍卖negotiation /agreement协议land efficiency 土地效益location classification 地段等级projecting parameter 规划参数government assignment 政府划拨administrative institution 行政事业单位key zones for development 重点开发区tract 大片土地biding document 标书prerequisitioned land 预征土地competent authorities 主管部门construction project 建设项目planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证go through the formalities 办手续comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区reconstruction of old area 旧区改造purchasing power 购买力property trust 物业信托equity 权益cash flows 现金流量appreciation 增值disposition 处置hedge 保值措施income tax shelter 收入税的庇护downturn (经济)衰退wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比) forecast 预测rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法mortgage lender 抵押放贷者vacancy 空房discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型expectation 期望值letting 出租equity reversion 权益回收bad debts 坏帐depreciation allowances 折旧费supplies 日常用品utilities 公共事业设备allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额stamp duty印花税recession 衰退<br>overproduction 生产过剩glut 供过于求high-technology 高科技investment strategy投资策略circulation 发行量entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家coliseum 大体育场,大剧院chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所arena 室内运动场socioeconomic status 社会经济地位amenities 便利设施condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权income bracket 收入档次tenement 分租合住的经济公寓area code (电话)地区代码community 社区assessment 估价downzone 降低区划规模housing residences住宅to build, to construct 建设,建筑,修建architecture 建筑学building 修筑,建筑物house 房子skyscraper摩天大楼block of flats 公寓楼(美作:apartment block)monument 纪念碑palace 宫殿temple 庙宇basilica 皇宫,教堂cathedral 大教堂church教堂tower 塔,塔楼ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼column 柱colonnade 柱列arch 拱town planning 市政(美作:city planning)building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证greenbelt 绿地elevation 建筑物的三面图plan 设计图scale 比例尺to prefabricate 预制excavation挖土,掘土foundations 基to lay the foundations打地基course of bricks 砌好的砖列scaffold脚手架scaffolding脚手架质量合格证书certification of fitness原材料raw material底板bottom plate垫层cushion侧壁sidewall中心线center line条形基础strip footing附件accessories型钢profile steel钢板steel plate熔渣slag飞溅welding spatter定位焊tacking引弧generating of arc熄弧quenching of arc焊道welding bead坡口beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮doubleskin水平方向弧度radian in horizontal direction成型molding直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion水平度levelness铅垂度verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺angle square对接焊缝butt weld母材parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concentration挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter焊缝welding line中幅板? center plate测量方法measuring method基准点datum mark跳焊skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板stiffening plate开孔tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing角钢angle iron安装基准圆installation fundamental circle吊装立柱hoisting upright column焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope带板band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口collar extension局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate拱顶vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接butt joint胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架center bearing bracket椭圆度ovality等分线bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊overlap welding对称:symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计content gauge充水试验filling water test错边量unfitness of butt joint底圈foundation ring真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test丁字焊缝tee welding渗透探伤oil whiting test充水试验filling water test内侧角焊缝接头interior angle welding line joint foundation settlement 基础沉降测量基准点datum mark稳定性试验stability test排气阀outlet valve角钢angle steel构件component part机械损伤mechanical damage缩孔shrinkage cavityenfoldment 折迭碳钢管carbon steel tube公称直径nominal diameter预埋件embedded part轴测图axonometric drawing布置图arrangement diagram氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管low alloy steel热影响区heat affected area修磨polish砂轮片grinding wheel等离子plasma panel重皮coldlap凹凸unevenness缩口necking down端面head face倾斜偏差dip deviation外径external diameter砂轮grinding wheel管件pipe casting单线图single line drawing平齐parallel and level两端two terminals满扣buckle螺栓紧固bolton周边periphery附加应力additional stress同轴度axiality平行度parallelism随机stochastic允许偏差allowable variation重直度verticality水平度levelness隔离盲板blind plate氩弧焊argon arc welding压盖螺栓gland bolt间距spacing有效期period of validity担任take charge of undertake焊条welding rod碳钢焊条carbon steel焊丝welding wire熔化焊melting钢丝steel wire气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding 烘干drying清洗ablution制度system焊接工艺welding procedure相应corresponding手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding 手工钨极manual tungsten electrode打底render电源power source交流alternating current2rococo 洛可可式building 建筑物arch 拱vault 穹顶ogive 葱形饰;尖形拱顶facade 侧面frontispiece 三角墙,山墙column 柱pilaster 壁柱,半露柱pediment 山墙饰,山花fronton 山墙ground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层(美作:first floor)flat 套(美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft 电梯,升降梯(美作:elevator shaft) fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯lift 电梯(美作:elevator)goods lift 公务电梯(美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶。
o ring 圆形截面环oak 栎树oakum 麻絮obelisk 方尖碑object 对象object of construction production 工程项目oblique butt joint 斜对接oblique projection 斜投影oblique scarf 斜接榫oblique section 斜截面obscured glass 毛面玻璃observation 观测observation light 碍航物灯标observation of the work 操奏视observation point 观测点observational data 观测资料occupancy 居住occupancy load 收容能力;居住载荷occupancy rate 居住率occupant space requirements 居住空间标准occupants 居住者occupied zone 实占地域ocher 袅ochre 袅ocrate process 四氟化硅处理ocrated concrete 四氟化硅混凝土oder suppression 臭气排除odor 臭气odor control 四氟化硅处理odorimeter 气味计odour 臭气off center load 偏心荷重off formwork concreting 无模壳灌筑混凝土off grade size 不合格粒径off ground hauler 越野土运机off loading ramp 卸载斜坡道off peak electric heating 非峰期电供热off peak load 非峰值负载off peak period 非高峰时间off set joints 错缝off shore boring 海底钻探off shuttering concreting 无模壳灌筑混凝土off the site work 现场外工作office 机关office building 办公楼office furniture 办公室设备offset 突层offset bend 迂回管弯头offset yield strength 条件屈服强度offshore boring island 钻井平台offshore structures 海上结构物offstream storage 停运贮藏池ogee s形曲线ogee arch 葱形拱ogee curve s形曲线ohio cofferdam 俄亥俄围堰oil 油oil bath air filter 油浴空气过滤器oil buffer 液压缓冲器oil fired heater 烧油空气加热器oil fired heating system 烧油供热系统oil paint 油漆oil pipeline 油管oil stain 油蚀oil trap 集油器oil washed air cleaner 油浴空气过滤器oil well cement 油井水泥omnia concrete floor 咬封混凝土楼板omnia concrete plank 咬封混凝土板on job laboratory 工地实验室on off valve 双位阀on site connection 就地连接once through water supply system 单柳水系统ondol 炕one brick wall 单砖墙one centered arch 单心拱one coat work 单层粉刷one component material 单一性材料one degree system 单自由度系统one family dwelling 单户住宅one hand block 小型砌块one hand tile 小型砌块one hinged arch 单铰拱one off design 专用设计one off houses 临时房屋one pass aeration tank 单道曝气池one pipe circulation 单管式循环one pipe heating system 单管供热系统one pipe loop system 单管环路系统one pipe system 单管系统one room dwelling 单间住宅one roomed flat 单间公寓one side welding 单面焊one sided connection 单面连接one span two hinged frame 单跨度双铰接框架one storey house 单层房屋one way slab 单向配筋板one way street 单行道one way system 单向配筋方式one way valve 单向阀onramp 斜坡弯道opal glass 乳色玻璃opaque ceramic glazed tile 不透谜瓷釉瓷砖open air intake works 无压取水结构open air plant 露天装置open air water power plant 开启式水力发电站open boarding 开缝铺板法open box section 敞开箱形构造截面open caisson 沉井open caisson foundation 沉井基础open cornice 敞檐open cut tunneling 泌隧道工程open deck car park 开敞式停车建筑物open distribution 开启分送open ditch drainage 排水玫open drain 排水玫open drainage 排水玫open eaves 敞檐open expansion tank heating system 自由膨胀水箱式供热系统open floor 露瞄栅楼板open frame girder 空腹桁架梁open hood 开口式通气罩open joint 渺open mortise 开口榫眼open newel stair 露眯柱旋梯open pan mixer 敞口盘式混合料open parking structure 开敞式停车建筑物open pier construction 空架式突堤结构open piping 外露管道open pit 露天开采坑open plan 开敞布置open return steam heating system 直接蒸汽供热系统open riser stair 露盲步楼梯open roof 露幂顶open section 开口断面open sheathing 版面疏松的衬板open sheeting 版面疏松的衬板open slating 疏铺石板open space 空地open stairway 露氓梯open steam heating system 直接蒸汽供热系统open storage area 露天堆场open storage ground 露天堆场open storm drainage 露藐水排水沟open tendering 公开招标open territory 空旷地区open timber floor 露木楼板open timbering 版面疏松的衬板open traverse 开路导线open type exhaust canopy 开式排气雨棚open valley 屋面天沟open vent 开式通风口open web 空腹open web girder 空腹大梁open web steel joist 空腹钢铁托梁open well 露幂井open well stair 露幂井楼梯open wharf 透空式码头open wiring 眠布线opening 孔opening bridge 开合桥opening light 开敞式窗洞opening of bids 开表openwork jetty 透空式码头opera house 歌剧院operable partition 开闭式间壁operable transom 开敞式气窗operable wall 开闭式间壁operating floor 操专operation 操作operation drawing 加工图operation schedule 椎程序operational range 操锥围operational waste 操耗operator 操妆optical sag 视光垂度optical square 光学直角器optimal design 优化设计optimization 最优化optimum city size 最佳城市大小optimum condition 最佳条件optimum design 最佳设计opus latericium 嵌砖混凝土墙opus quadratum 方石筑墙or equal specification 被承认等同的技术条件orbit 轨道orchard garden 果园order 柱型式样order of technical assignment 技术任务指令orderly construction territory 有次序的工程地区ordinary concrete 普通混凝土ordinary construction 一般构造ordinary dense concrete 普通密实的混凝土ordinary lime mortar 普通灰浆ordinary portland cement 普通硅盐水泥ordinary red brick 普通红砖ordinary reinforced concrete 普通钢筋混凝土ordinary structural concrete 普通结构混凝土ordinate 纵坐标ordnance bench mark 水准基点organic binder 有机粘结剂organic content 有机质含量organic impurity 有机不洁物organic silt 有机质淤泥organic test 有机物试验organic wastes 有机废水organism of production 生产组织organization 机构oriel 凸窗oriental type park 东方式公园orientation of building 房屋定位orifice meter 孔极量计orifice tube test 坍落度筒测定origin of force 着力点original cross sectional area 起始横截面面积original drawing 原图ornament 装饰ornamental architecture 盛饰建筑ornamental concrete 装饰混凝土ornamental concrete finishing 装饰混凝土修整ornamental forest 风景林ornamental glass 装饰玻璃ornamental motif 装饰肘ornamental panelling 装饰镶板ornamental part 装饰配件orthogonal anisotropic plate 正交蛤异性板orthogonal projection 正投影orthography 正投影orthotropic plate 正交蛤异性板orthotropic structures 正交蛤异性结构oscillating machinery 振动机械oscillating screen 振动筛oscillation 振动oscillation conveyor 振荡式输送机osmose 渗透ossature 骨胳out port 外港outbuilding 附属房屋outdoor air 外伸架临时顶撑outdoor air inlet 外部空气outdoor exposure test 野外曝露试验outdoor furniture 户外七outdoor installation 户外装置outdoor paint 室外用油漆outdoor power station 开启式水力发电站outdoor powerhouse 开启式水力发电站outdoor temperature 室外温度outer court 外院outer door 外门outer fiber 外部纤维outer forces 外力outer harbor 外港outer lining 外门窗框outer slope 外侧坡度outer string 楼梯外侧小梁outer support 外支座outer wall 外墙outfall 排水口outfit 装置outflow channel 泄水渠outhouse 屋外厕所outlay of production 生产经费outlet box 引出箱outlet opening 排出口outlet tunnel 排水隧道outline 轮廓outline drawing 轮廓图outline of house 房屋轮廓outline specification 一般技术规格outmost fiber 外部纤维output data 输出数据outrigger 外伸架outrigger base 悬臂板outrigger scaffold 排出脚手架outrigger shore 外伸架临时顶撑outside air 外部空气outside air opening 外部空气通道outside architrave 外门窗框outside casing 外门窗框outside coating 外部涂刷outside column 外部柱outside corner moulding 角条outside door 外门outside film coefficient 外表面传热系数outside finish 外饰面outside foundation line 外部地基线outside glazing 外部装配玻璃outside scaffolding 外部脚手架outside temperature 室外温度outside wall 外墙outside window 外部窗outstreet 郊区outwork 野外椎oval arch 椭圆形拱oven 炉ovendry wood 烘干木材over dwelling 居住区过密over mortared concrete mix 多灰浆混凝土混合料overall coefficient of heat transfer 总传热系数overall depth of section 截面总高度overall dimensions 综合尺寸overall height 总高度overall length 总长overall size 总尺寸overbridge 天桥overburden 复盖层overburden excavator 剥土电铲overburden pressure 积土压力overburden stripping 覆盖层剥除overcrossing 上跨交叉overcrowded city 挤集型城市overcrowding 拥挤过度overdesign 超裕度设计结构overdeveloped city 过度发展的城市overdevelopment 地下水池的枯燥overdosage 超量配料overfall gap 溢水口overflow dam 溢劣overflow pipe 溢淋overflow stand 溢淋overground part 地上部分overhand work 从内墙砌砖overhang 悬突体overhaul 大修overhead crane 高架起重机overhead crane girder 桥式吊车梁overhead distribution 架空配电overhead door 升降门overhead heating system 上分式供热系统overhead illumination 天花板照明overhead line 架空线路overhead pipeline 架空管道overhead water storage tank 高架蓄水箱overhead welding 仰焊overhead wire 架空线路overhead work 高空工作overhung door 悬挂式推拉门overlap 重迭overlapping construction schedule 综合施工进度表overlay paper 混凝土覆盖纸overload 过载overload limiter 超载限制器overload protection 过载保护overlying ground 上面覆盖overpass 上跨桥overpass for pedestrians 高架人行道overpressure protection 超压防护oversailing course 挑出砖层oversanded mix 多砂混合料oversite concrete 地基混凝土板层overslabbing 混凝土板铺路overstressing 超限应力overstretching 超限应力overturning moment 倾覆力矩overvibration 过度振动owner 甲方owner architect agreement 所有人和建筑师合同owner contractor agreement 所有人和承包人合同owner's inspector 甲方检查员oxidation capacity 氧化能力oxidation column 氧化塔oxidation lagoon 氧化池oxidation pond 氧化池oxide 氧化物oxidized linseed oil 氧化亚麻油oxyacetylene cutting torch 氧快切割机oxychloride cement 氯氧水泥oxygen 氧oxygen deficit 缺氧oxygenator 氧合器ozonation 臭氧处理ozonator 臭氧化发生器ozone 臭氧ozone treatment 臭氧处理ozonized air 缺氧ozonizing chamber 臭氧化窒pack 束package dealer 总承包者packaged air conditioner 小型空气第器packaged boiler 移动式锅炉packaged building program 综合建筑计划packaged concrete 包装混凝土packed heat insulation 填充式绝热packed joint 堵塞接缝packing 填满packless valve 无填料阀pad 承梁垫石padding 涂底漆paddle 小闸门paddle aerator 叶轮式曝气器paddle loader 桨叶式装载机paddle mixer 桨叶式搅拌机padlock 挂锁padstone 承梁垫石pagoda 塔pail 水桶paint 颜料paint base 油漆打底paint blaster 涂料喷雾器paint brush 漆刷paint gun 喷漆枪paint ingredient 涂料成分paint kettle 油漆锅paint peeling 涂漆层剥皮paint pot 油漆锅paint roller 漆滚筒paint spray gun 喷涂枪paint spraying 喷漆paint spraying machine 喷漆机painter's hand tools 漆工手工具painting 涂油漆painting work 涂装工作pair of doors 双门palace 宫殿palatial architecture 宫殿式建筑pale 桩palette knife 但刀paling 栏栅palisade 栏栅pallet 但板palletized load 架装荷载pan 铰链孔pan floor 盘式楼板pan humidifier 盘式加湿器pan mixer 盘状拌和机pane 窗玻璃pane of glass 门墙玻璃块panel 镶板panel air system 嵌入式空气系统panel built house 预制墙板式房屋panel construction 壁板式构造panel cooler 板式冷却器panel cooling 嵌入式降温panel door 镶板门panel heating 板壁供热panel lighting 格式照明panel load 节点载荷panel node 节点panel point 节点panel radiator 嵌入式散热器panel shuttering 镶板式模壳panel strip 嵌条panel type house 预制墙板式房屋panel wall 幕墙panel work 镶板工作panelled ceiling 格子平顶panelling 镶板pantile 波形瓦pantry 备餐间paper 纸paper backed lath 用纸鬃层的板条paper board 纸板paper filter 纸过滤器paper form 纸模papering 糊纸parabola 抛物线parabolic arch 抛物线拱parabolic curve 抛物曲线parabolic girder 抛物线梁parabolic shell 抛物线状薄壳paraffin 蜡parallel chord truss 平行弦桁架parallel flow heat exhanger 并两热交换器parallel lay rope 顺扭交绳parallel stair 平行楼梯parallel swivel bench vice 平行轮轴钳工台虎钳parallel wire unit 平行钢丝束parallelepiped 平行六面体parallelism 平行parallelogram 平行四边形parallelogram of forces 力平行四边形parameter 参数parapet 女儿墙parent matrix 原结合料pargeter 灰泥工paring chisel 消錾park 公园park architecture 公园建筑parker truss 帕克式桁架parking area 停车场parking lot 停车场parking place 停车场parking tower 塔式停车处parkway 林荫干道parlour 接待室parquet 拼花地板parquet block 镶木地板条块parquet floor 镶木地板part 零件part drawing 零件图part in bending 受弯部分part in compression 受压部分part in tension 受拉部分part swing shovel 部分旋转式电铲partial air conditioning 局部空调partial cover plate 部分盖板partial prestressing 部分的预应力partial safety factors 部分安全系数partially drowned weir 局部潜堰partially prestressed composite construction 部分预应力组合结构partially separate system 部份分僚水系统particle 粒子particle board 碎木板particle shape 颗粒形状particle size 粒子大小particle size analysis 粒度分析particle size distribution 粒径分布particle size distribution curve 粒度分布曲线parting agent 脱模隔离涂料partition 隔板partition beam 隔壁梁partition block 隔墙块partition board 隔墙板partition tile 隔壁用花砖partition wall of glass bricks 玻璃块间壁party wall 共用隔墙pass 通道passage 通道passageway 通道passenger elevator 乘客电梯passenger flow 旅客怜passenger lift 乘客电梯passive earth pressure 被动地压paste 软膏paste content 浆状物含量paste paint 厚漆paste volume 浆状物含量pat 试饼pat mortar 扁饼灰泥patand 地梁patching 补坑patching compound 修补混合料patching mix 修补混合料patent glazing 无油灰装玻璃paternoster 链斗式升降机path of seepage 渗哩路patio 庭院patten 柱基础patter 抹板pattern 模型pattern decoration 花样装饰patterned finish 花纹装修patterned paper 花纹纸patternmaker 制模工人paumelle 可折较链paved median 铺面中央分隔带paved shoulders 铺砌的路肩pavement 铺装pavement base 铺路基础pavement concrete 路面混凝土pavement design 路面设计pavement marking machine 路面标线机pavement overlay 路面罩面pavement saw 铺面锯机pavement slab 铺路板paver 混凝土搅拌摊铺机paver's hammer 铺砌工锤pavilion 展览馆分管凉亭pavilion roof 攒尖式屋顶paving asphalt 铺路沥青paving blocks 铺面块体paving brick 铺地砖paving flag 铺路石板paving slab 铺路板paving stone 铺路石paving train 联合铺路机pea gravel 豆粒砾石pea gravel grout 豆砾石薄浆pea grit 豆粒砾石pea shingle 豆粒砾石peak arch 尖拱peak demand 最大需要量peak discharge 最大量peak load 最大载荷peak stress 高最大应力pearl 珍珠pearlite 珍珠岩peasant market 农民市场peat 泥炭peat brick 泥炭砖peat soil 泥沼质土peaty soil 泥沼质土pebble 砾石pebble clarifier 砾石清净器pebble dash 小卵石涂抹pedestal 柱脚pedestal foot 大放脚pedestrian bridge 人行桥pedestrian guard rail 人行道栏杆pedestrian overcrossing 人行天桥pedestrian protection 行人保护装置pedestrian railing 人行桥栏杆pedestrian subway 人行隧道pedestrian traffic 行人交通pediment 人形墙peeling 剥皮peference mark 基准点peg 短桩pegging out 定界pell mell construction 抛筑pelleted mineral wool 颗粒状矿棉penalty 罚款penalty clause 违约罚金条款pencil 束pencil rod 细钢杆pendence 斜度pendentive dome 三角穹圆顶pendentives 穹隅pendulum 振子pendulum bearing 摇摆式支座pendulum saw 摆锯penetrability 透入性penetration 贯穿penetration probe 贯穿探针penetration test 贯入试验penetration treatment 浸透处理penning gate 直升式泄水闸门penstock 水压管pentagon 五角形penthouse 小棚屋penthouse apartment 屋顶公寓pentroof 单坡屋顶penumbra 半影percent compaction 压实百分数percent fines 细粒含量百分率percent of elongation 伸张度percent of void 孔隙率percentage by volume 体积百分率percentage by weight 重量百分比percentage reinforcement 配筋比率percolating water 渗透水percolation 渗漏percolation gauge 渗透计percussion drill hammer 冲魂锤percussion drilling 冲魂percussion penetration method 撞会入法perennial stream 常流perforated brick 有孔砖perforated casing well 滤管井perforated ceiling board 穿孔天花板perforated plate 凿孔板perforated wall 穿孔墙performance characteristic 工棕性performance test 性能试验perimeter 周边perimeter beam 圈梁perimeter grouting 周边管浆perimeter heating 周边供热perimeter wall 围墙perimeter zone 周边区域period 周期peripheral stress 圆周应力periphery 周围perlite 珍珠岩perlite concrete 珍珠岩混凝土perlite mortar 珍珠岩灰浆permafrost 永冻土带permanent construction 永久性结构permanent deflection 永久变位permanent deformation 残余变形permanent hardness 永久硬度permanent load 固定负载permanent moment 固定矩permanent position 固定位置permanent set 残余变形permanent shuttering 永久式模板permanent stream 常流permanent structure 永久性结构permeability 渗透性permeability apparatus 渗透装置permeability coefficient 渗透系数permeability of soil 土壤渗透性permeability reducing admixture 减渗外加剂permeable groyne 透水折劣permetallurigcal cement 炉渣水泥permissible deflection 允许挠度permissible load 容许荷载permissible stress 容许应力permissible stress method 容许应力法permissible velocity 容许速度permission 容许personnel job hoist 施工人员升降机perspective drawing 透视图pervibrator 插入式振捣器petroleum asphalt 石油沥青petroleum bitumen 石油沥青petroleum stove 石油火炉petroleum tar 石油焦油phantom drawing 透视图phase 相phenolic resin cement 酚醛尸水泥phenomena 现象photo elastic analysis 光弹性分析photo elastic test 光弹性试验photoelasticity 光弹性photograph 相片photometer 光度计photosynthesis 光合酌phreatic line 浸润线phreatic water 不承压地下水piano wire concrete 钢弦混凝土pick dressing 风镐修琢picket fence 尖桩篱栅picknometer 比重瓶piece 一块piedroit 墙壁平柱pier 桥墩pier cap 墩帽pier construction 支柱结构pier foundation 墩基础pier head power station 堤头水力发电站piezoelectric pick up 压电拾声器piezometer 压力计piezometer tube 测压管piezometric head 测压管水头piezometric level 测压管水位pig iron 生铁piggery 猪圈pigment 色素pigmented finish 着色装饰pilaster 附壁柱pilaster face 半露柱面部pilaster side 半露柱边pile 堆pile after driving 二次打桩pile and cribwork foundation 桩木格笼基础pile and fascine revetment 桩木排护岸pile band 桩箍pile bent 桩排架pile cluster 桩群pile dolphin 桩式系船柱pile drawer 拨桩机pile driver 打桩机pile driving 打桩pile driving by vibration 振动打桩pile driving equipment 打桩设备pile driving formula 打桩公式pile driving frame 打桩架pile driving hammer 桩锤pile driving plant 打桩装置pile driving pontoon 打桩船pile driving rig 打桩装置pile extension 接桩pile extractor 拨桩机pile ferrule 桩箍pile follower 打桩帽pile footing 桩基础pile foundation 桩基础pile framing 桩框架pile grillage 桩格排pile group 桩群pile hammer 桩锤pile head 桩头pile helmet 桩盔pile hoop 桩箍pile jacking 顶桩pile jetting 水冲沉桩pile load capacity 桩荷载容量pile pedestal 桩台座pile pier 桩式桥墩pile positioning 桩定位pile ring 桩箍pile row 桩列pile shoe 桩靴pile sinking 打桩pile splicing 接桩pile stockage 桩列pile tip 桩头pile toe 桩头pile top 桩头piled quay 横栈桥码头pilework 桩结构piling 排桩pillar 柱pillar crane 塔式起重机pilot channel 子槽pilot cut 子槽pilot flame 引燃火焰pilot lamp 指领示灯pilot trench 子槽pilot tunnel 导洞pimple 小突起pin 针pin connected construction 销连接结构pin connection 销连接pin ended column 栓端柱pin joint 销连接pinch bar 橇杆pine 松树pinholes 小孔pioneer road 施工便道pipe 管pipe anchor 管锚pipe bender 弯管器pipe bending machine 弯管器pipe box 绝热管套pipe bridge 输送管桥pipe casing 桩套管pipe clamp 管夹pipe coil 蛇形管pipe column 管柱pipe cooler 管式冷却器pipe cutter 割管机pipe cutting machine 截管机pipe erector 管安装工人pipe fitter 管安装工人pipe hanger 管吊架pipe in pipe 管套管热交换器pipe insulation 管绝缘pipe joint 管子接头pipe lagging 管绝缘pipe laying 装管工程pipe lifting tongs 管吊装夹具pipe losses 管道损失pipe rigging 管诉pipe run 管道pipe section 管道pipe shell 管外壳pipe thread sealing tape 管螺纹嵌缝带pipe tonge 管子钳pipe tracer 管保护用电加热带pipe transport of concrete 混凝土管输送pipe vice 管子虎钳pipe welding machine 焊管机pipelayer 管道安装工pipeline 导管pipeline construction 管道施工pipeline conveyance 管道运送pipeline heating and refrigerating 热冷供应管线pipeline refrigerating 冷供应管线pipeline transport 管道运输pipemaking machine 制管机pipeway 管沟pipework 配管piping 配管piping diagram 管系图pise 泥土建筑piston 活塞piston pump 活塞式泵pit 地坑pit gravel 坑砾石pitch 间距;斜角pitch pocket 松脂孔pitch streak 松脂孔pitched roof 斜屋顶pitched work 砌石护坡pitching stone 铺砌片石pivot 轴颈;旋转轴pivoted window 旋转窗place 位置placeability 可灌筑性placement of concrete 浇灌混凝土placing 铺设placing boom 灌筑吊杆placing of concrete 浇灌混凝土placing sequence 灌筑次序placing train 灌筑列车plain bars 普通钢筋plain cement 清水泥plain concrete 无筋混凝土plain concrete column 无筋混凝土柱plain concrete construction 素混凝土结构plain girder 实腹梁plan 设计图plan view 平面图plane 平面;刨子plane cross section 水平断面plane frame 平面桁架plane of bending 弯曲平面plane of failure 破坏面plane of projection 投影面plane of section 切面plane of shear 剪断面plane of symmetry 对称面plane of weakness 薄弱截面plane sections hypothesis 平断面假定plane stress analysis 平面应力分析plane surface 平表面planing bench 刨台plank 板材plank floor 木板床planned stage construction 按计划建设planning 规划planning of houses 住宅计划planning permission 建筑许可planning standard specification 设计标准技术规范plant 工厂plant and process ventilation 工厂工程换气plant mix 厂拌混合料plant mixed concrete 厂拌混凝土plant room 机械设备间planting 绿化plasma 等离子体plaster 烧石膏plaster base 抹灰底层plaster concrete 石膏混凝土plaster mixer 灰泥混合器plaster mortar 粉刷用灰浆plaster mould 石膏模型plaster of cement 水泥抹灰plaster of paris 烧石膏plaster panel 石膏纤维板plaster rendering 粉刷plaster skin coat 抹灰面层plaster throwing machine 喷投灰泥机plaster work 抹灰工事plasterboard 石膏纤维板plastered wall 抹灰的墙plasterer 粉刷工plasterer's float 抹灰工抹子plasterer's hair 抹灰用毛发plasterer's trowel 抹灰泥刀plastering machine 喷投灰泥机plastic aggregates 塑胶集料plastic behavior 塑性动态plastic binder 塑性粘合剂plastic clay 可塑粘土plastic concrete 塑性混凝土plastic consistency 可塑稠度plastic consistency of concrete 混凝土塑性稠度plastic cracking 塑性开裂plastic deformation 塑性变形plastic design 塑性论设计plastic equilibrium 塑性平衡plastic flow 塑性怜plastic furniture 塑料家具plastic hinge 塑胶铰链plastic limit 塑性极限plastic moment 塑性力矩plastic mortar 塑性灰浆plastic paint 塑料涂料plastic pipe 塑料管plastic plywood 塑料胶合板plastic range 塑性范围plastic road 塑料公路plastic shrinkage 塑性收缩plastic shrinkage cracking 塑性收缩开裂plastic soil 塑性土壤plastic state 塑性状态plastic strain 塑性变形plastic window lights 塑料玻璃plasticity 塑性plasticity index 塑性值plasticity modulus 塑性模量plasticized cement 塑化水泥plasticizer 增塑剂plasticizing 塑化plasticizing agent 增塑剂plasticizing mineral powder 可塑性矿物粉末plastics 塑料plastics coating 塑料涂膜plastics finish 塑料涂膜plastification 塑性化platband 横带plate 板plate bending 板体弯曲plate girder 板梁plate girder bridge 板梁桥plate glass 平板玻璃plate type regenerator 板型换热器plate vibrator 振动板plated construction 板结构platform 站台;台架platform frame construction 平台式框架结构platform hoist 吊盘绞车platform ladder 椎台梯子plating 镀金playground 比赛场playing field 游戏场plaza 广场plenum duct 送气通道plenum heating 热风采暖plenum system 送气通风系统plinth 壁脚板plinth wiring 壁脚板配线plough 扫雪机;沟刨plow 扫雪机plug 塞子plug cock 塞嘴plug hole 排泄孔plug in connection 插入式连接plug socket 插座plug tap 塞嘴plug valve 塞嘴plugging leaks 堵渗漏plum 毛石块plumb line 铅垂线plumber's dope 管工蒙布漆plumbing 卫生管道工程plumbing fitting 管道配件plumbing fixtures 卫生七plumbing unit 卫生装备组合plumbing work 卫生管道工程plunger pump 滑阀泵ply 层plywood 胶合板plywood concrete forms 夹板混凝土模板plywood for structural use 结构用胶合板pneumatic caisson 压气排水沉箱pneumatic concrete placer 气动混凝土灌注机pneumatic conveying 气动输送pneumatic conveying of concrete 混凝土气力输送pneumatic conveying system 气动输送设备pneumatic drill 空气钻pneumatic feed 风动给料pneumatic hoist 气力升降机pneumatic pile hammer 气压桩锤pneumatic structure 充气结构pneumatic test 气压试验pneumatic tool 气动工具pneumatically applied mortar 喷射灰浆pneumatically operated concrete placer 气动混凝土灌注机pneumatically operated discharge gate 气动卸货门pneumatically placed concrete 喷混凝土pocket filter 袋状滤器point 点point block 塔式高层住宅point load 集中荷载point of application 酌点point of contraflexure 拐点point of support 支点point of zero moment 零力矩点pointed arch 尖拱pointed pediment 三角形檐饰poisson's ratio 泊松比poker vibrator 插入式振捣器polar moment of inertia 极惯性矩polder 围垦地pole 塔杆pole shore 支柱polish 抛光polishing 抛光pollutant 污染物质pollutant effluents 污染废水pollution 污染pollution load 污染负荷polyclinic 综合门诊所polyester 聚脂polyethylene 聚乙烯polyethylene coated craft paper 聚乙烯涂敷牛皮纸polygon 多边形polygon of forces 力多边形polymer 聚合物polymer cement concrete 聚合物水泥混凝土polymer concrete 聚合物混凝土polymer impregnated concrete 聚合物浸渍混凝土polymer modified cement mortar 聚合改性水泥灰浆polymer modified glass fiber reinforced concrete 聚合改性玻璃纤维加强混凝土polymer mortar 聚合物灰浆polystyrene board 聚苯乙烯板polystyrene foam balls 泡沫聚苯乙烯团块polystyrene foam concrete 泡沫聚苯乙烯混凝土polystyrene sheet 聚苯乙烯片polythene sheeting 聚乙烯料护板polyvinyl 聚乙烯polyvinyl acetate concrete 聚醋酸乙烯脂混凝土pond 池pontoon bridge 舟桥pontoon crane 浮筒起重机pool fishway 水塘鱼道poor bearing stratum 低承载性地层poor concrete 贫混凝土poor quality concrete 劣质混凝土pop corn concrete 大孔状混凝土population density 人口密度population equivalent 人口当量porcelain 瓷器pore volume 孔隙容积pores 气孔porosity 多孔性porous aggregate 多孔集料porous brick 多孔砖porous concrete 多孔混凝土porous diffuser plate 多孔扩散板port 港口port construction 港口建设portable barrack 可移动的工棚portable derrick crane 轻便转臂起重机portable grinder 手提式砂轮机portable scaffold 可移动脚手架portable structure 移动式结构portable tank 移动式水箱portable welder 移动式焊接机portal 入口portal crane 门式起重机portal frame 龙门架portal framed building 门形杆框架建筑portal structures 门形结构portland blast furnace cement 矿渣硅酸盐水泥portland cement 波特兰水泥portland cement clinker 波特兰水泥熟料portland cement concrete 硅酸盐水泥混凝土portland masonry cement 圬工波特兰水泥portland pozzolan cement 火山灰硅酸盐水泥portland pozzolan concrete 火山灰硅酸盐水泥混凝土portland slag cement 矿渣硅酸盐水泥position 位置position head 位势水头positioning of beams 梁的定位positioning of tendons 钢筋束配置positive bending moment 正弯矩positive moment 正力矩positive reaction 正反力positive reinforcement 正钢筋post 接线柱post and beam construction 梁柱结构post and beam structure 梁柱结构post and panel structure 立柱镶板式结构post buckling strength 弯曲后强度post cracking strength 开裂后强度post footing 柱基脚post office 邮局post shore 支柱post stressed concrete 后张法预应力混凝土post tension unit 后张拉单元post tensioned construction 后张拉结构post tensioned steel 后张拉钢筋post tensioning 后张拉post tensioning field log 后张拉椎现场记录pot construction 壶形结构pot floor 壶形楼面pot sink 洗涤盆potable water supply 饮水供给potential 潜力potential head 位势水头pothole 窝穴pour point 零poured concrete 灌浇混凝土poured in place concrete 现场浇筑混凝土pouring in lifts 层段浇灌powder 粉末powdered asphalt 粉状地沥青power 力power bender 动力钢筋弯曲机power conduit 水压管power consumption 动力消耗power dam 发电站拦水坝power float 机动抹板power house 发电厂power operated bush hammer 动力操卒石锤power plant 电站power shovel 机械铲power supply source 动力供应源power trowel 动力抹刀pozzolan 火山灰pozzolan cement 火山灰水泥pozzolanic aggregate 火山灰质集料pozzolanic materials 火山灰质材料practice ground 试验用地prap 接线柱pratt truss 普腊桁架prc 预应力钢筋混凝土pre post tensioned concrete 先张后张混凝土pre post tensioning 先张后张拉preaerator 预曝气装置precast concrete 预制混凝土precast concrete building 预制混凝土建筑物precast concrete cladding panel 预制混凝土骨架填充板材护墙板precast concrete connection details 预制混凝土连接机构详图precast concrete construction 预制混凝土构造precast concrete house 预制混凝土房屋precast concrete industry 预制混凝土工业precast concrete panel 预制混凝土墙板precast construction 预制工程precast factory 预制混凝土厂房precast floor 装配式地板precast member 预制混凝土构件precast nailable concrete plank 预制可受钉的混凝土板precast panel construction 预制的护墙板建筑物precast pile 预制桩precast prestressed concrete unit 预制预应力混凝土单元precast reinforced concrete 预制钢筋混凝土precast reinforced concrete construction 装配式钢筋混凝土结构precast structural concrete 预制结构用混凝土precast unit 预制混凝土构件precasting 预制构件precasting machine 预制机precasting yard 预制工住precipitation 降雨precision 精密度precision air conditioning 精密空气第prefab form 预制模板prefabricated building 装配式房屋prefabricated costruction 预制装配式结构prefabricated form 预制装配式模壳prefabricated heat insulatio 预成形绝缘层prefabricated house 预制装配式房屋prefabricated housing 预制装配式住宅建筑prefabricated panel 预制墙板prefabricated prestressed concrete beam 装配式预制钢筋混凝土梁prefabricated reinforced concrete 预制钢筋混凝土prefabricated reinforced concrete pile 装配式钢筋混凝土桩prefabricated structural element 预制结构构件prefabricated unit 预制构件prefabricated window wall unit 预制窗口墙单元prefabrication 预制法prefiring 预热试验preformed insulation 预成形绝缘层preformed pile 预制桩preheat coil 预热器preheater 预热器preheating 预热preliminary clarification tank 初步澄清池preliminary cube test 立方体初步试验preliminary design 初步设计preliminary drawings 初步设计图preliminary specifications 预制的施工说明preliminary treatment 预先处理preload construction of tank 预加荷载贮槽工程premature failure 过早损坏premature stiffening 瞬间凝佶premixed 预先拌合的prepackaged concrete 预填集料混凝土prepacked aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝土prepacked concrete 预填集料混凝土preparation 准备preparatory construction 准备工程preplaced aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝土prescribed mix 给定混合preservation 保存press 压床pressed bend 压制弯管pressed concrete 压制混凝土pressed glass 压制玻璃pressed sheet steel 压制的钢板材。
常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集之一以下是一些常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集合之一:1. 建筑设计- Architectural Design2. 建筑结构- Building Structure3. 建筑材料- Building Materials4. 建筑施工- Building Construction5. 建筑成本- Construction Cost6. 建筑风格- Architectural Style7. 建筑师- Architect8. 建筑规划- Building Planning9. 建筑模型- Architectural Model10. 建筑面积- Building Area11. 建筑高度- Building Height12. 建筑容积率- Plot Ratio13. 建筑法规- Building Codes and Regulations14. 建筑节能- Energy Efficiency in Buildings15. 建筑智能化- Intelligent Buildings16. 绿色建筑- Green Buildings17. 可持续建筑- Sustainable Buildings18. 建筑声学- Architectural Acoustics19. 建筑光学- Architectural Optics20. 室内设计- Interior Design21. 景观设计- Landscape Design22. 结构设计- Structural Design23. 给排水设计- Water Supply and Drainage Design24. 暖通空调设计- HVAC Design25. 电气设计- Electrical Design26. 消防设计- Fire Protection Design27. 智能化系统设计- Intelligent System Design28. 施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design29. 施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design30. 装饰装修设计- Decoration and Finishing Design31. 建筑声学设计- Architectural Acoustics Design32. 建筑光学设计- Architectural Optics Design33. 建筑热工设计- Architectural Thermal Design34. 建筑美学设计- Architectural Aesthetic Design35. 建筑环境设计- Architectural Environment Design36. 建筑风水学- Feng Shui37. 建筑日照分析- Solar Analysis for Buildings38. 建筑通风分析- Ventilation Analysis for Buildings39. 建筑声环境分析- Acoustic Environment Analysis for Buildings40. 建筑光环境分析- Daylighting Environment Analysis for Buildings41. 建筑热环境分析- Thermal Environment Analysis for Buildings42. 建筑面积计算- Building Area Calculation43. 建筑楼层高度- Storey Height44. 建筑消防设计- Fire Protection Design for Buildings45. 建筑结构安全评估- Structural Safety Evaluation for Buildings46. 建筑抗震设计- Seismic Design for Buildings47. 建筑防洪设计- Flood-resistant Design for Buildings48. 建筑工程招标- Building Engineering Tendering49. 建筑工程施工许可- Construction Permission for Building Projects50. 建筑工程造价咨询- Engineering Cost Consulting for Building Projects51. 建筑工程监理- Project Supervision for Building Projects52. 建筑工程验收- Acceptance of Building Projects53. 建筑工程质量检测- Quality Detection of Building Projects54. 建筑工程质量评估- Quality Evaluation of Building Projects55. 建筑工程质量保修- Quality Guarantee of Building Projects56. 建筑工程档案- Construction Project Archives57. 建筑工程安全- Construction Safety58. 建筑工程管理- Construction Project Management59. 建筑工程合同- Construction Contract60. 建筑工程保险- Construction Insurance61. 建筑工程材料- Construction Materials62. 建筑工程机械- Construction Machinery63. 建筑工程劳务- Construction Labor64. 建筑工程施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design for Building Projects65. 建筑工程施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design for Building Projects66. 建筑工程施工进度计划- Construction Progress Plan for Building Projects67. 建筑工程施工质量控制- Construction Quality Control for Building Projects68. 建筑工程施工安全管理- Construction Safety Management for Building Projects69. 建筑工程施工现场管理- Construction Site Management for Building Projects70. 建筑工程施工成本管理- Construction Cost Management for Building Projects71. 建筑工程施工环境保护- Environmental Protection in Building Construction72. 建筑工程施工节能管理- Energy-saving Management in Building Construction73. 建筑工程施工水土保持- Soil and Water Conservation in Building Construction74. 建筑工程施工质量控制要点- Key Points of Construction Quality Control for Building Projects75. 建筑工程施工安全控制要点- Key Points of Construction Safety Control for Building Projects76. 建筑工程施工质量验收规范- Acceptance Specification for Construction Quality ofBuilding Projects77. 建筑立面设计- Façade Design78. 建筑剖面设计- Section Design79. 建筑立面分析图- Façade Analysis Diagram80. 建筑剖面分析图- Section Analysis Diagram81. 建筑结构分析图- Structural Analysis Diagram82. 建筑平面图- Floor Plan83. 建筑立面图- Façade Drawing84. 建筑剖面图- Section Drawing85. 建筑轴测图- Axonometric Drawing86. 建筑渲染图- Architectural Rendering87. 建筑模型制作- Model Making88. 建筑绘画- Architectural Drawing89. 建筑表现图- Architectural Representation90. 建筑动画- Architectural Animation91. 建筑摄影- Architectural Photography92. 建筑信息模型- Building Information Modeling (BIM)93. 建筑环境评估- Building Environmental Assessment94. 建筑节能评估- Building Energy Efficiency Assessment95. 建筑可持续性评估- Building Sustainability Assessment96. 建筑健康评估- Building Health Assessment97. 建筑设备系统设计- Building Equipment System Design98. 建筑电气系统设计- Electrical System Design for Buildings99. 建筑给排水系统设计- Water Supply and Drainage System Design for Buildings 100. 建筑暖通空调系统设计- HVAC System Design for Buildings一般建筑术语英文翻译之二101. 建筑燃气系统设计- Gas System Design for Buildings102. 建筑消防报警系统设计- Fire Alarm System Design for Buildings103. 建筑智能化系统集成设计- Intelligent System Integration Design for Buildings 104. 建筑幕墙设计- Curtain Wall Design105. 建筑石材幕墙设计- Stone Curtain Wall Design106. 建筑玻璃幕墙设计- Glass Curtain Wall Design107. 建筑绿化设计- Greening Design for Buildings108. 建筑景观设计- Landscape Design for Buildings109. 建筑室内环境设计- Indoor Environmental Design for Buildings110. 建筑声学装修设计- Acoustic Decoration Design for Buildings111. 建筑光学装修设计- Optical Decoration Design for Buildings112. 建筑材料装修设计- Decorative Materials Design for Buildings113. 建筑历史与理论- Architectural History and Theory114. 建筑美学史- History of Architectural Aesthetics115. 现代建筑设计- Modern Architectural Design116. 后现代建筑设计- Postmodern Architectural Design117. 当代建筑设计- Contemporary Architectural Design118. 解构主义建筑设计- Deconstructivist Architectural Design119. 装饰艺术建筑设计- Art Deco Architectural Design120. 功能主义建筑设计- Functionalist Architectural Design121. 结构主义建筑设计- Structuralist Architectural Design122. 新古典主义建筑设计- Neoclassical Architectural Design123. 折衷主义建筑设计- Eclectic Architectural Design124. 绿色建筑设计- Green Architectural Design125. 人文主义建筑设计- Humanist Architectural Design126. 新地域主义建筑设计- New Regionalist Architectural Design127. 参数化建筑设计- Parametric Architectural Design128. 数字建筑设计- Digital Architectural Design129. 未来主义建筑设计- Futurist Architectural Design130. 智能化建筑设计- Intelligent Building Design131. 生态建筑设计- Ecological Architectural Design132. 城市设计- Urban Design133. 景观设计- Landscape Design134. 城市规划- Urban Planning135. 城市更新- Urban Renewal136. 城市改造- Urban Transformation137. 城市意象- Urban Image138. 城市设计理论- Urban Design Theory139. 城市生态设计- Urban Ecological Design140. 城市交通设计- Urban Transportation Design141. 城市基础设施设计- Urban Infrastructure Design142. 城市天际线设计- Urban Skyline Design143. 城市夜景设计- Urban Nightscape Design144. 城市滨水区设计- Urban Waterfront Design145. 城市开放空间设计- Urban Open Space Design146. 城市街道景观设计- Urban Streetscape Design147. 城市公园设计- Urban Park Design148. 城市居住区设计- Urban Residential District Design149. 城市商业区设计- Urban Commercial District Design150. 城市文化区设计- Urban Cultural District Design151. 城市行政中心设计- Urban Governmental District Design152. 城市会展中心设计- Urban Exhibition and Convention Center Design 153. 城市体育馆设计- Urban Stadium Design154. 城市图书馆设计- Urban Library Design155. 城市博物馆设计- Urban Museum Design156. 城市大剧院设计- Urban Theater Design157. 城市机场设计- Urban Airport Design158. 城市火车站设计- Urban Train Station Design159. 城市地铁站设计- Urban Subway Station Design160. 城市公交车站设计- Urban Bus Stop Design161. 城市景观照明设计- Urban Landscape Lighting Design162. 城市标识系统设计- Urban Signage System Design163. 城市公共艺术装置设计- Public Art Installation Design164. 城市家具设计- Urban Furniture Design165. 城市花坛设计- Urban Flower Bed Design166. 城市儿童游乐设施设计- Urban Playground Design167. 城市植栽设计- Urban Planting Design168. 城市排水系统设计- Urban Drainage System Design169. 城市防洪系统设计- Urban Flood Control System Design170. 城市消防系统设计- Urban Fire Protection System Design171. 城市应急救援系统设计- Urban Emergency Rescue System Design172. 城市废弃物处理系统设计- Urban Waste Management System Design 173. 城市给水系统设计- Urban Water Supply System Design174. 城市污水处理系统设计- Urban Wastewater Treatment System Design 175. 城市雨水排放系统设计- Urban Stormwater Management System Design 176. 城市空调系统设计- Urban Air Conditioning System Design177. 城市供暖系统设计- Urban Heating System Design178. 城市燃气供应系统设计- Urban Gas Supply System Design179. 城市电力供应系统设计- Urban Electrical Power Supply System Design180. 城市智能化管理系统设计- Urban Intelligent Management System Design 181. 城市绿色建筑认证体系- Green Building Certification Systems182. 城市绿色建筑评价体系- Green Building Evaluation Systems183. 可持续城市发展理论- Sustainable Urban Development Theory 184. 生态城市理论- Eco-city Theory185. 低碳城市理论- Low-carbon City Theory186. 紧凑城市理论- Compact City Theory187. 智慧城市理论- Smart City Theory188. 韧性城市理论- Resilient City Theory189. 多规合一城市规划体系- Integrated Urban Planning System 190. 城市设计哲学- Urban Design Philosophy191. 城市设计心理学- Urban Design Psychology192. 城市设计社会学- Urban Design Sociology193. 城市设计地理学- Urban Design Geography194. 城市设计经济学- Urban Design Economics195. 城市设计生态学- Urban Design Ecology196. 城市设计符号学- Urban Design Semiotics197. 城市设计现象学- Urban Design Phenomenology198. 城市设计未来学- Urban Design Futures Studies199. 城市设计艺术史- Urban Design Art History200. 城市设计与公共政策- Urban Design and Public Policy。
建筑专业英语词汇(M-N)macadam aggregate 锁结式集料machine 机械machine application 机械粉饰machine cavern 地下机械室machine made brick 机制砖machine mixed concrete 机拌混凝土machinery and equipment yard 机械设备堆集场地machinery foundation 机迄座machinery room 机房macrography 肉眼检查macrostructure 宏观结构made ground 填土magnesia brick 镁砖magnesia cement 镁氧水泥magnesia insulation 镁质绝缘材料magnesite brick 镁砖magnet 磁铁magnetic crack detection 磁力探伤magnetic separator 磁力分离器magnetism 磁力magnetization 磁化magnitude 大小main 干线main air duct 昼道main bar 种筋main beam 趾main bridge members 知桥梁杆件main canal 干渠main dike 痔main door 正门main drain 峙水沟main face 正面main girder 趾main pressure differential 周压差main rafter 知main reinforcement 种筋main runner 脂条main stair 芝梯main structural part 知结构配件main tie 值材main truss 朱架main valve 支main wall 纸mains distribution box 干线配电箱mains failure 电力网毁坏mains supply 干线供给mains water 自来水maintenance 维护maintenance cost 保养费maintenance hangar 修理棚maintenance overhaul 维修检查major axes of stress ellipse 应力椭圆的长径major axis 长径major overhaul 大修make up air 补偿空气make up pump 补充水泵make up water 补给水mall 木大锤mallet 木锤man 人man made stone 人造石management 管理manager program 操纵程序manhole 人孔manhole cover 检查井盖manhole rings 人孔环manhole step irons 人孔踏步铁manifold 集合管manilla rope 马尼拉麻绳索manometer 压力计manometric pressure 计示压力mansard 复折屋顶mansard dormer window 折线形屋顶窗mansard roof 折线形屋顶mansard roof construction 折线形屋顶结构mansion 住宅mantelpiece 壁炉台mantelshelf 壁炉台manual batcher 手动计量器manual cycling control 循环工程手动操纵manual damper 手动档板manual press 手压机manual proportioning control 手工称量控制manufacture 制造manufactured construction materials 人造建筑材料manufactured sand 人工砂manufacturing process 生产过程many roomed apartment 一套多房间公寓map 地图map cracking 网状裂缝marble 大理石marble gravel 大理石砾石marbling 仿制的大理石margin 边缘margin of safety 安全系数margin of stability 稳定性限marginal concrete strip finisher 混凝土边缘修整机marginal strip 路缘带marine clay 海成粘土marine construction 海洋建筑物marine glue 防水胶marine paint 海船油漆marine park 海蚀公园marine sand 海砂marine structures 海洋建筑物marine works 海洋建筑物mark 标记marker 标识器marker line 标志线marker post 标志杆market 市场market building 市场房屋marking 标识marking gauge 划线刀marl 泥灰岩marquee 雨罩marquetry 镶嵌装饰品marsh 沼泽地marshalling 砌体marshy ground 沼泽地mashroom valve 园锥形活门mason 石工mason's adjustable suspension scaffold 砖石工用可迭挂式脚手架mason's hammer 砖石工锤mason's mortar 圬工灰浆mason's scaffold 圬工脚手架masonry 砌石masonry anchor 圬工锚碇masonry arch 砌石拱masonry block 砌筑块masonry bridge 圬工桥masonry cement 砌切筑水泥masonry construction 砌筑结构masonry drill 圬工钻masonry mortar 圬工灰浆masonry nail 砖石钉masonry plate 座板masonry sand 圬工砂masonry veneer 表层砌体mass concrete 大块混凝土mass curve 土方曲线mass force 质量力mass foundation 块状基础mass haule curve 土方曲线mass produced structural units 成批生产的结构部件mass runoff 径量massive concrete structures 块状混凝土结构masstone 天然色调mast arm 灯具悬臂mast cap spider 紧桅箍星形轮mast with arm 带臂电杆master plan 总体规划mastic 玛脂mastic asphalt 石油沥青砂胶mastic cement 水泥砂胶mastic cooker 地沥青砂胶加热锅mat 底板mat coat 罩面mat foundation 板式基础mat reinforcement bender 钢筋网弯曲机match marking 装配标记match plane 开槽刨matchboarding 企口镶板matched ceiling 企口顶棚material 材料material aggressive to concrete 混凝土侵蚀材料material behavior 材料特性material debris chute 残渣滑槽material handling 材料装卸material handling bridge 材料转运桥material handling system 材料转运系统material hose 原料软管material list 材料酶表material retained on sieve 筛上筛余物material strength 材料强度material test 材料试验materials testing laboratory 材料试验室matt paint 无光泽涂料matte surface glass 毛面玻璃matted glass 毛面玻璃mattress 柴排mattress revetment 沉排铺面matured cement 长期贮存的老化水泥matured concrete 成熟混凝土maturing 老化maturing of concrete 混凝土的熟化maul 木大锤maximum 最大maximum allowable concentration 最大容许浓度maximum allowable emission 最大容许发散maximum capacity of well 井的最高容量maximum density grading 最大密度级配maximum density of soil 土壤的最大密度maximum dry density 最大干密度maximum flood discharge 最大洪水量maximum gradient 最大坡度maximum load 最大负荷maximum load design 最大荷载重设计法maximum rated load 最大额定荷载maximum safe load 最大安全载荷maximum simultaneous demand 最大同时需要量maximum size 最大尺寸maximum value 最大值meager lime 贫石灰mean cycle stress 循环应力的平均值mean depth 平均深度mean radiant temperature 平均辐射温度mean temperature difference 平均温差mean velocity of flow 平均临means of conveyance 传送工具means of egress 出口装置means of slinging 吊税置means of transportation 传送工具measure 尺寸measured drawing 实测图measurement 测定measurement data 测定资料measuring apparatus 测量仪器measuring chain 测量链measuring element 测定元件measuring frame 配料量斗measuring tank 计量槽measuring tape 卷尺measuring worm conveyor 测量螺旋输送机mechanical aeration 机械通风mechanical analysis 机械分析mechanical application 机械粉饰mechanical area 机械布置空间mechanical bond 机械结合mechanical calculation 力学计算mechanical classification 机械分级mechanical cooling 机械冷却mechanical core 技术设施中心带mechanical core wall 设有设施装置的心墙mechanical coupling link 机械轴节连杆mechanical draft cooling tower 机动气龄却塔mechanical dust collector 机械除尘器mechanical filter 机械滤器mechanical operator 机动装置mechanical rake 机械耙mechanical rammer 机械夯具mechanical refrigerating system 机械冷冻系统mechanical refrigeration 机械制冷mechanical stabilisation 机械稳定处理mechanical strength characteristics 力学强度特性mechanical testing 机械试验mechanical tooling of concrete 混凝土的机械加工mechanical treatment of sawage 污水的机械净化mechanical trowel 抹灰机mechanical ventilation 机械通风mechanics 力学mechanics of materials 材料力学mechanism 机构mechanization 机械化median barrier 路中护栏medium burned brick 标准烧成砖medium duty scaffold 中型脚手架medium grained asphalt concrete 中粒级配地沥青混凝土meeting rail 窗框的横挡meeting stile 连接板条member 构件membrane concrete curing 用膜混凝土养护membrane curing 薄膜养护法membrane filter 薄膜过滤器membrane fireproofing 隔膜防火层membrane forming type bond braker 粘结制止膜形成剂membrane theory 薄膜理论membrane waterproofing 薄膜防水memorial 纪念碑memorial architecture 纪念性建筑memorial table 纪念雕版menstruum 溶媒mercury arc lamp 汞弧灯meridian stress 经线应力mesh 筛目mesh analysis 筛分析mesh laying jumbo 钢筋网敷设设备mesh reinforced shotcrete 钢筋网加强喷射混凝土mesh reinforcement 钢筋网mesh series 筛一套mesh size 筛目大小metal 金属;铺路碎石metal clad cable 金属包皮电缆metal clad fire door 有金属包层的防火门metal construction 金属结构metal curtain wall 铁骨架悬挂壁metal door 金属门metal floor decking 金属楼板铺面metal form 金属模板metal furniture 金属家具metal gauze 金属网metal grating 金属栅板metal hose 金属蛇管metal lathing 钉钢丝网metal mesh fabric 金属网metal plate 金属板metal plating 镀metal runner 金属滑条metal sash putty 金属窗框油灰metal sheet 金属板metal sheet roof covering 金属薄板metal shingle 金属鱼鳞板metal stud 金属立杆metal tube 金属管metal valley 金属沟槽metal water stop 金属带密封metallic cement 熔渣硅酸盐水泥metallic sprayed coating 喷镀金属膜meteorological observation 气象观测meteorology 气象学meter 米methane tank 沼气桶method 方法method of curing 养护法method of elastic weights 弹性荷载法method of joint isolation 结点法method of least work 最小功法method of minimum strain energy 最小功法method of moment 力矩法method of redundant reactions 弯矩面积法method of sections 断面法method of the substitute redundant members 超静定构件取代法method of zero moment points 零点力矩法metro 地下铁道metropolitan area 大城市区域mezzanine 中二楼mica 云母micro crack 微细龟裂micro strainer 微孔滤网microclimate 小气候micrometer 微米microparticle 微粒micropolitan 居住区microscope 显微镜microstructure 微结构middle girder 中间梁middle strip 中间带middle surface 中面midget construction crane 小型建筑起重机midspan 中跨midspan deflection 中跨挠度midspan load 跨中荷载midwall 间隔墙mild steel reinforcement 低碳钢钢筋milk of lime 石灰乳mill 粉碎机mill construction 厂房结构millboard 麻丝板milled joint 研压接缝mineral aggregate 矿质骨料mineral dust 矿物粉末mineral fiber tiles 矿物纤维板mineral fibers 矿物纤维mineral filled asphalt 填充细矿料的沥青mineral filler 矿物质填料mineral pigment 矿物颜料mineral wool 矿物棉mineralogical composition of aggregates 集料的矿物的组成miniaturization 小型化mining shovel 采矿机铲mining town 矿业城镇mirror 镜mission tile 半圆形截面瓦mist 烟雾mist spraying 喷雾miter cut 斜切割miter gate 人字间门miter joint 斜角连接mitigation 水的软化mix 混合mix control 混合控制mix design 配合比设计mix in place machine 就地拌和机mix in place travel plant 就地拌和机mix ingredients 混合物成分mix proportions 混合比mixed cement 混合水泥mixed concrete 拌好的混凝土mixed construction 混合构造mixed greenery 混合式绿化区mixed in place construction of road 就地拌和法筑路mixed in place method 就地拌和法mixer 混合机mixer drum 混合圆筒mixer efficiency 混合机效率mixer skip 拌和机装料斗mixer trestle 混合机栈桥mixer truck 混凝土搅拌车mixing 混合mixing box 混合室mixing chamber 混合室mixing cycle 混合周期mixing damper 混合档板mixing drum 混合圆筒mixing of concrete 混凝土的搅拌mixing placing train 混合与灌筑综合装置mixing plant 搅拌装置mixing platform 拌和台mixing rate 混合物比率mixing ratio 混合比mixing screw 混合用螺旋mixing speed 拌和速度mixing tank 混合槽mixing temperature 混合温度mixing time 拌和时间mixing tower 混合塔mixing valve 混合阀mixing water 搅拌用水mixometer 拌和计时器mixture 混合mobile bituminous mixing plant 移动式沥青混合设备mobile crane 自行吊车mobile field office 移动式工地办公室mobile form 移动式模壳mobile hoist 移动式卷杨机mobile job crane 移动式起重机mobile load 活动荷载mobile scaffold tower 塔式机动脚手架mobile site office 移动式工地办公室mobile space heater 移动式空气加热器mobile tower crane 可移动塔式起重机mobile work platform 移动式工专mobility of concrete 混凝土怜性mode of buckling 压屈状态mode of failure 毁坏模式model 模型model testing 模型试验modern architecture 现代建筑modern city 现代城市modernization 现代化modification 更改modified i beam 改进的i型梁modified portland cement 改良硅酸盐水泥modular brick 符合模数尺寸的砖modular building 模数法建筑modular building unit 模数化建筑物单元modular constuction 模数化构造modular coordination 模数协调modular design 模数法设计modular dimension 模数尺寸modular ratio 模量化modular ratio method 模量比法modular size 标准化尺寸modular system 模数制modular unit 模数化构件modulator 爹器module 尺度modulus 系数modulus of creep 蠕变模量modulus of deformation 形变模量modulus of elasticity 弹性模量modulus of foundation support 地基反力系数modulus of resilience 回弹模量modulus of rigidity 抗剪模量modulus of rupture 挠折模量modulus of section 断面模量modulus of subgrade reaction 地基反力系数moist air cabinet 保湿箱moist room 湿气室moisture 湿气moisture barrier 防潮层moisture gradient 湿度梯度moisture laden air 潮湿空气moisture migration 水分移动moisture movement 水分移动moisture proof luminaire 防湿灯moisture resistant insulating material 耐湿性绝热材料moisture seal 防潮层moisture sensing probe 测湿器moisture tons 潜热冷冻负荷mold 模型mold oil 脱模油mold release 脱模剂molded brick 模制砖molded gutter 模制天沟molded insulation 模制塑料绝缘molded plywood 成型胶合板moldings 线脚molds reuseability 模重复使用能力mole 防波堤mole drain 地下排水沟mole drainage 地下排水工程moler brick 硅藻土砖moling 地下排水沟设置moment 力矩moment area 力矩面积moment area method 弯矩面积法moment at fixed end 支承挠矩moment at support 弯矩钢筋moment bar 弯矩杆moment buckling 力矩弯曲moment curvature law 力矩与曲率定律moment diagram 力矩分配法moment distribution 弯矩分配moment distribution method 力矩分配法moment equation 力矩方程moment influence line 力矩影响线图moment of couple 力偶矩moment of deflection 弯曲力矩moment of friction 摩擦力矩moment of inertia 惯性矩moment of load 负载矩moment of resistance 抗力矩moment of rupture 裂断力矩moment of span 跨矩moment of stiffness 刚性力矩moment reinforcement 弯曲钢筋moment resisting space frame 抗力矩空间构架moment resulting from sidesway 侧倾力矩moment splice 力矩的拼接moment zero point 零力矩点monastic building 寺院房屋monat cement 无熟料的矿渣水泥monitor 天窗monitor roof 通风的屋顶monitoring 监视monkey 起重机小车monkey wrench 螺丝板手monocable 单塑空死monolithic 整体式monolithic concrete 整体浇灌混凝土monolithic construction 整体式构造monolithic finish 整体修整monolithic grillage 整体式格床monolithic slab and foundation wall 整体式楼板与基础壁monolithic terrazzo 整块水磨石monolithic topping 整体式上部覆盖monopitch roof 单斜屋顶monorail 单轨道monorail system 单轨运输系统monorail transporter 单线运送机monorailway 单轨铁路monotower crane 单塔式起重机monsoon 季节风montage 装配monument 界标moon 月亮moor 沼泽地mooring accessories 系船设备mooring appurtenances 系船设备mooring dolphin 系船柱mooring ring 系船环mordant 腐蚀剂mortar 灰浆mortar additive 灰浆附加剂mortar admixture 灰浆附加剂mortar bar 灰浆棒mortar base 灰浆底座mortar bed 灰浆层mortar bond 灰浆砌筑mortar box 灰浆层mortar cube 灰浆立方块mortar fraction 灰浆部分mortar from chamotte 灰泥灰浆mortar from trass 火山灰灰浆mortar grouting 灌浆mortar gun 灰浆喷枪mortar mill 灰泥混合机mortar mixer 灰泥混合机mortar mixing machine 灰泥混合机mortar of dry consistency 干硬稠度灰浆mortar plasticizer 灰浆增塑剂mortar pump 灰浆泵mortar sand 灰浆用砂mortar spreader 灰浆撒布机mortar walling 灰浆砌筑mortarboard 灰板mortice 榫槽mortise 榫槽mortise chisel 錾mortise gauge 划榫器mortise joint 镶榫接头mortise lock 插锁mortise pin 梢子mosaic 镶嵌砖mosaic floor 镶嵌地板mosaic glass 嵌镶玻璃mosaic structure 镶嵌结构mosaic tile 镶嵌地砖moss 沼泽motel 汽车旅馆mother town 母域motion 运动motomixer 混凝土搅拌车motor 发动机motor bug 机动小车motor bus 公共汽车motor car 轿车motor damper 电动气邻器motor generator set 电动发电机motor grader 自行式平地机motor in head vibrator 电动振动棒motor operated valve 电动阀motor scraper 自动铲运机motorized solar control blinds 机动遮阳帘motorway 汽车路mottle effect 斑点样褪色mottled discoloration 斑点样褪色mottled surface 斑点样表面mould 型mould releasing agent 脱模剂moulded brick 模制砖moulded concrete 模制混凝土moulding plaster 模制用石膏moulding sand 型砂mound breakwater 堆石防波堤mounter 装配工mounting shop 装配车间mouthpiece 嘴子movable barrack 移动式工棚movable bridge 开合桥movable dam 活动堰movable distributor 活动配水器movable joint 活接头movable partition 可动间壁movable rocker bearing 活动振动机支承movable scaffolding 移动式脚手架movable span 可动桥跨movable tangential bearing 活动切线支承movable weir 活动堰moving form 移动式模壳moving form construction 活动模板建造moving load 活动荷载moving ramp 跳板moving staircase 自动升降梯moving walk 滑动步道muck loader 装渣机mucker 装渣机mucker belt 装岩机引带mucking 清理坍方mucosity 粘性mud 软泥mud box 泥渣分离箱mud outlet 污泥排泄口mud room 前厅mud soil 泥土mud trap 泥渣分离箱mudcapping 外部装药爆破mudsill 排架座木muffle furnace 高温烘炉muffler 消声器mullion 竖框mulseal 乳化沥青multi arch dam 连拱坝multi bucket dredger 多斗采砂船multi bucket excavator 多斗挖土机multi cell battery mould 多格仓式模板multi cell dust collector 多孔式积尘器multi compartment building 多户住宅multi compartment settling basin 多槽式沉淀池multi cored brick 多孔砖multi degree system 多自由度系multi lane roadway 多车道道路multi layer consolidation 多层固结multi legged sling 多支吊索multi point heater 多位置加热器multi purpose coating plant 多用途混合装置multi purpose scheme 综合利用设计multi rubber tire roller 多轴碾压机multi span structure 多跨结构multi wheel roller 多轴碾压机multi zone system 多区的空档统multiblade damper 多重叶瓣式节气闸multicolor brick 多色砖multicolor finish 多彩色终饰multideck screen 多层筛multielement member 多单元装配件multielement prestressing 多单元构件预加应力multifamily housing 多户住房multifolding door 卷折式门multilayer insulation 多层绝缘multilevel guyed tower 多位缆风拉紧的塔multimixer 通用混合器multipass aeration tank 多撂曝气池multiple 倍数multiple aeration tank 多撂曝气池multiple arch 连拱multiple arch bridge 连拱桥multiple bay frame 多跨框架multiple dome dam 弓顶连拱坝multiple dwelling 多户住房multiple dwelling building 多户住宅multiple flue chimney 多路烟囱multiple glass 多层玻璃multiple glazing 多层玻璃窗施工multiple leaf damper 多重叶瓣式节气闸multiple pipe inverted siphon 多管式倒虹吸管multiple purpose project 综合利用设计multiple purpose reservoir 综合利用水库multiple row heating coil 多行供热盘管multiple sedimentation tank 多路沉淀池multiple span bridge 多跨桥multiple span structure 多跨构造物multiple web systems 多肋式系统multiply plywood 多层夹板multiplying factor 倍加系数multistage construction 分阶段建筑multistage fan 多级风扇multistage gas supply system 多级供煤气系统multistage stressing 多级施加应力multistorey building 多层房屋;多层建筑物multistorey parking space 多层停车场multistoried building 多层房屋multistoried garage building 多层车库multiuse building 多用途建筑物multiway junction 复合交叉口municipal engineering 市政工程municipal facilities 市政工程设施municipal sanitary 城市卫生municipal sanitary engineering 城市卫生工程学municipal service 市政业务municipal sewage 城市污水municipal sewers 城市下水道网municipal treatment plant 城市污水处理场muntin 窗格条museum 博物馆mushroom construction 无粱板构造mushroom floor 环辐式楼板mushroom head column 无粱式楼板支承柱mushroom slab 无粱楼板mushy concrete 连混凝土mutual action of steel and concrete 钢筋和混凝土的共同酌n truss n字桁架n year flood n年周期洪水nail 钉nail claw 钉拔nail float 钉板抹子nail plate 钉接板nail puller 钉拔nailable concrete 受钉混凝土nailcrete 受钉混凝土nailed beam 钉梁nailed connection 钉结合nailed joint 钉结合nailed roof truss 钉固屋架nailer 可钉条nailing 打钉nailing block 可受钉块nailing marker 标记钉模naked flooring 毛面地板name block 名牌names of parts 部件品目narrow gauge 窄轨narrow gauge railway 窄轨铁路national architecture 民族建筑national highway 国道national style 民族形式natural adhesive 天然粘合剂natural aeration 自然通风natural aggregate 天然骨料natural angle of slope 自然倾斜角natural asphalt 天然沥青natural building sand 天然建筑砂natural cement 天然水泥natural circulation 自然循环natural color 天然色natural concrete aggregate 天然混凝土骨料natural convection 自然对流natural convector 自然对僚热器natural depth 天然深度natural draft 自然通风natural draft cooling tower 自然通风凉水塔natural drainage 自然排水natural finish 天然装饰natural flow 自然量natural foundation 天然地基natural grade 自然坡度natural ground 天然地基natural head 天然水头natural illumination factor 自然采光照玫数natural light 自然光natural lighting 天然照明natural mineral materials 天然矿物质材料natural pigment 天然颜料natural rock asphalt 沥青岩natural sand 天然砂natural sett 天然铺石natural slope 天然坡度natural stone 天然石natural stone slab 天然石板natural stone veneer 天然石表层natural stonework 天然石砌筑natural ventilation 自然通风natural water level 自然水位nature park 自然公园navier's hypothesis 纳维尔假说navigable canal 航行运河navigable construction 通航构造navigation canal 航行运河navigation facilities 通航设施navigation lock 通航船闸neat cement grout 净水泥浆neat cement mortar 净水泥灰浆neat cement paste 净水泥浆neat line 准线neat portland cement 纯波特兰水泥necking 颈缩现象needle 横撑杆needle beam 针梁needle beam scaffold 小梁托撑脚手架needle gate 针形闸门needle valve 针阀needle vibrator 针状振捣器needling 横撑杆negative friction 负摩擦negative moment 负力矩negative pressure 负压negative reaction 负反力negative reinforcement 负挠钢筋negative well 渗水井neighbourhood unit 近里单位neoprene paint 氯丁橡胶涂料nerve 交叉侧肋nervure 交叉侧肋nest of sieves 一套筛子net 网net area 净面积net cut 净挖方net duty of water 净用水量net fill 净填方net floor area 地板或楼层净面积net line 墙面交接线net load 净载荷net positive suction head 净吸引压头net residential area 居住净面积net room area 房间净面积net sectional area 净断面面积net settlement 净沉降net structure 网状结构netting 铁丝网network 格网络network of chains 三角测量网network of coordinates 坐标格网network of underground 地下管网neutral axis 中性轴neutral plane 中性面neutral pressure 中性压力neutral surface 中性面neutralisation tank 中和槽neutron shield 中子防护屏new construction 新建工程new town 新城市newel 螺旋楼梯中柱newel post 螺旋楼梯中柱newel stair 有中柱的螺旋楼梯newly placed concrete 新浇混凝土nibbed tile 有挂脚的瓦niche 壁龛nick break test 缺口冲辉验nidged ashlar 琢石nigged ashlar 琢石nigging 砍修石头night population 夜间人口night setback 夜间温度降低nippers 钳子nipple 短连接管nissen hut 金属结构掩蔽棚屋nitrogen 氮no bond prestressing 无粘结纲筋的后预应力no bond stretching 无粘结纲筋的后预应力no bond tensioning 无粘结纲筋的后预应力no fines concrete 无细集料混凝土no hinged frame 无铰的框架no slump concrete 干硬混凝土nodal forces 节点力node 节点nog 木栓nogging 填墙木砖;系柱横撑nogging piece 横撑noise 噪声noise abatement 减声noise abatement wall 减声壁noise absorption factor 噪声吸收系数noise attenuation 减声noise barrier 消音屏noise control 噪声控剂noise criteria curves 噪声标准曲线noise damper 消音器noise level 噪音级noise meter 噪声计noise nuisance 噪声危害noise rating 噪声评价noise rating curves 噪声评级曲线noise reduction coefficient 噪声降低系数nominal bore 公称直径nominal diameter 公称直径nominal dimension 标称尺寸nominal horsepower 标称马力nominal maximum size of aggregate 骨料的额定最大粒径nominal mix 标称配合比nominal size 公称尺寸nomogram 计算图表non air entrained concrete 非含气的混凝土non bonded joint 不粘着的楼缝non carbonate hardness 非碳酸盐硬度non clogging filter 不堵塞的过滤器non clogging screen 不堵塞的筛non concussive tap 无冲机头non fireproof construction 非防火建筑non load bearing partition 非承重隔墙non load bearing wall 非承重墙non pressure drain 无压排水渠non pressure pipe 无压管non redundant structure 静定结构non retern valve 逆止阀non scouring velocity 不冲刷临non shrinking cement 不收缩水泥non silting velocity 不淤临non slewing crane 非回转式吊机non slip floor 防滑楼板non structural component 非构造部件non tilting drum mixer 直卸料式拌合机nonagitating unit 途中不搅拌的混凝土运送车nonbearing partition 非承重隔墙nonbearing structure 非承压结构nonbearing wall 非承重墙nonbreakable glass 刚性玻璃noncohesive soil 不粘结的土质noncombustible construction 非燃结构noncombustible materials 非燃建筑材料noncreeping material 无蠕变材料nondestructive testing 非破坏性试验nondomestic building 非住宅楼nondomestic premises 非居住房产nonelastic deformation 非弹性变形nonelastic range 非弹性段nonhomogeneity of materials 材料的非均质性nonhomogeneous state of stress 不均等应力状况nonhydraulic lime 非水化石灰nonhydraulic mortar 非水硬性灰浆nonlinear distribution of stresses 应力的非线形分布nonlinear elastic behavior 非线性弹性状态nonlinear elasticity 非线性弹性nonlinear plastic theory 非线性塑性理论nonoverflow section 非溢水部分nonparallel chord truss 非平行弦杆桁架nonprestressed reinforcement 非预应力的钢筋nonresidential building 非居住建筑物nonrigid carriageway 非刚性车道nonrigid pavement 非刚性路面nonrotating rope 不旋转绳nonshrink concrete 抗缩混凝土nonsimultaneous prestressing 非同时预应力nonskid carpet 防滑毡层nonskid surfacing 防滑铺面nonstaining cement 无玷污水泥nonstaining mortar 不生锈的灰浆nonstandard component 非标准构件nonsticky soil 非粘结性土壤nonstorage calorifier 快速加热装置nonsymmetry 非对称nonvolatile matter 非挥发性物质nonvolatile vehicle 非挥发性媒液noon 正午noria 斗式提升机norm 标准norm of construction 建筑规范norm of material consumption 材料消耗定额norm of work 工专额normal concrete 普通混凝土normal consistency 正常稠度normal force 法向力normal force diagram 法向力图表normal heavy concrete 普通重混凝土normal portland cement 普通波特兰水泥normal section 正常断面normal weight concrete 正常重量混凝土normalization 标准化normalization of production 生产正规化normally hydrated cement 正常水化水泥north easter 东北风north light glazing 朝北锯齿形采光屋面装配玻璃north light gutter 朝北锯齿形屋顶边沟north wester 伪风northlight roof 朝北锯齿形屋面norton tube well 管井nose of groyne 丁顶前端noser 强迎面风nosing 梯级突边not water carriage toilet facility 非水冲厕notation 标记notch 切口notch board 梯级侧板notch fall 带缝隙的阶梯式构造notch impact strength 刻痕冲豢度notch shock test 刻痕冲辉验notch toughness 刻痕韧性notched bar test 切口试样冲辉验notched bars 变形钢筋notched specimen 切口试样notching 凹槽连结;刻痕notching machine 齿形刀片栽剪机novelty flooring 新颖花绞地板novelty siding 下垂坡叠板noxious fumes 有毒炮烟nozzle 喷嘴nozzle meter 管嘴式临计ntatorium 游泳池nuclear energy structures 原子力发电厂构造物nuclear reactor 核反应堆nursery 育儿室nursery garden 育苗区nut 螺母nut anchorage 带螺母锚nut runner 螺帽扳手nut socket driver 螺母扳手nut torque 拧螺母转矩nylon 尼龙nylon rope 尼龙绳。
建筑类常见英语词汇(有很多种,但貌似这种才比较符合我们)关于建筑的英语词汇to build, to construct 建设,建筑,修建architecture建筑学building修筑,建筑物house房子skyscraper摩天大楼block of flats 公寓楼 (美作:apartment block)monument纪念碑palace宫殿temple庙宇basilica皇宫,教堂cathedral大教堂church教堂tower塔,塔楼ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼column柱colonnade柱廊arch拱门town planning 市政 (美作:city planning)building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证greenbelt绿地elevation建筑物的三面图plan设计图scale比例尺to prefabricate 预制excavation挖土,掘土foundations基to lay the foundations 打地基course of bricks 砌好的砖列scaffold, scaffolding 脚手架a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区 region with heating provision不采暖地区 region without heating provision 绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned 板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiberTimber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant p。
Construction Site 建筑工地Apologize for any inconvenience caused during building operation 对施工期间带来的不便表示歉意..Danger of death. Keep out. 生命危险;严禁入内..Danger;building site; keep out 工地危险;禁止入内..Danger;evacuation 危险;请走开Dangerous structure; this bridge is unsafe 危险结构;该桥不安全..Hot work in progress 正在施工No persons allowed beyond this point 任何人不许越过此处..Safety footwear.穿安全靴Safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必须戴安全帽..Site entrance; dangerous 工地入口;危险Slow; site entrance 工地入口请慢行This button has been moved for remedial work 该按钮已卸下拿去修理..This is just for construction personnel 仅供施工人员使用..This lift is only for construction personal 此电梯仅供施工人员使用..This work will be completed by the end of this year. Thank you for your patience during the inevitable disruption 此工程于年底完工;感谢你施工期间的宽容大度..We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this works 对施工期间引起的不便表示歉意..Working overhead 上面在施工关于建筑的英语词汇to build; to construct 建设;建筑;修建architecture 建筑学building 修筑;建筑物house 房子skyscraper 摩天大楼block of flats 公寓楼美作:apartment block monument 纪念碑palace 宫殿temple 庙宇basilica 皇宫;教堂cathedral 大教堂church 教堂tower 塔;塔楼ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼column 柱colonnade 柱列arch 拱town planning 市政美作:city planningbuilding permission 营建许可证;建筑开工许可证greenbelt 绿地elevation 建筑物的三面图plan 设计图scale 比例尺to prefabricate 预制excavation 挖土;掘土foundations 基to lay the foundations 打地基course of bricks 砌好的砖列scaffold 脚手架scaffolding 脚手架工程词汇质量合格证书certification offitness原材料raw material底板bottom plate垫层cushion侧壁sidewall中心线center line条形基础strip footing附件accessories型钢profile steel钢板steel plate熔渣slag飞溅welding spatter定位焊tacking引弧generating of arc熄弧quenching of arc焊道welding bead坡口beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮doubleskin水平方向弧度radian inhorizontal direction成型molding直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angulardistortion水平度levelness铅垂度verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺angle square对接焊缝butt weld母材parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosionconcentration挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ultrasonic examination压力容器pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter焊缝welding line中幅板center plate测量方法measuring method基准点datum mark跳焊skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板stiffening plate开孔tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing角钢angle iron安装基准圆installation fundamental circle吊装立柱hoisting upright column 焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope带板band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口collar extension局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate拱顶vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接butt joint胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架center bearing bracket 椭圆度ovality等分线bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊overlap welding对称:symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计content gauge充水试验filling water test错边量unfitness of butt joint底圈foundation ring真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test丁字焊缝tee welding渗透探伤oil whiting test充水试验filling water test内侧角焊缝接头interior angle welding line jointfoundation settlement 基础沉降测量基准点datum mark稳定性试验stability test排气阀outlet valve角钢angle steel构件component part机械损伤mechanical damage缩孔shrinkage cavity enfoldment 折迭碳钢管carbon steel tube公称直径nominal diameter预埋件embedded part轴测图axonometric drawing布置图arrangement diagram氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gascutting低合金钢管low alloy steel热影响区heat affected area修磨polish砂轮片grinding wheel等离子plasma panel重皮coldlap凹凸unevenness缩口necking down端面head face倾斜偏差dip deviation外径external diameter砂轮grinding wheel管件pipe casting单线图single line drawing平齐parallel and level两端two terminals满扣buckle螺栓紧固bolton周边periphery附加应力additional stress同轴度axiality平行度parallelism随机stochastic允许偏差allowable variation重直度verticality水平度levelness隔离盲板blind plate氩弧焊argon arc welding压盖螺栓gland bolt间距spacing有效期period of validity担任take charge of undertake焊条welding rod碳钢焊条carbon steel焊丝welding wire熔化焊melting钢丝steel wire气体保护焊gas shielded arcwelding烘干drying清洗ablution制度system焊接工艺welding procedure相应corresponding手工电弧焊manual electric arcwelding手工钨极manual tungstenelectrode打底render电源power source交流alternating current焊件weldment管壁厚度pipe thickness对接焊缝butt weld工件壁厚workpiece飞溅物splash沾污smirch油污oil stain细锉smooth file铣刀milling cutter氧化膜oxide film脱脂处理ungrease treatment棉质纤维cotton fibre丙酮acetone硫sulfur焊剂welding flux钢板steel plate纵向焊缝longitudinal weldlongitudinal seam筒节shell ring封头end socket卷管reelpipe强度试验strength test起弧arc starting穿堂风draught熔合fusion反面reverse side整体integral封堵block up焊口weld bond医用胶布medical proof fabric高频high frequency焊炬welding torch送气air supply电流衰减装置current attenuation气体延时保护装置time delay熄弧quenching of arc成型molding钢印代号steel seal质量分析quality analysis负责人principal审批examine and approve补焊工艺repair welding压缩机compression pump平焊法兰welded flange测试流程图test flow chart加固措施reinforcement measure 校验verify升压boost pressure读数off scale reading满刻度值ull-scale value盲板blind plate压力表pressure meter强度intensity目测eye survey半径radius公式formula管路pipeline严密性leakproofness导电膏conductive paste压接compression joint地上连接overground埋深buried depth接地线earth wire说明description分线盒junction box接地装置earthing deivce交叉across塑料保护管protection tube塑料带plastic tape防腐处理preservative treatment 接地极earthing pole接地电阻测试earth resistance防雷接地lightning protection遵守comply with 避雷网lightning conduction引下线down lead搭接焊overlap welding避雷针lightning rod镀锌制品zinc coating断接卡breaking of contact电阻resistance配电装置power distributionequipment集中接地装置centralized串联cascade connection干线联接main line并列paratactic单独solely机组machine set电力复合脂electric forcecompounded grease电缆敷设cable laying电缆槽架cable channel主干线trunk line弯头angle fitting剥落处exfoliation银粉aluminum powder支持点support point拆装disassembly and assembly畅通smooth电压等级electric pressure通断实验onoff终端头terminals余度remaining标记牌notice plate表册statistical forms电缆桥架cable testing bridge电机electric machine相对湿度relative humidity杂物sundries耐压试验withstand voltage test照明器具ligthing paraphernalia铭牌nameplate验收规范acceptancespecification接线wire splice试运test run进线口incoming line带电electrified盘车转子jigger rotor二次回路secondary circuit中心线center line触头contactor配电power distribution成套whole set楼板floor slab备件duplicate part包装packing器材equipment导线conducting wire脱落fall off规范specification电器electrical appliance断路器line breaker机械联锁mechanical interlocking碰撞collision轻便portable综合分析判断comprehensiveanalysis and judgement变压器transformer抽芯loose core/过道aisle三相电容three phase capacitance芯棒core rod都市规划与土地开发Urban g and Land Development 社区开发及工业区开发Community Development and Industry Park Development开发许可申请Development Permit土地使用变更计划Land Use Rezoning Plan主要计划及细部计划Master Plan and Detail Plan都市计划更新计划Urban Renewal Plan都市设施Urban Design建筑设施Architecture Design大地工程Geotechnical Engineering工址调查Site Investigation现地试验与室内试验In-Situ and Laboratory Test基础工程Foundation Design深开挖工程及建物保护Deep Excavation and Building Protection新生地及软弱地层改良Reclamation and Soft Ground Improvement山坡地开发与水土保持Slope land Development; Soil and Water Conservation潜盾隧道与岩石隧道Shield Tunnel and Rock Tunnel大地工程施工顾问Geotechnical Construction Consultant土壤材料试验Soil and Material结构工程Structural Engineering各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢骨钢筋混凝土结构Structures of R.C.; Prestressed Concrete; Steel; and SRC桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开挖挡土结构Bridges; High-Rise Buildings; Underground Structures; Tunnels; Retaining Structures for Deep Excavations桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强Bridge Inspection; Assessment; and Rehabilitation钢结构细部设计及制造图Steel Structural Detail Design and Shop Drawings厂房工程Industrial Plant工业厂房--石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、科技工业厂房、一般性厂房Industrial Plants--Petroleum and Chemical; Steel; Power; Gas; High-Technical and General Plants环保设施工厂--垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污水处理厂及相关管线Environment Protecting Plants--Incineration Plants; Garbage Disposal Plants; Waste Water Treatment Plants and Piping System设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台Equipment Supporting Structures; Pipe Racks; Operating Platforms设备基础Equipment Foundations厂区一般土木及公共设施General Civil Works and Utilities of Plants运输工程Transportation Engineering运输规划Transportation Planning铁路、捷运、高铁路线、车站及机厂工程高速公路工程及一般道路工程停车场设施工程规划、设计Engineering Planning & Design for Parking Facilities交通维持计划Traffic Control & Management during Construction机场跑道及航站工程水利及港湾工程Hydraulic and Harbor Engineering营建管理Construction Management估价及工程预算制作Estimates and Engineering Budget Works营建管理Construction Management工程监造Construction Supervision施工计划Construction Plan工程进度控管Schedule Control during Construction施工规划Construction Specifications环境工程Environmental Engineering环境影响评估Environment Impact Assessment环境监测Environmental Monitoring地下水监测系统Groundwater Monitoring污水处理厂Wastewater Treatment Plant污水下水道Sewage System噪音振动防治Noise and Vibration垃圾焚化厂兴建工程Waste Incinerator废弃物处理系统工程Waste Treatment & Disposal共同管道Common Ducts管道及附属设施之规划设计Planning and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiary Facilities经济效益分析Economic and Efficiency Analysis财务评估Financial Evaluation管理维护办法及组织订定Regulation for the Management; Maintenance and Organization。
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(建筑装修)ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEV ATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室office服务用房service room换班室shift room休息室rest room (break room)起居室living room浴室bathroom淋浴间shower更衣室locker room厕所lavatory门厅lobby诊室clinic工作间workshop电气开关室switch room走廊corridor档案室archive电梯机房lift motor room车库garage清洁间cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室meeting room衣柜间ward robe暖风间H.V.A.C room饭店restaurant餐厅canteen, dining room厨房kitchen入口entrance接待处reception area会计室accountant room秘书室secretary room电气室electrical room控制室control room工长室foreman office开关柜室switch gear前室antecabinet (Ante.)生产区production area马达控制中心Mcc多功能用房utility room化验室laboratory room经理室manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室guard house地下室basement, cellar地漏floor drainDOORS, GLASS, WINDOWS& IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木(钢)门wooden (steel) door镶板门panelled door夹板门plywood door铝合金门aluminum alloy door卷帘门roller shutter door弹簧门swing door推拉门sliding door平开门side-hung door折叠门folding door旋转门revolving door玻璃门glazed door密闭门air-Tight door保温门thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门galvanized steelwire mesh door防火门fire door(大门上的)小门wicket门框door frame门扇door leaf门洞door opening结构开洞structural opening单扇门single door双扇门double door疏散门emergency door纱门screen door门槛door sill门过梁door lintel上冒头top rail下冒头bottom rail门边木stile门樘侧料side jumb槽口notch木窗wooden window钢窗steel window铝合金窗aluminum alloy window百叶窗(通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗plastic steel window空腹钢窗hollow steel window固定窗fixed window平开窗side-hung window推拉窗sliding window气窗transom上悬窗top-hung window中悬窗center-pivoted window下悬窗hopper window活动百叶窗adjustable louver天窗skylight老虎窗dormer window密封双层玻璃sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁reinforced brick lintel窗扇casement sash窗台window sill窗台板window board窗中梃mullion窗横木mutin窗边木stile压缝条cover mould窗帘盒curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴pivot长脚铰链parliament hinge闭门器door closer地弹簧floor closer插销bolt门锁door lock拉手pull链条chain门钩door hanger碰球ball latch窗钩window catch暗插销insert bolt电动开关器electric opener平板玻璃plate glass夹丝玻璃wire glass透明玻璃clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃bullet-proof glass石英玻璃quartz glass吸热玻璃heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃polished glass着色玻璃pigmented glass 玻璃瓦glass tile玻璃砖glass block有机玻璃organic glass原木log圆木round timber方木square timber板材plank木条batten板条lath木板board红松red pine白松white pine落叶松deciduous pine云杉spruce柏木cypress白杨white poplar桦木birch冷杉fir栎木oak榴木willow榆木elm杉木cedar柚木teak樟木camphor wood防腐处理的木材preservative-treated lumberMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属ferrous metal圆钢steel rob Bar方钢square steel扁钢steel flat型钢steel section (shape)槽钢channel角钢angle steelNon-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金gold白金platinum铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze银silver铝aluminum铅leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料Paint 油漆底漆primer防锈底漆rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆anti-corrosion paint调和漆mixed paint无光漆flat paint透明漆varnish银粉漆aluminum paint磁漆enamel paint干性油drying oil稀释剂thinner焦油tar沥青漆asphalt paint桐油tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹red lead铅油lead oil建筑原理architectonics建筑形式architectural style民用建筑civil architecture城市建筑urban architecture农村建筑rural architecture农业建筑farm building工业建筑industrial building重工业的heavy industrial轻工业的light industrial古代建筑ancient architecture现代建筑modern architecture 标准化建筑standardized buildings 附属建筑auxiliary buildings城市规划city planning厂区内within site厂区外offsite封闭式closed type开敞式open type半开敞式semi-open type模数制modular system单位造价unit cost概算preliminary estimate承包商constructor, contractor现场site扩建extension改建reconstruction防火fire-prevention防震aseismatic, quake-proof防腐anti-corrosion防潮dump-proof防水water-proof防尘dust-proof防锈rust-proof车流量traffic volume货流量freight traffic volume人流量pedestrian volume透视图perspective drawing建筑模型building modelName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理project manager (PM)设计经理design manager首席建筑师principal architect总工程师chief engineer土木工程师civil engineer工艺工程师process engineer电气工程师electrical engineer机械工程师mechanical engineer计划工程师planning engineer助理工程师assistant engineer 实习生probationer专家specialist, expert制图员draftsman技术员technician排水drainage, dewatering排水沟drainage ditch排水孔weep hole, drain hole排水设备dewatering equipment 净高clear height净距clear distance净空clearanc。