实验 1
使用高分辨率显示器和深存 储器查看马达启动程序
1. 捕获一个启动程序需要在一段较长的时间内高速采集数 据。浅存储器示波器的采样率会出现严重衰退,从而导 致欠采样和混叠现象。
2. 复杂信号中隐藏着许多数据 — 受传统数字示波器在 显示亮度等级方面的限制,使用它们很难观测到这些 数据。
LXI 是 GPIB 的 LAN 基继承者,提供更快和更有效的连通能力。 安捷伦是 LXI 联盟的发起成员。
深圳分公司 地址: 深圳市高新区南区
黎明网络大厦 3 楼东区 电话: (0755) 82465500 传真: (0755) 82460880 邮编: 518057
选择 Measure,然后选择 Frequency。载波波形的频率 是多少?
使用 Vertical Scale 旋钮,将 volts/div调节至 500 mV/div。
使用 Vertical Position旋钮,将 波形下移大约2格 至屏幕中央。
按下 Acquire 菜单按钮,查看 当前的采样率。
缩小到 10 µs/div。 在演示板的 Microphone 输入上轻击 或向 Microphone 输入发出声音。观 察显示器的响应。
提供英语、西班牙文、法文、德文、意大利文、简体中文、 繁体中文、日文、韩文、俄文和葡萄牙文版本。
按下前面板上 Horizontal 部分的 Main/Delayed 按钮。 20 µs/div时,采样率是 多少?
在演示板的 Microphone 输 入上轻击或向 Microphone 输入发出声音。观 察显示器的响应。
手柄操作说明书一、任意状态下点击“F4”表示退出程序“T”会出现“Are you sure you want to leave?”你确信你要退出吗?如果要退出:选择“Y”或者“YES”会出现“Do you want to keep the receiver ON?”你想保持接收机在开机状态吗?选择“Y”或“N”。
五、图标1 operation内容说明:1、stake out 放样2、logging采集点3、reference point输入参考点4、trajecto轨迹测量5、logging with offset坐标几何计算6、profile断面测量stake out如果没有设计点会显示:There is no point in the file.文件中没有设计点供放样?“F1”的帮助里:yes Guidance 导航O stake out with offset坐标几何计算放样S search 搜索、查找V view 查看点的坐标C creat a point 新创造一个点L creat a line 新创造一条线D distance 计算距离N next point 下一个点P configure next point定义下一个点G Geocode display显示地理码(代码)M view 2D查看平面视图Esc abadon 放弃F4 quit 退出Logging在Name中请输入采集点的名字Geocode(1)、(2)等等是输入地理码(代码)的位置Average 采集点的平均定位时间(一般1秒就可以了)Antenna 天线高Comment 备注栏“F1”帮助里F3 logging 采集记录# uncertainty display 显示精度限制阀值Esc Abandon 放弃F4 quit退出Refrence pointF1帮助中yes Guidance 导航O stake out with offset坐标几何计算放样S search 搜索、查找V view 查看点的坐标C creat a point 新创造一个点L creat a line 新创造一条线D distance 计算距离N next point 下一个点P configure next point定义下一个点G Geocode display显示地理码(代码)M view 2D查看平面视图Esc abadon 放弃F4 quit 退出Trajecto Time 按时间采集轨迹Distance 按距离采集轨迹如选择Time在Name中请输入采集点的名字Geocode(1)、(2)等等是输入地理码(代码)的位置Time 时间Antenna 天线高Comment 备注栏F 1帮助里:F3 start 开始轨迹测量# uncertainty display 显示精度限制阀值Esc Abandon 放弃F4 quit退出如选择Distance在Name中请输入采集点的名字Geocode(1)、(2)等等是输入地理码(代码)的位置Distance 距离Antenna 天线高Comment 备注栏F 1帮助里:F3 start 开始轨迹测量# uncertainty display 显示精度限制阀值Esc Abandon 放弃F4 quit退出Logging with offsetLinear 直线延长法Lateral 前方交会法Intersection 两直线相交法F1帮助里Yes Accept 接受V view 查看Del Delete 删除Clr Delete All 删除所有Esc Abandon 放弃F4 quit退出Profile 断面测量Yes Guidance 导航I Insert a point 插入一点F Insert points 插入多个点Del Delete a point 删除点Clr Delete all point删除所有点S search 搜索查找V view 查看点坐标N next point下一个点P configure next point定义下一个点G Geocode display 显示地理码M View 2D查看平面视图Esc Abandon放弃F4 quit退出图标 2 UHF receiver1、configure2、positionconfigurel里:Number 1 站号(要求参考站和流动站一致)Frequency 414.55MHz 频率(要求参考站和流动站一致)Baud rate 4800波特率Station battery 12.0V 参考站电压Level 30dB电台信号强度(0----74)Age 1S 电台数据更新率(0、1、2基本正常,逐渐增大说明电台信号丢失)Position里:Number 1 站号Easting: 500000m 东坐标Northing: 3456000m 北坐标Altitude: 3m 大地高Distance: 1798m 距离参考站距离图标 3 Files1、choose a job 选择工作项目(包含坐标转换参数及参考点refrence point和设计点target及结果点result坐标)2、choose a file 选择一个工作文件3、result point结果点4、memory查看内存5、raw data原始数据采集6、notes记事本choose a job中的帮助yes select 选择箭头所指的工作项目V view 查看C creat a job创造一个新的工作项目Esc Abandon放弃F4 quit 退出choose a file中的帮助yes select 选择箭头所指的工作文件V view 查看C creat a new file创造一个新的工作文件Esc Abandon放弃F4 quit 退出Result point 查看采集的结果点和轨迹帮助类似reference point 和target point的帮助memory 查看容量PCMICIA PC卡的容量情况Total memory 8Mb 共计Free memory 99% 7785Kb 剩余容量PALM TOP 手柄的容量情况Total memory 1912Kb 共计Free memory 44% 848Kb 剩余容量F1 帮助F List of files 文件列表Esc Abandon 放弃F 4 quit 退出RAW data 静态原始记录Status stopped 状态:停止stopped、记录recording File 11210846 文件名Period 10S 采样间隔10 S一次Antenna 3m 天线高帮助里:R Start recording 开始记录S stop recording 停止记录Esc Abandon 放弃F4 quit 退出Notes 记事本帮助里:yes Edit a note 编辑记事本C Create a note新建记事本Del Delete a note删除记事本Clr Delete all notes删除所有记事本T Transfer notes传送记事本Esc Abandon放弃F4 quit 退出图标4 SV1、oprating mode 工作模式2、position 流动站位置3、satellites 卫星状况4、sv deselection 删除卫星oprating mode 工作模式:operating mode OTF /STATIC/ZFIXED/POINT/EDGPS/GPS OTF:(on the fly)在移动中初始化(解算整周模糊度)STATIC:静态初始化(保持GPS天线不动)ZFIXED:固定Z的初始化POINT:按给定的已知点初始化EDGPS:增强型DGPSGPS:单点定位Initialization time 03:04 初始化时间Number of solution 3 解算出模糊度的个数Age of the last 00:30最后一个解出来后距现在的时间PDOP 1.8 空间精度因子Easting 500000m东坐标Northing 3456000m北坐标Altitude 4m大地高Antenna 3 m天线高帮助中F Get a point from file 从文件中得到点C Get current point 取当前点Yes Accept 重新初始化Esc Abandon 放弃F4 quit退出PositionNumber of sv’s 8 卫星数Mode LRK 状态Geodesy shcj/shcj 地理坐标系统Easting 500000m 东坐标Northing 3456000m 北坐标Altitude 3m 大地高Antenna 3m 天线高Uncertainty 容许范围Horizontal 平面精度V ertical 高程精度Max Horizontal 最大容许平面精度Max Vertical 最大容许高程精度Satellites卫星状况Sv El Azi1 34 3553 66 454 33 156卫星号高度角方位角信噪比SV Deselection 删除卫星帮助:Del select/unselect Sv 选择或不选择卫星Yes Accept selection 接受选择Esc Abandon 放弃F4 quit退出图标5 Geodesy 坐标系统1、Datum 7参数2、Projection 投影参数3、Change to WGS84 切换到WGS84大地坐标4、Local grid平面转换参数5、Height correction高程改正Datum:Name : shcj 7参数文件名A 6378245.000M 椭球长半轴1/F 298.3000000000 扁率的倒数S 0.99999814 比例因子Dx -170.076 X方向平移Dy -154.924 Y方向平移Dz -97.308 Z方向平移A x 1.666408”饶X轴旋转角度Ay 0.072624 饶Y轴旋转角度Az -8.648183 饶Z轴旋转角度ProjectionUtm shcj 投影名字Lori 0’00’00.0000’N 中央纬度Gori 121’28’01.7702’E 中央经度Eori 0.000m 东方向加常数Nori -3457140.000m 北方向加常数Ko 1.00000000000 投影比例Change to WGS84会出现:”The current geodesy will be lostThe current job will be lostAre you sure?”当前的坐标参数和工作文件会失去,切换到WGS84大地经纬度,你确定吗?Local grid平面转换参数Datum shcj 7参数名Projection shcj 投影名Grid YES 使用平面转换NO 不使用Height correction高程改Ellipsoid shcj 椭球名STANAG NOGeoid no 不使用高程模型YES 使用高程改正模型Correction yes 使用高程改正Antenna 3m 天线高图标6 tools 工具1、Area 面积计算2、Time 时间3、Geocode 地理码4、Configuration参数5、Unit单位6、Release版本Area里:F1帮助:Yes Compute计算I Insert a point插入点F Insert points插入多个点Del Delete a point删除点Clr Delete all points删除所有点S Search搜索V View查看N Next point下一个点P Configure next point配置下一个点G Geocode display显示地理码M View 2D查看平面视图Esc Abandon放弃F4 Quit退出Time里:Offset时区中国是东八区+08:00Local time当地时间Date日期UTC time格林尼治时间F1 帮助里:O Set offset设置时区T Set time设置时间D Set date设置日期Esc Abandon放弃F4 Quit退出Geocode里:F1帮助中:A Add a new geocode增加新的地理码M Modify a geocode编辑地理码Del Delete a geocote删除地理码Esc Abandon放弃F4 Quit退出Configuration里:UncertaintiesHorizontal 0.25m 平面经度范围Vertical 0.35m 高程精度范围Display Horizontal:显示精度平面Acceptance circle 0.50m 接受圈Battery alarm 11.5V电池警告电压Unit里:Length Meters: 长度单位米Angle Degrees: 角度单位度Release里:25/10/99 TOV20204TD00 RUHFV10300 RUHF表示接收电台模块10300是版本号EUHF表示参考站的电台发射模块CM08 CMPYV0020513 CM表示GPS接收模块,后边是版本号CM08 CMBLV0010109UC01 UCBNV30304 UC表示主板模块,后边是版本号UC01 UCBLV100000UC01 UCBSV200000。
Board Designer 设计过程
Байду номын сангаас
Board Designer 设计过程
1. 软件安装对系统的配置要求 PC ....................................................................................................... 4
4. CDB 器件库的构造................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1. 建立 FOOTPRINT 库................................................................................................................................ 9 4.1.1. 生成 PAD .............................................................................................................................................. 9 4.1.2. 生成 PADSTACK.................................................................................................................................. 10 4.1.3. 生成 FOOTPRINT................................................................................................................................. 14 4.2. 生成 PACKAGE ..................................................................................................................................... 16 4.3. 建立 PART 元件库 ............................................................................................................................... 16 4.3.1. 生成 FUNCTION .................................................................................................................................. 16 4.3.2. 生成 PIN ASSIGN ................................................................................................................................ 17 4.3.3. 生成 PART .......................................................................................................................................... 18
1.锚缆机操作规程----------------------------------------------------------------4 2.首尖舱污水遥控排水系统操作规程-----------------------------------------6 3.压载控制台操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------74. 货舱进水检测装置操作规程--------------------------------------------------95. 货舱污水处理操作规程--------------------------------------------------------116.报警监视系统操作规程--------------------------------------------------------127. 和面机/电炒锅操作规程------------------------------------------------------ 148. 电灶的使用与保养--------------------------------------------------------------159.粉碎机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------1610.烤箱的操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------1711. 蒸馒头/蒸饭机的操作规程------------------------------------------------------1812. 货舱作业的安全规定----------------------------------------------------------1913. 甲板作业的安全规定---------------------------------------------------------2014. 开关舱作业的安全规定------------------------------------------------------2115. 系解缆作业的安全规定------------------------------------------------------2216. 舷外、水上作业的安全规定------------------------------------------------2417. AIS操作规程-------------------------------------------------------------------2518. C站操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------2719. EPIRB 操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------2820. F站操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------2921. GPS NAVIGATOR操作规程--------------------------------------------------3022. NAVTEX 操作规程-------------------------------------------------------------3323. NBDP 操作规程----------------------------------------------------------------3424. VDR 操作规程------------------------------------------------------------------3625. VHF 操作规程------------------------------------------------------------------3726. 电子海图操作规程------------------------------------------------------------3827. 雷达使用操作规程------------------------------------------------------------3928. 气象传真机操作规程---------------------------------------------------------4429. 自动舵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------4730. 驾机联系制度------------------------------------------------------------------4831. 驾驶台规则---------------------------------------------------------------------5132. EEBD 操作规程----------------------------------------------------------------5233. 火警控制面板操作规程-----------------------------------------------------5334. 机舱大型二氧化碳灭火系统操作规程-----------------------------------5435. 机舱水雾灭火系统操作规程-----------------------------------------------5536. 救生筏释放程序--------------------------------------------------------------5637. 救生艇操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------5738. 消防员装备操作规程--------------------------------------------------------5839. 机炉舱规则--------------------------------------------------------------------6040. 机舱值班制度-----------------------------------------------------------------6241. 检修作业注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------6642. 主机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------6743. 副机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------6944. 燃油锅炉操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7045. 主空压机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7246. 空调装置操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7347.燃油分油机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7448. 滑油分油机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7549. 主机滑油泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7650. 主机缸套水泵操作规程-----------------------------------------------------7751. 主海水泵操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7852. 重油驳运泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7953. 造水机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------8054. 油水分离器操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8155. 生活污水处理装置操作规程-----------------------------------------------8256. 应急发电机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8357. 应急救火泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8458. 应急空压机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8559. 冰机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------8660. 焚烧炉操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------8764. 主配电板操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------8865. 应急配电板操作规程--------------------------------------------------------89 63. 压载泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------90目录64. 消防通用泵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------9165. 污水泵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------9266. 机舱电力中断应急操作------------------------------------------------------9367. 触电的预防和急救------------------------------------------------------------9568. 总用电瓶及充放电板操作规程---------------------------------------------9669. 机舱报警检测系统操作规程------------------------------------------------9770. 机舱局部灭火系统操作规程------------------------------------------------9871. 机舱水雾灭火系统高压泵操作规程---------------------------------------9972. 主机机侧应急操作规程------------------------------------------------------10073. 主机盘车机操作规程---------------------------------------------------------10174. 饮水消毒柜操作规程---------------------------------------------------------10275. 砂轮机操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------10376. 气焊作业安全规定------------------------------------------------------------10477. 电焊作业安全规定------------------------------------------------------------10578. 车床作业安全规定----------------------------------------------------------10679. 救生艇机操作规程------------------------------------------------------------10780. 油渣泵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------10881. 钻床作业操作规程------------------------------------------------------------10982. 火警T1016控制面板操作规程---------------------------------------------11083. 舵机操作规程------------------------------------------------------------------112锚缆机操作规程O P E R A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R M O O R I N G W I N C H&W I N D L A S S 一、绞缆机操作的注意事项1)操作前必须要检查以下事项:●离合器的位置,齿轮箱上档位杆的位置,传感器上的指示灯,●检查刹车杆及刹车带是否完好,工作是否正常,●缆绳的出绳方向是否与刹车带底部连接块侧一致,●检查滚筒转动方向是否与操作杆指令方向一致,●检查所有的油脂润滑点,油位是否符合要求。
菲尔斯5000系列 steam 板说明书
Philips 5000 SeriesSteam iron45 g/min continuous steam200 g steam boostSteamGlide PlusDST5040/86Built to perform, day after daySteamGlide Plus soleplate lasts 4 times longer*For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. With its anti-scratch SteamGlide Plus soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean,this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts.Comfortable ironing•Drip-stop keeps garments spotless while ironing•Comfortable, textured handle for easy gripFast & powerful crease removal•2600 W to heat up quickly•Steam output up to 45 g/min for strong, steady performance•Up to 200 g steam boost blasts stubborn creases•Vertical steaming for hanging fabricsLong lasting performance•Built-in calc-clean slider, long-lasting steam performance•Tested cord for maximum durability and safety•Scratch resistant soleplate provides good glidingHighlights2600 W to heat up quickly Delivers a fast warm-up and powerfulperformance.SteamGlide Plus soleplateOur special SteamGlide Plus soleplatesmoothly glides over any fabric. It's also non-stick, scratch-resistant and easy to clean.No more messy drippingOur Drip Stop system lets you iron delicatefabrics at low temperatures with confidence.There’s no need to worry about waterdroplets causing stains.Continuous steam up to 45g/min Strong and consistent steam output to remove creases faster.Built-in calc-clean slider This iron operates with ordinary tap water. Calc-clean is a built-in cleaning function to remove calcium buildup, or limescale, and maintain peak performance.Comfortable handle A textured handle ensures you a comfortable, ergonomic grip, so you can keep hold of the iron without ever slipping.Steam boost up to 200 g Penetrates deeper into fabrics to easily remove stubborn creases.Quality-tested cord All our steam iron cords are rigorously tested for maximum safety and durability.Vertical steam The vertical steam function lets you refresh garments right on the hanger and remove creases from curtains as they hang. No ironingboard required.Issue date 2023-10-22 Version: 5.5.1© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsEasy to use•Water tank capacity: 320 ml •Soleplate name: SteamGlide Plus •Tap water suitable•Drip Stop•Extra stable heel rest•Extra large filling hole Guarantee•2 year worldwide guarantee Fast crease removal •Power: 2600 W•Steam boost: 200 g •Continuous steam: 45 g/min•Water sprayGreen efficiency•User manual: 100% recycled paperScale management•Descaling and cleaning: Built-in Calc Clean SliderSize and weight•Packaging dimensions (WxHxL):33.2x16.7x13.7 cm•Weight of iron: 1.255 kg•Product dimensions (WxHxL): 31.2x14.7x12.7 cm*Tested vs. Philips non-stick soleplate。
1序言 (3)1.1设备描述 (3)1.1.1设备的预期目的 (3)1.1.2该设备可用介质 (3)1.1.3该设备可用油墨 (3)1.1.4该设备适配喷头 (3)1.1.5设备适配图像处理软件 (3)1.1.6设备型号分类 (3)1.1.7设备用非保修配件 (4)1.1.8质保时效 (4)1.1.9非质保项目 (4)1.1.10包装要求 (4)1.1.11操作人员要求 (4)1.1.12使用环境 (4)1.2安全预防措施与警示 (5)1.3猎豹牌喷绘机各机型外观 (6)1.4本说明书适用机型 (7)2设备系统组成及功能 (9)2.1系统组成 (9)2.2系统功能 (9)2.2.1机械系统 (9)介质运动系统 (9)喷车运动系统 (9)2.2.2电气系统 (10)电气控制原理框图 (10)配电箱内配置位置图 (10)加热系统 (11)2.2.3供墨系统 (13)2.2.4控制系统 (15)计算机配置要求 (15)喷头排列顺序 (15)组成控制系统的主要电路板注解图及相互间连接线 (15)设备操作开关说明 (19)2.2.5维护系统 (21)3设备操作说明 (23)3.1设备操作顺序总述 (23)3.2操作顺序分述 (23)3.2.1电气操作 (23)3.2.2安装喷绘介质 (24)3.2.3安装喷头 (24)3.2.4检测电路板 (25)3.2.5检测光栅定位系统 (25)北京恒泽基业科技有限公司保密文件LEOPARD-XP-KM–PCI-DC PAGE 13.2.6供墨 (25)3.2.7喷绘 (26)3.2.8喷绘结束 (26)4喷绘系统软件所需图像文件的制作和处理 (27)5RIP软件(PHOTOPRINT )的使用说明 (30)5.1PHOTOPRINT软件的安装步骤 (30)5.2设定打印机 (30)5.3添加ICC校色文件 (31)5.4设置打印作业 (32)5.5发送作业 (37)5.6控制软件和PHOTOPRINT软件的关联 (37)5.7PHOTOPRINT软件的应用注意事项 (38)6喷绘系统软件的使用说明 (39)6.1本喷绘系统软件可实现的功能 (39)6.2喷绘软件的安装 (39)6.2.1控制软件的安装 (39)6.2.2PCI卡驱动程序的安装 (39)6.3控制软件的应用 (40)6.3.1选择打印配置文件 (40)6.3.2主界面 (41)6.3.3主菜主功能介绍 (41)6.3.4快捷键 (43)6.3.5默认参数栏、快捷图标 (43)6.3.6打印模式 (45)6.3.7喷头排列 (47)6.3.8自动吸墨小车摆动 (48)6.3.9状态栏 (48)6.4光纤的安装方法 (49)7设备日常维护和保养 (50)7.1工作环境要求 (50)7.2操作与维护要求 (50)7.2.1常规维护 (50)7.2.2喷头维护 (52)喷头保养的重要性 (52)喷头维护保养策略 (52)喷头维护保养方式 (52)7.2.3喷绘机机械系统的维护 (54)8设备常见故障及排除 (54)9附件:KONICA 喷头简介 (60)9.1如何处理喷头 (60)9.2喷头部件描述 (62)9.3墨水的内部流动 (62)北京恒泽基业科技有限公司保密文件LEOPARD-XP-KM–PCI-DC PAGE 21序言1.1设备描述北京恒泽基业公司生产的猎豹(LEOPARD)牌大型宽幅数码喷绘机是由电脑控制的自动化、数字化的彩色图像输出设备。
Philips 5000 电子剃须刀说明书
BT5202/83ffortless even trim with perfect detailsbeard guide system for an even result This trimmer with full metal blades lets you achieve exactly the 3-day stubble, short beard, or long beard look you want. Our new integrated hair lift comb raises hairs for efficient one pass even trimming results.Easy to use17 Lock-in length settings, 0,4 - 10mm with 0,2mm precision60 minutes runtime after a 1 hour charge, or plug it inEasy but thorough cleaning2 year guarantee, worldwide voltage and no need to oilSkin-friendly performanceSkin-friendly, high-performance blades for the perfect trimEffortless trimmingLifts the hair up to the level of the blade for even resultsGuides the hairs to the cutter for effortless trimmingBlades are double sharpened for faster trimming*Keep perfect 3-day stubble by using the 0.4mm setting dailyShape, edge, define your facial styleDetail trimmer for perfect facial detailsDetail shaver for perfect lines and contoursHighlightsDynamic Beard GuideSystemThe Dynamic Beard Guide system with the help of the integrated hair lift comb lifts the hairs up to the level of the blades for even trimming results and lets you achieve exactly the 3-day stubble , short beard , or long beard look you want .Integrated Hair liftcombTrim your stubble in one quick pass , while being gentle on your skin . Our new Integrated hair lift comb lifts and guides the hairs to the level of the blades for e ffortless , even trimming .Full metalbladesThis trimmer comes with double sharpened full metal blades that cuts more hairs in every pass for faster trimming .17 lock -in lengthsettingsSelect your preferred trim length by simply turning the zoom wheel on the handle until the length you want is displayed from 0,4 - 10mm with 0,2mm precision . Your chosen length is now "locked in " for a perfectly even trim .Corded and cordlessuseCharge your beard trimmer for 1 hour to get 60minutes of cordless use . If you need more energy while trimming , you can simply plug the trimmer into the wall . This trimmer has been designed to run both cordless and plugged in .100%waterproofThe 100% waterproof beard trimmer , simply rinse it under the tap for a thorough , easy clean .Skin -friendlybladesGet a perfect yet protective trim , time after time . The beard trimmer 's steel blades lightly brush against one another , sharpening themselves as they trim so they stay extra sharp and e ffective . They also have rounded tips and combs to help prevent skin irritation .Ideal stubblesettingKeep an ideal 3- day stubble , day after day , by using the trimmer 's shortest 0.4mm setting .DualCut precisiontrimmerThe 21mm precision trimmer helps you trim evenly & shape your facial style (stubble ,goatee , sideburns , neckline or mustache ) with high control and visibility .SpecificationsPowerA utomatic voltage: 100-240 VRun time: 60 minutesCharging: 1 hour full chargeCutting systemCutting element: Stainless steel blades Precision (size of steps): From 0.2mm Non-scratching teeth: For more comfort Ease of useCleaning: Fully washableZoom wheel: Easily adjust length settings Display: Battery lightOperation: Corded & Cordless use DesignColor: BlackA ccessoriesMaintenance: Cleaning brushComb: Integrated hair lift combDetail trimmer includedCreate the look you wantNumber of length settings: 17 integrated lengthsettingsService2-year guaranteeNo oil neededConsumer Trade ItemHeight: 22.9Width: 24.5Length: 7.3Net Weight: .357Gross Weight: .655GTIN: 08710103865391Country of origin: CNHarmonized system code: 851020Outer CartonHeight: 24.5Width: 25.4Length: 37.4Gross Weight: 3.555GTIN: 18710103865398* Versus its Philips predecessor© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A ll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2023‑03‑16 Version: 1.0.1E A N: 87 10103 86539 1 。
电源线联结按如下方法: L(火线)=棕色线 E(地线)=黄/绿双色线 N(中线)=蓝色线
联接电源时请注意电源电压和频率须与灯具铭牌上所标注的电压和频率相符。当多台灯具同时使用时,建议每 台灯具的电源分别联接,这样可对每台灯具单独进行开 / 关控制。
风速调节模式 出厂灯具设置 (同时按下UP、DOWN 和ENTER 键进入下一级菜单)
X 轴控制反向
Y 轴控制反向
XY 轴调转
DMX 模式 标准模式 DMX 模式 扩展模式 DMX 模式 精简模式 灯泡控制 控制通道控制 灯泡控制 DMX 信号控制 灯泡控制 电源控制 DMX 信号有故障时 设备关闭 DMX 信号有故障时 设备保持最后状态
灯具与控制器以及灯具与灯具之间的联接必须使用直径不小于0.5 mm 的两芯带屏蔽导线。请用3 芯或5 芯(随 机附带)XLR 插头/座联接灯具的 DMX512 输出/入口。XLR 插头/座与导线之间的联接如上图中的列表所示。 必须注意的是,联接时 XLR 插头/座的 3 芯或 5 芯不能与内壳相接触以及芯与芯之间亦不能相接触。除了上图中 列表所示的联接方式外,XLR 插头/座与 XLR 控制线不能以任何其他方式联接。本产品接收国际标准 DMX512 (1990)控制信号。
PR5000 FS PR3000 FS
注意:本说请仔细阅读后按要求进行安装和操 作,同时请将此说明书妥善保存,以备不时之需。
PRS机架前面板上的RS232接口(见图二)可以通过通信电缆连接PC、终端机、打印机或调制解调器等设备。也可把通信电缆直接接到告警模块背后,此时可用标有“RS2 VT-100”字样的接口。图三给出了一个告警模块与PC连接的示意图。本手册的附录三为DEC VT-100终端的通讯协议。
User's Manual
Microprocessor Controlled Power Rack System
深圳大普激光 激光灯 使用说明
®使用说明使用本灯具前,敬请通读本手册 深圳大普激光科技有限公司动画激光用户说明书型号:F3000+R、F3000+RGY、F3000+RBV、F3000+RGB、F1000+RGB、F10000+RGB在使用前请仔细阅读用户说明书注意事项1.此产品为一类激光产品。
12.基于激光器的特性, 在开机时需预热15分钟后,激光功率才能达到稳定输出,建议预热后,再进行正常演示.在使用三个小时后,需关闭灯具至少25分钟,待激光器完全冷却后再行使用。
5000 seriesSuper automatic espresso machineEN USER MANUAL简体中文 用户手册한국어 사용 설명서EP5961, EP5960, EP5365EP5364, EP5363, EP5361EP53601English 8简体中文 27한국어 43ContentsMachine overview (Fig. 1)_____________________________________________________________________________8Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________________9Important safety information ________________________________________________________________________9Warning _______________________________________________________________________________________________9Caution _______________________________________________________________________________________________10Machines with milk carafe____________________________________________________________________________11Electromagnetic fields (EMF)________________________________________________________________________11First installation_______________________________________________________________________________________11Using the control panel ______________________________________________________________________________12AquaClean filter ______________________________________________________________________________________12Measuring water hardness ___________________________________________________________________________13Brewing drinks ________________________________________________________________________________________14Personalizing drinks __________________________________________________________________________________15Adjusting grinder settings ____________________________________________________________________________15Handling the brew group_____________________________________________________________________________16Cleaning and maintenance __________________________________________________________________________16Descaling procedure _________________________________________________________________________________20Warning icons and error codes ______________________________________________________________________21Ordering accessories _________________________________________________________________________________22Troubleshooting ______________________________________________________________________________________23Technical specifications ______________________________________________________________________________26Recycling______________________________________________________________________________________________26Warranty and support _______________________________________________________________________________26Machine overview (Fig. 1)1Control panel 19Coffee residues drawer2Adjustable coffee and milk dispensing spout20Coffee grounds container3Lid of water tank 21Drip tray cover4Lid of bean hopper 22Espresso stand tray5Lid of pre-ground coffee compartment 23Espresso stand cover6Main switch 24Hot water dispensing spout7Socket for cord 25Opening for hot water dispensing spout 8Service door 26Water tank9'Drip tray full' indicator 27AquaClean filter10Drip tray 28Milk container11Drip tray release button 29Milk dispensing unit8English12Cord 30Lid of milk dispensing unit13Grind setting knob 31Milk dispensing spout14Cover of bean hopper 32Grease tube15Bean hopper 33Cleaning brush16Brew group 34Measuring scoop17Inside of service door with contact information35Water hardness test strip 18Coffee exit ductIntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of a Philips full-automatic coffee machine! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, please register your product at /welcome .Read this user manual carefully before you use the machine and save it for future reference.To help you get the best out of your coffee machine, Philips offers full support in 3 different ways:1The separate quick start guide for first installation and first use.2This user manual for more detailed information.3Online support and movies: scan the QR code on the front page or visit /coffee-careNote: This machine has been tested with coffee. Although it has been carefully cleaned, there may be some coffee residues left. We guarantee, however, that the machine is absolutely new.Important safety informationThis machine is equipped with safety features. Nevertheless, read and follow the safety instructions carefully and only use the machine as described in these instructions, to avoid accidental injury or damage due to improper use of the machine. Keep this safety booklet for future reference.WarningGeneral-Check if the voltage indicated on the machine corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.-Connect the machine to an earthed wall socket.-Do not let the power cord hang over the edge of a table or worktop and do not let it touch hot surfaces.-To avoid the danger of electric shock, never immerse the machine, mains plug or power cord in water or any other liquid.-Do not pour liquids on the power cord connector.-To avoid the danger of burns, keep body parts away from hot water jets produced by the machine.-Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles and knobs.9English-Switch off the machine with the main switch located on the back (if present) and remove the mains plug from the wall socket:-If a malfunction occurs.-If you are not going to use the appliance for a long time.-Before you clean the machine.-Pull at the plug, not at the power cord.-Do not touch the mains plug with wet hands.-Do not use the machine if the mains plug, the power cord or the machine itself is damaged -Do not make any modifications to the machine or its power cord.-Only have repairs carried out by a service center authorized by Philips to avoid a hazard -The machine should not be used by children.-This machine is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been givensupervision or instruction concerning use of the machine by a person responsible for their safety.-Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children.-Keep the machine and its cord out of the reach of children.-Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the machine.-Never insert fingers or other objects into the coffee grinder.-Be carefull when you dispense hot water. Dispensing may be preceded by small jets of hot water.Wait until the end of the dispensing cycle before you remove the hot water dispensing spout.CautionGeneral-This machine is intended for normal household use only. It is not intended for use in environments such as staff kitchens of shops, offices, farms or other work environments.-Always put the machine on a flat and stable surface. Keep it in upright position, also during transport-Do not place the machine on a hotplate or directly next to a hot oven, heater or similar source of heat.-Only put roasted coffee beans in the bean hopper. Putting ground coffee, instant coffee, raw coffee beans or any other substance in the coffee bean hopper may cause damage to the machine.-Let the machine cool down before you insert or remove any parts. The heating surfaces may retain residual heat after use.-Never fill the water tank with warm, hot or sparkling water, as this may cause damage to the water tank and the machine.-Never use souring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean the machine. Simply use a soft cloth dampened with water.-Descale your machine regularly. The machine indicates when descaling is needed. Not doing this will make your machine stop working properly. In this case, repair is not covered by your warranty.-Do not keep the machine at temperatures below 0°C/32°F. Water left in the heating system may freeze and cause damage.-Do not leave water in the water tank when you are not going to use the machine for a long period of time. The water can become contaminated. Use fresh water every time you use the machine.-Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or that Philips does not specifically recommend. If you use such accessories or parts, your guarantee becomes invalid.10English-Regular cleaning and maintenance prolongs the lifetime of your machine and ensures optimum quality and taste of your coffee.-The machine is exposed continuously to moisture, coffee and scale. Therefore it is very important to regularly clean and maintain the machine as described in the user manual and shown on the website. If you do not perform these cleaning and maintenance procedures, your machineeventually may stop working. In this case repair is not covered by warranty.-Do not clean the brew group in the dishwasher and do not use washing-up liquid or a cleaning agent to clean it. This may cause the brew group to malfunction and may have a negative effect on the coffee taste.-Do not dry the brew group with a cloth to prevent fibers from collecting inside the brew group.-Never drink the solution dispensed during the descaling process.-Only put preground coffee into the preground coffee compartment. Other substances and objects may cause severe damage to the machine. In this case, repair is not covered by your warranty.-The machine shall not be placed in a cabinet when in use.Machines with milk carafeWarning-To avoid the danger of burns, be aware that dispensing may be preceded by jets of milk and steam. Wait until the end of the cycle before you remove the milk carafe.Caution-Make sure that the milk carafe is installed and the milk dispensing spout is open before you selecta milk-based coffee beverage or milk froth.-Do not put any other liquids in the milk jug/carafe than water (for cleaning) or milk.-Do not clean the milk carafe in the dishwasher.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This machine complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.First installationTo prepare your coffee machine for use, you need to perform a few simple steps such as filling the water circuit and activating the AquaClean filter. These steps are shown in the separate quick start guide.For the best-tasting coffee, you need to brew 5 coffees initially to allow the machine to complete its self-adjustment.The machine has been set up to get the best taste out of your coffee beans. Therefore we advise you not to adjust the grinder settings until you have brewed 100-150 cups (approx. 1 month of usage). The machine is provided with the espresso stand, with the double function of cup support and extra drip tray to collect rinsing water.Using the control panelBelow you find an overview and description of the control panel of the machine. Some of the buttons have a double function; if applicable the navigation icons appear on the display. Use the buttons next to this icon to select or confirm your choices.Use the MENU button to select other drinks and to change settings such as the water hardness andAquaClean filterThe AquaClean filter is designed to reduce limescale deposits in your coffee machine and provide filtered water to preserve the aroma and flavor of each cup of coffee. If you use a series of 8 AquaClean filters as indicated by the machine and in this user manual, you don't have to descale your machine for up to 5000 cups. With each filter you can enjoy up to 625 cups, depending on the selected coffee varieties and the rinsing and cleaning frequencies.Preparing the AquaClean filter for activationBefore you place the AquaClean filter in the water tank, you need to prepare it for use:1Shake the filter for about 5 seconds (Fig. 2).2Immerse the filter upside down in a jug with cold water for at least 30 seconds and wait until no more air bubbles come out (Fig. 3).3Push the filter onto the filter connection to the lowest possible point (Fig. 4).Activating the AquaClean filterYou need to activate every new AquaClean filter that you use. By activating the AquaClean filter, the machine monitors the capacity of the AquaClean filter and the number of filters used. There are 3 ways to activate the AquaClean filter.1. Activating the AquaClean filter during first installationAfter switching on for the first time, the machine guides you through the first installation steps such as filling the water tank, filling the water circuit and activating the AquaClean filter. Simply follow the instructions on the screen.2. Activating the AquaClean filter when promptedNote: Replace the AquaClean filter as soon as the capacity has dropped to 0% and the filter icon flashes quickly. Replace the AquaClean filter at least every 3 months, even if the machine has not yet indicated that replacement is required.Tip: We advise you to buy a new filter when the capacity has dropped to 10% and the filter icon starts flashing slowly. This ensures that you can replace the filter when the capacity has dropped to 0%.1Press the MENU button, scroll to AQUACLEAN FILTER and press the OK button () to confirm.-The display asks if you want to activate a new filter (Fig. 5).2Press the OK button () to confirm.-The display automatically updates the number of filters used (Fig. 6).Note: If you want to replace the AquaClean filter after 8 filters have been used, you first need to descale the machine. Follow the instructions on the display.3. Activating the AquaClean filter at any other timeYou can start using the AquaClean filter at any time by following the instructions below.1Press the MENU button, select MENU and press the OK button to confirm. Scroll to AQUACLEAN FILTER. Press the OK button () to confirm.-The display shows the numbers of AquaClean filters that have been installed previously from 0 to 8 filters (Fig. 6).2Select ON on the display and press the OK button () to confirm (Fig. 7).-The display automatically updates the number of filters used (Fig. 8).-Then the 'machine ready' screen appears with the AquaClean 100% icon to indicate that the filter has been installed (Fig. 9).3Dispense 2 cups of hot water (0.5 l) to complete the activation. Discard this water.Note: In some situations the machine will tell you that you need to descale the machine before you can install and activate a new AquaClean filter. This is because your machine has to be completely limescale-free before you start to use the AquaClean filter. Follow the instructions on the screen.Measuring water hardnessUse the water hardness test strip supplied to set the water hardness. Press the MENU button, select MENU and scroll to select WATER HARDNESS.1Immerse the water hardness test strip in tap water for 1 second. Then wait for 1 minute.2Check how many squares have turned red.3Select the appropriate water hardness setting and press the OK button to confirm.Number of red squares:Value to be set1234Brewing drinksYou can select a drink by pressing one of the one-touch drink buttons or by selecting another drink in the menu.-If you want to brew two cups, press the one-touch drink button of the selected drink twice (Fig. 10).The machine automatically carries out two grinding cycles in sequence for the selected drink. You can only brew two coffee drinks at the same time.-Slide the dispensing spout up or down to adjust its height to the size of the cup or glass you are using (Fig. 11).Brewing coffee drinksBrewing coffee with beans1Fill the water tank with tap water and fill the bean hopper with beans.2To brew a coffee, press one of the one-touch drink buttons. To select another type of coffee, press the MENU button, select DRINKS, scroll down to the desired drink and press the OK button ().3To stop dispensing coffee, press the OK button ().Brewing milk-based drinks1Fill the water tank with tap water and fill the bean hopper with beans.2Remove the lid of the milk container and fill the milk container with milk (Fig. 12).Aways use milk coming directly from the fridge for optimal results.3Place the lid back onto the milk container.4If attached, remove the hot water spout from the machine (Fig. 13).5Slightly tilt the milk carafe and attach it to the machine (Fig. 14).6Open the milk dispensing spout (Fig. 15) and place a cup on the drip tray.7To brew a milk-based drink, press one of the one-touch drink buttons. To select another type of milk-based drink, press the MENU button, select DRINKS, scroll down to the desired drink and press the OK button ().8After brewing milk-based coffee beverages, the display asks you if you want to perform the quick clean procedure for the milk carafe. You have 10 seconds to activate the quick clean procedure.You can perform the quick clean procedure while leaving the milk inside the milk carafe. It is recommended to perform the quick clean procedure at least once a day. Press the OK button to confirm that you want to perform the quick clean procedure or press the escape button to perform the quick clean procedure later.Brewing coffee with pre-ground coffee1Open the lid and pour one measuring scoop of pre-ground coffee into the pre-ground coffee compartment. Then close the lid (Fig. 16).2Place a cup under the coffee dispensing spout. For smaller cups you can use the espresso stand. 3Press the AROMA STRENGTH button and select the pre-ground coffee brewing function. Press the ESPRESSO button.Note: With pre-ground coffee you can only brew one coffee at a time.Dispensing hot water1If it is not attached, attach the hot water spout to the machine (Fig. 17).2Press the MENU button. Select DRINKS, confirm and scroll to select HOT WATER.3Press the OK button to confirm. The display reminds you to install the hot water dispensing spout;press the OK button to confirm. The machine starts dispensing hot water.4To stop dispensing hot water, press the OK button.Personalizing drinksAdjusting coffee and milk volumeYou can adjust the volume of the drink brewed according to your taste and to the size of the cups. We advise you to use glass cups or cups with a ceramic-coated rim.Adjusting coffee volume1To adjust the espresso volume, press and hold the ESPRESSO button until the display shows the MEMO icon (Fig. 18).-The machine enters the programming phase and starts to brew the selected drink.2Press the OK button () when the cup contains the desired amount of espresso.-The tick on the display shows that the button is programmed: every time it is pressed, the machine brews the set espresso volume.Note: To set the volume of coffee, follow the same procedure.Adjusting volume of milk-based drinks1To set the volume for cappuccino and latte macchiato, first make sure that the milk carafe is filled with milk and attached to the machine.2Press and hold the milk-based drink button until the display shows the MEMO icon. The machines first starts dispensing milk.3Press the OK button () when the cup contains the desired amount of milk. Then the machine starts dispensing the coffee.4Press the OK button again to save the desired coffee volume.Adjusting coffee strength-To change the coffee strength, press the AROMA STRENGTH button.-Each time you press the AROMA STRENGTH button, the machine selects a higher aroma strength setting. There are 5 strengths, 1 is very mild and 5 is very strong. After setting 5, setting 1 is selected again (Fig. 19).-Note: You can also use the AROMA STRENGTH button to brew coffee with pre-ground coffee-The display shows the chosen strength. After adjusting the coffee strength, the display shows the main menu again and saves the chosen aroma strength when you brew a coffee.Adjusting grinder settingsYou can adjust the grinder settings by using the grind setting knob inside the bean container. There are 5 different grind settings you can choose from. The lower the setting, the stronger the coffee. Note: You can only adjust the grind settings when the machine is grinding coffee beans. You need to brew 2 to 3 drinks before you can taste the full difference.Caution: Do not turn the grind setting knob more than one notch at a time to prevent damage to the grinder.1Place a cup under the coffee dispensing spout.2Open the lid of the bean hopper.3Press the ESPRESSO button.4When the grinder starts grinding, press down the grind setting knob and turn it to the left or right (Fig. 20).Handling the brew groupGo to /coffee-care for detailed video instructions on how to remove, insert and clean the brew group.Removing the brew group from the machine1Switch off the machine by pressing the main switch on the back of the machine.2Remove the drip tray with the coffee grounds container.3Open the service door (Fig. 21).4Press the PUSH button (Fig. 22) and pull at the grip of the brew group to remove it from the machine (Fig. 23).5Remove the coffee residues drawer (Fig. 24).Reinserting the brew groupBefore you slide the brew group back into the machine, make sure it is in the correct position.1Check if the arrow on the yellow cylinder on the side of the brew group is aligned with the black arrow and N.-If they are not aligned, push down the lever until it is in contact with the base of the brew group (Fig. 26).2Make sure that the yellow locking hook on the other side of the brew group is in the correct position.-To position the hook correctly, push it upwards until it is in uppermost position (Fig. 28).3Place back the coffee residues drawer.4Slide the brew group back into the machine along the guiding rails on the sides (Fig. 29) until it locks into position with a click (Fig. 30). Do not press the PUSH button.5Place back the drip tray with the coffee grounds container.Cleaning and maintenanceRegular cleaning and maintenance keeps your machine in top condition and ensures good-tasting coffee for a long time, a steady coffee flow and a perfect milk froth.Consult the table on when and how to clean all detachable parts of the machine. You can find more detailed information and video instructions on /coffee-care.Cleaning tablePart description When to clean How to cleanBrew group Weekly Remove the brew group and rinse it under thetap (see 'Cleaning the brew group under the tap').Part description When to clean How to cleanMonthly Clean the brew group with the Philips coffee oilremover tablet (see 'Cleaning the brew groupwith the coffee oil remover tablets'). Go to/coffee-care for detailed videoinstructions.Lubrication of the brew group Depending on the type ofusage. Consult thelubrication table (see'Lubricating the brew group').Lubricate the brew group with the Philips grease.Go to /coffee-care for detailedvideo instructions.Milk carafe After every day of use Perform the QUICK CARAFE CLEAN as indicatedon the machine after preparing a milk-baseddrink.Daily Clean the milk carafe thoroughly (see 'Thoroughcleaning of the milk carafe').Weekly Disassemble the milk carafe and clean all partsunder the tap (see 'Weekly cleaning of the milkcarafe').Monthly Clean the milk carafe with the Philips milk circuitcleaner (see 'Monthly cleaning of the milkcarafe').Drip tray Empty the drip tray as soonas the red 'drip tray full'indicator pops up throughthe drip tray. Clean the driptray when it suits you.Remove the drip tray and rinse it under the tap with some washing-up liquid.Coffee grounds container Empty the coffee groundscontainer when prompted bythe machine. Clean it when itsuits you.Remove the coffee grounds container while themachine is switched on and rinse it under the tapwith some washing-up liquid.Water tank When it suits you.Rinse the water tank under the tapCoffee funnel Check the coffee funnelweekly to see if it is clogged.Unplug the machine and remove the brew group. Open the lid of the pre-ground coffee compartment and insert the spoon handle into the coffee funnel. Move the handle up and down until the clogged ground coffee falls down (Fig.31). Go to /coffee-care for detailed video instructions.Espresso stand Daily Empty the espresso stand and clean it under thetap or in the dishwasher.Tip: There is a cleaning calender on the last page of this user manual. Write down the dates on which you have performed a cleaning action.Cleaning the brew groupRegular cleaning of the brew group prevents coffee residues from clogging up the internal circuits. Visit /coffee-care for support videos on how to remove, insert and clean the brew group.Cleaning the brew group under the tap1Remove the brew group and the coffee residues drawer.2Rinse the coffee residues drawer and the brew group thoroughly with water. Carefully clean the upper filter (Fig. 27) of the brew group.3Let the brew group air-dry before you place it back. Do not dry the brew group with a cloth to prevent fibers from collecting inside the brew group.Cleaning the brew group with the coffee oil remover tabletsOnly use Phillips Saeco coffee oil remover tablets. Follow the instructions given in the user manual that comes with the coffee oil remover tablets.Lubricating the brew groupLubricate the brew group regularly to ensure that the moving parts continue to move smoothly. See the table below for the lubrication frequency. Visit /coffee-care for detailed video instructions.Usage frequency Nr of drinks brewed daily Lubrication frequencyLow1-5Every 4 monthsNormal6-10Every 2 monthsHeavy>10Every monthCleaning the milk carafeCarafe quick cleanYou can select the QUICK CLEAN function via the menu as described in the steps below:1Press the MENU button and select QUICK CLEAN, press the OK button to confirm.2Make sure that the milk carafe is installed and the milk froth dispensing spout is open.3Place the container under the milk froth dispensing spout.Note: Make sure the milk dispensing spout is pulled out.4Press the OK button to start dispensing hot water.Thorough cleaning of the milk carafeTo clean the milk carafe thoroughly, you have to do the following regularly:1Remove the lid of the milk dispensing unit.2Lift the milk dispensing spout out of the milk dispensing unit and remove the milk tube from the milk dispensing spout (Fig. 33).3Remove the milk tube from the milk dispensing spout.4Rinse the milk tube and milk dispensing spout with lukewarm water thoroughly.Weekly cleaning of the milk carafeThe milk dispensing spout consists of 5 components. Disassemble all components once a week and clean them under the tap. You can also clean all components, except for the milk container, in the dishwasher.1Milk tube2Rubber support3Milk frother4Milk frother connector5Housing of milk dispensing spoutDisassembling the milk dispensing spout1Press the release buttons on both sides of the top of the milk dispensing unit (1) and lift the top off the milk container (2) (Fig. 34).2Turn the milk dispensing unit upside down and hold it firmly in your hand. Pull the milk tube off the support (Fig. 35).3Press the release buttons on the milk frother and remove the milk frother from the the rubber support (Fig. 36).4Pull the milk frother connector out of the milk frother (Fig. 37).5Rinse all components under a lukewarm tap.Reassembling the milk carafe1To reassemble the milk dispensing spout, follow steps 2 to 4 of 'Disassembling the milk dispensing spout' in reverse order.2Place the milk dispensing spout back into the top of the milk carafe.3Place the top of the milk carafe back onto the milk carafe.Note: Before you place the milk dispensing spout back into the top of the milk carafe, move the pin inside the top to the correct position. If this pin is not in the correct position, you cannot place the milk dispensing spout back into the top of the milk carafe (Fig. 38).Monthly cleaning of the milk carafeOnly use Philips milk circuit cleaner for this cleaning cycle.1Pour the contents of the milk circuit cleaner sachet in the milk carafe. Then fill the milk carafe with water up to the MAX indication (Fig. 39).2Insert the milk carafe into the machine and place a container under the milk dispensing spout.3Press the MENU button, select DRINKS and scroll to MILK FROTH. Press the OK button to start dispensing the cleaning solution.4Repeat step 3 until the milk carafe is empty.5When the carafe is empty, remove the container and the milk carafe from the machine.6Rinse the milk carafe thoroughly and fill it with fresh water up to the MAX level indication.。
普传科技 PR5300 系列软起动器使用说明书 (2)
普传科技2016年04月目录第一章PR5300系列软起动器概况 (1)1-1. 产品特点 (1)1-2. PR5300系列软起动器的主要作用 (1)1-3. PR5300系列软起动器的主要特点 (1)第二章产品型号说明与开箱检查 (2)2-1. 产品型号说明 (2)2-2. 开箱检查步骤 (2)第三章使用条件与安装要求 (3)3-1. 软起动器的使用条件 (3)3-2. 软起动器的安装要求 (3)3-3. 软起动器的外形与安装尺寸 (4)第四章接线方法和外接端子 (3)4-1. 软起动器基本接线示意图 (9)4-2. 软起动器外接端子说明 (9)第五章控制面板与操作 (12)5-1. 键盘操作方法 (12)5-2. 功能参数设置与说明 (13)5-3. 可编程继电器输出功能 (13)5-4. 上电端子运行保护功能 (14)5-5. 其它设置项说明 (14)5-6. 帮助信息及说明 (14)第六章保护功能与说明 (15)6-1. 保护功能及其参数 (15)6-2. 保护级别设定说明 (15)第七章试运行与应用 (17)7-1. 通电试运行 (17)7-2. PR5300系列软起动器的起动模式及应用 (18)7-3. PR5300系列软起动器的停机模式及应用 (19)7-4. 特殊应用 (19)7-5. 应用举例 (20)第八章RS485通信 (21)8-1.有关Modbus RTU通信协议概述 (21)8-2.软起动器相关设置 (21)8-3.异常应答 (22)8-4.使用注意事项 (23)第九章故障原因及处理 (24)第十章软起动型号规格及选件 (25)第十一章品质保证 (25)警示事项● 感谢您选用普传科技有限公司的智能化电机软起动器产品,我们将以优异性能回报您的厚爱!●● 安装前请务必详细阅读本操作说明。
5000 无线闪光灯安装手册说明书
5000RADIO STROBE VARIANT INSTALLATION MANUALMODEL NUMBERS:53-5310 Sounder / Strobe Unit,53-5311 Sounder / Strobe Unit with Callpoint Input &53-5315 Strobe Only Unit.Table of ContentsSection Page No1. LOGGING ON A RADIO STROBE (3)2. SOUNDER VOLUME (6)3. UNIT TAMPER (7)4. STROBE INSTALLATION (7)5. CALL POINT INPUT WIRING (9)1. Logging on a Radio StrobeIf the installation has been ordered as a complete system, the devices and panel will be supplied already “pre -programmed”. In this scenario proceed from section 2. If the devices are purchased separately, they must be added manually to the system. The process of adding radio devices to the 5000 FirePoint Control Panel, is largely carried out automatically, by the p anel’s own ope rating system. It is usual practice for each device to require “logging on” to the system. In such cases, the following action must be taken.When logging on the 53-5310, (Sounder / Strobe Unit): -When logging on the 53-5311, (Sounder / Strobe Unit with Call point Input): -When logging on the 53-5315, (Strobe Only Unit): -As seen in figure 1, the box consists of two separate sections, being the transmitter section and the battery/back box section. The strobe can be programmed to the system by the following procedure:Removethis section to LogonRemove this sectionto LogonRemovethis sectionto LogonFigure 1Check that all batteries are fitted and that the Battery Connection Lead is in place, hence applying power to the transmitter section. (As shown above in Figure 1).To log on the device to the 5000 FirePoint, take the device to the front of the panel. Insert the key into the Panels Control Keyswitch, located on the bottom right of the Panel.Step Action Screen Display No1With the key in the “ON” position, the screen will display:2 Press the “0” key and the screen will now display:3Press the “∇” key until the screen displays:4Press the “YES” key and the screen will now display:5Press the “∇” key until the screen display s:Tamper RodBattery ConnectionLeadSounder Volume SwitchesLogon ButtonTamper RodCavity 2Tamper Rod Cavity6 P ress the “YES” key and the screen will nowdisplay:7 P ress 221100 then press the “YES” key and thescreen will display:8 Press the “∇” key until the screen displays:9 P ress the “YES” key and the screen will nowdisplay:10 P ress the “YES” key to change and the screen willnow display:11 Press the “0” key and the screen will now display:12 E nter the slot number that you want to add adevice to (e.g. 125) then press the “YES” key andthe Screen will now display:13 Press the “∇” key until the screen displays:14 P ress the “YES” key and the screen will nowdisplay:15 Press and hold the logon button, (as shown inFigure 1 above), for 2-3 seconds, and the screenwill now display:16Pr ess the “YES” key twice and the screen will now display:17Press the “NO” key three times and the screen will now display:Note: After logging the device on to the system there will be two faults:- 1st fault is processor reset. 2nd fault is the Tamper. (Make sure the device tamper is clear by re-establishing connection of the two parts as explained in section 3, then press the “S ilence ” and “R eset ” buttons to clear the faults).18After the faults have been cleared, turn the control key to the “OFF” position and the screen will display:2. Sounder VolumeThe Sounder volume can be adjusted using the switches as shown below in Figure 2.The switch settings for the volume are dispatched as HIGH volume, with switches 1 & 2 both in the ‘On ’ position.Sounder switches are shown in Figure 3:Note: Not applicable for the Strobe Only device, (53-5315).Figure 3Sounder VolumeConfigurationSticker SounderVolume Switches (Where theSwitch in anUpwards orientation = the OnPosition)3. Unit TamperThe radio strobe has a tamper rod, that when assembled, should be placed into both of the tamper rod cavities, as previously shown in Figure 1.4. Strobe InstallationWhen installing, ensure all strobes are sited in accordance with survey and design details.Having already separated the logon sections, we must now remove the two fixing screws for the strobe section. When installing the 53-5311, we must also remove the two fixing screws for the auxiliary section. Now disconnect the battery connection lead and other leads that obstruct access to the back box section. Removing the batteries will expose the mounting holes, as shown in Figure 4.NOTE: It is important the top mounting hole is used, to ensure movement is stopped and that unwanted tamper alarms are not generated.Affix the back box to the wall using no.8 countersunk screws with suitable fixings. Ensure that the strobes orientation is correct, and that countersunk head screws are used so as to prevent the possibility of damaging the internal components.53-5311 Mounting Holes 53-5310 & 53-5315 MountingHoles Figure 4Now re-insert the 3 x AA cells and 3 x C cell batteries as shown below in Figure 5, and ensure the supplied battery ribbon is wrapped around the first AA cell to enable easy removal of the batteries at a later date.Figure 5NOTE: Observe the correct battery polarity as shown above.Now reconnect the power lead between the back box and the front unit. Also re-establish the connection of any other leads previously removed for the back box installation. Locate the transmitter section into the back box, ensuring that the tamper rod is correctly in place. Now finally secure the sections into place by reapplying the fixing screws.Y V R 4K75. Call point Input WiringOn the Sounder / Strobe with Call point Input, (53-5311), connections to the call point input have to be wired using 4k7 and 2k2 resistors in a normally closed circuit. (See Figure 6). The input sees 4K7 in a clear state. When the 4k7 and 2k2 resistors are in series, (making 6K9), the device will send an alarm signal.Figure 6RESISTOR COLOUR CODES2K2R R R4K7Y V R。
320020024,PR5000 Spot英文说明书版本20110517
PR5000 SpotThis product manual contains important information about the safe installation and use of this projector. Please read and follow these instructions carefully and keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.PR LIGHTING LTD.INDEXSAFE USAGE OF THE PROJECTOR 3 INSTALLING THE PROJECTOR 4 FITTING THE LAMP 4POWER SUPPLY – MAINS 5 CONTROL CONNECTIONS 5 DMX TERMINATOR 6SETUP OPTIONS-PROJECTOR CONFIGURA TION 6TO SET THE DMX START ADDRESS 6 OPERA TION MENU8ERROR MESSAGES11REPLACING GOBOS11DMX PROTOCOL13LED INDICATION16MAINTENANCE16LUBRICA TION16KEEPING THE PROJECTOR CLEAN 16 TROUBLESHOOTING17TECHNICAL DA TA19ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM20COMPONENT ORDER CODES 23Please note that as part of our ongoing commitment to continuous product development, specifications are subject to change withoutnotice. Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of this manual we reserve the right to change specifications in the course ofproduct improvement. The publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information herein, or any consequencearising from them.Every unit is tested completely and packed properly by the manufacturer. Please make sure the packing and / or the unit are in goodcondition before installation and use. Should there be any damage caused by transportation, consult your dealer and do not use theunit. Any damage caused by improper use will not be assumed by the manufacturer and / or dealer.ACCESSORIESThese items are packed together with the projector:Unit RemarkName QuantityG clamps 2 PcsXLR cable 1 Pc 5-pin plugSafety cord 2 PcsSpare gobos 4 PcsThis manual 1 PcΩ clamps 2 Pcs OptionsSAFE USAGE OF THE PROJECTORWhen unpacking and before disposing of the carton check there is no transportation damage before using the projector. Should there be any damage caused by transportation, consult your dealer and do not use the apparatus.The projector is for indoor use only, IP20. Use only in dry locations. Keep this device away from rain and moisture, excessive heat, humidity and dust. Do not allow contact with water or any other liquids.The projector is not designed or intended to be mounted directly on to inflammable surfaces.The projector is only intended for installation, operation and maintenance by qualified personnel.The projector must be installed in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 50cm from adjacent wall surfaces. Be sure that no ventilation slots are blocked.Do not project the beam onto inflammable surfaces, minimum distance is 5m. 5mAvoid direct exposure to the light from the lamp. The light is harmful to the eye.Do not attempt to dismantle and/or modify the projector in any way.Electrical connection must only be carried out by qualified personnel.Before installation, ensure that the voltage and frequency of power supply match the power requirements of the projector. It is essential that each projector is correctly earthed and that electrical installation conforms to all relevant standards.Do not connect this device to any other types of dimmer apparatus.Make sure that the power-cord is never crimped or damaged by sharp edges. Never let the power-cord come into contact with other cables. Only handle the power-cord by the plug. Never pull out the plug by tugging the power-cord.Keep the lamp clean. Do not touch the lamp glass with bare hand.The projector should always be installed with a secondary safety fixing. A safety cord is supplied for this; it should be attached as shown in “installing the projector” section.The lamp used in this projector is a discharge lamp. After switching off don’t attempt to restart the projector until lamp has cooled, this will require approx 15 minutes. Switching the lamp on and off at short intervals will reduce the life of both the lamp and the projector. But occasional breaks will prolong the life of the lamp and projector.Never run the projector without a lamp.The lamp shall be changed if it has become damaged or thermally deformed.impaired, for example by cracks or deep scratches.℃, when steady state is achieved 120℃, There is no user serviceable parts inside the projector, do not open the housing and never operate the projector with the covers removed.Always disconnect from the mains, when the device is not in use or before cleaning it or before attempting any maintenance work !If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to consult your dealer or manufacturer.INSTALL THE PROJECTORT ake 2 clamps and 2 safety cords out from the package and mount 2 clamps on the underside of fixture with 2 retainers attached to each clamp. Hang the fixture on the structure and fasten the screws attached to each clamp. (See the WARNING on the underside of the base as shown above) To pass 2 SAFETY CORDS through 4 HOLES for safety! Always ensure that the projector is firmly anchored to avoid vibration and slipping whilst functioning. Always ensure that the structure that you are going to mount the projector is secure and is strong enough to support a weight of PR5000 Spot.WARNING:1. Unlock the P AN and TILT before the 1st application of projector for safety.2. The projector MUST be lifted or carried by the HANDLES instead of clamps.3. For safety the safety cord should afford 10 times of the unit’s weight.FITTING THE LAMPLoosen 4 fast-fit screws and remove the back cover, you can see the structure as shown in the figure above.Rotate the lampholder to the left and take out the worn-out lamp.Fit new lamp and close the back cover by fastening 4 fast-fit screws. Note: don’t touch the bulb of the new lamp with bare hand so as not to influence the beam output;when handling these lamps. Always read the manufacturers "Instructions for use" enclosed with the lamp.POWER SUPPLY-MAINSConnect the power cord as follows:L (live) =brownE (earth) =yellow/greenN (neutral) =blueUse the plug provided to connect the mains power to the projector paying attention to the voltage and frequency marked on the panel of the projector. It is recommended that each projector be supplied separately so that they may be individually switched on and off.IMPORT ANTIt is essential that each projector is correctly earthed and the electrical installation conforms to all relevant standards.CONTROL CONNECTIONConnection between controller and projector and between one projector and another must be made with a 2 core-screened cable, with each core having at least a 0.5mm diameter. Connection to and from the projector is via cannon 3 pin (which are included with the projector) or 5 pin XLR plugs and sockets. The XLR's are connected as shown in the figure above.Note: care should be taken to ensure that none of the pins touch the metallic body of the plug or each other. The body of the plug is not connected in any way. The projector accepts digital control signals in protocol DMX512 (1990).Connect the controller’s output to the first fixture’s input, and connect the first fixture’s output to the second fixture’s input and connect the rest fixtures in the same way. Eventually connect the last fixture’s output to a DMX terminator as shown in the figure below.DMX TERMINATORIn the Controller mode, at the last fixture in the chain, the DMX output has to be connected with a DMX terminator. This prevents electrical noise from disturbing and corrupting the DMX control signals.The DMX terminator is simply an XLR connector with a 120Ω (ohm) resistor connected across pins 2 and 3, which is then plugged into the output socket on the last projector in the chain. The connections are illustrated below.UPUPProjector configuration can be set conveniently via pressbutton switch and LCD display. Turn the projector on and the LCD display will show DMX address you set and save last time and it can be reset and saved again as you please. Launch the projector. Press button ENTER more than 5 seconds to unlock panel.Press button UP or DOWN if you want to browse through the various Setup Options. There are 10 option codes from DMX Address to Wireless options, and each code has a specific function. If you turn the encoder knob clockwise, the function like as button UP . On the contrary, the function like as button DOWN .Press button ENTER to save your settings or enter the next menu. There is same function if you push the encoder knob. Press button UP or DOWN to shift.Press button FUNC, it will return to the upper menu one by one. If you stay for minutes defaulted will show display status automatically.TO SET THE DMX START ADDRESSEach projector must be given a DMX start address so that the correct projector responds to the correct control signals. This DMX start address is the channel number from which the projector starts to “listen” to the digital control information being sent out from the controller. PR5000 Spot have 3 DMX modes. There are standard mode, extended mode and short mode. For example standard mode have 31 channels, so set the No. 1 projector’s address 001, No. 2 projector’s address 032, No. 3 projector’s address 063, No. 4 projector’s address 094, and so on.Launch the projector. Press button ENTER or encoder knob more than 5 seconds to unlock panel.Press button FUNC to display DMX address;Press button UP and DOWN, you can set the address;Press button ENTER to confirm; In the same time. The GREEN LED will flash one time. It means the setting has been enabled.Press button FUNC, it will return to the upper menu one by one.OPERATION MENU1st LEVEL 2nd LEVEL 3rd LEVEL 4th LEVEL PR LIGHTINGPR5000 SPOT DMX Address=XXXDMX AddressDMX Address Short Mode Standard Mode Extended ModeReset ResetAre Y ou Sure?Config SettingsDMX ModeDMX ModeStandardDMX ModeExtendedDMX ModeShortLamp ControlLamp Control ByControl ChannelLamp Control ByPower OnLamp Control ByDMX Present Loss of DMXWhen DMX is LostNormal Time OutWhen DMX is LostHold Last V alue Factory Settings(Press buttonDOWN/UP/ENTER at thesame time to enter thesub-menu)Fixture type(WARNING:Neverchange the fixture typeor the system will bedamaged!)Option Settings Colour PositionsColour PositionsSTEPPEDColour PositionsLINEARF-Gobo PositionsF-Gobo PositionsSTEPPEDF-Gobo PositionsLINEAR Pan DMX InvertPan DMX InvertOFFPan DMX InvertONTilt DMX InvertTilt DMX InvertOFFTilt DMX InvertONPan Tilt SwapPan Tilt SwapOFFPan Tilt SwapON Dimmer InvertDimmer InvertOFFDimmer InvertON Iris InvertIris InvertOFFIris InvertONZoom Invert Zoom InvertOFFZoom InvertONCMY Invert CMY InvertOFF CMY InvertONCTO Invert CTO InvertOFF CTO InvertONDefaultsDefaultsOFFDefaults Restore DefaultsDisplay OptionsDisplay ModeDisplayOn AlwaysDisplayOff After Delay Display InvertDisplay InvertOFFDisplay InvertONDisplay DimmingDisp Dim LevelMinDisp Dim Level1Disp Dim Level2Disp Dim Level3Disp Dim Level4Disp Dim Level5Disp Dim Level6Disp Dim Level7Disp Dim Level8Disp Dim Level9Disp Dim LevelFullDisplay Contrast Display ContrastXXX(1~36, Default is 16) Display LanguageLanguage =EnglishLanguage =ChineseInformation Lamp Hours Lamp Hours =XXReset Lamp HoursAre Y ou Sure?T otal Hours T otal Hours =XXT emperatureDisplay Board Display Board =XX℃Driver Board 1 Driver Board 1 =XX ℃Driver Board 2 Driver Board 2 =XX ℃Driver Board 3 Driver Board 3 =XX ℃Driver Board 4 Driver Board 4 =XX ℃Pan and Tilt Pan and Tilt =XX ℃Head Sensor Head Sensor=XX ℃Software Version Display Board Display Board =X.X.XDriver Board 1 Driver Board 1 =X.X.XDriver Board 2 Driver Board 2 =X.X.XDriver Board 3 Driver Board 3 =X.X.XDriver Board 4 Driver Board 4 =X.X.XPan and Tilt Pan and Tilt =X.X.XPower Board Power Board =X.X.XView DMX values DMX Channel1=XXXElectronic SN Electronic SN=************RDM Device Label RDM Device Label ANSI E1.20 RDMVersionT est Modes Factory SetupFactory SetupOFFFactory SetupON Self T estSelf T estOFFself testONLamp Manual ControlLamp Status Status =XXXControl = X Turn Lamp OnTurn Lamp OffWireless OptionsWireless ModeWireless ModeWireless FirstWireless ModeXLR FirstWireless ModeWireless OnlyWireless ModeXLR OnlyWireless ModeWireless T o XLRUn Link Wireless Really Un LinkEnter = Y esERROR MESSAGESIn the course of launch, PR5000 Spot examines automatically whether there are errors and if there are, it will display information as follows:Display MessageSensor Err S1-M1 Colour wheel (1# drive board motor 1) errorSensor Err S1-M2 CTO (1# drive board motor 2) errorSensor Err S1-M3 CYM-cyan (1# drive board motor 3) errorSensor Err S1-M4 CYM-yellow (1# drive board motor 4) errorSensor Err S1-M5 CYM-magenta (1# drive board motor 5) errorSensor Err S2-M2 Fixed Gobo wheel (2# drive board motor 2) errorSensor Err S2-M3 Rotating Gobo wheel 1 (2# drive board motor 3) errorSensor Err S2-M4 Gobo rotation 1 (2# drive board motor 4) errorSensor Err S3-M1 Rotating Gobo wheel 2 (3# drive board motor 1) errorSensor Err S3-M2 Gobo rotation 2 (3 drive board motor 2) errorSensor Err S3-M3 Effect wheel (3 drive board motor 3) errorSensor Err S3-M4 Effect wheel rotation (3 drive board motor 4) errorSensor Err S3-M5 Focus (3# drive board motor 5) errorSensor Err S3-M6 Zoom(3# drive board motor 6) errorSensor Err S4-M1 Prism (4# drive board motor 1) errorSensor Err S4-M2 Prism rotation (4# drive board motor 2) errorSensor Err S4-M3 Frost (4# drive board motor 3) errorREPLACING GOBOSFor gobos replacement on the fixed gobo: Remove the gobo and insert the new one into the position by hands. For gobos replacement on the rotating gobo wheel: Remove the gobo holder with gobo from gobo wheel by hands.Pull out the spring and drop the old gobo out of the holder.Insert the new gobo into the holder, and then insert the spring with the narrow end against the gobo.Push the end of the spring in under lip of the holder.Pick the spring clip up and put the gobo holder back into the position,if necessary, a small screwdriver will be helped.Note: If the gobo is a glass one, it should be touched with glabrous, clean and soft tissue or cloth matted between hand and glass instead of with bare hand.Close the rear cover and fasten 6 screws.DMX PROTOCOLShort modeStandard modeExtended modeFUNCTION DMXDESCRIPTION1 1 1 Strobe 000-010 Black 011-025 Open026-225Strobe speed from slow to fast226-246 Macro 247-255 Open2 2 2 Dimmer000-003Black004-255Dimming from dark to light (0-100%) 3 3 Dimmer Fine 000-255 Dimmer in 16 Bit precision 3 4 4 CYM Macro000-016White017-035 Y ellow+ Magenta=Red 036-054 Y ellow055-073Y ellow+ Cyan=Green 074-092 Cyan093-110 Cyan+ Magenta=Blue 111-128 Magenta129-255CYM colour mixing from slow to fast 4 5 5 CYM-Cyan 000-255Cyan (Linear 0-100%) 6 CYM-CyanFine000-255Cyan in 16 Bit precision 5 6 7 CYM-Y ellow 000-255Y ellow (Linear 0-100%) 8 CYM-Y ellowFine000-255Y ellow in 16 Bit precision 6 7 9 CYM-Magenta 000-255Magenta (Linear 0-100%) 10 CYM-MagentaFine000-255Magenta in 16 Bit precision 7 8 11 CTO 000-255 Linear adjust from high to low12CTO Fine000-255 CTO in 16 Bit precision 8 9 13 Colour Wheel000-008 White 009-015 White/colour 1 016-023 Colour 1 024-030 Colour 1/colour 2 031-038 Colour 2 039-045 Colour 2/colour 3 046-053Colour 3 054-060 Colour 3/colour 4 061-068Colour 4 069-075 Colour 4/colour 5 076-083 Colour 5 084-090 Colour 5/colour 6 091-098 Colour 6 099-105 Colour 6/ white 106-113 Colour 7 114-120Colour 7/white121-127 white128-191 Rainbow rotation speed from fast to slow192-255Rainbow reverse rotation speed from fast to slow9 10 14 Iris000-255Iris from large to small (0-100%)15 Iris Fine000-255Iris in 16 Bit precision10 11 16 Iris Macro000-010 Iris macro function is invalid011-072Macro function 1: Iris from large to small change with speed from slow to fast073-136Macro function 2: Iris from small to large change with speed from slow to fast137-206Macro function 3: Iris retractable speed from slow to fast 207-214 Macro function 4 215-222 Macro function 5 223-230 Macro function 6 231-255 Full-open 11 12 17Fixed GoboWheel000-016 White 017-032 Gobo1 033-048 Gobo 2 049-064 Gobo 3 065-080 Gobo 4 081-096 Gobo 5 097-112 Gobo 6 113-127 Gobo 7128-149 Rotation speed from slow to fast 150-171 Reverse rotation from slow to fast 172-183 Gobo 1 shake speed from slow to fast 184-195 Gobo 2 shake speed from slow to fast 196-207 Gobo 3 shake speed from slow to fast 208-219 Gobo 4 shake speed from slow to fast 220-231 Gobo 5 shake speed from slow to fast 232-243 Gobo 6 shake speed from slow to fast 244-255 Gobo 7 shake speed from slow to fast 12 13 18Rotating GoboWheel 1000-018 white 019-036 Gobo1 037-054 Gobo 2 055-073 Gobo 3 074-091 Gobo 4 092-109 Gobo 5 110-127 Gobo 6128-156 Rotation speed from slow to fast 157-185 Reverse rotation from slow to fast 186-196 Gobo 1 shake speed from slow to fast 197-208 Gobo 2 shake speed from slow to fast 209-220 Gobo 3 shake speed from slow to fast 221-232 Gobo 4 shake speed from slow to fast 233-244 Gobo 5 shake speed from slow to fast 245-255 Gobo 6 shake speed from slow to fast 13 14 19 Gobo rotation 1000-127 Index128 Stop rotating129-188Rotation speed from slow to fast189-195 Stop rotating196-255Reverse rotation speed from slow to fast15 20Gobo rotation 1Fine000-255 Gobo rotation in 16 bit precision 14 16 21Rotating GoboWheel 2000-018 white 019-036 Gobo1 037-054 Gobo 2 055-073 Gobo 3 074-091 Gobo 4 092-109 Gobo 5 110-127 Gobo 6128-156 Rotation speed from slow to fast 157-185 Reverse rotation from slow to fast 186-196 Gobo 1 shake speed from slow to fast 197-208 Gobo 2 shake speed from slow to fast 209-220 Gobo 3 shake speed from slow to fast 221-232 Gobo 4 shake speed from slow to fast 233-244 Gobo 5 shake speed from slow to fast 245-255 Gobo 6 shake speed from slow to fast 15 17 22 Gobo rotation 2000-127 Index128 Stop rotating129-188 Rotation speed from slow to fast 189-195 Stop rotating196-255Reverse rotation speed from slow to fast18 23Gobo rotation 2Fine 000-255Gobo rotation in 16 Bit precision 16 19 24Prism000-016Frosting from slight to strong 017-255 3 x facet prism 17 20 25 Prism rotation 000-127 Prism index 128 Stop rotating129-191 Rotation speed from slow to fast 192Stop rotating193-255Reverse rotation speed from slow to fast18 21 26 Effect wheel000-020No effect wheel 021-255 Rotation speed is slow 19 22 27Effect wheelrotation 000-127 Rotation speed from slow to fast 128-255 Reverse rotation speed from slow to fast20 23 28Frost effectwheel 000-255Effect wheel insert in gradually21 24 29 Focus 000-255 Linearly focusing30 Focus Fine 000-255 Focus in 16 precision 22 25 31 Zoom 000-255 Linearly zooming32Zoom Fine000-255Zoom in 16 Bit precision23 26 33 Pan 000-255 Pan rotation 27 34 Pan Fine 000-255 Pan rotation in 16 bit precision 24 28 35 Tilt 000-255 Tilt rotation2936Tilt Fine000-255Tilt rotation in 16 bit precision30 37Pan & Tiltspeed000-255 Pan&Tilt speed from fast to slow25 31 38 Control000-047Reserved 048-080Reset 081-112Reserved 113-144Lamp off ( stop in DMX value for 10 s) 145-168Reserved 169-200Lamp power reduced to 50% 201-223Reserved 224-255Lamp on (See remark below) Remark:If you intend to turn on/off the lamp via the last channel of the controller, don’t attempt to push the channel to value 224-255 immediately after turning it off, or push the slide bar to value 224-255 to wait it cooling. Under these 2 circumstances, the lamp can not be turned on. The right operation is: turn it off---cool down---push the slide bar to turn it on.LED INDICATIONGreen On DMX signal OK Off No DMX signal Flash DMX signal errorY ellow OnSetting the panelBlue OnPowerRed/Green Red Running self test mode Green ReservedGreen On Wireless signal OKOff Not connection to any transmitterFlash Lost contact with the transmitter or linking transmitter MAINTENANCEIf the projector’s lens becomes damaged or broken it should be replaced. If the lamp becomes damaged or deformed in any way it must be replaced. If the light from the lamp appears dim this would normally indicate that it is reaching the end of its life and it should be changed at once, aged lamps run to the extremity of their life might explode. If the projector does not function, check the fuses on the power socket of the projector, they should only be replaced by fuses of the same specification. Should these be damaged call a qualified technician before replacement. The projector has thermal protection device that will switch off the projector in case of overheating, should either of these operate, check that the fans are not blocked, and if they are dirty clean them before switching on the projector again. Check that the fans are operational, if not call a qualified technician.Any maintenance work should only be carried out by qualified technicians.LUBRICATIONT o ensure the continuous rotation of the rotating gobos and linear motion of the lens for focusing, it is recommended that the bearings for the rotating gobos and the 2 shafts for the focusing lens holder be lubricated periodically, preferably every two months. Use only high quality, high-temperature resistant grease instead of any type of oil. When lubricating the bearings, a syringe with a fine needle is the easiest way to introduce the grease to the bearings around each gobo.KEEPING THE PROJECTOR CLEANT o ensure the reliability of the projector it should be kept clean. It is recommended that the fans should be cleaned every 15 days. The lens and dichroic colour filters should also be regularly cleaned to maintain an optimum light output.Do NOT use any type of solvent on dichroic colour filters.Cleaning frequency depends on the environment in which the fixture operates: damp, smoke or particularly dirty surroundings can cause greater accumulation of dirt on the unit’s optics. A soft cloth and typical glass cleaning products should be used in cleaning. It is recommended to clean the external optics at least once every 20 days and clean the internal optics at least once every 30 / 60 days.Do not use any organic solvent, e.g. alcohol, to clean the reflector mirror, dichroic colour filters or housing of the apparatus.TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEM ACTIONThe projector doesn’t switch on ¾Check the fuse on the power socket. ¾Replace the lamp.The lamp comes on but the projector doesn’t respond to the controller ¾Make sure that the projector is correctly configurated. ¾Replace or repair the DMX cable.The projector only functions intermittently ¾Make sure the fan is working and not dirty.Defective projection ¾Check the lenses are not broken.¾Remove dust or grease from the lenses.The project image appears to have a halo ¾Make sure the lamp is installed correctly.¾Carefully clean the optical group lenses and the projector components.The beam appears dim ¾Check the optics is clean.¾Replace with a new lamp of the specified type and rating.TECHNICAL DATAVOLTAGES:200V/220V/230V/240V AC,50/60HzPOWER CONSUMPTION:1800W@220VLAMP:OSRAM HTI 1500W/60/P50Colour T emperature 6000°KSocket PGJX50,single ended Manufacturers Rated Lamp Life 750 Hours replacementOr PHILIPS MSR Gold 1500FastFitColour T emperature 6000°KSocket PGJX50,single ended Manufacturers Rated Lamp Life 750 Hours replacementCOLOURS:Smooth CYM colour mixing system with macro1 wheel with 7 dichroic colour filters plus whiteWith variable speed bi-directional rainbow effectStep/linear colour changing is availableCOLOUR TEMPERATURE CORRECTION:Linearly colour temperature correctionGOBOS:2 Rotating gobo wheel:6 interchangeable gobos+ white, glass or metal gobos can be fixed Indexable, bi-directionally rotatable at variable speeds1 Fixed gobo wheel :7 interchangeable gobos+ whitebi-directional wheel scrolling at variable speedsGobo diameter: Φ36.3mmGobo image diameter: Φ26mmPRISM:1x3 facet prism, Indexable, bi-directionally rotatable at variable speedsFROST:0-100% linearly adjustableEFFECT WHEEL:1 interchangeable effect wheel, bi-directionally rotatable at variable speedsFOCUS:DMX linear focusDIMMER:0-100% linearly adjustableIRIS:5-100% linearly adjustableMacroSHUTTER:Double shutter blades, 0.3~25 F.P.SHEAD MOVEMENT:Pan 540º, Tilt 270º with auto position correctionBEAM ANGLE:10°~68°, Linear zoom in 16 bit precisionCONTROL:DMX512, 3 pin and 5 pin interfacesRDM control protocol25 channels in short mode, 31 channels in standard mode, and 38 channels in extended mode. Self-test modeOTHER FUNCTIONS:Adjustable Pan & Tilt speedFixture and lamp usage time displayLCD display with English and Chinese language menuEnergy saving function of the ballastBuilt-in analyzer for easy fault finding, error messagesModular construction for easy maintenanceSetup options by chargeable battery inside without power connection.Input signal isolating protectionNetwork interfaceDMX512 wireless receiverDMX512 wireless transmitter (optional)HOUSING:Composite plastic, IP20WEIGHT : 48KgSIZES:LIGHT OUTPUT :8m 12m8m 4m 4m 0m 10°68°12mCOMPONENT ORDER CODESNAME P ART NO. QUANTITY REMARKPOWER SUPPLY192010136 1 S-350-24 MAINS FILTER 193020008 1 20A 115/250V ACTHERMOSTA T190010150 1 250V-16A ELECTRIC BALLAST 040070100 1 1500WIGNITOR 040090052 1 IGN40C12ELAMP100050087 1 HTI 1500W/60/P50 TILT DRIVE BELT 290151320 1 PAN DRIVE BELT 290151321 1FAN NEAR GOBO030060064 1 FAN NEAR THE LAMP 030060065 2 FAN IN FRONT SIDE 030060065 2FAN IN BASE030060066 1 FAN NEAR THE ELECTRIC BALLAST 030060066 2 FOCUS MOTOR 030040073 2ZOOM MOTOR030040073 2 ROTATING GOBO WHEEL MOTOR 030040085 1 IRIS MOTOR 030040088 1PAN &TILT MOTOR030040156 2 SHUTTER BLADE MOTOR 030040095 1COLOUR WHEEL MOTOR 1PRISM ROTA TION MOTOR 1 ROTATING PRISM WHEEL 1 MOTOR 0300401121ROTATING EFFECT WHEEL MOTOR 1FROST MOTOR030040132 1 CYM MOTOR 030040152 2 CTO MOTOR 030040152 2DIMMER MOTOR030040153 2 FIXED GOBO WHEEL MOTOR 030040154 1 EFFECT WHEEL ROTA TION MOTOR 030040155 1GOBO ROTATION MOTOR 030040084 3PAN/TILT DRIVE PCB 230020592 1 MOTOR DRIVE PCB 1 230020584 1MOTOR DRIVE PCB 2 230020585 1MOTOR DRIVE PCB 3 230020586 1 MOTOR DRIVE PCB 4 230020587 1DISPLA Y PCB 230020580 1POWER BOARD 230020590 1。
菲利普 Series 5000 电动刮刀说明书
S5885/25shave, gentle on skinwith SkinIQ TechnologyThe Philips Series 5000 delivers a powerful shave, cutting now even more hair perstroke*. Equipped with advanced SkinIQ technology, the shaver senses and adaptsto your hair density, for improved skin comfort.A powerful shavePowerful performance in every passEngineered for precision and cutting efficiencyFlexible heads follow your facial contoursSkinIQ technologyA djusts to your beard for effortless shavingFor a convenient shaveUp to 60 minutes of cordless shaving when fully charged1 hour charging time and 5 min quick chargeLED display with icons to use the shaver intuitivelyOne-touch open for easy cleaningShave wet, dry and even under the showerPrecision trimmer integrated in the handleSustainabilityConvenient chargingHighlightsSteelPrecisionbladesWith up to 90,000 cutting actions per minute ,the SteelPrecision blades shave close , cutting more hair per stroke *. The 45 high -performance blades are self -sharpening and made in Europe .Power A daptsensorThe intelligent facial -hair sensor reads hair density 500 times per second . The technology auto -adapts cutting power for an e ffortless and gentle shave .360 D FlexingheadsFully flexible heads turn 360° to follow your facial contours . Experience optimal skincontact for a thorough and comfortable shave .Hair -Guide PrecisionheadsThe new shape of the shaving heads is engineered for precision . The surface isenhanced with hair guiding channels , designed to move hair into an e ffective cutting position .One -touchopenClean the shaver with ease . A t the touch of a button , flip open the shaver head and rinse with water .Wet andDryA dapt your shaving routine to your needs . With Wet and Dry , you can go for a comfortable dry shave or a refreshing wet shave . You can shave with gel or foam , even under the shower .Pop -uptrimmerComplete your look using the shaver 's pop -up precision trimmer . Integrated into the shaver 's body , it 's the perfect way to maintain a moustache and trim sideburns .60 minutes of cordlessshavingShave cordlessly for up to 60 minutes after one full battery charge .1 hour chargingtimeCharge your shaver fully in just 1 hour with thepowerful and energy e fficient lithium -ion battery . In a hurry ? Plug in your shaver for 5 minutes and get enough power for 1 full shave .SpecificationsA ccessoriesMaintenance: Cleaning brushCharging standIntegrated pop-up trimmerTravel and storage: Protective capUSB-A cable included: Power adapter not includedPowerCharging: 1 hour full charge, 5-min quick chargeA utomatic voltage: 5 VBattery Type: Li-Ion Run time: 60 minutesStand-by power: 0.04 WMax power consumption: 9 WDesignHandle: Rubber gripColour: Midnight BlueShaving heads: A ngularService2 year warrantyReplacement head SH71: Replace every 2 yrswith SH71Shaving PerformanceContour following: 360 D Flexing headsShaving system: SteelPrecision bladesSkinIQ technology: Power A dapt sensorEase of useDisplay: LED display, Battery level indicator,Travel lockWet and Dry: Wet and dry useCharging: USB-A ChargingCleaning: One-touch open, Fully washable* Tested versus Philips Series 3000.© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A ll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2023‑07‑30 Version: 4.4.1。
X 轴控制反向
Y 轴控制反向
XY 轴调转
DMX 模式 标准模式 DMX 模式 扩展模式 DMX 模式 精简模式 灯泡控制 控制通道控制 灯泡控制 DMX 信号控制 灯泡控制 电源控制 DMX 信号有故障时 设备关闭 DMX 信号有故障时 设备保持最后状态
本产品仅适用于室内,其防护等级为 IP20。灯具应保持干燥,避免在潮湿、过热或多尘的环境下使用。防止 灯具接触到水等其他液体。
有资格的专业人员方可进行灯具的安装、操作和维修,并保证严格按本操作说明书所述规程操作。 灯具应安装在通风良好之处,与墙壁的距离保持在 50 厘米以上,同时请检查风扇和通风孔是否畅通无阻。 请勿将灯具直接投射在可燃物体上,灯具和被照射物体之间的距离请保持在 5 米以上。 5m 不要直视灯具的光源(尤其对于癫痫病患者),以免对眼睛造成损伤! 请不要打开灯具自行维修。 进行电气部分连接的人员必须有相应的资格方可进行操作。 在安装前,请确认您所使用的电源电压和灯具所标识的电压相符。 应将每一台灯具正确接地,并按照相关的标准进行电气安装。 不要将本灯具连接到其他任何调光装置上。 请勿使用绝缘层已有损伤的电源线,同时不要将电源线搭接在其他导线上。当灯具不使用或进行清洁时,请拿 着电源线插头将电源线拔下,不要用力拔插或直接拖拽电源线。 保持灯泡清洁,请勿用手直接接触灯泡玻璃。 在灯具底部配有保险绳联接孔,基于安全的原因,请将随灯具配备的保险绳穿过保险绳联接孔进行辅助吊装。 本灯具使用的是放电泡,基于放电泡的特性,请在关闭灯具十五分钟等灯泡充分冷却后再进行重新启动。频繁 的开关会减少灯具和灯泡的寿命;间歇性的使用将提高灯泡及灯具的使用寿命。 未安装灯泡前请不要运行灯具。 当防护罩或镜片严重划伤或破裂后需更换。 当灯泡损坏或寿命完结时需要更换灯泡。 注明工作 5 分钟后的灯具外表面的温度是 80℃,,灯具工作稳定后(恒温后)灯具外表面的温度是 170℃。 本灯具内部没有用户可维修的任何部件。在开始操作灯具前,请检查所有的盖板(或外壳)是否已装好,螺丝 是否已可靠上紧。禁止在盖板(或外壳)打开的情况下使用灯具。 如您有任何疑问或建议,请及时与经销商或本公司联系。
Philips 5000系列沉浸式快速使用指南说明书
Immersive Register your product and get support at/welcome5000 series Quick start guide*HQHUDO 6HWXS6FUHHQ 6DYHU 6OHHS 7LPHU 'LVSOD\ 'LP 'LVF /RFN26' /DQJXDJH $XWR 6WDQGE\'LY; 5 92' &RGHHOME THEATERHOME THEATER*HQHUDO 6HWXS6OHHS 7LPHU 6FUHHQ 6DYHU 'LVSOD\ 'LP 'LVF /RFN $XWR 6WDQGE\'LY; 5 92' &RGH1HGHUODQGV3RUWXJXrV 'HXWVFK ,WDOLDQR (VSDxRO (QJOLVK )UDQoDLV $XWR (QJ 26' /DQJXDJHEN For more information about using this product,visit /supportDA Du kan fi nde yderligere oplysninger om brugen af dette produkt på /supportDE Weitere Informationen zur Verwendung dieses Produkts fi nden Sie unter /supportELΓιαπερισσότερεςπληροφορίεςσχετικάμετηχρήσηαυτούτουπροϊόντος,επισκεφθείτετο/supportES Para obtener más información sobre este producto, visite /supportFI Lue lisätietoa tuotteen käytöstä osoitteessa/supportFR Pour obtenir davantage d’informations sur l’utilisation de ce produit,rendez-vous sur /supportIT Per ulteriori informazioni sull’uso di questo prodotto, visitare il sito /supportNL Ga voor meer informatie over dit product naar /supportNO Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om bruk av dette produktet,kan du gå til /supportPT Para mais informações sobre a utilização deste produto, visite /supportSV Mer information om att använda den här produkten fi nns på /supportTR Bu ürünün kullanımı hakkında daha fazla bilgiiçin /support adresini ziyaret edinCS Více informací o použití výrobku naleznete na stránkách /support HU A termék használatával kapcsolatos továbbiinformációkkal kapcsolatban tekintse meg a/support weboldaltPL Więcej informacji na temat korzystania z tego produktu można znaleźć na stronie /support RO Pentru informaţii suplimentare despre utilizarea acestui produs,vizitaţi /supportSKĎalšie informácie o používaní tohto výrobku nájdete nastránke /supportNon-contractual images./ Images non contractuelles./Außervertragliche Bilder.All registered and unregistered trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Specifi cations are subject to change without notice Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective owners2012 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reservedsgsn_1151/12_v1。
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PR5000 Beam注意:本说明书包含如何安全地进行安装以及使用的重要信息,请仔细阅读后按要求进行安装和操作,同时请将此说明书妥善保存,以备不时之需。
珠江灯光音响实业有限公司PR LIGHTING LTD.目录安全警告信息 3灯具结构及安装 4安装/更换灯泡 4电源联接 5控制信号的联接 5DMX回路插 6灯具功能设置 6灯具DMX起始地址设置 6操作菜单7数显错误信息10更换图案片10DMX通道表11控制面板LED显示信息说明 14 维护保养14润滑14灯具清洁14一般故障检修14主要技术参数16电路接线图19零部件订购代码20本产品在出厂时,性能完好,包装完整。
随机附件以下随机附件已随灯具一起包装,请注意检查核对:名称数量单位备注G型吊钩 2 个XLR信号线 1 条带插头插座保险绳 2 条备用图案片 4 片本说明书 1 本Ω型吊钩 2 个选购件安全警告信息收到灯具后,请拆封检查是否有因运输而导致的损坏。
警告:1、第一次运行灯具前请打开灯具的X 轴和Y 轴的运输固定锁,以免损坏灯具。
锁定灯体的Y 轴,如上图所示,松开灯泡盖板的4个快速安装螺丝。
当多台灯具同时使用时,建议每台灯具的电源分别联接,这样可对每台灯具单独进行开 / 关控制。
控制信号的联结灯具与控制器以及灯具与灯具之间的联接必须使用直径不小于0.5 mm的两芯带屏蔽导线。
使用XLR-XLR控制线从控制器的DMX输出口连接到第一台从机的DMX输入口,并从第一台从机的DMX 输出口连接到第二台从机的DMX输入口,依此类推,直至将所有的从机连接完毕,然后将回路插连接在最后一台灯具的信号输出口即可完成控制器模式的连接。
设置或浏览灯具功能设置,按UP 或DOWN 键。
也可左右旋转编码器旋钮,往顺时针方向旋转表示UP,往逆时针方向旋转表示DOWN,按下旋钮和按下ENTER 键都表示确认。
按ENTER 键保存您所作的修改或进入子菜单,按UP 或DOWN 键可对数值进行修改(增减数值)。
按FUNC 键回到上一级菜单。
如不按FUNC 键,则系统自动返回到显示状态。
打开灯具,按住ENTER键5秒以上给操作面板解锁;按ENTER 键,显示DMX地址码;按UP 或DOWN 键便可得到设定数值;然后按ENTER键进行确认,此时绿灯会闪烁一下,表示灯具已自动储存此起始地址,下次通电时将显示您保存的最新设置值。
按FUNC 键退回到上一级菜单。
操作菜单一级菜单二级菜单三级菜单四级菜单珠江灯光专业版摇头灯系列PR 5000 BEAMDMX地址=001DMX地址精简模式DMX地址001-489标准模式DMX地址001-484扩展模式DMX地址001-476复位复位是否确定复位?参数设置DMX模式DMX模式标准模式DMX模式扩展模式DMX模式精简模式灯泡控制灯泡控制控制通道控制灯泡控制DMX信号控制灯泡控制电源控制DMX信号故障DMX信号有故障时设备关闭DMX信号有故障时设备保持最后状态选项设置颜色旋转颜色旋转步进方式颜色旋转线形方式固定图案旋转固定图案旋转步进方式固定图案旋转线形方式X轴控制反向X轴控制反向关闭X轴控制反向打开Y轴控制反向Y轴控制反向关闭Y轴控制反向打开XY轴调转XY轴调转关闭XY轴调转打开调光通道反向调光通道反向关闭调光通道反向打开光圈通道反向光圈通道反向关闭光圈通道反向打开CMY通道反向CMY通道反向关闭CMY通道反向打开CTO通道反向CTO通道反向关闭CTO通道反向打开默认设置默认设置关闭默认设置恢复默认设置显示设置显示模式显示屏幕保持点亮状态显示屏幕延时关闭显示屏幕亮度显示屏幕亮度最暗显示屏幕亮度1显示屏幕亮度2显示屏幕亮度3显示屏幕亮度4显示屏幕亮度5显示屏幕亮度6显示屏幕亮度7显示屏幕亮度8显示屏幕亮度9显示屏幕亮度最亮显示屏对比度显示屏对比度为XX(1-36,默认值为16)语言选择操作界面语言设为英文操作界面语言设为简体中文信息灯泡使用时间灯泡已使用时间为XX灯泡使用时间清零是否确定清零?灯具使用时间灯具已使用时间为XX 温度主控制板主控制板温度为XX ℃电机驱动板一电机驱动板一温度为XX ℃电机驱动板二电机驱动板二温度为XX ℃电机驱动板三电机驱动板三温度为XX ℃XY轴驱动板 XY轴驱动板温度为XX ℃灯头灯头温度为XX ℃软件版本主控制板主控制板版本X.X.X电机驱动板一电机驱动板一X.X.X电机驱动板二电机驱动板二X.X.X电机驱动板三电机驱动板三X.X.XXY轴驱动板 XY轴驱动板X.X.X电源控制电源板X.X.X显示通道数值通道数值1=255电子身份证号电子身份证号=************RDM设备标签RDM设备标签ANSI E1.20 RDM Version 1.0测试模式调试模式调试模式关闭调试模式打开自检模式自检模式关闭自检模式打开灯泡手动控制灯泡状态状态=X 控制=X 点亮灯泡关闭灯泡无线信号传输设置无线信号传输模式无线信号传输模式无线信号优先无线信号传输模式有线信号优先无线信号传输模式仅使用无线信号无线信号传输模式仅使用有线信号无线信号传输模式无线转换为有线解除无线信号配对是否确定解除?按Enter键确认数显错误信息控制系统可对灯具复位过程中出现的错误进行检测,并显示以下信息:Sensor Err S1-M1 表示颜色盘(1# 驱动板电机1)错误Sensor Err S1-M2 表示降色温片(1# 驱动板电机2)错误Sensor Err S1-M3 表示CYM-青色(1# 驱动板电机3)错误Sensor Err S1-M4 表示CYM-黄色(1# 驱动板电机4)错误Sensor Err S1-M5 表示CYM-品红色(1# 驱动板电机5)错误Sensor Err S2-M2 表示固定图案盘(2#驱动板电机2)错误Sensor Err S2-M3 表示旋转图案盘(2#驱动板电机3)错误Sensor Err S2-M4 表示图案自转盘(2#驱动板电机4)错误Sensor Err S3-M1 表示棱镜(3# 驱动板电机1)错误Sensor Err S3-M2 表示棱镜自转(3#驱动板电机2)错误Sensor Err S3-M3 表示调焦(3#驱动板电机3)错误更换图案片锁定灯具Y轴,松开上盖的6颗快速安装螺丝,打开上盖,你会看到如上图所示结构;对于固定图案片的更换,可直接用手指挑起弹簧片;然后小心的取出图案片;装上新图案片。